#do it 👁️👄👁️
iron-mage · 8 months
If you're reading this right now this is your sign to go comment on whatever fic you're currently reading (& also drink some water)
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theotherbuckley · 1 year
Eddie: the universe does not scream
The universe: *tsunami almost takes both Chris and Buck* *lightning traps Eddie in the well where he thinks if Buck and Chris* *sniper shoots Eddie in front of Buck where he has to roll under a fire truck and lift Eddie to safety* *lightning temporarily kills Buck and throws Eddie off the ladder*
*Buck and Eddie still not realising they’re in love*
The universe:
The universe: what the fuck do you want me to do next
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doriana-gray-games · 2 months
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This is how I feel about the latest chapter after Lestrade verbally abused my Sherlock.
Got to say Watson is winning so far with that power move.
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daycourtofficial · 5 months
Do you guys think the hounds in acotar have longer lifespans than typical dogs in our world? Or do you think Eris continues to keep his hounds and allow himself to grow attached to them, knowing their lifespan is only like 10-15 years, as a way to prove to himself that he can care about something, even though he knows it will only end in heartache? One of the few things in his world that provides him some form of comfort and they have expiration dates.
Do you think he has a graveyard for them, somewhere beyond Beron’s gaze, where he can fall apart over the unfairness of his world? And yet, no matter how many he buries, he still gets excited whenever there’s a new litter.
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aanthonyvb · 5 months
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justins-foley · 5 months
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Legitimately cannot believe I’m walking on the same Earth as this man
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ritasanderson · 2 months
Seeing how all the protoframes hate when Eleanor is sneaking inside their heads I just KNOW they won't be happy to also find Drifter here
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hugcollector · 1 year
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.̴̬̬̯̰̭͎̖̘̰͍̗̟͈̝͔͈̟̳̱̺̑͗̌̀̿̆͛̄̽̾͐͊͝ ̴̋̿͛̈̐̈͊̈́͛̇͑̚͠LOSING MY ASCENSION .̴̬̬̯̰̭͎̖̘̰͍̗̟̑͗̌̀̿̆͛̄̽̾͐͊͝
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rubia-peregrinart · 2 months
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the scent of the moon, of flowers they no longer dream of ; it drives the old hunters into a frenzy.
inspired by Konstantin Korobov's Agnus.
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hello-god-its-me-sara · 3 months
Southern Jonathan Crane saying “chigger” to the horror of everyone around him
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
watched good omens to cope with supernatural, tried watching our flag means death to cope with good omens, watching what we do in the shadows to cope with our flag means death right now I HAVE BEEN WRONG EVERY SINGLE TIME MY SOUL CAN'T FIND PEACE
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kraeki · 3 months
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Virgil’s match day activities
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existingingrey · 4 days
Me after shipping the MLs of every crime thriller. That's it I'm done I will never do it again.
Finds the next crime thriller in "Black Out". Okay this is it this is nice the MLs are Detective and Ex-con totally unshippable. I'm saved.
The detective and ex-con in question.
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maedhrosdefender · 1 year
concept i've been thinking about lately: feanor writes all his notes in conlangs. so no one else can understand them, of course. except sometimes, he can't understand them either. this is the real reason why the silmarils were a one time thing.
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l8tof1 · 1 year
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chemblrish · 10 days
Hey Lena, any tips for how to make friends in uni as a nerdy but introverted/socially anxious girlie? 🥺 thank youu
I need you to know I saw this ask and immediately thought, "Did I just get a message from my past self?" 😅 Nerdy and introverted? Check. Used to have very bad social anxiety? Check. I was in therapy though and it was immensely helpful! I'm still a little shy but doing incomparably better, so I can tell you what I've learnt and hopefully some of it can help you too :)
Excuse the language, but first of all, you need to give yourself a fucking break. Shy people, we tend to fixate on ourselves: our looks, our posture, on whether what we just said was weird, and so, all our flaws (both real and imaginary) appear magnified tenfold - but only to us. Because truth is, nobody else is judging you half as harshly as you're judging yourself. Nobody is analyzing all your jokes or the way you walk. If you trip or say something awkward, it genuinely doesn't matter. It happens to everybody sometimes, it's okay. Remember that there's nothing wrong with you. Maybe you're shy, maybe you're easily overwhelmed, maybe you have very little experience making friends - but none of these make you inherently weird. So give yourself a break. You're sincerely doing a lot better than you think, I promise.
Small talk is actually not a bad thing, no matter what some edgelords may try to tell you. I used to spark up a lot of conversations early on in uni by bringing up things like the last test (because most of the time I'd get a mildly pained sigh in response and then we'd bond over how hard it was and how the professor was crazy lol) or the upcoming lab class ("Any interesting exercises in your schedule?") or how my commute to uni that day wrecked me and hey are you a commuter? Oh, you live in a dorm, how do you like it? And many other things of this sort, because if you think about it, uni is a neverending source of conversation topics when you're a student talking to another student.
You know how shy people are advised to just ask questions because everybody loves talking about themselves? That's not a bad advice. The trick is to be genuinely curious about other people. Don't ask just to say something, ask to hear what that other person has to say. This is helpful for two reasons: it takes the focus away from you (which is exactly where shy people shouldn't keep it) by directing it at the other person, and it actually helps to keep the conversation going, because it allows you to find either another thing that might interest you about that person or something to share about yourself.
Maybe it's obvious, but don't hide yourself. I know it's a lot easier to just curl up in a corner with your phone, but you gotta put yourself out there. Hang out with the rest of your course mates outside the lecture hall as you're all waiting for the professor. Take your time packing up afterwards instead of dashing straight for the exit. Don't look for that secluded spot where you can hide safely with a book (even though your introvert instinct tells you to do just that), be where the other students hang out.
Sometimes you have to keep choosing someone. Storytime with a moral: I took a liking to one of my current friends very early in the first semester. She seemed like exactly the kind of person I wanted to stick with in uni. I'd always come up to her and talk to her first but she hardly ever did the same. For some time I'd think, "Welp, clearly she doesn't dislike me, but she doesn't seem to like me much either." Now I can't even remember when that changed, but in an honest conversation we had maybe last month (so after almost two years of knowing each other!!), she told me she often struggles with figuring out whether someone likes her and wants her around or not, so she usually just stays away. You aren't the only introvert out there. Maybe the person you're trying to befriend is also a little anxious and needs a bit more time and effort from you. Don't give up too easily!
Not all people are your people and that's okay. You'll find that trying to talk to someone continuously feels like a chore no matter your good intentions. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with you or with them. Everybody can't click with everybody and that's fine!
And lastly: "different friends for different things" is a liberating philosophy. Maybe there's this one person in this one class that you always sit with and get along with well, but it doesn't seem like either of you wants to take it any further than that. Cool! That's your buddy X from Y class. Not everyone has to be your bestie who knows all your secrets and shares all your interests. Be open to the concept of casual friends, so that you don't miss out on the more meaningful relationships by chasing someone who's just not feelin' it if you know what I mean.
Good luck my fellow introvert. Remember getting better at making friends is a process but also a skill that can be practiced and polished. You got this, I'm rooting for you!
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