#dni /srs
astralsys · 11 months
Intro post?
I made this account for fun maybe? fun as in I just wanted to fuck around and vent a little into the void under an account that's not much connected to my other ones idrk. dont have much of an online presence really wanted to see how this will play / work out. even tho I already have an account on here that I use personally to gush about things cause I can't help it probs not gonna use this that much.... probably cause I'll forget this exists, anyways comma!
collective info about me:
💫 ✨ | Astral System | ✨💫
Either call me Astral or K!
They / Them ( NO plural prns / &!!! /srs I hate it fuck off people who use that )
Trans Non-binary Aroace Bodily Adult
Masc / Neutral, System, Alter, Human / Person
Proff Dx’ed w/ D.I.D. ( adult dx'es ) in recovery since 2018, dx’ed also w/ MDD, ASD & ADHD ( childhood dx'es ) [ not recovered ]
( I'm only saying this cause one of my parts may leak that info out by accident, dont know better dont have a consensus with privacy atm, and I would rather just say it now instead of worrying about it being outed later idrc if you think I'm faking or not I've been dx’ed for over 6 years now idc what rando’s on the internet think about me tbh )
❌ ❌ Other Info Never Disclosed ❌ ❌
DNI: Minors, NSFW shit, Queerphobes, Racists, Ableist, Pedo’s / Zoo’s, Proship / Anti’s discourse
Mspec “Lesbians” / “Gays”, Male “Lesbians” Queer ID’s based off people, Rad Inclusive, Transmed, BaB ( + all other queer exclus )
Any "System’s" ( No Matter What "Type", I dont want to see you fuckers fuck off with your “plural community” all of you are fucking bullshit ), “Endogenic System’s”, / “Mixed Origins System” / Tulpa, Pro “Endogenic” / Pro Non Traumagenic “Systems” Whatever Fucking “System Origin” You Fuckers Keep Coming Up w/
“Medically Recognized System” / “Dx”, Self Dx’ers, Pro Self Dx, “M.U.D.” / “M.U.I.”, ( Medically Unrecognized Disorders / Illnesses )
Anything on Pluralpedia! Any Discourse!
I dont wanna see it or you I will block you on sight. I dont care, i am not your friend I don’t want to be your friend leave me alone and out of this shit.
specific info about me:
K or Astral ( not giving you my full name )
They / Them, Fey / Fem, Ae / Aer ( + other neo’s )
Trans Non-binary Otherkin / Alterhuman Agender Aroace
Host of Few ( also not giving you their names who fucking does that? ) I'm an adult ( id w/ body age not getting closer than that )
interests / dislikes / triggers private fuck off idc I'm not trying to make friends here
I hyperfixate on a lot of things due to both having asd and adhd and it effects my life way too much it’s annoying af I actually fucking hate it… having both is a fucking mess istfg, also chronic depression that’s so cool who doesnt love that? been dealing with that one for years and it sucks it really sucks I dont wanna keep feeling this awful my entire life, but its not gonna stop for me i think atp.
having D.I.D. isnt something I am ever gonna get into specifically, cause why the fuck would I? why do people have the need to tell others about their extensive personal med hx "oh you have to know all about my / our "system" and everyone apart of it! and every single disorder I / we self dx'es myself / ourselves with too!" ( just had to put the plural pronouns cause that's how these people talk ik I've had personal experience with these kinda people ). do these people not understand anything about internet safety omfg do you not listen to yourself at all? you’re not going to know anything regarding my med hx that I havent already given you cause to be honest I dont trust any one of you with me and my fragmented self and you don't really need to know. my alter’s are not something I talk to anyone about online or irl really. my trauma also isnt something I am ever gonna talk about honestly me even typing all of this out is insane to me what is wrong with me….
credit: banner @/Suyasuyabi427 pfp @/muku_69.0
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tyrianluda · 1 month
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(dracula flow voice) the bugs are back.
(part 1) (part 2)
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nordidia · 1 year
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was struggling that night so drew these while watching totoro to calm down<3
every night i hug my teddybear and think "this is so sunset duo" so it has been drawn
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andarans · 5 days
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sooooo this might be true based on recent footage… (the default inquisitor in the character creator is a female lavellan with no vallaslin)
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lotus-pear · 1 month
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cicadian-rhythm · 2 months
i love you ants
i love you wasps
i love you bees
i love you weevils
i love you beetles
i love you butterflies
i love you moths.
i love you caddisflies
i love you cockroaches
i love you crickets
i love you grasshoppers
i love you katydids
i love you diplurans!
i love you dragonflies
i love you damselflies
i love you earwigs
i love you fleas
i love you flies
i love you water scorpions
i love you aphids
i love you cicadas
i love you lacewings
i love you lice
i love you mantises
i love you mayflies
i love you alderflies
i love you scorpionflies
i love you stoneflies
i love you termites
i love you thrips
i love you assassin bugs
i love you bedbugs
i love you giant water bugs
i love you stink bugs
i love you leaf insects
i love you spiders
i love you scorpions
i love you mosquitos
i love you mosquito hawks
i love you daddy long legs
i love you ticks
i love you millipedes
i love you centipedes
i love you maggots
i love you locusts
i love you hornets
i love you yellow jackets
i love you ladybugs
i love you pillbugs
i love you giant isopods
i love all of the creepy crawlies and bugs and insects and arachnids... i love you guys...
