#dog broken leg
lotus-pear · 6 months
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HAPPY 114‼️‼️ take these silly doodles i did
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calmlb · 5 months
every time i look at this scene all i can think about is this excerpt from dark era 😭😭
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necrosaltis · 3 months
It's so fucked up to me that Miquella is in his adult form in the final boss fight. Because you know what this means? He beat his curse. He managed to become a God.
This little shit abandoned the Greater Will because it could not help his beloved sister Malenia. And what did Miquella do? Strip himself of everything that made him who he is, began committing similar sins to the ones of his Mother.. and then he left Malenia to rot. Literally. After she nearly killed herself to help him. Waiting on him. Her dying words are apologizes to Miquella.
He could help her, but he lost sight of why he did it all in the first place..
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pastafossa · 15 days
This ends fine so stick with me.
So Fozzie and Pip had a bit of a spat last night as we went to rotate them through the baby gates. There was some blood on Pip's leg from where Fozzie bit him, but it looked minor so we cleaned and bandaged it up. However, Pip was acting like this was SERIOUS. We're talking refusing to get up, even for treats, with tragic moans. Refusing to walk, even when I picked him up and set him upright (which he responded to by throwing himself on the ground again). Cried and gave me a very gentle nip when I tried to check the bandages. Like this dog was acting like his leg was BROKEN. We let him rest for the night but I had to physically carry him to his crate and put him inside. He was still acting like this this morning and trying to check the bandage resulted in more doggy shows of agony, so we took him in, where he made a big show for the vet techs of being unable to walk.
He had. Three. THREE...
Wait for it.
Small superficial cuts.
That's it.
No broken bones. No cuts that needed sutures. Just a couple lil cuts.
Treatment? Bandaging for 24 hours, some antibiotics just in case, and a cone on his head for a few days so he doesn't lick the hell out of the cuts.
He even asked the vet for BELLY RUBS while she was examining him.
"Wait, he can walk?"
"Oh absolutely, he just doesn't want to."
Anyway, now he's stoned out of his gourd because they still gave him some painkillers to keep him calm for a few days and god do I wish my meds hit me this hard.
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myfandomhalf · 7 months
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I just realized the reason they couldn’t show us Chuuya cleaning up / changing Dazai is because in order to clean all the blood properly he would’ve needed to undo his bandages and they can’t show us what’s under them yet 😭😭
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anticidic · 26 days
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Chuuya and his favorite pose no matter the circumstance 🧍
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cyberwhumper · 1 year
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Ringing. Darkness.
"Val!…. V….!"
A voice slowly comes into focus as he starts to regain his consciousness. The world seems to suddenly explode into a cacophony of noise and chaos.
"Valko! Can you hear me? Hold on!"
His stocky companion has been desperately attempting to stabilize his condition for what felt like hours. His damaged corneal display can only show a fraction of the critically compromised systems in his body that are struggling to keep him breathing and alive.
Having only heard wildly conflicting rumors and speculation over Watchtower's prototype weapon had lured him into a false sense of comfort. Yeah, sure, every corporate fuck is going to tout their latest product as state-of-the-art, as the all you need solution to whatever problems roaches like them have. He had heard it all before, a thousand times over.
He went in so confident that it was all just smoke and mirrors that when he finally realized they had walked straight into Dog's steel jaws it was too late to turn back: they had already graciously offered themselves for it to pick its teeth with.
His pained screaming is drowned out completely by the firefight and slaughter around them as he's pulled up to shoulder height. His leg bones are completely shattered and unable to move no matter how much he tries. Panic quickly sets in.
This is it. We're all dying here.
Tag list: @whumpsday // @demondamage //
If you’re interested in being added to the tag list, please let me know!
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carbonateds-oda · 6 months
this mf 😭
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ratcarney · 5 months
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hey guys! it’s been a while since i’ve been here consistently! how are you? how are your families? i hope you’re well. why am i back, you ask? no reason, just felt like it!
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restinthewest · 6 months
I wish she didn’t need it, but I am grateful for the time spent with Hallow every day while I do her maintenance massage and stretches. It’s meditative for me, it’s quiet time to connect with her, it’s such a lovely thing I can do to instantly relax her and make her feel better.
Barring some brief periods of time when I’ve slacked off, we’ve been doing this every day for over two years. She looks forward to them and asks for them. Instant relaxation, instant snoring. Thank god for our rehab vet who taught us how to do this.
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purrfectlycontent · 1 year
dazai telling fyodor to just kill him because he’s in pain from the impact of the falling elevator i’m so
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hella1975 · 9 months
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x22817 · 4 months
A gentle leader is NOT GENTLE if you are hanging your dog up by it your entire walk
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hurryupmerlin · 8 months
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Found the missing piece of my new 0.3 mechanical pen yesterday and now I could finally try it out. It's so gentle on my wrist I love it 😭
I'm trying to get back into scribbling. As a treat for myself this year
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Whumptober day 7
Prompt- Alleyway
Rated- G
Summary- The dog’s POV of the deleted scene from Doctor Strange 1. 
Mutt lifted his leg, signaling to the man that he needed help. He added a pitiful whine for good measure. 
“Aww, look at you,” the man replied, holding his hand out to hold Mutt’s injured leg- a damaged, shaking hand holding a damaged, shaking paw.
Two poor creatures helping one another.
Whumptober masterlist
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rahabs · 7 months
Tonight is a really bad night.
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