#don’t tell her i said that she’d get mad at me. even tho it’s literally smth all cishets do
crxzytogether · 2 days
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Lol I wanna address this even tho nobody asked because I’m mad. Like ship whoever you want as yk this person said but leave it out of our tag-💀 my problems more with the fact that they tagged byler for this post than what they said but yk since they tagged us might as well respond.
Firstly, “ideas planted by your community”? Huh? Girl what- you mean our evidence? You mean our analysis and perceptions and ability to interpret what we’re watching beyond surface level? And honestly after season 4 even surface level melodramas not looking too good- Secondly, what harsh truths were brought up? The lies? Your perception of montauk? which idk sounds a lot like mike and wills relationship to me but to each their own… “they’ve been together since pretty much day one”, “they have a deep connection”, “four seasons of character development”?? Do I even need to explain? Who’s been together since day one? Right mike and will, in the beginning of episode 1 before any of the upside down shit even happens we’re shown that their relationship is different from their relationship with the other party members. A fact that’s proven time and time again throughout season 1 where we see how much more Mike is affected by Will’s disappearance(not tryna negate everybody else’s feelings or reactions but it’s clear that we’re supposed to notice Mike cares slightly more or in a different way). As for the deep connections? Season 2 shed scene ring a bell, the first one of Mike’s monologue that’s an attempt to help someone he cares about that actually works and is completely honest, deep connection boom. And that connections emphasized again in s4 with Will being able to encourage Mike and make him feel better and we already know why it’s special on Will’s side and their whole plot-line that season. Next, “four seasons of character development” im sorry what?, season 1 and season 3 maybe are the only seasons I’d consider they had that meanwhile season 4 I’d say they had character regression because tell me how Mike goes from being able to comfort El about her feeling like she’s a monster but then does a 180 not only unable to comfort her but also make her feel worse-(I’m talking about she didn’t look fine in case you didn’t catch that). Back to s1/s3, s1 where they were friends for the most part is the healthiest their relationship has ever been the entire show- like😭😭it literally just goes downhill from there. Season 2/season 3 their codependency I’m- and season 4 El feeling like she has to lie to Mike about her life and Mike unable to comfort her and also hiding his own interests from her. Like sure the bullying thing I get why she’d hide that maybe not really but El lies about so many things😭😭 she feels like she has to lie to keep up the relationship. THAT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 HEALTHY 👏. Like maybe after they’ve both grown separately I’d consider it but as of now? No sir. Also let me remind you how El confronted Angela and asked her to help El keep up the pretence- SHE STILL DIDN’T FEEL SAFE OR COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TELL MIKE THE TRUTH. That’s not healthy for either of them. My byler agenda aside I still don’t think Mike and El should be together. Lastly, “the fact that Mileven IS endgame”, again I’m sorry what? Have you watched season 5? Have you read the scripts or been on set or talked to anybody working on st5 or work on st5 yourself? No? So then how is that a fact- it’s a prediction, an assumption but it’s not a fact. If after season 5 comes out and it did end up becoming true then you could use that phrase but as of now when you have no idea how season 5 is gonna go you can’t call that a fact. Also rip how are you so confident when Mike and Will are literally attached at the hip so far from what we have seen besides the rooftop convo and if that is enough to convince you then yikes- bc we’ve got like 10 of those to convince us so good luck watching season 5 and have a good day ig
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mars-ipan · 9 months
y’know i think the most annoying thing about trying to discuss reproductive rights with cis people is the complete and utter refusal to include trans people in the discussion. like they will only ever say “women” and if you dare to point it out it’s “well this is all being done to control women” or “‘people with vaginas’/‘people assigned female at birth’ is way too wordy” it drives me fucking crazy
like first off do you seriously think that the people who seek to remove bodily autonomy from women have nothing against trans people. do you think they hold zero ill will towards us. also do you think they view trans afabs as anything other than women.
#marzirants#my mom would say shit like this sometimes and it drove me fucking insane every single time#with her i truly feel like i have to pick my battles#bc 90% of the time she fully understands where i’m coming from! she understood the weird nuances of my queer stuff way better than any other#cishet i’ve met. ESPECIALLY considering she’s in her 50s#but every now and again she says some shit that drives me up a WALLLLL#i remember once i was talking about the language around it#and my mom brings up that she ‘disagrees’ with saying like ‘people with uteruses’ or whatever#and this kinda surprised me (she tends to catch me off guard with it) so i had no actual explanation for her#but i tried anyways i was like ‘well trans folks are affected by this too so it’s important that we’re included in the language’ right#and THIS WOMAN. someone who i know would fucking lay down her life if it were the best way to keep me safe#SAYS TO ME.#‘well this issue is about women. it isn’t about being trans and i don’t think the discussion should be derailed to trans issues’#WHAT????? W. WHAT HUH????#first off. this bitch goes hand in hand with trans issues we are talking bodily autonomy that is a huge trans issue#second of all. WHO THE FUCK IS DERAILING????? WE’RE ON YOUR SIDE WE’RE LITERALLY ASKING TO BE INCLUDED IN THE FIGHT#WH??? BITCH????#my mom is so fucking smart. but sometimes the cishet nonsense overrides her smartness and she says the dumbest shit i have ever heard#don’t tell her i said that she’d get mad at me. even tho it’s literally smth all cishets do
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fodenswhore · 2 years
cobra kai s5 rant
- thoroughly enjoyed this season, i thought it was funny, not as cringey as previous seasons and the fight scenes were so so good. however, there were a few things that really annoyed me or made me question why i have a netflix account. here they are:
pregnancy storyline - when i tell you this plot annoyed the fuck outta me, i mean it. as soon as carmen said ‘i’m late johnny’ i was like oh for fuck sake and i had to pause the tv and resist the urge to smack my head off a wall. it’s such an unnecessary storyline and it aggravated me every time it was mentioned throughout the rest of the season. like, come on writers, could you be any more predictable? and don’t get me wrong, i think babies are cute n stuff, but throwing a baby into a book or a show just ruins it for me. also, johnny runs from all of his problems so who’s to say he won’t do the same when things get challenging with his new baby?
robby - i love love love robby, but the way he gets treated is not it. whilst johnny is funny i’ve come to the realisation that he is a really shitty person. he only acknowledges his own feelings and doesn’t care about anyone else’s - especially robby’s. and robby’s reaction to the pregnancy threw me off guard. he was happy??? he deserves to be angry about it, hell i would be. his dad literally neglected him his whole life and is now having a baby with miguel’s mum? i’d be more than pissed. robby needs a hug and i volunteer to give him one, he deserves the world <3
carmen and johnny - carmen really pissed me off this season idk why, she just did. like babe, how are you gonna have a child with a man who still acts like one😭😭😭 and johnny annoyed me too, he literally prioritised everything over robby. and then when he forced robby and miguel to fight out their issues as if those issues didn’t literally stem from him being a better father figure to miguel than he was an actual father to robby (i am glad they’re all good now tho).
silver - even just his face annoys me, had to hold myself back from punching the tv every time he had a scene. he’s a good villain though.
kenny and kyler - oh my god. i physically recoil anytime kyler has a scene, he’s so cringe it’s actually painful to watch. kenny also annoyed me as well, like bro i think you’ve messed with anthony enough, leave him alone now. and then when he tried intimidating robby and miguel, like honey know your place x
sam - now sam annoys me every season, i reallyyy want to like her but i just can’t. this season however, she did annoy me significantly less than usual. although she did make miguel’s circumstances in mexico about her which was very irritating and then had the audacity to get mad at miguel when he kissed another girl after she’d broken up with him???
okay, rant over. i’m sure there’s more that annoyed me but i can’t remember at the moment. so apart from the pregnancy storyline that it is so stupid, pointless, basic, predictable, annoying, ew and the characters mentioned above (except robby i love him, just the way he was treated annoyed me), the season was really good.
to clarify, i am not hating on the actors at all, i think they all do a brilliant job, this is just my opinion on the characters and storylines which are both entirely fictional :)
times the word annoyed/annoys was used in this rant = 9
- season 6 part 1
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how comfortable i would feel with different stranger things characters
he would be 10/10 but i’d be scared he’d mention what i’ve told him when he was high
i’ve got no idea if being high works like that tho???
but i’d be panicking very hard
like he’s probably use my preferred name instead of my deadname and i’d be like 🧍
would offer me weed to help with my skin picking problems or my mouth pain
fuck you braces and nails
we can ramble to each other :)
my best moments with my friends is of us rambling to each-other and getting off topic every other sentence
she’s very funny we could laugh about anything it’d be great
and i’m also queer so like..yeah, gay people flock together type shit
the cafeteria scene scared me, i’d constantly think he’s about to..like..jump on my sandwich
also he’s too extroverted for me im sorry
i can’t handle that type of attention anywhere near me
he’d probably look at what i was drawing or something and show everyone 🧍
and i’ve got too much anxiety for that soooo…
i can’t really explain in
like, yes, i’d be comfortable, but constantly tense, expecting something, at the same time
like i said, can’t really explain it, sorry lmfao
would make me feel good about myself
between my fashion, music, general interests, being trans and gay, i’d be the Hawkins high punching bag
i already was at my middle school some? like nothing physical but constant shit, it was this group of kids constantly coming over to the tree i hung by and shouting slurs and jesus blah blah
plus the usual barking and being called emo in the halls
he could tell when i’m about to have a breakdown, whatever i’m feeling honestly
the only person i think i’d EVER be comfortable sharing how i actually feel with
he would never judge me
i think he’d like my stupidity and chaos, i usually get really insecure about it but he’d be nice :))
the only way i can interact with a movie/show is to vocally talk about it and my family (reasonably) gets mad but i think he’d enjoy hearing what i think and how i perceive whatever we’d be watching
even outside of movies, they don’t really like hearing me ramble or talk
and if one person did like it, another one would interrupt and they’d forget about me
even my general family issues, he’d be there to listen, and relate on a lot
i also love photography so we could have fun with that!!!
overall he’d be the biggest comfort ever
i’m sorry but i wouldn’t be all that comfortable
i think the biggest thing was how she treated robin
and since i act like robin with the rambling and such, i really think she would not like me
opposite of Jonathan
she’d only get annoyed and i feel like she’d just act like my family when it comes to how i express myself, and would make me feel like shit
maybe she’d actually be really cool once i got to know her
but everything that the shows given me is her pushing away barb, the love triangle, being rude to robin, and supernatural stress, so not quite sure :p
i don’t even need to explain
i would be called slurs and beat up
he was ready to break Gareths fingers
which i guess me just being casual vs him hunting a guy are definitely different situations
but i feel like he’d break something
i’d definitely be a suspect of joint murder forces with eddie lmfao
same thing with jason
but pretty sure he’d also body-shame me
unless if we were around people
but still -3/10
Same thing as Jonathan
but i’m closer to wills age so i think it’d be better :)
plus he at least used to play with legos and i fucking love legos
also we could draw DnD characters together!!
he’s gonna love my literal dragonborn himbo that wears sunglasses
i’d love to be in a byers-hopper family campaign with him :))
gays flock together again
he’s super duper fucking nice and would always be considerate of everything
would not judge me
except in a funny way
he could help me out if i ever had relationship issues
he can climb trees i think? i feel like he climbed one in season one or two
if he can, i’d love to go tree climbing with him
i used to play basketball so we could play together!!
he’s awesome
i can’t really explain why he’s only 8
i would, however, love to go and open curiosity doors and do random shit
i’m gonna train demodogs with him
would love to tease steve with him
nothing really special, just chill :)
again, would love to do a whole family campaign
i’d like making fun presentations with her like she did for the school project
would enjoy doing stuff like how she and max did, i love clothes shopping, because i can express myself- and that was the whole point for her clothes shopping!
i’d absolutely love to do that with her :))
would maybe make fun of me a little bit?
sometimes in a funny friend way but sometimes in an actual way
i don’t think i’d be able to tell which is which so i’d be sad each time🧍
would love being chaotic with her and torturing mike (i’m sorry mike)
pulling pranks on everyone definitely
depends which season
1-2 is 10/10
3-4 is slowly declining…
i’m very childish (although i am a child so doesn’t really count) and i love doing thing how will does, and i’d too, be asking to play
would feel the worst feeling if he ever yelled at me like he did to will :(
although that’s on byler drama, so he wouldn’t yell at me like that
would make me feel both appreciated and highly judged
it switches every day honestly
but season 1-2 would be great <3
after he gets his byler drama sorted out he’d be back to 10/10
depends if she’s insulting me or not
but if she’s insulting me then i probably did something first so it’d be my fault
but overall she’d be super cool to hang with!
and she’s super smart- if i pay her, maybe she’ll do my math homework 😭
i haven’t nt watched my little pony in years (and obviously not the 80s one she watched) but i think i’d watch it so we could talk bout it
and talk with dustin too about it
cause he watches my little pony too
As great a mom as she is, she barley ever payed attention to Jonathan
like, never
i would trust her to save me, yeah, absolutely, she’d do anything
but like i said with Jonathan..
overall though i suppose really good, she’d be fun to hang out with
dudes SCARY
yells too much
i’m generally spooked by older people, especially older men sooo yeah 🧍
that wouldn’t help
would constantly feel like a disappointment even if that’s not what he wanted
every so often a really good moment
maybe a heart to heart that’d boost him up a few numbers
as funny as he is, if he started talking about my relationship, i’d punch him
not actually i’m a coward but i’d mentally punch him
if he never talked about relationships then he could be a good 8/10 or something
nothing too special even then, just casual
gets -1 point because old men scare me lmfao
other than that i’d love to play his brain games and learn about the radios and such
great guy :((
would love to have him as an uncle :))
would like to listen to me ramble!
he jon and i can have camera sessions
again, -1 point for old man
but specifically during season four i kinda wished i had a dad a lil bit like him
i think the food got to me
and him trying to go against brenner
“kiddo” hit me hard
would not enjoy in the other seasons tho, no trust, thus no comfort at all
Mr Clark
once more, -1 for old man
but he’s super nice to the kids 😭
and always helps them solve the Upsidedown mystery of the year
where was he this season????
only teacher i could actually go up to and ask for help
would LOVE to have him as a dad
he’d also definitely enjoy to hear my ramblings, especially if they’ve got anything to do with science
i ramble about time travel and mythological creatures a lot (especially dragons and how they would have been) and i’d think he’d enjoy ny special interests of curiosity doors
would love to go to the fair with him and get all the stuffed animals
and watch cartoons and eat slushes i think it’d be great fun
wanna have murray deal with both of us
harhar the old man will never know what hit him
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velveticamoon · 4 years
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these totally weren’t supposed to go up yesterday ahaha- 
P.S: this is my first writing post!! i thought it would be an easier transition by writing hc’s, and i got my friend saniya (@bokesaniyaboke) to help me out with writing them, so i hope y’all enjoy :) (enjoy our 2 am chaos-)
i have more writing planned for the future too, and decided that i’ll be writing for: 
- attack on titan
- bungou stray dogs 
- free!
- fugou keiji: balance unlimited. 
don’t be shy to send in your requests, i’m more than happy to do them ;) 
anyways, i hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you want more! and to those of you that celebrated, hope you had a merry Christmas :) 
Decorating the house with him!! Except he’d be trying to get out of doing it at first lol
He’d be pissed about the mess that would come with decorating the house 
But if you keep pestering him enough he’ll eventually give in lol 
He’d be very meticulous about which decorations go where, but you’re just gonna have to put up with that 
Pls don’t complain too much, he really wouldn’t be doing it with anyone else 
(in the words of saniya: “ur the only exception be happy about that)
Idk why but i feel like he’d be really good at hanging up the lights?? With the placement and whatnot? 
He probably has a very keen aesthetic eye i feel like (saniya: “pinterest but as a person vibes”)  
At the end of it, while y’all are sitting on the couch drinking some tea, he quietly mumbles how he likes the work you two did 
But you felt like teasing him and he got all huffy and said it louder, obviously calling you a brat right after cuz why wouldn’t he 
Ask him to make gingerbread houses!! pls he’d be so excited about it 
He’d even go to the store himself and get all the supplies on his way home and you both wouldn’t waste a minute to start a baby
Look he’d start getting competitive (pls we all know how he is) and would turn it into a competition so be prepared for that lol 
But when his gingerbread house falls over he starts getting angry
Proceeds to drive to the company’s factory to break it down in his titan form (there’s no stopping him now) 
Gets Armin to join him and they smash the houses in their titan forms together LMFAOFNDND PLEASE IM WHEEZING- 
But for real, he’d probably get pouty, and turn into a whiny baby
Don’t call him out on it though he’ll just get even worse lol  
Shower him with kisses right after and he’ll be blushy but he’s fine dw about it 
He’ll get over himself eventually and then proceed to ask with a boyish grin on his face if you wanna give up and just eat the houses as they are 
Y’all end up with stomach aches but it’s fine he makes it a little more bearable :))
Making ornaments (pls it’d be so cutenjdjn)
Saniya: “she would stab me with an ornament and i’d say thank you” 
Comfortable silence with a little chatter here and there
Every now and then she rests her head on your shoulder (softie) 
Just like Armin, getting super flustered and blushy when you compliment her 
She helps hang the ornaments onto the tree and the tree turns out to look so pretty
Would take your hand and sit the two of you on the couch and just admire the tree in silence 
It’s so comforting you slowly feel like you’re about to fall asleep 
Make her some hot chocolate pls all she really wants is to cherish this atmosphere the two of you have created, all huddled up on the couch together 
She’d totally fall asleep cause the girl’s always working in overdrive pls does she even sleep-
Make sure she’s warm alright?? If u don’t i’ll stab you ;)
Watches hallmark movies with you, only to make fun of them (romance at it’s finest amirite) 
Popcorn fights while watching them 
Will get mad when you see a horse and say “look it’s you horse face” 
He says the dumbest pick up lines during the movie as an attempt to impress you 
“hey y/n, can i have your picture so i can show santa what i want for christmas?” 
“jean, we’re literally dating-” 
Something romantic will happen in the movie and Jean will continuously ask you to recreate that scene. “y/n can we-“ “if your about to ask me if you can spin me whilst ice skating, then no” “aw :(“ 
Oh to be spun by jean while ice skating- but that’s not the point 
Wrap him up in a blanket while watching the movies, he’ll melt 
Call him out on it and he’ll turn into ereh 2.0 (aka another whiny baby) 
Jkjk but he’ll definitely try to deny it cuz u know he’s a “biG oL maNLy maN” but he’s a softie ;)
Making holiday cards with him 
When you bring up the idea his face lights up instantly it’s the cutest thing omg
I can see him bringing his own supplies to help with getting started
Envelopes, letter paper, markers. Hell, he’ll show up with glitter markers (those things are god-tier istg-)
he gets super flustered and red when you compliment his card
If you mess up on your card he’s totally gonna be there to cheer you up!!
“Hey don’t worry, you can just start on a new one :D”
He probably won’t ask but he lowkey wants the card you messed up on cuz he thinks it’s cute
Makes cards for everyone and then takes you with him to deliver them
Would be really shy at the post office cuz he’s never done this before 
*cue you falling even more head over heels for him because he’s just so?? endearing?? it’s insane??*
Eventually, he gets the hang of it and ends up having a really fun time :D
Let him be the one to place the stamps on the envelopes, it’s ~therapeutic~ for him 
Overall, he’s probably the best person if you wanna use this as a healing opportunity tbh, the entire day is just filled with the calmest atmosphere one could wish for, and the smiles never leave your faces, even after you’ve finished
Snowball fights w/ our resident baldy jKJKJK
Pls you wouldn’t even plan for it to happen 
It just kinda,, did,, 
Y’all we’re walking through the park, on your way back from lunch or something 
But you decided to make a pit-stop at the park cuz you saw an ice cream truck (do y’all know how rare those are in winter?? I’d be running to get to it pls i have no self-control) 
Anyways, other ppl had the same idea, so now y’all were standing in line waiting 
As he was looking around, his eyes landed on some other kids throwing snowballs at each other, and ideas started forming in his head uh oh-
And there just so happened to be a pile of snow right next to his feet- 
Y’all can probably guess what happened- 
“Hey y/n” “yeah-?” *throws it right at your face* 
And so the war begins 
Two words: S N O W  F O R T S. pls ppl would be concerned as they walked by and saw y’all just trying to fucking PUMMEL each other (sounds like fun tho i wanna do it now :( haven’t done it in years pls-) 
But you have to stop it before one of you gets hypothermia considering how long y’all have been going at it 
Anyways, he’ll buy you a hot chocolate to make up for making you frozen to the bone dw :)
Popcorn and cranberry garland 
Look away for one second and the popcorn is gone but you don’t really mind
Make sure to bring a second batch of the popcorn because the first one WILL be gone 
(maybe even a third stashed away-)
She’s really excited about it tho!! But didn’t expect it to take so long omg 
I imagine her to be really clumsy while making them, so pull a move straight out of a cheesy romance movie and help her out while holding her hands ;) 
She probably won’t notice what’s going on for a good minute tho 
Pls be patient she’s doing her best 😔🤚🏻
But once she does she has the cutest blush on her face pls (i just love her a lot can y’all tell-) 
She’ll eventually get the hang of it and you both make really pretty garlands!!
She suggests hanging it up in the bathroom as a snack pls-
Caroling with them omfg- 
It’s gonna be chaotic
The neighbors hate y’all but its fine 
Look man if ur like me and can’t handle people being loud all the time bring earplugs cuz it’s gonna get L O U D
But if you tell them that their screeching is giving you a headache they’ll absolutely tone it down!!
