#does it matter that he was a huge narcissist
peculiarbeauty · 1 day
kinda psa but
been kind of nervous about giving my thoughts on this but there has been a few people who attempted to follow me that i would feel safer with if i didn't see pairings they wrote that are um. a little pro shippy ? i'm uncomfortable with the romanticizing of characters that are incestual , abusive , or overall just deemed hugely problematic. for example , belle does not like gaston. i would never make the excuse that she somehow could COME AROUND to liking him to romantically ship with a gaston writer. belle is abused by gaston. he hopes to control her and is incredibly problematic with how he wishes to possess her. he is jealous , vindictive , narcissistic , and even when she makes her feelings clear that it is held with someone else .. he wants to kill the person who is in his way of being with her.
also obviously i do not write snow white but i HAVE wrote her and this was prevalent on my blog when i did. snow is canonically 14 years old. things outside of giddy laughter and childish cutesy banter that go into inappropriate territories i do not believe should somehow be JUSTIFIED. i'm uncomfortable with that just as i am uncomfortable with people writing pairings that are problematic under the guise that it's essentially okay that this happened. so anyway ?? even if i might LIKE your portrayal , if you tend to gravitate towards pairings that are very very problematic and attempt to justify that .. i just cannot in good faith support following.
i want to treat this as a place where we can all write our barbie doll characters and live in our fictional worlds and stuff but then also .. i don't want to sweep aside my own feelings on the matter. and tbh i'm also not saying you can't love a villain's arc because i LOVE a ton villain arcs. so yeah !! here's to setting my own boundaries on the matter.
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barnbridges · 1 year
my funniest tsh take is that... the class deified bunny in his murder, the way he would have wanted to be remembered. what is he dead, besides a god worshipped? dead they all wnat him, think about him. for the rest of their lives. they think of *how* he was, how bright he used to shine, how well he had them fooled. it's a joke within itself, and they love him dead more than they ever would have had he lived.
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lesfir · 4 months
I start thinking when a post starts with “I don't understand why people, do say that” and then “you have to admit, accept”. Does the author of the post really want to understand other people's experiences and why they feel that way? No. Astarion talks the whole game about power and how important it is to have it in the world. Where you can be made a slave, killed - yes, important. The other thing is that Astarion is prone to brutal power, evil power. Uh, no, I don't care or his first approval wouldn't have amused me, it would have frightened me. He was always like that. Astarion gave harsh sentences, he didn't believe in mercy, he wasn't even fair, a magistrate doesn't get killed for nothing, he considered “trouble makers” to be barbarians. It's in the game. His slavery, Cazador reinforced this already cynical picture of the world. Honestly, had his living heart been gentle and kind, before or when he met Tav? A narcissistic, handsome, noble magistrate with the power, High Elf from the Upper City of Baldur's Gate. It's a shame, but there are evil, immoral characters.
Drugs and walking again like you used to are different things. The ritual frees from the downside of vampirism:
Sunshine, complete freedom of movement.
Free from the torment of hunger.
Once again the heart that was taken from him is alive, all sensations and feelings are available.
These are objective, reasonable goods.
The price is diabolical, immoral, selfish - Evil ending. What's best for Astarion is a matter of debate. I think both are valid, the other simply makes him a better person morally. We can pretend Astarion is driven by trauma and fear - only it's no thoughts, no judgment, there's nothing that makes cynical sense, nothing. Just a traumatized Nightstar princess who needs to be shown the way of the light and heal. And if you don't, the princess becomes a pumpkin. I personally don't believe that the “cycle of violence and terror” as written in the game, in the world of Faerûn can be broken. I don't intend to, I don't see it in Astarion either. Spawn with 7k, kill a couple of dwarves, there'll be revenge. Spawn will be ordered to kill the not “right person” to make him a scapegoat - massacre.
Honestly, narcissist, manipulative, with huge trauma from slavery, power-hungry, thinks power is fun, bloodthirsty, cynical.
The measuring stick of what is toxic, abusive and controlling relationships clearly already transitioning to reality and to real morality only begins to attach to Astarion after the Ascension. Because if it worked initially, Astarion can't be touched, he's dangerous. To heal such a man is a danger and a fairy tale. No one cares. But the chains and the tragedy of AA's abusive behavior, that's what it's all about. A tale of the healing of a manipulative vampire narcissist and the tragedy of fucked up, that's the way it should be. ... UA will go crazy with missed opportunities when his arm gets cut off in battle and killed Tav. As he already tried in the game, unlike AA without consent.
And now for the romance. The juiciest part. If that's the reason why this one is so bad, a tragic ending that everyone should accept and cry over.
I think the answer is this. Summation of the Ending and Epilogue. Tav who doesn't like this romance and feels herself in the clutches of a monster - 3 lines. Tav who enjoys\okay the decadence with Astarion - 10 lines.
Player: Let's see everything, now I'm free of my Father! I want to travel the world. REALLY_DARK_URGE Player: I want to see the world, with you at my side. ORI_Astarion_State_GoingToTravel Player: I want to live forever. Make me a vampire. ORI_Astarion_Event_TurnIntoSpawn = False Player: I want to sit on your lap, sipping blood from a chalice, ruling the Gate from our foul throne. REALLY_DARK_URGE Player: We'll start with Baldur's Gate - Let's make this city ours. ORI_Astarion_State_TakeBaldursGateTogether Player: Let's put our enemies to the sword! ORI_Astarion_State_BloodyStruggle
They look like lines for Evil Win and they are.
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Player: True. We are spectacular, after all. Player: It is wonderful. I'm glad I get to share this with you. Player: None would dare, my love. Player: I'm sorry I kind of disappeared. I didn't mean to leave you like that.
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And the lines for Original Karlach are OзО..
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It's fantasy man, if you're looking for tragedy you'll find it everywhere, don't stop others from playing the fairy tale that you're playing, too. Enjoy your catharsis, don't touch the other catharsis. ta-ta line of ascended, spawn and pre-ritual mixed together
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
You’re really good at analyzing the characters so what are some common mischaracterizations or head canons people in the fandom have about the characters that you don’t like?
Common? Well, there are a lot of things little things that I don't care for when I see them, but I know most people feel the same. Yoosung has a huge one. I hate when people make cousin jokes at his expense and I scroll and block when I see people make them at this point. It's not funny, and you don't understand Yoosung as a person. You don't understand his grief and frankly, that's insulting because that's a big part of his character arc.
People belittle him and make him feel like a kid when he's twenty-one years old and coming into his own. He's not a baby, sure, he going to learn a lot in the future because there's so much he hasn't gotten the chance to experience, but lack of experience doesn't mean that he's not capable of standing on his own. Yes, compared to the other RFA members, he hasn't done a lot, but that doesn't mean he's not super accomplished. He was a stellar student, he worked hard to get to the place he is, and the only reason he's floundering is due to the grief in his heart.
Grief plays a huge role in his story and if you want to understand him, you need to know his grief. Set aside the fact that Rika's still alive. He doesn't know that and in most routes, he never does. She was so very important to him because Yoosung was a lonely person even though he was a popular kid who didn't have trouble making friends. He was lonely and you can tell he's lonely if you look hard enough to see it in your own eyes.
Actually, if you want my headcanon about him, I think Yoosung was an oops baby. I think his sister was much older than he is and due to that fact, he was never super close to her. Sure, his family is the most normal in the entire game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its own faults. His mother loves him, she does her best to take care of him, but it seems like his father is always rather busy at his job with the government. With a sister much older than him that he can't ever seem to relate to, and a mom who is trying her best but pushes him when he makes mistakes, and a father who isn't around all that much for him, it's got to be lonely.
Why else do you think he latched onto Rika when she came to speak to him? She saw him. She saw him and related to him. She was closer to his age and knew how to talk to him. It's no wonder Rika became a very important person in his life. She saw that he was lonely and that he needed others to root for him, and that's why she convinced him to stick around and join the RFA. Rika did care for Yoosung, she really wanted him him to do well in life back then, and pulling him into the RFA was the best thing Rika did for him because it gave him a place to have others to turn to for advice.
