#does he smoke growth hormones
shoyoist · 10 months
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popped it in google translate because i needed to know and "IT SEEMS LIKE HE'S STILL GROWING TALLER" ??? 😭😭 SHUJI ?!?!
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lady-severus-snape · 5 days
Random headcannon #987
Severus is a feminist and a champion to one he decides to love.
In the U.S. alone close to an estimated 6 million women suffer from PCOS (myself included) , this does not include those that have not been diagnosed.
Severus would absolutely be appalled and down right foaming at the mouth when he finds his woman curled up on the bathroom floor crying from pain.
Severus (Concerned, bends down to help you): Darling, what is the matter? Are you hurt? Talk to me?
Y/N (whimpering and writhing in pain): yea, I'm OK. A cyst probably burst. I already took the maximum dose of acetaminophen for today. So hopefully it will take the edge off.
Severus (worried about you): what? What do you mean a cyst has ruptured?! Where?! Max dosage? Woman, that's about 2000mg!
Y/N (grunts and pants through the wave of pain): An ovarian cyst probably burst, and/or I'm having severe menstrual cramps. Yea, short of prescription pain killers, that's what I have on hand. Don't worry I made sure to eat so it doesn't fuck me up more.
Severus could only listen in horror. His woman looked and sounded like she was dying, and all she explained was that a cyst, an ovarian cyst at that exploded internally, and she said was it's was ok?!
Severus: Lovey, we need to get you to the hospital. (Helps Y/N into the room)
Y/N: no, that's OK. They won't do anything. The most they will do is maybe a scan, blood work, and maybe ibuprofen before sending me home with instructions to rest, use a heating pad, and more Tylenol. It's not worth the cost of the visit. I'll fine Sev, honest. Not the first time it's happened and won't be the last.
Severus (mouth dropped open, aghast): what?! What. Do. You. Mean. They. Won't. Do. Anything. You're literally agonizing in pain. They have to do something, they just can't dismiss your problems. It's happened before? When? Why? How?
Y/N (Climbs into bed and curls up): Severus, baby, I hate to break it to you, the medical community don't give a shit about us women. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS. There is no cure and only like 4-5 medicinal options to manage the symptoms. It took me nearly 20 years to recieve a diagnosis. Dr's called me crazy, depressed, hallucinating, that everything was normal.
Severus felt white hot anger course through his veins. His Y/N was in clear pain, distress, and who knows what else. The muggle doctors failed to help his love.
Severus asked y/n many questions in regards to it until he saw she was nodding off to sleep, the pain finally retracting enough. His mind was already running with possible potion ideas. He needed more information. He walked over to the small library y/n had built over time and pulled every book she had on PCOS. By the 3rd book it was obvious to him, that the information was repeating/recycling itself:
-hormonal problem -uncontrollable weight gain -excess body and facial hair(all the depilatory supplies made more sense) -female patterned hair loss(it explained why she always wore her hair up and always with a hat or scarf) -depression -super heavy and painful menstrual cycles or lack of one -cysts developing not just internally but also outwardly -infertility -high insulin levels
Treatments: hormone contraceptives, metformin or other type 2 diabetic medications, spironolactone or other hair growth inhibiting medications, losing weight, and excersize.
Severus peaked into the bedroom when he heard y/n whimper in her sleep. Another cramp of pain was hitting. His grip on the book tightened until it started to smoke and smolder from his magic, acting to his emotions. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he weighed his options. He would have to delve into extensive research. What good was his potions mastery if he didn't utilize it. The rest of the weekend was spent with him taking care of y/n through what seemed to him a very hard and agonizing menstrual cycle.
^food in bed ^long soaks in the bathtub with his own personal muscle relaxant ^snacks and chocolate galore ^pampering of every kind you could think of
Once y/n was right as rain, Severus consumed research like a man possessed. Muggle medical reports, studies, and pharmaceuticals. Hell, he even researched for it in the magical world. Boy, was he sorely disappointed. If he thought muggle medicine was lack luster in regards to PCOS, then the magical community was left in the dust! Nothing, zip, zero, nada was found in correlation to PCOS. There is nothing to even address the barest of symptoms! Severus had never been so....so......so......horrified! Armed with rage, spitefulness, and indignation on behalf of y/n, Severus plunges into the world of the unknown for PCOS. Experimental potions safe for muggle use, others for the witches. Thankfully, he has some basis from when he modified the wolfsbane potion. As his research progressed, he discovered that the magical birth rates were low due to not only the inbreeding for blood purity, but in actuality, PCOS was also common amongst the magical woman folk. This led him down another rabbit hole that played on genetics.
After many failed results, Severus managed to find the right combination for y/n. It wasn't a cure by any means of the imagination, but it was far cry from the plebian options offered. His elixir, taken consistently, would lower the excess androgen levels and keep the cortisol level low. It worked better than the aforementioned muggle drugs. He still had problems finding a solution to the whole ovulating problem without causing severe side effects worse than the muggle drugs, but by the gods, he was working on it. Y/N's hair was already growing back fuller, thicker, healthier. Even the beard and mustache she let herself grow out for the sake of research (and laziness. Why should she worry about her beard if it didn't bother Severus. If anything, he was slightly jelly at how glorious hers was; it wasn't fair) had begun to thin out, practically patchy in some spots. But most importantly, to Severus, seeing the how y/n flourished, the femininity of her unrestrained from the dismorphia caused by PCOS. Free from the debilitating pain and suffering. It was breath taking, it made everything he had done worth it to see his love and hopefully the rest of the women population heard and seen.
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babbyrat-art · 1 year
I’d love to learn more about tala trace and Aaron they seem SO cool and also your art is absolutely STUNNING
Hi!!! I know you read/rb'd the info dump i did after sending this but I do have more about the Triplets/Keane family and I'm happy to share!!!
First of all - their story, again, started over a decade ago with two friends who I'm no longer in regular contact with, and a couple years after their creation i merged them with another friend's character to build off of! So their OG backstory got mixed up and muddled together into something incomprehensible due to me a) not fully remembering the original RP story line (we were 12 it wasn't good) and b) not having access to/remember all the og people's characters who were involved ASKJDH
This is a quick breakdown of the Keane Family Tree!! The Keane Fam/Pack is one of 3 packs that live in the area (a fictional town called St. Dennis and a few adjacent counties in the fictional state of Vermont :3)
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I made this very quickly in Mila note so I'm sorry if its shitty AKJSDH
Please feel free to ask me to elaborate more on parts that I might miss because I'm very scatter brained!!! Im just gonna TYPE
Their story is very... slice of life, I guess? The curren RP just follows their lives and relationships pretty closely, and how the triplets grow as people and come away from trauma very differently.
Tala is the first to blossom but again I don't think she'll ever lose her spark of anger that she holds very tight and close to her chest. She's a very protective person and takes on a leadership role amidst her family (i hate calling her an alpha it feels wierd ASJDH- shes just... a matriarch?).
Her and Travis were best friends in highschool, tended to ditch class and smoke up, platonic ideal of friendship supported each other in the way most 15 year olds who bottle up their emotions do. Travis had ALWAYS had a huge crush on Aaron and essentially followed him around until he finally accepted he wasn't going anywhere (Travis is also "adopted" by their uncle, James, around the time their relationship solidifies!! He asks to be turned to feel "officially" a part of the family and Aaron isn't able to do it, so Tala does).
Travis' other bestfriend, Beck, meets/gets closer to Tala accidentally after a Halloween party in their senior year and things move very quickly for them (they get pregnant with the twins at 20 if im remembering correctly askjdh).
Having kids both made Tala better and worse? She's fiercly protective but also made her a lot more... grounded? Like she started taking shit and her responsibility in the family far more seriously, especially when Beck is turned? (A decision he made due to not wanting to be The Only Human there (also raising werewolf babies as a human??? sounds like hell))
Aaron blossoms more when he and Travis enter a relationship - he started hormone therapy around the same time (15-16) which ALSO helped a fuck ton. He's very closed off and aggressive and prefers to keep people at a healthy distance on the off chance he gets hurt or hurts someone (despite... hurting people in doing so). He also is the only one in his family who views lycanthropy as a curse? Its one of the reasons he couldn't bring himself to turn Travis himself. ALL he wants is to feel understood and be "normal" but knows that'll... never happen?
It takes a long time for him to feel more comfortable with himself, and Travis' unending support is one of the reasons he's able to do that. Eventually they move out together and meet a bartender named Micah that they learn is a little down on his luck and needs a place to stay so offer him their spare room. Micah and Aaron are very similar in keeping people at a distance, so it takes some TIME before he accepts that they both genuinely like him. Happy little polycule <3
TRACE takes the longest. He's autistic and struggles to feel safe and accepted and his growth comes MUCH later in the story. They live at home for a majority of their teens and early adulthood and take up the quiet task of babysitting when they're needed but don't really like being around Tala (and Beck, by proxy, despite him being SO sweet and king hearted).
Trace focus' a lot on Charlie when he's younger because he's a very anxious kid - and once Charlie starts school and meets another little werewolf named Percy (a part of another pack i'll post eventually akjsdh), Trace is tasked with watching the both of them. That's how they meet Ansel (Percy's "uncle"/pack mate)!!
Still figuring a lot out on their journey but Ansel is the safest person in Trace's life next to Micah (who he formed a crush on upon meeting for the first time, but didn't quite understand thats what they were feeling, and just enjoyed his company greatly (they're both autistic and remain very close)).
SDFKSDFJH THERES a lot that happens rp wise that has been going on continuously for years i can't possibly summarise but I'll go grab some of my fav snippets and also some older art <3
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theres like 300k+ words scattered between multiple rps that i have saved - theres a ton that got lost in the skype migration aSKDJH I was gonna read through them all to find my fav snippets but heres just a few?
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and some old art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The top three ofthe riplet's og designs!!!
then a drawing of Tala and Show - and finally an old icon for Travis!!!!!
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lao-huangs-bitch · 2 years
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[Achievement Unlocked: How Did We Get Here?]
