#writing about him actually made me remember some stuff i had forgotten
dragonlord-emrys · 8 months
Hi, it’s the doggie anon! Thank you for such a kind, generous answer 🥺
I’m working on a (highly scientific) theory that every dog has a personality that matches with a character from Winnie the Pooh, and mine was a Piglet all the way: small, sweet, gentle, affectionate, loyal, and very timid around anything or anyone new (also cutely round in the torso and skinny in the legs).
She was meant to be my mom’s dog, but she sort of picked me instead, although she loved everyone in my family. There was and is something really precious about that to me, being chosen. I’ve never been anyone’s favorite, except hers.
At first she slept in my parents’ room, but after they went to bed she kept sneaking out through the dog door and coming around to the sliding glass door in the kitchen, where I’d hear the tap-tapping of her little nails politely asking me to let her in. She started sleeping in my room after that. She was my buddy and I got so used to hearing the pitter-patter of her little feet following me around the house that I think I took it for granted sometimes.
One of her funniest habits when she was younger was doing these loud, high-pitched shrieks of excitement when we came home from being out. She was so happy to have her family back home again. (She also did this when my dad played the harmonica.) Another funny habit of hers was jumping onto a kitchen chair, and from there onto the table, and helping herself to any food or crumbs she found there. I still remember that image, walking into the kitchen to find a small, suddenly guilty-looking poodle on the middle of the table, licking a plate. She was a silly girl, but such a good one.
Thank you again for inviting me to talk about my dog. If you feel up to it, I would so love to hear about yours too 🌼 Hugs!!
Thank you for sending such a kind message in the first place 💕 And I love hearing about your dog! She sounds like such a sweet and fun little lady! 🥰🥰🥰
Oh yesss, being chosen by a pet is a hundred times more valuable even than being chosen by a human. A feeling better than winning the lottery. Hehehe, the cheek of her to wait until everyone was asleep to sneak out <33
(I know exactly what you mean about missing those little tip-taps of claws on the floor. My dog developed separation anxiety as he got older, so I was being followed around constantly. It's very strange now. And the nights have become eerily quiet. Where's the snuffling and the snoring 😔)
Hahaha, that's so adorable that she shrieked when your dad played the harmonica! Do you think she was happy about the music, complaining about the noise, or trying to join in? 😂
I adore your theory about dog personalities. But I'm afraid I can't really place mine ? Probably because my knowledge of Winnie the Pooh characters is lacking. Maybe you can do a remote diagnosis :D
My little Benny was full of mischief. His first act of deception? Transformation! When we got him as a puppy, he was pitch black with brown paws. One year later he'd turned silver grey with light beige paws. No one wanted to believe that it was the same dog. Absolute rascal!
We always teased him for being a little drama queen. He hated water. When it drizzled he would take two steps outside, do an immediate u-turn and try to get back into the house. No matter how urgently he had to pee, it could wait. And I told him, after he had braved the rain, what a poor little guy he was for getting wet and toweled him off especially well, which he relished in. He loved getting pampered.
He had the soggiest, wettest poor-little-meow-meow look on his face when he had a tiny little boo boo or had to endure something that made him uncomfortable, but whenever he had an actual reason to be mopey, illness or injury or post-operation, he was really brave and would bear it exceptionally well. No massive soggy eyes. (These last few days of his especially he was so brave and strong <3)
Normally, he wasn't the brightest cookie in the jar, but he could be really cunning when it came to stealing food. Once in the middle of feeding time, he walked to the front door, started barking like mad as though someone had rung the doorbell, so my other dog shot out to the hallway to join him. He quickly stole back into the kitchen and ate all her food. Creating a diversion to trick my other dog to leave her bowl was a feat we hadn't thought him capable of, but clearly we underestimated his intelligence.
Another time he stole my greatest culinary creation, a waffle tower (several waffles stacked on top of each other with layers of jam in between). I left it on the coffee table, walked away for 20 seconds, came back and the entire massive thing was gone. Only thing left was Benny, gulping down the last bits of waffle like he was a snake trying to unhinge its jaw to eat a cow. He definitely knew to pick his moments of opportunity.
When he was younger, he loved to play with scrunchies, loved to pull them out of our hair when we were lounging with him on the floor. We'd make a big show of telling him off in a silly, exaggerated voice, which only increased his joy of stealing scrunchies and shaking them in his mouth, throwing them in the air and chasing after them.
He had a spot on his forehead right between his eyes that always smelled like powdered sugar. Conveniently also the best spot to dig your nose in cause the fur there was just sooo soft <3
He was such a sweet cuddly dog, inquisitive (to the point of being nosey - he literally had to poke his nose into everything to investigate, probably checking whether it was edible lol), < insatiable, a bit clumsy, loyal and affectionate to boot. He always did a tippy tappy dance with his front paws when he was excited, which happened so very easily.
Aaah, I waffled on and on. If anyone is still reading this, hee thanks. I'm rewarding you with a picture - evidence of mischief caused.
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Can you see how utterly innocent he is? It seems the pillow jumped on its own.
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konigenblobbity · 11 months
your angst is so UGHHHHH AMAZING. im literally reading every single thing on your masterlist. i need more hobie hurt/comfort or miguel or anyone actually idc who it is i just love your writingggg. maybe like they’ve had a bad day and reader tries to help but instead they get annoyed and say sum ab then being annoying n never shutting up and reader gets quiet after and stuff. although i’ll literally read anything you put out thank you!!!
Request: Out of Line [Hobie]
Hobie x GN!Reader
—> [Miguel’s Version]
Warnings: Angst, yelling, insults, sad reader, comforting, crying, cursing
A/n: Such kind praise anon literally tysm. I love writing angst, it’s just fun to make characters suffer :) but yes! This idea is so good. I also made one for Miguel. enjoy meine Lieben!
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You were sat next to Hobie on the couch, an arm wrapped around his shoulder while the other sat on his thigh. Your gaze sympathetic and kind as you looked at your boyfriend, body slumped over from exhaustion and disappointment. His elbows were resting on his knees, head resting on his hands as he was lost in his thoughts, still frustrated from todays mission.
Once he entered and slammed the door, you know the mission went wrong. He had been unexpectedly pulled away that afternoon when Miguel said it was an emergency. Hobie left with a smile and kiss goodbye… only to return with a grimace and a set of gritted teeth.
The only thing he told you was that he was responsible for losing sight of the anomaly and Miguel gave him an earful for it.
So there you were, comforting and reassuring your boyfriend with your words, throwing praises onto him like a crazed fan girl. “You are absolutely phenomenal Hobie. Don’t ever question that. No matter how much Miguel scolds you or criticizes you, you are an amazing part of the team that Miguel is lucky to have” you wouldn’t stop.
In your mind you saw that as a good thing… that Hobie would appreciate how you showered him with affection, but truly it was getting on his nerves. Wishing he could’ve just come home and forgotten all about Miguel and the mission, but no… now he had to hear about it at home too.
“You’re an amazing spider-man, one of the best that spider society has! Remember when you took care of that prowler anomaly single handedly? Or that green goblin anomaly from last week? Miguel didn’t seem to thank you for that if I remember! Now he suddenly decides to get up in your business?!” With each word you were giving him a soft caress on his shoulder or gently shaking his thigh.
His shoulder tensed under your hand, you thought it was because of an injury but if you only knew what really had him so irritated. His eyes were clenching shut, trying to fight the part of him that calls your voice annoying and yells at him to tell you to shut up… because he knows you’re trying, and usually he loves it! Oftentimes the only thing that helps is when your voice rambles on and envelops him like a warm embrace.
“Im gonna say it! Miguel should just keep his mouth shut I think! He-“ you were ready to say another whole soliloquy before Hobie’s voice cut through your own “No you should! I swear all you do is ramble and it drives me up the fucking wall. So just shut it!” His tone was laced with venom, every word a jab to your heart.
His head was turned to look at you with unforgiving eyes, burning with an unbridled rage that you knew wasn’t aimed at you… but it still felt personal. He lets out a light chuckle and when he smiles maliciously it, had your skin crawling. “After todays mission I want some peace and quiet. The sound of your voice is doing my head in. So do me a favor and take your own advice.”
You slowly pull away your hands, noticing how his body relaxes slightly when you do, which only made you more upset. “O-oh… okay” your voice was soft, but clearly shaken. After that you sit in silence for a few minutes, the only audible sound being Hobie sighing every once in a while.
Every second of silence is another second of you pondering and recounting what Hobie said to you. Playing it over in your head until you felt your eyes begin to gloss over. You take that as your sign to leave, clearing your throat and mumbling out a soft “i-I’ll see you upstairs” before leaving without another word.
Hobie stayed downstairs for a bit longer, organizing his thoughts and using the silence to quell his irritation. He then had the opportunity to think back on what he said to you. Cursing into his palm when he realizes just how harsh he got with you.
This wasn’t the first time… he often got harsh and lost his filter when he was in a bad mood; you always understood that. Whenever he’d go off on you, you never took it personally, understanding that he was in a bad mood or a poor state.
He’d always come up to you later and apologize for what he said, and he was lucky because you always understood and forgave him. Afterwards he’d cuddle up with you, telling you all about the terrible day he had or how horrible his mission went. You were always there to comfort him, listening to every word.
This time was different though. He didn’t just make an offhanded comment about how he wanted silence or how you weren’t helping, he made it personal by insulting your voice, a part of yourself that he usually loved and was now suddenly deeming as headache inducing.
When Hobie eventually went upstairs, he found you sitting in bed, back against the headboard, looking at your phone, not even sparing him a glance. He walked over and sat on the edge of his side of the bed, placing a hand on your thigh. You didn’t react so he took the time to apologize.
“Hey love… look, I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Todays mission just left me absolutely gutted and I just felt right shit. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It was just really rough and I fucked up bad” his hand absentmindedly caresses your thigh as he spoke. You didn’t move and just let out a hum in response.
He paused and hesitated before speaking “I-I’m really sorry…. I didn’t mean it love. You know that right?” he leans forward and goes to kiss your lips, you turn your head so kiss lands on your cheek instead. He was slightly surprised but more disappointed. He decided not to press the topic though. “alright… I’m gonna go get ready and I’ll be back” he says and walks off to the bathroom.
When he comes back out, you’d shifted to be lying on your side, back to him, as if you’re ready to go to sleep. As he gets into the bed behind you, he notices how your eyes are still open and you were just looking at your phone.
He leans over your figure “Love? A-are we not gonna cuddle?” his voice was soft, you could hear the slight pout in his voice. To his question you shake your head, he moved onto his side of the bed and positioned himself to sit against the headboard.
“Oh… can I tell you about my mission though?” you could hear the dejection in his tone but managed to brush it off. You shrug causing Hobie to hesitate, but after a pause he begins to tell you about the mission, going on and on, but never once do you react.