The RFA is a found family no matter what, and even though the RFA playfully bullies Yoosung sometimes, they're some of the only people who know the facets of who Yoosung is.
Zen isn't a narcissist and even if he was one, that's not a bad thing. However, I will say it's not a good look when folks shout that word and villainize personality disorders. Please, I implore people to do more research and be more mindful about how they speak about personality disorders, not just with narcissistic personality disorder, but BPD, OCD, etc.
He is overcompensating. When he is spouting compliments toward himself, it's because he's trying to convince himself that those words have power. Words do have power, let me tell you, and if you call yourself trash all the time, you are inevitably going to believe you are trash. 
I'm not saying you have to do what he's doing to build up your confidence, but I'm going to say that what he's doing can be quite helpful for people. You'll make a lot of progress if you're not trying to beat yourself down. The world isn't going to hold back its punches, so why in the world would you beat yourself down just to help the things that want to see you crumble? I know it's easier said than done, but it's good to be in the habit of not insulting yourself.
You don't have to compliment yourself, but don't call yourself trash. 
You know another thing about him that gets to me? It’s something he shares with Jumin that doesn’t get the conversation it needs. Both of them have more in common than they realize. They're both victims of sexual harassment, and one of the reasons why I love Zen Route has to do with the fact that they get to have a healthy conversation about their insecurities and what they've both experienced.
Jumin downplays his copious trauma all the time, but speaking with Zen is a way to front those demons with someone who won't mince words for his sake but will also be understanding and considerate at the same time. Jumin thinks he isn't allowed to complain to expend on his trauma because he's a man in a place of privilege. He thinks it isn't important in the grand scheme of things. He thinks he got lucky and others deserve far more sympathy than he does because they've not had as much fortune as he has.
Zen calls him on his shit for it. That's why I love when Zen and Jumin can truly begin to understand each other underneath their banter of "Zen hates Jumin because Jumin reminds him of his older brother in the worst way imaginable" and "Jumin lets Zen poke at him because it's fun to have debates and discussions with others and Zen doesn't hold back" and "Zen gets rightfully angry about how rich people can flaunt their wealth" and "Jumin doesn't even hate Zen, he just leans into what Zen expects because it's what Zen "wants.""
Zen and Jumin have a lot in common. Sure, some people understand that, but I think some of the little details get missed. It took me a long time to understand Jumin because he peeved me at first, but once I got to see who he is as a person, I realized that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and that's a lesson we all know, but it's good to get it reinforced. You learn that in Zen's Route, and you can't shake it off when you get Jumin's Route when needs the same theory applied to it.
I just don't like it when put don't put weight on Jumin's trauma and entirely miss it when it's blatant.
Don't get me started on the bad ending. I don't like talking about his bad ending because people like to romanticize that relationship and call it canon. That's the problem for me. I also love indulging in Bad Endings myself, but I do not call them the good ending. My problem with Jumin’s BE is that there are people who claim the Bad Ending is healthy and fight to say that it’s a “better ending.”
Listen, my friend, if you want an ending with a relationship that has BDSM, you can have that. You can have that in the Good Ending. You do not have to get a Bad Ending to get it, you can write and imagine it in the Good Ending, and you can have the characters communicate consent and boundaries. You can imagine that and have it that way! I can't believe I have to say that! It is 100% okay to consume content for the Bad Ending and to create it.
But for the love of God, stop calling it a Good Ending and stop acting like it's healthy. Cheritz made a DLC for it because they knew people would pay for that. That's literally the only reason why that got made and I hate it. I hate that his trauma about his damn mother is hidden in a ending that emotionally destroys that man and you would never know anything about it unless you decided to play it. His mother is a piece of shit, by the way, but I'm sure most people know that by now.
All I want is for people to call the ending what it is and to tag it appropriately so I can avoid it. I don't want to consume anything for it and that's my choice. I'm not saying you can't enjoy it, please enjoy it if you want to enjoy it, but call it for what it is because I call all of the Bad Endings I consume Bad Endings for a reason.
I hate it when people say that Jaehee is bland. I hate it when people say that Jaehee is overbearing about Zen and then they bash her into the ground because she "gets in the way" of Zen/MC. I hate when I'm forced to see someone claim that Jaehee's route isn't romantic. Y'all do realize that Jaehee's route has the most realistic route, right? She isn't yet aware of her sexuality or her feelings toward other woman. It doesn't occur to her at first that her feelings for MC are romantic and it takes time for her to fall in love. She's not rushing this experience... she's indulging in it.
She wants to be your partner, your best friend, your closest person in the world first, and as you get closer, that's when you fall in love. She needs time to sort out her feelings, that's the kind of person she is. It takes her time to process her feelings. She's spent her entire life in a place where she's had to fight to earn her keep and look after herself. She went after a career field that would take care of her, and while it's great that she's good at being an assistant to Jumin, it's empty.
It doesn't make her happy. It gives her enough money to pay for all kinds of tickets to see Zen perform, sure, but it doesn't make her feel good about life. Jaehee's route is about someone who feels like they are trapped in a job that's killing them slowly because they don't think they can dream and try something risky because that risk might just be the thing that makes them happy and fulfilled.
I understand that people get frustrated when Zen gets to have hard conversations with Jaehee. I know that a lot of people would rather see the MC complete those visuals with Zen or do it themselves, but I think it’s important to understand why Zen is the one who talks to Jaehee about dreams and passion. Zen ran away from home to chase after his dream knowing it may not happen. It took him a while to get to the point he's at today, and not that many people are lucky when they chase after their dreams. He took a huge risk, which is very scary when you could take the easier path next to it, and to him, it was the risk worth taking.
Jaehee's afraid to take risks.
Having Zen, her idol, tell her to follow her passion, made a difference. On top of that, Saeyoung helped her, too. He could see that she was miserable and he offered to do that report for her so she wouldn't have to torture herself when she finally found something that put light in her eyes. Saeyoung, Zen, and MC are the real MVPs of that route.
While those two are doing their best, you’re doing the same work in the background. You are her confidant, the person who hears her, and the one who is there at the end of the day when all is said and done and she needs somebody to listen. 
That's how she starts to fall in love with you, and it's something she'll realize a little bit later after you two are working together to achieve a dream, and I think it's important to understand that. Your relationship builds from being friends to falling in love.
Yes, I understand there are jokes about them just being friends and this route being the platonic one, but I don't think people understand Mystic Messenger took a huge leap in 2016 by having a romanceable queer female route in the game. Progress is progress, and it's damn important to be happy when we have these milestones. I've seen so many other games come out after this leap was made and it's getting better with every new game that comes out that has male and female options. 
I know it can feel like such a minor thing after the fact, but little jumps are what make progress happen. Whether it's the wedding in Steven Universe that was fought by tooth and nail in 2018, or with Korrasami going canon in 2014, progress comes when we fight for it. Jaehee's route is one of those moments.
Pushing Cheritz for more gave us more romantic content in the game as well.
The Valentine’s DLC for Jaehee is much more blatant and even the Christmas DLC has its moment. Better yet, the birthday images over the years have become much more forthcoming in the fact that Jaehee and MC are in a relationship. You can be proud of the little things, and you can be proud of progress, because if you don't take a moment to appreciate the little things, it feels like the world is bleak and that's no way to live. 
I hate it when people misunderstand Saeyoung but that's something that's been fought over a lot over years so I don't think I need to say a lot about that. He is a multifaceted character and people limit him to being a silly guy. We all know where people go wrong with that at the end of the day and it's so much easier just to keep scrolling than it is to deal with someone who only wants to make him a joke. He isn't the butt of a joke. He's Saeyoung Choi.
However, I will say that I don't appreciate it when people don’t give him the same compassion as Saeran when it comes to his trauma. What I mean by that is I don’t see people talk about what Saeyoung suffered through because of Mother Choi—I don’t see a lot of talk about how Saeyoung was parentified and had to fight tooth and nail to take care of Saeran to the point where his identity became one in which his only reason for living was to take care of Saeran. People scratch the surface of this, but they don't get into the thick of it.
