#enjoy my art style crisis too!
giulzart · 7 months
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Been thinking about these two lately 🫠
Also, let’s hope tumblr doesn’t ban me or something 🤞🏻✨
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
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Hard sell
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bludmd23 · 2 months
What's your favorite form/shape/look for Martian Manhunter?
OMG OMG HI You asked me the question I didn’t know I was dying to answer!!!! Thank you and pls enjoy my ramble<333 under the cut in case it gets too long heheheh
So this can be answered from multiple angles (and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do)
First would be my favorite art style for J’onn!!!
No argument here it’s definitely dcau’s design
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This skrunkly blorbo has the most perfect face ever, so very well balanced features in between human and alien, my favorite thing about it are those black patterns on his eyes and his lil mouth shape <33
And his natural form in this style is perfect too, love the bio armor looking chest plate thingys on his chest and his heels, gives him a bug vibe and how can I not love that!!!
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Other styles I like would be:
J’onn from Justice League Action, a bit skinny but he’s very cute and I love his overall silly vibe
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J’onn from Justice league Crisis on two earths
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Alright next I’ll talk about my fav uniforms for him!!
Gotta love the classic one ya know, very effective, real fun seeing him walkin around with his tiddies out and in his lil hot pants
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N52 J’onns outfit is pretty cool too, I kinda like it when they go in between too little coverage and too much, plus loincloth fits him (idk if that’s what it’s called) , bonus point for claws and spikes on elbows
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Justice lords J’onn pretty cool too!!! Kinda wished there was more red tho
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In general I like seeing the red X on his chest, the big cape with collar and the boots with a part folded down, so if a design has all three it can’t go too wrong really
Anyways, finally I’ll talk about my fav form/shape for him!!
Apart from his hero form (Martian manhunter), his natural Martian form is my fav, especially when they make it insect like, honestly it’s no fun when you see Martians and they just look like green humans with red eyes, like why!! They’re aliens!! Give them alien features!! Make them look weird!!!
Things I like to see when it comes to his Martian form would be pointy head, long and (comparatively) skinnier limbs, claws, spikes, and I’ve seen some artist give him tree like patterns which is really cool since I associate him with plants a lot, but otherwise smooth or slightly scaly skin does the job too
Here are some interpretations of his Martian form that I enjoy and haven’t been shown, from JLA, adventures in the dcau, JLA act of gods, and Martian Manhunter 1988 (pls go read it excellent story and beautiful art)
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That’s it for now! Will gladly yap more if anyones interested, thank you for coming to my ted talk<33
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havendance · 3 months
heyy, i was thinking to get some good nightwing/batman comics, like ones w good art that i can show off to my friends but also good story lines?
a friend suggested that i ask you, as you probably know more about this topic and own some physical copies yourself.
thanks if you answer and have a wonderful day!
So this was a tricky if only because hitting that trifecta of art, story, and easily obtainable as a collected edition can be hard, but I'll do my best to give you some recommendations here. I would also say that a lot of my favorite Dick and Bruce moments are less storylines, and more single moments or issues. (Unless you want Nightwing OR Batman comics, in which case I will try to give you recs for both.) This is going to be mostly post-crisis stuff because that's what I've read the most of.
The Bruce and Dick storyline that first comes to mind as hitting most of your points is actually Robin: Year One which does not feature Nightwing, but does have a good story, a fun, more simplistic art style, and has been collected multiple times so it shouldn't be too tricky to find.
I believe it's getting a box set soon with Nightwing: Year One and Batgirl: Year One soon which should also make it easier to obtain.
Nightwing: Year One on the other hand, does feature Nightwing and Batman focusing on Dick's transition from Robin to Nightwing. As such, it doesn't require a lot of previous reading, but story-wise it's, hmmm, not my favorite take. Additionally, it has Scott McDaniel on the art which is a bit of an acquired taste and if you're trying to get your friends into comics, might be a bit of a turn off.
Overall: Your mileage may vary.
Other recommendations for Nightwing and Batman (together):
Bruce Wayne: Muderer/Fugitive -- This is a larger event that chronicles that one time Bruce Wayne got framed for murder. It features the entire ensemble of Bat characters (more or less) reacting/getting involved, but Nightwing plays a significant role (alongside Bruce obviously). Also Batman #600 which is part of the event is probably one of the THE Bruce and Dick issues to me. Art wise, it's a crossover event so there are multiple artists with multiple art styles (one of which is Scott McDaniel) so I can't really give a definitive answer, but it's probably pretty for the course for early 2000s comics. This event has been collected a few times and there's an omnibus announced as coming out at the end of this year. Omnibuses do make for less convenient reading and they tend to be more expensive, but in terms of collecting convenience and also getting lots of comics for your money, they're pretty good. Maybe see if there are any omnis at local bookstores or in your library system just to see if physically it's something you're interested in owning. I personally do have some omnis for the collecting convenience, but I prefer trades because their easier to read.
Batman: Gotham Knights: Transferrence -- In a similar vein to Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive, this is a ensemble book focusing on Batman's relationships with his extended cast. It does have several good stories featuring Nightwing in it. This probably would work as a good book to share with newer readers. I wouldn't say the art is standout, but it gets the job done and won't burn your eyes out or anything.
Recommendations for Nightwing:
Tomasi's run on Nightwing is a fan favorite (I too enjoyed it) and it was collected in the Nightwing by Peter J. Tomasi trade fairly recently (2020), however due to it being a fan favorite, I think it's in the category of you'll have trouble tracking it down.
A solid chunk of Dixon's run on Nightwing was also recently collected in the Nightwing: A Knight in Blüdhaven Compendium which I believe came out in May which should make it easy to get your hands on. It collects the first 25 issues of his solo, plus some other stuff. Dixon's run is considered to be foundational, but personally while there are some stories I liked in there, Dixon's Nightwing is not my favorite. Also, the majority of it has Scott McDaniel art which is, as stated previously, an acquired taste. As a compendium, it's chunkier sized like an omni, but paperback which makes it cheaper than an omni, but still a little chunkier than convenient for reading. Very good bang for your buck in terms of the number of comics it collects though. I'll put this also under, your mileage may vary. I'd recommend trying to read some before just buying to see how you like it.
Recommendations for Batman:
In terms of solid comic that can be read without context, and has been collected a million times so you should be able to find it easily, I'll recommend The Long Halloween. This follows Bruce earlier in his Batman career in a case that brings him in contact with most of his rogue's gallery. It's a fun read. Tim Sales' art is stylized in a way that I really liked. I have not read Dark Victory, which is the sequel to this story, but I know that it features Dick Grayson as Robin.
I also really liked Paul Dini's detective comics run, but it's looking like that's only collected in 15 year old trades and an omnibus (released 2020 so you should be able to find it if you're interested), but see my note about Omnis.
In Conclusion:
My biggest piece of advice for buying collected editions is to buy comics you know you'll like. If there's a storyline you really like, check if it's collected! If you're getting started, I recommend checking if your library has comics. In my experience tend to ether be in the non-fiction section (I know, but it has to do with the dewey decimal system) or in the teen section. Mine has a really good comics selection, so if you have access to something similar, flip through them and see what looks cool!
Newer comics also tend to be easier to find collected editions for just because of how DC's business model has evolved, so if anyone has recommendations for newer comics, please feel free to add them on!
(Art examples below the cut.)
Robin: Year One
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Nightwing: Year One:
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Gotham Knights:
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The Long Halloween:
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fraternum-momentum · 11 months
mini update
I think im in a creative burnout rn,, i havent been really satisfied with my art and i feel like my progress has been stagnant. i have no idea on what direction i should take it. do i focus on rendering? should i adhere to a more specific style? should i make it more realistic or should i play with my proportions? do i make the lineart less visible or should i lean more into it? it's all basically a midlife identity crisis of my art or something idk if that makes any sense ajebd
im also just not sure how to overcome a burnout or like how to take a break??? i would always feel uncomfortable and guilty for not doing anything productive like i want to do something but everything i draw is not up to my standards so i trash most of my stuff or just leave it unfinished (well to be fair im very hard on myself, especially these past few days) so i just kinda have no idea what to do??
and another thing is, im not super into dol anymore :[ i mean it was eventually bound to happen, im surprised i even lasted this long lol i might make the occasional fanart here and there if i feel like it (most likely answering an old ask), but that's not the main thing i'll be drawing from now on :c i might post more ocs or more of that puppygirl stuff since ppl seem to like it and i enjoy drawing it too so yea,,
i'm also probably gonna stray further away from like super dark media. i mean dont get me wrong, i still like drawing dead dove stuff and being my degenerate self but i realized that ive been interacting with dark media on a practically daily basis now and its really fucking up my psyche and im probably consuming an unhealthy amount of it (well for me at least, i know people can handle much darker stuff but yeah). like i recognise i like fucked up shit but i dont want it to be normalised to me and accidentally skew my moral compass. (basically im in my metaphorical grass touching era) so ill probably do more sfw stuff here from now on :] which is super funny since the goal of my goretober prompt list was to desensitise myself from like super hardcore stuff but it ended up doing the exact opposite LMAODBQ rip
but thanks for reading all this ! it was pretty lengthy, so i do apologize for that. i hope you have a wonderful day 💛
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getvalentined · 3 days
HI THERE!! A fellow FFVII pleb here 🙌🏼🙌🏼
But I have not played Ever Crisis, and your art is
💥mega💥 from it.
