#don’t mind me I have dyslexia </3
i’ll drive, i’ll drive all night - part two
Katie McCabe x reader McCabe
(teen younger sister)
part 1 part 3
Trigger warnings: a lot of talk about sexual assault and self blame,references to self harm and minor reference to suicidal thoughts, overall just poor mental health
AN: Not the best writing, it’s more of just me trying to put my own feelings and experiences into words. Also i have dyslexia so spelling/grammar isn’t the best sorry 😅
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You wish you never went out that night, most nights you stay awake wondering what would life be like if you didn’t go out if you had just stayed home to watch katie play for ireland on tv like you had planned, if you had accepted your brothers offer to hang out for the day, if you hadn’t needed to go to the bathroom that night, if you had worn something less ‘sluttier’, if you didn’t put on so much makeup.
You blamed yourself, how could you have been so careless, you know the risks of going to parties at your age with people who your barley knew nor trusted, if you had followed your mams rules it wouldn’t have happened, if you weren’t so stupid and ignorant you’d never had been in that position. You shouldn’t have gone up the stairs with him trusting that he was just showing you to the bathroom, you knew better then that you should have known better.
Even now as your sat cuddling katie your head hidden away in her arms, tears streaming down your face, you can feel him, sense him, you know your being dramatic and it was your fault you knew this but it doesn’t make the feelings any better, you pull apart from Katie suddenly feeling trapped, the air feeling quite thick making it even harder to breathe then it already had been, you were panicking now it felt like the world was caving in in you, like you was suffocating as though your lungs were caving in.
“bug can you hear me? sweetheart i need you to take a deep breathe in for me, come on breathe with me, watch my chest y/n”.
Following katie’s words you watch as her chest rises up and down slowly, you notice her exaggerated breathes as she tries to get you to follow her breathing pattern, to try and get your breathing back to a healthy state, eventually after watching her chest for a few more minutes and having katie whispering soft words to you, stroking your forehead as she does so you, you can feel your breathing returning back to normal.
“We don’t need to speak tonight sweetheart, how about you go up to the spare room and just get some sleep, we can talk tomorrow alright?”
You agree instantly no longer wanting to talk to katie about what was happening, you weren’t to sure that you’d even be able to explain to her what was going on in your mind, although your fairly certain she just about understood what you were referring to before you broke down.
“go upstairs kiddo, i’ll be up in two minutes just need to lock the house up alright and then i’ll get you some clothes to get changed into”
Slowly you make your way upstairs, going into the bathroom to your face out, washing away any evidence that 10 minutes you’d been crying into your older sisters arms.
You look briefly in the shower, spotting the pink razer on the shelf, you don’t use it in the way you’ve been using razors recently instead you just stare at it, you want to use it so badly, so badly it almost hurts, you wanted to get away for a while, for everything to just go numb for a least a couple minutes
“Y/n can i come in”
The sound of Katie’s voice makes you jump dropping the razor into the sink as you do so. You’d been so close, so close to using it, it scared you how easy it was for you to find things to hurt yourself, but also how easily it was for you to do it, without having a care in the world you could mark your skin permanently and that scared you in fact it horrified you, how easy it was for you to lose control.
Hearing the door click open, you turn around from facing the mirror looking at katie who was now stood in the bathrooms door way, leaning against the frame, she looked like she’d been crying, because of you, your the reason she’s upset you realise.
“y/n what are you doing?”
hesitant to answer you opt to look around the bathroom, noticing how it’s changed since you’d last been here, the once green walls were painted white and you noticed a newly added bath.
You want to avoid her worried expressions, the way she spots the razor in the sink and not on the shelf where she could’ve sworn it was left, your shaking hands.
“nothing sorry”
Katie’s looks up at the ceiling taking a deep breath as she does so before focusing her attention back on you
“what were you doing with that”
she nods to the razor in the sink, keeping her eyes on you.
Katie rolls her eyes at you, shaking her head.
“you and i both know what you were going to do, i’m not stupid y/n”.
Katie’s reply stumped you, not entirely sure if she wanted you to just say it outright or just acknowledge that yes you wanted to hurt yourself or if that was even what her assumption was.
“Okay you don’t want to speak tonight i get it, you’ve had a tough day, we’ll speak tomorrow alright bug? i’m so proud of you for starting to speak to me earlier though, i love you goodnight y/n, remember im only next door and if you need me or you need anything at all don’t hesitate to knock alright?”
she lets you know breaking the silence, her words hang in the air as she leaves the bathroom, although not before taking the razor with her.
Getting under the covers in Katie’s spare bedroom, you can hear her soft mumbling on the phone outside your room, you think she’s talking to your mam about you, what she saw in the bathroom and the mess of what happened in her living room.
After awhile you heard katie end the call, you listened as the bathroom door opened and shut, as she turned all the upstairs lights off, as she paused outside your door for a few seconds and then eventually you heard the bedroom door click shut. The house going still and silent.
Once upon time the dark had scared you, when you were still little and innocent, when you thought that monsters lived under your bed so you needed your da to scare them away every night before bed, when your mam would tuck you up in bed in your pink dotted pyjamas and read you stories before giving you a kiss goodnight, turning your night lamp on and closing your door, you’d cry out for your mam or da to come and take you to their bed. Darkness scared you then, not anymore though instead it became something you craved, you lived for when everyone went to sleep and the house went dark and quiet.
It was the only time when you could truly think and feel every emotion of the day, when no one was there to judge you, sometimes you wish you could lay in the dark forever and never get up, sometimes you wish death would take you on your sleep, you wished that maybe this would be the last time you closed eyes, othertimes you remember your still a teenagers and life won’t be like this forever.
Laying in katie’s spare bed starring up at the ceiling you couldn’t sleep, you lay awake in the dark replaying the events of that night over and over again, it was like this every single night, you’d replay your every action that night, what drinks you had, who you had been with, how you could’ve prevented it from happening and it always circled back to that same point you shouldn’t have gone upstairs, you wish you could take it back, wish that you did everything differently, you wish so desperately you were that carefree kid with pig tails running circles around your siblings giggling without a care in the word.
The next morning was weird, you’d hadn’t slept at all, this had become a common occurrence, in fact you wasn’t sure when the last you had actually slept was, around 8am Katie popped her head round the door expecting you to still be sleeping having not been awake long herself.
Looking up she frowns at you “have you actually been to sleep y/n?” she questions her frown becoming more evident.
you shake your head “no i can’t sleep sorry” you mumble back at her, avoiding her gaze.
Katie so desperately wanted to know what was going on with you, she wants to know why you can’t sleep, why your getting into trouble constantly, and she needed more clarity on what you were trying to tell her last night, she already had an inkling to what you meant and it broke her heart, knowing that someone had stripped her baby’s sister innocence away from filled her with a kind of rage she’s never experienced, how could someone do that to her? her carefree, loving, kind, beautiful sister.
“i came in to let you know that cait has practice today but i’m gonna stay home with you alright? we can have an open and honest conversation okay?” she says smiling up at you “and you don’t ever need to say sorry for struggling, i love you”.
You nod in agreement getting out of bed as you do so, following katie down the stairs.
walking down the stairs you wonder what the conversation will be like later, what she’s going to say to you, what her reaction will be to you basically ruining your life, for spilt second you wonder if she’ll be angry at you, yesterday was the first time you’ve ever seen her anger directed at you, she never shouted at you, not even when she was a moody teenager wanting to be alone she had always made time for you, played with you when the others said no, ma used to tease her for it “y/ns got you wrapped round her finger Katie” she’d say as you convinced her to play trains downstairs, you had been as close as siblings could be, even when she left and moved to london you were still close, visiting as much as you could and going to as many games as school allowed, you feel bad realising you’d never given any explanation to your older sister, you just stopped calling, stopped visiting, she hadn’t done anything wrong you just didn’t want to talk knowing that she’d having you poring your little heart out in minutes of hearing her voice.
“Morning y/n” caitlin shouts enthusiastically startling you “would you like some toast? or cereal?”
“No thanks i’m not that hungry sorry”
this causes both caitlin and katie to frown, “you didn���t have dinner last night y/n and you probably didn’t have lunch either” Katie says butting in, you nod in agreement “i didn’t but i’m just really not hungry kats” you tell her sincerely not wanting to keep lying to her face.
“okay but your having something soon and i will not be taking no for an answer” she lets you know giving you a pointed look.
You and Katie had had a pretty chill morning, neither of you yet to address the talk that was supposed to be happening. Katie had made you come with her to drop caitlin off at training stopping at Starbucks on the way home, despite the chill morning your nerves were at an all time high waiting for katie to start the questions, you knew you weren’t going to get away with lies and so you’d gone through exactly what you wanted to say and how you wanted to say it.
it was around 12 when katie paused the tv show you’d been watching and came over to sit next to you calling coopurr over in hopes to give some comfort.
“Ma wants you to come live me” she lets out looking at your face for some kind of reaction, she had been expecting you to be angry, taking you away from your home, your friends.
Your not really sure what to say, you think moving away could help you, a fresh new start where no one knows you, you wonder if your ma was washing her hands of you, no longer wanting to be associated with the failure of daughter she now had, you wouldn’t blame her if that was the case however the more rational side of you realised your mam didn’t have a bad bone in her body and if she thought it would help you then you’d do it.
Slowly nodding your head you agree “i think a new start would help me” you tell
her honestly.
Katie hasn’t prepared for this answer, she thought you’d storm out, start shouting at her, she hadnt expected you to agree instantly with zero arguments.
The pair of you sit in silence for a few minutes, you were unsure how to approach the conversation that needed to be had and Katie didn’t really know what to say, how to get you to open up to her”
“Talk to me y/n”
You don’t want to talk, but parts of you know that you’d probably feel better if you did, it was something your ma had rammed into you from an early age, talking always helps.
“i don’t know what to talk about”
For once your being genuine , to much had happened since you’d last saw Katie, to many things were running round your mind that it was hard to pick one to talk about.
“How about we talk about the party”
you wonder if she knew what had happened, you thought it was fairly obvious from what you said the night before, even so you agree”
“he-h-he touched me” you say barley above a whisper “i didn’t want him to but he did and it’s all my fault im so sorry please don’t hate me” you sob out, fresh tears running down your face for what feels like the tenth time since you’ve been in London.
Katie’s wraps you up in a hug as your tears continue to fall, everything that had happened coming back to you, everything you’d have built up coming out in tears streaming down your face.
The look on katie’s face was heartbreaking she already knew what you meant from what you said last night, she wasn’t naive but hearing you say it aloud and blame yourself, apologising to her, killed her, knowing how long you’d kept it in blaming yourself what happened. How could someone do that to her baby sister, in her mind her sister was still that sweet little 8 year old, how could anyone do that to her, she was shattered, that night she had run through all the possibilities of what you could’ve meant hoping praying to god that you hadn’t meant that, she was furious, furious with the boy, furious with herself for not spotting the signs, furious at the universe for putting her sweet baby sister through this.
“Thank you for trusting and telling me baby, it wasn’t your fault, it will never be your fault you didn’t ask for it, what you were wearing or what you drank or how you behaved wasn’t asking for it, you were just trying to have fun at a party with your friends, nobody deserves or is ever at fault for being taken advantaged of, it wasn’t your fault y/n.
You want to believe her, you really want to believe that it wasn’t your fault but you just couldn’t it was like your brain was conditioned to believe that everything that ever went wrong in your life was your fault.
You think Katie gets at what you’re thinking.
“if someone came to you and told you what you told me, would you blame them? would you say it was all their fault”
This leaves you feeling stumped because you know for a fact you wouldn’t, you’d do everything in your power to make them know it wasn’t their fault, to help them just like katie is doing now.
You just shake your head unsure of what to really say.
“Exactly, look at me y/n you were 15 years old, trying to have fun on Tuesday evening like most teenagers do, it wasn’t your fault”.
For the first time since it happened you realised that maybe you weren’t at fault, you started to believe your older sister’s words because yes you had done some some things you shouldn’t have done but you didn’t deserve that.
Katie seemed to have realised that in the last minute or so you’d relaxed more, there were no longer tears running down your cheeks nor were you shaking as much.
“How about you get some sleep y/n, i can tell your tired just close your eyes baby, i’m so proud of you for telling me y/n”
Closing your eyes move over to her side resting your head on her lap.
“will you stay?” you whisper up to her, she smiles and agrees.
