#do i tag chihiro????? might as well
haunted-xander · 2 years
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Another batch of DR x Mili drawings bc brainrot cannot be stopped
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no-m4gic · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anom who asked for the autistic reader and I loved your writing! So may I request the same THH characters but with a reader who's try to be the sunshine in their lives (example: help Chihiro to be himself), but is secretly depressed and hide It from them cause reader doesn't want to seem fragile?
Sorry If Is complex XD thx!
i have limited free time so i know im probably never gonna complete (another) request(s) today. also i discovered i have no idea how to write for hifumi and yasuhiro, so i'm gonna blacklist them and replace them with mukuro. felt like this request seemed like a good prompt for nagito and also i feel like i could replace ishimaru's one with komaeda's as an apology.
sorry if you wanted the girls too, i'll get on them as soon as i finish my work- i didn't have enough time to write for them. i'll write for ishimaru, too. sorry for missing a lot of characters!
p.s thanks guys for your support !! i appreciate it sm <33
that's a long title 😨
the tags are such a PAIN
~ mod sitaya
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"damnit s/o, why didn't you tell me earlier? you know i wouldn't judge you."
money = happiness to him, so he wouldn't fully understand your pain. he'll still support you though, if you need anything he'll send one of his workers to get it for you.
i mean if you were gone, yeah, he'd definitely be upset, so whenever he couldn't understand, he'll just imagine how he'll be like if you died or something.
he'll hire a personal therapist for you, unless you want him to be your therapist... which trust me, he is not good at.
bro can't even comfort anyone without making them cry more.
since he can't comfort someone psychologically, he'll comfort them physically, though he'll only show displays of affection at home or when you guys are alone, n e v e r in public.
honestly at this point, he won't give a shit if you stain his rich people clothes with your tears, he can buy the same new clothes again.
he's not that desperate, but can you imagine byakuya singing his s/o a lullaby?
not really, but he'll tuck you into bed himself personally if you fall asleep while sobbing your eyes out.
if you don't, he'll ask if you wanna fly out of japan for awhile, on his rich people private jet.
it's the least he could do to repay you for helping him during his dark times.
"s/o. how could you hide this from me? did you think i was going to criticize you...?"
he wouldn't ask the million questions running through his head first, he'd hold you first.
you come before anything.
he'll hold you for as long as you'd like, letting you cry in his shoulder while he rubs your back and pats your head.
since you helped him show the others he isn't an 'omega male' and also chased everyone who bullied him away, he'll return the favor.
he'll tell the teacher that you weren't feeling well and needed some time to rest in your room.
also he'll bring you your homework so you don't have to get it yourself and do tons of paperwork at once after coming back.
you don't need a therapist, you have naegi tell them as your therapist.
he'll listen to you go on for the entire day, and if you need to break down, you can jump into his arms and break down, using his shirt as a handkerchief.
"damnit... who did this s/o?!"
honestly he might just break down too.
but then he'll tell himself he's gotta be a man, with balls in front of his s/o.
he'll put his coat around you and hug you, telling you that it's alright and you can let everything out.
you can take that in any way.
he feels really guilty whenever he has to leave you for training or a competition.
but he'll always come back with a gift and your favorite takeout.
if you ever wanna cuddle, go find him. he'll be more than happy to have a reason to hold you.
daily compliments whenever you two meet up.
"s/o, it's okay. you're not hopeless, you're filled with hope, you still have so much more potential,"
he'll offer to accompany you to do some activities to keep your mind distracted and also to cheer you up.
something maybe like styling your hair and making it look ridiculous by putting tons of bright, glittery accessories on your hair.
he'd ask if sharing his own insecurities would help, maybe just so you know he has other countless insecurities than just him fearing showing the others he's a guy.
if making your hair look worse than junko's didn't cheer you up, chihiro would make up some stupid games like hop like a bunny into mondo's room or sing one of sayaka's songs outside makoto's room while he's showering.
speaking of sayaka's songs, he'll blast all her upbeat pop songs in the room and you two can dance your heart out.
"i figured. now come here i'm gonna cuddle your sadness away!"
leon would definitely try to remain positive
the only good side would be that he could skip his daily weekday baseball training, since y'know he likes hates baseball.
but no, really, he'd have NO idea on how to comfort someone properly.
he'd ask what he could do to make you feel better.
as well as bring you out to get ice cream.
while you guys are out you may or may not encounter celestia's cat wandering around aimlessly... and bring it back to leon's room.
obviously you guys return her, maybe style her a little, watch leon get scratched by her and so on.
overall at least you recovered quickly and now everyone can see you smile again <3
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"oh s/o. you didn't have to hide it from me, hopeless trash like me don't have the right to judge hopeful people like you,"
well now it was his turn to have his clothes stained with tears.
countless outfits of yours have been stained with his tears, because whenever you'd return late (which was always) he'd think you left him or something, and the closest thing he has to you are your clothes.
he's clingy.
and he'll become clingier.
everywhere you go he'll follow you like a lost puppy.
lost puppy literally. he won't just follow you, he'll beg for your attention.
anyway... back to you, once you even mention you were upset he'd pull you into a tight hug.
imagine how long that tight hug would be with depressed.
verrrrrry verrry long.
he'd wish he didn't have to let go of you.
and he wouldn't. you'd have to literally wait for him to fall asleep just to work your way out his arms.
he'll shower you in compliments and bless you with encouragements.
if you wanted he could ask gundham for a cat or dog or something, or he'd blackmail gundham just to "borrow" the four dark devas of destruction for like 10 minutes before giving them back even though nagito would lie and say they'd forever be gone.
you want, he buy. literally, you just have to say "i want this" and you'll have it.
no more despair only hope.
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hestzhyen · 2 months
Kagurabachi Chapter 42 Nonsense Takes-
Holy shit. Dear internet void, I'm on the edge of my seat. This CHAPTER man! Several key moments from Ch. 20 are paying off here in a satisfying way.
This time, Hiyuki is the one who wavers when her convictions are contested:
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Caught between duty, desire, and her own limitations... not a great feeling is it? She's in the same position now that Chihiro was facing off against her in Ch. 20. I feel like Chihiro's heroics will push her forward much like Hakuri's words did for him. Can't wait to see more of her after this arc and how she reconciles her noble beliefs with the selfish pragmatism of the Kamunabi. Not to mention how she'll manage her pride while reconsidering her rather dismal evaluation of Chihiro from earlier in the chapter.
Speaking of the Kamunabi, though... the older guys who have experienced the horrors of the Seitei war try to be realistic about the situation:
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They very understandably want to cut their losses and reduce the risk of death for their younger allies. With terrifying artifacts like Magatsumi being necessary, the Seitei War really must have been hell on earth. Better to save what you can than risk losing everything on a bet and all that. I think this will be the meaty, scrumptious crux of the conflict between Chihiro and the Kamunabi whenever he ends up clashing with them in the open. All for the greater good vs. the greatest good for all, pragmatism vs. idealism- I am hype!
And yet the idealistic duo of Chihiro and Hakuri are going to stake their lives on making a miracle. Across the hall, without being able to speak to each other or hear what's being said over the chaos, they still understand what the other is thinking and wants to do. I love these two so much.
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Hakuri recalling the conversation with Chihiro during the elevator ride in Ch. 20 when they first met. He knows his samurai's heart.
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(Ch. 20 vs 42) Liar, liar, pants on fire. Fakest IDGAFer ever ready to risk his life to save a bunch of strangers, just like he said he wasn't interested in doing.
These. Guys! ARE! THE! BEST!
But there's certainly going to be a price paid for this- the toothpick bidding guy said as much. Chihiro can't win it all, no matter how strongly he feels about having his cake and eating it too. So what's going to get fucked up? Well, pick your poison(s) on how Chihiro's idealism will be tempered:
Chihiro and Hakuri fail to save all the hostages
Hakuri overexerts himself and is incapacitated/dies
The Rakuzaichi isn't ended for good
Magatsumi falls into the wrong hands
Chihiro/Hakuri is/are captured by an enemy
Failure to Save Innocents This scenario is somewhat likely, I think. We're doing Ch. 20 callbacks so may as well go all-in here. It's also been the biggest sticking point this chapter. "We (YOU) can't save everyone." Be pragmatic when weighing good actions vs. the cost of doing them. Understand your limits, work hard, and be ready to cut your losses. Be willing to accept that someone could die. Chihiro struggles with this for obvious reasons. He's a heroic badass, but also a traumatized kid. A human. He's got limits and he's got to acknowledge them at some point. Even if Ms. Inazuma is saved, he might not be able to tag all the captives before Hakuri has to pull him out. This would be absolutely devastating to him as a brutal but very needed wake-up call before he overestimates himself in a situation with higher stakes. And, man... if Chihiro has to come back to Mr. Inazuma and tell the poor kid that he couldn't save his sister... god, that would be awful for everyone. Idealism alone can't save lives, nor wishing for it, nor trying your best. Sometimes you can't save everyone and end up losing everything. I think this is a bit too downer but it's not completely out of the question.
Hakuri Fucking Dies One of the two outcomes here is almost definitely going to happen. I went on a few several thousand-word screeds about Hakuri's significance and how much I love this slightly insane little goober. There's plenty of good reasons to think he'll stay a permanent member of the cast, and if I'm being honest, I think it's a little early for Chihiro to lose an ally. We need a little more time to get attached and invested in the core crew he assembles before one of them is offed. And yet... While I think Shiba's "you'll both die!" line is just to amp up the tension, this...
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I will kill everyone at the Rakuzaichi and then myself if anything happens to this kid.
... isn't looking good. At all. Knowing that Hakuri's basically had a full arc at this point means I can't just handwave away the chance he'll be the price Chihiro pays for his naive optimism. Because that's exactly why they're both doing this: Chihiro's expectations for himself are too high and unrealistic. And he's Hakuri's guiding light. Whatever Chihiro wants to accomplish, Hakuri will back him up with everything he has. He's pushing himself too far for Chihiro's sake and we'll all cry if that means he pays the ultimate price.