May you infodump at your will where these outfits are from in the game, if you have any reference pics, and what the game covers?
If not, that is fine too 🌷
Thank you for the nice comment about my art! I've been in a slump recently on account of the world being on fire and having chronic pain in my hands, so I'm glad people are still enjoying what I have put out there.
Most of the EC outfits are only really "in-game" as related to non-canon seasonal "Portal" events, referred to as such due to their existence being explained via the existence of a spell of the same name, originally developed by Shinra before being ruled useless and put on a shelf. The materia for the spell was apparently stolen at some point in the early '90s, and it periodically crops up due to fiends, Cetra, or other nonhuman entities creating an excuse for the cast to get into alternate universe hijinks. The lore indicates that the Portal materia may have been stolen by the A.I. that ran the simulator originally used to train P-0 Class SOLDIERs during the course of the First SOLDIER Battle Royale, which eventually developed a form of sentience and literally ran away. This seems to be what caused that training program to shut down in-universe. (IRL the game was shut down because of real world financial fraud perpetrated by one of the co-creators of Sonic the Hedgehog, because we live in the weirdest timeline. Getting some closure on it in-game was super interesting, though.)
The game itself is intended to be a sort of abridged version of the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII (not the funny youtube haha kind of "abridged") told in short sections with frequent breaks, allowing it to be played basically anywhere.
There are currently three active titles:
Final Fantasy VII: The OG, but make it bite-sized. The pacing here is pretty poor, but mostly because the devs seem intent on pushing it as the flagship title of Ever Crisis even though it is not the one that they use in advertisement. (Current chapter: recruiting Vincent in Nibelheim.)
Crisis Core: Everyone's favorite gay tragedy. The pacing on this one is about the same as it is in the original, although there are a couple new little bits. The translation is still ass due to "no homo," and recently they seem to be working very hard to retcon Angeal being a self-righteous trashbag for some reason, which is kind of ruining the whole storyline, but we'll see if they fix that. (Current chapter: Genesis' siege on Shinra HQ.)
The First SOLDIER: Not to be confused with the battle royale title of the same name mentioned above, this game starts with three unenhanced P-0 Class SOLDIER randos (they're relevant to Rebirth) and segues into the backstory of Sephiroth starting around age 13-14. This is what they used in advertisement, and then delayed updates on so many times that the ending was spoiled by Tseng during a board meeting in Rebirth. I am not joking. (Current chapter: Act I end.)
The game is intended to eventually also include Dirge of Cerberus and even Before Crisis (which has never been released outside Japan and hasn't been playable even in Japan for over a decade), but not until after the OG and CC's storylines finish. There is roughly one chapter update to a single active title every 4-8 weeks, so it's going to take a while.
All that said, there are currently around 80 alternate outfits spread over 13 playable characters (some are more favored than others, Aerith has about a dozen while Barret has three), and I don't actually even have half of them altogether. I do have a lot, though, so I'll put details under the cut of what I have and if there are any specific ones you'd like to see I can get screenshots for reference purposes.
— Cloud [5/9] Murasame, Bandaged Coat aka Death Gigas cosplay, Festive Garb, Saber Style, and Bahamut Garb. Missing Battlefield Garb, Maritime Sailor, Zidane, and Glavenus Armor.
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— Barret [2/3] Fiery Cape and Electroarmor. Missing Scrap Armor.
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— Tifa [2/10] Metalfoot and Fairy of the Holy Flame. Missing Lifeguard, Amarant, Guide Uniform, Bunny Bustier, Feather Style, Kirin Suit, Passion Mermaid, and the upcoming Bahamut gear that I will not be pulling for.
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— Aerith [2/11] Rosy Battle Suit aka postcanon Genesis cosplay and Chocobo Suit. Missing Sunny Robe, Prism Dress, Garnet, Fairy of Snowfall, Floral Gown, Classic Coney, Kamura Dress, Citric Dress, and Bahamut Robe.
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— Nanaki [2/4] Seaside Aloha and Canyon Duds. Missing Rubber Harness and The Hellhound aka the Sonic OC recolor skin.
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— Yuffie [1/5] Puckish Lion. Missing Winter Moogle, Sparkling Skater, Shinobi Hawk, Summer Moogle, and Bahamut Mantle.
(No image because I hit the limit and it's a disaster tbh.)
— Cait Sith [2/3] Marching Jacket and Felyne Kamura. Missing Party Jacket.
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— Vincent [3/3] Bouncer Suit, Stray Dog, and Formal Attire.
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— Zack [4/8] Tropical Beach, Guardian Style, Glacier Armor, and Zinogre Armor. Missing Valiant Suit, Black Hound, Holiday Suit, and Shinra Full Dress Uniform.
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— Sephiroth [8/9] Aeroglider, Edged Wings, Dark Harbinger aka the half-Galian Beast cosplay, Kuja, Celebratory Garb, Lethal Style, Shinra Formal Uniform, and Natant Jacket. Missing Dark Attire because it was running the same time as one of Vincent's outfits and I didn't have the crystals for both. (sob)
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— Glenn/Matt/Lucia [1/who cares] I only have 1 proper alternate outfit for each of them and only because the game gave them to me, plus Lucia's Vivi, which is just a recolor of the first alternate outfit with a hat on top.
No images because I hit the limit and I don't care for any of these people.
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sansxfuckyou · 10 months
bitten, smitten- what's the difference?
Summary: He's been waiting so long for this moment
He can't go through with it
Warnings: Swearing, stuff that's suggestive because one of them is a vampire, small identity crisis, light drinking, check Ao3 port for full tags
Authors Note: I have once again written a ballroom dance scene that follows no rhyme or rhythm. anyways, I went insane over the vampire hunter Mysterion/vampire Kyle that @kennysdeadbody drew, and I am once again asking everyone to go look at his art because its good. and if ya'll enjoyed consider dropping a reblog or checking out the Ao3 port
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There are three simple rules to being a vampire hunter, all of which Mysterion has been following since the first day he got his hands on a wooden stake and a silver bullet.
Rule number one: if they aren't dead, then you are, finish the job at all costs even if the cost is your life.
Rule number two: never verbalize your full name unless it's for something off duty, even at that.
Rule number three: Mysterion broke rule number three, don't fall for their charming ways no matter what.
Who can blame him either, the ever elusive Kyle Broflovski has men dying at his feet. He's slept with every monster in the encyclopedia and somehow Mysterion finds himself shocked the charm worked on him. A vampire, his sworn enemy in life, the plague he hopes to purge alongside his other companions in the business. Of all monsters, he could tolerate falling in love with a werewolf because their monstrous aspects only show once a month, but a vampire? That's full time.
Still, he's spent a year living in the town that Kyle inhabits, aware he runs the town behind the scenes. He has old money, all the power he holds is old power, inherited like everything else he has. He holds grand parties sometimes, the old style, like his town is a locked ten, twenty, thirty, forty years behind the rest of the world. And Mysterion knows he's fibbing when he says that, but he knows for the fact that the wine doesn't taste this fine outside of this town, the air isn't as clear, and the water as velvety on his throat.
He waits, tends to the crops under a different false name, Kenny, a nickname his old partner gave him before dying in the line of duty. He waits so very, very patiently for the day that he gets a chance to attend one of those grand balls that the vampire holds once more. It's not like people doubt he's a vampire, they all know he is, he's shockingly open about it. He's Kyle Broflovski, this town is his bitch, and Mysterion is his only predator who dares to set foot in his town. He flaunts his immortality, offers free food to those too poor to buy it themselves, let's those who needs a quick buck or a place to rest stay in his castle.
And he never gives a lethal bite.
