#do you guys like the autumn leaves representing the fire? the idea was kind of last minute but i hope it came across okay :)
shreksstepfather · 1 year
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I Go Hungry - Mother Mother
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saturn-in-autumn · 4 years
BRO your art and writing are both so good ajsbsjjs can I request a danny reveal to valerie? I would assume this would be a small drabble prompt but I'll let you choose how to do it and if you even want to do it in the first place whoops
ASDFGJHJK Thank you so much! 
Omg, first off I am SO SO Sorry this took me so long to get back to you! It’s actually so bad... But I finally finished your request!! It took me a while to figure out how to phrase everything and get my head around it but I ended up getting a little carried away in the end, I’m sorry... 
So here it is I suppose! I’ve also posted it to Ao3 here if you’d like to have a look, but it’s also under the cut if you want to read it on here! 
Thank you so much for your patience, I only hope it was kind of worth it? Idk. I ended up writing a short story/one shot rather than a drabble haha, I just didn’t expect it to get so long!  And thanks for the request idea! 
- Fire and Water -
Valerie sometimes thought Danny was like water.
He was so perfectly clear somehow, an undisturbed lake shining in the moonlight. His iridescent blue eyes sometimes felt like they could see right through her, somehow sense exactly how she was feeling, understand her deepest secrets.
That eerie calmness rippled and cascaded through him, so clear and tranquil, yet so incredibly dangerous.
He had a depth that terrified her to no end, a feeling that if she dove down too deep he would overflow, drown her with his power. As if his little lake held all the fierce might of the sea.
(In which Danny has a secret to tell Valerie, but doesn't quite know how to go about it)
“Ugh, what am I supposed to do Tuck?” Danny groaned, resting his head on his elbows in the grimy corner booth.
Tucker shrugged, patting his back awkwardly in what he hoped was a comforting manner. “I don’t know man, I don’t have a murderous ghost-hunter for a girlfriend.”
Danny sighed, looking forlornly across the crowded restaurant of the Nasty Burger. Valerie was still standing by the till, laughing with some customer as she took their order. She was gorgeous even in the grease-stained yellow of the fast food uniform. Silently Danny watched as she tucked a stray strand of dark hair out of her eyes and looked away. He was such a loser.
“Hey… but then again, it’s not really our decision to make.” Sam’s voice cut through Danny’s musings and he looked up at her dolefully. “Whether or not you want to share it with her is up to you.” She took another slurp of her slushie and frowned. “I thought you had sworn not to. Why the sudden change?”
Danny looked away, straightening to peer out the window at the passers-by on the street. “I don’t know… I just feel… like it’s wrong to keep lying to her is all…” Danny could feel Sam and Tucker’s eyes on him as he sighed again, “Look, we’ve been going out for almost a year… That’s, like more than I’ve ever been in a relationship my whole life! Plus, even if she doesn’t know it, I know her secret, but she doesn’t know mine, I can’t help feeling like I’m cheating on her or something weird like that…”
“Danny…” Sam started but he continued.
“But at the same time, I’m terrified that if she finds out she’ll hate me y’know? Like… I don’t want to lose her in the process…”
“Look Danny, as the current female representative at the table.” Sam said, placing her drink firmly on the table to look at him in the eyes, “I can safely say that telling the truth is probably your best option. If she finds out and it’s not from you, it’ll probably hurt her a lot more than just coming clean.”  
Tucker nodded, “You know, Sam’s right, if you really care about her what’s the worst that could happen?”
“The worst is that she’ll shoot an ecto-blast through my chest faster than I can say ‘Sorry’.” Danny moaned. “Or she’ll tell my parents or something… Then I’d really be dead meat.”
“And the best-case scenario is that she doesn’t mind.” Sam said with an eyebrow raised. “I’m sorry Danny, but if you guys really care about each other then keeping secrets probably shouldn’t be on the table. Valerie has a right to know if you’re hiding things from her, chances are she’ll figure it out sooner or later. Her aim’s getting better by the day.”
Danny winced, rubbing his upper forearm where the burn mark still stung.
Sam’s eyes softened and she reached over, taking his hand gently, “Danny I honestly think that anyone who knows you, the real you, won’t hate you no matter what you are. The real test is whether or not you think you can trust her enough to tell her and get away with it. She’s still the Red Huntress after all. I wouldn’t take this decision lightly.”
Danny nodded but smiled. “Would you guys mind though?”
Tucker blinked, “Dude, we’re your friends. If you want to date the most dangerous ghost-hunter in Amity Park we have your back. As Sam said, it’s you’re secret to share with whoever you want.”
Danny closed his eyes and stared at the ceiling, “Thanks guys…” he mumbled, glancing over to where Valerie was once again. It looks like she was packing up. “I think I’ll try and tell her tonight…”
At that Tucker’s eyes widened, “Wait, really? Like you don’t want to think about this a little more before you run in guns blazing?”
Danny blinked at him, “Well, I know it’s a little brash sure, but the sooner I do it the sooner I can sleep easy right? Whether she hates me or not I’ll at least know.”
Sam sat back, “You heard the man Tuck, if he’s stubborn enough he’ll do it.”
“Hey!” Danny said, sounding offended, “Okay maybe I’m not 100% on it, but I’ll feel better if I’m not lying to her. Besides…” He smiled slightly, “We’d kinda already had a date planned for tonight. I might as well make use of it…”
As if on cue Valerie walked over, she’d thrown a dark green jacket over the orange of her uniform that perfectly complimented her eyes. “Hey!” she said, arm raised and smiling, “You ready to go?”
“You bet!” Danny laughed, sliding past Tucker and leaving his money on the tray, “I’ll… talk to you guys later then?” He offered and Sam winked.
“Go get em’ tiger.”
Danny grinned, giving Valerie a quick peck on the cheek and the thumbs up to Tucker before the two of them walked out of the restaurant.
When they were gone Sam’s lips quirked into a smile, “He’s gonna die.” She chuckled, taking another slurp of her drink as she sat back in the booth.
“Wait what?” Tucker asked swinging his saucepan-sized eyes to her in disbelief, “What was all that about ‘accepting who you are’ then?”
Sam eyed him across the table, “You kidding? Valerie’s gonna stomp his heart into pieces with five-inch high stilettos, but even then, I doubt she’ll hate him for it.”
Tucker sighed and took another bite of his burger, “I don’t know. It’s just odd he has this sudden conviction to tell her everything. It’s a pretty big deal is all.”
Sam shrugged, “Yeah, but then again I guess it’s just a sign of how much she means to him. After all, he told us pretty soon after it y’know… happened…”
“Yeah but that’s different, we’re his best friends and you’re one of the main reasons he got his ghost powers in the first place. Plus, Valerie hated his guts on principle back then because she was still with the A-Listers… now she just hates him for different reasons…”
She scowled at him, but nodded, “Well then fine. Maybe he just wants to take their relationship up a notch. I don’t know why you’re having such a hard time with this Tucker, if Danny wants to go blabbering about his powers to people, he has his reasons for it. Despite appearances he’s not that much of an idiot to get caught by his parents or the GIW.”
“I know it’s just…”
“Ohhh,” Sam grinned, cutting Tucker off with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, I see, you’re jealous.”