I think it's most likely that Hakuri will come out of this severely injured, though. Not dead, but close to it and unable to act for a while. It would teach the same lesson without breaking my heart so please, please let this be the variant chosen if Hakuri must be offered up. Protect his smile and give him the chance to learn that he deserves to be loved as he is.
The Rakuzaichi Yet Proceeds So this one would be interesting as hell IMO. There's a case for this due to the fact that, despite reappearing on the stage in the real world, neither Chihiro nor Hiyuki actually touch it. Only Kyoura does.
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God I love the perspective shots
A big point was made in Ch. 33 about how inviolable this wooden platform is:
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Lotta prestige tied to keeping people off a glorified wooden pallet, but hey what do I know. I'm not a human trafficker or abusive parent brainwashed into serving a merchant cult family.
So even when the whole thing seems poised to come crashing down, Kyoura alone remains worthy to stand on it. And if we don't see any non-Sazanami clan members step on it by the end of the arc, I think that's a signal that things aren't quite done with them yet. Or at the very least, their legacy will live on untarnished despite the head of the family falling in combat. They could become legends in the underworld for maintaining the sanctity of the Rakuzaichi until the very end. Not very wholesome for Team Goldfish, but hey, it's a comparatively small price to pay. I've got a lot of thoughts about what various scenarios would mean, but I'll wait until we actually see what happens before speculating too much. I will, however, do some Hakuri agendaposting while I'm here though!
I would find it incredibly tasty if Hakuri managed to stand on the stage at the very end somehow. Just for one last hearty "fuck you" to his sperm donor, you know? And to satisfy the part of my monkey brain that loves total vindication. The "worthless" kid who was instrumental in bringing down his family standing in the sacred zone he was supposed to protect, but was deemed unworthy of... that he rejects wholeheartedly while being the first since the progenitor to inherit both signature sorceries... yesssss. Especially considering this:
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RIP Tenri, gone too soon
I go feral for stuff like this. Hakuri is the Special Boy. He deserves the moment, if he can figure out a way to get there before he collapses after helping Chihiro.
Magatsumi Goes MIA Once More I think this is the most likely price to be paid. Chihiro's heroics will cause him to miss out on recovering the Super Evil Sword, which could end up just about anywhere at this point. Recovered by the Kamunabi, the Hishaku clan swooping in to take it, the wielder using Kyoura's body to abscond with it to parts unknown... anything's possible! But probably not Team Goldfish escaping into the night with it. Saving people at the cost of missing his big chance to recover his father's "masterpiece" seems like an appropriate setback for Chihiro right now. It'll throw his plans into disarray and really force him to look at his priorities and strategies thus far. Team Goldfish are mighty but they can't take on two massive orgs like the Kamunabi and Sazanamis at once, especially if the Hishaku are meddling. He'll get his reality check and prepare to make hard choices in the future. Save everyone, every time, and chase the blades forever? Or entertain a slightly less idealistic mindset to better the chances of success? Very tantalizing potential here, yes yes. It also ties in nicely with the main talking point of this chapter- much better than losing an ally would, at any rate.
Capturiffic Times I think this is the least likely given the circumstances, but may as well mention it just in case. Both Chihiro and Hakuri are worn down to their last dregs and aren't in a position to fend off anyone that could come at them. Maybe Hiyuki decides to capture Chihiro to take him to the Kamunabi instead of killing him, while Shiba retreats with Hakuri? Or Hakuri is captured by the Kamunabi/remaining Sazanamis while Shiba prioritizes escaping with Chihiro? Shiba gives himself up to let Chihiro and Hakuri run? Again, seriously doubt this scenario. They might not get out in one piece or with everything they hoped for, but I'm pretty sure that Team Goldfish will be able to flee to fight another day.
Anyway. Yapped too much again. Thank you void for letting me ramble into your uncaring ear once more. See you next week, probably.
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ecogirl2759 · 10 months
Cameo episode!
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
I'll be tagging all the characters who appear in this post, but not the games that some may be from. There are multiple characters in this post since there wasn't enough to separate them into their own.
Having said that, let's get right into the pictures!
(Long post again, though I think this one might be slightly shorter)
First up, Komaru Naegi!!
She appeared in a couple of comics, though not very often. Here are all the pictures I could find of her.
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In the same vain, here's Makoto and Komaru's mom, Mrs. Naegi :D
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For those who saw one of my first miscellaneous posts, you'll know Daiya is in here. Well, here's all of his pictures from the one comic he was in lol
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Kyoko's dad is here too! It's Principal Jin Kirigiri!
Idk why he looks like a teenager don't ask--
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Does anyone remember Santa Shikiba, the Super High School Level Botanist? Me neither.
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Bro I bet y'all forgot about Sakura's terminally ill boyfriend, Kenshiro / Kenichiro because I SURE AS HELL DID UNTIL NOW
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Okay, here's a couple of weird ones....
Uh... Doraemon??!?
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B-um... Blackened-kun? Blackened-chan? Blackened... person?
This isn't one of the characters, btw. This little fella is its own entity
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Guys, they.... they did the thing.... they made the funni
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Lmao the pandemic was like:
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I also had NO idea that Nekomaru was in here LOL. I was looking through the books, saw him and screamed :)
And yeah, I kinda forgot that some of these characters existed lol.
Ik the last two aren't really cameos, but I thought they were funny and wanted to share :)
Anywhosits, lemmie know who you want to see pictures of next!
Next up: Chihiro Fujisaki!
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Hi there ! I saw you request are open and I'd like to request Chihiro, Hifumi, Teruteru and Ryota with an Fem!Reader who is both the Ultimate Pole Dancer and shy out of a performance and how they'd react to seeing her dance for the first time. Thanks in advance
— 🌙
₊˚ପ⊹ ultimate pole dancer reader imagine ;
ft. chihiro fujisaki, hifumi yamada, teruteru hanamura, & ryota mitarai from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: shy!fem!reader, they see you perform for the first time, ryotas is a little longer than the others cuz I love himm
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upon meeting you, chihiro felt nervous and shy in your presence. he was a bit curious about your talent but at the same time he thought it might be brash if he tried to ask you. especially since you seemed a bit flustered to even mention your talent to others
chihiro was left feeling amazed when he first saw you perform — the way you moved with such elegance and precision! he admired the way you let loose and expressed yourself through dance, how you could become an entirely different person. he couldn’t help but realize his feelings for you grew even deeper
hifumi was immediately captivated by your beauty and grace when he met you — you seemed so meek and quiet too, he thought you were just totally precious! he also appreciated your talent in the arts as well, and wanted to ask you questions about it. but he had to muster up the courage to do so since he isn’t that good at striking up conversations with girls
when hifumi got the chance to see you perform, he witnessed you display a combination of your shy demeanor and raw passion for pole dancing firsthand. he cheered you on and gave you a lot of compliments after your little show had ended. it might be safe to say he became your biggest fan right then and there
teruteru, being teruteru, did not hesitate to ask you some quite shameless questions when you and him had your first encounter… he saw the way you seemed shy so he thought it “might bring you a bit at ease” or something. but he could sense that you had that fire in you and he wanted to encourage you to embrace it. after all, he had to see you perform at least once!
when the day finally came for you to perform in front of him, he was filled with excitement and anticipation. he felt so happy that you finally decided to take a step out of your comfort zone for this — and was definitely not left disappointed as he watched with eager eyes as you danced oh so extravagantly on that pole. teruteru also didn’t miss the opportunity to shower you with bold yet playful compliments after your performance
there is no way ryota wasn’t nervous when he first met you — really, the poor guy felt too flustered to even hold eye contact with you. he just felt awkward next to you, someone with a talent so flashy. but it’s not like he was judging you, oh no no, he thought you were absolutely stunning. ryota just had no idea how to approach a girl like you. but although it took him a while, he eventually realized that you were quite modest and reserved yourself. you both grew closer with time, and you both found yourselves enjoying and finding comfort in each other’s presence
ryota was stunned when the day you were finally comfortable performing in front of him came around. he was a nervous mess, but he felt excited at the same time — how could he not be? its not everyday he gets to see someone as pretty as you perform in front of his very eyes. ryota was attentive the entire time, keeping his eyes on you as you spun and danced gracefully on that pole. he wanted to tell you that you were beautiful- praise you, just make you feel cherished, but those were things he felt he should keep to himself for the time being. so, after you finished, he gave you a silly warm smile and a short yet sincere compliment
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© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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otterlyfoolish · 4 months
No Smoking Indoors
(Shiba Togo x GN!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of war, Possibly OOC, not edited
Tags: Small Age Gap, unrequited crush, its like really subtle though
Word Count: 3k
Cafe Haru Haru has all sorts of people. Typically, you'd usually find people that's skilled in combat visiting the most for work. So it really shouldn't surprise Shiba to see a fellow war veteran there.
If you like Ao3 for reading fics more, here!
Café Haru Haru is a café. Obvious, right?
You can buy coffee, you can get tea, you can get some sweet treats if the owner remembered to restock it for that day, otherwise you can settle for some sort of fruit juice she has in a little fridge under the counter. (Which is most of the time, since she tends to snack on her own products.)
From the decoration, you might think that its kind of like a bar, but there's no alcohol being served there - the wine glasses on the shelves are mostly for decoration. You can tell by the dust on the shelves - it might have been used to serve drinks once, but now it sits there solely to reflect the warm lighting and any sunlight it catches. It's probably for the best considering the main purpose of the business though.
It's not just a café, because if it was, it would be out of business extraordinarily fast. The main function is that it connects sorcerers to paying clients, and collects a fee. Typically it's yakuza looking for a little more firepower (sometimes literally,) or some blood thirsty fool that doesn't know any other way of life.
