#divinity: fire
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Deity: The Radiant Unborn, Outer god of Nascent Calamity
“I know what I’ve done and I stand by my actions. Better that this world is a barren place free of warmpth or mirth than give that thing a chance to take root”
-Ymelie of Arrowgate, heretical witchhunter, taken as part testimony prior to her execution
Creation is a sacred act no matter how small or fleeting, which is what makes it so perverse when that act is suborned to the will of another. Luminaries forced to build weapons to practice their science, the artist who’s work is stolen for the glory of another,  young people forced to live a life they never would have wanted just to uphold a social order. The world is made darker by these cruel concessions, and in that darkness a cruel light thrives.
it has no name, no real will, its existence is charted in the wake of devastation it causes, rather than in a doctrine espoused by its followers. It is known by those who delve the occult mysteries of the cosmos as the Radiant Unborn and simply put: It turns creative potential into a bomb, feeding off what could be in a pyroclastic eruption of fire, flesh, and chaos.
Wretched Origin is a god in only the loosest sense that it distorts reality the way a god might, the way a body might be distorted by a high velocity impact transmuting what was once alive through several distinct phases until what is left is nothing but gore and tragedy. No one would call what it does a miracle: It begins first as a fever in the body of some poor victim forced to make some terrible and unwanted compromise, they grow worse as their flesh chars from within and they near the point of no return, at which point the Unborn blossoms within them and destroys everything it touches.
What is left behind in the aftermath can never be predicted. Some grotesque aberration may come into being as a bit of the far realm slips through, other times it is some avenging nightmare wrought to do their “parents” secret will, despite their remains still smoldering in a nearby crater. Still rarer are those times that the victim is left relatively unscathed, burnt and disoriented but left otherwise unharmed in a sea of devastation.
The party is called to seek the apprentice of a in influential mage, after a disastrous experiment on the student’s part led to several deaths. Guilt ridden and feverish, the student wanders the city rehashing the equations they’d so carefully practiced, letting the Radiant Unborn take root in their mind. This whole fiasco was contrived by one of the mage’s rivals, who sabotaged the apprentice’s experiment by working a few of the outergod’s signs into her research materials. His aim is to have the apprentice blow up in the mage’s face, possibly taking out a rival and letting him advance his position. 
Some aberrations  seem to call upon Wretched Origin as part of their life cycle, spawning progeny in ways their alien anatomy might not allow. A plane hopping scientist has theorized that the outergod only became dangerous when it jumped to mortal life through eldritch cross contamination the way most plague starts off as a mostly harmless sickness in livestock. This scientist happens to have the past several decades as a brain-in-a-jar and has very few qualms about testing their theories through human experimentation.
All eyes in the tavern turn to the previously sullen young man (mostly  overlooked by the party)  as he rises screaming from his seat, dumps his drink over himself, begins steaming, and then barrels out the door to hurl himself in the nearest canal. Pulling him free of the murky and near boiling water, the party gets his story: Apparently he’s a journeyman sculptor, forced by his master to work on a statue for the very same magistrate who evicted his family in the middle of winter some years ago when he decided to collect on rents early. Resentful over the months of poverty and near starvation forced upon them, the sculptor feels like there’s something inside him trying to get out, with these burning fits coming on more and more as the day of the statue’s unveiling draws closer.
There’s one group that tolerates, and even welcomes the presence of the Radiant Unborn: Harsupex, those goreslicked oracles who prognosticate upon the future by picking through the guts of sacrifices, animal or otherwise. The viscera spilled by the outergod is held to be particularly potent when it comes to prophesying future calamities, though many who indulge in this fusion of forbidden arts ( what with needing a human sacrifice to invoke the Unborn’s presence) grow nihilistic or obsessed, either convinced the end is inevitable or else desperate to stop it. Some of these doomsayers go so far as to take on the scorching infection, using regeneration magic to stuff their own innerds back together to allow for repeated glimpses of a doomed future.
Titles: Wretched Origin, The Nova Blister, Weltwelp
Signs: Spontaneous Human Combustion, Viscera like shapes in flames.
Symbols: A Seven Pointed Star composed irregular, sometimes curving lines. Usually carved or painted in red. Seems to evoke entrails 
Followers: Other than the aforementioned aberrations, very few actively worship the Radiant Unborn, with a few profane magical traditions cultivating it the way a alchemist might cultivate a sprig of rare poison. To be Glib: It gets a lot of bang for your buck if all you want is to cause chaos at the cost of a ruined life or two.
