#dominque weasley
albusseverusmalfoy · 1 year
Making my first Harry potter fanfic and I'm curious
Out of all the next generation kids, who do you think is the best duelist?
Also ket's assume they are all the same age
Cause obviously a 6th year is going to be better then a 2nd year at dueling.
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ameliathefatcat · 2 years
Headcanon about Fleur and her family
Both Fleur and Gabrielle’s middle names are after/in honor of their grandmothers, Fleur’s named after their paternal Grandmother Isabelle Delacour who passed before she was born. Gabrielle’s middle name is Nadia after their maternal grandmother Nadia Lefebvre.
When Fleur got pregnant she told Bill about her families tradition with middle names. She was like “our daugzer middle names shall be Molly zen Apolline and eef we ‘ave more girls zen Gabrielle or Ginevra.” Bill was ok with this, especially since he knew giving the first granddaughter the middle name Molly would get his mother off his back.
Veela tend not to have boys so Fleur didn’t even think about boy middle names. Then she got pregnant with Louis. Both Bill and Fleur wanted to continue the tradition of their children’s middle names being in honor of their grandparents so Louis was given the middle name Arthur. Also Louis after Fleur’s maternal grandfather.
Gabrielle didn’t do with tradition with her only son’ Jean-Pierre. J.P is named after his maternal grandfather who passed away not so long before he was born. Gabrielle’s husband’s family has the tradition of all the children having the same middle name as their parents’ first name. So J.P has his father’s name as his middle name.
The Delacour cousins are
Victoire Molly
Dominque Apolline
Louis Arthur
Jean-Pierre Thomas
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hillnerd · 1 year
Ron figuring out a brutal murder at a Weasley lunch because of some offhand comment and molly just being so pained because this is the fourth time this kid has run off halfway leaving everyone else to fixate on crimes for the rest of the meal
It was a merry evening with the last bits of sun streaming across the garden, and fairie lights lighting what the sun couldn’t. They had to move the table outside to the garden and expand it, so everyone could fit. Molly had been meaning to expand the kitchen and dining room for years, but the construction project felt daunting when she had either her children or grandchildren gathered there every day and Arthur was highly busy at his work— When would there ever be the time for them to do it?
Everyone in the family had shown up for dinner this evening, including most of the unofficial Weasleys they’d gathered over the years. Molly smiled contentedly at the sight of them all. Teddy and Victoire were playing at the end of the table as Dominique turned her head and refused to eat the food Bill proffered her.
“Just a few bites, Dom,” Bill moaned at the picky toddler.
“Would you like me to get something else for her?” asked Molly.
“No. We’re trying to have her eat what’s offered.”
Dominque’s face was rapidly turning red in frustration, and Molly wouldn’t be surprised if the baby would start a tantrum soon. Victoire had been an easy baby, barely ever crying much, sleeping on her own quickly, and happy to eat whatever was put in her pudgy hand. Dominique was quite the opposite, and neither Bill or Fleur had seemed to fully accept that yet.
The spoon of food he held up was swatted away with a red-faced wail, and Bill’s scarred face was splattered with sauce.
“If you’re tired, I can take over for a bit.”
“Would you?” he asked, relief on his face.
She nodded. “Though I want to be able to chose some other food options.”
“Whatever will keep her from crying.”
Spoken like a tired parent.
“How has work been?” asked Molly, immediately cutting up some smaller bites for the baby to try.
He tiredly blinked a bit before snapping to. “Work! Yes. Been alright except for a vault we’re trying to prepare for a client that has some fairly cursed heirlooms we need to prepare for. They want me to make them safe for transport, but I keep telling them there’s no making a mentes et oculus curse less dangerous. They should just melt it down and exchange the gold with the Goblins.”
“Mentes et oculus?”
“Makes a person lose their mind and go blind. At least temporarily, though it can become permanent if someone is exposed to it enough.”
“How much exposure would make a person go blind? And what kind of exposure?” Ron suddenly asked Bill.
“If someone who is not the ‘true owner’ of the piece opens the box and beholds the item without permission from the owner they'll be cursed. At least, that's the main way.”
“So if someone were to ‘not give permission’ and have someone else order someone to open the box, would that work?”
“Perhaps,” said Bill, but he didn’t expand on his answer as Victoire had begun tugging at his trouser leg for attention.
