#doll louis soon maybe >.<
pinkpendulum · 7 months
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blooodborne au?? bloodborne au anyone?????
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charliedawn · 7 months
Okay Charlie hear me out on something, and I’ve been thinking about this for a while, it’s not a request it’s more of an idea or thought. (It might be dark idk)
Let’s say the nurse went to a different sanitarium, and the patients she treated were horrible towards her, what do I mean? I mean like they were all a group. Each and every one of them broke her down and she just accepted it. They played around with her like a doll didn’t care about her, they used her for anything and she accepted it. It took a lot for her to leave all of that toxicity leaving mainly scars on her back. Once she came to St. Louis (if I spelled it wrong correct me)
Obviously, she thought the same thing would happen, until the slashers actually started to like her and treated her differently. Sometimes she’ll flinch thinking they’ll hurt her like the others did but will play it off, until maybe…idk pennywise or anyone else who has mind powers finally goes in her head to see what happened, or maybe one of them catch her with the scars on her back. like when she first arrived she was all stone cold until she slowly opened up a little more. She promised herself to never cry in front of people but them confronting her about it just made her emotional since she felt worthless and used at that time and knowing they care means a lot
Like I said just a thought I had and would see what you’d like about it.
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The slashers knew that you had transferred from another mental hospital before coming to St Louis. They just didn’t know how bad it was until one day…The scars showed and some of the staff members started gossiping about it. Soon, all the patients knew of what had happened, and they decided to try and see the scars for themselves…Not expecting how bad they were.
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Jason saw them when he asked you to give him a bath. You rolled up your sleeves and he noticed familiar marks on your body.
But, you weren’t the only one being exposed.
Jason normally never showed his scars to anyone but his mother. But once in the bath, you eyes traveled along his scars. There were ugly red angry scars. He was covered in them.
You didn’t say anything, he didn’t either.
You just kept washing his hair and he stared at the ceiling—barely giving you a few glances from time to time. He could see that the scars weren’t only on your arms. He could see they were going far beyond what he could see.
When you were about to leave, he surprised you by grabbing the hem of your shirt and looking at you with pleading eyes.
You knew what he was asking for. Your eyes stayed locked and even though he didn’t utter a word, you had learned to understand him without the need for him to speak.
You sighed before wordlessly raising your shaking hands to your collar as you started unbuttoning your shirt. As you went along, his eyes stayed glued on you—watching intently as each scar was revealed to him.
He was actually surprised to find that you had almost as many as him. But unlike him…His eyes lowered a little…You weren’t even a killer.
He wanted to speak. It was the first time he wished he could actually speak and find the words to make it all alright. But the moment he looked up, you were already gone…
Freddy Krueger :
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"…You don’t need to hide them."
You stopped dead in your tracks before turning around to face Freddy with a slight frown of incomprehension.
"…What ?"
He tilted his head and for the first time, Freddy wasn’t smiling. He eyed your body up and down and leaned forward.
"You can try to cover them up all ya want, sweetheart. The scars ain’t gonna poof out of existence just cause ya want them gone. Believe me from experience. So, if ya wanna hear my advice ?" He crossed his arms over the table and laid his chin on them before looking straight at you. "…Be proud of them. Wear them like a fucking flag and make fuckers shake in their boots cause ya too damn badass for them to break ya."
You stayed silent as you kept looking at Freddy and you smiled—your eyes softening as you realised that Freddy was trying to make you feel better.
"Thanks, Freddy. You’re pretty badass too."
He huffed a laugh—but his eyes showed more than his smile as he replied.
"Yeah. Right. Be grateful you can hide the scars and don’t look like an overused chewing gum…" He grins. "Besides, haven’t ya heard ? Scars is the new sexy."
You laughed and shook your head.
"Right. Then you must be the god of sexy."
He smirked.
"Oh, honey…~Of course I am."
Brahms Heelshire :
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You were playing dress up. Brahms had insisted you play with him and wanted to dress you up with some of the dresses Barry had made.
He waited for you to change, but he couldn’t help to take a sneak peek at you—an old habit from his days hidden in the walls of his old house.
But, he didn’t expect to see the subtle rivers of red scars running down your back. He stayed shocked for a few seconds and it gave you enough time to notice his reflection in the mirror.
You quickly turned around and he could see it in your face. You were upset.
"Brahms ! I said not to look ! Bad boy !"
In normal circumstances, that last part would have made him whimper and beg for your forgiveness. But, not this time. This time…Brahms seemed to realise that you had a past he knew nothing about and suffering he would probably never be able to understand.
He came in and hugged you tightly.
You were about to speak up when he beat you to it.
"You look really pretty…"
Your eyes widened at the compliment and you didn’t know what to say. You knew he was talking about the dress and how it looked on you—but you still started crying. You embraced him back and for once, Brahms was the one to comfort you as he held you in his arms and couldn’t seem to find any other way to reassure you but to keep complimenting you and hoping that if he said it enough, you would end up believing it…
Michael Myers :
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Michael noticed the bandages around your wrists and the fact that you seemed to hide your body with sweaters and jackets…He knew.
Of course he knew.
But, he didn’t ask at the beginning because well…He didn’t care enough to ask. And then, he started to care. And that made him afraid. Because Michael Myers always kills the people he cares about. And he didn’t want to kill you.
But, he could see your suffering and the fact that nobody else seemed to understand or even notice your pain was driving him insane. Until, he couldn’t stand it anymore.
He grabbed your wrist and as you were about to ask what was going on, he dragged you back to a room. Once you were alone, he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered.
You didn’t understand at first, not until he started pulling on your sweater and lift it just enough for his hands to touch the scars.
Your eyes widened in shock and fear as you tried to push him away.
"No, Michael ! No !"
But, he didn’t listen. He would see them. He would feel them. And he would heal them…Because that’s what you were doing for the slashers on a regular basis. And he would drop dead before letting you think he didn’t see you…
He laid his hands flat on your back as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"…I…care." He buried his face in your neck. "I care…"
You were so shocked about hearing him speak that you actually stopped struggling and started crying instead—finally hugging him back.
"I know, Michael. I know…"
Bo Sinclair :
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"…Look at that. We got matchin’ friendship bracelets, darls’. If that ain’t a sign ? Then I dunno what is."
Bo noticed your wrists and the familiar binding scars. He had the same damn scars around his wrists. He knew what they meant. He knew torture and pain.
It was even worse when it came from people you thought cared about you. He thought for a long time that his ma and pa had a good reason to attach him and force feed him. He always thought they loved him…But it was only an illusion.
Your older patients…You surely cared for them—or you tried to. But, the scars were proof enough that this care was one-sided and that at the end, they had taken more from you than they had ever given you.
Bo stroked the scars on your wrists and offered you a sad smile.
"…They may not have loved you, nurse. But you can be sure that we’ll love ya bette’ for it," He looked up at you and "You’ll be a’right. I’ll make sure of it."
He grabbed your forearm and pressed his own scars against your own before pressing his forehead against yours.
"…We gonna be a’right. You and I. We gonna be a’right. I promise."
Your eyes filled with tears as you squeezed his forearm back.
"Yeah, Bo. We’re going to be alright."
Penny :
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It was in your bedroom when Penny first saw them. He was hiding underneath your bed and was waiting to jump scare you when you started undressing and his eyes widened when he saw your damaged back.
He kept staring before you were asleep in bed and then, he slowly crept up your bed until his face was right above your sleeping face.
He started sniffing your scars and growled lowly when he realised where you had gotten them from. They had hurt you…
He then slowly opened his mouth to lick your back—trying to soothe the pain. Some of them even healed up a little as he tried to make them disappear. He didn’t like to see you hurt.
Not a lot of people knew of Penny’s healing abilities. Especially since he didn’t like to use it on just anybody. But for you ? He’d make an exception…
When you stirred in your sleep, he had no choice but to stop. But, he still raised his hand to slowly caress your face and giggled quietly.
"…Brave, nursy."
He whispered as you kept your eyes closed and Penny sighed before nuzzling your face.
"…They will pay. They will pay. I will devour their stupid souls and eat them whole. I’ll make them regret every hurting you, my little nurse…"
He then kissed your cheek.
Your eyes suddenly opened—but he was gone.
Pennywise :
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Pennywise sat down next to you as you were having your break. He didn’t speak at first. You glanced at him curiously, but you didn’t try to break the silence.
You were starting to wonder if whether or not you should say something or leave when he finally spoke up.
"I saw many people with scars. Even Penny. I saw men, women and children try to hide their physical scars in fear or shame but…" Pennywise slowly removed one of his gloves and your eyes widened in shock when he actually laid his hand flat on yours. "…I don’t think so."
You stared at his hand on top of yours and were speechless for a second. Pennywise didn’t like to be touched. And the fact that he was now holding your hand was a real shock.
"Pennywise…You do not have to…" You tried to tell him.
He looked at you and smiled.
"It won’t bother me as much if I know it is for you…"
He tried to sound nonchalant, but his hand was shaking. He was forcing himself to stay still and make you feel better.
Finally, he retreated his hand, but the fact that he had actually succeeded in holding on as long as he did was a huge progress.
You smiled to yourself before looking at him.
"Thank you, Pennywise."
He smiled back.
"You’re welcome, sugar."
Dennis :
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You were washing the dishes with Dennis when his eyes spotted the little red scars on your arms. You followed his gaze and sighed before lowering your sleeves a little. Dennis looked up at your annoyed expression and wordlessly finished washing the dishes with you.
As you were leaving to get to your office however, he grabbed your hand. You frowned and looked back at him and he opened his mouth. He was silent for a few seconds before finally telling you:
"…The Horde expected me to protect them, so I did…But nobody came to help me when I needed protecting. So, I know how it feels. And that if you ever need protection ? I am here. And I…understand."
As you weren’t reacting, he thought you might find his words inappropriate or odd. He sighed and released your hand.
"…Just wanted to let you know."
He then turned around to leave.
But, you caught his hand before he could walk away and Dennis was momentarily stunned before he looked back at you and his astonishment turned to worry when he saw that you were crying.
But, his eyes widened when he felt you squeeze his hand and you offered his a small smile.
"…Thank you, Dennis."
He looked back down at your hand holding his and gulped before squeezing it back with a small smile of his own.
"…You’re welcome."
Norman Bates :
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"…Y/N…" His voice was weak. It was the first time Norman seemed so upset. He stared at your naked back and the angry red scars. They were so deep and some looked like the red feathers of imprinted wings.
He was speechless. When you tried to cover up, he stepped forward and held you closely—kissing the scars on your back gently.
"…I am so sorry, darling. I should have been here. I should have…" Norman felt so ashamed. He knew you from far before any of the slashers met you. But he had never really realised how bad it was.
"You couldn’t have. You didn’t know." You tried to reassure him, but he only held you tighter.
"I should have. Forgive me, my darling. Forgive me." He pleaded and his eyes filled with tears as he embraced you tightly and kept kissing your scars.
He wanted the pain to be gone.
Why hadn’t you said anything ? Why hadn’t you told him the truth ? Why hadn’t you given him the opportunity to avenge you ?
He felt anger bubbling in his chest.
…People were going to die tonight…
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nodominion · 2 months
For vcmicroficmay, I am planning to write four micro fics about hunting. One of my favorite aspects of VC is the fact that they are vampires, and all that entails. This first one is a Claudia POV, a month or so after being turned. @vcmicroficmay
Claudia | Sleep | 648 words
They are sleeping, says Lestat. That is what it feels like when I have my fill: that the humans are going to sleep and shall wake soon. But Louis whispers, though he does not think I can hear him, that it will do no good to hide the truth from me. But I already know. They, the mortals, are dead after we drink. Dead like Mama. My new Papas do not know that I know, though I only discovered such after being with them for a month. Mama would have come for me, unless she was no longer able to. She would not have let me stay here with two strange men. Though they are not strangers anymore. 
