#domestic victuuri
There is something so beautifully intimate about this picture
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It's the way Yuuri looks so relaxed as Victor is combing through his hair, putting that trust in Victor to take care of him. Because he knows he can, and he feels safe enough with him to do so. Because Victor has always taken care of him
It's the way Victor is looking at Yuuri like he just hung the moon and stars himself, just happy to have the honor of being able to do this for him. He loves Yuuri so much, and he shows it through these little moments of service and affection.
It's the warm lighting in the room that gives this entire image such a domestic feeling.
Victor is being so gentle with him, and Yuuri is just there enjoying Victor's touch and the love being communicated through it.
Yuuri could've easily brushed his hair himself, but Victor chose to do it himself, and chose to take care of Yuuri. And I feel like that's a lot more telling of their characters than we realize.
They make me absolutely crazy 🩵
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flippingfrogg · 1 year
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Will I ever fully finish a Viktuuri piece? Probably not. Anyway, I love domestic fluff and these two idiots deserve it more than anyone.
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"We were born so that we could shine" Shining all the while, That's what you taught me...
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
sharing this article from today about HB. 🤍
Nominated for "Best Feature Film" at the Golden Rooster Award: "Hidden Blade": a hidden arrow that breaks the unspoken rules of box office for literary and artistic films
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A classic is a kind of work,
It continues to give rise to clouds of criticism of it,
And keep getting rid of it,
It never completes what it has to say.
Hidden Blade, whose global box office is still rising, is the box office ceiling for domestic literary and artistic films. The background of this performance is that serious films have encountered an era of shallow reading, the industry and the public have been torn apart, and box office has become an undercurrent sweeping everything. However, because literary films do not conform to the shallow entertainment psychology, their niche nature is predicted by bloodthirsty and crude evaluations, and they are ahead of schedule. They are killed by film placement rate.
The true mission of film︱Making culture visible
The turbulent clouds and red color in the broad field of vision are somewhat incompatible with the festive atmosphere of the Lunar New Year. Released on the first day of the Lunar New Year, it is a kind of performance art in itself... It is very cliché, and it is exactly the same as the self-deprecation of super commercial films. As a spy war literary film, "Hidden Blade" has achieved a breakthrough in innovative expression of Chinese films, and its heterogeneity is unique among domestic films.
The dramatic tension of too many movies relies entirely on scenes and special effects, which disappear once they leave the theater. "Hidden Blade" creates a huge psychological magnetic field, which is still exciting even if it is separated from the audio-visual environment. The tone threshold of "Hidden Blade" is not some kind of contempt for the audience, but the ultimate respect for the audience, history, and movies.
Literary films are a type of film relative to the concept of commercial films. They focus on artistic expression and cultural connotation, and try to pursue higher aesthetic values ​​and cultural significance. Their production is also different from commercial films: commercial films pursue commercial interests or mass entertainment, and take the movie box office as the main goal, while literary films focus on the artistry and cultural connotation of the film.
Transgressing norms and offending common sense, art films are pioneers of film. They often fail but expand the boundaries of film. There are two literary classics in the history of world cinema, "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Westward Journey". They failed miserably at the box office when they were first released. However, they accumulated a large number of die-hard fans through the later dissemination of images. After years of accumulation, they became indelible classics.
The core of the value counterattack between the two works is still that gold will always shine.The former's exploration of human nature and social systems has created a milestone in modern cinema, while the latter's postmodern deconstructive stream of consciousness has won resonance in an era of subversion of tradition.
As a cultural carrier, movies are the most intuitive and transparent value expression of the thoughts of the times. Although most of the classics handed down from ancient times are not the true understanding of the thinkers' era, they have been accepted by the public after years of precipitation. As a result, classics continue to increase in value over the course of history. This is the power of classics and the reason why we respect classics.
As early as in "The Death of Romance", Cheng Er used lines to express his feelings, "Movies are made for the audience of the next century." Look, for artists who break through the context of their times, the feedback they receive from the times is often lagging or misaligned, although this misalignment itself is precisely the connotation of the avant-garde. Yes, art films have always been a disadvantaged group in the industry that suffers at the box office.
In contrast to the tragic box office situation, the ambition and strength of literary films in film art awards. This is also the reason why "Hidden Blade" recently swept the 36th Golden Rooster Awards, with 8 major nominations and caused controversy among public opinion.
