#does it still hurt? hahahahahahaha
harmonysanreads · 1 month
Aventurine? More like ANGSTTURINE.
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makima-s-most-smile · 8 months
Trigun Maximum 8 Part 1
Emotional destruction Vol.2. There is more to come!
How… how has Nightow the style of 80s shoujo manga down to a T? I love it.
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01: Invasion
Of course, the Golden Gate-like-Bridge needs to be destroyed to show that the attack has begun. While the ark looks cool and all, it doesn’t really looks like something that can stay in the air. (really, Knives? Tell me how you plan to let the people on the ark live after you do the genocide. Self Absorbed bastard. This is your ark, for you alone.)
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Yes, take even more agency from him.
Having his whole body weight on one point, the connector must hurt so much right now. I am sure it feels like it gets slowly torn out.
Legato could make a fortune by being a sport instructor. Just make me move! I pay you!
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I wanna slap him so badly. Seriously. THANKS TO VASH?! He is running around trying to help them as much as he can!
KNIVES! YOU ARE THE REASON THAT YOUR SISTERS ARE ON THIS PLANET AT ALL! TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT YOUR SIN OF ACCIDENTALLY KILLING THE SISTERS THAT WERE ON THE 802 SHIPS. YOU DID NOT KNOW THAT YOUR FUCKING HAIR TURNS DARK WHEN YOU START TO DECAY! THE FIRST LAST RUN YOU SAW WAS LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO! TELL ME HOW MANY SISTERS YOU HAVE SEEN DIE, AGAIN?! You had 150 years to learn about this! 150 years and you failed to do so. Your sisters and their wellbeing aren’t that important to you, buddy. Don’t use them to give yourself validity. And don’t you dare to use Tesla again!
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Oh, tsundere Legato time. And Knives does not stop him. Does Knives truly not understand that Legato is starting to act not only on his own but against Knives’ stated interests?
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At first I thought this was a moment of peace for Wolfwood that boils down to him finding his determination. But in hindsight, this is him knowing he is starting to get crushed between the rock and the hard place. He is waiting to act, he cannot act, even though most gruesome things are happening all around him and he is part of it. (Insert the: "Kitten, I'll be honest. Daddy is about to kill himself"-meme)
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Who else thought about Carl? “That’s what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.” Knives, that kills people!
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*snorts* Yeah, because you have had such a presence in the story til now. Tell me again, how lawful the world is. I'll wait. Yeah, at the bar of that nice granny with the guy that was nearly lynched with his truly innocent bestie.
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I forgot about that. I forgot that Wolfwood is used to kill in the cities. I made a pained squeaky noise when I saw them. Someone shut Chapel up and hug Wolfwood!
Wolfwood’s past pulls him down. His training and way of life goes so strongly against his morals. And Chapel knows exactly how to use it to hurt Wolfwood.
But Wolfwood has already changed so much during the story. From the start, while he put his own life first, he never killed with any animosity, the didn't torture people. By following Vash’ (pretty selfdestructive) ruling, he found a way of going forward that fits his morals so much more. He cares about life and especially the lives of others. His responsibilities still stand, that’s why he is still able to kill, but this Wolfwood here is very far from the pupil Chapel had true power over.
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Can someone shut this bitch up, please?
Chapel is a manipulator. He knows his “pupils” and knows how to put them down. He doesn’t plan to take Wolfwood in again. He just wants to hurt him. He wants revenge for Wolfwood acting out, for Wolfwood deserting the Eye of Michael's teachings. But this is a struggle for power over Wolfwood, too. Livio is a much better pupil in his eyes, since Chapel seemingly erased his character and wants successfully.
The antithesis of the blank ticket. Your past binds you down. You cannot start anew. Just give in and accept your given place in the world. It is Wolfwood's way of thinking, too. No wonder he hurts so much. Chapel’s teachings dug deep into him.
Wolfwood realises how deeply Chapel has dug his claws into Livio. That’s why he tries to force Chapel to make Livio stop and not Livio himself. But he has no power in this situation here. Chapel has the power since he has power over Livio. And, damn, he uses it to hurt Wolfwood in revenge. Wolfwood is desperately looking for a way out, but he cannot find one.
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His sisters want him to stop, too. Not that he listens.
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Vash is still hateful of himself for attacking Rem. He never stopped. Even working through his anger at Rem... The anger was replaced with selfhatred and ever since then he has been spiraling.
But the thought about people not changing… They talk about humanity, but isn’t it about Knives, too? I highly doubt that Knives can change. Everyone is able to, but not everyone chooses to do so. Knives cannot reflect upon what he has done, because then he himself and humanity wouldn’t be that different. Both twins are so good in seeing things just as black and white. Damn all of humanity or all of humanity is good, instead of what it truly is, grey. 
OF COURSE HE SAID TESLA! This is so much not about Tesla. Poor girl is just a pawn for Knives, like everyone else. He was such a sensitive kid and now he cannot even realise his own true feelings, much less recognise feelings in other people. He is living a delusion.
It makes Knives an interesting villain, though. I like villains that you can somewhat empathise with. Every last one of us can end like him (without the outright genocide). He is a warning and he is not redeemable, however much I feel for him.
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Ugh, yes, Vash is completely right. 
But look at you, Vash. You are a bottle under so much pressure, too. You drinking away your pain does not erase it. You know the source, but you never started to deal with it at all. Why does the stuff you preach never reach you yourself?
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But Knives turns away from Vash, again and again. Knives cannot open himself up to Vash. Anger and hate are feelings that are so much better than the vulnerable hurt and fear. Seriously, Vash, how long til it is enough?
“Then we will be even.” No, not really. The people who have hurt Knives are gone. There is no balance to be redone. Knives’ “even” means that the scales are completely destroyed and only he remains. Knives pumps out new victims of violence daily, the only words that are spoken are “Hate creates more hate, violence creates more violence.” Knives has been gone up in his crusade since the Great Fall. Everything after that was him actively searching for and creating more and more reasons to justify him causing the Great Fall and more importantly, killing Rem.
02: Silent Ruin
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I shall save our imprisoned sisters! By imprisoning them in MY BODY! A much better idea! Knives does not care about them. Everyone has to agree with him. There is no group, there is no peace, there is only Knives. And Knives can only stop if only Knives remains. If he successfully erases humanity, then he will turn on his sisters, he will turn (more) on Vash. 
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I have to agree with one thing from Chapel. He taught Wolfwood really better than to let someone get away… Someone like Chapel… Just saying.
Wolfwood tries his best to protect his home. It is never enough, the odds are so against him. How must that feel? That you give your all, you put yourself between something that evil and children and it is not enough. Remembering Wolfwood’s second nightmare, he killed Chapel to protect the orphanage from Chapel. Maybe Wolfwood found out about the continued usage by Chapel just then.
“So many uses for the good-natured.” I don’t think Wolfwood gets that Chapel means him, too. Wolfwood has been used and abused by him. He is a victim. And he cannot see it. He only sees the things he has done, not that he literally had no choice there. And he lets all the sins fall back to him, making him completely monstrous in his own eyes.
Chapel is so sure that his grip on Livio is complete and I so hope that Wolfwood can prove him wrong. 
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There is something to be said about the arm sticking up into the air like the ship from the Great Fall. Even the angle is the same. This is something like the Second Fall. 
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Just a reminder that Wolfwood is on the ship, unable to do anything to stop this, waiting and hoping for something to happen so he can act. And it is eating him alive. He is isolated and completely alone. If he rebels now, his life would be not only forfeited, but he would also be unable to help when… if… the time comes. He has to kill in Knives’ name while he waits all his morals and pain aside. The deaths would happen anyway. But that doesn’t change Wolfwood from hating himself for doing so. Vash is at least actively fighting Legato, Wolfwood suffers a different kind of torture. And I am not gonna lie, I'd prefer to be in Vash' position instead of Wolfwood's.