“What!” Tucker shrieked, “Am not!”
“You’re jealous that Danny is opting to bring someone else in on the team, this was the same thing with Jazz! You’re too proud to admit that you like being a sidekick.”
“What!? Never. I’m Danny’s guy-in-the-chair! His wingman! His Q to his 007! It’s not like Valerie could—”
“Oh yeah totally, the Red Huntress with an arsenal of weapons and ghost-hunting experience would never take Tucker Foley’s precious slot as the guy-in-the-chair.”
“Fuck’s sake Sam.” Tucker spat, “I’m not jealous, and fine then, I don’t care who the hell Danny goes and talks to. Are you happy?”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck me yourself coward.”
“I hate you so much…”
“I know. So… you down for Doomed later?”
He shrugged, standing up and throwing a few notes on the table, “Sure. I’ll catch you around 9.”
Danny hadn’t planned for this at all.
He mentally slapped himself as he and Valerie walked to the movie theatre, absentmindedly chatting as best he could about her day. The street was almost deserted at this time in the afternoon, couples walking to and from places, laughing as they held hands. Danny smiled. They were all so… alive.
Valerie said something and Danny watched her out of the corner of his eye. Her breath clouding in front of her face before hugging her jacket closer to her body and cupping frozen hands around a fresh cup of coffee to keep warm.
Amity Park in autumn was both beautiful and freezing with the golden brown and red of leaves staining the paths and parks like wounded soldiers on the fields of battle.
He would have shivered if he could.
As it was Danny looked away, the cold didn’t really seem to affect him in the same way anymore. A pang of guilt struck his chest as Valerie laughed at something, she sounded so happy. If only she knew who she was walking with…
After the movie, he vowed, after the movie I’ll tell her. She deserves to know.
“Hey! Are you even paying attention?” She asked and he blinked, startled out of his musings.
“Uh yeah, sure… what did you say again?”
She sighed throwing her hands up in exasperation, “Honestly, you can be so… distant sometimes. What the heck goes through your head anyways? Stuck in the stars again NASA boy?”
Danny laughed, “I guess you could say that…” Was he really that obvious?
“Well, I asked, what do you want to see?”
“Oh right!” Gazing up at the selection he paused, “I…” he bit his lip, his mind going blank, it didn’t feel right to choose… “I don’t mind, how about you pick?”
She looked at him sideways, “Man you’re acting jumpy today.” A gleam caught in her eye and Danny gulped, “How about a horror?”
“Uh well… if that’s…” Danny stumbled over his words.
“Great! Glad that’s decided. I want to get really scared tonight, two tickets to your most horrifying film my good sir!” She chimed to the guy behind the counter.
The guy looked them up and down but shrugged, “Cinema 5, have fun.”
Danny wasn’t really paying attention through the film.
Guilt was eating away at him, gnawing at the edges of his subconscious as Valerie laughed and jumped at the loud noises and crappy special effects that Hollywood perceived ghosts to be. Danny smiled absently, they really had no clue how wrong they were compared to the real thing.
She held his hand in the gentle darkness of the cinema, and Danny couldn’t help but look at her in the faint light from the screen. Her green eyes glistened with excitement and curiosity, taking in all she saw with such conviction.
He smiled, she was light, warm and comforting. Even as she gripped his ice-cold skin Danny couldn’t help but admire her. She laughed when she felt like it, got angry when she felt like it, smiled and danced in her own brilliant warmth. Danny’s eyes softened as he leaned into her touch, savouring this moment. Feeling her heartbeat through her skin.
She was dazzling.
Danny pulled away slightly, his eyes narrowing, but she was like fire to his ice. She melted him in ways she could never understand, but he was sure, he was frighteningly sure he was going to burn her irreversibly in the end.
But if that’s the way it had to be, then so be it.
“Hey Val?” He mumbled, leaning further into her shoulder in the gloom of the theatre, feeling her warmth against his cheek. She stopped gazing at the screen and turned to him, her eyes still dancing in that dull luminosity. Danny sighed, letting his dark hair fall into his eyes so she couldn’t see that he was on the verge of tears. “I’ve been… keeping something from you. For a long time now… I just… don’t know how to say it…”
He felt her shift under his weight, and he pulled away, looking in the opposite direction. She was looking at him, he could feel her green eyes taking him in and he felt his heart panged with annoyance. Annoyance at himself, at how weak he was.
“Danny…” Valerie started, and he looked at her, she was smiling softly in the light, “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me anythi—”
“No, you deserve to know. But… maybe in a bit if that’s alright?” He grit his teeth and looked back up at the screen as the final scene began, he smiled sadly locking eyes with her. “I just… want this moment to last a little longer is all…”
Valerie sometimes thought Danny was like water.
He was so perfectly clear somehow, like an undisturbed lake shining in the moonlight. His iridescent blue eyes sometimes felt like they could see right through her, somehow sense exactly how she was feeling, understand her deepest secrets.
It was awe inspiring. Like Danny knew exactly where she went when she snuck out of class, knew her connection to ghosts and the other shadows of Amity Park. Knew who she really was.
But he never seemed to care. It was why, she supposed, she was so drawn to him in the first place. The eerie calmness that rippled and cascaded through him, so clear and tranquil, yet dangerously so. Pooling with something else.
A darkness. A depth that terrified her to no end, a feeling that if she dove too deep he would overflow, drown her with his power. As if his little lake held all the fierce might of the sea.
Why did that feeling surface now? That dread that crashed against the shoreline of her heart. Breaking the tension as Danny lead her out of the theatre and into the cool night air. What was this in her chest that felt like the pressure of being unable to breathe?
He laughed at something and Valerie felt a shift in the atmosphere as she looked at him in the light of the street, his blue eyes reflecting something she couldn’t see. Something beyond where they stood outside a bustling theatre.
“I want to show you something,” Danny said, there was a kind of relief to his words, like he’d been daring himself to say them. “But not here.”
He glanced at her and she felt that terrible drowning sense in her chest again as his clear-blue eyes softened in the moonlight. He looked… so sad, like this was somehow the last time she’d ever see him.
Danny stayed silent as they walked, weaving in and around the humdrum of pedestrians and life that flittered around them like moths to a flame.
She let him pull her along, feeling the familiar chill that buzzed between her fingertips of his skin brushing hers. He was so cold, so frozen in time. It gripped at her.
It was only now that she started to watch him in comparison to the people on the street. In his dark, navy jacket and worn jeans he stood out and blended in at the same time. Like he wasn’t meant to be there and was there all at once. It seemed unnatural somehow…
She shook her head, following him across the street to the park, letting the dull glow of the stars guide them along the cracked paths.
What was it he wanted to show her? And why did it feel like an ending and a beginning all at once? Her curiosity ate at her but if Danny was willing to show her, she would be patient.
The park seemed twisted at night time. The trees warped somehow in the dark, green grass glowing blue in the silver light of the moon.
Danny looked around and hurried on, pulling her up the hill to where a small crop of trees nestled between the undergrowth. There was no one around for miles but Danny seemed extra cautious, double and triple checking their surroundings to make sure they weren’t being followed.
“Danny, you’re scaring me you know that.” Valerie finally said, breaking the silence that had hung over them for so long.