I don't see people talk about his feelings about his mother and how his parentification haunts him to this day. 
When people write (Secret Ending) Saeran to be an asshole. I have a lot of squicks about him fandom wise.
I have never enjoyed people writing him out to be cruel and vindictive but that is something people have done in the past, but fortunately enough, I haven't seen many people do it in the last year or so but it was a problem back in the day and it still irks me when I think about it. I get it, a lot of what we know about him has to be built on what we think as the player since there isn't information about him after his breakdown with his brother.
As fans, we had to build his personality ourselves and figure out his perspective. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to make some content for him, but I do hate it when people go out of their way to make him cruel. 
One of the reasons I wanted to start writing him in the first place was because every time I tried to read content for him, he would be such an asshole to Saeyoung. I get it. I know why people assume he would be that way, but he is baked in apathy and numbness. He does not have the energy to fight and made that abundantly clear in the end that he doesn’t have the strength to fight Saeyoung anymore. That's the main reason why he just stopped trying to... you know, get rid of himself.
His brother was never going to let him die. He accepted that he can't leave this world even if he wants to, so he's trying to make the best of what he has. He has the sky and he has ice cream, and that's pretty much all he has. 
He is sullen. He may not always be forthcoming or kind people, but he doesn't have the energy to be destructive anymore. It would take a lot to upset him. You would need to push every button in the book to get him to lash out. What's the point in lashing out at everyone when it doesn't solve anything? That's not to say he doesn't have moments where he can't see anything but the past and he lashes out because he's terrified, but that's different than actively choosing to be cruel to other people.
I don't think he has many people around him other than Saeyoung and MC. He doesn't know how to interact with other people and he doesn't particularly want to start at this point because he feels like it's too late. I also don't agree with the people who imply that he would be friends with the RFA. That is where I differ with a lot of people and I'm okay with that because that's just the way I imagine things to be and I don't try to force my opinion on others. 
It's nothing against the members of the RFA. I just don’t think he would want to be friends with them. Jumin and Yoosung especially. They were closest to Jihyun and Rika. It's not their fault they had that closeness with them, but because of that closeness, Saeran wouldn’t want to go near there.
Saeran killed Jihyun. We could argue up and down all day long if that was something he wanted to do when he raised that gun to defend himself thinking his brother was dead. But, he did do that even in the wrong state of mind and that's something he has to carry for the rest of his life. Jihyun was Jumin’s best friend. Saeran won't be able to look that man in the eye even if Jumin could look past it knowing the complexities of the situation.
Yoosung held Rika close after the events of the Secret Ending and shipped her off with Zen, don't get me started on how much I hate that because I write it out of anything I write with the Secret Ending. That never happens in my Secret Ending. Rika goes to jail to face the consequences of her crimes and gets some well-needed therapy for her own trauma that's been left to the wayside.
He wouldn't want to be around Zen or Jaehee, either. He stalked them for years. He put them through hell depending on the ending you're playing. He doesn't want to be around them and he doesn't want their "pity" friendship. Saeran knows they would be nice to him for Saeyoung's sake, and he doesn't want that. I get it, I love it when Saeran is friends with the RFA, but that isn't happening in the Secret Ending, I'm sorry. Your MC can be friends with them, but... I just can't say Saeran will.
It was actually a dream of mine to write a SE Saeran/Reader fic that had the characterization I wanted for years and I finally a few years ago because I said, "What the hell, people will read it if they want." If you want to see my take on SE Saeran, please, read my fic Iris, It will keep you busy for a while, it's 170k.
I've never been huge on Yooran in the context of SE Saeran/Yoosung because most of the basis is built around the Bad Ending and when I see content for them, I'm always wary of it because I know there's a subtle chance that the writer might make Saeran become an ass to everyone around him and treat Yoosung in ways I'm not going to even think about. You can write whatever you want, just tag it properly if it is an unhealthy dynamic, and back in the earlier days, there weren't a lot of warning tags so it really soured it for me given how I already felt about SE Saeran.
I do think the ship can be great when it is founded in Another Story, though. Yoosung admires Saeran and even admits to having a crush on him, and in this ending, hey, if you want to imagine Yoosung/MC/Saeran or Saeran/Yoosung post-Another Story? I would love to see it. Because, God, Yoosung treating VAE Ray and Saeran tenderly during fireworks because they're terrified of loud noises? Or, even better, I'm giddy at the thought of Yoosung and GE Saeran baking together in a French kitchen!
I have thoughts and feelings about Rika and V as well, but those don’t land most of the time for me because I have to consistently hammer home that I don’t condone what either of them did every time. Just because I try to understand their past and motivations doesn't mean I condone their bullshit. Motivation, Traumatic Backstory =/= excuses. There is no excuse for their actions and they need to face judgement for it. Hard to have a conversation about them because some people think I'm condoning or erasing their actions by trying to understand more about them as person.
So, I don't get too heavy into those two, but I will say that a lot of people don't understand Rika and V because they don't want to. I can't fault them for that, either.
I understand why most people would not want to touch them with a ten-foot pole. You are not being forced to learn more about them, why they are the way they are, or what brought them to the point in which they made their choices. If you never want to learn anything more about them, I can't blame you for that. But, if you want to talk about them in a larger capacity beyond "I hate them and I want them to go to face justice for this and that" (very valid take, by the way), it's important to understand their motivations, if nothing else. 
I think they are interesting characters and I want to understand more about them because looking at Jihyun is an uncomfortable mirror for me at times. It's helped me be a better person.
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raisedbythetv89 · 4 months
*tw* mentions of sa throughout the btvs series:
Expanding on the thoughts in this post about fandom culture and etiquette for how to make this a safer and more enjoyable space for everyone no matter who you ship
If you are a fan of btvs or ats no matter who your favorite characters are or who you ship - you have suffered at the hands of joss whedon's narcissistic personality and the subsequent emotional abuse he not only put the actors and his characters through but the audience as well
He gave us characters and relationships we fell in love with and then always, without fail, something horrible happens to one of them or they do something horrific and we're forced to cope with the emotional whiplash that happens every time he does it and decide if we love the character or relationship enough to cope with what joss did to them or if that's it for us enjoying that character or relationship
Like Bangel? Surprise! He's gonna lose his soul and completely psychologically destroy Buffy! AND THEN he's gonna come back and turns out he's been lying to this whole time to Buffy and he actually loved Darla so much he tried to be evil even with the soul first and actually stalked Buffy for a year before he introduced himself and fell in love with the sight of her crying at 15 and we made her look SUPER childlike and innocent to really up the ick factor!
Like Spuffy? Here take the most traumatic depiction of attempted sexual assault we've ever seen in the series that comes out of absolutely nowhere and is specifically designed to punish women after Spike was the only person who could be there for Buffy besides Tara as she battles her severe depression!
Like Tillow? Well Willow goes from empowering Tara and standing up for her to yelling at her to shut the hell up and then magically drugging and sexually assaulting her! and then when Tara calls her out on in she uses the "I didn't mean to" line and then is gonna use magic on her in the exact same way! and then we're gonna rush tara forgiving her just to kill her off!
Like Fuffy? Well Faith is gonna steal Buffy's body and then sexually assault both buffy and riley simultaneously while trying to goad riley into violating buffy's body as much as possible!
The list is truly ENDLESS you either survive on btvs long enough to do something horrific or you're killed off in a brutal, shocking and senseless way (I'm not going to list every single relationship and horrific event as it seems unnecessary and I know I can expand on the above example even further but again it feels unnecessary so please don't freak out if you feel I missed something this is by no means an exhaustive list)
Joss hates people, he hates women, he hates people of color, he hates his audience. Doing horrible things to people you claim to love is incredibly normal for him and any abusive narcissist because they don't love people or even see them as fellow humans - they're just things they play with for entertainment or to make them feel good about themselves which is why this is so prevalent in the buffyverse in the first place
Liking a ship where something horrible happens, you're not condoning it - it happened TO YOU. You were going along loving a character or relationship and then the creator got bored or angry and decides to throw a narrative punch just because he can and he likes the control it gives him to make a bunch of people react in certain ways emotionally and he loves to ruin things people love that's a huge thing for narcissists - if they see someone else feeling good about themselves or experience joy they want it destroyed
We have all suffered at the hands of this man, everyone has their favorite characters for very specific and deeply personal reasons. Just because you can't move past or accept certain behaviors from a character doesn't mean you get to dictate that for everyone else. Truly loving or connecting to a character means you have more capacity for forgiveness than someone who just liked them - and loving a character also usually comes with a deeper understanding of that character in the first place that can give you perspective and understanding that helps you contextualize the bad things.