Molly noticed Ron's eyes wandering, a thoughtful expression taking hold. Curiosity getting the better of her, she couldn't resist asking, "Ron, is something bothering you? You seem lost in your thoughts."
Ron blinked, momentarily snapped back to the present. "Oh, sorry, Mum. It's just... What Bill said reminded me of a case I've been working on.”
“I hope it’s not too dangerous,” she said, trying to busy herself with feeding Dominique, who was much happier with her macaroni.
“I’ll be fine, Mum,” he said with a wave of his hand, but the thoughtful look didn’t leave his face. “Bill, how common is that mentes et oculus spell?”
“It’s fairly uncommon here—you mostly see it in Ancient Roman artifacts.”
Molly watched as a flicker of recognition crossed Ron's face. She knew that look all too well—it meant an end to his dinner. Her heart sank as she realized a fourth family gathering was about to be overshadowed by a crime that needed solving.
“Bill, could I use you as an expert for this case I’m working?”
“Er, sure?”
“Great! I’ll just nip out to the office and—”
“Do you really need to leave early?” Molly asked, even though she knew what his answer would be.
He reached out and squeezed Molly's hand gently. "I'm sorry, Mum. I know it's disruptive, but this could be important. I promise I won't be long."
As Ron excused himself and went to get Harry’s attention, Molly couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She was proud of Ron's sharp mind and his dedication to his work, but she couldn't deny the weariness that settled in her bones as he and Harry left the table.
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joemerl · 1 year
Writer's Month 2023, Day 14: "Vacation Fling"
Fandom: Harry Potter Status/Word count: Another little snippet from the same Quidditch World Cup fanfic as this 2021 entry. I really need to write the whole story one day. 458 words. Summary: In a subplot, Dominique is determined to outdo Victoire's tabloid scandal.
"I'm the blonde one."
Victoire spun around. Dominique was standing behind her, glaring daggers. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest, a rolled-up copy of the Daily Prophet clenched in one fist.
Already frazzled by what was in that paper, Victoire could only say "What?"
"I'M the 'beautiful, blonde' Weasley girl! That's my THING!" She threw the Daily Prophet at Victoire's feet.
Victoire let out a slow, seething breath. "Merlin's bloody—take it up with Rita Skeeter!" She kicked the paper away. "Hardly surprising, that she couldn't even get our hair colors right!"
"I'm the pretty one! Not you!" Dominque sounded hysterical, stomping her foot like a stubborn toddler. "I'm the one who should be having scandalous affairs with exotic foreign wizards!"
"And that's another thing! You come halfway across the world just to snog Uncle Harry's godson? You could snog him at home!"
"Well, you watch! I'll show you how it's done! I'll have the most tawdry, torrid romance ever, and blow your little dalliance right out of the water!"
She spun on her heel and stormed off. Victoire threw up her arms and marched in the opposite direction, barely suppressing a scream.
Obviously, Dominique couldn't pick anyone for her vacation-fling-that-would-be-so-much-better-than-Victoire's. Her boyfriend had to be better than Teddy Lupin. Which wouldn't be hard. What made Teddy Lupin special? His parents were war heroes and he was connected to Uncle Harry. That applied to most people Dominique knew.
Her top choice was Phoebus Thrussell, lead singer of the Bent-Winged Snitches. He had great hair and dreamy eyes and he couldn't even talk to a girl without Witch Weekly dedicating an article to it. Plus her parents would be absolutely furious. It was perfect.
Which was why she was now hanging around the band's enclosure, with several dozen other girls, waiting for him or his bandmates to appear. She had been here for an hour, and was getting impatient. Her nervousness about the security trolls had faded after a while, and at this point she would have settled for a sight of the band's drummer, who had a paunch.
"Here he comes!" one girl shrieked.
The crowd screamed and cheered, and Dominque made copious use of her elbows until she was at the front of the group. She caught a glance of Phoebus Thrussell, one hand raised in a halfhearted wave to his admirers. Dominique leaned out of the wall of bodies, tossing back her blonde hair and batting her eyelashes in his direction.
He walked past without glancing at her, or anybody in particular.
A minute later, Dominique stalked away, scowling. She would have to find a backup plan.
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fandomassimilator · 8 days
next gen texting crack….
Jamie: so they like….moved the philophisers stone room right?
Teddy: I dunno…
Teddy: Maybe?