But don’t be surprised when they inevitably forget about that-
But if you're more energetic than I am then have at it ;) 
Pls me and my lazy ass could never handle that- 
Anyways when y’all reach the houses where they refuse to open the door?? Hanji’s breaking that shit down and hollering into their house at the top of their lungs
Ur literally gonna have to drag them away before someone calls the cops 
Moblit pls get over here and collect them I’m begging u dude-
Don’t be surprised if y’all spend the night in jail that’s just how it’s gonna be oops 
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bunchofstraydogs · 3 years
You asked for it :> So may I request the rest of BSD playing Genshin? 😘🥰
Darling, since I can't write that many characters in one go, I thought I should give you something special. I present... 💫 women 💫
Women of BSD as Genshin Impact players
tw: you're in bsd fandom, you know all the tw there are by now
Kyouka Izumi- Assasin in the streets, babysitter in the... Genshin Impact
Kyouka is that cute, stubborn kid that overfixates on things. Atsushi is things. Look, we all know Kyo-chan is mad intelligent and talented and it shows in her game play. Right off the bat she got the sense of the gameplay of every type of character and decided what works best for her. She knows what type of team she's going for and knows how to manage her materials wisely.
When she plays alone, Kyouka works towards bettering her characters and pushing through the storyline. Her favourite way to play the game is with Atsushi, whether alone or in co-op with others. Playing with Jinko is a huge win-win situation for her - she helps him beat up whatever he needs to take down and complete puzzles, he gives her praises and gratitude. And materials, but seldom does she take them.
Her main job, though, is to protect Atsushi and his world from the otherworldly evil known as the suicidal maniac, Dazai Osamu. She's fairly successful.
Main Team: MC, Klee, Keqing, Rosaria
Sub Team: MC, Qiqi, Fischl, Hu Tao
Mains MC, both for her flexibility with elements and because she likes being the little sister to Atsushi's male MC.
Yosano Akiko- retired nurse, now a terrorist
Did you really think she'd stay a healer without having the sadistic satisfaction of hurting people in grotesque ways? Nay. She doesn't have a single healer on team. She either has a teammate who's a healer like Haruno, or she wastes abundance of food until she can teleport to a statue of the seven.
Her game play is on crack, basically. She has several energy spurs, sometimes several times a day, where she rages through the game, before losing interest and going shopping. It's very possible with her that days can pass before she feels like playing again. Then she binges the game for hours and repeat.
When i say she acts like on crack i mean it. She has rage in her veins instead of blood. She tanks her characters and goes out looking for fights with worst possible opponents. Hell, she'll under equip her party just to see how many mofos can she take down in weak state. Spoilers, a fair few. She does die quite a bit, and is almost always out of food, but she's just as stubborn as she's crazy. Those two thing correlate probably. Which is why she made Azdaha her bitch. Her party consists either of strong, hot milfs women like herself, or twinks. You won't see someone like Childe disrespecting her vibe.
Main Team: Beido, Venti, Hu Tao, Rozaria
Sub Team: Lisa, Yanfei, Ningguang, Xingqiu
Beido and Lisa main. Bad bitches only.
Naomi Tanizaki- the fangirl player
She basically collects the cutest characters possible.. That's how she chooses her characters, based on cuteness. She went for the hot ones first to pull her brother but she got jealous and changed her tactic. You know she's spending her money on character skins and certain banners. She's insanely lucky tho?? She got Qiqi on the standard banner as her first 5*, pulled Klee on her banner in little over four 10 pulles and got Diona eventually anyway. Baraba and Xiangling were free and she mained Xiangling untill Klee rolled in. She spent some money on Venti and was already in pity when Ganyu came around. She's fully ready to whale for Kokomi though.
Now i know i said she's incredibly lucky, right? Yeahh that luck has to turn against something to keep the balance and well... she's still crying over Chongyun.
She usually co-ops with her brother, it's a daily ritual. Loves co oping with everyone though, mostly Haruno, Atsushi and Kyouka. She made online friends as well. Actually, there is one person she co ops with almost as much as she does with her brother. IchiGawa is her Genshin bestie and they talk about their crushes and infatuations besides the game itself. Her friend is the only secret she keeps from her brother.
Main Team: Klee, Diona, Venti, Barbara
Sub Team: Razor, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Qiqi
A Klee main.
Haruno Kirako- the healer
Literal angel. You need her, i need her, ADA needs her, the president needs her, just... yes. Her whole team consists of support- healers and crowd control characters. She was a f2p at first, but realised she earns her own money and can spend it however she wishes and she chose the monthly cards.
She's a necessity, point blank. She can get intimidated by new foe at first, but when backed up by her friends, she becomes determined and flexible. Pays good attention to her teammates, most importantly, their health bars, and acts accordingly.
The only reason most of them made it as far as they have, being as reckless as they are.
Main Team: Albedo, Barbara, Jean, Venti
Sub Team: Qiqi, Noel, Jean, Xinyan
Mains Albedo and Barbara
Fan fact: She's very fascinated infatuated with Albedo!! He's even her home screen and has posters and key chain of him.
Gin Akutagawa- that cottagecore assassin
You may be wondering what that could even mean. Let me tell you, she brought Animal Crossing to Genshin Impact. Sure she takes care of her characters and they're pretty powerful, but she kicks ass in real life as well. The game is her little getaway, especially since Serenity pot has been introduced. She's been making away her home for her and her brother characters. You can see her chop wood, collect materials, taking pictures with her friends and her brother, sometimes of pretty scenery and cute moments. A very wholesome player.
She's the type to help her friends explore their world and help them find oculi, open chests, shrines, collect flowers, mine... She's very patient, but if she sees her co-op teammates struggle with something, she'll jump in to help do it herself untill told to back off. In which case she will listen and silently give her support, usually with the cheering stickers in the chat.
She's f2p! Sure, she could get the monthly card at least, as Ryunosuke told her, but she really wants to enjoy the game on her own terms and have what she does through her own effort and hard work. It just feels satisfying to her and more personal.
Main Team: Jean, Ayaka, Diluc, Barbara
Sub Team: Doesn't have one! She just changes characters if certain elements are needed.
Jean main!! She admirers the relationship her and Barbara have. While she's the younger of the two, she's taken the mantle of the older sibling, in a way, and is looking after her reckless as heck brother and cares for him like Jean does for Barbara. Jean is also a wonderful person in her eyes and Gin harbours great respect for the blonde.
Higuchi Ichiyo- IchiGawa 🤡
I love Higuchi so much, but my girl is a mess and a half. Help her, please. No, really, she needs help. She's been over compensating for not being dramatic and eye catching in the battlefield, and has now found a new way to prove herself to her Akutagawa-san. Problem is, as soon as she sees a potentially powerful character, she has to get them and boost them to the havens... yeahh, good thing you can't do loans in the game, otherwise she'd have sharks on her ass for having a bill as dramatic and eye catching as Tsunade's from Naruto. Our girl out there turning heads for wrong reasons. She's definitely spent her pay checks on the game "oh no no, i just buy the monthly subscription, ehe" ehe my ass, you bankrupt bitch. Baal is coming and she's looking to sell a kidney. No, it's not her own and no, it doesn't have anything to do with the game. It's a mission, for God's sake.
But hey, the game is a good investment for her! She even made a friend, one that totally understands her how she feels!! They're very alike as well, ready to do anything for the person they love. The two talk about love a lot and have bonded over it. Higuchi is actually a jealous and a protective type of person, so she hides her friend from Gin and Tachihara like snake hides it's legs. If only they knew 🤡. But it's better this way as they both have a certain sense of normalcy and familiarity they were missing in their daily lives. (Higuchi and Naomi meeting scenario when?)
Main Team: Xiao, Fischl, Xingqiu, Diluc
Sub Team: Baal (soon?), Venti, Ganyu, Zhongli
She mains Xiao because he reminds her of Akutagawa-san and yes, she uses characters from her sub team when playing with others.
Fan Fact: when she was asked why her username is IchiGawa, she said she's like a river 🤡 No, it does absolutely not stand for Ichiyo Akutagawa.
Ozaki Kouyo- the husbando and loli collector
Don't get the wrong idea when i said loli collector. She just needs to adopt them and look after them. She also enjoys watching her precious babies kick ass like her Kyouka. But that's a two way sword, because she gets angry when they die. Savage.
And yeahh, the real reason she's playing the game... Mr Zhongli. She switches often between eng and jpn audios because she can't decide which sounds sexier. Also, Mr Diluc? Yes, she would like to be served one sex on the beach please and thank you! Ah, Mr Kaeya, a perfect window of opportunity, yes.
She has a huge spot for the teenager group as well. Razor, Bennett, Fishl, Xiangling, Xingqiu and Chongyun are also her kids. She just finds them very precious (don't we all?).
Main Team: Zhongli, Kaeya, Bennett, Diluc
Sub Team: Diona, Klee, Qiqi, Sayu
A Zhongli and Diluc main.
Elise- the evil lackadaisical player
Mori found out about the game from Higuchi and Tachihara and introduced it to Elise, telling her she should make a team of sweet little girls like herself and have fun going on adventures around Teyvat. In response, Elise made a team that, not only does it not have a single child in it, but is using it to gaslight and bully Rintarou.
"Why aren't you smart and inventive like Albedo?"
"Why aren't you as passionate and persistent as Sucrose?"
"Look how capable, loved and admired Ningguang is. You could never."
"I wish i had someone as strong, caring, handsome and rich like Childe looking after me. He would treat me like a real princess. "
Mori has been crying rivers ever since.
Thing is, Elise isn't even that interest in the story. Actually, she couldn't care less. Some characters are interesting to her and she likes the graphics, but other than that, she's mostly playing the game to torture the greasy doctor (as she should).
Main Team: Albedo, Sucrose, Ningguang, Childe
Sub Team: doesn't have one
Doesn't have a main either, she plays whoever she feels like playing.
I wanted to add Lucy too, but my mind wasn't cooperating ;-; Sorry about that. I do hope you liked this, Eli 💛
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leahseclipse · 3 years
Souvenirs, secrets and coffee dates
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: Suspicions about a possible partner rise when Spencer starts buying souvenirs and closely monitoring his phone more than he usually does; as he plans a few surprises for his beloved partner in secret.
Warnings: Mentions of case, usual cm stuff, slight mentions of death, loss of a person (not concerning any of the characters; only mentioned in a few paras)
Category: Fluff
Word count: 11.6k
A/N: Hello!! This fic is another fic I accidentally wrote for an event, for @sunlight-moonrise​ !! sorry if some moments are badly written,,,,hope you enjoy tho!!
The total fic is 25.1k, so i preferred to cut it in two parts so it wouldn’t be too long.
Continuation of Dear diary
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         After we got together, days quickly got to weeks, weeks to months, and...now
It’s been more than a year.
Time went by more quickly than I thought it ever would, I often think about that diary that allowed the two of us to meet.
I'm glad that she had it in the first place, and that she lost it after. If she didn't have it, she would have either left a book that belonged to the library, (so, not many chances to find her, or even know she exists, you know), or possibly an item that could have her information, like a phone, or whatever she could have left, but, she could have remembered about the diary and take it.
If it would have happened, we wouldn't have talked, and we still wouldn't be, as I just did a few minutes ago on the phone.
And now that I think about it, It’s been a while since I haven’t seen y/n. 
Even though we always talk on the phone, it's not quite the same.
I’m always thinking about her, especially when I’m away on a case and the only thing that allows us to see the other is through a cell phone. 
I tried not to let her know I’m tired, I don’t want her to worry too much, she’s the type of person to freak out about the smallest thing, and I wouldn’t really like her to. 
She worries enough when I’m away, so I wouldn’t like y/n to have another problem to worry about until I get back.
I hate to let her know;  but if there was a word to describe the week I just spent; 
It’d definitely be that one, 100%.
Every single case is exhausting, especially when It’d last more than intended; when the profile has to be done again because of sudden changes, when leads turned out to be fake, or don’t make the case progress in any way, and a ton of reasons that if were to be enunciated, would be worth a encyclopedia long. 
We all know from the moment we’re announced of a case that we'll come back from it completely dead because of the non-existent sleep we would have had. 
One week earlier, I thought it’d be different from usual, and I turned out to be...completely wrong. I had woken up at 3am in a start, just an hour after I had gone to bed with y/n.
She had woken up when I happened to be in the middle of the call, and locked her eyes in mine when I had turned her way while on the phone.
Y/N already knew from the moment I received the call that it meant that I had to go, it had been a few months since we had been together, so she knew the song well after she happened to witness six or seven of the calls.
I knew she didn’t mind because I had to do my job, she has always been very understanding about my work. 
Of course, I think that the fact that I have to go away for god knows how long upsets her, but not in a hateful way.
I sometimes wonder if she actually really minds the fact that I would go; even though she always says that she doesn’t. 
Whenever I go on a case, I don’t even know when I’ll come back. I’m not coming back in three months, but not two days later. 
All we can do to let the other know we’re okay is to call, or send a message; when we happen to have spare time to do it in between breaks.
Well, speaking of calls, these are often calls I have to do when no one else I know is around. I haven’t told any of my colleagues that I’ve been dating her.
I still wonder to this day if it’s because they never mentioned it, saw it, because I didn’t want them to know, or even….both.
I guess it was okay that way, they didn’t know, and nothing changed. We’d still talk the same way as when I wasn’t with her, except for some details, which makes me come back to the ‘talk with her when no one else is around’ topic. 
As I am an idiot in love, I can’t help but smile whenever I talk to her, I just can’t help it. I always like to hear about her day, how she’s doing, talk about whenever we both have in mind, I just even appreciate hearing her. But, all that I’m doing when I’m with her isn’t something I can do when I’m around others.
They’d immediately want to know the reason of my behavior, which would certainly go up all the way to Garcia that would certainly harass me about it for weeks, probably with hundreds of mails and texts, as I have to use my computer for mail work, and my phone for cases, so...texting while no one is around is a much better solution.
I don’t think she minds either. She likes to hear about them, but she never mentions seeing them that often, I think she likes the whole ‘secret’ relationship stuff, she kind of sees it like a game in which you would have to go through levels, without being caught by the villains and eventually, lose the game, so, being discovered.
It wouldn’t be that bad if they’d find out, they’d just probably ask themselves why I wouldn’t have told it, or how they didn’t find out, but overall, I think they’d be happy.
But, I like it that way, when we’re together, we’re in our bubble, it’s just the two of us, no one else. 
We always try not to mention work, as it mainly is the reason we can’t see each other most of the time, which is...a bit more for me, as I’m often still on a case when she happens to not be at work.
I would like to say that the little time we get to spend together is always enough, but when we finally get time, and I get called, it isn't quite enough.
I always wish I could be there more often, I'm at work most of the time and I'm afraid it could somehow impact our relationship; even if again, it isn’t a bother at all to y/n.
One of my worries when we started dating was that she'd feel frustrated because of that; the fact that I'm not here as often as she'd like me to be, that I'm busy when she's not.
I sometimes have to call her to tell that I won’t be able to make it home after I originally told her that I would come.
At first, she didn’t know what I was doing, even when I’d call her. I didn’t even tell y/n at the library back then.
I just mentioned once that it was an office job, and I don’t think she really had a problem with it, she wouldn't force much on the subject.
And now that I think of it,, it wouldn’t have changed much about our relationship if I had exactly said what I was doing.
The way she had discovered it was really odd, but...not that bad.
I had come to her apartment after she was done with work, and I had shortly gone to the bathroom after entering.
 I had left my coat on the table, so she had decided to put it on a chair for me.
What happened next would probably seem stupid and cliché if I'd tell it to anyone, but my badge had slipped out from it and naturally, she picked up what just fell on the ground.
I had crossed the door of the bathroom to see her staring at it, with a confused and kind of surprised look.
It was a mix of these two emotions, I'd say.
I didn't exactly plan for her to find out like that, but I think that when I had previously mentioned an office job, she didn't quite expect that kind of office job.
Which stays understandable, as you don't necessarily think about them literally working at the FBI itself when an office job is mentioned.
And the thing is that, it isn't even a full office job, as I am literally...risking my life out on the field and have a chance to get injured, and uh…in the worst scenario, not make it alive.
So, I think that the fact that I didn't want her to know was to kind of, protect her so she wouldn't worry while I'm at work, asking herself if the last time she would ever see me would be when I had left for work in a hurry.
Yeah, I know, it's kind of morbid to think of it, but, I can't really ignore them at the same time.
They’re mostly the risks that are included, I was completely aware of that when I had entered, so...I can't really complain about anything. No one forced me, it really was a decision that I made alone.
But, it went well overall. 
We can say that she was surprised, that is a fact.
But she wasn't mad that I didn't tell her. She understood that I didn't want her to know because of the stuff that makes my job risky, which can be scary, but she was supportive. 
She asked me a bunch of questions after that, they all were various and different. I felt like I was a teacher answering questions of a kid, considering how energetic y/n was.
Eventually, the subject of the jet, that I'd travel from one state to another came, and that's when I felt like something lightened inside her.
She had never mentioned it back then, so that way, we both had a common point, a small secret that the other didn’t know.
She had begun talking about her passion of travelling, discovering places she wondered what could be made of, how it was, she always was curious to know more, she'd go wherever her mind would tell her to...which was funny, as the mind would often lead her to the same place, many times, strangely.
Y/N also had the habit of taking books from different places. I remember her having copies of the same book, but each were in a different language. 
She didn’t do it with all of her books, because if she did, she’d have to literally dedicate a whole room to store them.
She hasn't been able to travel much after she started working full time, with little vacation time. But if she didn’t have this full time job, she’d travel as much as possible. 
So, I had a small idea. 
As I'd often travel, I could possibly grab a souvenir from the state I'm in, and give it to her. I thought it could be fun, she also liked collecting objects from the places she'd go to, so, I thought she would probably like the idea.
I didn't say that I planned to do it the first time, I did want to surprise her, even if I was already doing it when I'd come home when she thought I wouldn’t.
It always was a surprise to see me coming back, neither of us knew when it'd be done, so I would rarely get to tell her when I could be back. 
But, the gifts I began doing were very special, it meant something to her, what she liked, and eventually, to me. 
She meant everything to me and if that was making her happy, it truly was all that mattered in that moment.
The first souvenir I had purchased when I happened to be in California, we had just wrapped up the case; when I had decided to wander around, not far from where the jet was.
I had already gone around quite a few times since the beginning of my career, so I knew where I was going.
That’s when my eyes laid on a shop I hadn't seen before. It must have opened recently; but it really seemed nice at first sight. It sold a bunch of souvenirs, some related to the state’s local traditions, or some cute stuff with the name of the state on it. 
As I quietly entered the small shop and walked a bit around, I noticed a small keychain of a bee next to a honeycomb.
Two details above the name of the state written in calligraphy could be seen; so after a bit of thinking, millions of questions whether it was nice or not, I just decided to take it.
I hadn't even realized that I had spent a whole hour in it stressing over what could be fine and what wasn’t.
It basically was a call from Morgan that made me realize that I had been there for almost an hour.
I did eventually make my way back to where the group was, I didn't even know they were actually there because they were waiting for me, for...a bit of time.
I had just told them some kind of excuse, and even if I think they didn’t quite believe it 100%, the subject had been quickly changed. I think they kind of forgot about it after.
I didn’t have many relatives in California, and they hadn’t seen the reason for my prolonged absence this time. 
It’s just that, even if it had been almost half a year, I still wasn’t quite ready, I still wanted everything to be the two of us, for a bit more. We didn’t have a deadline or anything, so we could take as much time as possible to decide about it.
I don’t think they’ll be angry, just really surprised that I hid the fact that I had a girlfriend from them for a while now. 
They just probably won’t have thought that the genius of the BAU would spend his free time with his girlfriend, and not with books and paperwork as they expect me to, and as I always did.
So, they'll know that I didn’t answer my phone because I had muted it when I was with her. 
They probably won’t believe it at all at first.
They'll probably think of a prank, but when it’s gonna hit, I think I have to get ready for a week of questions and conversations about the fact that the genius got a girlfriend.
I know it isn’t mean at all, they’ll just be surprised, and happy for me, but, every time I try to talk to them, thinking they chose to abandon the subject, they’ll immediately try to talk about it.
It’ll have to happen eventually -if they do find out- but I still want it to stay secret for now.
The fact that I also buy stuff for her can also be seen as a sort of top-secret mission, if -of course- the words that I’m using aren’t too exaggerated. 
I don’t usually buy souvenirs for myself, so if they see me doing it, I think they’ll try to think if it isn’t for someone else. 
But, are they going to think it’s for my mother, or directly for a possible girlfriend? 
I tend to stutter when I get nervous sometimes, and as it’ll be about y/n, I might not manage to stay serious.
I’m supposed to not let them know I have a girlfriend, even if I really want them to know.
I kind of feel bad, because that looks like I don’t want them to know because I don’t like her, but that’s the complete opposite.
I love her more than anything, and the fact that I don’t want her to be involved with my work is because I mostly want her to be safe.
There's been many cases where various members of the team, or even people working near us, had to witness their loved ones getting involved in a case, and I wouldn’t want that to happen to y/n at all.
I know that one day or another, we’ll tell them, and that when the day comes, I’ll have to make sure nothing happens by calling her every second to know if she’s okay.
I’ll be worried as hell for her, even if that doesn’t mean that she’ll immediately get targeted, I’m just a worried mess about that. 
I’m probably the only one thinking about that, constantly.
Does it make me sound crazy? Yes and no at the same time, if I ever were to answer that question in an honest way. 
I just tend to imagine scenarios that probably have no chance of ever happening when it comes to someone that I deeply care about, which is...basically the whole team, my mom, and her. 
So: literally everyone in my life right now.
Back to where I was, it’s better not to let anything slip out, even if I do feel like...it isn’t the thing I’d usually do.
It..isn’t quite something people would expect me to do. 
Maybe I’ll talk to her about it when I come back, it may be a good time, I guess.
Whether the choice would be, I'll still keep bringing her souvenirs as I always did, she likes them every time, and even displayed some a bit everywhere around her apartment.
This kind of became a tradition between us.
Y/N would often do the same by organiszing nights where I'd be the one deciding what we would do, which would be watching doctor who till 2AM most of the time.
I wonder if she doesn’t hate me after that.
I do hope we’ll get to it often.
I do miss that.
When was the last time I got a moment to breathe without having to worry about the work waiting for me outside?
