#do jinn sleep
padawansuggest · 10 months
Qui-Gon: *on his first night with Padawan Kenobi after his older padawans convinced him he needed a new baby so he’d bother someone else* Alright, now I think it’s bedtime. I know it’s a bit earlier than usual but you have a whole new set of classes to switch to tomorrow so we have to get up early.
Obi-Wan: *is only 11, is fine with more sleep* Okay, Master! *wanders off to get in his pajamas*
Qui-Gon: *making a pot of sleepy tea*
Obi-Wan: *comes back in jammies looking confused*
Qui-Gon: What’s wrong, Padawan?
Obi-Wan: I can’t find my sleepy cocoon.
Qui-Gon: …your sleeping bag? Oh, I assumed you used that for camping in the room of a thousand fountains, do you usually sleep in that at night?
Obi-Wan: ??? No? No I use it sometimes but you’re right, that’s for camping nights. I mean my sleepy cocoon?
Qui-Gon: …what is a sleep cocoon?
Obi-Wan: It’s… it’s a stretchy fabric that goes over you?
Qui-Gon: …gimme a second, I don’t think I saw anything like that in your bags.
One call to the creche later
Creche Master: Is something wrong with Padawan Kenobi settling in?
Qui-Gon: Um, he’s missing something that I don’t think I’ve seen. He called it his sleepy cocoon?
Creche Master: Oh! That went into the laundry this morning, it probably got delivered back to us, I’ll have it sent right away.
Qui-Gon: Um, I need to ask… what is a sleepy cocoon?
Creche Master: *snort* It’s an anti-grav sleeping tube. It’s a compression material so he doesn’t feel it when he starts to float in his sleep. He’s too close to the cosmic force to control it, so they give him the compression tube.
Qui-Gon: …you’re saying he disobeys gravity in his sleep, so the tube makes him stop realizing it?
Creche Master: Yeah, it’s pretty important, actually. It keeps his joints in place. No cricks in his neck or dead arms if they start to fall.
Qui-Gon: Amazing. A straight jacket for his cosmic force abilities. I adore it. Please send it here. He can get out of it on his own, right?
Creche Master: Oh course, it’s just pressure, not actually being tied up.
Qui-Gon: Delightful. I’ll get him extras for off planet missions.
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daddy-ul · 7 months
heya, i'm jinn, i am a basic and i miss atlas rise! live.
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saphronethaleph · 4 months
“There are… rumours, in the Senate, about Master Kenobi,” Palpatine confided. “Many believe he is not fit for this assignment.”
“Not fit?” Anakin repeated. “Why would anyone think that?”
Palpatine spread his hands slightly. “They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator.”
Anakin blinked.
“That’s ridiculous,” he said. “Who?”
“No one knows who she is,” Palpatine said, slyly. “Only that she is a Senator.”
“Oh, okay then,” Anakin replied. “It’s complete nonsense.”
Palpatine frowned.
“You seem very certain about that, Anakin,” he noted.
“Yeah, but rumours are usually pretty specific about details like that,” Anakin shrugged. “It’s a rumour in the Senate, right? So it’s a rumour about a Senator, too.”
Palpatine began to object, then paused.
“Well, yes, but not specifically-” he began.
“Are there rumours about a Senator whose judgement has been impaired because she’s sleeping with a Jedi?” Anakin went on. “Because if there is then we just line them up and that explains who it is. Or who it’s supposed to be.”
He frowned, minutely. “My money’s on Mon Mothma, honestly. Or Bail Organa. Are we sure the rumour said female?”
Palpatine raised a hand.
“Well-” he began, but Anakin was already standing up.
“Actually, I’m going to ask someone else about this,” he said. “See you later, Chancellor!”
“Anakin, I’m trying to-” Palpatine said, but he was talking to an empty office.
“Really?” Padme asked, then shook her head. “No, that’s not one I’ve heard.”
“You’re sure it’s not one that’s passed you by?” Anakin asked. “I don’t know how much Senators talk to one another.”
“We do it a lot,” Padme told him dryly. “It’s the main thing we have time to do. Are you sure the rumour said female? Because I’m getting a lot of my information from Bail Organa, and he’d be my first guess.”
“He was my second,” Anakin told his wife. “But, no, Palpatine was sure it was a female senator.”
“Then I’m out of ideas,” Padme said. “I’d have thought Mon Mothma, but she’s happily married to Perrin Fertha and he looks more like Qui-Gon Jinn than Obi-Wan.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Anakin said. “And, honestly, I don’t really believe it myself… he didn’t shack up with Satine even when it would have been a net benefit to the Order and the Galaxy and stuff.”
He frowned. “Unless…”
“Unless?” Padme asked. “That sounds like you’ve had an idea, Ani.”
“What about if the rumour was trying to throw me off?” Anakin asked. “I heard it from the Chancellor, but maybe he has another reason to say it. He is a politician… maybe Obi-Wan is seeing Palpatine, and the female senator bit was to throw me off?”
Padme blinked.
“I’m fairly sure they don’t like one another very much?” she tried.
“That’s just what they want us to think, right?” Anakin asked. “Think about it! That’s actually a way better way to disguise a relationship than what we’ve been doing.”
He glanced at Padme. “What have we been doing to disguise our relationship, actually? I’m sure there’s something.”
“We don’t tell anyone that we’re married?” Padme said. “It’s worked so far.”
“True,” Anakin agreed, relieved. “I’m glad we’re doing something.”
Padme smiled, then her smile turned into a frown. “Now I think about it, I can’t remember a time when Palpatine was interested in women – as a Senator or as a Chancellor. So it’s not immediately wrong… I just can’t think of a time he was interested in men either.”
Anakin looked thoughtful. “I think… I’m trying to think of a time he’s looked at Obi-Wan that way, but the only person I can think of he looked at that way is me…”
Obi-Wan’s commlink rang, and he nearly crashed his starfighter into the raw matter of hyperspace itself.
“What is it?” he asked, picking up the commlink in one hand.
“Master!” Anakin said. “I think Palpatine is just using you to get to me!”
Obi-Wan, who had no context whatsoever, just sort of stared for several seconds.
“What?” he said, then noticed that the nav computer was giving him urgent warnings and yanked back on the hyperdrive lever. His Actis fighter dropped out of hyperspace, and he disengaged from the hyperspace ring with the practised motion of someone who had become very, very good at a thing they fundamentally didn’t like doing very much.
“I thought about how he’s been looking at me,” Anakin explained. “Whatever he’s told you, I don’t think it’s real.”
“Anakin, what are you-” Obi-Wan began, then paused. “Actually… wait.”
“What?” Anakin asked. “You don’t believe me?”
“I am trying to think,” Obi-Wan answered. “And fly a ship, as well. I have a job to do before Cody gets here.”
“All right, Master, I’ll wait,” Anakin said. “But this is important. I don’t want your heart to be broken.”
“My – no, this is important, Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied. “You killed Dooku, correct?”
“This seems completely irrelevant, but yes,” Anakin answered. “Why?”
“I was thinking about something Dooku told me once,” Obi-Wan told Anakin. “He said that Darth Sidious had control of a lot of Senators.”
“Still not seeing the connection, unless you think those Senators have been seducing you,” Anakin replied.
“I think the Chancellor is Sidious,” Obi-Wan declared. “And, Anakin, you’re going to have to tell the Council and get help sorting it out, I am landing in less than two minutes.”
Anakin was silent for several seconds of those less than two minutes.
“If you want to break up with him, Master, you don’t need the whole Jedi Council to do it for you,” he said. “And if you think he’s hideous, why did you start sleeping with him in the first place?”
“Put Padme on the line,” Obi-Wan suggested. “No, wait.”
“Waiting, Master,” Anakin replied.
Obi-Wan took a deep, calming breath.
“Put your wife on the line,” he resumed. “Or, if she’s not there, tell her that I’m fairly sure Chancellor Palpatine is the other Sith we’ve been looking for. And get her to call a vote of no confidence, she’s good at those.”
Satisfied that that would buy him the time he needed, he began making his final landing approach.
It was only a shame he wouldn’t get to see their faces, really. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
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Noncanonicals Tournament Round 1, Match 7
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Match 7 is between John 'Jack' Seward from Dracula (shizun/mentor: Abraham van Helsing) and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars (shizun/mentor: Qui-Gon Jinn)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
John 'Jack' Seward:
Actual quotes from the letter in which John Seward introduce Van Helsing:
"I am in doubt, and so have done the best thing I know of. I have written to my old friend and master, Professor Van Helsing, of Amsterdam, who knows as much about obscure diseases as any one in the world. [...]
Van Helsing would, I know, do anything for me for a personal reason, so no matter on what ground he comes, we must accept his wishes. He is a seemingly arbitrary man, this is because he knows what he is talking about better than any one else. He is a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his day, and he has, I believe, an absolutely open mind. This, with an iron nerve, a temper of the ice-brook, and indomitable resolution, self-command, and toleration exalted from virtues to blessings, and the kindliest and truest heart that beats, these form his equipment for the noble work that he is doing for mankind, work both in theory and practice, for his views are as wide as his all-embracing sympathy."