Victorie: NO
Victorie: No
Victorie: NO
Roxanne: omg i wanna check
Louis: no fair! I wanna trespass
Victorie: thank Merlin your not at Hogwarts
Dominique: Jamie the prefects are in a meeting you can go now
Victorie: Jamie I will give your ass detention
Jamie: I’ll say you swore at me
Freddie: oh damn
Freddie: Jay can I come?
Jamie: yea
Jamie: meet at the spot?
Freddie: Agreed
Roxanne: yalll never let me hang out wiht you guys!
Roxanne: its not fair
Dominique: yeah but you can go through thier shit while theyre gone
Albus: grab Jamie’s invis cloak for me pls
Roxanne: share it?
Albus: and rose ofc
Teddy: is rose there?
Albus: yeah we’re in the library,
Albus: she says your not supposed to be texting during prefect meetings
Dominique: oh shit she’s right
Dominque: this is why we keep rose around
Albus: now she’s complaining ab not having a phone
Freddie; sry ab that Rosie-Posie
Albus: (rose speaking) i will end your entire exsistence Fredrick lee Weasley-Johnson the second
Jamie: no shot rose could find us
Jamie: also its dark asf down here
Roxanne: you actually made it down there???
Freddie: yeah in the room where they had the devils snare
Albus: guys i have a genius plan
Dominique: no
Jamie: let the Slytherin speak
Albus: so all of you guys should go home and start talking about things your doing in school
Albus: like…hanging out or pulling pranks or falling of stairs
Albus: what do Gryphindors do?
Victorie: you have gryphindor parents?
Albus: i highly doubt Jamie could save the world tho
Freddie: true that
Jamie: hey!
Albus: anyway, and Rose could be all like ‘guys when was this?’ Or ‘I dont remember this?’
Albus: and y’all will be like, well we couldn’t contact you or whatevs
Albus; and maybe rose could cry or something
Dominique: thats so mean
Roxanne: I love it
teddy: what if that happens for reals tho?
Albus: this is rose typing now, I’ve commandeered Albus’s phone. If you exclude me i will know and there will be consequences
Jamie: noted
Roxanne: understood
Freddie: yes ma’m
Louise: why dosent these rules apply to me
Roxanne: you CHOSE to go to French school
Freddie: omg is so cool
Dominique: I kinda wanna play chess against it
Albus: the way you would instantly die
Albus: that was rose btw
(Jamie changed ‘Albus’s nickname to ‘Albus/Rose’)
Albus/Rose: ew Jamie that sounds like a ship
(Jamie changed ‘Albus/Rose’s nickname to Albus and or Rose)
(Albus and or Rose changed Jamie’s nickname to ‘Jamie/Alice’)
Jamie/Alice: HEY
Teddy: al and rose ur nickname is to long
(Albus and Rose changed Albus and Rose’s nickname to A and R)
Teddy: works for now
Freddie: so the wall of fire is still up
Freddie; which potion did aunt hermione say it was
Jamie: rose?
Victorie: NO NO NO NO
A and R: dw i wont
Jamie: Rosie you asshole
Chat name: the cool kids (no prefects alowed)
A and R: third one from the left idiots, i want honeydukes,
Freddie: omg rose you phyco
Jamie: sure this is right
A and R: 100%
Freddie: works for me
Roxanne: RIP Fredrick Weasley-Johnson the second, we should really stop naming people that
Dominque: PPFFTTT
A and R: TEA
Freddie: also jamei and i are texting so this room is dead quiet
jamie: cept the fire its creepy
A and R: go on…
Dominique: the way im kinda scared
Louise: clutching my pearls rn
Roxanne: your what????
A and R: its a saying
Louise: its a saying
Jamie: so y’all know how dumbledor destroyed the mirror of erised?
Dominique: yeah?
Freddie: oh shit
Jamie: we’re going to leave
Roxanne: OH SHIT
Jamie: relax guys, we jsut had to double out of there
A and R: so what was it?
Freddie: the mirror of erised was there but there was this screaming….face stuck in it
Freddie: apslougly terrifying
Freddie; we’re going back to bed rn
Dominique: oh thank Merlin your okay
A and R: gn
Jamie: gn
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sapphirebluejewel · 6 months
Elliot Balken
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Parents: Neil Balken and Nicola Dulik
Height: 6’ 1”
House: Slytherin
Sexuality: Multisexual
Pronouns: he/they
His best friend is Dominique Weasley.