The existence of "Hidden Blade" is indeed an isolated example of a domestic literary film. With a box office of 931 million, it is not only the highest-grossing film in director Cheng Er's career, it is even several times the total box office of all his previous works! It's so stunning that "Hidden Blade" has always been criticized by the public, expelled from the art film camp by default in the name of "removing the highest score"!
"No one knows your name, but your achievements are immortal." The grand proposition of the unknown hero in "Hidden Blade" is more sentimental about family and country than any of Cheng Er's previous works. And does this main theme of "greatness, light, and justice" fit in with the art film's original understanding of "the world, society, and life" for individuals and the authorial expression of film language?
"Hidden Blade" is not the first of its kind to draw on commercial marketing for a literary film. At that time, "Fireworks in the Day" was announced as a romantic suspense film, and it received similar reviews and received double box office revenue. It can be seen that only true literature and art dare to joke about "super commercial films".
Cheng Er responded to this joke in an interview with "China News Weekly", "I was editing the film that day, and then they came in with their mobile phones to show me, and said that everyone still thought it was too literary, and I said let's just type a line. Come out - a super commercial film. This is a joke, and indeed no one put such a slogan in the trailer."
He said that he just found it interesting and that there was nothing to rebel about and it was not worth rebelling against. Confidence and relaxation are often qualities of an artist. These qualities make people stand out like fireflies in the dark, allowing the public to quickly pick them up from the crowd. And Cheng Er slowly titled a serious film "super commercial film" because of his humor.
Movies are not just an art of light and shadow | they are also an art that can cultivate people
Low box office is not the standard for art films. “When art is dressed in shabby clothes, it is easiest for people to recognize it as art.” However, this is not an essential representation of art, but the quality of the audience that needs to be improved. The complaints faced by "Hidden Blade" are the same as those faced by literary films as a whole, which is the contradiction between the film's authorial expression and public acceptance.
But does literature and art have to be a niche? Does it deserve to be obscure and slow-paced? Come to think of it, no one is more qualified to answer than "Hidden Blade", who has boiled the black water into a world of wealth and led the public's aesthetic appreciation with niche art!
The most representative narrative style of Cheng Er's films is "flashback narrative", which established his unique creative and imaging style. It invites the audience to participate, rely on brain supplements to build together, and gain the pleasure of decoding. It is a true "understanding", and it is easy to be confused if you don't understand. Such films pursue aesthetics and reflection, and are usually aimed at more mature and artistic audiences.
Movies are products of the cultural industry and are essentially consumed cultural products. In the context of the influx of capital and hot money into the film market and the industrialized mass production of film culture, commercial films are certainly high-return cultural snacks tailored for audiences. Even the creators of literary and artistic films are hard-pressed to avoid being judged by box office success . "The concept of influence or even kidnapping.
It is common for literary films to sell less than 5 million yuan. From Chen Zheyi softly asking the sky, "Why are elegant and gentle people scolded?" to Huang Xufeng angrily choking netizens, "I have no merit but hard work." There is no antidote in the world. The reason why literary and artistic films are criticized is often because in the fast-food era of shallow reading, literary and artistic films have to embrace the sinking market and attract non-target audiences in order to pursue box office.
But movies are just products? No, it is still a cultural expression and a carrier of social values. Comparing movies to products, then literary and artistic films are obviously not fast-moving consumer goods. When facing capital and the market, how can they be in line with the public while not losing their authorial nature? Cheng Er said, "Good-looking art films are also good commodities, and excellent commercial films are also a kind of art."
When it comes to art, most people may think that art is highbrow, aloof, and far away from daily life. And this is not the case. Yu Hua said in the roadshow of "The Mistake by the River", what does it mean to understand? In fact, it is whether it can overlap with our own life experience. If there is overlap, you can understand it. If there is no overlap, you can't understand it. That's normal.
In this explanation, understanding or not understanding is not profound. And Cheng Er has always said that the audience should not be underestimated. People who watch movies are influenced by their own likes and dislikes. Whatever they feel is what they have. Whether they understand or not is not that important.
The audience should not be too demanding to understand, and the artist should also be down-to-earth. Art for the sake of art is not true art. "Hidden Blade" is not only a literary film, but also a literary footnote to Chinese films, because it truly expresses the cruelty of history but is still full of artistic beauty. Cheng Er is very familiar with the history of the Republic of China and knows the intricate relationships between characters.
"Hidden Blade" is composed of real historical details as fine as twists and turns. When I say I can’t understand it, I’m not expressing disdain, but living in China, it’s difficult to understand the history of 5,000 years of civilization, but there is absolutely no threshold for mastering the history of the Anti-Japanese War! It is understandable that one cannot appreciate the narrative technique due to aesthetic differences, but the Internet atrocities of selling one’s soul for five cents and tainting the theme of the film are unforgivable.