There isn't a single recorded lethal bite that the hunter can find town records on, but he knows it isn't because Kyle doesn't bite. Every single vampire needs to feed, to drain a human till they die or else the vampire will die. It's common knowledge, they all have a bloodlust, unmistakably so, it's what makes them vampires. They need to drink at least once a year or else they'll go rabid and after the craze, then they keel over.
The invitation arrives when he's packing his bags, getting ready to leave because luck hasn't been kind to him so far like it has in the past. He's wearing a shitty orange hoodie, scratched and dirty through years of use when off duty, and the mailman just hands him the letter wordlessly.
"Thanks man," Kenny answered with stiffly.
"It's just my job," And they're pivoting on a heel to leave before Kenny can say anything else.
He shuts the door and slides open the envelope, he tosses aside the paper casing gently. He meanders over to the kitchen and leans on the counter as he reads.
A masquerade ball shall be held on the Friday evening of October thirteenth, and you are invited as is the rest of the town. Please come with a plate of appetizers if you can manage, I fear for my main chefs health and don't want to overwork her. Arrive with a mask at the very least to keep your identity sealed, my doors are open if you so desire to stay the night in the case of drinking too much. And in the spirit of Friday the thirteenth, I'll be feeding upon someone, chosen in the usual fashion and without lethal consequences.
As always, I hope for a turnout with how fun they've been in the past, sincerely, Kyle Broflovski.
Kenny gives an amused hum, he was there last time Kyle fed at one of his balls. Someone was taken away and didn't return back to town until the next day, and Kyle returned with blood on his lips and wiping his fangs with his snow white sleeved shirt. He remembers finding it to be attractive, he also remembers berating himself for it later in the night when he was in his own home. He did see Kyle afterwards, and he looked so much more vibrant, full of life, because he stole someones life force in a sense. And the lass he drank from became his chef, Wendy, and she buys crops from Kenny as the seasons pass, and more importantly, she tells Kenny about Kyle and his habits.
She's been none the wiser to the actual career Kenny had taken up and she does have good gossip. Maybe if he wasn't out for her bosses life they could've been actual friends, not just fake friends for the sake of Kenny's own job. It would be nice, to till the field and gossip with the girls, live an innocent and naive life unaware that their vampire ruler is a bloodthirsty monster whose pulling all the strings. Even Wendy, the closest thing Kyle has too a firsthand man, is seemingly unaware of the danger she lives with and serves.
She says that he's nice, and that even in private all he ever does is play chess, backgammon, and occasionally offer to get drunk with her because she never takes a night off even though he says he can cook for himself. He fashions her dresses, and fashions suits for the men who've worked for him, a ploy, Kenny decides it's merely a ploy to lull them into false safety. He's just a gentleman, Wendy always says, he never does anything to make her displeased, he just wishes the town is prosperous.
And he scoffs every time, says a vampire took his best friend, he can't trust the man. And Wendy always answers with a somewhat smug 'how come you always attend his parties?' which consistently pins Kenny into a rough spot. He always answered with 'well maybe I find him appealing' instead of anything else, and perhaps that is what's finally deciding to come back and bite him in the ass. He's still yearning for the moment he gets to end Kyle, three days from now, he'll stake the vampire through the chest and leave. But, there's this terrible feeling at the idea, a small one, and he chalks it up to just being a shame that he doesn't get to sleep with the hottest monster he's been given the honor of slaying.
Kenny really missed the way his Mysterion garb fit on him, he hasn't worn it in nearly a year. It definitely fit tighter around the shoulders, but he supposed that tiling fields will give you some muscle. Thankfully the hood still fits like a charm, draping over his shoulders and down too just below his knees. The gloves slide on the same they always have, no chafe, and soft lining, just like the boots.
Maybe if he were a renowned vampire hunter he would choose against wearing his signature purples, but alas, he's still just a shadow in the business. Besides, the boldness to wear his vampire killing outfit to a vampires ball? He's never heard of another hunter so confident in the history of vampires being hunted and hunters hunting vampires. He'll be the first, he'll be renowned, decimating the Broflovski bloodline, one that hasn't been ended despite being so very, very old. He'll go down in history, for killing a vampire so cruel, tricking an entire town like it's nothing.
He hides the stakes to the side of his hip, hooked along belt loops and covered by his cape. He feels this burst of adrenaline (almost glee) as he slips on the mask, deep purple and tied back with a small knot of near silken fabrics. It's time, he knows the procedure of how these feeding events go, how Kyle 'chooses' even though his choice can decline. He glides onto the dancefloor with the grace of a swan and asks someone to dance, they agree and he gives them a dance, and then he bites. Sometimes he takes them to a separate room, sometimes he doesn't- Kenny just knows the only way he'll get a chance to strike is if he's chosen.
So if he messes it up, it's not his fault. It just means that he'll have no choice but to stay for one more year until Kyle has to feed again, and he has another chance to be chosen. Another chance to strike when thematically appropriate and rather bold at that.
He meets Wendy at the door and gives a genuine smile, "What do you think of my outfit?" Maybe he's being a little bit too upfront, oh well.
There's instant recognition on Wendy's face at his voice, "It looks amazing, matches your eye color," She's polite enough not to drop his name, to keep the spirit of the masquerade.
Kenny, no, he can't be in the 'Kenny' mindset right now. He'll drop a couple octaves once he's done his conversation with Wendy, "Think he'll pick me?"
And Wendy laughs, "Maybe he will, his taste changes every single year; so long as you've been easy on the garlic you're plenty a candidate."
And he has been easy on the garlic, he's fallen ill with a horrible rendition of the cold twice since he stopped eating as much of it. But he has to do so, for the job, and he had to double down on other spices and herbs to keep his food flavorful. He will wreak havoc on some innocent jackalope population if it does fail, anger management if you will.
"I haven't eaten garlic in months, if he doesn't pick me I'll die," Kenny answered with a laugh to his voice, "I really should be on my way though, I don't wanna miss my chance."
Then he's waving off Wendy and making his way in, keeping his cape curled around his hip to hide his weapon. He wasn't ever trained for social interactions, he was just told how to kill, so he isn't exactly doing this 'dancing around' thing properly. He's just chatting, drinking, trying to be social and enjoy the spirit of the event despite the sense of dread that he'll be the one to bring it all down.
It's nice, sipping slowly on fine red whines as he talks to acquaintances and people he's never met despite the town being so small. He almost doesn't want to go through with it, almost, this is his lifes work, once he's done with this mark he can leave forever. He just steels himself for when that lifeless entity enters the room and chooses someone for a dance.
That... impossibly good looking, but still heartless, creature makes his entrance. He can't believe himself for having such a thought, that's the wine talking, he supposes he's had a glass or two by now. It's the wine, he tells himself, it's the wine taking facts of matter (Kyle looks just above average) and blowing them out of proportion (Kyle is the best looking monster he's laid eyes on) instead of peeling back a layer of complexities he can't identify. He shudders at the fact his mind is spewing such nonsense, a vampire, attractive, what bullshit. Still, his face heats up the more he tries to counter the unwarranted train of thought by drawing up an image of Kyle in his head and trying to pinpoint what looks bad. What is bad, aside from him being a vampire, and he can't find shit.
There's the sound of someone clearing their throat and he looks up to find Kyle with a hand outstretched. He's wearing this sanguine grin that puts his pearly whites on display, and as usual he's dressed in a white button down and slacks. Mysterion just looks up to meet his gaze, eyes a swampy olive hue.
"May I...?" What a gentleman, and he pauses, retracting his hand just a bit.
"Mysterion," The answer is low.
Kyle gives a hum, "May I have this dance, Mysterion?"
And suddenly the blonde feels so cold, all of his nerves suddenly aware of whatever they're pressed against. It feels like the light is on him, shining bright in his eyes and on his skin. He places his gloved hand atop Kyle's, "Do be warned, I don't dance much."
There's a swift tug before Mysterion finds his back against Kyle's torso, twirling on his heel with the hand taken outstretched. One hand rests gently on his hip, "Just go with it then, I won't let you get hurt," His voice is as gentle as his grasp. Featherlight and almost a ghost of a touch, just enough to remind him of his position.
Mysterion nodded, "Cool, lead the way."
And then he's outstretched on another twirl, a foot forward and he rocks back into the motion. A foots distance between them, the hand returns to his side, resting at his shoulder blade, the other one higher up. He follows the swaying motions rather poorly, but still, he tries. He needs to at least attempt to look good in front of a crowd, it must be amusing to the vampire with how often he fumbles his footing. But, his dance partner keeps making up for it, shifting methods to work.