It is odd to drink, to kill, to put them to sleep. The thoughts the people have are always racing. Always changing. Most cannot understand why a little girl would be so mean. But I am not mean! I am getting what I need. Just as an animal gets food from trees and grass and other animals. I like to watch them scurry under the moonlight. Always having places to go, other animals to meet. They are funny when they fight. My meals try to fight me but Lestat has taught me how to keep them down even though I am little. Maybe when I am taller it will be easier. 
Tonight Louis wants to come with me. He has more patience than Lestat, but I only learned that word yesterday, so I am not sure that is right. I was playing with a doll and we were having ‘tea’ and Lestat said I needed to be patient because the water had to boil before we could have ‘tea’. But it was all imaginary, it was only pretend. Why would I need to be patient while playing pretend?
But Louis is soft and warm and he finds me someone easy to put to sleep. They were already sick, like Mama. I ask Louis if I will catch this sickness, but he tucks one of my curls behind my ears. No, I will not. Good. 
The human can barely walk, so lost in his head that the clicks of my heels on the cobblestones do not alert him to danger. But I am not dangerous. I will merely ask him for help. You see, sir, I need food. Food to live. I am alone in this world and I must have food. He groans at me, nearly lunges, but does not come close. I jump on his back, my legs wrapped around his shoulders, and bend my head down so that my lips brush against his cheek. He cries out, but Louis is there to stuff a rag in his mouth. I nod my thanks to him as I bite into the neck, like a good girl.
I never had very many sweet drinks before I started living with my Papas. Milk, sometimes, but not very often. The liquid inside of people is the sweetest thing I’ve ever had. Delicious, the most tasty treat, and all mine. Connected through our hearts beating as one, we fall to the ground. I do not stop. In this elixir of life I hear the man’s thoughts. He wonders if he will go to heaven, if he has prayed enough. His heart slows so quickly, as I try to get the last drops, unwilling to let go without Louis tapping my shoulder, a reminder not to join this now sleeping man.
I ask Louis about heaven. My Mama never took me to church. He says we will go there many many years from now, so long that the world may seem different. I don’t think I understand, but I agree with him as he moves the man into the gutter. Only asleep. I wonder how many more I will kill before I go to heaven.
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faerywhimsy · 8 months
Day 2 - Ritual
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“Come on, Daniel. Indulge me.”
“No. I’m not doing it,” Daniel said. “Not this year. Not again.”
“But… it’s Halloween.” Armand gave a pretty little pout, his lips twisting in a way that managed to be both bratty and alluring somehow, all at once.
Daniel knew he was gonna give in. That he always gave in. This particular television show had come out during their years of separation yet, for some reason, Armand remained obsessed with it. Even in the year 2017. It had just become another part of Armand’s fascination with things of the present day. Microwaves. Blenders. And Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
His gaze flickered to the prop Armand seemed to have on hand for the last three years of this pantomime; a porcelain doll that might have been from the collection of those Lestat had once liked to gift to Claudia. Louis had told him the resemblance was quite striking in that pained, held back manner Louis had only ever managed to manage when the topic of Claudia came up.
Once a theatre kid, Daniel supposed, always a theatre kid.
He sighed anyway, the sound long and deliberately pronounced. Who said he stopped being long suffering as soon as Armand actually gave him the Dark Gift?
In answer to that, Armand leaned into him, winding his arms around Daniel’s neck, and pressing their lips together just for a moment before moving again away with a restless, eager energy.
Armand hugged the doll into his chest, at the same time as making doe eyes up at Daniel.
“Miss Edith needs her tea.”
“Come here, poodle.” Poodle. Poodle? But that was the expected line, and Armand wouldn’t accept an alternative. He offered a dreamy little smile as he swanned towards Daniel.
The writing of the ’90s had a shit tonne to answer for. Seriously.
Armand pressed two fingers lightly against the two eyes of the doll, as gentle as though he was fondling the thing, rather than threatening the inanimate object a light bit of dismemberment. Then his eyes flashed up to Daniel.
“Do you love my insides?” Armand asked, his voice low as he delivered his most favoured line. The line that always had him forgetting about the doll on this recent Halloween ritual. “The parts you can’t see?”
Daniel had to admit; this part, he didn’t mind so much. He allowed himself to press completely into Armand’s personal space, earning himself a sigh of approval from his maker. He plucked the doll out of Armand’s grasp early and set it aside. Last year, when he’d grabbed Armand around the waist around this point, Armand had seemed to forget about the doll entirely and it had shattered on the tile floor when he dropped it.
It broke the scene utterly in other words. And Daniel, who had been dragged into it against his will that time as well, had nothing positive to show for it as Armand had groused about having to call his mortal servants to see to this mess.
This year, because of just this change, the scene was already turning out quite different.
Armand’s lips parted, his auburn curls that he’d left uncut for tonight a flurry around his face. As Daniel stared down into those brown eyes, he felt himself leaning into the role of powerful fledgling offering to his maker the attention he rightly deserved. He felt the bloodlust rising up in him.
Maybe this Halloween ritual wasn’t so bad after all.
“Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet,” he murmured, before pulling Armand against him, relishing at every point that their bodies touched one another. It didn’t matter that Armand’s plump form surrendered into the stark juxtaposition of the far leaner body Daniel had been left with when Armand finally broke his vow. Armand draped himself across him, making a pretense that he was too weak to fight against his pull.
The entire rest of the scene from the ’90s dramedy about a teenage vampire slayer faded away into the background when Armand leaned his head to the side, an open invitation to the neck as Armand’s curls fell away.
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caralara · 2 years
One more thing about F not being born in january-his family never had big kids birthday party at that date always something small and modest.imo its because that is not his real birthday
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omg anon you just sent me down a spiral - what the fuck.
So listen. LISTEN. I was thinking about the baby being born in October, and I was asking myself: why? Why would they do that? And then it hit me.
The crucial mark every pregnancy has to pass - especially an in vitro or otherwise fertilised pregnancy - is the 12 week mark. Only after that the danger of a miscarriage drops dramatically.
Belfast was cancelled on 20 October 2022, Freddie’s birthday is 21 January 2022. If they were being extra cautious OR Freddie was born a week early in October, this would add up perfectly, as they had to stick to the story they started in May as soon as they had gotten the green light that this round of fertilisation stuck. Just look at the dates!!
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This would explain so much - why they didn’t use Freddie in the first few weeks for the pap shots as you said, instead have an empty carrier or a lifelike doll because the difference between newborn and 3 months old baby is much bigger than 6 month and 9 month old baby. It also would make sense why Louis’ hair from the newborn baby shoot looked like it was from November / December - although they might have used AnnMarie’s baby for that shoot instead.
Maybe someone fucked up/did it intentionally when the news were shared that Freddie was born within family and management and gave the go for the article. And you’re right about the birthdays! Would be interesting to see if they have some sort of party in October?? Someone please congratulate cybergranny on 20th October to her grandson’s birthday 💀
Boy oh boy my mind is BLOWN. The kid turns 7 in 20 days. 7!!!
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hi I just wanted to say, you know there's a lot of people in the fanbase right now who feel different things about louis' promotion or deal with bmg, there are fans who are just happy to get daily content of him and also fans who want bmg to put him on the radio desperatly
despite all of the problems with industry we have to deal with, I'm so happy to see Louis coming with new era 2 and half a year after walls, I'm so happy to know that he actually gained new fans and attention of more people during this time
I don't want to appreciate bare minimum but also seing a lot of other artists who were supposed to be successful at some point but they got dropped by their labels or never got to finish their records, it sometimes make me realise how happy I can be to have Louis
Even comparing to some other ex girl/boybanders I just can't help but wonder how would he end up if he didn't have the 'faith in the future', look at jesy nelson who won't probably be picked up by any label any time soon or liam payne, who became the meme for being 'liam payne of the band', not even mentioning the other nsync guys or less known members of the pussycat dolls or even normani who won't put her debut album anytime soon probably even tho people were waiting for it
even tho he never got to use the one direction momentum for himself he has the guiness record to his name, started successful festival and has actuall group of people who are interested in the things he's doing
2016 version of me would probably never imagine all of it, so maybe there's a chance 2026 versions of us are going to look at 2022 asking 'how did we survive this silly promo?'
but waiting is tiring for sure
What a beautiful way of articulating the complexities we see. You’re right. The fact that Louis can make the music he loves while still playing arenas is really incredible, no matter where he lands on the charts.
Much of his professional life ends up being inexplicable and frustrating, but being a fan of his music is ultimately incredibly rewarding.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I wonder how the people that are only watching Mayfair Witches and has no knowledge of those books, or the VC books or the IWTV show, are going to react to the ABSOLUTE MADNESS that is Rice’s vampires - once they (maybe, eventually) enter the Witches show…
Hahaha, yeah... as I've said, I really think they missed some cool connections by not showing Louis' tomb (for example). I do hope they'll kind of throw a comment Rowan's way soon, something along "what else is there" and someone just going "oh the vampires live in the quarter" :))))
(Come to think of it, wouldn't it be cool if those dolls and circles would have come from them? Would that fit?)
Given how AMC wants to build this universe I think it is bound to happen (and the other way around, too), and likely not only via crossover shows. (At least that is how I would do it, and after the comment in IWTV ep 1 I actually thought they would).
But yeah, right now this show is... let's call it... a bit tame. It really needs some more action, imho.
Enter... Lestat.
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😜 It'll be glorious (I hope^^)
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vampirelequeer · 1 year
After reading IWTV and TVL as a teenager, I decided before the show came out to start again and slowly make my way through the whole series. I’m about halfway through the fourth book at the moment.
So without further ado, my thoughts on The Tale of the Body Thief so far:
(Spoilers ahead)
( also me special interest dumping oops)
- first off, HUGE trigger warning for a horrible sex scene. I guess (??) it shouldn’t be so shocking that Lestat is a monster and an actual canonical r*pist and seems to brush the whole thing off. But then also I’m sort of putting it down to Anne Rice very being weird in general and ideas about sex maybe (??) being different in the 90s. I don’t know I am reaching here
- Okay so that grimness aside, this is possibly my favourite book so far (I’m about halfway through). Tied with The Vampire Lestat maybe. After the drudgery that was Queen of the damned (oh the drudgery), I am loving the action and silliness of this story, the actual Lestat character development. There is less vampires sitting round a table telling their life stories and more actual stuff happening. There’s also some really beautiful writing and it feels quick and fun and romp-y to read. Pure vampire escapism.
- however I am PISSED that I waited 3 books to read a sex scene and what I got was a horrifying assault scene and…..a straight sex scene. An overly detailed yet somehow blandly vanilla straight sex scene. How dare you, Anne?? I wonder if this is the homophobia of time- Anne may have been all for mlm but felt too uncomfortable to actually write two men having sex. Or most likely it just wouldn’t have gotten published. I know vampires are supposed to be ace but it seems sort of….suspicious that Anne Rice the erotica writer has chosen this rule for only her male/male character relationships. Anyway basically we have been robbed
- There is some really great Louis content in this book. There is an absolutely beautiful scene where we learn more about his living situation and him as a vampire. I think he goes a bit wooden doll-ish character-wise in TVL and QotD and here he is actually his own personality again.
- However where is Armand, my evil rat baby
- I think what a lot of people hate about the books after Qotd ( though I speak as someone early on- I’m sure they will get really terrible soon) is that Lestat doesn’t stay dedicated to Louis. In fact he falls in love with anyone he gets close to. I think it’s easier reading it now, knowing that Lestat and Louis are going to end up together. But also I see them as a poly relationship (ish) and that they are working on their own stuff before being fully together again. As a poly independent person, I think this is great, and would honestly find the relationship a bit boring if it was just happy and monogamous forever. I am all about the drama lol
-on a lighter note god I love Lestat becoming human and remembering the horror of being a disgusting meat sack. Like him accidentally weeing on himself and gorging himself on chocolate. And almost dying of the flu because he’s not realised he needs a coat in the snow. I love that murder himbo
So yes halfway through and probably about to eat my words on supporting this (currently wonderful) vampire trashfire of a novel. David does seem to suck so far, but not more than say, Marius. And I find Marius’s POV fun to read even if he is an arrogant creep.