“i love you y/n so much my baby sister”
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from the start, i’ve mainly been praising the show and have spoken against the minor nitpicks but i think some constructive criticism won’t go amiss. i’m always going to advocate for praise + critique but since literally all my posts praise the show (character-work, writing, directing, cinematography, literally all aspects) i’ll focus on the main issues i have with it for this one.
i’m only saying this because i do think there is merit to the conversation: yes, i agree with many other people saying the show has a very real lack of tension. the stakes are established, potential horrific consequences are alluded to, but the instances in which the action needs to take place falls short. i wanted to see percy and annabeth and grover SHOWING their inexperience through stumbling on traps (which would automically raise the tension in both medusa’s lair and the lotus casino), i wanted them to make mistakes and quick-think their way out of it. sure, there’s something to be said about conveying annabeth’s intelligence but aunty em was a great way of highlighting percy & annabeth’s dyslexia by having them be unable to read the signs. the statues could have been removed from the yard–a move that would show medusa’s intelligence instead. similarly, the fun of the lotus casino was about the creepiness that slowly and steadily builds on the backdrop of this harmless kid carival like setting. percy, annabeth and grover’s intelligence and knowledge has already been built in other obstacles so seeing them actually fall for well-set traps seems to me like a much more nuanced portrayal of the kids, their capabilities but also their weaknesses. speaking of, i was waiting for one moment of annabeth making some mistake, showing some flaw. i think it would have been cool if she was the one to lose her drachma given that she was undoubtedly jostled hard while clinging to the cerberus. grover already felt like he messed up after the lotus casino and having percy reassure annabeth after her drachma screwup would really nail in that yeah she’s intelligent and wise but she is also just 12 and she can be a bit reckless too.
honestly, i’m a sucker for flaws. i love my emotional percabeth bits to death but would i have rejoiced just as much had both of them been a little more unempathetic towards each other and been at each other’s throats for a few more episodes? yes.
i love show grover and his earnestness and savagery in manipulating a god but do i love my little coward goat boy who slowly but surely proves himself to be capable and brave? who keeps asking for food at the most inopportune moments but really has percy’s back at the end of the day? who is severely unconfident but slowly learns to trust himself more? yes! i just feel like the grover we have now was my imagining of grover in book 2-3. we never got to see his major flaws so i’m just wondering what kind of upward arc will he have and will it be as impressive as the books.
i really really appreciated that percy’s impertinence was actually something he paid a price for. it will make his continued rebellion against the gods that much more intentional. that said, i would have liked percy’s relative ignorance of the mythic world to still remain. having sally make him so prepared that he sometimes manages to know obscure greek stories sort of blends their roles in the trio. yes, each one of them is layered and there is no one super rigid position they must adhere to but this is storytelling on television at the end of the day, the characters should have unique traits to distinguish themselves. for me, percy’s intelligence was about his presence of mind and deductive reasoning which the lotus casino scene in the book beautifully portrays. similarly, his knowledge was less about facts he knew and more about the street smarts he had acquired. in some way, annabeth and percy have a weird overlap in characteristics (show annabeth feels as sassy as show percy which is not the book dynamic imo).
i don’t see these as minor nitpicks btw – i think show portrayals have changed these characters through small changes and while that is okay, it also leaves room for improvement before it is too late. there are many considerations to be made–percy’s grief, annabeth’s tackling of complex feelings about the gods, grover’s guilt, ofc. but it’s, i think, a valid critique of the show that the main trio’s dialogue and actions could be made more faithful to the books.
also, i think the direction can be more dynamic, especially in exposition-heavy scenes. there are ways to make info-dumping fun and i’m sure the directors are more than capable of exploring these options moving forward.
there are many more smaller things i would point out but i don’t want to make this longer that it already is. many people handwave alot of the critique saying that the show is for children to which i say: children’s media doesn’t mean lesser quality media–the books were literally made for children yet on tv, many scenes are sanitised, very little left not on-the-nose. i have myself mentioned how certain scenes could be impossible to film with 12 yr olds (medusa beheading) without harming them mentally in some way so i appreciate the clever sanitization there. but the action sequences do need much more edge and that’s okay to acknowledge. the show we have now is great but it is absolutely not without flaws and normalising discussion about the flaws is only going to benefit the show moving forward.
and lastly, rick might be the author of the books but there is no rule that once you like an author’s work, you will have to like all of that author’s writing. just because rick made some final decisions does not take away the fandom’s rights to question those decisions and critique the screenwriting. there is seriously no use putting him on a pedestal–and i say this as someone who adores his writing in pjo.
let’s let the fandom breathe a little. let the mild, politely conveyed critique become commonplace as much as the ardent praise because i think that’s the balance we need to ensure that season two delivers on all the fronts that season one was unable to.
that’s all. thanks for reading lol. have a nice day. :))
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fullmoonandstar · 8 months
Common Interests
Gale x gn Tav / Reader
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Rating: T
Word count: 1.3 k
CW: Dyslexia, vague mentions of past trauma
Summary: Your crush is well-read and you want to be close to him by picking up a book. It would be a good strategy if reading wasn't so hard.
Dyslexic gn Tav/Reader wants to impress Gale
A/N: inspired by this post
You were so concentrated on the task at hand that you didn’t notice the footsteps behind. You had found a nice secluded spot a bit away from the camp and settled on a fallen tree to continue your reading as you had done for the past few days.
“What are you doing?”
The question carried a smile, but you jerked, and the book slipped out of your hands. Gale snatched it out of the air, and you grasped at nothing.
“Hmm … an interesting read you have here. I would recommend following up with Sara Ibb’s take on the topic. They give a more balanced view.”
You felt your face burn and prayed to the gods that Gale was too distracted by your choice of book (you had found it in the cellar of an abandoned house) to notice.
He rattled on about the nuances of using weave grass in potions, and you could not help but let the corners of your mouth creep upwards. Gale’s enthusiasm made your insides feel all warm and soft.
“Oh, I totally lost you in the barrage of words. I …” Gale laughed nervously. “How did you like the book?”
“It was good.” you said a bit too quickly.
His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at you suddenly intrigued, as if you were a puzzle to be solved.
“Come, my friend, what did you really think?”
You panicked. What would be an acceptable thing to say? Your heart beat faster, and you were stuck between wanting to flee and not being able to so without making a bad impression.
The seconds dragged on, but no words left your mouth. Gale watched your silent struggle for another heartbeat before sitting down next to you and waited.
"It’s hard to read." you said finally. Gale’s brows furrowed and you stammered an explanation. "I can understand it, I can read, but it’s so difficult to read.
"Why?" Gale asked softly. The ball of anxiety and embarrassment was melted away by his warm presence. You had been so caught up in your own head that you had forgotten how save Gale made you feel, like you could tell him everything.
"I’m not sure how to explain it." you paused to think. "It’s like the letters come in and out of focus, like they move around on the page if I don’t give it all my attention."
Gale nodded slowly in the corner of your eye, but you couldn’t look at him. You had never told anyone about this and if you were honest, your school days and the embarrassment that was your inadequate reading skills were still hanging in the back of your mind.
"I hope you don’t think me rude, but why are you reading that if it’s hard for you? I remember you saying you are not big on books."
Now he had hit the target, the big question.
"Which is understandable for someone with your condition."
"My condition?"
"Dyslexia, from the sound of it."
"Is it fatal?"
Gale laughed, and his eyes sparkled with amusement.
"No, and it’s not contagious either." He smiled at you, the sweetest thing you had seen in a while.
"As far as we know, it stems from individual difference in how the brain works and has nothing to do with intelligence or lack thereof. People with it have problems reading or writing, in various degrees of severely. It’s pretty common, but before when reading was a skill not many were allowed to learn, we didn’t notice that about 1 in 10 people has problems with it. You should have seen Val, their writing was atrocious but a very fine wizard indeed." He smiled wistfully. "You have nothing to worry about."
You looked at the book in your hands in a new light. Since your school days, you had struggled, but now at least you had a name for the trouble you had.
"Thank you, Gale."
Your eyes met, and your heart skipped a beat. He looked stunning just sitting next to you, and a warm wave of affection rolled over you. You opened your mouth to say something when Gale leaned over. For a moment, you thought he would kiss you, but he reached out and took the book.
"Do you want me to read it to you? Or maybe something else? I have a collection at my tent." He gave you a bright smile while you still recovered.
Snap out of it, you told yourself, you’re acting like a love sick puppy.
"Choose whatever sounds interesting."
"You want to read to me?" you said when your brain had caught up.
"Yes, I do enjoy the sound of my own voice, and you seek knowledge."
Gale was someone who talked a lot, but you would be lying if you said you did not like that about him. It was his openness that drew you in, in the first place.
He studied your face and added: "That’s very attractive."
A twig snapped behind you and both, you and Gale jumped.
"There you are!" Karlach appeared with a leaf in her hair that was sizzling.
"Food is almost ready, let’s get back before we eat everything without you."
Shadowheart was not a chef cook by any means, but she and Wyll had a good tag team on the hearth. You ate with gusto, and forgot all about your conversation with Gale.
After dinner, he came over and said:
"My offer still stands. If you'd like, you can come over at any time."
"Sure, come." He held out his hand to help you stand up from the log you were sitting on, and you took it.
Gale had not been lying about the collection he had.
"You carry all this in your bag?!"
"Not technically, I have this pocket dimension…"
"Wizard stuff."
He laughed.
"Yes, Wizard stuff."
You found a book that sounded interesting and handed it to him.
"Ah, yes, I could have known this one would pique your interest."
Gale sat down on his bedroll, and you sat next to him.
"Strap in, you will love this. Such a good read."
When you opened your eyes, you panicked, not knowing where you were and why you felt so warm. This was not your tent, and you lay under a blanked with a warm body pressed to you, an arm holding you in place. The memory of last night came back to you. Gale reading to you, and you were slowly shifting from a sitting position to lying down on his bedroll. At some point, you must have drifted off to a dreamless sleep, the first one since your infection.
Gale stirred, nuzzling your neck sleepily before freezing.
"Oh, I’m sorry." he said and began to pull back, but you caught his hand as it retreated.
"Don’t." You pull his hand back into the position it was, you tight in his arm and his body pressed against your back. "It’s nice. Let’s stay a bit longer."
He said your name, and you looked over your shoulder. His hair was in disarray, but it made him even more endearing, not less.
"Why did you start reading books?"
He had asked the question that you had not answered the day before, and it seemed he already knew the answer.
"There is this person I like, they are really smart, and I wanted to be closer to them. To him."
Gale shifted until you were on your back, facing him. You noticed the little wrinkles the pillow had made on his face but also the fullness of his lips. His eyes studied your face and got caught by your lips.
You reached out and ran your fingers from his temple down the side of his face through his soft beard. Your hand on his chin, you nudged him to lean in, and he followed your request.
Check my Masterlist for more
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inubaki · 3 months
“Put your back into it!” Lucifer’s cheerful animosity was something of the stuff of legend. “I can clearly see you missed a spot, right there!” Adam could feel those eyes like a second sun on his back, but absolutely refused to acknowledge the high-born tit in a sun dress, sun hat and milfy sunglasses. Aka: Lilith’s mini fucking clone. “Honestly, what were you doing on earth all that time?” In his hands, the literal devil idly twirled the tiny umbrella in his drink, openly sighing his displeasure before taking a loud sip. Adam should’ve cracked it against the ex-seraphim’s skull and pretend it could hurt him.
Worse yet, he could hear the chiming of ice cubes in Lucifer’s tall glass of lemonade; its seducing serenade of cold liquid drying out whatever rude comment he been tempted to make. Fuck it was hot. Beneath him, Adam’s hands dug into the dirt for struggling rooted weeds, feeling more as if he was dragging through desert sands rather than a suburban backyard. It has all been his own idea to start a garden, his own stupid fucking idea to humor Charlie’s ridiculous persistence for ‘healthier hobbies’. “Maybe we should plant something like lilies. They were one of Lilith’s favorites”. “Alastor and I agreed on chilies, and garlic to start” Adam replied, delivering a stab for a stab.
Charlie had been absolutely delighted by Adam’s stupid fucking idea, of course. The real mistake having been mentioning the singular other person he had in mind for the task. The one name that had earned the first man Lucifer’s only fatal warning; an angelic smile.
Adam yanked a weed harshly from the ground and threw it hazardously behind him in frustration. He had thought they were finally moving passed all this shit, foolishly hoped they could be as they were before Lilith, alone in the garden. It had seemed so impossible before that Adam had honestly got suckered in by Charlie’s encouragement and attempted to find middle ground with the second biggest pain in his ass; Alastor. It had been one of the few things Adam had discovered they had in common. An attachment to nature and the old-fashioned method of coveting for food. They even discussed it with Alastor’s asshole face seeming a tad more genuine this time around. The garden would be tended too in pairs from the hotel’s residence all with Adam assuming he would have Alastor’s aid.
But no, it was Lucifer’s pale ass name that was pulled with his, over and over, and over again. Each draw with Lucifer giving Adam that same fucking smile.
“How about an apple tree?”
