#silly skull n silly crow
sillysosillyangel · 5 months
Pissa body swap!!
You know how they adore each other so much that they can't do without a mirror. It's so strange to see your own face contort with pleasure but it's not very uncomfortable after all the face we know and explore the most in our lives is our own.
They can do it but they cannot get off without the mirror being in front of them allowing to see each other in themselves.
Missa wants to cry because of how embarrassing it is to see himself without his mask, but its phil, is still phil even without his blue eyes there is the intensity that only his husband has when he is about to devour Missa. So when he hears his own voice ordering him to remove his hands from him (his husband's) face, he does it.
He doesn't notice how Philza's cock is smaller than his but Philza does.
It's like a hot, vague thought but now he's doing it and he's wondering if size has anything to do with sensitivity because Missa bends as if he's reached ecstasy and his wings (wich are Philza’s) inflate and contract nervously, Phil’s bird brain knows that those are his body's instincts begging to be breed by his mate
The reaper instincts of Missa's body recognize the wings of his angel, the angel he must adore, and Phil's (simp) mind is partially clouded by adoring Missa so much, having longed to be with him for so long that he quickly succumbs to adoring him in his own body no matter how narcissistic that may feel.
Has Missa always been so arhm… big? because he feels ugh big against his (Phil’s) thigh, he almost wants to apologize to his husband for hard times taking him inside.
but he shuts up when a huge thing goes into his mouth, god, and oh my god it's his tongue. His tongue with which he eats and sings and speaks moves almost gracefully within Phil's vocal space (this is confusing) but for the difference in size between them it's almost like choking on a cock (not that Phil or Missa did it before, i mean)
Missa cries and let me be lenient here because Phil looks so pretty with drool running down his mouth his lips look like they are going to explode from how red and swollen hid, his face is red and his glassy eyes are crying tears in despair
Phil smiles from Missa's body in that sly way that makes Missa look so different and intimidating.
The image from the outside is funny without knowing that they are in each other's bodies it is funny
Phil's (now Missa’s) wings are spread against the mattress
Missa has never had a cloaca before and when he starts to self-wet like this, it would usually makes a little mess and wet spots on his feathers.
He is lying there; the big angel of death crying pathetically for his husband's cock, so good, he has been so good, please
This is a power trip for Phil, his brain is too clouded in a river of not own instincts that ask for the same thing, and fuck he laughs breathlessly because fuck this is a whole thing
They could spend hours like this before they really come, just exploring their own bodies from each other's shoes it's so weird
When Missa stops at the skeleton marks that are everywhere he wonders how Phil could want something so daunting in his bed.
Only for Phil to growl (now he can't chirp now but growl) into his very own neck and Missa pulls more of his vulnerable throat out of him as a show of near-universal submission, don't you dare to talk about my husband like that! (he says it with his voice and Missa knows that he would say something like that perfectly)
If it were Missa he would be very angry still! But having those attacks at his husband coming from someone who is not his Missa (technically it is but with his voice) his favorite person on the island; only makes him more aggressive (repent while you suck my husband's cock, isnt him Great? Put it deeper, I know you like it)
Phil's wings are a disaster on Missa, he moves them uncontrollably releasing feathers which could be serious when they return to normal so Missa suggests restricting them and oh no...
It's like a fucking shibari but all the ropes are tied in the right homogeneous areas, mmh, of course Phil would know where it is in HIS body, maybe the crow can even admit that he looks good crying and limping out of breath
Now Phil's wings are safe which would make Missa breathe a sigh of relief if it weren't for the fact that he has his own cock down his throat, shit, his husband sorta ate himself so normally the I self-sucked (?)
Anyway he can't help but choke a little with his dick.
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shnargo · 1 year
(un)lucky? | pigeonholed (pt.1)
pairings: ethan winters x cadou-ified!reader (more on that later lol) warnings: mild descriptions of violence & gore (it is RE8 after all) word count: 759 a/n: so i'm in the process of writing this and frankly have no idea how long this might end up because i decided to begin it on a whim. i have a general idea of following the canon plotline for this series, but i'm open to suggestions and ideas to add :)
Its skull all but burst when he unloaded his last bullet into the lycan's head, splattering rotted brain bits and blackened blood all over his hoodie and tan jacket. Disgust sounded in his throat as he wiped as much of it off as he could. You’d think the horror show that was Dulvey, Louisiana was enough trauma for a lifetime, several lifetimes frankly, but the universe had other plans it seemed. So here he was, knee deep in snow, rubble, and miscellaneous gore in the middle of a forest somewhere in Eastern Europe. A shuffling noise sounded around the corner, and he tried not to voice his disdain as he pulled out his knife. Maybe he could get the upper hand on this one if he could sneak up behind it—
A bird. No, not like the crows that cawed at him incessantly when he was walking through the trees, it was a pigeon that was wrapped up in netting, laying pitifully on the floor. It looked like any sky rat he’d seen in the cities, with a checkered pattern on its wings and its dilated eyes. Somehow it hadn’t caught any adverse attention despite its flapping around in its attempt to escape from its netted demise. While it could have been a trap, he honestly just felt bad for it. It frankly looked like it hadn’t the slightest clue of what was going around it, or really of anything at all. He sighed. 
“Hey little guy, need some help?” He knelt over the bird, and it paused in its escape attempt as if acknowledging his voice. However, it soon went wobbling around till it flopped onto its backside. Humor tugged at his lips at how out of place the poor thing was, and he reached down and gently grabbed the net to not startle it. “I’m gonna cut you free, buddy. Try to keep still.” It almost seemed to listen, pausing again, but maybe it recognized the danger of a knife as he went about cutting the bird free. As soon as he pulled the knife away once he was finished, the pigeon jostled about, basically kicking the net off before giving it as much of a stink eye as a bird could before tilting its head at him in classic fashion. “There you are. You’d better be more careful next time, huh?” It cooed back in response, before turning around and walking off… straight into the door of a nearby building. He stared at it, stunned, and he couldn’t keep from barking out a laugh as the bird fell to the side in a daze. 
“What did I just say, bud?” Other than a light nudge of his hand, he did little to help the little guy back up as it came to its senses before flying off. He noticed a little falter in its flight pattern though, some of its feathers were clipped. He had his doubts that the bird would survive, but really he could say the same for himself. He entered the building the bird stumbled into and to his relief, found a generous heap of bullets. Maybe he’d be just fine for a little while longer, and who knows? Maybe he’d come across that silly little pigeon again elsewhere too. 
You could feel the heat fluttering in your chest as your wings just barely managed to allow you to find purchase on a sturdy enough branch. He was an outsider. Mother Miranda always warned you against straying too far, but your curiosity couldn’t be contained. So naturally, she clipped your wings. Luckily (or unluckily?) that resulted in your unfortunate entanglement with that despicable netting, but led to you meeting him. Him. His hands were warm, radiating heat as he helped you to freedom. Strangers weren’t nice, they weren’t supposed to be! So why did he go out of his way to help you? He could have left you for dead, well, to lay in the snow for a few more hours at least. But he helped you. He looked at you with nothing but mirth and kindness in those mesmerizing eyes of his... He even called you a friend, his buddy! That’s why you directed him towards extra supplies in the house, playing dumb so he wouldn’t catch on— but also because you lost your footing after laying about for so long. The wind whistled, sending a cold chill through your feathers, but you allowed it to lead you off the tree and lend some guidance towards the castle. There was a family meeting today, you were certain, and maybe you could help him just a little bit more. 
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
Turn me on Mr.Deadman
Eric Draven x Vampire!Male!Reader Smut
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A/N : This was a fic swap with an ex-friend whomst I no longer associate with, enjoy the fic !
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'When I was younger, I always had a fear of death, the anxiety that filled the pit of my stomach swelling as deaths cold grasp held onto my loved ones, but now, deaths hold became warm, and i had never felt more alive.'
Footsteps splashed against concrete, the night was beautiful, it's harsh bite tickling your skin, the wind carrying itself through your hair as you made your way down the sidewalk, hoping nothing more to find someone that was easily forgotten, someone already succumbed to death.
Finding a hopeless soul to feed on was easy in Detroit, it's streets never empty of a worthless druggy unconcious in an alleyway, it was pathetic, but you weren't complaining.
A crash, a sound you were accompanied to, it wasnt the worst thing to hear, amongst all the things that happened, grunting followed, either people getting way to personal for public, or, a fight.
It couldn't hurt to watch, you were bored, and if you got lucky, who knows, one might kill the other, making it easy for you to get a feast, a delightful thought.
The smell of blood hit your nose, it smelled delicious, but you contained yourself, as much as you could, salivating at the thought of the feast you could have.
The situation was as expected, two druggies beefing out, tossing eachother around like Ragdolls, one eventually going to far, crashing the others skull into the brick building.
As the body dropped to the concrete, blood spilled, you panted at the smell, your pupils swallowing your scarlet eyes, going to lunge at the one still alive.
And you ate, ripping from the live ones throat, making quick work of it's blood as the life was ripped from it's flesh, you quickly lapped up the blood from the pre-deceased.
Quick, easy, and delicious, your senses buzzed out from the feast, letting a gun press to the crown of your head, you let out a delighted moan, dazed as the blood made a warm pool in your stomach.
"If you want to try, do it, but you'll find your efforts mediocre at best."
You sighed, using the back of your hand to wipe the blood from your mouth, running a tongue over your fangs.
Your body lurched forward as the stranger aimed the gun at the center of your back and fired, the bullet running straight through you, healing rapidly, thanks to the feast you had.
You groaned as you stood, stretching your back out, exhaling a sharp breath.
"That.. was adorable, really."
You hummed, in quick succession, gripping the strangers neck and holding them to the brick wall, grinning eerily.
You eyed his face, painted to fit that of a mask of tragedy, silly, but cultured, dressed in all black from head to toe, black wavy hair draped over his face, he looked delicious, but lost of the scent of life, it made you frown.
That split second of displeasure let him slam his arm down on yours, breaking your grip, pinning your arm behind your back and pressing you between his front side and the wall.
You laughed maniacally at the silliness of it all, slipping down and kicking his feet from under him, by the time he got up, you were gone, a whistle sounded from above him, as he looked up he saw you once again, crouched on the edge of the rooftop.
"You're attractive, so I'll keep you alive, but I can't trust you'll treat my beauty the same, so if you want me, come and get me."
"-How can you keep someone alive who's already dead?"
"Another one? What's your story?"
Silence, he looked puzzled, you grinned, blowing a sly kiss down to him before turning your heels and prowling off through the city.
You know in horror movies that you're always told never look back, and they always look back anyway, now, that was in the situation you were in, planting your feet on the ground as you took a jump across a building.
That's when you saw him pull himself over the building, a crow fluttering where he stood, you didn't mind a little chase, though you didn't think he'd take 'come and get me' so seriously.
Nonetheless, you set foot again, the wet rooftops proved a hurdle for you to hop, your feet slipping occasionally as you carried yourself through the buildings.
You could feel yourself get more exhausted the longer it went on, gritting your teeth, you spotted an abandoned building thanks to terrorists that roamed Detroit, leaping off the roof you were on, crashing through the window and into the abandoned room, dust rising to the air.
Your heart nearly restarted for a third time as you were slammed to a wall, the strangers face meeting yours, you didn't know how he even got in, or why he was so close, but you were light headed and exhausted.
"Hello again darling."
"-Dont call me that."
"Then what should I call you, Darling?"
You hummed, the pet name rolling off your tongue with a tease.
"Eric, Eric draven."
Your eyebrows lifted in interest.
"We have ourselves a zombie, now isn't this a stereotypical duo."
You chuckled, You knew who he was, the name rung a bell, you enjoyed the music he made when he was alive.
"Who, and what are you?"
He asked, dark eyebrows knitting together, panting breaths escaping his lips, you grinned at the thought of what else he'd lose breath over.
Though you shook yourself out of your thoughts, elaborating who you were and what you were as asked, a open toothed grin spreading across your face as you finished, though without the scent of blood rushing through his veins, Eric smelled delicious.
You didn't intend to, but I light groan slipped your lips, fangs teetering on sinking into your own skin as you bit your lip.
You heard Eric sigh, before his painted lips crashed onto yours, and you didn't resist, clawed hands gripping to his jacket, pulling him flush to you.
His tongue slipped into your mouth, grazing against your teeth, your dominant hand slipped up, cupping his jaw and holding him in place as you bit his tongue, blood rising to the surface as he groaned, leaving you to grin as your lips connected again, the bite healing quickly.
You moaned softly as his hand palmed you through your pants, his index finger running on the tent of your pants.
You bucked your hips into his hand, you groaned in frustration as he pulled his hand away, teasing you.
Your breath hitched as his hands undid your belt, unbuttoning your pants and pulling them open, slipping cold long fingers into your briefs.
Your forehead butted against his, watching his smudged lips upturn into a smile as he saw yours coated with a bit of black lipstick.
You watched in silence as he got to his knees, pulling your bottoms and briefs off in one go, pulling your shoes off in the process.
You let out a low whine as his mouth met your tip, planting a light kiss on it before taking you into your mouth, tongue teasing the underside of your cock.
Your head rolled back, clawed hand running through his hair, tugging on it lightly, earning a low groan that vibrated his throat and tickled your skin, biting your lip at the sensation.
As he worked his magic, heat pooled in your stomach, whining as he pulled away from you, eyes half-lidded in desperation, watching as he stood back up, pulling his erection out, biting his lip as it rubbed against yours.
You held onto him as he pulled you up, holding your legs at either side of his waist, you pulled a hand off of him to guide his tip into your hole, letting out a soft moan as it slid in.
"Oh fuck.. you feel amazing."
Eric sighed, slipping his face into your neck, leaving delicate kisses in his wake.
"I could say the same darling."
You hummed, playing with the hair at the base of his neck as he slowly bottomed out into you, you felt full, your breathing almost feeling stifled as if he was poking at your lungs.
You sighed, lulling your head back resting it against the wall and yet leaning into Eric's kisses, the warmth of him inviting and curious.
You let out a groan louder than intended as he pulled his hips back, before rutting back into you, his heat rising with yours, it felt like you were being fucked by a hot iron poker.