Loving even the worst fictional characters literally harms no one, but attacking, shaming, judging, feeling superior to real people for their fictional tastes does so don't come on here and "well actually" me with "well MY fav didn't do [x]" or "MY fav never did anything.." because that's not the point. The whole point of this post is other btvs or ats fans who like different characters or ship difference ships are not you enemy - JOSS WHEDON is the only enemy here - be mad at him and only him, hate on other characters all you want but being cruel to other fans who don't agree with you is exactly what joss wants and we all hate that fucker so stop playing his game and don't be a dick.
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A Drunk Texan Stole My Identity.
I've had this blog since 2017. In those 6 years, I have been consistently active, sometimes more than others, depending on IRL factors, but in December I lost my Dad. To say that this was devastating would be an understatement. I made posts on my social media channels that I would not be active for awhile, because there was no way I could juggle things in my online life with the needs of my offline life.
The majority of people in the hypnokink community have been wonderful during this time. I received a handful of kind messages that really meant a lot. I would be remiss if I didn’t also highlight the kindness of a lot of the fetish models, I’ve worked with who reached out. They got hired for a job and could have left it at that, but many of them took time out of their busy lives to reach out. They’re great people.
And that brings me to the drunk Texan who I’ll just refer to as “James”. Although part of me wants to blast his full name all over the internet, I’m not. James decided to use my bereavement leave as an opportunity to impersonate me on Tumblr. He used the “Hedge Hypnotist” name, posted my content and claimed it was his own, and messaged people pretending to be me in attempts to hypnotize them. James has also stolen content from @qu1etdroprop (who is awesome and makes fantastic content). I’ve also been contacted by another producer who informed me that James has been pirating their content, which is not only illegal but a deplorable thing to do considering the amount of effort goes into making Hypnokink content, especially at a time when Hypnokink content is under attack.
James is a moron. While you might be thinking that he just does not know any better, let me tell you that James is in his 30s and has a kid. James knows better than to do this. His smug smile during his over a decades worth of mugshots and excuses when confronted about all of this (as seen below) lead me to think that he’s a narcissist who uses mental gymnastics to relieve himself from any shame or accountability for his actions.
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Originally, I confronted James and was just going to leave it at that. There is a steep learning curve when entering the online hypnosis community and no definitive structures to educate or prepare people. Almost everyone makes mistakes in this community and, in most cases, I think they should be used as lessons to move forward in the future. This is not one of those cases. Identity theft is far outside from the typical learning curves within the Hypnosis Community and, as I’ve heard from more and more people about the interactions with James while he has been pretending to be me, letting him off with a warning is beneath the threshold of what his actions warrant.
If you interacted with James while he was pretending to be me, please let me know. The more I hear the more I’m considering legal action (something I’m becoming more and more well versed in due to insane people on the internet). If you've been wronged by him and want more information, I will be happy to give you more information.
I would advise against interacting with him. There is something wrong with him. He does not have any concept of how to operate on the internet, let alone within the hypnokink community, or even behind the wheel of a car for that matter. If his conduct online and his decade worth of mugshots are any indication, I feel incredibly bad for (as he referred to her) his “crazy latina ex”.
Here are some of his current accounts. I have no doubt that there are more and that he’ll change screen names in the near future. Please keep an eye open.
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Usernames: DreamyDominant91#7395 SleepDoctor91 MasterKaa91 James Kay (Not his real last name) [email protected] Hypno Dream Master hypno-dreammaster
Also a huge THANK YOU to @pruning-the-minds-garden for helping to get the word out about this.
Apologies to all the awesome Texans in the world. Sorry you share a geographic region with this guy.
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lightofraye · 4 months
I can't imagine someone who actually cares about Jensen would want him to be with elta I'm sorry I just cant. Leave the abuse claims aside elta brings nothing to the table and add nothing to Jensen's life. Everybody keep talking about the family image, well Jensen got all of his roles thanks to his talent and connections, the family image did nothing to him, matter of fact elta was nothing but dead weight on Jensen when he tries to give her job and insert her in spn but she failed thanks to her " talent". Elta never left her job to support Jensen like they love to claim, she used to play the characters of easy woman and they hire her because she is willing to do nude scenes, well she got too old for theses roles, her face became unrecognisable. Do u think someone es narcissistic as her would stay home and take care of Jensen's kids if she actually had a career? Their biggest claim is that she is always supportive for Jensen which can be easily dismissed with the rust accident or when he called her because he was abset about the finale and she told to talk to somebody as if she incapable of talking herself. So again why we should support her if never showed herself to be worthy of support? He is still married to her for some reasons ( manipulations and the kids) so he has to continue to support her and claim her but WE are not obligated to do so.
Hi anon!
Wow. That was a long one, and on point.
Elta--or Danneel as she prefers--isn't even a parent in the traditional sense. Not when she has two nannies to help out! And I'm rather certain she has a maid or ten because there's no way she's cleaning the entire house by herself. Not when they've been on the huge side, the houses.
And now with a freaking mansion? Yeah, no, she's got maids. Cleaning crews. Gardeners. Potentially a chef. The two nannies. And who knows what else.
Folks, trust me, she is not the hard working wife y'all like to make her out to be. And supportive? She barely visited Jensen when he was on Supernatural and filming in Vancouver. When he came home, she'd insist he didn't wake her, no matter what--forcing him to sleep in the guest room until morning. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?!
If my husband finally came home, I'd be all "wake me up so I can welcome you home!"
This is not a loving relationship, as you've pointed out, anon. Plus, the whole Rust shooting? He claimed or tried to excuse that she was terrified of flying. Uh. She's flown to numerous cons, including international ones. I call bullshit. He couldn't talk to her about it...
And as someone who barely escaped being shot myself, that's just... unconscionable.
For the love of gods, that gun that went off in Rust? It was supposed to be used on Jensen's character! Imagine realizing how close he was to being shot to death!
And Danneel couldn't be arsed to fly to him and comfort him?!
I just...
What? I just can't.
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welcome-to-oslov · 1 month
This is so interesting! Some great points: their insecurity really does drive them latching onto Tilrey, because his own trauma has turned him into someone who seems like a safer bet. Another thing so insidious about Gersha and Vera: their stubbornly refusing to recognize their privilege.
Granted, technically Vera couldn't order Tilrey around I guess, but still, huge Upstart->Laborer power imbalance. Yet out loud she insists she's some social justice warrior who doesn't SEE levels 🙄. She has to believe levels don't matter, because if they do, maybe there's some other reason it seems like this cute guy likes her back as she dreams.
Gersha was worse: he refused to acknowledge the elephant in the room, that sure maybe he & Tilrey are becoming a couple, but that it doesn't matter if they are, because either way Gersha has the power to order Tilrey to be anything Gersha wants and the power to ruin Tilrey's life if he won't (he even insists he has no power at all, it's all Verán's - that's not true). Instead of tackling this head on, Gersha twists it to be that it's sooooo tragic for himself (not Tilrey): "See?!?! This is why I can never be sure if Tilrey really loves me or is faking!!! Poor meeeeee, what a difficult situation *I* am in!"