He chuckled softly and came to sit next to her, looking out at the twinkling lights of the city spread out below them like a map. A perfect mirror for the stars above.
The throb of life buzzed about them, the shrieking of tyres, the chink of glasses and the laughter of people. The metropolis was a beating heart but here in this secluded tower, they watched it all in silence.
“I’m so sorry Val…” Danny finally said, and she looked at him as he laid back, staring upwards towards the sky. “I feel like I’ve been lying to you, from the very beginning.”
She wanted to interrupt, wanted to tell him what a mysterious jerk he was being and just to cut to the chase, but she said nothing, too entranced by the wandering lights that reflected in his irises.
“The truth is, that I…” Danny’s expression changed slightly, and his teeth gritted together. Whatever it was that he was trying to say to her, Valerie knew that it was probably something major.
“Danny… you don’t—”
“No, I do.” He said, pulling an arm across his eyes so that she couldn’t see him. “I have to tell you; cause otherwise you’re just going to find out from someone else and then I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.”
He sat up and turned to her, his dark hair framing his face as he gripped her shoulders. Her heart fluttered slightly in her chest; he was crying.
She watched as that perfectly clear water fell from his eyes, carving rivers in his pale skin. She felt something press against her lungs, that fear of drowning, and she opened her mouth to speak.
“I love you…” Danny said, cutting her off, his head bowing as she blinked at his words, numbly they settled on her like falling snow as she felt her heart lighten. “I love you so much… That’s why it’s not fair to keep hiding myself, the real me, from you any longer.”
“Danny I—”
“No, Val, please, let me finish.” Danny looked at her and she felt a pang of guilt cross her chest. He smiled, such a sad smile, as he continued. “Val, I love you. I didn’t think I would fall for someone so hard as I do for you… you’re incredible you know that? You’re so strong and dazzling to look at it hurts my eyes.”
She felt her eyes widen but he continued, “Ever since I met you, you’ve shown me time and time again how great you really are. And quite frankly, I don’t think I deserve you. But I wanted to tell you that I love you. Let you know how much you truly mean to me so that you don’t lose sight of who I am.”
Danny looked at her, “I’m an idiot you know that? I’m such a complete and utter loser that I take so much of what I have for granted. Sam and Tucker have always told me so and that’s why I want to stop hiding from you Valerie. Because I care too much for you to continue acting, continue pretending that I’m alright.”
Danny began to shake as he spoke and she shifted closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in close to her as a smile lifted her face. “Hey. Look at me,” he lifted his eyes to hers and Valerie smiled, “You know, if you’re scared to tell me you don’t have to Danny. Cause…” She felt light, “Because I love you too.”
He blinked at her and smiled, “I was afraid of that…”
She laughed, “Oh yeah and why’s that wisecrack?”
He smiled but didn’t laugh. “Because of who… no that’s not right… because of what I am Val.”
She stopped laughing, he was dead serious, she gripped her chest, that tightness was suffocating now. The fun-loving idiot she had fallen for seemed to melt off him as his eyes narrowed, turning to her fully to look at her dead in the eyes. “Val, I don’t want you to think any less of me, I really and truly want us to continue being close, I want to hold your hand and laugh, go see movies and continue living like this with you for the rest of my life…”
Wait. What was he saying? What did he mean by…
“But, Valerie Grey. I can’t keep hiding forever. I brought you here tonight to tell you something about myself that I can’t share lightly with anyone. But you have to promise to trust me, promise me Val. Please promise me that you won’t think any less of me for it and that you won’t tell anyone else... please this is important.”
She felt the pressure in her lungs choking her now, but she nodded, why was she so scared? So utterly terrified that she might lose him? “I promise. I promise, whatever you want to tell me it’s okay Danny. It’s okay, you can tell me…”
Danny smiled and nodded, his shoulder’s sagging as he did so as if all the tension released from him in one motion. Like he had been waiting his whole life to hear those words. “Val… I…maybe it’s easier if I show you instead?”
She blinked but nodded, allowing him to let go of her as she sat back.
Danny looked at her, she was so perfect, sitting there patiently waiting for him to show her what he meant. He closed his eyes and looked to the stars, here goes nothing…
“Val, I’m so sorry…” he whispered, and triggered his transformation.
Valerie watched in mild horror as the light sparked around his mid-section, twin-rings expanding at his waist.
Wait what?
They broke and spilt, traveling over his body slowly as he stood there, changing him.
What’s happening?
Danny sighed at the feeling of relief, the cool sensation of weightlessness taking hold as the rings reached the base of his neck with a rush of adrenaline.
Valerie felt her hands fly to mouth to cover the shriek of shock as Phantom touched down lightly in front of her. His skin glowing in the eclipse of the moon, the black jumpsuit replacing the familiar jeans and jacket Valerie knew so well…
She stumbled, her mind racing a marathon as her heart banged so hard against her chest, she swore it was audible. No. No this couldn’t be right… Danny was… Danny was?
He looked at her with that same sad smile and she allowed herself to gasp. The clear blue of his eyes now glimmering green like emeralds against the sky.
He sunk to his knees and looked away; he’d ruined it hadn’t he? The curling white of his hair intermingling with the evening breeze. Looking down almost resentfully at the snow-white gloves that adorned his hands. “I’m so sorry…” His voice echoed across the space between them and Valerie inadvertently shivered. “I’m so sorry Val…”
Valerie just sat there, staring blankly at the scene in front of her as Phantom… no Danny, hung his head in his hands. She reached out, but paused, no this couldn’t be right… This was all a big misunderstanding, right? A joke?
She pulled her hand back, cupping it against her chest. But it felt so real, so obvious that she mentally cursed herself for being so stupid.
Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, he’d barely even changed his name. She blinked, observing the shape of his face, the style of his hair, it was all the same, all exactly the same… But even then… Danny couldn’t be a ghost! Surely not… surely… and of all ghosts Phantom? The town hero? Her ultimate enemy? It couldn’t possibly be real; this couldn’t possibly be happening right now…
“You’re probably wondering what happened right?” Valerie snapped her attention towards him as he laughed dryly, the sound was grating, so completely alien to her, “That’s usually the first question I get asked…”
She nodded, she felt so numb.
“It was the Fenton Portal.” He smiled, the white of his hair playing on the breeze like snow, “Mum and Dad couldn’t get it working so I thought it was safe enough to look inside… I… it turned on while I was in there…”
Valerie shuddered, phantom screams of Danny being electrocuted rattling her skull as if she’d been there herself. That was how he’d died? Screaming and alone?
“I’m so sorry Val…” He said again, looking at her, she jolted at the green of his eyes, but he continued, “I’m so sorry you had to find out, but I couldn’t lie to you forever. I just couldn’t keep pretending it was all fine considering our… history…”
A sharp pain rippled through her heart as she realised that he did know. Of course he did. Phantom had known she was the Red Huntress from the beginning, and yet even after every fight they’d had, every insult and curse she’d flung his way… Danny still continued loving her, being around her even then. Even then…
She felt cheated slightly, like he’d known her deepest secret for so long that it wasn’t fair she didn’t know his in return. But she stopped, hadn’t that been the point though? What would she have done if she’d known earlier? What good would it have done to know?