Likes anybody and will hook up with anybody.
Rebel right with Dominique.
At the parties he normally hooks up with somebody.
Supplied the cigerettes.
He and Teddy disagree. Like they really hate each other.
He hates being the oldest. He loves his five siblings but dislikes the pressure.
Horrible Liar
Hates getting his picture taken.
Started gauging in sixth year
He and Dominque got piercings together.
Teachers hate him.
After Hogwarts lived in and blended into the muggle world. Barely used magic after.
never loses at Uno
Brutally honest
Got held back and did not graduate with his orginal class. After that he was kinda seen as a loser.
Has attempted suicide 
Was addicted to drugs and alcohol Because of this midway through his rerun of his last year he was put in rehab.
Thus he never graduated 
Loves when people call him a bastard
Sketches a lot
Elliot only came to the Burrow once but James coined smelliot. Elliot almost got into a fight with Teddy on this visit so safe to say he’ll never be coming back.
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albusseverusmalfoy · 1 year
Some of my harry potter next gen headcanons
1. When it comes to being known as Harry potter's child, James, Albus and Lily have different attitudes towards it, James thinks that because he is Harry's son he deserves special treatment (i also headcanon him as smart, popular great with magic, so his ego is like very high) Albus hates being known as Harry's son, not because he hates Harry but because he wants to be his own person, Lilly doesn't really care
2. Dominque is a painter
3. Albus sucks at 99% of magic, but the one area he exceeds is duelling. He is insanely talented at duelling, especially when defending himself
4. Hugo never knew what he wanted to do career wise, posthogwarts, but one day, he gets tricked into going into the forbidden forest alone and has a near death experience and is saved by a magical creature so he decides to dedicate his life to the care of magical creatures
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Name: Dominique Isabelle Weasley
Residence: Shell Cottage
Parents: William and Fleur Weasley
Birth year: 2003
House: Gryffindor
Love interest: Mason Wood
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The Life of Dominique “Dom” Molly Weasely-age 15 in epilogue
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Face Claim-Freya Mayor
Dominique, who exclusively went by Dom, looked the most like a Weasley out of her siblings. She had long red hair and blue eyes.  She got along best with her father, they shared the same adventurous spirit that would sometimes get the both of them in trouble. Sometimes she felt like she lived in her sister’s shadow. While they both had 1/8 Veela in them, Victoire always seemed to be prettier than her. Although she later got over that jealously, after Vic was attacked, and realize that almost losing her sister put her whole world into perspective.  She loved her little brother and she often pushed him to the edge of his comfort zone. Because what was life without a little adventure. Dom could almost always be seen carrying some version of a camera. She loved catching little moments and look back on them. From the time she was 8, she was almost always in charge of taking pictures at the Wotter family get togethers. While she got along well with James and Fred, she always felt like she never fit in with any one group of Wotter cousins. Vic and Teddy had each other. James and Fred were two years younger than her and usually were conducting their next prank. Molly was too strait-laced that it didn’t fulfill her need to explore and do things. So she was very excited to go to Hogwarts to be able to meet people her own age. When she got to the sorting hat, the hat said he could tell she had a taste for adventure but was also creative with her photography. She ended up being a hatstall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Dominique begged the hat to put her in Gryffindor as she didn’t want to be considered “Vic’s little sister.” The hat promptly placed her in Gryffindor. She quickly became friends with Luke Jackson and Hannah Michaels-two muggleborns and Connor Finnegan-Thomas, the adopted son of Seamus and Dean Finnegan-Thomas. But it was actually a Hufflepuff named Melanie Days that became her best friend. They had herbology together, which she was completely rubbish at, and Melanie had saved her finger from being snapped off by an offended plant. From that day forward, you often could not find one without the other. They shared the same love of adventure, exploring, spontaneity, and kindness. They also were quite interesting to look at with Dom’s red hair and blue eyes compared to Melanie’s dark brown hair and eyes and tan skin. You could often find them in the library with Dom’s head in Melanie’s lap reading about the book, on the outskirts of the lake talking about all the things they wanted to do during the summer, or in each other’s dormitories eating snacks from the kitchen.  Slowly, as boys were brought up more and more in conversation as Dom grew older, she soon began to realize that her romantic feelings were towards girls. Realizing she was a lesbian, Dom buried that part of her deep down for fear of how her family and friends would react. Everything changed though when Vic got attacked and she realized that people needed to live their life for themselves and not everybody else. The first person she told was Melanie, who to her surprise, laughed and kissed her on the lips. It was like it unlocked a part of Dom that she failed to realize-that she was in love with her best friend. Melanie stated that she had figured out she was gay and had fallen in love with Dom but didn’t want to risk their friendship. Once Dom came out to her, Melanie couldn’t hide her feelings any longer. The two stayed up to the early hours of the morning talking (and kissing). Dom didn’t know that she could feel this alive. Thankfully her family and friends all took the news very well, with a lot of the cousins saying that they already had guessed based on how Melanie and Dom interacted with each other. For the next two years at Hogwarts the two continued to date. After Hogwarts they moved into a house in wizarding village as Melanie began her healer training and Dom worked as a professional photographer both for muggles and wizards/witches. Melanie asked Dom to marry her after she graduated from healer training on a celebratory vacation to France. They then had two children. A son named William “Will” Michael and a daughter, Hazel Elizabeth.
