#doggie anon
dragonlord-emrys · 8 months
Hi, it’s the doggie anon! Thank you for such a kind, generous answer 🥺
I’m working on a (highly scientific) theory that every dog has a personality that matches with a character from Winnie the Pooh, and mine was a Piglet all the way: small, sweet, gentle, affectionate, loyal, and very timid around anything or anyone new (also cutely round in the torso and skinny in the legs).
She was meant to be my mom’s dog, but she sort of picked me instead, although she loved everyone in my family. There was and is something really precious about that to me, being chosen. I’ve never been anyone’s favorite, except hers.
At first she slept in my parents’ room, but after they went to bed she kept sneaking out through the dog door and coming around to the sliding glass door in the kitchen, where I’d hear the tap-tapping of her little nails politely asking me to let her in. She started sleeping in my room after that. She was my buddy and I got so used to hearing the pitter-patter of her little feet following me around the house that I think I took it for granted sometimes.
One of her funniest habits when she was younger was doing these loud, high-pitched shrieks of excitement when we came home from being out. She was so happy to have her family back home again. (She also did this when my dad played the harmonica.) Another funny habit of hers was jumping onto a kitchen chair, and from there onto the table, and helping herself to any food or crumbs she found there. I still remember that image, walking into the kitchen to find a small, suddenly guilty-looking poodle on the middle of the table, licking a plate. She was a silly girl, but such a good one.
Thank you again for inviting me to talk about my dog. If you feel up to it, I would so love to hear about yours too 🌼 Hugs!!
Thank you for sending such a kind message in the first place 💕 And I love hearing about your dog! She sounds like such a sweet and fun little lady! 🥰🥰🥰
Oh yesss, being chosen by a pet is a hundred times more valuable even than being chosen by a human. A feeling better than winning the lottery. Hehehe, the cheek of her to wait until everyone was asleep to sneak out <33
(I know exactly what you mean about missing those little tip-taps of claws on the floor. My dog developed separation anxiety as he got older, so I was being followed around constantly. It's very strange now. And the nights have become eerily quiet. Where's the snuffling and the snoring 😔)
Hahaha, that's so adorable that she shrieked when your dad played the harmonica! Do you think she was happy about the music, complaining about the noise, or trying to join in? 😂
I adore your theory about dog personalities. But I'm afraid I can't really place mine ? Probably because my knowledge of Winnie the Pooh characters is lacking. Maybe you can do a remote diagnosis :D
My little Benny was full of mischief. His first act of deception? Transformation! When we got him as a puppy, he was pitch black with brown paws. One year later he'd turned silver grey with light beige paws. No one wanted to believe that it was the same dog. Absolute rascal!
We always teased him for being a little drama queen. He hated water. When it drizzled he would take two steps outside, do an immediate u-turn and try to get back into the house. No matter how urgently he had to pee, it could wait. And I told him, after he had braved the rain, what a poor little guy he was for getting wet and toweled him off especially well, which he relished in. He loved getting pampered.
He had the soggiest, wettest poor-little-meow-meow look on his face when he had a tiny little boo boo or had to endure something that made him uncomfortable, but whenever he had an actual reason to be mopey, illness or injury or post-operation, he was really brave and would bear it exceptionally well. No massive soggy eyes. (These last few days of his especially he was so brave and strong <3)
Normally, he wasn't the brightest cookie in the jar, but he could be really cunning when it came to stealing food. Once in the middle of feeding time, he walked to the front door, started barking like mad as though someone had rung the doorbell, so my other dog shot out to the hallway to join him. He quickly stole back into the kitchen and ate all her food. Creating a diversion to trick my other dog to leave her bowl was a feat we hadn't thought him capable of, but clearly we underestimated his intelligence.