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zefirart · 4 months
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Happy first anniversary Fire Emblem Engage!
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articianne · 1 year
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this is literally what fe engage feels like
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ceejthedeej · 3 months
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moldwood · 4 months
its a shame that scientology is the name of a rich person cult and not a really cool religion that thinks of scientific equations and laws of physics as a celestial language that allows us to understand the universe and the energies of wind and gravity and that the forces that act on the world around us are holy and curiosity to learn about them is holy and being a scholar learning to fight against them and work with them and discover new ones makes you a prophet. or whatever
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steven-myself · 7 months
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Voodoo- Hamidou Banor by Baldovino Barani for FACTORY Fanzine XXXVI
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jollmaster · 2 months
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and I see fire burn auburn on the mountainside
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starlitcrows · 9 months
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Farewell, brave heart. Do not forgive me.
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angelhht · 10 months
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What if they can dragon
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stylincheetah · 11 months
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- St. Cethleann Day -
I’m so happy to share my piece for @divinepulsezine! I had a wonderful experience moderating this project alongside so many wonderful people <3 and I’m honored to have had a chance to draw Linhardt! 
Leftover sales are still happening now, so be sure to take a look!
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gzeidraws · 9 months
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Divine Dragon Tiki
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umbrvx · 2 months
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[ @orvwomenweek ] uriel + faith || day 3
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vexwerewolf · 9 months
I don't resent A Song of Ice and Fire for itself, per se. I resent it by proxy for all of the "GrItTtY dArK fAnTaSy" we had to slog through for a decade after Game of Thrones became popular, and that is still impacting the way people write fantasy in the modern day (a particular sore spot for me is that Baldur's Gate III is being made by the same people who made the Divinity series and I can already tell that's going to be fucking miserable).
ASOIaF (and early Game of Thrones) was dark, yes, but at its heart it was surprisingly optimistic and idealistic. It was a world in which doing what was good and right was always hard, often unrewarding and would sometimes get you killed, but you should still do it anyway because goddamnit it's the right thing to do. Bad things happened to good people because they wouldn't compromise their own morality, but the books (and the early seasons of the show) never portrayed these peoples' choices as meaningless or worthless.
Writers of lesser talent and vision looked at GRRM's work and saw good people dying for refusing to compromise their morality, and their takeaway from it was "morality is meaningless" and we've been mired in this miserable genre of fantasy that @sahonithereadwolf named "mudcore" for more than a decade now - and worse, even Game of Thrones eventually fell prey to it.
It's not really GRRM's fault people didn't have the correct takeaway from A Song of Ice and Fire but I still can't quite shake the resentment of how it's shaped fantasy fiction over most of my adulthood.
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rescuerabbit · 11 months
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The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
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muzzleroars · 8 months
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Lucifer, as he once was
As a seraph, Lucifer was always consumed by the fire of divine love, yet his devotion ran so deep even his insides were devoured in flames. He was God's first creation, and so became His assistant in forming the primordial chaos which later evolved into his role as Prince of Angels. However, Lucifer was soon rejected from Heaven for his rebellion against God's rule - the narrative would see him twisted into a prideful and arrogant traitor, yet in truth Lucifer had only refused to accept Hell as a part of an all-good creation due to its inherent cruelty. For calling God's Goodness into question, Lucifer became the first resident of the very prison he opposed and resides there still, in one form or another.
Some additional notes under the read-more
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sagittariusmars2 · 5 days
(Top to bottom) May prediction
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Pile 1
I see that this month patience will be important, you could be having a hard time making a decision because you don’t want to settle. I see that you feel like you want to take your time with something you see potential in, you’re trusting that things will work out naturally. Signs- Sagittarius/taurus. Initials- T, E, D, X, R
Pile 2
I see that this month you may feel impatient or feel like you’re tired of repeating the same cycles, I see that a cycle is ending for you. You could be getting an increase in finances or something you want, I see that you’re getting a blessing or blessings and your mood will improve. Signs- Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus. Initials- P, E, J, Y, I, Z
Pile 3
I see that this month you could feel a creative spark, you may have a few new ideas or an idea to start a new project. This month you may be extra fertile in more than one way so be careful, I see that there’s someone who will try to reach out to you through dreams or intuitive communication. I see that someone wants to have kids with you, something you’ve been in denial about will come to a conclusion. I see you learning more about yourself or understanding yourself more. Signs- Taurus/aries. Initials- C, D, G
Personal readings always available!
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