The hand drops to the small of his back and he twirls out instead because a dip isn't happening in full. And Kyle works around it, gliding over to find himself in front of Mysterion once more (he knocks off the hood, Mysterion knows what it means). He links their hands once more, and its the other hand this time. The blonde follows the next twist, the one under Kyle's raised arm, a pirouette that he can only describe with having similarity to a ballet routine.
He does the same to Kyle twirls him out and catches his half fall, but he slides back. He keeps himself flush against Mysterion as he sidles along the length of the blondes still outstretched arm. He swiftly pivots, hand grasping Mysterion's waist much tighter then before and fangs brushing against his throat. There's a hitch in the hunters breath as he goes rigid, hand gliding along his arm to gently grasp his hand.
"We can go somewhere more private," The offer is spoken so quietly it's clear he's trying to make sure only Mysterion hears him.
"That'd be lovely," There's a certain husk to his voice that rarely makes itself known, especially not with lethal weapons to his throat.
Kyle lifts his head and doesn't release Mysterion's hand, he leads the hunter way with a grace to his motions. The door hinges don't squeak as it's pushed wide open, leading to a comfortably wide hallway. The carpets are red, and the only light is what shines in through too tall windows and the occasional candle here and there on small tables.
Mysterions heart starts to pound a little bit faster as he tries to reach for a stake. It's already drumming so very, very loud in his chest from the dance, probably so the blood is better. His grip shakes just a bit, but this is it, he has to do it now or he'll never get another chance. He tugs his hood back up defensively, he's got this, killing his first full blood is gonna go great.
"Let's get this over with," Kyle said as he turned around, he didn't even look very shocked when he saw the stake Mysterion was brandishing.
He did give a yelp of shock when he was pounced to the ground, quick to get himself up just a bit. Knees rest at either side of his hips and there's this stressed look on Mysterion's face, holding the pommel of his stake just below the base of his ribcage with both hands. Kyle props himself up on his elbows, knees hitching reflexively, the purple fabric of the cape pools a little bit more on the floor.
Why isn't he moving?
He has his prey right where he wants it, and he isn't striking. Stake in his hands, and this impossible existence below him wearing an expression of fear never found on the ferals Mysterion usually deals with. He's used to his marks writhing and screaming and thrashing until he shoots them or cracks their by hand.
This so much worse than that, than anything else he's ever done. He can handle snuffing werewolves who are transformed. He can handle killing seemingly innocent and harmless creatures. He can handle poisoning the food of someones pet cerberus for their own safety.
Kyle sighs, "Go ahead, it's your job."
And Mysterion still doesn't, his grip just starts to shake again. He can feel sweat start to bead on his forehead, stress, he's going to crack under pressure. He's been so excited for this moment for years at this rate and his body refuses to jam the stake through the vampires chest.
He's too human. Mysterion sees too much of himself and his family and his friends in Kyle. There's too much kindness behind those eyes, his smiles are too genuine. He isn't evil, he can't be, and Mysterion can finally see that know, sort of. He's sure that Kyle will go feral if he doesn't drink, but he also knows that he's wearing his cross right now.
"Mysterion," Kyle said, raising a hand to rest on the stake, "I've known you're a vampire hunter since day one," He jerked it forward just a bit, "This is your job."
"How come you didn't get rid of me?" Mysterion asked, and his voice shook as he spoke, yanking the stake to the side.
Kyle shrugged, "You kept out the werewolves, kept my town safe, and in turn, I kept you safe."
"Fuck you mean you kept me safe?" Kenny answered with sharply as he could muster.
"What makes you think your business partners weren't ready to come and kill you for failing your job?" Kyle answered with, "They were, I dealt with them."
In a second the tip of the stake was pressed to Kyle's throat, "You killed them?!"
"I scared them off," Kyle said calmly, "I told them that if they killed you, I would end their bloodlines."
Mysterion halts, again, for the third time, the fifth time maybe, he's lost count. Mercy, from this, this monster- this person he's been sent to kill, he's been gifted mercy. And here he is, raising the stake back to where Kyle's heart would rest.
"You have business here Mysterion," Kyle said, he gave a small smile. He was fine with this, he was content with dying, "I let you go without finishing it this long, it's time to do your job."
He presses the tip of the stake to Kyle's chest.
"You're gonna be a great vampire hunter," And he sounds so fucking wistful it makes Mysterion feel like he's the one being stabbed in chest.
"I can't," The words come out strangled as he releases the stake and brushes it off of Kyle's chest like dust, "I can't."
"You kill me and go home a winner, a hero," Kyle said sternly, "Or you don't and get hunted by your once faithful companions- you have a choice."
Mysterion stood up and stepped to the side. He ran a hand through his hair with a heavy exhale. Fuck, "I can't do it, you aren't what I was brought here to kill."
"I will be if I don't drink any blood," Kyle said, smarm heavy on his voice as he stood.
"I know!" Mysterion snapped, reaching to his throat and the chain resting on it. He tugged it off, the silver cross he wore for self defense discarded.
Kyle watched it land on the carpet with rapt attention, watched one of his banes hit the floor. He glanced back up to Mysterion and stepped a bit closer.
"I came here to kill a monster, but you're not a monster," He was pacing now, back and forth. He was shaking and so close to crying, "I don't, what am I supposed to fucking do?"
"I'll say it again, kill me and live, or don't and die," Kyle said calmly, gingerly reaching for Mysterion's form, "Although, if you do kill me, may I see your face?"
The blonde nods rapidly as Kyle stands in front of him. The hood is pushed back first, delicate hands come to undo the knot next and the purple falls off Kenny's face. He leans into Kyle's hand, it's cold, but it's human, it's not monster aside from the fact his nails are sharp. He's not what Kenny was told he'd be killing.
Kyle doesn't speak, just grabs Kenny's hand with his free one, "May I?"
"May you what?" Kenny asked.
"Have a bite, I'm still absolutely starved," He tries to leave an air of humor on his voice but he fails to do so.
And it goes against every fiber of Kenny's being, but he speaks, "Go ahead."
The bite is gently placed along the vein on the inside of his wrist. He barely feels it, in fact he can only tell because of Kyle's bowed head.
He heaves a shaky sigh, "What am I doing?"
Kyle pulls back and Kenny wipes away the blood smudged on his lip, the rosy red hue of his own blood gathers on Kyle's face. The vampire gives a hum, "You don't have to leave," He speaks softly again, how does he keep doing that? Charming Kenny deeper into this pit of conflict.
"I'll be killed, Kyle," Kenny said as he leaned further onto Kyle, "I broke the rules."
"I'll kill them for your safety then, Wendy will shoot them for your safety, Tolkien will burn them for your safety," Kyle promised, "You're part of our town now, you always have been."
"What am I supposed to do, all I've ever fucking done is kill monsters," Kenny said, words spoken quietly.
"You're our farmer now," Kyle answered with.
"I've wanted to kill you for so long, Kyle," Kenny confessed, so much shame rested on them, "I'm not going to though."
Kyle paused.
"I'm sorry,"
The stake is at Kyle's chest again, it falls short again. The display is laughable as Kenny crumbles into Kyle's arms and the vampire just holds him. Rubbing between his shoulder blades as he sobbed.
"I didn't, I failed-" He breaks, he can't even speak.
"You're better now," The words are soft, and affirming, "We won't let them hurt you."
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armandssilkshirt · 8 days
I'd love Daniel's list of books from chapter 2 of such sweet sorrow! (this is rosepetalfall from Ao3 - a very recent commenter, haha)
Ahhh, I can't thank you enough for your gorgeous, generous comments! They made me smile SO BIG over my morning coffee, I really appreciate the time and thought you took to write them!!
Daniel's books! Of course!
A Time In Rome - Elizabeth Bowen - This is Bowen's 'guidebook' for Rome, where she writes really evocatively about the city and its history and atmosphere and how she imagines its changed over the years. Kinda fits with Chapter 1 and my focus on Paris.
Camera Lucida - Roland Barthes - This is ostensibly meant to be a book on the art of photography, but Barthes turns it into a reflection on grief and losing his mother (by looking at old photos of her) and it's full of nostalgia and thoughts on aging and mortality. I thought Daniel would be drawn to Barthes, as an academic, and to a book that attempts to teach about art, alongside its other themes.
Midnight In Sicily - Peter Robb - Robb is a really interesting author. He's a journalist, and Midnight in Sicily explores the south of Italy through its painting, literature and food to shed light on the legacy of political corruption and violent crime linked to the Mafia's influence. I love the intertextuality and the political writing, and I think Daniel would too. Robb also wrote an influential biography of Caravaggio.