Adam finally snapped his head around and glared at the royal tart. Red meeting gold with a magnetizing fusion of animosity beneath Hell’s blistering sun. Lucifer’s lips began slipping from bored to down right devilish grin; full of teeth and wicked intentions. He opened his mouth to say deliver Adam’s reckoning when Adam nonchalantly reached back into the dirt at his side and throw a massive potato bug directly at the devil’s face.
The scream Lucifer Morningstar gave was well worth any punishment that awaited him. Watching Hell’s strongest and Heaven’s most feared scrambling to slap away the large monstrosity from his dress was nearly all the satisfaction the first man would ever need in his third life.
Just as nonchalantly, Adam ‘saved’ the siren glass of lemonade before it could be knocked over. Drowning it while simultaneously sidestepping the tussling, raving angel. He then reached for the hose.
Lucifer was a prideful, petty, jealous, theatric mess, but with Adam’s merciful aid, he could at least be a prideful, petty, jealous, theatric mess in a soggy white dress amongst Charlie’s ruined tulips.
Adam smiled broadly.
“Let me ask Alastor”
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———— AdamsappleWeek
Potato bugs should be their own warning.
Prompt 3: Garden (based partly on my own gardening experience. I mean you, Divinity!
I am sorry for the grammar and spelling. My dyslexia demands chaos. It’s why I don’t write in general, but for the sake of saving time I’ll attempt it.
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frozenjokes · 6 months
Please For The Love Of Everything Good, MAKE SOME NEW FRIENDS AND LEAVE ME ALONE. With Love, HotGuy <3 (3/3)
Poultry Man was not the type of bird who liked to speak, or even spoke at all. When Poultry Man had something to say, he did so in the form of egg-based political commentary, usually crimes, but not always. Sometimes when he was pissed off, there wasn’t any commentary at all, just chickens. Gotta keep the people guessing, right? Poultry Man liked elaborate schemes, he liked delivering a message, and he liked chickens.
This was not Poultry Man’s first scavenger hunt, nor would it be his last. CuteGuy the villain was dead (among other aliases), but Poultry Man would live on forever, a shining light in this dank city. A golden egg among other, shittier, stupider eggs- whatever, it didn’t matter. Poultry Man was awesome, and Grian felt awesome as he sat at the end of the abandoned road, waiting. He had his postcards ready, simply waiting for HotGuy to arrive. Today was important. Grian would make it count.
Grian ended up waiting a little longer than he thought he would have to, which he probably should have guessed. HotGuy was known to misread and misinterpret basically anything, and it didn’t matter how neat Grian wrote, dyslexia was one son of a bitch.
But HotGuy did eventually arrive, panting and sweaty, and Grian couldn’t help but chuckle imagining him running from place to place and looking for Poultry Man’s hints. Cute, really. HotGuy lit up when he spotted Poultry Man, perched on the roof of a long broken down car, one that had been here for years, no one bothering to haul it off to the dump. Grian smiled, though HotGuy wouldn’t see it under the mask.
“Poultry Man! It’s- I can’t believe I have the chance to finally meet you! Properly, I mean. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you out and about, hasn’t it.. I know CuteGuy was your friend, but I take it you two probably don’t get along much right now.”
Grian shook his head, writing quickly, then tossing the note at HotGuy’s feet. The cardstock was heavy, so it did go a decent distance instead of fluttering pathetically to the ground like normal paper would; Grian had learned that the hard way. Humiliating. Regardless, HotGuy scrambled to pick up the note, reading with wide eyes.
“You’re still friends? Oh, I’m glad! Really, I am. I was a little worried about you, honestly, but I didn’t want to ask just in case the subject was sensitive. CuteGuy and I.. I mean, I’ve been trying, but he just doesn’t like me very much. We don’t really get along, and I just wish I could change his mind. You see, I really like this guy, Cub’s his name, but he and CuteGuy live together, and I just- CuteGuy hates me! He hates that I like Cub, and doesn’t want us to be in any sort of relationship at all, and I just wish I could show him I’m not all that bad, y’know? I mean..” HotGuy trailed off, looking momentarily hopeful, “He told you I wanted to meet with you, right? Was that recently? Did he do that for me?”
Grian considered him for a moment before nodding, and HotGuy just about melted.
“Oh, you have no idea how happy that makes me. And- and that you wanted to meet me in the first place! CuteGuy said you wouldn’t want to, and that you wouldn’t want to talk to me, and I guess you’re not talking, but you’re here, and I’m thrilled! I hope he told you I don’t want to arrest you or hurt you or anything- I don’t know, I got the impression he thought you’d be offended, but with CuteGuy, it’s a little hard to tell. He’s really defensive on your behalf. When I told him I thought he was a good friend for that he tried to beat the shit out of me. Well, he did beat the shit out of me. But that was also for other reasons. It’s complicated. But you don’t look like you want to kill me, and you guys are friends, so maybe you can put in a good word?”
Grian couldn’t suppress the small chuckle that left his throat, and HotGuy seemed to think that was a good sign, perking up, his already large eyes widening. Yeah. Grian could see where Cub was coming from. Having someone like that look at you like this at all hours of the day? Even a heart as icy and dead as his gave a little. He stopped again to write, throwing the postcard to the ground, and HotGuy scurried forward to pick it up.
“Ah- I did get a little distracted, didn’t I? You’re right, you’re right. So- I know you probably won’t answer, but I wanted to ask regardless.. The chickens? The eggs? Where do you get them? And I mean- you probably shouldn’t tell me, full transparency I guess, because I’d probably try to stop you.. Honestly though! I promise it's nothing against you! Well, maybe not nothing- you are committing crimes, but I’m mostly worried about the chickens? The place we bring them to, the sanctuary- they’re happy there! They’re well taken care of and loved. After your.. stunts.. the chickens end up in a good place, and I thought you should know that I care about them. So when I ask, it’s coming from a place of concern for the animals, yeah? I imagine they’re so confused being put in all these random places, having no idea what’s happening or where they’ve ended up.. Wherever you raise them- I’m assuming you raise them- it’s a good place? In our investigation of your activity, we still have no idea where you’re getting them, and I’d just hate to think they’re somewhere underground, unhappy, y’know?”
Grian cocked his head, a visual signal to HotGuy that he was thinking, considering him. That was.. very sweet. Not something Grian would have expected from HotGuy, especially after watching him try to manhandle the chickens Poultry Man had planted, yelling and flailing and generally being far more afraid than should ever be acceptable for someone trying (and failing, miserably) to wrangle chickens. Grian wrote his note, tossing it to the ground.
HotGuy read it aloud this time, “A man after my own heart..” HotGuy trailed off, smiling, and put a hand to his heart as he looked back up. “Of course. That little farm is a great place, Poultry Man, I’m assuming you’ve seen it.” HotGuy paused and Grian nodded, giving a thumbs up to show his approval.
HotGuy looked pleased, continuing, “I just wanted to offer, even though you’ll probably say no.. They would take your chickens, if you wanted to surrender however many you have left. I know it’s mostly eggs with you, and you don’t come around all too frequently, but if you ever decide to give this thing up, or if you can’t care for them anymore, or anything at all, that option is always available for you. Personally, I’d sleep a little easier knowing you weren’t putting live animals in peoples’ houses, but to each their own I guess.”
Grian smiled under the mask, taking a deep breath, “You have nothing to worry about. Well, not the putting chickens in places people don’t want them, I will still be doing that, but the chickens themselves are well taken care of, I can promise you that.”
HotGuy startled at the sound of his voice, jumping to his toes, and Grian couldn’t suppress a laugh, drawing a hand lazily to the beak of his mask as if to try and hide it. Grian was still no good at disguising his voice, so he didn’t bother trying, fastening his hands to the side of his mask and removing it before HotGuy had enough time to process who was actually speaking. HotGuy’s face was worth every anxiety about revealing Poultry Man’s identity.
“Grian!” HotGuy squeaked, a positively delightful sound, “Why are you dressed up as Poultry Man! That- You tricked me! Identity theft is no joke! This is not cool!”
Grian gaped for a moment, mouth opening and closing dumbly, “I- Are you joking.”
“I just told you this is no joke!”
“I am Poultry Man, Scar. HotGuy. Whatever you’re called. I have literally always been Poultry Man.”
“Poultry Man has been around for years!” HotGuy was so genuine, so annoying- Grian was almost offended. Maybe he was offended, actually- What was HotGuy playing at? Was it so impossible to believe he had multiple alter egos?
“Uh, yeah,” Grian finally huffed, rolling his eyes, “So have I.”
“You’re- why?” HotGuy sounded so distressed, so confused, and altogether Grian just couldn’t help but laugh. It was so stupid! He couldn’t stop laughing, arms across his stomach, kicking his feet a bit, talons scratching up the roof of the already beat up car.
“Come on,” Grian wheezed, “Is it really so hard for you to believe?”
“I- Yes! You guys- Poultry Man is noble. Poultry Man is a nuisance, but he has things to say! He has depth. CuteGuy is just a fucking dick!”
“Wow,” Grian drew the world out in fake offense, spreading his wings as he leaned back on the car’s roof, “Maybe you’ve misunderstood Poultry Man all along. Maybe he’s just as evil and uncaring as CuteGuy. They are friends after all, good friends, close.”
“No! CuteGuy was a bad influence on him, that’s all, he just didn’t have many other people to turn to.”
“You know you’re talking about the same person.”
“I- I know that!” HotGuy seethed, like this was quite possibly the most meaningful betrayal he had ever experienced. The little stories he’d made up about Poultry Man, entirely false. It was almost pitiful, really. HotGuy had no idea how to cope, Grian could see it as clearly as the conflict in his face.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Grian crooned, sitting up to rest his elbows on his knees, head in his hands, “Did you like him? Look up to him, even? And all this time you had no idea it was all just lil ol’ me.”
“I didn’t- I don’t look up to Poultry Man. I thought I could help him. I wanted to help him. I don’t- I still don’t think he’s a bad guy!”
“Nothing like CuteGuy, cold and sharp and mean, no, no,” Grian teased, “Denial is a funny thing, isn’t it?”
“I am serious! It doesn’t matter if Poultry Man and CuteGuy and Grian are all technically the same body, you are not the same people, just like HotGuy and civilian HotGuy are not the same.”
“Uh, pretty sure that’s not true, bud. That’s all just Grian, along with every other pseudonym I’ve held over the years.”
“What- really?” HotGuy stopped short, like this was completely foreign to him, “They’re all the same to you? Wait a minute, there’s more? Is every avian supervillain in this city just you? How many alter egos do you have!?” HotGuy puffed up, and Grian snickered.
“I am so glad you asked! My biggest escapade was probably the whole Mooners cult with Mumbo- do you remember? He was the head of course, but I was his faceless right hand man-“
“You know Mumbo?”
“We are roommates in college. I haven’t talked to him in a while though, and given the ‘retirement,’ I’m assuming he probably wouldn’t want to catch up regardless.”
HotGuy groaned loudly into his hands, “The Mooners were so annoying! Do you even know how much damage you two caused with that? People don’t function right when they don’t sleep!”
“Oh, it was a trip. It was awesome. And don’t think I don’t remember you attending our first couple meetings.”
“Yeah, when I thought it was a fun sleepover event thing- no one sleeps during sleepovers, everyone knows that! You guys were weird and crazy and everyone was partying- it was awesome.”
“Uh huh, and you drew quite a bit of attention to us, thanks for that.”
HotGuy groaned again into his hands and Grian snickered from his perch, pleased.
“Less successful was The Entity, but that was still quite a bit of fun. That massive rock I found just outside of town? It was a cool rock. And suddenly, I’m a prophet! People love a good Horror, and boy did I deliver. Flesh and guts and a horrifying puppet of a man, me. I bet I could have gained a bigger following, but I got bored. Still though, I think my favorite stunt I’ve ever pulled off was blowing up the whole thing and disappearing without a trace. I’m not going to tell you how I got my claws on dynamite, but that whole thing was fucking awesome. In the middle of the night, the whole rock, gone. And after- everyone wanted to know! What happened to The Entity? To its prophet? People were feeling like they missed out, like they wished they could have been there before it all exploded. Maybe it didn’t matter how big the cult was in the first place, but how it will be remembered. You like making history, don’t you, HotGuy?”
“Oh my god.”
“Good story, huh?”
“I just can’t believe that was you. How many costumes do you have? Wasn’t that one like- awfully gorey, right? And you just sat out there covered in- I don’t even want to know.”
Grian preened, incredibly pleased. “It was gross. Cub knows about that one actually, only because I disappeared for like a month. Brought me food when I needed it, though, most of the time I was fine.”
HotGuy sighed, drawing his hands over his face. “Anything else?” He didn’t look particularly like he wanted to know, and Grian’s wings fluttered, deeply content.
