#dol cotton
giulzart · 6 months
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First encounter
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Lya and Lyah in Pokemon Style!
Finally, I can try this style! Reference: take (Twitter)
These artworks are for study/referencing and non-profit purposes only. Reposting and reprinting are prohibited.
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Oh and of course let's not forget their love interest: The nurses
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lotrladiessource · 1 year
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Lotr Ladies Week is only a month away!
Starting July 17th, 2023, we’ll be hosting Lotr Ladies Week, a week dedicated to appreciating the female characters of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, from the queenly Arwen and courageous Eowyn to merry Goldberry and fierce Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
Tag your posts with #lotrladiesweek and mention @lotrladiessource
We’re focusing on female characters from The Lord of the Rings itself & ones with connections to it, such as second age characters like Tar-Miriel, and characters from The Hobbit like Belladonna Took. There are many other amazing women from the Silmarillion and such, but this is the LotR Ladies chance to shine!
Fanwork of all kind is welcome- art, fanfic, gifsets, graphic/aesthetic edits, fanmixes, headcanons, crafts, anything!
Per our usual policy, we will not reblog nsfw content
Bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated
(Note: the prompts are completely non-mandatory and can be mixed and matched however you would like to use them! They’re just meant to provide a range of creative inspiration and you don’t have to use them at all!)
Day 1: Hobbits | Warm colours | Resilience | Music/Lyrics | Fairytales & Legends Day 2: Women of the North | Cool colours | Love | Minimalism | Family Day 3: Dwarrowdams | Monochrome | Joy | Motifs | Language Day 4: Women of the South | Black & white | Courage | Typography | Parallels Day 5: Elves | Pastels | Grief | Portraits | Archetypes Day 6: Original Characters | Complementary Colours | Anger | Faceless | Textual ghosts Day 7: Freeform | Multicolour | Hope | Blending | Alternate Universes
Happy creating! Feel free to shoot us an ask if you have any questions ⭐
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
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The first time Sam felt sand between his toes was when he stood on the white beach of Dol Amroth.
He, Rosie, and Elanor had come to visit Gondor—once more for him, and for the first time for the girls—and of course you can’t come all that way without staying a while and touring all there is to see. They’d discovered a few months ago that Rosie was with child again, and now that the first few weeks of sickness had subsided, she was pining to get out of their rented Gondorian house and out on another adventure.
Strider—or, rather, King Elessar, now—travelled with them personally, south along the Anduin and west to Dol Amroth. There, the Prince and his daughters gave them a royal welcome, and wonderful entertainment, and such a bountiful table as would feed all of Hobbiton twice over.
It was approaching the end of the day—and the clouds unfurled in the ruddy sky like banners of pink and violet and gold—when the Prince led them to the shore.
There Sam stood, with the sand between his toes and creeping into the curly hair on his feet, and listened to the crash of the waves and the crying of the gulls. Down away south, the red sky gave way to night, and stars were twinkling in the slowly-darkening veil; to his left, the coast of Belfalas ran until it met the mouth of the great Anduin; to his right, the coast ran down and away for many hundreds of miles, and the great golden sun sank down beyond the mountains of Andrast and Anfalas.
So Sam stood there, and wondered.
He’s out there, isn’t he? Well, not out that way; it’s too far south-like for that. You’d be following the westering sun and not run out of land for weeks, if you tried to leave from here, and at that rate, you might as well walk. But this is it: the Sea. He saw and heard it, too, surely. I wonder where he is. I hope he’s well. I feel…well, I don’t know. I suppose this is what Mr. Legolas was going on about. I don’t feel as if I could leave.
Rosie had gazed into the sunset without a word, but now she turned and looked at her Sam, and her smile was small and wistful.
He took her hand and squeezed it, and tried his best to smile in return. She always knew what he was thinking, even if he never said it.
She put her head on his shoulder, and there, hand in hand, they watched the stars pierce the darkness over the Sea.
The next time he felt sand under his feet, he was very old, and he stood on the shores of Valinor.