She reached for him cautiously and he flinched as she touched his shoulder. He was so cold, so incredibly cold but she gripped him, feeling the static of ectoplasm under her fingertips as she turned him to her.
His eyes were wide, but she smiled slightly, pulling him down into her, drawing him into a hug.
He was like ice against her, buzzing with electricity and energy that was the only way he could survive. “You’re so stupid you know that?” She felt him twitch slightly against her but she smiled, “I can’t imagine what it was like… what you must go through every day Danny… knowing that there is this side to you that you can’t share with anyone…”
“You’re not scared? Or angry? You don’t hate me, do you?” He sounded so timid, like a frightened child.
She thought about it, sure, she was certainly angry. But not as much as she’d expected, she laughed slightly, she hadn’t planned on this when she finally had Phantom in her grasp.
“Danny… I… don’t think I do… You never told me the truth because I never gave you a reason for it. I was so completely bent on destroying you that I don’t know… I lost sight on what I was fighting… but I’m glad you waited until now to tell me…”
He pulled back from her slightly so she could see his face, “You mean that?”
She nodded, “If I had found out earlier, I might have blasted you to bits. But as it stands… I’m…” she grinned, “I’m really glad I got to know you, Danny Fenton.”
He blinked at her reaction, pulling back further so that they were at eye level. “I…” he started but she pushed a finger to his lips.
“Let me finish loverboy. I believed ghosts were… well monsters. Bent on destroying this world and everyone in it, senseless and unstoppable monsters and nothing more… I never let my guard down, never let anyone see me weak. Until you Danny. I let you in and now, you’ve let me in. And that means so much more than I think you realise. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty shocked, and it’s gonna take me a week to digest all of this… but I love you Danny. You, no matter what you are.”
His eyes widened and he laughed, the familiar sound tinkling against her making her smile.
Valerie didn’t exactly know how she found himself in the position she was in next, but all she felt was the soft press of lips against hers and she wrapped her arms tightly around Danny, feeling light as air. She slipped her hands from his waist to over his shoulders, pushing in for the kiss. Danny felt like his world had exploded into stars, she tasted like strawberries and sunlight mixed together in utter happiness. And Valerie smiled against him, he tasted like static but she didn’t care. Danny could’ve stayed like that forever, and he probably would’ve if Valerie didn’t slip her hands off of him and gently push away.
She smiled, the heavy fear had lifted from her chest and she sighed as it dispersed. The clear water moving in it’s wake.
“So what do we do now?” She asked and Danny blinked, smiling softly as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
He looked to the stars, feeling lighter than ever, “I don’t know.”
“Well, Phantom, how about a truce to begin with.” She winked and Danny laughed, getting to his feet he took her hand and pulled her up with him.
“My my, the Red Huntress herself is offering a ceasefire? I never thought I’d see the day!”
“Oh hush, I can still shoot you.”
He gulped but nodded, a bright smile lighting up his face as he began to float slightly off the ground.
“Not for nothing,” she murmured, eying the space between his feet and the ground warily, “But how about you… uh… what’s the word you use? Switch back? Cause if you walk me home in that state, I think my dad’s gonna have to bring out a little heavier an artillery than a shotgun.”
Danny nodded, touching down without a word, feeling the rings of light split around his waist again as the world held weight once more.
Valerie gasped as Phantom fell away but regained her composure, “Somehow I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that…” she muttered, and he laughed, his blue eyes sparkling.
“Val… I’m… I’m really happy with how tonight went…” Danny grinned as they walked back towards the path, “But you’re sure that you’re okay with this whole… me being Phantom thing?”
She hummed in thought but nodded, “Yeah, but you’re going to have to answer a bunch of questions I have about yourself and the other ghosts. Plus,” she winked at him, “I still expect to be able to fight. Treat me as an equal ghost boy, I refuse to be your sidekick.”
Danny laughed but waved a hand, “Oh don’t worry, I think Tucker wouldn’t talk to me again if I let you have that role.”
“Then that’s settled then… shall we—”
Danny’s breath misted in front of his face and Valerie stiffened as a wave of static swept the park. “Oh no,” she mumbled, a sensor beeping quietly on her watch as she reached for her backpack, flicking the switch on the underside.
He speeder hit the ground and Valerie’s eyes narrowed as she pulled down her hood, snapping the butt of her ecto-gun against her palm as she whirled to Danny.
He was already in fighting mode, the human boy she’d fallen for melting away as the half-ghost hero Phantom stood by her side. Just as a massive, bloated figure rounded the corner ahead of them.
She looked at him a smile playing on her lips, “You ready ghost boy?”
He grinned, “You bet, partner.”
39 notes · View notes
what-even-is-thiss · 7 years
The Four Seasons
OMG you guys I finally have an excuse to smush together the Sanders Sides and Norse mythology. Don’t ask why I wanted to do that. I’m embarrassed enough that I actually wrote this. Like, really embarrassed. I couldn’t find a way to be satisfied with this. This is the version I wrote that I hate the least.
Anyways, @momfriendlogan had a cool idea for an au where the Sanders Sides are the four seasons and @ec-sanderssides added a cool thing to that post about how each of them would be affected by the other’s seasons, and I’ve been working on a story where I shoehorn some characters into mythology, and this idea went really well with it. And Sumarr and Vetr exist in traditional Norse mythology, but I cut the original seasons out. They don’t exist here. I’m bending the mythology A LOT, but if Marvel can butcher Norse mythology then so can I.
Tip Jar
Warnings: None I can think of. Let me know if it needs some. 2,181 words.
Abstract: The Sanders Sides as four brothers that represent the seasons. Kind of told as a myth or something like that I dunno.
Quick note before you read: I didn’t know what to call them at first, since we don’t have Anxiety’s name and their names aren’t Nordic, so I call them by the season they represent, so for reference;
Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t feel comfortable calling them their normal names in this au. Ugh, I’m going to regret writing this tomorrow. Hope you enjoy.
              Nobody quite knows when the brothers came, or who they came from. For all anyone knew they were primordial beings carved from the first ice and fire. Or perhaps they came with the creation of Midgard. Odin often pressed them for information, but they never gave any, and they always saw through his disguise.
One year, shortly after the creation of Midgard, the allfather took notice of the changing weather. In Asgard and Vanaheim it was always summer, and in the early days of Midgard it had been that way as well. Being the god of knowledge that he was, he had to find out why.
He came across on his travels a man sitting on top of a mountain. He wore all black and had several leaves stuck in his hair that he seemed to not notice in the slightest. Altogether, he looked incredibly disheveled and tired. He sat there, drinking a hot drink and watching the world below with a strange form of calm.
“You there!” the god cried out, “Do you know the reasons for the changes in the weather?”
The man leaned back against the tree that was growing at this altitude despite the odds and caught a leaf as it fell.
“I know who you are, old man. Why don’t you stop poking your nose in where it doesn’t belong?” he said.
Soon after that, the gods learned of the seasons. They were hard to find and hard to talk to, and nearly impossible to get information out of.
Soon the realms of the gods were affected by the seasons as well. In time, the Vanir grew sick and tired off all of their precious crops and flowers being killed on a yearly basis and Freja, the goddess of beauty, sent her strongest fallen warrior from her halls to find them and demand that they stop.