I feel like this speaks for itself tbqh.
Also, here's Van Helsing's answer to Seward's offscreen summons:
"When I received your letter I am already coming to you. By good fortune I can leave just at once, without wrong to any of those who have trusted me. Were fortune other, then it were bad for those who have trusted, for I come to my friend when he call me to aid those he holds dear. Tell your friend that when that time you suck from my wound so swiftly the poison of the gangrene from that knife that our other friend, too nervous, let slip, you did more for him when he wants my aids and you call for them than all his great fortune could do. But it is pleasure added to do for him, your friend, it is to you that I come.[...]"
The Gangrene Incident is never explained beyond this. Just. Jack sucked Van Helsing canon and real
Rest assured that they are like this from here to the end of the novel
See above; also, let's remember the fact that Jackie can apparently do a bang up Dutch accent to give full bodied performances mimicking his professor. Van H also implies that he and Jack are blood-married.
Even though they are mentor/student, Van Helsing strongly believes Jack is his equal in many ways and confides in him just for emotional stability. Stereotypically the mentor pushes the student outside of his comfort zone, but it is Jack who introduces the professor to everyone else in the story. Van Helsing tells another character that Jack helps alleviate his loneliness. He writes his "in case I die" memos to Jack specifically, because there is no one else who would understand him better.
Oh also Van Helsing has a running theme of barging into Jack's room unannounced, waking him up gently from his sleep, invading his personal space with little protest.
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
None submitted
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Confessions {Qui-Gon Jinn x Reader}
approx. 1,000 words
Summary: You and Anakin blow off some steam by getting drunk together. When you return back for the night you are greeted by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi who insist you get to bed. As Qui-Gon prepares you to sleep, he hears your drunken confessions; of love and insecurities.
Warnings: F! reader, insecurities, drunkenness, (Anakin and reader are in their 20s), reader and Anakin are platonic, angst, 18+
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As you return back to the grounds from your impulsive bar hopping with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are the first people you see. Disappointment is clearly written all over their faces, since two of their best Jedis are coming home past curfew and three sheets to the wind.
"sshhhh Ani, someone could hear us," you giggle out whisper yelling as he trips over his feet like a new born giraffe.
"Sorry, which way do we go," he asked with a tilted head, not sure if he could recognize the corridors in the dark.
"This way, follow m-" you started as you turned left but were cut off by the strong chest of Master Qui-Gon who was just around the corner.
Behind Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan, who could not hold back his giddiness. He wasn't angry at your antics. He loved that you and Anakin were acting like normal young people but had to put on a poker face for Qui-Gon as he handed down punishments.
Your cheeks were flush, scarlet with embarrassment for getting caught by someone you respected so highly. You were always trying to please Qui-Gon. It was an unspoken truth that you were his favorite padawan; because of your discipline in learning the ways of the force and in the longing glances you both exchanged over the past many months.
Qui-Gon's piercing gaze fixes on Anakin, and then shifts to you, his brow furrowing as he detects something beneath the surface. He knew that bar hopping wasn't your idea. Anakin was corrupting the sweet girl beside him, and Qui-Gon was not going to stand for it.
"Anakin, Obi-Wan will escort you back to your quarters," Qui-Gon ordered, putting an end to the night's activities. "And you," he turned and lowered his gaze to your sheepish figure, "come with me."
You nod in comply and Qui-Gon gently takes you by the hands, leading you to your bedroom. Yawning the whole way there, Qui-Gon's anger fades into protectiveness, just wanting to make sure you don't hurt yourself and sleep off as much as you can of what will be a massive hangover.
He shuts the door quietly, as to not startle you with any loud sounds and sees you struggling to remove your tunic. Your arms are stuck three quarters of the way out and the twisting of your shoulders isn't making the fabric roll up your back as you hoped it would.
"hhmph! Qui, could you help me, pretty pleasssssse," you slur out to him for assistance. He doesn't want to risk any impropriety but seeing you struggle was enough to throw all of the norms out the window.
"Relax your arms," he said, reaching for the hem of the shirt to pull over your head. Free from the straight jacket tunic, you stood before him in your lilac lace bra.
He let out a shallow breath as he looked down at you, remarking to himself how soft and cuddly your skin appears to be, and the way the lace of the bra seems to be painted on your breasts, fitting perfectly to the swell of your chest.
In no time flat you have removed your bottoms and exposed you cheeky bum to him, clad in lilac panties, matching your bra.
Oblivious to the tension of the situation, since your mentor is a foot away from your practically naked form you ask, "would you tuck me in?"
He nods, and follows you to the edge of the bed. He watches you cuddle into the silky soft sheets and nuzzle up to your pillow. Qui-Gon loosely drapes the blanket around your form and shift to get up as you reach for his wrist.
"Is there something else you need of me?" he asked, thinking you would ask for another blanket or for a glass of water.
You hesitate, feeling a wave of insecurity wash over you. "Can you… stay? Just for a little while? Just to talk?"
"What is it you would like to talk about?" he inquired, knowing you already confide in him as a mentor for your Jedi training. For some reason he could sense that this would be a different kind of conversation.
"Qui-Gon?" you say barely a whisper.
"Yes?" he replies, his gaze fixed on you with unwavering attention.
"Am… am I pretty?" you ask, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What?" Qui-Gon's brow furrows in confusion. "Of course, you are," he says, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "You are beautiful, both inside and out."
Tears fell at the corners of your eyes as Qui-Gon's words wash over you, colliding with some of the negative feelings of your own body's image in your mind. The alcohol had gotten the best of your emotions.
"Then why… why don't boys like me?" you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "I mean, I try to be nice and friendly but no body seems to look at me. Like I train, and I train, and I train but I am still soft and nervous around people. I feel like this is a never ending cycle of disappointment. I'm too ugly for my own good."
You end your rant with a heavy heart and a long silent pause. You slowly lift your head from where it is on your pillow to see if Qui-Gon left. Instead, his gaze meets yours with a flicker of angry passing through his eyes.
"They are complete fools," he said passionately. "They fail to see you for your truest form. You tower over them in intellection, and float by them with elegance and grace."
"But Qui-" you sit up and raise your hand to stop him but he continues.
"No, you should never feel less than because these dumb boys don't see what I see in you."
For the first time in a long while, you allow yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, you are worthy of love.
"I'm sorry for getting so worked up. Its time to rest now," he says, settling in next to you in bed, sat up, and rubbing your back soothingly over the covers.
You welcome the feeling of his hands and of his warmth radiating over the entire bed.
"Thank you," you whisper to him as you drift of to sleep.
Of course, starlight. I want you to feel loved. I will always be here for you.
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thesassypadawan · 6 months
Sweet Padawan Of Mine (Master Qui-Gon x FemPadawanReader)
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Summary: Who would think that Qui-Gon’s sweet, innocent, little padawan liked it rough. That beneath her robes she was so…beautiful.
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there sooo much of the smut. Dom Qui-Gon, Sub Padawan, painful sex, age gap, and…Qui-Gon’s fat dick. Padawan reader is of age.
- Standing in front of the mirror, you stare at your reflection intently.
- You are Master Jinn’s padawan. His sweet, innocent, little padawan. At least, that’s how the rest of the galaxy sees you.
- Smirking, you slip off his cloak. Revealing a body covered in an array of bruises, bites, and hickeys.
- “Beautiful,” Qui-Gon mutters. Coming to stand behind you, he absolutely towers over your smaller frame. The size difference sends a thrill down your spine. “You are more beautiful than the star filled sky.”
- “Bea-beautiful?” You whisper shyly, a dusting of pink on your cheeks.
- Big hands come to rest on your sore hips. Lips kiss the tender marks that litter your shoulders and neck. “Yes, beautiful. Bruised so perfectly. Forever bearing the evidence of who you belong to.”
- A gasp escapes your lips as he squeezes your thoroughly abused ass. He chuckles darkly at the sound. “Tell me, who is it that you belong to, sweet padawan of mine? Who makes you cry out in ecstasy each night?”
- “You… I belong to you, master,” you whimper. Pressing back into his rough touch. “Inside and out.”
- “Don’t you ever forget that,” Qui growls. Nipping harshly at your neck, making you moan. “Now why don’t we make you more beautiful?”
- “Please,” you beg. Body growing warm. “Please, make me more beautiful for you.”
- Lifting you effortlessly, he sets you on your shared sleep couch. Joining you, he smacks your bottom. Pain rippling through you tenderized flesh as he says the single command of… “Arch.”
- Without hesitation, you obey. Kneeling, your head down and cheek pressed to the mattress. Your back curves, posture perfected under Qui-Gon’s training. Hands splayed out before you, held in place by the force.
- Hips twitch instinctively to his bulbous tip sliding through your wet folds. His pre mixing with your slick, coating his massive cock.