Another time he stole my greatest culinary creation, a waffle tower (several waffles stacked on top of each other with layers of jam in between). I left it on the coffee table, walked away for 20 seconds, came back and the entire massive thing was gone. Only thing left was Benny, gulping down the last bits of waffle like he was a snake trying to unhinge its jaw to eat a cow. He definitely knew to pick his moments of opportunity.
When he was younger, he loved to play with scrunchies, loved to pull them out of our hair when we were lounging with him on the floor. We'd make a big show of telling him off in a silly, exaggerated voice, which only increased his joy of stealing scrunchies and shaking them in his mouth, throwing them in the air and chasing after them.
He had a spot on his forehead right between his eyes that always smelled like powdered sugar. Conveniently also the best spot to dig your nose in cause the fur there was just sooo soft <3
He was such a sweet cuddly dog, inquisitive (to the point of being nosey - he literally had to poke his nose into everything to investigate, probably checking whether it was edible lol), < insatiable, a bit clumsy, loyal and affectionate to boot. He always did a tippy tappy dance with his front paws when he was excited, which happened so very easily.
Aaah, I waffled on and on. If anyone is still reading this, hee thanks. I'm rewarding you with a picture - evidence of mischief caused.
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Can you see how utterly innocent he is? It seems the pillow jumped on its own.
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
how many 'sonas would you say you have?
lemme do a round up real quick. i'll go chronologically, and if there's any additional information that can be gained about the individual sonas, their name will have a hyperlink to a post where i talk about them!
i only had 2 sonas before transitioning, and that was my main sona (pizza ghost) and my fursona (Ned the dog):
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between Chase and Scout, when i was still figuring out my identity, i came up with a they/them fan troll (Kippyr Wulton).
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after i came out, but before i was ready to design a new "sona", i wanted to take my time and enjoy designing women characters in general. it was, silly enough, pretty new to me, so i wanted to practice.
naturally, this came in the form of the video game character creation, where i came up with the first two ladies that "represented me," those being Dana Killsmith from Fallout, and Joanne Email the white mage from FFXIV (unfortunately im hard locked out of my FFXIV account so i cannot get a better screenshot than this one where im clipping into a guy to make his hair my moustache).
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after a while, i was finally ready to come up with the most load-bearing sonas a person can have, that being a main sona (OL angel) and a fursona (Merit the cat):
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more recently, ive designed a few sonas that are specific to existing fictional universes, namely Pokemon (Ghost Type gym leader Scout), and then the other day again with MLP:FiM (Moss Wander, earth pony antiquarian).
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and that's it at the moment!
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sternimpegasus · 4 months
Best sex position?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
For the ask game, kisses
Wild and Four snorted as they tried to contain their laughter. Twilight was currently in his wolf form and had been trying to patrol when Sky had caught sight of him, and, well...
Sky was hardly aware of how many animals behaved or the threat they presented, a fact that was more notable by the day. He had immediately rushed up to Wolfie and cupped his face with his hands, showering him with kisses and excited greetings as if he were the family dog, and Twilight, though he preferred to maintain his dignity, didn't have it in him to snap at the gentlest member of the group.
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Holy fucking shit this fandom is a cesspool. I love this game to death but can you guys PLEASE calm down about fiction (i know i know that sounds proshipper-y but i'm not a proshipper i just hate how heated people get about viddy game)
Everything has to be "if you think [X] about [character] you're ableist", "if you ship [Y] at all you're a misogynist" can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just go back to saying "that's not my cup of tea"??? maybe a little "i don't like that myself but go off"?????
Like yeah everybody hates discourse but it's literally a whole psychological phenomenon that throwing around accusations and buzzwords to make yourself out to be on this moral high ground and the other person to be dirt beneath your feet SURPRISINGLY DOESN'T REALLY CHANGE PEOPLE'S MINDS and actually makes them DOUBLE DOWN HARDER.
so maybe if you want your perspective heard, instead of saying "omg if you ship mach you're just reducing her to relationships and not looking at her as a person so ur a misogynist" or "you're ableist for hating pest bc he has mental illnesses" or whatever the fuck, how about we learn respectful debate and say shit like "idk i don't like [whatever] because to me it feels like [whatever reason], but it's ok for you to like it"????