I had these designs since like, 2016 bc I was Projecting my Student Years onto my Current Hyperfixation
Imma Copy Wiff n do some Explaining bc Why Not I feel like Infodumping
I actually did Mine based on American schools bc like I said, I mostly made this while Projecting
Age 18, Senior
The Campus Bad Boy with absolutely No Respect for Anyone, not even Himself. Spends more time Oversleeping, Smoking out by the Bleachers, and getting Stoned in the Bathroom than actually attending class. Despite never being present, either Physically Skipping, or Mentally Sleeping, he still somehow manages to answer questions correctly. The only thing keeping him somewhat in check is Douglas, who pesters him to get to Class and do his Assignments. It doesn't always work, though. He's also a Bully and spends time picking on Gwin, but Douglas is the one to pull Lao Away from the poor kid. It was in these moments of Douglas pulling Lao away from whatever Freshman he was spitting on this time that the two met, and grew into unlikely friends.
He lives with his Mother, but his Father is barely in the picture due to being In and Out of Jail. No Siblings, and finds himself Alone at home a lot due to his mother working Two Jobs. He's on the road to being a Full Junkie, and sometimes gets Caught up in really Dangerous activities. Lately though, he's been trying a little harder to behave himself if he ever wants to talk to the cute girl in English Class....
Etc Things:
- Hates Elma w a Burning Passion... for Obvious reasons.
- has a Car. His license isn't exactly Valid, but he absolutely cares about that /s
- He has your typical Teenage Boy Blackhole Stomach and won't stop Snaking. This could also be from the Weed.
Age 17, Senior
Hailed as the High School Quarterback, he's the only guy Big Enough to put even Lao in his place. All of his free time and passion goes into Sports because he needs an Athletic Scholarship if he ever hopes to get into College. While he does his best to be a Good Student, it's very stressful to balance Sports, Class, and a Part Time Job all at the same time, and can get involved in Laos Shinanigans like Smoking or Skipping Class when life gets him down. He's generally very Loved and Respected, but his teenager hormones can get the best of him and make him aggressive if provoked, and Lao seems to be the best at pushing his buttons. But it's the occasional acts of Rebellion that earns him Laos Respect.
He lives with his Mother and 3 Younger Brothers after his Father passed away. His brothers are 9, 10, and 12 years old, so it's hard for him to make any connections with them. His mother takes advantage of Douglas a lot, all while Babying his brothers, so he's come to resent his family a lot. He works a part time job at a Fast Food joint to try and help make ends meet.
Etc Things:
- His Voice is always Cracking from all the growth spurts, and his pants are always just a little Too Short. His mom has no idea when this boy is going to Stop Growing.
- He's not the Brightest but it's mostly because his brain is so Cluttered. His Demeanor and Attentiveness/Engagement are mostly what help him scrape by.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
This is a lot of people in line trying to screw around with my husband and they're horrible. Right now I'm getting reports that they fleet is heating up
Yeah you can't tell that it is heating up about 30% we're going to not get out and the others are moving into the others will probably heat up and we can see them starting and it will be over for this fleet of trump and he doesn't have a couple more and she knows about it and they're not very big one of them is idle like I said three fleets he's got a Battlestar Galactica fleet what kind of sucks and bJ has one that sucks and the kind of weak and stuff there are oh there's one other fleet and it is Star blazers he has both typing but mostly has a gammarin. And really those ships are not that bad they're pretty fast and they have a big blaster and they can't take the other starships the other star Blazer ships are more powerful and they split their beam I mean it's kind of stupid and they're not wider so is there ridiculous people they get defeated pretty quick it's a pain in the ass and they're probably going to sit there and do this dumb s*** they're doing now but son and daughter say that it's not going to be that way but bja picks it up and other groups and it looks like cheesman. And we think that's true. Ulysses has Grant was played by several people Ken will not off to be president it's extremely dangerous and they get killed all the time but he does go to town on them. There are some other things happening and it is going to be a different day
There's a Saharan dust cloud it's Sunday and the cloud is supposed to be here sometime today or tonight people say it's here but you can't see it at all. Her son says it looks at a little but it could be forest fire. And now they have a little fire out there but I record show it's there and it's high altitude but it is coming down and it is kind of vicious. There are several things that happen. People looking at Sun and they think he's fine and to try and scan and stuff they don't see anything and it might be because he absorbs it or salt on his skin and they miss that kind of thing and he's got a whole bunch of iodine in there. We have a reading and it's a 0.0125 so it's 1/100 of a rad. It is noticeable and the water has nowhere near that much it's like playing the 0015 which is 1/1000 of a rad and that's when it's at its highest and we don't think it'll ever get that high again.
At this level and I plant life is going to grow faster and the oxygen levels are increasing slightly it's a .5% and also pets and animals gain a little energy and they eat and they rest it off and they feel better because they mutated and it wasn't too long ago 100,000 years and they became domesticated. Regular humans will feel a little sick and might actually knock all over on occasion and affects the bowels adversely. Already people having diarrhea it was here at 4:00 a.m. it's only going to increase over the next week and it will be a long dose and our son will grow in a few days and it will wreck the stuff stopping them from growing except iodine and that doesn't really inhibit as much as people things growth hormone inhibitor it does not even mask any of the hormones that body builders use they try it and they try and use the salt and then they piss it out dehydrate and it's not detectable salt is not it's better than using coffee but it's still you feel like hell up there and the sun can't do it he wants everybody won't be able to it's too much mass. Regular people feel sick and dizzy on day one by the time Friday rolls around it's going to be constant and it will be for about a month and a half because of the cities and they're not completely defunct they're empty and they refilled that's good and bad but while these guys are smoked what's going on now by day three regular people will start losing all their hair and unless they juice up or dope take medicine against cancer and radiation they're going to get sick and that low level that the red level is going to increase and it'll go up to about 0.2 by Friday this coming Friday and then it will continue at that level for about 4 days or 3 days and it'll go up to 0.35 and it will go up to probably 0.5 in 3 and 1/2 or 3 weeks actually and that's pretty high and it's going to fluctuate throughout the day it'll go down and if I don't have a break and then it will go upwards of one rad and we have to regulate it and I'll have to rain and it removes it and the rain is kind of salty it doesn't do a lot of it. And people like bja they do a lot better than Trump and his are going to be falling and they're going to get sick and your body is human only their head is mutated and it doesn't help them that much either way. And that is what's happening in a month and a half the cumulative radiation of being exposed is going to be about three rad the sun has to dump it and he is all the time and he's going to continue his regimen and he's going to notice that he's going to be healing and they're going to try and get him to the hospital which won't make any difference there might be less radiation in there in the air is filtered and the workers will get sick
But his diet and regimen right now will keep him healthy and alive and better than that and he is going to start growing during the process and absorbing food better and this is thank God this is stuffing himself and he's pooping a lot
Thor Freya
We have some things to say it will be for a month or a month and a half and it will be a slow process and we've been saying it's not half of them are out that's what we're saying is half of them are completely blocked and having wars and Trump is grabbing some stuff and he has a chance he makes so he's not absolute zero and that's been going on for a while about 3 days for it now since last Thursday that's true and it's been over a week and it will continue and it's going to go on that way really they're probably at 10 to 15% that's the stashes and cashes however the nuclear bunkers are different those are disabled and blocked and nothing comes out of them for the most part no those come out and they chase them down and you can see it in mad Max and doing the same thing in a small scale I think we don't think there's a weapon in it but so then go ahead and do that and yeah the truck is that red one that they almost hit our son with and yeah it's penance. The radiation is going to be very high for a week and he pretty much knows it's the big stashes and caches and the big nuclear bunkers and the s***** cities and the last one is number one and everybody has to get ready for that it's coming probably in less time than you would think in about 3 weeks and they have a war at each one and they get sucked into it all of them and they're fighting over there's a bunch of them. I swear they are and it's where people get bent all the time and supposedly don't care but it's not true they're trying to get away from people who are pushing them around and it doesn't seem to work and they get hurt pretty bad more shortly
Zig Zag
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eliteayurveda · 2 months
How Weight Affects Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)
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When you have hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), an auto-inflammatory illness that causes painful boils and skin abscesses that occasionally exude foul-smelling pus, it can be difficult to feel comfortable in your own skin, both literally and metaphorically. This chronic illness affects between 1% and 4% of the population in India and can manifest as early as adolescence. Exercise can be painful for some people with HS, resulting in unnecessary weight gain and aggravating symptoms. Here’s what we know about the HS-obesity link.
Obesity is a significant risk factor, but it is not the only one.
Excess weight is a key risk factor for HS, however it does not cause the disease and is not the only one. In reality, some HS patients are thin. This illness is most typically diagnosed in women between the ages of 18 and 29. Cigarette smoking might also raise your chances of acquiring HS. Furthermore, for some people, having malfunctioning sweat glands can play a role as well.
Family History Should Be Considered As Well
While being overweight is frequently related with acne inversa (also known as HS), acquiring this condition may have as much to do with your family’s genetic background, according to Dr Adil. According to research, a mutation in the gene responsible for the division of hair follicles and other skin cells may have a role in initiating symptoms. “There are several common genes, and each one adds a little increased risk” for HS, he says, adding that obesity, which commonly precedes HS by 5 to 10 years, raises the risk even more.
Being overweight might aggravate flares.
Having a BMI of 30 or more is still cause for caution when it comes to HS. According to 2020 research published in SKIN persons with this problem are 17 times more likely to be fat than the general population. Obesity can also make it more difficult to regulate the disease, according to Dr Adil. “A higher BMI contributes to hormonal imbalances as well as increased skin friction, exacerbating the disease,” he notes.
Friction is increased when the number of skin folds increases.
Obesity and HS are frequently related due to more skin folds caused by increased weight, which are commonly observed in the upper body. Clogged sweat glands can result in the formation of painful nodules, boil-like lumps, blackheads, and cysts, as well as the formation of channels beneath the skin in the armpits and groin, under the breasts, and on the buttocks and inner thighs in later stages. Abscesses can eventually rupture and emit an unpleasant odor. To make matters worse, this can result in lifelong scarring.