“And then, that prick just threw a sign at me! A goddamn sign, can you believe that?” He looked over at your figure waiting for a response, waiting for you to agree with him or encourage him to continue talking as you usually did, but you still don’t say a word.
He clears his throat at the silence “b-but it really hurt and my shoulders still sore because of it” he continued to complain hoping you’d break your vow of silence but he still got nothing. He can see you’re still awake which causes him to huff out in disappointment, a pout forming on his lips. He shifts on the bed and placed his chin to rest on your arm.
“Love? Why’d you go so quiet?” He watched your expression, it didn’t shift and you just continued to scroll through your phone. There was a pause and then he spoke again. “Was it because of what I said earlier?” You stop scrolling on your phone and he takes that as a sign that he guessed right.
“God… love I didn’t know it hurt you that bad. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said it and I didn’t mean it. Not even the slightest bit” he wraps his arm around your waist trying to pull you back against his chest. Much to his relief you didn’t struggle or try to move away, allowing him to pull you against his chest.
“I love the sound of your voice, I look forward to hearing it after every mission. I was just really irritated and I snapped at you for no reason” you put your phone down but still don’t look or speak to him. He let out a soft sigh and the hand on your waist began to trace soft circles on your skin.
“I’ll keep apologizing as long as it takes for you to speak again. I miss your voice love. Please… even if it’s quiet? I wanna hear it” he placed a kiss on your shoulder, and kept it nuzzled against your arm as he waited patiently.
“You said it drives you up the wall…” a smile graced his lips as you finally spoke, it was a soft murmur but it was something. He places another kiss on your shoulder “Thats not true, I was being stupid. You have every right to be upset with me, it was a daft thing to say and I was being a proper prick” you hum softly in agreement, which he took as a sign of encouragement.
He continued to place kisses on your arm and shoulder “You agree don’t you? Hm?” He says and you shrug, a small smile beginning to appear on your lips. His arm wraps further around your waist, beginning to roll you onto your back as his playful kisses moved to your neck. “Cmon you can say it, I was being stupid, I was being a prick… go on” he had a smirk on his face as he kissed at your jaw.
You chuckle softly and then look into his eyes, a smile now settled on your lips. “You really were. The biggest prick I’ve ever met” you say and he pulls away and gives you a fake pout. “Ouch… now that hurts” you roll your eyes and he chuckles softly. He leans back down and begins to pepper kisses all over you face.
“I’m really sorry love” he says and pulls away to look at you with a gentle smile. You sigh out but smile at him. “I believe you” You shift slightly so you’re sitting back against the headboard “but what I can’t believe…” you begin to say and Hobie looks at you curiously.
“Is that that goddamn anomaly threw a sign at you?!” You say exaggerating your shock but loving the smile that it puts on Hobie’s face. “I know!” He say and moves to rest his head against your lap. Letting go of your waist and intertwining his hand with yours to wrap them around his shoulders.
For the rest of that night he recounted his mission to you, every small detail and every tiny slip up, but this time you actually reacted. And every time you spoke his heart sang at the sound of your voice.
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leaderoffestivals · 7 months
Mikejima Madara FS2 4*: On a Wintery Street Corner in Paris
Madara: PLEASE PARDON THE INTRUSIOOON ☆ Shu: GEH—? Mi—Mikejima… …!? What in the world are you doing here!?
Season: Winter Author: Yuumasu Characters: Mikejima Madara, Itsuki Shu
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Shu: Nnngh… … Yawn~...
(Because of the consecutive all-nighters I’ve pulled—or perhaps due to the immense relief I felt at having delivered the final products—I ended up sleeping soundly until well past noon.
Umu. Fortunately, there’s plenty of lead time before the next job is due. I will need to prioritise a proper rest in order to achieve the perfect results. 
Perhaps, I could take a stroll and clear my head—)
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Shu: GEH—? Mi—Mikejima… …!? What in the world are you doing here!?
Hmph! Cease this tomfoolery of yours, and get yourself gone this instant! The last thing I’d want is for a barbarian like you to be rampaging around my atelier!
Madara: Hahaha! What a nostalgic exchange of words!
I recall having a similar conversation with you back in the day when we were both in Yumenosaki Academy! It was about the Museum (1), if I remember correctly—
Shu: NON! I have no intention of reminiscing about Yumenosaki with you!
You came here for a reason, did you not? State your business quickly, and in as few words as possible. 
Madara: My business, huh~? What if I told you it's “Nothing at all”?
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Shu: (glares) … … … …
Madara: Sorry, sorry! I was just kidding, alright? Please stop with the death glare already!
Actually, I’m here because Leo-san asked me for a favour. 
Shu: Hmm? Because of Tsukinaga… …?
Madara: Yes. Apparently, he’s been treating the pen case that Shu-san gave him like a precious treasure, however—
He was so focused on caring for the case, that he left all his writing stuff behind in this atelier. 
Shu: So that’s the reason he ended up taking just the pen case home with him? He’s quite the amazing fellow for doing that, honestly. 
And what about you? Did you really come all this way to Paris just for Tsukinaga’s forgotten items?
Madara: Nope. It just so happened I had some business in Europe, so I just dropped by. 
Shu: “Just dropped by”—you say? Even though “Europe” can be expressed as a single word, it’s still not a place you can travel about hither and yon on a whim and fancy. 
Anyway, Tsukinaga’s belongings aren’t here anymore. The other day, I happened to send some parcels to Seisoukan, so I slipped his forgotten items in as well. That’s where they are now. 
For heaven’s sake. Anyone and everyone seems to be carelessly leaving their things behind lately. They’re travelling abroad after all; I’d really wish they’d be more careful!
Madara: I agree. The language and culture are different here, so one shouldn’t assume that things will be the same as back home in Japan. It’s better to be more careful in the end.
However, I believe the reason people always leave their stuff behind in Shu’s atelier is because they feel so much at home here, you knowww ♪
Shu: Hmph. I’m not happy to hear that at all. This place isn’t a playground, you know. 
It looks like you've made a wasted trip. Will you be leaving Paris right away?
Madara: Nope. I’ve got some time before my flight, so I’ll relax and enjoy myself till then. 
… … Hmmm? Why are you all dressed up for?
Are you heading out? If so, I’d absolutely love to tag along ☆
Shu: Hmph. Forget it. Being with you, Mikejima, doesn’t exactly spell rest and relaxation for me. 
Madara: Haha! Oh, come on, don’t say that! As the saying goes, “No road is long in good company”, and two people will have more fun together than when they’re on their own, you knowww ♪
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<An hour later.>
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Shu: Umu. It seems there’s a flea market held here during the weekends. 
Madara: Oooh. What a classic Parisian scene~
You may already know this, but the origins of the flea market started right here in Paris. 
It is said that the name came from the fact that ‘antiques could be found in such sheer numbers, it was likened to a gathering of fleas’.
Shu: Urk. Please spare me your detailed description. I already knew about the name’s origins from long ago, and simply imagining it as you have described it makes my back itch. 
Besides, there are other theories about the origin of the name. 
Personally, I much prefer the idea that the name came about because of "the thrill which comes from the time and effort spent hunting for hidden treasures here, which are as elusive as fleas.”
Madara: The thrill of a long hunt, huh? Indeed, the accomplishment you feel when you locate a hidden treasure is reeeally something special!
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Madara: … … Oh, what's this? It seems I have found something good right away!
Yes, yes! This piece of pottery will be perfect to display some plants ☆
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Shu: Humu. Is gardening a hobby of yours? 
Madara: No, I wouldn’t exactlyyy call it a hobby, but—
I’m not sure who started it, but my dorm room is full~ of plants. I myself add in new ones occasionally too.  
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Madara: [Excuse me, Shopkeeper! I’m interested in this piece of pottery here—]
Shu: (... … Hoho. His French seems pretty good, from all that time spent abroad. The best part of the flea market is the haggling over the price. It’s a battle of wits on how skilfully one can negotiate… …) <Ten minutes later.>
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Madara: HEYYYY! I’m baaack, Shu-san!
I’m sooo sorry to have kept you waiting. Things got reeeally lively with the shopkeeper, and our conversation got carried away!
Shu: It’s alright, I don’t mind. I’m glad you got what seems to be a good deal. 
It’s really none of my business what happens to you, but witnessing someone I know get ripped off doesn’t sit right with me.
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Madara: Ufufu. Have you been worried about me, Shu-san? You’re sooo kind… … ♪
Shu: Oh, for heaven’s sake. Stop jumping to weird conclusions. I simply did not wish to have an unpleasant experience. 
Madara: Hahaha! Even so, it made me reeeally happy ♪
And since I managed to score a good deal just now, I’ll give you a treat as a thank you for waiting!
Please recommend a local specialty, Shu-san!
Shu: Hmmm… … In that case, how about “Marron Chaud”—or roasted chestnuts?
It’s a winter specialty that’s sold all over town at this time of the year.
Madara: Hoho! That sounds great. It seems like it’ll warm the body up too!
There’s the scent of something reeeally fragrant coming from over there. Let’s go grab some right now… … ☆
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Translator’s Notes: 1) (!) era story, Steampunk Museum.
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freyrmichokolatte · 1 year
Timmy forgor arc because I'm a fucked up little shit and I want my fave to suffer because that's how I am smh
Timmy canonically puts notes on everything that's important to him because he might throw everything related to Cosmo and Wanda so it shouldn't be any different that he'll put notes on everything related to the rest of the Nicktoons
But what if he also writes everything that happened in a diary and kept it hidden in a box filled with things related to his Godfamily and the Nicktoons?
Timmy already turned 18 and the next day after his birthday, the first thing he saw when he woke up is an empty fish tank still filled with water. Timmy got super confused because why is there a fish tank here? Why does it have water when there's literally no fish inside? Then he saw the sticky note and went oh ok I guest I shouldn't throw it out then.
Throughout the day, he keeps seeing sticky notes with his hand writing on it saying "Don't throw it out me! -Timmy Turner". Timmy doesn't know the purpose of all the things because he only does this when it's actually important so he doesn't understand why there's a sticky note with the same message pinned on his old hat.
When he, Chester, and AJ hangout, they'd sometimes ask him about the things he forgotten and Timmy is just confused. His reaction are just "What?" "Since when did that happen?" "Talking to objects? Did you hit your head or something cause wtf" Chester and AJ had to suffer but didn't dive too deep into it.
That until Chester mentioned Jimmy
Timmy isn't the type to forget people that he's close and actually liked him. So when Timmy said he doesn't know who Jimmy is it caused a havoc. Chester made cards filled with things related to their childhood while AJ interogated the poor brunet's head off just to get answers so he could somehow cure his bestfriend's amnesia.
This went for Gods' know how long it just keeps going.
But hey the Nicktoons fianlly visited hoorayyyy
They didn't encounter Timmy first though, they encountered Chester and AJ. They both felt like their dreaming but soon dragged them into their shared appartment with Timmy because wtf their bestfriend's bestfriends who doesn't even know they're his bestfriends from different universes are here and oh are they glad.