There is no universal set of aesthetic rules in the world, but artists try to legislate aesthetics. Every era has its own branded dogma, until the next generation of artists establishes their own profession. Therefore, Gombrich exorcized art and said, "There is no art, only artists." He hoped that the world would stop enshrining art in shrines and use mystery and sacredness to Feeling separates oneself from the work.
There is also a similar "death of the author theory" in the literary field, which means that the author is as if dead when the work is born, and the interpretation and evaluation of the work are left to the readers. That is, there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers, and there is no standard answer.
Just like we cannot require every movie to go straight to the international film festival awards, but also to hit the hearts of the audience and be a classic that will be passed down forever. We cannot require every movie viewer to have high film literacy from the beginning, and to be able to get the spiritual resonance of the creative intention. The growth of movies, filmmakers, and movie audiences requires more tolerant soil and space.
Of course, there is really little space left for literary and artistic films in theaters now! No matter at home or abroad, when the public unanimously agrees that "artistic films deserve low box office", please understand that the industry should leave some room for exploration for artistic films. Allow them to be ignorant of the customs, and only on the soil of tolerance can viable artistic flowers bloom.
Social aesthetic value orientation︱The purpose and driving force of movies
"A lame dog walks through the bombed street scene." One day, Cheng Er took a pen filled with ink and wrote this sentence on the paper. At that time, no one, including himself, knew it, but it was becoming the starting point for a movie called "Hidden Blade," and this moment of brutal aesthetics became the famous scene of the movie.
Personal aesthetics are free, but social aesthetics has a paradigm. Education and social culture will influence and standardize aesthetics and shape aesthetic orientation. Different eras and different environments have different aesthetic orientations, and different aesthetic orientations make people make different value choices. That is to say, no matter how free the aesthetics and how diverse the values ​​are, as long as the rice is sown, it will never grow into tares.
Art and commerce are the two legs of movies. Art movies are full of vitality, and commercial movies are lively. When the leg of literature and art is lame, it is not unfair that Chinese films have been reduced from regulars on the awards podium at international film festivals to regulars on the red carpet.
Yes, there is indeed a "silver-like pewter tip" in the name of art. When artistic conscience is marginalized by desire, the so-called art becomes only a barren and pale flower shelf that cannot withstand scrutiny and argumentation. But "Hidden Blade" allows us to see how an exquisite literary film is polished and shaped, and even simple film layouts contain shooting skills.
Generally, it is the director's habit to record the scene first, then the actors perform, and the cameraman follows the camera movement, but this is not the case on Cheng Er's set. Wang Yibo once mentioned that the crew respects the actors very much. The filming scene is very quiet. Once the mood enters the state, the photographer shoots directly. After the scene is finished, the filming will be finished. The filming will never interrupt the actors' brewing emotions.
In the later stage, Cheng Er slept directly in the studio and only did one thing every day, cut, cut, cut! Thanks to his almost fanatical work status, Cheng Er didn't even get exposed to the sun last year! It took seven years to sharpen a sword, just for a different Chinese movie. Incorporate the main melody into genre movies, and use the language and audio-visual rhythm of genre movies to achieve innovative expression of the main melody theme.
"A truly good movie must be more commercial than commercial and more artistic than art. For me, what I have always wanted to do is to be more commercial than commercial and more artistic than artistic." Cheng Er said this and did the same.
Cheng Er's images are full of subtle metaphors. Puppet Manchukuo, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, the spiritual narrative about the city in "Hidden Blade" permeates the architectural language of Rongzhai, No. 76, No. 567 Xiafei Road, Central Market, and Man Mo Temple; it is hidden in Japanese, Shanghai dialect, The mixture of pidgin and Cantonese arouses emotional resonance and deep thinking in the audience.
The Puppet Manchukuo, which only exists in the dialogue between Watanabe and Mr. Ye, is like a ghost with the chill of a daydream; the isolated island in Shanghai, which occupies the main part of the film, exudes luxury and inconsistency in its exquisiteness; and Hong Kong, as the hub of the international anti-Japanese united front, is full of human fireworks, revealing a simple and soothing world.
Dark clouds are pressing down, devastation is everywhere, and at the end of the tunnel, the historical information in the image of the current situation is compressed into a minimalist narrative, waiting to be decompressed. Until the dark wormhole of the theater, the historical words in the spy war narrative rushed towards us...