“Nothing huge. A long time ago, years actually, I convinced a couple of people they were being haunted by salmon. Pretty funny. I actually brought that back recently, I just tormented this one guy- thought he was cursed by the ocean, it was great. Didn’t make headlines, but sometimes that’s not what matters in life.”
“You are- you’re fucking evil. Recently? When have you even had the time!?”
Grian cackled, trailing off into a snicker, “I make the time. I was also unemployed.”
“Ah. I guess that explains it..” HotGuy sighed, frowning gently, something distinctly distant. Honestly, it didn’t look like he was thinking about Grian at all, which was a little annoying; he’d just confessed to being like five different criminals, if not legal crimes, then surely social ones, and HotGuy didn’t even look like he cared! (And listen, Grian wasn’t some kind of whore for attention, but a little recognition would be nice, yeah? Yeah.) But HotGuy did look back up, some kind of quiet despondency behind those eyes. “And it doesn’t bother you?”
“What? Being a public nuisance? That doesn’t bother me at all.”
“No, your identities I mean. It’s all just.. Grian? Not any more complicated than that?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I feel like I’m lying under every name I take.”
Grian shrugged, “You are, aren’t you? So am I. Elaborate lies, kinda, all under one central person. I like to dress up and play pretend and cause problems, just like basically everyone else in this godforsaken city. We aren’t special.”
But HotGuy didn’t look satisfied, eyebrows knitting impossibly tight, “I don’t have a central person. I’m not anyone.”
“Your civilian identity?”
“He’s not real either.” HotGuy looked at his feet, and Grian didn’t really know what to do with that, nor did he understand.
“Oh. That’s wild.”
HotGuy made a bit of a strangled noise before squeaking out a small “Yeah?” He fiddled with his hands for a moment, pulling at the fabric of his gloves, “I don’t know, I didn’t realize.. How did you do that? Not feel.. lost.”
Grian’s lip curled, the question invoking a similar reaction as when he would open the fridge to the smell of something rotting, “I can not even begin to tell you how unqualified I am to talk to you about anything at all. That’s a problem for you and your therapist, pal.”
HotGuy looked briefly indignant at that, then deflated, a more unhappy look crossing his face. “I don’t have a therapist.”
“What? Why not?” Grian sat up, just about as genuinely surprised as someone could be at a confession like that. A lot of things he learned about HotGuy made very little sense, but that just may have been the biggest surprise yet.
“What kind of question is that?”
“A pretty straightforward one I think. There’s no way you’re not all sorts of fucked up, not with the sort of bodily trauma you’ve been through and the job you’re currently holding. And you’ve got, like, infinite money. And you never shut up. Why not pay someone to listen to you.”
“I am not ‘all sorts of fucked up,’” HotGuy scoffed, “I am fine. And I don’t have infinite money, geez. I don’t need a therapist.”
“You say that like you’ve got something against therapy. So you’re one of those guys. Ick.”
“I’m not- no, I am not ‘ick.’ I think therapy is great! Therapists help lots of people, probably just as many as I do, I’d say. They’re the real heroes, yeah?”
Grian rolled his eyes, throwing his head back in a sarcastically languid movement, “Oh, let me guess. You’re the type of person who encourages people to go and see a therapist, but when the same thing is said to you, you say something like ‘Ah, no, therapy just isn’t for me.’ Am I right? You don’t need to tell me, I know I’m right.”
“You are not- Listen! It’s just something that doesn’t work for me, okay? Nothing about that is appealing to me.”
“Have you ever tried it?”
Hotguy pursed his lips, defiant. “..No.”
Grian had to laugh, his voice losing its edge in favor of something more genuine, “Dude, you’d probably love it. I’m serious. You’d go crazy for therapy. I mean, it’s hard work sometimes, and it can be a little bit trying, but then you start hating yourself a little less, and if you’re not in the mood one week, there’s still a very nice lady across from you who you can just talk to about whatever you want! I can’t watch The Bachelor anymore, it’s bad for me, and also bad for Cub, but my therapy sessions have never been more derailed. Good times. Fun! Sometimes it feels like therapists don’t know a single thing about anything that isn’t, like, mental health- I swear I’ve explained things to her I was convinced were common knowledge like- a lot. It happens a lot.”
“You don’t.. You just talk about whatever you want?”
“Yeah! Honestly, for the first couple weeks, I don’t think I talked about myself more than three or four times and I was going twice a week. It’s not uncommon. If you want, I can give you the name of the clinic I go to. I like the people there.”
“I.. I don’t know. I don’t really have the time, and I can talk to anyone about anything if I wanted to for free. I don’t know. And my issues are like- pretty intertwined with my identities, which I can’t really talk about.”
“Sure you can. It’s all confidential unless you’re hurting yourself or others, basically. Like, legally confidential. You can tell all you want about your different identities and your therapist can’t say a thing. I don’t tell about my alter egos for obvious reasons, but that’s not where my issues stem from anyway. But lately, I have been dipping my toes into talking about the superhero business, mostly because it’s pretty relevant to the things I’ve been feeling lately.”
“You talk about me?” An innocent question, one that Grian couldn’t help but laugh sharply at.
“Uh, yeah. You come up. We got a little off track for a minute there, but that’s kind of why I’m here in the chicken costume. I’m about to knock your socks off in a minute, seriously. Eugh. I don’t even want to say it. Makes me a little sick to my stomach, honestly, but I brought you all the way out here and revealed basically every misdeed I’ve ever committed to you, so. Surely this won’t be as hard..” Grian trailed off for a moment, pursing his lips, “No. This is harder. This is so much harder.”
HotGuy threw him an apprehensive smile, shrugging, “You’re making me nervous, here. I’m not actually wearing any socks, but for the sake of this I’ll pretend.” HotGuy ran a hand through his hair, and Grian couldn’t suppress a small chuckle when tiny amounts of glitter floated down.
“Well, HotGuy, I haven’t been very nice to you.”
HotGuy’s eyes jumped up, his attention sufficiently grabbed. He looked awkward then, the hand returning to his hair. “I.. think I would agree..” He took a quick breath, like he was unsure if that was the right thing to say.
Grian gritted his teeth, then let go, breathing deeply, “I want to change that.”
“Oh!” HotGuy threw his hands up in front of his chest, an unfairly endearing reaction of surprise, his eyes as wide as saucers, “I-I mean- You don’t have to-”
Grian threw his head back in a loud cackle, “Seriously?”
“No! No I didn’t mean that. Sorry- I didn’t know how to react to that. That. This is new for me. Did you stop disliking me? Don’t answer that. I’m confused. I don’t understand. I would like very much if you were nice to me. Well. Nicer. You don’t even have to be nice, but it would be cool if you acted like you hated me a little less.”
Grian waved a hand, silencing the nonsense blabber from a very embarrassed looking HotGuy. “I’ve been treating you unfairly, and it has very little to do with you as a person. You’ll never hear me repeat this, and if you ask anyone I’ll deny it, but I don’t think you’re actually a shitty guy. You’re an alright guy, maybe even less bad than I thought you were before we met properly. Maybe even better than most superheroes, but the bar is low, okay, don’t let that get to your head.” Grian took a breath, and HotGuy just stared, stunned, so when he didn’t say anything, Grian went on.
“Jealousy is a tame word I think. Envy doesn’t feel right either. I was.. deeply, viscerally angry, in all the physically animal ways I can not even begin to describe to you. And that’s not.. gone. It won’t leave, it’s just a part of me and I have to find a way to cope with it that’s not being a massive prick to you and Cub, but mostly you. Because you made a move on him before I even understood what I was feeling, feelings I had never considered before because I had never been afraid of losing him like that. I never had a reason to be so possessive before, because I was the only person.. I don’t know. But I think you understand. I’ve been in love, and didn’t really recognize it because neither of us really had anyone else to love, right?”
HotGuy opened his mouth to speak, but Grian cut him off with a shake of his head, “Don’t. Not yet. I’m not done. Yesterday morning I made this decision, that I was going to take him out and try to win him back, yeah? Delusional things, and I knew just as much, but I couldn’t fight it, I couldn’t let it go, and then yesterday afternoon, it kind of just.. hit me. I don’t want to ‘win him back’ from anyone, or anything like that. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were, selfishly, when we were both lonelier, unhappier people. And then I realized, hey, wait a minute, there’s something I want more than that, more than anything I could ever want for myself. I want Cub to be happy. I want him to step out of his shell, date superheroes, maybe even get his heart broken, as long as he’s living, y’know? And I want to live too, I want to put myself out there and meet people and try things I can’t do when I’m at home. Things I couldn’t do before, when it was just me and Cub, kind of miserable and kind of lonely, just stagnating, y’know?”
“You’re saying a lot of words, Grian, and I’m not understanding most of them.”
Grian chuckled into his hand, then sighed, the smile fading, “Cub didn’t want me to tell you this, but I think it’s important that you know, for transparency’s sake. I love him. And he loves me too, yes, like that. And I told him because I couldn’t keep it a secret, because I just couldn’t handle it anymore, and not because I was trying to force my way between you two, and I want you to believe me, so I’ve been honest, I’ve told you everything, all my secrets, all my crimes. I had no idea how he felt, and I don’t think he knew very much either. We’re so close, you have to understand. It was hard to even see it, not before everything was thrown into question, and suddenly things are changing and you’re feeling and you don’t even know what’s going on. But I think I know what would happen, HotGuy, if we acted on those feelings. If we let everything go back to normal, except maybe with a few more stolen kisses, and really, I mean it when I say a few, we are not the most physically inclined people; more lazy than anything.”
Grian stopped himself, realizing HotGuy was looking a bit pale. “Maybe I should cut to the chase. We talked it over for a long time and we both agree we don’t want things to be the way they were before. We don’t want to stagnate and rot away, to have each other, but nothing else, y’know? And I’m afraid of change. I’m afraid of you. But I want to let you in. And he wants you too.”
“Like- Like a polycule?”
“I- No! No-” Grian had to laugh, too startled to do much else, “I guess I could have worded that a little better. No, I mean you and Cub. I think you and Cub should have the chance to love each other, if you still want that.”
“I’m poly, Grian.”
“Goodness- Scar, please, not necessary,” Grian covered his face, struggling to contain his laughter, mostly bubbling up from nerves now, which unfortunately, was painfully obvious, “You don’t love me, and I mean it when I say I don’t want to get in the way. I want you to have this. I want Cub to have this.”
“I could love you. I think I could.”
Grian stared, possibly gaping, though he had no idea. He might have been flustered if his brain hadn’t factory reset itself right then and there. At some point he remembered to breathe, and had to take a couple of moments to do that in silence.
When there was sufficient air in his lungs, he looked up. “But you don’t. And I don’t love you either. And that’s okay, Scar. That’s okay.” Grian felt his voice buckle, the first and last warning he was going to cry, and damn it he didn’t want to, he really hadn’t wanted to cry, but he hadn’t been prepared for this, he was not prepared to be forgiven like it was effortless, to be told he could be loved.
“Grian I- fuck it-” To Grian’s great alarm, HotGuy began to fiddle with his mask, a motion Grian recognized from HotGuy’s first meeting with Cub.
“Whoa! No, no! Don’t- Don’t do anything you’re going to regret, please!” Grian hopped off the car, waving his arms, but HotGuy didn’t listen, breaths coming harshly from his nose. Grian couldn’t stop him before the mask was off, though, even with his face fully bared, Grian didn’t see anything that particularly shocked him. He still didn’t recognize HotGuy from anyone he’d seen on the street, which made perfect sense. Civilian HotGuy probably blended right in. Though a few things stood out, like his eyes, the same striking green as his brother’s, and a few scars that were obscured by the mask, though, that was no surprise. But HotGuy seemed distressed at Grian’s non-reaction, looking near panic as he jumped back.
“Do you- makeup wipes, do you have makeup wipes?”
His panic was infectious, Grian fumbling over his words, “Not on me, I don’t just carry them around.”
“I don’t either!” HotGuy hissed before making a decisive noise, rubbing at his face with his gloved hands instead. “Whatever.”
“HotGuy- Scar, please, you don’t have to do this-” Grian wanted to pull HotGuy’s hands away, but at the same time, couldn’t bring himself to touch the other, “This feels bad, Scar.” But HotGuy didn’t stop, fingers raking over the places where he had covered up scars. And other spots too, where he seemed to have meticulously sculpted lines across his face that just weren’t real- Grian had never noticed, it was so well done.
“I don’t want this anymore! I don’t want to be a secret! I want to be like you, I want you to know me!” But still, Grian was too distressed with this display to properly look at him, which only seemed to upset HotGuy further, growing more and more hysterical, “Grian!”
“I don’t know what you want, HotGuy!”
“Grian, please!” And that was different. Distinctly, world-rockingly different, that was not HotGuy’s voice. That was not HotGuy.