With a ring of the bell from the front of the store, it lets the owner know that someone's come in, whether it's a client looking for some protection, or a violent guard dog, she welcomes them in with a idle smile, hoping that its something more exciting this time.
"Excuse us!" The man yells out, already treating the place like a second home as he saunters in, the younger man next to him following closely as he gives him a blank stare.
"Ah, Shiba." She dejects with something of a scowl, leaning on the counter with a slump in her shoulders. "I'm busy right now, sit down and I'll get to you." She waves at him dismissively then shoots Chihiro a warmer greeting: "Hey, you look cool today as well, Chihiro!" To which she get a slow nod of confusion in response. Shiba glances between the two of them, the preferential treatment clear as day.
The two of them sit down at the stools, staying quiet as they glance over to Hinao explaining the details of a job to another customer - this was uncommon, they've never really been around seeing her handle her customers.
The customer has been served a cup of coffee (something Shiba and Chihiro had to always make themselves), and sat silently at the counter, reading over information Hinao had handed them. With a small thank you from them, Hinao nodded and then walked away, greeting Shiba now.
"So! What do you need?" She asks, leaving her customer to their own devices as she slides over to her regulars, hands flat on the table. "Need another job, Shiba? I got a couple, you might like." She says, "or just checking up on intel?"
"Just dropping by Tokyo." He answers simply, "but while I'm here, thought I'd also just ask you, how's it going on that front?"
"Bad." She sighs, looking out the window with a shoulders slumped. "I got nothing. Nada."
"Ah." He mouths back, while Chihiro lowers his gaze towards the counter, his face remaining as stoic as ever. Shiba had a feeling that the teen was pretty disappointed at the news though. "Well, let me see the job listings then. I'll check it out if it sounds promising."
"Sure, just wait 'till they're done." Hinao nods back at him, putting her hands into her coat pocket, using her head to motion towards the only other person in the room. "They've got the nice juicy ones right now. 'course, I've other ones if you're looking for something easier for a old man like you."
Shiba ignores that last jab. "Huh, really?" He utters back in response with a eyebrow raised - usually Hinao tried to pair up the difficulty to the person so her customers wouldn't be disappointed. If they've got the 'juicy' ones, that meant that they've got the high-risk, high-reward offers.
She nods back at Shiba, about to say something more before her other customer placed the papers down on the counter, waiting patiently for Hinao to speak to them again with their hands folded on the counter. Shiba glanced over again towards them as Hinao walked back over, discussing the details with the sorcerer.
"I'd like to take this one, please." They say holding one in particular. Their voice made Shiba's ears perk up.
"Okay, I'll give them a call, and we can arrange a meeting sometime." Hinao says, marking it down in a little notepad under the counter before grabbing the pile of job offers, sliding it over to Shiba. He didn't catch it, seemingly frozen as he looked across the room, leaving Chihiro to stop the pile of paper before it hit the floor.
"Thank you." They nodded back in response to Hinao who walked over to the rotary phone, humming absentmindedly as she rung the customer, one hand in her coat pocket.
"Mr Shiba," Chihiro starts out, trying to get his attention as Shiba still seemed to be frozen in his seat.
"Huh? Yeah, what's up, Chihiro?" He snapped out of it, glancing back at him as Chihiro fixed the pile of paper.
"The job listings you asked for." Chihiro answered simply, putting them in front of Shiba in a neat pile.
"Ah, thanks." He nodded, then turned his face back to the other side, looking at the only other customer again. Chihiro joined in, blinking at the two of them with a blank expression, but it was obvious he was wondering why Shiba seemed so interested in this other person. Slowly, he moved his hand to rest on the hilt of Enten, his eyes narrowing in anticipation, glancing over to Hinao, and made some mental calculations in his mind.
There didn't seem to be anything unusual about them - they seemed to be a pretty normal person overall, so Chihiro isn't sure what Shiba is picking up on. He's just trying to follow Shiba's lead. Then, there was finally movement.
The person from across the room pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out as they waited for Hinao to finish the deal for them. At the sight of them taking out the little box, she narrowed her them and shooed them out of her store, motioning towards the 'NO SMOKING' sign.
They nodded, then slowly made their way out. They seemed to have expected to be ushered out of the room. Choosing to wait outside as Hinao stayed on the phone, still discussing the details with her client.
Shiba's eyes followed them as they walked past him and Chihiro, still not even bothering to give either of them a single glance as they pulled the door open and walked out, standing outside for their smoke.
Chihiro blinked in confusion, then moved his hands back to his sides.
Shiba was quick to move after this. "Chihiro, you stay here and look through the pile, I'm going to have a smoke." He says, getting up from the stool, readjusting his shirt to look messier as he walked out.
"Mr Shiba, you ran out of cigarettes." Chihiro answers back, watching him walk out the door without another word from him. Chihiro blinked at the sight of him walking up to the stranger before turning to the pile of paper on the counter and reading through it carefully like he was told to.
"There's a first for everything, huh?" A masculine voice calls out to you as you light your cigarette. You already knew who it was, so you didn't bother looking up as you took a deep breath as you let him continue speaking. "Never seen you in trouble before."
He looked at you as you slid the lighter back into your pockets, your eyes lazily turning to him as you began smoking, leaning against the cold walls of Cafe Haru Haru. You've aged, he could tell, but at the same time you looked younger - it's probably because of the fact the dark eye bags he's used to seeing on your skin wasn't so prominent anymore, unlike the past. You don't look so tired - maybe you've finally been getting some peace at night.
"Mr Shiba," you rolled his name off your tongue as you finally lifted your head up, blowing out a cloud of smoke as you spoke. You don't sound too different. "You still follow strangers into dark alleyways. Break that nasty habit, why don't you?"
He scoffed slightly at your answer, "we're not strangers, don't address me so formally."
"Apologies," you nodded back at him as you stood a little to the side, letting him stand next to you in the narrow space. He took you up on your unspoken offer, standing opposite you, back against the other wall of another building. "Oi. You brat," you verbally slap him as you let him settle near you.
"You're not old enough to start calling me a brat either!" He retorted back, but you could tell that he doesn't really care about the way you address him. He's playing around. "We're not in war times anymore either, so you're not my superior."
Shiba doesn't get angry easily, the both of you know that there's worse things to get riled up over compared to this. You somewhat miss the days where he would show you something that's a little more of a normal reaction.
"I wasn't done speaking," you say, pulling the cigarette out your mouth to speak again. He stayed quiet after that, listening to you. "You were worrying the young man by staring at me like that," you murmured out, gazing up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Your eyes seemed to catch something, as you briefly looked down. "Oh for goodness...! Fix your clothes." You grumbled, putting your cigarette back into your mouth to free up your hands. They smoothed out his collared shirt, and you pulled his suspenders back into place. "Why don't you notice these things, Shiba?"
Damn you and the eyes on the back of your head. But your observant nature was also what he was betting on. "Sorry."
He had noticed, but he knew that nothing would happen, so he didn't bother giving Chihiro any form of commutation regarding you. Though, he should have really at least gave him a wave or something. "I was just making sure that it really was you."
"Hm." You flicked your eyes up at him, not really buying his answer but chose not to linger long on it. "He looks like a young Rokuhira. But with less peach fuzz."
"...Yeah." Shiba nodded at your words, his shoulders slumping slightly at your words. His tone changed as he spoke, you noticed but couldn't place what he was feeling in response to your statement. "He's grown up a lot."
Your eyes flick over to the street and then back over to him. "Nice swords he's got." You state, taking another deep breath of your cigarette. Nonchalantly as ever, Shiba thinks, as you don't bother seeing if you're crossing boundaries you shouldn't be. "I take it that one of them is..." You say, not finishing on purpose, and Shiba is forced to mentally retrack his last statement.
"Yep." He nodded firmly at your unfinished question. If this was anyone else, he might have to reconsider sharing this bit of information, but he knew that you wouldn't do anything with it - it would just betray everything he knew about you.
You blinked at him slowly, already understanding any implications about that statement. "...I see."
A small moment of silence fell between the two of you - he rested his back against the cold walls of the building behind him as he gave you more space to stand with him. You stared at him, watching him watch you, the two of you aware of how close you were but didn't want to move further apart either.
"I saw the little poster about the Hishaku Ms Hinao put up." You stated, looking at him in the eyes, already knowing that he was the one that requested for the information. You've never asked Hinao about who put it up, but judging by what you know right now and the time frame that poster went up on the corkboard, you took a small leap of faith. He stared back into yours, occasionally glancing down to the cigarette in between your lips. "I'll let you know if I hear anything about them."
"...Thanks. That would help." He says, now looking off to the side before slowly guiding his eyes back to you, tracing your features as he tries to read your expression. He wouldn't be surprised if you were disappointed in him - he had a feeling that Kunishige would be.
You stare back at him, not caring about the way his eyes never really left your face. "Be careful," You say to him, locking back onto his pupils as you breath out another small puff of smoke. He stays silent, no random interjections. "I know you probably don't want to, but guiding or helping teenagers to commit violence doesn't settle nicely on your soul." As you spoke, your voice grew quieter. "Don't put more on your conscience if you can help it. The both of you."
...Huh. Shiba thought for sure you'd scold him for letting Chihiro do this. There was a part of him that followed you out of Cafe Haru Haru because he needed to consult to someone with a stronger moral compass. Kunishige wasn't there anymore, Azami could only assist him so much as part of the Kamunabi, you were the only one left.
"...Speaking from experience?" He asks you, though he really doesn't need to. He was there, from the start to the very end.
"I mean, that's all I have." You say back with a light voice that's meant to clear the tension, but he doesn't latch onto it. You take another inhale, shifting your eyes away, unable to bring yourself to look at what expression he had. "Sorry. I shouldn't lecture you."
"It's fine." Shiba says, but doesn't touch on it again as he shifts to another topic as you seem like you want to leave the conversation already. "How you've been doing recently?" He asks and the simple question already makes you want to let out a small groan.