A while ago, if I had to be honest with myself.
I don’t even feel like thinking about it, it’s really depressing.
It’s been a while now since the last time I had time to talk with y/n, because trust me, I’ve never been waiting that much for a break to get to call her than for something else.
I’m just waiting for just a minute to get to talk, but the odds aren’t going in my favor today apparently. It kind of makes me feel bad to just send a text, I know she’ll understand I’m busy with work and can’t call, but still, I prefer to call her over than texting words.
I tend to prefer to hear her voice and get her to talk if I ever hear worry in her voice, because I always know that she tends to not say everything in texts, I understand her on that one, a message and an actual conversation isn’t the same.
 You can’t really figure out the mood of the person in texts, it’s just commas, points, but otherwise, it’s up to you to guess whether they just typed like that or if something is up.
I just like to know if she’s okay, I wouldn’t want her to spend the day feeling down, and not talk about it because I’m either busy, or because she’s afraid it might add more stress than I already have because of my job. 
But I’d never refrain y/n from talking about what bothers her, on the contrary, I always want to know what’s in her thoughts, I’m often absent, so at least, I’d prefer to know she feels okay, because otherwise, I won’t stop worrying until I know.
I haven't forgotten about the souvenir tradition either. 
It's been a while since I've been doing that, and we both have begun liking it more and more each time, I get to talk to her about the place I got it from, and sometimes, I even end up rambling about the case.
She also tells me stuff about the place if she visited it, or if she didn't; places that make her think of the place the souvenir was from, it's always interesting to have these conversations, we both get to learn stuff.
When these kinds of conversations occur, we either continue the subject or change it, and don't even notice how much time we spend talking.
Our best record is 2:54AM. Let's hope we don't go further next time we have a chat; because we always end up regretting it the next morning. 
Considering the lack of sleep I have, and how late I go because of my work, sleeping late on my days off isn't helping at all.
It only makes it worse for when I'll actually get back to work, so, we'll try not to stay up that late and sleep to at least enjoy the sleep I usually don't have when on a case.
I’m always saying that, but it’s not that easy sometimes, we usually don’t think about the time we spend talking, so, the ‘going to bed early’ matter is still an unsolved problem for now.
Talking about it, I did get to sleep early today, we decided to continue the searches and I have to admit that I didn’t sleep like that for a while.
I can’t really say that I hope it arrives often because that would literally be like not doing much, because as we don’t sleep as much as we’d like to, we can totally stay in bed all day if no one comes to get us out.
It reminds me of when I was around 12, my mom would sometimes allow me to stay at home, and we would just sit in bed while she would talk to me about what she liked, anything that went through her mind. 
She does like to hear about my mom too, and actually slid the matter in the conversation quite a few times, more than I could ever count, little does she know my mom does the same, they both are happy to hear about the other, they look like two best friends sometimes. 
I do wonder if they’ll act like that, it won’t really surprise me if they actually do to be honest, they both like similar things, used to do same things before, and I think y/n would like to hear about some of my mom’s stories, or even just my mom talking, she always manages to keep the other person interested, I always feel like a kid when I talk with her.
I do guess some things never change.
They will both have a lot to tell, y/n traveled a lot when she was younger, and still remembers every trip she did, and noted everything down in not one notepad, but at least three of four of them. 
She writes what she did, where she went, what she liked the most, some of her favorite things like, stuff she purchased, activities, it really is a whole story, she could literally write one book for each trip at this point and if I’d tell her about it, I do think she would do it.
And sometimes, when she would read a book, or even when we would just go to the library together, she would often find something that reminded her of one of her travels. 
She mentioned not having an eidetic memory at all, but by moments, I wonder if she doesn’t have it without knowing it, considering all of the stuff she remembers.
Y/N always liked to do new stuff she hasn’t done, she likes to learn a lot, but only when it comes to non-educational purposes, she wasn’t really a good student.
Apparently to her, sitting all day in a chair with a teacher yelling at you, or either saying nothing but nonsense you can’t understand was absolutely ‘boring as hell’, as she said with her own words.
I do, and don’t agree with that at the same time, I don’t know. I’ve always had the habit of studying instead of doing what most people my age would do when I was young, but I did want to do something else after working more than my liking.
Guess it hasn’t changed much now, I pretty much work most of the time, and, unfortunately, I don’t get to rest whenever I want, only if the case happens to be over.
But, enough talking of the case, and all of the days of absence that comes with it. 
I already have to endure it, so might as well not plunge the knife deeper than it is, it’s been many years since it’s been occurring and it shouldn’t be more of a bother than it is as I’ve already made myself into the idea in the first week.
I actually wonder if it’s the same on her side, I know she doesn’t have the same sleep habits, but she doesn’t always go to sleep at the same time. It’s always because of various reasons like; she began remembering a trip and wrote about it, thought about a trip too and got lost in her thoughts.
I often find her daydreaming most of the time, it does remind me of myself with my books, I don’t pay much attention to what's happening around me.
If I take for example the moment we met, I don’t know if it really counts. I only saw her diary first, but I paid attention to the item that belonged to her, so, in a way, it counts. 
She’s also pretty much what keeps me sane when I’m working, she manages to send messages at the right time just when I need to. I have no idea how she does it, but if she could do it everyday, I literally would not mind at all.
I always like to hear whatever she talks about, a book, a story she already told a week ago, I know she likes to talk about them on repeat until she either forgets it or moves to another one.
She seriously could have been a teacher if she had chosen another career, her voice is really soothing, and she explains the words in a manner that makes the story more interesting that you’d thought. 
I often found myself asking her to tell another one when I had found the previous one too short for my liking, when it literally lasted over half an hour. 
She literally has the power of transforming me as a kid when she talks about stuff she did on a trip.
But, even after she told me all of that, I don’t really enjoy the kind of travelling I’m doing. It isn’t like a vacation, at all, it really is the exact opposite. I don’t really come here for the purpose of having fun. 
I do hope I’ll get to travel with her once, in the purpose of actually having fun instead of two hours of sleep, having a chance of -possibly- getting injured, and all of the good and funny risks of my job. 
And, while I’m talking about it, I do hope, if we decide not to go far, that I’m not going to actually have a case when I’m supposed to have a vacation.
This stays like, extra rare, but it can’t really be ruled out at the same time. So...let’s hope it doesn’t occur, I’d prefer not. 
If we travel, it’ll be to stay out of work, so if the reason that basically refrains us from travelling happens, I’m not sure either of us would be pleased with it.
I'm far enough away, so, let’s not add more and hope that scenario won’t occur once.
I’ve already stayed buried for way too long in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice Morgan standing besides me before I thought of turning my head in his direction. 
“Oh, sorry. Thought of something and got carried away...did you say something?”
“I know that I don’t usually talk about that with you, but I was just wondering, is there something going on? You always go away for calls, have something to do before we get back home, or after, I thought I’d check on you, just to know.”
Well shit. What the hell am I supposed to say now?
“No, it’s nothing, really. I just um...it’s just some stuff with...an old friend. It’s nothing bad, I’m fine.”
Ok, you’re definitely screwed right now, good luck to get out of this mess Spencer.
“Nothing, really? That’s kinda rare from you.” He commented, which made the two of us laugh, Derek always managed to lighten the situation with whatever he thought could do it, even if some words happened to be placed...at the wrong moment sometimes; but he’d never mean to harm, always to make things better as much as he could. 
This situation wasn’t a bad one, but I definitely think that he could sense that I wasn't telling…what he truly would take as the right answer.
It definitely wasn't bad, but it probably won't get as bad as it is, I've already put myself in a mess I have no idea how to avoid by not managing to find my words and stuttering.
That really was the right thing to do to avoid all suspicions.
"I'm just tired, that's it. I couldn't sleep much this week, so...yeah, I—" I said, as I was getting to thank whatever god made me get out of this mess by making someone call.
At this point, even if it was a number that called me to advertise whatever stuff they wanted people to buy, I'd still be thankful for it. 
I slightly got the phone out of my pocket, it wasn't an unknown number, just y/n; the one that just saved me from an interrogation. 
I swear that when I come back I'll cancel our doctor who marathon, cook her whatever she wants, give her a bath, massage her, because she really saved me from a conversation I couldn't get out of and didn't know how to either. 
Gosh what would I do without her? I'd be dead right now.
"Oh, it's uh, my friend, I have to answer. I uh...see you in a few minutes." I excused myself as I went into an empty room, checking a million times if I locked the door behind me.
"Gosh, y/n...you just saved me. Tell me whatever you want when I get back, I'll do it."
"Just breathe, it's ok. You sound like you just ran through the whole city." Y/N told me, as I heard like she was holding off laughter probably from how dramatic I was acting. 
And in a way, she was right, I wouldn't be mad if she laughed. "Wha- What happened?" She asked.
"Well uh, I was thinking of something and got lost in my thoughts, and all of a sudden Morgan comes to me, asking if everything was okay because he wanted to check in case, and like an idiot, I stuttered at the moment when I told that it was a friend, because I almost mentioned that it was my girlfriend."
"And you just did a whole theater play for that? They'll have to know at some point, and if that happened, it wouldn't have been death. Still, it wouldn't have been the best way, but not the worst one either."
"Yeah, I know y/n, but, I prefer them to know another day, a special one, not when a colleague asked me if I was fine when my whole team could know, and possibly Garcia, who won't stop for a whole week."
"You're being dramatic Dr. Reid."
"No- I'm not!"
"You are."
"You. Are. I have the last word, no matter what. I don't know when and how you want them to know, but we can't keep hiding it till we're married and have two kids with a third on the way at some point. And they're not anyone, they're like your family, and if you like, respect and trust them, so do I."
"Yeah, you're right. But not now. I trust you too, don't go behind my back to the office either.”
"You just gave me a suggestion."
"And that wasn't a suggestion."
"That seemed like it."
"They won't let you in, so, do what you want."
"I'll show them pictures."
"They could be photo-shopped, anyone with good skill can make it seem like a real picture."
"I have videos."
"Same thing, it stays a file that can be edited with a software. How do you think they do the effects in movies and shows? With a software."
"You're no fun Reid."
"You're lying, you always laugh at my jokes."
"No, I'm not."
"I can even tell through a call that you're lying."
"You're a bad profiler."
"Then how do I solve crimes and can tell that you love me, Spencer Reid, the ultimate genius." I said, with a dramatic voice as if I was saying lines of a play.
"...I do love you."
"I already know it because I do too."
"Don’t avoid the subject, we’re still gonna have to tell them.”
“...really?” I asked, with a tiny voice.
“Yeah, really. I think he asked you because you were acting like nothing but suspicious, and if, on top of that, he saw you buying stuff, you’re not close to being dead. And also, if I remember correctly from what you said, Penelope is really chatty, so that might go up to her, and once she hears about it, you know. She might not have an eidetic memory, but I don’t think that she, or even anyone else will forget it.”
“I’m dead, I know. I’m still asking myself if he’s not the only one that knows. They might all know it but keep their mouths shut. I can’t go and ask them either, so it’s all a waiting, guessing game right now.”
“You should have told them from the beginning.”
“I have to remind you that you weren’t against it either. We’re both in it.”
“...true. You have a point genius.”
“So, what’s the plan then?”
“Tell them at some point, we’re not going to reveal it in ten years. I have no possibility of reaching out to them, except stealing your phone, which isn’t possible as you’re away, so the only way they’ll know is through you.”
“But, we’re not really forced to. There’s not a rule or anything that says you are obligated to state if you have a partner or not.”
“It’s not the same, they’re like your family, in a way, if you ignore DNA stuff and all, you’ve been working with them longer than we know each other, they’re not strangers, I think they’ll be happy to know you’re sharing your life with someone.”
“You have a point this time.”
“Mind you, I’ve had the point since the beginning of our chat, which I think…had been lasting way too long, by the way.”
“How many….” I questioned, as I took away the phone from my ear to see the time. “Oh, almost six minutes, that’s...a bit long for a chat I’m supposed to have with a friend.”
“Yeah, a bit too long. Oh, by the way, before you go, I’ll be at your apartment, I felt like it needed a small clean, it’s been a while since you’ve been away, and you’ve been staying a lot at my place, so might as well come back to a clean apartment.”
“You don’t have to, I’ll clean myself.”
“I've been there for the last three hours, I didn’t plan on asking for your permission. I just have to hope no one you know decides to come by.”
“Penelope? No, she’s always busy.”
“You told that last time, and she popped up out of nowhere because she had something to give you, and if she had a key, she would have seen a half naked girl in the middle of her friend’s apartment, how’s that?”
“I didn’t know she would actually come, she never did before.” I said, with a small voice, kind as if I was being grounded by my mother.
“Unless someone forgot to charge their phone, which was you, so that’s why she came.”
“It only happened once.”
“And it’ll happen again if you don’t charge your phone. Luckily you were there and you heard, because if you didn’t hear and as I said, she happened to have a key, what would have happened if she would have seen items that belong to me, and the owner of these when you’re supposed to have no partner in your life as they don’t know anything?”
“Um...they would have known.”
“That’s why we have to stop this small game soon. I sounded like a mother talking to her child, I’m...sorry about that. Um...I know you can’t, as you like...remember everything, but, do as your brain is a computer, delete that chat.”
She also sounds like a child too, we’re both kids to be honest.
“I can’t do that.”
“Um...what about I buy you books?”
“We can make a deal then.”
“I can’t believe that...we’re both kids.”
“Yeah, but I mean, that’s why we get along.” I commented.
“I can’t believe how I’m still handling you. We also look like an old married couple.”
“You do, I don’t.”
“I’m not so sure about that- Spencer it’s been almost ten minutes now, you should uh...go back.”
“Ten minutes...since when? Now I’m definitely dead.”
“I wish I could say yes but, you’re almost dead, if you manage to avoid suspicion after...of course.”
“Yeah, that’s an easy thing to say…?”
“I can’t talk to them and say ‘oh hi, I’m Spencer’s secret girlfriend, since half a year’, because apparently it’s not the right moment.” She said, ironically. 
“Okay, I get it...we’ll do it when I get back, I don’t know. We can’t wait another year at this point, it’s a bit too late and the suspicions raised themselves...a bit too much to be dissipated.”
“It’s been a while so, yeah, it’s time. We should have told them since we met at the library.”
“Yeah, maybe we should have..”
“But we can be proud of ourselves, especially you, if uh...of course, they don’t know. Because, I’m just saying, but...they could know, but choose to not say anything until they’ll realise that you know that they know you have a girlfriend. I’m...just saying.”
“So, there might be a chance that I’m already screwed and I didn’t know, or that they just have suspicions but don’t really know…? If you get it…?”
“Yep, and the worst part is that you can’t go and ask them, because if they actually don’t know, you’ll just be revealing what you thought they knew but actually don’t.”
“That whole story is an endless maze. I’m thinking we shouldn’t have waited that long.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have.”
“Yeah. I think I’m gonna go, I’ll uh...be back tomorrow towards the beginning, middle of the afternoon, we’re almost done, we have like...some papers left and other stuff.”
“Okay, don’t make me wait too long, I’ll be waiting at your place.”
“I’ll be back before you even know it.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too.”
They’re not gonna believe the friend excuse anymore at this point
I stayed for more than ten minutes, no one stays that long with me. I don’t really know, the team’s always with me, so when we talk it’s case related or short texts in general, and it’s not really part of my habits to go away for that long. 
I guess we’ll see.
With a soft sigh, I unlocked the door before lowering the handle down, exiting the room to walk to where I originally was, already hoping to get some remarks.
“I was about to come to where you went to check if you weren’t dead.”
“It’s been a while since we talked, that’s all Derek. Why?”
“Nah, just asking.” He said, raising his two hands up above his head.
“Ok then..?” I almost panicked when I answered, but I think that my reaction was enough for him to see it as I was confused...I think.
Okay, I think they already know by now, awesome.
I even came to the point of wondering if they knew and were just pretending to not know all along. They could have stayed in silence, acting like they didn’t know.
It also was a bit my fault, I did let some details slip, like my behavior, how I checked my phone more often, my long absences, again, how I talk, avoiding suspicion became kind of difficult.
Especially a bit after we started dating; we got really closer, and talking often helped us fill the distance. I really felt bad for leaving her alone that often, so at least I’d feel less guilty by talking to her whenever I could.
It really changed fast, just a few days ago, I didn’t even plan on telling it at all, but, y/n did convince me to not do so, and now, it might not be a good idea to continue pretending. 
It’s kind of obvious that they know something is up, they’ve known me longer than her, so obviously, they know when something is different about me.
I just...was so focused on her, that I didn’t even think that they’d notice to be honest.
But, as she said, I don’t think that it’ll be...that bad. They’ll be understanding, and happy, that’s all. 
They’ve always been a bit shocked when they’d think I had a girlfriend; because I really wasn’t the guy to have one to them, I don’t really know how to explain as I’m not in their heads, but I saw it that way, but again, that wasn’t in a mean way, they were just surprised. 
Except this time, they won’t think that I don’t have a partner, they’ll definitely think I have one this time.
We didn’t really pay attention to the world around us, especially me, if I were to be really honest. 
I just fell so hard for her, I would always be talking to her, thinking about her, and only looking at her when she’d be with me.
I always hold her hand when we go out together, I don’t know why, I can’t say more than a few minutes without it, and also, it’s always funny to compare our hand sizes, it’s cute.
Also another thing, I can’t help but mimic the emotions on her face sometimes, without even realizing it, because when she smiles, I also happen to do so.
I just can’t help myself but think about things that make her so perfect in my eyes; she truly means a lot to me and I can’t seem to imagine what my life would be like if she didn’t happen to be in it.
I remember saying stuff like; “When you meet your soulmate, remember that the act of bringing you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.”, or even, “Maybe the events in our lives were set in motion a long time ago”; that may sound like cheesy sentences, or whatever means to anyone else; but I guess it’s just how I see things, I do mean it when I say these.
I’ve noticed she always likes to hear them, she wouldn’t see it as rambling or anything else, just a sentence like another one I’d casually say, she admitted quite a few times that my talking never bothered her in any way.
Even if most of it was rambling, and facts, stuff that anyone else would be bored of after one minute; but y/n never did, she would often be the one to ask me about it, she wanted to know stuff too, and get to brag about it to people she knew.
I really like these little things, the small details about each other, what we think, what we like, and what we know to do to make the other happy, including the small souvenirs I bring her when I get the occasion. 
This time, it’s a small pumpkin, it’s not halloween related at all, just a cute pin. I know we’re literally in January, but it’s our favorite holiday, and we happen to talk about it all year, no matter what month it is. 
We also like other holidays, but that one stays our favorite. We’ve always had a liking for it.
Since it’s almost February, it means that Valentine's Day is close, so...I could possibly do a small event, or a letter, or even organise some stuff we could do on dates.
There’s plenty of time to plan all of it, I’ll just keep it in the corner of my head and think about it again when the occasion comes.
No matter how many times it happens, I can’t help but always feel relaxed when I come back home after a case, it isn’t always fully happy as the thought of the families often haunt my mind, I can’t help but feel a bit guilty, the cases ends up getting resolved, but the families never move on, only me as I go back to the bureau, and get called for another.
It’s always hard to think about it, and we’ve at least found ourselves getting stuck on a case even after it got resolved; but at least, if that can be reassuring, in a way, the ones who had committed the crime won’t harm anyone else and make other people lose their loved ones, that’s what I try to tell myself when I can’t get the thought out of my mind.
It also helps to be with the people I'm closest to and appreciate, with the team, we've been through it more than we can recall, and it helps to talk about it between us, try to find a tiny ounce of light in the tragedy, and even when the case impacts us personally, we try to move on, because even if we don't know the victim most of the time, it's not good to suffer for too long, they wouldn't want that for their families, or anyone else that might have cared about them, we have to learn to move on, at our own pace and honor their lives. 
That's the best we can do for them, and even though we don't know them, we sometimes happen to think about the victims, it's hard not to get impacted by it, but when it happens, we have to try to not let it touch deeply and do our best to find the author of the crime, for them, and their loved ones, whom the pain will lessen with time for some, but will always stay deep inside their hearts. 
The aftermath of a case is always rough, but we don't have much choice to face it like we can, and get ready for the next one.
I'm really glad to have everyone in my life around me, they're the one who I talk to, confide in, laugh with, and spend the most of my time with, but that last is an exception sometimes.
When I'm not on a case and have no papers, I often happen to be with y/n, and find some kind of excuse to say to the team they believe...or not, it depends. 
When I happen to decline their offer, they either think that I'm going to spend the night watching whatever show I brag about, or read, but...when I do think that's the reasons they have in mind, I realize that I underestimated them too fast by thinking of a simple and silly reason when they literally began immediately thinking of the real stuff, which is in that case, me having a partner.
So, yeah, the reason they think about when I don't join them is because of a partner. Which they think is definitely real; because of my "successful" way of hiding it. 
I'm sure they already know it by now, I'm not sure of it, but at least I know that I can't really go back. They definitely know something is up and trying to hide it more won't lessen the suspicions, on the contrary.
They’ll be informed of it officially in a bit, I’m not sure when, I just want it to be special not just a; “Oh, here’s my girlfriend.”, I don’t really want it to happen this way.
I’m literally about to plan a whole meeting with her and the team, while I could just shorten it to something more simple.
I may be over dramatic over this…
I guess we have time though, I’m barely coming from a case, and I’d prefer to spend the next days with her, because if I would plan it, she doesn’t have to know at all, which means I’ll have to hide stuff, see her less, and that’s the last thing I would want to do after not seeing her for what felt weeks to me.
Again, yes, I may be a bit overdramatic;, I admit it, but even when I talk to her on the phone, text her or even buy stuff, I still want nothing more but to see her; nothing replaces the feelings I have when she’s close to me. 
I do like to hear her voice even when it’s through a phone, but I prefer over everything to just  have her close.
I wish it could have happened now, but we all know what returning from a case is, paperwork and all, we don’t immediately go home, as much as we all want to do it more than anything after the week we’ve had.