Before the Nicktoons could even say something, AJ and Chester already bombered them with concerns relating to Timmy while the three are all just there sitting on a small couch and saying literally the same things as if they were one person.
Where's Timmy? What happened to his Fairy programs? What do you mean he has amnesia? He doesn't remember us? What the fuck does this mean? Is this related to the Fairy World's rules?
They were all distraught. Spongebob who's no longer in disguise is sobbing. Danny is in denial. He sees him as his kid brother and said kid brother sees him as his big brother there's no way he could've forgotten him right? He denise it, there's no way.
And Jimmy is fucking depressed. After a long time of trying to find a way to go to Timmy's universe, the first thing that was said to him was that Timmy forgot about them.
Jimmy was mad. He wasn't mad at Timmy for getting his memories erased, he was mad that he didn't do anything to prevent it. He was mad at himself. But he knew damn well that there's no way of stopping Da Rules and the rest of the Laws of the Fairy World.
Meanwhile with Timmy, he sneezed as he's currently going back to his old house to get the rest of his old stuff. Then he went to the attic and saw some weird big old box with his name written on it. The box was filled with notebooks, diaries and pictures.
Timmy was utterly bamboozled
He skimmed through some of the pages. Fairies? Ghost brother figure? A talking sponge? And he's hooked? Timmy doesn't even know anymore. Then he took the photos inside the box.
What the fuck.
Why is there a sponge? It's alive? Why is there a floating guy behind him? Who's he brunet with a weird hair style?
And why do these strangers feel so familiar?
The more he dives deep into it, the more his head hurts. Timmy decided to brush it off temporarily and took the box with him. He'll get his stuff next time.
ANYWAY the rest is up to you guys on how you want it to end I'm out of energy to write the rest ksksakjssfhasksf
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
I’m on a top gun bender 😂 do you mind writing for tfp starscream, dreadwing, and megatron finding out their human s/o is a top gun pilot after seeing a report on her latest mission on the news. (A mission like the Top Gun Maverick one).
So I kinda read this wrong the first time, I read it as “ I’m a top gun bender” as in like a water bender or an airbender like in Avatar: The last airbender. Which just made me imagine them bending a fighter jet or something, which I found incredibly funny for some reason. I haven’t seen the movie but I do remember seeing trailers about it, I kinda just made up stuff that I thought would fit this so eeeehhh. The Dreadwing ended up very short compared to the other two but oh well
•Megatron isn’t really interested in what’s going on with humans, since it doesn’t really affect him that much, but Soundwave keeps an eye on what’s going on around the world anyway and reports to him when he deems it necessary
•So when Soundwave happens to catch your mission on the news he of course reports it to Megatron because he recognized your squadron’s jets on the background of the news footage
•Megatron is pretty much in disbelief, because you had never told him about what line of work you were in, and to be fair, he had never really asked
•When you come to the Nemesis the next time, you can basically sense his annoyance as soon as you walk out the ground bridge
•He was there waiting for you and he confronted you right away
•The first thing he asked you was if you were a spy, because now he knew you worked for the army
•He was quite angry and you were a bit scared but you were much more annoyed
•There isn’t really sense in arguing with Megatron, when he decides you’ve done something wrong, he’s pretty difficult to convince otherwise
•It took a while, but you convinced him you were telling the truth, as you were, and he asked “What do you do then?”
•You explained to him that you were a pilot, which got his attention and you didn’t really explain any further
•”So you fly fighter jets?” he asked, now a little bit interested and having pretty much forgotten about his previous doubts of you spying on him
•Megatron was actually quite interested in your work and what you did, so he asked a lot of questions
•He got the great idea that you two could fly together after you were dona talking and while you figured it might be a bit hard to “borrow” one of your squadron’s seekers you agreed
•So one early evening, when it was still light outside, you snuck into the hangar at the base where you worked and off you went
•It was actually quite a lot of fun to fly with someone who had such incredibly over their flying
•Megatron literally is a jet so he has much more delicate control over himself than you ever could over a simple machine
•It’s a lot of fun, and while you do get into a bit of trouble from your commanding officer later it was totally worth it
•You knew you wouldn’t get fired or anything like that anyway, you’re the best pilot they’ve got so they can’t really afford to let you go
•You have to squeeze it out of him, but Megatron also admits he enjoyed himself quite a lot
•Starscream wasn’t exactly ecstatic when he saw you being interviewed about your job, because that’s how he found out about what you do for work
•He didn’t really even think you could be a spy, that never really crossed his mind, because that would mean you would’ve managed to deceive him and he hadn’t caught it
•There’s also all the stuff about him thinking you would never betray him, because he doesn’t want to think you would ever do that to him
•Aaanyway, Starscream asks you about it when you come to the Nemesis later and you’re like “Oh, where did you hear that? I mean it’s true, but how did you find out?”
•He tells you Knockout showed him a news piece and you’re like “Yeah… that”
•You explain to him what you do and he definitely takes interest when he hears you fly fighter jets
•Starscream is of course like “I’d wager I fly better than you” with a very self assured smirk
•To his surprise you don’t take the bait and just go “Well yeah, you literally are a jet so you should be better at it than me”
•Starscream takes this as compliment, but he still asks if you’d like to prove him wrong
•You’re like “Sure I can try”
•This is all a ploy, because you’re very confident in your flying abilities and just want to lull him into a false sense of security and shock him
•This works quite well and when you go flying with him, he’s shocked by your abilities
•Like the control you seem to have over this machine is so precise and delicate, he’s honestly shocked
•He’s just left hovering there for a moment as you fly off
•You’re talking over the comms but Starscream went silent so you got worried and turned back
•It pretty much turns into a chase and you’re both having a ton of fun, which Starsream would of course not admit to, at least not without a bit of playful whining from you
•You’d told Dreadwing about your job with pretty broad strokes, so he didn’t exactly know what you did, other than you worked for the army
•When he found out you were a pilot he told you he was quite impressed
•He’s always been a bit weirded out by the fact that flying is sort of hard for humans, like on their bodies and such 
•He’s always enjoyed it and he finds it an easy way to clear his head
•You tell him it’s pretty much the same for you, when you’re not on actual missions and are just training I mean
•You actually end up talking more about how great flying is, rather than the specifics of your job
•But Dreadwing is very impressed by your skills nonetheless, especially when he eventually sees you actually fly
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newfound emotions - rowan laslow
requested: yes! requests: open! Helloo I really like your rowan fics I love how you characterize him, and I love the enemies to lovers so maybe you could do a part two of that enemies to lovers fic with the reader and Rowan spending time together and one of them confessing unintentionally, i just want sum fluff (♡μ_μ)
AN: WAHH im glad you liked it! thank you for liking how i write rowan :') we don't have too much information abt him from the netflix show, so i am secretly (not so secretly) hoping that he will return in season two :) for now, thank you, and have fun reading!
wordcount: 2.916 warnings: she/her reader, xavier is mentioned/in scenes, friends to lovers, high reader, talk about weed
After finally getting back and being scolded by your teachers, you hang out with Rowan more and more. Much to everyone's surprise.
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"And where have you been, miss Y/L/N and mister Laslow?"
"We," you raise your eyebrows. "Got stuck in the rain, had to walk back, and then we had to sleep in some abandoned-looking hotel until we could get a bus back."
Principal Weems leans back in her chair, looking at you with one eyebrow raised. You looked like you just woke up - you did. You had accidentally fallen asleep while on the bus, Rowan waking you up again. This time, softly. No elbow to the ribs, but instead, soft taps on your shoulders. He even carried your bag to Nevermore.
You had ended up in the office, standing in front of Weems awkwardly. She only blinked, before breathing in deeply.
"Okay. You have missed classes today," she looks at the two of you sternly. "You can get the homework from the teachers, make sure to finish that. You are dismissed."
You give Rowan a look before turning around, leaving the office and finally sighing as the door closes behind the two of you. How was it your fault that they left without you? Sure, you should have been at the bus on time, but they should have done their job to make sure everyone was there.
"So," he lets out an awkward laugh. "Ready to catch up on some sleep?"
"I'm already as awake as I can be," you smile. "Maybe we can go for breakfast?"
"Quad or Weathervane?"
"Oh," you exclaim. "Weathervane, for sure! Have you ever had their cinnamon rolls?"
"Cinnamon rolls for breakfast?"
"Let's put our stuff away and go to the Weathervane. I am not taking this bag again and I really want to change into a new set of clothes."
Rowan agrees with you, sending you a quick smile before walking off to his own room. It still quite confused you to suddenly be so... friendly, with him. You had completely forgotten that that is how it started. To be honest, you didn't even realize that Rowan had heard it.
When Rowan enters his dorm, he sees Xavier waiting for him already.
"Man, where were you?!"
"Oh, hey," he awkwardly greets his roommate. "Yeah, uh, Weems kinda left me and Y/N stranded at that museum."
"Jesus," the boy grimaces. "In the storm? And with Y/N? Sounds like your nightmare."
Though Xavier knows all about the little fights between you and Rowan. He is friends with both of you, so he often heard both sides of whatever argument it was.
"No," he shakes his head. "We went to get a hotel after running through the rain."
Xavier doesn't hear any mean remarks about how you were annoying, stupid, dumb, or anything else. Something rather unusual.
"No fighting?"
"Eh," Rowan lets out a laugh. "A little bit. Apparently, she didn't even remember why we started fighting."
Xavier leans against his desk, raising an eyebrow. He had heard multiple times about the origin of Rowan and his hatred for you. Not only that, but the conversation was actually between you and Xavier.
"We actually made up."
"Huh?" Xavier exclaims with a laugh. "Is that real? I have never seen people bicker as much as the two of you."
The bag that sat on Rowan his shoulder gets placed on the floor as he pulls everything out. Some of the stuff was still damp as there was no place for all of it to dry. Even the notebook that was hidden in the bottom of the bag had not fully survived.
"Yeah, it's real," he nods. "Apparently, she did like me back then."
"Oh, I totally thought that already. But then she made that comment and it completely- poof."
All the damp clothes get discarded into the bathroom as Rowan quickly pulls a flannel and zip-up hoodie out of his closet. It might not be the most fashionable thing, but at least he feels comfortable in it. Why is he suddenly nervous about what he is wearing? He never had this feeling but now...
"You leaving already?"
The boy nods, stuffing his wallet and phone in the pocket of his jeans. He nervously glances in the mirror before spraying some perfume on his neck.
"Yeah, I uh- We are going to get breakfast. Neither of us ate anything since like, yesterday."
"You and Y/N?"
Rowan only nods, fixing his hair before walking up to the door. He says goodbye to Xavier, but doesn't really get a response. The boy is too busy muttering to himself, asking what the hell has happened that made you and Rowan turn into friends.
