#does booping count as an interaction?
cryptvokeeper · 6 months
everybody respects the dni until boops come into play
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suvidrache · 2 months
Ew Affection
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 273 | Read it on AO3 | Tag List
Featuring: Tokoyami, Honenuki, and Manga.
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Tokoyami, Honenuki, and Manga. The three people who can't exactly kiss.
Tokoyami is insecure that he can't kiss you at the beginning of your relationship. However, as time went on, you told him it was fine. You weren't bothered by being unable to kiss him. In fact, it was cute, but you also liked not kissing in the traditional way. He wasn't bothered by not being able to kiss you. He would also tilt his head a certain way so that you could kiss his beak without having to reach up or lean down to kiss him (depending on your height).
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Honenuki is very insecure that he can't kiss you. He does worry that you'll leave him for someone who can give you what he can't. It would take a few months for him to slowly warm up to you and for him to understand that you actually like him despite his differences. Your words of comfort to him are true, but what if you're lying? What if you're just saying that to make him feel better? Nose boops for kisses. He loves it but does wish for a regular kiss. You don't like regular kisses? He's surprised, but that's alright. He can't give them anyway.
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Manga dreams of the things he wishes he could do. He hopes that you don't read his face when he's thinking. He doesn't mind not being able to kiss. It would be nice if he could... You don't like regular kisses? Alright! Just as long as he can continue to do :* whenever you guys kiss. He loves you, and as long as you're happy, he is too.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @lazyboikat, @ssbptigers, @eli-chris
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piastrinorris · 2 years
I'd love matching pyjamas with Robin, please!
Pairing: Robin Buckley x f!Reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: This ended up being more about reader and Steve interacting while reader and Robin are established lol, but I like the way it ended up! <3
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“He-hey, there, temp! Happy holidays to you,” Steve half-chuckles, half-sings as he holds out a headband with reindeer antlers on it in both his hands out in front of him, wiggling it from side to side.
“Harrington, what the fuck is this?” you ask, amused disapproval clear in your expression as he sets it on top of your head.
“Whaddaya think? It’s the start of the holiday season! Get into the spirit! Boop!” You can tell Steve is absolutely loving getting to make you look completely ridiculous as he puts a red nose onto you. “Oh, look at you!” He grins wickedly. “Don’t you look - hey, Robin, come look!” He calls over his shoulder. “Doesn’t she look so cute?!”
Your fellow colleague steps out from the back room, leaning on the counter and looking at you with lingering, adoring eyes. “Simply adorable,” she smiles softly.
Though the compliment makes your heart race, you flash a warning look of fear your girlfriend’s way. While she tells you all the time that she’s out to Steve and he took it perfectly well, she understands that you’re still at a place in your own journey through your sexuality that you just don’t feel comfortable coming out to anyone, yet. You hadn’t even meant to come out to Robin, it was only when she'd overheard you selling Scarface to a guy by describing Michelle Pfeiffer in immense detail. You'd always hoped that Robin's sense of style was more than just a quirk, that she were more than just a tomboy. It wasn’t until the third date she’d asked you on that you even realised they were dates.
“Where’s yours?” you ask indignantly, lightly shoving Steve as you walk past him. He pulls a Santa hat out from where he’d shoved the pompom end into his back pocket and places it on his head proudly. You groan at Robin, “Please tell me I’m not going to be subjected to him asking girls if they’ve been nice or naugh-”
“Eight times already,” she answers, exhausted. “I managed to stop the one attempt of a crude joke involving visiting his North Pole before anyone had to get Keith involved,” she rolls her eyes. You simply giggle and start your work, pulling out the rental returns bin to start reshelving them.
Your shift goes as every other one does. Incidental brushes against your girlfriend all the while, each of you sneaking to the other while Steve's back is turned to steal a kiss. Sometimes you do wonder whether Robin hates that she has to hide you from her best friend, but even she will admit from time to time that she has fun deliberately distracting him to get some alone time with you.
Keith eventually calls you all over to inform you all that corporate insists on each branch of Family Video having a holiday get-together. However, since they want it to be a bonding moment between employees only, Keith is opting out since, in his words, "there's not really a point in me going out of my way to go somewhere if there's no babes."
Robin's gaze flickers to you, then back to Keith, looking very offended on your behalf, but you give her a very quick elbow to her side. She pulls a face at you that you can't quite read, though a glance at Steve shows you that he can, which you're not sure how to feel about. "So," Keith's nasal drone brings you back to reality, "since you guys are - well, Steve's the party boy," he snorts with laughter, causing Steve to pull one of his classic 'bitch' faces of annoyed disbelief. You and Robin try desperately to suppress your laughter as Keith continues, "I'm delegating you the responsibility of throwing everyone a party. Alright? Now move out, you’ve got company.” He jerks his head towards the customers just walking in.
“Is he serious?” Robin mutters to you as Steve works whatever he calls ‘charm’ on the customers.
“I don’t think Debbie’s gonna wanna hang out with us when she doesn’t have to, she’d rather be with her kids,” you point out, before grimacing. “And I swear to god, if either of you put me in a situation where I’m forced into Mouthbreather Malcolm’s proximity and I’m not even getting paid to do it -”
“Mouthbreather Malcolm?” Steve asks, amused, as he rejoins your conversation.
“Be thankful that Keith allows you two to work together all the time,” you roll your eyes. “Some of us aren’t so lucky. That’s why I’m always so excited to work a shift with you guys.”
“Oh, that’s why?” Robin asks with a smirk, crossing her arms and looking you up and down suggestively. If Steve weren’t also blatantly standing in front of you, you’d have pinned your girlfriend against the counter and kissed all the air out of her lungs. “No other reason why you like working with us specifically?”
“One of you, sure,” you tease back.
Steve cackles as he shimmies past you, “Sucks to be you, Robin!” before heading over to tidy up a display, muttering along to whatever festive song is playing over the speaker. You and Robin simply exchange those looks once again.
Over the course of the month, you all decide that the best way to spend the $100 holiday party money is by not throwing a party, but rather buying everyone a gift instead. Splitting it between the five of you (“Keith did opt out of whatever we use the party money for, after all,” Robin had pointed out), the others gave you the task of buying Malcolm and Debbie’s gifts. You just bought them both gift cards, assuming they’d appreciate those far more than whatever a handful of barely-legal teenage adults think they’d like. Between the three of you, you all decide to split the gift giving and receiving between all of you, each buying the other two something for no more than $10 each.
You decide that the day of giving will be one where just the older adults are working. All three of you drop their gift cards off (which they’re very grateful for, and the relief they show at not having to open a gift they might not appreciate is not subtle), and then head to Steve’s while his parents are at some big holiday gala, so you can spend the night just hanging out, gorging on pizza and watching whatever you’d all managed to smuggle out of the store without Keith noticing.
Once Steve has opened his gifts from the two of you, as all of you sit on his living room floor, he insists that you and Robin open your gifts from him at the same time. As you do, you simper at how sweet it is that Steve seems to have bought you some really nice pyjamas - until you notice that Robin’s been gifted an identical set.
She looks at you with the same speedy panic-stricken expression that you give her. Steve, seeing this, hurriedly explains, “Alright, okay, listen. Hear me out!” He takes a deep breath out. “First things first, neither of you have told me anything, okay? But, well… Just because I didn’t get into college, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid,” he raises his eyebrows at you both. “So, look. I got you both things to match, so that if you wanted to wear them… You know, together, you can do it here, and I’m… Totally okay than that. More than, in fact. Or, I really have been an idiot and bought you both the same thing, in which case, you can just clown on me,” he shrugs. “I’m, uh, gonna go order that pizza now. If you guys wanna… Exchange your own gifts… Without me.” He nods before getting up and walking out to the kitchen.
Robin shuffles to sit right next to you and rests her head on your shoulder. “See? Knew he’d be cool with it.”
“Yeah,” you say wistfully, moving to plant a kiss amidst her hair as you stroke it. But something still doesn’t feel… Perfect. That’s what Robin deserves. You scratch her head gently to get her attention, “Hey, you wanna get all matchy-matchy with me?”
“It’s so dorky,” you can hear the laughter in her voice. “Absolutely.” Holding your face up to kiss you as she stands, Robin tucks her new pyjamas under her arm and heads out to a bathroom.
You get up, too, but instead go for the kitchen. You stare at Steve’s back as he’s on the phone, preparing yourself for what you’re about to tell him. What you should have told him the moment Robin told you he was good to. The one thing she shouldn’t have had to hide from him. He turns to look at you, confused, as you march up to him, hold his biceps at arms’ length and state, “Steve… I’m gay.”
His face goes on one of his and Robin’s infamous silent journeys. Confusion as to why you’re telling him something he already knows. Realisation that clearly you wanted to actually tell him that yourself. Pride that you felt comfortable enough to tell him. And finally, a casual half-smile with a, “Thanks for sharing.”
“And I really like Robin. Your best friend,” you continue.
“I’m familiar with her work, yes.”
“Shut up,” you sigh jokingly, and he laughs. “I… I’m sorry that I made her hide us from you. And I’ll apologise to her a thousand times more over it, because she always told me you’d be okay, but I was still scared. And I should trust her, because she was right, as always.”
“You know, I kinda figured all along, anyway. Or at least, for a while now,” he half-shrugs.
“What… Told you?” you ask quietly.
He smiles wistfully. “You make her happy. Like, so happy. And whenever you’re not working with us, she wants me to take her straight home, I assume to call you.” You smile bashfully and he continues, amused. “And when you are, well… I don’t think Robin “dropping” Ghostbusters onto the floor by throwing it 5 yards is as “accidental” as she’d make out it was. Ironic choice of words there, am I right?!” He asks you in a silly voice, nudging you with his elbow. “Don’t think I don’t know what you two were trying to do!”
Your face turns bright red as you shake your head and push past him. “I’m going to get changed now, I can’t be around you a minute longer.” Steve’s loud, deliberate laugh follows you up the stairs.
When you re-enter the living room and see Robin, dressed exactly as you, you feel a surge of emotion form deep in your chest. Happiness - more than that, elation. Comfort. Love. Home. You can tell Robin’s going through the same emotions as she looks over at you, too. She waves you over to the couch and you all but pounce on top of her, snuggling into your usual position of big spoon as Steve sets up the first movie of the night.
“So,” Robin mutters, quiet enough to stay out of Steve’s earshot. “You think I’m always right?”
“Subject to change,” you reply back, making her laugh. “Steve tell you I told him?”
“I might have been a little nosey and listened in,” she admits. “I’m proud of you, though.” She reaches for your hand and interlocks your fingers with hers, pulling your arm around to hug her tighter.
That’s when you feel it. The final click. But that’s for a time when Steve’s not in the room.
And so, as if by fate, the doorbell rings, and Steve goes out to greet the pizza guy. The moment he’s gone, you let go of Robin’s hand, to her disgruntlement, and tap her shoulder so that she rolls over to face you. “Hey,” you whisper.
“Hi,” she grins, pressing her lips to yours.
“I love you,” you say against them. She pulls back, looking half-shocked and half-elated. You’re really starting to nail this face language she and Steve have going on. She grins widely at you, and so you repeat, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she beams, leaning back in to kiss you until you’re interrupted by the sounds of fake retching. 
You and Robin break away from each other to glare at Steve as he walks into the centre of the room, putting the pizza box down on the table and putting his hands up in defence. “Kidding! I’m kidding. You’re all loved up and it’s adorable and,” he makes an unintelligible sound as he pulls a face and waves a feeble jazz-hand motion, which makes the two of you laugh. “Just come and get your food.”
Your whole life, you’d always felt like something wasn’t right, something you couldn’t put your finger on and that you could never fully explain. When you first realised you were gay, you always assumed that feeling was a never-ending fear that you’d never live the same life that your parents got to. But sitting here, curled up on the couch, matching clothes with your love, and living in this little bubble where at least everyone in the room right now loves and accepts you for who you are, this is it. This is what you feared you’d be missing. You’ve never been happier to be wrong about something.