I’ll be in my car before I even think of it, I just have to do what I have to do, and it’ll be over, I would have said “as soon as possible”, but I doubt Hotch will accept reports done in two minutes, and upset him is the one thing no one wants to see, we’re all tired, so our patience eventually tends to be limited, which is understandable. 
I thought that I would have been able to think of going home as I previously told, but I soon found myself struggling to stay away and focused on the left work on my desk. If she had happened to work with me, even if I were to be tired, I’d ignore it because I would be busy staring at her every two seconds, and eventually, lose all focus.
And even though she wasn’t with me at work, I still happened to freeze for two minutes in the same spot when I thought of her.
I just can’t wait to see her again, I really missed her a lot.
I was so distracted on the way in that I almost drove to her place before remembering she said that she would be waiting at my apartment yesterday.
She's probably gonna be either in the bathroom taking a bath, as she always prefers my bathroom. Her apartment has a shower, and as she finds it too tiring to stand sometimes, she prefers to shower at my place, and I kind of understand her and agree with her on this point. 
When I come from work, I just want to lay down and stay up only if I need to, which tends to become rare once I'm in my bed, and basically nonexistent when y/n happens to lay besides me, and even if I dared to think of leaving without her, I think she wouldn't agree, we literally both can't stay away from each other, we're as magnets, in a way.
She could also be watching the same episodes of Doctor Who for god knows how many times. I would often find her still watching it at 2AM when I'd wake up at night.
I even had to pull her to bed myself, and tossed her over my shoulder once. 
I don't think she's sleeping now, she's literally a ball of energy, if I take the 'still watching tv at 2am' matter. If I didn't pull her to bed, I bet she would have kept watching it.
I would normally say that she's a child, but I'm also a child myself sometimes, so I can't make fun of her, which would literally be as I made fun of me; but it's okay, we often make fun of the other, so there's so harm in doing it, as it's basically how we talk generally.
Which includes her calling me 'genius', 'smart pants', '187', and, I know it isn't the subject, but, gosh, her smile when she laughs, it's honestly one of my favorite things about her. 
So, her making fun of me isn't that bad if it means that I get to see her laughing and all happy.
As I looked at the surroundings, I soon came to the realization that I happened to be close to the destination, just a block away I'd say. 
If there weren't other cars around me, and people, I would have sped as I was on a highway to get there faster.
Although the ride was less than a quarter of an hour (depending on traffic, it could maximum be twenty minutes), it still somehow felt longer…if I don't count the times I had to stop to let people cross the street. 
I also really blamed other people for being there at the moment as I was driving, that was a bit stupid, people weren't going to stop because I had to see my girlfriend (even if, I admit that I wouldn't have mind if they did stop, it could...be nice.), they absolutely don't care about it, as much as again, the inverse could have been cool, but absolutely unlikely to happen in this reality.
I sighed for a long minute when the familiar structures came to my field of view, logically meaning that I was really close to see her, I wish I could have sped the car, but as always, people.
I hope she doesn't mind the fact that I made her wait (and still am right now), but I'm pretty sure she won't mind, just "yell" at me about it, but nothing including hate. 
As I stopped the engine in front of the building, undoing my seatbelt and stepping out of the car before locking it after my exit, I excitedly made my way to the entry of the building, almost tripping on some of the steps considering how impatient I was.
Although I was really impatient, I wouldn't have quite appreciated the fact of breaking a leg, so I obviously slowed down and paid attention a bit more.
You could really compare it as what a kid feels like on the morning of Christmas waking up to see his present, except right now, what I was truly waiting for, was to see her when I'd open the door; but she wasn’t only a gift, she was my everything, my person.
I really tend to get emotional when I talk about her, I don’t know why. I remember almost crying when I thought she hurt herself badly one day, but she only fell down a step, it was nothing bad, but I really thought she had broken something, I hope she didn’t break a bone or anything else while I was gone; she often tends to be clumsy.
After getting lost in my thoughts (for the millionth time today), I took the keys out of my pocket and softly opened the door, closing it once I entered while trying not to make a lot of noise.
It quite surprised me to see my apartment this time.
Small lights were attached to the wall, above it, small polaroid pictures taped down, some hearts, probably cut down, in coloured paper I think.
The only lights were coming from the ones attached to the wall, so the apartment wasn’t quite visible, but still, I didn’t turn the light on in case she happened to be asleep, which happened to be what I expected, as I saw a distinct figure on a couch, a blanket wrapped around it. 
I sat down to her level, taking a moment to watch her for a bit before putting my hand on her head, as I gently stroked her hair.
The sight of her was so beautiful, and after being away for a week, it truly was the best thing to come home to. I could never get sick of it, that became my favorite thing to see after we met, and it’ll always stay that way, I don’t think it’ll ever change.
I could watch her for hours, and I wouldn’t even realize how much time would go by, But realizing it, I don’t know if that could be considered as psychopath behavior…
As long as there’s no bad intentions, I guess it isn’t.
Yeah, I think the lack of sleep is kicking in right now, I’m saying weird stuff. Y/N would probably say I’m crazy if she ever happened to hear me.
I also figured out that while she was asleep, I could possibly give her a little bit more sleep, while I take a shower, change myself and possibly cook some food? 
Without burning it...of course.
I wouldn’t like her to eat burned food, even if she won’t really mind, she’s not a good cook either, so at least we understand each other. But still, I’d like her to eat something not burned.
I’ll just see what I can do after, I already have things to do, and if I keep thinking I still won’t have done one thing before she wakes up.
Stroking her hair one more time, I raised myself up as I glanced at her one more time, smiling as I did so. I left the room, heading to the bathroom.
I’m not going to lie to myself, but I literally spend less time in the bathroom than usual.
All of my motions were sped up and without even realizing it, it probably was mainly because I was way too impatient to get out of the room to have y/n in sight again.
I honestly never did that with anyone else before, was I scared that she would suddenly disappear or something? She was literally asleep.
Yeah, I tend to get paranoid even when she’s in the next room, with absolutely no danger in sight, I just imagine stuff that could seem a bit ridiculous if heard by someone else.
I guess that’s why I don’t talk to anyone about it, but, I don’t think anyone would take it badly, I just -again- think people are going to react badly- when it’s perfectly normal, everyone worries about their loved ones, maybe not as bad as me, but- they worry.
But now, absolutely everything is fine, I don’t have to start worrying, I’m gonna walk out of the bathroom and she’s simply going to be there, exactly where she was when I left, probably asleep...or not.
She doesn’t have a light sleep at all, it’s a task to wake her up in the morning, and I don’t think she ever woke up when I accidentally dropped utensils in the kitchen one day. I just saw her slightly moving, but when I called her name, she didn’t even wake up. 
That happened to be quite surprising when I just saw her, sitting on the couch as I left the bathroom.
We looked at each other, and I just froze in place, kind of confused. 
She never wakes up first, I’m the one who usually wakes her up, so, I was quite confused when I just saw her awake, about to stand up.
“I didn’t hear you coming…” Y/N said, rubbing her eyes.
“That’s literally because I did everything not to wake you up. Did the uh...water wake you up?”
“I just woke up a few minutes ago, oh and I’m sorry, I was just tired after you know, cleaning, and that…” She explained, pointing at the decorations. “I can just take them off if you don’t like them, it’s-”
“What- no! I like what you did, that’s really nice.” I quickly reassured her, making my way towards the couch. “Why would you think I wouldn’t like it?”
“I just, you don’t decorate it often, so I thought I’d do that, I...I’m not sure if you’ll be home for valentine’s day as you were away often because of work, so...I did that, so you wouldn’t feel bad or anything. Is it too much?”
“Not at all. Don’t worry, I do get why you did that. I hope you don’t feel bad, I’m kind of worried that you feel upset when I’m away, I’m not here as much as I would like to be, you didn’t expect this when we started dating, I feel bad sometimes.”
“I don’t feel bad, you’re just doing your job, and hey, even if some cases don’t end well, you get to catch the ones who did it, so they won’t hurt anyone else, so why would I get upset?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And, I know that even if you don’t say it, you’re worried for me, so don’t be. I’m completely fine, and if anything happens, you know that I’ll call you.”
“I know too, and you don’t lie on this point because you called me once when there was a spider in your shower.”
“...yeah, I did. And you laughed at me when I called.”
“That’s because I knew she wasn’t as big as you described. When I came, she didn’t even have the size of a coin, she was so small.”
“She wasn’t that small.”
“She kind of was. She wasn’t two millimeters tall, but not two centimeters.”
“I exaggerated a bit.” She admitted, slightly hitting me with her elbow when she saw a smile on my face. “It’s not funny!”
“It kind of is.”
“I swear that I’m gonna cook burned eggs for you and force you to eat them.”
“Burned eggs are like regular ones to me, neither of us know how to make them normal.”
“...true. So, in that case, what are we supposed to do right now?”
“I think we should do some pasta, it isn’t really difficult...if we follow the steps like it’s told.”
“Yeah, I just hope we won’t burn the apartment. I prefer to burn the pasta rather than set a fire.”
“Same thing.”
“Okay, let’s hope we don’t burn anything.”
“Oh, wait. I forgot.”
“What did you forget?” She asked, visibly confused.
“I forgot...that,” I said, pausing as I kissed her cheek which earned a small giggle from y/n. “And...that.” I continued, heading over to where my bag was.
"You didn't have to Spence, really."
"Yes, I had. You have to see how cute that is." I explained, walking back to her. "Look at that, it's adorable, a small pumpkin."
"Okay, it really is." She smiled, taking the small item. "It's from our favourite holiday. I miss buying pumpkins, I haven't done it since I was a kid."
"Yeah, it's been a while for me too. I wish we could do it, but I don't have much of an idea where they could be. We both live in buildings, and I doubt the landlords or the neighbors will appreciate this."
"They definitely won't. I guess we'll do it later, when we're married maybe, or…more simply, when the team will know."
"Oh, yeah...that."
"That, yeah."
"I do think they know by now."
"Probably, it's been five months, and you've been acting like nothing but a guy that's absolutely in love these past weeks."
"What can I say? I couldn't really hide it anymore."
"You could have been more discreet, you were literally surrounded by profilers, they definitely catched up."
"I should have asked you to teach me how to be clumsy. That way I would have broken a leg."
"Hey! I'm not doing it on purpose!"
"It looks like it! You almost broke your leg when you fell off a single step!" 
"I'm gonna push you up the stairs one day if that's what you want." 
"And how are you gonna do without me? You can't even cook."
"You can't either."
"I'll have Rossi teach me. He can basically teach anyone."
"Then why do you still suck? You visited him a lot from what you told me."
"I uh...didn't participate, I just watched."
"Then that explains it." 
"I can cook! I'm gonna show you."
"Okay, I'm watching." 
"Don't make fun of me!" I shouted, taking the pillow off the couch to throw it at her.
I shouldn't have done that, I literally started a war that lasted at least…twenty minutes, then we talked more, ten more minutes, then again, which led us to eat one hour later.
Eventually, we managed not to burn anything at all and ended the afternoon on the couch, talking about whatever came to mind.
"We should do something for the next few days. In case you get called, we should at least do something fun." She proposed, hesitating.
"Like what, I don't have many ideas…"
"Um well…what do we both like to do usually?"
"Let me think...coffee?"
"What about...we go on dates, except it's with coffee too."
"So, coffee dates?"
"Yeah. We could also add something to make it more...fun."
"A kind of...challenge?"
"I think there’s a new place that opened recently? We could try it out."
"Maybe other ones too. Wait- I got an idea.
"Which is?"
"A mission to find the best cup of coffee in town. We both like coffee, and It’d be nice to discover what the other shops have."
"That could work, totally."
"Okay. Coffee dates and coffee missions it is."
"The title is kind of weird." I admitted
"Do you have anything else to propose?"
"Just dates, I guess."
"It's so basic." She argued.
"But it's easier though."
"Easier than telling you have a girlfriend?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Then if you bring up that, yeah, it's easier than that."
"I knew it."
"Of course you did.”
“That’s because I’m always right.” 
“Always? I’m not so sure about that.”
“Are you insinuating that I’m not smart enough Reid?”
“Maybe.” I teased.
“I’m really going to kill you, I didn’t forget what I said earlier.”
“You wouldn’t dare to.”
“Don’t be so sure about that.” She insisted.
“Okay, I apologize. You’re as smart as I am.”
“I prefer that answer.” Y/N approved, which sent the both of us into a fit of laughter, which seemed totally endless at first. 
It lasted about five minutes before we sort of calmed ourselves to come back to a calm state. We didn’t look much at each other, as we knew it would do nothing but make us laugh again for a duration we didn��t even know.
But, even if that meant that we would laugh for a few minutes, even if that meant that we’d both complain because our stomachs would hurt, it’ll have been worth it, I wouldn’t have regretted it.
These were the moments we both knew the other appreciated to spend, we both took a liking for these, and often tend to forget about everything else. 
It would just be the two of us; we’d forget about work, anxieties, just for a moment.
Work has always been a problem to me, I couldn’t see her as much as I’d like, having to interrupt an afternoon we thought would be calm to go to work, having to stay away more than I thought.
Although, even if that remains an inconvenience, it never made our relationship weaker, it stayed the way it was, from the moment we met each other.
Even back then when we barely knew anything else about each other at the library, it didn’t take us much time to get along as if we were friends for years and not one week.
We’ve always had a strong relationship, it never really changed.
Work would eventually get in the way, and it’ll be okay. We would learn to adapt, and just live with it, and it really worked out to be fine, and not as bad as I thought.
I think that I was afraid at the beginning, when we just started dating. Mostly because I thought she wouldn’t appreciate my schedule, the fact that I would be away for one week, and go back to work only after two days, I thought she’d get tired of it, and realize that it wasn’t the kind of relationship that suited her.
I really turned out to be wrong. Five months later, we’re still together, and sometimes it’s almost as if we’re not five states away from the other.
Let’s hope we’ll get to have -at least- a week, it would be nice. It’s been a while since we had more than three days without the sound of my phone meaning vacation time was over.
Plus, we get to do something we don’t usually do as often as we’d like to. We’ve already gone to coffee shops, but it’s been a month or so since; so I’m really excited about that new mission of ours. 
It’s another thing to add to the list of our numerous and diverses adventures I get to spend with her.
Let me know what you thought of this fic here! 
The next and last part is coming on April 2nd/3rd (just so that the tags don’t get clogged)
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Weird week behind me weird week ahead of me but I’ve done a lot of self reflection and came to the weirdest epiphany. The older I get the more I realize all my ‘problems’ with VivziePop - her thoughts on criticism;  the choices she makes in story telling; some of the people she’s worked with (not that any of that’s my business; I’m not her mom) really aren’t about Viv, but more about her fandom.
I’m speaking of the preHazbin era Viv here and as someone who’s only watch horny fish jump at the surface rather than jump straight into the Hazbin-fandom, but given my ‘noncritical’ fellow fans have told me that the Vivziefandom now is also terrible - I guess I’ll go over my experience and make the most out of what I do know.
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I followed Viv in 2009 and fell off in 2013 cause I kinda just lost interest and found myself wrapped up in other fandoms. I’ve always felt amicable about her content; I could give or take designs or the way in which she wrote characters -- ((Zech represent!!!)) but it’s honestly surreal and really fun seeing this person I recognize make it big and improve so much. Like I’ve said before I am very happy and very impressed with Viv doing all she’s done in the span of TWO YEARS. wow gurl.
Trouble is, there was the particular breed of fan who really made me...uncomfortable. They felt almost possessive of Viv’s attention. They sang praises about her work in a way that just made me want nothing to do with it because I was worried if I drew those characters these people would be like ‘hey, I’M Viv’s fav artist, not you!”. They would  unironically write Viv messages like:
“you are a GOD” -- “I’m so not worthy compared to you” --“I wish I was as talented as you” -- “YOU ARE EVERYTHING AND CAN’T DO WRONG VIV”.
The kind of messages which were meant to sound flattering but, intentional or not, came off as gaslighting, like they were guilt tripping Viv about being better than them. This behavior, treating your favorite artist/internet personality like your superior and groveling like Starscream, it strikes a nerve with me; partly because I was this way with my favorite artists and influences back in the day,  but also because once I got a taste of that treatment myself I realized just how bad it could be:
There was once a girl on dA who was jealous of me because of the attention I got on my art instead of her. I told her that I wasn’t gonna stop drawing but also that there was nothing wrong with her art and she’d find her place. It was weird being put in that position where someone is very clearly upset at you but also looking for your approval.
The second was some scumball who I blocked in 2016. He wouldn’t speak to me, only write condescending, backhanded comments on my art; check on my profile daily; call me a bootlicker (cuz I took commissions) behind my back; redrew my art and would talk about me in his personal artist notes about how I ‘probably wouldn’t see this’ - oh yeah all the while he did fan art of my characters but again never spoke to me when I replied. When I finally messaged him about his behavior he said he thought I was “really overrated” and “bad for the fandom” cuz I took money and kept him from getting the love he deserved. It took messaging another person within our fandom, one I had been in spats with online before, to finally realize I shouldn't put up with that bs....
That guy who was stalking me btw did so while I was well under 1.K watchers and am still pretty obscure. Anyway, I had one guy unhealthily watching me for the wrong reasons. Just one. This is why when Viv says she “hates creeps” I 150% believe this woman and am not about to call her a liar who just can’t take criticism. Like, if you really think that, I’m sorry but you don’t know what Viv’s gone through from both her critics AND fans.
Of course, a lot of people will be like “I bet you’re just jealous and really just want that kind of attention yourself so you’re preaching to the choir”, but like...no. I am envious of just about any creator who’s the social butterfly I’m not, but, like, if I'm jealous of an artist none of that is that artists’ fault. Ever. It’s my own issues with being comfortable with myself are at stake. If I criticize Viv’s work it’s not because I see her as competition or my Squilliam Fancyson; it’s because I’m a critical fan of animation and cartoons and have my own thoughts to share on the cartoons of an artist I’m familiar with.  Jealousy/envy/mixed-admiration/godIwishthatwereme.jpeg feels are totally natural and valid emotions when you’re a creator. Envy becomes a problem when you internalize, weaponize, and scrutinize people on the basis of them being what you aren’t which -yes - some people do in the name of criticism. ((Although, I would hardly say some of the nastiest AntiViv folk are jealous as much as they are angry that this project they think is harmful is getting attention and using that as justification for some really shitty behavior of their own, which no, this post is not a part of by virtue of coming from a critical fan.))
Critique can come from either a good place or bad place; good critique can be used to bad ends and bad critique can come from a well-meaning place, and vice versa.   It’s the difference between many a criticalfan having a sour taste in their mouth regarding the Viv’s base but persisting in a critique+admiration separate of that, and this asswipemonster trying to weasel his way into Spindlehorse while also bashing Viv on a public forum for clearly vitriolic reasons. He was a creep.
So yeah um please stop insisting that every Hazbin critic is just jealous’ because a) there are people who have a past with Viv’s base and that clouds their judgement, but in a lot of cases that doesn’t invalidate their feelings or thoughts on her work separate from that, and b) I’ve seen what clingy gaslighting jealous fans are. Spoiler: they’re not so much Annie Wilkes as much as they are Tommy Wiseaus. You don’t want Tommy Wiseau following you.
Another bad vibe I really picked up on that I can kinda confirm is still probably the case now: people think that they know Viv and the Spindlehorse crew and have the right to send them shit they don’t need or WANT to be seeing.
Like, I talked with Viv once ages ago. I don’t remember what I said other than we were talking about Frankenweenie, I think. She was nice. Outside of that she said “thank you” to my comments on her deviations but that’s it. I DO NOT KNOW THIS WOMAN AND unless you’ve worked with or are a legit friend/mutual of hers, NEITHER DO YOU. But I don’t think every Vivzie stan/critic knows this. Whether it be people assuming she MUST think they’re headcanon is now canon-canon cuz she liked a comment they made; or some critic thinking they must have seriously hurt her pride because they’ve been blocked by her on twitter (or you know, maybe she and the rest of Spindlehorse is tired of getting @s and don’t have to time to read through your analysis so they’re gonna just block and move on cuz they’re busy).
Just because the creators talk with fans doesn’t mean fans are literally their best friends and have a part in the show’s direction. And yes, critics and reviewers fit that bill as well. Know your damn boundaries people.
If you find/make some kind of contribution as a viewer that’s awesome but you should never expect nor DEMAND the creator see it. The most obvious horror stories involving this and Helluva/Hazbin have been the Instagrams made by the crew being harassed by incestpedo enthusiasts, but it applies even to just @ing creators as well.
I’ve seriously had someone tell me to just take my criticisms directly to Viv and like...no. Why would I do that?
I respect Viv and the artists working with her enough to know that they’re working their asses off on an animated series and should not be bothered. I don’t want them to stop all they’re doing and reply to me. I want them to keep working. Also, that kind of logic makes me wonder how many critics Viv’s found because she found it on her own or if some obsessed fan told her about it - which is really messed up cuz if it IS just good critique you’re, again, just pestering her, and if it wasn’t critique but full on harassment WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU MESSAGE HER ABOUT THAT ANYWAY? I’m sure she doesn’t need to be reminded that people drew and said really awful shit about her on Tapatalk. My point being I’m sure what people think they’re doing is
“OOOoh Viv lookitwut this person is doing in our fandom we need to ban together against this toxic behavior”
but what they’re actually doing, and sounding like, is -
“Hey Viv I know you are working so hard on the show and you’re trying to figure out where to go from here but LOOKITWHUTTHISHATERSAID. LOOKATIT! VALIDATE ME VIV AND PUT’EM IN THEIR PLAAAAAACE!”
TL;DR Viv’s fanbase back in the day consisted of everyman artists and interests but there was this one breed of fan -who I hope was just a vocal minority- that ruined it for everything else.
Call it stanning or ‘simping’ or as it’s classically known, ‘white knighting’, whatever it was it really soured a lot of people on her because of those fans.