What do you all think of this novel? Thank you for coming to my tedtalk on old vampire books nobody reads anymore
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transparentheartz · 2 years
hi sweets!!💓 how was ur day? i spent mine studying, again wkdjd🥲 also omg i hope ur final went well, same thing for ur discussions and presentation! tell me about them if u’d like!🫶🏻
i’m glad u had fun with ur friends the other day! and tbh i get u, i don’t rlly like the taste/smell of alcohol either but i usually drink vodka + some kind of juice so it masks the taste😎 
and i started watching law & order pretty young too!🥺 my parents were always watching crime shows so i just started watching them with them and fell in love ^^ and omg i loved barbies so much too!!🥺 although i developed an obsession for monster high dolls later on wjdnd did u like them as well? :D i also loved the cartoons and movies of that franchise!! i also loved to play with plushies n stuff ^^
OH BTW look what i saw on my fyp today!! it made me think of that puppy café-library we were talking about the other day😭🫶🏻 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFp6PgbP/
today’s question: what’s the coolest thing you experienced lately? ^^
today’s quote: “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference”
love u!!! sorry if my messages are a bit short but i  unfortunately don’t have that much time this week🥺
— ur secret santa🎅🏻🎄
hii i slept all day bc i took a muscle relaxer last night and it made me sleepy all day then i took my final 😃 it was 80 questions and i got a 18.75 out of 20 on it so yay me.
i tried my friends vodka cranberry but i did not like that it tasted so bitter lol.
i loved monster high dolls too! i had a lot of them.
omfg that sooo cute!!! i love that sm 🥺🥺 i would 100% go there !!
umm coolest thing… im not sure. maybe going to louis’ concert bc i’ve been a fan of him for so long and finally seeing him live was absolutely amazing <3 hby??
hope you had an amazing day! talk to you soon <3
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toomanyrobins2 · 2 years
The Proposal Pt. 13
Summary: Y/N Arnaud is the liaison to the Avengers, but she’s also a French citizen. After a couple mistakes, her visa application is denied. Even though they can’t stand each other, Bucky offers to marry her in order to keep her visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Content Warning: cursing, Bucky being a pain in the ass, mentions of nudity, maybe smut(haven’t decided yet)
Notes: I am very sad that Betty White had passed away and I will definitely be watching The Proposal tonight in her memory 💛I hope you all have an amazing New Years Eve and I will be posting the epilogue soon!
masterlist // last part
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It had been the longest days of Y/N’s life recently. All of the wedding planning meant that she was dead on her feet and now it was the night before the big event. The whole group, including the Avengers, sat around the table for a big dinner. Bucky and Y/N had agreed that they didn’t want a bachelor or bachelorette party. Instead, the groups had a big dinner party. After everyone had settled outside for after dinner drinks, Charlotte announced she made up the guest room. Y/N was surprised when her mother had told them that they couldn’t stay in the same room, “Maman, you can’t be serious.”
“Ma petite, I know it is silly but it’s tradition.”
Delphine grinned at Y/N knowingly, “It makes the wedding night even more special.” At that, Bucky’s whole face, even his ears turned red and Y/N couldn’t help but giggle and agree, trying to save him any more embarrassment.
Laying in the guest room staring up at the ceiling, her mind whirled. She tossed and turned before giving up and throwing back the covers. Opening the door, she checked that all the lights were off under the doors before sneaking out. Making her way down the hallway, she stopped when she saw a familiar figure in the family wing. “Louis? What the hell are you doing here?”
He whirled around, fear on his face until he realized it was Y/N, “Oh, god. You scared the shit out of me.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Bri–Bridgette, she uh-uh texted me.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at him and he cleared his throat before raising an eyebrow, “Are you supposed to be in the other wing of the house?”
“I didn���t see you, you didn’t see me?”
He nodded, “Deal.” They both disappeared behind their respective doors.
Y/N walked to the bed and found Bucky sprawled out in the bed like a starfish. She slipped under the covers. As soon as she had lifted the covers, he had woken up, “What are you doing?”
“Apparently I’ve gotten used to having you as my personal heater in bed,” her voice dropped to a whisper, “It’s cold without you.” Bucky smiled to himself and put his arm out, letting her curl against him before wrapping it back around her. They laid there in the dark simply enjoying the other’s company. “You know, the first time I saw you. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I was jealous of you and Steve.” Y/N’s head popped up in surprise and he chuckled before explaining, “I was a man out of time and all I had was him. I acted like a kid and as soon as someone else had the toy I wanted, I had to have it.”
Y/N laughed softly and ran a finger over his bottom lip, “You know you pout like a kid too?”
“I am trying to have a moment here, doll!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please continue.”
“The moment’s lost now.” Y/N pushed herself up so that she was hovering over Bucky. Leaning down, she captured his lips with hers. He reveled in how soft Y/N felt against him. All he had known for decades was horror and sorrow. She was the opposite of everything HYDRA stood for and Bucky thought that he could happily spend the rest of his life with her by his side.
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As soon as the sun rose, the light woke Y/N up and she slipped out of the bed before anyone else in the house was awake. She crept down the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. Sitting on the balcony, her mind wandered and fear started to take over. Today was the day and she and Bucky were going to commit a felony. A hand on her shoulder brought her out of her anxious thoughts. Delphine ran a hand over her hair, “How did you sleep?
“Surprisingly well.”
“I would too if I had a man like that in my bed.” Y/N thought about lying but one look from her grandmother had her taking a sip of her drink instead. Delphine laughed, “It is a good sign that you enjoy each other’s company so much. I think he is a very good man. I think you will have a very blessed marriage. I can see the love the two of you have for each other.”
“Oh, Mamé. I haven’t been honest,” Y/N’s eyes filled with tears and the truth spilled out before she could stop, “Bucky and I are not in love and our entire engagement is a lie.”
“Well, that’s simply not true.”
“But it is! I made some mistakes and I was going to be deported. He offered to marry me so that I could keep working for the Avengers.”
“Oh, I believe that you were lying about that,” Delphine kissed Y/N’s forehead, “But you’re wrong that you two don’t love each other. That young man looks at you like you’ve hung the moon. And you look at him the same way.”
“That’s crazy! Bucky—he—he drives me insane! He argues with everything I say. He—he—“
“He loves you. Now wait right here, I’ve got something that will make you feel better.”
Y/N dropped her head into her hands, wondering if Tony would be mad if she stole the jet. A hand running down her back had her lifting her head. Bucky smiled down at her and she frowned, “What are you doing here?”
“Well hello to you too, my lovely future wife. I’m making sure I don’t have a runaway bride on my hands.”
“How can you joke right now?” she threw her hands up, “I feel so guilty about all of this.”
“I am so sick of one of us constantly feeling guilty about this. Aren’t you? You are going to put that dress on and I’m going to put on the tux and you are going to marry me. In front of your family and our friends. Because I am madly in love with you and I will do whatever I have to do to date you. Even if that means marrying your crazy ass.”
Y/N took a deep breath and dragged him into the kitchen where everyone else was, “Morning, everyone. Before today starts, I, uh...have a bit of an announcement to make about the wedding. A confession, actually.
Bucky’s eyes widened and he stepped forward to stop her, “What are you doing?
“I was having visa issues and was about to be deported. And because I didn't want to leave this wonderful group of people and a job that I love, I forced Bucky to marry me.
“Doll, stop it. You didn’t force anything.”
“See, he just doesn’t deserve this and neither do any of you. For three years I watched him work harder than anyone else to prove he is a good person and I can’t turn him into a felon. And I thought it would be easy to do it. But it wasn't. Turns out it's not easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are. This was my fault.”
Y/N turned to leave the room but didn’t make it more than two steps. “Hey!” Bucky raised his voice, “This is not how you’re going to get out of this! This was all my idea. I told her to marry me. I convinced her to lie and I’m even the reason we are here now.” He turned from the group back to her, “I have wanted you for far longer than I’m willing to admit to and this is not how this ends!”
Before the couple could continue, Louis threw the balcony door open, “Bridgette Arnuad, I am not waiting another moment to be with you!” He turned to Bernard, “We are engaged and I hope that you understand how much she means to me.” Louis headed back for the door before spinning around and pointing at Bridgette, “I LOVE YOU!”
Before anyone could react, he was gone and everyone turned to the younger daughter. She was frozen in place and laughed awkwardly. Bernard looked between his two daughters with about twenty different emotions playing over his face before settling on amusement. He laughed so hard, the group was worried he was going to fall over. Standing up, he wiped tears from his face and turned to Bridgette. “Well. I’m not going to lie. I knew about you and Louis, and I’m very happy for you. As for you,” he surprised everyone by turning to Bucky, “You want to marry her this badly?”
The dark-haired man nodded, “I’m a bit surprised about that myself.”
Bernard then turned to Y/N and cocked a thumb as Bucky, “Him?” She nodded and bit her bottom lip nervously. Her father sighed and rubbed his temples, “Then what is the problem? He wants you. You want him. You get to keep your job.”
“Well–the–what about?”
Tony stepped forward, “If it helps, Pepper is pregnant and needs some help with Stark Industries once she’s further along. She was going to offer you the job. That is if you’re willing to add that workload to your current one.”
Y/N felt like her jaw was on the floor. That was her dream job. Bucky smiled at her and pulled her into him, “Now, you have to marry me.
“Yeah, I guess I do.” She smiled up at him, as he caught her in a searing kiss.
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After all of the confessions had been resolved, the house exploded into chaos. Bucky and Y/N were pulled apart as they were sent to get dressed. The next time they saw each other, she was walking up the aisle. As soon as the doors opened, she had stolen Bucky’s breath away. Her grandmother’s dress fit her like a glove and she floated down towards him. Steve bumped him on the shoulder and grinned.
When she made it to the altar, he held out a hand and they stood in front of her grandmother who was the officiant. Delphine cleared her throat, “Everyone, please be seated. We are gathered here today to give thanks and to celebrate one of life's greatest moments. To give recognition to the beauty, honesty, and unselfish ways of James and Y/N's true love in front of family and friends. For it is their family and friends, who taught them to love. So it is only right that family and friends are all with us today.”
She turned to Bucky first and nodded. Steve pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and tried to hand it to Bucky, but he shook his head. “This is not a situation that I’m very comfortable with. I am not a very poetic person and standing before a large group and explaining how much you mean to me is impossible. I don’t have any words or the right words to tell you how in love with you I am. I have heard people say that no one can truly love you until you love yourself. I can honestly say that that is a load of crap.” Laughter rippled through the crowd and Bucky continued, “It’s no secret that my past is a complicated history that can never be forgotten but you have shown me kindness and compassion before we even met. You have provided comfort and safety in a way I’d forgotten that I could have, let alone deserve. The amount of love you’ve shown to a very broken man is unimaginable,” Bucky took a shuddering breath and saw that Y/N’s eyes had also become misty. He paused to wipe away a fallen tear from her cheek before continuing, “With our work I can’t make any crazy vows but I will make a few that I intend to keep. I will always come home from missions more alive than dead. I will let you steal as many of my shirts as you want. I promise to try and communicate more. And last of all, I will be better about signing my mission reports. And in the spirit of honesty, I’m gonna tell you. I don’t sign them on purpose, so that I have a reason for you to come see me.” Y/N gaped at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. Bucky spoke again, “Actually I have one more, I vow to make you laugh as much as possible because it’s my favorite sound in the entire world.”