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Hey there! Just came here to ask something—do you have the Witch of Light on your itinerary soon? I've loved your work so far, as it's really helped me understand the perspective of the classes and specific classpects, and the Witch of Light is my classpect, so I was wondering if that was coming some time relatively soon, or if I'd be waiting a particularly long while. Not intended to be passive-aggressive, just curious—I'll be glad to read whatever analyses you post in the meantime anyways :3
Hello, Anon!
I want to start this by saying that you are not the only one to ask me this question! To be honest, I've been wanting to dip back into Classpects on and off for quite a bit now. However, there's been a lot of things that have been making it rather tough TvT I'm working on a whole book series - that's one of the biggest ones!
Given that it isn't Homestuck nor Classpect related (unless you somehow wish to count DnD Classes and their subclasses! XP), I haven't spoken about it much here. It's a major passion project almost three years in the making, and while I have loved it, it's also taken up a lot of time and creative spoons! Which, unfortunately, has been a touch come and go for me as of late.
I also am a full time college student now! :D I have a job now, too (alas, even the God Tiered Mage of Light Red Panda needs to make money...), even if it is just a part time gig. Basically, I am born to write these silly analyses and my furry DnD fantasy story, but am having to do these things that leave me prettyyyyy drained by the end of each week X[
I've loved seeing that people do still love this blog and project, even if I haven't been all that active. It serves as a pleasant reminder that people do still love my work, and want to see more, which is so wonderful as a creative person.
It may take a little bit, but I would love to one day complete this project! Which is to say, someday, I will scrutinize the Witch of Light Classpect - and many more before and after that! Unfortunately, seeing through Time is not my speciality, so I cannot give a certain timeline on when this will happen, but I can and will certainly do my best to spare some spoons for this blog.
I am almost certain this is FAR longer than the answer you wanted, Anon, but I wanted to be as honest as possible! I wish I could say this was an April Fool's joke, but alas, I much prefer to use our boop PVP for the day
And thank you - to Anon and everyone who follows this blog - for your continued support and interaction! It truly does mean a lot :'3
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thespyglassofvision · 6 months
Does booping count as social interaction? Yes, yes it does.
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foxgloveprincess · 2 years
Relaxing Spa Self-Care
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Word Count: 530
Warnings: Barely Any Editing, Mildly Suggestive Themes, So Much Fluff (you might barf). Minors do not interact (18+).
Divider by @firefly-graphics.
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work, at all. I cross-post to my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess). Seeing this anywhere else means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age. Thank you.
You weren’t expecting company. When you told Ari you would be having a spa day in the bathroom, you didn’t think he’d want to step foot near it. But here you are, sitting on the counter, grinning with you eyes closed as he uses a soft, clean makeup brush to paint the mud mask over your face. Your nose scrunches and you hold back your giggle as the bristles tickle your cheek.
“All done,” he says with a boop to your nose with the brush.
Your eyes flutter open and you smile at the man in front of you. His face painted with the slowly drying green of the mud mask, luscious locks pulled back and slathered with his homemade moisturizing mask—one which he offered to share with you. You didn’t use it, not this time, but maybe next time after you research the ingredients a little. Though, boy, did you enjoy helping him cover his head. Detangling his hair and carding your fingers through to cover each strand.
“Now we gotta let it sit and then wash it off,” he recites from the label, holding the container to the light and squinting to see the fine print. There are already dry patches of the mask on his face, his applied before your own. He reaches to the counter and sets his timer with a flutter of his fingers. “What should we do to pass the time?” His eyebrow quirks in a suggestive tilt.
You laugh, batting him away when he leans forward to wrap his arms about you. But his hold finds you anyway, tickling your sides and dragging you from the counter. You have no choice but to follow.
He brings you to the shower, opening the glass door and putting you on the floor before the shower bench. Your brow pinches in confusion—until he settles behind you and his hands find your shoulder.
The groan you release as he begins to massage is almost pornographic. You don’t know how he knows, but the way he squishes your muscles and kneads out the knots melts you into putty.
“Seems like you need someone taking care of you,” he comments, trailing his fingers along your spine. You sigh and rock your head backward, finding his knee on which to rest. “I’d be happy to oblige, any way you need.” The words he whispers in your ear spark a tingle which travels down you spine and settles in your core.
He wraps a hand around your throat with the other cradling you in your position against him. You hum, letting your eyes close. A blissful eternity passes before the timer rings and you’re brought floating back to reality.
“Let’s get cleaned up, starshine,” he says, coaxing you up and helping peel your clothes from your frame. They get tossed over the top of the shower, plopping onto the floor outside. He does the same for his before turning the knob and letting the water flow and warm.
Steam clouds your vision, already hazy from Ari’s attentions. In the heated stream, you clean each other with soft loofahs and sweet smelling soap until everything feels sparkling and new and light.
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ask-narratordoe · 2 years
I know this question will come eventually. Might as well know the face who asked it. Will you sit on my face?...
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PLEASE read this post. It's very important for sending future asks, and these boundaries have been broken more and more recently.
I will delete/not draw for asks if:
They contain explicitly sexual references towards the characters
Sometimes these go over my head, but I've been getting a little better at recognizing them. Even if I don't catch on, you won't get the answer you want. Sexual innuendos or fetishizing asks are not allowed.
Even though I'm an adult, I'm not comfortable leaning into this kind of territory with my story/characters. There's a time and place, and it's not here.
They contain references to drugs/alcohol
These two topics make me extremely uncomfortable. Please refrain from referencing them in asks, and don't draw my characters (ESPECIALLY my persona/ponysona) indulging in such things.
Important: Breaking the drawing rule here will result in an instant block and report. I'm serious. Don't.
They are made with the intent of getting art of your OC.
As fun as drawing your characters is, even as novi, including them is really up to me. Trying to force it will get you nowhere ^^ even the most basic question, or a repeated question, is more likely to be answered than a "hugs" or "boops" question
This includes forcing interaction.
Lumerde's world is sealed off from outer portals, and any attempts to get in will have to be through the main portal room (AKA you have to go through customs.) no, you can't break into anyone's houses, even if it's for something lighthearted or fun.
The story itself is going in a certain direction, and crossovers will be discussed beforehand! Exceptions for these are things like holiday events or big story events (where i need a lot of background characters)
They’re just bullying!
Saying overtly mean-spirited things about the characters is just plain rude. (asks tagged with the tone indicator /lh don’t count though! Light teasing is fine.)
side note: i recognize i'll probably still get some. they'll either get deleted or be used for some easy-peasy character building
They promote your own blogs/socials.
As much as I love seeing your OCs, don’t forget that this blog is about my world and characters.
Questions like: “Hi, this is my oc! Do you like them?” or “You can ask me questions if you want” will be deleted.
Hope these make sense! Feel free to ask any clarifying questions in the comments ^^ -Mod Doe <3
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
'In the Name of Love' pt.11
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Next chapter is going to be the final Chapter, no matter how long it becomes!
This is readable 😌
I got not much more to say for this one- 😂
Enjoy! :)
Word Count: approx. 3.367 Words
A burning hot sensation went through your body, but not even a shout managed to leave your mouth in time…this was it, wasn't it...
But there was no pain.
No humming of the lightsaber that's supposed to be embedded in your lower stomach at about now. Then where is this warmth coming fro-
"...how much I have missed you!"
Familiar words took you back to reality, freezing at the just as familiar arms wrapped around you. Not at your throat, but around your waist…a familiar gesture.
He…he was hugging you…tightly, like you would disappear into thin air, or like you would try to run away.
While BD was clearly ecstatic to see his actual owner once more, beeping and whistleling joyfully, not caring even the slightest bit about what he looked like now, you were…overwhelmed. That was the simplest word to explain the Rollercoaster of emotions inside of you and not all of them turned out positively.
He frowns when you don't reciprocate his hug like you once would've, sighing defeated, "I…I guess I should have expected that, I-I wouldn't deserve anything else…" He whined, hurt by your stranger and unusual reaction eitherway, yellow and red eyes avoiding you as yours quite obviously stared back. It was the first time you saw them up close, in your defense.
'Kyra? …won't you at least speak to him again?'
Cal's frown turned into a bitter grimace at hearing the strange words from BD, not able to fully take his gloved hands off of you, grabbing your smaller ones in replacement for not hugging you, he just...had to touch you – he craved your gentle hands – at least in some way. Even that shook you to your core…you expected him to want to kill you…that he was no longer himself, but…but everything…everything felt like before.
And you couldn't compute that at all, you thought they would torture him, that they would wipe his entire personality! Does that mean…did he actually join on full willingness?
Your Cal?
"BD, what do you mean with that?" 'Kyra hasn't said a word in nearly three months now…' BD explains in depressive beeps and boops, desperately and yet weakly nudging you with his head in another fruitless attempt. But you only stared at Cal. Your innocent Cal…choose the dark side…from his own free will?
What really happened that you never found out about?!
All the nightmares you caused for yourself because you thought he went through living hell for you…in the end you were the only one being tortured in these past rotations.
Back in the open ship stood The Second Sister, intently watching Cal interact with the winged creature. He called her Kyra when he talked about her…She wanted to stuff his mouth an unmakerly amount of times for whenever he brought her up, again, again...and again. Never ended in anything else but tears and him wasting the precious time they had during training.
She met Kyra twice before, both times she knew…she knew she was holding back in each encounter. Kyra was not fighting on her full potential both times for whatever reasons and even then she felt that she was not prepared well enough for the sheer amount of physical strength alone this girl brought to the battlefield, not even using the Force during the greatest parts of their battles. Just like it was once known for her Species...and it was truly a shame what happened to them, they could've become remarkable Soldiers for the Empire.
So when she saw just how gentle he was able to be with such a creature clearly made and trained to fight their wars, she scoffed. Cal was able to break and take down her guard in seconds…they definitely were in love, just like he told her, countless times. Love…such a raw and powerful emotion. Sometimes more powerful than the worst feeling of hatred, so no wonder the Jedi had forbidden such attachments. The Sith embraced these emotions, but rarely was the emotion of choice... Love...
Cal didn't know which type of anger he was supposed to react with, hearing that you – of all people – refused to speak anymore…"What…what did these people, these monsters, do to you while I was gone?!" He almost yells as you flinch back in surprise, Cal had never been like this before or at least he never had shown it openly. What if that, what if that was how he truly felt towards Cere the whole time? And he held back, just like you, for the sake of both of you? BD though intervened, jumping onto Cal's Shoulder in an attempt to calm the former Jedi back down.
'It was Kyra's own decision, for that part…'
"On her…own decision? But why?"
How would you…or BD in that case, explain to Cal that…that he was the indirect reason. Your worry, your fear for his safety haunted you, you lost so much energy through these constant nightmares, you had to preserve wherever you still could.
And mostly...it was a form of accepting your defeat…
'They abused her abilitie-' even on Cal's Shoulder, you didn't shy away from grabbing the Droid by his "throat", shocking him enough to keep him from just freely blabbering around, uncaring about the small tingle you merely felt with your thick skin as he tried to zap himself free. You yourself only just had been made fully aware in which ways they took you for absolutely karking granted, that you would no longer return snappy comments if angered or annoyed. You just began to idle and fight your life away…without Cal, it lost its color and reason.
Trilla heard BD this time, sensing a good opportunity for Cal to get his little – and just way too dangerous to leave wandering without a karking leash – pet dragon back quicker.
So striding down the lowered platform, she shook her head with condescending tsk, "So she was used as a slave? Who would've thought." The fact that now even she used that…word. Due to her words combing through everything you witnessed these last rotations, you didn't even react or flinch when she suddenly stood next to you and Cal.