The anti-Japanese drama consumes misery, the anti-war themes are reproduced in large numbers, and the massacres cause psychological discomfort... In the past, expressions of the history of national suffering often followed the rules of exposing cruelty, exposing blood, and even exchanging violence for violence. What is shocking about "Hidden Blade" is that it uses beauty to overcome ugliness. It is amazing: It turns out that suffering can be interpreted calmly, with warmth and depth! "You can't get involved in the frame," is the domineering determination of the man behind the scenes.
Light and heavy, cold and warm, it completes the unfinished soul judgment on a country's sin of aggression in reality. In the sense of cultural export, "Hidden Blade" integrates the isolated history of China's anti-Japanese resistance into the world narrative of the great history of World War II.
It is a message from the times to the times. In the theater, "Hidden Blade" makes us feel the power of literature and art. After walking out of the theater, you will naturally understand what the merits of the unknown are!
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this-is-krikkit · 4 months
For the Kiss Roulette: number 17 please: “an upside-down Spiderman kiss” with Victuuri please. I love the way you write them 💜
mmkay so technically this also fills prompts... 1, 2, 3 and 9, but who's counting, right?? i mean, Victor is so ridiculously in love with Yuuri it allows me to write the corniest, most hyperglycemic fluff for them, and i love him sm for that.
thank you for the prompt, enjoy your fluff babe! 🩵
smitten - 👉 read on ao3
word count: 2.2k
ship: Victuuri
rating: Teen
Victor's not one to waste an opportunity to show Yuuri just how much he loves him.
additional tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Multilingual Characters, except Yuuri's a little better at English than Victor is, POV Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov is Extra, Body Worship, (face worship really), Smitten Victor Nikiforov, Rinkmates Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki, Domestic Fluff, Tumblr Prompt, Yuuri Katsuki Has Dimples, Victor Nikiforov Is In Love
💋 pick a ship and let's play kiss roulette! 💋
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randomficrecss · 11 months
Victuuri fic rec
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Melodies Unheard, but Felt All the Same by Watermelonsmellinfellon
M | 100.3k | 39/39 | deaf!yuuri, ableism, sexual content, explicit language
Yuuri wanted to make history as the first Deaf man to win the Grand Prix Final. Of course he's a little skeptical of Victor Nikiforov's presence, especially considering the reactions from others who have learned about his lack of hearing.
But Victor proves to be different, and Yuuri appreciates that. Now all that's left is to tell the figure skating world about it.
The Fundamentals of Caring by braveten
E | 20.8k | 2/2 | sick!yuuri, hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
centripetal force by braveten
E | 85.8k | 10/10 | college au, roommates, sexual content, anxiety attacks, underage drinking
Victor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn't one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
like your french girls by ebenroot
T | 102.9k | 7/7 | artist au, slow burn, awkward flirting, pining victor, fluff
"Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem."
in which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hi RBS! Hope you're doing great ☺️
I am here because I love ggdd & I support them wholeheartedly. It has been around 6 months of me into yizhan fandom & from what I have observed gg seems like someone who loves cooking for people he loves( plus he's a great cook! ). I know there's one cpn of dd eating a homemade spicy meat dish ( sorry I don't remember exactly) sent by mama xiao. But has there been any instances or any candy/cpn regarding gg cooking for dd??
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This is one of my favorite CPN. I really love all the domestic ones. 🥺
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Anon is talking about the sauced beef saga which you can read more about here.
There are a few things that immediately come to mind that are part of the CPN/rumors about what GG has supposedly cooked for DD.
Quarantine Pancake
There is a whole saga of CPN around GG possibly having taught DD how to make this delicious pancake sandwich wrap type thing during quarantine. @accio-victuuri did a detailed post outlining the whole story, so I'll just link you to that.
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DD cooked this for the other captains during SDOC4. You can find my review that episode (including the recipe for the pancake) here.
GG has said he loves making zongzi (wrapped stuffed rice dumplings) for Dragon Boat Festival, and there is some CPN that GG made zongzi around the time they went on their Dragon Boat Festival date. GG posted a photo on Weibo that evening holding some zongzi (there is CPN that DD took the photo).
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There is also a fake rumor that GG visited DD on set during filming of BAH and DD helped him tie zongzi for the cast and crew.
Cola chicken wings
DD was asked in a Spring Festival interview last year what dish he liked to eat when he went home, and he said 'cola chicken wings'. The hosts commented that it wasn't a local dish.