The boy didn't remember asking you where to meet, so he patiently waited in the Quad. He saw you coming down the stairs already, so he wiped his hands on his pants before walking over. Jesus, Rowan, why are you so nervous? You literally fought with each other yesterday, but the conversations throughout the night changed everything.
"Rowan! Hey," you smile, slightly out of breath from running down the stairs.
You had changed your clothing, switching to something dry and more comfortable. You have a tote bag on your shoulder - you didn't need a lot of things anyway.
"Ready for breakfast?"
It didn't stop at breakfast.
Weeks passed when you and Rowan would hang out. It nearly happens every single day now. Be it while sitting together in class, meeting up in one of your dorms, or even going to Jericho.
There have been moments where you really wanted to hit yourself in the head for how dumb you acted in the past. Maybe even you just admitted to Xavier that day. If you had just admitted to him that you had a huge crush on Rowan. What would have happened then? Maybe you would have even been dating- No.
Come on! You can't think that. You spent months bickering and fighting with Rowan. You thought that your crush would have faded by now - and for a bit, it actually did. But hearing that Rowan actually used to like you, sparked a bit of hope in your heart.
You now lay with your stomach down on Rowan his bed, flipping through the book you were reading. He sat at his desk, scribbling away in his notebook which is now filled with most of his homework.
"Hey, Y/N?"
You hum in response, looking up from your book.
"Do you have more paper? I think I ran out."
"Yeah, of course! It's in my bag."
He thanks you with a big smile, pushing his chair to reach your bag. He opens the zipper, taking out your sketchbook. You always had a few spare pieces of paper stuck in it, just in case you needed them. Rowan places the sketchbook on his desk, opening it to take some of the paper out, pausing for a second when he sees what is on the rest of the pages.
On the paper that actually is stuck in the sketchbook is his own face, perfectly drawn. It is almost like he is staring into a mirror. When he glances at you, he sees that your nose is still stuck in the book, so he quietly closes the sketchbook again, a faint smile on his face.
When he is finally done with his homework, he sits down next to you on the bed, reading along with you. Not that he is that focused on the book. He feels very nervous to sit this close to you, but he does not mind being here. You still lay on your stomach as he sits up, his head leaning down to see the text on the pages.
He might have been leaning down for too long as his glasses snip off of his nose, falling on your book. You let out a laugh before taking hold of the item, pushing yourself up to sit opposite Rowan.
"You need to get these fixed," you hum, cleaning the glass before holding it up to the light, making sure that it is actually clean.
"Yeah," Rowan sighs, "I am just too lazy."
You laugh again before softly placing the glasses back on his nose, making sure the legs are tucked behind his ears before softly dropping your hand back in your lap. Your eyes are still focused on him as you breathe in shakily. Rowan blinks a few times, his heart beating faster as the two of you slowly inch closer to each other. Is this it? Is this the moment?
Footsteps outside of the door can be heard before it opens, you and Rowan pulling away from each other as you quickly grab hold of your book again, nervously looking at the door.
"Hey, Y/N, hey, Rowan."
"Hey Xavier," you both respond in unison.
Not long after, you decided to go to your own dorm, telling Rowan that you have homework to do and that you really had to focus. After giving him a quick hug, you left for your own dorm. You had to get your head straight.
It returned back to normal after that awkward encounter. You still sat together during classes, still spent time with him in his dorm, and you still felt hopelessly in love with him. Something about that moment just... changed things. For the better? Hopefully. You wished to actually do whatever your heart was set on.
Today was the day when Yoko planned another cocktail party. You don't really drink, but there wouldn't really be any alcohol anyway. You were sure that you would be able to get some of Ajax his stuff. Even though you aren't in the Nightshades, you are befriended by everyone in the group, so you are still invited to their private parties.
You were in charge of snacks, and oh, did you live up to the expectations. You arrived with bags full of chips, chocolate, muffins, and even a cake. The grocery store in Jericho must be entirely sold out by now. The only people already in the library are Ajax, Yoko, and Bianca. The Siren is already holding a glass filled with liquid and Ajax has a lit joint in his mouth. When he sees you approach the group he grins, holding out the lit joint for you while snatching a bag of chips out of your backpack.
After all the food is placed on the table, you hear more footsteps come down the stairs. Rowan and Xavier are talking, saying hello to the group before sitting down on the makeshift couch. You hand the joint back to Ajax, thanking him before carefully making your way to the chair you sat in before. Your mind feels a bit hazy in the most comfortable way possible. It is like you have a thick blanket draped over your shoulders.
The party was a big success.
Almost all of the food got eaten, a ton of drinks got consumed, and Ajax even let you roll some more joints from which some of them also got smoked. The only ones completely sober are Rowan and Enid, both sipping a mocktail instead. During the night, you switched seats with Xavier. He now sat in the chair as you sat on the couch, right next to Rowan. You slowly slouch down the couch more and more, your eyes droopy and tinted red.
You listen to the story he is telling, his hands moving while he talks. Though you can barely focus on most of the words he says, the feeling of him speaking still makes you feel... something. You look up at him from your position as you nearly lay with your head in his lap. His eyelashes are long, making his eyes look even more magical than they normally do. The way his lips move as he talks is almost as mesmerizing as the way his eyes sparkle while talking.
He doesn't even seem to care that your head is in his lap as his hand makes its way to your hair without him even thinking about it. He still sips his drink while talking with Xavier and Kent, though now also stroking your hair and twirling a strand of it around his finger.
"I think it's time to go," Rowan looks down at you, a smile on his face. "Before you actually fall asleep."
Huh? You fell asleep?
You slowly sit up, licking your lips. Your mouth feels disgustingly dry.
"Yeah, us too."
You barely register the people around you moving as you look at only Rowan. He reaches behind him, holding out a bottle of water to you. You take it, whispering a thank you before taking a big gulp.
"I'm going to drop Y/N off at her dorm."
"Alright," Xavier nods, raising his eyebrow as he grins. "Night Rowan, night Y/N!"
"G'night Xavier," you yawn, clinging onto Rowan his arm as he guides you upstairs.
He smells so nice. The smell used to disgust you. Wood, flowers, citrus. Even a hint of fruit. You want everything to smell like it now. Your clothing, your bed, your shampoo - you just want him.
"Come on, sleepyhead," you hear Rowan chuckle. "Almost at your dorm. Before Thornhill sees you, huh?"
"I'm not a sleepyhead," you respond, a yawn cutting you off.
"Sure," Rowan nods. "And you aren't high either, are you?"
You turn your head to face him, stopping in your tracks. But, your movements are way slower than they should be. Rowan just watches you with an amused expression, his hand on the small of your back to hold you steady as you still think about something to say.
Nothing comes out, so you just giggle before walking again. He makes you feel so giddy and excited. There is no way to explain it. Maybe it is because you're high. No, you also feel like this when you aren't.
"Here we go," Rowan opens your door, guiding you inside before making you sit on the bed. "Shoes?"
You slowly undo your laces, your eyes unfocusing every few seconds. In the meanwhile, Rowan has already taken a pair of pajamas out of your closet, placing them next to you before heading into the bathroom. There is toothpaste on your toothbrush and make-up remover in his hands.
"Go brush your teeth," he says, making you groan. "Come on, you're going to regret it in the morning."
He knows you too well. You quickly brush your teeth, changing in the bathroom before stepping out. He hands you a wipe as you wipe off your make-up, slipping underneath your covers.
"Good night, Y/N," Rowan smiles, a glass of water on your bedside table as you shake your head.
"I have to tell you something."
Rowan looks at you with an amused look, sitting at the edge of your bed. Your eyes are tinted red, and he knew that you were high. He finds it very funny, actually.
You would always come up with the weirdest things, and considering he did not smoke, he just learned how to go with it.
"You are so pretty," the whisper leaves your lips.
His heart stops beating for a second. Sure, he has hugged you, even held your hand, and you have fallen asleep on him more times than he can count. The two of you almost kissed before but never talked about it ever again.
"I'm serious," you yawn. "If you were my boyfriend - God. So gorgeous. Really."
A blush raises to his cheeks as he breathes in deeply, brushing your hair out of your face one last time before smiling, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"You are gorgeous too," he smiles at you fondly before switching your night lamp off. "Goodnight."
"No kiss?"
Rowan laughs before shaking his head.
"Tomorrow. When you're sober."
When the door behind him closes, he breathes in shakily. Where did all the sudden courage come from? Normally, he wouldn't really say something like that out loud. He wants to kiss you, that is for sure, but to promise one tomorrow? God, he wishes you would forget. But, being high is not the same as being drunk... Right?
It is early in the morning as Rowan finishes tying his tie. Xavier left even earlier than him, wanting some time in the art shed before heading to class. The boy runs his hand through his hair one last time, checking his appearance in the mirror once more before a knock is heard on the door. Is Xavier back?
When he opens it, he sees you, smiling brightly while holding onto your backpack.
"Good morning," he smiles. "Come in."
You skip in, your bag now on the ground as you sit down on his neatly made bed. The two of you have the usual talk - how are you feeling today, any plans, did you make all your homework? Then, it is time to head out. But, before Rowan places his hand on the door handle, you stop him.
"Hey, Rowan?"
He turns around, seeing you much closer to him than he expected. You look up at him with a smile on your face and one eyebrow raised.
"Little birdie told me that someone promised me something yesterday," you huff, though the smile never leaving. "A kiss, perhaps?"
Shit. You remember. Rowan opens his mouth nervously, blinking before closing it again.
"Only... Only if you want," he looks at you almost nervously.
You softly place your hands on his cheeks, looking up at him.
"From you? Always."
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derangedthoughtslay · 10 months
Gojo Satoru x reader  Notes : this is my first x reader writing, so if it sucks, you’ve been warned. Also if you think my writing could be improved, give me some tips. Based off of this post
“We’re still on for tonight right?” you asked your boyfriend as you were fixing dinner.
“What are you talking about?” your boyfriend asked, a confused look on his face. “Our date remember, we haven’t went out in months, you promised you would be able to go,” you said, hoping he hadn’t forgotten again.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I totally forgot and I already made plans with the guys.” You sighed, “so you can’t cancel them, we haven’t gone out in months, months b/n!!” “I’m really sorry but I can’t cancel, all the guys are going!”
You sighed, but then again you were stupid to actually believe you’d go on the date. He’s been canceling your dates for months, for stupid reasons such as hanging out with his friends.
“Fine, we’ll just go out some other time,” you said disappointed.
“ok, bye babe, I’ll be back late by the way,” he said quickly as he ran out the door.
You didn’t wanna just sit there and be lonely so you called Satoru to come over.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you waited for him, you can’t help but think about how he’s always been so perfect, an amazing sorcerer, flirty, funny, childish, sweet, and so very hot. You know you shouldn’t be doing things like this with him, you have a boyfriend after all. But if you compared the two, Satoru was just so much better on so many levels. And it was kinda exiting to have to sneak around.