And still she didn't set up for an attack either, even though she must've noticed very well by now that she could've won today. She could've killed you today, you're weakened, seriously exhausted, all by your own hands and still served yourself on a silver platter just by your almost feral desperation leading you here today. Or it sounded like that from BD's continued explanation as you remained dead silent. With your gaze glued to the ground in a foreign kind of shame, you gave up to continue forbidding BD to speak. The Loth Cat was partially out the sack either way already…
Now both Inquisitors listened to the Droid's quick "words", you heard it all as well, but you knew about your pathetic story already, so you tried to tune it out to the best of your currently lacking abilities. Maybe to…think about better times a bit, with the technically calming Mountain breeze going through your hair and wings, an unknown smell mixed with Cal's very prominent scent. Was it the flowers? Or just the smell of actual fresh grass and the clean water?
It's already been so long since the last time you had been able to take Cal on a nice flight…just the two, well three, of you. He got braver and more used to the heights with every daring flight he joined you on, once he even asked you to drop him from higher up, he wanted to feel what your feel, the freedom of the sky.
With the promise that you would catch him of course.
That day, Cal sailed multiple times through the skies on Zeffo, albeit not flying like you, but he quickly found good form to draw out his air time. The fact that he said he tried to copy from your style made you even prouder.
You then would fly lazy circles around him – it was more gliding than flying in that moment really – watching his expressions change in case he began to get scared again or he started panicking, but mostly to see the funny ones that came from him trying to talk or laugh against the wind, the changing speeds of his descend pulling at his facial features. Oh how you wished you still had the camera Zeta had gifted you once to take photos of him and the rest on your adventures...all these photos have been lost when you lost it on Bracca four years ago...
His soft, near glowing orange hair was so incredibly messy and poofed up afterwards, not even combing through it with your claws helped as he continued ranting to you about how this was the most amazing experience ever and everything. Now you couldn't help but think, did he already have these run away plans on his head back then too, even during these short moments just between you three? In that case, maybe you took said bitterness off his mind for at least one day…
At your worst days now, you liked to try and visualize these specific memories during meditation for yourself once more, quickly noting that they were the only way left to keep your head clear enough to even call it meditation anymore. To fill your ears with his excitement and laughter instead of his – now apparently and fortunately debunked – tortured screams for help…for anybody to come for him.
Another slight zap to your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts and your eyes quickly scanned over the overwhelmingly docile Inquisitors. One was just your Cal.
"BD told me everything. I…that you went through all this suffering because I was too scared to tell you about what I was going to do…I cou-could have prevented that!" His voice suddenly stuttered as he sobbed his last words, tears welling up as he went out for a new hug, just like he remembered. But he also remembered how stiffly...how different...you reacted to his first attempt just now…
Defeated, he lets his arms limply fall back to his sides as he started to clench his fists – resentment crossing his freckled face – the black and red leather covering them groaning and squeaking from how new they probably still were.
But he didn't prevent it.
He just ran.
"I should've told you…I should've just…just karking told you!" He confessed angrily – angry towards himself, Cere...everyone that hurt you like this – hot and fresh tears now spilling from his oddly colored eyes, ignoring the visibly annoyed stare of the female Inquisitor next to him, knowing exactly how on edge she would make Kyra if she would fully realize that she was next to The Second Sister of all people there could be.
How on edge he got her…the thought alone made him want to punish himself for making her feel this way. He could've eased her into his decision, but he didn't.
'What happened?' As if BD was able to read your inner thoughts, he asked the question that burned the most under your claws. And you made that obvious as you widen your eyes, ready to expect anything from now on, as long as he just told you finally. You waited for his reasons for almost three months now, almost as long as you knew him before!
In the end…you just wanted Cal back…no matter what it takes.
BD's question seems to have hit home right away, Cal watching your huge scaly tail swish back and forth now, like a Loth Cat. He wanted to smile at that, it was always a clear indicator of your interest in something. Sometimes you don't even have to talk to convey your thoughts for him, he knew your body language.
You were open to hear whatever he knew…
"It's a very long story…it began with what I told you all the way back on Bardotta once...and j mean when i found out about it..."
Right, Trilla, how she was Cere's Padawan and got basically sold out.
But from his words and tone, this of course wasn't everything.
So you nod in an attempt to convince him to continue talking, his voice evidently stuck at trying to form the words for what he was going to say next...his struggle was just as visible as your tail.
If you just could tell him to rip the bacta patch off. Just like you did months ago, the day before he left you in the middle of the night. A confession you never regretted to have done that way.
'She can take it.'
Thanks BD…
"...Cere knew the people that enslaved your kind!"
He didn't even leave air for you to react quickly enough at what he just said, continuing immediately as he began to scowl. You really had never seen him so furious, you reminded yourself, but it didn't scare you, you knew it was just another facet of his emotions, just never used much before. Like everyone had multiple.
"Cere knew something nobody else did anymore, because of Cordova. He knew, he was there. Your kind was never brought to extinction by the Empire or the Sith…" Then who-
'Are you implying that-'
"The Republic and their loyal Jedi brought upon the extinction of your species, Kyra…"
That can't be true! Master Tegra, he was on the Council, he would've known of such acts, he would've told you! He wouldn't have kept such a terrible secret from you! This has to be some kind of Imperial Propaganda they told him!
Maybe he had been brainwashed after all?!
Looking for any indication that his words were a lie, you stumble backwards from the shock. You…no…no! They wouldn't have done such a thing!
"Kyra, calm down! You're hyperventilating!"
Memories of you encountering Senators, other Jedi Masters, the rest of the council…they all…they can't all have been tricking you! It's a lie from the Empire, you were certain!
It took your graceless tumble to the wet ground of the mountain, your hyperventilation, as Cal called out with panic, for Trilla to speak up once more. It's only then that you fully realize that it is actually her, further fuelling a feeling you had never had in your life before. Because it wasn't natural to your species.
Prey. You felt like you are the prey.
Because you knew yourself that you wouldn't have the energy left to fight her…or him. They could kill you right now, use your overwhelmed mind to attack…
"Clearly, you don't believe him and from your unaware standpoint, I could understand. But there have been Archived Data Logs that tell a much different story to what you have been taught all your life by these oh so great liars. She still has them too. Find them. Listen to them."
She wasn't trying to kill you either…she was talking to you, though visibly annoyed at your reaction. But how could you just believe them blindly…how could you believe anyone this blindly?
Was there truth in their words?
Her words also implied that she wasn't going to capture you, just like she wasn't going to kill you. All your life you ran from her and her people, with the only thought whenever you caught even a whiff of them was to run. Run and fly till you could no more.
And now one was talking to you.
Now your mate was one of them.
As if the former thoughts about Cere hadn't already caused a near endless searing headache for you, the new additions of information, the twisted fact that the enemy wasn't attacking you on sight for once, they only enhanced the pounding against your dense skull. And that she gave you…hints. Hints you didn't know whether it was smart to believe they are even real – so you obviously didn't without first seeing the mentioned proof – but that didn't pain you as much mentally as her close proximity in this very moment, not even two feet away from you. She kneeled down to your side with a mocking sneer, absolutely done with your "overreaction" – in her eyes – as she told you those words. She probably felt the same way back then, when she found out that she was sold out by her own Master...
"Trilla, she is going to pass out if you're sta–" "She needs to get a grip on herself! This no longer is the same girl you went on and on about for HOURS, this is a weak shell if anything at all!"
He talked about you to her? For hours? He really still thought about you in the same way you thought of him? On his thoughts constantly, night and day?
He really still felt for you?
Her angry shout throws you from your garbled messy garbage pile of thoughts, feeling them tune down their indescribable noisiness as you force them to the back for later. It was almost impossible to do after letting them reign freely over you for two and a half months, something you always managed to avoid before you met Cal. A noisy head means you're incredibly off guard, your survival chances sinking to single digits, a prime target to get attacked, used, misused…
Like Cere did.
You started to stop trembling slowly but surely, your uncared for and now much more blunt claws digging against the rocky ground, even then still leaving their marks easily as you try to actually calm down. You're not acting like yourself anymore…this…this isn't you.
The Kyra you are, the one you grew up to be a long time ago, did NOT let herself get kicked around! She didn't shut up just because someone thought they were in the right to tell her to either.
You are NOT the prey.
You are NOT a slave…
You are the predator!
'Kyra?' BD beeps scared, watching you shakily stand back up on your feet, not from shaking from fear. While the tremble in your body, your wings and tail subsides, the hot tears on your face stay. No, they got worse, a growl starting to build in your throat.
She abused your slowly declining mental state, abused the fact that you gave up on yourself!
She used this pathetic shell of yours, this cheap excuse of yourself...for her bidding…and if Cal isn't lying to you, if he isn't brainwashed and has been told to tell you that in case you met…
You felt something build inside of you, something you remembered having had once and began to lose over these months to the void.
If anything they said was true…you were going to…
r i p h e r l i m b f r o m l i m b !
And for the first time in months, you used your formerly strong voice again, feeling both their widened yellow eyes on you as you began to scream out your pent up raw anger, claws wide and begging to be put to be use. As loud as you could possibly be, ignoring the fact that your throat will be sore from this mis- and disuse.
A guttural scream and steaming hot air left your body, breaking down the mental borders you had begun to build in these bleak, monotone months.
Even then, you didn't feel exhausted from it after you were done.
If anything, you finally felt again what it was like to be under adrenaline without your life being under actual threat. Your natural adrenaline was back, common to your species.
BD, who suddenly hid behind Cal – who also had to take a step back along with Trilla – when he got scared, looked back over his partner's shoulder, the first to whistle in question as your shoulders rose and sank with your heavy breathing. 'Are you okay again, Kyra?'
Okay? Maybe. But it would take a while till you felt good again. One thing namely helping being to find this apparent Data Log the Inquisitor talked about, to get certainty. The fact that you were about to listen to something your enemy told, it made you cringe inwards, this wasn't what Master Tegra had taught you.
But right now…everyone was an enemy, you would never trust Cere the same way again either way.
Even if that Data Log didn't exist and the Inquisitors...if he turned out to be a liar – wow they can lie?!? Of karking course they can…but so can anybody else – you knew you wouldn't stay with Cere afterwards anyways.
You wouldn't stand another night or day on the same ship with her without further going down an un-Jedi like path.
…were you even viable to become a Jedi anymore?
A Jedi isn't supposed to think about revenge and yet here you were…very clear about your thoughts targeted wholly towards her with your hatred filled scream, thinking about your acts if the Data Log existed.
Then, Cal unfroze, mouth hanging open at your outburst that came without visual notice or anything really. He could feel the energy going off around you and he had to realize that was something he had no longer felt a few minutes ago, supposedly very obvious after he felt it all the time before. Your perpetual strong aura was something he usually had used to take for notice if it was you or someone else behind him.
It gave him a sense of safety, despite him probably being supposed to be the one keeping you safe...he was the male mate in your species' "courting ritual". And all he did was run off without you...his mate for live. You just…if you'd just understand that he did this all with both of you in mind!
"I told you that I would find a place for us…" He whispers carefully, not sure if his words would hit all the wrong spots, seeing the entire opposite 'on edge' feeling you now had. Angrily on edge.
Your brutish tail slaps against the hard ground, some of it splintered, giving away almost too easily under the impact of the tip, flying off to all kinds of possible directions as you actually glared at him. A glare wasn't something you used in a while to show your distaste, you had gotten so used to just accepting your fate.
He thought joining the Inquisitors, The EMPIRE of all places, that they were your only escape, your best bet!?
And then you reality hits you. Like a crazed horde of Banthas.
If you didn't join the Rebellion, you're left to fend for yourself for the rest of your – then probably quite short – lives.
If you don't join the Empire, you're hunted and hiding for the rest of your – probably equally quite short – lives.
You're never winning if you don't choose one side, unless you have the needed resources to make a living for yourself. And you had none of that, you were both nothing but clueless 18 year olds that got traumas and burdens for multiple lives in the end, The Force alone wouldn't keep you both dry and warm at night or without hunger and thirst. You wouldn't make it for too long on your own…these four years had taken a strain on you badly enough. You didn't want to return to such a lifestyle again, you wanted a roof above your horns.
"Please...don't look at me like that, Kyra, you need to understand…i…I did this all in the Name of Love!"