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Then for Spring Festival earlier this year GG posted photos of some of the dishes that were being prepared with a caption asking people to guess which dish he had prepared. Cola chicken wings were among the dishes on the table (top right corner).
Tomato and egg noodles
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There's a new fake rumor that just came out, where DD is said to enjoy eating GG's homemade tomato and egg noodle soup (if you've ever had egg drop soup, it's basically that only with stewed tomatoes as the base instead of just chicken stock).
The rumor claims DD likes putting chili oil in it, and that he told GG he liked it even when GG didn't make it in his usual way, to which GG replied, "You think everything you eat is delicious."
There are other fake rumors about GG cooking for DD, too many to outline here, but a couple others I recall:
GG supposedly baked cookies and sent them to DD on set, and DD - not realizing GG had baked them - shared them around the set. When he realized GG made them he asked for them back.
During filming, DD said to GG, "You're always drawing me cakes, but I never get to eat any of them."
DD said he liked a kind of soup and GG told him it's easy to make and told DD how to make it, and DD said 'but it wouldn't taste like yours'. 🥺
Just a reminder that fake rumors are unconfirmed.
There are probably other examples I'm missing, and more details that have slipped my mind, but those are a few examples.
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fishyskates · 3 months
Sometime you need to post smutty canon domestic bliss victuuri…
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itsbeahoney · 2 years
victuuri/podiumfam headcanon:
podium fam are either sickeningly sappy [ie hugging, kissing yurio's temple, etc]
or people are concerned when they see the three of them out bc yurio's kicking and screaming while the other two are sappy as fuck.
(yes this is so so so late sorry I thought my inbox was empty TT)
I live for Yurio and his "disgust" toward victuuri to hide the fact that he's actually very happy for them. but he would NEVER tell them that, of course lol
I also think Yurio has his vulnerable moments, where he sinks into a hug w Victor or Yuuri and he enjoys it for a few moments ...
... until he pulls away and Yuuri's teasing him about how docile he's being, which pulls an angry red flush to his face bc HE’S THE ICE TIGER OF RUSSIA, DAMNIT!!
The three of them getting brunch together, and when Victor does something heartwarmingly domestic for Yuuri (ie wiping a crumb off his chin w his thumb, maybe lingering a bit too long), Yurio lets out the most dramatic, exasperated groan, drawing eyes from the surrounding tables.
Victor and Yuuri getting so used to Yurio's mean comments, knowing Yurio is all bark and no bite (only off the ice of course; he's still their greatest competition), and responding to all of Yurio's jabs as if he gave them a real, genuine compliment. Like when Victor kisses Yuuri on the cheek as he hands him his water bottle, and Yurio says, "You old geezers are so disgusting!," Victor dons a smile and says, "Aw, thanks Yurio!"
Not my original headcanon but I'm obsessed with the concept of Yuuri and Yuri being distinguished by being calling Katsuki Yuuri "Victor's Yuuri." That is, until "Victor's Yuuri" starts feeling too long to say, and Victor starts using Russian nicknames for the name "Yuri" (Yurichka, etc.) for HIS Yuuri, and holy shit this is so confusing, we're ALL calling Plisetsky "Yurio" now. Yurio’s metaphorical cat tail is whipping furiously. 
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significanceofmoths · 2 years
I was tagged by @accio-victuuri. Thank you!
Getting to know you meme
Favorite time of the year :  late fall/winter, the cold parts of summer
Comfort foods :  Hawaiian plate lunch, afghan food,  Favorite Drinks : iced tea, diet cokes  Favorite Music Artist :  depends on my mood, listening to a lot of Xiao Zhan and the Postal Service lately Current Favorite Song:  the a-mei song XZ sang for NYE Favorite Fics: so many!! I’ll limit myself to a few WIP fics I’m following. 
Yizhan   corianderbunnies - let's not try to figure out everything at once WIP doctor!XZ / idol!WYB, E, sort of epistolary (there are a lot of texts), slight angst but no cliff hangers This is my current comfort fic and I’m so excited every time it updates. It’s super domestic and they are so good with one another. also it has Jianguo.  Wangxian thievinghippo - boys of summer sequel to the epic baseball fic, waiting for spring.  Different pining now that they’re together. You don’t need to be a baseball fan to enjoy the fics. trippednfell - Ornaments Under the Stars  cheesy holiday Wangxian! former actor wwx meets lwj when he’s back in a small town to help out the Wens. Favorite video games: I don’t really play video games tagging - any followers who want to play! really! 