"Eh." You start off, trying to think of a way to summarise your current everyday life in a way that won't concern him, but is enough to be honest at the same time. "Good enough. I'm currently teaching sorcery though."
"Huh?" He lets his mouth hang open at your words, blinking at you repeatedly. "Like, to a class? Or are you back in the Kamunabi?"
"Don't be ridiculous." You scoffed out at his guessing. "Just this kid that ran away from home." With a chuckle, you go on. "He's got potential, but he has a tendency to stick his nose into things he shouldn't be. He's like you when you were younger."
"I didn't cause that much trouble." He says, straight up denying your words.
"Only because you got away with it." You say, "The three of you would scuttle away to pull some shit off, and I would be forced to clean up any mess you made because I was in charge of your damn group." You let out a verbal exhale, thinking back on it. "If it wasn't for the fact it was war times, I wouldn't even be put in charge of you guys, y'know...? I'm not that much older than you."
He opens his mouth to say something in response to you, but when he receives a sharp glare in response, he closes it again, noticing something in the background. You turned around, looking at whatever he was looking at.
At the sound of a bell ringing behind you, you faced Hinao who had just exited from her store, holding a little bit of paper. The two of you instantly stop talking in anticipation of her speaking to either of you.
"Yo, you still- ah, there you are!" She said, walking up to you and extending the object in her hand to you, not caring that the two of you were just standing in the alleyway. "Here, they wanna meet up with you before working, but it seems like they're willing to hire you."
"Thank you, Ms Hinao." You said, taking it from her - you could tell from the lines that it was just torn out of her notepad. As you folded it neatly, you continued speaking, "I'll give you a cut of the pay if I get it, is that okay?"
"Eh?" She glanced over to Shiba who had forced a completely blank look on his face, not daring to show anything on his face to Hinao. He tried to look serious, but she thought that he just looked like a frog. "...Yeah, I mean, you always remember to pay up so I'm not too bothered." She agreed rather easily, before walking back into the café, realising that Shiba was talking to you, and there was just some sort of weird vibe coming from him. "See you."
The two of you watch Hinao go back into the café, a pensive thought on your face while Shiba continued to try to stay stoic. It doesn't really suit him, in your opinion.
"...Hm." You mumbled, sensing that she didn't want to hang around outside for too long for whatever reason, but once again, you don't care enough and just slip the paper into your pocket. "Well, I guess I should be going now."
His eyes darted over to you, "already?"
"Yeah?" You said, raising an eyebrow back at him. "I mean, I don't have a reason to stick around."
"You could talk to me." He said, "let's smoke together a little longer."
"Quit slacking," you shot down with a light laugh, rolling your eyes at him. "You haven't even been smoking while talking to me anyways."
He let out a small huff of annoyance, but you knew that he wasn't actually offended. "...Here, let's stay in contact." He says, pulling out his flip phone and handing it over to you.
"...Yeah, sure." You agree, putting your cigarette back in your mouth as you typed with both hands. When you handed his phone back over to you, he stuck his hand out, looking at you expectantly. You stared down at his palm, trying to think of what on Earth he wanted before taking the cigarette out of your mouth and putting it in between his fingers without another word.
He gave you a incredulous look, his pupils going back and forth from the object in his hands to your dumbfounded expression. "What?"
"...Huh?" You uttered back at him.
"I'm asking for your phone," he states, giving each word time to sink in, "so I can, you know, put my number in your contacts."
"...But I'm not going to contact you." You state, crossing your arms. He narrows his eyes at you, about to say more, but you chuckle at the expression on his face. "Goodbye, Shiba. Please give the young Rokuhira my sincerest condolences." you say back to him as you begin to walk away, joining the crowd. He watched your figure slowly disappear into the flock of people.
Shiba looked down at the object in his hands, it was still burning at the cherry. His eye flicked upwards again.
He pressed the cigarette to his lips, taking one last inhale of it as he looked at the crowd of people, trying to find you once more, before snuffing it out, walking back into Cafe Haru Haru.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 3 months
Chapter 22
im back from hiatus. makoto time
Some pre-chapter notes:
still no byakuya pov so we get to hang out with his divorced boyfriend
you might notice some events are out of order compared to the og timeline. this is within my plan...
@digitaldollsworld :]
Content warning tags: implied physical violence, blunt force injuries, more concussions
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“I did warn you.”
Makoto casts a rueful look upwards, looking through his bangs as one hand rubs at the tender lump on the back of his head. Thankfully, it wasn’t too swollen, and he didn’t feel much lingering dizziness, but it’d definitely be hurting for a while. In front of him, Kyoko stares down over her crossed arms, totally unconcerned, if not for the way her fingers were tightened on her elbows, and the slight pinching around her eyes.
“I was being careful,” He mutters back, though even to himself he sounds whiney and petulant. Like a kid that got caught in the act. He looks back down at the floor between his scuffed sneakers, and shifts slightly. It wasn’t exactly comfortable crouching here, leaning against the tiled wall of the boy’s bathroom. “I knew what I was getting into.”
“You didn’t. You charged in here without a care in the world.” She replies bluntly, and he winces a little at that.
“I was just trying to help-”
“I’m well aware.”
He recoils again, feeling the miserable, sinking feeling in his gut threatening to swallow him up. He did what he had to during the trial, despite knowing full well that Byakuya would hate him for it - but this time around, he really fucked up.
He drops his head between his knees, miserable between the throbbing pain and his own guilt. Above him, he hears Kyoko sigh, and then she’s lowering to a crouch in front of him, so that they were eye-level. “What’s done is done.” She still seems displeased, but not angry. “Lift your head. I’m going to check that you’re not concussed.”
“...You know how to do that?” But he lifts his face anyway. And jumps a little, as she places a hand below his jaw, tilting his face upwards. “U-um...”
“Okay, your pupils look fine. And the reaction to light seems normal.” She turns him a little to the left, then the right, her own eyes pale and striking. He can feel a flustered kind of warmth crawling up his cheeks from his neck. “How’s your vision? Blurry? Sensitive?”
“N-no? Um, I can see fine-”
“Any trouble focusing on anything? Pain?”
“No, I-”
“Follow my finger.” She releases his face, and holds up one finger, moving it slowly closer to his nose.
He pushes it away, now thoroughly embarrassed. “I’m fine,” He insists, turning away. He knew pretty well how unnerving Kyoko’s gaze could be, but right now they felt like sun lamps, burning a hole in him. “I- can I just tell you what happened in there?”
That seems to get her attention. She drops her hand, and shuffles closer.
“I’m listening.” She says, voice soft and serious. And he coughs, clears his throat, and begins-
He had come up to the second floor with the intention of going to the third, if only to wander around a bit to take his mind off things, but had wanted to stop by the library first, with the vaguest idea of trying to pick out a book to give to Byakuya as a sort of peace offering.
But as he came up into the hallway, and looked at the wall where Chihiro had been pinned - the body gone, the bloodstains cleaned, and even the holes in the drywall patched and expertly plastered over - he felt a deep, bone-chilling feeling in his chest, and couldn’t bring himself to walk past it. He turned around, and then noticed the slight sound coming from the boy’s bathroom as he passed, and remembered what Kyoko had been up to before yesterday’s trial.
It had bothered him then, and even more so now, as he recalled it. Kyoko’s alibi was flimsy, but she’d executed it expertly. Even the person she claimed as her witness, Toko, hadn’t said anything to support it, but by the time Toko was giving her testimony, no one was paying attention to Kyoko anymore anyways. It was like she’d planned it all, and if it hadn’t come out at the very end who the true culprit was…
He frowned, and shook off the unease. Whether he could trust Kyoko for now wasn’t something he could determine from yesterday alone, because it was clear she was doing things on a different level from the rest of them. Even compared to the real Ultimate students, she always seemed to be a step ahead, calculating beyond measure. In the end, the only thing he could do was be grateful that she was on their side.
He stepped into the bathroom. It’s the same as yesterday, old, dusty, the light buzzing with a lemon-yellow glow. He passed the empty stalls to the last one on the end, its door hanging ajar -
A pale figure shot out just as he was about to push the door open wider, and slammed a leather-clad palm against his mouth before he could cry out. He panicked for a moment, one hand grabbing the fingers pressed into his cheeks, the other shoving at the mysterious assailant’s shoulder, before he suddenly recognizes who it is.
“Kh-yo-goh-?!” He managed, voice muffled. Kyoko, with clumps of dust clinging to her sleeves and what looked like a cobweb flying off her hair, glared back at him.
“Let go of my hand,” She gritted out, and he realized he was still squeezing the fingers around his face, and let go quickly, raising his hands in surrender. She released him in turn, cradling her hand gingerly to her chest as she did. There was something wrong with the way her fingers were curled, the way her face paled slightly when she tried to clench it into a fist.
“U-um, are you o-”
“Fine.” She did not sound fine. Her voice was strained. Her posture was as steady as ever, but her eyes kept darting. “What are you doing here?”
“I…” he hesitated. “I was just. Looking around?”
She stopped casting uneasy glances to level him with a stare, eyes narrowed slightly, and even he knows how pathetic that must sound. “I-I’m being serious! And- and anyways, what are you doing here?”
“Investigating.” She said it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, and in hindsight, he really could have just guessed.
“I thought you said you were going up to the third floor?”
The corners of her mouth turn downwards. “I said that to throw off anyone who might have been listening in. Including the mastermind.”
She looked away from him, and he stood there, unsure, feeling both stupid and, somehow, frustrated. It wasn’t as if he was trying to look for her. And he only ended up coming into the boy’s bathroom on a whim.
The stall behind her is empty. There’s not even a toilet, just an odd collection of cleaning supplies. Totally innocuous at first glance, but he frowned, and squinted. It was hard to tell with the light, but everything in the stall was just as dusty as the rest of the place, except for a perfect rectangle of tiles against the far wall.
“What’s in here?” He asked, and her attention snapped back to him.