Eric's hips ground mercilessly into you, hands planted firmly on the underside of your thighs, pulling your hips closer to his, your back arching as he grazed your prostate, panting relentlessly as he wasted no time pounding into that spot over and over.
You felt so alive and yet choked by how deep he poked into you, ruby eyes locked on the ceiling as he fucked you, heat you didn't even know when you were alive burned in your belly.
"ff—fuck-! Eric please.."
You whined, gripping to his coat, searching for something to keep you stable.
He slammed into your prostate once more, mewling as his bite sunk into your collarbone, cum spilling out of and inside you, coating your shirt, leaving you a panting hazy mess.
"that was amazing, we should do that on a bed next time.."
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A/N : woop writers block said KOBY bc I managed to write this so I hope y'all enjoyed
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kimetsu-no-imagines · 3 years
submission request
its ur bf write me rengoku porn rn before i kiss you in electrical- u know what i want 😩 ——————————————————————————- a/n : !!!!!! anything for u babe!!!!! a request from my bf,,,,,,,how special,,,,especially when haven’t written on here in forever,,,,,, warnings ; mugen train spoilers!!!!!!!!!! s o m a n y!!!!!! mentions of rengoku/akaza fight, alternate universe where rengoku lives it’s what we all want anyway, pre-established relationship/rengoku is your husband, breeding/pregnancy kink, rengoku living and dying (figuratively) between your legs, “dirty” talk but rengoku is such a loving man i don’t think it should even be called that here, uhhhh body worship but with his eyes? its very vague but it is there, boy just loves you okay, also none of this is proof read or anything if that matters word count ; 2,728
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I’m Home
When you first hear about it, of course, like his fellow pillars, you’re terrified-thankful, naturally, that your husband at least hasn’t died, but the crow sent to inform you of the events of his mission, of his injuries, doesn’t exactly try to sugar coat anything, not even for you, his spouse.
Skull fractures from dodging the punch that would have smashed his eye completely, broken ribs from dodging yet another hit that, if he hadn’t moved back fast enough, would have gone through him and killed him-the details were gruesome, they were bone-chilling, it wasn’t as if you or anyone particularly enjoyed hearing about it, but one thing was for certain-you were relieved not to have lost him to this, to have lost anyone. Tanjiro and the others were so strong, so hard-working, and they were so young, with so much to live for-you couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if anything had happened to them, either.
There’s so much about it that pains you-not being able to have your husband home with you after he’d already been so busy with this mission and the ones before it, knowing how injured he was and how long it’d take him to recover at the Butterfly Estate, it was all… Torture. Not that you couldn’t go see him, of course-but Shinobu urged you to stay home and relax, you wouldn’t want to see him in the state that he was in, she promised you that much. Her crow did come by to personally update you on his condition every day or so, though-that was at least some amount of relief.
… Or, it would have been. You hadn’t seen any crow come by in a week or so, to the day-and yes, you kept track, because of course you did, you were an anxious wreck, and it’d already been months of your husband steadily recovering, or so you thought. Had he died from his injuries? Did something happen to the estate, were more people hurt? … Well. You supposed that was a silly thought, she lived so close to the Master’s own residence-no demon could get close enough to hurt them, with all the wisteria around both places.
You were so used to having your husband around to calm you when you thought about the worst things, like this-your heart hurt with anxiety and worry. What could you do but stand outside by the door, every day, for hours, just waiting for some sign, of a crow, of Shinobu herself, of anything?
It was another day that had gone by just like that-your feet and legs ached from keeping yourself up for so long, dried tear trails staining the sides of your face-you knew it was silly of you, you knew you should have tried to be at least a little stronger, for him if no one else, but… You just couldn’t help it. You hated this. You just wanted your husband back.
A dejected sigh leaves you as you watch the sun set for just one more moment before turning to go back inside, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes again-maybe tomorrow you’ll go up to Shinobu’s estate yourself. You couldn’t stand this for another–
“Hahaha! Now isn’t this strange! You’re running away from me!”
Your heart stops, and you freeze in place. What?
You feel him before you can turn to see him-chest pressed against your back, though soon you’re spun around and pulled up into a crushing hug anyway, and it’s all you can do to immediately start sobbing into your husband’s brightly-colored hair as you’re held.
“… Hello, my sweet,”  His voice is no longer booming and jovial like it was a moment ago, but soft, gentle and meant only for you, as he squeezes you to him-you want to worry about the injuries he was supposed to be recovering from still, but you don’t want this to end, either. You suppose, he must have just been coming around the corner and through the gate when you turned to go inside-not that it mattered, all that did matter was that he was… Here, holding you.
“You must have missed me terribly!” All hearty, he laughs with you again, even if all you can do is cry in his arms while he rubs soothingly at your back, “But of course I missed you terribly too! I tried many times to sneak out and come home to you, but Shinobu or one of the other girls always caught me-”
You missed his voice dearly, you did-and you were still crying, but you couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. It was something you usually did to quiet him, for sure, but right now you just… Needed him. And he didn’t seem to mind, hands happily and readily sliding down to hoist you up into his arms, never breaking from you as he carried you into your home.
“… Such a beautiful shouldn’t have quite so many tears upon it, you know,”He mumbles gently against your lips, and you sniffle as you finally reach up to start wiping at them, “I-I just missed you so much, Kyojuro, I was so scared-you were almost-you could have-”
“But I didn’t, and I won’t.” He interrupts you sweetly, but firmly nonetheless, shaking his head at you, “I am fine. I am healed, my love. I am still here to fulfill my duties-and I always will be. That includes my duties to you as your husband.”
“I…” It doesn’t feel like you should believe it-after what you’d heard of his battle, knowing he’d even just encountered an Upper Moon demon, this felt too good to be real or true, and yet… There’s such certainty and finality blazing in his eyes as he stares at you, all you can do is nod.
“… Alright.”
… Really, all you had intended to do this evening, now that you had your husband home with you, was cook him his favorite meal and go to sleep with him, in his arms, for the first time in who knew how long, at this point. Truthfully, that had been your only goal. You wanted him to rest, no matter how many times he told you just how fully recovered he was through the mouthfuls of sweet potato you so lovingly prepared for him-and yet… And yet…
Well, you suppose you simply didn’t account for him wanting… Dessert.
“It’s been so long,” The words are mumbled around you, your flesh, as he greedily, really voraciously eats and licks you up from between your legs-you’d already known him to be feral when presented with the sweet treat only you could provide him with, but this was something else entirely, “-it’s been too long, my love, don’t you understand how very hungry I am?”
You don’t, but by no means are you going to let that stop either of you. You missed his mouth just as much as he missed your taste.
“K-Kyojuro-Kyojuro, I’m-Kyo–”
… He’s never been one to tease or deny you. And yet just as you’re about to cum, so close to the edge you could have tasted it yourself, he’s pulling away from you. His lips and chin and… Well, his face, in general, are so shiny with you-you easily forget your frustration and get lost in the blissful look in his eyes as he cleans himself with his tongue. “While you certainly are the most delicious thing in this world, my sweet,” He crawls up the length of your body so quickly, so desperate to smash his lips to your own, “-as I’ve told you, it’s been far too long. I want to feel you cum around my cock this evening. But I’m sure you have no complaint either way?” Any other day, you’d want to hit him, to get that cheeky look off of his face, but… You also can’t say you don’t want that. Maybe you really don’t have any complaints either way. “… You’re awful,” You huff up at him, but you nod, “… But alright.” … And yet he stays still. It would be so easy-you’re properly soaked, and the pair of you are completely naked, and yet your infuriating husband is just… Sitting there, hovering over you with a smile on his face. It’s a soft, loving smile-but you’ve known him so long, you don’t miss the mischief in his eyes. “… Can I not admire you, my beautiful spouse? Even for a moment, after I’ve been gone from you for so very long?” It’s not a crime for him to stare at you so adoringly-really, you’d love it if you weren’t as damn horny as you were. But... It has been a long time. He’s teasing, but as much as that’s true, you know he’s being earnest, too-his eyes flicker all over your form so carefully, meticulously re-memorizing every tiny detail about you. “... Even more beautiful then before I left you, dear one,” The way he murmurs it, so absently, it’s almost more like he’s saying it to himself, but his eyes raised to bore back into yours after a minute-clearly, he wants you to hear every word of what he’s saying, absent or not. “... Would you like to know something I thought about while I was away?” His love renders you breathless, speechless-it’s all you can do to nod up at him. “During the brief hours of respite I would get, I would think to myself... What would it be like to come back to you, our home... How would it feel, the joy of it all... And then, another thought had started to occur to me,” A sharp gasp tears through you as you feel a few fingers suddenly and swiftly beginning their work at stretching you out-sneaky man, he’d distracted you from his hands with his voice, and even then, he kept talking like he hadn’t done anything, “... What would it be like if I could come home to the sight of you all swollen and glowing with our child...?” Those words rob you of whatever meager amount of breath you had managed to regain. With your child...? “... Oh, my love, you squeezed my fingers so nicely just now,” He marvels at the sight, the feeling of you, worrying his lip between his teeth-you’re so pretty like this, is what he wants to say, but his mind is suddenly consumed by the thought he’d put into both your heads a moment ago. You, glowing with the product of your love in your stomach. You don’t fail to notice the twitching of his cock where it hangs all hard between his legs. “Do you like the sound of that, then...? Do you want to carry my children, our children, my dear one? I’ll give it to you if you just say the word-after all, what poor excuse of a husband would I be if I didn’t?” His fingers move in and out of you faster, frantic and eager to prepare you for him, now, as he almost rambles on like that-his words set your body, your insides, on fire. You do want it, you realize-it’s not something you’d given much thought to before, but here, like this, right now after spending so much time worrying about losing him? You really do want nothing more. “P-p-please, please Kyojuro, I want-please give me your children, I want it, I want you, please make me pregnant, my husband, please-” It’s not meant to egg him on, truly it isn’t-you just can’t help but beg with how badly you want it yourself. But that doesn’t mean you don’t delight in the way he seems to snap, just the slightest bit, above you, quickly removing his fingers from you to replace them with his cock-what you’d been waiting for since he laid you down in bed earlier. That felt like an eternity ago right now, though. The stretch isn’t an uncomfortable one, with the care he’d still taken to prepare you-you missed it, if anything, you missed him. And it’s clear that he feels the same-he’s gone so tense above you, arms trembling on either side of you with the restraint it takes not to move. Somehow, he still manages to keep up that bright smile of his, too. “Do tell me when I can move, my love. This is a bit unbearable with how lovely you feel!” ... As hazy as your mind was with pleasure, you couldn’t help but giggle. Even now, your husband was so... Endearing. So cute. Your bring your hands up to hold his face as you nod your head eagerly, over and over, “Please, Kyojuro-please, I want it,” You can see that he wants to worry about you, wants to ask you again to make sure-but he can’t, his body betrays him, his hips instantly slotting themselves against your own, pulling back only to quickly bring themselves back down, his cock pressing and rubbing against every bit of your insides as it moves in and out of you, over and over and over, so fast-and your husband hardly even breaks a sweat. ... His being a demon slayer, and a pillar, at that, had its perks, you supposed. His stamina was one of them. But he seemed to already be losing his composure, too, with just how long it’d been since you’d gotten to be so close. “This-this is embarrassing, haha-I feel like I could burst at any moment already-just-just thinking about how-utterly perfect you’d look, ah-” His hips stutter, and he stills for a second, to keep his own pleasure at bay for a moment-though he makes up for it with the hand that shoots down to rub and stroke at what his cock isn’t already touching, “-goodness gracious-how perfect you’d look, pregnant, my love-” As if you aren’t ready to burst, yourself. Did he suddenly forget about denying you mere minutes ago...? “M-my husband-my husband, Kyojuro, please, m-me too, just go ahead, please-please give me your child, give it to me, please-” “You’re really as difficult as you are beautiful!” The very wind is knocked out of you as you find your legs suddenly on either side of your head, as he fucks into you with a very renewed, fittingly fiery sense of vigor and passion, grunting freely every time he feels you wrap around him again and again, “I truly did want to take my time with you this evening, my sweet-how irresistible you are like this-I’ll have to savor you another time-” This position, the wildness in his eyes, the feeling and the sight of him-yes, the sight of him, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t see the bulge appearing and disappearing from your stomach-fucking into you desperately, all of it is far too much for you, far too overwhelming, but of course he revels above you in the way you clamp down on him and make a sudden, abrupt mess all over the pair of you, not to mention the futon underneath you. “So beautiful-so beautiful like this, my love-I-just the sight of you, you’re going to make me-goodness-” He leans over you and folds you in half even further, nose brushing against your neck, “I-I’m going to-I’m going to give it to you now, alright? I swear it, my love, my dear one, I’ll-I’ll get you pregnant, I promise, I promise, I--” It’s so intense, he almost roars as it washes over him, as he fills you up so completely it leaks out of you, with how long its been since either of you had any form of... Release. Your legs are released, and they flop numbly down against the plush futon beneath you-your husband can barely keep himself up, but he at least tries to be careful as he collapses against you, chuckling so happily against your shoulder while you can hardly keep your eyes open, let alone say anything. You wish you had the sense what was apparently so... Funny, right now. “... I love you, _____.” The biggest wave of tranquility falls over you, hearing those words. You can’t quite say much of anything still, but he knows-he sees it in your eyes when he looks up at your face. You love him too. Right now, that’s all he needs. “I really am so happy to be home, dear one.”
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
''please don't hate me.'' with lester since you wanna be in pain /j
angst prompts
cw: angst, canon typical violence, no comfort, implied reader death
The Sinclair porch. The threshold from a dead town to a family home.
It was a place where things happened: fights, deep conversation, solitude and a smoke, promises, agreements, understandings ... hell, you'd even given Lester a handjob on the porch once, your bodies pressed together for warmth during the winter, quiet, foreheads touching.
Yeah, plenty had happened here. Plenty had been fought for and won. Plenty things had been broken.
And now you were sitting here, limp and soaked, because you couldn't face the fight you'd just won. You couldn't face what you'd just broke.