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So, like after the Great Fall. How many people died after the initial crash due to hunger, infighting and exposure? Has the population since then grown? Or is it still stagnating?
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03: Counterattack!!!
I just love Meryl and Milly as intelligence, checking out the situation in the different cities and bringing the info to the people who are able to do something.
I love the proactiveness, I love their care, I love their bravery.
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Meryl looks so different. She has lost her spunk, her spark. She looks so much more downtrodden and depressed. Softer and hurt, really.
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I love our brat Brad. Like Meryl and Milly, he is a good person who tries to help the way he can. He couldn’t go out, til now, because his expertise was needed, but he is ready to go at the frontlines.
It looks like none of them know what happened to Vash. The last people of the group who have seen him are Meryl and Milly and that was when he was driven out of the city.
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And I didn’t get that Meryl knows everything… She saw more than Hoppered, but it looked like everything since Vash was adulty, but maybe Nightow retconned that one.
I have complicated feelings about this. Meryl wanted to get to know Vash and know of his enigmatic past. But narratively, Vash and she didn’t really do anything to get there. It was an accident. Vash didn’t need to change and open up to share this. And… that is an ongoing flaw of him, a flaw that has already cost him so much and we don’t see it changing. Vash not only gets her total empathy without opening up, he now gets it from all of Home (or at least the command). That said, I like that we see it affecting Meryl. She is traumatised, rightfully so. She is working through it either completely alone or only with Milly. For all the empathy Vash deserves for his life, he doesn’t really earn it by connecting to others. Others connect in his stead for him. While Meryl suffers for it alone, Vash profits from it. This is an ongoing pattern, not only with Meryl. With Wolfwood, too. How often did Wolfwood persist and run after Vash to keep on talking, while Vash avoided? And it irks me more and more, the further the volumes go. Vash is a self made martyr, but it is the people that care about him that pay most of the price. Vash needs an Oh-Moment, but I don’t trust that even that would be enough. 
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Oh. Vash fought Knives before! Until now it looked like July was his first “real” fight with Knives, but he had altercations before. I would love to know more about those, because from what we saw in July and Jeneora Rock, Vash had so much trouble confronting Knives. Vash’ conflict avoidance, especially with Knives, is such a big part of him. He actively goes against Wolfwood’s advice to check out the erased towns more than once. We know that Vash has a real inner conflict going on about Knives, that he says he wants to kill him but his actions say otherwise. Did no one zoom in on that in the past? Or wasn’t it there then?
Young Luida!
Is he fighting on his own? Maybe, maybe not. But I love that the humans are now empowered enough to go and help Vash and don’t leave it to him. It doesn’t look like they wanted to in the past, either, but Vash left them no choice. Now Vash needs them, even if they don’t know how much.
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No, Luida! Don’t join the selfhate club! What counts is your actions and not your thoughts. And you are the least of a coward. You lead a fucking company. Same for you, Meryl! You stood by Vash’ side. Yes, you didn’t completely understand the danger you were in, but may I remind you of Keele? Please don’t let yourself get pulled down by those martyrs. You do enough and are strong enough.
And next to everyone is like that. People don’t want conflict, they don’t want to risk being hurt or worse killed. They don’t want their loved ones to die. So if someone else is able to bear all the responsibility and pain, they feel relief. But that often leads to people like Vash and even more like Wolfwood. People who have to bear the gross alone. But what counts is action. And Meryl is going out into a warzone, trying to help and get info, Luida is leading a resistance.
Being a leader is such a difficult position. On the one hand you are safe from the frontlines, but everyone's life is on your shoulders. Your mistakes add up and your victories are easily forgotten. It is so easy to see leaders as highpaid CEOs that cash in while the workers suffer. Luida is not one of those and I hope she does not stick to that fallacy.
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The plants share their memory. Vash has been shown to connect to his sisters via his mind, why wouldn’t his sisters be unable to do it, too? And this is a sign, this is a cry for Knives to stop. His sisters do not want this. They could show him hurtful things, but instead they show him humans appreciating them. What is important for me in that scene is that it is not only a child asking questions, it is a mother teaching the child ageappropriately about the plants, showing her own gratitude to the plant in question and it then gets reflected in the husband, too. The plants care for humans, they want to help. (Little siderant about angels. Angels are so much like machines. They exist for their godgiven purpose and are satisfied with this. They do not wish for more. Dependent plants seem more and more like angels, especially with Nightow saying they see humanity as their god. Independent plants, like humans, have no ingrained purpose and maybe part of the twin’s struggle comes from this. They don’t know their purpose, but they feel like they need one. Nice reflection of the modern human.)
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Knives is visibly upset by his sister’s memory. Of course, since it goes against what he preaches. It shakes his resolve. Vash seems shaken, too. I cannot really put his expression there. Well, he is most likely in pain and enduring Legato. But beyond that… who knows.
I am not sure how to interpret these panels. Especially with it ending on Wolfwood smoking, what we have seen before is him enduring and waiting, too. Could it be that the dream of the plants is on par with Vash and Wolfwood, with them enduring and waiting for their time to act to give balance back to humanity and plants? Or is it a foreshadowing that those two will help the plants achieve this balance?
COUNTERATTACK! THE TIME OF WAITING IS OVER! Yes, Knives… you are so completely rational, standing at the front of your battleship, laughing maniacally.
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Plant memories. Good ones. Even the researcher with the cross that got halved by Knives is part of it. His sisters see the good in humans, how they try and they appreciate it. Moreso, they actively use these memories on Knives to stop him, to make him listen.
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Even here. Brad doesn’t want to attack the innocent plants. But Knives uses them as shield. Brad has to do this to get through to Knives, to have any hope of success. And again, a struggle that is caused by Knives himself that in the end hurts mainly his sisters, while he is unaffected.
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And this is what the regular panels of Wolfwood smoking boiled down to. He waited for a time to act. 
It looks creepy and quiet, like a predator inching in on his prey, looming over it in a real display of power difference. An omen of death and judgement. But Wolfwood also looks like a broken man, a dead man walking at the same time. Like I said, Wolfwood has been through his own torture for seven months and I truly believe that it has left massive scars in him.
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pancake-breakfast · 8 months
Now that Bluesummers is back on the playing field, I'm a bit scared of what's to come. He better not hurt my precious Livio.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Get Ready, Get Set
HAhahahahahaha, Knives is double-D's....
Chronicaaaaaaa!!! I've been waiting to meet her since I heard about her in Stampede! Look at her, sitting there all pretty with her hot tea.
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"This kind of problem"? This suggests they've dealt with it before, or at least have taken the possibility of it into consideration.
Well, if fusing with other plants gets around the black hair phenomenon, then Knives should be fine. That's... a... good thing....?
Yeah, I'm beginning to think the dependent Plants are legit trying to overwhelm Knives with their own consciousnesses to sort of save him without killing him. Kind of like what he's doing, except there's a LOT more of them, and they're a LOT less violent.
Uhhhh... did this guy just lob a coin at them and then... die??
LOL, Vash is being way too dramatic about this. You can't tell me that, in all his years on a planet with a decreasing population, he never learned to recognize a dead body.
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LOL, random question about clams vs. fish. Where are they getting either of those on this planet? From Plants??
Ohhhh, Zazie. That explains a lot. Zazie's done with Knives right now. And since Zazie's worms, being shredded up by Legato isn't exactly gonna stop them.