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frodothefair · 10 months
It’s funny that the LOTR fandom is so vast that there are actual sub-fandoms within it, and venturing outside of one’s own sub-fandom can lead to discovering things you never knew about. Example:
Me when I met @konartiste: wait, who is Lothiriel? Where is Dol Amroth? What is going on?! Swan Knights?!
@konartiste reading my work: Who’s Tom Cotton? Marigold has a canonical husband who is not Frodo?!
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propertyofkylar · 3 months
still working on it. Have this one I found
DoL li as food
Kylar: Kelp
Robin: Rabbit Stew
Eden: Road Kill
Avery: Dry aged chili peppers with fried onions and rice cakes
Whitney: FF Burger
Alex: Baked Potato
GH: Cotton Candy
BW: BBQ Ribs
Ivory Wraith: White Wine
Night Monster: haggis
Black Dog: Tira De Asado
Vrelnir: Spaghetti
looking thru my ask box realized i never posted this. have dol as food
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cadaverdolls · 9 months
I’ve been obsessed with those 20cm custom dolls. All my favorite things are being turned into marketable plushies.
Due to this I’m going to start turning pc of DOL people into marketable plushies (drawing them how I’d think they’d look as plushie).
First up is Shokujin-art
☁️ Poof! ☁️
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Lyra has now become a plushie! (The glasses, clothes, horns, wings, and tail would be separate pieces most likely. Horns could be sewn on but from what I’ve seen when it comes to tails or wings they are attached with magnets. So the glasses would be thicker to hold some magnets as well or be able to just be put on like regular glasses. The leggings would also be an item of clothing. That much embroidered on the legs would probably make it stiff.)
I wanted to add some blush but my layers were getting a little messy since I was an idiot that made a million more plushies on the same file. Also my file wasn’t done big enough so it looks a little pixelated in some places.
Oopsy daisy! 🌼
I’ll learn from this. Keep improving and all that jazz. Next one I do I’m going to try adding more detail. Trying to find a balance for the amount of detail there should be for cotton dolls. Limitations and all that.
From what I know you can’t have gradients for the most part (some manufacturers/makers can’t do that) so I’d have to figure out how to properly portray that with just embroidery and different colors sewn together.
Shokujin-art is really cool! Really expressive drawing with great poses.
Also the pink hair of Lyra reminds me of the gum my brother use to give me as a kid.
Tomorrow I’ll be doing another. I’ll keep going till I’m less obsessed with cotton dolls.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 5 months
(Sorry for bothering you a second day in a row)
I had a (to me) genius idea.
DoL, But with a CIRCUS. Picture it, For like, Two weeks every month, There's a circus event near the town hall or something. Multiple attractions and everything. Fortune teller tent (Could perhaps tell you which event you pick will make you get assaulted??) Food stands (Kind of like the cafe, But with odd, Unusual foods. I'm picturing squid as an option idk why. Or maybe a cotton candy stand, But theres aphrodisiacs or hallucinogens in it, Maybe?) A petting zoo (Basically just the pet store at the shopping mall, Perhaps an event where one of the animals harasses you? Alex's farm animals type of event) Or you could be a participant in some of the tricks! Like a cheerleading type routine (If your athletics or dance stats is high enough?) A knife throwing routine (if your willpower is high enough?) Or, You could get a job at the circus! Train to be in some of the main acts, Like Aerial Silk dancing or trapeze. And next time the circus comes to town again, You can continue to make money there. And maybe you could run into some of the LI's there, Or take them on dates when it's in town?? I personally love this idea, But it might just be me.
You could never bother me, I love asks <3
This is fucking amazing, It would be so fun and cool. I even wrote a carnival date fic once for Whitney. It didn't go this into depth though.
The possibilities...the food and drinks are like a russian roulette game to see if you get drugged or not. It's best to bring your own water.
Beware the fortune teller tent, it's 75/25 really
Either Alex or Remy run the petting zoo and there will be encounters
Kylar would kill at the knife throwing contest, scares everyone away from him for a while.
