#don't blow this anon
whiskeyswifty · 2 years
How is acting sexy an accomplishment in any way?
gonna give you ONE chance (that i'll probably regret) and assume this was genuine curiosity in good faith and answer this. gonna guess you're referring to that post i reblogged about her feeling like she wasn't sexy at all in her mid twenties and incapable of being sexy publicly compared to now, where she's got a whole seductive dance routine and several performances where she vamps in a seductive way and spends 25% of the show p*ssy facing the world.
she isn't "acting" sexy, she FEELS sexy and she's conveying those feelings and it shows through the performance. it's exemplary of how her self esteem has grown and her relationship to her own body has developed into a more healthy one. in her mid twenties, the idea of being sexy was just an act to her because she didn't feel like she was sexy. What she meant is that she had a negative relationship with her body, viewed it as undesirable to others and lacked confidence in that area. not that she thought she couldn't shake her hips cuz obviously most people can be instructed to simply move their body around in a dance routine. what fans are pointing out, and that post is highlighting, is that her vigilante shit routine oozes the kind of sex appeal that only comes from someone who finds their own body very attractive, which is a healthy way to think about oneself. and for her to feel comfortable doing that routine and selling it so well is indicative of strong self confidence, which in and of itself, is the sexiest thing on earth. the root of all of that confidence and sexiness is to go from sourcing your self confidence from how other people view you, and whether or not other people desire you, to sourcing your self confidence from yourself and yourself alone. she thinks of her body as sexy and desirable no matter how it compares to others or what others think. that's the path for everyone towards having a healthy relationship with your body. and what she and others discover at this stage is the irony that sexiness and desirability has nothing to do with your body at all. instead it all comes down to your confidence, which is intertwined with how you yourself feel about your own body. a vicious feedback loop that's hard to break when you're in the low self esteem -> low desirability -> low self esteem etc etc cycle. to see her on the other side of it, it's inspiring to people who feel how she did in her twenties and have not yet reached that place in their life. it's also relatable and reaffirming to people who have gone on this same journey and are in the same place she is, and feel warmth and pride for her in overcoming something we know to be devastatingly damaging.
tldr: it shows how confident she is because of how much she loves herself and her own body and that makes swifties who watched her struggle with an ED and confidence issues very emo because of how proud we are.
i want to make clear that there is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to feel desirable. everyone wants to feel wanted in some form or another, and it's nothing to be ashamed of or look down upon.also it's crucial to your own mental health and wellbeing that you don't suppress this desire to be wanted because you think it makes you pathetic. having outward confidence in yourself in that way is the ultimate sign of a healthy relationship to your own body, and i hope everyone gets to feel that. also it's important to tread carefully when trying to put a woman down for being sexy as you get very close to the misogynistic ideology that women are only wives or whores, and that's not a good look to say the least. i'm going to give you a pass and assume you didn't mean any of this and the tone of your ask was unintentional, but i'll make that clear regardless.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 10 months
Picture this: Dragons using their caves to age cheese. Dragon Cheesemakers!!
The dragon coiled his enormous body, completely blocking the entrance of the tunnel that lead to the caves.
“No,” he snarled, smoke pluming from his nose.
The cheesemonger pinched the bridge of her own nose. “Look, I explained this to you at the start,” she tried once more. “I make cheese.”
“Yes,” the agreed, nodding his scaly head.
“Then I bring the cheese here.”
“Then you store all the cheese in your cave, keeping it at the perfect temperature and humidity.”
“Yes.” He sounded particularly proud of this part.
“And then when the cheese has ripened,” she concluded. “I come to pick the cheese up again.”
A thunderous scowl clouded his maw. “No.”
“But that’s how it works!” she cried in exasperation. “I make the cheese, you store the cheese, I sell the cheese, I make more cheese!” She peered up at him. “You do realise I cannot bring you new cheese until I have sold this cheese.”
The dragon considered this for a moment. “Ah, but what if—” he began. “What if you go and make more cheese. And bring me the cheese. And I put it in my cave, with the rest of the hoard. And then I keep it there forever.”
“No,” she said flatly.
It was remarkable how much a dragon could look like it had just swallowed a lemon.
“You can’t keep cheese forever,” she insisted. “It will spoil and go bad!”
“You said it would get better and better!” the dragon roared indignantly. “And I take good care of them! With the air flow and the humidity and the temperature!”
“And that is great,” she said, trying to smile through her frustration. “But when a cheese is ripe, it’s ripe! Then you should not be kept anymore, it should be eaten.”
The dragon scraped it’s formidable claws against the stony ground and sulked.
“Look…” The cheese mongering business did not tend to require a lot of sweet-talking, but she was making an effort. “I’m sure the cheeses that aged in your cave are the best cheeses people have ever tasted. When they find out how delicious they are they will want us to make loads more. Maybe several caves’ worth!”
The reptilian eyes stared at her with disgruntled, reluctant interest. “Several caves?”
“If we’re lucky! And I could make so much cheese that I could bring you new cheese as soon as I pick up the aged cheese. Your cave would never even be empty!”