You could hardly believe the resounding numbness in your chest as you raised your cigarette to your lips, taking a draw. The cig sat between your first and middle fingers, and as you exhaled, you turned your hand to examine the blood drying in the grooves of your knuckles.
Lester was gonna be mad.
As though your misery had summoned him, his truck appeared around the bend, jerking and clattering down the cracked pavement toward the house. He got about halfway up the hill before you could see him clearly through the windshield. Silly man must have forgot that it wasn't normal for people to be covered in blood like you were, 'cause it took him a couple seconds to stop grinning at you, stop the car, and jump out.
"Jesus H. Christ!" he crowed, adjusting his hat as he trotted up to the porch. "What in the hell happened ta you? Baby? 'D someone come inta town? Was sure I didn't see nobody - " He climbed one step, then paused, searching your face. "[Y/N]? Wha's wrong? You look..."
You couldn't see yourself, but you could guess. Possessed. Disheveled. Dead inside. You brought the cig to your mouth again, and your hand shook despite the dull apathy you felt.
You exhaled the smoke in a dry murmur, "Please don't hate me."
Lester's expression changed, then. In the blink of an eye, it went from deep concern to the purest, most primal fear. He stormed past you in a frenzy, shoving you out of the way to get to the front door.
He'd wouldn't like what he found. Bo in the kitchen, Vincent in the back bathroom. Bo with his skull smashed like a pumpkin, Vincent with enough stab wounds in his neck it was a wonder his head hadn't fallen right off. Bo with a paring knife just in reach of fingers that had once trembled and struggled, Vincent completely unarmed and unsuspecting (for once).
"Bo?" you heard Lester call. "Vince?"
You closed your eyes and waited for the screaming to start.
Four, five, six, seven...
You heard when he found Bo.
Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen...
Bo's name, Vincent's name. Bo's name. Vincent's name. Jonesy's name. Vincent's name. Your name. Vincent's name. Vincent's name.
Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty...
You heard when he found Vincent.
Twenty-one, twenty-two...
Vincent's name.
Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven...
You wondered if the crying would ever end. You wondered why you couldn't find it in your heart to feel as sorry as you should. Maybe you just couldn't feel anything anymore.
Eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two ... you waited for the front door to open again.
When it finally did, a heated silence came with it. The only thing you could hear was Lester's labored breathing, coming in puffs through his nose and a trembling mouth. Was he going to kill you? You wondered if he would make it quick, or if he'd draw it out as some kind of revenge.
"Where's Jonesy?" His tone started out low and abrupt, but before you could answer, he exploded: "Where th' fuck is Jonesy at?!"
"Jonesy," you mumbled, ashing your cigarette and watching the light flare. "She's gone ... ran away. She'll come back eventually."
"You fuckin' [ bitch / asshole ]!" was all you could make out before he descended into a fit of incoherent sobs. Under the current of his suffering, you could hear his boots scuffing against the porch, the distinct sound of a handgun chambering.
You closed your eyes and braced yourself.
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uwu can i request a jealous yusuke & ryuji? they're jealous because their s/o is giving her attention to another boy instead so they do things that will attract their s/o attention? thank you!!
Awh sure thing! Sorry these took ages to write but I’m doing my best to catch up on lost time ^_^ Also, I’m not really sure why but Yusuke’s part just turned into him admiring the reader so uh… Yeah :’)
Ryuji Sakamoto and Yusuke Kitagawa being jealous that S/O is giving attention to another boy
Ryuji Sakamoto:
> He didn’t really say anything at first
> But he did notice that recently, you were paying a lot less attention to him than usual
> He wasn’t worried or anything… He was just so used to you being so close to him all the time
> Instead, now you were more focused on the newest addition to the team, Crow
> He never trusted the guy, and seeing you act friendly towards him… Annoyed him for some reason
> Maybe it was because oh his whole ‘Detective Prince’ attitude and how literally every girl he encountered would fangirl over him and ask for a autograph or picture
> “Wow! That attack was so cool Crow!” You say clapping as Crow gracefully lands on the floor after performing his special attack
> He only smiles kindly in response before adjusting his mask slightly, the long beak like nose clearly irritating him
> “Ah, it was nothing really, I’m still quite new.” He replies casually
> “Yes but I can tell you’re trying your best! Besides, it’s fun being here with all your friends right?” You say, a warm smile present on your lips
> “... R-Right...” He responds cheerfully before turning away from you
> Friends huh? He thinks to himself
> You turn back to the rest of the team but give Skull a quick look and as soon as your eyes meet you give him a little wave
> Should I just talk to her about it?… Nah, Joker did say we have to act nice around him, plus she might get annoyed at me and say I’m being weird…
> Skull pondered for a while as he watched you cheer on the other team members... And then, he finally got an idea
> “Yo, Leader, put me in!” He shouts to Joker as he waves his bat with enthusiasm
> Joker only nods before turning to Panther and asking her to switch out
> Skull only grins as he runs up to the group of Shadows
> “Hey, [Code name], watch this!” He says as he effortlessly knocks out three Shadows all at once before shooting them with his gun
> “You’re such a show off Skull.” You say as you giggle
> “Wha- Nu - uh, the only show offs here are Crow and Joker.” He says as he points to them
> You roll your eyes at that as you make your way over to him
> “Is somebody jealous?” You ask in a teasing tone as you tilt your head and look up at him
> “Wha- Jealous? Me? Never.” He replies as he crosses his arms and pouts
> You study him for a minute before quietly reaching up to his face and pushing his mask up
> He gives you a confused look but before he can say anything, you place a soft kiss on his cheek
> “You’re so silly sometimes Skull.” You say quietly and then lean forward so that your lips are next to his ear “Isn’t it obvious that you’re the most impressive out of them all?” You say in a whisper, causing him to shiver slightly
> “Hey you two! Stop standing around or we’ll leave you behind!” Panther calls from down the hall
> You flash him a quick smirk as you pull away and make your way over to the team
> I’m going to kiss this girl so much as soon as we leave this Palace
Yusuke Kitagawa:
> He didn’t really think much of it when you said that you were meeting up with Akira 
> But recently… It seemed that all you were doing was meeting up with Akira
> And not only that, but it seemed that each time the two of you parted ways, you always came home with a gift
> The gifts weren’t anything special per say, just small things like a potted cactus or a new soda that appeared in the Akihabara
> He knew that the two of you were nothing more than friends and teammates yet there was this strange feeling that he just couldn’t get rid of
> Was he… Jealous? No surely that’s not it… Right?
> He let out a tired sigh as he gently massaged his temples
> Maybe he should talk to you about it… Or maybe he should just do something about it?…
> Frustrated at his own indecisiveness, Yusuke grabs one of his many sketchbooks and flips to an empty page 
> Maybe drawing will calm him down…
> He didn’t really have anything specific in mind when his pencil was gliding along the paper but he soon finds himself sketching you, or more accurately speaking, [Code name]
> He takes great care to capture all the small details in your Phantom Thief mask whilst also making sure that your eyes stand out, just like they do in real life
> He smiles at the thought, thinking of all the times when the two of you would make eye contact after a battle and you’d give him a small wink
> He then moves on to focus on your outfit before finally adding colour to the drawing
> Despite seeing you in this outfit multiple times, he still found you absolutely breathtaking every time you stepped into the Metaverse
> After a while he lets out a tired yawn which causes him to glance at his alarm clock
> 3:32AM already huh? Guess that’s enough for …
> Yusuke finds himself being woken up by a bird who decided that his windowsill would be a wonderful place to start chirping a small song
> He yawns and stretches his tired limbs, before glancing at the clock once more
> 8:23AM
> His attention then shifts to his phone only to find that there is a message from you
> Hey Yusuke ^.^ Are you free today? If you are, shall we meet at the train station around 9? We can do some people watching ^_^
> He blinks a few times before the words fully register with him before quickly rushing to the bathroom for a quick shower
> Surprisingly, he managed to make it on time despite his hair still being slightly wet and messy
> “Yusuke!”
> He turns to see you happily making your way over to him
> “Good morning, F/n.” He says as he offers you a kind smile
> “I’m glad you could make it! I hope we can find some inspiration for you, I’d love to see you draw again.” You say as you quickly glance at the people making their daily commute
> “I wouldn’t ever miss a chance to spend time with you, F/n.” He says as he opens his sketchbook and begins flipping to an empty page
> Before he can do that though, he feels a soft hand on top of his
> “I haven’t… Seen this one before…” You say quietly
> He looks down at the page only to find that it’s the drawing of you from last night
> “Ah, yes I did it last night… Although I’m not too happy about the shading…”
> “Last night?! T-That’s… Amazing…” You say, your eyes carefully examining every detail of the drawing
> “Yes that’s why it’s I need to redo part of it and-”
> You cut him off by placing a finger on his lips
> “Yusuke… That’s beautiful, I don’t think you should change anything about it.” You say before placing a kiss on his cheek
> It turns out he really was worried for nothing
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rattusrattus3 · 5 years
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚More Hoard˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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Another Jewelry Hoard Post! This one is organized by function rather than theme! See the other post here! 
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5 chokers (1 silver with safety pins, 1 gold with quartz crystal, 1 leather studded, 1 silver pearl, 1 velvet dog tag with GRRRL PWR printed on)
2 bee pendants
2 crow skull pendants
1 sword pendant
1 Aquarius pendant
1 large wire wrapped labradorite
5 lockets (1 bronze oval, 1 of 2 small silver hearts, 1 large silver heart, 2 mood ring ones) 
1 thrifted necklace with pearl, rock, seaglass, ceramic ring, amethyst crystal and small ceramic flower
1 gold Nasty Woman heart-shaped necklace
1 necklace with a silver lady riding a moon
1 gold moon face necklace, 1 gold and druzy star necklace
1 silver antler necklace
1 large hand wrapped rose quartz pendant
1 small bottle filled with roses lavender and herbs
1 clay mushroom quartz pendant, 2 forest wrapped quartz pendants
1 wrapped piece of ginseng
1 troll doll with purple hair
1 silver moon and star necklace with pearls
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1 charm bracelet from my childhood
1 cowry shell bracelet
1 clay hello kitty(?) bracelet
4 beaded bracelets
2 star bracelets
2 watches, 1 featuring a grey kitten
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2 silver star hoop earrings (thrifted)
1 large sword earing (99 cents in Vancouver)
1 star earing (handmade)
1 feather earing, 1 wing earing
3 handmade clay earings, a mushroom, a peach and an avocdo
2 moon earrings, one featuring a fairy (made by me)
2 silver bat earrings (99 cents in Vancouver)
2 venus symbol earrings (thrifted)
2 leaf and flower earings made of glass
2 silver swirl hoop earrings (thrifted)
2 fake white plug earrings (thrifted)
1 pastel pink venus heart earrings
1 silver heart earring
1 small fawn earring
1 small dragon earring 
2 gold bat studs
3 star stud earrings
1 safety pin earring
various other studs 
2 handmade venus earrings with pink crystals 
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*enamel pins°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆
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1 glow in the dark frankenstein pin
4 safety pins
4 cat pins (1 sour puss pin, 1 of a panther, one of a silly cat and one of a cat going into a fishbowl)
1 lotus pin
1 cactus pin
1 hedwig pin
1 gold shooting star pin
1 gold moon face pin
1 gold seal pin
1 silver pin with a heart and ribbon, featuring a woman and a seahorse
2 Canada leaf pins
1 witch pin
1 gold heart Shrek Fiona and Donkey Pin
1 Treat Yo Self Icecream pin
1 round floral and easter egg pin
1 pin of a bunny wearing an overall skirt
1 turquoise scarab beetle pin
1 violet pin
1 silver paw print pin
1 antique gold bird pin
1 infinity symbol “always in retrogade” pin
1 pin of two swords stabbing through a citrine crystal  
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1 large button featuring sunlight streaming through trees
1 heart-shaped white button with a bear napping on it 
2 LGBT buttons (Safe n Sound, Spectrum Club)
1 hot pink A Womans Place is In the Resistance button
1 dark blue Doing My Part To Piss of The Religous Right button
1 large red No Means No button
1 gudetama button
1 red and white button with 3 stripes (not sure what its from)
1 acorn pin that says “Grow”
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1 silver lotus pendant, 1 silver daisy pendant
2 bronze arrowheads
2 keys, 2 locks
5 crystal points
chain of silver moon face charms
pink glass spiral
third eye pinecone featuring malachite
“dream” pendant
small brown turtle
gold Virgo pendant
2 turquoise feather pendants,1 silver wing 
1 bronze bear, 1 gold bird, 1 gold birdcage
gold tree pendant
lucky cat bell pendant
evil eye pendant
gold heart, gold locket, silver heart
pieces of round mother of pearl
piece of druzy
paisley pieces in silver 
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silver swirl ring
1 venus symbol
1 moon wrapped around moonstone
1 onyx 
1 mood ring
1 bronze leaf swirl ring \
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*hair stuff°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°
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10 scrunchies
4 bobby pins with quartz wrapped around them
1 weird little alligator clip w shinies
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ok thats everything!!! thanks for coming along for the tour! I love u all stay hydrated 2day :) 
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
An incredibly silly Queen fic, inspired by how there is a lovely bit of confusion and wonder over how to spell John’s nickname. I personally don’t ascribe to any one way being the Golden Way, because as far as I know he’s never said, and I imagine the little shit might just like it that way, and I both respect and enjoy that.
Bless John Deacon, the adorable little shit. 
“You don’t remember?” 
“John,” Brian sighed. “I’m writing up a sort of roster-” 
“We know who all will be with us-” 
“I like to be organized, and normally you do as well-” 
“But we know who is on tour with us! There aren’t that many of us,” John continued to protest, even as Brian impatiently tapped the pencil in his hand against the paper in his other. 
“Just. Tell. Me. How. To. Spell. Your. Nickname. Or I swear to God, I’ll write out your whole name on everything, middle name included.” 
“Christ, calm down,” John spat, and then. It hit him. This could be fun, if he did this carefully.
“Thank you!” Brian muttered, stalking off to bother the next person nearby so they could be notated on the upcoming tour roster. “Was that so fucking hard?” 
“Not at all,” John smirked. 