- You’re practically shaking, body still sensitive from the previous night’s escapades. From him fucking you ruthlessly. From anticipation of the sweet ache, the ache that you crave so badly. “Master… Need it…”
- “Shhh, it’s all right. I’ll give you exactly what you need.” Snapping his hips, he buries himself to the hilt. A pleased rumble coming from his chest as you yelp out from the burning stretch.
- His grip on your waist tightens. Yet you stay poised, never faltering. Despite the hard slaps he delivers to your ass and thighs…even your poor clit. Cries of pain escape you.
- “So lovely. Your screams are like music to my ears, little one,” Qui groans. Long fingers digging into your blemished skin, cupping your breasts. Pathetic mewls falling from your lips.
- Your mind is becoming hazy. Thighs are trembling. Walls fluttering and clenching around him. You wonder how much longer you can stay upright, your orgasm fast approaching. All you can do is whine desperately into the sheets.
- Qui-Gon’s grunts fill you ears. You can feel his cock pulsing deep inside of you. His hips bucking wildly, heavy balls slamming against your bottom. “That’s it. Cum for me. Cum…with…me!”
- Squealing out in pleasure, shuddering waves of ecstasy crash through your body. While he moans low, thick spurts of cum filling your pussy. Overflowing, dripping down on your thighs.
- Releasing his force hold on your wrists, you nearly collapse. Hands now holding you gently, kissing lovingly down your spine. Muttering soft praises into your bruised skin. “Beautiful…absolutely beautiful.”
- “Bea-beautiful?” You stammer, the ache beginning to set in.
- “So beautiful for me. With each new mark, your beauty only grows,” he murmurs. His grip slowly tightens. “Shall we add some more then, sweet padawan of mine?”
- “Yes…please, master.” The words barely leave your lips and Qui starts pounding into you again. Further bruising you, marking you forever as his.
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the-greatest-8 · 4 months
Anakin felt like the word had ended, his heart felt hollow and his mind was a mess. It had only been two weeks since his Master Jinn died, and he felt that loss stab into almost as harshly as his mother's.
His mom was still alive however- Anakin felt tears build up in his eyes, as his mind painfully reminded him he still could never see her again. Anakin did not know how to cope, he felt like his whole world was thrown upside down. Obi-wan did not seem as affected however, and it made Anakin angry.
Obi-wan did not seem to be mourning his own fallen Master, not like Anakin did. Not like Anakin is. He could not wrap his head around it, Obi-wan cared about Master Jinn, right? Then why did he not hurt like Anakin did? Why was he so unaffected? Where was the soul crushing sadness Anakin felt keenly?
Anakin huffed, kicking off his blankets, it was late. Most nights since that day he struggled with getting rest, ultimately making him feel even worse. Anakin just couldn't sleep though, his mind moving constantly, preventing him from closing his eyes. Often, Anakin just laid in bed, feeling as though he was choking on his own grief. He sighs, and begrudgingly drags himself out of bed- If he can't sleep, he might as well try to study his Basic language learning module. Try to, he'll likely just end up with a great big headache.
Anakin silently made his way to his bedroom door, letting it slide open with a near silent hiss. He begins to make his way through the hallway to the living room- When a soft sound emanating from the room stops him. Anakin pauses, attempting to understand what he's hearing when he realizes it; It's crying. Anakin is hearing soft crying coming from the living room. He tenses up, but sneaks closer, curious to know what is happening.
As he makes it to the entrance, he peeks in, and his gut twists at what he sees. Obi-wan is on the couch, softly sobbing as he holds a picture frame. Anakin knows what framed photo he has. It was the same one he himself had cried at countless times- It was a photo of Master Jinn, smiling and holding a 'Pathetic life-form' as Obi-wan had dubbed it. Anakin feels his stomach twist uncomfortably, seeing, and feeling Obi-wans grief for the first time.
Obi-wans shields must have slipped this late at night, because his sadness coats the room. It's a thick enough ache that it feels overwhelming- Anakin can only compare it to one of the vicious sandstorms Tatooine would have. Violent and unyielding, it would quickly overtake you if you didn't take shelter.
Anakin bites his lip, feeling guilty, this is a private moment, he realizes. He doesn't know what to do however, a part of him is sadly relieved. A bigger portion of him is guilty at that, he doesn't understand, why would Obi-wan hide this? Why would he pretend he didn't mourn his deceased Master? Anakin doesn't know what to think, as he watches thick rivers of tears fall down Obi-wans face, matching his intense force projections. A part of Anakin wants to reach out, to share his own grief, the part of him that is desperate to not be alone.
Anakin doesn't know if he'd be welcome- Obi-wan didn't share this with him, he probably doesn't want to.
However, before Anakin can sneak away, Obi-wan pauses. Anakin feels a deep pit of dread in his stomach as Obi-wans sad blue eyes meets his. Obi-wan blinks, before a soft 'Oh' leaves his lips, and the crushing despair of the room lessens as his shields slip back into place. Anakin feels uncomfortable with that- it still feels wrong, to pretend that Master Jinns death didn't mean something.
"Anakin.." Obi-wan starts, wiping his face dry of tears, "I'm sorry, I didn't wake you did I?" He asks, his face flashing with guilt. Anakin bites his lip, "No, I couldn't sleep." He says, battling with the urge to ask questions that will likely be shot down. He feels a flush rise on his face, "Are you okay?" Anakin asks, partly desperate to hear Obi-wans response.
Obi-wans face goes through a complicated set of emotions, before settling with a sad smile- It matches with his sad eyes, Anakin thinks distantly. "I'm okay my dear, simply working through something." Obi-wan says, peering at Anakin. Anakin shuffles a bit, feeling awkward, and a tad frustrated. He takes a fortifying breath and looks away from Obi-wan, "Can I stay out here with you?" He asks, waiting for rejection.
He hears Obi-wan hum, "Of course dear, come, sit down. I'll go make some tea." Obi-wan says, and begins to get up. Anakin quickly darts to the couch and hunkers down, grabbing a soft throw and hiding himself within it. Anakin feels a wave of.. fondness from Obi-wan, as he makes his way to the kitchen.
Anakin thinks he likes that feeling, it's nicer then the blankness he feels from Obi-wan a lot.
After a few minutes, Obi-wan returns with two cups of tea, the soft smell of citrus giving away what blend it is. Anakin feels a pang of grief echo in his ribs, it's a blend of tea Master Jinn often favored. He takes his cup from Obi-wans waiting hand with a soft thanks, and sips it, his eyes fluttering at the familiar taste. Unwilling, Anakin's eyes begin to fill with tears, and his throat becomes tight.
He sniffles, trying discreetly to hide his growing emotions, but startles when his cup is taken from his hands. Obi-wan places the cup down and pulls a surprised Anakin into a hug. Anakin suddenly loses all progress he made in fighting his tears, as hiccuping sobs break free. He hides his face in Obi-wans shoulder as he clings himself to the older man. Obi-wan rocks Anakin gently, sending him feelings of comfort and safety through the force. Anakin begins to sob even greater clumsily trying to send the same back at Obi-wan.
He feels Obi-wans surprise, followed quickly by affection and a soft, gooey feeling Anakin doesn't have time to analyze. He feels Obi-wan kiss the top of his head as Anakin's tears start to slow. Anakin starts to feel like maybe the world isn't fully turned around, as his eyes start to droop with his exhaustion.
Authors note-
Hey! Hope you guys liked this bit of hurt/comfort. I got possessed this morning by the writing demon and had to get this out of my system. I feel like I ought to just post these on AO3 of somewhere else lol. Sorry for any errors, I haven't slept in a good deal and will likely come back to edit any issues.
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nteabodies · 2 years
Qui gon has a space youtube channel where he uploads videos of cool plants and reviews books on space botany with the occasional random footage of jedi stuff. The content is either very dry or very chaotic with shaky cam and somewhat blurry footage.
He made the account when he was a padawan after Dooku (nursing a headache from Qui Gon's latest hyperfixation) wearily asked him to channel his love for plants somewhere else at least until this migraine subsides, padawan
He realises that he actually loves making videos and chatting endlessly to a camera. His first few videos end up being 3 to 4 hours long and focuses on obscure plants and random books he found in Dookus room
The jedi Council is a little illiterate when it comes to social media (it hasnt caused any problems for the order yet so its pretty much unregulated) so QuiGon isn't actually breaking any rules when he posts videos without making them private. Many jedi do have social media accounts but they tend to use it for more professional purposes, so Qui Gon's channel slips under the radar with an average of like 5 views per video.
He continues using the channel as a botany/cute animals/philosophy/ranting outlet throughout his apprenticeship.
Once he's knighted he has less time to upload videos so his most common type of videos end up being those 20 second to 1 minute clips ft. Something Funny or Something Cool or just blurry footage with unintelligible audio.
Ofc when he gets padawans, he also posts random vids of them when he catches them in 4k doing sth stupid/cute.