“You said that really fast…”
Her brows furrowed slightly, a scowl if he ever saw one, though the corner of her mouth twitches slightly. “...Have you ever been told you’re too observant for your own good?”
He smiled sheepishly at that. “Um. Not to my face?”
Kyoko was quiet for a moment, apparently pondering whether or not to tell him, before she sighed, and leaned in, one hand resting on his shoulder to pull him close. “Not now, but later.” Her hurried whisper tickled against his ear, and the fine hairs on the back of his neck, and he inadvertently shuddered. “When I’m not around, and it’s safe to do so. Press against the tiles against that back wall. Don’t spend too much time there, or you’ll draw suspicion.”
And then she left. Suddenly and with barely a sound, leaving him stupefied, standing in the middle of the bathroom, rubbing at his ear. He had the feeling that he had just been trusted with something very important, but he had no idea what, and no idea why.
He should have left as well. And followed her advice later, much later, when the tension had passed and the mastermind was suitably distracted; but the curiosity had been too strong. He was antsy and pent-up, and desperate for some answers.
The room behind the stall wall was a dusty, foreboding place, cobwebs and cracked gray cement and exposed ventilation pipes. Fluorescent lights hum from the ceiling and cast a pale, eerie white glow. A shelf leaning against the far wall, a chipped-up desk and stool in the middle of the room. The shelf was crammed full, files and papers and books - yearbooks, he realizes - and crumpled-up pages litter the floor.
A file room? He stepped in hesitantly. Why such a place would be hidden behind a boys’ bathroom, he didn’t know, but as he approached the desk he found the files that Kyoko had just been looking at. Some things about the school’s founding, a blueprint of the building - and a yearbook, with a scrap of paper sticking out from between the pages.
It must have been a misprint, because the embossed date on the book’s spine made it out that this was meant to be published for this year. His school year. His school year that hasn’t happened yet, because of a killing game.
It was the only explanation he could think of, but he couldn’t help the sense of foreboding prickling up his back as he reached for it, hesitating briefly as he reached for the cover. It flips open to the page just before the freshman class portraits, where the piece of paper that had been sticking out like a flag.
The words were printed neat and bold, in stark black. Makoto frowned, and picked it up, turning it in his hand as if it was some optical illusion, promising to reveal some deeper meaning. And there must be some deeper meaning, because he couldn’t shake the strange, uncomfortable feeling that he knew exactly why this wording was used. ‘You must not leave’, not ‘you can’t leave’.
It makes it sound like we have a choice, he thought, before-
As he finishes, he reaches up to touch the back of his head again, feeling out the tender bump. The pain was still there, just manageable, but insistent. It felt like all the energy in his body was being drained out of that spot, leaving behind a bone-deep, achey tiredness.
Kyoko is still across from him, chin tucked into her hand as she thinks. And then she sighs, and stands up, stretching slowly. He waits, expecting her to get angry, or something, but she doesn’t even seem too disappointed. Or maybe she was just good at hiding it.
“Come on,” She motions for him to stand, and he does, feeling his knees creak. “We should go to the nurse’s office.”
“Huh? No, I’m fine-”
“We don’t know that for sure. And I’m not enough of a medical expert to clear you of a concussion.” She glances to their side, where the door to the hidden room was, perfectly blended in with the rest of the wall. “That door is locked now. I can’t get in.”
“What, seriously?!” He tries it himself, stepping past her to push against the tile. But there’s no budge, not even the slightest movement to suggest that a door existed there in the first place. “But the files-”
“Whoever it was that knocked you out was likely the mastermind. They wouldn’t have let that room stay open after they found out that we knew about it.” Kyoko shakes her head. “It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can do about it now.”
He winces at that. “But you hadn’t finished looking through them…”
“No, I didn’t. But I doubt that we’d be able to access those files whether or not we could get back through that door,” She pauses, and glances back at him. “But again. There’s nothing we can do about it now.”
She turns to leave. And he grimaces again, still kicking himself for his own stupidity. But he follows her anyways, dogging beside her with feet that feel as heavy as lead.
The nurse’s office is clean when they get there, the waste bin empty, the curtains pushed back. Even the bed is made, and Makoto can’t help the pang in his chest as he remembers seeing Taka there, curled up and silent, unwilling to say anything to anyone. Kyoko is already rummaging through the drawers, and she passes a white bottle to him.
“For the headache.” She says simply. “You can grab an ice pack from the fridge here, too.” And turns to leave.
“Wait, what about you?” He blurts out, before he can think twice about it.
She raises an eyebrow. “What about me?”
He hesitates, but he can’t take the words back now. “Your hand. Your left hand, I mean - it’s hurting, right?”
And as he could have predicted, she freezes, then sighs, a sound that’s half-annoyed, half-amused. “Again. Too observant,” She flexes her hand in front of him, as if to prove him wrong. “It’s fine. It won’t hinder me.”
Now it was his turn to scrutinize her. There are no tells on her face, no outward sign that she was lying at all, but Makoto remembers how she favored her right hand when typing on Alter Ego’s keyboard, and how shaken she had been after he had grabbed her left hand earlier. He knows what he saw, and that seemed to be the one thing he was good at here.
“...I won’t ask you what happened. But you shouldn’t try and pretend like it’s fine if it’s not, or it could make it worse.” He casts a quick look around the nurse’s office. “There’s probably those, uh, those finger splints thingies – like the kind that athletes use – somewhere around here…or we could ask Sakura, maybe? She probably knows about these kinds of things.”
“...It’s fine, Makoto. I don’t need it.”
“You don’t-” He stares at her, incredulous. The strange contrast between her concern for his potential concussion, and yet her own self-neglect was baffling, but he finds it hardly surprising. “...Okay, can you let me see the damage then?”
“No.” She replies instantly, in a voice so flat that it didn’t leave any room for deliberation. And suddenly, he’s worried that she’ll leave again, and makes an aborted attempt to grab for her arm - and hesitates, before pinching onto her sleeve instead.
“Why?” He feels frustrated, the same frustration he felt that night Sayaka died; when Byakuya confronted him about his blindness. “Why hide it? Why…why do you want to deal with this all by yourself?” He can’t help the edge of desperation that’s creeping into his voice. “Wouldn’t it be easier if we could all work with each other?”
Kyoko’s eyes narrow slightly, like she’s the one who doesn’t understand him. “Makoto…don’t be ridiculous.” She shakes him off. “I doubt anyone here has the capabilities to help me.”
“You don’t know that! We’re all students of Hope’s Peak, so- so I’m sure they can all help somehow.” Granted, now that he’s met his fellow freshman class, he’s learned that they were all human, and sometimes, painfully so. But even despite that, they were all still extraordinary when compared to him. “What, is this about- about pride, or something?”
She huffs, a sound that’s almost a snort. “Of course not. Don’t confuse me with-” She pauses for a moment, hesitating. “...No, it’s nothing to do with pride. It’s about my own safety. Surely you can understand that much?”
He winces a little at that. He does understand, unfortunately; several times now, he’s seen some of the most well-meaning, seemingly harmless people of their group become violent and desperate, and resort to the worst possible means. But even so, he can’t give up. “But, if it’s just the ten of us left-”
“Enough, Makoto. Listen.” She turns to face him fully now, giving him her full attention. “We are in a place with no clear exits or entrances. We have been given explicit instruction to kill each other, but not pointlessly injure. And yet, one of us has been disabled, seemingly for no reason, which means that there is nothing here that we can take for granted. Not even our own bodies.” Her injured hand clenches again, though it shakes slightly at her side. “Maintaining distance is the safest option for me. I would suggest you do the same.”
Every word she says is true. He knows this, and he hates it, in much the same way that he hated how Byakuya had spoken so callously about Sayaka after the first trial. What he hates more though, is how hard it is to refute any of it…and how he knows that she was only saying it with good intentions. Out of concern.
She turns to leave the nurse’s office, and this time he lets her go. 
“For what it’s worth, I still trust you.”
The words are out of his mouth before he can even reconsider it. But she stops with one foot past the threshold.
For a moment, it seems that she is about to turn around and say something, but instead, she rounds the corner, and disappears from sight.
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m3lonpire · 3 months
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A/N: I couldn't find a GIF for Chihiro... if y'all have any, send them in! Also, I finished Danganronpa V1's first and second chapters yesterday and started on the third one too. So now, I need to write about the sweet lil baby boobop! Also, you might notice a lot of tags; that's so more people can see this lil' oneshot and maybe appreciate it! Also, this is not related to the poll I had a bit ago, the Han Solo one is still in the drafts! I just wanted to get this out of my system. Pairing: Chihiro Fujisaki and Best Friend!Reader. Summary: Chihiro comes to the reader because he had a nightmare. Details: Reader is genderneutral, Chihiro is referred to as he.
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You liked the sound of the rain pitter-pattering against your room's windows, but the thunder did sometimes shock you out of your slumber. So what, you thought. You could usually expect when it was going to strike and was able to prepare yourself for it. But, you didn't expect to randomly hear soft knocking on your door. What time is it, you thought. You checked your alarm clock... TWO AM?! Oh jeez, who could possibly be knocking on your door now? Could it be Gonta? He did always have bad timing on asking you to go bug hunting with him... or was it Kokichi? If it was Kokichi, you were going to whoop his arse. But, oh well. You might as well open the door to see who it was. Getting up and putting on the nearest robe, you groggily walked over to the door, opening it to see... Chihiro! "I couldn't sleep. Can I... stay with you?", he said, rubbing his eyes. You giggled upon seeing his appearance; his hair was practically the definition of bedhead, and he wore some oversized blue fleece pajamas you got him last Christmas. "Sure," you said with a soft smile. "Lemme guess, thunder scared you awake?", you asked, sitting on the bed and checking the time again. Two-o-three, it said. "Mmhm," Chihiro responded. "What about you, Y/N? Did it scare you too?". "You bet," you responded. "Thunder scares everyone. It's okay, you know!". Chihiro smiled softly, sitting down next to you on the bed and snuggling down into the warm blankets like a fox burrowing in snow. Smiling, you pet his head and lowered your voice, as he was seemingly very sleepy; "Tell you what, you get some sleep and in the morning, I'll ask Teruteru to make some pancakes." "That would be... *yawn* ...nice," Chihiro quietly responded. "Thanks, big sister/brother..." You smiled widely at the nickname he gave you. It seemed you were now, in his eyes, on the same level as Mondo and Kiyotaka. Tucking him in and petting his head, you turned on some soft music to lull him off to sleep. From now on, you were going to do everything to protect Chihiro. To keep the title of "big sister/brother".