About This Life - Barry Lopez - Lopez is an essayist/naturalist/travel writer who has written really insightfully about climate change. About this life is more a collection of essays about the art of writing and storytelling, combined with some essays on nature and more memoir-style pieces about memory and his own life. As Daniel wrote his own book touching on the climate crisis I thought he'd respect Lopez, and of course, it has memory as a theme again.
Seize The Day - Saul Bellow - This is a collection of short stories and a play, the title story of which features a man who is a failed actor, estranged from his wife and children and forced to re-examine his life. I like the fact that it includes a play and I'm sure Daniel would be able to see himself in the central character.
On The Move - Oliver Sacks - This is Sacks' memoir/autobiography. Sacks was a celebrated neurologist, who wrote extensively about our brains and memory and the weird ways our minds fail us. Sacks also split his life between California, New York and the UK, which I thought Daniel would enjoy. He also was a kind of an unconventional tearaway during his teens and twenties, had problems with drug addiction, and struggled with his sexuality and love affairs. His memoir also touches on his influences, including poets and writers and artists. He also wrote a fascinating article for the NYT announcing his own terminal illness, which wrangles with mortality and his relationship with death, which I think is fascinating bc I think Daniel could write something very similar.
Part of this is me choosing books which are intentionally kinda meta, but I also think they're the kind of texts Daniel, as the kind of writer and man he is, would read and appreciate.
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vivalgi · 9 months
My review on BOLAS 2
In general I found the sequel to be a worthy successor to book 1. It had lots of funny scenes, heartfelt moments and surprising twists. Most of the new art was great and high quality as usual and I really enjoyed the world building. The main aspects that felt lackluster were romance and the final battle, plus a few smaller annoyances.
Things I liked:
world building - the story not only vastly expanded but almost turned the lore we'd learned in book 1 upside down. It was cool learning that the world isn't just black and white, the evil shadow realm and the good light realm, but much more complicated and each side sees the other as bad guys. It was a positive surprise to learn that amongst the dangerous monsters there were ordinary and good-hearted people living in the shadow realm. Tyril and Nia even had existential crisis after learning that dwarves were using shadow magic without getting corrupted.
complex (ex-)villains - that snarky Aerin was very annoying at first but it was hard to keep hating him even after the damage and heartache he'd caused in book 1, especially since Nia who'd suffered the most was able to forgive him. Similar thing with Valax. At first she seemed like a typical one-dimensional villain with a single wish to wipe out the light realm. Then it turned out she was just a purpose built tool and brainwashed to carry out someone else's world domination plans. In reality Valax was compassionate and cared about her people and sadly had never felt love and affection. Even the couple from the shadow court was strangely sympathetic.
dark and twisted moments - especially what happened to Cherta's grandmother. The way she turned into an ugly and murderous creature when Cherta was trying to keep her alive must have been an extremely traumatic experience. All the challenges the girl went through to find cure for her grandma only for it all to end in such an ugly manner. The couple of times when the MC had PTSD attacks were also heavy and heartbreaking. Or how we fed a cute puppy to a dragon for a magical feather.
Art - I loved most of the CGs, the one with Nia telling a story to kids was especially sweet and tear-jerking. The party artwork was a bit funny though, especially giant Nia just posing for us while others were busy with important stuff. New backgrounds were beautiful and new characters like the dwarves and goblins looked interesting. And why are evil women always so damn hot? I liked the original looks of LIs more but the redesigns were alright too, although I had to correct Nia's hairline to keep it consistent with book 1 hairstyles. Premium outfits were well done too, though I complained how different in style the male and female Whimsywood outfits were. My favourite was the male Shroudwatch outfit.
Things that weren't so great
pacing - The story started off very quickly. Following a short recap the MC was immediately kidnapped and after escaping and getting the gang back together it was a constant running and fighting. Luckily the story slowed down a bit later and we finally had more time to really catch up with our friends and loved ones after 3 years of waiting. The story should have focused more on how the kidnapping affected everyone. Those were the best scenes.
romance - some may like the poly/harem style freedom that they can easily romance anyone whenever they want without any limits and repercussions but for me it took away the sense of progression. It often felt like romancing my LI in book 1 meant nothing. There were a few rare moments where it changed a scene a bit but most of the time it seemed like we were merely friends. I'd like to see more acknowledgement that I'm dating one character, especially from other characters. I don't want my LI to be called just a friend when they're clearly more than that. I would have loved for an opportunity to lock to a certain romance path or involved parties to sit down and discuss polyamorous relationship. It was also strange that the MC had to sleep alone and couldn't choose to stay with the LI after making love. Another thing that grinded my gears were the romantic choices. Almost all of them were about asking a kiss from the LI, even with Valax after just a few flirty options. It's nice when picking romantic choices leads to kissing as well but romance is so much more than pushing tongues down each other's throats. Where are the tender moments, pouring one's heart out, cuddling etc? The romance has become too shallow and lustful in Choices books.
the main villain - The Ash Empress could have been an equally complex character like her daughter. After all, she turned out to be the former Mother of Grey, an old deity with an unfortunate destiny who was good-natured at first but banished to the shadow realm where she got corrupted. However, besides a tiny glimpse of hope for redemption, she remained a typical one-dimensional evil character with a banal desire to conquer the world. She didn't seem very dangerous and frightening either, despite her looks. Everyone kept making fun of the empress which easily triggered her. And defeating her felt super easy, barely an inconvenience.
the final battle - I think it was too big and convoluted. There was a lot going on, the MC kept running from one place to another to help others but the stakes never felt high enough or the odds against us, unlike the first book.
Other remarks + hopes and expectations for book 3
I wonder why the Watcher left the rift near the White Tower for last. After all, that's where our journey began in book 2. It doesn't make any sense besides plot convenience.
I guess since the story teased a new world deep below ours, we are going to spend most of the time there, which is how PB was able to give us such important choices at the end. We probably won't be seeing the consequences of our choice for long, only in the first chapter until we get the gang back together and start a new adventure. Later on it will probably just be mentioned here and there.
throughout the first two books we've had a chance to learn so many skills and find so much helpful magical bling that our MC feels very overpowered already. All of them seem underused as well. So, instead of being introduced to a plethora of new stuff, we could finally put the 27(!) already learned skills to good use and focus on something else...
...like characters. We now have 6 LIs who all are hungry for our attention. Let's spend more time with them. And the social quests could also have platonic routes. I would have gladly spent on scenes with others besides my LI but unlike WTD the 30-diamond scenes were purely romantic.
Threep (and Loola) should rejoin the crew. The owlbear cub was cute and Mal constantly picking on Tyril was funny but Threep was one of the highlights of book 1.
No more "💗 I'd like a kiss" choices. The heart icon already hints at the romantic choice, the rest doesn't have to be so obvious and should allow the writers to be more creative.
I hope to experience more moments that make us laugh, cry, puke, pull the hair out and punch the screen. Action scenes can be fun but it's the emotions I mostly look forward to.
Unlock the damn closet!
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zuzuzuko · 10 months
Hi, bestie!!
What are your favorite Tim Drake comics/stories/arcs?
I really like a lot of his earlier comics. Lonely Place of Dying is a lot of fun bc he's such a weird little stalker with a Batman and Robin hyperfixation. Everyone is like "who are you??? how do you know our identities????" and he's basically just like "oh don't worry about that- ANYWAYS -" until Dick absolutely demands answers. 💀 Like so many people are like "who are you???" and he just completely ignores their questions 😭 like Tim.... bestie...
Robin 1993 gets a lot of hype (for good reason) but I'm really a sucker for origin stories so I REALLY enjoyed Robin 1991. Tim disobeying Bruce's orders and then Bruce making him Robin basically because he disobeyed him will always be amusing to me. And then Bruce tries to take him out as Robin for the first time and Tim has an "i'm smart but you need backup in the streets" crisis and decides to go on a journey (to Paris of course... bestie loves going to Paris....) to improve his practically nonexistent fighting skills. There are so many things he learns in this run that I wish they would utilize in modern comics, like his slingshot skills and he learns about pressure points and stuff too.
Lady Shiva training him is pretty iconic. When she asks him to pick a weapon and he picks a slingshot (something he had started training with before meeting her) and she says something like "no... is child's toy." like WOW GET ROASTED TIM 💀 can't remember if that was before or after he brought a slingshot to a gun fight but yeah...
Tim getting his ass handed to him by Shiva is still honestly so funny to me. (He gets his ass handed to him by a lot of people in this run but Mr."i-work-out-and-know-karate" doesn't really know how to fight yet so).
