#kate willow
rozetheeuwu · 2 years
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More of my reborn triplet oc's!! <3 Here are some of their dynamics with others!
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omniscientoswald · 7 months
A trip to Hawai'i -Continued
[Sandball Fight]
Soap: *Hiding behind a makeshift sandwall with Gaz* Listen, L.T! We don't have to do this!
Ghost: *Hiding behind a makeshift trench, opposite of Soap* You fired first, Johnny. There's no turning back. This. Is. War
Oswald: Sandballs are ready, Lieutenant!
Ghost: Good. On my go, we fire the first round. Ready?
Oswald: *Nods* Ready, L.T
Ghost: FIRE
Oswald and Ghost: *Fires a bunch of sandballs, plummeting Soap and Gaz*
Soap: *Acting like he's on coms while holding Gaz* PRICE! MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!
Price: *Yelling from the shade* Leave the Sarg and counterfire!
Gaz: Wait what-?
Soap: *Drops Gaz and starts firing from his end*
Soap: *Gets hit* Oof! I've been hit!
Ghost: Its over Soap! Surrender and give up
Soap: NEVER L.T! There's only one thing left to do...
Gaz: No! Soap you can't-!
Soap: *Runs into no mans land, firing Sandballs*
Ghost: What an idi-
Soap: *Tackles Ghost* GOT YOU L.T
Price: *Yelling from shade* DRAG HIM TO THE WATER, JOHNNY!
Soap and Ghost: *Wrestling to the ocean and falls in*
Price, Oswald, and Gaz: *Cheering them on*
Laswell: *Looking up from her book* Animal's...
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lilyflowerhere · 9 months
I don't have type
Also me when she is a traumatized female detective
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yourluckyoswald · 6 months
CoD incorrect quotes
[TF141 x F-0-Z]
Mana: I was arrested at 17 for being too cool
Dice: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence
Gaz: *Texting Laswell* I don't think I wanna play Pictionary with them anymore
Laswell: Why?
Gaz: Ghost keeps drawing himself murdering Graves, Soap takes forever to "perfect" his drawings, and Price can hardly draw a circle
Gaz: I want the Uno cards back
Laswell: You should've thought about that before you all started a brawl during your last Uno game
Gaz: You're smiling, whats got you in high spirits?
Oswald: I can't smile just because I want to?
Price: Soap tripped and fell again during physicals
Smokes: Dogs are sacred creatures made by God to protect their owners. Their purity and love in unmatched. They're such good boys
Soap: *Screaming in the background as Foz attacks him*
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hersterical · 4 months
Some of my favorite fictional friendships who I think would be willing to get platonically married (some of these I ship both platonically and romantically and some of these I ship purely platonically)
(Stranger Things) Robin & Steve: Do I even need to explain this one?
(MCU) Kate & Yelena: This is doubly true if Yelena is ace and/or aro. I could also see them getting married on an assignment or something and then just not getting around to divorcing while joking about being work wives
(MCU) Clint & Natasha: I honestly only see this happening in a situation where Laura dies in a non-Thanos related incident
(Seinfeld) Jerry & George: They sincerely believe that it was just for the tax benefits. Hard to say if they ever become self-aware enough for it to become romantic
(Community) Annie & Abed: Got carried away with the bit. Abed doesn’t take marriage seriously enough to get a divorce and Annie likes the idea of being married and being able to refer to someone as her husband. They do eventually both grow to actually enjoy being platonically married to each other. Annie might eventually want a divorce when she realizes she’s a lesbian and falls in love with a woman. Abed might want a divorce if he sees how sad the marriage makes Troy
(Lotr) Legolas & Gimli: Same reasons for why they’d get married romantically but if they had no romantic feelings for each other
(X-Men Evolution) Rogue & Kitty: I could see them actually following through on an “if neither of us are married by the time we’re 40” kind of arrangement, though it’d take quite a bit of convincing on Kitty’s part and wouldn’t happen until their 50’s
(The Good Place) Jason & pretty much anyone except for Michael (and Janet): Literally canonically happened with Tahani, kind of canonically happened with Pillboi. Eleanore would definitely go for it if it got her out of a tough situation (and depending on her relationship status with Chidi). Would probably be able to guilt trip Chidi into it if it was really necessary to get Jason out of a bad situation
(SPOP) Bow and Sea Hawk: I don’t think this requires an explanation
(Willow) Kit & Elora: Only if there’s something that stops Kit from marrying Jade or if it’s on accident
Honorable Mentions
(Psych) Shawn & Gus: Shawn would no hesitation platonically marry Gus but Gus would not be up for it
(BBC Merlin) Arthur and Merlin: Would they be platonic life partners? Yes. Would they be romantically married? Yes. Would they get platonically married? No.
(X-Men Evolution) Kurt & Kitty: They would also have an ‘if neither of us are married by the time we’re 40’ kind of thing but Kurt’s too much of a romantic to go through with it
(Community) Jeff & Britta: It wouldn’t be romantic, and it wouldn’t be platonic, but a secret third thing (probably related to spite). We already almost saw it happen in the season two premiere
(Schitt’s Creek) Stevie and David: They would consider it in the pre-Patrick era, but David’s too much of a romantic to go through with it (did they have an ‘if we’re not married by the time we’re 40’ thing in canon? I can’t remember)
(New Girl) Winston and Cece: A classic Winston and Cece mess around would go too far and Cece would demand an immediate divorce (though dependings on the timing she might let it go longer than necessary just to watch Schmidt’s head explode regularly)
(BTVS) Tara and Oz: Sincerely don’t know if either of them would actually be down for this but I think it’d be tons of fun
(SPOP) Bow and Adora: I think they’d be perfectly happy to be platonically married but Glimmer would blow a gasket and Catra’s passive aggressiveness would be reaching very dangerous levels
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howlingday · 4 months
Velvet: I was going to meet my friend, but then she decided to call things off at the last minute, so now I'm just standing there, looking like an idiot, and that REALLY PISSES ME OFF!