Y/N looked at him, happy tears brimming in her eyes before she even began to speak, “If a year ago someone told me that you and I would be standing in my parents vineyard marrying each other, I probably would’ve had them committed. Hearing about you in Steve’s stories led to me having a bit of a crush on you. Then I met you and you were the most annoying man I’ve ever met. Yet, I can’t seem to stay away because you’re also one of the sweetest. You listen to me when I speak and you make me laugh. I never intended to be more than an acquaintance, let alone to fall in love with you. Now, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. So, I promise to help you catch up on things you’ve missed and to dance with you in the kitchen to the Andrews Sisters. And I promise to yell at you less for not completing your mission reports.”
Delphine quickly wiped a tear away and asked for the rings. As soon as the band was on Y/N’s finger, Bucky tipped her back and she threaded her fingers into his hair. He whispered against her lips, “I love you, Mrs. Barnes.”
“I love you too, Mr. Arnaud.”
@white-wolf-buckaroo @lharrietg
@gia-kerks @jakey-stan
@buckycuddles @vicmc624 @happypopcornprincess
@hufflepeople @mrsamybarnes @agentsofsheilds
@michaelfuckinglangdon @simp-forbucky @rachellovesloki
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louis-in-red · 2 years
I saw Louis in my city!!!
Ever since that boy stepped in Peru, Lima has been WAY TOO SUNNY for autumn/winter! Usually, Lima is very gray with minimun sunlight during this time of the year, but the sun really came out the days Louis was here, and I'm so happy because the city looked extra beautiful (he also stayed in one of the fanciest places in the city near the beach and the hotel had a pool so I hope he took advantage of it).
I couldn't get the day off yesterday because I was on holiday last week, so my chances of queuing early were none (I wasn't planing on going in the morning either way but I didn't want to go late). Because of work (adult life sucks) I arrived at the venue around 7pm (also the venue is far away from where I live, it took me an hour to get there), expecting everyone to already be inside because doors opened at 6pm, but I was surprised to see a very long long line that circled the Mall (the venue is inside a mega huge mall). I waited for my friends to arrived and we waited closed to the entrance until everybody got in, but after a while we realized it was better if we just queued😩. At the end we entered around 8:30pm when Sunroom was already playing so we missed the majority of their set. Since there was time till Louis started, I bought merch (the black t-shirt with the red eye) and then just waited with my friends for the concert to star 😄
He was late 😅 like for 10 minutes I think? but soon enough we saw the band getting on stage and the lights and We Made It started playing and then HE GOT ON STAGE and MY GOD!!!! I couldn't see him properly because I was almost in the back haha but the screens helped a lot!! (I saw jdelf🔪…) And I have to mention here how important and relevant was to start the concert with that song for us Peruvians because I know many Peruvians Louies fought very hard to have Louis here in our country which often is not included in tours 🥺. It was extra special and I was super emocional during that song. The energy in the venue was great since the start, specially during the 1D songs... which tbh I didn't mind because I know the fanbase is still very much 1D focused, but they totally made the concert about HIM. I didn't see any signs about a 1D reunion or about any ship or any dolls that weren't Louis, at least in my section, and that made me so happy because I was quite scared since I know how popular that ship is here in Peru (someone even mentioned it in the news but I won't focus on that), and from the photos I've seen of the barricade, I think the focus all the time was on Louis, which is how it's supposed to be.
I was sort of surprised that many didn't know the lyrics of Change(s) or Copy, but then I realized maybe it's because most of the people around me seemed like casual fans (not very much invested in the personal life or obvs not into deep in the fandom as me haha) and maybe they didn't even watch any livestreams before. At the end I realized it didn't matter that not everyone sang the new songs, because when Louis asked us to scream we delivered. I was also a bit concerned about the outdoor venue because a close one helps with the acoustic of the screams and the noise (and I wanted us to be super loud), but the crowd really came through!!! like the energy was amazing, super fun and electric and you could tell everyone there loved Louis.
I have to mention how special hearing Change(s) felt this time, as well as DLIBYH. Mainly because for a while I was feeling a bit meh about many things, including my job and in times the fandom, like for a bit I was feeling way too many things and many aspects started to bothered me way more that they should... I'm rambling haha... I feel way better now, like I think I needed this leg of the tour to happen to feel this energy, to feel Louis close to us, and those two songs are just... so great 😭 so comforting. Even my friend who didn't listen to Change(s) before said it was the best song, lyrically and emotionally and that she can't wait for the next album to come out (honestly same haha).
Now... Michael... what the hell??!!! he is so HOT!!! playing his guitar, being all daddy on stage and then all shy when fans approach him in the streets. Like everyone was always screaming for him, specially me and my friends haha like the thirst for Mikey is real (Louis would approve, I know it). My friend already follows him on insta and says he is a hottie 🥵
I loved being there with one of my best friends! since I'm always second guessing everything I was thinking maybe she wasn't going to enjoy it that much since she isn't fan of Louis like me, but I was surprised to see that she knew every song in Walls and that she loved the concert and that now she is hopefully closer to being a Louie 🫢 The other friends I was with were also happy and jumping and singing at the top of their lungs, and they just made the whole experience a great one!! I felt so young again!!
Last but not least, experiencing this in my own country was extra especial and even though I wasn't anywhere near him as I was in Buenos Aires, this felt different because ... this is where I live, this is where I was born, where I've lived most of my life... Louis WAS HERE??? AND HE LOVED IT? HE KEPT SAYING "LIMA/PERU" AND MY HEART COULDN'T TAKE IT? LIKE HE WAS THE SWEETEST VOICE??!!! And he was so baby yesterday, clean shaved and in his baggy shirt and his almost tight black jeans, and he kept saying that he felt our love, that our country was beautiful and he just has my heart you know? he already had it but now he has it more 😩
So yeah... this was long and I could probably write more but I just want to close this by saying that every time I think I couldn't be more proud of Louis, he shows me that I can. Yesterday was magical, healing, lovely. I wish Louis the very best all the time, and I hope he knows, I hope he knows how much we love him and how much he deserves this because he does❤️
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louismeanhoe · 3 years
i know heaven is a thing, i go there when you touch me
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pairings: dom!louis tomlinson x sub!reader
warnings: +18, nsfw!! oral sex (both receiving), sex, boob-worship (sorta), slight dumbification, very dom louis, mentions of rough sex. overall, beware people standing behind ya!
a/n: sooooooo, third is a charm! wrote this a while back, decided to post. i hope you like it! feel free to drop an ask or dm me if you find any mistakes. x
word count: 4,3k+
Golden sunshine streamed past the beige curtains when I woke up, opening my eyes slowly, trying to adjust them to the newfound light. Right next to me, Louis was still sound asleep, his calm, warm breathing on my neck, and one arm wrapped around my waistline. Our bodies were a naked tangled mess. I could feel last night’s reminiscents in my muscles. I was sore in places I didn’t even think I could be.
A little giggle slips, then I yawn, struggling to remove myself from his tight embrace, only to succumb once more, this time facing him. Being the deep sleeper that he is, he hasn't even flinched, looking peaceful as ever, not a single crease on that gorgeous face. I couldn’t hold back the will to touch him, kissing his nose, his cheek, his jaw, his neck. Every little bit of skin available to me gets ravished.
By the time I started kissing his chest, it shook with a laugh, he didn't open his eyes, but one hand went under the sheets and squeezed the flesh of my hip. I breathed out, shaky, pressing myself onto him. These early mornings, well, they held a special place in my heart, we didn’t have to worry about flashing cameras, about the speculation, or what everyone else would say. It was just about us.
“Hey, sweets,” He whispers. It’s gruff, his blue eyes still blinking awake. Louis pulls me in further, and I let out a contented sound. “Creeping on me much?”
“Always am, ya’ know,” I chuckled, amused by his comment. “It’s your fault, really.”
“You’re too gorgeous, it makes me so mad.”
Louis shakes his head, still smiling, and slips out of bed, stretching out to shake off his sleep. I groan in objection, it’s too soon to part from him. I just wanted to stay in bed until we needed to get up. Have a long morning cuddled up under the sheets, kissing with our gross morning breath, talking shit. Our usual.
It’s easy to get distracted when he’s standing naked in front of me, though. The taut, strong muscles, built from football playing, the tattoos down his arms, the width of his back, and his ass. I was never much of an ass girl myself, but no one can resist that one, all toned, and squishy. I bite my bottom lip.
“Wha'?” He says, turning to me. I’m still somewhat covered by the sheets, my right hand my cheek, and I behold him like one beholds a panting.
“Too early for you to be up,” The words come out whiny as a child’s. “Too early for you to be that much away from me.”
“Guess today’s mood is need needy, hmm?”
He leans forward, pressing his lips to my cheek, nosing, and rubbing my arm. It makes me feel warm inside, how tender, how lovingly he cares for me. Sometimes it doesn’t feel real that I got so lucky. That my love story seems torn from a book page.
“C’mon, lovie, let’s have breakfast,” A little sound slips, I don’t want to, but he’s already played me, I’ll do what he asks of me. “Wish we could, doll, but we have to meet your parents at the pool club ‘round eleven, did yeh forget about it?”
“Oh fuck, yeah, I forgot all about it. Ugh, anyway, I’m disgusting, I need a shower.”
“Why don’t you go do that while I fix us something to eat? Does that sound good?”
“Would rather you’d be eating me, but yeah, sure, I’ll settle for some toast.”
Louis laughs out loud, getting a loose black tracksuit on, and then leaving our bedroom. I knew that by fixing us breakfast he meant extra strong coffee with some slightly overdone french toasts instead. Maybe they’d have some butter if I was lucky. He didn’t care about eating as long as he got his cup of black coffee. If he didn’t, he’d be moody the whole day.
Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to slip out of my comfortable nest. The gentle breeze made me tremble, my naked skin not too happy about being this exposed. I yawned, stretching my arms, feeling them stiff, sore. It’s what happens when you stay too long with your hands tied up above your head. My legs weren’t any better, warm pain on my inner thighs. He did a big number on me last night.
The sun bathed my bathroom. I could take a look at just how much damage he'd done. Along my collarbones, I spot a trail of love bites, all across my neck too, and at the bottom of my tummy, bite marks on my arse. Handprints on my hips. How in the world did Louis think I could cover this up? And to make matters worse, it was summer. I couldn’t wrap myself up with cosy sweaters, scarves, and leggings.
Okay. That’s “future me” problems. Right now all I need is a warm shower to get rid of the dry sweat that made me feel icky. I switch the faucet on, then reach for two towels, folded under the sink, inside a wooden cabinet.
A minute or two later, and the water was perfect. I step in, a groan of pleasure slipping when I'm enveloped by the rain of my shower, the warmth soothing the sore muscles. I proceed to scrub myself clean, relishing the feeling of tidying up.
I feel much better when I get out.
Wrapping my sopping hair up in one of the towels, I dry myself with the other. Steam shrouds the entire place, the mirror, the windows, anything with a glassy surface, was fogged.
A little smile bubbles up when I come back to my bedroom, the rattling of pans and the clink of mugs can be heard from the kitchen. Louis is still figuring out how to cook something that’s not pre-made. Spoiled baby. I shake my head and go to the closet.
Several dresses are hung, and I muse which one should I choose for the pool gathering. If I had remembered we’d be meeting my parents today, I wouldn’t have let him make such wreckage.
I settled on a simple, yet cute, yellow sundress that was snug around my waistline, but with a loose skirt down to the middle of my thighs. I'd need lots of makeup to hide the angry bruises littered, but there wasn't much I could do. I wouldn't show up in jeans and turtleneck shirts for a summer lunch on the poolside.
On the way to pick up my skincare products, I kneel to pick up a pair of pink knickers, too. No bra this time. It didn't go with the spaghetti straps of my dress, and it'd be nice to let my boobs out and about. The skin there was sensitive to touch.