I like the little worm halo. You know, so we know it's dead.
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LOL, panic and descending chaos. I approve.
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LOL, EVERYONE is crying. Worm panic causes tears.
I wonder if Stampede will introduce control worms or if they'll just stick with the extensive spy network.
Dude, Meryl and Milly did a thorough search of the device and didn't realize it has an audio playing function embedded in it??
Wait, he's connected to Legato now?? That's so impractical. What if Legato was still in a coma? Or taking a leak? Or had his mouth full of beef that he was slurping up??
Also, whyyyy does he have a new weird iron maiden puppet thing?? Do I want to know? I feel like I don't want to know.
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Man, I get Vash's depression over this. But Livio is here to cheer him on!
Oh, gosh, Livio.... You aren't a monster, my friend. You're just a person.
"That bitch"? Strong words. Does he mean Elandira?
Ah, yeah, he does.
I... do not know if Livio can actually handle Elandira. She's pretty unhandle-able.
Ok, this right here is a good moment for Livio.
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LOL, did Vash hurt his hand giving Livio a friendly pat?
Vash is the resident Plant expert here.
DIY explosives. Not concerning at all. Luida looks ready to smack him if he gives the wrong answer here.
Wait, Luida hears the voices of the Plants? What does that mean??
Ohhh, NM, that was Vash speaking.
"Is it possible for something created by humanity to completely break away from their creators?" Let me direct you to Exhibit A: Vash the Stampede, and perhaps more convincing Exhibit B: Millions Knives. Yes, I realize there's room for debate on how much either of them have "broken away," but they definitely have a will that is independent of the will of those who created them.
Ohhh, these are Plant thoughts. That makes them a LOT more significant.
Aww, Vash calling the Plants in the arc "the girls."
How the hell is Vash gonna keep both Knives and Legato in check? That didn't work out so well for him last time.
OMG everything about this. Thank God these two are finally hugging it out. They need this.
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Milly telling Vash that Meryl can still get sad. Good on her. Anyone can still get sad. Being able to get sad isn't a sign of weakness.
Ugh, them kissing their fists and then bumping them. This is why people ship these two.
"Who's that helping us? Vash the Stampede, you say? Hmm, sounds familiar, but I just can't place it." Something something social strata. This guy's never been low enough on the totem poles to keep abreast of bounty hunter knowledge.
FYI, the untranslated Japanese across the top here is basically, "What the hell?!" or "What was that?!"
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Ohhhh, that stupid-ass military general doesn't look like he's prepared to comply.
The Earth forces are not happy about Knives. Including Chronica.
Aaaand Livio's hunted down Elandira. I'm sure this will go smoothly.
Chapter 6: That Which Can Be Protected
Why do I feel like this volume is gonna end on a major cliffhanger?
Oh, hey! Baby Livio!
That's right! You've protected others before, and you can do it again!
What, you guys just gonna stare at each other all day? I mean, that's not necessarily bad. I'm just asking.
She looks kinda sad.
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That... is one giant nail.
Yeah, she's pretty scary. The only thing that gives Livio a chance here is how crazy his regenerative ability is.
How did she know where he would stand so her nail landed in the right spot?
TBH, Elandira doesn't seem to like most people, regardless of gender. Have we met anyone she likes? She tolerates Zazie and Wolfwood, and didn't seem any more positively inclined than that toward any of the other Gung-Ho Guns. She hates Legato. She's dedicated to Knives, but she doesn't seem to like him. He's her boss and is gonna take her to Armageddon. It seems more transactional than anything else.
Ooh, low blow, Elandira. Very in character for her, but... but... I, the reader, don't want to hear people insulting Wolfwood like that.
Mmmmm, this is not a secluded fighting spot. That's... problematic.
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"I was going to let you go because we're all going to die anyway." Hahaha, she's such a nihilist. I would have loved to have seen her in a more casual, less murder-ful setting. She would LOVE running her own drag bar, I think.
Hahahaha, all the random civilians being like, "You guys are too rowdy! Get out!" Good for them. Also, they clearly don't know who they're talking to.
Noooooo! Stop hurting my Livio! He needs to be protected, not FILLED WITH GIANT NAILS!!!
Ok, this is interesting. It sounds like some part of her wants to hope, or maybe did hope at some point in time, but the world beat it out of her a long time ago. She sounds... like Livio in the Before Times.
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Man, I thought that looked like a nuke, but I didn't want to assume something about this world's tech like that.
How did she get the key for the bomb??
Hey! I recognize that hat!
Awww, of course he was protecting kids! And now these kids are gonna have the kind of trauma one gets from seeing someone who was trying to protect you brutally stabbed through with a bunch of nails.
Aww, Livio's decided kids are cute. Good for him.
They just met him and they're so worried about him! Oh, I think I should probably be worried about him, too, but for some reason I'm not? IDK, I just think he'll pull through.
See? He's fine. And apparently about to try to adopt half a dozen kids.
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Oh, they have a mother-type person. Good. Livio's life's a bit dangerous right now to be looking after a bunch of kids. Maybe when things settle down.
He seems hesitant to accept this gift, but he also knows this act of gratitude is important to her.
Hahahaha, this little hat kid is determined. Scared, but determined.
Oh, man. When do you think Livio last felt his heart soar? This is giving me the feels.
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Ohhhh shit, it's his old crush! Also, six years my ass.
Hmm, not so cliffhanger after all. Nice.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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lizzy-doll-thefoxy · 27 days
What do you plan to do with beltren?
Well, I have several
I'm creating a story of 0 WITHOUT BELICE =) BELICE DOESN'T EXIST HERE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't take it anymor-
jokes aside, well I'm creating a story where Beltren is from the third/4 generation of the shadow kingdom family, he dreams of venturing out there, but he suffers from a serious illness, he cries Blood, and it hurts him a lot leaving him in bed most of the time
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One good thing is that Ginny's magic can stabilize the disease
He barely leaves the castle because when this illness manifests, He spends a few days recovering
Apart from that, beltren really likes adventure That's why his parents wrote the book Wonderland for him, for him it's a comfort when this disease manifests itself, but that doesn't stop Beltren from having fun He still does lots of things like little adventures in the garden or in the village , And he will be a protagonist in cosmos! So he's going to live a great adventure XD
I may not have the original version but I will do my best with the version I have of it
Now admire his new stylish outfit U-U
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(I made an edit XD)
extra curiosity, his tears are a bright blue liquid, like his mother's And they can heal injuries but unfortunately they don't help much with his illness
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creative-kny-fics · 9 months
I luv your fics soooo much! (≧∀≦)
Could you do Ler!obanai and lee! Giyuu?? I know this is kind of a “rare” pair so please, don’t be afraid to decline!
Well, let's say that in my AU, Obanai, Giyuu and Sanemi get along better after a coexistence requested by Oyakata - Sama. Also, why does Mitsuri love Tomioka as if he were a brother- (support that Obanai) (THANKSSSS!!)
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Ler: Iguro Obanai
Ever since Mitsuri and Obanai became a couple, they both started spending more time together than before. They ate together on one of their farms, hugged each other, cared for each other and were very happy.
'Iguro - San, I'm so happy...'
'I am too, because I have you by my side and because you're happy'
'Giyuu - San was right. You truly love me,' Obanai froze.
For those who don't know, during a get together, Obanai confessed to Giyuu and Sanemi his feelings for Mitsuri and made them promise not to say anything. Giyuu knew the risk, but, Mitsuri was quite stubborn and literally laughed the information out of him.
'What else did Tomioka tell you about me?' 'Iguro-San. Tomioka did nothing wrong! I don't want you to hit him or be mean to him, okay?' Mitsuri puffed out her cheeks with a frown.