That’s why the DollCreep drama got so bad from what I can tell. Doll and Viv had a falling out and then called out eachother online where people who took it upon themselves to speak for them starting throwing mud.
Back in the day I remember Viv used to get mad at artists for ‘stealing’ her style. I think this attitude from Viv directly has vanished but I remember it happening because one of the people she thought was stealing her style did art for me at some point and they were basically shamed/chased off deviantART by a gaggle of these really nasty Vivfans.
I don’t know that. And honestly, where I’m inclined to believe she’d do something like that then I think Viv is really different and has improved her business and public image from her college days. I’d be very disappointed in her if she was pulling a Butch Hartman or Derek Savage, but I just don’t think she is one, k?
Viv is more self critical and aware than any of these uber protective-gatekeeping fans give her credit for. She said on the Pizzapartypodcast that she knows the Hazbin pilot wasn’t perfect; she’s been able to identify the problems with old Zoophobia; this woman knows that criticism of all kinds need to exist and from what I see she sounds like she’s trying to get used to that. It’s just, you know, when you have nasty antis badgering you, stalkers, obsessive yes-mam’ fans, opinionated shit posters, r34 artists, entitled shippers and the NDAs of a company alongside your own branded image - all that negativity, even the constructive bits, tend to clump together and you just want to scream at it so you can finish the damn cartoon already!!!!
VivziePop/mind is basically indie Tim Burton.  Her work is fun, shallow and made with love but is marketed as being for everyone when it’s really not. Parts of it I love to watch; parts of it drives me crazy cuz of reasonswhatev this isn’t a review.
BUT any fanbase where people tell me I should just “expect what’s coming to me” when I’m trying to argue against dragging creators into fandrama is troubling. People have a parasocial bond with fandoms and their creators and they need to learn when to back off.
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yukina-otome · 4 years
Otome game MC’S
Hello everyone ! Today i am gonna tell you about my opinion on the mc’s of the otome games i played ! Again this is just my opinion so feel free to share yours or complete with your opinion on mc’s of otome games i didnt include !
This is not a ranking btw !
MLQC MC: Youran
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Job: Producer | Queen
Age : 22 year old
Good points : 1-Brave and take risks 2-Never give up 3-Smoll bean (seriously she's so cute) 4-Really nice and helpfull (walk around the city for hours every week to help anyone in need) 5-Hardworking 6-Tell whats on her mind and doesnt hide her feelings 7-Can play piano
Bad points: 1-Bad decision making 2-Rely on the boys too much 3-Mary sue 4-Clumsy AF 5-Sneez\ stomach noises when boy is about to kiss her
Mystic messenger mc:
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Age and Job: Depends
Depend on the route 1-Yoosung : Super patient and mature 2-Jaehee: Supportive 3-Jumin : God levels of patience but also kinda always have to agree with jumin which i hate 4-Seven : Happy go lucky and clueless about her whole situation (Seven : There is a BOMB | MC:LOL OK) 5-Another story : Guillible but also very patient. (i would take none of that s**t) Common to all routes : Have no eyes
My candy love MC: Lyn Darcy AKA Candy
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Age : 17 during 1st season \ 23 during 2nd season \ 25 during 3rd season
Job : High schooler\ college student\ coffee owner
Good points: 1-Friendly 2-Helpful 3-Open minded 4-Pretty 5-Very strong mentally (during the highschool part) 6-Appearance can be customized 7-Energetic 8-Can get angry and speak her mind (depend on your choices)
Bad points: 1-Nosy AF 2-Mary sue 3-Play terapist with literally anyone she meet even if that mean getting herself in trouble and ignoring her own love life 4-Paranoid 5-Childish (even for a highschooler and even more in campus life)
7hotties MC AKA the worst mc (No pic for her cause tumblr says only 10 pic per post)
Job : Freelance designer  Age : middle 20′s
Good points :
3-Absolutely nothing
Bad points: 1-Weak 2-Useless 3-Doormat 4-Almost jobless (never seen her work aside from keita's route because he is the one who gave her the job) 5-Bland AF 6-Forgive everything a guy do to her (even rape) 7-Never actually get mad (even after a guy sleep with her and dump her literally right after she's like "pls don't abandon me! Tell me if i did anything wrong ! I'll fix it")
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Job: Concierge at the royal shining
Age : Early 20′s
Good points: 1-Sassy 2-Have a goal in her life and a dream she will not abandon no matter what 3-Can solve mental illness with love (because otome game power) 4-Described as extra pretty (All the boys at her workplace like her) 5-Doesnt give up easily 6-Actually got some backstory 7-Thirsty AF 8-Relatable
Bad points: 1-Forgive too easily (Minami's route !!) 2-Always get caught when spying or listening on someone's conversation 3-Clumsy AF 4-Can't brew coffee even after two weeks of trying (toma's route) 5-Actually not so good at her job but she's trying really hard
Le secret d'henri\Henri's secret MC: Lyla (Actually not an otome game, more like a visual novel but i wanted to include it because i absolutely love the mc and also because it's getting a remake and i wanted to promote it a bit)
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Job : Highschooler
Age: 17 then 18
Good points: 1-Strong 2-Naive in all the right ways (she know how naïve she is but still choose to be naïve because she'd rather get backstabbed because she trusted than miss the opportunity to know a good person because she didn't trust)
3-Very pretty (Said to be the prettiest girl in all the high school and literally every boy she met aside from her brother and clement her bestie want to date her.)
4-Very popular 5-She is so nice even Henri call her a saint 6-Have the best family 7-Have the best friends 8-Supportive 9-Likes to play detective and solve people's problem 10-You really get attached to her by the end of the story you are almost sad because you wont get to see her again
Bad points: 1-Overreact 2-Drama queen (I understand tho as she is still a highschooler so she get emotional and depressed quite easily specially when it comes to a certain someone)
3-A bit too perfect sometime : Pretty girl, nice , friendly, cool, like nailpolish and fashion but also manga and video games, smart etc etc 4-MARY SUE 5-Nosy but not in an annoying way
Ikevamp MC:
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Job: Travel agent and blogger | Housemaid
Age: Early to middle twenties
Good points : 1-She's said to be very beautiful (leo's route) 2-Speak many languages and seem to have a wide board of interests 3-Adapt fast to her new environment (depend on the routes) 4-Mentally strong (specially in napoleon's route) 5-Kinda mature (sometimes and depend on the route) Bad points: 1-Inconsistent personality even in the same route 2-Mary sue 3-Can be very weak and submissive (depend on the route) 4-Have no reason to stay aside for the boy she loves (what I mean is that by the end of the route the only thing she have in 19th century France is her boyfriend, in some routes she doesn't even meet or talk to most of the other resident and she have no job aside from cleaning the mansion with Sebastian)
5-Also get kidnapped every route (don't know yet for Theo) 6-Always wear the same clothes
Ikerev MC : Alice
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Job: Help at a bakery ?
Age: Early twenties (saw somewhere that she was the same age as ray, not sure tho)
Good points : 1-Like food 2-Foodie 3-Enjoy food 4-Food = Happiness 5-More seriously she's super positive and optimistic and adapt really fast to her environment 6-Friendly and happy go lucky 7-Have the power to repel magic and protect herself and sometime her suitor to some degrees
Bad points: 1-Clueless 2-Dumb AF 3-Bad decision making 4-Get kidnapped almost every route 5-Zero observation and deduction skills (Oliver's route) 6-Technically squat at the black\red army headquarter\Oliver and Blanc's house or Harr and Loki's house
Ikesen MC : Mai AKA the queen AKA the fireball AKA the little mouse AKA The godess AKA the wild boar
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Job: Seamstress
Age: around 25
Good points : 1-Strong AF 2-Take no sh*t (Kenshin's route\ Nobunaga's route...) 3-Adapt quite fast to her new and very dangerous environement (if i was her i would not leave my room for the next 3 months) 4-Fireball 5-Saved her suitor in many routes (Kenshin, Ieyasu, Shingen...) 6-Sass Queen 7-Have a life in sengoku era aside from her suitor (kinda the opposite of ikevamp mc as i said in bad point 4) 8-Have a dream and a goal 9-Very beautiful (even kenshin said so outside of his route and he was not in love with her!) 10-A lot of chemistry with all of the boys even outside of their routes.
Bad points : 1-Mary Sue 2-In some routes she is weaker but it never really disturbed me as it suited the love interest of the route(Sasuke and mitsuhide's route) 3-Kidnapping
Midcin MC:
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Job : Princess
Age: Heard somewhere that she is 19 but not sure about it
Good points : 1-Adapt fast to her new situation 2-Try her best to learn everything 3-Try to take responsibility as the new princess 4-Can't think of anything else for her...
Bad points : 1-Weak 2-Bland 3-Doesnt speak up when she actually need to (The dumpster fire that is Alyn's ever after) 4-Kidnapping sometime twice in the same route 5-Submissive depending on the suitor
Okko's games MC'S : Honestly they r all the same so reunited them all in one
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Job and age : Depend on the game
Good points: 1-Hard working 2-Have goals and dreams 3-Usually have a backstory 4-Some of them are sassy 5-Pretty but doesn't take care of herself 6-Always have a very fashionable bestie with a lot of experience with dating that help her and listen to her problems
Bad points: 1-Emotional maturity of a middle school girl 2-Doesnt want to admit her feelings and keep denying them even when there is no reason to 3-Self sabotage 4-Blame herself for every bad thing that happens 5-Some of them are very weak and submissive
And that’s pretty much it ! Thank you for reading until the end ! Pls feel free to reblog and add on those with your opinion ! 
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sami-guinea-arts · 4 years
Theory: Did Arachne control Medusa?
Repost from Amino. Spoiler and gore warning.
Also this is a THEORY. Not saying it is canon.
Seeing some changes in Medusa's personality involving motherhood, in the chapters where she has Arachne's body makes me believe Arachne, whose character is all about motherly love gave Medusa parts of her personality what actually caused maternal feelings to activate.
So we know that in the manga, Medusa takes over the body of Rachel for a while after her real one got sliced in half by Stein. After that, Medusa takes over Arachne's empty shell after Arachne left it as madness itself, only to be killed by Maka.
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Medusa mentioned jokingly there was some rest of consciousness in Arachne's empty body and her sister was persistent and stubborn, as the body reacted to it's unwelcome "parasite" take over. Seeing some changes of Medusa's personality later makes me believe Arachne was still partly there and as the strongest Gorgon sister actually melted in with Medusa's mind or took over her partly, as we know Arachne's magic mainly covers mind manipulation. So I believe Arachne was never fully gone until Medusa died. Note the hair and skin color stay the same and don't change into Medusa's once she took over, unlike with Rachel's. 
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We know Medusa couldn't care less for Crona and literally just had them to make them a kishin and to get hold of Asura, never giving them any (maternal) love. Nor did she feel any guilt or remorse for doing these things to Crona, even using them as an excuse to manipulate Maka to help her. So why would that attitude change suddenly? Meanwhile Arachne's character is all about motherly love (even if it was more manipulative), something Medusa clearly lacks. The acting of the 3 Gorgon sisters clearly shows they had a bad mother, otherwise they wouldn't have such a mother complex.
So when Tezca attempted to reflect Justin's soul, he also unintentionally reflected Medusa's. This technique, according to the wiki shows the inner "heart" of the target and showing their true feelings. For Justin, it showed Lord Death, regarding his betrayal to the god he once dedicated his life to. While for Medusa, it showed Crona what she seems clearly upset about.
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Again, why would she suddenly feel remorse and acknowledge what she did to Crona was beyond horrible? Maybe Arachne's motherly nature is the reason for that, that she actually feels like a mother now, at least for some points, considering there is not much of Arachne left.
Lastly, in her final moments, Medusa actually gave one carrying moment to Crona. Giving them their favorite food, telling them they can shower and relax. She actually apologized for what she has done and hugged Crona, what only a true mother would do. (Some however imply it was an artifical hug one would give a tool.)
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Also, when Crona suddenly started attacking her, she didn't even fight back, despite being with fused with Arachne's body + magic she'd probably be easily capable of it. The mother clicking in through Arachne probably said she had to endure it as punishment and Crona doing it was more than justified or Arachne held her so she would die, as revenge. Crona even yelled how Medusa's abnormal acting wasn't to their liking, that wasn't the mother they knew.
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Lastly, it has shown in their last moments, knowing they'll lose and die, the other Gorgon sisters seemed to be aware of it? Shaula was immobilized by fear the moment she saw Death, Kid and the Death Scythes. In that second she knew even if she'd dodge Tsugumi's attack they would punish her for what she did in Death City, not standing a chance. 
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Arachne meanwhile never spoke about loss, always being optimistic. When Maka killed her, she just said she admitted her own failure and accepted her death, that she shouldn't have left her body as it reduced her attack power. Implying that otherwise Maka would've lost 
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Medusa meanwhile has the ability to possess souls, so she knew against Stein she could risk herself "dying" as it was all part of her plan all along. She even pulverized her soul so Stein couldn't take it. Tho with Crona she didn't and they most likely ate her soul, maybe Medusa did so so Crona made Ragnarock a Death Scythe with it, as Crona's abilities later show to be alike with Medusa's. Again, with her power she probably could've at least escaped, but something seemed to hold her back from defending herself and she just takes it and lays there, like she doesn't really realize what is happening? Or again, Arachne is holding her down so she has to die.
So maybe she had it planned too that Crona will kill her to finish the black blood, but maybe it wasn't expected so soon, what explains her reaction of shock before in the end she realized it would be good for her plan, by her dying moments getting to her full self again.
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I never thought of this before, but I believe maybe Arachne was in fact still there the whole time and partly took over Medusa's mind, causing her to feel guilty and even apologize to Crona, so she'd lose her careful thinking which results in being killed. Considering what a strong minded powerful witch Arachne was. Because I really don't believe MEDUSA would change her ways of thinking so sudden, regarding the things she has done to Crona.
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch 23)
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Chapter 23
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15, ch 16, ch 17, ch 18, ch 19, ch 20, ch 21, ch 22, ch 23
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 3,393
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France, human trafficking
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​ @fallenstar-7​​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
The hallway was quiet outside Taehyung’s room, but she could hear voices downstairs. She couldn’t remember if she had her phone on her before she… well, before she died. But when she checked her pockets, it was right there, fully charged. She smiled.
               Her smile dropped when she tried to open her phone and it didn’t recognize her face, refusing to unlock without the number code.
               “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she mumbled. “I don’t look that different.”
               She had several missed calls and texts from her mom. It looked like her mom was keeping her eyes on the news and saw something about the raid at the abandoned hospital. She clearly panicked when she couldn’t get ahold of her. The last text told her to call when she woke up. She checked her calls. There was one outgoing call to her mom. One of the guys must have called her.
               She sat down against the wall in the hallway and tapped her mom’s contact. The phone didn’t even ring twice before she picked up.
               “Mi hija, is that you?” she answered, her voice frantic.
               “Yeah mom, it’s me,” said Catalina. “I’m okay, sorry I worried you.”
               “A young man named Hoseok called me and told me you were in the hospital?” Lucía asked. “I heard there was some sort of explosion downtown and you were nearby. I tried to fly over there but the city is in lockdown-“
               “Mom, slow down,” Catalina said with a laugh. “I promise I’m okay. I’m back home with the boys and honestly, I feel great.”
               “Were you unconscious all that time?” Lucía asked. “Did you have some kind of head injury? Those don’t just go away so easily.”
               “Yeah, I was asleep for a while, but my head is perfectly fine,” said Catalina. “I just got my phone charged up, that’s why I wasn’t able to call you until now.”
               She hated lying to her mom, but clearly the guys didn’t want her knowing the truth. Catalina knew that was for the best. They couldn’t just go around telling people about all this. She knew someday her mom would need to know, but now wasn’t the time.
               “Okay, I’m so happy you’re okay,” Lucía said. “Please call every day until your poor mom is satisfied.”
               Catalina laughed and said, “Sure mom. I can do that.”
               “The boys are taking care of you, right?” Lucía asked. “Is Jungkook there?”
               “Yeah, they’re taking good care of me,” said Catalina, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of her boyfriend. “Jungkook is here, he’s downstairs. I have to go now mom. I’ll call you again tomorrow.”
               “Okay, cariña,” said Lucía. “I’ll let you go. I love you so much.”
               “I love you too, mom,” said Catalina. She hung up and looked down at her phone. She wondered how she’d be able to tell her mom about everything that happened. About what she was now.
               She sent a text to Hoseok, telling him to meet her by Taehyung’s room. He sent her back a thumbs up emoji and was there within a minute. Catalina stood up and looked at him. He didn’t look all that different. She wondered how badly he was hurt. But first…
               She pulled him into a tight hug.
               “Thank you,” she said. “For saving me.”
               “I did it without your consent,” he mumbled into her shoulder. “I thought you would hate me.”
               “I don’t hate you,” she said, pulling away to wipe away his gathering tears. “I wasn’t ready to go. I’m glad you did what you did.”
               He hugged her again, then Catalina said, “I heard you were hurt at the fight.”
               “It wasn’t that bad,” said Hoseok. “Tae tae likes to exaggerate.”
               Catalina laughed.
               “I can’t wait to hear the whole story,” she said. “But first, I wanna see my boyfriend. I was told I needed a chaperone.”
               Hoseok smiled and said, “I’ll be your chaperone! You look okay right now, but seriously, be careful getting close to him.”
               “I feel fine,” said Catalina. “I think I should be okay.”
               “Trust me, you will not feel that way when you get close to him,” said Hoseok, his face getting serious. “I remember what it was like to be new. It’s like, you can’t always control yourself. If you get really close to him, he’s gonna smell irresistible. Literally. It’s going to be really hard not to just bite into his pulse-“
               “That sounds sexy,” said Catalina.
               “It’s not,” said Hoseok. “You won’t be able to stop. Not when you’re this new. You could literally kill him in less than a minute.”
               “Yeah, that’s not sexy,” said Catalina.
               “I would suggest being…chaste for a while,” said Hoseok. “At least until you’re well fed for a few weeks.”
               “Weeks? In Twilight, it takes years,” said Catalina.
               “This is not Twilight,” Hoseok said, laughing. “The only vampires that sparkle like that are the ones at San Francisco pride.”
               Catalina laughed loudly at that, following him towards the stairs.
               Jungkook leapt from the couch as soon as Catalina came into the room. Namjoon, who was sitting next to him, was faster in pulling him back.
               “Guk,” Catalina said, itching to finally hold him. He was staring at her with wide eyes, taking in her face and hair and body.
               “Cat,” he whispered, slowly approaching. Namjoon and Hoseok watched them carefully as they met in the middle, enveloping each other in a tight hug. Too tight, if the pop Catalina felt in his back and the groan he let out was anything to go by. She quickly loosened her grip, adjusting herself so her face was buried in his chest instead of his neck. Hoseok was right. He did smell irresistible. His heartbeat and pulse were loud in her ears and the smell coming off of him was making her thirsty again. Before she knew it, she was no longer focusing on him. It would be so easy to just lean up and take…it’s right there…
Her thirst came back full force and it took everything in her to push him away before she lost control.
               She ignored the hurt that flashed in his eyes as she turned her back to him, looking at Hoseok with desperation. He pulled something from his back pocket and handed it to her. It was another blood bag. Her hands shook as she drank it, unsettled by the thoughts running through her head. She hated thinking about Jungkook like that.
               Catalina felt tears well up in her eyes.
               “Sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry Kookie. You just…you smell really good.”
               “Thanks?” he said. She turned to look at him with a smile.
               “By that I mean, I couldn’t stop thinking about biting into your neck and taking from you,” she said, feeling guilty.
               “That sounds sexy,” he said with a smirk.
               “It’s not. I wouldn’t be able to stop,” said Catalina. Behind her, she heard Hoseok chuckle and say under his breath, “No wonder they get along so well.”
               “Well, maybe when you think you could stop, we can test it out,” said Jungkook.
               “We’re still here,” Namjoon said, clearing his throat.
               “No, let them keep going, this is fascinating,” Hoseok said.
               “Okay, I promise I won’t do anything crazy, I just really want to sit down and hold my boyfriend’s hand and listen to everyone’s war stories,” said Catalina. “And maybe drink some more.”
               “Taehyung was a beast,” Hoseok said.
               Jin and Jimmy K were given the notice that it was safe to come over, so they did right away. Once everyone was settled into the couch in the lounge, they were all eager to share their stories. Catalina and Jimin were both sipping their way through a pile of blood bags on the coffee table, listening intently with wide eyes. Jungkook sat beside Catalina, an arm around her waist, sparkling eyes never leaving her.
               “Yeah, Taehyung was legendary,” said Jimmy K.
               Taehyung, who was sitting beside Jimin, blushed and waved a hand.
               “I’d say Jimmy K was more legendary,” said Taehyung. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”
               “Well, let’s start at the beginning,” said Catalina. “I don’t even know how they got Jimin!”
               “They kidnapped me again,” said Jimin. “The day before the battle.”
               “Jimin, I’m so sorry,” said Catalina. “If we had known…”
               “It’s okay,” he said. “Better me than Caleb. I’m glad Makai assumed we didn’t know him.”
               “It’s true,” said Namjoon. “If it were Caleb, we wouldn’t have been able to save him the way we did with you. Turning children is illegal.”
               “Illegal?” Jungkook asked. “Would you get arrested? By the police?”
               “That’s a question for another time,” Catalina said impatiently. “So, what happened? Tell us from the beginning, from when you all went in.”
               “Well, it was pretty boring when we first got in,” said Namjoon.
               “Let me tell it,” said Hoseok. “You guys are bad at telling stories. Okay, so we went in and our backup is all there, and right away, we’re demanding to speak with Makai. There’s this lady there, was her name Mohati?”
               Namjoon nodded.
               “Right. Mohati tells us that Makai isn’t there, but Yoongi knows she’s lying,” said Hoseok. “And he says so, and then one of our guys tries to attack her and that’s when the fight started. A bunch of guys came out of nowhere and attacked us and it was just madness. Yoongi had his sword-“
               “It was my original sword,” Yoongi said with a grin. “From when I was a prince. I haven’t touched it in a good three hundred years, but it cleaned up pretty well.”