By the time obi wan comes around, qui gon's space youtube channel has like, 50 short videos of feemor and xanatos doing things like petting tookas, failing spectacularly at executing a flashy ataru form, being sappy while high on painkillers, running away from qui gon as he holds a flesh-eating parasite towards them and shouts 'why are you running?' etc etc
At this point he has about 20 or so regular viewers who either think he's roleplaying a jedi or are members of the jedi order who find it hilarious (mainly Qui-Gon's friends and, for some reason, Master Yoda)
Anw the point of this is to lead to the premise of one of his videos going viral during the clone wars (possibly the one of general kenobi when he was 14 doing a backflip and landing on his face. Or the one of him sleeping while half his body is dangling outside a window. Or the one where he does this).
It's good PR for the jedi bc it shows them as slightly chaotic but peaceful people who are at their core just like everyone else (idiots).
It's memed to the extent that it reaches the eyes of the Jedi Council and Anakin who immediately like brings it to obi wan like "Master is this really you??"
Obi Wan randomly discovering this treasure trove of videos that shows so much of the person his master used to be, missing his dad so much but at the same time feeling a little betrayed that Qui Gon uploaded such embarrassing videos to a public forum where anyone could view it: you are haunting me from beyond the grave master
And the channel has both clips of Qui Gon and Obi wan as padawans, so there would definitely be fan compilation videos comparing their feral padawan energy. Obi Wan feels seen bc no one used to believe him when he told them that calm Master Jinn was actually crazier than him but now he finally has proof but then angst bc Qui Gon is not there so he can't rub his face in it :(
Anakin and ahsoka discovering that their cool and calm master used to be wilder and more feral than them before qui gon died and left him to raise a child: that's actually very sad.
The general public seeing Dooku in the bg of qui gon's padawan videos: is General Kenobi... fighting a war... against his jedi grandpa?
Anw this can go two ways: either this is just a cute thing that happened during the clone wars and everything else happened the same as canon OR it inadvertently saves the galaxy
Canon: the videos make everyone involved Feel Things but don't change their actions. The empire never gets around to banning the channel so Obi wan uses it as one of his last sources of comfort in the desert as he watches over luke. Once he reconnects with Qui-Gon's force ghost, they bond by watching old videos from the channel. Years later, Luke discovers Obi Wans old datapad and inadvertently finds out about the original viral video and the channel. It ends up being a very good reference for painting a picture of jedi life pre-empire. Luke uses it as a reference when building his jedi academy but not before spending a solid hour laughing at the padawan kenobi fail compilations
Dooku watching some of the videos and all the fluff (and possibly seeing the vlog where padawan qui gon talks about the differences between attachments and love with regards to jedi and bringing up his bond with dooku): Actually maybe I can leave the jedi order and make positive change without becoming a sith lord. Maybe I can help the jedi order without agreeing with everything they do.
Anakin watching the same video on attachments vs love and going to obi wan
Anakin: Do you love me master?
Obi wan: ???
Obi wan: You are my brother anakain??? Of course I love you??? But why are you asking me?? Are you okay?? Do you have something to confess perhaps?? Like about a senator?? A senator that has a name beginning with a p??
Anakin, panicking: Ah yes p-pa-palpatine did tell me a strange story about a wise sith lord when we went for our weekly bonding session yesterday
Obi wan: I -
Obi wan: I meant your marriage to Padme actually but wtf there is a lot to unpack there.
And anakin is just reeling from the fact that
1) obi wan loves him
2) obi wan knew about padme and didn't say anything
So he doesn't get angery when Obi wan brings the palpy matter to the jedi Council and investigates him. Then add in a few well-timed coincidences bc this is a fix it and yay palpy overthrown!!
Anakin prolly voluntarily leaves the order and becomes a happy trophy husband for Padme after a long talk with Obi wan about his future where he reevaluates his life decisions. ("Anakin you will be my brother whether or not you're in the order")
Obi wan meets Qui Gons force ghost and does get to rub it in his face that he was a less feral padawan than Qui Gon.
And they all lived happily ever after except palpatine who died angrily ever after.
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writersblockedx · 2 years
𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
Hi, Welcome to my supernatural masterlist! As this is the fandom I seem to have written the most for, it’s taken up around half of my main masterlist, so I thought it’d be easier to have a whole separate one where you can find every fic related to supernatural.
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★ - Angst ☆ - Fluff ☆ミ - Series
Dean Winchester
★ Careful What You Wish For Dean’s been pining for his best friend for years now. Though, it isn’t until he breaks out from the Jinn’s dream world (in which she took the role of his girlfriend), that he comes clean.
★ Survivors Guilt When Dean returns back to the land of the living, he seeks out to locate his girlfriend. He finds her sitting alone at a bar; it’s obvious this time without him has changed her.
★ When Evil isn’t so Bad Dean was brought up to believe demons were nothing but the enemy, a monster to be slain. But when the Winchester Brothers find Y/n, a demon whose not so bad, his opinion begins to sway.
☆  Remedies for Insomniacs Y/n is notorious for getting herself hurt. So when she can’t sleep, Dean fixes up everything he can to ease her insomnia.
★The Soulmate Situation It’s written in every hunter handbook that to stay clear of ones soulmate; a rule of which Dean has lived by all his life. After Y/n fixes up Dean’s wounds, it becomes clear she’s more than just his nurse. The boy does everything he can to push her away.
☆ミ  The Side Effects of Curses While hunting a witch, Y/n gets a rather harmful curse placed on her. Slowly, the people around her begin to forget her existence - Dean is the last, and only, person who remembers, stopping at nothing to lift the curse. Part two When Y/n bumps into her forgotten friends on a hunt, they team up together, unaware of how they once knew her. Dean gets a hunch something is up and doesn’t stop until he figures out what exactly.
★ Lawless Y/n is assigned the impossible case of catching the Winchester brothers. When she finally gets her hands on them, a threat of which only they can solve hits. Y/n has no choice but to turn to them for help.
★ If It was a preference You had your own history with the Winchester brothers, in particular, Dean. So when the two bumped into you, accompanied by a new hunter partner, jealousy can’t help but grow.
★ That Grey Area When Sam and Dean discover that their fellow friend and hunter is in fact getting involved in witchcraft, they can’t help but take matters into their own hands.
☆ The Exception Y/n and Dean have been silently pining for one another since they first met. Though, things suddenly start to come out when the two venture on a hunt on their own.
☆ Bad Dreams When the mark begins to conjure vicious nightmares for Dean, it’s only a matter of time before his best friend finds out.
★  Places We Shouldn’t Go When Y/n suffers a panic attack at a crowded bar, the brothers do all they can to help calm her.
☆ Unwind After a long hunt, both of the brothers are tired and in need of Y/n’s comfort.
Sam Winchester
☆ Coffee Stains and Stolen Jackets Sam is utterly infatuated with a girl in his weekly lecture. When she comes in one day, wearing a coffee stained shirt, he offers her his jacket; it just so happens to be the start of something.
★ Places We Shouldn’t Go When Y/n suffers a panic attack at a crowded bar, the brothers do all they can to help calm her.
☆ Unwind After a long hunt, both of the brothers are tired and in need of Y/n’s comfort.
Casitel Novak
★ Healing Wounds Y/n usually sits behind the front lines, doing all she can to research the monsters that the brothers slaughter. When the girl finds herself shoved into the frontlines, Cass worries it may go south. When it does, he struggles to keep his feelings to himself.
If you’d like to get tagged in any future supernatural fics click here! Other than that, happy reading!
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crazyfoolish · 1 month
You're So Vain | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part 4
Summary: Y/N has nightmares and Obi-Wan enters her room. The next day, Duke Castell asks for her hand in marriage.
Prompt: but you gave away the things you loved, and one of them was me.
Warnings: PTSD, severed limbs, assault.
Complete chapter list here.
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I tossed and turned, unable to sleep for yet another night. My attempt to push Obi-Wan into sharing more about the investigation had completely backfired. Instead of getting him to open up, I ended up feeling more exposed, as if he’d dug deeper into my mind.
On the bright side, I was starting to feel better—stronger, like I could finally leave the palace. But at night, the demons returned—in dreams, in whispers through the walls, in screams. Soon enough, as they started, I screamed too.
In my dreams, I saw my people—Padmé, Corin, and Obi-Wan—lifeless, heaped together on a battlefield. A Sith Lord, adorned in menacing red and black, loomed over them, his yellow eyes gleaming ominously. Had I seen him before?
My eyes snapped open to meet Obi-Wan's concerned gaze.
“Y/N…” he whispered. “Are you alright? What happened?”
Everything, I wanted to answer. But first, I needed to figure out what he was doing in my room, in my bed. His lightsaber was unsheathed, emitting a soft, blue light, humming. He stood above me, head held high, looking around.
“It was a dream,” I murmured, scratching my eyes. “What happened?”
“You screamed, so I took the liberty of entering,” his voice sounded empty.
“Of course you did,” I managed a smile. He came down to the bed, looking curious. “It’s those nightmares… I can sleep now, but they still bother me a bit.” I leaned on my elbows, amused by the intrusion. He sure was effective.
“You should speak to a healer about it, Senator,” he frowned.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry to wake you.”
"It's not about that. You should genuinely see a healer. I can request one from the Queen," he said, moving toward the door to summon help.