Obanai only sighed, couldn't he hurt him? Perfect. He would then make him suffer for his agony
'TOMIOKA!', Iguro knocked on the farm gate, but he didn't expect to find someone else.
'Shinazugawa? What the hell are you doing here?'
'Shh! Shut up snake man! I came here by mistake, okay?!'
'Anyway, is Tomioka there?', Sanemi questioned, Iguro looking for Tomioka? Here was a cat, sorry, snake locked up
'Sure... Come in,' Iguro passed, cracking his knuckles as he walked.
Sanemi was still in doubt, so he didn't leave the estate, he stayed close.
'So you broke your promise, huh?!', Giyuu was surprised, but then he remembered... 'W-Wait Iguro! I-I s-I swear I didn't want to! Mi-Mitsuri made me!'
'Now you accuse Kanroji?! You're dead Tomioka!!', well, I know Giyuu could have kicked Obanai away, but he chose to avoid it when Iguro pinned him against the wall.
'I swear! I swear I never meant to!'
Giyuu backed away but immediately started running, being chased by Obanai. Although, I think he was so focused on looking back, he didn't think straight and fell.
His panic grew, his legs didn't work the way he wanted. That short moment gave Iguro the opportunity to sink both hands into his ribs.
'Last words...'
'Sorry...?', um, no matter how many times he apologized, Iguro wouldn't accept.
Sanemi was still outside, he looked at the sky thoughtfully, why would Obanai have wanted to be with Tomioka? Perhaps...? Well Sanemi, while you're thinking, a snake is destroying your boyfriend.
'He?! A shout?! Tomioka!', Sanemi tried to open the door, but it was locked.
Obanai knew that Sanemi would not leave so he took his precautions. Sanemi peeked out the window, to find a Giyuu screaming and begging for his life as Obanai danced his fingers deviously up and down Tomioka's ribs, making sure he didn't leave any place to go and slipping his fingers between every space between his ribs.
'Pray all you want Tomioka, I warned you, didn't I? I warned you and Sanemi not to say anything, you opened your mouth and this is the punishment for having done it'
Sanemi then stepped back, there was another way to enter. He rushed to rescue him, he had already tasted Obanai's fury once and it truly is torture.
'You're embarrassing Tomioka, look at you now. Crying like a little child'
'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *hip* I-I-I!! *squeak* HEEEELP!!', Giyuu couldn't take it anymore, he felt like he could faint at any moment, fortunately he has a boyfriend who arrived in time to save him.
'Move away Obanai!', Sanemi hugged him from behind and pulled him as far away as he could. '*huff* n-ne-nemi...*'
Giyuu fainted after he said those words. Sanemi glared at Obanai as he tightened his grip.
'Very brave, huh? Very well. Now you will know the wrath of the wind', well, lesson of the day, don't bother Giyuu in front of Sanemi-
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bonnvivre · 4 months
A Funny Thing- Ch 23 word dump
new chapter to start off the new year LETS FREAKIN GOOOOOOO
i just washed my sheets too im settled in, my bed smells great, im having a great time
“And while Yuuji had humoured him at first, had been nothing but smiles as he posed for the pictures, the boy has clearly grown tired of the routine..” me during the filo family christmas party when they wanna take pictures … i can still see the ring light ….
ahh the first send off, brings tears to my eyes ;___;  gojo taking a bunch of pictures and sukuna constantly checking him over to make sure he has his stuff- fathers are father-ing and they didn’t wanna let him go just yet :[[
aw they slept together 
before i go on, the new friend is ACTUALLY megumi (i always thought it was megumi shshsh) cus toji literally couldnt afford another school and gojo’s gonna see him and either be like, “wait he looks familiar” or make THAT face right upon seeing him am i right lads or am i right lads (post chapter edit: i am right lads)
HAHAHAHA AN HOUR LONG RANT ON HIS NAILS PLS i see it yea canonically, sukuna usually makes himself look presentable . always pushing back his hair, dusting his clothes off, etc. he’s always gotta look good
whehehdhe he likes sukunaaaaaa !! someday that like will turn to love (post chapter edit: and that someday was today lads)
“How dare he have friends and hobbies and interests that don’t revolve around Satoru.” [gasp] HOW DARE YOU HAVE OTHER FRIENDS ARE YOU MAD ?! 
what kind of netflix drama did he get his story from this time 🙄
thats not the only time you’ll be freezing bc of geto hahahahahahaha
the run on sentences of yuuji’s speech plus casual megumi drop is killing me
i think its a good choice to have off screen moments be mentioned within the present, readers get the context while keeping the story moving . kinda like what gege does :0
AGH . blocked yet again … i know its still too early but ugh it hurts oh the pain
i love sukuna being satoru’s voice of reason, bringing sense and logic to satoru’s emotional thinking and it doesn’t clash at all; rather, it works for them very well
“Those baggy, unwashed garments of his allow for superior mobility, while the stench deters opponents from engaging in close-combat.” LMAOOOOO sukuna’s sarcastic remarks about toji, especially his smell im crying 
post chapter thoughts:
 i wanted to see him and megumi in this story so bad ngl and im so happy they’re here !!! i blame the copious amounts of fushiguro family comics i’ve consumed- shout out to ddub1618 on twt
bruh my page reloaded i have to go back
i love long chapter gimme long chapter hmhmhmmhmh
i saw the interpretations of yuuji’s sickness and i thought it was cool but it’s also giving “the curtains represent his depression and lack of will to carry on vs the curtains were blue” lol
it would be a … shame if toji ran out of sugar and needed a bag …….. its a good thing satoru has a nice ol bag at home >:] 
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Sick Boyfriend roasts Demon Lila Sky and Immortal Cherry Rose
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Demon Lila Sky: So Sick Boyfriend, how does it feel to lose another baby, meaning you won’t be able to give birth to your future kid huh? 😈
Sick BF: Jeez, idk how does it feel to be still single? 😏
Demon Lila Sky: *scoffs*
Immortal Cherry Rose: Did he just?
Shirozu: *trying not to laugh*
Sick BF: You’re like 26 and you’re still single, damn I almost feel bad for you, like those clothes you wearing right now 😏
Demon Lila Sky: Hey!
Immortal Cherry Rose: Pfff-
Shirozu: *snickering*
Demon Lila Sky: *grabs Sick Boyfriend by the shirt collar* WHY YOU LITTLE-
Sick BF: *gags* BLEH! When was the last time you brushed your teeth, Lila Sky?! It smells like 10 year expired taco bell bean burritos after you stuffed them into a microwave! 🤢
Demon Lila Sky: *scoffs*
Shirozu: Pfffffffff-
Sick BF: And seriously, when was the last time you took a shower too? You smell like the hell outhouse! 😏
Demon Lila Sky: *offended gasps*
Demon Lila Sky: HOW DARE YOU?!😡
Sick BF: Hey, Don't blame me for being honest, you been hanging on with too many guys that you can't even keep one yourself~😏
Immortal Cherry Rose: Heh Heh, now that's funny 😏
Sick BF: Oh, Don't think I forgot about you Cherry, the only reason why you couldn't keep your legs closed to other people is because you've been dumped so many times I've lost count😏
Immortal Cherry Rose: *gasps* HOW DARE YOU?! 😠
Shirozu: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA- Mama, You're too funny, I-I can't breathe-AHAHAHAHAHAHAH🤣
Sick BF: Awww did I hurt you guys feelings🥹, Cry about it 😏
Sick BF: Heh Heh, *to Shirozu* Sorry honey, did I almost made you pee on your self?