Idk guys can we just be humans and not discourse-poisoned slop posters????
I'm so sorry this is so long mods I am very passionately pissed about how people treat eachother on this hellsite
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if i was a kitten at daycare i’d act proud and aloof, but the minute you’d touch me or nose at my pretty parts i’d be rolling over and presenting myself to you. i’d still be an uncooperative piece of work, wanting to pretend i’m not desperate for your knot, but a little playtime before makes it feel so much sweeter when you pin me down and i’m reduced to a mewling mess, a needy hole for you to use.
-🍊 (is it okay if i used this emoji?)
i'd have so much fun breaking you down, little kitty~
i'm a big doggy, so it would be easy to pin you down and drag you into any position i want. of course, i'd let you play your stubborn little game before that. the chase is half of the fun!
but if you get too cocky and tease me too much, i'll make sure to instantly shut down any notion of disobedience by fucking you silly on my tcock. and when the time comes, i'll make you beg for the privilege of having my knot inside of you, just to further prove that, no matter how proud you act, you're just this doggy's pretty kitty toy. <3
(ps, sure thing! i'll add you to the list~)
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minecraftdog · 3 months
"We're not dating, we just support each other through thick and thin, live together, text every day, hug and flirt on camera, make out off camera, sleep in the same bed oh and got married for his visa but we're not dating." Guys fr
like there's really something to the idea of them being already "mentally married".. coz like they are already life partners and always will chose the other's side.. but no. the intricacies of toxic yaoi.
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dragonlord-emrys · 5 months
Hi, it’s the doggie anon from a couple months ago, just wanted to say I’m thankful for your presence here and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! 💛
Doggie anon!!!! I've been thinking of you during the holidays! 💛
You are so sweet!! Thank you so much! 🥰 I hope you had a great start into the new year. Wishing you all the best for 2024! 🌼🍀
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appallinnballin · 10 months
hhhhhhhh,,,, will we ever get a ruv kitty
idk i think itd be very neat to see ruv kitty cuddled up next to sarv kitty
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also wee Rasazy <333
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skeletalheartattack · 6 months
Devil bottles takes control of your dog for revenge clawing and biting its horrible
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not my fuckin dog man leave him out of this
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go-to-two · 4 months
Some of it was how he wrote Antonio out but also killing Al. Losing both characters drastically changed the feel and balance of the show. I also think Eid was upset Jon came back to PD after Justice didn't work and so the choices he made in regard to how he wrote him out were personal.
As for the Burzek of it all, it is way more than Eid not putting them back together. If you watch season 4, it was clear Burzek was on their way to getting back together. And then Eid shows up and the very first episode he is in charge, he has Kim dating someone else. At the end of S5, Paddy went to him and asked for Burzek to be a thing again and what does Eid do - season 6 which was an attempt to kill Burzek for good while pushing Upstead. He could have used anyone else to date Hailey but no, he picks Adam. And it was after Paddy specifically asked him for Burzek. Eid said numerous times in interviews that Burzek was done and over. Upsteads didn't' mind S6 because the storyline was used to push their ship together but Burzek didn't get anything out of it except a very OOC Adam and Kim. He did everything possible to not make Adam the father of Kim's baby…including trying to bring Roman back. He did figure out how to get him back for the episode after Burzek lost their baby which was a dick move to the fans. He spent seasons 7-9 teasing Burzek and giving the fans hope only to wreck them at the end of an episode. He "broke" them up several times but never actually put them together first and constantly made sure the audience knew they weren't together. And then Paddy and Marina give what was probably the performance of their careers in 8x16 and it is used to get Upstead married while Burzek just got more trauma. The fact that Adam and Kim (and even Kevin) had nothing to do with the fallout from the Roy storyline is mind boggling. There were so many good storylines that could have come from all of it for all the characters and he didn't use a single one. It seemed clear that his goal was to get upstead married before he left. You could also tell Paddy and Marina were upset about their characters being ignored - it was disrespectful to them, the characters, and the fans.