In the Name of Love…so there are two reasons for him.
…he wanted you two to have a place to return to, no matter what it took. He didn't want you two to have to sleep in Caves and run from Planet to Planet either...
You're about to turn away – to return to the Mantis to investigate what she had told you – already in motion of doing so and your tail slowly dragging itself out from the small crater it created on accident as you smashed it down in your anger for Cal's recklessness. But he managed to stop you instantly with his next words…
"I did this for US, Kyra, because I love you!"
He shouts, voice steadfast... utterly determined...as he tightly caught your wrist in his hand. The glove felt odd, but not bad, against your hot and scaly skin. You would've thought they are more stiff with the way they groan against his moving hands underneath.
His renewed confession reminded you of the last message he left on BD. The one you played and played, just to still be able to hear his voice while yours shriveled away. Though the sadness and sniffling mixed into his words always worsened your pain in the end. All you had ever wanted was him back with you when you saw him tearing himself emotionally apart in that cursed Hologram.
'And whatever you're hearing in a moment, know that I will never stop loving you.'
And you wouldn't either…
You remember telling yourself that you would go anywhere as long as he was at your side…but are you ready to even switch sides for him?
The hand on your wrist caused you to turn back around, looking directly into these unfamiliar and yet...so familiar eyes…
BD climbed back onto your shoulder a few moments ago as you lost yourself to the sheer endless pool of emotions in his now even more vibrant eyes…when you suddenly felt a tingling sensation scratching against your thoughts, a sad smile etching itself onto his face…
Is that really…?
oh- oh Cal…it really is…
"I love you too, Cal..."
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sansaorgana · 7 months
Hello! Can you write one where there's a new pilot on the base who has a crush on the reader, not realising that she's dating Buck and Buck catches him flirting with her (maybe while he's dancing with Meatball) and he goes over to make sure that the new guy knows she's with him?
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hello babes, I decided to combine these two requests 😌 proceed with caution because it contains a forced kiss upon the reader so the subject might be triggering for some 🌹
I currently have quite a few requests in my inbox and I hope to work on most of them over the weekend 👌🏻
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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The new pilots were so cocky and sure of themselves, not yet experienced in the battle. Some of them haven't been up there at all. For them, the war was stil an exciting adventure. You were an archivist – to you, war had never been exciting. It was all about files, reports and copies of documents that had to be precisely organised.
But war – as terrible as it sounds – had brought something good into your life, too. Something so wonderful that sometimes you had caught yourself thinking that it just had to break out. You couldn't imagine the world without this war because it would be a world in which you would never meet the love of your life – Major Buck Cleven, one of the best pilots who was close to his 25th mission and your future life together without worrying about death every given second. That was the exciting part about your life.
Celebrating another pilot's successful 25th mission made you daydream of how it would look like when Buck accomplishes the same thing. You didn't even notice when you got exhausted from all the dancing but the music had stopped and so did your Buck, with his arms around you as his worried eyes searched for yours.
"Hey," he waved in front of your face and you smiled, "come back to me. Where were you?"
"Sorry, I've been daydreaming a little," you admitted with a giggle and he sighed. "I've been thinking of how the party for your 25th is gonna look like. About the decorations I'm gonna prepare and everything…" you stopped seeing how sad his smile became. He didn't like planning ahead so much. He wanted you to assume he would die any misison so you wouldn't have your heart as shattered. But it would happen anyway. Your whole soul would shatter if he died. "I'm sorry," you whispered and pursed your lips. "I'm exhausted," you added.
"No, don't be," Buck caressed your cheek and walked you back to one of the tables. "Get some rest, we've been dancing for two hours now."
"Really?" you glanced at your watch. "Woah, that sure counts as a training."
"Sure it does," Buck booped on your nose and you giggled. "May I have your permission to dance with someone else, very important to me?"
"Um…" you raised an eyebrow, "do you mean Bucky…? I'm not sure… As long as it's not a lady," you teased.
"It's not a lady," he assured you.
"Well, then, whatever," you shrugged your arms and watched him approach Bucky indded. But instead of asking his friend jokingly to dance, he crouched down and kissed Meatball's head before carrying him up and going back on the dancefloor. You laughed at the sight as Buck winked at you.
You leaned back on the chair and watched the dancing couples sleepily as your eyes seem to close themselves. Your legs were numb from all the dancing and your head was starting to ache as well.
"Hello," someone's voice made you turn around. It was one of the new pilots and he looked pretty awkward. His cheeks were flushed and you could smell some alcohol on him. However, his eyes were very soft as he kept staring at you.
"Hi…?" you greeted him and noticed a group of other pilots laughing in the distance. They were clearly watching your interaction. "Have you lost some bet, poor man?" you asked to make sure.
"No, not really," he swallowed thickly. "I'm sorry but… I know I'm not here for long, barely a few days but… Well, I had to drink a bit to gain the courage," he laughed nervously and sat down next to you. You moved uncomfortable in your seat. "I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he confessed.
You widened your eyes at him. He clearly hadn't been told you were Buck Cleven's girl although it was no secret. You had to admit, though, that it felt nice to be told such a thing from a man you had barely known. Buck was way more subtle at flirting. This man was taking no prisoners, clearly.
"Have you not seen many women before perhaps?" you teased him.
"Seen and kissed," he smirked at you and you were taken aback by his words. Annoyingly, he was quite handsome. You wanted to tease him for a while longer.
"So you kiss and tell?" you crossed your arms with an amusing smile.
"Oh, if I kissed you, I'd tell everyone, surely," he moved a bit closer and you didn't even flinch. "What about… I kiss you and you decide if you want to continue this conversation or not?" he proposed.
"Well, sounds like you're very confident about your skills."
"I am," he suddenly was so close that you felt his breath on your skin. For a moment you didn't know what to say because you got lost in his extraordinary green eyes.
You were about to move away from him but he misunderstood your staring and joined his lips with yours. You squirmed and squealed, trying to push him away but he wouldn't stop, almost aggressively trying to make you kiss him back. He was a passionate kisser, sure he was, but he didn't want to stop.
Your squealing made a few men turn around. They laughed and whispered between each other. Buck turned around as well and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of his girl being kissed by another man. It didn't look like you enjoyed it but it also wasn't like you were pushing the man away as strongly as you could have. At least according to Buck.
He put down Meatball gently and scratched him behind his ear before fixing his uniform and approaching your table angrily. His jaw was clenched and his thoughts were filled with rage. He felt… betrayed. And humiliated since it was happening for everyone to see.
"Excuse me," he cleared his throat but the man kissing you didn't care. After all, he seemed to have no idea that you were Buck's girl.
Buck took a deep breath in and physically separated you from the young and overexcited pilot. You had never felt his hands being so rough with you like in that moment. You looked up at him, scared, with your lipstick smudged and eyes widened.
"I…" you started nervously, "I didn't want that…" you started.
"I'll speak with you later," Buck drawled out and you froze for a second. You definitely had never experienced him being so angry… Let alone angry at you.
"Major Cleven, is something wrong?" the young pilot stood up quickly. You heard his friends laughing in the background. They totally had known about you dating Buck and set the poor guy up. You wanted to punch them yourself.
Buck grabbed the young pilot's shirt and pulled him closer over the table.
"Stay away from my girl," Buck's eyes were fixed on his rival's with the most serious expression. Meatball could sense his anger and approached him while barking. Now everyone's eyes were on you and you felt like you would die of embarrassment any moment.
"Can we please… stop…" you tried but Buck laid his angry eyes on you for a second before staring back the young pilot. You knew he wanted you to stay silent.
"Shit, I had no idea it was your girl, Major Cleven…" the young pilot began to stutter and Buck's hand twisted his shirt to bring him even closer to his face. "You're my hero, I swear, I would never disrespect you like that… No one has told me…"
"Really? No one? Even her?"
You took a deep breath in because you didn't like the way they were discussing you, like you were an object. And you were sitting right there. However, you decided not to start a fight now and make it even worse. Instead, you stood up and approached Meatball to calm him down and hug him because you needed that to calm down as well.
"No, she did not, I swear. I didn't want to… I didn't want to do anything against your girl's will, Major," the young pilot shook his head and you chewed on the insides of your cheeks, trying not to say anything.
You had been basically pushing him away all the time but apparently for men it meant that you wanted them to continue.
"Get out of my sight," Buck gritted his teeth and let go of the slightly drunk pilot. He landed on the table face down but quickly got up and walked away as fast as possible.
You focused on kissing Meatball's head, trying to avoid confrontation with Buck. He was looking down at you in a manner you did not approve.
"I'm going to bed," you finally sighed and stood up, pretending that nothing had just happened. You grabbed your jacket from one of the chairs and left the room. You could see people staring at you and whispering between each other.
When the doors closed behind you, you heard someone's fast and loud footsteps following you. It was Buck. You started to walk faster but he grabbed your shoulder and turned you around angrily.
"Ouch, you're hurting me!" you squealed although it wasn't true. He was angry but he made sure not to actually hurt you. "Brute!" you gasped when you found yourself facing him.
"What the hell was that?" he asked and you shrugged your arms.
"Do you even care to hear my version of the story? Because you silenced me back there and seemed to believe what that guy had to say. I have nothing else to add," you told him and walked away again.
"For God's sake, you were kissing another man!" Buck wasn't convinced. This time he was a bit rougher with you as he turned you around and pushed you against the wall of an empty corridor.
You hated yourself for that, but you found it pretty hot. He had never been so possessive about you. And he had never roughly pushed you against the wall.
"He was kissing me and I was trying to push him away," you drawled out through gritted teeth with his face inches away from yours. "I admit, I was teasing him a little but I had no idea he would actually kiss me. I didn't want to tell him I'm taken the moment he showed up because I am not your property and you don't own me, understand me, Cleven? I won't tell every man approaching me that I can't talk because I belong to another."
"I don't expect that from you," Buck rolled his eyes. "But he was…"
"And you," you interrupted him, pointing your finger at him, "the way you spoke of me. Like I was an object. I didn't like that either."
"What do you mean?" Buck seemed to be genuinely surprised.
"When you were addressing me as her when I was right there as if I were too dumb to realize you were talking about me," you explained. "And when you called me your girl. It was nice but… You wanted him to leave me alone because I am your girl. Would you save me from him if I was a random girl and not your girl? Were you saving me from him or were you saving your property?"
"What are you on about, doll?" Buck seemed to be a little confused.
"Well, I've read some feminist pamphlets lately…" you confessed, "…and they suddenly made sense to me."
Buck blinked a few times, very slowly, like he was processing this information.
"Baby, I didn't mean to make you feel like an object. Or make it look like I believe him more than you… I was angry. I'm sorry," he shook his head.
You were surprised he didn't laugh at your feminist pamphlets, though. He didn't even comment on that.
"To be honest, even if you kissed him willingly, I'd probably forgive you anyway," he confessed as his eyes became a bit sadder. "I'm crazy about you."
"What…? No, no, no!" You gasped. "Oh, baby, I would… I would never…!" You cupped his face to bring him closer and joined your lips together.
Kissing him felt different than kissing that young pilot. It felt like going back home. His lips were warm and sweet, made you feel safe and dizzy from how much you wanted him. He was your Buck.
"Better," you whispered after breaking the kiss and he smiled at you lovingly, "so much better than that awful guy."
"At your service, little one," he winked at you.
