#do you want to build a snowman meme
madmanwonder · 5 months
Do you want to build a snowman
Wendy asks Natsu and Gajeel this.
Natsu and Gajeel look at the younger air dragonslayer with rapid blinking stare.
Natsu: *Grin* Sure Wendy!
Gajeel: *Shrug Shoulders* As long you keep quiet about it between us.
Wendy: *Happy Girl Noises*
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wilde-is-the-wind · 1 year
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I guess the patients from the local children's hospital have been out building snowmen.
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wandeel · 2 years
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Someone has certainly already made the joke but I don't care, I like this scene and I like to annoy Len
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theunvanquishedzims · 1 month
You know what would be cool? A VR video game/art program that lets you play with different mediums.
Specifically thinking of hammer and chisel and a giant marble block, the kind of thing financially and logistically out of 99% of people's reach, but still desirable. Being able to play around, get an idea of what kind of work goes into a statue, designing your own, and being able to start over as many times as you want? Having SAVE POINTS?
"Zims, they'll just make giant penises and SpongeBob memes." Yeah, and? It's a game. Let people play.
"It'll never compare to the experience of being a real sculptor!" Yeah, and? Cooking shows don't feed the people watching, but it's still educational and inspiring.
"People will start to undervalue real art if they think they can do something similar!" Yeah, and? Rock Band let people enjoy the experience of being a musician, but few actually believed the skills would translate to real instruments. This isn't new. Let people have fun.
It's not just marble sculpture either. Wood carving. Sand portraits. Oil painting. Basket weaving. Cake decorating. Snowman building. Any and all artistic mediums, endless supplies and storage, all for the price of a single game.
We have the technology, let's make the future now.
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sorry i went to see beauty and the beast in theatres for the disney100 re-release and 1) i never want to hear the words live action again and 2) wow the memes you see when you're 13 really do change your fucking life. i'm watching this masterpiece and i'm just thinking "gaston has ruined the egg economy" "he was in here raving tonight" and then i think i'm safe and suddenly "BELLE WE ARE BUILDING A FUCKING SNOWMAN"
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Psycho Analysis: Freaky Fred
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(WARNING! This analysis is... NAUGHTY!)
Hello dear reader, this is Fred.
You hear the words that are in his head.
To Courage the dog he is a threat,
because he’s very… naughty.
In Courage the Cowardly Dog, you see,
Fred appeared and definitely
left a mark on you and me
by being very... naughty.
So let's take a look at this creepy man,
and hopefully you'll understand
why this guy has garnered tons of fans
despite him being... naughty.
Fred’s a man of simple needs.
He wants to cut hair, indeed!
And his efforts would likely succeed
if he weren’t so… naughty.
He has a compulsion, you know.
He sees hair and it’s time to go!
And so he spends the\is episode of the show
being very naughty.
Performance: Paul Schoeffler is the man, you know!
He voiced Le Quack, Katz and Big Toe!
The Cajun Fox, Zalost, the Snowman, oh,
he played characters who were… naughty.
He was quite good at what he had to do,
even playing Dr. Vindaloo!
And he played our boy Fred, it’s true,
with a performance that was… quite naughty.
Final Fate: After shaving Courage’s hair,
the orderlies escort him out of there.
One could argue the ending’s unfair.
Fred was only… a little naughty.
Evilness: Is Fred evil? Who can say?
I certainly don’t see him that way.
Really, at the end of the day,
the worst you can call him is… naughty.
He shaves off hair against people’s will
because it gives him perverted thrills.
He doesn’t maim or harm or kill,
he’s genuinely just naughty.
So I suppose a 1.5/10’s the score.
I can’t really justify much more.
He’s not cruel or deadly to the core,
he’s a weird guy who’s naughty.
Best Quote: The opening lines of his sole appearance of course,
which he delivers with no remorse
as he outlines his action’s course
and explains that he is… NAUGHTY:
“Hello, new friend. My name is Fred.
The words you hear are in my head.
I say, I said my name is Fred,
and I've been... very naughty.”