               “And he was cutting peoples heads off,” said Hoseok. “Which was gross and terrible to watch, but it was so awesome. He was like a master fighter. I got separated from them for a while, because I found someone I knew in the crowd. It was Jamie, the woman who kidnapped me back in the nineties. She recognized me and started taunting me and I couldn’t even focus on anything else at that point. My anger totally took over, but she was pretty strong. I didn’t last long in that battle. She hurt me pretty bad, I couldn’t fight after that.”
               “She broke his leg,” said Yoongi.
               Hoseok’s face looked pale. “You don’t have to tell them. It’s really gross.”
               “His bone was sticking out,” Yoongi said, chuckling. “It was magnificent.”
               Hoseok put his face in his hands and groaned. “Don’t make me think about it again. It was so awful. I’m gonna throw up.”
               Yoongi laughed and patted his back. “I helped set it. He did throw up.”
               Hoseok punched him in the arm.
               “He got her back though,” said Yoongi. “Once you could stand up, you killed her, didn’t you?”
               “I’m gonna be sick,” Hoseok said, standing up. Yoongi pulled him back down and rubbed his back.
               “Namjoon, tell us what you were doing,” said Yoongi.
               “I tried to control the crowd, but eventually I had to fight,” said Namjoon. “I mean, I held my own, but nothing crazy happened.”
               “Didn’t you blow up the wall?” asked Yoongi.
               “No, I didn’t blow up the wall,” Namjoon laughed. “Beck, one of the guys from up north, brought explosives. He was setting them up all over the place. I think he just wanted to come to blow stuff up. But I heard Jimmy K was pretty badass during the battle.”
               Jimmy K chuckled and said, “I was just doing my job.”
               “I saw Jimmy K swing over the crowd on a chain, shooting a crossbow,” said Taehyung.
               “I saw Jimmy K with a machete, fighting back-to-back with Yoongi,” said Namjoon.
               “I saw Jimmy K karate chop someone in the neck and they passed out,” said Hoseok. “I didn’t even know that was possible.”
               “I saw Jimmy K run up a wall and do a backflip kick to one guy’s chest,” said Yoongi.
               “Was that before my shirt was ripped open, or after?” Jimmy K asked.
               “After,” said Yoongi. “You had a big gash across your chest.”
               “That was from someone’s nails,” said Jimmy K. “Can you believe that? They ruined my shirt. I might have a scar there!”
               “But what a great story it’ll come with!” said Jin.
               “That’s true,” said Jimmy K. “Women love scars. And they love the stories.”
               “What happened to you when you went missing?” Jungkook asked Catalina.
               “I was with Priya and we were going back in to evacuate more captives,” said Catalina. “Amanda came out of nowhere and Priya tried to defend me but she didn’t stand a chance. Amanda pounced on her and snapped her neck. I ran away, but I got lost. Amanda was following me, but I think she was just playing with me. She let me run until I couldn’t breathe anymore, and then she came out and grabbed me. She brought me to Makai’s office. Jimin was there. I don’t think Makai was expecting this attack.”
               “Really?” asked Namjoon. “Because there were way more enemies there than we expected.”
               “No, he told us that he knew we knew Jimin. He realized Jimin was part of our group when Yoongi went there to buy him, but he didn’t pay any mind to it,” said Catalina. “He basically said, he got paid either way. He didn’t think we’d do something like this.”
               “He said he wanted to try to make a deal with you,” Jimin said to Namjoon.
               “He tried to,” said Namjoon. “He wanted me to call this off and let him continue his business. He’d spare you if we did. I couldn’t let him continue his work, so I tried to reason with him to let you go, but then some idiot wanted to be a hero and tried to attack Makai. Obviously Mohati jumped in and killed him right away, but it was too late. Makai and Amanda panicked and took it as an attack.”
               “That’s when Taehyung went crazy,” said Hoseok. “He was legendary.
               “A beast,” said Jimmy K. “Absolutely fearsome.”
               “He was truly a formidable force,” said Namjoon.
               “Guys,” Taehyung whined, blushing and looking down.
               “His eyes were practically glowing when he attacked Makai,” said Jimmy K. “And Makai is a big man, way bigger than Taehyung, so I was sure he’d win. Not to mention, Amanda was also a part of his attack. But Taehyung let out a piercing battle cry and tackled Makai to the ground. He fought both of them like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He was like a wild animal.”
               “He was faster and stronger than I’ve ever seen him,” said Namjoon. “He killed Amanda right away and then tore Makai apart.”
               “Literally,” said Yoongi. “He literally tore the man limb from limb.”
               “Ew, please stop,” said Hoseok, looking pale again.
               “He didn’t waste any time biting you, Jimin,” said Jimmy K. Jimin looked at Taehyung, whose eyes were downcast. Jimin took his hand and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. Catalina had to assume Jimin wasn’t too mad about being turned.
               “They formed a circle around us,” said Jungkook. He looked pale too as he told Catalina the next part. “Hoseok tried to hold your wound closed, but it wasn’t working. He said he was sorry before biting you.”
               “Once Makai was dead, most of his people started running away,” said Namjoon. “The battle ended quickly and then the police came down to sweep for any other survivors. We didn’t stay though. We had to get you two home.”
               Catalina stayed silent for a moment to take everything in. She couldn’t believe everything that happened, just within…
               “How long was I out?” she asked.
               “Just a day and a half,” said Namjoon.
               “Shit. No wonder my mom was panicking,” said Catalina.
               There was something else weighing on her mind. Something she wasn’t sure they’d have the answers for.
               “So, something strange has been happening with me, and I think I understand what it is, but I don’t know how it’s possible,” said Catalina. Everyone was listening intently. “About a week or so after I moved here, I started having these dreams. They would always start out chaotic, mostly me running from something. Then they would end in a library or den and Namjoon would be there, telling me about the book he read last.”
               Various faces of confusion stared back at her.
               “The weird part is, we hadn’t met any of you yet,” said Catalina. “I met Namjoon in my dreams before I met him in real life. But it didn’t stop there. The night after our bonfire at Jungkook’s house, I had a dream that I was being chased in a tunnel with a metal floor. And the person chasing me said something like, ‘Don’t you know girls like you get eaten…’, or, what was it? Like, ‘Here kitty kitty, don’t you know trespassers get eaten?’. And these dreams kept happening, the same one over and over again, me being chased in this tunnel and the person chasing me kept saying something similar to that, a little different each time. And then, the night before the battle, I had a dream that me and Jimin were being held captive and I woke up when our necks were slit.
               “When Amanda was chasing me the day of the battle, I was running through the same tunnel as the one in my dreams. But I didn’t think about it too much because she was following me and taunting me and she said those words. She said, ‘Here, kitty kitty. If you keep running, you’ll run into monsters down here. And pretty kitties like you will get eaten by the monsters’, something like that. And I realized that this was the moment I had been dreaming about all along. And I knew what happened next but I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
               Catalina felt a tear run down her face, which she wiped away quickly. She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to be mad. But there was no point in being mad at a dead woman. She supposed there was also no point in being mad at a situation that was meant to be anyway.
               “Fascinating,” Namjoon said after a long pause. “You’re a prophet.”
               “I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that,” said Yoongi.
               “I don’t, I mean I didn’t,” he said. “But it doesn’t matter what I believe in. If she’s telling the truth, which she has no reason not to, then that’s proof. That implies that destiny is real, and we don’t truly have free will.”
               Namjoon rubbed his chin and looked off into space before continuing.
               “But not entirely,” said Namjoon. “If your dreams were a little bit different each time, that means that the future isn’t completely set in stone. It might still be possible to change it, especially if you know what to expect. It might be difficult though, since it sounded like all your dreams had about the same outcome.”
               “No, not all of them,” said Catalina. “Some of them ended with me finding you all and you protecting me from whatever was chasing me. One of them ended with Jungkook getting injured. He was unconscious and both of us were locked in one of those cells.”
               “So, it sounds like the future is changeable,” said Yoongi. “I bet your dreams were shifting every time someone made a decision.”
                “This isn’t unheard of, Catalina,” Namjoon said. “Lots of vampires have some sort of special ability. Usually it’s just things like hypnotism, or having an affinity for certain skills, but this could be very useful. And very interesting. The philosophical implications of this are well worth looking into.”
               “I don’t like it,” said Catalina.
               “You better get used to it,” said Yoongi. “There’s a lot of things about this life you won’t like.”
               “Well, vampires don’t need to sleep, right?” Jimin said. “If you don’t like it, just don’t sleep.”
               “Oh, that’s true,” said Hoseok.
               It was then that she remembered the last dream she had. The one on the beach. If that one came true, like the others did, then maybe this gift of hers wouldn’t be so bad.
               “What are you smiling about?” Jungkook asked.
               “The last dream I had, before I woke up today,” she said, her smile growing wider. “I hope it comes true.”
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thatfilthyanimal · 3 years
Fuck it.
It's taken me 20 years to get up the courage to talk about this publicly. It's still leaving out some details and is only ONE person's bullshit in a tangle of MANY, but this one has been the hardest to talk about that has affected me the longest.
TW's under the read-more:
(Trigger warnings for gaslighting, manipulation, abuse, power dynamics, death threats, violence, underage sex of varying levels of non-consensual, victim blaming, cheating, etc etc etc it's all bad ok?)
...Mostly because I ended up getting shamed for it early, and blamed for doing the things I did and blamed for feeling hurt, and I ended up believing I deserved and asked for it. It's taken a very, VERY long time to come to terms with that, realize I'm safe now, and agree that I wasn't to blame-- I was a fucking kid. This shit happened between 12-16. I was a kid riding off the coat-tails of my parent's divorce and dealing with the weird grooming of my older boyfriend at the time and just. It's taken a really long time to stop making excuses and forgiving shit from people who never really apologized for hurting me.
Even if they HAD apologized it wouldn't have meant shit. I've since spent the last 20-fucking-years feeling ashamed and holding back, and I'm pretty sure I'm processing some ugly PTSD lately and notttt doing good about it. Every time I tried to talk about this or think about it until more recently, I'd blank, I'd disassociate, I'd have a panic attack, I'd shut down-- I can't keep doing this.
And part of why I'm talking about it now is because one of the ONLY things that has ever helped, in all of these years, is knowing that others have gone through similar experiences. I think a post crossed my dash once? Years ago? Kids being convinced by peers they're something inhuman, and their friends using the power play aspect of that dynamic to hurt them. It's... oddly common, apparently? But I didn't know back then. I wish I'd known. I wish I'd been able to talk to ANYONE about it who could have looked at my situation and been like "dude, none of this is real and she's abusing you".
I'm 34. I'm exhausted. I want this bled out of me and I'm really really really fucking tired of it blindsiding me when I'm perfectly safe and happy. It's been ruining my life. I want it gone.
Here's what I wrote a couple weeks ago. This is the most coherently I've been able to get this out.
(Full transparency tho, I don't expect responses. It's heavy shit. I just. Need to let this out and try to finally move on, because it's costing me thousands in therapy and meds, costing me relationships, costing me time, costing me tears, just-- fuck, I want it OUT of me and I don't know what else to do.)
Me, for the last 20 years: Hahaha yeah it was dumb teenage shit, it wasn't that bad
Me, now: Oh yeah she literally threatened to kill me in my sleep for years if I upset her, and upsetting her included being mad when she'd cheat on me, sometimes right in front of me.
She convinced me I was something inhuman for YEARS. Played this huge game where she was an Alpha and could kill me at any time. I wanted to believe the person I loved, my best friend, and so I did. I wanted to believe there was more in the world than being my boring ol' self.
This meant, if she was having a bad day, it was suddenly something I unknowingly did "while asleep", and she'd yell at me, punish me by hitting me, giving me the cold shoulder for no reason, etc.
One time I talked back so she kicked my leg so hard I limped on it for weeks.
She sat there like 8 feet from me and aggressively made out with a cuter girl I didn't know she was with while everyone hollered and cheered them on, meanwhile she made excuses she couldn't even hold my hand while in school. By that point we'd been together for maybe 4 years.
Another girl excitedly told me in one of my classes once that she got a new girlfriend, and I was like, oh! neat! who?
And then she said my girlfriend's name.
I had to tell this girl she was already being lied to because -I- was with her. She'd never been told.
She tricked me into thinking another random stranger was inhuman "like us" and she egged me on, and I gave this random dude blowjobs for over a year thinking he was secretly my "mate" in another realm. We "weren't allowed to discuss it", she said. Meanwhile this guy used me.
Neither her nor this stranger ever attempted to return the sexual attention. Not for my pleasure, at least. I felt untouchable, and I felt like I was only good for others if I was doing something for them.
This has led to me having a lot of sex I wasn't interested in, over the last 20 years. I'm grey asexual, probably. Didn't know until I met my asexual partner.
Sex is finally enjoyable because I don't feel like it's all I'm good for. But I still fall back to it when insecure.
She told her lies to my boyfriend at the time, but only after I called her crying because me and my "mate" met up after school in the woods to fuck, which ended up not happening because I panicked. Thankfully, he wasn't a rapist. But he also wasn't there to be a loving partner.
Had he been a caring partner, and patient with my nerves, I would have absolutely let him do it.
Welcome to the scenario where we consented (but I really didn't, because I thought he was someone else) and no one believed I was molested when I'd tell them.
"But you wanted it."
(I didn't want to press charges on him-- he didn't actually do anything wrong. He didn't know what was going on, and maybe he should have communicated better with me, sure, but I forgave him.
For this, people assumed I was telling them for attention and pity points.)
My boyfriend, blindsided by everything and understandably upset, woke me crying because, hey, what the fuck, I had been cheating on him. I asked who he heard that from, and he mentioned her. Of course, she failed to mention her manipulation bullshit or the inhuman stuff.
Because, why should she be responsible for her manipulation and lying to me for years? Why should she be responsible for the guy she encouraged me to sleep with?
My boyfriend forgave it and we moved on. I slowly distanced from her and realized how much she'd been lying.
I'm fully aware it wasn't okay and she was being manipulative and cruel. I'm fully aware I'm safe now and that normal people don't approach relationships like that. It doesn't stop the knee-jerk reaction to panic when AFAB people show me affection.
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shintorikhazumi · 4 years
A/N: Clearly, based on Kehlani’s song. Also, One, I did not try to learn the song on guitar just for this fic… Two, this may or may not be an advertisement to the Pole Dancing! AU I’m planning once I’ve completed A Warm Diana. That pole dancing au is completely separate from that one-shot I released, “Dance For Me.”, though it’s possible that a chapter may be named as such. Been a while since I did a songfic so… woot. The events here probably won’t happen in the final AU tho, but the world details are shared~. Not as much pole dancing as the last, sorry
Dedicated to @kagarikhylev, thank you! I said last, last weekend but I got swamped by college starting up again, all the LWA reposts to ao3 since I’m behind, and just generally… being distracted by a lot of things, so deepest apologies.
This fic may or may not be good. I am screwed because I have a 7am quiz and it’s 9:48pm, and I did not study a thing. Priorities, amiright? My concentration is busted.
Also. Diana is an idiot.
~Shintori Khazumi
“I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet
A little selfish…”
She walks through the halls, following the echoing of unfamiliar lyrics against the empty corridor. The clock ticks just that bit closer to five in the afternoon, and the east wing is relatively empty, save for the presence of a voice carrying that pleasant tune, and words that pique her interest. At the moment, she should be on her usual search for her friend who has been avoiding her like a pandemic these past few days, but her body is keen on taking a detour, her ears the leader that guides her whole way. Eventually, she finds herself standing in front of the sliding door to one of the dance course’s practice rooms. She expects that to be here, seeing as the music programs featuring vocal and instrumental courses held their classes on the opposite side of the large building, according to the map posted down the hall.
What she isn’t expecting is the singing present in the air. Because why would singing come from here? From a dance major?
While singing might not be solely reserved for the ones actually studying it, it is a rarity for occasions such as this to happen in a school that had students ready to ridicule anyone not up to par with their personal standard of skill. This holds especially true for those majoring in classical music as they often have their heads lifted high, considering their genre to be ‘superior’ to the rest.
So, she understands why theater children stick to theater, why dance majors stick to moving their bodies to the beat, and why people aiming to get into Philharmonic- much like her- only stick to performing and doing what they do best, in-and-out of class hours.
Here, in this institution, resides a slightly toxic, competitive atmosphere that forces you to give your all for your craft, and not insult others by dabbling in their own specialties half-heartedly. There is no encouragement, there is no beautiful rivalry.
Or at least, that’s what she’s known since entering both vocal and instrumental programs. As a flutist, in particular, there remains quite a bit of competition for seats in their prestigious school’s main touring orchestra, so auditions that may as well be full-blown battles were common. The dance majors always look so friendly from afar, though; maybe they are different.
And maybe that’s why they remain the school’s outcasts.
Breathing out her thoughts into a puff of air to clear her mind, she peeks through the small window of the room’s door. Her eyes widen in surprise, but pink lips tip into a fond smile as she spots a familiar tuft of brunette hair in that signature hairstyle she knew all too well. The one she’s been looking for.
‘What a treat.’
She leans heavier on the glass, pressing her ear against the door, believing it might allow her to hear this secret serenade better.
“I like my women like I like my money, green
A little jealous-“
In the light of the late afternoon sun, the singer is enchanting, magical. Reflected through ocean blues, she always has been. Ever since they first met. But something’s changed. There is a different kind of blossoming taking place in the musician’s heart. She doesn’t understand it. But she wants to. However, she wants to understand it with that particular girl- singing with abandon on the floor, antique guitar in her lap- by her side, but being avoided doesn’t make her need any easier to satisfy.
She doesn’t understand it at all. Why she can’t solve it on her own. She doesn’t understand why she’d being avoided either.
Hums ease the creases that have subconsciously formed on her forehead, the gentle voice tickling her ears pleasantly. It eases a weight off her soul, and she relishes in the ambience of the present hour.
She would have loved to listen for much longer had she not accidentally placed her full weight on the door at the wrong angle, sliding it open with a very audible screech. And the next thing she knows, she’s falling forward, and the floor comes up, about to give her a kiss she won’t forget, and it’s not the one she would have preferred.
But no, that should not happen. If her moniker of ‘Miss Perfect’ was anything to go by, she is sure she can do anything. Including catching herself against the now stuck door, leaving her bent in an awkward posture, face hovering inches off the floor. The sudden chain of actions has her heart jump up to her throat, all the calm air in her lungs stolen by shock. She remains in an awkward position for a while longer, gathering her bearings, and thankful she didn’t injure herself with what had just occurred. The room’s occupant is just as surprised as she is, apparently.
Shaking away her initial wide-eyed expression and donning an appreciative smile, she poses a casual statement, trying to brush off the awkward situation as she stands up to her full height, brushing imaginary dust off her jacket at the same time.
“I didn’t know you could play the guitar.”
There’s a curious pause, wine-red eyes stunned at the brash intrusion to her solo afternoon world. The perpetrator feels her toes clench in nerves, hidden behind closed shoes. She’s hoping her companion wouldn’t just… stare. She’s certain those eyes have a million questions running amok in her pretty little head, but she is beginning to feel the heat rising its steady course up her face, and is unsure she could handle this atmospheric pressure any longer.
By some deity’s saving grace, there’s a blink to reboot the mind of those same questioning eyes, the room’s initial occupant finally managing a response. “It’s a little hobby… I almost didn’t hear you come in.” Stood by the door, the newcomer wonders if that was meant to be a joking or a literal statement.
“And you never said you could sing.”
“I don’t.” The guitar is kept to the side, in a place hidden from the immediate view of anyone casually visiting the room. “I dance, is what I do.”
“I know.”  The flutist replies as casually as she strives to look in these strange moments; she hopes to keep the conversation flowing, to keep the person in front of her from leaving her side again. “I watch you.”
“Of course, you do.”
She wonders what the song is all week. It replays over and over in her head in class. It haunts her dreams at night, and plagues her in the waking hours. She even unconsciously hums it while doing her homework in the library. This leaves her friend, Hannah, wide-eyed.
And she appears to be wide-eyed as well.
“Diana!” Is the harsh whisper in her ear. She doesn’t like the feeling of hot air there, but her astonishment at the fact that this song has now consumed her renders her the tiniest bit numb.
“What.” Diana replies just as quiet, but softer in delivery.
“Why are you singing that?” The brunette queries, voice no longer a whisper, and away from Diana’s ear, but low enough to not be overheard by anyone else in the vicinity. She doesn’t look mad, nor is she upset. Diana takes note of this. She’s merely… very, very befuddled.
“Is something the matter? I think I like the tune.”
“Do you really not know what that song is about?” Is the bewildered reply. “I mean… I know you aren’t that straight, m’lady…or at all…” The last part, she whispers under her breath. “but… like… I didn’t think you would expose yourself like this?”
With the faintest flush on her cheeks, Diana responds in confusion. “What are you saying? Am I not supposed to like this song?”
The shorter girl is taken aback slightly. “N-no, you can like… it. Just… your voice professor would have a heart attack if she hears you sing that and knows the song, so let’s not. Okay? Not in public, at least. Especially with your status.” She huffs, then whips her head back up, recalling something. “Don’t play it on you flute either. I see Barbara wasn’t lying when she freaked out earlier at lunch telling me about this.”
“I still fail to understand the problem?” Diana states, impatient as her foot taps on the wooden floorboards.
“Of course. Because you’re dense.” Is the offensive reply she gets. Before she can retort, or pose further question, Hannah takes her by the hand, clearing up all their stuff single-handedly with the other, showcasing surprising efficiency; and she drags her friend right out of the area.
As they turn into a relatively empty hall, the heiress’ hand is released, and she walks side-by-side with her friend who releases a snort that is succeeded by a fit of giggles that are quickly replaced with bouts of laughter. The brunette bends over, hitting her knees, tears at the corners of her eyes.