A whole shelf is reserved for me. My creams, my lotions, my perfumes. A miscellaneous set of products that helps me take better care of myself. I also love the sensation of soft skin and the smell of white lilies. I am, however, disappointed when I find that my favourite perfume seems to be gone. Nowhere to be found.
I walk out.
“Louis,” I call for him, going to the kitchen, being met by his shirtless back, defined shoulders that made me lose my way for a split second. “Sorry, babe, but have you seen that little perfume bottle I always use? I can’t find it.”
“Hmm, I dunno, have yeh checked-'' When turning back to look at me, his blue eyes darken with a sudden spark of desire. I am aware that I’m not wearing much more than a towel. “Tryna’ tease me, pet? Walkin’ ‘round like tha’. Looking like a fucking meal ready to be eaten.”
“Oh wow,” A little sound slips, I can’t even help it. “I wasn’t… I was just looking for my perfume.”
“C’mere, doll, let me treat me baby to some breakfast.”
A smirk stretched his thin lips when he tapped on the surface of our dinner table. The stove had been turned off, his entire focus on me, and hell burns when Louis Tomlinson focuses.
I sat on the cold table, tossing my drenched head towel off, my hair falling in wild wet strands at the sides of my face. Louis watched, his left hand sat on my knee. Its thumb flickers the skin, applying enough pressure to make me get slick, like a bloody virgin.
He hums, toying now with the hem of the towel still hid me. The only layer I had between us.
“I think,” His voice comes out a pinch deeper, infused with the hunger that was growing evident. “Think this, well, it’s in the way, pet.”
The towel gets yanked, a little squeal-ish sound coming out in astonishment. I still have droplets of water sliding down my body, which he seems very aware of, and the marks he’s left the night before. His thick fingers trace the dark purples on my hip bone. There's a proud smile on his face, all cocky.
He lays me down, spread open for him, on display like a mannequin. I stare up at Louis, that gorgeous face all serious, a reddish stubble he was too lazy to shave it off, the upturned nose, and the eyes. Those tempest eyes I fell for.
A little smile bubbles up, his hands running up my thighs, the sides of my torso, my breasts. He lingers there, squeezing the flesh, tender, careful. I rest mine on top of his, my bottom lip clamped between my teeth.
“Yeh like when I play with them, yeah?” I give him a reassuring nod, stuttering a mellow ‘yes’. “Think these,” Another knead. “These were the first thing I fell in love with, all big, ‘n’soft. Fit me hands like they were made f'me, hmm?”
“Nuh-uh, wha’ d’yeh call me?” He moves away, and I groan in protest, the lack of his warm touch paining me. “Thought I taught yeh better manners, little angel.”
“Sorry, sir, ‘m really sorry,” It’s a whining, foolish sound. “Promise I’ll be better, sir. Please make cum.”
“Think yeh due to some punishment,” Louis straightens himself up, completely moving away. “C’mere.”
He sits down at the head of the table, legs spread apart, one hand patting his lap, instructing me to take place. I know what to do, of course, sliding off of where I was sat, and going to him, lying where he wanted me to, his hands quick and rough on my ass.
“‘m gonna’ need yeh to count, think yeh can do tha’, my dumb little pet? Can yeh count f’me?”
“Y-yes, sir, I can,” I nod, eager to please him. Under my tummy, through the loose grey tracksuit, I feel his cock, all hard and seeping. It sends a rush of excitement through me, I’m all slicker. Ready for him.
“Good pet.”
The first smack stings, and I scream, tears welling up. A shaky ‘one’ comes out, he rubs the skin and goes again. And again. And again. We were nearing the 25th slap when Louis stopped, leaning forwards to kiss the middle of my back. I’m a mess, all teared up, all flushed, and sopping, too.
With little effort from his side, I’m put back up on the table, the cold surface soothing the abused skin of my butt, his voice, a guiding light through the thick fog of desire I was in, whispers for me to lie down, which I do, complying without second thoughts.
Louis settles between my legs, kissing my salty cheeks, then my chin, all the way down to my neck, leaving behind new sets of marks I would go through hell to cover up. My breasts come next, each being cared for, both left hard and wet. It’s only when he nears the soft end of my belly, teeth sinking on the jut in a playful bite, I realise he wasn’t taking me now. No, he was treating himself some breakfast.
The tips of his fingers brush where I’m hot and soaked for him, testing the waters, his face close enough that I could feel his breath. I clenched, trembling with heavy desire. It loomed over me like an ugly monster.
I prop myself up on my elbows, watching his dishevelled brown hair, sweat beads dribbling down his forehead, and those godforsaken eyes. They’d grown darker, a glint of something so lustful it borderlines impure. Sin all over that beautiful face.
One finger slides in, a hash exhale being pushed out of me. He probes once, twice, then pulls out, stuffing it to his mouth, humming. His lids fall shut as if he tasted some five-stars restaurant’s dessert.
My head lolls back. This man, nestled between my thighs, savouring me like velvet red cake, would be my doom. I was a spoilt woman, ruined for everyone else because no one could ever measure up.
When Louis started, tongue tiptoeing around where I thrummed with longing, a loud moan, torn from an adult film, came out, my hands shooting to his hair, a gentle tug.
“Oh, god, that’s so good.“
“Want yeh t’curse, angel, say 'fuck, sir, that feels good,” The quick interval makes me arch my back, rolling my hips towards his face. Louis laughs, pinning me down, then delving back, slurping and sucking.
“Oh, f-fuck,” Puffs of air making my chest rise and fall quickly. “Fuck that feels good, s-sir.”
Somewhere inside my dazed brain, I knew I was being too loud, that the neighbours would be so upset that I couldn’t keep it down. In my defence, very few people would be able to with Louis between their legs. Working to get them to cum.
I tried biting down on my lip, muffling some of the sounds. It did not fall on his good graces. Not in the slightest.
“Bite it again and I won’t let yeh cum,” A snarling makes me jitter, the bite on the tender flesh on my inner thigh coaxing out from me a string of disjointed words. “That’s it, pet, let it out.”
My heels dig into his back, fluttering pleasure easing into me, pushing me closer to the top of the mountain I knew I’d be pushed from. Louis laughs a mocking laugh, wrapping his mouth around me, the flat of his tongue against my clit, then the lips, pulling it, playing with it. I wouldn’t last much longer. Not with the two fingers in, not with the pressure of his lustful kiss. The air grew heavy. I gasped, sucking mouthfuls of breath.
“‘m so close,” I say, one hand gripping the tablecloth. “‘m so close. Fuck.”
“Then cum, angel, cum on my face.” Louis orders, lips brushing absent-mindedly my cunt.
As if cued, I do. I arch my back, my head falling back while a strangled whine escapes, his lips still unrelentingly sucking me, the syrupy afterglow of orgasming making me weak and numbed out. When Louis moves away, I’m limp on the table, legs dangling. Like a used ragdoll.
He stands in front of me, all smug, looking at the mess I was, the undone state he’s left me. I close my eyes for a brief moment, then smile up at him, biting my lip. That’s one way to start the morning, yeah, but I wasn't even close to being done with him, he had a situation of his own to be taken care of. The constricted hard-on, a beacon for my eyes. I lick my lips, extending my arms so he helps me up.
“Good, pet?” A humming noise slips.
I stand, with swaying steps, a protective arm still looped around my waistline. Louis felt warm and welcoming, the kind of peace you can only find when you love someone. Not a schoolgirl crush, but true love, the one singers spend their whole lives trying to capture in a song.
There’s an aching need to pleasure him that lies in my bones as if all the amount of physical pleasure I could give him would pay off the stability he gives me, the love, and the cherish. No one tells you what it feels like when you meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Past the stupid butterflies, the sweat-slick hands, and rapid breathing. That’s passion. Love’s when I hold him, in the middle of the night, after a livid nightmare. Or when he cooks me pancakes. It’s the little things we do for each other without even realising.
And I love him.
“We should eat,” He says. “Y’know how your mum gets when we’re late.”
“Mmhm,” He bends a little to kiss my parted lips, I palm him, feeling his cock all stiff and throbbing, a grunt slipping past his lips. “You don’t seem in shape to go anywhere, sir… I can’t leave you like that.”
“Playin’ with fire, aren’t ya?” A harsh breath escapes when I touch him further, firm, his excitement making me all wet and desperate again. I wondered when it would wear off, the rush I feel when I have my hands all over his body. “What d’yeh want t’do, pet?”
“Want to take care of you,” I whisper, hooking my fingers on the waistband of his pants, and pulling it down. I smirk, nothing quite feels like the thrill to know he’s like that because of me. It’s intoxicating. “I’ll get you in my mouth, is that okay?”
Louis nods, then he steals one last kiss before I fall to my knees. His right hand on my cheek, tilting my chin up. It’s a silent order that I’m not supposed to look away from him. Desire crawls in my belly, heavy, scorching. He looks so handsome like that, all rumpled, flushed, the lazy haze on his eyes gets me every time... I would worship him like the pagans worshiped their gods.
Spit gathers in my mouth, each fiber in my body buzzing with want, but I don’t cave just yet. Rather, I scratch my nails down his bare tummy, grazing the skin, watching him react, the sparse hairs that lead the way down to where he was leaking, up. I smile, biting my lip.
When I wrap my hand around him, he hisses, tightening the grip on the fistful of my hair he’d grabbed. I slid up and down a few times, my mouth parted to suck a little bit of air in. I was tingling with excitement, the deep blue nearly gone, exchanged by the black of his blown pupils. Stray sunbeams bathed him, his skin glowing golden. At that moment, he looked heavenly.
“C’mon, pet, be good f’me, fill that pretty little mouth with me cock, take it all in, as I know yeh can,” It’s deep, soaked in want, I can savour his desperation.
I do what he asks of me, relaxing my mouth so it stretches to welcome the width of him. It’s slow, I nurse his head once or twice before letting it go deeper, toying with how much it would take for me to gag around him. My hand is still curled around the base, bobbing. I tremble, excited, the sounds he’s making could drive anyone insane. The mellow moans, grunts growing louder. I enjoyed how vocal he was, it spurred me on.
He chuckles when I pull away to breathe, tears down my cheeks, saliva down my chin. I stare up at him, a bit lost, dazed, but my hand keeps working on him, nice and slow, edging him out. Louis runs a thumb along my cheekbone, wiping away some of the tears, whispering how beautiful I looked on my knees, all cockdrunk.
A dull ache springs, not just from the tired knees, but from the lack of care, I needed him to touch me, needed him to spread me open, and fuck deep into me. A helpless sound came out, cut through by my ragged breathing. I flattened my tongue under his cockhead, licking the underside of it, making a wet mess, and pulled him back into the warm, wet plush of my lips, hollowing my cheeks around him.
His fingers thread further into my hair, both hands on the sides of my head. I let it go the very second he does so, he’s allowed to push forward, to fuck my throat as he pleases. It’s easy to lose control when you know someone is taking care of you, and I knew he did. He’d never push past my limits, never cross lines that weren’t meant to be crossed, so I submitted to him, I gave him the power to make the choices.
“So good t’me,” Louis croons, thumbs massaging my jaws, relieving the strain it’d been put through. I moan around him, my thighs snapped shut to soothe a blazing tension growing even tighter between my legs. “Oh, poor pet, want me t’fuck yeh, don’t ya’?”
I nod, still stuffed with him in my mouth. There’s a tender smile on his face when he pushes me off, detaching himself with a pop, then helps me up, I stumble forwards, hugging him. Louis kisses the top of my head like I’m a stray puppy he’s taken under his wing to take care of.
The cold surface of our dinner table greets me back when he lies me down again, my legs pried open for him. Trained fingers tease pussy, spreading wetness around, before I realise, he’s placing them on my lips, “Yeh taste so good, don’t ya’?”