Grian was pretty sure he yelled, soft and then loudly, very loudly, a violent crescendo as he backpedaled anywhere away, away, get away, at all costs get away from the man using Micah’s voice, from Micah in HotGuy’s uniform, frantic and frightened, but above all else, deeply, deeply relieved.
Tripping on flapping wings, it took a second for Grian to be airborne, screaming his distress all the way into the sky, movements uneven and exhausting, but panic did little else but put him in the clouds, flying anywhere as long as it was away.
Poultry Man was a chicken, afterall.
by the way, if you are one of the people reading only this specific story (as indicated by the 3/3) and are interested to know more or what happens next, there is more, and there will be more after this, and you can find all of it on ao3 here
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lilaccrxsh · 2 years
Fight and Fall in Love - 1986!Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader (18+)
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Description: You and Pete Mitchell had mutual friends in the Bradshaw's, but whenever you were together all you would do is argue and rile the other person up. That was until Carole decided something had to be done...
Content warnings: unprotected sex, enemies to lovers, arguing, “there was only one bed”, 100% self-indulgence from the author
Word count: 3.4k
A/N: Honestly guys, this was just incredibly self-indulgent. Unfortunately, young TC/1986!Mav is literally my perfect type so I'm blaming everything on that. *posts this and runs*
Thank you to @unmistakablyunknown for being my beta and removing my dyslexia from the google doc &lt;3
You had known Carole Bradshaw before she even became Carole Bradshaw. You’d been friends since middle school, growing up and facing all of the adventures life throws at you together. When she met Nick, or “Goose”, you were her maid of honour at their wedding. Carole was really one of your closest friends.
“Have you decided what you want to do for your birthday?” Goose was sitting with his arm around his wife, her smaller body curled into the side of him on the sofa. Bradley was asleep upstairs, so the house was silent and dark apart from the talking and images from the tiny television. 
“I think I just want something nice and small. Maybe just have friends over for dinner. Bradley can be involved then too.” Carole replied. 
“I like the sound of that. Who would you want to come?”
“I was thinking… just Y/N and Mav.” 
Goose peered down at Goose, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. 
“Why? I thought you wanted your birthday to be ‘nice’.” 
Carole laughed softly. “It will be. We need to get those two together in the same room so they can finally get over themselves.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“It’s so obvious that they’re attracted to each other.” Carole said plainly, “Whenever we all meet they can’t stop looking at the other constantly. They clearly like each other, they just don’t know what to do about it.” 
“Y/N and Mav!?”
“But all they do is argue with each other?”
Carole just watched her husband as the penny dropped for him. 
“Uh-huh, so I think it’s only fair if we give them a little nudge, don’t you think?” 
“You’re the boss, honey.” Goose pressed a kiss to her hairline. “What did you have in mind?” 
You pulled onto the Bradshaw’s drive just as the roar of a motorbike engine cut off behind you. You didn’t even need to look in your rear view mirror to know who had just parked their bike right behind your bumper. 
For a moment you considered not even leaving your car. If this wasn’t for Carole’s birthday, you might have done. It would have been easy to just reverse back onto the road, even if you did take out the motorbike in the process. You didn’t dislike the sound of that. The only downside was damage to your car.
There was no point sitting there behind the wheel any longer. You grabbed your overnight bag off the passenger seat and climbed out. Standing before you was the one person you were hoping not to see tonight. 
Pete Mitchell looked exactly the same as the last time you’d met. Aviators covered his eyes, making his expression unreadable, his dark hair was still cut short for the navy, and he was wearing that patch-covered bomber jacket that was at least one size too big for him. Light washed jeans, a white T-shirt and that bomber jacket - was that all he ever wore? 
There was an awkward moment before anyone spoke. You just stood staring at each other. 
“No one told me you were coming.” Pete’s tone was neutral, apart from an underlying hint of annoyance. 
“No one told me you were coming.” You repeated. 
Again another moment of silence. You were the one to break it, slamming your car door closed and locking it. You stalked past him, marching up to the front door. Pete reached your side as you knocked on the door. You purposely stared straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge his presence. 
When Carole opened the door, she seemed shocked but strangely delighted, to see you two standing together on her doorstep. You were welcomed inside, it was nice to be back at the Bradshaw’s again. 
Soon you found yourself standing in the hallway conjoining the living room and kitchen. Carole was busy going back and forth. 
“Why didn’t you say he was coming?” You hissed at her, stepping aside so she could walk past you with a bowl. 
“Would you have still come?” Carole raised her eyebrows at you, a twinkle in her eyes. 
“Yes, because I love you, but I would have liked a bit of warning.”
“Oh come on, Y/N. Maverick isn’t that bad. He’s really great if you get to know him.”
“I think I already know enough…” Everytime you and Pete Mitchell were in the vicinity of each other it didn’t end wonderfully. One of you would end up taunting the other, resulting in a battle of wit and cynicism. No-one ever seemed to win. The residing dislike just seemed to continue to the next meeting. 
The man in question was too distracted at the moment to bother that you were standing in the doorway. He was crouched down, sitting back on his heels to fiddle around with little Bradley’s toy trains. The kid laughed as Pete imitated the sound of a train starting off, pushing it along the carpet as if it was chasing the engine Bradley was holding. 
“How can you dislike him, Y/N?” Carole was smiling widely, enjoying her husband’s best friend having a beautiful relationship with their son. You opted not to answer her. At that minute, you couldn’t conjugate a proper retort. In front of you was a side to Pete Mitchell that you hadn’t seen before - fun-loving and carefree. He’d always seemed put-out and on the offensive with you in the past. You wondered what it would be like to have a nice and pleasant conversation with him for once…
You only realised you’d been lost in thought, transfixed on the sight before you when Carole nudged your arm. She wore a knowing smile. 
“Help me with dinner?” 
The plan Carole had concocted involved you, Pete, and her guest bedroom. Her one guest room.  
So when the two of you were led into the guest room, the door closed behind you, you found yourselves on the same side… of one double bed. 
“This isn’t going to work.”
“I’m actually going to agree with you.”
Pete was the first to move from the doorway, scoping out the rest of the room and analysing the bed. There was no couch or anything alike. 
“Pete look, I’m not exactly delighted by this either.” 
He ignored what you’d said, instead rounding on you and asking a completely different question. 
"Why do you always call me 'Pete'? No one calls me that."
"Because that's your name, idiot. I'm not one of your flying buddies so why would I call you anything else."
Pete just shrugged, but the hard set of his jaw didn’t relax. Did he want you to call him Maverick? It seemed an odd way of showing so. 
"It's the night before Carole's birthday, are you really going to make a fuss?" 
He huffed, but conceded, dramatically throwing his bag onto the floor near the door. 
"I want the left side." Pete stalked over to the bed before flopping down on top of the covers, spreading out his legs the length of the bed and putting his hands behind his head. He pushed his aviators down over his eyes and then was silent. 
You stood, also still and silent, wondering whether or not you would be able to survive the night. But as you had said, both you and Pete were here for a reason and you both cared enough to not cause a scene. 
"I'm going to the bathroom." You told him, collecting your wash bag and sleepwear from your backpack. You received only an uncaring grunt from the man who you were meant to share a bed with tonight. 
You spent a decent amount of time out of the room in the hope that when you returned, Pete would have changed and maybe, if you were lucky, be asleep. 
Luck was not completely on your side. 
He had changed, or well, removed items of clothing. His bomber jacket and white t-shirt were laying in a heap by his bag. The only thing Pete was wearing when you re-entered the room were loose shorts. He was still lounged out on top of the covers, giving you no other choice than to stare at his incredibly well-sculpted torso. 
"Is that really what you're going to sleep in?"
It seemed Pete hadn't noticed your presence, as he jumped slightly when you spoke to him. He looked down his own body through the dark lenses of the aviators. Confusion covered his features as you could see the furrow of his forehead. When he let out a quick laugh, turning completely to you while smirking, did you realise you'd made a mistake. By commenting, you'd shown you cared in some capacity.
"Why? Too distracting for you, sweetheart?" Pete's grin was huge. 
"Sure." With that he took the aviators off, placing them carefully on the nightstand. 
You were still standing by the closed door, making no effort to join him. 
"Are you going to stand there all night? Some of us actually want to sleep."
"Has anyone ever told you you're an asshole?"
"Yes, frequently." 
Now he'd got rid of the glasses, you could feel his eyes following you as you circled the bed. He was still sporting that smug smirk. You cursed yourself for letting him get under your skin, and for showing him that he had done. 
You hesitated, hand resting on the covers, reluctant to pull them back and crawl under them. With Pete still lying on top of them, there would be no accidental touching. The sheets were crisp against your legs, part of you wished you’d packed longer pants to sleep in - not shorts. You lay on your back, not wanting to face Pete, or even turn away from him. You’d turned the ceiling light off before you came over, now the only light was from the lamp next to Pete. 
“Do you want me to turn this off?” He asked, as if he could read your thoughts. He still hadn’t moved. You hummed a response indicating that you did want him to. In the dark, maybe you could pretend he wasn’t there. 
Pete reached for the switch, and the two of you were plunged into darkness. Neither person spoke for a minute or two after that. Once your eyes had adjusted to the darkness, you could see the slow rise and fall of Pete’s chest as he breathed. You couldn’t believe what was happening. You were lying next to the man who you’d been at odds with for years… and he wasn’t wearing much at all. 
You would be lying to yourself if you hadn’t thought at least once that Pete Mitchell was incredibly attractive. All of the times you’d been out with Carole and Goose, be it at a bar or just somewhere with Bradley in tow, Pete would have a chorus of females giving him attention. Through all of the petty comments you’d throw at each other, there was always a tiny part of you that wanted him to ignore them. Ignore them and continue bickering over whatever stupid thing was causing an feud that day. Could you even go as far to say you enjoyed fighting with him?
This might have been the longest time you two had been in the same room without a negative snipe. 
“That’s actually too cold.” Pete suddenly whined, shuffling the duvet from under him so you both were covered. You lay still, unable to move as you felt his knee bump against your left leg. Once he was settled, silence fell over the room again. You weren’t tired. The amount of adrenaline pumping through you would make sleep impossible. 
“Pete?” You’d spoken before you even realised what you were doing. Pete seemed as surprised as you. 
“Yes, Y/N?”
"I have a question."
"Do you always wear the dog tag?"
You asked because a sliver of light was reflecting from the metal around his neck. 
There was a pause before Pete answered. "Yeah. It's who I am." 
You wanted to roll your eyes but in a way, it was sweet. And then you wanted to roll your eyes at the fact you thought something associated with Pete Mitchell was sweet. 
Instead of rolling your eyes, you actually rolled onto your side. Your arms were held to your chest. You were facing Pete now, but in the darkness of the room you could only see an outline of his features. It was unfair how good his side profile looked. 
“Can I ask you something else?” 
You felt the covers shift, the mattress moving under you as Pete mirrored your previous action. He was dangerously close now, lying on his side facing you. His body warmth was keeping the air beneath the duvet cosy. You wished you could see his eyes, you wanted to see how he was looking at you in the darkness.
“Go ahead.” 
Your breath caught in your throat. This wasn’t the Pete Mitchell you knew. In a single second his whole demeanour had altered. He was now soft and tender, encouraging this conversation that was the first of its kind.   
“What is flying like?” 
This brought a light laugh from the man lying opposite you, but it wasn’t malicious. 
“It’s the best feeling anyone could ever experience.”
“The best, huh?”
“Ok, maybe the second best.” 
This time you laughed together. It was unbelievably strange. How had you been arguing before, yet now you couldn’t think of anywhere you would rather be. But unlike the silence this afternoon out on the driveway, it was comfortable. You just wanted to lie there, perfectly content. 
You heard Pete take a deep breath before speaking, almost in a whisper, “I want you to know, Y/N, that I’m sorry, for how I’ve spoken to you in the past.”
You bit down hard on your lip. 
“I’m sorry too. It’s all water under the bridge now.” 
“In truth…” Pete started to say something but he trailed off. 
“Yeah?” You prompted him, your heart beating fiercely in your chest. 
“I…” He couldn’t seem to say whatever he wanted to. After he had failed the second time, he decided actions might be better than words. You felt  the pad of his thumb touch your jaw. 
When you didn’t flinch, Pete brought his hand to rest. His palm cupping your jaw, his thumb gracing your cheek. You couldn’t help but relax into him, humming in content. When Pete heard you, his hand left your face and moved to the small of your back, bringing you across the sheet to him. The only thing between you was the thin fabric of your top. The one thing better than seeing Pete’s naked chest, was being pressed up against it. 
“Is this ok?” 
You were barely audible as you whispered a “yes”. Every part of your skin that was touching Pete’s felt like it was on fire, and every part that wasn’t, was still burning with an unbelievable intensity. 
“God you’re so beautiful, Y/N. You don’t know how hard it’s been to be around you and not be able to tell you that.”