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More A/N: So... flipping... CUTE! >W< @ellameloetta
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 8 months
Do you have any crossover ships with Gonta? Like characters from dr1/dr2 I mean
Not necessarily Romantically but I do have a lot of crossover interactions that I really like with Gonta!!
Gonta & Byakuya: I've long had the headcanon(?)/AU idea of Byakuya knowing Gonta since he was very young because both of their families are powerful and influential. In a universe where the v3 cast and the dr1/dr2 cast exist together, I hced that Byakuya was tasked with babysitting a pre-raised-by-wolves Gonta at least once. Ive had this idea for a fic about Gonta's disappearance from his perspective for a while, but since Im not as into dr1 I don't think I could execute Byakuya's characterization super well.
Gonta & Taka: I think these two would get along SUPER well. I feel like Gonta would be able to be fast friends with anyone who is very passionate and loud. Gonta would really admire Taka's mastery of etiquette and academics, and while I'm unsure of if Taka would have the best words to tackle Gonta's self-esteem issues directly, I think he would genuinely admire Gonta's persistence at wanting to be a gentleman and how hard he works. Not to mention, both face a lot of pressure from their families legacies. These two would be great together.
Gonta & Sakura: Sakura would LOVE to train with Gonta, and I feel like her gentle but firm encouragement would be so valuable to him. In non-despair aus with all three casts, I always imagine these two as friends.
Gonta & Mondo: Insert screenshot from UTDP of Mondo saying to Gonta "you're like a really big... puppy dog." I feel like Mondo would at first feel the need to like. Try to prove to Gonta that he's tougher than him, just because of how big Gonta is. But would quickly realize Gonta's not like that at all and is a sweetheart. And would become quickly endeared to him. (there might be really cute ship potential here. I like the idea of Mondo getting a little bit of a crush on him)
Gonta & Chihiro: Gonta would be SO HAPPY to help Chihiro with feeling like she isn't strong enough. Maybe not in the best way, because I think he would rush to try and protect her from everything which isn't Exactly what she wants, but I think after she expresses this Gonta would switch to trying to help her in other ways instead. Chihiro would be really nice to him and I think they could be friends.
Gonta & Gundham: I THINK THESE TWO WOULD BE BEST FRIENDS IF THEY EXISTED IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. MY GOD. There's a reason I have a tag for them [#bugs & beasts]. Their interests are very similar, of course, but it goes beyond that. Gundham understands very well what its like to struggle socially, and probably would be able to see a lot of himself in Gonta. I also think that while Gonta might struggle at first to keep up with the... flamboyant way Gundham speaks 1. I like the idea that at first his hamsters translate for him and 2. I think he would eventually figure it out. Gonta regularly yes-ands the more weird personas of the other characters (ex, himiko's magic) and I think his respect for the way Gundham sees himself would be a breath of fresh air for him. Both are lonely and desperate for acceptance by the group (Gonta more actively, Gundham more sadly accepting his place on the outside), if they were in the same story nothing could have stopped them.
Gonta & Sonia: Sonia would be absolutely delighted by Gonta's backstory, being raised by wolves, and I bet she would love to teach him etiquette and how to act royally. Gonta would be absolutely obsessed with her. I mean, she's a princess! I think to Gonta, a prince would be almost the pinnacle of gentlemanliness. He would want to treat her with so much respect, maybe to the point of stressing himself out hgdjskfs
Gonta & Nagito: These two... would have a weird relationship. I'm always saying how Gonta needs a hypeman badly and I think Komaeda would be that in the weirdest, most unhealthy way possible. Nagito would be obsessed with Gonta as an ultimate (as he is with any ultimates) and would discourage his self loathing by trying to reassure him by his weird view of talent and what being an ultimate means. Gonta, unfamiliar with his ideology, would probably half heartedly take the compliment while also concerned about how much Nagito puts himself down. I don't think Nagito should be left alone around him LMAO
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I tried to hold back, but— it itches now. Guys, may I just pipe up in the tag regarding the derek of it all, and without much buffoonery on my part this time (apologies; buffoonery is a reflex)?
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Derek being unromanceable is not a silly joke or tease, nor is it an oversight. It's not a call for fixes, it's not an injustice.
Derek is a test of your integrity. A moral lesson to be learned. Derek is an allegory.
I refuse to believe that he is just there, with no subtext. Even if he is; too good and juicy of a coincidence. Fits into the eco narrative too well. No, I think it's intentional. I think even his name is intentional; it's of Dutch origin. (wiki: History of Indonesia; colonial era)
This game was/is being written by people from a high-context culture, people raised on narratives that rarely, if ever, contain only one layer. In a country that's been ravaged, among other things, by colonialism. Then, later on — and to this day — by hordes of inconsiderate tourists, by oil companies, by widespread deforestation in the name of farming palm oil, etc etc. In short, by capitalism and consumer culture. They came and they offered money. Offered something seemingly easy and appealing. And in exchange, they proceeded to ruin the land, and are doing it to this day.
So there he stands, this lovely Derek-from-outside, all sexy and manly and conventionally attractive; and there your mesmerized eyes linger on his muscled, hairy chest, his bulging arms, his alabaster skin with a light dusting of pink, his chiseled features, his styled faux-hawk, his ‘builder's’ attire that looks like it was made for a stripper, not a builder. He's so APPEALING, so hot, so TEMPTING, so enticing. Surely he means no harm, right? Surely he was placed there for a reason? Surely the reason is you? Mmmmmm he's so friendly, staring at you with these dreamy eyes… with that sexy smirk…
But what is happening behind Derek’s wide back while you're gawking? Ah. Some hired workers are constructing an office of an oil drilling company … A foreign company that is complicit in spills, in the damage to the coral reefs; a company that plans on taking advantage of the sorry state of the island — by offering an easy (destructive) way out. The company that is, for all intents and purposes, your antagonist in the game.
Unless you're a soulless sellout, your main goal is to drive them out.
When the office is all done, Derek is gone. Why would he not be? And why would he be interested in an actual relationship with you? Yes, of course the reason is you. You’re just a dummy to be duped, and he has done that; he's fulfilled his mission. He was tasked with enticing you and distracting you; he needed to stop you from entering the construction site, to stop you from doing, saying, thinking anything but ‘oh wow now that's one maximum derek, I'd love me some of this meat’. Has he succeeded? If you are now enthralled by him so much that you are pining, if you gave in to greed — despite so many characters already being there for you to woo — then you have made the Error. You have failed to learn the moral lesson. It has meta-spilled over through the fourth wall.
And you have turned into a pig.
Before you clobber me for saying the latter; I am alluding to Spirited Away. Remember how it starts? Chihiro's parents see the food and are enticed by it. Mmmmm looks mouth-watering ... Aren't you hungry, Chihiro? Come and eat. Just grab it. Forget your manners, forget your worries. Indulge. Dad has a lot of crisp money on hand, some of it on credit cards! ... It does not even occur to him that the price to pay might not be money; the capitalism-induced entitlement, the false sense of security, the illusion that money buys everything and that everything and everyone can be bought with money, and that Greed is Good, already has a strong grip on Chihiro's parents.
See: motifs; food and what it represents in Spirited Away; Spirited Away as a critique of the failures of capitalism/ allegory of modern Japan and its relationship with the 'West': [1], [2], [3]. (there's a lot of essays, I'm just shoving random ones here).
Derek is that food. Do not eat.
...Point being. I firmly believe that the derek was intentional (again, remember: a high-context culture) and that the correct moral choice is to never, EVER buy into the derek. Instead of lamenting derek not being boinkable, what you need to do — both diegetically, through your character, and not diegetically, through understanding the message — is to check yourself and Reject. The. Derek.
… Unless you aim to play as a foreign opportunist / ruthless villain who wants to destroy the reefs. Then yeah, Derek might be a good match for a character like that. Or, of course, Derek might get a redemption arc. Personally, I'd rather he didn't; would cheapen the message. But I'm just a narrative-cromching doofus from the very-very opposite side of Asia; ultimately I'm here to offer an opinion, nothing else. However, another thing I'd like to say, or more like implore: please don't westernize/americanize everything you set your eyes on, I beg of you 🙏 CI was conceived specifically so that there'd be an alternative to the all-encompassing derek.
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unpopularshipperoboro · 8 months
Kyoko and Chihiro as a duo? Yes!
[This can be seen as a romantic or platonic relationship.]
Honestly, these two are pretty different in character but they'd make a great duo. stoic, serious and mystery solving Kyoko paired up with the insecure, shy and computer smart Chihiro.
Kyoko: She tends to get paired with Makoto, Byakuya or Shuichi when it comes to detective work, but I have a new idea. Kyoko is the Ultimate Detective, she's highly intelligent especially in mysteries and puzzle solving. She's reserved and hides her emotions much opposite to Makoto, Chihiro and even Shuichi. Pairing her with Makoto is common, after all she was the mysterious support character in THH and did her part in the anime. Byakuya ends up tagging along with those two for being the antagonist and getting great character development, however you can see some where Makoto is not involved. Shuichi is an obvious pair, they both share the same talent and are a great duo alone when it comes to detective work. Kyoko is the moon to Makoto's sun and she's seen as Shuichi's teacher.