Louis slips inside effortlessly, and it’s a whole new stretch. I feel full and appeased, even now, that he’s just still, giving me a moment or two to adjust to the size of him, hands settled on the top of my thighs, my ankles resting on his shoulders. He plays with my tits, pinching my nipples, kneading the soft flesh of my breasts. A boob-man, alright, probably would spend hours on them if I let him.
He starts moving, bottoming out and snapping back in, deliberate, steady.
“May I touch myself?” I ask, it sounds pathetic, complain-ey. I didn’t think he’d say yes. “Please, sir.”
“Where d’yeh want t’touch yourself, pet?” He grunts, slamming deep, hitting all soft spots he could, splitting me open. “C’mon, use your big girl words, hmm?”
“M-my clit,” The stutter makes me feel warm on the cheeks, tasting the embarrassment of even asking.
“Good girl,” It might’ve been the way he said it, or the bite on my calf he gave, but I felt electrical shocks through my entire body, shaking with a rush of adrenaline. “Yeh may. Please yourself, pet.”
My hands feel minuscule when he rests his above mine, both circling where I was palpitating. We groaned in unison when I clenched around him, the pressure bringing us to a breaking point. With all the foreplay, I didn’t think either of us would be lasting an extraordinary amount of time.
The morning sunshine warmed the tips of my toes, or maybe it was the enticing hints of my orgasm nearing. He kept on going, implacable, beseeching. I would have trouble sitting when the high was over, right now I couldn't seem to care, rolling my hips against him, calling out for him.
“‘m gonna’ cum, pet,” Louis whispers, crossing my legs, it feels even snugglier. I’m so sensitive I feel my entire skin going cold. “Gonna’ fill you up.”
“Yeah, fuck.”
“Swear f’me,” It’s a rough snap, I roll my eyes back, so close I can taste the sweet thrill. “Say, ‘gonna fucking cum, sir’, yeah?”
I’m tensing up, the pent-up tension on my lower tummy heavy. Louis wraps my legs around his waist, pulling me up, and I go, mellow. I hang onto him like a scared child, not even assimilating he’s lifted me, my face hidden on the crook of his neck. The smell of him leaves me disoriented, it’s strong, going down like alcohol.
He falls apart first, hot, heavy spend deep inside me. I slide my nails down his back, teething the soft skin of his shoulder. He’s mumbling my name like a chant, squeezing my ass, pounding into me, giving it to me rough. It’s not long before I crack, too. My head lolls back, the sweet release sucked out of me, I’m left tired, spent, and weak. My brain goes blank for a few seconds, riding the glimmer of the high. A stormy sea that clacks until the sea goes peaceful.
A comfortable silence surrounds us. Louis holds me with care, wet, parted lips sucking on each bit of skin he could find. He was still buried deep, each little movement making me startle, I was way too tender to deal with any more sexual stimuli. I wanted to lie down and sleep for hours now.
My stomach groaned, and he laughed.
“‘kay, lovie, I think yeh should eat,” He lets my body slide off of him, and helps me sit down on the chair at the head of the table. “Want me to cook something?”
With his pants up, it feels like he’s wearing his sweet, loving self back, not the sex god who just fucked me stupid. I give him a weak shake of the head, and point to the plate of french toasts he settled on the marble counter, which he presents to me at once, and goes to grab two mugs, filling both with fresh-made coffee.
“How bad is it?” I ask, and he doesn’t need clarification to know what I mean.
“Think yeh might’ve to call to your parents and tell ‘em yeh sick.”
“That bad?”
“Got purple all over yeh neck, lovie,” Louis does look guilty. “Sorry.”
I shake my head, “I’m sleepy, anyway. We should probably eat, then take a nap. I call them saying I lost track of time.”
“That sounds like a good idea.”
I feel his cum dripping out of me, and I realise I’ll have to take another shower to clean myself up, but I can’t say it wasn’t entirely worth it to slip out of our bedroom wearing nothing except the two forgotten towels piled up on the floor. Eh. Another trick under my belt.
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pearlednini · 2 years
(First ff so don’t judge if its caca and the writing is bad)
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You moved to France to live with your parents 6 months ago. 6 months ago, you also met him; Jean Kirschtein. The 6′3, dirty blonde entered the bakery your parents owned in the first day of spring. Your parents were out of town, so you were running the bakery yourself. “Bonjour, juste quelques macarons et une baguette svp” said the blonde. “Sorry, I speak little French” you responded. You might have moved to France, but you lived in America for most of your life, and you moving was sudden, you didn’t have a choice since you dropped out of your old collage back in New York. He laughed “No problem, I speak English too”. “That will be 21 euros, I'll go get your macarons and baguette” you said, running to get away from the stupidly attractive stranger that you couldn’t stop staring at the entire time. When you returned, he was gone, he left the money on the counter, but he left without his bread. “How strange” you thought to yourself. 3 days passed and once again, you were covering for your parents when you saw a familiar man outside the bakery. “Hey stranger! Came back for your bread?” you asked. “Very funny, but no, I was actually looking for you” he spoke, his words leaving your ears red and you flustered. “Anyways, are you here often?” he asked you, taking a sip out of his coffee he got from the cafe next door. “Oh, my parents actually own this bakery, so im here all the time haha!”. The blond stared at you for a minute before asking you “what collage do you go to?”. Your smile turned into a straight face almost instantly “Oh, I actually am still looking for one, I moved here not too long ago so.. you?” “Ah, I see” he responded, smiling between his words “I go to Paris university, im a art major” he responded “You should come by sometime, but shoudn’t I know your name before inviting a stranger to my university?” he asked slyly, almost grinning while waiting for your response. “Oh im sorry how rude! My names y/n and you?” you asked, imagining what names would fit the beautiful blonde, maybe Louis, or maybe Leo? “It’s Jean, here, let me give you my number” he held out his hand, signaling for you to hand him your phone, and you did. You felt butterflies form in your stomach watching him type his number in your phone. “Lets keep in touch, don’t leave me waiting for your call for too long” he spoke before walking away. 5 months had passed since then, and he was your closest friend, he’s helped you improve your French, and you’ve made friends with his friends, you often went to Jeans collage to hang out during his lunch. “Y/N! Jeans birthday is tomorrow so, me, connie, mikasa, eren and armin all agreed at a club, you in?” asked Sasha, a Brazilian girl that you and jean both met in a gas station along with connie, both idiots, but funny ones. “Of course I am idiot” you said, laughing at Sashas pouty face. “Connie and Eren will bring him there, so just make sure you show up all dolled up n’ pretty” she said, her country accent poking out once in a while. You went home and immediately looked for a dress, when you found your red sequin dress which showed off your body perfectly, you paired it up with red heels Eren had bought you for your birthday last month and golden earrings you got from Annie, Armins girlfriend. It was the next day, and you were on your way to the club, getting a ride from Eren. Jean and Eren didn't get along much since they were both hot headed and arrogant, but despite that they were still like brothers, which you found oddly hilarious. You held your gift for him in your hands, his favorite vanilla macarons and tequila in hand, and your purse in the other. As soon as you got off the car, you were greeted by Reiner, the creep who wouldn’t leave you alone, despite you making it clear you weren’t interested. “Hey Y/N! Lookin’ nice! Have you thought about that date?” the awfully persistent blonde asked. “No Reiner, im here for my friend so leave me alone for the love of god” you said irritated. You walked into the club, and jaw almost full of drool when you saw Jean, the birthday boy with his mullet tied back into a small ponytail, and in the most elegant black and red outfit. You quickly looked at your dress, realizing that people might assume your matching outfits. “Y/N! Just the girl I was looking for” Jean stopped to look at your dress for a minute, your ears red with embarrassment. “Who are you all dressed up for? Is it for me? You even wore red, you know that's my favorite color” he said laughing “If you wanted to get my attention, you got it” he said smirking devilishly. “Oh Jean shut up!” you said annoyed and flustered, handing him his gift. “Now where's the bar” you said walking away, wanting to get away as soon as possible. You had a couple of shots, head feeling light with you being at your max. You looked over at jean, just to find him flirting with some girls. “Hey beautiful, can we buy you a drink?” asked 3 men around your age. You thought about it for a minute before saying “Sure, why not”. The men bought you drinks and you didn’t notice a frustrated Jean staring at you and the 3 men sitting around you. As soon as they left, you were dragged to dance by mikasa and Sasha. “Guys what the fuck- I’ve had too much to drink I don’t think I should-” Annie quickly cut you off sarcastically saying “Girl were at a club, loosen up will you?” and took you out to dance. The drinks, the urge to forget about Jean being around other girls, it made a bad combination. You went from dancing, to having shots in the dance floor while maneater played in the background. You even danced with various men. You were under the influence, and you knew you had to leave before things got worse. You said your goodbyes before heading to the restroom to freshen up, you were in such a rush you didn’t notice a certain someone behind you. “Where are you going in such a rush without me?” Jean said, blocking the bathroom door frame. “Oh fuck- Jean move I need to-” he ignored what you were saying by pressing his lips against yours. He was painfully drunk, but god he tasted so good. A aroma of tequila and cologne making you feel like you could get high off of him. “God y/n, what were you thinking, that dress, your body, those guys all over you, are you doing this on purpose? Fuck- I need you, your mine y/n, min-” you pushed him off of you before he could finish. “Fuck off Jean, I don’t belong to anyone, especially not manwhores. Your drunk, just go sit down” you said, leaving the club and throwing your heels in the Uber. You felt drained, the alcohol, the frustration, and the anger you felt from Jean toying with you. 3 weeks had passed since you last talked to him, when you received a text while working. You opened your instagram to see a text from Jean. “Hey, are you busy? I need a model for my art project I need to do”. You assumed he must not remember what happened on his birthday, but it was better that way, he was drunk anyways. “No, im not lmao, I'll be there in 10″ you sent. You put on a white sundress and went to his apartment and knocked on the door. “Hey y/n! I thought you weren’t gonna show up, I missed you” he said teasingly. “Oh shut up Jean” you said, rolling your eyes and sitting on his couch while he got his supplies ready. “Ok, strip.” he said. “What-” you said, shocked at what you were hearing. “Its for the portrait, I need a nude model.” He said waiting for you to stop staring and listen to him. “Oh come on, don’t look at me like that- Relax, I don’t bite” he said, his words feeling almost intoxicating. You begin doing what you were told and turn red when he stares at you. “Jean stop staring!” you yelped. “Oh please- I need to know what im looking at to paint dumbass” he says frustrated. He begins to paint you as you lay there, wondering if he really didn’t remember the Friday 3 weeks ago. “I finished” he walks over to you and sits down, staring at you once again. “What now?” You say annoyed, you really just wanted to leave as soon as you could. “Oh, I was just thinking about how I really, really, wanna kiss you again”. Your heart dropped, you thought he didn’t remember it. But before you could even speak he cuts you off by kissing you. The smell of the paint roaming the room, but the taste of his cherry chapstick leading your focus else where. “You thought I forgot our little- encounter?” he said. “Sweet y/n, all I could think about was you- your body, your lips, your taste” he said, biting your lips before kissing you again. 
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine you have been kidnapped and your favorite slashers decide to come to the rescue
It has been a few days now that none of the slashers have seen or heard from you. They are growing more and more worried and nervous by the day. Finally, thanks to his connections, Five succeeds in finding out that you have been kidnapped by your "old friends".
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" I feel weird..Why do I feel weird ?"
Five asks himself and takes a glass of whiskey to calm his nerves. He then looks at his wall and stares at it for a while, hesitantly.
" Am I crazy ?"
He looks back at his drink and, after a moment at looking at his reflection in the amber liquid, swallows all of it in one go.
" You know what ? F*ck it all ! I am crazy !"
He then walks towards the wall and starts tearing it apart with his bare hands to get out the object he had hidden in it. An axe.
