#don't mind the stagehands!
anonwithanaccount · 4 months
How to draw Shadow Milk Cookie's Souljam!!! :D [its 3am i'm loosing my mind help please pleas ple-]
STEP ONE!: draw mickey mouse
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STEP TWO!: give him a party hat
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STEP THREE!: nothing you're done post over bye
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angrybatart · 6 months
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Not what he had in mind.
Close-ups under the cut! (With some captions because my handwriting is atrocious.)
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"You're right! This really is delightful!"
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"No, thanks! I'm good! Kinda crowded under there."
(For context, he's using his cape/scarf as shelter from the rain.)
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sydsaint · 5 months
I am INSUFFERABLE when it comes to him <3
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Summary: Solo enacts his plans to take over as the Head of the Table. Complete with his own new enforcer, Tama Tonga. And to top it off, Solo also has a new inside (wo)man to replace Paul in Nick Aldis's assistant, whom Tama takes an interest in.
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It's going down tonight. So stay ready.
You read the text from Solo on your phone with an eager smile on your face. Across the room, Nick yaps away on the phone with someone from the FOX executive office. You glance over at him and nod to the door signaling that you're stepping out when he meets your gaze.
Nick nods and goes back to his phone call. You rise out of your worn-out office chair and step out into the hall. You make the journey from the office all the way down to the staging area backstage, where some of the crew are keeping an eye on the flow of the show.
"Everything alright down here, guys?" You head over to the crew once you're through the door.
"Yep." One of the crewmen nods and glances back at you. "Need anything boss?" He asks you.
You shake your head and turn your attention to the monitors on the wall just as Solo is making his way down to the ring. "I just came to check up on stuff for Nick." You explain.
The crewman nods and both of you go back to watching the monitors carefully.
Out in the ring, Solo steps into the squared circle with Jimmy and Paul at his side. Roman is busy sulking after his loss to Cody, so he didn't bother to show up for work. Like usual.
Paul attempts to start his usual spiel about Roman's loss and how this obviously isn't the end of the Tribal Chief. But Solo cuts him off. Paul watches in shock as Sikoa snatches the microphone from his grasp and lays down the new law.
Backstage, you watch with a neutral face as Solo embraces his brother in one last heartfelt hug. The brothers share a friendly-seeming hug before suddenly a hooded figure rushes the ring and takes Jimmy out with a hard blow to the back of the head.
The hooded figure rises to their feet and pulls off the hood to reveal Tama Tonga. One of the great Haku's sons.
"What the hell?" One of the crewmen comments once Tama is revealed. "I didn't see this on the schedule." He picks up the schedule for the night and does a quick once-over of it.
"It's been cleared with the boss, don't worry." You set a hand on his shoulder with an assuring smile.
With the secret now out, you walk away from the stagehand desk and head for the curtain. Solo comes marching up the ramp and through the curtain a few seconds later. You smile at him and glance over at Tama as he steps up behind Sikoa.
"Tama, this is, YN. She's our inside girl." Solo glances between the two of you. "YN, this is my cousin, Tama Tonga." He introduces the two of you.
"Nice to finally meet you, Tama." You step forward and offer your hand for a handshake. "Solo's been talking nonstop about his new enforcer."
Tama glances down at your outstretched hand before he does a once-over of the rest of you. A sly smile plays on his lips as he reaches out and shakes your hand firmly. "The pleasure is all mine. Trust me, sweetheart." Tama grins at you.
Your eyebrows raise slightly with intrigue as you drop your hand back to your side. Tama continues to look at you with a gaze that could bring a girl to her knees. The look on his face screams smug, self-assured, fuckboy. But boy are you digging it.
"Well, I'll let you two handle whatever business that you need to get done." You step back over to Solo. "News about our new buddy here should be reaching Nick's desk by now. So I've got to go smooth that over with him." You explain.
"Anything I need to worry about?" Solo asks you.
You shake your head and wave your hand dismissively. "Not at all." You assure Solo. "Nick's a pushover. And I already submitted all the mind-numbing paperwork earlier today."
"Atta girl." Solo nods with a pleased look. "Meet up back in the locker room after the show, yeah? We'll grab drinks and get to work on the next phase of the plan." He suggests.
"Yes, boss." You tease and dismiss yourself. "I'll catch you two sinister backstabbers later." You add with a playful wink.
Solo and Tama both watch you walk off before Tama turns to his cousin. "She single?" He outright asks Solo.
"Far as I know, yeah." Solo rolls his eyes. "Come on, I'll show you where the locker room is." He nods to the hallway to the far side of the room before taking off.
Tama grins to himself and follows Solo back to the locker rooms. Plans are already forming in his head about how he's going to knock you off your feet the next time that he sees you.
A few hours later, you finally finish putting all of Nick's worries about Tama to rest. Smackdown has come to an end and the arena is beginning to become deserted save for the cleaning crew. You make your way down to the locker rooms and knock on the new Bloodline locker room door.
"Yeah?" Tama answers the door with a sneer that instantly warps into a shit-eating grin when he sees you standing in the doorway. "Well well well, look who finally decided to show up?" He steps out of the way and lets you into the room. "How are you doing tonight, pretty mami?"
"Better now that I'm done listening to Nick bitch and moan about you." You quip back with a playful grin. "You're not here for more than a couple of hours, Tama. And you're already a pain in my ass." You tease him.
Tama chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, by all means then, gorgeous. Tell me? How I can make it up to you?" He asks you.