Add in what he did to Al and Antonio, starting this awful centric format, removing the humor and family feel of the show (and making it really dark), and making Trudy almost nonexistent, there are a lot of reasons he is not liked by fans (and not just Burzeks). It would have been one thing if he was trying to build them back but he clearly used them for emotional storylines with no intention of ever making them a couple again. He constantly did 3 steps forward and 5 back with Burzek. So yeah...it feels like he had a vendetta against Burzek and Adam/Paddy specifically. And yes, Burzek had moments but that was because of Paddy and Marina, not Eid.
I also think some of the choices he made with Hailey's character are why she gets the hate she does...it all could have been prevented too if he had just taken a different approach to how he brought her in. But his ego got in the way. He came in acting like it was a brand new show and didn't care that there was an already established audience. He even told Paddy that the fans didn't matter (I don't think shows should cater to fans but saying they don't matter isn't right either).
Ok, I'm going to have to go point by point but if I'm being honest... a lot of this feels like it's about Kim and Adam not being together.
I've talked about the Antonio stuff. It wasn't good. I don't agree that is was vindictive and I know there was talk of trying to get him back for the beginning of season 7 and it didn't work, so it is what it is. I might be in the minority, but I understand the decision to kill Al from a storytelling perspective. I wish it had had a more lasting effect on Voight's character, but I do understand choices they made in that exit.
As for Burzek... I think we have very different definitions of what "on their way to getting back together" looked like in season 4. In seasons 1-3, they cheated together on Adam's (2nd or 3rd?) fiancée, got engaged before either were near ready, imploded, and then Adam spent a big chunk of season 4 away from Intelligence because he couldn't handle being in the unit at the same time as Kim. Sure, Paddy was filming a movie and Marina was going on maternity leave, but that's what they were working with at the time. They cared about each other, but Eid inherited a bit of a mess with them. Paddy could ask for anything he wanted, and no showrunner or writer is obligated to give it to him if it didn't make sense. Putting them back together without any development at that time would have made no sense.
You typed a lot about seasons 6-8 and again, it all feels like it boils down to Kim and Adam not being together. I personally think the term "OOC" is used too liberally. It's thrown around by all fandoms as a blanket deflection from a character's behavior we may not like, when it's really well within the scope of their character. They're flawed. I'm not saying you have to like the way Eid told the story but that goes back to my original point. There is little critique in there that doesn't come back to the idea that he didn't put the ship together.
There is a pattern that I've noticed in the Burzek fandom that fans believe Kim and Adam are "stronger than the showrunner" and somehow defeated Eid, and it's not how things work at all. No character has any story without the showrunner. The reason Kim was pregnant with Adam's baby is because Eid made that decision, even if other options were explored in the writing process. They found Makayla together because of Eid. They were still circling each other for years because he kept them in each other's orbits. He took them from where they were in season 5 to working towards co-parenting, all while giving them some of their best episodes along the way. If he wanted to end them for good, he could have. Easily. It's not fair or accurate to say that all the good moments were because of Paddy and Marina while the bad were Eid and the writers when that's simply not how writing a TV show works.
"And then Paddy and Marina give what was probably the performance of their careers in 8x16 and it is used to get Upstead married while Burzek just got more trauma." - that sentence doesn't sit right with me for a lot of reasons. First, Tracy also gave an incredible performance. I'm not going to minimize that just because her ship ended up getting married. In fact, they all did. Jason, too. Jesse and LaRoyce had a lesser presence, but they were so solid. To act like Burzek were the only ones to come out of that situation with trauma is erasing the whole other half of the storyline, which is what you are complaining they did to Kim. And I agree, Kim's role in the Roy situation should have been addressed sooner. Eid should have done it in 9A, Gwen should have done it in 9B instead of the Makayla kidnapping fallout. Kim and Adam's story was a mess in season 9, and that's at the hands of both showrunners.