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I love them sm, they mean the world for me <3
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
are you serious about believing that cats shouldn't be let outside?
why? like don't get me with that "oh they'll kill animals" well yeah, maybe they will. it's their natural instincts, and allowing them outside promotes a range of natural behaviours. so isn't it cruel to prevent that? and if you believe they shouldn't be allowed to go outside, isn't it cruel to choose to keep them inside instead of just *not having a cat?*
also for that arguement the rspb says " there is no scientific proof that predation by cats in gardens is having any impact on bird populations UK wide." while you may not be from the UK, the UK isn't a place where domestic cats are native either!
I wonder if you are American as so many Americans seem to have this weird opinion - is it very common to believe solely in indoor cats where you live? /gen q. it's very common to have cats that go outdoors here in the UK, and the concept of outdoor cats doesn't exist - if someone mentioned an outdoor cat I'd think of a cat that never went inside, like idk a barn cat. a website I found said 90% of cats in the uk can go outdoors but based on what I'm seeing on your feed and Tumblr it's very different for you?
Yes, I'm serious.
I suppose it's also a natural instinct of coyotes (US), foxes (UK) and hawks to kill cats, so isn't it cruel to prevent that? Cats may have natural instincts but they are not part of nature. They're not part of your local ecosystem, you brought it there. Do you only care about your cat fulfilling its 'natural instincts' and nothing else?
Let's say you have, oh I dunno, the Xenomorph from Alien. Let's say you love it a lot. Are you gonna set it free on the neighborhood because its natural instinct is to kill?
If you believe children shouldn't stick their fingers in the wall socket even if they want to, shouldn't you just not have children?
And yes there is plenty of scientific proof. Cats are not native ANYWHERE. If your cat just stays in a fenced garden or maybe a catio, it's fine, but studies found that cats' kill counts are so high because even 'freeroaming' cats roam less than their wild counterparts (i.e. jungle cats) and thus kill in a more concentrated area. They also kill for fun and not just to eat. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild, I'm directly quoting an article here.
Very weird of you to push the American button just because I disagree with you, I am in fact South Korean, and oh believe me outdoor cats are barely a thing here. Cats here are either firmly indoors or stray, save for very rare cases. Most cat owners (and people in general) live in the city and if they let their cats out, a variety of things could happen - such as their cats eating trash and getting sick, being hit by a car, or being killed (or worse, captured and tortured) by ill-meaning people (which has very well happened before).
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+ Edit) Let's talk cruelty. What is more cruel, a cat being bored out of its skin, or the cat being flattened by a car, or countless small animals being torn apart and left to die? All of which is preventable with a few extra steps from the cat owner.
In my opinion, having cats (or any other pet) is a lot like raising children. Of course their needs should be paid attention to, but they themselves don't always know the best way to go about fulfilling those needs and it's your responsibility to keep them safe and happy at the same time. You can't let them do whatever they like all the time. AND, you are responsible for what your pets/children do.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Is Hobie actually masculine or is he just super darkfeatured and strongfeatured.Is Gwen actually nicer and classier than him or is she just a white girl.Are Pavitr and Miles a transfem-coded girlypop who's the softest sunshine in the Spiderband to Hobie's hardcore punk and a dude-y buff who's positively and healthily masculine with his girlfriend respectively or is it actually the other way around and Pavitr's just asian and Miles is just black.Is Margo an unlikely love interest for Miles or are you just used to thinking of black fems as not real romantic options thanks to media propaganda.Is Miguel actually a horndog or is his mestizo melanin just poppin'.Is Jessica mean or is she just a black woman with a backbone and her own personhood
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I'm just sayin',Webheads,maybe put those web heads to use
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 2 months
I am not much of an anime watcher
I am watching Black Butler
I will just say these:
1. Literally everyone blushing and crushing on Sebastian makes me go "Same XD)
2. Grell is the main reason why i wanted to watch it (outside Bastian and the ref to Selena in the Latim dub)
3. Dadbastian/Mombastian gives me live and i am standing that He's the demon dad/mom of Ciel (i am getting used to this kid)
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astralsys · 1 year
First Post ig? Astral System F: K
idk why I made this... got pushed into this ig? idk what I would post on this account anyways that I can't do on my other ones... I barely even use these platforms anyways... thought this would be a fun idea to explore ig... I mean it's more likely that I'm the only one who's gonna use this account anyways. other astrals dont like having an online presence and I'm not letting them on here either ( I use that name to talk about all of my parts under a single identity instead of separating me and them, sometimes I still slip into other speak working on that ) ig I'll make an intro post or something after this? if I remember to do that... I'll probably just be rb'ing random shit or talking about random things if I remember this exists.
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proship-golfball · 12 days
Guys, my BF hates proshippers, and I became one recently. I love him, but if they found out, he'd treat me like the fucking antichrist. Well next year I'm moving to Florida so hopefully I won't have to hide any proship art from him.
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doors-worstenemy · 15 days
marble hornets doodles on magma :3 + other args under cut <<33
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i like drawing slenderverse and args sm i forgot how fun they are to doodle
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ignore habit and mary (? i forgot if the masked her has a diffrent name, its been a couple yrs :( ) habit really really isnt my fave, and its been too long since ive watched hiimmary, planning on rewatching it tmrw or monday
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boinky-spoinky · 7 months
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☀️ I have a personal favorite ☀️
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majestick-posts-op · 3 months
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They could never make me hate you. My beautiful princess with a disorder. <3 Happy birthday
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sinistersinita · 2 years
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My humanformer Pharma! He's very tired.
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