The Bacterial Balance of the Skin Could Be Off
Then there are the heated, damp spaces between folds that serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, either causing an HS outbreak or worsening the chronic skin condition. “In the armpit and groin, we have a very intricate balance between [good] bacteria and foreign pathogens,” adds Dr Adil. “Beneficial bacteria help to keep bad bacteria at bay, but when we have a humid environment with inflammation and friction, it creates an imbalance that encourages bacterial growth.” Antibiotics that kill bacteria are frequently used to treat HS. Losing weight reduces extra skin, giving germs less sites to colonize.
Extra weight promotes inflammation.
Inflammation appears to have a role in HS, as it does in other skin illnesses such as psoriasis and eczema, where persistent inflammation drives the immune system to induce skin alterations at the cellular level. Obesity causes chronic low-grade inflammation, which can exacerbate HS symptoms, he claims, citing 2019 research that links higher inflammation to worse disease outcomes. “We tend to think that this chronic overweight condition is associated with low-grade systemic inflammation, which leads to inflammatory changes in the skin and promotes these abscesses,” he continues.
Flares may be reduced if you lose weight.
A 2020 study found that overweight children who dropped weight before puberty had a lower probability of developing HS later in life. Losing at least 15% of one’s body weight is connected with significant reductions in HS symptoms in adults. While the lesions make exercise uncomfortable, losing weight can have a substantial favorable impact on the condition. “HS is a disease in which consistency of exercise is more important than speed,” explains Dr Adil. “Start small and gradually increase your exercise capacity to develop a routine you can stick to.”
Working Out With HS Can Be Difficult
It may be tempting to forego a workout to minimize skin-fold friction and sweat-clogged pores, but doing so may result in further weight gain and severe symptoms. Wear form-fitting training clothes made of moisture-wicking fibers instead to keep your skin from rubbing together and troublesome sweat at bay. According to Dr Adil, a simple clothing alteration like this may make exercise more pleasant, if not possible.
Begin slowly, consider swimming.
Set minor objectives. To begin, try losing just 5% of your body weight and see how you feel. Allow your body to heal if you’re in a flare and even brisk walking is difficult. Put the trainers back on and try again when the agony subsides. Swim some laps instead. “Water workouts are very good,” Dr Adil says, because water lubricates the skin and reduces friction. If you require additional assistance, weight loss applications such as Noom or Weight Watchers can assist you. You may notice an improvement in your HS symptoms as you lose weight—and feel better than ever in your own skin.
Other forms of self-care are also important.
Losing weight should not be your exclusive goal. Your doctor may also advise you to take drugs to relieve symptoms and, in some cases, have surgery to remove inflamed nodules, lesions, or damaged tissue. Dr Adil emphasizes the importance of diet. HS flares can be reduced by avoiding or reducing dairy, sugar, simple carbs, nightshade plants like tomato and aubergine, as well as bread, fermented cheese, black tea and beer. Trying a Paleo or autoinflammatory diet may also be beneficial. “Whether the diet is truly anti-inflammatory or just results in weight loss, either way, it could be beneficial,” he adds.
Our Outlook –
Under one roof, we at EliteAyurveda Clinics have a panel of specialists in numerous dimensions of medical domains such as endocrine, autoimmune, gynecology, and so on. We are well-known for taking a multifaceted and root-cause approach to treating chronic and difficult-to-treat disorders.
Contact us to learn more.
According to Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of balance, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, which slows down metabolism. Due to the disruption of fat molecules, they start to build up in muscles and impede bodily passageways, causing painful, swollen sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.
In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 
The treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Elite Ayurveda comprises balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas, as well as providing harmony to the metabolism. The treatment comprises body detoxification, internal drugs to balance doshas, and external applications to heal scars.
The treatment involves combinations of herbs created based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Visit our website to know more
Connect with us to get our patient testimonials and also to speak with our patients directly about their experience in getting their disease treated by us and by Ayurveda as a whole.
Medically reviewed by Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. With over 15 years of experience in treating Neurological, Skin & Autoimmune Diseases.
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semperfidelisamo · 1 year
Thinking about death: High neural activity is linked to shorter lifespans
If there’s one thing that humans can’t stop thinking about, it’s death. But new research published in the journal Nature suggests that all that thinking might be the very thing that brings death on.
More precisely, researchers discovered that higher neural activity has a negative effect on longevity. Neural activity refers to the constant flow of electricity and signals throughout the brain, and excessive activity could be expressed in many ways; a sudden change in mood, a facial twitch, and so on.
“An exciting future area of research will be to determine how these findings relate to such higher-order human brain functions,” said professor of genetics and study co-author Bruce Yankner. While it’s probably not the case that thinking a thought reduces your lifespan in the same way smoking a cigarette does, the study didn’t determine whether actual thinking had an impact on lifespan — just neural activity in general.
To say this was an unexpected finding is an understatement. We expect that aging affects the brain, of course, but not that the brain affects aging. These results were so counterintuitive that the study took two additional years before it was published as the researchers gathered more data to convince their reviewers. Yankner was forbearing about the delay. “If you have a cat in your backyard, people believe you,” he said. “If you say you have a zebra, they want more evidence.”
Yankner and colleagues studied the nervous systems of a range of animals, including humans, mice, and Caenorhabditis elegans, or roundworm. What they found was that a protein called REST was the culprit behind high neural activity and faster aging.
First, they studied brain samples donated from deceased individuals aged between 60 and 100. Those that had lived longer — specifically individuals who were 85 and up — had unique gene expression profile in their brain cells. Genes related to neural excitation appeared to be underexpressed in these individuals. There was also significantly more REST protein in these cells, which made sense: REST’s job is to regulate the expression of various genes, and it’s also been shown to protect aging brains from diseases like dementia.
But in order to show that this wasn’t simply a coincidence, Yankner and colleagues amplified the REST gene in roundworm and mice. With more REST came quieter nervous systems, and with quieter nervous systems came longer lifespans in both animal models.
Higher levels of REST proteins appeared to activate a chain reaction that ultimately led to these increases in longevity. Specifically, REST suppressed the expression of genes that control for a variety of neural features related to excitation, like neurotransmitter receptors and the structure of synapses. The lower levels of activity activated a group of proteins known as forkhead transcription factors, which play a role in regulating the flow of genetic information in our cells. These transcription factors, in turn, affect a “longevity pathway” connected to signaling by the hormones insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1).
This longevity pathway has been identified by researchers before, often in connection with possible benefits to lifespan from fasting. Additionally, the insulin/IGF1 hormones are critical for cell metabolism and growth, features which relate to longevity in obvious ways.
The most exciting aspect of this research is that it offers targets for future research on longevity, possibly even allowing for the development of a longevity drug. For instance, anticonvulsant drugs work by suppressing the excessive neural firing that occurs during seizures, and in studies conducted on roundworms, they’ve also been shown to increase lifespan. This recent study shows that this connection might not be coincidental. Similarly, antidepressants that block serotonin activity have also been shown to increase lifespan. Dietary restriction has long been implicated in promoting longer lifespans as well. Dietary restriction lowers insulin/IGF1 signaling, which this study showed affects the REST protein and neural activity. More research will be needed to confirm or reject any of these possibilities, but all represent exciting new avenues to explore, possibly resulting in the extension of our lifespans.
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davidgreenearizona1 · 2 years
R3 Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction with Dr David Greene in Arizona
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For those who have erectile dysfunction in Arizona, a solution is now available with Dr. David Greene's help. Dr. David Greene is a specialist in stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction, and his Arizona practice offers the R3 stem cell treatment, which has proven to be highly effective. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of R3 stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction with Dr. David Greene in Arizona.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is when a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity. It affects about 18 million men in the United States alone. ED can have physical and psychological causes, including stress, depression, hormonal imbalances, age-related changes, high blood pressure, diabetes, nerve damage, and lifestyle habits.
Fortunately, treatments for men with ED include medications, lifestyle modifications, and stem cell treatments. For example, Dr. David Greene in Arizona uses R3 stem cell treatments to help men overcome erectile dysfunction. By injecting healthy stem cells into the penis, Dr. Greene can improve blood flow and restore erectile functioning in his patients.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects men of all ages, but its cause can be difficult to identify. Dr. David Greene from Arizona has studied the causes and treatments for ED for many years. He believes ED can be caused by several factors, including physical issues like nerve damage, diabetes, high cholesterol, or even psychological problems such as depression, stress, and anxiety. 
These issues can lead to poor blood flow to the penis, which can prevent an erection from occurring. Sometimes, ED can also be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking. Regardless of the cause, Dr. David Greene in Arizona can provide effective treatments to help men suffering from ED.
How does the R3 stem cell treatment work?
Dr. David Greene of Arizona specializes in stem cell treatments for erectile dysfunction. The R3 stem cell treatment he offers uses a patient's adipose (fat) tissue to extract adult mesenchymal stem cells, which are injected into the penis and pelvic area. These stem cells have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The stem cells also promote angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels), thus improving circulation and allowing for better erections. Additionally, the stem cells stimulate the production of new tissue, which can help improve the strength and endurance of erections. The results of this treatment can be seen in as little as one month and last up to two years.
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lawofficesindubai · 2 years
All You Need to Know on Child Protection Law in the UAE
The child protection law in the United Arab Emirates is the Federal Law No 3 of 2016, also called the Wadeema’s Law. The Wadeema’s Law protects the overall rights of the child, including his fundamental rights of life, security and care, family rights, health rights, social rights, cultural and education rights.
Some of the key rights and protections provided to a child under the Child Protection Law are as follows.
1. Fundamental Rights
According to Article 7 of the Child Protection Law, every child has the right to life and security and the child’s growth, development and care is to be guaranteed by the State. The child has a right to have a name that is not humiliating to his/her dignity or contrary to religious beliefs and customs under Article 8.
The child also has the right to express his or her opinion freely, which would be in line with his age and maturity, in harmony with public order and morals and with the laws of the country. However, the child should express his opinion within the limits of the law. This is provided under Article 12 of the Child Protection Law.
A child is also prohibited from being employed before the age of fifteen under Article 14 and is guaranteed protection from child pornography in all forms under Article 13 of the Child Protection Law.
Under Article 13 of the Child Protection Law, it is also prohibited to harm a child’s honour or reputation.