He was tracing your face, his thumb smoothed over your cheekbone, fingertips nestling into your hair behind your ear. When you felt his lips on your forehead you sank into him, pushing your hips against his, wrapping your right leg over him. Pete kissed your forehead, both your cheeks, your jaw… and then your lips.
Your lips were barely touching at first, gracing each other in another attempt to gain consent. You’d be damned if you waited another second to kiss Pete Mitchell. You hadn’t realised for how long you’d wanted him in this way. The all consuming need to be needed, wanted, loved by him. 
When you kissed, it was impossible not to react. Your leg linked around his became wrapped around his waist. His hand came to squeeze your thigh, holding your bare skin against the muscles of his back. 
In a split second, Pete was on top of you. 
"Are we really doing this?"
"Yes we are."
You wanted to touch him. You wanted him to touch you, everywhere. It didn’t matter where his hands were, or how his weight felt on top of you, it was never enough. It would never be enough. Your own hands were grasping at his back, feeling the lean muscles tense and relax under your fingertips. 
“Tell me what you want, Y/N.” Pete didn’t stop kissing you, moving down your neck and collarbones. 
“I need you, Pete. Anything. Fuck me. Just touch me.” You were moaning incoherent thoughts as he sucked on one specific place under your ear. Pete’s low laugh against your skin when straight to your core. 
“As you wish, sweetheart.” 
Your hips rose completely off the bed as you felt his hand breach the waistline of your shorts. You were sensitive, all of Pete’s previous exploration of your frame had done its job. Pete found your clit, delicately circling it as you mewled under him. Your hips bucked again, uncontrollably and with force. 
“Careful, baby.” Pete cooed, steading your waist by shifting his weight. Pete’s intention was to turn you on enough that he could fuck you easily, but it would seem he didn’t have to do anything more. You were writhing already, and when he put one finger inside of you, you could do nothing but stifle an inaudible sound into his shoulder. 
Pete was in awe of your reaction. How responsive you were to him was even more of a turn-on than he could ever imagine. He helped you remove your shirt, and then take your shorts down over your legs. He threw the items out of bed. 
“You need to get these off, now.” You ordered, claiming some control over your own actions. Pete helped you fumble with his shorts, and soon neither of you were wearing anything. 
“Please?” In any other situation you would be embarrassed by how desperate you sounded. But this time, you didn’t care. 
The feeling of Pete inside you was intoxicating. Your legs were wrapped around his back, your arms around his neck. There was no possible way you could be any closer to each other. The way he continued to kiss you made up for all the times you hadn’t been with each other. With every peck, moan, movement, the tension that had built up between you two disappeared. 
You loved how Pete said your name. It was becoming impossible to think straight. All your thoughts were centred on the feeling at your core, the mounting pressure that wasn’t ceasing. 
Pete’s call sign fell from your lips instinctively. Through the darkness you heard him gasp, followed by a filthy moan before he thrust into you again, hard. 
Your face was sheltered in the crook of Pete’s neck, so any sound you made was muffled. It was becoming very difficult to not cry out. You were so close too, it wouldn’t be long before you would come. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you-” But whatever Pete was going to say was overshadowed by the beginning of your orgasm. You began shuddering against him, moaning pitifully as you hit your peak. Simultaneously, it became too much for Pete. You both rode out your highs together, unable to pull away. 
You felt empty when Pete rolled off you, but you weren’t without contact for long. Pete lay on his back, you curled into his side, hand resting above his heart. He was holding your hand, your fingers intertwined on his chest. 
All that was heard throughout the room was the sound of heavy breathing. It was a few minutes before either of you were able to speak. 
“You called me Maverick.” He breathed.
"I did." The sultry tones in your own voice were a shock even to you. You leant forwards, taking the soft skin of his ear in your teeth. "Now, show me again why that's your call sign." 
The next morning, you and Pete walked into the Bradshaw’s kitchen together. Pete’s arm was around your waist, his hand resting on your hip bone. It felt so natural, you wished you’d done this before. 
Goose made an inhuman noise, pointing excitedly like a child at you and Pete. He was flitting between gaping at his two best friends and looking astonished at his wife. Carole was just smiling incessantly. 
What you and Pete didn’t know was that you'd unknowingly given Carole the best birthday present she could want. 
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fumiyami · 4 months
(or an excuse for me to dump all the thoughts my silly little critter mind thinks into your silly little critter mind!!)
1. autism!!! (I don’t have autism but I saw someone on tiktok headcanon him to be autistic so yeah!!!🤩🤩 if i’m not allowed to like headcanon him to have autism since I don’t have it then pls tell me!!)
2. dyslexia! (no specific reason for this just saw someone else headcanon him to have terrible spelling)
3. listens to mitski
4. dark shadow killed someone when they were both younger (possibly his grandad?) and it’s stuck with Fumi [like in that scene in Ep 44 roaring upheaval where when DS was going wild he said “get away from me!! you’ll die!!”☹️☹️]
5. he and dark shadow both had grudges against Hawks during the first week when they met him (birds hold grudges☺️☺️☺️)
6. gives crystals to those he likes (platonically or romantically your choice!!) like penguins do with rocks
7. HATES when someone ignores him. biggest ick ever (kinda canon cuz when Hawks ignored his phone calls and stuff during the vigilante arc and when izuku was just daydreaming about kacchan and accidentally ignored Fumi)
8. definitely got annoyed by class 1A (mostly Mina and Denki) once when he was eating chicken or something and they struck up a conversation about cannibalism (saw this in a fic I think??)
9. once got caught in his room doing a demon ritual (he revelled too much in the dark)
10. if he were looking for a romantic partner, he’d definitely go with someone who’s the complete opposite of him due to most birds liking shiny stuff (probably someone like Aoyama but I’m a multi-shipper so I’m fine with anything!!)
11. speaking about birds, most people think him to be a crow or a raven BUT he more resembles a Koel bird!! (thank you to someone on Tiktok who pointed this out, I will give you my liver☺️☺️)
12. I don’t have many headcanons for his parents but I imagine them to be..not the greatest people ever😰 (thought of this from when he mentioned in the school briefs how he’s never been to an amusement park before and I know that could be considered normal but hear me out u guys🤯🤯 I want my goth son to have angst)
13. favourite colour is purple, favourite number is 7 (I’m tweaking yall)
14. takes Halloween SO seriously (me too bro me too)
15. SOO ticklish but he vowed to take this fact to the grave (only dark shadow knows and they use it against him like “Fumikage if you don’t let me chew on Mr Aizawa’s scarf I’m telling everyone in class 1A that you’re ticklish”) OR SOMETHING
16. maladaptive daydreamer (I’m projecting with this one u guys!!)
17. knows the entire dance to Rock Lobster by The B-52’s on justdance unwillingly
18. his fav song changes a lot but at one point it was Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps
19. has to stop dark shadow from demanding pets from everyone in class 1A (it’s a daily routine)
20. knows a bunch of bird puns (blame the other silly bird man for this one😡😡)
21. won’t let anyone in his room UNLESS he’s super close to them (like how he tried to stop class 1A going into his room in the dorms episode)
22. (aged up Fumi for this one!!) the complete opposite when he’s drunk and/or high (like super chatty, energetic and giggly) is this realistic??? I haven’t been drunk or high before so idk😓
23. tolerates physical touch (like hugs and stuff) but only from those he’s super close to (or all might in that one episode!!)
24. the first time everyone in class 1A saw him without the choker on some of them (mina and denki and possibly Kirishima🤗🤗) asked him where his neck went..
25. absolutely knocked out when sick/feverish!! like incoherent mumbling, just super weak and dizzy and everything!! (I’ve been reading too much sickfics😰)
26. squawks involuntarily when caught super off guard and the first time it happened was in the class 1A dorms in front of everyone and he was so embarrassed he didn’t speak for a week
27. fluent in some random cool language (like Latin or something equally as cool!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎)
28. if he did have a human head then he’d dream of having every piercing on there as possible
29. has a mix of human hair and feathers so he’s gotta do like both brushing and washing it with shampoo and conditioner and stuff but also gotta preen with preening oil (birds naturally have that off of their tail feathers I think but like he doesn’t have a tail so😞)
30. you cannot tell me this man isn’t a writer like with the way he speaks it should be canon!! I can imagine him doing poems and stuff but also turning to other ways to write…(he makes sure no one in his life will ever know his AO3 username)
31. favourite sonic character is Shadow the hedgehog
32. stares outside and just zones out which resulted in the time he once accidentally spaced out while staring at someone (a character of your choice) and was so embarrassed after
33. speaking about embarrassment, he gets embarrassed super easy!!
34. is so painfully awkward around most tiny children (he’s warmed up to eri though after finding out they both have a shared love of apples)
35. sometimes cringes on what he says but knows he can’t take it back (it’s okay my son I’ll still platonically love you!!)
36. hates the fact that he’s been asked by people (TODOROKI.) if he’s Hawk’s brother or relative or something but hates it even more how Hawks barely denies it😡
37. gets his gothic mannerisms from both dark crystal (a pro hero who we can assume he idolises who is mentioned in the school briefs i think) but also a relative like an older sister!!
38. has crazy good intuition
39. is really surprised whenever someone mentions how cool or great dark shadow is since he never really heard that growing up (thank you Izuku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
40. communication is SO important to him
41. finds it really hard to open up because of feeling like a birden (get it? “bird-en”? haha🙁🙁🙁)
42. he’s super close friends with mostly the heteromorphs of 1A like Koda, Shoji and Tsu but also friends with others who aren’t like Iida and Jirou
43. LOVES conspiracy theories
44. doesn’t cry often but when he does then you know it’s serious😞😞
45. HATES the fact that he has teeth (cuz it looks weird considering how he has a beak) so he’s vowed to never smile with his teeth
46. the type of person to say happy birthday the MOMENT it hits midnight on your birthday :))
47. used to be afraid of flying but made sure it wasn’t noticeable in front of Hawks
48. was genuinely surprised when he saw that the ones in 1A who saw dark shadow go wild didn’t like blame him or anything like how others have in the past🤯
49. dark shadow’s name is super simple because Fumikage had to pick it when they first manifested and since I can imagine he was super young when this happened he wasn’t very creative
50. whenever he and dark shadow play any type of board game together, he has to stop DS from eating the pieces when they’re losing
I got kinda unmotivated towards the end since I was so tired when I wrote all this but i’ll probably have more headcanons in the future!!🙀🙀🙀if y’all have any headcanons about him then please comment them cuz I always love hearing more!!
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fairybloodsucker · 12 days
Good Boy
Authors note: please dont judge my writing or autocorrect, i have dyslexia and english is my second language so if there is errors, i apologise im not really the best at writing, but im trying to get better, enjoy <3
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April 1969
You have been with Elvis for the past 4 years so the two of you are warm and liked to joke and tease each other, but this time, without you knowing, Elvis wanted to tease you extra this time as a surprise for you, y’all were going to a comedian show for his Memphis mafia, but that didn’t stop his little surprise for you. You and Elvis had a room together so you and Elvis were changing into more proper outfits and getting ready together. you were in the shower, washing you hair with shampoo, massaging it in your long silky hair, till it got foamy, then washing it off, to apply conditioner and leave it in your hair while washing your body. In the meantime, Elvis carefully entered the bathroom and swapped your panties with a vibrating panties, identical to the once you picked to wear so you couldn’t tell if it was swapped. Elvis walked quietly out of the bathroom to find a belt to match his outfit. You were washing off the body soap from your wet body, and then your conditioner, you got a towel, got out of the shower to dry off, and then got your panties on first. You didn’t feel anything weird with it. Got your bra on, and finally your clothes, and got started on your hair first then your makeup.
3 hour later, the two of you and the Memphis mafia was at your places. Elvis looked at you with a small smile, you looked back at him, curious on why he smiled like that.
¨Do I got anything on my face?¨ you said,
¨No baby, you don’t, I just adore lookin at ya¨
You rolled your eyes in a playful matter until you felt something vibrating in your panties which got you to gasp, you look at Elvis, now smirking.
When you were about you ask Elvis about it, the show started.
The vibrant feeling not leaving, you grabbed the arm rester on the chair you were sitting on, you leaned close to Elvis.
¨Did you do anything??¨ you whispered
¨Do what?¨ he whispered back
You felt the vibrant motion stop. You saw his hand in his pocket.
¨Don’t act like you don’t know, E, im serious¨
¨But I don’t, honey¨ he replied trying to act confused but he had his grin tattoing his face which made you know he did in fact did do something.
Elvis took a glass and drank it. You watched him.
¨I know you swapped my panties, cuz these are vibrating¨ while you said this, you felt your panties start to vibrate. That’s it, you thought, you Took his hand and Took him out of the room, without anyone noticing because the lights were out.