Shirozu: Hehehe No mama, it's fine you didn't. You so cool at roasting those two
Sick BF: I know I am😊
Demon Lila Sky: Grrrrrr normally, I would just kill the both of you right now but I want to save it for if someone comes to rescue you!
Sick BF: Aww you still mad I insulted you? 😏
Demon Lila Sky: UGH!
Immortal Cherry Rose: You know what, let's just put them back into the cell!
Demon Lila Sky: Fine.
Immortal Cherry Rose picked up Sick Boyfriend and Shirozu and send them back into the cell.
Meanwhile with Lila Sky:
Demon Lila Sky: Grrr I can't believe Sick Boyfriend had the audcity to insult me and Cherry Rose like that! Ugh! As if this day can't get any worse.....
Evil Guard: Uh Miss Lila Sky, we have a problem.....
Demon Lila Sky: *mind* I stand corrected....*sighs* What now.....
Evil Guard: W-Well the heroes are coming to r-rescue them and they found out where you two took them....
Demon Lila Sky: WHAT?!
Evil Guard: A-And they also took down Cursed Layla Miller
This angered Demon Lila Sky even more.
Demon Lila Sky: *pulls out Crystal ball and sees the others heading to their next destination* THOSE FUCKERS TOOK DOWN CURSED LAYLA MILLER?!
Evil Guard: Y-Yeah, M-Maybe they have a better chance of taking you two down?
Demon Lila Sky: Uhhhhh FUCK YOU!
Evil Guard: M-My apologises ma'am....
Demon Lila Sky: Grrrrr, you know what, they think they can take down one of my minions, fine, let's see if they can take down Demon Sick Girlfriend! Guard! Tell Demon Sick Girlfriend I have a mission for her!
Evil Guard: B-But ma'am, she scares me-
Demon Lila Sky: THAT'S AN ORDER!
Evil Guard: Yes ma'am! *flies to go to Demon Sick Girlfriend*
Demon Lila Sky: Hehehehe Let's see if they can take down an ex-pride demon~😈
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boytickler35 · 7 months
Dorm Tickle Horror Finale
The monster burst through the dorm room door to find Mike sitting on the bed dangling his legs and staring at his feet, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but go ahead and tickle me.” Mike was still dressed the same as he had been at the start, tight shirt, shorts and a pair of black ankle socks. The monster smiled obviously happy with Mike’s statement, “What’s with the change of heart, I didn’t think you wanted to be tickled.” “I don’t really want to, but you want to tickle me so I guess I might as well try to like it. Maybe it won’t be that bad.” Mike tried to look optimistic while the monster smiled and approached the willing teen. Mike slid over to give the monster room to sit on the bed, “So how does this work exactly?” The monster chuckled and sat down next to the teen, “Well, I’m going to tickle you of course. I can go slowly for you if you want.”
            Mike blushed and nodded, “I’d appreciate that.” The monster laughed, “Don’t worry boy I won’t hurt you, and who knows by the time this over, you may like being tickled. Now let’s see… well you’re not wearing any shoes on your feet which is nice, but I’ll save those for later… what about sides? Those should make a decent place to start… or maybe your stomach…no too generic I need something special for you… Okay, I’ve got it. Stretch your legs out.” Mike looked nervous but he did so anyway. The monster slowly began to tickle the backs of Mike’s knees and his thighs. The boy responded with a smile and some squirms shifting nervously, and in response to the tickling, as the monster’s fingers caress his legs. The monster chucked and pushed the boy’s legs off his lap. “You’re Mike, right? Where do you think you’re ticklish?”
            Mike felt his face heat up at the question but stammered out a response anyway, “My feet, underarms, stomach, pretty much everywhere.” The monster smiled encouragingly trying to get the student to relax. “Sounds like you’re pretty certain about that, I’m just going to poke around your upper body and test your reaction, see what I’m up against.”  True to his word, the monster reached out and poked Mike’s sides and ribs eliciting a stream of giggles. “hehehehehehehehehehahahahehahehahehahehaeha” “Well you certainly are pretty ticklish, let’s try here.” The monster ran a finger over the boy’s stomach earning a yelp. The monster smiled and Mike’s blush darkened. “We seem to have found a sweet spot, Mike.” The boy nodded but still looked uncomfortable.
            The monster frowned slightly at the student’s reaction. “Mike, you need to relax and enjoy yourself.” The monster’s voice was serious but not threatening and Mike found himself trying to heed the advice. He took a deep breath and nodded, “Alright, I’ll try.” The monster smiled encouragingly and replied, “That’s all I ask. Now let’s have some real fun, take you shirt off and we can step this up.” Mike stood up from the bed and did as the monster had asked, stripping off his shirt and then turned to face the monster who seemed delighted at the boy’s compliance. He reached out and lightly ticked the bare skin of the boy’s stomach and was rewarded with a squeal and a genuine grin from Mike. The monster now used a few more of his hands, tickling along Mike’s sides, ribs and stomach. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.”  The monster was shocked at not only the volume of laughter but also at how soft the skin was. His fingers glided across the flesh without any resistance and Mike’s laughter continued to get louder.
            The monster paused to give Mike a break and let the boy catch his breath, “So how is it?” In between his pants Mike managed to say, “Intense.” Did you enjoy it?” Mike flushed again and nodded. “Alright,” the monster began smiling, “let’s try something new; put your arms behind your head and try to hold them there.” The monster reached out and light began tickling Mike’s armpits. The boy managed to keep his arms behind his head despite his laughter, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.”  The monster’s fingers swirled around in the student’s armpits.
            The sensation tickled so much. That was the first thing on Mike’s mind but as the tickling continued, he found himself enjoying it. He was able to just laugh. It had been a long time since he was able to let go and laugh without reservation. He found himself enjoying the fingers sending ticklish shocks through his body. He was almost sorry when he felt the fingers leave his skin.
            The monster observed the grinning boy below him. Mike’s face was lit up with a pure, childish glee. “So what do you say now Mike?” The boy smiled at his shyly and replied, “I think I’m ready for you to really step it up.” The monster chucked at the newfound enthusiasm and resolved to ask after its source later, but for now he would oblige his prize. “What do you have in mind?” To his delight the boy swung his feet onto the monster’s lap and wiggled his socked toes in a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The monster looked him in the eye, “Are you sure about this?” Mike nodded bravely.
            The monster needed no more encouragement, his fingers eagerly descended on the offered feet. He skillfully scratched the socked soles and gently tickled the side of Mike’s feet. His efforts were rewarded by gales of laughter emanating from the student, “HAHEHAHAHEHEHAHEHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” The monster was enjoying himself; Mike’s feet were soft, even through the socks, and they reacted wonderfully to the tickling, squirming around on his lap but not actually pulling away. The monster wanted to rip the socks off and get at the beauties underneath, but he had promised to go slow and so he did. The boy’s laughter was musical to him and he continued to tickle the students feet until in between the stream of laughter he heard, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASTHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOPHAHAAHHA.” The monster stopped immediately and Mike’s feet stayed on the monster’s lap spasming with the tingling sensation for a few moments and then he pulled them back.
            The monster was disappointed for a moment thinking his play time was over, but once again Mike surprised him. The college student stripped off his socks and placed his now bare feet back on the monster’s lap. The monster stared right at the boy, “Are you sure about this Mike?” Mike’s face was still red and the monster was not sure if it was from embarrassment or just from the tickling over the past twenty minutes. The boy nodded determinedly, “I want to try it without my socks on.” To the monster it was Christmas came early, the boy’s feet were perfect, soft and smooth, slightly damp from being in socks and the tickling they had previously received.  