This seemed to strike a chord. The dragon lifted his head a little.
“And that would really be much better for the rest of your hoard,” she continued with fresh inspiration. “Because if you leave cheese too long, it might go bad and spoil the cheeses next to it too!”
A nervous ripple went through the beast’s scaly body, but he clearly was not convinced just yet. “But what sort of a hoard is it if I have to give it away,” he complained.
“Well! Cheese is not just any old hoard! It’s a developing creation! And you will have a hoard that is constantly developing too. Constantly changing, but, if we do this right, never shrinking.”
The dragon looked at her solemnly, wavering with uncertainty. Perhaps she shouldn’t hold it against the poor thing, it must be a difficult concept to wrap his head around.
“And I will tell you what,” she said encouragingly. “If business is good, I can start investing in some really good crumbly cheeses. You can keep those in your cave for five whole years!”
“That is quite a long time for humans, is it not?” he said, sounding a little more cheerful.
“Very long. Especially when it comes to cheese. Cheeses that have been aged that long are very expensive.”
In retrospect, she should perhaps have led with that. Gourmand or not, a dragon was still a dragon after all. A glittering, toothy grin appeared on her recalcitrant business partner’s shout and he moved just enough for her to move past him into the mountain.
“Tell me more about this expensive cheese that crumbles.”
She hid a smirk. “If you help me carry some of the current ones out, it would be my pleasure.”
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runawaymarbles · 19 days
Some pedo shit trying to normalise having a child in the same bed while you have sex. You disgust me. Demonic fucking behavior lmao
....do you know co-sleeping refers to infants. Please tell me you know co-sleeping refers to infants.
Anyway I know I shouldn't engage but I'm so fucking annoyed about this that I'm going to anyway, are you ready. 1) I do not have children. 2) I do not actually have any opinions on co-sleeping because I am not a doctor. (I know that I couldn't do it myself, because I roll around too much in my sleep, but to each their own.) 3) The point of that post was that if you don't know about it it probably didn't traumatize you 4) when discussing co-sleeping you'd be surprised at the number of parents who are flat out like "yeah it makes sex hard we have to be really quiet and can't move much." Their babies are fine btw.
I love reading comprehension on this beautiful webbed site.
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disenchantedif · 1 year
Youre probably one of the most annoying cunts i've ever seen
Well, damn. Now I've gotta keep going until I am the most annoying cunt you've ever seen.
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duusheen · 10 months
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Nothing like the fresh country air and his hat 🎶
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anon, you're a genious.
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handwrittenhello · 2 years
There's a weird pattern with vriska votes surging whenever she's behind. I know there's really nothing you can do about people abusing the system this way, however they're doing it, but I would like it noted that we see it.
i definitely noticed this yesterday. which is why the tags on her poll today are fucked up, actually: i had the post ready for izzy's clear win made before i went to bed, but by the time i woke up vriska had gained thousands more notes somehow. the same thing happened today where zuko was clearly winning, and yet now it's 60/40 for her.
i'm not making accusations or anything lol but i do know for a fact that the tumblrwoman poll was rigged by cheaters who sent bots to spam vote. please, nobody cheat on these polls, it takes away the fun for everyone else. this is supposed to be a silly lighthearted honest competition! your meow meow is still valid even if they don't win.
but maybe vriska voters just gather at night, idk!
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Since it's summer and hot as fuck what ice cream, smoothie, and popsicle flavors would asoiaf characters like?
first of all yes it IS hot as fuck my god i have to walk like a mile to work (and a mile back obviously) and it always feel like so much longer because i'm walking along a busy street that has NO FUCKING TREES it's hell, there is never any goddamn cloud coverage, i smell so fucking bad by the time I get to work alksjdf
Sansa - obvious answer here is something lemony, I think she'd really like a nice, sweet lemon sorbet
Arya - arya actually also likes lemons, but given she's younger and also Siblings Don't Like Copying Each Other, i think she'd like orange creamsicle stuff. like you know that new wendy's frosty? i think she'd bankrupt ned eating those
Robb - robb is a good boy and he likes rocky road because it's an easy flavor that everyone has no matter where they go but it's also Not A Boring Flavor so he doesn't look like a square
Theon - theon will tell everyone that he really likes pistachio ice cream (because nuts, yes he does always make ball jokes) but in actuality he's a lil instagram girlie and he goes fucking wild for those delicate flower flavored things like lavender, rose, hibiscus, etc, and no one but robb and sansa know
Tyrion - he strikes me as a rum flavor guy, I remember him commenting a lot on the taste of the ales and beers and how he likes them a lil thick, so I bet he'd love a thick rum ice cream smoothie that you gotta go crazy on the straw with
Stannis - he likes french vanilla. sometimes he adds a cherry.
Davos - this is me projecting but since he grew up poor, i'm giving him part of my grandma's life (lmao) where the Local Sweet Shop lets his mom bring home leftovers so he hates most common flavors now bc that was dinner BUT he goes ham on a regional flavor. you know like the superman flavor in the midwest or tiger tail in canada, hokey pokey in i think australia? something like that that's a swirl of three really weird flavors
Shireen - she goes for sundaaaaaes baby, she loves getting funky with it with Patchface. Every time they go in one of those ice cream shops where you can add a million toppings, she loses her mind and spends like $40 for the two of them
Brienne - Butterscotch and she gets so self conscious whenever people are like "isn't that just caramel" NO there's an important flavor difference!