You took Elvis into the closest room, opened the door and you took Elvis in first then yourself, and closed the door.
¨You think you can tease me like that, E?¨ you said, looking straight up at him.
¨Yes baby, I can¨ he said, not worried.
¨Well you gotta join the game you just made, and boy its gonna be a big tease for you¨you had a lot in mind.
¨Show me baby¨
You smirked, took him towards the wall, he made a small whine, you locked your eyes on him while you took one hand down his body. His eyes were locked into yours. You came to his belt and unbuttoned it, still eyes locked together. You traced your hand down his pants feeling him already hardening. He liked it. He loved it. You knew Elvis loved being dominanted by you.
You took your hands up from his pants and took a grip of his pants and took his pants down. Elvis was now looking down at what you were doing.
¨Look at me.¨ voice strict and he listened, he looked back at your eyes.
¨Now what do you say?¨his cock bounced up when his pants were fully down.
¨Sorry mommy ..¨ he muttered.
¨Mommy didn’t hear her boy.¨still strict with your tone.
¨Your boy is very sorry he looked down¨
You wrapped your hand around his hard length.
¨Oh you should be, you should be very sorry¨
He nodded
¨Say it¨
¨Im very sorry mommy¨
¨That’s a good boy¨ you started stroking his length, you looked down at his length, taking his foreskin back so your could see his pink swollen tip, it was moist with precum. You kept stroking him, speeding up the pace.
¨is my boy turned on by me, eh¨ you looked back up at him, with a smirk, while having butterflies in your stomach by the sight of him being hard for you, just you, only you.
He nodded ¨Yes mommy, just for you¨ he replied, his voice a little shaky.
¨Good boy, that’s a good boy¨ you looked back down at his cock, speeding up the stroking speed.
¨Gonna …¨ he moaned softly
¨Hold it!¨
¨I… I.. I.. can’t…¨
You stopped the stroking.
¨My boy aint gonna cum until mommy says he’s gonna cum, you hear me?¨ you were harsh on him.
He nodded.
¨Say it big boy!¨
¨Im gonna cum when mommy says I can¨ he said, listening to you
¨Good boy¨you smirked. You wrapped your hand around his length again, he twitched a bit by your touch because his cock was sensitive. You smiled sinnely. You stroked him fast, super fast. He felt his ecstasy warming up in his stomach. By the speed you were stroking him, his ecstasy ran down towards his crotch.
You hear him start to moan louder, almost whimpering in pleasure. His cock was twitching in your hand, and before he could cum, you stopped. Elvis was breathing heavily.
¨W..why.. why stop?..¨ it almost sounded like he has just cum.
¨Don’t stop..¨
¨Did I tell you to cum, hm?¨ you smirked, knowing the answer, which Elvis did to.
¨You wanna cum right, sugar cup?¨
¨Yes mommy, yes
¨Then beg¨ you wanted to see Elvis beg to cum so, Fucking. Bad.
¨Do it¨ you added.
¨Mommy, please let me cum, I.. I need to, you know I need to.. please let your boy cum. I’ll be a good boy for you
¨Only me?¨
¨Yes mommy, only you, and you only, just please let me cum¨ he almost cried
¨Mommy approves¨
You wrapped a hand around his length once more, you started stroking very slow at first but after one and one pump, you speed up the pace. Elvis closed his eyes shut. You looked at Elvis.
¨Open em and look at Mommy¨ he opened them and he looked straight at your eyes. Your hand moving fast.
¨I.. gonna..¨
¨Do it.¨
He moaned louder and louder and finally after two pumps, his cock shot out loads white sticky strings, you watched, biting your lip.
Elvis was in his ecstasy, and when he feels it exiting his body, he is left breathless and said,
¨Did I do good?¨
¨yes you did, baby, Good boy¨
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nox-icate · 6 days
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🐊 Welcome to the blog of your favorite swamp-dwelling reptile 🐊
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. ‧˚₊꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶About me︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷₊˚‧ .
࿐ I go by quite a few names, which include: Evander, Ethan, Donatello, Laurie and Lonnie! But I more commonly go by Nox on here! But feel free to call me whatever you deem suitable.
࿐ I use primarily he/him, xey/xem, and they/them pronouns. Please use enby or masculine terms when referring to me. Pronouns page <- ࿐ Please keep in mind that I have Autism, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Pre-Bipolar, and ADHD so please keep patience with me in mind while interacting! ࿐ My birthday is 12/18/2007 :3 ࿐ I am a teenager, meaning I have a tendency to make dark/inappropriate jokes, I can absolutely put on a filter if requested! ࿐ I do tend to be forgetful about some things (I genuinely have a horrible memory /srs) so please don't be afraid to point out on my slip ups/correct me if needed. ࿐ I am a very affectionate person with a tendency to cling onto people, and come off too friendly too fast, so if I’ve ever crossed a boundary/made you uncomfortable please, PLEASE don’t be afraid to let me know. I don’t intend nor want to make anyone uncomfortable in any way shape or form and struggle with picking up cues/indicators that I’ve crossed a boundary (Plus being online the majority of my life and being homeschooled I tend to cling to people who I want to befriend and lack proper social skills).
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. ‧˚₊꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶Links + Tags︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷₊˚‧ . LINKS: ࿐ Toyhouse <- ࿐ Youtube <- ࿐ Instagram <- ࿐ Pronouns page <- TAGS:
#my art <- Pretty self explanatory. #my ocs <- My original characters. #🐊 shiggles <- Just me being a dumbass. #🐊 rambles <- My text/rant tag. #TMNT Solidarity <- My TMNT iteration. Masterlist (TBA) #ROTTMNT FQ <- My ROTTMNT AU (FQ standing for Four Quarters). Masterlist (TBA) #TMLP AU <- An AU where the boys get teleported to Equestria I made that me and my close friends are working on. Masterlist (TBA)
@mossy-box (the bestie!) Tag: #Overgrown box 🐢 @k9alpine (also the bestie!!) Tag: #K9Alpha 🐺 @that-was-pigeon (my parental figure!) Tag: #Twas pigeon 🥔 @drixxtavern (fish!) Tag: Tba More moots TBA
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. ‧˚₊꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶Interests︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷₊˚‧ . ࿐ As of currently I am fixated on quite a lot of differing medias, which includes, but is not limited to: TMNT, HTTYD, MLP, Arcane, The Alien franchise, The last of us, Sweet tooth, Ducktales (2017), Usagi Yojimbo, Venom, Spider man, Wild kratts, Blue eye samurai, the quarry, stranger things, I saw the TV glow, and Bluey!
࿐ I'm absolutely obsessed with reptiles (including dinosaurs), bugs, and aquatic life! My favorite animals being Alligators and Crocodiles.
࿐ I have also found I have a strange infatuation with radiation, geology, abandoned buildings, and vintage children's books/poetry. ❗ DNI AND BOUNDARIES BELOW, PLEASE READ BEFORE INTERACTING ❗
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. ‧˚₊꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶DNI + Boundaries︶꒷꒦꒷︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷₊˚‧ .
DNI LIST: ࿐ Do NOT interact if you are/you associate yourself with, or support anything below. ࿐ Anyone under the age of 13 (This is for my own comfort as I'm not comfortable interacting with extremely young users). ࿐ Romanticizations/Sexualizations of unhealthy/toxic relationships (This includes heavy yandere shit < This is for my own comfort). ࿐ Sexualizing transgender people/characters (This is for my own comfort). ࿐ Dsmp (This is for my own comfort). ࿐ T-cest/Incest. ࿐ Proshipping. ࿐ Homophobia. ࿐ Transphobia. ࿐ Racism. ࿐ And any other basic DNI criteria. REQUESTS + ASKS: ࿐ I do NOT do requests outside of requests of my own work, either it being my own ocs, aus or iteration. ࿐ My ask box is always open and I love getting asks/messages (I'm lonely..) ࿐ Please keep it PG in my ask box I'm literally a minor, jokes are fine but keep it at a minimum. ࿐ Don't fucking request NSFW, once again. I am a minor. BOUNDARIES: ࿐ Please don't repost my art or work anywhere. ࿐ If you use my work as your profile picture PLEASE give me proper credit. ࿐ For the love of god, don't flirt with me. I know I'm amazing and hot and all but have some decency 🙄 (/j on the amazing and hot part). ࿐ Don't attack me, if you don't like me or what I do simply just block me. ࿐ Please use tone tags while interacting. ࿐ I also have a tendency to vent and do apologize ahead of time.
(Last edited 9/19/24)
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №21 (3 WEEK ANNIVERSARY WOO)
Education edition!
1. The fault crew get magically teleported to high school. To everyone else they appear as perfectly normal, definitely human, high school age students. Except Phil, he's a professor. Oh also the red is temporarily disabled. They also get a note from me apologizing for sending them into random situations so much and the info that they'll be there for one school day and they'll be teleported back when they exit the school after the school day ends. They also have backpacks with their timetables and any other normal schools stuff they might need. What happens?
2. What would each character's favourite subject be? Why?
3. How much experience does each character actually have with school/the education system?
4. Would Tubbo having dyslexia imply that dyslexia is a condition that affects the soul and not the brain? Considering the fact that I don't think they.. have.. a brain. Can they even get brain damage? Or bruises (doesn't have blood).
5. What would each character be a teacher of if they had to be a teacher?
1.Well Tommy is having the best day of his life making friends and chatting and goofing off. Everyone else is losing their minds. I don’t imagine they’d participate willingly given a major lack of familiarity and general chaotic upheaval, but we’ll assume magic reinforcement. 
Phil is pulling his hair out trying to fake lectures on the fly, but is pretty good once he gets into it. Honestly one of the better substitutes the classes have gotten, given I’ve dealt with neonazi subs in the past. He’s fun and nice but can wrangle everyone enough that they aren’t just feral. Philza is unflappable to various hazing rituals, and somehow gets a class to enjoy a brief meditating session like one of my coworkers managed once. Still don’t know how she got 10 year olds to beg to meditate again…
Tubbo is desperately trying to find a wheel chair so they don’t have to explain the flying thing. And then kinda adores it since it’s so much easier to get around and they’re way less tired than normal since constantly flying on a skeleton crew gives very little time to rest. Unforchie living in the woods makes wheelchairs impractical due to the terrain. They keep going hella fast and accidentally running into walls and stuff. Though it’s probably an awful model that is uncomfortable after a few hours rip. Other than that, becomes THE person for school gossip. Literally knows all the dirt within hours. Cheats their way through all tests and work too because come on they’re an adult they’re not dealing with this bullmuffin. 
Wilbur is mentally dying. He only knows forbidden knowledge and has never done proper math before. Its only understanding of social convention is stuff picked up in crowds and stores, only brief interactions to avoid further attention. Doesn’t understand literally anything that’s happening, and ends up ditching class to try and hide until the school day is over (no concept of how long that is). Starts stress eating really bad. 
The Blade is somewhat shy at first given it’s a bunch of people he doesn’t know, but gets into it. He’s having fun preforming way above grade level and rubbing it in the face of children. But also uuhsghsja in person school is so long and requires consistent attention in a way that is hellish on the adhd. He misses college schedule flexibility and fewer number of hours. 
2.The Blade likes mythology bc he’s a nerd. And also the voices have scraps of information from the past sometimes. Wilbur likes theater because it’s his natural calling. Philza likes science because it keeps evolving all the time and is really funny to compare to previous human theories on how stuff works. Tommy likes art. He’s not like good but he has fun. Tubbo’s a philosophy guy since omg other people with ethics…
3.Wilbur: zilch. Nada. Never really considered how humans seem to know stuff while he’s had to puzzle everything out. Is jealous when it realizes people are just told how to operate and function in society when it had to learn the hard way. 
The Blade: online classes, skimmed through K-12 stuff and then attended proper college. A proud dual major. 
Tubbo: has gone through the school system twice, plus law school. I think Rosalind was like a psychology major but didn’t do anything with it. Jasmine was in year one, and Rhodes gave Tubbo informal schooling. 
Tommy: a high school dropout because the Foundation got him before he could graduate. Was planning to go to college but wasn’t sure what degree to get. 
Philza: a bunch of weird stuff over the millennia. Not stuff really geared towards children, but I figure he’s dipped in with various philosopher and academic circles. I suppose most recently would be Dr. Anderson rambling about his archeology work, since Phil was a big help on his thesis. 
4.Nah not a soul thing at all. Bees have brains. And also very importantly, 2 compound eyes with 6,000 lenses and three ocelli (primitive light receptor eyes). Now that is a lot of images, though a bee brain does combine them like how we combine our two fields of vision. Except, Tubbo also has approximately 1 million eyes when at the 200k population, most of which is not looking at only the words before them. Plus most of those eyes are very very small compared to the letters. This all makes it rather hard for them to read, which Rhodes interpreted as dyslexia.  