All this to say: it's an excellent story and excellent writing and excellent characterization! Granted, it makes a lot of us be Gersha haters who side eye our Tilrey's man long after they get back together like an overprotective bestie... but still 😂 It makes for SO much interesting thinking about this world 🙌
P.S. The tragic thing is, the original, sweet, pre-captured Tilrey wasn't the person people like them might've assumed someone like him was - he wasn't a full-of-himself hot guy. He *was* actually a shy, smart, thoughtful, caring, loyal person who might have actually connected with them. But the guy they've met has had a lot of choices and self-belief taken away from him, and that gives these insecure folks their courage. Yuck.
Oof, that last paragraph makes me think about how tragic it is that so many people project their own desires and fears onto Tilrey. Upstarts want him because he looks like the stereotypical high-named golden boy, but they can control him and use him as an outlet for their rage or lust or whatever they feel for their peers. Verán treats him like a captive extension of Malsha. Besha looks at his height and strength and sees all the bullies who used to torment him. So does Gersha, to an extent. Vera sees all the boys who rejected her. Even when Vera and Gersha claim to know and understand and appreciate him, they’re still responding to this image in their head.
He really is like a celebrity that way! I’m fascinated by how we take beautiful people—who are often damaged and abused by their creative industries—and turn them into icons by projecting our own needs onto them.
You describe so well how Vera and Gersha refuse to acknowledge they have power. They can’t get to Step 1 of being a real ally because they can’t stop making it all about them (though they do learn better eventually, Vera mostly off-page). I just learned today about “vulnerable narcissism” (narcissists who have low self-esteem because they define success as becoming the main character and dominating others), and that’s these two in a nutshell.
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joesalw · 10 months
Man it's literally embarrassing how Taylor Swifts PR tries to manipulate and convince everyone she's bigger than Michael Jackson or the Beatles. Like given the narcissistic vibes this woman gives me she probably enjoys the comparsions and wants to be seen as bigger. But if you really look into it. It's bullshit.
Like her having 3 number one albums or something this year. Yeah she also released 3 albums. Not saying it's not impressive. But Mj did like one album every 5 year. He had admitted countless of times that he is a high perfectonist and doesn't get the product out until it was perfect. Why else does he have tje highest selling album (Thriller) and second highest selling album by a solo artist ( Bad). He has 5 out of 6 albums to sell over 20M.
He also wrote like 120 songs per album. So if he wanted to get like 3 or more number one albums he easily could have. But if you know a little bit how he was you would know that being just good wasn't good enough for him. With that man everything had to be perfect. That's not something I think just the fans it's knowledge of the general public in general.
Second the 1 billion Tour gross. Yeah impressive. But what about her attendance. MJs Tickets were cheap. Even for todays Standards. 16 Dollars back then or 20 Dollars and he also gave some of them away for free.
What matters actually is attendance. But ofc they never want to talk about that. MJ had a 12.4M or 13M attendance in a span of 3 solo tours. Taylor Swift has 9.7M in the span of 5 tours excluding the Eras Tour. So probably will have a higher attendance in total eventually but what he could done with 3 tours ( 2 of them not even touring in the US) she had to do with 6 tours.
And it MJ didn't Tour in the US during his History Tour where he pulled 4.5M attendance.
Second is that bullshit Eras suprassing This is it. First This is it which most normal people know can't even be a concert tour because he died before doing any show. Second Eras only grossed more in the US. Globally he is far ahead.
He has a top ten hit during 5 different DECADES! 6 if you included the Jackson 5.
And some said that she sells 1M albums (not specifically said which ones) per week. Which is very hard to believe. Couldn't find any data on that. The only thing I have that she sold like 13 or 14M in this year. MJs Thriller ( one album) sold like 1M for a week for a year. Bad sold 7M in the first week.
Like nobody cares how much money she makes or how many albums she gets to chart on billboard during the streaming era. It just shows how money hungry and chart obsessed she is.
And they still think they can speak on him. I saw some mjfans on twitter putting swifties in place as well as arianators rihanna fans and other fandoms for various reasons.
Like Rihanna is the best selling female recording artist in the 21th century. Rihanna made like 8 studio albums and Taylor Swift 10 so far. On top of that Rihannas last album came out in 2016.
But the only thing Swifties hear is Billionaire 1billion gross, economy. (Do they seriously think MJ never had an influence on the economy? The guy who saved MTV from bankruptcy? They guy who filmed They don't care about us in Brazil to showcase the poverty and had had a huge influence into making it a better place?) What has Taylor Swift done with her suppossed influence? Huh. Why does he have statues around the world and got crowned King somewhere in Africa. Taylor Swift ain't doing that. The only thing she does is ruining the planet with her carbon emissions of her private jet and stay silent on a literal genocide. Or weaponizing the word feminism ( I want to read a thesis how this woman puts feminism back instead of forward. Like I swear by misusing it for her damn white feminism and influencing her impressionable stupid fans she's actually doing more harm than good. )
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graveyard-party666 · 6 months
Blood & Wine
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Here is the new chapter for y'all. I wanted to post it earlier but because of another shelling we had no electricity yet again.
This time it's a bigger chapter. I also tried experimenting with past tense.
I'm also introducing new character here :3
Here's the song for y'all.
Graves is a bully. He is stereotype of the "American badboy" that Red saw on the TV growing up. Interacting with him is not as bad as it could be but he's a weird guy. The amount of psychological issues that guy possesses is crazy.
Red promised herself to not psychoanalize the people she works with (yes, she failed on Ghost) but this man, Graves, is curious subject. Him seeking Shepherds approval screams daddy issues. Maybe his father was cruel, or maybe absent. As once Red learned: sometimes there is two problems - the first one, father is present and the second, father is absent. Both could be traumatizing. Even if the father is present physically but emotionally isn't.
Red only met him once at the briefing with Task Force 141. Her ability to pretend to be a stupid young woman helped a lot even there.
Graves seeks attention. No matter how much praise he would get for doing an amazing job as a commander, he will never be filled enough. Just another proof that many soldiers don't become soldiers just because they are patriotic and ready to protect their country.
But 141 trusts him, Laswell does too. And who is Red to tell them that their narcissistic ally might turn on them one of those days? No one.
He, just like Shepherd, probably would agree with Niccolò Machiavelli's ideas. The end justifies the means. Does it?
All she can do now is create another profile for another terrorist. Hassan. He's nothing new. Fanatic, radicalist, sees his religion as a pressure lever. Huge ego, small... understanding cause and effect relationships.
Religion, religion, religion.... how many of people like him are there? Probably more than enough. Probably even more than Task Force 141 could deal with.
In psychology, religious fanaticism can be understood through various lenses, including social, cognitive, and developmental psychology. It's often seen as an extreme form of religious devotion or belief characterized by rigid adherence to religious doctrines and practices, often to the exclusion or detriment of other aspects of life.
From a social psychology perspective, religious fanaticism can be seen as a product of social influences, such as group dynamics and the need for belonging. Individuals may become fanatical in their beliefs as a way to strengthen their identity within a religious community or to conform to group norms.
Cognitively, fanaticism can be linked to cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias (seeking out information that confirms one's beliefs) and the backfire effect (rejecting information that contradicts one's beliefs and strengthening those beliefs instead).
Developmental psychology may also play a role, as individuals' beliefs and behaviors are shaped by their upbringing, early experiences, and the cultural context in which they live.
Overall, understanding religious fanaticism requires a nuanced approach that considers individual, social, and cognitive factors.
This case is difficult. Difficult enough for Red to think about asking for help even though she doesn't want to burden anyone with her inability to deal with this big of a man in terrorist world. Fanatics scare Red. Fanatics of any sort. Fanatics can choose sides. And psychologist only hopes that "fanatics" around her won't choose the wrong side.
Thank God, Laswell decided that working on that terrorist alone is not good for Red. Oh, Kate, the woman that you are.
"I think you might need help of someone in Hassan's case, Red," Laswell stood in the doorway of Red's office. "Maybe we should add someone for this case? Someone who knows how to do his job..." Kate looked intently, making Red think about her words, which were kind of suspicious.
"His? You had someone in mind?" Red straightened her back, feeling curious.
"Abel Benar. I had a talk with your criminology professor, and he kindly agreed to help us with the case," the woman finally moved, walking towards the window of Red's office.