As you were caught up in your thoughts, you heard the door open. Knowing it’s him, you get up to go greet him.
“Hey y/n!” he says as he goes in for a hug. While you two are hugging, he teasingly squeezes your butt.
You just giggle, this was normal for you two, for Satoru to do such things when your boyfriend wasn’t looking or wasn’t there.
You and him have kinda always been like this, when you first met he was flirting with you non stop and giving you that cocky grin, as if he was every girl’s dream, which he actually was.
He followed you as you went back to the living room, where you had snacks set up and the tv ready to watch you and Satoru’s favorite movie.
You sat cuddled up to each other on the couch as you started the movie and grabbed the blanket off the edge of the couch.
by the time your boyfriend got home, Satoru had already left.
That night all you could think about was him, yea it was kinda wrong to flirt and let him smack your ass because you had a boyfriend, but you’d kinda fallen for him.
It’s not like you’ve kissed him on the lips or anything, but I mean it was kinda thrilling. To have to be sneaky about everything because you both knew it was wrong.
But your boyfriend wasn’t the best, always bailing on your dates, barely hanging out with you anymore. So it wasn’t really that wrong, and how could you tell him your in love with someone else? You two have been together for two years, it would crush his heart. You thought as you drifted to sleep.
when you woke up, you saw your boyfriend wasn’t in bed, he was probably in the kitchen making himself some breakfast.
You got up to head to the kitchen, but all you found was a note on the table saying he went out for the day.
Sighing, you picked up your phone to text Satoru he could come over.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once Satoru was here you two decided to go out and do something.
Satoru suggested going to eat out at a cafe, which you agreed to.
Once you two reached the cafe, you ordered your drinks and sat down. You two just began talking about random stuff, when one thing led to another you two were on the topic of you and him.
Just talking about how it all felt like such a thrill, when he stopped and just looked at you. “What?” you asked as he stared at you. “Nothing, it’s just your looking extra beautiful right now,” he said as you blushed at his comment. You just admired him, his perfect features, his beautiful blue eyes, his hair, his lips. You leaned in and so did he. When your lips touched you could feel your stomach flutter.
This felt amazing, nothing like you’ve ever felt with your boyfriend now. You pulled away after a few seconds. You could feel the heat in your cheeks.
You two were done with your drinks, so you headed home, while you were walking back he playfully smacked your ass. You just rolled your eyes at this, typical.
You couldn’t wait till you got back home.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ part 2?
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bosskie · 4 months
Continuing the Sketchbook
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I felt inspired by that 'old Molluck' and I feel like I love that Molluck more now than I used to... I noticed more differences between the AO Molluck and NnT Molluck while working on this but I also did remember again why I dislike NnT... I'll write about that later in this post.
Man, I'm not even sure when was the last time I drew something like this... It's so rare that I draw 'full settings', I mean, a background, multiple characters, something that has a story etc. I'm just used to draw portraits because well, I have felt like I just cannot draw anything else... So, I took the challenge and especially when I didn't have direct references, I had to make this perspective by myself. I tried my best and hope that it looks alright. Also, I'm sorry for the quality of these. All these look better and smoother IRL. I only take a photo and edit it, so some details are lost too. But you can see the main thing, somehow, and the main details are there, like Abe's lil hand tattoo.
I actually planned something different for the second page but I wanted to draw this way too much ... I'm not sure why but this image was just stuck inside my head. This is kinda random too since I just added some stuff that came to my mind around the drawing. I basically just drew this all day since I felt like I do need a day-off... I barely keep any holidays, even for a day... I just keep feeling more and more tired...
But yes, man I just feel like I keep loving this Gluk more and more... I just noticed how this AO Molluck gives that certain feeling SoulStorm Molluck has.
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(I love what like AO Molluck looks in this cutscene...) The same situation in NnT doesn't give me this feeling, so yeah, frankly, NnT Molluck is the worst version of him in my opinion. I had forgotten how artificial voice NnT Molluck has... I hadn't seen any NnT cutscene for like two years. NnT Molluck makes different sounds too, like AO Molluck makes some 'random murmur' sounds while NnT one growls. I love that murmur he makes, it's adorable... He kinda does it in SS too!
I also noticed that NnT cutscene doesn't have that 'Molock suckz' text, just now... I wonder why. I personally love that lil detail and the fact that the Gametee's RuptureFarms hoodie has that printed on it! Well, I still don't agree on that, though it depends on how we define 'suck' here; he does smoke a lot!
Oh, and I also realized how they changed what Molluck says in that cutscene in NnT too! He doesn't say 'Kill 'im!' anymore but something like 'Get toast!', if I hear right... Man, Molluck truly got softer there. But that toast thing tickled my dark humour... Yeah, when Molluck manages to catch Abe, he wants to make a good sandwich from him, put him between a bread, and before killing him, he asks from Abe: 'Whadda ya are?'. Abe replies: 'I'm a weak, pathetic, uneducated, shmuck of a slave sandwich'. Those were Abe's last words. The end.
I cannot help myself that I enjoy dark humour like that... Oddworld is just perfect for my humour! I have been joking after making that joke that welp, maybe being like all day with Molluck makes me be more like him too... Yeah, I don't hate Abe but for some reason, the only character I care about is Molluck. He just means so much to me... After all these years, I finally found a character that is 'perfect' for me. Well, I only like a few characters in general too... But none of them (but Molluck) feel 'right' for me, at least in the same sense as Molluck; it can take some time to realize it. I can like count with one hand the characters that feel somehow special to me; like one of them is like me as a villain, feels like my alter ego.
It's just kinda odd to think how 'the one' for me was Molluck... No one else has made me feel like he does... It's just so interesting but I love to have him as that one. When I saw him, in both AO and SS, before really getting into him, I felt nothing special toward him, didn't see anything special in his appearance either; I only liked Gluks in general. But then, that SS Molluck just started to feel like me as a Gluk and here I am!
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haystarlight · 1 year
Disabilities and Disclosure
@lollytea made a post about this idea and I went with it.
I don't have dyslexia. If you or someone you know has it, I'd appreciate your input!
@avatarmerida @fairytales-and-folklore
"Disabilities and Disclosure"
"I'm gonna have to borrow that book when you're done with it!"
Willow wasn't really thinking when she made that promise. She'd been too caught up in Hunter's cool outfit and his sweet smile to realize what she was signing up for. She'd been so preoccupied with flirting with the cute boy she didn't bother to think she was actually going to have to read that book later.
At first, she put it off. They were busy fighting villains, rebuilding society, rebuilding their homes, starting a new semester at Hexside. Then, a few months after she and Hunter started dating, he remembered she had expressed interest in reading Cosmic Frontier.
Oh no.
"Here you go! you can keep it, I have another copy at home."
"Aww, Sunflower, this is so nice of you."
Hunter blushed, he always blushed when she called him that.
Aw fuck. The book was even bigger than she remembered.
"A little fat, ain't it?" She chuckled nervously "how did you read it all in 2 days?"
"Haha well, yeah. I don't wanna brag but you do remember I've been called a 'genius teen prodigy'," He said this in a tone that sounded like he did want to brag. "it's not that fat, tho. A regular reader like you can probably kill it in a week or two. And then you can share your thoughts with me, Gus and Camila!"
Yeah. Sure. A regular reader like her.
A week or two. Sure.
Hunter must've sensed her uncertainty because his voice immediately dropped from excitement to comfort.
"Hey, I won't get upset if you don't like it. Just so you know."
"Aw, yeah, I wasn't worried about that. But thanks."
She tried looking at the summary on the back and almost got a headache. She knew he wouldn't mind if she didn't like it... But would he be disappointed if she couldn't even finish it?
"Oh, and I hope you're cool with this... I kinda wrote stuff on the margins," he said this bashfully.
Willow opened the book on the first page. The first two pages of every book are always blank before the actual story gets started. She'd always considered that a waste of paper.
This time, however, she saw on the first blank page something written in Hunter's perfect calligraphy. He had such nice handwriting. Her writing was so messy in comparison.
Even she was able to read the three simple words written there with love and care.
'To my Captain 💛'
What had she done?
The days passed by and no matter how hard she tried, the damn book was impossible to finish.
It's not that she couldn't read at all! She could read! She was 16, not 5!
But some words were harder to understand than others. Words that were really long and complicated gave her the hardest time. It didn't help that all these characters had odd names that looked impossible to pronounce and even harder to spell. She kept getting headaches whenever she stared at a page for too long.
She had always been like this, since she started school. It was one of the reasons abominations were so much harder for her than plants, abominations required a lot of reading and theory, plants were direct hands-on action. She had so many memories of staying up late with her parents trying to help her as she agonized over the homework.
And, as the days passed, she kept avoiding having to talk to Hunter. He always asked her how far into the book she was, which scene had she gotten to, who was her favorite character so far. And Gus was no better. Gus knew of Willow's reading issue but it seemed like the young boy had forgotten about it as he got caught up in the excitement as well.
One day, Willow was alone, sitting on the school steps when she suddenly couldn't take it anymore and screamed in frustration, throwing the book away from her.
Luckily, someone caught it.
"Wow! You must be really angry at this thing," Luz said, in between scared and impressed. "did your favorite character die or something? I hate it when that happens."
Willow sighed.
"No, it's just... it's so hard to read."
"Really? It says here the age rating is 13 and up," Luz pointed at the back of the book.
Willow groaned.
"Is it because you don't understand all the weird sci-fi things? I know you guys still don't know a lot about the human world. It makes sense you don't get all the space and science-y thingies," she laughed. "heck, I'm a human and even I don't get it half the time! It's super confusing, you don't have to feel bad for -"
"That's not it either, Luz."
There was a silence between the two of them. Luz felt the weight of that silence and sat down next to her. The human carefully laid a hand on her best friend's shoulder.
"Hey. You don't have to tell me but it looks like it'll make you feel better to tell someone."
"It's... I don't... it's not that I can't read or write! You've seen me do it! I know how to read and write! I'm not a baby!"
Luz simply stared at her, waiting for her to continue.
"But, even though I can do it, I find it very... difficult. There's lots of words that I can't spell because they're too long, the letters sometimes like... move around and blurr together even when I'm wearing my glasses!" She took off the golden frames as if to clarify. "and I keep getting headaches and I hate it when a sentence has too many comas and -"
"Oh, you have dyslexia!"
Willow stopped her rant to look at her friend. She put her glasses back on, confused.
"Oh, that's what humans call it! I don't know how witches call it or if it even has a name here. I didn't know witches could have dyslexia... but I guess it makes sense cause human brains are very similar to witch brains. I wonder if-"
"Luz, what's dyslexia?"
"Oh, right, sorry," she smiled apologetically. "it's a learning disability. It's what you just described. Someone who has a hard time reading, who can't spell long words, who struggles with big books... etcetera."