His next opportunity didn’t come until the next day, in the form of Roger. 
“I’m helping label the cases. Apparently there’s a fear we’ll lose all our shit if we don’t start labeling it more; I don’t know about that, but I certainly don’t want to pay for it all if it should go missing, so-” Roger waggled the wheel of yellow packing tape in the air. “I was just gonna put Bass Stuff on yours, but Freddie said that was rather impersonal.” 
“What did you put on yours?” 
“Nothing special.” 
“God’s drumming gift to the world? Roger!” Freddie’s voice echoed down the hall. “Your name would be just fine on these!” 
“I wanted to be accurate!” Roger shouted back. “So, anyway. Full name, nickname, something nice about your musical abilities, what?” 
“Nickname should be fine.” 
Roger stuttered, his marker against the blank tape. “Erm.” 
“Don’t be that way; I don’t mean anything bad by it. Just don’t want to spell it wrong is all.” 
John rolled his eyes till they felt they might roll straight out of his skull. “Fine. D-E-A-K-Y.” 
“Thanks! I’ll draw something pretty by it.” 
“Oh? What have you drawn on everyone else’s?” 
“Just cocks on Freddie and Brian’s crates so far,” Roger said nonchalantly.
“...so it’ll be cocks on mine then as well?” 
“You figured out my theme!” Roger crowed as he walked back down the hall to the equipment crates. 
His next opportunity was even longer away, a week later as they boarded the train to their first destination. 
“Oh, John,” Miami carefully caught his shoulder before he stepped on. “The train staff are being rather...picky. They want name cards up on the trays near your seats, in case any of you wander while they bring out the food.” 
John didn’t blink. “It’s a train.” 
Miami looked at the train he was standing on, as if he’d just noticed it. “So it appears to be.” 
“Where on earth would we wander on a train?” 
Miami shrugged. “Another car? With you lot, can I really say for sure?” 
As if on cue, Roger popped out of one of the car windows, so far out it looked he might just fall. “Hurry the fuck up! Get on before they leave you here!” 
“Get back in the train! Are you a dog hanging out the car window?” Miami scolded.
“Maybe I want to see what they like about it! Maybe we’re all missing out!” Roger called.
“Get in the bloody train!” 
“Ooh ‘get in the bloody train, bleugh. No fun,” Roger mocked, but slipped back inside the train with only a wince as his stomach hit the edge of the window. 
“Anyway,” Miami sighed. “So, what do you want on yours? First name, just the last name, can be whatever you want so long as you don’t change it fifty times in a minute.” 
“Dig at me!” Freddie leaned out of the doorway. “This is supposed to be fun, Miami. Loosen up.” 
“I have written over ten different, increasingly silly, name cards for you. We have been on tour for only an hour, and yet only five minutes worth of my patience remains,” Miami said. 
“That’s a lie,” Freddie said to John with a flick of his wrist. “He’ll be fine.” 
Miami sighed yet again, a deeper sigh, from the bottom of his very soul, as Freddie went back into the car. “John...” 
“Make it easy for you; just put my nickname. D-I-Q-I.” 
Miami frowned, but wrote it. “Have you always spelled it that way? Different from how your actual last name is?” 
John nodded. “A bit of fun, yeah?” 
“Of course,” Miami replied as he led John into the car. “My apologies for not remembering.” 
“No harm done.” 
It was at the venue that he faced his toughest challenge: Freddie. Who made incredible effort to recall each little detail about his band mates and friends, at the very minimum the correct spellings of names and nicknames. But he was ready; he could do this. He’d fooled Miami; he was ready for this now. 
“John, darling; we’ve got a card here for Miami’s birthday. I’ve been trying to get everyone to sign, or at least just admit they forgot it was his birthday in a few days, but-” Freddie shrugged as he paused in the application of his eyeliner. “Now, if you’ve not got time to sign that’s fine, just tell me if you want me to put John or your nickname, or whatever else.” 
There it was. His moment. He wouldn’t get another. “Oh. Just the nickname is fine. D-E-A-C-K-Y.” 
He was sweating bullets, watching Freddie’s face in the mirror. Looking directly at him would destroy the ruse. 
Freddie frowned, clearly puzzled. “Is that it? I could have sworn-” 
“Yes. How I’ve always spelled it.” 
“Really?” There were a good hundred more questions in Freddie’s eyes, but time was short, and he said nothing else as they finished dressing and readying themselves for the concert. 
In the aftermath, on yet another train, he let himself rest. They’d done well, put in a fantastic effort, and he was exhausted. Both from the concert, and from keeping an eye on Freddie after it as they’d packed. 
But he hadn’t brought up the spelling thing even once. His ruse had been successful, and it was a very warm sort of satisfaction that helped lull him to sleep as the train got on its way. 
“Odd question,” Freddie said, breaking the silence as he watched John sleep. “How do we spell John’s nickname? He just told me today again, but it didn’t seem right. And I don’t want to say he doesn’t know how to spell his own name, but...” 
“D-E-A-C-Y,” Brian replied. “Like his last name is, D-E-A-C-O-N.” 
“No, that’s not it,” Miami said. “He told me he specifically does it differently from his last name, for a bit of fun. D-I-Q-I.” 
“Q?” Freddie asked. “No, that’s almost certainly not right.” 
“That’s what he told me!” Miami protested. “Just when we got on the train, in fact.” 
“You’re both wrong,” Roger said. “It’s D-E-A-K-Y. S’what he had me put on all his gear, so that must be right.” 
Freddie’s gentle gaze upon the utterly passed out and now snoring John turned to a hard stare. “He told me D-E-A-C-K-Y, to put on Miami’s birthday card.” 
“You got me a card?” Miami asked softly. 
“Of course we did, your present will be along shortly as well,” Freddie said, waving away the distraction, sweet though it was. “Now, this isn’t funny though. How on earth is it properly spelled? Does anyone remember?” 
Silence filled the car, aside from John’s snoring. 
“I’ve got it written down somewhere at home I’m sure,” Brian murmured. “But that does us no good now.” 
“No shit,” Roger muttered. “But I’m in the same boat. I can’t think of a thing I might have on me now that might prove which one is right.” 
“We’ll ask him,” Miami said. “Soon as he wakes up.” 
“And then what? Have him try and convince us it’s actually D-E-A-C-K-Q-I-Y?” Freddie laughed. 
“Well no one would believe that,” Brian scoffed. “That’s ridiculous.” 
“Is it? Because that’s essentially what he got all of us to believe, just in separate bits and pieces,” Freddie replied. “He played us like fiddles, and he did it, I’d gather, while barely even trying.” 
“...so when his birthday comes round in the next few months, we all agree to spell it as oddly and differently as possible on all his gifts and cards?” Roger asked. 
“Oh, of course,” Freddie agreed, as nods went all round the train car. “Though you know that won’t bother him a whit, right?” 
“Yeah,” Roger admitted. “But how else can we get back at him?” 
“We can’t,” Brian said. “Could you imagine if he kept this up, with everyone, no one knowing one hundred percent for sure which version was right? And you know him, he won’t tell which is the right one if he’s having enough fun keeping everyone confused. Us, fans, everyone on tour, literally anyone he meets and gives his nickname to, even.” 
And so it was that it did continue, long after that day, that no one person alive or dead or in a coma or any other sort of state of being should be one-hundred-thousand-no-doubts-whatsoever-certain how to spell John’s nickname. And so it shall continue, time immemorial, until the heat death of the universe and all that reside within her. A mystery for the ages. 
Christ, it couldn’t ever really be Diqi though, could it?
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
I VOTE FOR UNDERFELL GRILLBY X READER BECAUSE I CANNNN I don’t know about prompts though. Maybe his silly S/O is playing pretend with some monster kids to make them feel happier and someone tries to fight them because they don’t like how individualistic the kids are becoming?? I know it’s random but just an idea I’ve had floating around in my head for the past couple days 😂 i know it’s not necessarily a “prompt” but hey-hi 🙈💀
SO! I actually ended up choosing another prompt for the selftober prompt thingie that I asked about. (because it was proposal and I’m a sucker for proposal prompts because love man, I love it) BUT! To be honest, I’m really feeling this prompt request thingie, so hell, I’mma do both! Though, this one won’t be considered like a selftober thing.
I adjusted the request a bit but I hope that it still fits what you were thinking!
“Very eloquent, Sans,” you teased, leaningyour head against your fist and grinning at the golden toothed skeleton. “What’sgot you groaning in such despair?”
“toriel wants me ta watch frisk, mk, n’theweed tomorrow,” Sans grumbled, rubbing his skull irritated as he acceptedanother bottle of mustard from Grillby. “don’t get me wrong, love frisk tadeath, salt of the earth n’all that crap, but babysittin’? that shit ain’t mystyle.”
“You don’t have style,” Grillby retorted,practically draping himself against the back of the purple velvet booth, hisarm shifting only to pull you against his side. You blushed a touch at the PDAbut focused on Sans’ smart ass comments and Grillby’s sharp teasing responsesinstead.
“What, you can’t look after two brats forone day?” Grillby asked finally, smirking his blinding smirk, “Or are you toomuch of a-“
“I can look after them,” you interrupted Grillby,“I don’t mind babysitting and I have tomorrow off.”
Sans’ brow bones rose, “heh…ya wanna lookafter the brats?”
“I mean, you’ll totally owe me, but yeahsure,” you shrugged a shoulder, “Frisk and Flowey are sweethearts.”
“ya do realizeif ya fuck up what-“
Grillby’s flames snapped in warning, “Mymate won’t fuck up, and on the off chance, she does? Nothing’s gonna happen toher. Or they’ll be answering to me.”
“Uh…” you frowned slightly, peering over atGrillby, “I agree with Grillby? Not in those words or anything though,” youshook your head, “Look I’ve babysat before, and I’ve even looked after Friskbefore. The kid likes me. It’ll be fine.”
“if ya say so,” Sans said with a shrug,fishing his phone out of his pocket, “i’ll see if tori’s cool wi’it.”
Flowey was curled around your arm as Friskand MK ran around the park chattering about everything and anything theirlittle minds could think of. A few times, MK spat out an insult to Frisk, who justgave them a look of intenseneutrality and MK grumbled and apologized before they were back to racingaround.
You knew by now Sans would probably benapping, and refusing to be anywhere near Flowey.
Frisk darted over to you, encouragingFlowey to transfer over to them before tugging at your arm. “Can you play withus?”
You smiled and nodded. Frisk told you thatthe two kids would be playing the ‘heroes’ and you being the ‘villain’, whichyou had to clarify with them what you were supposed to do. Frisk explained itvery simply. You were supposed to pretend to be trying to do some dastardlydeed and Frisk and MK needed to stop you without violence!
Which led to the current state of yourunning around the small field in the park trying to get away from Frisk whowas attempting to hug the badness out of you and MK who was trying to egg yourbadness on, completely contrary to the rules. Frisk caught you, laughing andyou swung them up pretending that you got them.
“Ahaha! My dastardly deed is almostcomplete! I’ve caught a hero!” you said dramatically, causing Frisk to snortout a laugh.
“I caught you!” they retorted, “Besides! MKwill save me!”
You turned to face MK and froze.
The little monster was standing rightbehind you, and if they had hackles they’d be raised in anger. A group of threemonsters were watching from a distance, and…none of them looked happy. You slowlyshifted Frisk to your hip and placed a hand on MK who jumped slightly.
“What’s wrong?” you asked quietly, keepinghalf an eye on the adult monsters.
Frisk curled closer to you, “not allmonsters are happy that Asgore has stated that monsters need to live pacifist-ly.”
MK bristled but shifted closer to you.
One of the monsters stalked closer,grinning wickedly. “Well…well…well, lookit what we got a-here. The big bad bratwho thinks they can waltz into the Underground and change everything. Trynamakes us monster what we ain’t.”
The group moved closer, and you felt yourheartbeat start to race.
“N’that little armless piece of shit whothinks they’re tough, when they couldn’t even harm a fuckin’ fly,” another teased cruelly, their wide mouth stretching evenfurther as MK snarled.
“Fuck off, you low levelled asshole!” MKbarked, their tiny tail curled around your ankle and you could feel themvibrating.
“Let’s go,” you said taking a step back andtugging MK closer to your side.
“They can’t do shit to us!” MK puffed up, “We’rein stripes, and your Grillby’s mate! They do anything to us and they’re DUST!”
The three paused, eyes flickering up toyou. Oh no. You tightened your grip on Frisk, and Flowey started to cry softlyinto Frisk’s hair. For a moment you prayed that it was enough but then thefirst one started laughing hollowly.
“That flaming asshole? A mate? Bullshit!”he laughed, “Besides, I don’t see no pretty collar marking her as his.”
You paled slightly. Could you get out yourphone before one of them attacked? Or would drawing it out make them react? Youglanced around quickly, hoping to see anyone that would intervene but there wasnobody. You took another step back.
“Look, w-we-we’ll just l-leave, n-no oneh-h-has to come to h-harm…” you stammered out, glancing to where your car was.
“L-Leave?” the second one parroted, mimicking your nervous stutter, “noharm? Where’s the fun in that? We can’t do shit ta the kids, but we’re pissedoff and there ain’t no one protectin’ you! Monsters ain’t ‘heroes’ and we don’t solve our problems with shitty littlehugs.”
Frisk wriggled down from you and stepped infront of MK. You pulled out your phone once their attention was on Frisk and quicklycalled Grillby’s number. Frisk attempted to talk the monsters down but then amagical pellet whizzed towards you knocking the phone from your hand. You letout a yelp in surprise.
“F-Frisk, g-get MK to the car,” you stammeredout, MK was spitting insults and Frisk was still trying to convince themonsters to back down. Flowey was crying louder and begging Frisk to just getout of there. One of the monsters went to shove Frisk away but you dartedforwards and pulled them behind your back. “Don’t touch them!” you said,protectiveness overriding your fear.
The monster merely laughed in your facebefore shoving you hard, sending you crashing into Frisk and taking the two ofyou to the ground. Frisk scrambled out from underneath you to standin front of you but one of the monsters grabbed them and tossed them at MK asif they were nothing but a sack of potatoes. You scrambled to your feet. There was asharp sting in the center of your chest. The colour in the world bled out andyour SOUL leapt from your chest.