Chihiro: Chihiro, on the other hand doesn't get much shine when it comes to his own skills so he'll tend to be paired with people to help him get stronger like Mondo and Taka. However, this causes Chihiro's programming skills to go unnoticed, especially with how much help they could be with Kyoko's works but we'll talk about that later. Chihiro is the Ultimate Programmer, he's intelligent in technology and fast at coding. He's emotional and timid unlike anyone Kyoko is paired with. For this reason and his want to become stronger, he's constantly paired with Mondo to grow and Kiyotaka due to all of chapter 2. Sometimes, he's even paired with Chiaki for her love of gaming and Chihiro being able to make her one.
Now, how would they work? I commonly see them great as partners in crime- not in actual crime but more of solving crime. Kyoko, being an amazing detective can still use assistance and she can't always access certain information. Chihiro on the other hand, can access any computer information since he most likely knows how to hack into devices, confirmed with Alter Ego and a common headcanon among most. Kyoko can solve and gather her own information while Chihiro can gain extra information for her. Chihiro is also seen as timid among many, if he can gain enough confidence he could be a spy in a way for missions you see mostly in shows, undercover missions.
Outside of being partners in crime, they have much more to them. Chihiro can help Kyoko feel less insecure about her emotions and help her show them more; Kyoko can return the cover by helping boost Chihiro's confidence in his strengths. They do enjoy information and talk about things either related to or not related to their talents. They both enjoy listening and talking to others, I feel their conversations last hours and nothing can stop them. I think they'd enjoy quiet comforts as well, they're very quiet people themselves so the calm comfort of each other after a stressful day is something they might need.
They hadn't gotten much screen-time together, in fact they only did when they were with everyone else however I think there's some missed potential in the two. If there's any of your own headcanons or you wish to add something, please let me know!
[I might do more of these, would anyone be interested?]
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tokosyomaru · 2 years
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›–✁-| sho / it+its nblw / 19
Welcome to my Danganronpa blog... 2!! Sparse reblogs as I haven't had a fixation on this series since like, early 2022. My main is @gemharvest and that is where I will like/ follow/ etc. from. Will probably reply from this blog since u can choose that now but if you get replies from my main that's still me !!
I probably wont tag anything super common within the series (minor gore (blood/ minor wounds), death, weapons, etc.) so be mindful of that when going through my blog. Anything a bit heavy like more graphic gore, child abuse, and etc. will get cw tags, though. Mutuals are free to request I tag something specific (if you only follow this blog but I follow back from main ur still a mutual 👍).
[carrd] + [art blog] + [youtube] |-✃-✁–‹
Fun DGRP interest trivia for those who wanna know:
Ultra Despair Girls is my favorite of the games, though that is definitely a subjective take and bc of some of the shit that goes on in there, I completely understand those who may dislike the game.
Trigger Happy Havoc (DR1) is probably my favorite of the main 3 games. The cast just clicks with me more and also it features my girlsssss Toko and Syo.
Still don't personally understand a lot of the hype around SDR2 I'M SORRY it just doesn't click with me as much. It's still super fun I'm just an outlier in it not being my favorite.
World's strongest Tokosyomaru soldier though I'm kinda on break rn with the fixation not being as hard. Fukawa system defender though I also fucking hate how they were written so I am defending them from the devs as well.
Favorite characters include Komaru Naegi, Toko and Syo Fukawa (those feel like "duh"s to me LOL), Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kazuichi Soda. Aaand I really liked Maki/ Tenko from nDRV3 but I'm going to be real it's been so long since I've thought about that since the ending of the game made me feel super sour so I'm going to have to get back to y'all on that one.
I also really enjoy seeing Naegiri, Sakuraoi, and Tenmiko stuff. Not super into much aside from my affinity for Tokosyomaru, though I appreciate p much any ship in this series as long as it's not the Fukawas and Byakuya (I'm a lot more chill abt that nowadays though it makes me super uncomf still, sorry).
Despite my interest in this series being pretty dormant, feel free to send me asks abt it!! I'd love to chat a bit even if it's not the current active interest. :)
I also love being given drawing prompts as long as when u send something in, you're aware I might sit on it a while before doing it & that I'm not actually obligated to do any requests and that they're more for me to doodle out if I get a good idea/ am really into the prompt.
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suvidrache · 1 year
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 577 | Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: a vacation with chihiro.
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Summer - a time when tourists flocked to the area. A time when people traveled and came wandering around the place, some not knowing what they were doing or where they were headed and sometimes needed help. He hated attention and being around others. You knew that from the time you met him years ago. He loved how quiet you were, how you both stayed away from the masses of people. He couldn't wait for the summer to be over. He could walk better without someone bothering him. It was your idea to take a vacation. He was hesitant at first. He didn't want to be bothered by people, but that was exactly the reason why you were taking a vacation, so he could go out and enjoy himself. Although wandering around might be fun. He decided he'd go.
Together, you both packed and headed out that night. Where were you going? Somewhere with fewer people. When would you be back? You had no idea, but probably when there weren't very many people in Japan. It didn't matter. You would enjoy your vacation with Chihiro. You hoped he would have a good time as well.
You reached an open hotel and checked in. It wasn't a very big one, but it would do. You walked up to your room. Unlocked the door and stepped inside. Surprisingly, Chihiro was with you every step of the way. You had slightly expected him to run off or get lost in some store. A habit of his, going into various bookstores as well as just hopping onto a train to see where it takes him. Some days, he'd have a routine, and others, you wouldn't know what to expect next with him.
You set your luggage down next to the other. Suddenly, his lips were on yours. Your back was against the wall. You kissed him back, your hand stopping just under his shirt, but going no further. He broke away from the kiss, and his lips were on your neck. You tilted your head back with a moan. His hands were on your hips. Your hand made its way further up his shirt. He stopped and took a step back, removing his shirt while you spoke.
"Come back… I want you in me…" you said with the last half of your sentence quieter than the beginning. You only partially wanted him to hear you. His lips were on your neck again, and if you didn't know him better, you would have thought he didn't hear you or was ignoring you. His hand was on your hip, and the other found its way into your clothes. His fingers slowly work to stroke/rub you. His fingers touched just the right spot, and you let out another moan as he continued to get you off. You soon came, and his tip was wet with pre-cum. He stepped away to remove his clothes while you also removed yours.
"Are you ready?"
He lifted you off the ground and slid himself into you while letting out a moan. Your hands grasped his shoulders, and he waited a moment before he pulled his hips back and thrusted them forward. You let out a moan while he continued thrusting into you. His pace became harder and faster as time went on. Although he did moan from time to time, his moans were much quieter than yours. Soon, he came, and he continued thrusting until you did.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @kingdom-of-loango / Join my tag list here!
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plaindangan · 2 years
Plain's Ask Guidelines + Wishlist
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
It’s plain to see, I’m now open for some lewd Danganronpa asks! Well, for now at least! Think of it as testing the waters a bit?
For detailed asks, muses that can be asked are limited to six. For asks that just require a few sentences, I'm willing to extend that to at least ten.
All casts are adults in this, no exceptions! Think like in their twenties (with certain characters being an exception).
Any girl concerning the HPA saga and V3 are up for asks - though with some exceptions and some modified here to be better suited for me.
Sakura resembles more of herself pre-buff, such as in the art with her and Kenshiro. She’s still the strongest human in the world, just more in-line with the other girls now.
With Hiyoko and Himiko, and really short characters in general, they can be asked as either in Growth Spurts (GS) or as shortstacks (Stack). In general, when asking about these types of short characters, please make sure to highlight which do you want.
Concerning the WoH, while they can be asked, should be noted they are also aged up considerably to be on par with the rest of the casts in this (in their twenties give or take). They'll also be the exception to the shortstack rule - all adult bodies.
As for guys, generally prefer writing the main five protagonists (Hajime, Kyosuke, Shuichi, Makoto and Yasuke) . That isn’t to say I can’t do the others, but these are just my preferences. Okay, and Chihiro, too. Because who can resist him! Also throwing in Ryota, because why not?
Feel free to ask about the others though, and if I like it enough I might even do them! Except probably Teruteru and Hifumi? Well, for those guys I might just tweak them if it ever comes to it.
For the spinoffs will be accept asks for the DR0 Girls, Kanon Nakajma, and the Killer Killer girls. Minor relevant girls like Sato, Natsumi, or even scrapped characters like Mrs. Fujisaki are good to ask. Should be doable as long as they come from the entries I listed.
Concerning the married status of Mrs. Naegi and the like, any asks with them with someone beyond their canon partner will be treated as the parties splitting up affably.
(New) This has also been a long time coming, but I am also accepting asks concerning the Rain Code cast too so go nuts for them! As for other fandoms, such as the One Piece asks later on, those are more of a case by case thing. If I do want to do a crossover, I'll make sure to update the wishlist for such a fandom in the future.
Will do for sure - Female casts from the mainline games/anime (1/2/3/DRAE/V3), DR0 girls, Kanon Nakajima, Killer Killer cast and even Scrapped girls.
For males - Hajime, Shuichi, Makoto, Ryota, Kyosuke, Chihiro & Yasuke. Everyone else, case by case
Futa, femboy, spanking, groping, boob/ass expansion, MILFs, twerking, shortstacks, monster girls, all 'jobs', bimbos, genderbending,
Nopes: Scat, death, gore, loli/shota, vore, choking, guess the ‘alpha’ personality or whatever its called? NTR, beastiality/zoophilia.
Just the top of my head, more will get added whenever my brain thinks of them
WISH LIST - The muses of which I kind of desire asks for at the moment! You can still ask for others, just this is what Plain is feeling.
For now its with these ones: Sayaka, Mukuro Ms. Naegi, Akane, Ibuki, Kirumi, Tsumugi, Tenko, Chisa, Ruruka, Ryoko, Hiroko, Fubuki, Guilaume
(New) - Until October is over, feel free to send in asks related to the monster girls/costumes in the 'PlainDR Monsters' tag!