Willow looked shocked, her mouth slightly opened. It has a name? Other people have it?
"I'm not a doctor so I can't really diagnose you. But, if you want, we can do some research! There's lots of info on the human realm! It's actually a really common thing so we have lots of methods to help make it easier. We can look up Cosmic Frontier audiobooks! You can just listen to it, no reading required."
Despite of herself, Willow smiled. Luz was a really good friend.
"Thank you, Luz. That sounds nice."
"And I bet Hunter will love to help! You know how he loves research!"
The smile dropped as quickly as it had come, replaced by panic.
"Okay, why?"
"He just... Hunter's so smart and I'm..."
"You're smart! Just because you have a learning disability doesn't make you not smart! Mom has ADHD and she's super smart!"
"What's ADHD?"
"Oh, it's another learning disability. I think I have it too but that's a conversation for another day."
"Mmmkay," Willow shrugged and went back to the matter at hand. "Hunter's so smart and he's such a good reader and... and he's always going on and on about how talented and clever I am and he admires me so much and... I don't want him to be disappointed or to see me different."
Luz stayed silent for a moment while she contemplated what to say. She finally settled on:
"I'm not gonna tell him because I respect your privacy but I think you should tell him. Hunter loves you but he doesn't have you on a pedestal, he knows you're a person with limits and weaknesses. He's not going to be disappointed if you tell him this."
Willow didn't respond but she knew her friend was right. Oh, where would she be without Luz the human?
A few days of research and information gathering with the assistance of Luz and Camila, and Willow was now ready to come clean to her boyfriend.
She sat with him on a picnic they'd set up in the forest as she laid out all the information. Hunter would occasionally ask a question but, for the most part, he just let her speak. In the end, Willow stared at him in deep dread.
"Wow, ok. Thanks for telling me this," he stopped to take a sip of apple blood before continuing. "how can I help?"
Willow stared at him, processing the words.
"You want to help?" She asked incredulously.
"You're my girlfriend and you need help, therefore, I'm willing to do what I can. Is that not how it works?"
Willow couldn't help but smile. Hunter was getting better at this relationship thing.
"Yeah, thank you. I was just... I was being paranoid."
Hunter tilted his head, offering her to go on.
"You're always... you're so smart and well-read and... you always tell me how talented and clever you think I am and you compliment me for knowing so much about flyer derby and plants and insects... I feel like I'll disappoint you if I'm actually not as smart as you think I am."
Hunter frowned. He did tend to go on about how amazing his girlfriend was, he couldn't help it! He loved her! And she had always looked so happy when he said those things, responding with a smile or a blush or a thank you or paying him a compliment in return.
He didn't realize that maybe there was a bit of a negative side to it.
"Willow, I'm not gonna be disappointed in you for having limits and weaknesses. Nobody's perfect! And that's fine! You're the one who taught me that!
The plant witch snorted. It was true, she had been the one to teach Hunter that. Why couldn't she remember her own advice?
"There it is," Hunter said, fondly.
"There what is?"
"You snort like a pig when you laugh, you kick people in your sleep, you take pictures of strangers on the street like a creeper..." He counted on his fingers. "I could keep going but the point is, I know you're not perfect. It's okay to not be perfect. I don't love you because you're flawless! I love you because you're Willow and you're impossible not to love."
He said that last part so sincerely, she had to believe him. The plant witch grabbed her boyfriend in a tight hug. He hugged her back and she felt the warmth fill her with comfort.
"I love you too, Sunflower."
They kissed. They'd already kissed so many times, it came naturally to them by now. Willow was long familiar with the taste of his lips but it still somehow brought firebees to her stomach no matter how many times she did it. It never got old, she would never get tired of it.
Every time they kissed, like clockwork, flowers came out of Willow's head. It was like her heart and her magic couldn't control themselves when she felt his kisses. This time, the flowers on her hair were white bellflowers.
"Now, back to the 'how can I help?' thing," Hunter said, after they had broken apart. "I think I have an idea you might like."
Normal people would simply find a Cosmic Frontier audiobook for Willow to listen to. Or maybe they would read to her out loud. Or maybe they'd show her the movie adaptation (tho, she'd been told by Hunter, Gus and Camila that the movie was awful and did a terrible job at adapting the original source material).
Hunter wasn't a normal person, not by a long shot.
He'd decided to act out all of the memorable scenes from the book like it was a play. After telling the others, they had also been incredibly excited to help.
Everyone did something. Willow built the stage and props, Hunter made the costumes and wrote the scripts, Vee and Gus were on special effects with their shapeshifting and illusions respectively, Amity brought some abominations for extra manpower and Luz and Camila put together a playlist of songs that went perfect with every scene. Eda and King brought snacks.
When the night of the premiere finally came, Willow sat down at the Owl House's backyard with Luz, Amity, King, Eda and Raine as they watched it all unfold. Luz took out her phone and started recording because she wanted to put it on Mewtube, Amity didn't understand anything that was going on, Eda ate all the snacks and King fell asleep on Raine's lap halfway through. Perfection.
It wasn't a quality production, it was very low budget and DIY. It reminded Willow of those plays the bard witches from the drama club at Hexside often did. It was silly and weird but it was wonderful.
At the heart of it all were the actors. Vee obviously knew how to play a convincing alien monster, Gus and Camila were not professionals but they felt such passion and appreciation for their character's plight that they could bring themselves to do a pretty good performance. And Hunter was just IN IT! He was an artist lost in his art and Willow never wanted him to stop ever.
His voice cracked with emotion on the dramatic scenes, he stricked poses and smiled at the audience, he recited every line from memory, he even cried on the sad parts. It was hard not to love the book when it inspired something so incredible on all these people she loved.
When the play ended, the actors took a bow and everyone clapped. Luz was the loudest, woohoo-ing and wolf whistling. She cheered so loud, King woke up with a yelp.
Willow made flowers with her magic, throwing them at the stage enthusiastic. Gus caught one and pointed a finger gun, winking at her. Vee caught one and giggled. Camila caught one and her smile got even bigger.
She threw a whole bouquet of roses. Hunter caught it and blew her a kiss.
Yup, this was her new favorite book.
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Hughhhghhhh ok fine the intrusive thoughts win, I'm just gonna do it. Athelstan headcanons but just the ones that are angst/whump based because some feral part of me needs to Harm Him:
His hands and feet still hurt terribly at times, even years after the wounds there have healed. Cold and damp weather makes it worse.
Sometimes it gets bad enough that he can't hold a pen (or an axe, for that matter) properly, and it becomes hard to walk
But he keeps it to himself, shutting himself away from others if necessary
Tries his best not to look at the scars because if he does even for a short time he starts Remembering Things
He draws to alleviate the stress on his mind, and his drawings - the secret ones he doesn't show to anybody - get quite disturbing
(Ragnar never tells him this, but he does find them one day. And it breaks his heart.)
Ok apparently a common theory about the "sky dragons" that were seen before the Vikings' attack on Lindisfarne was that they were actually northern lights and that made me think ; any time he sees northern lights now, in a climate where they're more common, he has bad dreams. Without fail. He's tried to get over it, and his artist's brain tries to see the beauty in them, but it doesn't help.
Ragnar (and Gyda while they lived on the farm) try to show them to him on winter nights, thinking he'll love it, and he doesn't have the heart to tell them they Freak Him Out
Allergic to bee stings. He finds out when he's watching over the kids one day and Bjorn thinks it would be fun to disturb a wasp nest. He makes a valiant effort to shoo him and Gyda back to the house...and in turn ends up with a very swollen face
A Lot of nightmares. First about the attack at the monastery and later about the crucifixion
And about his family dying. He always *thinks* he's forgotten about that, or that it doesn't affect him anymore, but it always comes back to him and he realizes he was Wrong
(And the fact that he wasn't actually there when it happened almost makes it worse, because it leaves him to just imagine what happened. And he has a very good imagination.)
When he gets one bad enough, he knows he won't be able to sleep at all afterwards, and spends the rest of the night writing, or sketching, or just pacing around. Walking outside helps, but he can only do that when it's not too cold
Gets headaches easily. I headcanon that he's a little nearsighted and doesn't even realize he's straining his eyes (and spending years squinting at tiny print didn't do him any favours)
It's sorta canon that he's somewhat prone to hallucinations, and I like to think it's a thing that happens sometimes when his brain is very very overwhelmed - but he probably keeps it to himself and has it in his head that they're either visions trying to "teach" him something but he can't figure out what, or that there's something Horribly Wrong With Him and he lives in fear of what that might be
Usually it's just weird blobs out of the corner of his eye that won't go away (like migraine aura type stuff) but after the incidents of season 2 he's always on edge of what else he might see
While his wounds were healing in Wessex he spends days slipping in and out of consciousness, not sure if he's dead or alive, with friends or enemies
And he calls out for Ragnar more than once - Ecbert never tells him about this, but definitely keeps it in mind
Dreams about hell, and later Ragnarok. A lot.
Like I've said before he doesn't get sick very often, but when he does it hits him like a truck
It's not uncommon for him to get super high fevers when he's sick, which doesn't help with the already present nightmares At All
Or the potential hallucinations
Had asthma as a little kid and cold weather still irritates his lungs sometimes, prone to chest infections
Hates being seen in any vulnerable state Whatsoever because he's Always Just Chill Always Everything's Fine
But is actually so clingy to a surprising degree once it's out there that he Needs Help & someone's there to help him & he gets to collapse, whoever that person is they are Staying Now
Gets panic attacks after being crucified. Can't stand the sound of things being nailed together (@adhdnightmare This One) it sets his teeth on edge and he wants to run away and hide - he doesn't put two and two together at first until he does and is like oh
Doesn't like to be touched when going through one of these episodes, Ragnar knows he gets them and has learned how to talk him through it without touching him (even though all his instincts are telling him to wrap that lil guy up in the biggest bear hug)
For a short time he can't even look at his own cross necklace without breaking out in a cold sweat, and of course THAT stresses him out big time because what if it's The Devil talking??? What if he's Bad Now??? His religion-based stress is never ending.
Occasionally this anxiety comes back even years down the line, and each time he's like. ah ok this is gonna be a Bad Mental Health Day isn't it.
There's gotta be more somewhere but hm that's all for tonight
@grantairescurls @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics @levithestripper @starrose17 hi guys it's Me Again
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I was in the fandom the cookie needle incident occurred in! It was Undertale. TLDR we still don’t know why the artist got a needle cookie because the culprit was never caught. The reason it got tied into antis and shipping stuff was because someone on Tumblr took the opportunity to go “it wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t drawn my rival ship minor/adult!”
r/Hobbydrama has a write-up, but unfortunately the OP spends most of it going “lol Undertale fans and shippers” and right when shipping would actually be relevant it gets completely ignored. The actual incident is shoehorned in with unfounded assumptions, and OP finishes with “maybe don’t ship adults with minors”. So I’m gonna attempt my own write up from what I remember. I urge your followers to correct me if I get things wrong!