“Let’s fight, ya bitch!” the monstercrowed, “It’s been too fucking long since I killed someone.”
You tried to run but you couldn’t move, andthere was a strange interface floating in front of you. Panic rooted deep inyour SOUL as you tried to look for MK or Frisk, to get them to run to your car but they were both gone. Youcould only see the black and white versions of the three monsters in front ofyou.
What were you supposed to do? This wasNOTHING like when Grillby had taken out your SOUL!
There were four options in front of you. Fight. (Which youweren’t going to touch). Act. Item. Mercy.
Your hand was shaking as it touched mercy,and you attempted to spare but a small word text popped up that said:
*You? Spare them?
Your chest seized in panic as the three monsterssent white attacks at your SOUL at the same time. Pain blossomed through yourbody and you watched as even though the attacks didn’t hit your skin, yourflesh reflected the damage your SOUL took. A few scrapes and bruises blossomedon your skin, and you let out a cry. The small health bar dropped down nearly to half from one joint attack. 
What were you supposed to do?
Warmth surrounded you and then two formsappeared at your side, both black and white. You craned your head and if youcould move your legs you were sure you would’ve collapsed in relief.
Sans stood on one side, and Grillby on theother.
The three monsters balked instantly.
“What are you two doing here?” one of the monsters barked in surprise.
Grillby grinned wickedly, “I must bemistaken, because I don’t think anyone is STUPID enough to hurt MY MATE.”
“Y-You d-d-d-didn’t. She’s not! S-Shedo-doesn’t ha-have a collar!” one squeaked out.
“tch, shitty excuses,” Sans drawled, “’sides,even if she wasn’t grillbz’s? ya idiots really shoulda realized that anyonetakin’ care of the queen and king’s brat would have their protection.”
“P-P-Pleas-Please!” one of the monstersbegged, looking at you, “For-Forgive u-u-us, we did-…we di-didn’t know,sp-spare us.”
“You want mercy?” Grillby taunted, “You must really be idiots.”
You blinked back your relieved tears as you noticed that you could choose the spare option andretried what you failed to do in the first round. You spared one, who took off immediately. Grillby, on the other hand, sent a firey attack at the two remaining monsters who shouted in pain. Sans spared another monster, and the remaining one took off. Your SOUL disappeared backinto your chest and coloured returned to the world. 
You immediately turnedtowards where the children were. “Frisk! Flowey!” you said hurrying over to them, “Areyou okay? Were you hurt?”
They shook their head, “just…a bit sore,”they said quietly, “Are you? I’m sorry…we should’ve left. I’m sorry.”
“I wanna go home!” Flowey sobbed against Frisk’s chest where they were cradling him protectively.
“It’s not your fault,” you assured them,pulling them into a hug. They clung to you. MK glared over your shoulder at the others.
“Ya let them go!” MK accused angrily, “Theywere gunna kill her! What kinda cowards are ya????”
“Sometimes giving people a sense ofsafety makes revenge that much sweeter,” Grillby snarled in response, “Sans,get the brats to their homes.”
“yup,” Sans stepped forward, gesturing forFrisk to step away from you. Frisk wiped at their tearstained face, apologizingagain even though it wasn’t their fault. You watched as Sans grabbed both oftheir shirts and disappeared from view.
Grillby picked up your phone, ending thecall, and handed it back to you. As you reached for it, you were reminded of your quivering hands. He stepped towards you and slid an arm around your shoulder while pocketing your phone. Neither of you said anything as he guided you to your car.
The silence stretched on even as he bundled you into the car and then drove it back to his penthouse. Once you were out of the car, his arm never left around your shoulders until the two of you were safely inside.
The first thing he did was rustle around in his kitchen before handing you a piece of candy, and then he disappeared into the depths of the penthouse.
The quiet was getting to you, but you ate the candy and then slowly shuffled over to his couches. Every muscle in your body was tense but at the same time, you felt light and jumpy, ready to dart away at the first sign of trouble.
Would they have really killed you...just because you were there? 
You were reminded of the world that Grillby had lived in. Kill or be killed.
It chilled you right to the core.
You didn’t even notice Grillby re-enter the room and stride over to you. He thumped a long jewellery box onto the table in front of you before sitting down beside you heavily. His mouth opened but you turned and threw your arms around his neck. Clinging to him with all the strength that you could muster. Tears erupted and you couldn’t stop them even if you wanted to.
A heartbeat passed where Grillby didn’t move, and then he was tugging you onto his lap and enveloping you in his arms. His head pressed against the side of your head, depositing tiny kisses against your skin.
“You’re safe,” he growled into your ear, “I’ve got you.”
You just cried, and cried, and cried, terrified of what could’ve happened to you if you hadn’t called Grillby.
After you had no more tears to shed and were just shaking in his arms, he tilted your head up and kissed you until you were breathless and panting. Then he reached over and plucked the jewellery box up and handed it to you. “Been waiting to give this to you at the right time, but those assholes have forced me to expedite this fucking process.”
You sniffled lightly before opening the box. Inside was a black lace choker necklace with an amethyst pendant in the shape of a small flame. Any other day you would’ve been stunned by how beautiful it was...but right now you felt kind of empty. Your fingers gently stroked the pendant and then the words of the monsters returned. You weren’t collared.
“Grillby?” you mumbled, “What does ‘collaring’ mean to monsters?”
His fingers gently brushed some hair away from your throat, “Depends on the style, but this one means that you’re my mate, my girlfriend, whatever you wanna call you, and that if anyone fucking lays a finger on you again? They won’t get any fucking mercy when I find them.”
You stare at it, and then up at him, “I...If I had been wearing this...before...?”
“Who knows, they might’ve fucked off and left you alone or they could’ve thought they were lucky to find my mate alone,” Grillby grumbled darkly, “but those assholes seemed as scared of me as they should be.”
He reached over and picked the necklace up. You hesitated before turning slightly and lifting your hair up. He slipped the choker around your throat and fastened it at the back of your neck. The amethyst rested in the hollow of your throat and felt warm and soothing in a way.
When you turned around, he pulled you in for another kiss, this one longer and more desperate than before. 
“I need to fuck or drink,” he grumbled pulling away from you slightly, “and I don’t think you’re up for a fuck.”
You shook your head, and he tilted your head up to look him in the eye. “I love you, and I don’t say that lightly. I’m going to find those monsters and I will make them pay for laying a finger on you.”
You nodded before curling into his side. 
Sure, he wanted to drink to take the violent edge off his SOUL...but he wasn’t about to abandon his mate when she was so vulnerable. He pulled you closer, adjusting his position on the couch, and vowed to very PUBLICLY make sure everyone knows that if they touch you? They’re dead.
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poorvioletdraws · 5 years
Tom vs. The Underworld
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
7. All My Best Friends Are MetalHeads
Ever since we met, I started having these strange dreams about him… 
My golden eyes steadily blinked open to the quaint sanctum that was my room. It was an unusual start to my day since I woke up before my alarm, although I wasn’t ready to get up quite yet. I decided to find a more comfortable position in my bed by rolling from my right side and onto my back. I pushed my red bangs that were covering my eyes aside and continued to contemplate the possible meaning behind my dreams.
At first it just seemed like your typical, no-sense-making sleeptime entertainment session that occured every once in a while. But it was starting to form a pattern of happening the night before and the night after I saw him.
The first night after meeting Tom at his Lake House, my mind depicted him sledding down what must have been an endless garbage mountain in a huge metal boot while a gigantic mangy crow chased after him. I’ve had weird dreams before, mainly involving my friends and family, but why would I even imagine something like that to a person I had just met? 
The night before we ran into each other a second time while my family and I were vacationing in Yomi Town, I dreamt of Tom again. This time he stood in a wooden structure full of hay and had an argument with a broom that had long blonde hair and hearts on its cheeks. Yet another vision I didn’t give too much thought to.
The night after he left Yomi Town still continued the pattern, even though it was a short dream. Tom rode in a giant panda-cat-bus, like the one from My Neighbor Torture-o, and was collecting tacos and tennis balls across the land with three large possums dressed up like people. It was a cute dream, I’d love to ride in a bus full of tacos...
But then, the night before I saw Tom again at Madame Morguerite’s, it wasn’t just a dream that I had about him. It was a nightmare. It was a foreboding premonition that felt too real. It was so terrifying that I fought to wake myself up from it loud enough that my fellow students in the dorm were startled awake and wondering what was wrong. I didn’t even realize tears were streaming down my face as I told them it was nothing. They already thought I was different anyway so I’m sure that incident just gave them more reason to ostracise me further.
Luckily for me, I don’t really remember what happened in that nightmare anymore. It was forgotten the moment I woke up. All I remember is that feeling of perpetual sorrow in an infinite darkness...
Suddenly, my Golem--which was now morphed into my alarm clock and sitting on my bedside table--began to clap its hands together in order to alert me of the time. I sluggishly pawed for its head and used my geokinesis to turn it off.   
I slowly rose from my bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. It was morning but you couldn’t tell because there weren’t any windows in my room. It was always intimately dim as the only light source came from the flickering candles dotting almost every inch of my walls. Bouquets of red spider lilies stood in black vases at my desk and bedside tables while streams of them sewn together by their stems into flower chains decorated the outline of my ceiling before joining together towards the middle and then cascading down my wrought iron chandelier. I’d like to imagine that the combination of candles and blossoms made my room appear to be whimsically romantic, but my siblings often joked about how ritualistic it looked instead.  
“I should get ready, he’ll be here soon…” I said with a yawn while taking a seat at my vanity. The mirror was headed by a springbok skull and beside it on the wall hang my painting of the dimension with 1,000 sunsets. I began to smile to myself while looking at it.
My older sister, Rochelle, was able to go back and get my stuff I left at that etiquette school. There was no way I could go back after the fiasco Tom and I caused. I’ll be sure to work extra hard at her shop next week to thank her.
I need to find a way to thank Tom too… He has done so much for me every time we see each other. And he even wore the necklace we made when he came to see me. Come to think of it, the dream I had of him last night was different… It wasn’t anything weird or silly. Just him. Standing in front of me surrounded by light. He looked very handsome, not that he isn’t handsome already. He smiled at me and held out his hand and I...
I noticed I was blushing in the mirror and quickly shook my head of the thought.
Quit it, Raya. He is a prince. Don’t think like that. Especially having dreams depicting him in such a way, I need to stop that too. He just wants to be friends. I should be grateful he even wants to hang around with someone like me… And my friends… Hopefully they all like him too…
Getting back on task—I get distracted a lot—it was time to get ready for the day and I know it’s going to be great! I needed just the right music to get me started.
“Let’s see, what to listen to today.” I murmured, flipping through my CD album collection in front of me. “Oh! One of my favorites, perfect!”
I removed my Less Than Jack disc from the sleeve of the album and inserted it into the stereo. I then open the drawer of my vanity and began applying my makeup as the song started to play.
~You think it’s strange, that there’s a way…~
“Ugh, why am I starting to get nervous again.” I groaned aloud. I was flying through the air through the demon city, Chernabog, and it was my first actual time seeing it in depth. I had seen the volcanic region of the Mountain of Boom far off in the distance before coming into the city, but now my view was filled with buildings stacked too close together to the point of being right on top of each other. It was a huddled mess of clutter and heavily populated too. It kind of was making me claustrophobic from just the sight of the place. The demons that lived here however seemed to not be bothered at all.
I held up my compact phone to see where my directions wanted me to go next. 
“Okay… I passed that part… And there… Now should be around…” I mumbled to myself while searching for the street name.
 The area I was moving toward was heading somewhat out of the suburbs, which was alleviating some of my phobia. The terrain in this area was even more rocky and extended down into a huge quarry.
“Oh wow, that has to be her place.” I said in awe as I landed.
The home was built into the walls of the pit of rock with limestone bricks as the face. For a girl who says how ordinary her life is all the time, she sure lives in a house that was anything but. It was a rustic kind of chic and fitting for a family of Stone Demons. 
There were tall torches that outlined a path leading to grand granite stairs of the Belmonte home. I walked up them entranced by the beauty of the architecture, completely forgetting about my nervousness.
The front entry was a large double door made of black stone—obsidian, perhaps? It was a nice signature quality by Raya’s father that I was starting to notice more of. After meeting him and seeing his work, I realized my parents bedroom door at our castle home was constructed the same way.
I took a deep breath and began giving myself a pep talk, “Okay, here I go. First step toward getting to know each other better. Meeting her friends… And playing some games at an arcade. I’m amazing at games so this is totally my element. How can this day not be awesome with an objective like that? Today is going to be—“
I went to knock when all of a sudden the door swung open.
“Who’s out here muttering in my doorway!” Raya’s father, Albion, roared while sticking his head out the door.
“Gyaaagh!” I screamed while taking cover on the floor.
Albion glanced down to see me and softened his tone, “Oh, Your Highness? What gives us the honor of your presence?”
I stood up and dusted myself off. “Heh. H-hey, nice to see you again.” He is going to give me a heart attack one day, I just know it.
“I am sorry, Your Highness. I have sensitive ears and pick up sounds easily.” The paternal demon apologized.
“It’s totally okay. Um, I came to pick up Raya. Well, n-not pick her up like pick her up. More like collect her... to go out… Wait! Not like that. Not like a date, sir! We just planned it but it’s with her friends. But totally not a date, sir! Um, so there’ll be others around, not just her and I… Uhh. Yea. Heh.” I gave a nervous smile as my explanation came out jumbled.
Albion was left staring at me dumbfounded.
Suddenly, Raya came hopping passed her father and told him all at once, “Hey Dad, we’re going to hang out with the gang at Tartarus, I’ll see you later!”
She quickly grabbed my hand and led me down her front stairs in a hurry.
“Honey, was that the Prince I heard at the door?” Raya’s mother, Griselda, asked sweetly as she peeked her head from around the archway.
“Yes, dear.” Albion said still puzzled.
“Oh really?” Her tone suddenly changed to a more chastising one, “And you didn’t invite him in for pie or anything?!”