Final Thoughts & Score: Alright, time to drop the rhyming act so I can actually really talk about Fred. And boy, is he ever interesting to talk about! Courage is really a cavalcade of amazing one-shot antagonists, but Fred is easily one of the best and most memorable.
A huge part of that is probably down to his single appearance being narrated from his point of view. He’s the rare Courage villain that gives us explicit insight to his thought process and why he does what he does, and what he does is… extremely strange and even suggestive. His compulsion is so strange and how he narrates it and refers to his actions really build him up to feel worse and creepier than he actually is. He’s not trying to hurt Courage in any way, he’s just trying to exercise his bizarre fetish like a G-rated Yoshikage Kira. There's a lot of ways you could read into this compulsion, but t really does make him stand out as a character due to how unique it is and how it's implemented into the story.
I think what also helps is Schoeffler giving one of his best performances on the show. Like yes, Katz and Le Quack are great, and Vindaloo is a funny meme man, but Fred is just a truly iconic character with such a bombastic and sophisticated narration that I really think he’s a contender for the best character the man played. On top of that we have a fantastic design, with his crazy hair and way-too-wide grin; literally every aspect of this guy is perfect.
But at the end of it all, you have to remember that Fred isn’t actually evil, no matter how much he seems to insist he is. At worst, he’s an anti-villain, and even then it’s in name only; the dude is just a freaky weirdo who looks like Betelgeuse and has a strange fetish he can’t help but act out on, and at worst his actions are annoying and inconvenient as opposed to horribly destructive or deadly. Like, oh no, your hair’s gone! It’ll grow back, whatever. He may be Sweeney Todd for kids, but this barber ain’t a demon; he’s just a fucking weirdo. And I love him for it.
A 9.5/10 is the score he gets,
A memorable antagonist, one of the best.
His narration will never leave your head,
and isn’t that just…
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confusedbuddyboi · 4 months
This is my first fic agere stuff, so I wanted to try espresso and Madeline, cause I can see them in my mind easily. :] btw this isnt edited so spelling errors possible and likely. This is inspired by the winter snow! It's made me excited! Also lmk if anyone's got ideas or such for other stuff! My ask box is always open even memes.
Fic under cut!
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/I'll start this with saying I'm horrendous at guessing ages in general not even regressing. So most of my regression ideas here aren't based on specifics of ages and how they grow, but how a charather generally might act. Espresso seems like someone who even when regressed likes to try and be “a big kid” the main thing is regressed hes more open to offerings of help and general silliness. He also relaxes and is a lot less stressed\
Espresso was staring out the window, distracted from there work for a long moment. It was a gentle flurry, but the snow has been layering like powdered sugar on everything. Espresso realized they hadn't even realized the snow starting, he didn't mind the cold however. Being made with espresso kept him warm so he could really soak in the sight.
He never admit it but the winter weather made him a bit giddy. He always thought of when he would go out and play in the snow with his siblings. Latte would help build a snowman while cappuccino would be found making snow angels. Espresso had been much younger than his siblings but minus snow ball fights he never felt left behind in snowy fun.
“Ohhh espresso!” A joyful voice sang turning the corner seeing espresso turn from their window watching. Normally when Madeline came in espresso would jump, like a bundle of nerves, or scold him for being so sneaky when coming in. However right now espresso simply hummed, tilting his head a bit tired as always however.
Madeline gave a gentle “ah” as he realized espresso was likely regressing. Sometimes it was hard to tell, as espresso tended to fight it off wanting to work. Thankfully for Madeline the snow made espresso more willing to slip to a younger mindset without fighting it. “well, would you like to bundle up for a bit of time outside?” “you just got back from patrol though, your probably freezing” Madeline shook his hand in a ‘dont worry’ gesture. “I'll change into better layers and warm up while we but you in some winter ware,” he smiled “besides the hot chocolate taste better after a winter walk”
Eventually Madeline got his layers on first and quickly. He came back to espresso trying his best to put on the layers himself. He got the shirt and pants on fine, but was struggling with the zipper on coat. He was starting to get huffy as it didn't connect properly at the bottom. Madeline came over espresso likes to try and do big things on his own. “Can I help you buddy?” Espresso pouted wanting to get it done himself, trying once again not answering.