“No need, Master Kenobi,” I laid back. “I just need to rest, that’s all.”
"I've heard your cries before. These dreams, they're robbing you of peace. You're exhausted."
"I'm actually feeling much better," I protested.
He sighed skeptically and rang for a servant. "I find that hard to believe."
"You make a terrible caretaker," I joked.
"I am not your caretaker. I am your Jedi Knight," he corrected, a hint of irritation in his voice as he left to speak with the attendant who arrived.
Your Jedi Knight.
The phrase hung in the still air of the room.
Within ten minutes, the healer arrived, her hair slightly messy, wearing night robes over a kimono. Her long black hair was neatly braided. As she started her examination, Obi-Wan watched from a distance.
"Could you remove your blouse, please?" she requested, casting a brief glance toward Obi-Wan, who promptly excused himself, leaving us in privacy. A small, knowing smile graced her lips. Despite appearing no older than forty, I was aware of Amala's lengthy service to the Queen. "He's quite concerned about you," she noted.
“Unnecessarily so,” I retorted. “It’s not something that can be fixed, like a broken bone; it’s my mind that is shattered.”
I knew she would understand, and she nodded, but in her eyes, there was some hesitation.
“There is… something,” she said while touching the cold stethoscope to my nude back. “But I’m afraid I cannot help you with that.”
“What is it?”
"I'm surprised the Jedi hasn't suggested it," she mused.
“What?” I grew more curious, turning to her.
“The Jedi have many practices to ease the mind, to rid oneself of anxiety.”
I remember hearing Master Jinn say something similar years ago.
“Are you suggesting I meditate?” I scowled.
“Precisely. He could teach you. It could help you a great deal,” her voice suddenly hardened. Amala knew how stubborn I could be. “Besides your weakness, everything seems to be fine. Continue to eat and sleep, and try to talk with him,” she asked, rubbing my back. I got dressed again. I tried to smile goodbye, but it came out faint. Talk with him about… meditation? Clearing my mind? Closing my eyes was like instantly inviting the demons and the nightmares back in. Could that really help me? If I gained a sound mind, maybe he would trust me and let me help him.
"What did she recommend?" Obi-Wan inquired immediately upon her departure, his examination swift and concerned.
"I'm fine," I muttered, avoiding his gaze.
He seemed unconvinced, his blue eyes searching mine for the truth. Was this a battle of wills? He seemed to forget I was well-versed in the art of patience.
"You're free to leave," I stated flatly. Yet, he remained stationary, as if rooted to the spot. "Don't you see I need rest?"
"You're withholding something," he deduced.
"Congratulations, Jedi," I retorted, my patience waning. "Ever heard of patient confidentiality?"
“Not when your silence harms you,” he moved closer, silently. No amount of shadow could conceal his bright, glowing figure. Jedi were like angels, Corin once said, they are radiant with light. I couldn’t deny it. Though it was not because he was a Jedi, but rather because it was him. “Not when I sense I can help you.”
“So, I must request your help,” I mocked.
"Regrettably, yes," he admitted, his expression clouded with frustration. "I'm at a loss otherwise."
Always so sincere, so humble. But deep down, I knew why he wanted. Why he should. It had nothing to do with helping me but rather keeping me under his control. The Jedi were vain enough to want every piece of information in their hands. For control, solely.
I think...
“If I want your help, I will ask for it, Master Kenobi,” I hissed, anger boiling inside.
"You seek my trust," he whispered, "yet you offer none in return."
With that, I turned away, silently willing him to leave.
I grew bitter. I know I did. It's just the way of things for girls who grow up on the brink of war, trained as politicians and spies for the interests of others. We grow bitter, we grow tired, and even when we're kidnapped, tortured, and rescued, we can still be too stubborn to ask for help.
From anyone.
Especially Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“Are you even listening to me?” Eros asked, lowering his weapon at the garden’s table. We were practicing shots at a target on a tiny island in the lake. Some troopers assisted us from the other side, mostly to replace the targets the Duke had already knocked down. I yawned, sitting on the grass on a cloth, exhausted from the recoil of the guns that bruised my arms. I wasn’t made for battle—at all.
“I apologize,” I muttered, frowning at the sunny horizon. “I’m distracted by the view.”
“There’s more on your mind, dear,” he remarked with a hint of sarcasm.
“Not really,” I continued frowning, hoping it would shut him up. I only accepted his call because of that blasted Jedi Master, who accused me of shutting everyone out. Yet, he seemed just as displeased as I was, standing in the shadow of a tree, not saying a word. “What were you saying?”
“About when we were teens, and your sister had that huge crush on me. The little one.”
It took everything I had not to roll my eyes. How the Duke Castell loved to live in the past.
“Ah, yes, Li Fren.”
“And how she tried to throw you into this very lake.”
“The little devil,” I bit my lip. “I pulled her in with me.”
“And then I had to rescue you both.”
“A true and noble hero,” I tried not to sound sarcastic, but even if I succeeded, I doubt he would notice—too distracted by his own charms.
“Can you swim now? We should get our bathing robes,” he started to call for the servants.
“Oh, not me, thanks.”
“Why not? For old time’s sake.”
“Fifteen years of no ‘sake’ already killed it off.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“You still can’t swim, can you?”
“Of course I can. I swam with Padmé here all the time.”
“Let me guess, in the shallow end.”
“I wasn’t aware I needed to measure it.”
“I’m baffled, my darling.”
“I insist you let me teach you. You need to know how to swim.”
“Why?” I hissed. “I think I’m past the learning curve.”
“Of course not! Oh, dear. Girl, come here at once.”
“I told you not to!” I got up. He picked the wrong day to push my buttons. “I mean, my lord, I’m very tired. Can’t we have dinner and call it a night?”
“The sun is still up,” he said, dismissing my complaints as childish fear. He spoke with my servant, who ignored my protests and ran back to the house to find me robes. Oh, fuck.
“Eros. You’re delusional if you think I’ll partake in this game.”
“Of course you will.”
“Why would I?”
Then something shifted in his face. Seriousness took over, tinged with a bit of embarrassment.
“Your father hasn’t told you yet, so I probably shouldn’t…”
I stiffened. My father?
“We’re betrothed, darling. The queen is aware, and so is the rest of the court. We were going to announce it as a surprise, but…”
I laughed.
“Hilarious, Eros.”
“You must try to spend time with me. You always avoid my visits.”
“I’ve been in love with you for 20 years.”
“I know, but I won’t marry you because of your affection.”
“Oh, yes, you will.”
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s already done. Our families are preparing everything.”
“Oh dear, you’re that delusional to think I would do anything my family tells me to, huh?”
“If you don’t, they’ll strip you of your heritage.”
“Eros. Look at me. Do you really think I need any money? I’m a favorite of the Queen, of Padmé, and I have my own wealth. I worked hard for it.”
He grabbed my arm, his features darkening.
“Get your hands off the Senator,” Obi-Wan warned. “Now.”
“Go away, pup.” Eros merely glanced at the Jedi. He was much taller than Obi-Wan.
I forgot he was there, witnessing my humiliation
“You dare speak to a Jedi Master this way?” I scoffed.
“You used to do it all the time.” His expression was one of disbelief.
It was different when I did it. Hearing someone else say it so obnoxiously stung.
“Besides, he isn’t a Master anymore.”
“I beg your pardon?” I yanked my arm free. “Get away from here. Now, Eros.”
Obi-Wan glared at us, waiting for the order to strike.
“He was banished from the Jedi Order. Everyone knows that. Now Skywalker is out there playing the hero, alone.”
“All because he was brave enough to defy orders. To save me.”
“Even so…”
I could feel the heat radiating from Obi-Wan. I wondered if it was the Force or simply the anticipation of his blade, oscillating at his belt.
“Careful, Eros.” I smirked at him.
“He won’t hurt me. They can’t attack someone out of the blue.”
“But you were hurting me.” I cradled my elbows.
“Y/N… You’re mine. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be. You need someone to protect you… after all that you’ve been through.”
“I already have protection.” My eyes met Obi-Wan’s. Ever so blue. This time, cold as ice.
I tried to speak to him in silence, tried to tell him that I was sorry. That he shouldn’t have to hear this bastard.
Eros took my distraction as an invitation, grabbing my arms once again.
“I know it was fun… playing senator. Even playing spy for your wretched father. But it’s over, Y/N.”
“Let me go. Now.”
“You’re not listening to me…” His fingers dug deep into my skin. My scars burned, and I moaned with pain.
“Oh, that’s it.” Kenobi’s voice murmured behind me, and with a flick of his saber, Eros’s left hand was separated from the rest of him. “Now you’ll learn some manners.”
He screamed. I’d never heard someone scream so hard, not even myself while being tortured. The cut was clean and severed. No blood, just cauterization. Nevertheless, it must have hurt.
Something stirred in my stomach, rising all the way up to my throat.
“Fuck.” I groaned, turning to vomit in the grass. I fell to my knees, breathing deeply.
Eros ran somewhere, because his screams faded.