            The monster gladly went about filling the request. The now bared soles continued to offer little in the way of resistance so the monster’s expert fingers glided along them. He slowly ticked the soles and heel with quick flicks of his finger up and down. All he heard from Mike was a steady stream of laugher, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHEHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAH!” It was almost defining but it was wonderful to the monster and, he suspected, to Mike. The student seemed to be enjoying it, which was what the monster had always wanted. The continued with his tickling, playing with the skin underneath and the toes and with the pads of toes themselves, eliciting a higher pitched laughter from Mike as he found more sensitive areas on the teen’s feet.
            It had been several hours since the monster had started tickling Mike. They had had fun with the tickling and Mike had revealed to the monster, during one of the many breaks, that he felt like a kid again and he wasn’t able to just laugh these days. The tickling gave hima reason to let go and be happy without needing a reason. Although they had both enjoyed themselves the fun had ended a while ago. Mike had gone to his dorm room and found Senghoon. His friend had been overjoyed to see him but both where so tired from their tickling that they had gone to bed immediately, resolving to figure out everything in the morning. When they woke up, it was like nothing had happened, at all. The building they were in was the right one, the doors led out to the campus, and the people were all where they were supposed to be, including Joe and Austin. The other boys had remembered the events of the previous night, but only through a tickle induced haze. They decided to keep it between themselves and continue on with their lives, which they did. Or they did until final’s season was over and they found themselves in much the same state they had found themselves in a few months ago. The group was relaxing until they heard a pounding on the door. Senhoon answered it and the monster stepped in to the dorm. Mike smiled, “Welcome back,” around him the others were pulling off socks and shirts, “we’re ready to start when you are.” The monster smiled with glee and said, “Then let’s relieve some stress.”
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myuntoldstory · 21 days
1, 4, 5, 7 , 10, 13, 27!
JAYNE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THANK YOU THANK YOU all of these questions are thought provoking im gonna try to answer as best i can
1. favourite place in your country?
omg. okay so you know i went home last year. part of the itinerary was going back to my dad's province in bicol. and, no joke, the 2 days i spent there literally made me hurt about migrating to australia, and not making an effort to go back often (circumstances about this was always out of my hands, but i don't know, i saw it as a "if there's a will, there's a way" kind of angle), and not remembering as much about the place as i felt i should (again, out of my control like i was super young during the times i went) and everything was beautiful, and peaceful, and genuinely i felt hiraeth.
when i was driving around with my aunt and uncle, we went through the general area of where their old house used to be and it was a place i kind of grew up in, having spent a lot of time there during my younger years. i could not remember anything, which made sense because it's been years, but what really threw me was how normal sized everything was sdlkfjldfskj back when i was younger everything was tall and big and gigantic, but yeah now it's just normal town-sized things. that really threw me off lol.
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
i've always loved puto bumbong??? i dont know what it is about it; i think it's the toppings they add that makes it super delicious. like i know it's "seasonal" but dude if i can eat that all day every day 365 days im sold.
special mention to scramble omfg that shit was bomb when i was a kid. i don't know if that's because it's really good or if i've put the food on a childhood pedestal lmao.
but just kakanin in general and those really rice flour-based snacks in general so love puto, love kutsinta, love biko, all the rice/rice flour-based things.
im hungry now ffs.
5. favourite song in your native language?
ohhh like bruh opm??? lskdjlksjfljldfs or folk songs?
i genuinely have no real answer with this one lksdfjldsjlk im terrible with favourite music-type questions.
i guess the closest is "ang huling el bimbo" by eraserheads because that song just haunts me whenever i remember it exists dslkfjsdl and it haunts me now and i just came back from watching and singing along to the music video lol 7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
kilig, masiram, tampo 10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
ohhh not in tagalog/filipino.
not necessarily enjoyable, bicolano swears are hardcore because when i hear family say it, it's usually in anger lol. also the fact that most of the swears i've heard refers to genitalia makes it extra vulgar.
like buli/buray, which means kitty (iykyk). 13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
i guess "tabi, tabi po" (excuse me) is one?
so we say that when we venture into places where spirits may be dwelling. i suppose seeing a person very loudly say "tabi, tabi po" while entering a random place may seem strange to outsiders? i remember doing it all the time when i was younger so it was normal to me then, but also still normal to me now.
whether spirits exist or not, i reckon it's always good to show and express respect to any place you enter. 27. favourite national celebrity?
omfg. okay.
well when i was much younger rico yan was a huge crush of mine. favourite national celebrity??? can we still count sandara park dklfjlsdjf like look i was there with the whole nation when she became pambansang krung-krung of the philippines but also they made fun of the poor girl so i was rooting for her. like i watched her in star circle quest with hero and joross and roxanne like, and this is gonna sound weird, they had that vibe of the hp golden trio where you kinda grew up with them BUT NOT REALLY BECAUSE STAR CIRCLE QUEST SEASON 1 WAS IN 2004 AND IT WASNT A WHOLE CINEMATIC/LITERARY SERIES.
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chaoticopossum4 · 10 months
MDHM Characters and Whether or Not I Think I Could Beat Them in a Fight (Pt. 1)
I've decided to start making these because I personally think they'd be fun to make, and I enjoy creators who make similar content to this (but I haven't seen anything like it yet for the yandere boys!).
So, I'm going to start off with Alan and his coworkers from MDHM, and if people like these types of posts from me, I'll make more (I might just make more anyways, tbh, like I said, I think it'll be fun XD).
First, some background: I've trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (think like wrestling) for a little bit over a year (which isn't very long at all in the grand scheme of things, but it creates enough of a skill gap between myself and untrained people to make a difference). And I do a *little* bit of Muay Thai (my striking sucks, I'm really more of a grappler XD). I'm also really small (5'4"), and I will take size into account when I make these :)
Next, some rules: none of the characters will have their weapons for the purposes of these posts. I will also be assuming that I am the main character of these visual novels because that does make a difference.
Lastly, these are just for fun. I love ALL of these characters, and these posts will in no way be a critique of the personalities or skills that their creators gave them. With all of that being said, let's get started!
Alan's biggest advantages would be his size and strength and the fact that he can't feel pain. So having said that, I can't win by simply hurting him (breaking his arm wouldn't do anything, for example, he'd just keep fighting). I would need to specifically go for a choke since those don't require that your opponent feel them to be effective. If blood/oxygen isn't getting to their brain, they WILL pass out. Also, I think Alan would hesitate because he is aware of the fact that I can feel pain and he can't.
If I take advantage of his hesitation and take him to the ground before he tries to do anything, I'm sure I could choke him.
Carver was confirmed in an ask to not be much of a fighter but be really quick on his feet. Now here's the thing: I've actually trained with people like that before and trust me when I say that they are BEYOND frustrating! I know I could beat them if I could just get my hands on them, IF THEY'D JUST SIT STILL FOR TWO SECONDS–
This one ends in a tie.
With the tentacles? And the teeth?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
No. Stitches wins.
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
chapter 260 spoilers
spoilers below, you have been warned
i'm sorry but this just looks so fucking lame HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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wtf is this??