“Diana, you utter idiot.”
All too quickly, the laughs dissipate and a serious Hannah slaps her hand on Diana’s shoulders in a firm grip.
“I would have hoped you’d look up the lyrics if you recalled them, but then again, you’re hopeless with technology. Or if you only heard the tune… well, I guess that’s understandable too.” The brunette patted her cheek fondly.
“It’s called Honey.” And Hannah finally tells her the title she’s been seeking; feeling grateful she hugs her friend.
“Wh-what’s happening?! Will I die tomorrow?”
“You overreact.” Diana rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. “Thank you.”
“Don’t listen to it too much that you become addicted. Don’t want to catch you at the head of even more rumors than you already are.” Her shorter friend teases, picking up the materials she dropped earlier as she made a grab at Diana. “I’m serious.”
“Do you doubt my self-control?”
“After meeting her, what I do doubt is if you have much left.”
Diana splutters, chasing after the fleeing imp sticking her tongue out at her.
She’ll get back at her.
Hannah is rarely right over her, after all.
Hannah is right, after all.
Immediately after reaching her room, Diana had looked it up; her barely cooperating fingers carefully typing in five simple letters… that soon became nine with a space between the previous ones and new ones as she clearly knows that she’s not looking to view videos of bees and liquid gold in glass jars.
And after the first click, she’s defeated. She listens to it over and over.
And over.
And over.
And over again.
[“'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”]
The video plays on her phone for the thirtieth time that day. Considering that it is barely noon, with classes in between this time and the moment she woke up, that’s probably a lot of repeats. It isn’t unhealthy yet. Right?
And she likes the song. It plays well in the background as she does her homework. She’s too distracted for the lyrics to register properly in her mind anyway.
So a woman was singing about her companion who she seemed to be very loyal to. Just as Diana was to her new best friend. The singer also appeared to be bragging about their charm… and their preferences on women’s attitudes? Or visuals? Did this person like green-skinned ladies?? Who happened to be jealous and tasted sweet? Diana always thought the skin had a more… salty flavor to it.
Maybe she should ask what her new friend, Akko, thinks about this. She has been slowly sharing bits and pieces of her world to the unknowing prodigy, and she always likes hearing the brunette’s opinion on various subjects. Akko’s opinion.
Ah, yes. Akko. Right.
And Diana goes back to that afternoon with Akko and the guitar. The catalyst for this strange addiction to Honey. Not the food, she added to herself. The song.
The song, yes, now entering the thirty-first cycle. As the words came to play with the dancing melodies, Diana muses that the lyrics certainly suit the girl who had introduced this wonderful song to her.
[“'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”]
And she reaches this part once more, still thinking of the one named Kagari Atsuko. The dance major, and her newest best friend. Friend. Yes, that’s what her other friends had said. She's been spending far too much time; sparing too much attention on her… friend, so they were a little lonely.
She digresses.
Anyway. Akko. Yes. She may not be much of a wreck– scratch that, maybe she was. Diana chuckles. Nevertheless, as the lyrics preach over and over, she was a beautiful one. Incredibly so.
She is all the vivid colors of the world, incredibly funny. Diana is not one for comedy, but Akko pulls laughs out of her with fabulous ease.
She closes her eyes, seeing that loveable face blinding her with the brightness of the sun, encompassing her with its warmth, and inspiring her each day. What an amazing friend.
As blues are revealed to the world behind the fluttering of thick lashes, she takes in the vast rehearsal room designed for the practices and assessments of the dance majors for ballroom. It houses a piano and a few of the larger percussion instruments for the live accompaniment of collaborating music majors. It also serves as the general area of practice for when the school would prepare for their showcases and events. Or well, this room used to be all of that. Now, it simply remains as a spare practice and storage room.
After the students had fallen into an unfixable dispute due to their hardheadedness towards their differences, collaborations seldom happen. When they do occur, they are looked down upon by the rest of the body. It was a shameful ordeal, supposedly.
It is a shame, Diana agrees. That they would sacrifice the beauty of performance for pride.
Only the people who come to utilize all this free space clean it before and after using. That is rare as well. Anyone who reserves this room becomes the target of rumors to want to unify a broken crowd.
And nobody wants that. That’s what the populace says.
The poor unused floorboards, the scarcely maintained instruments and tools… and here she sits at the aforementioned sad piano, lid sliding open, fingers splaying across ivory keys. She punches a note. And another, and the tune that has been imprisoned in her mind- or has it imprisoned her mind- is now escaping into the air, into the theme that fills her senses. She first tests it out with just the melody on one hand, but then her left comes to join in the only dance she really knows how to do.
This moment is hers alone. No one can come to break it.
Hannah can’t complain if she goes against her advice and performs the song for no one anyway.
A beautiful song for a beautiful no one.
She caresses it like a ballad, hands deftly sweeping over the keys, light and gentle.
Piano used to be her first love. Her mother loved it more. After she passed, Diana had lost many competitions, and she was forbidden from touching one ever again.
Only in secret could she stroke her lover’s keys, that beautiful ivory, that shimmering black. Only in secret could she kiss the melodies with all her affection, press down with the right pressure to allow the instrument to voice its beautiful moan of music.
Only in secret would could she play this song on repeat; only in secret could she play it herself; only in secret could she think on the lyrics well; only in secret would she link every syllable to one girl.
Only in secret could she wish she were here.
Only in secret could she realize and admit,
“I love you… Akko…”
A clanging sound, loud, metallic.
There’s a pole rolling on the floor, and the sound of shuffling, a figure scrambling to gather her belongings now scattered everywhere.
“Diana. Hi.” Rubies flit about, landing temporarily on anything not Diana. “You… were practicing… a thing?” Her voice is choked, its timbre pitched higher than the usual. “I guess I should leave you-“
“NO!” She doesn’t mean to yell, but her desperation has the better of her. She only has so little time to stop the girl from escaping her again. “S-stay. I… I mean… stay? Please stay? Please Stay.” She says the same words in different ways and tones, unsure. “Don’t… leave me.”
A nod is the only movement the frozen body can manage. There’s this stillness between them before Diana pushes out words from her frenzied mind.
“C-come here?” She pats the bench beside her awkwardly, not knowing if her invitation was a welcome one. She breathes a sigh of relief when Akko places her things to the side, neatly against the wall before walking up to her, standing by the bench, staring at the hand still covering the seat.
She hesitates.
She does. She leaves a hand’s-width of space between them.
And it’s a painful silence.
One Diana tries to break.
“Hi.” She seeks her eyes.
“Hi.” They don’t seek hers. “What did you call me here for?” Akko asks nervously, feet shuffling against the floor.
Think fast, Diana. Anything to make her stay longer.
And it’s only honey on her mind once more. Her saving grace. “C-Could you sing that song for me once more?” Akko looks like she’s having difficulty recalling. “The one I walked in on...”
Akko bites her lip nervously as she contemplates that, and Dear mother of Cavendish Diana finds that so attractive.
“I don’t… think I know what you’re talking about.” The dancer plays dumb.
But Diana wants her plan of… whatever she’s trying to do… to work. So, her mind, as helpful as it is, hides the memory of the title she’s replayed over and over. She tries to tell her the song anyway. As best she can.
“It’s… it’s the one about loyal friendship.”
“F-friendship?” If Akko had been playing dumb earlier, she no longer was. She doesn’t recall singing a song about friendship…
“And the singer boasting of their charm… and their… preferences for women, I suppose? Or maybe it’s not friendship. Companionship? Partnership? The one where… something about jealousy and sweetness and colors, and flying- and dear Beatrix, I deeply apologize for my incompetence, Akko…” Diana covers her face in a shame that’s burning the blonde alive.
“Pffft- what the hell Diana, ahahahaha.” Akko finally loosens all that tension she imposes on Diana, relenting. Diana was just too irresistible. Knocking lightly against the music major’s head, she makes known the song’s name once more. “It’s called Honey.”
She doesn’t understand this sudden change in mood, in mind, but Diana now has the opportunity to play it cool, her plan of keeping Akko there, having Akko want to stay there is working. So despite not understanding, she welcomes this in comparison with the cold she’s received as of late.
“O-Oh? I didn’t know that.” But of course, Diana does. Clearly.
“Well, you do suck at using your phone. And your laptop. And the internet.”
And there’s that pretty pink flush on her face once more, annoying her.
“Fine.” Akko says.
“I’ll sing it.”
“Y-you will?!” Diana finds herself standing excitedly, hands clutching Akko’s.
“Wow, you really must want to hear that song.”
“I… I’ve been a little curious…”
Akko smiles that gorgeous, honest smile. “I can see that.” She gets up as well, facing Diana, but then remembering something. “Ah! But… what time is it… I was supposed to be practicing for the show at the bar later, and I have class in-” The time read two pm, on the dot. “Shit, I only have an hour, and I have to leave for my job right after the lesson…”
That explains the pole she had with her.
It was no secret to Diana that Akko had gone to school here at Luna Nova against her parents wishes. Akko also worked a night job, pole dancing in secret. It was- is her passion. Not to entice people into desiring her body, by any means, but to tell a story of grace, honor, sensuality, and honesty through her dance.
And the medium Akko chooses is the pole.
“Oh, I know!” The brunette interrupts her reverie. “How ‘bout you play the song again, and I’ll practice to it. The music I was going to use has roughly the same tempo, I think.”
“…are you going to sing while dancing?” Diana speaks to the retreating back that moves to prepare her set-up, Akko loosening a secret portion of wood on the floor away to reveal a hole that would snuggly hold her practice pole in place.
“Eh, why not?” She shrugs, nonchalantly and Diana is amazed by her as always. “Two birds with one pole, or something.”
“Same thing.”
Finishing her little stage, Akko smiles in triumph, chucking her jacket and jogging pants to the side without a care. Not even for Diana who pries her eyes away from toned muscle.
“Ready when you are.”
Diana isn’t, but she plays for Akko’s sake anyway. Her hands traverse the keys on instinct, eyes on the slender figure that begins its preliminary moves in grace and desire.
Red meets blue and the show starts.
  “I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet~
A little selfish”
It’s a simple twirl about the pole, with a wink thrown in, but Diana thinks it’s the most spectacular motion already.
“I like my women like I like my money, green
A little jealous”
And there’s the pleasant laugh she adores.
“'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”
Akko sings in that strong voice, as she runs her hands through her hair, shaking the strands loose as she prances around the metal shaft before clutching onto it, allowing herself to fly through the air. By the next line, she’s sliding down painfully slow, body pressed against the reflective equipment in the room, eyes locked with Diana’s. A hand clutches the thin fabric barely covering her chest, the other reaching out to pull Diana in, only strong legs keeping her up.
“Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet
With a stone-cold neck, yeah, I'm charmin'”
‘You truly are…’ Diana says to herself, her heart starting to physically hurt with the desire to touch, and to hold in her arms. That smile shot at her was simply unfair.
“All the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you”
For a second, Diana feels as though Akko were speaking these words to her for real. That idea makes it that much tighter in her chest. There was no way. That Akko finds her appealing like that, that she would choose to stay with Diana here… Diana… hadn’t forced her to do this little thing they were having at the moment, right?
“Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you”
‘Fate…’ Her sight turns bleary, but she doesn’t understand why. Warmth traces after the wetness that rolls down one cheek. And that hand surprises her, cupping her cheek, prompting her to look up into emotional pools of red that are very, very close. Their proximity is far too close. “Wha-“ When had Akko…
“Heartache would stay with you
Fly great escapes with you, oh…”
-are the murmured lyrics, breaths ragged puffs of air brushing against her parted lips. A hand rested over her own that had now crumpled the cloth of her shirt over her chest, fist gripped tightly.
“You… stopped…hah… playing… Diana.” Akko gets out, breathing uneven the sudden change of her moving body to its stationary state.
Ah. She has. Her other hand is simply resting on the keys, motionless. She feels kind of bad now, to have cut Akko’s practice performance short; but she can’t even work a reply out. Her lips tremble, facial muscles feel wobbly.
“Hmm… that’s no good. I can’t complete your request without your help.” Akko muses, taking a deep breath of air as she pulls away from the shaken heiress. Index finger of her free hand tapping against her cheek, her eyes lit up in realization. “I know!”
“Diana.” At the call of her name, she offers her attention. “Come dance with me.”
“W-wait, I can’t-“
But it’s too late for that, and she’s easily dragged by the overwhelming force of Akko’s strength built from the foundation of dancing and every other physical activity she must have done to mold her body into the shape that it is now. Striking, alluring, lean, and every bit the exquisite art that Diana sees it as.
And now said art presses against her back, pushing her against the cold metal Akko clings on to on a regular basis. Hands guide her own to grasp the bar, and soon they slowly spin. A soft voice hums into her ear, those sounds turning into the lyrics she’s far past memorizing now.
They are engraved in her very heart.
“I countdown to the clock, saw you awake
Don't walk away, or would you wait for me?”
How ironic that Akko should sing this for her. When Diana has been the one pleading for her to stay day by day- maybe not in words, but in her gestures, in her eyes, in her sighs. How hurtful she was being, when Diana has been the one seeking after her. When Diana is already the one waiting.
How cruel, Akko.
“I go out to the bar, fuck hangin' with the stars
Don't even have a car, but you would wait for me, mm-hmm”
A shiver crawls up her neck, tiny hairs upright as Akko’s lips vibrate against the skin there as she hums the end of the line. The touch is ghostly, barely there, but Diana knows. She knows.
It was painful.
So, so painful for Diana.
Akko feels that pain as it drips onto the arm she has wrapped around Diana’s waist, the girl curling into herself as she bites her lip to keep her sobs trapped within.
“I-I’m sorry, I… I don’t know what’s come over me, I should just!” She wants to escape. Just escape and run from the confusion that hangs in shadows over her clarity.
But Akko doesn’t let her.
Quickly, she’s in a tighter hold, a gentler hold; the scent of strawberries and sweat permeating the bubble of air they are locked in. Her eyes see black as a hand goes over to cover them; she feels Akko’s movements through the back of her shirt.
They make another twirl.
Everything in her heart stirs along with the motion; it aches.
“All, all, all…”
Diana waits for those familiar lyrics to go on, each word digging painfully into her, because, in the end, that’s all they are. Lyrics. Lyrics that make her realize just what it is that draws her like a moth to the everlasting brightness that is Kagari Atsuko.
What it is that keeps her listening, if only to fuel her imagination when all these lines point to the same girl, painting pictures in her dreams of them walking aimlessly on a street, Akko smiling at her, laughing with her. So beautifully.
“…all the pretty girls in the world…”
She braces herself for the same old lines, ones that mean nothing but the words to catchy music.
“But they don’t compare to you.”
And they don’t come. The change of words had her whip her head up, craning her neck to look behind her, puzzled; Akko had already hidden herself against Diana’s nape. Those… That’s… not… how she remembered the song…
“You’re the color of my life
I’d battle fate if it meant I’d stay with you”
“My heart aches; it longs for you”
“That isn’t…”
“…I know I’m in love with you.”
And Akko releases her, stepping away from the pole, and from her. It’s all cold again, freezing the blood that pumps through her veins after the bombardment to her senses.
“I’m sorry.” There are tears in Akko’s eyes now. And she just stops singing altogether. “I’m sorry.” Her voice loses that melody, now replaced by sobs. “I’m sorry.”
“You must have realized, right? What I’m feeling.” She smiles grimly. “Ugly, dirty… wrong feelings… for someone like my best friend… and… I’m sorry I made you cry. You must have felt creeped out and harassed, huh? You must have been scared because I wouldn’t let you go…”
“That isn’t, that’s-“
“I’m sorry, forcing myself onto you after being so cold. I… I didn’t mean to avoid you, I just-“ She meets the confusion that clouds the sky in Diana’s eyes. “I didn’t want you to know if by chance you didn’t feel the same way.”
“I… when I came into the room, I thought I’d heard wrong. What you said… the… c-confession…” Akko clenches her eyes shut, willing the tears away. “But then you said the song was about friends, so I probably have the wrong idea, and you might have just meant that you… l-love me as a friend.” She sniffles. “So, I’m sorry. I just…” I sob rips its way past the barriers of her lips, and more tears spill down apple-red cheeks. “I didn’t want you to find out like this… but I’ve… for so long…”
A beat passes, and Akko’s teary hiccups, and the pair’s mismatched breathing are the only sounds that remain in the room.
“You… You can reject me now, or something. Please don’t be this quiet, Diana.” Akko laughs bitterly, saltiness escaping sealed eyes. “I guess, I just couldn’t help it any more. Ran out of options, had nothing else I wanted to do here but tell you I love you.”
Another beat. There’s a breeze that rustles the leaves outside closed windows. Breaths calm, and the only noise that remains is the occasional sniff.
“Please just say something so I can leave.” Akko whispers, only for them to hear.
“That’s… that’s wrong.” Diana finally manages to complete her sentence.
“Loving you? Yeah. I know.”
“Oh, leaving after telling you something so imposing like that-?”
“No, what’s wrong is… That… That’s not…”
“That’s not what, Diana?” Akko asks, a little high-strung from everything. “You’ve been repeating those words a while now.”
“That’s not how the lyrics go…”
“…Diana, you dense little- mrrnngghhh!” Akko reaches forward, hands almost touching Diana’s cheeks before they pinch the air, shaking with whatever feeling fueled her strength to have her hands trembling like that. “I cannot believe you. I just… I just confessed to you, poured my heart and soul out, and all you remember, all you can say about that WHOLE thing, was that I got my lyrics wrong?!”
Akko fumes, red in the face with frustration, or sadness, or confusion, or maybe all of those combined.
“… yes?”
“Well, ain’t that great, then?” Akko sarcastically utters. “You seem relatively unaffected by all of this. Guess I should have only worried about unrequited feelings.” She begins trudging toward her water bottle by the window, donning her jacket after taking a few sips.
She is just about ready to leave.
“What next? You at least want to stay friends now? I can stay friends if you give me… space for the next couple of days to get over you-“
“Why would you have to do that? Can’t we be friends at the same time?”
The pair blinks synchronously in their shared confusion.
“I mean... Don’t we feel the same way? I know dating follows after these kinds of events… and then we become l-lovers… but I believe that being best friends on top of that is even more wonderful-“
“Waitwaitwaitwait, hold it! Hold it right there!” Akko waves her arms frantically in front of her.
“I- what do I hold… exactly?”
Slapping a hand over her face, Akko lets all this information sink in, processing it with her brain that has definitely shrunk from all the stupidity taking place in one room. Is it her? Or is it Diana? The one who is misunderstanding things? Or are they both not coming to an understanding? Do they just not understand each other?
“So let me get this straight…” Akko pinches the bridge of her nose, a migraine coming on.
“Of course.”
“We’re both not straight.”
“… ah.”
Akko looks to her companion curiously at the weird sound.
“That’s what Hannah meant.” Diana says with an audible snap of her fingers, face looking very enlightened, a smile decorating her features.
“Eh- Akko? Where are we going? Akko?!”
“I could kill you right now, but it’s almost time for my class. You are coming with me to work, and we will talk about this afterwards.”
“Finally! One of us understands.” She drags Diana behind her, marching towards her classroom.
“Then, why must I accompany you to your class?”
Diana feels a tingle in her heart at the sight of red-tipped ears, at the feeling of a heated hand holding hers, and words that are the lyrics to the best song she’ll ever hear in her lifetime.
“I love you, and I just found out you love me too… so I wanted to kiss you…”
Diana’s smile grows wider, now a stupid grin on her face. “But?”
“I’m late for class, so staring at you will have to suffice.” The blonde is pleased to know they both have their priorities set. Though she wouldn’t have minded straying from time-to-time.
“You’re beginning to understand a lot of things now, it seems.”
“Naturally. I’m a fast learner.” Diana boasts. Akko simply rolls her eyes at that. “Am I allowed to stay with you in your class? What is your next class, anyway?”
“I think it’s the required language class?”
“Oh, I have that now too... Wait- we share that class, don’t we?” Diana realizes, her steps speeding up and now she’s the one dragging Akko.
“Oh, right~, wait- Diana?”
“We have a quiz in that subject.”
“Fucking run, Diana! Remember stuff like that and tell me sooner! You idiot best friend!”
“I’m your lover now too!”
“I love you too, Akko.”
“I love you most.”
  “I (I), I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet
A little selfish… huh”
“You’re selfish”
Akko pauses in her guitar playing to slap the blonde’s hand.
“I like my women like I like my money, green” Both chuckle at the joke only they share; Diana rolling her eyes, sporting a blush, her minty strands fluttering in the wind. “A little jealous”
“Am not.”
“Are too.” Akko teases, kissing red cheeks.
“Oh, I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”
“You are.”
“Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet (oh)
With a stone-cold neck, I'm so charmin', oh, oh”
Shifting to a position behind Akko on the little hill they’ve chosen for their first date, Diana wraps her arms around the slender waist, planting a kiss to Akko’s shoulder blade before resting her head on the girl’s shoulder, positioned in a way that she could just watch the expressions on her girlfriend’s face.
“I love you.”
Akko gives her a wink as she continues her song, everything she is- her tone, her warmth, her body language- exclaiming that she loves Diana back in the way words can’t.
Do-do-do do-do
Do-do-do do-do
Do-do-do do-do
Da-da-da da-da
Isn't love all we need? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
To be the same prophesy? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti, is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Love (ooh), do-do-do do-do”
It’s a sweet kiss. Gentle, intense, with all the colors of the rainbow, and the passion of the burning sun.
Just like Honey.
  “It’s love.”  
A/N: If you’re wondering what Diana typed, it was “Honey song” because she doesn’t know the artist. Aren’t we glad Diana is such a smart lass?
Also, this was not supposed to be this long and frustrating. Sorry for the mess and bad plot?
Comments, kudos, reblogs, any feedback is always welcomed!
~Shintori Khazumi
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
The Catboy Valois AU
This one is a little cursed, and inspired by this Totally Spies post.