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2ynjns · 3 years
enhypen's s/o shorter and younger than them
pairings: ot7 x gn!reader
word count:
notes: fluff! mention of food (on most of them...) and profanity
request states “hi! i was wondering if i could make a request for headcanons w/ enhypen where their s/o is shorter and younger than them, but always babies them and acts really doting + affectionate? like they’re always the big spoon, or like “come here and try this” and feeding them, so they just enjoy taking care of them (just very soft interactions!), sorry if this is confusing, i just felt really tempted to request after reading some of your works, they’re really cute! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍💌💘💗♥️💕🤍🤍🤍🤍"
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he LOVES it sm??
it's questionable ngl to u
he does NOT want to admit the fact that he likes that you baby him
okay maybe let's say you're shorter than him
he's 6 foot right, so you're shorter than 6 feet...
and you're younger than him,,
does not leave the fact that you! will! baby! him!
babie seungie
one time he got hurt during practice and yang leader called you
"y/n! y/n! heeseung-hyung got hurt and he can't walk!"
you got to their practice room within less than 15 minutes
you saw him staring at nowhere sitting at the corner with his foot wrapped in a cast
😪😪😪 poor heeseung
you walked towards him with a pout
he looked at you feeling bad bc he didn't want you worrying about him
given the fact that he should be babying and worrying abt you bc you're younger than him
but no, he's the one who needs babying
he looked down and he saw a bag of snack and first aid kit
more like an attempt to being a first aid kit bc it was just ice and band aid
but either way the thought counts am I right
"you made me worry. no, I'm really worried. look at you."
you sat down with him and put ice on the fractured, swollen foot.
which you also fed him not like he has working hands anyway 🙄🙄
"thank you" he quietly said, feeling guilty.
you pouted and pulled him closer and hugged him
"please don't make me worry like that again."
"okay mom"
"hey stop that! im younger than you!!"
istg he does NOT hide anything
"yes 🥺🥺🥺"
"try this! i made this for you!"
you held up a macaron that you baked and put it closer to his mouth
he smiled SO WIDELY!
he took a small bite
which got you really happy because he looked so EFFIN ADORABLE
you were looking at him like 🥺🥺🥺
"my babie"
you squished his face and kissed his lil cheekies
then caressed it
then he, he, he
he made you boop his nose!!!
what the heck jay!!
"I like the macaron" he said in tiny
you melted to his arms and you guys stayed like that
mind you this is at a park, yall were having a picnic or something
"i luv u"
like you're just so tiny in his arms
and you're younger that him
but the way you both care for each other>>>
*squish squish*
okay mr can't stop acting sexy
would only show his vulnerability to you and you only
would literally get SOOOO sad if you don't pay attention to him
one time you were doing your homework at a library and he kept you company
you're one grade/year younger than him
but he acts like a puppy around you
"are you done yet?"
"no not yet"
"hurry i want to grab ice cream"
you glared at him
"i need to work hard on studying unlike you jaeyun"
you pouted
don't u ever make jaeyun sad istg
once you were done he looked at u again
with him puppy eyes
"can we grab ice cream now"
he latched to you arms and dragged you out
and mf
you fed him his mf ice cream KDJHFJSHSFDJ
he also fed you btw
but you mostly fed him
"this is the best day of my life"
"shut the hell up jake and hold your ice cream!"
you're on your tippy toes trying to reach him while feeding him
and he would tease you by tippy toeing much higher than you do
YOU wont admit to yourself that you actually like seeing him this happy by babying him
you love babying him BC it makes him happy
and you're happy bc he's happy
and he's happy bc you're happy
you visited him at mubank afterschool
ofc his colleagues and staffs are there so he wanted to still give off that cool guy vibe or wtvr
once you got you're privacy
the biggest baby ever
"ahh, babe I'm so tired, do you wanna massage my back for me."
you agreed and literally kneeled on the couch bc you're so small and massaged him
would baby you too
helping you do homework
he may or may not be the smartest on some subjects but he tried his hardest!!
he loves you massages so while he helps and explains stuff you would give small massages
and you would like
steal kisses on his cheeks
would act like he's disgusted but he wants it!
he needs those kisses!
you would also hug him from the back and dig your face on his neck and he's giggle bc it tickles
stop being so cute ig DSJFHS
"you're such a baby" hed say
"nooo, you're MY baby"
would scold you!
bc you're younger and HE should baby you!
one time you had your arms wrapped around his while shopping for clothes
and he made you try the hoodie he wants to buy for himself
but you want to match so yeah you got two hoodies
it's like 2x bigger than him
so its 5x bigger than you LMFAO
but it's okay!!!
you both found each other SOOOO adorable
you fixed his hoodie
"you're so cute" you giggled
you reached to him face and kissed his nose
he covered his face bc HE GOT SO SHYWQWJE
not shy not me
not shine
you just ended up walking around with the matching hoodie
+ you went home and cuddled
he was laying on your bed just on his phone so you laid on top of him
you said you laid on top of him to "keep him warm"
yeah right
you guys r like butter on bread just bc ur e so small comparing to him
"you're my baby im your baby"
you both were at home
at home doing nothing but cuddling
guess who was the small spoon
not you LMFAO
he has his head rested on your chest
you're like half his size right
k1ll two birds with one stone id say
you giving him back rubs
and his arms wrapped around your body
"this feels nice" he said
he looked up to see you focused on reading
"ah, i read that last year."
"its an interesting boo ngl"
"yeah, well the main character went through all that trauma for their spouse.."
you both ended up cuddling WHILE he teaches you the book content KDFKSDJ
you would talk about your homework while cuddling #goALS
also while cuddling, you were also rubbing his back and head right
so like he fell asleep :(((
so devastating he fell asleep on you bc you were making him feel calm!!
you loved it you loved the sight
you took so many photos and set it as your wall paper <3
he's young
well you are too
he's doing his homework, you are too
you prepared some snacks and fruits to eat while doing homework
an dyou were just feeding him!!
stop babying him!!!
I'm kidding
he refuses to eat the fruit that you would offer
but then you'd get SOOO sad
so hell eat it
you would teach him whatever he doesn't understand
and you would also not stop feeding him lols
anyways you both took a break
and played games on his computer or maybe game console
you were sitting on or between his legs
i can not emphasize the fac t that you're way smaller than this giant baby
you would playfully argue while playing the game
arguments turned into cuddles >>>
you would stop him from moving!!
he's gonna be like
"imma get water"
you: "no stop sit back down lemme get it for you!"
ni ki: "i can walk tho>??>?"
you: "no stay!"
at the end you ended up with you playing with his hair bc its soft??
and you would cut fruits for him anytime
he would eat it tho always
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helpinghanikan · 3 years
What they don't have
Sum: It wasn't simply about jealousy, or even getting a dig in. For Crosshair this was just about making sure the regs knew that he had something they could never get.
AN: Nothing says power move like doing your girl in front of a rival.
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Crosshair has always had an attitude towards his more on-brand brothers. Whether it be simple sneers, mean words or outright laughter whenever he had to work with them. Supposedly Crosshair has been like this even before you joined as the designated medic.
It didn’t take long for that attitude to get worse with you around. Especially when your relationship passed the point of professionalism. Making it no surprise when he started a fight with Arc trooper Jesse with one sentence.
“We don’t usually work with regs.” Crosshair had said flicking his pick at Jesse.
“What did you call me?!” Jesse had snapped back.
It only took one step for Jesse to get close. Luckily Hunter stepped in to stop the reg. You doing the same for Crosshair. Stepping right in front of him and getting close enough to whisper: “Can you play nice?”
He gives you that smile of condescension. The same kind he gives Wrecker when they start one of their little contests. You weren’t Wrecker, though.
“Play nice?” You repeated. “For me?”
He doesn’t verbally agree but he does drop the look. Shooting one last glare towards Jesse over your shoulder before the ship crashed.
There wasn’t any time to focus on Crosshair and his attitude. Kix was a good medic but you had to take point on Commander Cody. Not that you could blame Kix for being distracted. The Bad Batch were unique in how they work, it was practically a show. Albeit a show you’ve seen dozens of times by now.
By the time Kix remembered he had a job Cody was on his way to stable. Kix kneeling across from you to give Cody another once over. Having the unfortunate timing of seeing Crosshair pause while walking by.
“Nice enough?” The sniper says to you. Moving what little hair was in your face while doing so.
You don’t say anything. Just barely shake your head. Making eye contact with Kix and asking; “Help me with the stretcher?”
Jedi weren’t the only non-clones to be found in the field. Medics, mechanics, and specialist from across the galaxy have enlisted themselves for the war. It also wasn’t unusual for those non-clones to become more than just a comrade.
This little interaction didn’t prove anything. You could just have a touchy relationship with Crosshair. The same with Wrecker who held out his hand to help you. And with Tech who kept a hand on your shoulder whenever he was close enough. There was only one physical interaction with Hunter, but a little forehead touch before tucking in still counted.
When the fight started you kept your distance. Letting the boys vent their frustrations and pride at eachother while you stayed with Cody. Slipping him some of the good stuff when he started to stir. Drugs are the only way to keep clone commanders down when injured. They’re worse than medics when sick.
Jesse and Kix took first watch after that fight. Kix pointing his head towards the sky to feel for any injuries. Nothing major that he could feel. Just a little sore skin from Crosshair’s gauntlets on his throat.
“We all come from the same donor. Same handsome donor, right?” Jesse asked, looking over the camp.
Jesse had noticed your interactions with the Batch, too. Making the comment when Hunter took a moment to stop by your cot. Whispering something before booping his forehead against yours.
You weren’t as durable as the others. While everyone else made do with the ground and their arms you got a blanket. Your pack being used as a makeshift pillow. Facing where Jesse and Kix were stationed. Not even looking at them, only closing your eyes.
“That’s what the long necks said. I don’t remember the word ‘handsome’, though.” Kix said, although he wouldn’t disagree.
“The point is, Kix, there’s millions of us. Why’d she go for the one that looks like a ghost?” Jesse says, trying to subtly gesture towards you.
“Or that can’t even fit through a door?” Kix added.
They never would have heard Crosshair if he didn’t want them to. Choosing to walk right between them, giving them both a glance. He had heard what they said but didn’t snap back or anything like they expected. Instead he just walked between them. More focused on reaching you rather then dealing with these two.
Jesse and Kix watch Crosshair, although it’s hard to hear. Although jokes were made it wasn’t clear if you and Crosshair were a thing. Making Jesse tense when Crosshair kneeled behind you, two fingers gently running over your jaw.
“He wouldn’t try-.” Kix started to say, ready to intervene if needed.
You smile before Kix can finish. Bringing a hand up to hold Crosshair’s face, turning your head back to give him a kiss.
“Never mind then.” Kix says, looking away to the woods.
Jesse didn’t look away. Instead eh tried to hide that he was watching. Switching between looking at his hands and looking back over.
Crosshair broke protocol by removing his armor during a mission. They were stacked next to the couple. Leaving Crosshair in his blacks when he slid under the blanket. Spooning you with a surprising amount of body heat.
Tech was usually the one who came over during missions. When it’s just the squad and there’s no fear of jokes about the ‘weak’ member needing a hug. In reality Tech needed sleep more than the others. That you helped meant nothing, it was all about productivity.
It should be surprising that Crosshair hasn’t mocked Tech for wanting a cuddle during missions. Solely because Crosshair understand the effect you had. And took advantage of it when ever he could. Like now when Tech chose to sleep alone to save pride.
Crosshair didn’t care about what these regs said or thought. Making eye contact with Jesse. Turning his head to kiss your cheek and whisper something into your ear.
You nod, eyes still closed, and Crosshair’s hands start to move.
For the sin of existing Crosshair kept looking to Jesse. Making this new rival was watching as your breasts were cupped. Crosshair squeezing hard to get through your shirt and bra. Something that you made a face at and turned your face towards him.
Crosshair asking to join and asking to touch could only be heard by you. When you whisper “softer…” it travels through the camp.
Kix looking up at the same time Wrecker does. Catching each other’s eye across the way. While Kix gives nothing Wrecker grins. The giant would probably give a hearty chuckle if he wasn’t already falling back asleep.
Crosshair, like the others, listens. Blanket and shirt fabric hiding the journey his hand takes up your shirt. Sliding his thumb under the wire and pushing up until your breasts were freed. His hand, like his breath, was hotter than any sun could be. War worn skin lightly rubbing over a nipple that makes you keen.
Both Kix and Jesse are watching now. Crosshair smirking behind your head when he sees this. Kissing your cheek and whispering into your ear.