Once again: The culprit was never caught so we have no idea why they did what they did. Keep this in mind.
A popular Taiwanese fanartist called Avimedes was at a convention in 2017. She got some gifts there, among them a cookie. When she took a bite her tongue was pierced by a needle. I think it was bad enough she had to go to the hospital? Either way she posted a picture of the bloodied cookie and needlea on her plurk, stating she had no idea who did it. A screenshot of it was posted and spread on Tumblr. The first reblogs were of people reacting with horror.
Then someone reblogged with (paraphrased) “Sure it was wrong, but it probably wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t drawn Frisk/Sans.”
Context: Frisk is the protagonist of the game, implied to be a child but very open for headcanons and self-inserts. Sans is THE most popular character in Undertale and thus the most shipped one. He interacts a lot with Frisk, so while it was never the fandom OTP for him it was pretty popular. People got around the age thing by simply drawing Frisk as a teenager/adult. Avimedes was one of them.
Not that the reblogger, who just so happened to ship Sans in the fandom OTP Soriel, cared. They might’ve been a BNF? Either way now legions of Soriel shippers were reblogging that version of the post, either as is or with additions about how minor/adult is wrong, Frisk is a child, [insert typical ship and anti arguments here], until people were outright defending the culprit.
The incident got posted only a day later to r/Undertale, but by them rumors were already flying about ships being the cause. Reddit OP made it clear the culprit hadn’t been caught and that these were just rumors, but they still took the time to denounce the culprit and people defending them for those reasons.
One game of telephone later and we have today’s “artist got feed needle cookie by an anti!”
Because of this there’s an now forgotten incident that happened few months to a year later. People started talking about how the culprit had been caught, and it turned out they had been one of Avimedes’ fans! I can’t remember if a reason was ever stated? Either way this got spread for a while until people got suspicious and looked up the source.
The source was a Soriel shipper going “Trust me guys! Also this totally had nothing to do with ships!” See, while it was (still is) the fandom OTP… turns out people will side-eye its shippers if it seems like they’re fine with people being seriously injured if they’re rival shippers. Once it was clear it was damage control people stopped spreading those claims.
So while anon is right in that we can’t say it was because of a ship because we don’t know, people were damn quick to defend the culprit because of their shipping bias so it IS still tied into anti-stuff and fandom purity. Kinda side-eyeing anon for trying to down-play it, because it certainly had an effect on Undertale fandom and ships.
After some research I’m also gonna side-eye anon for bringing up the claims about animal abuse and scams. The only sources I can are from 2021, from a few people going “source: trust me guys”, several years after the fact.
Even if they’re true, and even if that’s why the culprit did it?
People still thought it was fine an artist got needles in her cookies because she created content for their rival ship.
Thank you OTNF for letting me rant late at night, and apologies because this'll probably start another round of discourse.
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thisfairytalegonebad · 2 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @zanarkandfayth, thank you so much - this is such a cool concept for a tag game and I was super excited to do it, but by the time I would've been free, I'd totally forgotten, lol. Really appreciate the tag <3
I considered my Love List project one of the "last 10" fics because it's the latest I updated, but I'm going to pick the opening line from the first chapter even though the chapters are technically all just oneshots - but I wanted to have at least one older thing in there since the other 8 are just going to be Whumptober which was written last October.
I also added a honorary +1 because I wanted to include something not FFXV and there's really only one fic I've written recently to which that applies, lol
Ignis brought his hand up to his face again to rub at his eyes for what must’ve been the third time within the past fifteen minutes. Gods, he was so tired, all he wanted was to lie down and get some sleep. if something comes on the way (we face it as one)
Prompto learns a lot of new things about his friends once they’re stuck practically in each other’s laps twenty-four hours a day. at first light
Noct isn’t quite sure how they ended up like this. Prompto’s his best friend and arguably the person he feels most comfortable discussing stuff with, but Noct’s famously terrible at talking about his feelings in any way, even to Prompto. Emptiness
The sight of Ravus crouching next to Ignis makes Gladio’s heart skip a beat. His hand itches to reach for his sword, but Ravus rises and stalks past him without a word. Bridal Carry
Prompto awakens to a world of pain. "What happened to me?"
Gladio is a protector, born and bred. "You'll have to go through me."
Gladio has had scars for as long as Noct can remember. Scars
“What the hell is up with you?” Gladio snaps when Ignis loses his footing and just barely avoids Gladio’s blade, for the third time. “If you’re not up for training, just say so! Better than letting yourself get cut in half by my sword.” Working to Exhaustion
Noct wakes up in darkness and blinding agony. Buried Alive
It would be a bit self-centered to say Ignis and Gladio were the ones who raised Noct. His mother passed away when Noctis was less than a year old, but he still has his father who loves him dearly. He had nannies, tutors, people who took care of him and made sure he was fed, clothed, and prepared to handle anything that was expected of a young prince. Neglect
Yuki frowns. if you're here, if i'm with you
Lmfao, there's a pattern here alright - 8 out of 11 start with a character's name. That's really interesting actually, I never noticed I was doing that! Unfortunately most of these were written very recently and a lot of them within the same month, so there's not much change to be observed here, but it was still neat to see that there is a pattern, even if it's an unconscious one.
This was super fun, thanks again fayth for the tag! Had a blast with this <3<3
Tagging: See, here's the thing... there's not all that many people I talk to anymore, and I'm not at all sure anymore who is and isn't a writer at this point, so I'm not going to tag anyone specifically. BUT! I really, really enjoy reading these because it IS super interesting, so if you want to do this, please do, and please please tag me in it so I can read it!
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rottenbrainstuff · 6 days
Star Wars rant:
Oh you guys
I watch documentaries while I do stuff - I’ve been watching Disney documentaries recently. The things I’ve just seen! You guys! You guys! You are not going to rewrite history that I still remember.
I am hearing people say all kind of crazyass things about what Disney did with Star Wars and where it made mistakes. You guys this wasn’t that long ago. I have heard someone say the reason that the rise of skywalker was bad was because the last Jedi went so weird with the writing that the third movie had nowhere to go - what! I don’t buy that for five seconds. As soon as TLJ came out, fans were discussing ideas for what we thought was going to happen next and no one had trouble creating outlines and ideas that all sounded a million times better than the shit we ended up getting. Please don’t blame TRoS on anyone but JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio! I even saw the Trevorrow script and look, it’s not amazing, but even that is better than what we got. (Slightly)
I heard someone say Star Wars fans were disappointed in TFA when it was released and we were just waiting to see what the next movie was going to be like. Y’all are trying to act like you knew what was going to happen in the end and you were smart and skeptical. That is completely fucking wrong. There WERE some hardcore gatekeeper fans who were disappointed it wasn’t down to their exacting checklist of things they wanted, and some folks wanted the new trilogy to follow the EU books. (And guess what happened when they made a movie to try and please the gatekeeping fans? We got TRoS) By and large, the fans were NOT disappointed. Are you kidding me??? We were ecstatic. Everyone at the cons wanted to talk about that movie, and everyone suddenly loved Star Wars again.
And I have actually heard with my own two ears some say that ohhhhh George Lucas had an outline of ideas for the sequel trilogies, but Disney threw them in the bin and didn’t use them, if we had just followed George’s master plan, we could have had a good sequel - my god - I knew it was only a matter of time before I heard someone say this. You are either: absolute goddamned hypocrites! You are the same people who sang “George Lucas Raped my Childhood” after the prequel trilogy came out! You cried louder than anyone that George Lucas ruined Star Wars, and NOW you want to walk that back and pretend like you actually liked him this whole time? Or else: you are too young to remember the absolute franchise killer that the prequel movies were, how utterly scorned they were at the time, you never read George Lucas’ original script for a New Hope (and btw that movie was a mess - the only reason it is as good as it is is because he had a great editor), you have never read any of his other outlines for things and realized how fucking stupid they are and how lucky we are he did NOT end up making anything more. The whole problem with the prequels was that George had too much control and not enough input from other people to keep things sensible. Oh my god no. No, no, no. Can we not say that? Ever? That’s like being served a dog turd for supper and saying that instead we should have eaten the moldy month old Kraft dinner in the forgotten Tupperware. Let’s not pretend the moldy Kraft dinner isn’t also nasty.
I can’t believe I’m hearing this, people just making up junk years later. Did you all seriously forget already? It wasn’t even that long ago!
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Long long rambly headcanon post regarding my V and Kerry specifically, because I have feeeeeels XD On a meta level this time, bc some coincidences you just cannot plan out beforehand.
I know this all is gonna sound so fake, but I promise, it's not xD Also, it's maybe not as deep, but I want to write about all these things at some point in more detail too and not forget about them, so here they go for now!
I put several details into V's background way before meeting Kerry in game that ended up connecting to his life and questline in amazing ways. Mind you, I went into my first playthrough almost entirely blind. All I'd looked up at some point was the romanceable characters' names and who can romance them, because River was sending so many mixed signals xD.
Heck, I wasn't even too excited about Kerry XD I was hell-bent on River, bc V and he hit it off so well imo, and when I looked up that River is not available to romance for masc body/ masc voice V I was so disappointed xD Thinking "urgh fine, let's see how Kerry is like then, if he's the only MLM option". I was half-expecting though to probably finish the game without playing any of the romances - wouldn't have been the first time that happend to me in a game, sometimes my OC just doesn't click with any of the characters XD
During Johnny's first flashback it didn't even fully register with me that you're actually talking to *the* Kerry there, just his younger self. I'd basically forgotten about him again until the Voodoo Boys job. And overall, the little Johnny says about him didn't intrigue me (or V on that matter) that much, beyond an "okay, noted, it's complicated with you two". Overall I was basically expecting a less funny Johnny 2.0 with Kerry, personality-wise. I was still looking forward to meeting him, because he was taking his sweet time to show up XD But otherwise I had zero expectations.
Since I didn't know the lore or world of Cyberpunk that well either, a lot of stuff I made up for V's background along the way, and it led to so many amazing coincidences in the end...
Like, Vince his half-Japanese. That I settled on while messing in the CC, filling in some gaps as I got to know the world better. His father was a huge admirer of the Arasakas, Hanako in particular, gave his life for the corp, yadayada. He wanted his family and his kid to resemble the Arasakas' grandiosity in as many ways as possible, and so amongst other things V learned how to play the piano when he was a kid. He ended up hating it, stopped playing, because it was not something he wanted to do but was forced to do, more or less. Then, what's the first thing you see walking into Kerry's mansion the first time? Front and center, big piano. Admittedly, pianos show up here and there elsewhere, but somehow at Kerry's villa it felt the most out of place for me, just how V felt like out of place snooping around there. I'd like to think that Kerry inspired him to pick it up again at some point, on his own terms this time, playing what he wanted, not what others told him. Out of the other former Samurai members he also gets along best with Nancy, and they stay in regular contact after he helped her out with her request.