Getting a job there would be so fucking cool. If your dance and feet are high enough you can do acrobatics and if you skullduggery is high you can do magic.
The dates would be so cute. Whitney winning both of you huge stuffed animals, Robin getting you a fish, etc
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Favourite Female Tolkien Character Poll - Round 4, Wild Card Match
Pick the additional character to join Galadriel, Lúthien, Nienna, Haleth, Tar-Míriel, Rosie Cotton, and Éowyn in the quarterfinals!
If it’s close between a few of them, we may have a runoff.
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loveroflewdity · 2 months
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Here's the first of my new gen of pcs!! okay technically shes not first in the save list, but she's by far my favorite :)
This is Sweetpea the Sanctified, she's currently romancing Sydney and will probably do the Rite of Promise with him, she's based around the concept of maxing out the temple stuff, her theme is pink and blue cotton candy :)
She's got a defiant personality, but she's not a brat, just neutral. Most of her skills are in housekeeping and swimming, although she also has some in tending (temple) and skulduggery (picking locks to let students out of lockers). She's Lawful Good, but her definition of lawful would focus more on moral code.
Sydney is currently at 100 Love, 71 Lust, and 80 Purity with her. Whitney is at 0 Love, 40 Lust, and 0 Dominance (she whoops his ass daily).
I think that's about it but if anyone has any questions about her lemme know! I love talking about dol pcs :)))
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giulzart · 7 months
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Been thinking about these two lately 🫠
Also, let’s hope tumblr doesn’t ban me or something 🤞🏻✨
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Omigosh look what I found when I go shop for swimsuit!!!!
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Omigosh omigosh idc if I'll look like a pig in these freaking gorgeous clothes it's instant buy for me. I'd gladly hang it up and admire it everyday!!🩷🩵
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Doctor Who fancast of LotR, current draft:
Bilbo: Patrick Troughton <3
Gandalf: Peter Capaldi (this is only partly on account of his eyebrows)
Frodo: Paul McGann. I'm VERY committed to this
Sam: ???
Merry: Ian Marter. He's a posh lad, our Merry
Pippin: Frazer Hines (who otherwise would be a shoo-in for Sam)
Lobelia: ?? Don't know but she deserves the best in terms of casting. Considering SJA-era Liz Sladen
Gildor, Farmer Maggot, Fatty: All ?? (Farmer Maggot MIGHT be John Levene. Might be Sylvester McCoy.)
Tom Bombadil: Colin Baker. Listen, I was very torn here because OBVIOUSLY Tom Baker has the correct energy, but Colin does too and I think he would have more fun with the little songs. Also I want to save Tom Baker's voice for someone else
Goldberry: Lalla Ward (...unfortunately another point for Tom as Tom)
Butterbur: ...I feel like there's an obvious choice but I don't have him
Aragorn: Nicholas Courtney, YES my Brigadier bias is showing through, but you know he could handle "running herd on the hobbits"
Glorfindel: Peter Davison
Elrond: Matt Smith. Listen I like this choice so much. Old and wise and the last of his kind!!
Arwen: ?? This just feels like a game of "which dark-haired DW actress do I declare the Most Beautiful," except they also need the correct Elvish Vibes. For the vibes especially, I'm considering Carole Ann Ford. But then there's Mary Tamm, who is properly Tall. idk.
Boromir: ???
Legolas: Peter Purves?? I can't even tell you why he just kinda seems to fit and that's the best I got.
Gimli: Michael Craze??? See above.
Galadriel: ?? Again, this should be easier. DW has so many good actresses. But I can't think of anyone who's quite right. Mary Tamm in a blonde wig? Jacqueline Hill ditto? Lalla Ward would be great if she were just taller, but I don't regret giving her Goldberry either.
Celeborn: ??
Eomer: David Tennant. Eomer has a good range of Big Emotions, which I feel is important when casting David Tennant. (And yes I'm waiving the hair color here too.)
Treebeard: Tom Baker. THIS is what I was saving his voice for. You get it right??
Quickbeam: ??
Theoden: William Hartnell. <3 This one is very important to me.