The young warrior knew that the seasons began in Midgard, and so they would probably live there. She searched for years in the mortal world, fighting monsters and giants, but found no gods.
One day, she was wandering through a forest in the northern part of the world. The snow was deep and she was cold. She began to fear dying all over again, when she spotted a hall.
It was a long hall, made of wood, and surrounded by lines of trees. She knew this was her only way out of frostbite, so she swallowed her pride and pounded on the door.
A man standing tall in the armor and rich clothes of a nobleman answered the door. He seemed to be radiating a small amount of light and as he opened the door, the young warrior felt the snow melt around her and her core be filled with the warmth and radiance of the summer sun.
“And who are you? Someone looking for another favor?” The radiant man asked.
“Oh, a person? A person? Let them in! Let them in!” a tired but excited voice called from inside.
The woman was welcomed into a warm hall with a fire blazing in the center. It was not made for guests. There were dead vines hanging from the ceiling and there were two other men almost identical in appearance to the regal summery stranger.
The first one she noticed was dressed in simple peasant clothes and had worn hands like a farmer. He was kneeling next to the fire in the center of the room stirring the coals and had tired bags under his eyes. Despite this, he was nearly as bright and radiant as the one that had answered the door.
The other man was dressed all in black and sleeping on a pile of furs in the corner. He seemed to be the opposite of the other two, and seemed to have an aura of darkness and doom about him, and eerily reminded her of creatures she had met from the realm of hel.
The warrior knelt beside the fire and warmed herself cautiously.
“Are you the seasons my lords? The ones that bring the changes in the weather?” she asked respectfully.
“Yes we are, and stop being so formal,” the regal one said. “This place is stuffy enough without a warrior making grand speeches,”
“Are you pretending that you never do that?” came a voice from the corner.
“Autumn, I thought you were asleep,” the man stirring the coals said.
“When do I ever sleep? Especially with nosy residents of Folkvang coming in,” the dark figure said sitting up.
This one was even more tired looking than Spring, for she had guessed by now which one they were. Winter was probably out in the worlds now, cursing the winds of the great eagle with bitter cold and crafting snowflakes to cover the land and freeze the plants.
“I am going to sleep,” Spring said, yawning. “You all should sleep too,”
He walked over to where Autumn had been sleeping and fell down, falling asleep almost immediately. It wasn’t long before he was clinging to the other man like a scared child.
Autumn obviously didn’t like this, but let him stay.
“Ugh. He gets like this every winter. When Winter gets back tonight I’m passing him over,” He looked over at summer. “Are you going demand payment or not?”
Summer sat down in a chair in the corner. “Why don’t you ask her?” he said in a huff.
Autumn sighed in a way that was somewhere beyond tired. “You always have to hold a grudge over that. It can’t be summer forever. And I know that’s why you’re here, girl. Trust me, he would like the same thing, but it’s not happening,”
“What did you mean by payment?” the warrior asked carefully.
“Tell us stories, young maiden,” said Summer. “We grow bored in here waiting for him to return, and only the dark one over there likes leaving this time of year. I can’t stand it, so cure our boredom!”
The fallen warrior stood and told the tale of how she died. She told of a great battle between her tribe and the Saxons and how she had killed twenty men before bleeding out and dying standing up. She told of her quest to find them. Every giant that had crossed her path, and every wolf that had tried to send her to Hel. Before she could finish however, the door flew open.
There was Winter. He shocked her. This was his time of year, so power radiated off of him. Ice snaked through the open door and over the close wall as he entered. He was dressed in surprisingly very little for the weather. He was dressed properly like a scholor or poet would during the summer.
His walk was so proper it annoyed her beyond belief.
“Ah, I suspected Freja would send someone,” he said, closing the door and allowing the fire to heat the place again. “You can tell her what we told all the others. We will not stop and threats do not work,”
“Oi! Winter!” Autumn called out. “Take this one off of me, will you? He is like a clingy dog,”
Winter sat next down to Spring and tapped him on the shoulder. Spring immediately made the switch over and clung to his other brother instead.
Freja was not happy when she heard the news, but the seasons kept to their word and made no such change.
Many centuries passed and the gods were forgotten, but still very much alive and just as baffled by the seasons as ever. They were hard to catch, but when you found one and got to talking with them, or even saw them work, you would have a story to tell for ages.
It was around the time that men began to shoot fire and bullets that the god of poets Bragi claimed that he saw Summer transition into fall.
“It was so confusing,” he said to a group of fallen warriors. “I saw Summer running through a city, and it was as if the mortals never saw him at all, and his brother was chasing him until he caught up to him and tackled him to the ground. It was all incredibly confusing,”
“Well what’d ya reckon is happening now?” asked a fallen soldier with a musket on his knees.
“I’d suspect Autumn is out there right now, tearing down all of his brother’s work. Putting the leaves and animals to sleep and cooling the air. You can’t outrun him any more than you could outrun the end of the world,”
Spring always visited Vanaheim first, though why nobody knew. It was easy to spot him there shortly after he began melting the snow. Sometimes when he was really excited, the gods and fallen warriors of the world could swear they could hear laughter coming from the air.
The warrior that had been sent to find the seasons all those centuries ago often ran away from the battlefield during the spring, trying to follow the laughter whenever she heard it. She had spent several days with them. Longer than anyone else had, and she longed to see what Spring was like when he was not so tired.
Centuries after, she fell asleep by a tree on a cold spring morning, waiting for something. When she woke up, she heard a delighted squee.
“Oh, you’re awake! You look so cute!” said an excited voice.
The cold battle hardened warrior jumped with fright when she saw the radiant face in front of her. Now he was wearing spectacles and a sweater vest. Small flowers were growing around where he sat on the grass in front of her.
“I never asked your name! What is it?” Spring asked excitedly.
“Uh, Brenna. Spring, I have been looking for you for almost a thousand years. What in the worlds are you doing and... Did you put a blanket on me?”
“Uh huh. It’s still to early to be sleeping outside, you know,” He said happily. “Well, I’m gonna go now. Bye!”
“Wait! I have so many...”
But he was gone. She kept the floral print quilt.
Odin decided to give it another try. Despite his centuries of inability to get any information out of the brothers, he thought he had the perfect disguise.
However, when he knocked on the door of the log cabin where the seasons lived, he was once again proven wrong.
The heat around the cottage was intense. Odin hoped they would let him in, but when the door was opened by a frazzled Winter, he immediately regretted coming.
Winter was red in the face and sweating. His normally clean button-up shirt was rolled up at the sleeves and wrinkled. He had a bottle of water in one hand, and his glasses kept slipping off his nose from the intense summer heat.
“We have told you before Odin,” He said angrily. “We can see through your disguises. Oh, how are you surviving in that coat? Oh my. Go away,”
He slammed the door shut. Odin decided to try and find summer. He was always in a good mood during his time of year. Maybe if he bought him a beer or something he would give him some information.
After a couple months of searching he found Summer on a beach watching a group of young people sit around a roaring fire. They didn’t notice him sitting there, laughing heartily at each stupid joke they made.
He looked over at the god observing him.