Catelyn - something maple flavored that was really easy to get in the riverlands but because they don't have that sort of tree in the north, it's a rare treat.
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
hi i just wanted to let you know that a popular uquiz exists that s something like "what are you the god of?" and the first 3 questions are like those in your patron sait uquiz. i don t actually know which came first but i ll assume yours. i suppose it could be coincidence or maybe they re popular uquiz question and idk about that. https://uquiz.com/quiz/EDCZbp/what-are-you-the-god-of
haha! whoa! um! yeah! those are my questions for sure! i don't know which one came first either and i would like to give the benefit of the doubt since i only posted mine a couple weeks ago but. you're right. i do not think that starting the quiz off asking the user how they react to a dying bird with the same three poetic options is a particularly popular uquiz convention. everything's changed just slightly but it's giving "copy my homework but don't make it obvious that you copied it"... i left a little note in the free response section in case they read those saying that it's fine for them to use my questions as inspo but i'd like them to credit me if they do. not mad just disappointed... the quiz description saying "Sorry I talk like I own a poetry blog on Tumblr I this lmao I just like feeling fancy" kinda got me though. yeah man i bet the questions you got from a guy who linked his poetry blog on tumblr sound like they're from someone who owns a poetry blog on tumblr dot com. i would love to invite you to come and feel fancy in this beautiful world with me man you just gotta credit the aforementioned poetry blog on tumblr...
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manderleyfire · 5 months
don't wanna be offensive and i'm not talking about any post in particular but do you think rpf is okay or there's a line?
hello, mysterious stranger!
i kinda feel you are referring to a certain post tbh but… no pressure, lol. and for your question, man, it really depends. TO ME rpf is still very much a fiction in the sense that we read/write/make edits about massively fictionalized versions of those people we see on screen/wherever. TO ME it comes down to what the creator wants to put over by exploring real human beings in an imaginary context. and honestly, it's not hard to see when an author is just messing around with some porn-y fantasies (an okay deal to me). or when he's trying to be disrespectful and rude (a no-no deal to me). the territory is more complicated with those who really want to say something meaningful but go to extremes and yeah, in that case the line is blurred. for what it's worth, we can’t stop people from creating fictional scenarios of any sort. the best we can do is support creators who value fictional conventions and the real people they're using as an inspiration for their ~art.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 month
guys is it mary sue for your supernatural muses to have a human associate to handle their human-world business for them? guys are r*nfield and guill3rmo and other 'familiar' archetype characters mary sues or is it just when grown adults wanna throw a tantrum in my askbox --
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miyagi-hokarate · 3 months
another day without the kk1 dailies how are we feeling 💔
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
I remember there was an interview where it was stated that Spider-Man 2099's swear of choice being Shock was derived from mixing the two exclamations of "shit" and "cock" and under that logic does that mean they could also have "fuck" and "hell" merged into Fell/Huck and you could insult someone by calling them a "feller"
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miguel (doing a Goofy impression): are you hyucking insane. son of a glitch. are you wrong in the shocking head
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dudeshusband · 1 month
Darlin' I've never seen a bluer sky than the one I see in your eyes. I'm the luckiest cowboy alive to call you mine.
(sorry if I got him wrong jdjfkfgkgk I'd love to read some of your writing to see how you characterize him if you ever wanna post it!
noooo this is just the right about of silly and cheesy
he's not that great with words. his grammar is A Mess. however...what we know from canon is that he loves very strongly and seems to be a loyal person. he's funny and cute.
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gaydennisreynolds · 2 years
do you think mac and dennis say good night and good morning to each other?
yes baby i do. i think their first order of business is to greet each other in the morning and the last thing they do before they go to bed is say goodnight. i can see mac and dennis getting genuinely Upset if the other went to bed first before they could say it or stays out too late and they fall asleep on the couch waiting up for them. when dennis was in north dakota, i think mac texted dennis' old number good morning and good night every day in hopes he would see it (and he did, he just never responded). in lives punctuated by chaos, uncertainity, and instability, their relationship is an anchor point which they cling to in order to remain moored. so they naturally create rituals like good morning / good night in order to create a sense of security and purpose <3
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self-dx-culture-is · 30 days
Self DX NPD culture is absolutely being so scared that you don't really have it and ending up blowing your traits wayyy out of proportion so people believe you and you get more attention
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starheirxero · 7 months
I wanna be your friend so sooo BAD!!! im just -awful- at striking up conversations
NO THAT'S TOTALLY OKAY ANON I'm literally the same way 😭!!! I know I can't like magically poof away ur nervousness by saying this but even just, like, sending me asks like "haiiii meow" is a conversation 2 me. It's like a +3 friendship gain automatically. I am a video game with a friendship meter and I am incredibly easy to speedrun HEJAHAJD
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