Eowyn: Karen Gillian. Listen. She could DO it. (Also this makes both siblings Scottish, which amuses me.)
Grima: ??
Saruman: Jon Pertwee. I wanted him for Denethor too, but if I have to choose... Saruman.
Gollum: ?? Casting anyone as Gollum just feels mean.
Faramir: Hnggggh... I am considering both William Russell (Ian bias) and Arthur Darvill (to be opposite Karen Gillian but also he likes cool parts with gravitas). I don't know.
Denethor: ?? All wizard-adjacent characters should be played by Doctors but I've used all the applicable Doctors. ...Anthony Ainley?
Beregond: ?? He FEELS like a John Levene character but John Levene also feels like he really should be a hobbit. I am considering Duggan's actor on the grounds that he's also an everyman
Bergil: ?? I don't have any child actors on hand
Halbrand: ??
Elladan and Elrohir: ??
Prince of Dol Amroth: Okay actually THIS is William Russell
Ioreth: Catherine Tate I think
The Master of the Houses of Healing: pick any half-decent Time Lord, they'll fit the bill :P
Farmer Cotton: ??
Rosie Cotton: Either Anneke Wills or Katy Manning, probably. Or maybe Jenna Coleman.
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sillylotrpolls · 1 year
If you recall, a little while ago I manually scraped data regarding popular LotR ships from Ao3 using an extremely rough methodology. I had a request for the data, so what the heck, here you go.
Now, these numbers are ridiculously rough. In fact, you might even say they're bad. The first 10 are approximately correct. But, as explained in that link, every group of 10 after that is undercounted by more and more because I excluded fics from my search that contained the ships already on the list. Also, anything tagged in the Hobbit movies/book but not LotR was really, really undercounted.
Let this be a lesson in data sources! In fact, the best use of this data is to use it as a starting point for getting good data. Instead of checking every permutation of ships (like idk, Merry/Elrond) for proper numbers, you would start by checking the top 50 on this list. This is of course assuming you didn't have a better method of getting data out of Ao3 than using the work and tag searches like I've done here.
(The second-best use of this data is to go "lol, really?" which is what I assume/hope you're here for, because otherwise you're probably gonna be disappointed.)
(The third-best use of this data is to note that because the Hobbit movies came out 2012-14, right when Ao3 had achieved critical mass, it is much, much easier to find Hobbit-related fic on Ao3 than LotR, the films of which came out in 2001-03.)
For ships that intrigued me I've included the "actual" results in purple. But even those numbers are probably undercounting because some people don't use tags that map to the canonical tags.
Anyway, the top 140 ships for "Lord of the Rings - All Media Types" on Archive of Our Own using a Very Bad counting method are:
1 Frodo/Sam (2207) (2,250) 2 Gimli/Legolas (1918) (2,121) 3 Aragorn/Arwen (1509) 4 Aragorn/Legolas (1492) 5 Éowyn/Faramir (1055) 6 Bilbo/Thorin (996) (12,085!!!) 7 Erestor/Glorfindel (955) (1,158) 8 Aragorn/Boromir (766) 9 Celebrían/Elrond (752) 10 Galadriel/Halbrand (688) (691) 11 Legolas & Thranduil (439) 12 Legolas/Original Female Character (347) (539) 13 Legolas/Thranduil (308) 14 Merry Brandybuck/Pippin Took (305) (488) 15 Thranduil/Original Female Character (294) (653) 16 Legolas/Reader (269) (328) 17 Gimli & Legolas (248) 18 Elrond/Lindir (244) 19 Éomer Éadig/Lothíriel (233) 20 Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife (232) (512) (this tag cracks me up) 21 Celeborn/Galadriel (216) 22 Frodo & Sam (196) 23 Boromir/Faramir (157) 24 Aragorn/Frodo (155) 25 Boromir & Faramir (153) 26 Rose Cotton/Sam (147) (331) 27 Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor/Sauron (145) 28 No Romantic Relationship (128) 29 Elrond/Thranduil (123) (325) 30 Thranduil/Reader (114) (620) 31 Elrohir/Legolas (122) 32 Aragorn & Legolas (119) 33 Original Female Character/Original Male Character (117) 34 Aragorn/Faramir (99) 35 Aragorn/Reader (89) 36 Kíli/Tauriel (80) (2,604!!!) 