2. Family Rights
The child will be provided family safety within a coherent and cooperative family, with the custodian having the responsibility of raising, caring, guiding and developing the child in the best way under Article 15.
3. Health Rights
The child is entitled to receive health services under Article 18.
Under Article 21 of the Child Protection Law, it is prohibited to sell tobacco or tobacco products to children, smoke in private or public transportation or indoor places in the presence of a child, sell alcohol to children, or import or trade in materials against the approved specifications for nutrition, food supplies, health or hormonal supplements, etc.
4. Social Rights
A child should be provided with a standard of living by the State under Article 22 that is sufficient for his physical, mental, psychological and social development.
In case a child does not have a natural family (either temporarily or permanently), he/she shall have the right to receive care either through a foster family or private or public social welfare institutions. These rights of the child under Article 24 are without prejudice to the Laws on Personal Status and on Children of Unknown Parentage.
5. Cultural Rights
The child is entitled to participate in recreational, cultural, artistic and scientific programs to obtain knowledge, innovation and means of creativity. However, these programs should commensurate with his/her age, public morals and order under Article 25.
Games which address a child’s sexual instinct or encourage behavior contrary to public order or morals or abnormal behavior are prohibited under Article 26.
6. Educational Rights
Under Article 31 of the Child Protection Law, every child has a right to education and it is the duty of the State to work on achieving equal opportunities for every child.
7. Right to Protection
It is prohibited to endanger the mental, psychological, physical or moral integrity of the child, including abandoning or rejecting the child by the custodian, leaving the child at a care institution without reason, etc. under Article 34. The custodian is also prohibited to expose the child to rejection, homelessness or neglect under Article 35.
Habitual child abuse, exposure to exploitation or sexual abuse, or kidnapping, sale or trafficking are some of the actions which are considered as threatening to the child or to his physical, mental, psychological or moral integrity and which requires his right to protection under Article 33.
The Wadeema’s Law is a progressive which looks to protect the rights of the children and ensure their safety, protection, health and education.
Blog Source:
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drchiraggupta · 2 years
Male Infertility: The Basics
Fertility is known as the ability of getting a pregnancy. Fertility can refer to both, men and women. In case of women, fertility is the ability or the chances of her getting pregnant while in men, fertility refers to the ability to impregnate a woman. If there is an inability or a failure to achieve pregnancy after trying for it for at least one year, without the use of contraceptive measures, it is known as infertility. As many as about 15 percent of the couples are infertile. Amongst the 15% of the infertile couples, one third of these problems are a result of the factors pertaining to the male counterparts alone. And when a man is infertile, the condition is referred to as Male infertility.
 Symptoms of Male infertility
 Male infertility can be diagnosed by the very fact that in spite of trying, your partner is not able to conceive for about one year of trying without using contraceptive measures. Other signs and symptoms that give an idea when you are infertile include:
 Sexual dysfunction: If a man is unable to get a strong or a long lasting erection, he is unable to have proper penetrative sex which may lead to the inability of him to impregnate a woman. Lack of sex drive or libido in men can also lead to sexual dysfunction and can abstain a man from impregnating a woman. Best Urologist in Jaipur
 Endocrine dysfunction: The endocrine glands are glands that, along the nervous system of your body controls and co-ordinates the body functions. The endocrine system comprises different endocrine glands. These glands secrete hormones that are vital in terms of development and growth of our body, regulating metabolism, puberty, tissue functioning and mood. Endocrine dysfunction is the failure of an endocrine gland and it may be a sign of infertility in men. Male Infertility in Jaipur
 Varicocele: Varicocele is a condition in which, there is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic chord. This can cause testicular pain and infertility in men.
 Why does male infertility happen?
 Male infertility can be caused because of a number of reasons. The most common reason for infertility in men is a varicocele. The veins make the inside part of the scrotum (testicles) warmer, which can reduce sperm production and cause infertility. Apart from Varicocele, other causes for male infertility include:
 Blockage in the male reproductive system
 Low sperm count
Undescended testicle
Abnormally moving sperm or odd-shaped sperm
Certain medications and/or medical conditions
Smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse
 How to combat male infertility?
 Male infertility can be combated with the help of the conception kit which comprises patented conception caps, ovulation predictors, semen collectors, conception wheel, conception journal and pregnancy tests. The conception kit is a safe and an affordable alternative to the costly and the risky IVF or IUI methods of conception. They can treat the problem of infertility in men and women without any hassles and complications.
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gregorymfriestx · 2 years
My Boyfriend Has Low Testosterone
If you notice your boyfriend’s low testosterone symptoms before he does, or if he’s reluctant to seek medical help, what should you do? Keep reading to learn more.
What is Low Testosterone and What are the Symptoms?
Low testosterone (low T) is a condition that affects men and occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in masculine characteristics such as muscle mass and strength, sex drive, and hair growth. Symptoms of low T can include reduced sex drive, decreased energy and motivation, weight gain, depression, and difficulty concentrating. Low T can also increase the risk of other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?
There are a variety of causes for low testosterone levels, many of which are treatable. Some common causes of low testosterone include:
-Hormonal imbalance
-Injury or damage to the testicles
-Alcohol abuse
How is Low Testosterone Treated?
There are a few ways that low testosterone can be treated. One way is to take testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which is when you take testosterone supplements to make up for the testosterone that your body isn’t producing naturally. Another way to treat low testosterone is to change your diet and exercise habits. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can help your body produce more testosterone naturally. If lifestyle changes don’t work, you may need to take medications to increase your testosterone levels.
How to Support Your Partner if He Has Low Testosterone
If your partner has low testosterone, there are several things you can do to support him. First, learn as much as you can about the condition and share what you’ve learned with him. Next, make sure he has an ample supply of healthy foods and snacks on hand, since low testosterone can cause fatigue and a loss of appetite. You can also encourage him to get regular exercise, which can help improve energy levels and mood. Finally, be understanding if he’s feeling down or irritable since low testosterone can affect one’s mood.
What are the Implications for Your Relationship if Your Partner Has Low Testosterone?
If your partner has low testosterone, there could be some implications for your relationship. For example, low testosterone can lead to a lower sex drive and problems with erections. If your partner is experiencing these issues, it may cause tension and conflict in your relationship. Additionally, low testosterone can also lead to fatigue, irritability, and mood swings, which can also lead to tension and conflict.
If you are concerned about your partner’s low testosterone and the implications it has for your relationship, you may want to consult with a doctor to see if there are any treatment options available.
The post My Boyfriend Has Low Testosterone appeared first on Iron Mountain Men’s Health.
source https://ironmountainmenshealth.com/my-boyfriend-has-low-testosterone/ source https://ironmountainmenshealth.tumblr.com/post/697638916094820352
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My Boyfriend Has Low Testosterone
If you notice your boyfriend’s low testosterone symptoms before he does, or if he’s reluctant to seek medical help, what should you do? Keep reading to learn more.
What is Low Testosterone and What are the Symptoms?
Low testosterone (low T) is a condition that affects men and occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in masculine characteristics such as muscle mass and strength, sex drive, and hair growth. Symptoms of low T can include reduced sex drive, decreased energy and motivation, weight gain, depression, and difficulty concentrating. Low T can also increase the risk of other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?
There are a variety of causes for low testosterone levels, many of which are treatable. Some common causes of low testosterone include:
-Hormonal imbalance
-Injury or damage to the testicles
-Alcohol abuse
How is Low Testosterone Treated?
There are a few ways that low testosterone can be treated. One way is to take testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which is when you take testosterone supplements to make up for the testosterone that your body isn’t producing naturally. Another way to treat low testosterone is to change your diet and exercise habits. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can help your body produce more testosterone naturally. If lifestyle changes don’t work, you may need to take medications to increase your testosterone levels.
How to Support Your Partner if He Has Low Testosterone
If your partner has low testosterone, there are several things you can do to support him. First, learn as much as you can about the condition and share what you’ve learned with him. Next, make sure he has an ample supply of healthy foods and snacks on hand, since low testosterone can cause fatigue and a loss of appetite. You can also encourage him to get regular exercise, which can help improve energy levels and mood. Finally, be understanding if he’s feeling down or irritable since low testosterone can affect one’s mood.
What are the Implications for Your Relationship if Your Partner Has Low Testosterone?
If your partner has low testosterone, there could be some implications for your relationship. For example, low testosterone can lead to a lower sex drive and problems with erections. If your partner is experiencing these issues, it may cause tension and conflict in your relationship. Additionally, low testosterone can also lead to fatigue, irritability, and mood swings, which can also lead to tension and conflict.
If you are concerned about your partner’s low testosterone and the implications it has for your relationship, you may want to consult with a doctor to see if there are any treatment options available.