I haven't read ALL of Young Justice 98 but I'm working my way through it slowly and it's a good fun silly goofy time. (Space Baseball my beloved....)
LOVE Red Robin. THE Tim-has-a-mental-breakdown story of all time honestly.
And here is my unpopular opinion: I really enjoyed Tim Drake: Robin. I thought it was a nice low stakes comic with a lot of good interactions with him and other characters. Bernard is a fun lil guy and I love him and Tim's relationship. I thought the Marina was a fun location to explore and Tim's murder boat was very him (especially his fucked up kitchen). I wish it was done in a different art style so more people would give it a chance honestly. I just thought it was a nice lil comic and I'm sad it was canceled.
I'm doing a chronological read of Tim so I'd love to eventually do a masterlist of my favorite and least favorite Tim moments/stories/comics but that's gonna be a while bc he has so much content (some would say too much). But these are some moments that immediately come to mind when I think of Tim.
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ask-ikevamp-faust · 2 months
Ah, I seem to have given myself away. I am… very unused to such genuine flattery. As long as you truly mean the words you say, perhaps you’ll even be able to see me blush.
I may be seem to be an “ice queen” at times, especially if I'm in charge during an emergent situation, but I do not mean to give the impression that I am unable to be vulnerable. A better way to explain it would be that I do have patience with people, but I don't suffer fools gladly.
For example, a favored quote of mine is, “Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake?Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”
To me, a fool is an adult who refuses to correct their errors, is maliciously dense, blames others for their own shortcomings, etc. I would have no issues with comforting someone in distress, but I won't indulge a fool. Notably, my heart is always soft towards children. I do so adore them.
I'm very glad to hear that you like the fabric suggestions. I'm also flattered to hear that you approve of my tattoos. I believe you'll enjoy uncovering the other pieces during our experiments.
As to your final question, I would be delighted to entertain it. Bondage is often an art form, and I find that being bound is a particularly blissful experience. I've done some light solo experimentation with silken ropes, but I fear that any further exploration would require a partner. I've also heard of a specific type of bondage called “predicament bondage” that seems perfect for our somatosensory experimentation. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
- L
(Oh, no worries at all. I completely understand. Please don't feel the need to rush a reply to me or to apologize for taking the time you need.
Also, I certainly don't want to accidentally press the boundaries of your rules. I'm doing my best to avoid becoming overly explicit, but please let me know if I should make any changes :) /positive + /genuine)
My words are sincere, I wouldn’t say something I don’t mean. It comes out naturally because you have many qualities. With every new exchange you become more charming. You surprise and challenge me, I always look forward to your correspondence.
Well my Ice Queen, I believe this is a quality that allows you to lead your team during difficult situations. Crisis management can be challenging but I’m sure you can provide a good balance so everyone can feel reassured.
That’s an excellent quote, I agree with it. Many people use those two interchangeably so they fail to see the difference. Indulging a fool only enables their behavior, it shouldn’t be done. I understand your view of comforting someone in distress, it’s something I often do at the church. But every now and then a fool will come by. Since you adore children, you should come assist me with the ones who visit the church. I’m sure you’d get along well.
I shall enjoy uncovering your art, and I do hope you’ll tell me if there’s a story or meaning behind them. It would please me to learn about this part of you.
It’s good to know that you’ve experimented on your own. It will allow you to better communicate your comfort levels. I agree, it will work well with our somatosensory experiments. We can slowly work up to predicament bondage as I believe it can become overwhelming if too much is done from the start. I’d like to suggest the Japanese bondage style of Kinbaku. It would be an exciting way to try different styles and appreciate your body art.
(Thank you so much for understanding!! Also no worries :)) you’re doing good - admin)
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nectarage · 11 months
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mimsy "mims" chowdhury picked up their key from the front desk 10 years ago! the thirty-two year old uses [she/her] pronouns and is a teaching assistant at universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso from london, united kingdom. according to their apartment application, people have told them they look a lot like mishti rahman, and the character they identify with most is camille preaker from sharp objects. santa moneda gives you a warm welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay.
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hello, hello everyone! (^..^)ノ   i'm soul ( she/her, 21, est ) and this is my very unhinged girl, miss mimsy! the header credit goes to thatporcelain. i'm a bit of a newbie to this side of tumblr, so please be gentle on me if i mess up or you see me post the same shit over and over again.
trigger warnings: familial death and mental health issues.
playlist. pinterest board. wanted connections.
ೀ basics .
full name: mimsy "mims" chowdhury. birthdate: february 21st, 1991. ( thirty-two ) zodiac: pisces sun, scorpio moon, libra rising. gender: cis woman. ( she/her/hers ) residence: one bedroom apartment with her pet bunny affectionately named momo after her favorite snack growing up. orientation: demiromantic/sexual. class: enrolled as a phd student at universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso, concentrating in physics, minoring in mathematics. currently a full time teaching assistant to the mathematics' department's head. also helps out with the debate team. neurological: lacks any sense of social propriety, which exacerbates her cognitive dissonance and emotional dysregulation. probably depressed, but she'll blame it on her burgeoning quarter-life crisis and go about her business like usual. will put herself in risky situations occasionally. tropes: ambiguous innocence, bratty half-print, broken ace, and uncanny valley girl.
tdlr: think… sikowitz from victorious if he slayed. beast mode, but make it girlboss. very much the cooky, zany, what-have-you scientist! a woman in stem! ( scheming, theorizing, eavesdropping, making plans )
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ೀ dig deeper .
positives: lion-hearted, observant, humorous, and thoughtful. very neurotic and high-strung. ( in a productive way, of course ) negatives: mendacious and reticent by fault. unreadable at times.
likes: exotic fruits, candid pictures, vanilla lattes, neon genesis evangelion, woodland animals, painting her nails, the smell of fresh laundry, arguing with a smile, fashion houses like sandy liang + blumarine + tong/shushu, sonny angels, reddit ( sigh ), game theory, people that live underneath her skin, and her pet bunny. dislikes: corny jokes + people, loud noises, being out in the heat too long, distant people ( even though she is ), fingernail tapping, and breaking down to taylor swift songs.
style: hyper-feminine, fond of flowy silhouettes, ruffles, and ribbons. never seen in pants, even during the colder months. already bought every piece from kimchi blue's urban outfitters line. prefers muted colors. cannot walk in high-heels whatsoever, so you'll always find her in her mary-janes. never seen without gold jewelry! will do her eyeliner no matter what, feels naked without it. known for putting bows in her hair and her side bang which is oddly shaped like a radical sign.
family: born and raised in london to an overly protective public safety worker, his estranged wife, and their first daughter who would soon pass after the couple's divorce. mimsy grew up in a tumultuous household, learning the art of people pleasing and inherently soaking up other people's grief as she did when her older sister passed away. she felt as if she had to out-preform in every aspect of her life after, haphazardly throwing away anything that couldn't aid to the betterment of her studies and professional life. since individuality was not appreciated nor encouraged in her upbringing, she struggles with her ever-shifting personality and by extension, letting others understand and know her. she thinks she misses her sister more than she remembers her. hobbies: collecting lip-glosses, jump-scaring her friends, grading papers, origami, and watching obscure movies.
personality: mimsy is very definition of female hysteria. clever and unconventional, priding herself in the personality she dug out of the semblance of a person she used to be back home. her mannerisms display her quirky character, often having a cheeky little grin across her face regardless of the occasion. silver-tongued and witty, plans her words carefully and meticulously, never at a loss for words. she likes to banter and will often take playful quips at others for the sake of stirring a reaction and can be rather sadistic about it. she is incredibly perceptive and observant. she picks up on things that no one else does, and can figure people and their feelings out flawlessly. she likes to think of herself as invincible, but she can be hilariously caught lacking if you look close enough. has a karmic pull to her, often acting as a beacon to others to express thoughts that they would otherwise keep to themselves. embraces the macabre despite her cutesy disposition and is honestly pathetically intense underneath all of her jokes.
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ೀ tidbits .
one unfortunate event away from turning into the joker.
moved to valparaíso, chile about ten years ago to complete her undergrad years far away from home, wanting to throw herself into being self-efficient and capable compared to how shackled she felt in her previous home life.
struggles a lot with her individuality as a person and how much of her life is really her own.
very fond about the ideology behind fate and the progression / patterns of time, mainly why she's so interested in game theory. surprisingly very devout despite not having a particular religion she believes in.
personification of the nerd with glasses and finger emoji combination, unironically goes "actually…"
that one friend who’s chill as fuck but is harboring a deep indescribable sadness!
into pretentious indie music. :eyeroll:
honestly... her pinterest says it all + i will be adding to this as i go on!