“What? Didn’t trust your ravens with this one?” he said smiling.
He looked so young. Even his eyes sparkled with youth. He wore a light golden jacket and white t-shirt and jeans and sunglasses were perched on his head. He smiled at the confused god that didn’t know how the other had seen him.
“You never just want to sit and talk, do you old man?” He asked laughing with the huge laugh of a Shakespearean actor. “You should have learned by now we are not here to make your nerd quests more fun,”
Odin gave in and sat there and talked. Invisible to the mortals, they talked about the changing times. At the end of the conversation an unexpected visitor popped up.
A pair of hands placed themselves over Summer’s eyes.
“Boo. Found you,” said a darkly amused Fall, his upturned hood making him look just slightly menacing in the firelight.
“Oh, curse it all! Is it that time already!?” the warmer season exclaimed.
“’Fraid so, buddy. I’ll take it from here. Hey, old man. Trying to press him for information?”
“We were just talking this time,” Summer said, pulling his brother’s hands off of his eyes. “I suppose I’ll be going now. Goodbye,”
And both of them seemed to disappear in a gust of wind.
The gods still don’t know exactly who they are, and they are beginning to come to terms with the idea that perhaps they never will. They are as fleeting and predictable and unpredictable as the seasons they personify, but perhaps it’s better if it stays that way.
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wearethegoodlife · 7 years
TheGoodLife! “Camp Nice” 2017 – Super Re-Cap Extravaganza!
Have you ever wished you could go back to some of the experiences of your youth but in your adult body with all the wisdom and sense of self you’ve acquired since? We have too. And as firm believers that anything is possible, we’ve taken it a step further and turned that wish into a reality! Welcome to Camp Nice, the ultimate summer camp for adults! What started as an idea for a little camp excursion for the autumnal equinox has evolved over the past four years into a one of a kind communal adventure for family and friends of TheGoodLife! This year was far and beyond the most epic Camp Nice yet! Moving to a new location nestled in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains along the Great Appalachian Valley, Camp Nice 2017 was a private wilderness paradise that included a lake and fleet of boats, miles of hiking terrain, an archery range, an arts & crafts hut, even a haunted cabin in the woods! On top of that there were literally acres of available camping zones, a central cabin village, and both bathing and kitchen facilities meaning campers could go as camp or as glamp as they wanted, no judgement here! If that wasn’t enough, we had the generous support of Burton Snowboards, Cutty Sark Whisky, ABK Beer, and Unreal Snacks, who all contributed in major ways to amplify the Camp Nice experience. From Burton providing extensive camping equipment from their collection with Big Agnes to Cutty Sark throwing a multi-course “Pioneer Dinner” cooked over the fire to ABK keeping Camp Nice hydrated with beer for a week to Unreal Snacks hooking up the best s’mores this side of the Mississippi, this years sponsors were next level. And so were the campers. Representing the wide diversity of TheGoodLife! Fam, 2017’s crop of campers were a radical group of artists, musicians, photographers, models, writers, chefs, activists, and athletes, whose collective creative energy was unmatched. Needless to say, we created some beyond epic experiences! Please settle in and get ready for some major camp vibes as we present the Camp Nice Super Re-Cap Extravaganza! All film photography by Craig Wetherby. Words by Tim Brodhagen. Can’t wait for next year!!
Calling all campers…
Yung Sig was one of the first to arrive…
And she got settled in pretty nice at her lakeside tent zone in the Burton x Big Agnes classic!
Next up was Akira & Amaya…
Our new camp mascot Hubert the Heron swooped on by for a sunset welcome…
While Siggy earned the first Boating Badge!
Akira & Amaya got right on Fire Badge duty as soon as the sun set…
Fire Badge EARNED!
Welcome to CAMP NICE! We have arrived!!
The ambitious duo were up bright and early to earn their Fishing Badges!
Captain Blue was there at weigh in to make sure they had some keepers!
Blue popped up the Red Hook Snack Bar and got his Grill Master Badge on with the quickness!
Tono was enjoying the goodness!
Becky, Bree & Cass got theirs!
And so did Rata…YUM!
You know Pat wasn’t sleeping on this either.
Then it was time to start smoking the meat for the Cutty Sark Pioneer Grill!
YUP! Very official!
And might as well add some ABK Beer to the mix!
We were definitely STOCKED UP!
Plenty of Cutty to go around too!
As we got into the night the drinks started flowing!
Blue was focused!
But it was well worth the wait! We all eat right at Camp Nice!
Very NICE!
Thanks to John & Jennifer for getting down with us!
Oscar the Owl was feeling the Cutty merch too!
Now it was S’Mores time! And our friends at Unreal came thru with the healthy vegan goodness!
Toasted bagels were definitely on the breakfast menu!
Our library got a nice upgrade this year with Ricky Powell’s latest creation The Individualist! Thank you!
Yup! Even The Lazy Hustler came thru this year!
Next up was Arts & Crafts time with some custom Camp Nice screen printing with Tono!
Heather whipped up a nice one!
Everyone got their tie dye on!
Blotto got busy!
These guys were earning all the badges!
Erika was a pro!
Chenoah got crafty with it too! Thank you Cass!
Petey aka DJ Smoke L.E.S. was in the house!
Joe’s Pizza!
Arts & Crafts Badges for all!
All the colors were definitely pretty trippy…
Now it was time to earn some Archery Badges with Coach Becky!
These guys were on another level!
Hannah was a sharp shooter..
And so was Timbo!
Emma was pretty on point!
Blotto had that eagle eye!
It was unseasonably hot out so we had to get back in the water! Hannah couldn’t wait!
Siggy & Sable were ready to go!
Chenoah was down too!
Cass was doing it right!
Even tho Pat was trying to harsh her mellow…
Looked very refreshing!
  After some fun in the sun it was time start chilling hard in the hammock. Hannah earned her Rigging Badge!
Pat didn’t waste any time…after all he had a very chillactive day!
Cass was down too!
Catch of the Day!
Paella Time!
Thats right…
Sunsets were proper!
Moonsets were better!
But Becky’s Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler was even better…
Becky is kinda the BEST if you haven’t heard…
She’s always down for an adventure…
Siggy & Sable are pretty badass too!
Cass got higher than most…
Emma earned style points…
TJ dropped in!
Sable got her eagle on!
Too much fun ! ! !
Sebas was a natural!
Aimz was glowing with joy!
Teamwork makes the dream work! Especially when wearing Pats Pants!!
But wait…Back to Becky…She even shoots arrows in a kimono!!
Miranda stays WINNING!
And so does Erika!
TJ was winning too!
Jesse thought he had the advantage with his non-regulation sharp shooter specs on but got disqualified…
TJ clinched the big WIN!
Archery Badge EARNED!
After a rough day at the archery range The Zen Brothers got their midnight lakeside set crackin!
Next morning Amie was first one to step up to get her Fire Badge…
George liked to sleep late…
Rise & Shine!
Mermaid Badges were waiting to be earned…
Siggy earned hers!
Now time to earn some more Boating Badges…right after this quick photo shoot tho! Brian was getting it in!
Chenoah earned her Boating Badge…
So did Pat & Cass…
All the pups were trying to earn their Boating Badges too!
They were out in full force!