The post My Boyfriend Has Low Testosterone appeared first on Iron Mountain Men's Health.
source https://ironmountainmenshealth.com/my-boyfriend-has-low-testosterone/
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nkhrchuwuya · 3 years
alright here they are. got a little carried away.
chuuya who gets struck with a baby fever a few years into marriage. the thought of being able to create a family, something he’s never been able to have, with the love of his life? the thought won’t stop racing through his mind.
chuuya who begins to zone out looking at your belly. wondering what it would be like to see it all swollen and filled with his child. wondering what it would be like to see you plopping around with a heavy belly. wondering what it would be like to buy you a whole new wardrobe full of only the best clothes that perfectly fit your growing belly (payed by his black card of course).
chuuya who paces around his office trying to think of a way to talk to you about his baby fever. he needs to get it off his mind.
chuuya who fucks you so passionately and attentively that night, caressing and kissing every curve and inch of your body. it couldn’t even be described as sex at that point, it is pure and unfiltered “making love”.
chuuya would pins you into a mating press, one hand holding a gentle yet firm grip on your jaw- forcing you to look into his lovesick eyes. wanting to watch you unravel on his cock whilst he “fucks a baby into you”
chuuya who laces his fingers through yours whilst he fucks you, making sure you know your in this together.
chuuya who is enticed by his thick cum oozing out of your poor stretched hole. eyes filled with lust and love and he quickly fingers his cum back into you, ensuring it all stays in. if he’s gonna knock you up, then he’s gonna do it properly.
chuuya who twirls you around in the air at the announcement of your pregnancy. a beautiful, pure smile adorning his lips as he kisses you all over your face. just pure happiness in that moment, something that hardly occurs in his day to day life.
chuuya who starts growing (healthily) overprotective of you. the belly bump isn’t even showing yet, but NOPE you are not allowed to climb a chair to reach the top cabinets of snacks, he’ll do it for you. and don’t even THINK about walking up those stairs without his hand on your back. what if you fall!?
chuuya who mumbles and curses when you start projecting your insecurities of your changing body. pulling you onto his lap and assuring you that you are the most beautiful angel in his eyes. and if his awkward yet assertive words of affirmation don’t make you feel any better, then his lips and tongue sure will.
chuuya who comes home with bags full of your pregnancy cravings every night. even going as far to feed them to you when your too sore to do so yourself. he just wants to make sure his angel is happy.
chuuya who rests his head on your tummy every now and then, trying to feel to the kick of the baby.
chuuya who talks to your little baby whilst your in a deep slumber. nothing short of promises of devotion and love to the baby. only sometimes mumbling to the baby to “stop giving your mother a hard time”.
chuuya who welcomes you with open arms when you start having little moodswings. at first he was unsure how to handle your sensitivity but now his grey eyes soften up at the sound of your sniffles and his arms are ready to embrace you against his chest. a sure way to turn those sniffles into soft and relaxed snores.
chuuya who really really tries his best to not drink too much and smoke around you. he really is trying his best to become a good father and an even better husband.
chuuya who becomes a champ at managing your new found hormones. how could he deny you his cock when you need him, especially during such a vulnerable and exhausting time?
chuuya who becomes quite the pervert once your boobs start growing. never failing to catch a glimpse of them bouncing around when your not looking. not like he didn’t do that before, but the growth does make it very hard for chuuya to control himself.
chuuya who holds your hands through the whole pregnancy. trying his best to hold onto his composure, but it’s so hard when his babydoll is in front of him screaming! there is a strong possibility he’ll start huffing at the nurses to “hurry up” and “do something”
chuuya who snuggles up with you and your new baby in the hospital bed at night once all the nurses are gone. desperate to be cocooned by and protect his growing family.
chuuya who comes to hospital with bags full of all of the food you weren’t allowed to eat during the pregnancy and the most luxurious bouquet of flowers known to man. to him, it’s the least he can do after you birthed his baby.
chuuya who sniffles at the sight of his babies tiny tiny hand in his own big hand. how could he make something so cute, so delicate yet so human?
chuuya who proudly hangs photos of you all in his penthouse office. desperate to be able to (safely) look at his babies at all times
and lastly, chuuyas baby in a mini fedora 🎩
i really can’t be fucked to proof read so i hope these make sense. (chuuya have babies with me please)
oh my god oh my god oh my god yes yes yes yessss!!!
i'm not even typically a fan of pregnancy headcanons but these ones hit the spooot.
if i may add a few more heacanons on my own:
the room. their room in the penthouse. or maybe an apartment- either way, a house. the baby's room. the baby's room that chuuya so lovingly designed. he asked for your input, of course, colors, designs, themes, but the project was his. whether he did the construction on his own or only bought items, the point is the nursery is his little gift to his child. 🍼
he's there for every hospital visit, every ultrasound. well, as much as he can at least. if he can adjust the damn appointment so he can be there to hold your hand then he'll do it. but if he can't be there he'll be coming home with a bouquet of flowers 💐 and the inquisitive questioning of a toddler, wondering all about what you and the doctor talked about / found out today.
chuuya's love sick baby fever ramblings with his s/o 🥺 whether you're carrying already or just after he's opened up to you, just lying with his head on your lap and how excited he is to be the father of your children. how much he'll take care of them. he's just running his mouth out in excitement. and all you can do is listen because this man's? gushing about how much he loves you? how much he wants to make a family with you? come on!
chuuya who panics harder than you do when you're in labor. whose knee you have to grip while he's driving you to the hospital because he's panting so hard and is so afraid about you being in pain. who cries as hard as you do when the contractions hit- so much so that it's comical and your own pain lessens. chuuya who kisses your face with so much passion in his little smooches when the baby is finally out and you're safe and the baby is safe and the world is finally okay again.
chuuya and a baby book! fills it so lovingly with every doctor's visit, tapes and glues numerous photos of the child that he's taken personally. notes and notes upon notes because he doesn't want to forget a thing.
chuuya who shushes you and urges you back to sleep when the baby cries in the middle of the night. who gets upset when the baby prefers you over him but will persevere and do all those funny hacks like putting on a hat with your printed photo dangling from it and cutting holes through shirts just so he can "breastfeed" the baby. all so you can get some rest.
random but imagine chuuya with twins. imagine his exhilaration. holy shit? TWO? fraternal / identical doesn't matter, he's just absolutely floored. you made two? for him? 👉🏼👈🏼 he goes absolutely nuts.
i hope one day i get to write some drabbles about these 🥺 i kind of enjoy the pace of a few casual/serious timeline chuuya/reader rn but i'll def be dabbling in these future hcs eventually! they're so !! aaaagh!! thank you for dropping them in!
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startanewdream · 3 years
Glimpses of the future
Summary: Lily traces the third line of his hand. The loveline. 'What's going on with your heart, Potter?' 
He wishes he knew.
For @sunshine-marauders who asked for Jily in Divination Class (I couldn’t add any real predictions, but I hope you enjoy this small journey of moments).
Rated T, with warnings for mildly swearing and for a teenager with hormones.
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
Third year
James curses his friends the moment he enters the classroom. They were supposed to share all classes and yet they did not sign for Divination.
Now he is stuck in this class for at least three years.
And he seems to be the only Gryffindor there; he watches the groups of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, wondering where he should sit, when he sees a table with only one person, their robes gold and red.
Then she turns around, and he recognizes Lily Evans.
They are not very close, not when she keeps weird company he doesn't support - one person only, to be fair -, but Evans is fine, he supposes. Sometimes he thinks she is funny; sometimes she laughs from something he does.
It's a start, at least, and she is the only other Gryffindor there. Gryffindors should stick together.
So he walks towards her table.
'Hi, Evans', he begins, giving her his most sympathetic smile. 'Is this seat available?'
She glances at him, her green eyes assessing him, as if wondering if he is joking with her, before she nods.
'Sure', she says, moving a little to allow him to share the couch with her.
'Your friends ditched you too?', he tries, hoping to engage her into some nice conversation. If they are to be partners, at least they can be is corteous to each other.
'My friends. Those prats told me they would sign for this class and they gave up at the last minute'.
'Oh', she is staring at him as if she thinks he is lunatic. 'No, I wanted to study Divination. I always thought it was interesting'.
'Oh'. He thinks of joining that class just for the laugh, for the silliness it would represent since he doesn't really believe in it. But Evans is not smiling and James is not sure how to deal with it. 'So you believe we can get glimpses of the future?'
'Well, magic is real, why couldn't we?'
James shrugs. He never had thought about it in these terms, not really.
'Yeah, I guess. Then you joined the class for curiosity? Want to know what the future will bring?'
'Well, that too'.
'What else?'
There is a pinkness on her cheek, but Lily Evans looks nothing but resolute as she stares at him.
'Ah', James doesn't refrain from grimacing. If only Evans could move on from her strange taste in friends. 'Don't tell me he is in the class'.
'No, he told me Divination was a waste of time'.
'And yet here you are'.
A grin shines on her lips; it is almost mischievous . 'And yet here I am', Evans agrees.
James grins back, approvingly. Perhaps there is hope for Evans after all.
Fourth year
Evans' hands are warm. James shouldn't notice this. He shouldn't feel so… so whatever he is feeling just because her hands are touching him, one hand holding his left hand and her other sliding over the palm of his hand as she traces the lines there.
It's just... her touch is so soft, like butterfly wings fluttering delicately or maybe a Golden Snitch's wings - he doesn't care much for the seeker position, but maybe he should, because suddenly he feels his hand is too rough with years of practicing chasing. Perhaps he should try some lotion for them, because she is hating to touch him.
Lily Evans' hands are so delicate, so small compared to his - maybe that growth spurt he had during summer turned him into some kind of ogre, because he feels so out of place next to her, and then he wonders what is the right place with Evans...
'Your lifeline is very clear, Potter', Evans is explaining, talking about choices and what it represents, and he tries to concentrate, but it's difficult because the tips of her finger dancing over the palm of his hand are sending shivers down his spine.
It almost tickles but that's not really what he feels; there is no urge to laugh, just… just to enjoy how good it feels. What's his problem? That's Evans. She can't stand him and he - he also doesn't like her much, though she is vivacious and funny and pretty and her eyes are really gorgeous and her touch is so tender -
'Now, that's interesting', Evans whispers to herself, consulting the book open next to her. She is tracing the third line of his hand. The loveline. 'What's going on with your heart, Potter?'
He wishes he knew.
Fifth year
'You are late', Evans complains the second he slids next to her on the couch in the Gryffindor Common Room.
'I overslept', he mumbles, for a second refusing to look her in the eyes in a irrational fear she will know exactly the reason he had trouble leaving the bed. Then he grins uncontrollably as her words come back to him. 'Missing me much, Evans?'
Her eyes flicker, not impressed by his smile. Someone else might, he can't help but think. But nothing he ever does seems to amuse her lately.
He tries not to let it bother him, though, very much like her presence in his dreams, he can't help himself.
'If by missed you you mean that I missed not getting another partner for this project, yeah, then sure'.
'It's a start', he tries, still with that stupid grin he always has around her. She closes her eyes for a second, pinching her nose.
'Just let us finish this, Potter. The faster we do, the faster I can go back to my life and you can go do whatever you want'.
She is stressed. Same as everyone else, really, with the nervousness of the exams this year, but he never saw Lily Evans looking so impatient before.
He feels that twinge of guilt that only Evans can arise on him. She is the sole reason for a lot of his feelings lately.
'Sorry for being late', he tells her quietly, and her expression relaxes a little.
'Okay'. She bits her lips and James has to concentrate on keeping her gaze without blushing. It's not like those green eyes of her are not a participant in his dreams too - always staring down at him, for once not looking reprovingly, but invitingly -, but they are easier, much easier, than thinking of her lips that have also been on his mind lately.