“Hey, you got your layers on. I'm proud of you but even big boys need help. Like I might need you to hold my hand to help me down the stairs, theyre a bit slippery!” it a moment but espresso let go of the zipper “ok”. Madeline knew it was better to tell espresso he was a big boy, or else he might get fussy. Even as a little he was always trying to be self-sufficient.
Eventually they made it out the door “hold my hand till we down the stairs ok? I don't want us to fall!” espresso beamed happy to help. “Here be careful ok! I'll be watching you!” Espresso decided to flop down and start making a string of snow angels, he looked over and urged Madeline over. “Make some too!” Madeline was cold, but with how espresso beamed excited trying to make a big circle of them, he couldn't resist.
Eventually they finished them and espresso giggled. Giddy with the masterpiece they made. Madeline brushed off the snow stuck to him and espresso before letting him explore a bit more. The snow wasn't wet enough for snowmen which made him a bit sad but settled on drawing in the snow with a stick.
Eventually espresso had enough outside, and headed inside. Madeline kept his promise of hot chocolate, letting it cool down before he put it in a sippy cup. Espresso was beaming bringing his coat to Madeline having taken off his layers. “Look! I got it off on my own!” He said excited. Madeline ruffled espresso hair a bit. “Great job! I got some hot chocolate to warm you up.” He was surprised when espresso held out the coat. “Could you put it on the rack?” Madeline smiled a bit and took it, “sure bud. Here yah go” espresso took it and darted to the couch and it's covers. “Thank you!”
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flashnthunder · 5 months
Tag game (Christmas edition)!
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends.
@deputy-buck tagged me in this :)) !
Favourite nickname you've ever been given?
i have never gone by my full name but technically izzy is my nickname, i've gotten iz or izzers by friends before and izzy-maye is my family nickname which i like
Where are you located?
the US, specifically ohio so very midwest
What season is it where you are now?
it is winter and officially Cold, it has not felt like winter for the past month but now i am freezing and already crying thinking about driving in ice
Favorite tradition this time of year?
there's a zoo that puts on this big light show every year and i usually go with friends which has become a little tradition, but tbh there's not a lot i can think of other than that
Favourite holiday food?
probably fudge?? idk if that counts as holiday food but i only eat it in the winter
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider?
apple cider for the win i am not a big any type of wine fan and eggnog is only kinda not awful if i don't think about what i'm drinking
Turkey, ham or nut roast (Or Tofurkey?)?
ham! i feel like turkey is a very november food and not my favorite
Would you rather spend the december holidays in: a cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand?
right now im gonna say cabin because that sounds nice and peaceful but check-in with me in a month and i will have switched up once i am sufficiently sun-deprived and looking like a sad vampire with scurvy
are you pro-snow or anti-snow?
pro-snow in the hypothetical sense of enjoying it when i don't need to do anything, and anti-snow when i'm slogging to class in the slush at 9am which is the reality of january
have you ever built a snowman?
YES i love building snowmen i don't care if i'm getting freezing and wet and gross outside it's gotta happen it is just way to funny to not leave them everywhere possible
Skiing or snowboarding?
i have never really done either, i like ice skating though in terms of a winter sport :) i will fall on my ass
Do you decorate for the holidays?
i try to a little!! i like putting stuff outside, have some lights and things like that
Favourite holiday movie?
nostalgia wise stuff like charlie brown, that claymation rudolph movie, the muppets, it's a wonderful life but around the holidays i like to religiously rewatch the original star trek show so that is like My Holiday Movie
Favourite holiday fanfic?
people should rec me some because i can't think of anything off the top of my head??? i might be forgetting one i'm sure i have read them before
If you were to star in a hallmark movie, who would be your love interest?
confession time i've never really watched hallmark movies but going off the memes maybe i am the small hometown man waiting on a stressed businesswoman from new york to come home for christmas and then we can get a dog or something while the credits start
if yall would like to- tagging: @ewipandora @blood-mocha-latte @lewis-winters @good-night-space-kid @heystovepipeboys @gorgeousundertow @1waveshortofashipwreck + anyone who wants to do it :)
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luckthebard · 1 year
Weirdly specific and overly long Critical Role Ask Meme: C, D, E, G
Had to go to my blog to find these letters, lol, I don't do that often.