WAKASA WHAT ARE YOU DOING benkei is already a lost cause i despise him (sorry not sorry)
gotta wonder if Takeomi still hang out with these sad fucks after they parted ways
or does he just hang with Senju
poor fuck
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MY cat and dog duo MYYYY
also essentially wakui definitely sees fanart
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that jawline...... that crazy eye
im in love people
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cut ------------------------------------> paste
we have teleporting Mikey yall
still left wondering who the fuck is the second time leaper after sanzu got his balls crushed by taiju's motorbike tho
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bananakarenina · 1 year
is the fake marriage one for love's sake alone or something new that i definitely want you to tell me about?
hahahahahahaha it's not something new, i'm not a masochist. it's for sure to love's self alone, because i dearly love that universe and i do have Plans for TLSA, it's just that i write at a snail's pace lol. and i think (i have not examined this too closely) that luke being Around and also Reentering Society is adding a layer of complexity i wasn't anticipating, haha.
i feel like i was very focused on the manor in FLSO, and i think part of me assumed they'd spend most of their time in TLSA there too. except that's not the timeline i wrote for myself. they're back in london and there's this extra layer of Historical Stuff that i of course want to add, and also how does being away from the manor affect all of them, etc etc. this is definitely a problem of my own making (and it's not actually a problem! it's just a different kind of complicated that takes longer to address.)
ANYWAY. an excerpt for your troubles:
Something unfurls low in his chest at her offer. It's a complicated feeling; strange and warm and yet it stings like needles: after all these years, he still wants to be her family, so badly it hurts.
Had he made different choices, once upon a time: he could have been.
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star-ocean-peahen · 4 months
Christmas is a time for famil.............ial dysfunction!!
hahahahaha im the only person in this house who doesn't explode when upset hahahahahaha isnt it funny how that sounds like im a better person but i really just lash out quietly and sarcastically instead hahahahahaha and thats definitely worse because it's more insidious and hurts people when they have less of a chance to understand it hahahahahahaha
hahaha dad snapped at me for trying to protect my sibling from his forceful anxious rants and like yeah thats not the best way to go about the situation i see that now. its not going to work to tell him he's said enough because 1) he does not want to hear that 2) he does not want to hear that from me 3) hed never stop anyway because hes not ACTUALLY saying it for other people's benefit he's saying it because he doesn't believe emotional validation is a legitimate emotional need so he doesn't allow himself to have it so his anxieties have to come out somehow and this is how they do that and i cant really get down on him for that because i did it too!! when you dont have another outlet the anxieties will still come out but just in a non-constructive way!! of course whenever MINE did that he mocked me and made sure i knew EXACTLY how disgusting and cruel he thought i was being but BECAUSE of that i know how it feels and i dont want to do it to him!! the point is that i dont want anyone else to feel like i did and that includes the person who made me feel that way!! because he doesn't really deserve the grace and respect he never gave me but im going to try to give it to him anyway!! because thats the point of breaking the cycle!! but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my drive to protect my younger sibling is stronger in the moment than my drive to break the cycle and i dont know what to DO to do it the right way and i dont have to get it right esp when it isnt my job.................i just hate to see him saying things that hurt me so much to them...........
and its so fuckign. hard to remember that small humans have no better way of dealing with their emotions so they express them in non-constructive ways. because theyre being little rats.
and my mom is like the only one actually trying to make this celebration fun for everyone and she cant handle the emotional weight of everyone's problems on top of organizing the entire holiday for everyone. she can't do it. i watched her break down in the kitchen. shes doing better now but its not fair!! its not fair that this is happening to her!! its not fair that this is happening to us all!! its not fair that i had to be strong for her when i was repressing all of these feelings!! its not fucking fair that i love them so much!!
and im part of the problem!! i know that!! i make situations worse because im upset!! i tell my dad off for not deescalating when i suck at deescalating too!! im catty and petty and im definitely traumatizing my siblings in the way i was and thats eating me up inside!! i dont know how to do this better and i cant be expected to do this better but FUCK i hate it!!
i just. i wish my siblings could calm themselves down i wish my dad could successfully deescalate situations and not get into stupid arguments that he has to win to make up for his lack of consistent validation i wish my mom could stop yelling at my siblings i wish she could have enough support that she doesnt have to feel anxious i wish my family was NOT SO FUCKING DYSFUNCTIONAL.
its silly goofy but my anthem for when my dad makes me feel bad is the living tombstone song "i can't fix you" because it makes me feel better but its not just that i cant fix them i cant even HELP them. or even if i can i hurt more than i help. wanting to help doesnt translate to succeeding. fuck. i just. i just dont want anyone to feel like i did. but i make them feel that way more than i save them from it. fuck. do i have a thing about saving people. do i care more about feeling like i saved someone than actually being what they need. i dont fucking know.
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Hetalia: The World Twinkle Episode #6: African War Front! Part 1 Transcript
This episode has the L3 tank and the first part of the African Campaign.
{Caption: Whack! Whack!}
Italy: Germany, helllllpppppp!
{Caption: Ughhhhhh!}
Italy: I’m surrounded by adorable kangaroos!
Germany: Kanga who now?! Where in fresh hell are you?!
Italy: Australia fresh hell! AAH! Don’t bite me there!
Germany: ITAALLYY!
Germany [narrating]: I’m Germany, a country in Central Europe. And at the moment, I’m having the biggest problem in my whole life.
Italy: Ciao!
(Ciao!: Hello! → Italian)
Italy: Hey, Germany, I just happened to be in the neighborhood for no real reasons! Are you on your way home?
(Germany: Grr…)
Italy: ‘Cause I can give you a ride in my L3.
{Caption: [L3] A cute Italian tank small enough that you may even be able to use it at home}
{Caption: Bam! Bam! Bam!}
Italy: You know sitting next to me will be fun! Come on, sit down!
{Caption: Crushed!}
Italy: AAH! My L3 just broke!
(Germany: Grr…)
{Caption: During production, it made mysterious backward progress from being welded to using rivets. Although it’s a tank, it’s weak enough that you could dent it by hitting it with a bat in some places}
Italy: No problema!
(Problema: Problem → Italian)
{Text on bag: Sandbag}
{Caption: Pss, pss...}
Italy: See, I cover it up.
Germany: Grr…
Italy: What’s wrong? Does your head hurt?
Germany [narrating]: Mein only problema is that he’s my friend.
(Mein: Mine → German)
(Problema: Problem → Italian)
Germany [narrating]: In order to better understand my special pal, I decided to learn from the wisdom of our predecessors.
{Text in book #1: Are you German?}
{Text in book #1a: Yes | No}
German woman [in book]: Are you German? Ja or nein?
(Ja: Yes → German)
(Nein: No → German)
Germany: Ja.
(Ja: Yes → German)
{Text in book #1b: Do you currently have friends?}
{Text in book #1c: Yes | No}
German woman [in book]: Do you currently have friends? Ja or nein?
(Ja: Yes → German)
(Nein: No → German)
Germany: Ja…
(Ja: Yes → German)
{Text in book #1d: For a strategy for more than two countries, please go to page 1287}
{Text in book #1e: For a strategy for one country, please go to page 562}
German woman [in book]: For a strategy for more than two countries, please turn to page 1287.
{Caption #2: This book isn’t very useful if you’re not German}
German woman [in book]: If you actually have friends and aren’t just fooling yourself, cooperate and attack your enemy using teamwork.
Germany: Use teamwork…really?
Italy: Germany! Look what I can do!
(Germany: Hm?)
{Caption #1: Yahoo!}
{Caption #2: Bounce}
Italy: The pizza dough got all stretched!
(Germany: Eauh…)
Germany: The book doesn’t say what to do when the friend is foolhardy!
(Italy: Stretchy, stretchy, stretchy…)
{Caption: Grab}
Italy: AAH! Huggy mixed with fear!
{Caption #1: You cannot find Napolitan spaghetti in Naples!}
{Caption #2: In Naples}
{Text in Japanese guy’s speech bubble: Th-This is the ‘Napolitan’ in our country!}
{Text in Italian guy’s speech bubble: O-Oh, so that’s the legendary ‘Napolitan’, huh, you bastard?!}
{Text in Japanese guy’s speech bubble #2: How is it?! What does that reaction mean?!}
{Caption #3: It is said that ‘Napolitan spaghetti’ is a Japanese dish created by imitating ‘Spaghetti Napoletana’, a Neapolitan dish}
Japan, Italy: Hetalia!