Though for very different reasons. And in different situations. With different purposes.
He feels his face heating, which is ironic because the blood seems to be going from his head to…
He looks away, hurrying to pick up his things in his backpack, where it should be safer.
And he can put his backpack on his lap, just in case he needs to hide some of his more… evident reactions to Lily Evans.
Damn stupid hormones.
'It's a good thing you were sleeping, I suppose', Evans adds, her voice a bit warmer now, and James wonders what has been evident in his expression. It's not what he was thinking of, for sure; Evans would not be kind to him if she knew the ways she had been appearing in his dreams lately.
'It is?', he asks, confused. Truth be told he sort of napped during the last class of Divination (right after a Full Moon - he is not used to spending the whole night awake yet) and all he knows is that Evans is his project partner for this semester.
Fortunately she seems to take pity on his confusion.
'Yeah, here'. She takes out two sheets, giving him one. James freezes when he reads the title of it.
Dream diary.
'Tell me, Potter', she starts, taking out her quill and sucking the top of it. Sugarquill, James knows but his treacherous improper mind keeps remembering the way her lips were moving in his dream, and it was not over a quill at all. 'What have you been dreaming about?'
James gulps.
Sixth year
The classroom is hot with the vapour from the incense. James yawns, trying to focus, but there is nothing inside that crystal ball that gives him any clue at all of what he should be seeing.
There are none of the misty figures the book says he could see.
'Do not fret if you don't see anything', Professor Bath says, her voice sounding mystical since he can't say where she is. 'True sight is a rare gift'.
'So are good incenses', Evans murmurs beside him, and James chuckles lightly. He barely can see her through the smoke. 'Are you seeing anything at all?'
'I think it's safe to assume there will be a blizzard tonight', he whispers dramatically, and now it's her turn to chuckle.
That sound fills him with contentment. He is so glad he didn't give up this class - and neither did she.
'Move a little, I want to see better'.
He sits more to the left, but it's not enough space apparently. Evans comes into focus as she shifts her position, her hand brushing against his as she sits very near him - he can feel the heat coming from her body, the shape of her tight pressed against his and above all her perfume, a mix of garden flowers with scented herbs and he thinks her smell should not be more powerful than the incense in the room and yet it is.
He inhales happily now, taking in Evans' perfume even as he already accepted he won't ever have anything else, and Evans turns to him with a teasing grin on her lips.
'Enjoying the incense, Potter?'
Perhaps it's all the smoke (who is he kidding, it's not the incense, it's her), because James can only think of leaning into her and capturing her lips with his own; it would feel better than any intake of fresh air, he is sure of it.
But that's only a silly hope, so he just shrugs carefreely.
'It is not that bad after a while'.
'You are so high', she teases. James agrees with her. I am so high on you.
But he doesn't say anything and Evans shakes her head, seemingly amused by the light expression on his face, and moves forward to stare at the crystal ball.
Her face vanishes from his vision and yet he could picture the way her eyes are staring attentively at the crystal ball, the way she is biting her lips as she tries to make sense of that smoke that is supposed to give them glimpses of the future.
'Potter?', she calls him, her voice distant. 'Come here'.
He leans forward, joining her next to the crystall ball. Again the wave of her perfume threatens to numb all his senses and James tries to find something other to focus, though is hard. The crystall ball presents him misteries he doesn't really wants to unravel, not when her face is close to his, her dark red hair looking very vivid against the smoke around them and if he turned his face he could brush his lips against her cheek and then -
'What are you seeing?'
He turns almost desperately to the crystall ball, but it doesn't change much. Albeit a little distorted, all he can see is her face staring him back, green eyes sparkling over a face with small freckles he always feels tempted to count.
'You', he whispers. 'All I see is you'.
There is a moment of silence and through the haze on his mind, he suddenly fears that she understood exactly what he meant by that.
But then Evans sighes, taking a scroll and looking away.
'Funny', she says, her voice small too. 'All I could see was you too'.
Seventh year
'This is not what we should be doing with our time, Lily', he whispers, his voice lacking any reprehension as he pulls Lily even closer to him, his hands around her waist, feeling the skin of her back.
'I feel offended', she answers back, her head raised so her lips can brush his neck. It sends shivers down James' spine that have nothing to do with the cold wind around them. 'Professor Bath has told us we needed to be relaxed, right?'
'I am not sure if that's what she meant'.
'Are you relaxed or not?'
In answer, his lips find hers, and then James is lost in that sensation of kissing Lily, their bodies close together, her arms around his neck holding his hair. It's better than he ever dreamed.
He is not sure if relaxed is the proper term for how she makes him feel though.
Maybe desperately in love would be more accurate.
'Wow', he whispers breathlessly when they break apart, his fingers caressing her face tenderly. She raises her eyebrows, a spark of mischief tingling on her eyes.
'Feeling connected with your inner eye?'
'I'd rather feel connected with you', he assures her, and Lily grins. It's one of the most maddening smiles of her, the one that is cheeky and tempting and that she accuses him of teaching her how to.
'I don't know how you can find a prophecy on my lips, James', she jokes, eyes glistening, waiting for his answer.
James doesn't really care for this last project for Divination Class. Professor Bath has told them prophecies are rare to come and she doesn't really expect any of her students to ever make one, but they must take a try.
James is not even sure real prophecies actually exist.
'Maybe I can find somewhere else', he says playfully, lips brushing against the side of her cheek and then to her earlobe. 'Not here', he whispers and then his lips travel to her neck. 'Still no prophecy'.
He bends his head, enjoying the first opened buttons of her shirt. Lily moans softly.
'I am starting to hear words in my head…'
'Unless they are telling you to snog me right now, ignore them'.
James laughs, raising his head in search of her lips again and it's a blissful oblivion, a fog on his head with only Lily being clear, being real and tangible, and any thoughts of prophecies are forgotten.
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Sweet Little Mango
Read on Ao3
Chapter 3
Billy groaned as he folded himself into the Camaro.
Steve hadn’t been at school that day.
Billy wasn’t totally worried, it was around time for his heat, anyway, but Steve had been feeling bad the past few days, throwing up nearly every morning this week before making his way to school, looking pale and clammy, and sleeping through nearly every class.
Billy smoked lazily out the window. The October chill was beginning to set in, and he was fucking dreading the cold weather. He was a California, golden sunshine, warm weather baby through and through, and if it fucking snows, well. Basically, he doesn’t have a coat and he’s pretty much fucked.
He pulled into the driveway in front of Steve’s house, letting himself in the front door with the key Steve had given him at the end of summer.
The house didn’t smell like it did when Steve was in heat, full of the honey lavender scent of his hormones, his slick.
The house was as cold as still as it usually was when Mr. and Mrs. Harrington couldn’t be assed to spend time with their only kid.
Something uneasy climbed down Billy’s spine.
“Stevie?” He yelled up the stairs. There was no answer. Billy didn’t even bother taking off his shoes before he bounded upstairs. “Stever!”
He found Steve in his bedroom, all snuggly and wrapped up in bed, nestled under a pile of blankets. Again, not really unusual behavior for Steve, especially if he was in one of his moods, but the entire situation just didn’t sit right with Billy.
Call it alpha intuition.
Billy sat on the other side of the bed, laying over Steve, melting his body weight onto him.
Steve didn’t react to him.
Something’s up.
“Baby, what’s up?” Steve just made a high sound in his throat in reply.
So, there’s a big something up.
Billy started shifting blankets, finding Steve’s face. “Talk to me.” One of Steve’s eyes opened, big and round and full of something Billy couldn’t place. “You okay?”
“I went to the doctor today. I was awake all night throwing up.”
Billy kissed his forehead. He was covered in cold sweat.
“What’s the verdict? You alright?” Steve shifted, sitting up, holding a pillow to his chest. “Flu? Strep? Hand-foot-and-mouth disease?” Steve didn’t laugh. Didn’t even smile.
Billy was fucking worried.
“I, um, I’m, I’m pregnant.”
Billy’s heart fucking stopped.
“She said I was probably eight weeks along.” Steve was nervously picking at something on the bedspread, beginning to ramble. “So I guess it was during one of my heats, that sometimes, sometimes omegas still have heats during the early pregnancy, which is why, why I still had the last one but didn’t have this one, and apparently it’s the size of a raspberry, a tiny little raspberry, Bill. And I, I know we’re so young, but I don’t, I don’t think I can bring myself to get rid of it, and this, I mean, it’s a fucking miracle I even got pregnant in the first place, and this could be my chance to have a pup of my own, and, god, it’s all just so fucking much, and I’m not, you don’t, I‘m not expecting anything from you but-” Billy pulled Steve into his chest, petting his hair, shushing him softly.
“It’s okay, Sweet Thing.” He kissed Steve’s head. “Whatever you wanna do. I’m gonna be right here for you.” Steve melted into him.
“Bill, I, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can, if we can actually, actually be fucking parents, but I, Billy I can not just, just-I already love them so fucking much. ”
“You don’t have to, Honey. You can decide. We’ll make this work, how ever we have to.” He hefted Steve further into his lap. “I’m gonna be here for you, for our pup. And we got, like, family that’ll help us.”
“Bill, I don’t think our parents are gonna-”
Billy was quick to cut him off.
“Are you gonna tell Joyce she can’t babysit, or should I get murdered for it?”
Steve laughed, an unexpected little thing.
“So you’re- you’re okay?”
“I mean, nothing’s really sunk in, and I’ve got a huge fucking breakdown on the horizon once I realize what all this actually means. But, you know. I’m fine.”
Billy’s breakdown came when he went home the next morning.
When his dad backhanded him across the face for staying out all night.
He was standing in his room, staring wide-eyed at the window.
How could he be so fucking stupid? Steve wasn’t on birth control. Billy fucking knew that , and still pumped him full of cum every fucking heat.
Steve had told him that it was near impossible for male omegas to get pregnant. It had to be a perfect storm of proper anatomy and a strong heat that allowed for their bodies to actually implant and grow a tiny clump of cells into a whole human person.