C. Minor character people in the fandom are obsessed with that makes you go “them? why?"
Honestly, Bryce. They were, like, fine, but they were ultimately just a random townsguard who was an early campaign quest-giver.
D. Minor character you are (correctly) obsessed with.
If he counts as minor, Eadwulf. I want to know so much more about that dude.
If he doesn't, the guard in Eiselcross who Jester convinces to build a snowman. One of Matt's more charming instant creations.
E. Meta you would write if you did not fear people would be SUPER weird about it. This is also an invitation to write that meta and block the haters.
I think a couple people have answered this the same way but I have a LOT of thoughts about Caleb's feelings for Jester and how they evolved over the campaign and the point at which he ultimately laid them to rest and transitioned into strong friendship feelings. I think this is an incredibly interesting part of Caleb's story and moving on from his feelings for her was of huge importance to his healing process. But there is no way people would be normal about everything I have to say about that.
G. Alternate outcome in a main campaign that you don’t necessarily wish happened, but that you wish you could see played out in an alternate universe before returning to ours.
I would love to see what a version of C1 looked like where Scanlan never came back. I want to live in the alternate universe where Sam played Tary in the final battle against Vecna. Just to see lol.
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miraculous-stud · 5 months
Welcome to A Stud Filled December!!
I got a lot of different prompts planned, so I hope you guys enjoy!
December 1: Kai and Pixal hang Christmas lights
December 2: Under the Mistletoe
December 3: First Christmas after the merge
December 4: Gingerbread house competition
December 5: Ninja bet on who can get Lloyd the best gift
December 6: The ninja are elves! What do they get up to?
December 7: Christmas Movie Night
December 8: Naughty VS. Nice meme chart
December 9: Snowball fight!
December 10: Christmas Cards
December 11: Decorating the tree
December 12: Cole is bad at cooking Christmas dinner
December 13: Wrapping gifts
December 14: Zane, Jay, and Lilliane make Christmas cookies with Ed and Edna
December 15: Indigo and Nya decorate around the monastery
December 16: Secret Santa
December 17: Nutcracker Au
December 18: Do you want to build a Snowman?
December 19: Cole dresses as Santa for the kids in Ninjago City
December 20: Christmas Carol Au
December 21: Caroling around Ninjago City
December 22: Cutting Paper Snowflakes
December 23: Hanging Stockings
December 24: Christmas Eve
December 25: Christmas Day(pt 2 to day 5)
December 26: Cozy by the Fire
December 27: drinking hot cocoa in a Zane made igloo
December 28: Sledding
December 29: Raiding the toy section
December 30: Snowed in!
December 31: New Years Eve
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@sparklymuses​ asked:  ☂️  -  for peko! snow times!
Emoji starter meme - No Longer Accepting!
send  ☂️  for  a  weather  based  starter .
Usually, it was Sonia who felt rather...well, not to be ironic, but foreign at Hope's Peak Academy. Much of her now-routine school life she'd only seen in anime or dramas: students who cleaned classrooms, changed from outdoor shoes to indoor slippers, visited the likes of konbinis and arcades and karaoke rooms when their busy school schedules allowed it. It was all fresh and new to her, often earning some amount of humorous approval (or at least exasperation) from her classmates whenever she discovered something incredible that, to them, was nothing out of the ordinary.
So, it was truly to the Ultimate Princess's surprise when, upon asking Peko Pekoyama to assist her with her very important task, her friend seemed rather lost as to where to begin. Or how to begin, as the snow continued to fall around them both. Nearby, in the Main Course courtyard, their classmates had taken to enjoying the weather in many ways, like engaging in a snowball sparring session or releasing a flock of penguins near the school's fountain, now nearly frozen over but proving an excellent habitat for the birds so far away from their home.