Melanie Days is an oc of mine, if you want me to do a write up like this on her let me know!!
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sapphirebluejewel · 4 years
Dominque Apolline Weasley
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Parents: Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour
Height: 5’ 9”
House: Slytherin
Sexuality: Abrosexual
Pronouns: she/they
First Slytherin in the family but shortly followed by Albus.
She didn't quite get her mom's blonde hair and didn't quite get her dad's red hair. Dom's hair is somewhere in the middle.
She got the Weasley freckles though.
Dom never really fully inherited the veela gene.
Family calls her Dom. Teachers call her Dominique.
She has always felt alone her whole life even surrounded by people. Especially surrounded by her big family.
Victorie trys to make her feel included but Vic has her own life and they are not exactly on great terms.
She liked Teddy her whole life and it was devastating because he likes Victorie so much. Victorie didn't even have to try to make her like him. Dom was very much crushed when Victorie finally said yes to Teddy. Victorie's wedding day was bittersweet for everyone.
All the Delacour Weasley children are fluent in French.
Dom is best friends with Elliot. But even he never knew about her crush for Teddy.
This relationship has always been and will always be platonic.
She had a smoking stint in 7th year. She did it at home once and Teddy convinced her to stop.
Dominique is a Hogwarts bad girl. She throws rager parties though.
Her favorite subject is defense against the dark arts. She likes the action.
Dominique was the only one to go to American University. She loved it.
She became a therapist with a degree in psychology.
Although acting careless, Dominique is very smart.
Dom decides in third year to outgrow the shadow of her sister. Dom the rebel came to be.
No one really remembers Dom before 3rd year except Teddy. She was very quiet.
Loud laugh
She was rated hottest in her 7th year but boys don't dare touch her.
Victorie and Dominique fight alot.
She hates the color purple.
Dominique is the Charlie of this generation. She's not asexual though. She just never found someone and did not want kids.
Dominique didn't talk to her brother for five months after she found out about him and Abby(her college best friend). Dominique felt she was always being ignored in favor of her family. No one ever just wanted her.
Dom is black sheep number 1.
James nickname is Nyx
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@pocpotterweek :
↳ Witch Weekly: LGBT+ Pride At Hogwarts - An Interview w/ the Next Gen Girls
Lily Luna - Sabina Karlsson
Rose - Naomi Janumala
Dominque - Ai Otsuka
Victore - Soo Joo Park
Tina - Emeraude Tobia
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Next Gen Harry Potter (part2)
Victoire Weasley
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Dominque Weasely
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Louis Weasley
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Molly Weasley
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Lucy Weasley
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Fred Weasley II
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Roxanne Weasley
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instagarp · 7 years
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#summerthrowback @foxyroxy-weasley @dominiquexxweasley
roxanne weasley taken by dominique weasley
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started-with-potter · 7 years
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Next Gen Weasley's: Dominque Weasley
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littlegingrnut · 4 years
Isn't that Teddy, over there with that Ravenclaw girl?
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((@stjernfaerie as my guest-star Dominique))
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incorect-wotters · 5 years
Teddy, trying to be a good brother-in-law, part II: let me tell you a little, personal story of mine, so you can get to know me a little better. Okay?
Louis: sure.
Teddy: When I was a young boy—
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