This AU does contain some nsfw content, which I will place at the end of the post and mark for (it’s right after the dog pics). Once again, this was brainstormed on the GG server, back in October of 2019. Biggest contributor other than myself was @atagotiak​.
So I decided that, at some point, I need to see one of those inexplicable and very horny modern catpeople AUs.
Where a fraction of the population just happens to have cat ears and tails etc. for... minimal reason.
Tarvek def has them. Bc twink. Sticking to the tropes, you know.
All the Valois are catpeople because most of history didn't have the option of interbreeding, just coexisting. Something something sterile hybrids because chromosomes.
Andronicus Valois, Catboy King
Lucrezia was full human and Aaronev never had a chance.
"Most of history" because recently they scienced up ways to get around it, so there are catperson/human hybrids, like Gil and Zeetha (Klaus is human, Zanta is not).
Klaus is kinda glad Gil has cat ears bc this makes people automatically assume he can’t be the dad even if they realize it’s technically possible.
This means Agatha gets her boys.
The human (Lars), the hybrid (Gil), and the cat (Tarvek).
Anevka's initial robot body doesn't have the cat features just due to the fact that Tarvek was aiming for Bare Minimum, and then when he added them in later she decided she liked being able to pick when she had them.
I am morally obligated to reblog the callout art @mercurialvoid​ did for me a few years ago.
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We’re not gonna talk about that, though.
human Othar/catgirl Anevka
It's considered Undignified but everyone still DOES it, just... discreetly.
Agatha thinks nothing of it when Zeetha rubs their cheeks together while training and then someone looks at her funny and asks if that's her girlfriend or something.
And Agatha Realizes that she's currently got Belongs-to-Zeetha scent on her and has to scramble to explain that Zeetha kind of adopted her as a little sister because it's the closest approximation she can come up with that still has Acceptable Connotations.
I think platonic marking is a THING but mostly within families, children, and really close female friends, like holding hands. (Toxic masculinity does apply.)
And kolee-zumil is effectively family relationship.
Agatha can't SMELL the scent markings but she gets used to them.
Also like. There's probably different levels of scent marking depending on the body part. Wrists and cheeks are different.
Jagers that used to be catboys have better senses of smell, and are the ones sent to find a Heterodyne.
Agatha and Lars make out but don't go all the way because Agatha is not ready. (Meanwhile, Zeetha can literally smell how horny these dumb kids are.)
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(Imagine how much more dangerous the baby gilvek airship-exploring shenanigans would be given one is a catboy and the other is half catboy.)
Gil just kinda scent marks on literally everything/everyone. The boy is affection-starved well into adulthood. He probably purrs too. And purring is probably considered kinda undignified.
Tarvek purrs when he’s designing clothes in his head. He’s embarrassed when he realizes. Everyone thinks it’s cute tho.
Also when crafting super-complicated diabolical plans.
Purring isn’t very diabolical. So it’s embarrassing and doesn’t fit with the aesthetic at all.
It’s hard to do an evil scheme while being an image-conscious catboy.
Gil only. Sort of knows how to cat. He's not very good at it. Zulenna helped but...
Is Von Pinn a cat? Gut says yes. Though it makes it less likely she'd be mistaken for Lu as the students did, but hey! She’d appreciate that.
She probably wouldn’t know how to cat.
Or maybe she would, given we’re assuming hereditary and she was made for Andronicus... She probably knows a bit abt how to tell other people how to cat, but she doesn’t know how to cat herself.
The Muses... not designed to look like catpeople. Ruined the minimalist bodies RVR was going for, going by canon's lack of consistent ears or noses
Agatha does not realize at first that Von-Pinn is a cat-lady because her ears match her hair and every time she sees Agatha her ears go back, and the tail is hidden under the hobble dress.
Otilia is very happy to go from catwoman body to Giant Metal Cat body
She's got a faint pattern to her fur that's, on closer inspection, very much indicating she's a PANTHER.
Consider: Tarvek starts working himself up into a frenzied panic and the nearest Trusted Person starts petting him to calm him down and he like. Melts.
TBH tho, a good portion of canon Tarvek’s behaviour can already be described as “cat does something stupid and immediately after attempts to pretend he has dignity even though everyone saw the stupid thing.”
Once Tarvek calms down... Lazy Cat Time.
CH would be ecstatic that Agatha snagged two suitors, then swing around to devastated that they’re both catboys, and maybe delusional enough to attempt to cut the ears/tails off like that’d solve anything then come around to “well there’s always science” once it’s fixed.
All Valois have high necks on their outfits, at least at the back
So nobody tries to Deactivate The Cat
(One less thing for Anevka to worry about.)
Because, you know. Canon decided to cut Agatha in half to acquire an heir, so we can’t exactly say the Castle is all that sensible.
It does calm down once Agatha mentions she has Lars, though.
Per @lyratalus​: Krosp could be... so much more dangerous in this AU. What if he was designed to be emperor of all catpeople?
Cats never do what they're told anyways, and you can’t really control people without wasps, but the attempt was made! Vapnoople was ambitious!
Long story short, there's a spark of Something but then they just bat him off the table.
Imagine Seffie making Martellus Stop by deactivating the cat
Violetta is the cutest lil catgirl...
HE'S NOT A TWINK AND IT'S WEIRD. Not even a twunk???
Martellus is
So fucking ODD for a catboy
Like it HAPPENS but it means that human women are more likely to find him attractive than catgirls (and even that's a bit of a long shot on the basis of personality).
(Gil excused from the catboys-are-twink-to-twunk rule on the basis of being half human, and his dad being Basically A Wall.)
That said, for Andy I’m gonna go with "buff as fuck but sooooooo charismatic that all the catgirls, and human girls, flocked to him anyway."
So that’s at least two Bara catboys in this AU
Tarvek is canonically more or less the same size/shape as Gil, but... in my heart, Tarvek’s a twunk. He’s got muscle but he's not AS big, and he's got intense Twink energy, especially since Tarvek actually is queer.
(And they're both straight so they're not even technically bara, just Buff.)
(Not twinks either but...)
(Twink is a fun word.)
Colette is human and Seffie isn't but they'd need science for babies ANYWAY so who cares? It's a lot of Seffie laying her head in Colette's lap and purring as she falls asleep because Colette just keeps petting her.
Catboy Martellus still makes sparkhound shapeshifters. He's a catperson...  but he's still a Dog Person.
Martellus and his dynamic with the sparkhounds:
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He loves them, they love him. But they’re embarrassing sometimes.
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ANYWAY back to the point, which is that a lot of these catperson AUs are just... really super horny.
Which is valid.
Ears are technically erogenous zones for everyone but for the cat people... it's a Lot. It's also not like. Inherently sexual? But it can be. Like spooning. It feels nice ALWAYS but with the right person it's also HORNY.  Or like brushing someone else's hair. 
Ear rubs and headpats that result in like, intense sensation? Good actually.
Also I’m declaring that catpeople have heats. Or at least like. Heightened mating seasons? Extra horny times.
So you have Agatha and Lars normal, Gil kinda horny and confused, and Tarvek rubbing himself against the nearest spouse in hopes that someone's going to fuck the living daylights out of him.
Valois probably take suppressing things as a matter of course bc it’s hard to stay alert to assassination attempts when overwhelmingly horny. When Tarvek deliberately forgoes them eventually, everyone is touched by how much trust it shows.
Without suppressants, the horny is either something you can cope with or something that is intense but comes in Very brief periods. Either one day a month, or a week twice a year? Something like that.
Honestly though, imagine if Gil tried to hide being a catperson for the sake of the Empire or some nonsense, and had to just suffer when in heat?
Agatha likes to watch the boys go at it because there's something about Fangs On Neck that's super pleasurable for cat people and she can't provide that for Tarvek but Gil certainly can.
Bonding marks aren't a thing but possessive biting is.
(Since birth control is so easily accessed in GG, I feel like Lu’s opinion of catboys would be a super gross objectifying thing.)
(Which. Yeah.)
(Lucrezia basically has that opinion on any man in canon that isn’t immediately useful to her for science reasons.)
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levis-wings · 3 years
needed a little break in between reading summer rain and silent storms by @astridthevalkyrie to process the first book's ending. i thought going straight into silent storms would literally break me (like actually murder me lol)
yet, i was rendered pleasantly surprised.
i began reading silent storms during my commute to work. and lemme tell you, i haven't been wanting to go to work for a while now because it's been HECTIC (new ehr system is driving us all NUTS). i was also expecting to hold my tears in public (in fear of the angst of the ending of summer rain to bleed into silent storms' beginning). however, i spent like thirty minutes trying not to squeal with happiness and adoration, instead. it also just so happened that when i reached the first smut scene, i was still on my commute (fairly easy to hide my blush behind a mask though, thank god LOL). and by the time my commute to work finished, i was so energized by what i'd read, that i felt excited?? to walk into work??? like levi and oc's romance??? literally rejuvenated me LOL
the overall feel of silent storms, for me at least, was much lighter, fluffier than what summer rain was. don't get me wrong. it was a still massive fucking idiots to lovers, but the idiocy was adorable and tolerable. (mainly because i got to see what was going on in levi's head, which was an AMAZING touch.) i didn't wanna rip out my heart and cry at any point of the story; instead, i wanted to scream and dance with joy 99.9% of the time. i cannot emphasize HOW WELL the emotions, the feelings, the butterflies are written. i feel like i'm feeling love for the first time reading what the characters are going through and not many pieces of media can actually make me feel something
it's the way in which the thoughts are written so... realistically. you hear the characters' doubts, their wishes, their fears. you see what they hide from the other, what they pick and choose to share. you see what they secretly struggle with and what the other assumes of them. and every single one of their reactions/thoughts feels organic to me. also very true to character
i think this was in chapter one. but this fucking quote:
"The tea is just as bad as last time, if not worse, but he dutifully drinks it all, as she makes herself at home in his office and starts talking his ear off about the many unhealthy effects of insomnia and why does she care why is she looking at him like that what's the matter with her why doesn't she just shut the fuck up for once why is she so pretty—"
the moment i read the latter part, my heart flew out of my chest. it's fucking adorable the way he can barely have a linear thought because he's so whipped for her. i can't even explain with words how HAPPY i was to see how he had felt through all of this
let's also talk about the fucking character development. oc out there pulling uno reverse cards. i think she's the kind of person who grows and learns from others. she takes each person's word to account AND she is aware of this (also the reason she tries to avoid telling levi about important life choices she knows he'll try to talk her out of). sometimes, her inner demons get the best of her. she's complex. (i had an inkling of this is summer rain but more of her childhood was explained in silent storms and the puzzle pieces just fit.) she likes to think that she lives for herself. degrades herself into thinking she's selfish (though honestly, there's nothing wrong with looking out for yourself). but i think it's natural for her to also look out for the people she cares for. her way of caring is listening. and taking in the information they tell her. it's just the cherry on top of her already lovable character. anyways, after understanding her character better, for a while, i suspected she'd somehow(?) try to join the scouts. i was very surprised (and supportive) of her decision to do so as well!
in summer rain, i thought she wasn't ready to be a scout yet. but clearly, she's had quite a few epiphanies and they'd led her to believe in herself. she's totally ready now
i still can't believe i went in thinking i'd fall for levi more and came out falling for the female lead help??
levi's sweet moments sprinkled throughout?? the fic?? killed me.
" 'I'm glad,' he confesses to her, 'I'm happy you didn't join the Scouts. I ... want you to be safe.' "
there are moments like this where he speaks his truth... but it's so tender, so sweet that it's just almost out of pocket. but at this point, he should just fucking say the opposite of what he wants for oc because she'll do the thing he doesn't want her to do, anyways
and listen when he said:
" 'Your mother didn't do her best,' he says honestly, 'you did.' "
i very much did cry inside. and the fact that this left oc speechless. like same, babe, same. it's these rare moments of sweetness that leave me feeling giddy. i don't expect it at all, so when it just comes out, i get so caught off guard LOL
my favorites scenes HAD to be when they had a full-on verbal fight in front of oc's date LMAO, when levi initiated their second kiss, when petra convinced oc to join the special operations squad, when levi and oc finally fucking decided to make something fucking official and then he proceeds to pull out a list of rules from nowhere. hilarious
their constant bickering and dialogue is just *chef's kiss.* never exactly read a couple with better chemistry. i'm also the type of person to like the chase but loathe the aftermath of a couple finally getting together. but fucking goddammit, with these two, i know it'll never get boring. it's also because they tend to banter a lot and i'm that bitch who ships dramione and zutara so you know i like the drama
ALSO?? ERWIN?? when i was watching aot, my friend told me she thought erwin was a 'bad' character. i asked her why she felt that way. she told me because he had no depth to his character—that he was plain. i disagreed. i think erwin (along with levi and eren) is arguably one of the most complex characters in aot, and this fic just brings it out sooooo well! there's just?? something in me?? that makes me believe erwin is SUS of levi and oc. also the fact that he remains a mystery to oc too. she's always questioning the relationship erwin has with levi and even that in it itself makes the man 10 times more enigmatic. i absolutely love it
and the smut. goodbye. i only expected one scene. i was given like... i can't even count because i can't do math when i'm excited lol. but it was much more than what i expected and i was LIVING for it. something about levi letting go of control????????? please. didn't think subby levi would be my cup of tea but i guess i was proven wrong. i'm not even mad
i forgot to say in my last review. but listen. oc liking milk makes me feel so validated. like i literally do not know a single fucking real-life person who likes drinking plain milk like me. and yes, people have poked fun at my habit. BUT SEEING OC DRINKING HER PLAIN MILK SO UNAPOLOGETICALLY. GODDAMN. plain milk drinkers rise 😩😩
but i also need levi to teach oc how to make good tea tho. like girly, you add hot water and a good amount of tea leaves 🤨 what are you getting wrong?
anyways, i've said way too much again. but i can't help but get excited when i come across such a great work of art. though i admit i'm terrified going into warmth. i don't think i'm ready to see the show's events unfolding... because when petra dies i will fucking cry. it's funny because when i first watched aot, i didn't even know who petra fucking was until AFTER she got squashed... yikes. but the more i learn about her character (in aot and in this particular setting), the more i like her
i always end up having some sort of stupid side character syndrome. in aot, i focused on levi/hange/erwin and sasha/connie/jean. and now even in a whole ass fanfiction ABOUT levi, i'm fantasizing about petra and erwin??? huh???
i hope things go well for levi and oc in the future. i'm not ready to see the shit go down in warmth though 😭
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majicmarker · 4 years
so i’ve had a lot on my mind lately — the good, the bad, the ugly, you know the drill. i’m used to the bad and the ugly, but i think (and ofc by my therapist’s rec) i need to give a little credit to the good, too. not to mention the good is largely comprised of people, and those people deserve a sports stadium wave, yk? idk shit abt sports, whatever, but i know what the wave is and it’s like the grandest gesture i can think of, SO
listen, y’all. to get real here, i hate fandom. my time spent therein has been hit-or-miss, but the misses got me hard and contributed to some major self-loathing, etc etc. we’re not gonna get into the specifics, i don’t owe that to anyone, but suffice it to say things got Rough.
but so much of it can be so, so good. and rn i want to keep on my rose-colored glasses, and the rosiest parts for me have always been @kitten1618x and @mygutsforgarters
(quite a few others, too, but i no longer have everyone’s info. and some ppl are newer friends, or relationships that have moved more slowly. i have mad love for u guys too, obvs, but ik melissa and gus irl so we know each other More and they’re who this post is rly about atm. pls know i don’t want to harsh on anyone’s feelings)
the tl;dr version of events is i met them both via fanfic. i happened upon theirs like “bitch!!!! **i** wanna do this, they’re bomb as hell” and then i made them be friends w me. they’ll tell you they wanted to be friends w me first, but that’s not important bc **i** am the one making this post, so they can both like,, suck it.
@ melissa : so bitch listen. here’s the thing abt melissa…… i found her while browsing jonsa fic back when i cared abt GOT, and she brought me back to what i loved so much abt romance when i first started, way back in junior high, what’s up. i bad a fascination w historial romantic epics for a loooooong time — those formative yrs, amirite ladies??? — but girl i could never write it so well as melissa. immediately she struck this balance between the drama you expect from historicals and the levity of a good romance, and i was just like, “hand to god this woman must be published already, surely???”
(she’s not, but that’s ridiculous so we’re gonna skip that)
(also she’s busy?? we’ve been friends for like six years and i will never know how many kids she actually has, but the point is she’s a goddamn superhero and i’m obsessed w her, MOVING ON)
i just Had to be her friend for two reasons: 1) she’s too talented, and b) i have said that abt 2 ppl my entire life and she was the first, so i was like, “AH YES MY HOLY GRAIL”
so ofc i slid into her DMs just as effectively as that one guy i had a crush on when i was sixteen and he’s still shooting me texts every valentine’s day bc of the societal pressures i guess (it is Far Less Effective these days, he’s my age and therefore too young for me, gross, but i digress), except me and melissa go way stronger.
she reminded me of why, half a lifetime ago, i started writing romance — bc it’s fun, bc i want to. bc i can do absolutely anything i want, bc who else is gonna read it but me and whoever i share it with? it was all up to me what i wanted to do with it, and i could do anything. nothing really mattered but what i wanted, and i hadn’t felt that way abt anything in such a long time — let alone abt something i used to love so much.
melissa’s writing is so beautiful, it’s everything i wanted to achieve when i was fifteen and never got around to perfecting. and i’m totally okay w that now, bc what do i need to do myself that she’s not already doing/wants to do in the future? when i found melissa’s writing i found a missing part of me — a part i’d maybe lost, maybe i gave it up, idk, but it was totally gone until i found her fics and they fucking clicked. i had to reach out bc there was a part of me that was a part of her, and she helped me find that again w/o even knowing it.
so i found melissa via GOT, and from the start she’d been trying to get me to write some bethyl. years and years, she dropped not-so-subtle hints — and by “hints,” i mean legit directives that i watch just enough TWD to write her some beth/daryl fic. real crafty, she is.
eventually the stars aligned: i was bored w the same dynamics i’d been writing for years, i wanted smthn new, i was restless, i was line editing a bethyl fic she’d written, and — again — this shit clicked. her fic made me want to explore this dynamic i’d never done before, so i watched the prerequisite episodes (no more than that tho, i super hate the show and i’m begging y’all to not @ me abt it anymore). i found smthn that i’d been missing, smthn that challenged and excited me and brought me back around to why i love romance and, more importantly, why i want to write it myself.
so as i was starting to write bethyl, i was poking around the ao3 tag to get a feel for what had been done, what hadn’t, anything i might be missing. and goddamn BAM —
@ gus : this is where u enter dramatically thru a red velvet curtain that i don’t wanna touch (Metaphorically bc you do romance better than me and i’m cool w that bc your talent simply Cannot be touched, and Literally bc i hate velvet) — i was like, “please for the love of god let her want to write contemporary romance, i need some good fckin food”
i happened upon “doo wah diddy diddy” first. ofc the summary hooked me, forget my usual hard no against pregnancy fics (i have issues w pregnancy and that’s all anybody Needs to know, back off), but This Bitch !!!!!!! has a way with words and i wanted to be friends w her straightaway. lmao too bad for her, now she’s stuck w me
gus’s fics gave me what i wanted without having to write it myself. her style is so distinctive, she hits the notes between porn and Actual Affection that is missing from uhhhh, every romance i’ve tried?? (why is everyone so intent on the sex part?? fckin chill. at best it’s unrelatable and at worst u sound like u’d rather wear someone than fuck them, check urself)
she writes w such care, she wants you to know what she’s doing here, and what she’s doing here is combining the physical and emotional needs of both characters w/o infringing on anyone’s comfortability. you root for these characters bc they simply want to be together, no strings (and if there are strings, damn, they talk abt it).
gus makes you believe in love in the modern age. like, not to sound like one of those ppl who post fckin “no one in this generation knows how to love!!!1!!11!!” memes on facebook, those are dumb, but gus’s writing made me think “yeah man, love ain’t dead, it’s just abt how we approach it.”
(if y’all haven’t guessed yet, i have some hang-ups abt relationships. i’ve goddamn earned those. but melissa and gus both brought me back to where i needed to be — in this place where, yeah, we’ve got some shit to deal with, but we all still deserve the things we want, and those things are achievable. i could not have gotten here without them, so jot that down.)
gus is Real, she’s funny, she’s unapologetic in the way she writes. ofc she has her personal hurdles, but who doesn’t?? and tbh nobody writes a sex scene like gus does. physical, realistic, but balanced w the emotional depth that makes you root for these characters bc you can Feel how much they want each other — not just sexually, but in the less-erotic aftermath of that passion. it continues to blow my mind, bc i’ve never seen anyone do what she does. i can’t even pinpoint the specifics, bc she just… Does It. and you’re reading it like “yeah bitch that’s it,” and That’s It.
it’s fckin wild.
these two — my best friends, the lights of my life, both of whom always make me crave chicken tenders at THE most inconvenient hours bc somehow we always talk abt chicken or ice cream or ultimately DQ, but they're both so hot idec — have something special.
i really, really want them both to know that: it’s not just in how they’ve treated me as a friend, but who they are as people, in their creative pursuits. i’ve never known support the way they’ve shown me; i’ve never known this much enthusiasm or investment or belief that i can do what i want with my talent. i want them to know that i feel the same way abt them and their works.
sometimes, when i look back at their writing that completely kicked my ass, i still can’t believe that they’ve become two of my best friends. it’s totally bonkers. they’re This Talented, and they wanna be friends w my spastic ass? GIRL. i’m out.
i’m not always the best at being present, at giving people what they need when they need it. but with everything that melissa and gus have given me in the past few years, i need them to know this — honey!!! i need all y’all to know this, bc i know fandom shit is hard, but you should know some of these friendships are so, so worth all that bullshit, so —
they have so much to give, so much to say, so much to offer. i could not have kept going without them. i couldn’t believe in myself without the faith they’ve given to me. i hope that i can always give that same faith right back.
and that, babes, is what real soulmates are all about.
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