Sonia's method of enjoying the pleasant change in weather early that winter season wasn't nearly so combative, or ambitious: she'd only decided to build a snowman, or more than one if the accumulation allowed. And when she'd spotted Peko looking less than occupied, she'd invited her to participate. Sonia had expected a resounding ‘no’ but wanted to be polite nevertheless, but instead she raised both blonde eyebrows in confusion.
"Could it be..." Sonia began, trying to work through the mental gymnastics herself. For once, would she be the instructor and a friend the student? So often the roles were reversed, considering her previous life spent in that gilded cage of both Castle and elite prep school for aristocrats alike. Surely she was meant to lead and encourage one day, but that was for things like economic strife. Or war. Or ensuring that, finally, immigration laws were expanded in the notoriously-guarded Kingdom of Novoselic.
Not engaging in winter weather activities. They were as natural for her as they were for all children of Novoselic: their three constants in life would be knowing how to drive a tank, catching a makango if they were intent on marriage, and enjoying the abundance of wintry weather that graced Novoselic each year.
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"Could it be, Pekoyama-san, that you have never built a snowman before?" She finally uttered, before breaking into an eager smile. Bundled warmly in a coat, gloves, hat, and scarf, the bit of her skin that did remain exposed to the elements, mainly her cheeks and the nose, turned rosy pink. The chill and anticipation alike, teaching a friend something wonderful, would do that to her. "Oh, it's very fun and not difficult at all! A bit freezing, when constructing the base form, but that is what cozy hot drinks or a lovely meal after is for! I have no doubt that Hanamura-san is working on such things as we speak, so we can spend our time creating snowmen now. Or snow women, or snow animals. I'm a bit partial to snow ghosts and demons, but apparently that isn't very festive for December holidays. Here, shall I show you?"
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madmanwonder · 5 months
Do you want to build a snowman
Illulu asking this to Shouta.
Shouta: I would like to build a snowman with you Illulu-san.
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ssvperboy · 1 year
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition - abi/mattheo
Which one of them:
Spikes the eggnog? Mattheo, but probably because Hero told him to lmaoooo 😅
Hangs the stockings? Abi! Stockings are not at all common for Mattheo, but she tells him all about 'em and what they're for 🥹
Leaves cookies and milk out to keep up with the Santa tradition? I want to say Abi again, but this is something they might do together!
“Accidentally” throws away the fruitcake: Also Abi! Mattheo would feel super bad and eat the whole thing, ngl 😪
Goes overboard on the whipped cream? Mattheo! He knows it's not great for you, but he can't help it. Probably even puts too much for Abi, too 😂
Is the inevitable Christmas Grinch? Mattheo, but only because Christmas away from home is super hard 🥺
Wakes up first on Christmas? Abi! I think that's something she's done many times over--she'd wake him up, though, to get him in on all the Christmas morning traditions.
Rolls their eyes as the same cheesy carol plays in the stores for the millionth time? Mattheo. Not because he hates it, but because he things it's over played lol
Starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween? Abi! Mattheo's not the biggest fan of Christmas music, but he would be into it for her 🥰
Decorates the Christmas tree? Both of them!! He loves this part of Christmas and they BOTH insist on doing it together!
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweaters Abi. Mattheo doesn't really understand why people do it, but he'd wear one if she got him one 🥹
Picks out the holiday movies and who makes the hot cocoa: Mattheo makes the hot cocoa and Abi picks the movies because I definitely believe they're each only good at doing it like that and not the opposite 😂😂
Starts the snowball fight: Mattheo. He really enjoys the snow and snowball fights lmao
Drags the other under the mistletoe: I would say Abi! Mattheo would be super nervous, also he doesn't get the mistletoe thing lmaooooo
Decorates the house: They both do, together because they're cuties!