Also fun fact only the insectoid body’s eyes can see the color red, since (to my understanding) light operates differently at a small scale so insects operate lower on the light spectrum (ultra violet to orange). But the insectoid eyes are way bigger so they can have human range too. Though Tubbo tends to call things that for them are in the orange range red since obviously when Rhodes was looking at red stuff that’s what he taught them it was. So also partially color blind, or color+ given the ultra violet. 
Tubbo could get temporary brain damage should the majority of bees get brain damage (probably difficult without killing them). But give them a month and those bees will all be dead and replaced. Potentially could get bruise like injuries from internal damage to honey cells, but they’d probably eat the spilled honey. 
5.Phil is a welding teacher because fire and invention. He helps kids make swords and whatever they can think of since he wants to foster human innovation. He can’t be a history teacher because what he has experience with is very spotty and he’d probably argue with the official version of history so much that all his students fail testing.
Wilbur is a gym teacher. Everyday is leg day. It loves designing weird challenges and games and honestly half the kids probably hate it. He always beats them on the mile, definitely not one of those gym teachers that sits and watches the kids exercise. 
Assuming the orphan thing isn’t a problem, The Blade is an English teacher. Preferably for middle schoolers since they’d really vibe with his edgy humor. Everything he grades is always three months late. 
Tommy teaches graphic design. It’s stuff like editing silly videos and photoshop nonsense. It’s very easy to get him off topic to avoid working that class period. 
Tubbo covers home ec with an emphasis on stuff like gardening. They always seem to know when people are acting up, like eyes in the back of their head but a million times worse. 
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misty-zzz · 9 months
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Pst! If you've read this before, then make sure to reread it frequently! i may add or delete some stuff! :3 LAST EDITED: 8/12
sorry this is so long
Hello, hi! You can call me Misty!
I’m the human, furry, raccoon, mantis shrimp, and dragon (sand dragon), starkin, oceankin, therian/otherkin. I’m slightly insane but who cares.
I go by she/her/they/them + neos (star/starself and wave/waveself)
i have adhd and possible undiagnosed autism and dyslexia
(Pink- I talk about a lot.
Orange- a little, not too much.
Blue- I’ve never mentioned, but I am in)
My main interest are:
Object shows <-
will wood <-
camp here and there <-
Tally hall
Lemon demon
Wander over yonder :3
inside out....
the owl house
Vocaloid/project sekai
Murder drones
The amazing digital circus
Five nights at Freddie’s
hazbin hotel
Stardew valley
guys please i am not in the msm fandom anymore, if you came here for those, the posts you saw where old 🙁🙏
Object show oc blog! @lyld-osc
(please ask me stuff 🙏🙏)
fiction kin list because YA:
Yvonne Marley - Camp here and there
Luz - The Owl House
Microphone - inanimate insanity
Cabby - Inanimate insanity (main kin!)
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I am also a young artist, duh. I always try to do something new with my drawings. Here’s some of my favorite pieces of art I made!
I also often post art dumps of traditional arts that I usually draw at school.
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I don’t have many other socials, I blame my parents.
And Pinterest
art fight (TEAM SEAFOAM 🐺🐺🗣️🗣️🗣️
straw page
Yeah I only have those :P
DNI: homo/transphobic, furry/therianphobic, other average dni, like pedo/zoo, pro Israel/zionist, yawn. Yeah.
i dont really care if youre younger or older than me, just if you are older than 18, please just dont be creepy. i will block if youre creepy.
also no sexual stuff, i dont mind jokes (sometimes some jokes can be a bit much), but besides that, nty, reminder, im a minor (im also asexual)
Idk what else to say, enjoy my stuff I guess
if your going to ask me something, dont spam, and i dont like it when you ask something that could easily be a post on your blog. i much rather have actual questions for you guys to get to know me better! and i wont answer all questions, i do see them, i just honestly forget to answer it, and im too embarrassed to answer it 😭
Feel free to use the dividers, I made (most of) them! 
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epic-sorcerer · 4 months
warning: childhood suicide
a 10 year old boy named Sammy teusch was on the news because he committed suicide. Because of bullying. As someone who attempted suicide just 2 days before my 7th birthday, this story hit really, really hard. RIP sammy. I heard on the news that he spent his birthday money on gifts for his parents and his vacation time in Florida picking up trash.
I see that ther were people in the comments shocked that a 10 year old would know about suicide, one even claimed it was “fishy.” I can understand where this point of view can come from if you had a comparably easier childhood.
the rest of this post is to provide context as to what it feels to be a young, bullied kid with suicidal ideation.
the thing is, you don’t need to know about suicide to want it so desperately. I didn’t know about suicide when I was that age. But I DID know people could die. I did know that once a body is dead, there is no pain. And there are no ears to listen to horrible words anymore. Or eyes to see everyone else having fun and being friends with each other.
point is, people can suffer at all ages. So can they be desperate to end it quickly. Some of you reading this may remember the comic I made about my birthday, detailing how I commited suicide due to my greif of my grandmother dying. That is true, but god there was so much more going on that couldn’t fit on 4 panels.
at 3 my parents noticed I had something wrong with me that caused a lot of pain, but I would not be daignosed with AMPS(also known as the suicide disease, so go figure) until I was 7.5 years old. Even then, I wouldn’t really make any headway until extremely recently. I also had undiagnosed adhd, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder(depression), dyslexia and dyscalculia.
I was in constant torture in my mind and body. I was being emotionally abused at home(emotional distress and trauma feeds into amps so it was also physical in a way), had an ableist and just horrible first grade teacher, was isolated from most of my peers if not bullied, had no idea why my head was so stupid and broken, and yeah. My grandmother was dead. Still dead.
of course I wanted to die. Who wouldn’t? I had already been showing self harming behaviors by 5 or 6, so it wasn’t a thought that was out of left feild.
I have memories of my mom driving me to school in the mornings. I would go on monologues about how much I wished to die. Over and over and over. I talked about it like it was a summer vacation, or I guess, a perminant summer vacation. Because that is what it was to me. I belived I had suffered enough in my life and that I was ready to just do away with it. No more suffering. No more suffering.
On November 28th, my grandmother’s death date, I attempted suicide. I wrote a note on my white bored in my room that I was running away. But to please not throw away my stuff just yet incase I come back. Then I left my home. Thankfully my mom got to me quickly and took me home.
I am not so sure hwo to end this, I was not magically cured that day. I even graduated to cutting my feet with sharp objects soon after. But yeah, that’s my story. Questions are extremly welcome, creating awareness about this is important to me so don’t be shy. Thanks for reading
And oh yeah, ok to reblog. Actually encouraged for awareness tbh
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Hi! Really love all your OP posts! Just asking if you could please break up your paragraphs more so they’re easier to read because my dyslexia makes it hard for me to read large walls of text. You don’t have to of course, just thought I’d ask
Of course I will!!!! My partner is also dyslexic so I know how difficult it is sometimes to read like that <3
Since I'm always writing fast af I always forget to break the post into paragraphs, sorry!! But I'll have that in mind <33
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atrustfulplace · 29 days
My reactions (with very little context) to Mo Dao Zu Shi chapters 1-5
I decided to make a post about my thoughts on this novel because i was spamming my friend and she doesn’t deserve that but i still need to get it out there
warning for
-spoilers up until chapter 6 of the novel
-me thinking im funnier than i am
-spelling mistakes (i have dyslexia you can’t make fun of me 🥺)
Misilanous chapter 1-3 thoughts (this was when i was texting my friend)
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-love that he’s like this guy has neat hand writing i approve
chapter 4
-my bestie is like “hmm if im being taken to a courtyard to be murdered by a mob they might as well carry me there.” and honestly? i respect that
-girl that is not what flesh means -> never mind that is what flesh means and i have been using it wrong my whole life i thought it meant skin
-Lan Si Zhui your a real one they treat this dude so badly
-this bitch is like “me??? crazy?? i only said i wanted to kill millions of people and create rivers of blood! is that really so bad?!” and honestly babe yeah it super super is wtf
-don’t victim blame this fucked up vacuum corpse we all desire to steal the fancy banners we see, he was just the only man brave enough to do it
-my good bitch is like “these young innocent children are not able to fight back. So I, out of nobility and a pure heart will stick up for them by being super fucking mean” on one hand go for it dude she deserves it, on the other yeaahhh suuurreee this for the kids and not cause you wanted to yell at someone
-this mom is planning to murder the whole world, good for her tbh
interlude from this gay idiot ~~ my cat is licking her lips in her sleep and snoring she is adorable ~~ back to the story
-for a man so dead set on telling us he wants to kill people he seems surprisingly against killing people
on to chapter 5
-very funny to me that they have a kill count criteria for ghosts
-ok it’s kind of cheesy but i do think the reveal of “unless she was already dead” was cool
-my good friend Lan SiZhui sweats when he thinks, we can’t all be smart it’s ok 😔
-why on gods green fuck does he remember that the family was right handed when he met them earlier. i get why he was sweating now why did he remember that???
-“being dismembered was a classic example of a distressing death” oh really? i’m shocked!
-love that female corpses are all girlbosses
-he’s like FUCK my ex is coming gotta run
-he’s like aww this donkey fucking hates me i’ll take it
final thoughts
the story is good the only bit i struggle with is naming conventions but im sure ill figure it out as i go. The book is funny but part of me is kind of annoyed how they treat mental illness. like i know i am absolutely taking it to seriously but as someone who has a close relative with a lot of the issues they’re poking fun at it seems a little mean spirited idk
for those of you who managed to stick around till the end i reward you with a photo of my cat
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2knightt · 8 months
🎀 or 🌸 don’t matter witch one!
Hello lovely! I love your writing sooo much!!
I'm like 5'8 something around that, and I’m Canadian eh!
I got shaggy brown hair with layers and bangs greenish blue eyes that I’m always getting compliments abt- and I wear glasses!
my style is pretty simple, bootcut jeans and hoodies, and band shirts🤞🏼
personally wise I'm pretty chill, but I got mad adhd and anxiety, so when it comes to my friends I'm more out there and silly goofy-
I like writing and reading (as you know I write fanfic lol) though I have Dyslexia math wise so Im kinda dumb and have a lisp (Lowkey kinda slow)
I'm very touchy and cuddly with people I'm comfy with (physically touch 🤞🏼)
I'm also considered shy!-
(And I can’t choose a fav boi 🥲)
Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day/night 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
oh em gee, hey hon!!<3 it’s so lovely to talk to you again! and i absolutely can!! also—thank you sossoso much!!!1!1!1!1 it means plenty coming from you🤍
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you’d work so well with any of them i feel like…this is a hard choice….
i’m leaning toward either two-bit, sodapop, and ponyboy for some reason.
sodapop in the sense that he’d always be there for you. i feel like you’d enjoy that stability that he’d bring to the table.
two-bit because i feel like he’d match your energy 24/7. both your highs and lows. he’d just follow you to hell honestly
ponyboy becauee idk…u just givr off that vibe..:LET ME COOK
you would jusy be like geeking over smth that you found interesting and he’d be on the sidelines kicking his feet.
“sorry-your eyes look so good right now.”
“thank you! ANYWAYS-“
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fractiouswillbite · 5 months
Hello fellow gamers, I made this blog to spend my free time more on the internet. I may post my art idk, I might draw story’s from working at a vet. You are welcome to hangout here if you don’t mind my descent into madness.
Name: I definitely got one of those
Age: 23 and counting
Pronouns: it/it’s (I will also accept he)
Gender: on the clock I’m a trans man, off the clock I’m nonbinary.
My coolness secret sauce:
- Autism
- Depression
- fibromyalgia
- dyslexia (ignore any typos I do not care abt learning to spell spelling)
My interest
- your mom (haha)
- I’m obsessed with cats (may post my boys)
- veterinary medicine
- evolution games
- becoming more mentally ill
- art
- fantasy and monsters
Anyway bye have fun! I hope you like the stuff here! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Kitty Cat introductions
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Samuel-Iamuel 6 years old
Aka: stinky, smelly, baby of the house, sweet boy, gay boy, etc.
Hobbies include: screaming if he dose not get attention for .25 seconds, eating Prozac for separation anxiety, kissing ppl on the face (sometimes bite), professional bird watcher
Sam was rescued from an animal hoarding situation and is still learning how to be a cat, he is permitted baby size
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Jiji 3 years old 18 pounds of furry
Aka: juicy, juicier, juice, hey no stop that, what the fuck are you eating, how did you even get up there???
Hobbies: BALL, scream for ball when stuck, be the reason ball is stuck, snuggling, stealing blankets for cocoon, carry around favorite toy (webkinz frog named Mr.Froggy), eat plastic
Jiji was found in a field by a guy I met on grinder and hadn’t talked to in over a year, he just messaged me want a kitten, he’s massive
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