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ೀ wanted connections .
i have a few outlined plots as a pop-up on my theme, but here are some more ideas i would love to have for mimsy:
she's currently kicking her feet, giggling to herself because she's been planting little baby figurines all over the apartment building and your muse decides enough is ENOUGH!
i would love her to meet her match when it comes to intellect ( particularly in board games ) and have them always stump the other + always find themselves at standstills, completely frustrated knowing they're only two steps away each to another stand-off.
mimsy is constantly losing her shit and has to continuously label her belongings with her initials, so maybe your muse is hellbent on finding out who the hell "m.c" is?
"the reading comprehension in valparaíso is piss poor..." "who said we piss on the floor!?"
nonsensical banter threads are always wanted by me! i've been out of the tumblr game for a while; i much prefer getting to know other muses and forming connections based off conversations, so please don't hesitate when it comes to plotting!
always looking for your quintessential frenemies, fwbs, casual package thievery, unfriendly neighbors, severe angst with a sprinkle of unseriousness, whatever your little heart desires!
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helloliriels · 2 years
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Are you writing a Crack Fic to enter in this years' Challenge? Any questions? Let me know! What is Crack? - If you wouldn't normally write it - too silly, too over the top, too out of your box? Write it! Toss it in the ring! THis is YoUr ChaNce To ThRoW OuT thE RuLeS! Do eet. Thank me later. Bahaha! (and maybe win some art in return?!)
🍬 Do Not Microwave Him! by FawnHickory - Part 1 of Skittles series!
🍫 Skittles by FawnHickory - Part 2 of the Skittles series!
🍭 Dinner Jackets & Deception by trillian_jdc- Mycroft Holmes and Greg Lestrade are spies, sent to gather information from a target through seduction if necessary, but they find each other a bit of a distraction.
🍬 In Another Life by RiTheBiGuy_TileyTMR- My submission for the year of the crack fic challenge so enjoy. Also this just gets so ridiculous so yeah I have no idea how to prepare you all for that …
🍫 Love Potion No.9 by helloliriels - Sherlock pretends to be under the spell of a love potion to hit on John and see how he takes it? In which, Sherlock Holmes is a shy genius. And Mike & Molly are good wingmen.
🍭 Did You Steal My Penis? by FawnHickory- John is trying to have a nice cup of tea when Sherlock has a small crisis.
🍬 Love At First Bite by Fluffbyday_Smutbynight - “It’ll be fun,” Mike had said. Recently discharged John Watson has an… interesting night out.
🍫 Snow Angels, Baker Street Style by FawnHickory - John discovers a hole in Greg’s life experiences and remedies it rather creatively.
🍭 Vegetables by FawnHickory - Sherlock is accidentally exposed to a hallucinogenic substance. The comparisons his mind makes are interesting.
🍬 Sherlock Needs a Doctor … For His Writing by trillian_jdc - Sherlock tries writing up some of his own cases, but he needs some medical advice. Perhaps Mycroft knows a candidate?
🍫 Birdie Sitting! by FawnHickory - Part 3 of the Skittles series!
🍭 Zing and You’ll Miss It! by Raina_at - Every year, the monster community meets at Halloween for a big party. Sherlock is bored out of his mind as usual, when suddenly a handsome human stumbles into the monster party. 
🍬 Do Not Download the Souls! by helloliriels - Sherlock ‘on-the-side-of-the-angels’ Holmes was not supposed to be a detective … John Hamish Watson was not supposed to be dead … We all have bad days. (WIP)
🍫 So You’re Like Me by Yuliares - The sun is going down, and John Watson is standing in front of a looming mansion with a delivery for one Sherlock Holmes. aka “Homosexula” Twitter crack
🍭 CPR by MutedSilence - Sherlock sings CPR by CupcakKe when he’s alone. What can he say, it’s catchy.
🍬 It Happens For Good by hey_there_buddy - “John, have you-” John stared at Sherlock, his blue eyes boring into the detective’s calculating one, waiting for Sherlock to finish the sentence. Which Sherlock never finished.
🍫 No matter the chase, it’s you by my side by Yuliares - “Jesus Christ!” yells John, nearly spilling his hot mug of tea over his lap. He glares as Sherlock bursts into the room. “What is it now?”
“It’s Valentine’s day,” hisses Sherlock, stabbing the mantlepiece, face scrunched up in disdain.
🍭 A Tooth For A Traumatic Experience by MutedSilence - Sherlock loses a tooth and learns about the tooth fairy.
🍬 Speak Now! by Raina_at - Now is not the time to say something ... Last chance. Make up your mind, Holmes!
🍫 I Will Go Down With This Ship! by helloliriels - Their ship was sinking. John & Sherlock hold each other. (yes, I rewatched Titanic)
🍭 Duet by PlantsAreNeat - Intimacy can be measured by how comfortable one feels with another person, even at moments when perhaps, one should feel embarrassed.
🍬 Why Are You Hiding In The Dark? by FawnHickory - Fill for a Tumblr prompt! Dialogue prompt “…Why are you hiding in the dark?”
🍫 Mrs. Hudson’s Crack Brew! by ChrisCalledMeSweetie Mrs. Hudson is beginning to regret the part she played in bringing Sherlock and John together. Not to put too fine a point on it, those boys are LOUD. Can she find a way to make things better? Or will she only make them worse? It all depends on your perspective…
🍭 Sherly Boner and Jammy Hotson Investigate the Threatened Queens by MutedSilence. Sherlock never expected John Watson to be a great Drag Queen. He will have John in his bed by the end of the night - consensually of course.
🍬 I Love Lamp by helloliriels. It was a ridiculous whim … buying the lamp. And Sherlock just might lose his mind, trying to unlock it’s secrets … 
🍫 Uncover My (S)mouldering Heart by Asterisko. The mould in 221C might not be what it seems.
🍭 Human Urges by topsyturvy_turtely. John hated it. He utterly and truly hated it. He despised himself for it. It was going on his nerves. In fact it annoyed the fucking SHIT out of him. That stupid, always present, torturing urge to be kissed!
🍬 Sherlock’s Secret Laboratory Journal by meet_me_in_samarra. What does a helplessly pining but absolutely clueless Sherlock do in order to woo an oblivious John? He turns to the internet for advice on the art of seduction and notes the experiments in his secret laboratory journal …
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Have a Crack Fic to add to the Challenge?? Post it on AO3 and add it to ‘2022_Crack_Fix’ collection, or tag @helloliriels with ‘#2022 year of the crack fic’ on Tumblr!
@johnlocky @ohlooktheresabee @chinike @rhasima @myriath @fawnhickory @john-smiths-jawline @gaylilsherlock @chriscalledmesweetie @topsyturvy-turtely @justanobsessedpan @bluebellofbakerstreet @inevitably-johnlocked @meetinginsamarra @musingsofmyown @janetm74 @sgam76 @mutedsilence @summerfly-lesbian @impalaparkedat221b @raina-at @khorazir @kettykika78 @kaursblog11 @luciengenic @safedistancefrombeingsmart @masterofhounds @whatnext2020 @loki-lock @detafo @lavenderandvanilla @johannadc @jilldarbc @dinner--starving @therealsaintscully @calaisreno @purplevatican @arwamachine @discordantwords @simplyclockwork @totallysilvergirl @blogstandbygo @writingloud
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hawkland · 2 years
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Art Masterpost: The Heart of a Legend Story by Tossukka/@sitruunavohveli​ Art by sidewinder/@hawkland​ At last I can share all four pieces I did for the @spn-mediabigbang and Tossukka’s story The Heart of a Legend, based on the film Atlantis: The Lost Kingdom. Life’s been seriously topsy-turvy for me since I started on this project months ago (travel, holidays, major health crisis) but it feels good to at last be able to post them all together—and I’m excited to read the final story now, too!
This project presented a unique challenge for me: taking an animated canon source, combining it with Supernatural, and then trying to adapt it to my more realistic-style watercolor technique. I chose moments in Tossukka’s story to illustrate which closely paralleled the film, and in fact used specific animation screencaps as direct inspiration for all 4 of these pieces (though some ended up closer to “source” than others). I’ve included those screencaps below for anyone who’s curious. 
Big thanks to my author for being patient with me as I was navigating around so much since we started working together—now everyone, go read and enjoy the story!
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My critique on the new spiderverse movie
It was good. I enjoyed it. But I do have a few things I would have done differently.