Steve had been working with the idea that he pretty much couldn’t get pregnant since he was a kid. And Billy had totally run with that.
And now Steve’s got a little tiny almost person inside of him.
He’s fucking stupid. He’s stupid, and dumb, and he’s a fucking teenager with a pup on the way.
The tears stung his eyes.
He sank to his knees, one hand fisted in his own hair.
Fuck. Fuck.
He’s not gonna tell Steve what to do with his own body. If he wants to have the pup, then Billy’s gonna fucking support him.
Because he’s not a shitty deadbeat.
And he loves Steve. He really does.
But he doesn’t believe in himself, though. There’s no fucking way they make this work.
There’s no fucking way they raise this pup, and stay together, and not traumatize the little thing.
There’s not a way in this fucking world.
“Alright, Steven.”
Steve was perched nervously on the exam table, his fingers in knots in his lap.
Billy was sitting against the wall, bouncing his leg and itching for a cigarette.
He hadn’t had one since Steve told him about the pup.
Two weeks ago.
He quit when Steve did. Not that Steve kept up the same level as Billy. There was a big difference between one or two cigarettes at a party, and nearly two packs a day.
But it wasn’t good for Steve, or the pup, so Billy took the most stressful time in his whole life so far, to quit smoking.
They were at Steve’s ten-week appointment. At the clinic in Indianapolis. The one where the front desk staff only raised an eyebrow at the boys’ fake I.D.s and didn’t ask for their parents’ contact information.
The doctor ushered Steve to lay back, pulling up his t-shirt to spread the clear jelly on his stomach, turning on the machine.
She located the fetus easily.
“Well, it looks like you’re coming along nicely. You’re at the proper growth for this stage, and the heartbeat’s nice and strong.”
Billy was staring at the monitor.
He couldn’t really make anything out. The machine was making this wooshing sound, like it was a scope underwater, and not a digital look into Steve.
But there was a little tiny blob in there. Something that looked like a little white bean nestled in Steve’s abdomen.
Their pup.
The doctor highlighted the little bean, zooming in and taking a capture of the image.
“Little pup's first picture.”
Steve’s scent went absolutely sweet, filling the room with sugar. Billy just reached out, taking his hand.
At the beginning of his pregnancy, Steve had terrible insomnia.
Billy would sneak out of his house to come over most nights, curling up behind Steve with one hand splayed wide on his slightly chubby tummy. He was always solid behind Steve. Warm and soft, a constant comfort to remind Steve that he wasn’t alone with the pup. That he had Billy to love them. To protect them and take care of them.
And sometimes, his warmth and steady breathing would be enough to lull Steve into a nice doze, or even to coax him into sleep.
But most nights, he was wide awake.
Steve didn’t want to keep Billy awake on those long nights, so he would sneak out of Billy’s gentle embrace, and sit on the couch downstairs in the sitting room. He would usually hang out in the quiet, just him and the little pup growing inside of him.
But then Billy would wake up, cold and alone, and would trudge downstairs to find Steve, and manhandle Steve until he was laying on top of Billy on the couch.
That’s where they were when Billy first spotted the grand piano in the corner of the room. Never noticed where it stood, collecting dust. Partially hidden by a large potted fern. He slid out from under Steve and took a seat at the leather padded seat, brushing his fingers over the glossy blackness of the beautiful piano.
Many of the keys were out of tune, as the thing hadn’t been played in years, but he plonked out a few easy scales.
Billy’s mom used to play. He had vivid memories of sitting on her lap, his hands on hers as she played beautiful songs. She taught him a few, once upon a time.
He struggled through one of the songs he could kind of remember, occasionally hitting the wrong key before correcting himself and continuing with the melody. He stumbled through what he could of Hey Jude before turning back to Steve, expecting to see a soft smile, big tired eyes blinking slowly back at him.
But Steve was dead asleep on the couch, both hands resting over his tummy.
Billy carried him up to bed.
That became their ritual on nights Steve couldn’t sleep.
Steve even decided to scour the poorly stocked music store and bought Billy lots of sheet music. He had just grabbed random stuff, and ended up with the weirdest assortment of things. Rock ballads and classical pieces. Swing jazz and a few beginner piano books.
Billy sifted through to find the easier stuff. He could still read sheet music well enough to slowly decipher the notes, but had to remind himself which keys corresponded to which note.
The piano was still out of tune and sometimes made the songs sound dreadfully wrong and quite nearly frightening, but it was peaceful. Quiet except for the sounds of the piano.
Steve was just content to sit next to him as he did it, holding onto his stomach, his head leaned gently against Billy’s shoulder.
They didn’t really tell Joyce.
Not exactly, anyway.
Steve and Billy were at Melvald’s, looking through the health section, throwing vitamins Steve’s OBGYN had recommended into the basket.
The basket was heavy, the metal handles digging into the meat of Billy’s palm. Nearly overflowing with expensive supplements that were meant to help their little pup grow into something fully formed and functioning.
Steve was being picky about the supplements. Taking the specific brands the doctor had recommended, reading the labels diligently to see if they said anything along the lines of Warning: Do not take while pregnant. Will give your pup an extra head.
Joyce was the only person at the check-out stand, and she made small talk while she scanned vitamins, shea butter, and produce, not even looking at the rattling plastic bottles.
Until one container wouldn’t scan. She picked it up, turning it over in her hands.
She faltered, and it was like the world came to a halt.
Prenatal Vitamins, omega specialized formula
She stared at it. Steve felt like he was gonna cry.
But she moved in a flash, shifting around the counter, and pulling Steve into a tight hug.
It took him a second to return the hug, wrapping his arms around her.
“If you boys need anything, and I mean anything at all, you come get me.” Steve scrunched his eyes up, trying not to sob into her shoulder.
She pulled away, giving Billy a hug of his own.
He hooked his chin on her shoulder, and he kinda felt like he could cry too. She gave him a bone-crushing hug for someone so small.
She took Steve’s hand when she finally relinquished Billy.
“How far along are you?”
“Just about ten weeks.” She cooed, handing them their bags as Billy counted out bills.
“And you’re not even showing. With Jon, I must’ve put on thirty pounds.” Steve looked around.
He was wearing a baggy sweatshirt, mostly wearing too-big clothes of Billy’s these days, trying to hide what he could for as long as possible. He was beginning to get insecure about the weight he was gaining, even though it showed off the growth of their pup.
But he’s vain. And Steve’s the first to admit that.
He lifted his sweatshirt to show the shirt underneath, the tighter fabric showing off his little bump. Joyce smiled at them, and it made Steve feel so warm.
“I want copies of the very first sonogram.”
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The Wedding (End): Black Swan Bay Nightmare
We’re almost done with this. HOLY HECK. My brain is melting out my ears on how to finish this series in the most impactful way. MC gonna hit the end of this story like a METEOR. Just you wait!
You startle awake with a gasp. You’re lying in the snow. The breeze is frigid, but you’re well protected in layers of warm clothing and fur. You don’t remember falling asleep but you immediately know where you are. 
Black Swan Bay, 1991, Christmas Eve.
Of all the orphans that day, you were the oldest and the number 3 ranking. You were tall, muscular, but your body was not womanly like Khorkina. Your hair was black as soot and your eyes were charcoal. You weren't a white icy queen, like Renata. So you had no one to dance with you at the party.
The blizzard that day was very intense. The wind howled around you like a screaming demon. But you stood tall against it, looking into the distance. Not a ray of light could be seen in the sky. The world was plunged into a thick darkness and the whirlwind swept the snow powder into a white dragon in the sky. Black Swan Harbor closed the main entrance. All the doors and windows were boarded up so that the snowstorm would not affect the atmosphere of the Christmas party.
You walk toward the recreation building, Golden Hall, where the party was being held. You’re not hampered by the snow or the wind. You were a hybrid and this great storm was only a mild inconvenience for you. You lift your head and look behind you. Your instincts were trained and always good. You could sense when you were being followed. You wait for several seconds, but nothing happens. You turn around and continue to walk.
You push open the door, and the warm air and music poured in, shards of gold leaf flew in the air, and the golden hall was brilliantly lit.
 Soldiers played accordions and young girls sang and danced. Children gathered around the huge Christmas tree to make wishes and tiptoe to reach the gifts on it. The scent of beef soup, baked sweet cakes and the perfume of women filled the air. The appearance of the Doctor sparked a tidal wave of applause as the Doctor greeted everyone with his hands raised.
 "My dear friends, today is Christmas and an important day for Black Swan Harbor. Our friend Major Bondarev from Moscow has confirmed to me that our research work has been highly commended by our superiors! Soon we will be able to go home in groups to visit our families. Everyone here will be rewarded, you will have military medals and be able to go to the Caspian Sea for vacations! You are a credit to your country! Let's sing and dance! On this wonderful night!"
You stand apart from it all. Your heart filled with a terrible rage and sadness. Liar. He’s a liar. He was lying this whole time. 
The golden hall was getting more and more lively. The room was getting warmer. The young people were dancing the sailor dance. They got so hot that they took off their uniforms and threw them aside. The nurses took off their outer clothes, showing the white lace of their underwear under their undershirts. 
They had all been drinking a lot, and their eyes were nakedly provocative. The smell of hormones overpowered the smell of perfume, stimulating everyone's body to redden. They danced and embraced. The soldiers put their hands in the undershirt of the nurses, they bit each other's lips like lovers and bloodthirsty beasts. 
The children also stirred up, following the adults' example and hugging each other in a face-to-face dance. Anton and Khorkina are eighteen years old, Yakov is sixteen years old, and look very different from the thin and small Renata. The boys' upper lips had grown moustaches. While the girls' breasts had filled out and their waists swayed lightly as they walked.
You press yourself to the wall, but they still come at you, hands searching, not asking you to dance but chasing you! You cover yourself with your hands, swatting away their fingers, slapping their faces. Their faces are horrific and stretched into rictus grins. Their eyes are wide and blood shot.
You flee. You run into the night!
A loud bang! And you throw yourself to the ground. A ball of flames is rising from the laboratory building, red and gold, mixed with black smoke. Debris is thrown into the air, streaming fire behind them like fireworks.