I mentioned this in an ask the other day, but I don't think Eid was one who was interested in romance between canon couples at all- be it Burzek or Upstead. Was it vindictive towards Upstead when he put them together and immediately gave them nothing but angst? Probably not. Just like I don't think he was vindictive in giving Burzek angst, too. Again, there seems to be this notion that Kim and Adam were the only ones who went through shit. They all got it. It was his style, which is one of my biggest complaints against him, honestly.
Centrics aren't even my biggest gripe against him, because I saw up close how much productions had to scramble to put together Covid seasons. The centrics got bad in season 8, but I have a lot of grace for the hoops they had to jump through to get anything on screen during the pandemic. I'm more annoyed with why they're still happening now.
All that said, I don't think a viewer who has seen the whole show can objectively look at the quality of cases, involvement from each character, long-form story arcs that are actually cohesive, the development of the characters, and the dialogue and say we were worse off under Eid's leadership.
Okay, I've typed enough. I don't expect that you'll agree with everything here. It's totally fine if you don't agree with any of it, I'm just offering my perspective. I'm not saying someone has to love the way Eid ran the show but generally speaking (it's not every fan, I understand that) Burzek fans tend to villainize Eid while praising Gwen for "fixing the show". Meanwhile, she does everything they claim Eid did (centrics, dark tone, no continuity, baseless writing), only worse. That's why, to someone on the outside, it does seem like the core issue with Eid is that he didn't put the ship together.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
The wolf remaiend frozen as if it had been hit by an ice keese, and Rusl couldn't help doubling over in laughter.
Uli huffed, motioning with her hand. "Oh, come here, love, it's all right!"
But despite the words of encouragement, there the wolf remained, towel wrapped around his head, making him look less like a fearsome beast and more like a flower with pleading, sad puppy eyes.
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of-mutts-and-men · 5 months
This is so awful every time I get close to a full body orgasm I get the worst WORST someone hit me over the head thunderclap headache to the point I have to stop it hurts more than it feels good :(
Oh noo :( What if I jacked you off and gave you a little kiss on the head when you cum, maybe that will cancel things out.
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hehehe, what would you do if you were to get ahold of my leash while we're playfighting~? me nuzzled all close to you, trying to get a whiff of your musk~?
ooooh i'd tug so hard on your leash, puppy... i'd grab it tight between my teeth and yank it like i'm playing tug of war with it. i'd pull it so tight that you'd be forced to lift your head just to breathe, but then you wouldn't be able to press your nose against me anymore, so you wouldn't get to sniff me!! but it's okay, 'cuz i'd eventually drag your leash in the other direction, now forcing you to breathe in nothing but my puppy smell~
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damnation-if · 1 year
Ironically, although I plan on making my mc a demure and very out of their depth former impoverished servant not prone to boldness... I absolutely Refuse to leave Molly May behind 😭 what if she needs help?! MC can have a hint of boldness here and there, to help the animals
heh, well. there are animals in the choice to leave her behind as well, they're just uh. not having a great couple of weeks, shall we say XD but obviously a single choice near the beginning of the game isn't going to be my primary guiding metric for the stat, so your mc won't be stuck seeming bold, don't worry! (the Plot ramifications are another matter though lmao)
however if it's any comfort to you, nothing happens to Molly-May if you choose not to follow her. the old girl is pretty tough... she faced down Malkorath, she's not going to get taken down by cultists or birds 😌
it's a bit of a pain in the arse for Lewis and Clemence that she bolted and left them stranded at the manor house, though XD
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volatiledogboy · 10 days
A certain Mutt’s first tail plug just arrived-
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