missanathea · 3 months
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Quand t’es jaloux du résultat des élections au Royaume-Uni, c’est que vraiment y’a un problème
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imcompletelyfine · 1 year
Kinda bad poem I wrote because yes
Jesper who was by a first bet misled
Wylan who’s bombs can light up the night
Nina who rules over alive and dead
Matthias who seeks change with all his might
Inej who is deadly from a great height
Kaz with his gaze on revenge and the prize
From ashes like the phoenix they all rise
Through all of their suffering new hope grows
Six is worth an army despite its size
And now this right here is our Six of Crows
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randomnameless · 18 days
Moi : "enfin 10 jours de repos ! Je vais enfin arrêter de stresser pour rien et oublier le boulot"
Commandant de bord : "ben en fait il y a une tempête de sable qui nous empêche d'atterrir, du coup on va être déroutés dans une autre ville en attendant que ça passe"
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ciboulo · 18 days
Je suis allé à une mine de géode, à l’accueil on nous donnait un marteau et un seau qu’on pouvait remplir de géode qu’on trouvait. J’ai creusé partout, je me suis bien amusé et j’étais aussi sale que les gamins à la fin. À la fin j’avais droit de faire couper des géodes pour voir les trésors que j’avais trouvé et je m’attendais à un truc extraordinaire, des cristaux de toutes les couleurs ou je sais pas. Alors on coupe et en fait c’est un peu moche. Très en dessous des mes attentes. J’ai ris un bon coup, les miniers m’ont dit beau trésor je me suis dit que j’aimerais voir mon trésor avec leurs yeux.
Après je parlais un peu avec les gens de l’accueil de l’histoire du site et j’ai dit rapidement que je m’attendais à quelque chose qui brille. Apparemment je dois laisser tremper mes géodes 24h à 48h pour enlever l’argile et mettre une résine sur la surface couper ou les polir pour les faire briller.
À suivre
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glockg1rl · 4 months
< ugly bird in a pretty world >
the lonely koel perches on the windowsill
awaiting its partner
the colourful peacock dances in athrill
for its soon-to-be lover
the playful budgie chirps for its human caretaker
a pet loved and wanted
the puffin parents build a burrow heavily guarded
so the pufflings don't live in a slum
the ugly koel stays rejected
screeching for a mate never to come
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astrodezign · 1 year
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this blog was created to be a demonstration area for design experiments. This is a non-commercial project, so the development activity at this stage is a little weak, but if interest in this resource grows, then the project will become more lively and active
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amalgamationink · 6 months
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NAPOWRIMO24 #10: Femme Fatale
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tealviscaria · 5 months
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nietp · 1 year
On doit trouver un nouvel appart à Paris pour septembre donc autant vous dire qu'on a envie de se péter le crâne et vomir send good vibes please 🤡🤡🤡🔪💣🦠
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creatediana · 1 year
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"Heir of Superiority (Pretty Thing)" - a dizain written 7/17/2023
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pigeonneaux · 1 year
Ya nos fils de chien de voisins qui construisent une piscine dans leur jardins a côté de nous
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diari0deglierrori · 1 year
Thinking about that post that said would you ever date someone who has the same name as you and might have to change my answer as I had ✨Thoughts✨ about someone I met tonight
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Ajd qqun m'a offert les 2 premiers tomes du Livre des Étoiles (dont je cherche l'ancienne édition grand format, avant les nouvelles couvertures de Folio (qui sont poche de toute façon)) et euh c'est bien une ancienne édition mais je n'avais JAMAIS vu cette couverture-là pour le 1 o_O il date bien de 2001, c'est Gallimard Jeunesse, et c'est la même police pour le titre (quoique sans les points sur les i), mais ce n'est pas du tout la couverture que je connais ça me fait tout bizarre skdjdksjdk
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ligakitchen · 1 year
It has been an honour to work with the Bank of Latvia to create this beautiful collectable silver coin ‘Stardust’. 
You can find more information on the coin and it's  design here: 'Stardust'
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mortejchjo · 2 years
Camped within woodlands surrounded by the things you brought, yourself and you.
Total solace from the outside world. Relying on noone new.
Fire made from scratch with only your abilities you well knew.
Shelter stood up tall with poles and ropes to keep you safe. As it grew,
Sleepingbags went under knotted poles to floor the ground in full lieu
Of the leaves. Next to your post, rested a bag of tools you've been used.
Holding hammers and untensil knifes to make from cups to canoes.
Set away far in the corner tent, the first aid kit was hung strewn.
Out beyond the flap, collected logs were drying out for nightfuel.
On a rotten log, you sat with nature; her eyes shut and withdrewn.
Striking fearful glares, the woodmazes allowed two lights to peer 'round
Floating from some feet away they stabilized themselves like strong mounts.
Lusted, those snoweyes were locked in place in your location unbound.
Eyes of beasts and animals have base intent layered behind sounds.
But, the eyes here meant to stare at prey, its tongue kept close and mouthbound
Blanched, the eyes raised high to gain vantage above man's height and stared down.
All the trip has been reversed from then, to followed prey and veiled hound.
Even with moonlights affixed on point, some woods like to confound
Real and fake. Yet consciousness screams towards your frozen soul that's earthbound,
That it should not trust those orbs of snow to inch and travel more ground.
Darting left to right you try to find some means to flee and escape.
It's confusing. Everything looks like the same path and the same shape.
Given how those eyes are far-off still, it must've stalked you four days,
Only now this dread, beclouded from its distance, is on display.
If the eyes stalked you, then can you leave? Escape seems taken by fate.
This domain's not yours. Your mind is shocked, and starts to raise your heart rate,
Breathing shortens, muscles tighten. Seconds pass by, but you both wait.
Light becomes more visible from dilating eyes that are 'fraid.
Added with moonlight that's piercing clouds, illuminating awake
Horrid scenes and what they constitue from. Sights you plead to mis-take.
Silver light explores the creature: it resembling a tall deer.
Some unsightly deer that stood up with its own hindlegs like thin spears,
Ending with flat hooves of mother does supporting up your lost fear.
Metalwhite light shows the beast's hooved hands beside his sides. It's shown clear
Parts of bone were shown like stuck out jagged knifes. Blanched mirrors.
Compassing moonfog alludes more mystery from eyes and your ears.
Fear had struck you. Leaking your fear. Dripping filled tears
On the leaves. Darkness had gave it humanoid outlines and features.
Now however, light has gave its silhouette shape of a seeker.
"Guardian" it's titled, fending off invaders by means of fear.
Seeing white windows reflect moonlight will set you in a goattrance,
Paralyzing you with panic laced despair, shot off by one glance.
Through its stalwart presence, corners your space. Leaving you no chance
For escape. Looming behind a tree, it stood there. No advance.
This abhorrency did not breath. Still was its chest, nor did it expand.
Not a single cloud of vapor from its boned nostrils left and ran.
Only echoed beats of your heartbeat was piercing air like straight lances.
Seeing half this beast alone was hard to believe and to understand
Like a short story, the outcome's predetermined. Fate took her stance.
Both your lips were sealed, forbade to shriek. You were now in its hands.
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moon-arts02 · 2 years
Moi : Ouf je sais plus quoi dessiner en ce moment, j'ai plus d'inspiration
Mes 727181718 sketchs pas fini qui m'attendent depuis des mois :
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