Every single building went up in flames like this. But everyone was in the dance hall. Finally, the Dance hall itself went up.
“Renata! Renata!” You are running and the shadow is chasing you, faster and faster!  You skid to a halt.
Four children are on a dog sled. They’re trying to run. But Bondarev is approaching them. Bondarev pulls a gun. With expert precision, he puts a bullet into their hearts. One for each child. You fall to your knees and that’s what saves you. Visibility is down and you don’t move as he looks around. Next to his foot is a small piece of chocolate. Vera.
A hand takes yours. It’s Renata. You crawl away and she leads you back to another sled. This sled was pulling something large and very heavy. Along with your friend Z, who smiled at you sleepily. He wasn’t tall and proud. He was weak and couldn’t even walk. He looked at you directly and asked. “Who is that?”
Suddenly, everything stops. The wind, the snow, Renata, the explosion. Time completely stands still and you’re the only one moving.
“Who… is… that?” Z asks again.
This was a dream. You knew what was going to happen next. A big explosion, bigger than you’ve ever seen in your life even up until today, would turn all the Black Swan Bay into ashes. You and Renata would be shot from a helicopter. Renata would push you into the icy sea.
But despite your mind going through the beats, the image before you didn’t change. You follow Z’s gaze and you see a man in a tuxedo looking bewildered. “Ruri…?” You tilt your head. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
The dream ends. You open your eyes. It’s still dark, but the air is warm. Your chest and stomach hurt. You’re staring into the eyes of Ruri Kazama. Those swirling hypnotic mandarin shapes were the last thing you saw when you went to sleep. “Where am I?”
Ruri Kazama does not answer. “How did you break it?”
“How did you break it?” Ruri’s voice was a low threatening growl. “No one has ever broken free from me.”
“Break… what?” 
You’re surrounded by deep humid forest. The air was alive with insect sounds and sounds from croaking frogs, and night birds, nothing like the silent howling of the winds of Siberia. The sky was still dark and the wind still blew and the rain still fell. Ruri Kazama is staring at you. 
His bone spines are still embedded in your body, pumping a steady supply of clean blood to keep you from turning into a deadpool and dying. You don’t remember when you fell asleep or how long you’d been out. “Where are we?” You ask again.
“Tama River area. It’s all woodlands here. Very isolated from Tokyo. I’m taking you to where God will awaken.” He finally speaks. 
“Okay. What about Herzog?”
“He won’t touch you. He needs me. He will honor my request to have you there with me.”
You look down and see that you’re high in a tree, several yards off the ground. Ruri Kazama’s long white hair drapes like fine cloth behind him. Ruri Kazama has changed from his tuxedo to the great colorful kimono of the stage. You’re still in your wedding dress, but the skirt has been cut shorter so as not to be so unwieldy. 
He crouches and then jumps, hovering over the canopy of green leaves. He jumps from tree to tree like someone dancing over stones to cross a river. He’s so graceful, his long hair sails behind him like a tropical bird. These mighty leaps were like the rocking of a rocking chai. Even though he would jump over twenty meters at a time, he landed with silent grace. You found it soothing.
Once Ruri Kazama killed Herzog - again - you wondered what he would do after that. What was his end game? Even though he was lovely as a human, it turned out that he had the same philosophy as Herzog. The winners devour the losers without mercy. You didn’t think there was any real limit to his killing. Even though he said he would go back and become a performer of Kabuki, it was far more likely that he would go back and kill his brother and every Hydra member. Cassell would send their members after him and he would kill them all too… or die.
Who would he not kill? Who would not hunt him? Both of those lists seemed to begin and end with your name. You were the last person in the world he wanted. You were the last one in the world he trusted.
All noise in the forest has fallen silent. Dawn is breaking but it’s still dark with clouds. There are no birds. The wind rattles the naked treetops. When you turn and look, everything is covered in a heavy layer of what looks like snow that has miraculously endured the heavy rain. On closer inspection, it looks more like spider silk. The blanket stretches as far as the eye can see. Under the blanket is a thick layer of dead leaves as though autumn came and the trees dropped all their leaves in a matter of hours.
“We’re here.”
“Everything… looks dead.” You say. “What’s are those white threads?”
Ruri is accustomed to explaining things to you now. “It’s a growth from God. It’s feeding on all the surrounding life. It detects a heartbeat and quickly cocoons it. We have to keep moving or we will be swallowed as well.”
You were on the edge of the silky, fungal growth. Looking further into the woods, you would see that the trees ahead have been completely encased like cocooning insects. Even the ground was covered. “How are we going to make it through all that?”
A loud thumping sounds overhead. Ruri stands up as a helicopter flies low. Lightning flashes and you see it clearly in relief against the sky. 
“Hold on.”
He unsheathes his sword and the power from it lifts him in the air with an extra burst of height and speed. The ground races away from you and the black helicopter rushes towards you. The open cockpit comes into view and he lands cleanly without a sound. A seat was open so he sat himself down as though he were a simple passenger.
"No. That's something like spider silk!" The pilot said. He spoke in a quivering fearful voice, like he was seeing a ghost.  But the ghost was behind him. He was going to die. He didn’t deserve it. But you couldn’t stop Ruri.
Not yet.
You only watch as Viper Fang appears in his hand and pierces the copilot clean through the head, his blood filling his flight helmet.
 "You…  who are you? How did you get up here?" The pilot turns in a panic and you see he’s wearing a Cassell College badge and what looks like a camera on his head. The black lens shimmers like an eye. It would see you, attached to Ruri Kazama.
Viper Fang moves so fast, the cherry-red blade seems to grow from his heart in a flash. You couldn’t speak out loud but you mouth the words as clearly as you can to the camera. “Caesar. Don’t worry about me. Thank you. Goodbye.”
A terrible sound resounded through the helicopter, the sound of a long sword being drawn from a heart, the blood spurting, sounding like wind.
You weren’t on the helicopter for long. It turned out you were less than one kilometer from the great hole in the ground that held the underground lake full of mercury. Without a care, Ruri Kazama leaped from the helicopter. You look up and watch it fly away to crash somewhere. The ground rushes towards you but Ruri uses Viper Fang against the ground, buffering your descent politely before landing. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his shoulder, using your hair as a veil to look through. All the members of the Devil Clan around you are shocked by your sudden appearance. Ruri Kazama stood still like a demon. His eyes glowing in the steady downpour, daring anyone to approach. But no one does. Quite the opposite. They are curious about you, but the killing aura is so strong they swallow that curiosity and decide that some answers aren’t worth dying over.
The well is many meters across and spanned by a large cross beam. Ruri walks over it and stands there, holding onto you.
White filaments crawl all over the inner walls of the water storage wells. They grow from the bottom, like the mycelium of some kind of mold. These mycelia can not only stain soil and trees, but can even penetrate steel. They can grow to several meters long, hanging on steel beams or trees, like countless slender hands swaying in the wind.
On the cross beam, Ruri seemed to fall asleep, his long hair drenched by the rain. There was nothing to do but wait. His eyes were open but empty. He was like one of the wooden doll children. He would move when instructed.  He didn't say anything and didn't listen. You immediately adopt that empty eyed posture. It is as familiar to you as a sort of meditation. The lightning flashes again and you see a smile on his pale empty eyed face.
The people working in the well were wearing protective clothing with extremely corrosion-resistant coatings to protect them from being stained by the white silk. The pumps are working at full capacity and twelve streams of blood red water are pouring into the deep well. This chemical reagent was mixed with the serum extracted from the deadpool fetuses. 
The bones of dragon-like and snake-like corpses were soaked in the mercury tainted well, and the bottom of the well was still filled with the deadly mercury vapor, so the Hydra members did not have time to explore the well thoroughly. The Iwarui Institute concluded that there was no longer any living thing in the well, but right after they left, a large number of bubbles were rising from the bottom of the water, as if something was spitting bubbles at the bottom of the well.
Humans always repeatedly make this kind of mistake. They never really understand the dragons, always imagining them as creatures similar to themselves.
White bubbles piled up on the surface of the water like foam. The heavy smell of blood filled the deep well and the water temperature gradually increased to near boiling. Millions of dead lung snails floated up with the bubbles. Their stench from being cooked alive and the smell of blood became a putrid aroma, enough to make an ordinary person gag. The pool of boiling water was like a soup pot full of flies.
The King General Herzog strolls along the beam after Ruri Kazama and praises him in a poet-like tone: "Smell it? This birthing smell! This is the smell of life being born! That great life is waking up! This day Satan returns from hell to earth, and it will cleanse this rotten and bony world with fire, and a new world will be reborn by fire."
He stopped. Ruri stared at him with a clear threat.
“Oh come now, won’t you let me see her? It’s been so long!” He pleads.
After a moment’s consideration, Ruri pulled back the veil of your hair. You were staring at Herzog with your tongue out and your eyes crossed.
Dr. Herzog leaned back and clutched his stomach in roaring laughter. He staggered and slapped his knee, whooping and hollering like a mad man. “It’s been so long, MC. You haven’t changed one bit! Hahaha! Hahahahahaha!” He lifts his mask slightly to wipe away a tear. “Never one to take anything too seriously.”
Ruri Kazama did not answer. He just smiled grimly, as if he was incomparably joyful.
“The god has awakened. Now please lend it your precious blood for a moment and pay homage to the newborn god." The king general patted Ruri Kazama's shoulder while still chuckling at you.
And just like that, you were accepted onto what you were sure would end up a killing field like Black Swan Bay. Herzog will not let anyone leave this place alive. You were sure of it. But you play along and smile. Just like in Black Swan Bay, he will hype everyone up that they’ll be able to go home. Everything will be amazing. And then...
Ruri Kazama drew his long knife and slit his wrist, pouring his blood into the deep well. It was only a few hundred milliliters of blood, and there should be no trace at all after being diluted by the large amount of water in the well, but at the precise moment those blood beads touched the surface of the water, the whole red well shook, as if something huge was stretching its body in the depths of the mercury.
"Sonar detects large object coming up to the surface!" The engineers working at the bottom of the well stepped back in fear, leaning their backs against the well wall.
 The King let out a large dramatic shout.   "Let's welcome the return of God!'' 
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