Red's heart skipped a beat. That one professor she could only dream to work with, that one professor she had a crush on.
"Professor Benar? I thought he was busy with a new university project?" The psychologist cleared her throat. It would be awkward if anyone found out about that girl crush on her professor with an attractive French accent.
"When Professor Benar heard that his, and I quote, 'favorite student' needs help, he postponed all the projects," Laswell's smirk wasn't unnoticed by Red's eyes.
'Oh, well. Good,' all Red thought, while dreading the thought about talking to Graves... or even meeting him again, after receiving the good news.
Yet again, sitting in silence in her office, thinking about what the future held for her, Red was just waiting. She didn't know herself of what. Work had been done already, no more annoying soldiers. But she still sat there, in the office, dimly lit by the table lamp. All she could do was look out the window, at the night sky.
The corridors of the base were shrouded in silence. From a distance, somewhere from the street, she could hear the barking of guard dogs.
She didn't want to work with the professor, much less the arrogant narcissist Graves. But life was not fair; sometimes you had to endure everything. Some might think that Red didn't particularly like the professor, which was not true. She just didn't really want to embarrass herself in front of a genius or have the perfect image she had created shattered by reality. But now it was inevitable.
She kinda missed Ghost too. Yes, he had visited today, but right now, his presence would be much appreciated. His stoicism was good for grounding other people. And what was behind that mask didn't really matter. For some, it might seem scary and strange; for Red, it was just part of him. But we can't always get what we want. And that is okay.
A loud knock brought her out of her thoughts. Clearing her throat, she allowed that late visitor to enter.
"Come in," Red's tired voice rang in the office.
She was too tired, just wanting to relax, at least for a moment.
"You didn't come down for lunch today." Captain Price's bearded face was gentle, even loving.
"I had lunch with me," Red lied. She didn't know herself why she lied.
The Captain's eyes had that slight glint in them, a bit teasing, as if he knew damn well she lied. He probably did.
"Soap said that when he visited your office, you didn't have those snacks that you usually bring to work."
'Of course, he knows,' Red thought to herself, sighing.
"What bothers you, Red?" His husky voice, probably a result of constant smoking, was caring. Yeah, Soap was right... Price did have a smoking problem.
"I'm paranoid. About people, things." Red wanted to give the answer but only left more questions. "I'm just a bit nervous and stressed, that's all."
She smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't ask further. He didn't need to know her concerns about his comrades. It might sound disrespectful if she told him to be prepared for anything with Graves and Shepherd, instead of telling him information about the terrorist they were trying to catch. The last thing she wanted was to be disrespectful towards the captain. Her paranoia was her problem.
But how many times before had her gut feeling been right? Almost every.
"Sweetheart, you're great at what you're doing. And we all know that." The older man started speaking after a short pause. "You can trust us. If there are any concerns or thoughts - share them with us." Captain's smile felt welcoming, and for a second, Red wanted to tell him her concerns, but again, that's not how the military works. They were brothers here. You disrespect one - you disrespect them all.
With a deep sigh, she uttered, "I'm concerned about Graves. I don't know what it is. Just a gut feeling."
Price's face softened as he came closer to the psychologist.
"He's a cunt."
That short sentence made Red laugh. She couldn't help it. Captain was right once again.
"And maybe you got that feeling because of how he was acting in the briefing? Because trust me, Gaz called him much harsher words than I just did after that briefing. I'm impressed Soap didn't try to punch him. As for Ghost... Let's just say he wasn't happy." He continued after a pause, amused by Red's reaction.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe it's just because of the briefing." Red shrugged. "Only time will tell, right, Captain?"
Tag list: @cloudofbutterflies92 @chloekistune @justasmolbard
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indigo-corvus · 1 year
Banana Splits Headcanons (Part 2)
🍌🐶🍌 🐵 🍌🦁🍌 🐘
-Has a big mouth! Always finds himself in trouble because of it.
-Is very mechanically inclined. Fleegle is always tinkering with the Banana Buggies, Mildred, and his calliopa-vio-saxo-trumpe-rimba-clari-bassi-trombo-phone.
-OG Fleegle would Never cuss. Jellystone! Fleegle on the other hand,, would say Fuck at least once a day. (But never around children)
-Wags his tail when happy.
-Very expressive ears! You can always tell what he is thinking/feeling
-Most responsible club member
-Best driver of the bunch
-Likes to read with Bingo after dinner most nights
-Jellystone! Fleegle is always dehydrated. He's very much a "I'll drink water when I DIE" type of person.
-Always ends up being the bait/distraction and HATES it
-Tallest member in OG group. 2nd tallest member of the group in Jellystone! Version of the group
-Would only say Fuck if seriously hurt
-Is a vinyl record enthusiast, and has a sizeable collection (He and Fleegle are nostalgic types)
-Always has stuff happening to his tail. (used as a jump rope, gets slammed in doors, stepped on, etc)
-Kind of a narcissistic, pretentious bastard (Jellystone!)
-Very cuddly guy
-Fur will bristle if he is surprised
-Self conscious of his balding, hides it with his hat
-Honestly is just generally self conscious about his appearance
-Self taught drummer
-WORST DRIVER. DO NOT LET BINGO DRIVE. It's not a matter of IF you will get a speeding ticket, it's When. MF will text and eat and drive, all at the same time.
-Loves loud music when driving
-Second most likely to say Fuck. Will say it just because
-Very close with Drooper and Snorky
-Kind of a "Better you than me" type of guy
-Kind of a douchey jock sometimes
-Snorky and Bingo are the most fashionable members of the bunch. Is the group stylist.
-Doesn't say fuck, but deserves it the most.
-Most hydrated member of the group. Always has a bottle of water with him just in case someone needs some.
-Has a very long self care routine he does every morning. (And he looks Spectacular when he is done!)
-Snorky is always forgotten. (Gets left behind, made to dig the escape hole, sometimes skipped over when sharing treats, etc)
-Huge advocate for coasters.
-Gets mad when people make the house dirty right after he cleaned it.
-Takes pride in how hard he works to clean the house. (Those Splits can be messy!!)
-Will vague post on social media about you when angry.
-Loves going to farmer's markets.
-Likes feeling pretty. Will volunteer to dress up if the plan calls for it. The gang supports Snorky, and will make sure there is a dress available for him if they need to wear disguises for some reason.
-Jellystone! Snorky is a really cocky villain, and is constantly talking smack. It's hard to understand though, because he can only honk.
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fallen-gabrielle · 1 year
The Delightful Mansion screenshots Part 1
After the Uno residence, I collected screenshots of the Delightful Mansion for research and archive purposes. It wasn't easy. Since the show focuses on the KND, we don't get to see much of buildings other than the Treehouse. But I think I did my best.
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For starter, shots of the exterior. The garden/front yard stays consistent but the surroundings not that much. In Op CAKE-FIVE, a road magically appears at the end of the episode when there was clearly nothing before. And the forest behind the mansion disappeared in some episodes too. I included the sliced mansion that shows the interior that will not be consistent at all. Consistency is not a thing in this show when it comes to background and building interiors. I mean the creators and animators aren't exactly architects, so it doesn't matter that much on the long term I guess. As a kid you don't pay attention to those details, but I certainly do as an adult now.
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The first inconsistency is the entrence. There's two different ones and I know there is a back door, so the other might be from behind but something isn't right anyway and I'll explain later. This one is what I call the main/front entrence where it's maybe the most consistent in this messy house. It has small stairs after a few meters (yeah sue me) and the distance between the door and said stairs varies depending on the episode/need for the animators.
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This is the second entrence that is drastically different from the first one. I kinda want it to be the back door, but for the first screenshot it's actually the front door in the episode Op FUGITIVE. This part of the house is back in Op PARTY, but it's not really used as an entrence, really just for a background. So at this point I might just headcanon the house can shapeshift like Father does.