Cooks Christmas dinner: I think this is something they work out together. Each of them works on certain parts of dinner, but they want to do it together.
Invites the other to sing a Christmas duet: Abi, 300%!
Has any holiday traditions: I think they both do and they would share them with each other. (we know they would! 🎄)
Who would start a food fight during baking: Abi, but Mattheo wouldn't be mad (he can't be lol)
Would get drunk off of eggnog: Mattheo. My dude has a very low alcohol tolerance, ask Hero and Tomás.
Who starts putting up decorations in October? I think Mattheo, because there's no thanksgiving where he's from so he forgets about it lmaoooo
Buys the advent calendars? Abi! She teaches Mattheo how they should be opened 🥹🥰
Places mistletoes all around the house? Abi, because y'know, Mattheo doesn't know what they're for 😂
Wraps the presents for other people? Both of them. They both give me "divine present wrapper" vibes!
Puts the final star/angel on the top of the Christmas tree? Abi. I think it's a tradition of hers and he's just happy to be a part of it 🥹🥰
Is the one that hates eggnog? Yeah, Mattheo. He learns that after drinking it the first time lmaooooo
Is the one that bakes Christmas cookies for guests? Like cooking dinner, this would be something they'd work on together!
Sends out the Christmas cards? I think Abi would--I feel like that's something she does for her friends. Mattheo might as well, if he realizes it's something he's into!
Knows all the words to Twelve Days of Christmas? Abiiiii!!!
Is the better snowman builder? Abi, also. Mattheo loves snow but sucks at building snowmen. Abi is the superior snowman builder, 100%!
Is the one that wakes the other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs really loudly? Abi, I have no doubt in that lol
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uzchis · 2 years
“I hear you crying sometimes, when you think nobody is listening.” [Souta]
 Profound Sentence Meme / @silenceindefeat​.
“I hear you crying sometimes, when you think nobody is listening.”
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pt1. Hand stops its calligraphy practice, black ink dripping from the head and onto the parchment of paper in front of him. Though, practice wasn’t the right word. He grasped the skill when he was younger, and was only doing this now to accompany Souta, who took on this craft as well. He sets the brush aside and gets a fresh sheet, starting over from scratch. It was always easier for him to talk when he was doing something else, when he was multi-tasking. But did he want to talk about it with Souta? He wasn’t sure, and his hesitancy to do so was making him wonder why. 
“Yeah? Well, I hear you come home at the dead of night. Do you want to talk about that?” His brush strokes are delicate and smooth, a contrast to his sharp, jaded words. As silence stretched on though, he sighs, sets the brush down, and turns to his brother. Perhaps Souta meant no harm, but Kouji had asked the same a few days ago, and he was wondering if his episodes were getting worse. Maybe leaving the village during this time was the best. 
“It happens sometimes. I’ll be okay, if that’s what you’re concerned about.” 
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pt. 2 Oh.
Suengri doesn’t let the surprise show on his face as they trudge their way up back home. Kouji can’t see him with his head leaning against his chest, but he’s sure the younger can feel the thrum of his heartbeat go a little faster. Sure, Kouji is the youngest in the family, but he isn’t stupid. Far from it, actually. Suengri then adjusts his brother's weight in his arms, if only to stall what to say, and looks ahead. They were walking home after building a snowman together when a blizzard took form. Kouji, of course, wanted to be carried despite being old enough to resist the weather, and Suengri wasn’t strong enough to deny his request. After all, he rarely had the time to spend with him and he’s sure Kouji is aware of that, too. See? Smart.
He still doesn’t really know what to say, though. It’s been some time since someone’s confronted him about his feelings and how he handles his trauma. As time passed and the anniversary of his capture and friends' death came and went, there were always lingering gazes of concern from his parents and other adults who knew. However, no one ever really asked him about it anymore. “Is that so?” he smiles despite the memories. “Don’t worry about it, ok? It’ll stop soon.” he says. Talking with the youngest always seemed easier, he thinks. Maybe it’s because Kouji has a simple outlook of the world and of emotions, or maybe it’s because he believes he’ll eventually forget. But Suengri also knows he might pester him if he just said it’s complicated. 