Ranger Larry even took our camp kitty out for a cruise! Willy B just wanted some fish!!
Boating Badge EARNED!
Now time to chill…
Or keep earning more badges…
Nothing gets by Sig Nasty! Gaming Badge EARNED!
TheGoodLife! FC was representing at Camp Nice!
Miranda’s been down since day one!
Willy B knows whats up!
Bree luvs the pups…
Mo loves everyone!
And Willy B loves hunting for chipmunks!
Miranda loves knitting!
Amaya was all love!
Sam is lovely…
Camp Nice is for lovers…
No haters allowed! G-O-O-D-L-I-F-E-!
It was the chillest of chill…
And all that good shit…
Speaking of good shit…EDAN brought those records of warmth for our enjoyment…
Ricky was digging the selections!
And EDAN stayed digging for those gems!
Life was lovely!
Blotto’s breakfast tacos were lovely too!
And so is Bree…
Willy gets all the lovin…
Ricky wasn’t mad…
Saftey First says the Substitute Lifeguard…
No worries here…
Blue kept on reeling ’em in!
Pat was just cruizin…
Fun activities for everyone!
Who’s got next??
Still got game…
The Pasta Queens came ready to ball!
Sam got an ill jumpshot!
And they didn’t play around in the kitchen either…
Pasta for everyone! Cooking Badge EARNED!
More S’Mores!
Best dessert ever!
Then things got LIT!
The tunes were perfect! The Dardy’s came thru!
Then it was time to go find the haunted cabin!
Things started to get weird!
We all needed a hug after that experience…
The freaks definitely come out at night!
The rest of the VT Crew finally joined us and Ranger Larry was there with the warm welcome.
Matt Kruz of the Gnarmads rode his bike up from NYC to join in the festivities! Beer Badge EARNED!!
Ricky definitely earned his Beer Badge too!
Pat shredded every obstacle he found!
And The Dardy’s were showing off their skills too!
Jozie brought her A-Game!
Amanda had a mean shot too!
Back down at the lake water sports were in full effect!
It was popping!
Spirits were definitely high!
Blue was in the zone!
We eat what we catch!
And then we play!
Horseshoe Champs!
Gaming Badge EARNED!
Fireside Stick & Poke…Arts & crafts Badge EARNED!
Mermaid Badge EARNED!
We couldn’t ask for a nicer night! The moon set over the lake was EPIC!
As the morning approached the fog slowly rolled in…
It was pretty eerie but beautiful…
Misty Mornings
Pat was losing his grip…
Emel was in rare form…
Chenoah, The High Priestess, was taking it all in…
Break Night Badge EARNED!
Farnum showed up and decided to move right in! Camp Nice for LIFE!
It wasn’t bad at all…
We weren’t quite ready to leave just yet…
So we grabbed our trusty cruisers and headed down for a final wood run! Thank you Shimano Bike NYC!
It was all downhill from here…
Woodsman Squad!
Everyone pitched in…
Ranger Larry put in some quality time but had to break out….
One last paddle around the lake to say peace to our homie Hubert…
Really gonna miss these Strawberry Sunsets…
And we OUT!
Final catch!
Not to shabby!
Blue was happy!
Set them free…
Last light!
Camp Nice was exceptionally nice this year…
All our hard work definitely paid off but it was now time to finally say goodbye…
Major THANK YOU to all those who supported and survived CAMP NICE! Til next year…
0 notes
murieldurbin-blog · 7 years
5 Adolescent Selections That Aided Make Me Rich.
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This is actually an outstanding idea to make up ground bait based on your intended boilie base mix substances or even prepared created base mix particles blend. The degenerating excitable stone on the Big Isle is abundant in natural minerals and erodes easily. As an example, countless quick guides have been composed on effective ways to bring in fast yet nutritious meals for individuals on the move. Because of their line from job, physicians as well as nutritional experts have long comprehended that a lot of folks today are actually consistently rushing points. Know How Your Can easily Beginning Your personal E-Commerce Store For Nothing and Create Many thousands Month-to-month Utilizing Our Proven Secrets! As an individual who grew up in hardship as well as today owns a several businesses I will definitely mention that if you stop condemning others and only operate at constructing connections and also understand a details ability at that point you will be better to community and also hence create even more funds. The rich are rich since they are certainly not paid attention to comfort and the achievement from liabilities making use of credit score, as the mid training class is. This feature rich online platform possesses a substantial data source of consultants on the planet. Bring in indisputable, living frugally and also saving loan for many years could definitely create you a millionaire ... But if you intend to make the most loan in the shortest period of time, you must dedicate your own self to becoming independent! 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I'll disclose a number of my very most discreet keys, ideas and also techniques in addition to a full economic device that makes a serious revenue! Russia & The Ukraine are actually efficiently very poor countries materially, ok there are actually a handful of privileged ones that considering that the autumn from the realm have become rich, super wealthy and our company hear a lot from these individuals, yet they represent a tiny portion of the populace. There are actually reputable and also effective courses you may use to make the cash you have been imagining. The wealthy physical exercise everyday, they regulate their usage from convenience food, they consume alcoholic drinks in small amounts, they avoid fast food dining establishments, they dental floss on a daily basis and also a lot of don't smoke cigarettes. 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Women wish to respond to the inquiry, why does he adore me in order that they understand exactly just what to carry out to create a man fall in love with all of them. However some world wide web marketers also help make ALL their earnings with affiliate programs - they don't sell any of their own items! So to sum this up: If you make great money, however must work 80-hour full weeks to get it, you are actually still privileged. Robin Reddish is actually rich in glucoses as is that famous hydrolysed liquefied casein item known as Minamino. You can easily produce your personal variants or leave off the topping for a vanilla cheesecake. You will definitely depend upon reduces coming from heinous eyes, boars, fire boars, jr felines, and curse eyes (exluding the ludi beasts considering that I carry out unknown their level of efficiency from instruction) and also they go down barely any kind of excellent tools that will certainly create you rich. You will certainly drop close friends and also you will make new ones, however when you get to the top you will definitely understand that it's all worth it. You will certainly realize that you will certainly experience ache to get. Commonly the middle as well as wealthy course are one of the most unhappy given that our company invest our lives in jealousy from those above our company along with much more than our company have. Immigration reform need to imply another thing completely: this ought to suggest remodelings to our plans as well as legislations to create lifestyle much better for American people. Carrot, dried apricots and red pepper are abundant resources of vitamin A, diet regimen integrating vitamin An along with spinach, dark environment-friendly lettuce, cabbage as well as sweet white potatos is not merely helpful for sperm mobility but additionally for sperm count. Generally, this says to average" individuals that show your children in order to get wealthy as opposed to teaching all of them effective ways to make it through. Near this, it likewise wealthy in ascorbic acid, boost liver detoxification ability. He can get a financing project as well as bring in a six amount income on the very first year if one has an Economics level. You could have observed that this seems like a receive wealthy simple scheme, that made me really skeptical also when I to begin with found that. If you could produce video clips like Charlie Little bit My Finger" after that you may likewise prosper overnight. You know that 1) you definitely require guys like him and also 2) he will certainly never receive rich performing just what he carries out. The Accolades memory card possesses a match-your-donation promotion (up to $2,500 a year) for its humanitarian cardholders that prefer to earn philanthropic payments. I am actually living proof that people space in your home with one pc is actually all you need to create up to half a million dollars a year! Merely make certain you feature all those factors in your offering that customers have actually been actually asking for from other firms. This might be true but there are definitely some ideas that can make one sound hilarious!