Jaune: Oh, god! Oh, shit! Oh, fuck, my children are starving!
Velvet: Nonono! It's, er, balanced, middle of the road, flaccid, I don't know!
Jaune: Now that I'm an adult man with red blood in my veins, I just swear sometimes. Deal with it!
Jaune: Titty, boobs. The end.
Willow: Carefree, alcohol-fuled environment, now we can find out what this show is really all the fuck about.
Yang: I'll make everything better, dear~! Lick me~! Put me inside you~! I'm ready- And she chokes me! Like every other whore out there!
Ruby: I wrote this song about handjobs, and this one is about girls who save their virginity by having anal sex.
Qrow: No, no! You even talk about my nieces ever again, or even do anything to make them unhappy, I will find you, and I will cut your tiny, little cock off!
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crybabycunt · 1 year
Yelena: Would it be too much to ask you not to do anything stupid?
Kate: Probably.
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jadeclaymoresworld · 2 years
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Jonathan Kasdan said in an interview that the woman walking with a basket of bread in the opening sequence is one of the three people who played baby Elora in Willow (1988)
This is one of the only shots I got of a woman that fit’s that discription, so this could either be Kate Greenfield, Ruth Greenfield or Rebecca Bearman.
I think it’s so cool that they reached out to the original Elora’s to see if any of them wanted to make a cameo in the tv series!
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rozetheeuwu · 2 years
A hug for Anesa because she didn't deserve this (Poor thing🥺🌻)
Plus what was her short "relationship" with Sirius aside from the obvious being a tool to him and her parents?
Sirius and Anese didn't really have any type of relationship besides being paid to carry his children. The only reason she agreed to it is that she was homeless and needed money, food and a place to stay which he granted her in exchange of you know, the kids.
She stayed in the sanctum during her pregnancy and saw what a bad people team meteor was ect and better yet, what an awful man Sirius was.
She told herself she just had to hang on until she got the money. However she grew more and more anxious about having to leave her kids alone with him. So when she finally gave birth and got the money she took Jack and Katie and got out of there (Leaving Saywer behind with regret). She left Reborn and looked for her sister to live with her.
Her relationship with her parents:
TW: Child abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism. ect
Her parents were poor and had 3 children, Anesa being the youngest. All of them were accidents. They were all forced to take care of their parents and deal with their addiction. When her siblings became 18, stole money from their family and they left reborn and stayed far away from them, leaving Anesa alone.
Her parents threatened her that if she also tried to leave they would kill her.
She had to get a job because her parents didn't and she couldn't finish school because of it.
She had no time for relationships (Both friendships and romantic) so she had no one to help her.
She had no money at all so she couldn't leave Reborn when she wanted it.
Her father and mother got arrested and she became homeless when she was 17. She stayed at Sigmund's orphanage for a like 3 months until she became 18.
She lived on the street for 2 years
She's doing much better now, she honestly became kind of a hippie.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 4 months
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willosword · 14 days
i still think giving the immortal the big emotional funeral speech and expecting us to be invested in it is kinda lame as hell when all of his supposed development with kate happened off-screen
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14 June 2024. I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the last couple of months. It really has made the world of difference to William and me and has helped us both through some of the harder times.
I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well.
My treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months. On the days I feel well enough, it is a joy to engage with school life, spend personal time on the things that give me energy and positivity, as well as starting to do a little work from home.
I'm looking forward to attending The King's Birthday Parade this weekend with my family and hope to join a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet.
I am learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty. Taking each day as it comes, listening to my body, and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal. Thank you so much for your continued understanding, and to all of you who have so bravely shared your stories with me. - C
📸 Matt Porteous, 2024
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omniscientoswald · 7 months
A trip to Hawai'i
[The Beach]
Soap: Ye weren't kidding, Bonnie. The beaches here are surreal!
Ghost: *Nudges Oswald* And with less people
Oswald: *Smirks* You're lucky you know someone with knowlage about the less touristy spots
Soap: *Bolts to the ocean to avoid the hot sand*
Gaz: He didn't put on sunscreen
Price: *Walking up, blowing out his cig* He'll figure it out sooner or later
Laswell: *Sitting under the shade with Price* It's nice to have time off to losen up
Price: Mm, after last opperation? They deserve it
Laswell: *Smiles* Nice knowing they can finally relax too
Soap: *Yelling from the water* BONNIE! I FOUND A TURTLE!
Oswald: OI! NO TOUCHING DA HONU'S! *Throws sandball at Soap*
Soap: OW- *Picks up sand and attempts to throw it at Oswald, but misses and hits Ghost*
Laswell: Well...they're relaxing in their own way
Price: *Ammused* GET UP SI! THIS MEANS WAR!
Laswell: *Puts on earbuds to block out everyones shouting* At least I'll be the one relaxing today
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The Princess of Wales  ||  Willow Hilson Vintage 
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iasikaijutopia · 2 years
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My favourite crime ladies 🥰
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yourluckyoswald · 6 months
Mana: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Smokes: Not if they consent to it
Dice: Depends on who you're stabbing
Oswald: It's not if it's an accident
Laswell: YES???
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