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Speaking of, we only see his study/office in Op INTERVIEWS and it's a shame because I really like this room. In fact, I wish we could have seen more of the mansion. Father also has this stereotypical *supervillain room* with spikes for no reason and an armchair where he can spin it dramatically just for the sake of being dramatic. I love this garbage man so much. It's quite hard to situate the rooms but his study would be on the third floor (fourth for my american followers) that's between the two candle shaped towers or whatever that is. In fact, I'm not sure if I can actually situate anything since there's a lot of inconsistency so trying to make sense of it would be a waste of time. Shame. I like having an actual map of where I'm standing, blame Zelda games for that.
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There's two vastly different kitchens, and I'm pissed about it. One is clearly inside the house while the other has windows to look outside. Proof they are not the same actual room. The one on the right could be the cellar but it has kitchen instruments and literally cooking pots, so I don't know what to think about it. Moving on.
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This room is confusing as hell. Why does it have so many windows where it's clear the ground floor isn't just this room. The mansion is also a square shaped house, so it's not like it's a castle with a long pavilion where this could be possible. Anyway, this seems like a living room? kinda? I'm just gonna call it the piano room since there's a piano there. Fancy rich people kinda do have a room just for classical music and shit. Ben isn't an exception.
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And with this, I reached the 30 pictures limit per post, so I have to make a second part. Good to know. Some pictures of the hallways and it's interesting to see that there's different wallpaper. Maybe it's a different one for the different floors? Also, Ben has a huge picture of himself hanging in his house. I could have forgiven this narcissistic behavior if it wasn't for the fact that he also has a bust of himself. Sorry, it's over the top in my book. There's other hallways but they're just simple ones with many many doors so I didn't think it was worth adding to the list.
Part 1 / Part 2
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amymaleneart · 1 year
Glamrocks in the Harpy Au pt.2
Montgomery "Monty" Etsitty has a bit of a not so great reputation in the local community. He is known as a big brute that has a tendency to smash first, ask questions later. It also doesn't help that his animal spirit is the alligator and looks very much like a were-gator. Due to his temper and bad attitude, he always has his tail out, short muzzle with sharp teeth, claws and at least 50% of his scales on display. Otherwise he's very buff, very dark tanned skin with his iconic red mohawk. The only good thing that he does have going for him is that he is always nice to the kids, even if he looks very scary. Monty was able to prove this by stopping an attempt kidnapping by smashing the unmarked white van, pulling the guy out and beaten him near the inch of their life. The local judge wasn't too happy with how Monty handled the situation, but the parents were very grateful to Monty (albeit still wary of him). Monty is a construction worker and local handyman when in between jobs. Y/N hired Monty, on Freddy's recommendation, to help rebuild the barn and the farmhouse after the falling incident with Sundrop. Everyone had a rough time at first with Monty's attitude, but Y/N trusted Freddy and gave him the chance. Sundrop is very wary of Monty and would hide behind Y/N. But surprisingly Moondrop looks up to him like an uncle. He saw Monty as a strong person and wants to emulate that same strength. Monty didn't mind Moondrop following him around on the farm, as long as he doesn't get in the way of his job.
Roxanne "Roxy" Mahigan is known as a gorgeous woman with big silver hair, stunning golden eyes and glamorous completion. She's also known as a narcissistic and most people could only stand her for a short time before they find a way to excuses themselves. Her animal spirit is the gray wolf, which shows with by her having her tail, ears, fangs and claws out at all times. Though Roxy doesn't really mind because she feels it enhances her beauty. Roxy comes from a competitive family of car racers, which could explain why Roxy is the way she is because of the pack mentality and her own parents view her as an omega. No matter what she does, wither it's beauty or talent, it just not good enough for them. Even when she was able to received her animal spirit the family is known for, their response was, "Huh, thought yours was going to be a toy poodle." Soon after that, Roxy decided to move out and live with her uncle Foxy (who is to local mechanic after he retired from the Navy) and her cousin Mandy (aka Mangle cause she a talented contortionist). Roxy picked up the family business as a mechanic, but she also likes to race in the local derby on the weekends. Pretty much the only time that Roxy is a tolerable person is when she's around her best friend, Chica. Chica understands her past, but is happy to point out when Roxy is out of line. Chica even recommended her to Y/N to fix the old compact utility tractor that came with the farm. Moondrop straight out doesn't like her and would even go as far as hissing at her if she got too close. Sundrop, on the other hand, had a huge crush on her and wanted to be close to her while she's working on the tractor. Y/N ended up having to lock Sundrop in the R/V so Roxy could do her job.
(I looked up common Native American surnames because I thought it would be interesting. Freddy does have a hyphen surname cause I did want to make it obvious that he's apart of the Fazbear family.)
Continued from Part 1
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gayredmage · 2 years
Genesis makes no f---ing sense as a character.
I know, shocking coming from the guy whose comfort character is the redheaded asshole from Banora, but I can fully acknowledge bad and stereotyped writing. So I'm going to say it:
Genesis is an inconsistent and poorly written villain.
Fandom really has to work overdrive to get him to make sense. But hey, at least he cute. It's funny though because HCs of him tend to be more consistent than in game.
As a child of adoptive parents myself, his whole adoption arc is a harmful stereotype + doesn't make sense. Why would he kill his parents and then the game tell us he loved them and they loved him? It reeks of the stupid belief that blood relations are the only ones worth having.
And then you have the very weird friendship/rivalry which doesn't get explained in any way so people just assume he's a narcissistic jealous prick, but I wouldn't be surprised if actually it's because he's set up to always be in Sephiroth's shadow no matter what he accomplishes. So we're left with this weird friendship that doesn't make sense and why on Earth would Genesis and Sephiroth even consider each other friends when we don't have anything to demonstrate that?
There could have been a really good political story there about the popularity contest that SOLDIER is (which is mentioned in game), but no it's just classic Disney-style queer coded villain who acts in ways that don't make sense and that's why he's a 'bad guy'.
But then we get turned around again because people in SOLDIER did actually respect him and like him. We get told he's actually a really great guy and everyone is confused by his actions, and we the audience are too because SURPRISE the motive is thin at best
Then they say that Genesis comes back as a good guy after Dirge? And what were we meant to take with the whole G-Files nonsense? Are we lead to believe that Genesis is meant to lead the WRO? What the fuck is going on with this character? How? I thought he was a murderous asshat?
The only way I can make sense of it all is to have several HCs that are somewhat able to glue this all together. And the biggest one is that CC is told through Zack's eyes - an unreliable narrator.
We don't ever see Genesis murder his family or Banora, we are told that he did so. We don't see that he is jealous, we are told that his desire to be seen as Sephiroth's equal is 'petty' so we just assumed he hasn't got what it takes - that somehow he is inferior (although Apocalypse is the most OP limit break) and again, we aren't shown why. We're made to assume a lot about his character and the poor writing just gets poorer to try to reinforce something that doesn't make sense.
Huge missed opportunity to have any discourse on the corruption of the Shinra corporation and how they saw them as pawns in some game (lol), and instead we get this very weird lone-wolf villain who actually turned out to be right about wanting to destroy Shinra. It's weird.
Also Genesis' new VA isn't a great fit and reduces him down to being an arrogant Disney villain. The original VA gave him a lot more nuance, softness and humanity, now he's just a bit of a um, grating caricature? I don't know, it was a CHOICE that really contributed to his incongruent character.
So the headcanons I need to maintain in order to make sense of him (and so it doesn't just sound like people in a room just threw crap on the drawing board to make him sound villainy when they realised he didn't come across as 'evil' enough which contradicts the whole- you get my point by now I think):
Zack is an unreliable narrator who doesn't know Genesis at all, and because of that we have someone who can only utilise propaganda and very limited info that he has learned of him. He has no first-hand experience of Genesis at all, and when he does, Genesis doesn't feel the need to show any side of him except what Zack wants to see.
Genesis is not considered popular by Shinra standards (perhaps a scandal?) or potentially threatens the image they created of Sephiroth, so they attribute many of his achievements to Sephiroth.
Sephiroth is tired of Genesis being mad at him for not getting recognition for his work, and Sephiroth doesn't help much by poking the fire here and there.