“They’re watching,” He whispers just for you. “Should we stop?”
Neither Kix nor Jesse were ready for your eyes to open. Jolting slightly when you didn’t really react to the voyeurism. Just closing your eyes again and leaning back. Kissing Crosshair as your answer.
Crosshair presses his body over yours. Keeping the blanket over your hips when his hand goes lower. Reaching the hem of your pants and easily finding their way past it.
His fingers are surprisingly soft. His gloves kept his hands safe from too much damage. They likely kept them warm, too. A heavy breath thanked him for this. Your thighs opening for his fingers to find your lower lips.
It’s a bit of an awkward position for Crosshair. Pressed flush against your back. Keeping his arm around your torso with a hold on your breast. His other arm reached over your waist to get between your thighs. Not a lot of physical pleasure came from barely grinding against your back. All of it came from the effect his fingers had on you. And the look Jesse and Kix had when they pretended not to be watching.
He looks to Kix. The one who tried whatever skills regs have against Crosshair’s own. The only thing he got from this was a sore neck and a show. Crosshair making sure Kix looked over when he brought his hand back from you. Sliding two fingers into his mouth and returning them between your thighs.
Going from one dangerous mission to another left you without for two weeks at this point. By extensions, so did your boys. This made the parting of your lips have a bigger effect then they normally would. Finally feeling a cool touch from heated hands on your most sensitive skin. What else could you have done but gasp?
Listening to moans and whispers were, unfortunately, nothing new for Jesse and Kix. When the boys find someone it’s not like they can rent a motel or somewhere private. The only options are their partner’s place or the barracks.
It was different in the barracks; when the lights go out it’s too dark to see anything past an outline. It’s where you can let your imagination run wild with the moans. None of the boys had gotten under Jesse’s skin, either. Nor did any of them smirked at Kix while they fingered a fellow medic.
“He’s so full of it.” Jesse says.
“I think she is, actually.” Kix adds.
Jesse’s look said ‘shut up’ more than his voice ever could.
Crosshair tended to become too enthusiastic when it came to your pleasure. Finding that one little motions against your pearl that causes a shiver and attacks. Three fingers between your thighs to keep the target exposed and vulnerable. Middle finger speeding in rubs for a second before slowing and starting again.
Warmth from your core had traveled by this point. Growing and stretching throughout your muscles until the tips of your toes were starting to feel it. You didn’t have to do anything special for Crosshair to know this.
You’ve been gripping his working hand since the very beginning. At first it was a point of physical contact. Now it was something akin to a lifeline. Squeezing his wrist hard as you could; whether it was to slow down or speed up no one could say.
“Can I get a kiss?” Crosshair whispers. Switching to a slower massage between your legs.
He didn’t need to ask to get kissed. Just the tilt of your head in the right direction could get your lips working. This question wasn’t for permission, it was a kind of bargaining. He gets a kiss, you get to cum.
“I’m still- I’m still annoyed.” You said, turning your head towards him anyway.
“Of course you are.” He says, taking his demanded kiss.
It was light, barely a press, of lips. Just enough to make him smug about getting what he wanted out of you.
He keeps up his end of the deal. Returning to his slow to swift rhythm that had started the buildup. His arm around your center tightening as you arched. Moving to stay with your wiggling body as the orgasm started to crest.
Crosshair presses his face into the crook of your neck. Running his teeth over the exposed skin but not biting. Probably cursing himself for not moving your collar before starting. If he had your arching neck would be nipped and bitten like the treat it is.
Both Jesse and Kix gave up trying to play it cool. Now outright staring when you come back to yourself. Jesse only looks away when you smile at him. Taking a cue from Crosshair and not caring about what one in a million pair of eyes has to think.
It took awhile to understand Crosshair’s goal of less than private sex. With the others it was the simple fact of timing and finding a place. Neither Wrecker nor Tech ever slowed down when walked in on. Tech too focused on the task at hand and Wrecker finding it downright funny that you got caught. Hunter was the only one who had hesitations. When another person enters the room he can’t help but focus on them, even if it’s for a moment.
With Crosshair it was almost personal. Becoming so much more affectionate and loving when a reg could be in the vicinity. Although his love was for you, his eyes were still watching them. Making sure they knew who was the one touching you.
Fingers that still smell like you run move your hair. Crosshair kisses your jaw, your cheek, and your temple. He stays close and asks; “Can I have you?”
It’s too good of an opportunity to give up. Smiling as you replied, “Can I get a kiss?”
The kiss you get is also more than his. It’s a deep press that becomes a bite. Pushing you down from his arms until your flat on your back. Hands on his back, too focused on his backside to care that the blanket was gone.
Crosshair moves faster than you can keep up with. Pants already to your thighs before you even thought to lift your hips. Down to your boots that are, thankfully, easily to toe off without having to move positions.
Trooper blacks come in two pieces; top and bottom. Really they were just overpriced pajamas. Making it easier to slip his bottoms down than it was to get yours unzipped.
Bottoms past his ass you don’t get long to admire him. Warm against the inside of your thigh that he holds to guide. Barely a touch of precum making it anywhere but between your legs. Both hands reaching up to hold his face during penetration.
It’s surprising that the separatist didn’t hear your combined moan. Jesse certainly heard it. His leg bouncing up and down like a nervous twitch. Kix notices this, raising an eyebrow but choosing not to say anything when Jesse snaps “What?”
This was a different kind of jealousy then Jesse usually shows. Not the same pouting when a fellow clone snags the cutie at the bar before Jesse got a chance to. No, this seemed to be actual anger at Crosshair. Watching with his arms crossed and scowled face.
You’re too busy to care about that. Or even to give Jesse and Kix a glance. Instead bending your knees on either side of Crosshair’s waist. Moving with Crosshair’s almost erratic thrusts that do little more than scratch the surface.
Looking up to your man, and seeing him look to something else, can’t be anything but insulting. Especially when he has the same smile he gets when mocking Wrecker. The little shit preferring to see the shimmering mess he had made out of Jesse than to even think about you.
“Hey,” You whisper but also grab his chin. Turing his head to look back at you. His eyes are the prettiest when they’re wide. “I’m the one you’re inside of, Darling.”
His wide, cute, eyes don’t stay that way for long. He instead gives a single laugh.
“You’re absolutely right.” He says. The only warning you get before he hauls you up and onto his lap.
Your arms work on their own. Wrapping around his neck to gain stability while you looked up to the sky. Your own weight and gravity bearing down to spear you onto Crosshair. Your man only making it worse by thrusting up to match.
“How selfish of me.” Crosshair says, running his hands up your sides and onto your back.
Although quiet there is still a distinct smacking noise that only grows louder. Crosshair leaning forward to take refuge in your neck. Although a quieter man he’s never been really good at keeping his voice down during sex.
He loses himself in the feeling of you. Keeping you closer than any hug could ever be. His face pressed into the crook of your neck. Getting drunk on the smell and taste of your skin. If it weren’t for the stupid uniform shirt he would have covered your breasts in nips and kisses. He digs dull nails into your thighs. Growing more and desperate for touch as he grows closer.
You and Crosshair were different than the meet ups the regs do. Both Jesse and Kix have had their fair share of hookups. There’s always a battalion bunny or three on some planet looking for a trooper. But those were usually quick and done with barely a name shared, let alone a kiss and hug.
Although a laugh doesn’t come out, it is funny how loud Crosshair can get when he cums. Enough so that you covered his mouth when he started to grow beyond a moan. Nodding for him to finish inside when he looks up at you with those eyes that have started to widen.
Kix watches you smile at Crosshair’s mumbling into your neck. He presses his lips when you giggle at how loud Crosshair had gotten. That you run your hands through his hair, and he looks up at you like you’re the only star in the sky. He frowns at your kiss and has to completely look away when you say, “Love you.”
Jesse does the same when Crosshair responds. Not letting his brother see the effect a regular reminder of love has on him.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Too big to handle
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Written for @imdarkinme . Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs and welcome and much appreciated. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+. Please🙏🙏
Summary - Steve's cock is too big for your pussy.
Warnings - smut(m/f), daddy kink, maybe ddlg but not really, readers a bit naive, size kink, praise kink, cum play.
Pairing - Steve x reader Word count - 1.4k
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"Hm..." you sighed dreamily, in awe of just how amazingly the jeans you got your daddy for valentines suits him. He looked hot even while he was doing the dishes.
He looks over his shoulder to you, his eyebrows pinched together but then smiles upon seeing you openly oggling him, "Like what you see, doll?"
"Um, what? I wasn't doing anything!!" you yelled when you realised you had been caught red handed.
"Relax, honey," he teased, booping your nose with his finger, "If you want something, all you have to do is ask for it."
"Um... I do want something..."
"Uh-huh, and what is that," he said, crossing his hands over his chest, the veins in his biceps popping which made you salivate even more so.
"I thought..." you looked up at him with your sweet doe eyes, jutting your lips out and making a face he would never say no to, "maybe we could go all the way? I know you would've liked to wait, being from the forties and all, but I don't think I have it in me to..."
He cleared his throat, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he stammered over his words, "Is that what you want?"
"If you'd like to as well then yes."
"Believe me, doll, there is nothing in this world I'd like more," he groaned. "I didn't ask because I didn't want you to think that it was the only thing I was after."
"I'd never think that, daddy, I know you love me," standing on your tippy toes, and craning your neck, and yet you still couldn't quite reach him because he was just so freaking tall, he smirked at you and met you halfway to peck your lips.
"Of course I do, and don't you ever forget that."
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"Can we get the lights?" you asked, just a bit apprehensive, as he kissed you all over your bare thighs.
"Why?" he wanted to know as he propped his chin up on your thigh.
"I..." You didn't have a good enough answer. You had seen him once while he was changing out of his combat suit after he got shot, you knew what a perfect specimen he was, you on the other hand were anything but perfect. "I don't know... it's just that'll make me more comfortable."
"You know I'd do anything to make you comfortable right, doll?" he asked as you nodded. "And I don't mind getting the lights. But I want to see you, all of you, I want to look into your eyes while I make love to you and make you mine."
"That's silly, daddy," you giggled, "I'm already yours."
"That you are," he repeated as he sucked a spot into the inside of your thigh, a bit too close to your panty clad core.
"Mm.. okay... I trust you..." And you'd do anything to make him happy.
"You have no idea how much that means to me, doll," he rolled your panties down your thighs and your legs.
The way he stared at your core would've made you just a little uncomfortable if he wasn't saying the sweet things to you while his fingers toyed with your intimate lips.
"You have such a pretty pussy, baby. I could look at it all day long. Would you let me draw it?" he looked up at you, tearing his eyes away from your gorgeous cunt so he could get an answer from you.
"Yes, of course..." you moaned, clenching around him as he added two more fingers, massaging your walls and pumping them in and out of you.
He hovered over you, "Your pussy looks so tiny, baby, it's so fucking tight, I don't know if I'll last, I gotta prepare you."
You couldn't believe you even thought of keeping the lights off, to miss out on looking at the way Steve looked at you, as if you were the most precious thing in the.
You also would've missed out on seeing his perfect pecs, your hands moving of their own accord to touch his flesh, pink nipples pebbling under your palm.
You dug your nails into his biceps, drawing out blood as you could feel your climax approaching but you held on, you only wanted to come around him, "Will you please put it in me, daddy?" you blinked up at him.
"Alright, honey, I think you're ready," he said as he pulled his fingers out of you, sitting back on his thighs he pushed your knees apart so he could look at you some more, you were swollen and looked about ready for him, two of his fingers parting your vaginal lips so he could admire your arousal seeping out of you, "Fucking perfect."
You could feel your face heating up at his praise, watching him through your hooded eyes and waiting for him to penetrate you and claim you, until that caught your eye.
"Holy shit!" your eyes nearly popping out of their sockets upon seeing what looked like was his monster cock. "How is that so big?!" you yelled.
"What?" he looked down at his cock, standing tall and proud against his abs.