Truth or Dare. Send in 'ToD - Muse: Question' in order to ask one of my muse either a truth or dare to be answered.
Grimoire/Invention/Medical (Transform) Antics. At this point Himiko, Miu and Seiko are saving people the trouble of trying to steal their stuff. Ask 'TA: Question' have them use whatever to grant the asker/muses heart's desire. Libido increase, bodyswapping or modification, just try your luck with an ask.
Lewd Confession - LC - Muse: Question' It involves one muse being asked about they truly feel concerning a kink or other desire, with the bonus of it the answer always being truthful!
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ERROR - 404. [End of Arc]
FF Guard 1: You got anything?
FF Guard 2: No. No sign of anyone down the hallway. We’ll search the cafeteria in a little while, but let’s go check the study rooms first.
FF Guard 1: Komaeda’s still in his cell?
FF Guard 2: Locked up tight. Not that I want to jinx us, but that might be the only good thing about this situation we’ve been caught in.
FF Guard 1: If Komaeda’s not a problem right now, then why is it that Mr Fujisaki has bumped up security so much for the last few nights?
FF Guard 2: I think it might have something to do with that lunatic in the lab coat. You know, the one with the white hair?
FF Guard 1: Oh! That guy! Uh...what was his name?
FF Guard 2: Who knows? Who really cares. Anyway, he’s positioned us like this because he got discharged from the hospital recently. I’m sure the Acting Chairman wants to prevent another outburst. Oh, and just be careful what you say...Kid’s got issues, but they’re apparently serious.
FF Guard 1: Sorry. Guess I sounded a little ableist there, huh?
*The guards leave the area.
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*Uchui, hiding behind a potted plant, and holding his breath, makes sure they’re gone when he comes out of hiding.
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Hrgh...Chihiro Fujisaki...For someone so respectable in the arts of the universe, you can sure be a pain in the neck...!
*He doesn’t waste much time after his brief complaints, making his way to the cafeteria. He steps inside, and approaches the high-security door around the back.
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...*inhale* *exhale*...
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Please work, please work, please work, please work, please work...
*Uchui cringes and holds his breath as he reaches forward and runs his fake ID over the scanner.
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*Beep* *beep*
*It makes a noise, lights up green, and then a click sound triggers the door to open
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*Uchui takes one last look around the area, and sneaks his way inside the room.
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Right...now if I were a pre-prepared meal for a mentally insane superhuman...where would I be?
*He looks around, and then sees a certain box. He approaches it, and checks the tag.
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Right, so the inmate food is here...and Komaeda is the only inmate contained in the main building right now...
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So, Komaeda...what’s for breakfast?
*He opens the case and starts looking inside.
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...Bagels? Huh...That’s it? No butter, no toppings? Just raw bagels?
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Well, I guess you are a prisoner, so you don’t get luxury, but somehow, I have a feeling that isn’t the case with you...
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Psh...while I’m here, I might as well check out the menu. Gotta know what’s on the table when they eventually throw me in a cell.
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*sigh* On the plus side, despite your weird breakfast tastes, you’ve made my job a lot easier for me...
*He pulls two different devices out of his pocket. In his left is the miniscule EMP he developed, and in the other is what looks like a pen.
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Right...let’s hope this works.
*Uchui points the pen at one of the bagels, and presses a button. A tiny laser if fired from the pen, which puts a miniscule hole in the side of the bagel. He then takes the same machine, and flips it around.
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Come on...
*The other side of the pen like tool has a pair of tony grabbers, which Uchui picks up the EMP with, proceeding to then carefully insert it into the bagel hole.
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*With the EMP inside Nagito’s breakfast, Uchui retracts the grabbers.
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Now...time to make my escape...
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*Uchui arrives at the door to his lab after sneaking past more of the guards. He opens the door and steps inside, closing it behind him.
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*He then immediately collapses to the ground.
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* *pant!*...*pant!* *pant!*...*pant!*
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♪ Nanka daru nanka deru Aishiteru are ikko ga chigatterunruu-♪
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*After he calms down, he very nearly leaps out of his skin, when the phone on his desk starts to buzz and play the Lucky Star theme.
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UGH! I gotta change that damn ringtone!
*He angrily gets up and approaches his desk, snatching up his phone and checking the number.
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*The name of the caller reads “404″.
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*He answers the call.
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Hello Agent 404...
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Yeah. Everything’s going well. I just placed the EMP in Komaeda’s breakfast. The tools you gave me definitely helped. You are quite the inventor.
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Am I ok? Hah...Well, why don’t we check the moodboard?
*He turns around and sarcastically looks at his pinned notes.
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Ah, well, would you look at my horoscope!
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Sorry, I know...yelling at you isn’t gonna help with my mental health. But I’ve already had my fair share of anxiety attacks recently.
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And it’s not like I can afford to be calm yet! There are so many ways this can go wrong, and with Komaeda being the central piece, those chances are VERY LIKELY! I’m lucky I haven’t been arrested yet with how much attention is being drawn to me!
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Still...I sense that the Future Foundation will catch on to me soon, so I’m praying to god that EMP works.
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...Yeah...Yeah, I know...Don’t worry about me...Remember, I knew full well that I might be risking my life by doing this...
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Honestly...I want to die...but in the very least, I want my death to mean something.
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It’s not even a matter of hubris or selfishness I just...want to do one good thing...even if it takes my last breath...
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And I have to do a little bit more bad before then, so be it. But that serum MUST get to me...!
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Yeah, I know, I know...But I trust you guys. And I’m gonna seriously need your help.
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Once I’m out of this joint with Komaeda, Bluescreens gonna need to send me someone who knows how to do surgery. The EMP can take care of that chip for a moment, but unless we remove it, Komaeda won’t be safe.
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Yes, I know, Zetsubou will probably notice, but...It doesn’t do us any good if that kill switch activates. It’s better for all sides of this conflict if it’s out of him, and I’m sure Ms Kimura will be happy too. And hey, if push comes to shove, we can just say Future Foundation found the chip and had it removed.
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Anyway...how are things on your end?
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I’m sorry...you’re WHERE!? But that’s-!
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Zen Kataragi? Wh-What, you wanna deal with him NOW!?
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Is now really the time!? Can’t we leave him until AFTER Zetsubou have been dealt with?
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You...You’re doing this so you can gain their trust...? But your plan goes against what they believe in, so...!
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You mean...Him...
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You could ruin everything he’s fought for so far if this goes wrong. I’m warning you now...
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I know full well that me alone against your whole conglomerate is pretty worthless, but I will make you suffer for eternity, if you even THINK about doing ANYTHING to Kuripa! Be that hurting him, or making him do something he would never want!
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No, it’s more than just a simple friendship. I know that man more than anyone else in this multiverse, and he knows just as much about me. My life has never been worth much, but I owe it ALL to him.
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Just...don’t let him go...please...
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Thank you...
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And good luck...
*He hangs up.
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Keep an eye out my friend...This...is where it all where it comes full circle...
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Uchui: And it’s all gonna depend on you.
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To Be Continued...
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
My problematic headcanons? Well in that fandom I really don't know what hc count as problematic or not
But I hc Chihiro as both trans and bigender spectrum so I enjoy the discourse surrounding around it because idk it sounds fun.
And yeah, they forget that game is from Japan and their gender norms and identity revolving around gender is different than we have.
Quite nsfwish but I hc Taka as a top leaning switch yeah this is not even a problematic hc but when I see people tear eachother down for simple hc, I like to include that too
And I believe Gonta would identify as X gender if they have the knowleadge about it (x gender is ig an umbrella for genderqueer identities in Japan)
And I like the hc Gundam have skin picking disorder and his bandages comes from it, well i believe he would do that because of the way he can't healthily manage his emotions when he was a bit isolated one. Or maybe a harmful stimming behaviour, idk really know
(idk what pronouns you prefer for Chi, so I just used my own HC of she/her for this.)
Honestly, Chihiro has such a complex about others looking down on her for being weak, you could argue that any gender makes sense with canon because she simply hasn't thought about it enough.
Also, in the context of a killing game, physical strength means nothing if you have the sense to carry around a weapon. Even if you weigh a hundred pounds soaking wet, nobody will fuck with you if they know you've got a knife. Also, they won't attack anyone they percive as crazy, like Syo or Nagito.
My take about the chapter is that none of the tropes involved were transphobic (the existence of GNC characters isn't transphobic), but comments made by the characters were really squicky and not to my tastes. Since I can't play the game in original Japanese, I'm hoping Sakura's "this girl is actually a boy!" is a mistranslation. I also feel like the fact Kyoko does the same thing to Hifumi that she does with Chihiro makes it less bad.
In a perfect world, I'd also like "maybe we should still treat Chihiro how they were currently presenting, since we don't know if they wanted to live life as male after the secrets were released and might be training as self-defense" but since lives were on the line it makes sense they weren't thinking.
(context: I'm ace and will read smut, but won't read PWP works. It needs to be attached to dead dove or a longfic for me to get invested. Also porn with feelings best tag)
I headcanon all of my faves as tops simply to avoid the weird characterization that comes with them being bottoms. Its like if people took what kind of bunk bed you preferred and based your entire perceived personality based off it and as someone who has a normal bed, I just don't get it.
Yeah, Gonta in canon is so performative about masculinity, in a way that I don't think came solely from them being in the woods. I feel like in their mind, Gonta conflates fitting gender roles with approval from their family, which can't be healthy long term. Also, in Gonta's mind gentleman is "someone that can help others perfectly, even if they don't want to be helped" and if that isn't met they're failing. Even if his version of Masculinity isn't obviously toxic, its still Toxic for Gonta specifically.
Yeah, Gundam probably has a host of unhealthy coping mechanisms. It makes sense for his character, since its revealed he'll hide in the nurse's office to avoid having to be in loud physical situations. I like to belive that Sonia and/or Mikan help him move past them.
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