37 Elrond/Reader (78) 38 Elrond & Maglor | Makalaurë (75) 39 Haldir of Lothlórien/Legolas (71) 40 Thorin/Original Female Character (68) 41 Merry Brandybuck & Pippin Took (82) 42 Denethor II/Finduilas of Dol Amroth (80) 43 Elladan/Elrohir (78) 44 Haldir of Lothlórien/Original Female Character (77) 45 Boromir/Original Female Character (70) 46 Bard the Bowman/Thranduil (67) (1,727) 47 Bilbo & Frodo (64) 48 Minor or Background Relationship (60) 49 Elladan & Elrohir (58) 50 Éomer Éadig/Faramir (57) 51 Elrond/Ereinion Gil-galad (72) 52 Éomer Éadig/Reader (59) 53 Celebrimbor/Sauron (55) (783!!!!) 54 Fingon | Findekáno/Maedhros | Maitimo (51) 55 Éowyn/Gríma Wormtongue (48) 56 Other Relationship Tags to Be Added (48) 57 Celebrimbor/Talion (Shadow of Mordor) (47) 58 Frodo/Faramir (46) 59 Arondir/Bronwyn (46) 60 Elrond/Legolas (45) 61 Arwen/Éowyn (52) 62 Aragorn/Éowyn (49) 63 Glorfindel/Original Female Character (48) 64 Legolas/Original Character (43) 65 Aragorn & Elrond (39) 66 Thorin/Reader (37) 67 Elendil the Tall/Tar-Míriel (34) 68 Legolas/Original Male Character (33) 69 Aragorn & Boromir (33) 70 Elrond & Elros Tar-Minyatur (32) 71 Durin IV & Elrond (37) 72 Ecthelion of the Fountain/Glorfindel (32) 73 Legolas/Harry Potter (30) 74 Original Character/Original Character (29) 75 Haldir of Lothlórien/Reader (29) 76 Glorfindel/Legolas (27) 77 Boromir/Reader (27) (85) 78 Legolas/Tauriel (26) 79 Elrond/Erestor (26) 80 Boromir/Legolas (26) 81 Frodo/Rose Cotton/Sam(25) 82 Diamond Took/Pippin Took (23) 83 Thorin/Thranduil (23) (723) 84 Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (22) (48) lol 85 Thranduil/Original Character (21) 86 Boromir/Théodred (21) 87 Éomer Éadig/Legolas (21) 88 Merry Brandybuck/Éowyn (20) 89 Aragorn/Original Female Character (20) 90 James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (19) 91 Éomer Éadig & Éowyn (25) 92 Elrond & Glorfindel (22) 93 Éomer Éadig/Original Female Character (20) 94 Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom (18) 95 Éowyn/Legolas (18) 96 Erestor & Glorfindel (18) 97 Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen (17) 98 Frodo/Merry Brandybuck (17) 99 Fëanor | Curufinwë/Nerdanel (17) 100 Elladan/Glorfindel (17)
101 Éowyn/Tauriel (20) 102 Frodo/Boromir (17) 103 Isildur/Valandil (17) 104 Elrond/Glorfindel (16) 105 Aragorn/Elrond (15) 106 Legolas & Original Female Character (14) 107 Lindir/Reader (14) 108 Elrond/Original Female Character (14) 109 Arwen & Elrond (14) 110 Elladan/Legolas (13) 111 Arathorn II/Gilraen (16) 112 Aragorn/Haldir of Lothlórien (16) 113 Galadriel/Sauron (16) 114 Elrond & Ereinion Gil-galad (14) 115 Human/Orc (13) 116 Sauron/Original Female Character (13) 117 Aragorn & Gimli & Legolas (13) 118 Witch-King of Angmar/Reader (13) 119 Bungo/Belladonna Took (12) 120 Frodo/Original Female Character (12) 121 Elendil the Tall/Reader (17) 122 Fíli/Kíli (15) 123 Frodo/Legolas (14) 124 Fíli/Original Female Character (13) 125 Ratbag the Coward/Talion (Shadow of Mordor) (13) 126 Estella Bolger/Merry Brandybuck (12) 127 Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas (12) 128 Celebrimbor & Talion (Shadow of Mordor) (12) 129 Loki (Marvel)/Thranduil (12) 130 Imrahil/Legolas (12) 131 Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen (15) 132 Tom Bombadil/Goldberry (12) 133 Halbarad/Maglor | Makalaurë (12) 134 Frodo/Merry Brandybuck/Pippin Took (11) 135 Goldberry/Lady of the Blue Brooch (11) 136 Celebrimbor/Narvi (11) 137 Sauron/Reader (11) 138 Beren Erchamion/Lúthien Tinúviel (10) 139 Erestor/Reader (10) 140 Aragorn/Arwen/Boromir (10)