“Where did he…”
“He went to seek the troopers.” Obi-Wan was beside me, crouched down, one hand on my bare back. “Are you alright?”
“I am… Did he… What did he say?”
“That I was going to regret this.” The Jedi Master didn’t seem at all disturbed. In fact, the twitch in his eyes and the corners of his mouth revealed he found it all rather amusing.
“He can’t hurt you,” I murmured.
“I command the troopers here.” He nodded.
“I’m afraid he’ll come back…”
“It doesn’t matter, Senator.”
His eyes locked on mine, and I tried not to stare, but he was right there, talking with me, and we weren’t fighting or arguing.
This was new.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his eyes widening as if the words slipped out by accident. He closed them and inhaled deeply.
“For what?”
“For what I said before. About you shutting everyone out. I had no idea…”
“That he was disgusting? You couldn’t have known.”
“You tried to tell me. And I decided to blame you. I have no idea how your life has been, about the people around you, how you grew up.”
“It’s okay, Obi-Wan.”
“I have much to learn.” He shook his head, lost in his distress. “And before, when I said you didn’t offer any trust…”
“It’s alright.” My hand found the side of his cheek. “I understand.”
For a few seconds, he simply looked at me. Then, we heard the footsteps of troopers approaching.
In a soft, delicate way, he pushed my hand down and stood up.
But I couldn’t hear a single thing they were saying.
Because Eros’s hand was lying there, in the grass, sunlight glinting off it as if it were just a normal, natural thing to be there.
Suddenly, my Jedi knight caressed my back, helping me to stand, and we walked back to the mansion.
If he weren't Obi-Wan Kenobi—Jedi Master, Pilot, General, and my own personal torment—I’d say:
That was the most fucking romantic thing I’d ever seen.
If only he weren’t a Jedi.
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chickenmetenders · 8 months
Natsume, Mamiya, and the Arabian Nights
During MAMIYA's EX route, Natsume mentions a number of different books he spectates in his quest to find Mamiya, but there is only one story he mentions by name. 
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Oh yeah... I had lots of trouble with Alf Laylah wa-Laylah. After all, the man showed up in every nightly story of Scheherazade. I saw him in Sinbad's shadow, behind Alibaba, within Aladdin's smoke... Whether the king decapitated [the maiden]* or not didn't matter...
Alf Laylah wa-Laylah is the original Arabic name for the story known in English as One Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights. It's a collection of folktales told within the framing device of another story: the tale of the king Shahryar and the woman he marries, Scheherazade.
As the tale goes, King Shahryar learns that his wife is cheating on him, and after having her executed, he resolves that he will marry a new virgin bride every day and then have her beheaded the following morning so she won't have a chance to be unfaithful to him. After three years of marrying and killing brides, the only young women left in the city are his vizier's daughters, the older being named Scheherazade. Scheherazade volunteers to marry the king, but before they head off to their marriage bed, she says she wants to say goodbye to her sister. The king permits this, and when Scheherazade's sister comes to their room, she asks Scheherazade to tell her a bedtime story. Unbeknownst to the king, Scheherazade had instructed her to do this, and Scheherazade begins telling a story that leaves both her sister and her new husband entranced. 
However, Scheherazade stops halfway through the story, saying that she will continue her tale the next day. Wanting to hear the end of the story, King Shahryar decides not to execute her, and the next night, Scheherazade finishes her story. Then, she begins a new story, but she leaves this one half unfinished too, forcing the king to keep her alive for another day. The same thing happens the next night, and the night after that—and by this method, Scheherazade manages to postpone her death by 1001 nights.
Saving yourself from being killed by telling stories, huh? Hm, that sure sounds familiar...
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This post is an analysis of the parallels between 1001 Nights and MAMIYA EX. Word count: 3.7k
(Spoilers for the entire game!)
*Important note: The game translates 「王が娘の首を撥ね(る)」 as "the king decapitated his daughter," but I believe this to be a slight mistranslation. I believe that the phrase is meant to be describing Scheherazade, in which case it should be translated as "the king decapitated the maiden." This is further backed up by 1001 Nights itself, which explicitly states that the method that Shahryar used to execute his wives was decapitation. [EDIT: It's been corrected! Thanks Fruitbat.]
One Thousand and One Nights Abridged
The summary of 1001 Nights I gave before was pretty short, but I'm going to summarize it again in a little more detail so I can refer to it in other sections. I relied mostly on this version of 1001 Nights, which is the English translation of a French translation. I believe it is lightly censored from the original Arabic text (or things were lost in translation), but it is very readable. The English translation by Sir Burton is an unabridged and uncensored translation of the Arabic text, but that means it also inherits the worst part about the original text: no paragraph breaks, which makes this version a lot harder to parse.
King Shahryar discovers that both his brother's wife and his own wife have been cheating on them. He also meets the wife of a powerful jinn who coerces Shahryar and his brother to sleep with her, and from these experiences he decides that all women are unfaithful. After having both his sister-in-law and his wife beheaded, Shahryar orders his vizier to bring him a new virgin bride every night. He marries these women, deflowers them, and then proceeds to execute them by decapitation the next morning before they are able to cheat on him.
Of course, Shahryar's actions quickly deplete the population of young women in the city as the unlucky ones are executed and the lucky ones flee with their families. At the end of the three years, the only eligible brides left are the vizier's own two daughters: Scheherazade and Dunyazad. Scheherazade is a well-learned, well-read woman, and when she sees her father upset about not being able to find any more brides, she tells her father to marry her off to the king, wanting to spare other women from the same fate. The vizier, of course, protests, but she is adamant, and the wedding happens. 
On their wedding night, Scheherazade pretends to cry, and when Shahryar asks her what's wrong, she says she would like to say goodbye to her sister Dunyazad. Unbeknownst to him, she had instructed Dunyazad to ask Scheherazade to tell her a story. Dunyazad comes in and asks for a story, and Scheherazade spins her tale, and both her sister and her husband are mesmerized by her storytelling. But at the midpoint of the story she stops, as morning is approaching. Shahryar, captivated by her storytelling, wants to hear the end of the tale, and decides not to kill her that morning. The next night, Scheherazade finishes the story, and then starts telling another one. Again, she stops halfway through this story. Shahryar, wanting to hear the end of this story, lets her live another day, and so on and so forth.
Some of the more famous stories she tells include "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," and "The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor." The stories continue for 1000 tales and 1001 nights (about 2 years and 9 months), at which point Scheherazade runs out of material. Before the day breaks, she asks to see the three children she had borne the king one last time before her execution—but the king spares her life. After 1001 nights of being with her, Shahryar has fallen completely in love with Scheherazade, and he makes her his queen.
In all of MAMIYA EX, 1001 Nights is the only story that is explicitly named, and I believe this to be intentional on KokoroTen's part. There are, in fact, a lot of parallels apparent between the tale of Shahryar and Scheherazade and what happens on Natsume and Mamiya's Fun Desert Vacation. Yeah that's right that means Natsume and Mamiya are married
Three Thousand Years and a Thousand Nights Story: Mamiya as Scheherazade
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Semi-related VOCALOID listening: link
The thing about the Mamiya who travels the desert with Natsume is that he's not special. He's not different from any of the other Mamiya fingerprints whom Natsume hunts down. The only thing that separates this fingerprint from all the other ones is that he was in the right place at the right time, and this allowed him to strike up a deal with Natsume: his life and Natsume's acceptance in exchange for becoming Natsume's storyteller. 
I find it interesting Mamiya specifies that he will memorize every line of Natsume's book, as opposed to reading off the book (as at this point, they do still have the book with them). Of course, this serves to dehumanize this fingerprint as he transforms from his own self into being Natsume's personal object, but it also draws parallels to Scheherazade. If you recall, Scheherazade recited her stories from memory, too, and thus like her, it is only Mamiya's ability to remember tales and recall them that allows this fingerprint to live. In both cases, this remembrance is directly tied to protection and preservation—for Scheherazade, for Mamiya, and for Natsume's story as well, as Mamiya's memorization of his book is a means of rendering his story immortal.
Another similarity to Scheherazade is that Mamiya isn't just any storyteller, he acts as Natsume's bedtime storyteller. While there are many ways to tell a story—bards and their music come to mind—bedtime stories soothe the soul and help people fall asleep, which is very apparent in Natsume and Mamiya's case. Most importantly, though, bedtime stories are intimate, usually being told to only a single or a few children at a time. Storytime before bed is a very personal act that builds relationships (typically between a parent and child, and wouldn't you know it, Mamiya does compare Natsume to a baby at one point). 1001 Nights even mentions that on the first night, the King and Scheherazade "passed the rest of the night in each other's arms," which is more or less what Natsume and Mamiya are doing in that one CG. You know the one. This one:
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Censored for indecency (touching above the waist), sorry.
Oh, it's also notable that Scheherazade has a sister! Although the focus of this analysis is on EX, it felt relevant to point out given how this parallels Mamiya more or less having a sister in Mina. Another thing that's outside the scope of this analysis is the frequent feminine imagery associated with Mamiya, but, you know, that's there too. Pink House calls him "the mother" during the cannibalism scene, so maybe that's foreshadowing for EX Mamiya giving birth to three of Natsume's children?