“I just get really sad during this time of the year,” he murmurs. “Someone really important to me passed away a few years ago, around this time, so I get sad. Is it okay if I’m sad for a little longer?” He kisses the top of his brother's head. “And I’m sorry you had to hear that. I’ll get better after a few days, okay? I promise.”
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bearcreekhq · 4 months
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SNEAK PEEK: Valentine’s Day/Activity Meme Event!
This is not going to be a traditional event in the sense that there is no real set time for the interactions taking place, since we are using a starter meme full of various activities that everyone will have the option to choose from. Similar to what we stated when we did the summer activity meme, which was not considered an event at the time, we aren’t going to stress that you send out a whole bunch to each member who reblogs.As we want to make sure that no one is overwhelmed, we’re going to include the list that we’ve come up with under the cut, and we ask that if you’re interested in writing one of these prompts or even any idea of your own to reach out to those you would like a para with and possibly pre-plot a bit. Discuss what characters you’re looking to interact and on which activities you’d like to do. 
This is so that we aren’t all taking on more paras than we can handle and getting ourselves stressed out. This can also hopefully limit too many repeat activities which can cause quick burn out as well. We do want to make sure everyone who is wanting to participate does get to interact with others using these prompts, though as with all of our events and activities, it is not mandatory to participate. We hope that with this being a semi-selective event/meme that any other dash activity can continue as well so that activity and interactions between others is not lost and everyone is still included in the group in one way or another. 
When the day comes that we plan on everyone starting their event interactions, we’ll reblog the list below again and you can then reblog it yourselves and begin sending the memes that you discussed for whichever member will be starting the interaction. We're aiming for this to start on or around Febraury 1st, just to give it so that there's a whole two weeks leading up to Valentine's Day itself and that way no one feels too forced to continue talking about the holiday after the holiday has passed, likely we'll be able to move on from the paras or start wrapping them up around that time and move onto new dash interactions.
Valentine's Event/Activity Meme Starters
🎁 - to exchange Valentine's Day gifts
💛 - to go on a date
🍷 - to go wine tasting 
🍿 - to watch a movie (romantic comedy or other)
💃 - to go dancing 
🍽️ - to make dinner for your muse
✨ - to go stargazing together at a planetarium
🎮 - to play video games together
🍪 - spend the day baking together
🎬 - to go to the movies
🍝 - to go to a restaurant
🍸 - to go to a bar
🐠 - to go to an aquarium
👚 - to go shopping
☕️ - to go to a café
🏛 - to go to a museum
📺 - to watch TV together
⛄️ - to build a snowman
⛸ - to go ice skating
🛷 - to go sledding
⛷ - to hit the slopes
🍫 - to make hot cocoa
🧑‍🍳 - to cook something together
✂️ - to start a DIY project together
❓ - for an activity of your choice not listed
credits & inspo taken from: x x x x x
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roguesenses · 1 year
send  ⛄️  for  our  muses  to  build  a  snowman  together . (From shouto!!)
[ ☘ ] christmas meme 
So cold. 
Izuku’s finger tips had turned red from all the snow gathering and shaping. At least the snowman was coming together nicely, all perfectly rounded and plump looking. 
Moving onto the fun part - the decoration. 
He took a few steps back so he could have a look at their snow buddy from a distance. “Who has the eye buttons?” He asked the group because yes, they were doing this in teams. This was once again, a competition where no prize was being offered. People thought their team lucked out because they got Todoroki, and insisted the other do not cheat with his quirk. Izuku thought that was silly - how could he cheat when they were building a snowman, not an iceman? 
"Todoroki-kun?” He peered at his classmate. “Do you want to try decorating?” From the way he behaved, Izuku dared to hazard a guess that the other hadn’t done this often (potentially at all). Considering the Todoroki family situation...it made sense. 
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“Here.” He unwrapped his own scarf and handed it to Todoroki. “Try putting it on him.” They haven’t named their snowman yet. 
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