0 notes
horror-movie-blog · 7 years
HMB: Extraordinary Tales
Original Publishing Date: July 8th, 2016 
I have to great passions in life, animation and horror, and whenever I see the two together I get excited. It's rare you see it, so when I discovered this movie I was quickly in to it. Extraordinary Tales is an anthology movie with five animated pieces based on the short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. You have acclaimed horror stars like Bela Lugosi (from early recordings), Christopher Lee and Guillermo del Toro. The animated is mix media, meaning they use a variety of techniques to make it, however, it would seem the most used technique is rotoscoped 3-D animation. What that means is someone made models in a 3-D software and animated in that. However, the exported movie was then painted over, either digitally or by hand. This creates stylized animation while also avoiding pesky rendering time. The shorts are tied together by a narrative of Poe (reincarnated as a raven) taking to death through tomb stones. I'm not a fan of this frame device, mainly because of two things. One, the guy they got to voice Poe is terrible, he doesn't sound at all into it. Second, the visuals are not that gothic. Don't get me wrong, there's naked trees, falling autumn leaves, grave stones, but they are drawing in a bright, warm hue color rather then low saturation and cold hues. It can be done, but here it doesn't give you that "Edgar Allan Poe feeling", if you know what I mean. The first short is perhaps the best one in the film, the Fall of the House of Usher. To summarize the story at its simplest, a man visits his lonely friend in a house, that was once grand and beautiful, now standing on it's last legs and crumbling. After the friend's sister dies, the friend is the last of the Ushers. So he dies and the house falls. The idea behind the story is that the house represents the family, and since the sister and the friend were anti-social and never leaved the house, there is no future Ushers, therefore the family is gone, so the house falls apart. One of my favorite Poe stories, and the amazing visuals in this made it the best of the five. Amazing silhouettes, great character designs, and a fantastic use of color. The shots in this are cinematic, perfect composition and transitions. And the backgrounds have this white scratchiness to it that just adds another flavor of atmosphere. All while the story being narrated by the amazing Christopher Lee. If you don't want to stay for the entire movie, than at least watch this one. The second short is The Tell-Tale Heart. In this one, a man kills an elderly man and shoves him in the floor boards. But he can still hear the heart beating. The beating drives him insane, causing him to confess the killing to the police. Not the strongest piece in the movie, in fact, I'd say it was the weakest. Not to say it was bad, it's just a tough act to follow the House of Usher. Instead of a vast array of colors, the artist chooses black and white. Now, I do like the contrast of the two, but the visuals are not as impressive. Okay, I take that back, the visuals are impressive, by itself, however, the animation feels stiff. But you can say that's because of the film's simplistic approach. I think the thing that annoys me the most about this part is the design of the police. They all look the same, which I guess was a style choice, but it's also kind of lazy. I don't know, that's just nitpicking, I suppose. Whatever, the thing I loved about this one was the narration. Bela Lugosi narrates the story, and yes, while this was hard to hear due to the static of the out of date recording equipment added with Lugosi's aging voice and accent, it was so amazing to hear him again. One of the only time you'll see (or rather hear) both Draculas in the same movie. Wonderful. The third is The Facts and the Case of M. Valdemar. A man fascinated with hypnosis makes a deal with his friend, M. Valdemar, that on his death bed he would allow experimentation with hypnosis on him as he is dying. The man agrees, thinking that death won't come soon for him, but what do you know, death comes soon. While dying in bed, the hypnotist hypnotizes Valdemar into sleep, and then dies. He and the doctors study the corpse, and find that decomposition hasn't set in yet, for some reason. So they eventually snap him out of hypnosis, only to have him spring up alive and explode into green goo. This is the one Poe story I haven't heard of, so I was shocked by this ending. That being said, another great one. The animation is in the style of an old comic book, with black shadows and realistic details on the face. I did find the design of the hypnotist distracting though, for he looks like Vincent Price. Ah well, it wasn't that distracting, if anything it was, huh look at that. The forth was the Pit and the Pendulum. This one shocked me, as I was only familiar with the Vincent Prince movie, so I wasn't expecting a completely different story. A man is sentenced to death by a jury of monks during the spanish inquisition. Insanity drives the man to think a pit has opened up in his cell and him being strapped to a board as a pendulum rocks back and forth above him. I'll admit, this one was boring. The art style wasn't as expressive as the last three, so it didn't sink it as well. If anything, it looked like motion capture 3-D animation, like something you'd see in the a video game. Plus, the fact that nothing happens kind of kills the tension. I mean, the idea of a pendulum rocking back and forth above you, inching closer with every snap, is chilling, but not chilling when you can predict it's all a dream. Maybe it was better translated in the short story, but here, it feels dull. And I hate to admit it, but a big reason why this didn't work was because of Guillermo Del Toro. I love his films and everything he's done, but I couldn't understand a word this dude said. Thankfully the visuals was able to fill in the gaps, but the narration didn't help with anything. And finally, we have the Masque of the Red Death. While not as atmospheric as the first short, it's unique for it has no narration. It's the only short in the entire movie that has no narrator. Instead, we are gazing upon the animation and art, and it is beautiful. The Masque of the Red Death is about a noble who is trying to escape the Red Death plague by secluding off his abbey from the outside world. He and a bunch of other wealthy people decide to throw a masque in the abbey, celebrating and partying in the abbey's decorative seven rooms, each one painted in a primary color, while also containing an act of sin going on. Everything seems like fun until an uninvited quest shows up, who wears the costume of the Red Death. The noble commands him to leave, but oh no, turns out the Red Death is the Red Death! And they all die of the Red Death. The story is an allegory of trying to escape death, and how it'll find a way into your isolated little world. The art in this is astonishing, create use of colors, with green representing the room were gambling takes place (greed), orange representing the dining hall where people waste food (gluttony), and red representing the room where fire dancers preform in (um... I don't know, pride?). I think it was a great short to end on. So overall, this is a beautiful, well made, love letter to Poe and the horror movie genre. It was cinematically pleasant, artistically amazing, and is probably one of my favorite films I've seen this year. That being said... It's not scary. I can call itself a horror movie because it's a adaptation of Poe, but it won't scare you unless you are a little kid, which a little kid would not be watching this because it a hard R due to the nudity in the last short. So, if you are a meat head horror fan who can't take in atmosphere and classic gothic tales, this isn't your movie. But if you are in the mood for a different horror film, one with great art and timeless stories, than this is your movie. If you are a fan of animation or a fan of horror films. And with all that said, what do the critics think of it? 6.4 IMDB. 61% on Rotten Tomatoes. And 59 on Metacritic. You know what? I hate critics. No, I really do. A bunch of narcissistic pricks who don't know how to make art, and yet feel the need to criticize it, like they know what the fuck they are talking about. Fuck off, this movie deserves to be in the 90's. Fuck critics, fuck Babadook, and fuck, this movie was great. 
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