There are differences between Mamiya and Scheherazade, of course. I'd say that thematically, the major one is their motivations for being with their partners. In 1001 Nights, Scheherazade's motives for marrying the king are entirely selfless; when she sees her father, the vizier, in despair over being unable to find a new bride for the king, she offers herself, saying that she will either live, or she will die saving another girl from death by the King.
On the other hand, Mamiya's motives seem more selfish—this particular fingerprint is able to ensure his survival, and is even given that much-craved acceptance from Natsume, but it's at the cost of the other fingerprints. Mamiya stands back and allows Natsume to murder his other selves, doesn't lift a finger to stop it (although it's made abundantly clear that there's not a lot he could do). In fact, it's really only because Mamiya made that deal with him at all that Natsume didn't lose the will to live, escapes to the desert, and is able to continue with his Mamiya murders.
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This selfishness is observed again, in all its fragility, with the answer he gives to Natsume's declaration of protection, as shown in the dialogue above. Where Scheherazade was defined by a duty to the people to prevent further injustice alongside self-preservation, Mamiya is defined by the desire to be explicitly needed (more on that in the next section).
Speaking of the next section...
Putting the Cute in Execute: Natsume as the King
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I couldn't come up with a better title for this section ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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One thing that is repeated in EX is that Natsume has the "disposition of a king." This likely refers to him having the disposition of a god (God in MAMIYA is referred to as "Our Lord," which in Japanese was 「我が王」— literally "Our King"), but it also allows us to draw parallels between Natsume and King Shahryar.
After discovering multiple instances of women cheating on their husbands (including his own wife), Shahryar ends up despising all women, condemning an entire gender because of a few women's actions. Thus he ends up in a cycle of marrying new brides and killing them the morning after. He detests women, and yet he needs them, keeps marrying them. Now, whether this was for physical reasons or because of "every king needs a queen" reasons or something else, I am unsure, but it is clear that his harmful views on women are responsible for a lot of death and destruction. As the story goes, Shahryar's kingdom, which had previously flourished for 20 years under his just rule, quickly becomes grief-stricken and desolate as families either lose their daughters or leave town.
This closely resembles Natsume's actions in EX: He's so addicted to chasing after Mamiya, to hunting him down at every turn that he can't be stopped or reasoned with. He kills Nidome before Nidome has a chance to report him, and when Natsume reaches his breaking point and decides that the only way to ensure he's destroyed all the fingerprints Mamiya left in the books is to destroy all books, he burns down the entire library, killing untold numbers of Spectators, Librarians, and stories. Like King Shahryar, Natsume's understandable anger against a single person morphs into violent, uncontrollable, indiscriminate destruction.
That "single person" is in Natsume's case, of course, the first Mamiya, the one who had managed to obtain a body. If the storyteller Mamiya is Scheherazade and all the murdered fingerprints are the unlucky brides, then that original Mamiya is Shahryar's first wife. It is this Mamiya who spurs Natsume to begin his killing spree of the fingerprints—the other virgins "brides." It is this Mamiya who causes Natsume's transformation from a gentle person into a veritable monster. It is this Mamiya who haunts the narrative, the driving force behind Natsume's actions throughout EX.
The primary difference between the two scenarios, however, is that unlike Shahryar's first wife, Mamiya spurring Natsume into his destructive spiral was entirely deliberate. The original Mamiya intentionally told Natsume all about the fingerprints in order to ensure Natsume would continue chasing after him; Mamiya says as much just before he changes clothes and heads over to the burning church.
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Mamiya revealing the existence of the fingerprints and Natsume's wish to continue killing Mamiya drive Natsume to live for the hunt. Natsume hates Mamiya, and yet he needs him, just as Shahryar needed his women.
Last similarity between Shahryar and Natsume I wanna mention: their favored methods of killing their "brides" (decapitation via sword for Shahryar and bare-handed strangulation for Natsume) both involve neck trauma. I can't really connect this to anything, but Nima told me to mention it anyway. Um, Shahryar orders his subordinates to behead his brides, so there's an element of distance as opposed to Natsume, who purposefully eliminates all distance and is perfectly willing (and eager) to dirty his hands. So I guess Natsume is a hands-on kind of ruler? hahahaha
Telling Stories About Storytelling
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Natsume about to read his least favorite book, MAMIYA.
Now that we've talked about the characters, I want to talk about the story! Just like MAMIYA A Shared Illusion of the World's End, 1001 Nights is presented as a story within a story. Or, rather, they are both presented as multiple stories within a story. 
The way that Natsume and Mamiya jump into different books and stories together also parallels, to some degree, how Scheherazade told her husband a new story every night. Through her stories, she too whisked the king away from their desert home to wonderful and fantastic worlds. I suppose the desert as a setting in EX was primarily chosen because of the "Was there love out in the desert?" poem, but it does tie nicely into Arabia as Natsume and Mamiya's "home base." It's kind of the place where they can be themselves— in the absence of everything else, they're able to present their truest selves.
One of the core themes that 1001 Nights shares with MAMIYA EX in specific is storytelling as salvation. King Shahryar and Natsume initially allow Scheherazade/Mamiya to live solely because of their ability to recite stories. 
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Natsume about to read his favorite book, MAMIYA.
A key difference, however, is that while Scheherazade recites a new story each night, Mamiya retells the same one every time. He's stuck reading from the same book. Unlike Shahryar, who is enthralled by each new story his wife tells and is excited to hear what she'll say next, Natsume specifically keeps Mamiya as a means of revisiting happier days that they can never return to. King Shahryar returns to his formerly gentle and just disposition by listening to Scheherazade's stories, which generally are all infused with a moral lesson that Shahryar (and the audience) can take to heart. On the other hand, dwelling on the past is shown to be unhealthy for both Natsume and Mamiya, and it ultimately leads to them trying to kill each other. In their case, while Mamiya's storytelling serves as a type of salvation to Natsume, Natsume's insistence on clinging to the past ensures that it is ultimately only a temporary stopgap as his body continues to deteriorate.
Hm, now that I think about it, the first Mamiya only dies after regaling his own tale to Natsume. This original Mamiya could, possibly, be considered a failed Scheherazade— in an alternate universe, if Scheherazade's stories hadn't pleased the king, she would have likely ended up killed just like all the other wives. Similarly, because Natsume decides that Mamiya's story means nothing to him (and there is something to be said about Natsume not caring about Mamiya's story, only his own), he ends up killing the first Mamiya.
Btw, the church scene is the last time anyone else says Natsume's name ("Read my story, Natsume") (The last time Natsume's name is said in game at all is in Mamiya's flashback of him waking up as a Spectator and saying, "I'm Natsume. Is this the afterlife?"), implying that, in a way, his name died with that original Mamiya. Depressing.
Anyway, let's wrap this up.
Ending on the 1001th Night
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Vore as a metaphor for love, etc.; also, me experiencing MAMIYA: A Shared Illusion of the World's End.
This is a little more tenuous, but the endings of EX might also be parallels to 1001 Nights. At the end of the 1001 Nights, despite her having run out of stories, Shahryar understands that has fallen in love with Scheherazade and decides not to kill her, and they live happily ever after. At the end of EX, there's a moment where Natsume is in pain and Mamiya decides not to be "a machine that put out consoling words"—that is to say, he gives up on telling Natsume a story, ending his "1000 tales."
Once those "1001 nights" are over, Natsume has three options: Kill Mamiya, let himself be killed by Mamiya, or neither. 
The worst outcome seems to be the first one: If Natsume decides that Mamiya should die, then Mamiya declares that Natsume will never find love. Afterwards, Natsume notes that 'fantasy' died and vanished from the world. If we're tracking the Scheherazade metaphor, this would be like if the king had her executed after all. If he had killed her, he would have killed off the source of all those fantastical stories, and he would have never found love or his happily ever after—Shahryar would certainly have instead taken another virgin and executed her the next day, continuing his cycle. Killing off Mamiya really does mean that Natsume will never find love again.
The endings where Natsume spares Mamiya are more positive. If Natsume allows himself to be killed by Mamiya, who he sees as "love" itself, then Mamiya is happy to eat him. Afterwards, Mamiya cheerfully decides he'll write a story of his own, which is fitting—with Natsume gone, he is finally able to move on from the one story and create something new, something all his own. This would be if Scheherazade was able to leave the king (or killed the king???); she'd probably be fine out there. Likely, as such a well-learned woman, she'd be able to find her own love and success in the future.
And if Natsume decides that neither of them are "love," they both live, and continue traveling together. I guess it's not quite "happily ever after" as it's quite ambiguous where they go from there, but they seem to have reconciled.
More importantly, they have a conversation about love.