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yandere-sideblog · 2 years
dol npc’s as desserts… thoughts…
kitkats, cupcakes
grandma style hard candies, caramel, strawberry shortcake
jawbreakers, red hots, warheads
sour patch kids, milky ways
cotton candy, blondies
rich fudge, dark chocolate w/ sea salt and caramel
matcha hard candy (i’ve had these they’re delicious), a fruity wine
apple pie, cider, tootsie rolls, pancakes
those every flavor beans that were fun as a kid but super gross, whoppers
milkshake, milk candy
new york style cheesecake
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
I saw that other anon about DoL and I fucking LOVE that game so I’m here to talk about it
The reason you haven’t watched any play throughs is because there. Aren’t any. It’s a very text heavy RPG, with lots of stat management elements to it. Not to say its bad or tedious, it just takes some getting used to if you don’t play those kinds of games.
So rlly the best way to experience it is to play it yourself. It’s free online and if you have an android device the app isn’t very large so it’s easy to play. I always use cheat mode bc I’m not one for actually playing the game so much as I like running around and doing whatever I want.
I LOVE the lvl of character customization and the fact that you can even customize the player’s love interests to an extent. They’re all gender neutral and have no little to no appearance descriptions so you can imagine them however you want.
The character anon was talking about might have been Kylar or Eden. Kylar the loner is a character that becomes obsessed with the MC and eventually kidnaps them, and Eden the hunter kidnaps the MC and keeps them in their canon in the middle of the woods as a little housewife/husband.
Personally my favorite is Whitney the bully just bc even when you do have them as a love interest in the game, they’re still a jerk, and I love to get pushed around. They’re so mean to MC 🥰
- Jojo
I have to actually play the game? I can't just watch other people playthorugh it..? I'm not a real gamer, I can't play videogames! 0A0;
I've decided to read up a little on the wiki (which is what I do with all the videogames I play anyways), because my wifi has been shitting itself all day and would completely fail if I tried to download a game rn, and... Well the wiki does have me excited. I kinda do want to play this-- there are so many routes, there are so many choices, and the gameplay branches and can feel organic! That sounds like a bot response lol, so specifically I started with Edens page.
Eden does sound like my type <333 It's like Rook but without the preteniousness. And more likely to use a gun or an automatic crossbow than a manual bow and arrow. I think Edens more my type because I love the idea of having to fight for your survival, almost like a death game trope where you need to strategize to escape. And to keep it interesting, Eden is actually smart enough to counter my plans, ad we could keep going until one of us gets bored and either 1. Eden kills me, or 2. I submit to stockholm. My perfect yandere <3
I've got another anon who said I might like Kylar? For some reason? What exactly is my vibe that says I want a boy who's got the constituion of a cotton ball? I need someone who can hold their own against me-- Kylar is described as super short! I love a short king, don't get me wrong, but usually said short king isn't also quiet, submissive, and a prime target for bullying. I'd accidentally kill Kylar like those panda moms who don't notice their cub and accidentally crush it.
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