" It was supposed to be for a special occasion..but oh well !"
He then walks outside to his neighbor's door : Brahms.
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He smashes the door to pieces and Brahms immediately gets up. When he sees that it is Five, he almost groans in annoyance, but stops when he starts thinking as to why he would come to him in the middle of the night.
" Y..Y/N ?"
He asks in a hopeful tone, wondering if the short man had finally found something about her whereabouts. Five finally enters his bedroom and whisper shouts.
" Yes, you idiot ! We're going to search for them ! As the police is obviously too dumb to find them themselves !"
Brahms smiles widely behind his mask and quickly grabs his doll before following Five. However, they are walking in the corridor when they spot two very distinctive orange and red head getting out by the window. The two clowns look up to see the two others. They stay still for a moment before smirking at each other knowingly. There is always a moment where crazy people just have this connection, this moment where they don't even need words to communicate.
" Ah ! Guess what ?! One of my escape plans actually works ! Just thought we would go and save Y/N, but looks like we're not the only ones. So..How about we go search for Freddy and Myers and you go find Jason and Sir Sh*tty the clown ?"
Five nods in agreement before running towards the mute's room, while the Clown Brothers run towards Freddy's room. Once all reunited, they get out by Pennywise's exit that was, in fact, a tunnel in the garden of Freddy. (Freddy being of course aware and even helping Pennywise by pretending to garden when he digs) Five, as well as all of the killers find themselves revigorated as soon as they are out, their powers coming back to them. Penny takes a step forward and starts sniffing the air for your scent. He quickly finds and turns his head towards the rest with a wicked smile.
" Let's go find them."
A few hours later :
" Come on Sam ! I don't want to work for you anymore ! I can't keep pretending that what you're doing is right !"
You yell, wishing to reason with him, even though you were already beaten bloody. But, he doesn't listen to you and only slaps you so hard that you see stars.
" Doesn't mean that you are free, Y/N ! Me and the boys will always track you down, wherever you go ! You are a part of our team. You really thought that just by moving away, you could get away from your family ?!"
You glare up at him before spatting angrily.
" You are not my family.."
However, before he could slap you again, kids' creepy laughs fill the room. Sam gnashes his teeths and looks around with nervousness. You can't help but feel a bit apprehensive yourself.
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" Well hello.."
Sam almost lets out a scream when he see one of the clowns get out of the dark. He takes a step back and nearly tumbles over a grave from which, another clown appears.
" So, what was the plan, bad boy ? Were you going to hit them hit them hit them until they forgive you before finally bashing their brains out ?!"
Pennywise asks while accompanying his words with demonstrative gestures. Sam's eyes widen and he quickly gets out a gun and starts shooting in every direction. You close your eyes, wishing for him not to shoot you in the process. He almost feels relieved when he opens one eye and sees them gone. However, when he turns towards you, he sees Jason standing protectively in front of you, a bullet that was destined to you lodged in his chest.
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" Not a very wise move, my friend. Should have gone for the head. Would have taken him longer to recover.."
Sam quivers in fear as he sees a third clown get out from around a corner. He then yells with tears in his eyes and snort coming out of his nose pathetically.
" Do all your friends wear f*cking clown costumes ?! Is it your new trick to get rid of me, Y/N ?!"
He doesn't see it, but from behind Jason, you smile and reply.
" You never asked what was my job, a**h*le. I am a nurse at St Louis, and looks like my patients are hungry.."
Suddenly, Sam is turned around by Freddy that gives him a nasty grin.
" You're right about that. I'm f*ching starving."
" B..Boys !"
Sam calls for his gang that his supposed to stay on watch, but then, Freddy gets out their heads. He then show them to Sam with mocking concern.
" You're looking for these fellows ? Sorry, the clowns were a little bit hungry on our way here. Thought we would grab a takeaway first."
Freddy starts laughing histerically at his own joke, which makes Sam fall to the floor, white as a sheet.
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" Come on..Come to Papa !"
Sam screams so loud that it makes you wince in pain. He then starts crawling backwards, away from Freddy that is still walking forward while laughing maniacally. However, Freddy suddenly disappears and Sam is left with his heart beating a thousand times a minute. He gets up and sprints towards the exit. He opens the door and falls face to face with Michael. Michael stands in the doorway and tilts his head a bit to side while observing the shaking man.
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Sam walks backwards, away from the giant. He doesn't even have any voice to scream with anymore. He is scared beyond anything and starts running the other way. He ends up in the same room as you again and sees Five, trying to untie you. He smirks, thinking to have finally found an escape..He takes Five and puts the head of his gun against his head.
" Stay back or I'll kill the kid !"
The group stops abruptly and Sam smiles widely, thinking he won. But then, Five glares up as him and stomps on his foot with such force that Sam screams in pain again.
" Who are you calling "the kid", idiot ?"
Five gets out of his grip and all of the slashers surround him. Suddenly, Michael and Jason raise some knives they had managed to get their hands on in the kitchen and you watch before whispering :
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" They always say to watch out for the quiet ones.."
And with that, the die is cast. You can only watch with a morbid fascination as each one of the slashers seem to attack Sam with such coordination. You're impressed. They seem to work so well together. Even the clowns seem to have fun along each other, whereas normally they would be at each other's throats.
When they're finished and Sam is, indeed, very dead..They all turn their heads towards you, blood splattered all over their faces. They are waiting..For what ? You wonder. Suddenly, you stand up and they all seem to try to guess your next move. But, you don't let any emotion take a hold of you and only sigh before taking out a napkin from your pocket. You look at it for a moment before kneeling in front of Brahms and starting to get the blood out of his face gently. He seems to melt into the kind gesture and closes his eyes appreciatively.
" You can't come back to St Louis in this state..It would not be good for you or for me. You need to take a bath. If you want to escape, I won't stop you. Not that I have the power to anyway.."
Of all the reactions you could have had, this one was the least the slashers had expected. They had expected fear, screams..even disgust. But here you were, washing their faces as if they hadn't just killed someone in front of you. Before anyone could stop him, Penny jumps on you and licks your face happily while you start laughing at his impulsive gesture. However, Pennywise appears behind him and drags him away from you by the collar.
" Jeez kid ! You're happy ! We get it ! That doesn't mean you have to drool all over them !"
Suddenly, Jason, Brahms and Michael look at each other in silent agreement before using their massive size to wrap their arms around all of you.
" Hey ! I never agreed to this hugging bullsh*t !"
Freddy yells in disapproval while trying to wiggle his way out. To everyone's surprise, it's Pennywise that answers him.
" Oh, stop complaining, you old dog ! You're enjoying this as much as the rest of us !"
You can hear Freddy grumbling and can imagine him crossing his arms sulkily. But, he doesn't try to deny. You bite you lip in order not to laugh. No matter how much you should hate/be scared/horrified by what they had done, you couldn't bring yourself to do so.
" Let's go home.."
They all nod in agreement and the three mutes free you. You all start walking towards St Louis. Who knows ? Maybe you are crazy too..
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Theirs and Ours
Title: Theirs and Ours
Prompt: Day 4 - post-war, kitchen, doll, Ron catches Hermione in a moment of self doubt
Summary: Who knew babysitting 4 kids would make Hermione doubt herself and the future of the Weasley-Granger household?
Rating: G
CW: mentions of pregnancy
* * *
The house was a mess. It always was after they had one of the kids over, but today there had been four. Through a comically coincidental series of events, Ron and Hermione had somehow found themselves watching two of Bill and Fleur’s three children, along with Fred the second, and their godson James, all in the same afternoon.
Hermione loved the children, of course, but she didn’t have the same boundless energy and youthful enthusiasm that made Ron everyone’s favorite uncle. And looking after four of them at once made her very glad that Ron had assured her he had no interest in a brood the size of his parents’. She was already nervous enough about the one they were expecting.
It would have been faster to wash the dishes left behind from lunch with magic, but the warmth of the water and the rhythmic scrubbing of doing it the muggle way helped slow Hermione’s racing mind as she replayed the afternoon in her head. Ginny had dropped James off first, on her way to the Daily Prophet to give an interview on the upcoming Quidditch World Cup. He and Fred had been their scheduled charges for the day, and George arrived with him soon after. Then Fleur had burst through the Floo with Victoire and Louis, so distraught about Dominique falling from her toy broom and having to be taken to St. Mungo’s that she explained what had happened in French. Fortunately, Hermione knew enough to get by, and she had sent Fleur on her way to catch up with Bill at the hospital, promising their care of the two blonde-haired children.
Four kids.
Ron had taken it all in stride, of course. He entertained the kids, helped Hermione fix lunch, changed several very stinky diapers of James’ without even blinking...all of it came so naturally to him. Hermione was exhausted even on her best days, the early effects of pregnancy frequently taking their toll. So after spending the day chasing four kids around the house, it was a wonder she was even still standing, really.
She set the last plate in the rack to dry and turned off the water. Ron sauntered into the kitchen then, looking no worse for the wear as he tossed a doll onto the dining table and then poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice. “Victoire left that here, remind me to grab it when we head to the Burrow tomorrow.”
Hermione picked it up, toying with the doll’s hair. “Sure thing.”
Ron leaned back against the counter and cocked an eyebrow at her as she sat down, still holding their niece’s doll. “You okay? Want to go have a kip? I know it was a lot today.”
Hermione shook her head. “No, that’s alright. I’m fine. Let’s order in tonight, though, yeah?”
“Whatever you want.” Ron sat down beside her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He waited a moment and then put his hand over hers, stilling her motions. She knew he could tell something was bothering her but was trying not to press her.
“How do you do it?” she asked softly.
“Do what?”
“It’s so easy for you, with the kids.”
Ron shrugged, trying to play it off. “Sometimes.” When she didn’t say anything else, he added, “It’ll be different with ours.”
Hermione scoffed. “So everyone says.”
“I mean, the good and bad. It’ll all be different. It’s easy to be the fun uncle, hosting tea parties and teaching them to ride a broom. Doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll be a good dad.”
“Yes, you will,” Hermione said firmly. “Me, on the other hand…”
“Ron, I wasn’t good with kids when I was a kid. Some might have even called me a nightmare.” She nudged him playfully with her shoulder, and Ron chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her.
“What kind of bloody idiot would do that?” he teased in return. “Look,” he continued, turning serious, “the truth is that I don’t know if it’ll be easier for you with our baby.”
There was nothing comforting about his statement, aside from its honesty. She had heard the same platitude repeatedly—from her mum, Molly, Fleur, Ginny, everyone: wait until it’s yours. Hermione desperately wanted to believe them, but it was just so difficult to fathom. She didn’t take to the many Weasley children the way the others had, didn’t instinctively know how to hold them, or what to do when they cried. Truthfully, she was just waiting for them all to start attending Hogwarts so that at least she would be the go-to resource for homework help. She wasn’t sure what she really had to offer, until then.
“What I do know,” Ron went on, pulling her attention back to him. “Is that we’re doing this together. We’ll be a team, like always.”
Hermione leaned into his side with a content sigh. Ron always knew the right thing to say to her, and she was grateful for his support. “Thank you,” she whispered, tilting her head up to kiss his cheek before resting against his shoulder. Her eyelids were starting to feel heavy, and she thought it might be nice to lie down for a bit, after all. “Maybe we should go have that kip,” she murmured around a yawn. “While we still can, before the baby comes.”
She felt Ron’s lips against her hair as his hand drifted down to her stomach, which was just barely starting to bulge. “I promise to let you have all the naps you need. Even when she comes.”
Hermione lifted her head to look at him curiously. “She?” They weren’t meant to find out for several weeks yet what they were having, and they had only referred to the baby in generic terms so far.
Ron shrugged again and gave her the lopsided smile she could never resist. “Just a feeling.” He stood up and pulled her to her feet. “C’mon. There’s a couch and a blanket in the other room with your name on it.”