Another thing, I don't even remember where you can read about it in-game - in Kerry's database entry, or in a shard? - that kinda caught me a little off guard, a "what the heck" moment, was Kerry apparently doing yoga on his patio every morning. I think one of the first things I added to Vince's background for flavor was that he did yoga for a long time, picking it up some time after starting at Arasaka (recommendation by his life coach to cope with the stress) and eventually falling out of the habit after leaving the corp, because all his routines kind of went out the window for a while there. Here I'd also like to think Kerry makes him pick it up again, bc it's some additional time they can spend together in the mornings, especially important when the rest of the day they don't get to see each other anymore, until late at night maybe.
When V and Takemura talked about their childhoods during Gimme Danger, first thing I did afterwards was drive to Charter Hill and figure out where V might have grown up, which street and building he and his family could have lived in. The building I ended up settling on turned out to be one of the first you see when you step onto the rooftop lounge of the Dark Matter with Kerry. The thought of Kerry going there during important moments in his life, and the kid that would really change everything for the better for him a few years down the road living right across the street, neither of them aware of the other... I live for shit like that. So if anything, that one settled the deal for me for good XD Not to mention that Kerry was not what I had expected in the slightest, and I mean that in the best way possible.
The more I think about it, and as I'm replaying the game, I might notice or remember even more stuff or little coincidences. But yes... they were meant for each other, from the start, without me or either of them realizing it then, and I love it XD
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hollyhomburg · 11 months
LIII !!! THE NEW BILY CHAPTER WAS AMAZING OMGGGG AHHHH ALL THE HOBI CONTENT YOU ARE FEEDING US YESSSS !! The slow burn between hobi and mc is so good, I can’t wait until they actually get together together and say they love eachother to their faces hehehe
AND TAEEEE MOMMY TAE CONTENT THAT WE ARE ALWAYS WANTING MORE OFF (the book gifts and tae reading to mc is the cutest thing ever! I love it!!) also! Cause I saw you saying that you weren’t sure about the titty scenes before I just wanna say that I honestly don’t think you gotta worry about it too much, after all the kinky stuff that is in BILY, I think it would be difficult for the audience to not be cool with it (at the very least) because like, it’s BILY bro, what else could you expect after all the previous scenes lol
Oh but the scene where hobo’s coworkers are trying to hit on mc and she turns on the ‘charm’ or whatever it was called was really interesting! I feel like it’s easy to forget that the mc would know how to do that stuff cause she’s so comfy with the pack so often now, but it’s sort of a bittersweet reminder of the stuff she had to learn to be able to do to like, survive I guess:(( It made me sad a little but also I was like, yeah girl you go play them cause you smart like that 💪💪💪 idk it was like cool the way you wrote it even though when you think about it :(( sad
Ahhh but towards the end tho! Where there was a line something like ‘jungkook didn’t even have a seizure this time’ in regards to namjoon’ rut!! I freaked a little and I have to mention it! Does that mean he’s had seizures during the alphas’ ruts before!? I can’t imagine how stressful that would be for the pack and poor jungkookie :(
I hope that whenever it happened, that he pack was able to take care of him and that whoever was in rut was gentle with him and able to give him space if he needed it or whatever. Cause you know, I doubt taking a knot after having a seizure would be very good AT ALL, if it was me, I’d reckon even having someone wanting me to take a knot afterwards would have me feeling shitty even if the pack was saying a clear cut no for me :( the way you write jungkook with his seizures is really comforting to me as someone with a chronic condition myself, because he’s such a strong bby despite it all ♥️
Anyway yikes this is getting really long haha, so I’ll draw it to a close! But I loved the chapter! It’s so fun seeing all the drama and plot pick up! And honestly, I’m starting to get a bit nervous thinking about what you have in store for us! Very exciting! Hope you aren’t feeling too stressed out with anything and are having fun, despite all the stuff that’s been going on recently that you’ve put on here, and anything you might’ve not put on here ♥️ thank you again for a wonderful chapter li! Have a good day ☺️☺️
Ahhhh thank you for appreciating the slow burn ;-; honestly when I look at the wordcount of bily I have to wonder if there is a slower burn in the fandom like, we’re nearly 700k into it and they haven’t even confessed yet! It’s probably a little too slow tbh
Ahhhh I think I got a little bit in my head about the mommy Tae sections, it just felt maybe a little too niche??? If it pleases the people who still read bily after all this time then I’m glad that I put it in <3 I also gotta remember as you said that the kink list in bily is EXTENSIVE as hell, the tummy bulge stuff was probably more extreme then this.
 Yeah if we’re being honest, I think the m/c has forgotten a bit too it’s a bit sad at times, but I think she’s really gotten so comfortable that she doesn’t need to use many of her old coping mechanisms or protective mechanisms anymore- this was probably one of them like you said.
Oh yeah Jk has definitely had seizures during their ruts before, especially at the beginning. Some of Jungkook’s seizures are milder than others. It is very stressful, and I think it probably even knocked Namjoon fully out of rut the first time it happened, it would have been a large part of their conversation in the beginning of their relationships.
For a while Jungkook would take sort of an ‘emergency’ seizure medication to make seizures less likely- he did this especially during the time Yoongi was away- but Namjoon and Jungkook’s doctors decided the side effects (Jungkook’s own cycle being delayed, nausea, dizziness) outweighed the benefits. You’re right in assuming that if jk has a seizure during a rut, he’s basically out of knotting duty for at least a day after- until his usual hornyness wins out and jk makes the choice to re-join. The pack leave it up to him because it is one of his boundaries that they don’t decide when he can start doing normal things after a seizure, as long as he’s not hurting himself.
 All of the alphas know that Jungkook stands a risk of seizing during a rut. Luckily, it’s not an often occurrence and he hasn’t had one of the seizures where he needs to go to the hospital after in a long long time (typically any seizure lasting longer than 5 minutes means he needs to go to the hospital or if he has more than two in a single day. Around 80-90% of Jungkook’s seizures are 1-2 minutes long.
Ahhhh thank you for the well wishes and for leaving such a dedicated ask! These are always so much fun to answer even if they take me a second longer to get too! I hope that you take care of yourself too!
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ur-boyfiend · 7 months
Bang The Doldrums
based on this board by @snug-gyu
-> writing stuff with happy / positive (or at least , not depressing) endings but also based on this song feels so weird lol ,,, didn't read the pete wentz livejournals for nothin. maybe i'll write some proper angst for it soon ,,, summer of like kinda content <3
also it's like 01:30 here and i'm tired but like what else is new lol. gonna see if i can write a bit more before i actually head to sleep
blue skies, forget-me-nots, winding country roads. a summer so much like the last summer you spent together, you have to force yourself not to think about it.
singing along to a playlist you made at 3am when you were lonely and in love, you continue your drive to the campsite. there was no real reason to go, he had been the one to like camping after all, but you need the catharsis more than ever.
you see the familiar gated dirt road and smile sadly, used to the feeling of missing people, but no better at dealing with it than before.
you pay the fee at the small office that sits just in front of the gates, waiting for a moment afterwards as the old metal creaks open. you thank the person working the booth and continue towards the lake near the middle of the park.
people usually gravitate towards the open area surrounding the lake and the noise filling the air is just as loud as ever, you're not planning on setting up on the lakeshore but you like the water anyway.
parking in the gravel lot you turn off your car's engine and grab the messenger bag sitting on the passenger seat next to you. you double, then triple-check that your car is locked before walking down to the lake's edge and sitting on the grass.
the messenger bag previously slung over your shoulder is now slumped on the ground next to you, and you grab the worn notebook and overfilled pencil case from the main pocket, flipping to a half-finished sketch you'd started the day before.
you're quickly lost in your work, focusing on the scratching sound of your pencil on the paper and the hushing of the water in front of you. when you turn to grab a different color pencil from your bag you're surprised to see someone sitting next to you, then even more surprised when you see who it is.
you don't say anything for a moment, not entirely sure that he's real. it wouldn't be the first time you saw him when he wasn't there.
but then he smiles at you, and you think you might start crying right then and there.
"chan...?" you curse yourself for how your voice wavers, though ultimately you're a bit surprised that you can speak at all.
his smile grows a bit wider, his dimples showing through even more, "hi."
you're not sure how to respond, but before you can make up your mind he reaches up, gently brushing his hand across your cheek, "you're crying."
you hadn't noticed, reaching up to touch your face you realize he's right. you wipe at your cheeks, trying to stop the tears still slipping from your eyes.
"sorry, sorry," you can barely hear yourself speak, your voice muffled by the way you've curled in on yourself.
but apparently chan can still hear you, because he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his side.
"it's alright, you're alright. you don't need to apologize to me, remember?"
you're frozen for a moment, not expecting him to reference the promise you'd made years ago, that neither of you would apologize to each other for their emotions.
"'course, that was the first time someone told me that i could have negative emotions without having to feel bad about it." you don't mention that you thought he might've forgotten, not sure if the promise held the same importance to him as it did to you.
you feel chan go completely still for a moment, and realize belatedly that you'd never told him that before. you don't have time to regret your choice because he pulls you even closer, resting his chin on top of your head.
you relax into his touch without even thinking about it, still used to the feeling even after all the time that's passed. you push the heels of your palms into your eyes, feeling the tears drying on your face and caught in your eyelashes.
after a couple minutes of comfortable silence, you pull yourself together enough to speak again.
"i missed you."
he weaves his fingers through your hair, and you hum at the action, leaning into his hand.
"i missed you too."
there's a tinge of bitterness in the back of your throat, and you swallow hard, words briefly sticking in your throat, unwilling to taint the sweetness of the moment.
it seems like chan can tell something's changed, because his hand stills to rest on your head, and he presses a soft kiss to your scalp, mumbling an "i'm sorry" into your hair.
you shake your head slightly, refusing to let him shoulder all the blame.
"no, no i'm sorry. it was my fault too."
"i was the one who left."
"and i was the one who let you."
you move slightly, kissing his cheek in an attempt to make him stop talking. it works, and before he can say anything else, you shake your head more firmly.
"you're not allowed to blame yourself completely, that's not fair to you. please."
he looks like he wants to say something else but after a moment he closes his mouth again and shakes his head.
"alright, alright. if you insist."
you laugh quietly, "i do."
after a brief pause he asks, "wanna set up at the same campsite?"
"yeah, yeah that'd be lovely."
chan stands up, offering you a hand. you take it and feel yourself being pulled to your feet, neither of you letting go even after you're both standing.
going back in the direction of your car, the comfortable chatter you'd missed so dearly wraps around you again, and it's like there was never any disconnect, never any time away from one another.
you'd had a last summer together, but maybe now you could have another first.
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