"Steve, I've seen you naked... once... I didn't mean to, but I couldn't look away either..." you tried to explain, getting more and more flustered, "And that," pointing at his cock, "wasn't nearly as big as it looks now."
"Alright, so sweetheart, when a man sees the person he loves naked his manhood grows bigger and..."
"Steve! Oh my god I knew that! But I didn't know that could, literally double in size..."
"Uh... yeah. Mine does, ever since the serum."
You nodded. Before you thought he was big, bigger than anyone you had ever seen, but now... you weren't sure you could even wrap your hand around him.
"Do you want to stop?"
You shook your head, "No, I wanna keep going. I'll fit it in me no matter what, I promise."
He nodded, pushing his tip against your opening, paying close attention to your face to make sure you were okay, but you told him to keep going. He lost track of you, of everything around him, you were so damn tight and so good around him and under him, he stopped when he heard you sobbing.
"No... babygirl," he cooed hovering over you again and propping himself up on his elbows he kissed your tears away.
"It's too big..." you sniffled, ashamed of not doing literally the only thing you were supposed to do.
"That's okay, honey. I'll just stop," he said as he pulled out of you.
He looked down at his cock, which was flushed an angry red, "That looks painful," you rubbed your nose with the back of your hand.
"It is a little... but it'll go away in a bit."
"I want to make you feel good," you whined.
"You make me feel good just by existing. But... I guess there is something you can do..." he smirked, circling his palm around your wrist and bringing your hand closer to his length, "Come on, touch it, don't be so afraid, doll, it's not gonna eat you."
"Mm... okay," you held onto his length, which felt thicker, you could barely wrap your hand around him, you started pumping him in your hand, "Is this okay?" you asked him as you looked up at him.
"More than okay, honey here," he situated his cock right over your pussy, moaning out your name and telling you to keep going as his ejaculate painted your vulva.
You couldn't exactly see it, but you could feel it's warmth on your skin and you were surprised with just how much of it there was. "Can I have a taste please?" You asked after he was done.
His chest was heaving, golden strands kissing his sweaty forehead, "Since you said please," he said, collected some of your slick mixed with his on his fingers and letting you suck on them.
"It's yummy, daddy," you moaned around his digits.
"Don't worry, doll, next time I'll come in your mouth. And you'll be a good girl and swallow all of it."
You nodded, laying back on the mattress and making grabby hands at him to ask him to cuddle you. He only shook his head and chuckled at you.
"You didn't think we were done, did you?" he said as he hoisted your hips up, closer to his mouth, his tongue licking a strip up your slit as he kept looking at you, "I'll have to return the favor."
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randoimago · 3 years
I have a stupid request, as I just finished CritRole Campaign 3!! It's my first Campaign and I'm really excited :) So, what would be F.C.C, Ashton, Fearne, Laudna, and Bertrand's responses to S/O booping their nose. Please and Thank you~ <3
Booping Their Nose
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Ashton, Bertrand Bell, Fearne Calloway, Fresh Cut Grass, Laudna
Type of Request: Headcanons
Warning: Campaign 3 Spoilers!!
Word Count: 591
Note(s): It's not stupid! I love these requests! And I’m so excited to write for these babies! I hope you enjoy the joy that is Critical Role too ❤️
I will say I had a good chuckle when I tagged “Fresh Cut Grass x Reader”. I don’t think this is what is meant when people say “Go touch grass”
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They’d try to grab your hand when you go to boop their nose. Definitely makes a face and looks at you with a tad bit of disgust due.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” They would ask. When you mention giving him a nose boop then you’d get a scoff from them. 
If you’re in public, then they’re going to act a bit repulsed by the whole thing.
But if you’re in private then Ashton will 100% point at something behind you, say “Look over there!” and when you do they will reach over and boop your own nose.
You’re not allowed to mention them being sweet to you. They have a reputation as a bastard to hold up.
Probably ends up sneezing after you boop his nose. He turns away so he doesn’t sneeze on you, might sneeze on someone else, but not you.
Asks if he had something on his face and you were getting rid of it for him. When you mention it was to boop his nose, he’s confused.
He’s an old ass man (not that he’d ever admit that) so you might have to explain to him what “booping the nose” means.
Let’s out a triumph “Ah ha!” after you explain. Of course it’s a way to display your affections to him! Very adorable, S/O. 
But be prepared cause he’ll boop your nose now too! He’s old tho so probably forgets the whole booping nose conversation. 
Has a confused smile on her face when you boop her nose. 
“Did you mean to poke my face?” She’d ask you so you’d have to explain to her what it means. “Ooh, so it’s not you ‘stealing my nose’ then.” no Fearne.
She’s from the Feywild so there wasn’t many booping nose unless it was to yank someone’s soul out. So this is a nice change up.
Will have such a happy smile whenever you boop her little faun nose. She’ll gladly go and boop your nose too.
Probably boops your nose a lot more than you booped her nose. Just because it’s super cute. Might draw confused or annoyed looks from others but she doesn’t care.
Fresh Cut Grass
Gives you a slow blink like a cat does once you boop their nose. They’re trying to think if they’ve seen any humanoid interactions like you just did before coming up blank.
“Did you cast a spell on me?” They would ask. They know some spells are touch based so that’s the conclusion they have. 
You explain to them about booping their nose, which they interrupt with how they don’t have a nose, and that it’s a way of showing affection.
They will give you a smile once it processes in their mind. They will then hesitantly reach up and touch your own nose with their finger.
“I technically can’t feel cause I’m an automaton, but I think that was nice.” They are adorable.
Gives you a slow blink, but like an owl does when you boop her nose. Then she begins to slowly grin, it’s kind of creepy.
“That’s a couple thing right! That’s what couples do?” She is cackling at that. Again, kind of creepy but she’s not trying to be! It’s her aesthetic.
Will gladly boop you on the nose back. 
She does it a tad harder than she meant to but she lets out a laugh when she does and then goes to boop your nose again.
Honestly, Laudna is thriving from the physical affection and the idea of doing a normal couple thing with you! 
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Mod Doe's Boundaries
Can I DM you/send you a message/anon ask?
Definitely! I'll probably be the one answering most DMs since I'm very computer-bound
Can I make fanart?
I will actually cry ™ please please do!! (just nothing nsfw please, or too gorey ^^) (also no drug/alcohol depictions of Callista pls and thank you)
Can I make an OC in your world?
Go right on ahead! (Also, tag us in the post if you do. I want to see!!)
How can I tell who’s talking?
Like us mods do, the characters will sign the posts. This mostly applies to the written portions!
Can I ship your characters?
Mmmmm maybe. With future introduced characters, sure, go wild! I'm iffy about Callista but just don't make it too suggestive lol
Will you draw/answer everything I ask? Anything?
Unfortunately, nnnnnno. I've got some question boundaries! (However, unlike Briar's posts, Callie loves some flattery. Just make sure to direct that towards her. The story doesn't have much to do with romance, though, so beware your advances will likely be rejected!)
I will not respond to asks if:
They contain explicitly sexual references towards the characters
Sometimes I don’t recognize these, and they go over my head. You still won’t get the response you want, sorry! SFW compliments are fine :]
They contain references to drugs/alcohol
Questions like: “Omg [character] r u high rn?” or “Does [character] like drinking?” The answer will always be no. These topics make me extremely uncomfortable, so please don’t.
They are made with the intent of getting art of your OC.
Questions such as “*boops [character] on the nose*” or “Hi, I’m here to give you a hug!” might not be responded to or drawn for. I love your OCs, I really do! And I love interacting with you all. But I can’t draw for everyone, and it feels a little rude to simply ask for the sake of free art. I will draw your OC if I want to, but I hold no obligation.
This includes giving the characters items or forcing interaction. Again, I appreciate the attention, but I’m not too interested in these sorts of interactions.
Side note: this also includes attempts to arrest/capture a character. I’ve gotten and deleted far too many of these.
They’re just bullying!
Saying overtly mean-spirited things about the characters is just not the vibe. Making comments in a mean-spirited manner will be deleted. (asks tagged with the tone indicator /lh don’t count though! Light teasing is fine.)
They promote your own blogs/socials.
As much as I love seeing your OCs, don’t forget that this blog is about mine and Briar's characters.
Questions like: “Hi, this is my oc! Do you like them?” or “You can ask me questions if you want” will be deleted.
That being said, if I do draw something for you (whether it be fanart or a response to an ask), you are not obligated to draw for me in return!
-Mod Doe <3
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The outfit tonight was orange, which it inverts to green… ha! and me as the crazy Larrie that enjoys this game ☺️
Harry spoiled Tampa as to a favorite child: he sang TBSL , he joked with the crowd about earplugs, getting their names wrong, pulling out his funny faces and showing his nip… He pranced around the stage counting and pointing out the bananas in the audience… he wants to see a crowd full of bananas, there are more than 15 concerts ahead… give it to the man, he deserves it.
He “booped” and then sang with a stuffed sunflower in his hand, and I adore every interaction with the flower he does.
“Sunflower is such a great little song” - Stevie Nicks
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karlyfr13s · 3 years
Oathkeeper Chapter 2
It was supposed to be a CS one-shot, but then the CSMM crew got ahold of me and now we’re in multi-chapter mode. Thanks to the ladies for their inspiration, enabling, and cheering me on. Looking at you @teamhook, @caught-in-the-filter, @hollyethecurious, @gingerpolyglot (tell me if you want added, and coach the newbie in where these actually belong).
A HUGE thank you to @veryverynotgood who is the most radiant beta and gives me flails that keep me going through the self-doubt. 
Links in case you missed Chapter 1 or prefer to read on ao3
Note: the rating is now M due to violent imagery.
Killian’s first week in Storybrooke was unconventional and more than a little confusing. Everyone in the whole bloody town seemed related, or at least so interconnected there may as well be blood involved; it drew attention to him and he spent most days certain he was being watched.
Certainly there were fewer eyes on him than on the young Lost Boy, Felix, and for that Killian was grateful. He observed the woman everyone called Granny as she put the lad to work with a nearly endless list of chores, always under her watchful, scrutinizing eye. In want of conversation one evening, he’d inquired about the choice to take on someone such as Felix. That had earned him a derisive snort and an eye-roll that rivaled Emma Swan’s when Granny explained in no uncertain terms that she was well-equipped for the job.
“Listen, Captain,” she leaned on the bar as he sipped a rum, “if I can raise Ruby through puberty as a damn wolf, I can handle one scrappy Lost Boy. What he needs is a strong guiding hand, and a good dose of responsibility--that Pan let those kids run wild.” Killian tipped his glass to her at that assessment, knowing all too clearly how the lads were deceived and used throughout their time in Neverland. “Structure, Hoo--it’s Killian, right?” she amended quickly. “Kids need structure and routine. You’d do well to remember that.”
Not for the first time, Killian wondered exactly how much Granny overheard and knew as she watched her patrons come and go. In fact, she was the only one in town who referred to him by his given name, most simply opting for Hook or Captain if they were being pleasant. Or ‘the pirate’ if they happen to be Emma’s father, he added. His ponderance was abruptly interrupted when the door crashed open and an exasperated looking Emma quickly crossed to the bar and sank down one stool from his own.
“This one calls for a whisky on the rocks, Granny,” she huffed, casting a sidelong glance at Killian’s own glass. “You too, huh? Must be going around today.” He watched as she shucked her red leather jacket, tossing it aside on the barstool between them and he gave her a moment, offering a quick clink of his glass once her own libation arrived.
“To what do we owe the pleasure?” Killian kept his voice light, noting the tension in the set of her shoulders and jaw.
She heaved a sigh and he made a valiant effort to focus on her stunning green eyes rather than the assets her movements showcased in that moment. “The short version? I’m sick of my mother,” she tripped on the word, “trying to be my life coach. I’m tired of inane ‘loitering’ reports from the surliest dwarf, and I cannot seem to get--” her momentum was immediately interrupted by the door and a sudden call across the diner.
“Ems, there you are!”