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Surely King Shahryar hadn't been expecting to find love with Scheherazade when he'd married her. He'd expected to kill her after that first morning, but through their time together, he fell in love. Natsume is similar. It's clear from Mamiya's last line, "What's truly important can't be seen, and what's dear has always been by your side," that the love Natsume speaks of... is Mamiya, even if Natsume doesn't realize it. That last line, where Mamiya summarizes and echoes Natsume's belief that "Love is something you won't find even if you look all over the world, but something that's in your hand before you even realize it," reflects Mamiya's existence itself; that is what Mamiya was for Keito and the pink house members, and likewise what Nastume was for his friends. 
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The dream of a mundane everyday life with his friends that Natsume has following this conversation explicitly includes Mamiya. Even as Natsume claims to have forgotten the contents of the dream, his subconscious recognizes and accepts Mamiya as a part of his narrative along with all the other people he loves. This is something deeply important, given how the overarching plot of DDD depicts Natsume loving and accepting Mamiya as synonymous with Natsume loving and accepting himself, as well as in the context of parallels with Shahryar and Scheherazade.
Anyway, that's all of the similarities I (and my co-collaborator Nima) found between MAMIYA EX and 1001 Nights! I'm surprised by how long it took me to notice these, considering how blatantly EX spells it out...
In conclusion: 
Natsume and Mamiya marriage real
MAMIYA EX mirrors the tale of 1001 Nights through its focus on storytelling as a form of salvation, inserting Mamiya into the role of the captive storyteller Scheherazade and Natsume into the role of the vengeful King Shahryar. Which means they are metaphorically mar—
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Thanks Nima for co-collaborating and peer reviewing (as a fellow natsumiya brainrot patient), and for general help with bouncing ideas. Couldn't have done it without you!! Remember when we spent an hour trying to figure out if "the king decapitated his daughter" was supposed to be a reference to one of the one thousand tales? Haha good times
This analysis hits all the major points, but there's probably a lot of less obvious stuff we missed. Like, there's a part where Natsume says, "Since the moment I 'became king,' I was turned into a a part of Our Lord's story," and that feels pertinent, but this thing was getting too long, so I decided not to look into it much. Also, since this is laser-focused on EX, there might be parallels in the main story that I missed...
Let me know what you think! I always like hearing other people's analysis. I don't usually do this kind of stuff but as I noticed more and more similarities between EX and 1001 Nights I got kind of excited. Send me an ask, DM me, or join the MAMIYA Discord!!
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Qui-Gon: *had to bring kiddo Kenobi to a meeting*
Obi-Wan: *squished into a chair next to Yoda and taking a light nap*
Yoda: :)
Qui-Gon: *fighting with the council over his latest mission*
Mace: You see these premature wrinkles on my forehead? That’s all cause if you and your bullshit, Jinn!
Obi-Wan: *wakes up and blinks sleepily at him* They don’t look very premature to me. *falls back asleep*
Mace: >:(
Qui-Gon: …*collects his sleeping Padawan off the Grandmaster and beats a retreat* nvm we can talk about this later I should put him to bed-
Yoda: :( took my seat warmer, he did.
Mace: Ugh, I hate both of you.
Yoda: My grandbaby, stolen.
Mace: I’ll get you a new one. That one’s trouble.
Yoda: Like that one, I do :(
Mace: I know.
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daddy-ul · 2 months
Going to London for the first time tomorrow (well, I'm leaving for the airport in 7h but you get it)
Happy about it, two of my best friends in the world are waiting for me there but I am SO nervous ajananana ahhhh, why do I always feel like shit before a trip?!
Send me all the positive vibes! If you have some tips, cool cemeteries, lush parks, second hands dvd/cd shops to suggest feel free to comment down here or hit my askbox.
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aew-kun-age-regression · 11 months
Caregiver!Qui Gon Jinn Headcannons
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He is such a sweet caregiver!!!
He loves doing gardening with you. fight me I'm right. 😂
He can and will pick you up <3
Bought you a teddy when he first became your GC, he got it whilst on a mission. Should he have been purely focused on his mission? Yes. Was he? Absolutely not.
^ Obi-Wan helped him pick the teddy. 🥹
If your teddy ever gets any rips in it or anything he will sew it back together.
Loves wrapping you in his Jedi Robes. (like a blanket)
He has a super soothing voice.
^ Will hum to help you sleep.
Forehead kisses >>>
He would genuinely be so good at dealing with big emotions!!! He knows how to help without undermining your emotions. If you regress involuntarily he knows exactly how to deal with the situation!!! <3
Not overly strict with rules. Just as long as your safe. (He himself isn't great at following rules sooo who would he be but a hypocrite to set loads)
The type of Caregiver to display any and all art you produce!!!
Arts and crafts. Especially paint!!!
Tea parties are a must.
Makes daisy chains for you :)
Knows how to style hair (for the lovelies with longer hair)
Gives amazing cuddles!!!
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kylehighelf · 2 months
My reasons to be an Atheist and Ex-Muslim
Disclaimer: these are my thoughts, and I don’t respect Islam itself, however I respect Muslims as people.
1- Islam ruined my country (Turkey)
Islam wiped out the original pre-Islamic Turkic culture and Turks had to adapt Islamic culture. Every suffering in my country (right now) is caused by Islam.
2- Hadiths are absolutely nonsense (that’s why people are denying them)
3- Religion built on fear
Allah loves to see you burn in hell for all eternity. Even though you are a good person working for good cause (I will be a doctor, I guess saving people’s lives are not enough for Allah)
Also I am still afraid of sleeping in the dark because I am scared of jinns attacking me. Not cool.
4- Islam copied Christianity and Judasim
Literally copied :/ do your own homework, boo
5- Sexism
Allah allows men to hit their wives “when its necessary”
Also even interior design of 🕌 is sexist. Men have more space to pray ?! Why ?!
6- No pre marriage intimacy is allowed (yes even kissing)
This one is just stupid like why Allah cares about love and sex between earthlings
7- The concept of hell
Why use fire when you can use electricity and more painful methods :/ get creative !
8- The concept of heaven
I am sorry but I just can’t get over the fact that you have to be a Muslim to be in heaven when there are billions of good people in the world and history
9- No art ..or statues …
Christianity has cool paintings about Jesus and other mythologys but hadiths forbid making art imitating real life like its so boring!!!!!!!!
10- overall I think there are better religions out there
I would be a witch or wiccan
Be respectful to me as a PERSON! These are how I interpret Islam. If that’s not what you think, that’s cool.
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How would he treat you on your period . . .
Summary: How different Liam Neeson characters would care for you when you are having your period
Pairings: Qui-Gon Jinn x reader, Daniel (Love Actually) x reader, Bryan Mills (Taken) x reader
Warning: topical mention of periods (nothing graphic), F! reader, fluffy drabble
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Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
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Qui-Gon could sense it coming on before you, so he prepares
He makes sure to leave the Jedi temple early to meet you when you arrive home. He cooks you dinner and draws you a bath
He offers you space or cuddles depending on how you feel
To relax he braids your hair, and using your doe eyes on him, he turns his back to you so you can braid his hair
When you go to bed you can see he took the weighted blanket out from the linen closet and has a heating pad and glass of water at your bed side table
Qui-Gon offers you a spare pillow for your neck or back but you say to him, "your chest is the most comfortable spot to lay" and he obliges
He'll glide his hands up and down your arms until you drift off to sleep
Daniel (Love Actually)
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Daniel is a bit out of practice with the inner workings of lady parts since his wife's passing and being a man in general (lol)
Before you are set to go over to his place he runs to the drug store to make the effort of welcoming you to the flat, but boy is he lost
He'll go up and down the feminine hygiene aisle with Sam looking like a lost puppy
"Aren't they all the same?" Sam would ask "You'd think, Sam-o, but somehow they are all slightly different," is all Daniel could respond with
After some time, he would just take a guess on a product he thinks he has seen in your purse and hopes for the best
Daniel will also ask Sam to run to the candy aisle and get a bag of what you like and Sam will come to the check out counter with five bags and say, "well she has one every month, and these are on sale"
When you arrive to his flat and see the grocery bags on the counter you tear up a bit and Daniel thinks he royally messed up but you pull him and Sam into a tight, gratitude filled hug
Bryan Mills (Taken) 
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For a man who is a former CIA agent and a rough exterior, he always has a soft spot for his girl, especially when you are feeling bloated or are hard on yourself
Bryan is not the 'comforting' type, however, he knows just his presence puts you at ease so he won't leave your side
You'll cling to him like a koala bear and all he can do is laugh it off since he secretly enjoys the closeness and not having to have his guard up with you
If you have trouble sleeping and reach for a benadryl tablet he will snag it out of your hands and read the drug facts on the side three times over before giving you the appropriate dosage. He is always cautious - especially when it comes to your well being
He'll offer a you a back or foot massage as you cozy up into bed, trying to be as helpful as he can to relive any tension you have knowing your cramps are out of his control
You opt to sleep in loose fitting shorts and one of his t-shirts and he loves it. There is something primal within him that loves to his girl wearing his clothes, dwarfing her frame
Before he can rest he makes sure nothing will disturb you through the night. Checking the thermostat, your alarm clock, drawing the blinds and cracking the window slightly. He breaths a sigh of relief to see you sound asleep and spoons you until morning
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