Albion realized the error in his failed hospitable nature and shouted his shame so loud it shook the quarry, “Agh!! I’m dishonorable!”
Once we were on the main path heading back into the suburbs, Raya stopped pulling us along. Though I didn’t mind holding hands, even if it were for the purpose of fleeing that awkward situation I talked myself into with her father.
“Sorry, Tom. My Dad starts asking questions and would’ve had you come in and we would never leave on time.” Raya apologized.
“Oh, no. It’s okay, I understand.” I said with a half smile. “You know, next time if you give me your cell number I can call or text you when I’m close and you can meet me outside.”
“Hmm, I would but I don’t have a cellphone.” Raya mentioned as we started to walk down the sidewalk again.
“What?! A teenager without a cellphone?” I gasped a little shocked.
“Not just me, none of my friends do.”
“And this is normal for you guys?” I questioned. “What about selfies and tagging each other in funny posts on FaceScript and staying up late texting each other and just general nonstop communication any moment of the day?”
“Sounds like a lot of work.” She replied unfazed.
I gripped at my chest and had a pained expression cover my face as I muttered to myself, “Such a simplistic girl has stolen my heart.”
“Hm? What was that?” Raya asked while tilting her head in my direction, not hearing what I had said.
“N-nothing, heh.” I replied as I darted my eyes away. Why’d I say that out loud. I need to be more careful. I need to wait for the right moment to tell her how I feel anyway. I need to focus on meeting her friends and getting along with them first.
“Are you alright? You’re pretty quiet now.” Raya mentioned. I didn’t realize I was consumed by my thoughts for quite some time as we walked through the city.
“Oh, sorry. Just in my head, that’s all.” I told her with a reassuring smile.
“Are you nervous about meeting my friends?”
We stopped at an intersection and waited for a group of demon vendors pulling food carts along before we could cross.
“Ah well, I guess kind of.” I itched the back of my head and glanced at my feet. “They are your friends after all, and since you hang out with them a lot, I want to get along with them too because I hope we all get to hang out a lot together… I guess I’m nervous over that… Like, what if they don’t like me, y’know?”
Raya gave me a comforting smile but didn’t reply.
“What? Did I say something silly? I said something silly didn’t I?” I asked concerned.
“Hehe, not at all.” She giggled but then looked me in the eyes and told me, “I never would’ve expected the Prince of the Underworld to be such a caring guy.”
“Yea… I think a lot of the demons and monsters think that way… Which is why it was always hard for me to make friends… ”
“Well my friends will like the same things I see in you. So don’t worry about it.” She smiled sweetly at me, causing me to smile back at her.
“They’ll like the same things…?” I repeated curiously.
Raya was watching the road as she spoke, “Aside from being the Prince of the Underworld, you’re very interesting. You seem to be into the same kind of music and style as us. You wear your emotions easily; when you’re upset you’re upset and when you’re happy it really shows too. I can tell you’ve been through a lot of changes in your life... But most of all…” She then gazed at me and revealed, “You have a big heart, I like that about you.” 
Did she really just tell me that? Was it an innocent compliment or was she starting to notice how I feel? Maybe I should just ask her now…
So I tried to tell her, “Raya… I—“
“Oh! Time to cross, let’s go!” She announced, holding on to my hand again and running us across the cleared street.
What am I doing? Why am I being so impatient? I kept telling myself to wait but when she does and says things like that I get too overzealous and want to pressure her into something I’m not sure she even wants… Maybe it was just my brain wanting her to understand how I felt. But I couldn’t be too far off. She must be starting to realize how she feels about me. Why else would she be blushing as she told me that?
“We’re here!”
Raya and Tom crossed the street and pushed through the crowd of demons in order to make their way to the arcade just ahead.
The building was crafted like a Greek temple made of a dark red stone material with the name ‘Tartarus’ in flaming block letters across the front of the tympanum. Five demon teenagers stood outside the entrance.
“Hey, everyone!” Raya greeted her group of friends with a wave from afar.
“Late, as always.” A pale yellow female demon remarked. She was wearing a plaid dress, fishnet stockings, and striped hand and leg warmers. 
“With good reason, you knew she was bringing someone important.” A lime green demon said as ze waved at the approaching pair. Ze had dark green dreadlocks with some dyed dark-blue strands and was dressed in typical cyber goth fashion—shiny PVC platform boots, tight black pants with matching vest containing a numerous amount of buckles, and the style came complete with a LED gas mask around zir neck.
“So this is him…” A light-blue male demon said more to himself. He had a blonde Mohawk and some facial piercings. He looked strong from his physique to his jawline. He wore a black leather motorcycle-style jacket with a red plaid long-sleeve shirt wrapped around his ripped-jeaned waist.
“Sorry if we’re late.” Raya bowed for forgiveness but came up again to present the newcomer. “I’d like you all to meet, Prince Tom.”
“Please, just Tom is fine.” Tom corrected still a bit nervous.
Raya then introduced her friends to Tom one by one.  
“This is Blair.” 
“Hi, Blair.” Tom gave a toothy grin.
The lime green demon greeted Tom excitedly and pulled up the black aviator goggles from zir eyes.  ‘He looks like he will be fun!’ Blair delighted zirself over the possible antics their posse could get into with a prince now apart of it.
“This is Kraven.” Raya waved over to an orange demon of considerable height and girth. He wore a maroon long-sleeve flannel shirt, black jeans, and black converse.
“Hey.” Tom brought out his hand for him to shake it.
“...” Kraven continued to stare at Tom sternly, though it was hard to tell if he was actually staring since his eyes were covered by his maroon knit cap.
“He doesn’t like to be touched, and he doesn’t talk much.” Raya pointed out.
“Ah, okay. I can respect that. Sorry, man.” Tom waited for another response as Kraven continued to stare. “Heh… Cool, moving on.”
“This is Tiras—”
Tom went to greet the sky blue demon boy but he already interjected.
“Tiras Zephyrson. The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.” He spoke with a haughty confidence and shook Tom’s hand quite firmly. 
“Egh.” Tom winced quietly.
Wind began to blow around Tiras as he focused on the demon prince curiously. ‘This is the prince? I expected someone much more frightening and taller, and at least more handsome than me.’ He thought to himself arrogantly.
Tom rubbed his hand a little and continued with Raya to the last two demon teenagers.
“This is George.” Raya announced.
“Gargozoth.” The periwinkle demon boy corrected. He wore a dark-blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and suspenders hanging down his legs. 
“Yeeaaa.” Raya drew out her agreement but then whispered to Tom, “He goes by that because he doesn’t think his real name is fitting for a demon.”
“Gotcha.” Tom whispered back but then stepped over to Gearge and said, “Hey, Geor--Erm, Gargozoth.” He brought out his hand with a slight smile.
George spoke with the gloomiest of spirits as he shook the other boy’s hand limply. “Your Highness’s appearance is like The Raven. Once perched and gandering down upon all of us from his chamber, but now our presence he’s commandeering. And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor…”
“Uhh…” Tom paused confused. 
“TLDR version means ‘Nice to meet you’, as am I, Your Highness. My name is Indigo.” The pale yellow demon girl butted in with a curtsy. ‘He’s rather cute up close, I wonder if Raya is interested in him.’ She thought with a gleam in her eye.
“Nice to meet you both.” Tom responded. A pensive look began to grow on his face when he saw them. “I’m sorry, but you two look familiar. Have we met before?”
Indigo and George exchanged glances and were about to reply when Tiras took it upon himself to interrupt.
“The Blood Moon Ball. They were two of your attendees you selected at the outskirts of Prickly Plains, or do you not remember that?” Tiras spoke abrasively.
“Tiras…?” Raya murmured as she watched her friend concerned.
Tom quickly thought back to that time. ‘That’s right. I wanted to impress Star by making sure everything was normal for her, so I had Petey post fliers for approachable and attractive monsters and demons to audition for a chance to attend for free. Those two were there.’
~Back Then
“We’re next, we’re next!” Indigo cheered enthusiastically while gripping George’s arm and bouncing up and down.
“Please excuse my portrayal of  excitement, it does not stir from the pit of my soul and overflow to an intense head as easily as yours.” George muttered
The demon pair had been standing in a line that seemed to stretch forever and they finally made it to the front.
“Alright, alright! Once the Prince sees us he won’t be able to say no. He may even be so weakened by my beauty that he will ask me to dance under the light of the Blood Moon. And once Raya and Blair find out, I bet they will be so jealous, hehehe!” Indigo swooned followed by a shrill giggle as she fantasized about how glamorous the occasion will be.
“Ugh… This is going to be absolutely dreadful…” George groaned.
“Next!” Tom called, though he was preoccupied since he was discussing preparations for the Ball with Brian and two other advisors at a judging table.
Indigo ambitiously pulled George along as they approached.
The demon girl began to say, “H-hello, Your Majesty! We think we should be considered because--”
 “You’re in, collect your tickets to the left.” Tom informed them in an aloof tone as he snapped his fingers, barely glimpsing at the pair. One of the advising demons on his counsel pointed to a sizable winged demon in stocks on their left.
“Here you go.” The flying demon handed them the tickets.
Indigo accepted them without hesitation as she held them up victoriously to George. The boy demon just shrugged.
Tom was a little regretful for how he acted back then. Star consumed his world and, as a result, he neglected the Underworld and its inhabitants. But he knew now that you shouldn’t put up a false act just to win over the affections of another. He concurred ruefully, “You’re right, that’s where I saw them…”
“That’s the only place? You literally don’t remember them at the Ball at all?” Tiras chided now with his arms folded in frustration.
“Hey, you know we were just happy to go. No need to get defensive toward the Prince.” Indigo coaxed but it was no use.
“That’s not what you told me.” Tiras snapped and caused Indigo to jump at his sudden remark towards her.
Tiras kept up his heckling, “I heard it wasn’t anything like it was supposed to be. No bubbling cauldrons that melt flesh off. No garbage that destroys the universe. Was there even unicorn blood?!”
“There was that.” George mentioned aside to the others.
Tom’s eyebrows were furrowed as he stared down at the ground in silence.
“Sorry to be blunt,” Tiras crossed his arms over his chest and denounced, “But if you didn’t care about getting to know two of us then, why should we care about getting to know just you now? And making them go all the way outside of the city to be judged, that’s ridiculous. Prince or not, you should still treat others with some kind of value and not just to show off to your rich friends--”
“I agree with you.” Tom interrupted him.
“Huh?” Tiras gasped astounded.
Tom stared up at the other teenaged boy but didn’t look hurt at all from what he had been saying. He appeared relieved as he explained to him further, “My mind and heart weren’t in the right place back then. I hurt a lot of people and didn’t care how others felt. I was selfish, and full of myself. I wanted everything to be perfect for someone who found me unbelievably annoying at the time…”
Tom glanced at Raya and gave her a half smile as he continued. “It took some help from some special people to see where I was heading. I know now that being that way was wrong. I’m making amends for how I acted.” He then looked over to George and Indigo, “I’m sorry for not giving you my full attention when I should have back then. I hope we’re cool?”
“Yep.” Indigo piped up while George gave Tom a thumbs up.
Tom faced Tiras again and went on to tell him, “And I’m sorry I hurt your feelings too. Your friends are clearly special to you and you’re protective of them. I’d feel the same way you do  if someone treated them like crud. Thanks for being honest with me about how I was. You seem like someone whose dignity I can respect. I just want to start over and make friends the right way…” 
Tiras became flustered as if he were a little embarrassed by the compliment from Tom. He was about to come up with a counter but was quickly cut off.
“Tiras.” Raya stepped in front of Tom. “Remember, this is our Prince you choose to speak so carelessly towards. He’s my friend and I invited him here today. If you continue to try and belittle him then… I’ll lose all respect for you!” 
Tiras mouth was agape in shock. “Ahh, no, no… Raya, I was just kidding. No need to be so harsh.” 
“Hey, it’s all good—“ Tom began to say but Raya shot a glance at him that resembled her father’s so he quieted.
Raya diverted her attention back to Tiras and commanded, “Apologize to our Prince.”
Tiras looked back at each of his friends now eyeing him. He bowed down to Tom and mumbled, “I’m sorry, Your Highness.”
“Dude, it’s cool. We’re cool.”
Tiras regained his stance and turned away, walking into the arcade still with tinted red cheeks. Kraven followed.
“Don’t worry about him, Tom. He’s pretty arrogant.” Blair commented while patting the prince on the back. 
“That was kind of a rough start, huh?” Tom said as he looked to Raya for reassurance.
“You’re fine, no worries. Tiras is stubborn, he’ll come around.” Raya smiled at Tom and wrapped one of her arms in his.
Tom began to blush but then Indigo suddenly did the same with his other arm.
“Come on, let’s play some games and have fun!” The other female demon said excitedly but seemed to shoot a strange glance in Raya’s direction, though she didn’t really pay it no mind.
George rolled his eyes, seeing all too well where this was going.
The remaining group of teenagers proceeded to enter the arcade.
“...” Kraven stared at the screen as the score popped up with a victorious tune indicating that he got a rank of ‘S’!
“Whoa!” Tom gasped in awe. They all took turns playing Dance Dance Revoltion but were nowhere as skillful as the latest player.
“Hehe, yep. Don’t let his size fool you, this is Kraven’s favorite game.” Raya explained with a giggle.
The larger teenaged boy stepped off the dancing platform and seemed to slowly be heading towards the food court.
Raya noticed and quickly whispered to Tom, “He always works up an appetite after playing, this is your chance!”
“Oh really?” Tom was a bit apprehensive. “But he doesn’t like to talk I thought?”
“Food is THE universal language! Go, hurry.” Raya nudged the unsure demon boy.
“Alright, here goes!” He gave in with a newfound air of confidence and jogged through the crowd  to catch up to the retreating teen.
Raya called after him, “And his favorite thing to order are the Poisonberry Shakes!”
Tom waved back to show he heard her suggestion, all the while Tiras sat at one of the booths sulking while observing the exchange.
“What’s wrong? Jealous?” Indigo asked Tiras with a mischievous smile on her face.
The blue demon boy shot up from his hunched position and smirked back at her as he replied, “Jealous? Isn’t that your prerogative? A Zephyrson doesn't know such a homely emotion.”