If Angeal is considered to be somewhat Lawful Good, he wouldn't join Genesis if the guy was the maniac we were led to believe.
Genesis did not murder his parents. I know someone will say that some murderers do show love towards their victims, but nothing about Genesis suggests he would behave in such a way. This is the weirdest outlier in his behaviour.
The people who joined him did so willingly, and not out of a sense of duty to SOLDIER, but a sense of duty to him.
And the most important headcanon of all:
7. He's gay and has a daddy kink.
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sillysosillyangel · 5 months
Pissa body swap!!
You know how they adore each other so much that they can't do without a mirror. It's so strange to see your own face contort with pleasure but it's not very uncomfortable after all the face we know and explore the most in our lives is our own.
They can do it but they cannot get off without the mirror being in front of them allowing to see each other in themselves.
Missa wants to cry because of how embarrassing it is to see himself without his mask, but its phil, is still phil even without his blue eyes there is the intensity that only his husband has when he is about to devour Missa. So when he hears his own voice ordering him to remove his hands from him (his husband's) face, he does it.
He doesn't notice how Philza's cock is smaller than his but Philza does.
It's like a hot, vague thought but now he's doing it and he's wondering if size has anything to do with sensitivity because Missa bends as if he's reached ecstasy and his wings (wich are Philza’s) inflate and contract nervously, Phil’s bird brain knows that those are his body's instincts begging to be breed by his mate
The reaper instincts of Missa's body recognize the wings of his angel, the angel he must adore, and Phil's (simp) mind is partially clouded by adoring Missa so much, having longed to be with him for so long that he quickly succumbs to adoring him in his own body no matter how narcissistic that may feel.
Has Missa always been so arhm… big? because he feels ugh big against his (Phil’s) thigh, he almost wants to apologize to his husband for hard times taking him inside.
but he shuts up when a huge thing goes into his mouth, god, and oh my god it's his tongue. His tongue with which he eats and sings and speaks moves almost gracefully within Phil's vocal space (this is confusing) but for the difference in size between them it's almost like choking on a cock (not that Phil or Missa did it before, i mean)
Missa cries and let me be lenient here because Phil looks so pretty with drool running down his mouth his lips look like they are going to explode from how red and swollen hid, his face is red and his glassy eyes are crying tears in despair
Phil smiles from Missa's body in that sly way that makes Missa look so different and intimidating.
The image from the outside is funny without knowing that they are in each other's bodies it is funny
Phil's (now Missa’s) wings are spread against the mattress
Missa has never had a cloaca before and when he starts to self-wet like this, it would usually makes a little mess and wet spots on his feathers.
He is lying there; the big angel of death crying pathetically for his husband's cock, so good, he has been so good, please
This is a power trip for Phil, his brain is too clouded in a river of not own instincts that ask for the same thing, and fuck he laughs breathlessly because fuck this is a whole thing
They could spend hours like this before they really come, just exploring their own bodies from each other's shoes it's so weird
When Missa stops at the skeleton marks that are everywhere he wonders how Phil could want something so daunting in his bed.
Only for Phil to growl (now he can't chirp now but growl) into his very own neck and Missa pulls more of his vulnerable throat out of him as a show of near-universal submission, don't you dare to talk about my husband like that! (he says it with his voice and Missa knows that he would say something like that perfectly)
If it were Missa he would be very angry still! But having those attacks at his husband coming from someone who is not his Missa (technically it is but with his voice) his favorite person on the island; only makes him more aggressive (repent while you suck my husband's cock, isnt him Great? Put it deeper, I know you like it)
Phil's wings are a disaster on Missa, he moves them uncontrollably releasing feathers which could be serious when they return to normal so Missa suggests restricting them and oh no...
It's like a fucking shibari but all the ropes are tied in the right homogeneous areas, mmh, of course Phil would know where it is in HIS body, maybe the crow can even admit that he looks good crying and limping out of breath
Now Phil's wings are safe which would make Missa breathe a sigh of relief if it weren't for the fact that he has his own cock down his throat, shit, his husband sorta ate himself so normally the I self-sucked (?)
Anyway he can't help but choke a little with his dick.
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boonalina · 10 months
Today is the death day of my half-brother
Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide, specifically hanging.
On December 13th, 2022, one of my half-brother's committed suicide. He was only in his 30's. He hung himself pretty far into our old backyard (we lived out in the country so we had a lot of land). The reason of suicide was because he didn't want to go to jail again. The first time he was in Jail a few years prior, was a traumatizing experience for him. And he was only in there for a few months. So if a few months is enough to make him cry in front of our dad and my mom, then I can't imagine being in there longer, especially when there are other men in there who have done far worse things.
(I'm not gonna say the reasons why he was/would be put in jail, mostly cuz I barely know myself. And also cuz it doesn't matter.)
He had a very rebellious spirit. Always making theories about the government and whatnot. Always talking about what REAL health is. And he would always make a "green shake" that was just blended grass and water lol. He was a gemini who would talk for HOURS about his ideas and theories. And he gave himself too many projects to handle heh. He was a car mechanic, so our family would usually rely on him to fix their vehicles for half the price.
Now onto my side of things. I would've said more but, if I'm being honest. There really wasn't much positive things to say about him. He would blame other people for most of his mistakes, he would downright insult people when arguing with them, not to mention if the argument wasn't going his way, then he would storm off like a toddler. I feel that his inner child was broken and he wasn't able to fully mature. And it makes me angry that he left this world without owning up to any of his mistakes and without apologizing to some family members. So if i'm being honest, I wasn't and still don't feel all that sad that he died. Which no, that does not mean that I wanted him to die, or that i'm "glad" that he died. Of course not. I just never really had the best relationship with him. (And it also might be cuz i'm autistic, cuz my sister wasn't close with him and didn't really like him either, yet she balled her eyes out at the funeral so I guess it's just me)
When I was a kid, our relationship was okay, he would joke with me a bit, and sometimes tell my mom "That kid is very smart, you need to keep tabs on her" he didn't mean like school smarts, he meant being wise and observant for my age. My mom told me he said that and it built my confidence up, but, I ended up having the "burnt out gifted kid" syndrome. Where I felt way too high expectations on me and felt like I had to act super intelligent every time he was around. Of course, that's on my mom, not him. He was way too narcissistic to compliment anyone directly.
But anyway, I'm not very religious but, I just hope that wherever he is, he feels safe and doesn't feel like the slightest criticism is an attack against him. He was a very paranoid and sensitive guy, who again, had a broken and hurt inner child.
And I wish that I had the chance to thank him for taking care of my previous cat while I was gone.
(For context, my parents forced me to move out of that house because all my older siblings, besides my half brother, had moved out and they wanted renters to move in. No, we were not rich, we just owned two houses because we had a huge family. So I was forced to move out of the first house, into the second house with my parents. But I didn't want to force my cat to move because my dad didn't allow animals in the second house, and cats are not good at adapting to new properties. So I left my cat, Ozzibel, at the first house and my half-brother liked cats so he would take care of her. I would sometimes walk to the other house to visit her but I ultimately stopped visiting her when he died. Because it was uncomfortable to go down there when renters live there. After a month I finally went down to look for her, but I was too late, I couldn't find her. Which means she ran away. I feel so guilty about that to this day. But it doesn't help that the stupid renters bought three fucking dogs and had two cats. So no wonder she ran away. She is most likely dead, and that breaks my heart. But I still haven't cried for her yet because I never saw a body. I might cry in the future but maybe I'm subconsciously still hoping that I'll see her again. Luckily the second house had a cat that would roam around. And now currently, my dad allows him to be inside, as long as I make sure he stays in my room when he is inside. His name is Cake. He's very cute and very old and a good comfort animal, but I will always miss Ozzibel and feel the guilt. I'm 18 and I don't wanna make the same mistake with Cake. I need to be more responsible with my pets {even though technically he isn't mine, I'm just the only one that takes care of him} and not unintentionally force someone like my half-brother to take care of my pets for me.)
Rest in Peace, bro.
And Rest in Peace, my sweet darling, Ozzie.
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