Germany [narrating]: Foolhardy, with an emphasis on fool!
(Italy: Hmmmm…)
{Caption: Italini!}
Italy: I’m not prepared even a little, Germany, but I’ll still fight with you.
(Voice: Italini!)
Italy: Whenever I’m with Germany, I feel like good things will happen.
Germany: That seems rather groundless to me.
(Italy: Haha! Haha!)
Germany [narrating]: His reason for becoming my friend was rather groundless too.
(Italy: Hahahahahahaha!)
Italy: The Mediterranean Sea is calling, so I’ll visit Africa.
{Caption: Grab}
Germany: No! Wait!
Germany [narrating]: He wanders away the second I take my eyes off him.
Cat: Meow!
{Caption: Relaxed}
Italy: When I get there, I’ll do a lot of nothing.
Germany [narrating]: Scheiße!
(Scheiße!: Shit! → German)
Germany [narrating]: How can he stand being so happy?!
{Caption: Seriously, he really is like this}
Germany [narrating]: But I suppose being lovable isn’t technically the worst trait.
(Italy: Huah!)
Germany: Huah!
{Caption #1: [Hiyashi Chuka ~ We tried chilling China ~]}
{Caption #2: Hiyashi Spain}
{Caption #3: Hmmm}
{Text in Spanish guy’s speech bubble: I wonder if they have “Hiyashi Spain” in Japan, too}
{Text in Chinese guy’s speech bubble: They would chill a passionate country?}
{Caption #4: Tenshinhan, Chuka-don, Hiyashi, Chuka, etc. There are many Japanese versions of Chinese dishes}
Britain: Now…what is that Italy up to?
{Caption: Facing-off with Italy in Africa}
British man: According to the report, he’s been doing a lot of nothing, moving forward at a snail’s pace and complaining about the canned food constantly.
{Caption: Ha!}
Britain: Ha! He truly is a dim little wimp, isn’t he? If he’s just pissing around like a willy, then I can go ahead and make my first strike! There are not a lot of enemies that I, the handsome and great British Empire, cannot defeat!
Fairy: Hey, you’re talking to yourself really loudly again.
Britain: I can take down that namby-pamby wimp before my afternoon tea time and---AAH!
{Caption: Halt}
Italy: Wow! I’m an elephant!
Britain: You’re like a moth flying directly into the flame, aren’t you? Have at thee!
Italy: AAAHHHH! He knew I wasn’t an elephant! How did he even recognize me?!
{Caption #1: Huff and puff}
{Caption #2: Ahhhhh!}
Britain: Hold it! You do realize you won’t escape me? You’re too slow, so give up now and bow before the power of my gorgeously pasty British legs!
(Italy: Huahuahuahuahuahuahuah! Aaaaaahhhhh!)
{Caption: Whoosh!}
Britain: Why…huah, why are you still running? Huah huah…what?
Narrator: The Italian military was known to be slow unless they had to retreat. In the desert, they were able to travel over 25 kilometers per day. No conversions, America; learn metric!
{Caption: Sob, sob…}
Italy: Ooh, Britain was too scary. For real! Maybe I should just call it quits.
Germany: Nein.
(Nein: No → German)
Germany: You were only scared because you went there without thinking it through. I’m on my way; don’t go anywhere!
Italy: Bene, follow the sound of my tears.
(Bene: Good → Italian)
Germany: Hm…hm! Are you okay, Italy?
Italy: Germany! That was creepy fast!
{Caption #1: Steam, steam, steam…}
{Caption #2: Grumble, grumble, grumble…}
(Italy: Aahaahaahaahaah)
{Caption: 45°C}
(Germany: Grrrrrrrraaaaa!)
Narrator: With his hot summers, Italy was rather used to the weather when he traveled to Africa. However, Germany’s summers are pathetic at best, so he had difficulty figuring out how to dress in the desert.
(Italy: Eee, huah! Ah! Lalala! Lalalala! Lala! Lala! Huoh?)
Italy: So what made you think you needed to wear so many layers in Africa?
(Germany: Huah…huah…huah…)
Germany: Huah?
Italy: Rock those shorts like a Hugo Boss!
Germany: You win.
(Italy: Ahouh!)
{Caption #1: Everyone, including youths, big shots, and old guys wore shorts}
{Caption #2: England wore shorts, too}
0 notes
onyxium · 3 years
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“  does it still hurt?  ”            @worstheir​.     (  FROM.  )
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HIS  GOOD  HAND  RISES  TO  TOUCH  HIS  DAMAGED  EYE.     by now his face is uncovered,  his scars on full display for her to see ;    for a moment,  levi is almost  ashamed  of how they must make him look.     he doesn’t dare to open it,  to show her how horrible the actual eye must look,   all clouded over &  warped.
historia should only be looked at with his good eye.     EVERYONE  should only be looked at with his good eye :    the blind one can now be for  the  dead.
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“  ... some wounds will always hurt.  ”
it’s as unclear an answer as he cares to offer,  & yet it speaks  VOLUMES.     she knows him well enough to understand what he means,  that it isn’t his physical wounds that still bother him :    it’s  the  emotional  ones.
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dontworrysunflower · 3 years
i’m obsessed with madison beers new album soooo here ya go!
requests are closed
fr y’all don’t send anymore requests i want to to finish the rest
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Liked by gemmastyles, yoursister and 5,912,495 others
yourinstagram new man, who dis?
View all 72,561 comments
y/nfan1 i’m still waiting for a diss track for your ex 🤢
↳ yourinstagram it’s coming
y/nfan2 AHHHH YEAH
harryfan1 such a boyfriend
y/nfan3 do i want y/n to be my gf or harry to be my bf? 🤔
↳ harrystyles Why choose?
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Liked by yourinstagram, mitchrowland and 8,235,789 others
harrystyles Miss this. x
View all 98,357 comments
harryfan1 @yourinstagram please tell harry to sing medicine on tour
yourinstagram harry...baby..pretty please sing medicine on tour 🥺
↳ harrystyles Only because you asked nicely.....
harryfan2 no wait this isn’t funny
y/nfan1 you better sing your entire discography on tour or i’m suing
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Liked by harrystyles, yourbff and 6,295,719 others
yourinstagram good in goodbye
View all 28,467 comments
yourex Rich coming from you.
↳ yourinstagram i ain’t even gotta try to find the g-o-o-d in goodbye 👋
harryfan1 BAHAHAHAHA the way she replied
y/nfan1 queen shit
y/nfan2 how is someone that gorgeous??!?:?
y/nfan3 can you please be my wife?
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Liked by yourinstagram, pillowpersonpp and 7,294,201 others
harrystyles <3
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yourinstagram ily 😘
harryfan1 i cant get over harry posting about someone
harryfan2 i’m not jealous
y/nfan1 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay you don’t have to rub it in our faces
harryfan3 she’s so gorgeous wtf
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Liked by harrystyles, yourbff and 6,193,395 others
yourinstagram name something you might hurt yourself riding on
p.s. my new song is out tomorrow
View all 84,396 comments
y/nfan1 oh my
harryfan1 you lucky dog
y/nfan2 i’ll never get over his vogue shoot
y/nfan3 sigh...*opens private tab*
y/nfan4 no bc this photo does something to me
harryfan3 you’re not gonna speed past that like you didn’t just say what you just said
lmk what you think!
@samaraaaaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @letsgoparty-ah-ah-ah-yeah @tom-hollands-wife @acciosiriusblack @aslugforharry
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