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anadiilua · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!🍄🌵 🐠🌾🌼🌳
1) my cat
2) going to the beach or just looking at nature, specially during sunset
3) game night with friends
4) Dream being happy
5) a good well written fluffy fanfic with lots of domestic romance (victuuri or DNF)
Thank you for sending me this, anon!!
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victoronyurionice · 3 years
Guys what if we got it wrong? 
Like completely wrong?
What if...
The reason why Victor is so scared of balding...
Is because...
Yakov is his Dad?!??!
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Ok no but seriously, I just know Victor is scared of balding because he looks at Yakov and things, damn it, I can never pull of a fedora as flawlessly as this man does
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I can picture him crying to Yuuri every night like,
‘Would you still love me if I was bald like Yakov? Except fedoras are not for me Yuuri, I can look good in every outfit and no outfit at all but those damned hats are not for me’
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
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n3rdlif343va · 4 years
This is another far overdue prompt request, this time by the lovely @solnyshko-uk :) Thank you for being patient with me!
If you like these prompt responses, please check out my Ao3 (127 YOI stories alone lol)
Quarantined Prompts
Prompt No. 16 “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” – Victuuri
Not often, but sometimes, they couldn’t travel together for competitions. At first the situation had been murder on Yuuri’s nerves as he felt less focused when Victor wasn’t around to ground him. Slowly though, as their love became more steady and their lives became more of a braid than separate strands, it had become simply enough to know that Victor was with him in spirit.
That confidence and connection was a blessing but it didn’t change the sweetness of every reunion.
Anxiously jabbing his finger against the elevator button Yuuri bounced back and forth on his toes. For a second he considered taking the stairs but he was saved from the potential irrational decision by the faint dinging of the elevator’s arrival.
He tapped his toes in an erratic rhythm watching the lights blink up the number line. Energy buzzed through him that shouldn’t have existed in his competition and travel weary body. When the highest number lit up, Yuuri could barely hold himself back from forcing the doors open with his bare hands.
Seven quick strides brought him to their front door. It was unlocked as Yuuri knew it would be and he threw it open wide barely able to nudge off his shoes before Makkachin leapt excitedly into his arms. “Hi Makka,” Yuuri laughed letting her knock him backwards on the ground to lick at his face.
From his spot in the bedroom doorway Victor gazed upon his favorite beings with a sappy smile. Yuuri caught sight of him over Makkachin’s fluffy head and waved his hand. Worming his way out from underneath Makkachin’s still wiggling form, Yuuri pushed to his feet.
Victor’s laughter rang through their apartment as Yuuri rushed to lift him into the air. Feeling lightheaded and ridiculous with his own happiness, Yuuri spun Victor around before dipping him dramatically toward the floor.
“Nice greeting,” Victor grinned, hand coming up to touch Yuuri’s cheek, “but why haven’t you kissed me yet?” With an ill-advised yank on the collar of Yuuri’s shirt, Victor sent them both crashing to the ground as Yuuri lost his footing.
Legs tangling as they sprawled across the threshold of their bedroom they both laughed harder when Makkachin added herself to their pile.
Wrapping his fingers into the hair at the back of Yuuri’s head, Victor smiled. “Welcome home, my Yuuri.”
In lieu of answering, Yuuri finally gave Victor the welcome home kiss he deserved.
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ewokthrowdown · 5 years
💖 10 ways yuuri katsuki-nikiforov is a very good husband to victor 💖
1. knows victor enjoyed mama katsuki’s cooking so gets her to teach him all of victor’s favourites to recreate in saint petersburg. also makes him bento boxes for lunch
2. leaves little love notes around the flat, drawn in the mirror steam for victor to find after showering, written on a post-it tucked into victor’s pocket, etc.
3. will stroke victor’s hair whenever victor wants
4. gives him the good stuff between the sheets so well victor’s left dazed and unable to walk 
5. reminds victor that it’s okay to take time off practice and allow himself to be looked after while sick
6. reminds victor that he’s a beautiful person inside and out with frequent compliments
7. goes outside his own comfort zone to plan fancy dates for the two of them
8. is a very good dog dad to makkachin
9. buys victor’s favourite toiletries whenever he notices victor’s running low
10. is just caring and attentive in general so victor never feels like he’s alone or unlovable or has to be anyone but himself
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cinderellakun · 5 years
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FOLLOW ME AND MY ART: Twitter: https://twitter.com/CinderellaKun Instagram: nankuru_naisa90 https://www.instagram.com/nankuru_naisa90/ Tumblr: https://cinderellakun.tumblr.com/
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