“You mean you try not to show it.” Indigo corrected. She looked rather delighted as she leaned on the table with her chin in her hands.
“Ugh… Whatever.” Tiras scoffed. He was now watching Raya and Blair race each other on a virtual dragoncycle game. “I mean, just because he’s a prince, Raya wants to spend all this time with him. He doesn’t seem that much like one of us. What does she see in him anyway?”
“He’s handsome, duh.” Indigo swooned.
“What?! S-Stop playing around.” Tiras became flustered again. 
“You don’t see it because you are so conceited.” The teenaged girl began to cackle. “But if Raya doesn’t act fast I might have to scoop him up for myself, teehee.”
“Then you have bad eyes if you think he’s more attractive than me!” Tiras argued back.
“Both of you belong together.” George said calmly as he sipped from a coffee mug in the booth behind them.
Both Tiras and Indigo gasped simultaneously after being startled by his presence. “Could you not do that!” 
Kraven was standing at the counter by the time Tom got there. The employee just asked if he was ready to order.
“Hey, man! What’s up?” Tom greeted and hung over the counter.
Kraven glanced down at him but then back to the attendant.
“Yea, I’m kind of hungry too. What’s good exactly?” The smaller teen was trying to skim over the menu board. 
“Well, he is a regular here, he usually always gets the same thing… 20 tacos.” The employee mentioned.
“Okay, I love tacos! I’ll take the same thing. With hot sauce on the side, please.” 
“Alright, one moment sir, let me calculate your order. Is it together or separate?” The employee asked.
Kraven reached for his wallet out of his back pocket but Tom halted him.
“Hey, no problem. This is on me.” Tom offered. “Oh, and can we add two Poisonberry Shakes?”
“Sure, one moment sir.” The employee began typing in the order on her register.
Kraven seemed to stare down at Tom with some curiosity now.
The demon prince paid the total and they both stepped to the side to wait for their food. It was awkward at first since Kraven didn’t really speak but Tom was determined to get to know him.
“So… Tacos, huh?” Tom said trying to break the ice.
“...” Kraven didn’t stir.
“My best friend’s favorite food is tacos, well actually it’s nachos. He makes some killer nachos back on Earth… well I guess it isn’t Earth anymore...” Tom rambled.
The two boys stood in silence again.
“This place is pretty cool. Well, you would know, you guys come here all-all the t-time.” Tom stammered as he rubbed the back of his head.
Kraven leaned up against a nearby claw machine and folded his arms. 
Tom began to think to himself. ‘This isn’t going too well. I knew he didn’t want to be bothered. And why’s our order taking a long time? How hard is it to make 40 tacos? In Yomi Town the food came out quick. This guy probably would never leave… Oh, that’s right!’  
“Hey, were you the one Raya and I bought the chocolate scorpions for?” Tom asked him.
Having caught his attention, Kraven turned his head to focus on the Prince.
“It was you, right?” Tom seemed to be happy to find out he was the one to receive that particular gift. “Dude, you have to go there one day. They had all sorts of delicious food, you’d love it! Raya said a lot of the stuff was imports from up above, food you can’t get anywhere else or that has been banned for sale in other regions! We tried some of these flaming corn kabobs, Minotaur Cheese, and sugared arachnids, and this Hydra sashimi, Pegasuswings breaded in pixie dust (so good!), dry-cured pig-goat bacon, Ember Berry nectar on fresh-caught Scylla eggs—“
As Tom listed the delicacies from Yomi Town, Kraven seemed to be entranced by the wide array of food selections to the point of almost drooling. He didn’t even hear the attendant call out their order number.
“Oh, food’s done!” Tom realized from the fifth announcement. He went to grab both trays but Kraven intercepted them. The larger boy seemed to be offering to carry the trays to the table. “Oh, okay. Thanks, man.”
Kraven gave Tom a smirk with a nod and they went back to join their friends.
“Do you mind if we sit with you, Geo—Gargozoth?” Tom asked.
George fanned his hand to the empty space in the curved booth in a “by all means” kind of way.
The two boys sat down with the other and began to eat.
Tom was putting hot sauce before he took each bite. George watched him rather intrigued. “Curiouser and curiouser our demon Prince becomes.”
“Hm?” Tom looked up from his tray.
“You share a habit with another, is all I mean.” George began to turn the page of his book he’d been reading.
Tom glanced at his coffee mug on the table and was excited to ask. “Oh! You’re the friend we bought the gourmet coffee for in Yomi Town too? That griffin stuff.”
George replied, “Kopi Griff, yes. The beans are digested by griffins and the remains create the coffee.” He then took a sip from his mug as Tom and Kraven stopped eating and stared at him rather disgusted. George gave them a grin. “Heh. No need to fret, this is just regular processed coffee from the food court.”
The boys started to eat again as Blair and Raya came over to the table.
“Tacos! Can I have some, please, please!” Blair pleaded with drool creeping from the edge of zir lip.
Kraven hunched over his tray to protect it.
“Sure, all of you can if you want.” Tom offered.
Tom scooted over to Kraven as Raya and Blair sat down with them. 
“Thank you!” Blair beamed happily as ze reached over for a taco, causing Raya to press up against Tom and left both teens blushing.
“S-so, what did you want to do next? Uh-not just y-you, I mean. What do all if you want to do next?” Tom stammered while he darted his eyes from Raya and focused on the tacos in front of him.
Raya was still blushing as she picked up one and proceeded to put hot sauce on after each bite. “W-Well there’s Sat-Man or Ms. Sat-Man, either one is fun. There’s some shooter games like Gloom, House of the Mewmans, and Spacaga. Or if you want to get real competitive, there’s pitchfork bowling or even flamethrower tag—“
“Oh! Like what we did in Yomi Town?” He remembered as he applied hot sauce before his bite.
“Mhmm!” She muffled a confirmation, not wanting to impolitely open her mouth full of food.
George was watching amused with a slight grin across his face.
“So you guys did a lot there, huh?” Blair asked. Indigo and Tiras in the adjacent booth seemed to be eavesdropping.
“Yea, there was so much to do! There was this awesome temple where they did rituals, and ziplining through the caves, and every hour this flaming geyser Old Fearful erupts. We raced hot air balloons powered by these itty bitty dragons--” As Tom gushed over the trip, Raya began to smile to herself remembering all the fun they had. “--and, like I was telling Kraven earlier, the food we ate at this hotel before going to the hot spring was--”
“Whaaaat?!” Blair interrupted bemused. “Raya and you went to the hot spring together? Like bathed in it? How lewd!” Blair grew a naughty smirk from such knowledge. Kraven hung his mouth open in shock while George almost choked on his sip of coffee.
“N-no, it wasn’t like that!” Raya and Tom both said together flushed with embarrassment.
Indigo quickly popped up from the booth behind them with an alarmed expression after hearing how the situation turned. She moved over to the one her friends were occupying in a blink of an eye with Tiras in pursuit.
“Oh stop your teasing, hehe.” Indigo gave a nervous laugh as she interjected. “Raya is a good girl, she wouldn’t do that. She’s never even had a boyfriend before.”
“Guys!” Raya groaned pulling her hoodie over her head and not wanting to be apart of this awkward subject.
“I swear nothing like that happened!” Tom spat out in their defense.
“Haha! I was just joking.” Blair stuck zir tongue out and winked in a playful way.
Tiras had an irritated expression cross his face as he finally sat down in the booth while Indigo and George scooted over to make what little room they had left for him.   
“Soooo anyway,” Indigo tried turning the attention back to something more appropriate, and less about a possible relationship between her girlfriend and the demon prince. “You were telling us about Yomi Town.”
Tom gathered his composure again and continued, “Oh, well there was also the shopping district. It had this amazing music store, that’s where we bought some of the souvenirs for all of you.”
“Whaaa?” Indigo gasped surprised. “Raya, why didn’t you tell us the Prince helped you pick out the gifts you got us?” she said with a whine, bumping elbows with George. He shifted over to try and reclaim some of his personal space.
“I didn’t?” Raya looked actually puzzled from the thought. She put one of her hands behind her head and tipped it in an apologetic gesture while giving one of her clueless smiles, “I guess it slipped my mind. Heh.”
Indigo lightly slapped her own forehead and mumbled, “Oh Raya…”
Blair realized something and asked the prince, “Ah! So you helped Raya pick all that out? Even mine too?”
“You mean the widely-sought-after-by-fans album of THE Love Sentence with songs that hadn’t been released from when they first started out?” Tom turned toward Blair enthused, “Nah, that was all her before we ran into each other. But, let me just say, I’m SUPER jealous that you got the last copy that was there because if I would’ve seen it first I SO would’ve bought it!”
“Really, really?!” Blair giggled with joy as ze grasped Raya’s shoulders.
“Chyeah! I’m their number one fan!” Tom declared proudly.
“Whaaat?! I love them!” Blair squished Raya closer towards the demon boy by accident during zir fit of excitement--Tiras and Indigo were overcome with distress once again.
Tom was actually unfazed by their closeness this time as he responded to his fellow fan, “Love them so much it gives you an…”
“Awesome Feeling!” Both fans sang in harmony.
“And you were like oooh-aahh-ooohh.” Blair started the chorus as ze leaned in toward Raya’s left shoulder.
“And I was like ooohh-weee-ooohhh.” Tom added, also leaning on Raya’s right shoulder.
“Hey! Why don’t we do flamethrower tag!” Indigo suggested while slamming her hands on the booth’s table and trying to steer the situation again.
Blair snapped out of zir singing session and agreed, “Yes, lets, lets!”
 “Ugh, now?” Tiras protested while folding his arms. “Why not let all that food settle in your stomachs—“
“Come on, it should cheer you up. It’s your favorite game after all.” Raya said sweetly to her stubborn friend.
A blushing Tiras mumbled while he averted his gaze, “O-okay…”
Tom was beginning to notice this change in emotion and the effect Raya seemed to have over the other teen. For some reason he was starting to feel discouraged.
“That’s the spirit, let’s go then!” Blair urged and pointed off as if directing everyone toward a grand adventure ready to unfold.
The part of the arcade that had recreational activities other than video games was at its center and shaped like the inside of a great colosseum. It was mystifying how all this could fit inside such a building, the cramped appearance seen from outside of the arcade was very misleading.
But I’m one to talk, I built my carriage myself and it is as if stepping into another dimension because of all the space inside.
The application of the flamethrower device was the same and so were the rules. The playing arena was much different than the Yomi Town since it went with a very Roman theme, fitting for this arcade. I knew it would be fun based on the activity and the game chosen; however, the only thing I was apprehensive about was our team dynamics. Raya, Blair, and Indigo were the opposing team against us guys.
I couldn’t lie; it was still a bit awkward with the group I was in. Kraven was still hard to communicate with since he didn’t like to talk and George spoke in confusing sentences at times. Then there’s Tiras. He doesn’t seem to like me at all. And I feel that bias has to do with Raya. If I didn’t know any better, he obviously has a crush on her.
We were traveling through the hypogeum of the arena with Tiras in front, Kraven on the tail end, and George and I together in the middle.
Tiras, who was our acting captain, halted at the edge of a long stone ruin and peered around to see if he could spot the enemy. If it wasn’t for the light of the torches, we would barely be able to see in front of us.
“Let’s hold here.” He ordered. We all huddled close behind him.
I take it being in a leader role was something always expected of him by his group of friends. He seems confident and is without a doubt strong. So having someone like me here, future ruler of all demons, must make him uncomfortable. And his reluctance to get along with me also stems from my friendship with Raya. Her and I spend time together where it’s been just the two of us. So he is probably jealous of that too the more he hears about it... How long has he known her? And how long has he liked her? I wonder if he ever told her…
I wonder if I told Raya how I felt, would she really want to be with someone like me that she hasn’t really known for very long…?
Since Tiras’s back was now all I could see from our formation, I noticed some band buttons on the lower flank of his jacket during my deep thinking. 
LTJ? Hmm, I like that band too… At least we have some things in common other than our love interest with the same girl.
Tiras glanced behind him and caught me staring down his back. He became flustered and questioned me, “W-Whatcha gawking at?!” He tried tilting his head to see down his backside.
I also became flustered and began to chuckle nervously. “Heh. N-nothing. Just uh, admiring uh, your butt-uh—”
“What?!” Tiras’s blue skin color turned completely red.
“Buttons!” I quickly corrected myself. 
The other teen darted his head forward again still blushing while Kraven and George could be heard snickering behind us.
Wow, I can’t believe I just said that. Now he can add ‘being weird’ to the list of why he’s uncomfortable around me.
“So…” I started to say in hopes of breaking the awkwardness, “What’s the plan?”
Tiras cleared his throat and tried calming himself enough to respond to me. “W-we’re going to head down that passage way on the right.”
I popped my head around the corner to see what he was talking about. It looked completely dark down that path while another passageway was leading back up to the main floor.
I thought over whether I should mention that or just keep my mouth shut. Maybe he doesn’t realize the disadvantage we might be in or maybe he has something up his sleeve…
I’ll just give it a shot anyway. So I suggested, “Wouldn’t it be better to head back upstairs where we could see?”
“What? Is our prince scared of the dark?” Tiras spat out.
Dude, do you even know what real darkness even is? Or what it feels like…
Unexpectedly, George spoke up on my behalf. “I agree with Tom. Do we continue to run blindly through the madhouse to a destined fail? You know they always find a way to beat us at this game.”
“Well that’s not happening today. That’s why we are going to give them the element of surprise by doing something they won’t expect.” Tiras assured us of his view for victory.
“Surprise!” Blair shrieked while zir head popped up from a shadowed spot in the floor between Tiras and I. 
“Gyaaagh!” I screamed from the sudden shock of seeing only Blair’s head as we all started to run. Ze started to laugh maniacally as ze held up zir nozzle and unleashed the flames from within zir tanks.
“And so it came to fruition as I have prophesied..” George groaned.
“Hey, we agreed on no powers!” Tiras protested while ducking behind another pillar.
“Hm? Must’ve missed that part.” Blair disputed and stuck out zir tongue. All of a sudden ze stepped out of the shadow on the floor and pulled Raya and Indigo out of it.