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jimlingss · 3 years
Speaking of AUs and plots, OC damages someones car by accident and instead of money they want to be paid back in dates.
Anonymous said: For the request: “I can make you a deal you can’t refuse.”
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↳ Auto Date Claim
2.3k || 100% Light Fluff || Kim Seokjin
Seokjin grips the steering wheel.
He blows through the yellow light even though he should’ve stopped but there’s no time to waste, not when the last thing he wants is to be late for the meeting. Everything has to be perfect.
Which is what makes this phone call the worst.
“I’m not coming.”
“What?!” Jin looks to the display screen where there’s Jisoo’s name as if he can telepathically send her his exasperated expression. “Why not?!” 
“You know why. I don’t want to be a doll that’s supposed to sit there silently, Seokjin. I’m done.”
“No. Please. You know how important this meeting is to me. You can’t be doing this—”
“Oh, yes I can.”
She hangs up. Seokjin groans, the urge to slam his forehead against the steering wheel overwhelming. But he resists and when he gets to the next red light, he frantically calls Yoongi.
The dial tone rings over his car speakers and then the man picks up. Yoongi is calm by nature and there’s little that can faze him. But now, his voice pitches up every so slightly. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you on your way to meeting the Jeon’s?”
“Yeah, but Jisoo just called to tell me she’s not coming.”
“Oh shit.”
Family. Marriage. Commitment. They’re essential pillars for the Jeon’s who’ve been married for fifty years. They’re old school, the epitome of tradition. The plan was for Jin to look like a family man too, to add to his own integrity and to show that he shares the Jeon’s company values. And everything matters when it comes to the contract they’ve been trying to sign for the past year. A minuscule detail like this could tip the scales and make the Jeon’s sign with the competitor instead.
“Is Irene there?” Jin asks as he drives. “Maybe she can come instead.”
“She’s already running an errand for Hoseok. Just...make something up. Maybe you can say—”
At the exact same time, as Seokjin stops for a red light, the entire car jolts forward without warning. He nearly slams his head on the wheel — this time, unintentionally. 
What the fuc—
“Yoongi, wait. I just got rear-ended.”
As if things couldn’t get worse today. Jin undoes his seat belt and climbs out of the car. The perpetrator of the accident also gets out and he looks at you who’s completely wide-eyed.
“I’m so sorry!” you screech in horror. “I was just singing to this new album and looking around, I’ve never driven on this street before and I wasn’t paying attention, I’m so so sorry.”
You come to look at the damage at his bumper and a gasp tears from your throat. It’s a Maserati.
You don’t know much about cars, but even you’re aware this is a luxury vehicle imported from somewhere in Europe. Germany. France. Italy. One of those fancy countries where you haven’t even dreamed of traveling to. You don’t know much but one thing’s certain — you’re so fucked.
As you’re losing your mind, Seokjin taps his foot and checks his watch. 
His eyes bulge when he realizes the hour’s almost up. “Do you have your insurance information?” he blurts, interrupting your internal meltdown.
“I-Insurance?” You deflate all at once. “I don’t.”
Seokjin sighs and glances over his shoulder. The Hwagae Hotel where the meeting was taking place was so close that he could practically see the entrance door from here.
There’s no more time to waste.
“I’m heading to the Hwagae Hotel.” He points down the street. “Do you want to talk about it there?”
You nod dejectedly and get back into your car to follow him into the hotel’s parking lot before you slow down traffic any more than you already have. Getting more angry drivers on your back is the last thing you need at the moment. At the same time, your mind scrambles for solutions. But it comes up empty.
God fucking dammit. You shouldn’t have been cheap. You should’ve just gone hungry for an entire week to get the car insurance. Why on earth did you think you didn’t need it?!
By the time you get out of your car again, you’re on the verge of tears.
You eye the expensive, sleek black car. Then your eyes stray to the stranger.
“I...I don’t have much money I can give you.”
Jin glances at his watch and then at you. He finally gets a good look at you. Or rather, he notices your simple skirt and blouse ensemble. In an instant, a light bulb flickers in his brain.
“You don’t need to pay if you follow me.” His head nudges towards the hotel and your eyes become rounded at the suggestion. You gawk at the door of the hotel and back at him within seconds, entirely horrified. Seokjin quickly clarifies, “I have a business brunch inside and I need a partner to go with. You don’t need to do anything. You can just stay silent and eat.”
Seokjin watches as you look at the car and then his crisp suit before you’re slowly coming to nod. “A-Alright.”
He turns on his heel and struts into the hotel lobby without waiting for you.
Seokjin wouldn’t necessarily call himself a spontaneous person, but when push comes to shove and it’s the last moment, he’s good at coming up with fixes. He prides himself on it, having been the person who jumped in at the last second to repair things on more than one occasion. 
Podium mic not working at the charity banquet? He ran to the nearby mall and bought a portable karaoke microphone at a booth. The client has a pollen allergy he didn’t know about? He threw the flowers on the table out the window when she turned around. The handouts for the shareholder meeting were forgotten? He announced they were going paperless. 
The point is: Seokjin will do whatever it takes. Even if his methods are unconventional.
He enters the lavish hotel restaurant, already finding the couple by the windows. He brushes past the hostess with a sparkling smile and peeks over his shoulder to make sure you’re still following after him.
They’re an old couple in professional garb. The man is in a gray suit while the woman is in a modest navy dress. He doesn’t miss the Louis Vuitton purse next to her wine glass filled with water.
“It’s good to see you, Mr. Jeon. You as well, Mrs. Jeon.” 
He shakes their hands and at once, Mrs. Jeon looks at you with her brows raised. “And who is this?”
“This is my partner….”
“Y/N,” you fill in for him, realizing he doesn’t even know your name. You’ve been through your fair share of meetings, so you smile and shake their hands with ease. 
As strange as the situation is, you’re just relieved he wasn’t lying about it. You had the impression he wasn’t, but you were ready to hightail it out of here if he brought you into a hotel room.
“I didn’t know you had a partner, Seokjin,” the older man notes, impressed and curious.
Jin laughs. “Well, I’m glad you know now.” 
Everyone takes their seats and the waiter comes by to fill your glasses of water and ask if anyone wants a particular drink. Once he’s sauntered away, the woman across from you makes conversation. “What do you do, Y/N?”
So much for having to do nothing. “I’m an intern at JML.”
“Oh, I have a friend’s niece who works there. Are you looking to become an accountant then?” her husband asks.
“Hopefully.” You smile before lifting the glass of water to your lips.
“That’s so nice,” Mrs. Jeon sighs. “You young-ins should work and develop a career while you still have the chance. Heaven knows things become so much more difficult once you start a family.”
Family? It’s a foreign concept to hear considering it’s not a subject even in the realm of your concern. You manage to stiffly nod.
“How did you two meet?”
You almost spit out your water.
Seokjin reaches over to pat your back as you wheeze. “Are you alright...darling?”
You wipe your mouth with the tablecloth napkin. What was this guy’s name again? Seokho? No that wasn’t it. It had a J in it. Seok...ju? No….
“Seokjin, I’m fine.”
Mrs. Jeon watches the interaction through rose-coloured glasses and smiles knowingly. “My apologies if it’s an intrusive question. I just adore a good love story.”
“Actually, it’s a funny story.” Jin smiles as a sweat bead practically rolls down his face. “Y/N here rear-ended my car when I was on my way to a meeting and that’s how we got to know each other.”
He looks at you and starts to laugh. After a delayed moment, you join in and inwardly cringe at how awkward it sounds. Yet the old couple doesn’t notice.
“How long have you been together?” Mr. Jeon asks with a warm smile, hands threaded on the table.
You look at him and his laughter dies down. “T-Thr-Two years! Yes, two years.”
“Well isn’t that sweet,” she swoons to her husband who nods in approval. “Are you going to get married soon? It’s not good to let a young woman wait too long.”
If you didn’t choke before, you might again. This time from your own saliva.
Mr. Jeon hums. “Yes, I personally don’t think one should wait long if they know it’s the right person.”
“That’s right.”
“Well that’s good news,” Seokjin interjects before you get the chance and he suddenly blurts, “Because we’re already married.”
Your head whirls to him, neck nearly breaking from the whiplash. You gawk at his profile.
Mrs. Jeon gasps in amazement. Mr. Jeon appears intrigued.
As the proclamation leaves his lips, it’s already too late to take it back. Seokjin isn’t spontaneous. He’s just good at quick fixes, too good that they become permanent fixes.
The point is: Seokjin’s an absolute idiot sometimes.
“Really?! Where’s the ring?” 
“We’re getting it fixed at the moment. Y/N lost a bit of weight so it kept slipping off her fingers.”
He turns to you and you stare at him incredulously before deadpanning, “Right.”
“When did you get married?” Mr. Jeon asks.
“Recently,” Seokjin lies without batting a single lash. It’s not hard to pitch an idea or an outlandish one at that when he used to work as a door-to-door salesman during his teenage years and then a car salesman during his college years. 
Seokjin’s entire career has been built on convincing others.
“So you’re newlyweds then.”
You give him a look. Jin smiles. 
“Yes. We are.”
By the end of brunch, you know more about Kim Seokjin than you ever intended to know — case in point, you’re now aware of his last name. You know he’s three years older than you are, that he’s been working at his company for four, and he’s pretty high up on the corporate ladder but is still continuing to climb it. You even know about the possible contract between his company and the Jeon’s, and the open plot of land on Hwarang avenue that would apparently be the perfect location to expand the Golden Resort and turn it into a franchise.
You’re sure he knows way more about you than he’d like to know too.
“I’ll be honest, I was unsure if I wanted to sign with your company, Seokjin. But you’ve shown me you have a lot of integrity and a strong work ethic. I think our values are compatible as well.” Mr. Jeon shakes hands with Seokjin. “You’ll get a call from my office soon and I think you’ll like what you’ll hear.”
“Thank you so much, sir.”
“You’re a lovely couple,” Mrs. Jeon adds on as she looks at the pair of you standing next to one another. “I look forward to seeing you again soon, Y/N.”
The two of them bid their final farewells and Mr. Jeon lifts his hand to the valet across the lot. Mrs. Jeon hangs off his arm as their Cadillac is driven up to the door. They get in soon after.
It’s silent between you and Seokjin.
“So…..we’re married, huh?”
“I’m sorry.” He turns to you with a heavy sigh. “It was a really important client I have to sign with and they really value family and relationships.”
You nod. It doesn’t really matter now — what’s important is that it’s over. But one thing isn’t. “About your car….”
The both of you walk across the lot to his vehicle and he finally has the time to get a good look at the damage.
There’s a clear dent in his back bumper and a scratch. But luckily, there doesn’t seem to be much anywhere else.
“It’s a ninety nine thousand dollar car.”
You wheeze. “Pardon?”
“I don’t know how much the damage will be, but it might cost a bit.”
Oh my god.
Seokjin suddenly turns to you with a mischievous glint in his eye. “I can make you a deal you can’t refuse. I know you don’t have the means to pay for the damage, so you won’t have to. But in exchange, accompany me to business brunches or galas. It won’t be often and it’ll be similar to what you just experienced. You won’t have to say much and you can even eat for free.”
There’s a drawn out pause. You blink at him owlishly.
“I accidentally told him you were my wife and if you weren’t there from now on, it’ll look suspicious,” Seokjin explains. “It’ll be just for a little while. Maybe half a year? I’ll figure something out after that. How does it sound?”
You know you don’t have much of a choice.
You don’t have insurance and you don’t have money to pay out of pocket. If anything, the offer is generous and Seokjin seems trustworthy — especially considering you’ve gotten to know him in the past hour.
For all those reasons, maybe that’s why you nod. “I can do that.”
He smiles and you brace yourself for a whirlwind.
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