The most impressive thing in my opinion was the art. It was gorgeous, that goes without saying. The different styles, the textures, the lighting, every single little thing. I loved Gwen’s universe especially; how they water colored/blended the background during the emotional parts and how she was always the opposite color from the environment while her dad blended in. All the beautiful little tricks they did to help develop the characters like that. And then putting her mask motif behind her or having the background run like there was real water on it was so cool. I could watch it over and over without the sound and never get bored. It’s a visual feast.
I loved the extreme wide shots too. When Miles and Gwen are looking at the skyline, when Miles and his dad are talking by the portal rubble in the beginning, etc. When in the middle of a conversation, the characters are tiny little specks, and you can stop and appreciate the setting. Movies don’t normally do that in the middle of scenes; I liked it.
Or when they paneled it like a comic so you can see what multiple characters are doing at once. I don’t think it was as successful during the fight scenes because there was so much going on that I had no idea what was happening. But it worked very well in the slower scenes and really highlighted those emotional beats. Like when Gwen is unpacking a bag on her bed while talking with her dad at the beginning. They split the screen so you could see a full body shot on her dad but get a close up on her reactions at the same time. That was genius.
The acting was also phenomenal. All the dialogue sounded so natural and conversational. The emotional scenes were emotional and the funny scenes were funny. Everybody served. I loved the little background comments characters would make during conversations; it sounded very realistic. I would love to see more animated movies like that.
The writing… was good. I felt like for the most part it was really strong but this is where I start having problems. I felt that most of the movie was good but the pacing in Miles' arc felt weird. After his mom gave him that speech about loving himself and not letting people make him feel like he doesn’t belong, I was like 'ok that’s what he’s going to learn in this story, that’s the moral.' But he seemed to instantly get it and not have any problems until way later. Like it could’ve been easy to start having him feel intimidated by all the other spider-people or doubt himself after seeing Gwen doing all these cool things without him. He would feel bad for a while but ultimately realize that he is special/important/loved when fighting Miguel on the train and have the confidence to tell his parents he’s spiderman after. Instead, he was confident through the whole thing, was mildly jealous of the other spidermen, had a very brief crisis of faith after the Miguel fight, but seemed to get over it really quickly when he talked with his mom? Like he was telling her how strong he was but I felt like it didn’t mean very much because even though we saw him beat up all these people, it never felt to me like he felt weak. He never doubted himself, he just did it.
But I can’t judge his arc in its entirety because it’s not finished yet. I wasn’t expecting a cliffhanger and I don’t really like it. I was excited to see him fight Spot and save his dad but it never came. I was hoping that he would tell his parents he’s spiderman, they wouldn’t believe him, he would save them from Spot with help from his new friends, him and Gwen would show Miguel it’s ok if not everything follows canon, and Miles' parents would accept him, the end. That’s what I was expecting. Instead, they started another plot line with evil Miles? Like… I’m not opposed to that, I think it’s a really interesting idea, but I don’t know how it ties into the main plot. Maybe this is what causes Miles to have a crisis of faith in the next movie? idk, we'll just have to wait and see.
The next thing is the villains. I loved Spot, he was the perfect counter to the spidermans' mid-battle banter. His introduction was so funny, his powers are really cool, and his design is unsettling; the perfect villian formula. But the one thing I wished they expanded on was his backstory. He explained how his whole life was ripped apart by Miles but it felt like a very typical villain backstory to me. I wish that we, and Miles, got to see it rather than just get told it. Like in the first movie, we saw Kingpins' family and how much he cared about them and it gave a clear motive to his actions. I want to actually see the repercussions of Miles' actions because just being told. It gives a reason for Spot's actions but it's super easy to forget and think he's being evil for the sake of being evil. I don't know where they would have included that in the movie though so maybe I'm being too harsh. Also why is he going after Miles? Peter B and Gwen were also there for the bagel incident. Until I see how Miles specifically screwed over his life, I feel like his backstory could be fleshed out a bit more.
Now I want to talk about Miles' fight with Miguel on the train. This is no fault of either of their characters or the writing in that scene, but I missed a lot of what they were saying. The battle was so fast (jumping on cars, swinging underground, flying, flashing colors, different art styles, etc) and there were so many different characters on screen that I was focusing so hard on what I was seeing that I missed most of what they were saying. This might just be a me thing, I asked my sister and she said she understood that whole scene perfectly, but I would have changed that sequence. Either slow down the chaos of the fight a bit or have the big emotional confrontation before or after the fight. It's not a major problem with the movie and probably my autism causing problems but that was an important story beat that I missed because it was a bit too busy.
The last thing I want to say is my reaction is probably affected by the fact that I went in with a bias/expectations. I know I'm seeing this movie way late and I've done my best to not spoil it for myself but you know how the internet is. I knew who Pavitr and Hobie were, I knew everyone was obsessed with them and Miguel, I knew there was an evil Miles, I knew Spot was the big bad, I knew that his dad being a police captain was a big deal. So I expected to walk out of that theater completely obsessed with a new character and immediately go home and reblog everything about them like everyone else was. That didn't happen. Pavitr and Hobie had way less screentime than I expected and Miguel... was ok. They were all really good characters with amazing designs but I didn't find myself particularly drawn to any of them. I think expecting my reaction to this movie to be as extreme as other people's was a mistake and contributed to my lack of enthusiasm leaving the theater.
It was still really good, and I definitely enjoyed it, it just didn't change my brain chemistry like I thought it would. I laughed (I laughed so much), I gasped, I felt scared, I loved the art and the blend of different mediums. I know for sure I'm watching it at least one more time, probably more, there are just a few things I would have done a bit differently. Amazing movie, very glad I watched it.
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Rio for the character meme! I care her so much
First impression: when I played her DL event I was like "aww Shark has a little sister!! I love that she uses an ice themed deck...." rly enjoyed her from the moment I saw her.
Impression now: GOD. RIO KASTLE. I LOVE HER TO BITS. AND ZEXAL HATES HER HAVING NARRATIVE AGENCY SO FUCKING BADLY this poor girl literally spends like 2/3s of the series fridged!! she's in the hospital like 4 times!!! when she duels she kicks absolute ASS and shes a fucking ALIEN DEMON with a GORGEOUS COLOR PALETTE and then whenever she does something zexal is like "ok well thats enough of that *kneecaps her*" IT'S SO SAD. LOVE ZEXAL TO BITS BUT THE YUGIOH WOMAN WRITING JUMPED OUT SO BAD.
Favorite moment: Technically it is a Marin/Merag Moment but that moment where she is just wailing on Vector's ass in their duel just rocks like absolute hell. Zexal art style looking just absolutely raw as hell the whole time. Absolute SEA MONSTER
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and then she fucking loses and dies of course but. in that moment before. she whipped like absolute hell. As for a Specifically Rio Moment I do really like when she's properly introduced to the group and is just immediately kicking ass at every sport on campus. she's a JOCK!!!!
Idea for a story: HMM HMmm hmmm..... something more introspective with her...Zexal spends so much time focusing on Shark's Species Identity Crisis, but I wanna know how Rio was feeling about in her own right too. Cuz that's like...a Pretty big shakeup to get hit with, and she's even younger than Shark is. How is she coping with memories that simultaneously are hers and aren't hers. zexal tell me. tell me about rio. PLEASE.
Unpopular opinion: what are the unpopular rio opinions!! ummm hmm well i guess. if you're making Sexy Booby Art of her. i kind of want to attack you like a wild dog. that is is a MIDDLE SCHOOLER!!!!! also again it just sucks that in the grand scheme of the show she did Not get nearly enough screentime but that's barely an opinion that's just What the Text Came Like.
Favorite relationship: you know I gotta be stanning my YUGIOH SIBLINGS!! I do adore Rio and Shark's dynamic, they've really only had each other for so long in so many lifetimes and it's like... waahhh ;__; I do also like the like...multiple little moments of her hanging out with Dumon during the back half Barian-Earth Catastrophe.... you must understand they are both lesbians to me. Dyke vibing. (also when DL had Quattro apologize to Rio for everything during her event...oh my godddd reflecting on that one after meeting her in show properly got me SOOOO SOFT. I THINK THEY COULD BE FRIENDS.)
Favorite headcanon: THIS GIRL IS A JOCK!!! another member of the proud Yugioh Ice-Associated Lesbian Jocks (along with Alexis.) Also I feel liek she definitely has...some sort of implacable fear about deep water and pits where you can't see the bottom. Looking at them makes her a little queasy, a little anxious. Also borrowing this one from my pal but BURN SCARS!! i think she should have them...this poor girl got literally SET ON FIRE.
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