“Well if that’s how we are going to play then… Let’s play!” Tiras had a gleam of excitement in his eye as he brought his hand by his own nozzle. I felt a gust of wind shoot passed me and twirl around him just like when he shook my hand during our first encounter. Within an instance, as the gust blew, it merged with the fire from the flamethrower and hurled at the other team in mighty blast.
“Determined to win, are we?” Indigo smirked while commanding Raya to act quickly. “Hurry Raya, let’s show ‘em!”
“Alright.” Raya piped up as she placed her hands to the ground. All of a sudden a stone wall came up in front of their group and shielded them from the inferno. It ignited on impact and trembled the chamber.
“Are you sure this is a game? You guys are acting like you are trying to kill each other?!” I objected.
“This is how we play, Prince.” Tiras remarked. He quickly squinted his eyes as if searching for something but then became alarmed. “Oh no! We lost sight of Blair--”
“Surprise!” Blair shrieked again now popping out from the darkness in the wall. Ze unloaded zir flamethrower on us yet again.
Kraven immediately shoved us out of the way and sacrificed himself by taking the brunt of zir attack, which luckily hit only the sensor on the flamethrower apparatus he was wearing. By singeing the sensor, you would be considered ‘out’.
“Haha! One down, one down!” Blair cheered. Ze quickly retreated into the shadow before ze was tagged by Tiras’s burst of flames.
“Ugh! This sucks!” Tiras growled with clenched fists around the gun of his flamethrower. 
Kraven shrugged and headed toward the lobby of the arena to wait for the game to finish.
“Perhaps would be a keen moment to take flight back to the world above.” George insisted.
“If you mean run upstairs then I second that!” I added. 
Blair rejoined Raya and Indigo as they stood their ground.
“Whatever, lets go before Blair tags us all.” Tiras faltered.
As we proceed to the path that led upstairs, a wall of stone suddenly built up from the ground and blocked the way. by Raya’s doing, of course.
“Uh-uh, not so fast.” Indigo teased. “Looks like you’re going to lose again, Tiras.”
With their flamethrowers ready to fire, the enemy was closing in. George gave a sigh in defeat and Tiras had his head held down as well. I felt kind of bad for him. They mentioned that this was his favorite game but he seems to always lose from what George said. And today hasn’t been a good day for him at all. He didn’t seem to have any fun or participate during any of the games until now--one in which we are losing. Even if he didn’t like me, I didn’t want him to feel so crushed any longer.  
If this is how they want to play, then I might as well get serious too. Fire is my specialty after all.
And with that, my three eyes began to glow and I brought my hands up. All of a sudden, a wave of fire exploded from the ground, too fast for Raya to create a barrier of stone to stop it or for Blair to escape into a shadow from it. The flames broke through the ceiling and sent them flying into the air above ground, hitting all of their sensors in the process.
I levitated the guys and myself above ground as the alarm was sounding off in the arena that indicated that our team had won the game. Everyone was mystified at such a feat, including Tiras.
“That was freakin’ killer, Tom! What a way to win!” Blair congratulated me.
“Definitely did not see that coming, but you are a prince and we shouldn’t have underestimated how amazing you are.” Indigo concurred as she plopped down on the couch.
We were now in one of the swanky karaoke rooms in Tartarus. There were all sorts of colorful lights on the ceiling that would move in sync with the song and huge speakers were in each corner of the room to give a solid surround sound. There was a long leather sectional couch with a table in front of it with some pizza we ordered. The video monitor on the wall was idle and waiting for its first singer to approach, but we all had been too busy discussing the session of flamethrower tag we just got back from to even begin. 
George sipped from his coffee mug beside Indigo and told her, “I must admit, I was beginning to lose the faculty of enjoying that activity, alas seeing your destruction unfold for the first time has given me a change of heart.”
“Hey, stop rubbing it in.” Indigo nagged at him.
I was a little embarrassed from all the praise. It wasn’t my intention to show off, I just didn’t want Tiras to lose. I hope he understands.
I glanced at the other side of the couch where he was sitting to see his reaction. Raya was sitting next to him and flipping through an album of songs. Watching her made my heart race and almost forget why I looked over there. But instead of seeing a scowling Tiras, he was chatting with Kraven (more like a one-sided conversation) and didn’t have that miserable expression anymore. He looked somewhat happy!
I smiled to myself knowing I at least accomplished a few of my goals I set out to do today. But I still felt as if there was one more push I could do to really win them all over.
“Who wants to go first?” Indigo asked as she cradled the microphone in her palm.
“Me, me!” Blair waved zir hands as if to be picked.
“No way, you always choose a Love Sentence song so you get to go last this time.” Indigo refused to give the microphone to zir.
“Aww but I want to sing ‘Just Friends’ with Tom!” Blair whined.
Raya slammed the album shut to gather everyone’s attention. “Actually…” She stood up and stepped over to me as she suggested, “Tom should go first since he won the game for his team. And he is our special guest for today.”
I blushed as she spoke. “Well, if you really want me to… But what should I pick?”
Raya handed me the album and said with a smile so sweet I could surely get cavities from, “Anything you choose will be fine.”
“Yay! Can’t wait to hear it!” Blair cheered as ze hopped over to the couch and sat on the other side of George. 
Raya returned to her spot beside Tiras and waited for my selection. Tiras and Kraven continued their side conversation quietly as Indigo and George began to eat some of the pizza with Blair.
I went over to the karaoke machine with the album and started flipping through it. I felt all this pressure on me now. What if I pick something corny or silly? What if I pick a song they hate? Maybe I should just pick anything and give it a shot…
Suddenly, my eyes caught the name of a very familiar band. I thought it over but had this strange feeling deep down that it had to be a song by them. It was as if it were fate. Of all the songs to be listed by them, the one I went to choose was my favorite. I knew all the words without the assistance and it was fun, wild, and different. Just like Raya’s friends.
I punched the song number into the machine and sat the album on the shelf next to it. I retrieved the microphone from Indigo and stood at the front of the display screen, confident of my selection.
I took a deep breath and was ready to belt it out.
As the instruments from the speakers began the intro of the song, the demon teenagers sitting on the couch all froze in bewilderment. From the horn section to the drum build up, they heard a song they all knew too well.
Tom began to sing without reservation. 
“You think it's strange, that there's a way
of how you looked and how you act and how you think,
pretend they're not the same as you...
You think it's strange, that there's a way
of how you looked and how you act and how you think,
pretend they're not the same as you!”
His voice was in perfect tune and didn’t trip up at any of the lyrics that came fast. It was as if he was meant for this kind of lifestyle.
‘OMD, I love his voice!’ Indigo thought with hearts in her eyes.
George was in mid-sip of his coffee and had his eyes totally fixated on the demon prince.
‘He’s incredible!’ Blair was clapping in celebration of the prince.
Kraven’s mouth was hanging open in awe.
“Whoa…” Tiras whispered to himself as he listened intently.
“Do you know about her strength in convictions?--
Raya’s eyes had that dreamlike expression cross her face. She was holding one of her hands to her mouth and couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. ‘Is this really happening? This was the song I played this morning and…’ She thought. 
--Or how she puts all her faith in religion?”
As the lights gleamed a brilliant white light against the singing teen, he glanced in her direction and held out his hand to her while singing.
“Did we take the time to really discover--
Raya’s eyes began to sparkle as she remembered, ‘This was my dream…’ She instinctively reached for his hand but stopped herself. Amid everyone getting caught up in the thrill of the song, Raya had an indescribable feeling overcome her. She held her hands to her cheeks to hide the fact that she was blushing.
--How little we know about each other!”
The lights were spazzing out with the drop of the chorus. The group of friends couldn’t contain their urge anymore. They all erupted from the couch and joined in singing along and dancing about.
Tiras, Tom, and Blair went back and forth on the mic between lines:
“Keep us from saying anything--” ~Blair
“Can't separate from everything--” ~Tiras
“And all this really means is you're one in a crowd--”~Tom 
“And you're paranoid of every sound!” ~Tiras and Blair
“Another friend you won't miss anyhow!” ~Together
Everyone was rocking out with the music and enjoying every bit of it as they all took turns singing the rest of the song with Tom. Except Raya. She didn’t realize she was still seated but quickly stood up as soon as she did so to not arouse suspicion. Indigo looped her arm in hers and tried to get the other girl to skank along with her. Raya did, though only slightly since she was still bewitched by what was overrunning her mind at that moment.
As the song came to an end, everyone clapped and hollered for the prince.
“That was amazing! You’re amazing!” Blair jumped up and down while holding onto his shoulders.
“Bravo, bravo.” George clapped along with Kraven.
Indigo had pulled Raya with her into the huddle. “I can’t believe you can sing like that, and a song we all love too! How’d you know?”
“Thanks everyone, that was so fun!” An exhilarated Tom beamed. He was grinning from ear to ear because he finally felt accepted.
Tiras approached Tom and they both held each other's gaze for a moment. But then the demon boy did something Tom never would’ve expected. He smiled at him, and genuinely at that!
“You’re exactly who we’ve been looking for!” Tiras said with a toothy grin as he wrapped one of his arms around Tom’s shoulders.
Tom was taken aback by the sudden personality change and stuttered, “W-what? L-looking for?”
Indigo folded her arms across her chest and watched Tiras with a peculiar expression, “Oh, buddies now hmm?”
“Of course!” Tiras began to repeatedly pat Tom across the back lightly as he spoke, “This is our prince! He is just like one of us, can’t you see it?”
“Hmm...With a voice like that, he’d really help us achieve the style we’re going for.” Indigo commented.
“And he is fun to hang out with. I vote yes!” Blair added.
George and Kraven both nodded their affirmation.
Raya was standing outside of the group as if not wanting to be seen. She was clutching her hands together to her chest still deep in thought and not paying attention to the conversation. She didn’t hear Indigo call her name until she placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, Underworld to Raya. Anybody home?” Indigo asked while nudging her.
Raya snapped out of it and faced the other girl. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just… I’m sorry, what were we all talking about?”
“You felt it too, right? The way he sings is perfect. It’s what we’ve been searching for. Let’s ask him.” Indigo told her. 
Tom finally interjected, “Um, excuse me but ask me what exactly?”
Tiras stepped away from their friendly embrace and joined his friends. They all faced Tom and had a look of both admiration and determination on their faces.
Tiras smirked confidently and asked of him, “We want you to be the lead singer in our band. Will you join the Seven Undeadly Sins?” 
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mysmedrabbles · 6 years
RFA + Halloween Decorations
requested: Halloween Week Edition
a/n: Day one of Halloween week! Since its now socially acceptable to decorate way too much we shall celebrate with some headcanons! Enjoy!~
genre: w h o l e s o m e
warnings: none!
-mod alex
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-doesn’t generally do the whole decorations aspect of holidays
-normally he would just put up a few (organic) pumpkins and a large portrait of a spooky black cat
-so when mc rather enthusiastically suggests decorating the penthouse, he doesn’t really know how to reply, just knows that he can’t say no to that smile
-he insists on just making a list of what you want, saying that maid will go out and buy it all
-when all the stuff finally gets there, he’s not sure what to do with most of it
-mainly stays back and helps you put up the decor wherever you want
-him picking you up so that you’re able to pin up the pumpkin streamers above the curtain
-grinning cheekily as he watches you dance around with the garland of skulls, pulling you in for multiple random kisses 
-gets super excited about the medium sized black cat figurines, and especially excited when Elizabeth goes to investigate
-much like Jumin, she doesn’t generally do much decorating
-she prefers the actual celebrating of autumn, going outside and smelling the crisp air instead of buying 200 leaf scented candles
-not that she doesn’t enjoy a good mulled cider candle every now and again
-when she sees that you bum hard when she mentions this, she feels a sort of guilt about it
-goes out and buys not one, not two but THREE plastic light up pumpkins with silly faces carved into them, a small ghost statue and a witch’s hat!
-she greets you at home wearing the witch’s hat, and eagerly shows it to you, shyly kissing you after the inspection of the pumpkins
-as you pull away, you look at her grinning, “can we buy another pumpkin pleeaasseee?”
-she chuckles softly as she pulls you back in
-this boy loves decorating so much are you kidding me?
-the two of you pull out some of his old decoration boxes, which consist of some sad looking spiderwebs and a skeleton missing its head was it supposed to be a headless skeleton? who knows
-”...last year was a weird year,” he smiles sheepishly as you gesture to the box in confusion
-going decoration shopping together at the holy grail aka Michaels 
-wandering down the isles hand in hand
-many many adjustable crow figurines
-you guys buy a huge knocker in the shape of a vampires head that cackles loudly when you bang it
-yoosung really loves his fake cobwebs, just doesn’t like the spiders that generally come with it
-sometime between buying and decorating he just spreads the fake cobweb on the floor and just lays down in it, pulling you down next to him, making you accidentally drop a skull with roses in its eye sockets on yoosung
-once the pain of having a 2 pound skull fall on him passes, he just tugs you closer and softly kisses you
-going scented candle shopping!! 
-spending hours in front of the various types of candle smells and generally being a cute couple
-unlike Yoosung, this boy is serious about his decorating
-i’m talking shifts, charts, flare guns, signals, b-12 shots, bird calls and secret agents
-has ALL the ornaments, everything from cute things such as victorian candles to old telephones that whisper creepy messages when you press specific numbers
-creep up behind you while decorating and tries to scare you with giant skeletons
-puts on a ghost sheet and chases you around the house, tackling you with kisses when he catches up to you
-he takes the whole festivity to the next level
-the house is so decorated by the time you guys are done that it’s hard to recognize
-doesn’t own any decorations 
-goes decorations shopping with mc, giggling as he puts on a mask to try to scare you
-many hugs from behind 
-says cheesy things like “don't worry ill protect you jagiya” when looking at the spooky skeletons and blowup monsters
-pretends to sword fight with one of the monsters because it fell on you by accident
- “hhahh??? you mess with MY girlfriend? take thAt” *as he jab jabs at the toy*
-you guys end up buying barely anything, just goof off in the store
-this boy loves you so much jfc
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