“--a single minute of quiet,” Emma finished lowly while Neal sauntered over and leaned against the counter, placing himself between Killian and her.
“So, I was thinking we could grab dinner. You know, you, me and Henry? Or maybe just you and me if Regina has--”
“Neal, I’ve had a long day. I am going to enjoy this drink, maybe a second, and then I am eating whatever I rummage out of the pantry at Mary Margaret’s since she and David are out on a date.”
“So you have the place to yourself?”
Killian understood the insinuation and clenched his jaw. He started counting backward from ten while he listened to Emma try to redirect Neal’s plans, and when he heard the other man’s second attempt to garner an invitation he reset the clock and started the count at twenty. Perhaps she cares for him, he reminded himself. She is tired and had a difficult day, but that does not mean she has chosen not to be with--
Her voice was suddenly raised and Killian felt like he was about four steps behind the conversation as he snapped to attention on the words she spat at the man across from her.
“Just go-- go, Neal. This isn’t happening. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. It is not happening .” Whatever expression she held in that moment must have been truly glorious to earn Neal’s melodramatic scoff as he stormed out the diner and slammed the door behind him.
Granny simply poured a healthy splash of whisky in Emma’s glass in reply before shuffling back to the kitchen as she had witnessed the whole interaction mere steps from Killian, who just now was actively working to control both his expression and the thoughts wheeling through his mind at her parting shot. What exactly was not happening between them? Where did that leave him?
Killian glanced over at Emma, her eyes ablaze as if challenging him to comment on the interaction. “Darts are quiet,” he offered congenially, smiling what he considered his most winning grin.
That earned him a quick bark of laughter. “And a little violent,” she smirked.
“Aye, that too, Swan.”
She held up her glass and they shared their second silent toast of the evening. “I could use a little of both,” she added as she got up, glass in hand and the beginnings of a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.
“I hear rumor they even sell food at this establishment,” Killian pressed his luck a bit as they collected the two sets of darts and set up.
“You don’t say?” She shook her head at him and he watched her consider the offer. “Loser buys?”
“Of course, love.” He sketched her a bow, flourishing his hand and making a show of it to cover up his surprise.
“Not your love,” she retorted, sinking a bullseye on her first try while Killian considered how grateful he was that Granny accepted doubloons. Where had she learned to play like this?
Granny hollered last call only moments after Emma bid Killian goodnight, a lightness to her steps as he watched her go. “Looks like that went well,” Granny called over as she wiped down the last table.
“Aye,” he tossed Granny a wink, “and she stayed for three games. And dessert.”
For the life of him, Killian couldn’t decipher Granny’s laugh at this simple observation until the double-entendre dawned on him at last. He was tired and perhaps he’d imbibed one too many glasses if he was the one missing the joke...it was then he noticed Emma’s jacket still laying across the barstool where she’d first dropped it.
“Seven hells,” he took off to the sound of Granny’s whooping call as she warned him the sheriff walked fast and he’d better work for it. Work for what exactly? Killian mused as he jogged out into the night, no easy feat in full leathers with more than a bit of drink in him. He spotted her golden hair in the lamplight down the street and called out, thinking it the better option than startling her.
She spun on her heel, wobbled slightly, and burst into laughter as she leaned against the lamppost for support--clearly he wasn’t the only to enjoy one too many this evening. Ever the gentleman, Killian held her jacket out and ignored her comment about being chased down Main Street by a pirate.
“Princess,” he began, calling far too loudly given the hour, “chivalry demands I return your cloak, lest you catch a chill on this dark night.” She shushed him less than successfully as she giggled and fell into step beside him-- Emma Swan can giggle, he mused. “As well,” he continued, voice full volume and bordering on a bellow, “I must see you safely to your door. No doubt there are ruffians about, and all manor of unsavory ne’er-do-wells, all seeking mischief against such an elegant,” he chuckled as she staggered slightly, “and graceful lady as thee.”
“You’re such an idiot, shut up! Do you want the whole neighborhood awake?” Her scolding was half-hearted at best considering her idea of a whisper could likely be heard across the street.
“Do you think they’ll call the sheriff, love” He waggled his eyebrows at her and she swatted his chest. “Surely you wouldn’t throw a man in the brig for an act of noblest courtesy,” at that he draped her jacket over her shoulders while she led the way and proceeded to spin a tale of his own unimpeachable valor as a young sailor. When they reached her dwelling, she turned to face him before heading up.
“Why do you always get it? Nobody gets it.” He raised a brow at her question. “Gets me. Like Neal,” she slurred the name and rolled her eyes. “I have a shitty day at work and he decides to make some weird pass at me through the kid ? But you,” she leaned in and poked Killian in the chest, keeping her index finger pressed against his sternum. “You’re the...the flirty pirate king and you just...throw sharp shit at a wall with me and buy me drinks. You didn’t even check out my ass more than once.”
He absolutely had, but far be it for Killian to correct the lady when this seemed to be going somewhere rather interesting.
“Can I tell you a secret?” she slurred.
Before he could suggest this was likely a bad idea as she would potentially regret whatever her next words were to be, she pulled him down by one of his coat lapels and whispered loudly, “My mom is Snow White, right? So she’s all about ‘true love’ and ‘happily ever after’,” her whisper became what he thought was an imitation of her mother, though he doubted that Snow White had ever been six whiskies and two rums deep.
“So she thinks that Neal is like...my Prince Charming, but here’s the secret: he’s not a prince! He’s a con-man, and he sure as hell isn’t charming. So whoops, Mom! Wrong bet!” She laughed and let go of his coat, poking the end of his nose and whispering something that sounded like the noise boop in the most infuriatingly impossible-to-understand gesture he’s witnessed yet. She gave him a glassy-eyed smile, and in a parting shot that left him speechless, she cupped his cheek and in a much softer tone murmured, “Goodnight, Killian.”
The morning arrived after less rest than he’d like, but Killian snapped awake as  the sky first began to turn a dusty rose on the horizon. This was very likely the best mood he’d found himself in for quite some time, and he mused on the past twelve hours as he fiddled with the magic hot-water dispenser until he got the temperature just right. Unlike the Jolly , Granny’s provisions in terms of hygiene were lavish and he assumed they cost her a small fortune if Ruby and the guests enjoyed them as much as he did, but Granny assured him the soaps and amenities were provided, so he took great joy in letting the warm water run over him as he lathered up, breathing in the herbal and lemon scent so unlike the harsh lye soap he was accustomed to. This world without magic had its  charms, and hot water on demand was his latest favorite.
He arrived downstairs for his other new-world favorite - coffee - and Killian was pleased to see Emma already at the counter, though she looked a great deal less chipper than he felt. “Good morning, Swan,” he sauntered up to take a seat at her left. “Beautiful morning, don’t you think?”
She grumbled something about a headache and before Killian could reply, Granny swooped in and all but insisted she sit and have breakfast. Despite her protests, Emma wound up delayed in her arrival to her post that morning as she was cajoled into a substantial pile of eggs, bacon, and toast. “Complain all you want, Sheriff,” Granny eyed her as she set a matching plate before Killian, “but you two need to soak up some of last night’s fun. Now, eat.” After obligingly refilling their mugs with steaming hot coffee, to which Emma added more than a bit of cream and sugar, Granny retreated to another table as the morning rush filled in around them.
They ate in companionable silence until Emma glanced over and opened with, “I beat you at darts, didn’t I?”
“Aye, two wins to my paltry one, Swan. I’m only grateful we chose not to wager more than dinner and drinks on the game, or my pockets would be a great deal more empty.” She smirked at his comment, and the two chatted as they worked through their breakfasts, both seeming to come alive as Granny had predicted.
He should have known it was all going far too well.
The bell above the door chimed, and the bustle of the patrons picking up coffee and pastries on their way to work or leisurely enjoying their breakfasts fell to a whisper. Killian stayed perfectly still as he heard the man limp toward the counter, the gentle thud of his cane giving him away. From the corner of his eye, he saw Emma roll her eyes at his clipped “Miss Swan,” and Killian stayed frozen to the spot, not trusting his reaction in front of the woman who not only was increasingly important in his life--a thought he’d sort out, or studiously avoid, later--but also represented the local law enforcement.
He heard few of the words exchanged between the Crocodile and Granny, though neither appeared pleased to be having the conversation. Instead, his pulse pounded in his head and his vision clouded as he clutched the edge of the counter. Killian had the distinct image of grabbing that gold-topped cane and flipping it, beating the man about the head until nothing recognizable remained. Until the gold handle dripped red. He could leave him on the floor of this place, twitching as the last impulses of his brain forced him to dance to a soundless tune; Killian could simply walk to the Jolly and set sail, free of the memory of this vile excuse for a man.
Except that he could do no such thing. He sat next to the sheriff in a small town diner surrounded by people who already distrusted him to varying degrees. He was trapped in a land that was not his own and had no way-- nor will --to return to his own. He was a captain without a crew, and as his mind raced through the numerous ways he could rid himself of this loathsome creature he knew now was not the time and certainly not the place. Simply put, Killian refused to put Emma in a position where she would be forced to see the darkness that lurked within him. So he let it pass, and let the Crocodile go for today.
It wasn’t long after the disruption that Emma took her leave, and Killian lingered at the counter as he mulled over what to do with his day. Most days he helped Granny with the more physically demanding repairs around the place, but he felt caged and in need of something more challenging.
“Appreciate you not taking his head off in my diner,” Granny remarked banally once the place emptied. “You have any idea what it takes to get blood out of white grout? Oh, don’t look so surprised; nothing smells quite like fear and rage rolled up in one, and I could smell yours from across the damn room.” She waved dismissively and filled two mugs, sliding one to him and keeping the other for herself. “It’s hot chocolate, and you need it. Little liquid comfort never hurt anyone, so drink up and tell me about it.”
He sipped hesitantly, but the woman was certainly right about the comforting power of the elixir before him. Killian thought about his next words as he breathed in the sweet steam from his mug, letting the cup warm his hand as he held it. “You could...smell my emotions?” He felt it best to begin with the obvious inquiry and prolong the tale of his darkest day.
“I could also hear your heart-rate skyrocket the second you knew who came through that door, so I’m guessing there’s some history there. You don’t have to tell me everything, Killian, but I need to know if I can trust you when you’re in here. Gold comes in to collect rent monthly, and every now and again he has lunch as well. I need to know you’re not going to take a kitchen knife to the bastard while I’m serving sandwiches.” She levelled a scrutinizing gaze at him and waited.
Killian set down his mug and scrubbed his hand over his face, realizing he was in need of a shave, then realizing he was further delaying the conversation. He sighed, knowing there was only one right way forward. “I will not spill his blood on your grounds, Granny, not unless he spills mine first. You have my word.” She nodded once, waiting for him to continue. And so he spent the sunny morning explaining how he lost his hand to the Dark One. While Killian left out much of the story of Milah, he could not entirely avoid her role in the tale, explaining simply that the man she knew as Gold had killed the woman Killian loved right in front of his eyes. Granny was sympathetic and asked few questions, letting him choose how much to reveal. It was cathartic, in a way - a chance to tell someone this piece of truth. A chance to be heard.
When they were finished, Granny spoke briefly of her wolfish nature, a truth which Killian enjoyed as it made her acute hearing and perceptiveness make far more sense. “I know your heart-rate also picks up around a certain sheriff,” she added as Killian slipped on his greatcoat, readying himself to find busywork on the Jolly . “And I know hers does around you.” She eyed him closely then, searching for he knew not what. “Be careful with her, Killian. I don’t know everything--I’m not sure anyone does--but I can see enough to know she’s been hurt, and that hurt hasn’t fully healed. In fact, I’m damn sure the source of it just waltzed back into her life.”
He nodded his understanding and left her to her work. Given the woman’s preternatural understanding of her patrons, he was not about to argue. He chewed her words over in his mind repeatedly as he spent the rest of the day checking that everything aboard his beloved Jolly was in tip-top shape. While his life may be constant chaos in this world, at least he could be assured his ship was as perfect as ever.
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