"Oh, I'm sure that I'll come up with something." You giggle and step past him so you can get to Solo. "Everything's all smoothed out with, Aldis, Solo." You report to Sikoa. "Tama is officially entered into the roster database as a member of Smackdown."
"Good." Solo nods. "You ready to head out then?" He asks you. "Because I am more than done with this place." He sneers and gets to his feet.
You nod and everyone heads out. You all stop back at the hotel to change out of your work clothes and agree to meet back up in the lobby later.
You get back to your room and immediately dig around for the most suggestive top and pant combo that you have with you. You find what you're looking for and touch-up your makeup as well before heading down to the lobby.
When you make it down to the lobby, Colo and Tama are waiting for you. Solo doesn't seem phased by your wardrobe change. But the look in Tama's eyes makes you shiver. Oh, yes. You're about to have one hell of a good rest of your night.
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vulpixisananimal · 3 months
(You breathe in, and out.)
(You let the pitter pater of rain fade into the background. The rustle of the trees, the wind through the branches, all fading away. All untill, you hear it. An ocean. The steady sound of waves coming in, and out. It sounds like your breathing, or your breathing sounds like the ocean.)
(You're leaning against the Favor Tree. Not the one that shaded your body, no, the one that made it's home in your mind. The sky was lightless and beautiful, with stars dotting the night. Looking down, you could see the beach, the black sand beach with water crashing against the shores, and seagrass sprouting from the dunes. A few paces away from where you stood, was a staircase that lead down to the shore. And to your side was a ladder leading up the tree.)
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(Well? You don't have all day. Come out.)
(You knew there where others here, maybe they were just too tired. Maybe if you did something they'd show up to stop you. Loop, maybe. Maybe if-)
(What do you want.)
(Finally. Loop the star, the sponsor, the stagehand. They jumped from the top of the tree to join you at it's base. What a pleasure it is to finally meet you.)
(Don't lie to me, Null, trying to lie in our own head is just insulting!)
(You're right, it's not a pleasure. But it was about time we finally met properly.)
(Loop looked angry and took a step towards you. You stupid little THING. You KNOW you've been avoiding me because of that absolute IDIOCY you put our body through!!)
(You won.)
(BUT AT WHAT COST!!! We had a heart attack! We were bedridden for a week!! Stars, are you an IDIOT?!?)
(You got things done. We got out of Jouvente alive.)
(What's going on? A new voice. You look, it was the host themselves finally gracing you with their presence. They were climbing the stairs up to the favor tree.)
(Good to meet you, Siffrin.)
(. . . Null, right? He came towards you and Loop. What's with the yelling.)
(You were trying to get through to this idiot just how DANGEROUS messing with time IS!!)
(You knew what you were doing, Star. You huff. Perhaps if you-)
(PERHAPS WHAT!!! I'll Kill you!! That's what!!)
(Loop, please-)
(Then try it, star. I'll kill you right back. You reach for your knife, you knew it was there.)
(FINE THEN!! You lunge at Null, ready to kill.)
(You try and stop Loop and Null fighting.)
(Loop grabs you, you fight back, stupid star!)
(You feel dizzy.)
(S-stop fighting!)
(I'll kill you! I'll kill you so we don't have to suffer!!)
(You feel your body getting sick.)
(You'll have to try, Star. I'll kill you right back-)
(You feel a bang on your head.)
(You feel a bang on your head.)
(You watch as Mal Du Pays strikes Null and Loop, getting them to stop.)
(You're both causing us more harm than good. I could feel it from my room.)
(Your head hurts. Stars, it was a migraine. All the fighting in your head was, was just too much.)
(Just breathe, Siffrin, breathe. . .)
(Breathe in. . .)
(. . .)
<And out. . ..>
{Do you feel better?}
(Yeah, yeah, better. Still headache, but, better.)
<I am sorry for causing a scene.>
[Causing a scene? You've given us a massive blinding headache!!]
{Stop. Find yourself. Say who you are. Then continue.}
<Okay. . .>
(. . . You're Siffrin, okay. You can see yourself standing at the staircase.)
[You're Loop. You're leaning against the tree glairing at Null.]
{You are Mal Du Pays. You are standing. Making sure they do not fight.}
<You are Null. You are glaring back at Loop.>
{Hmm. That worked.}
<What did you do, shadow?>
{None of you pay attention, do you? It was a grounding technique Odile had taught us you all were stupid enought to ignore.}
[Oh how kind of you, Mal~ To give us this fine, FINE gift!]
(Loop, is there something going on? You walk over to the favor tree and sit at it.)
[Yes! Yes there is!]
<It's me. The Star doesn't like me. We're too alike, naturally.>
[I'll kill you I swear~]
(You sigh. Listen, Loop, you get it. It's, it's rough. You still remember that night, that heart attack. You really, really don't want to deal with that again.)
[Stardust, respectfully, you are a naive idiot~]
{You agree. You trust too easily.}
(What do you mean! Null's a part of our mind too!!)
{And he's reckless.}
<Again, I got the job done.>
{You did. I commend you. However you put our body in danger beyond what is reasonable.}
<I did better than you, you got hit, didn't you?>
{You are aware of your own faults.}
[Getting along well, it seems~]
(You sigh. Ok, you get it. Maybe Null shouldn't be trusted with full body controll, but they still deserve a chance.)
<And what about Ramos?>
(You look away.)
{Ramos will betray you. Ramos will ruin our life.}
<They are a strong fighter, what makes you think they are now an ally?>
[And you trust them, just like that!?! Really, Stardust, that's just silly~]
(You know.)
(You know, ok! You know you shouldn't trust Ramos!! But what were you supposed to do, not give them a chance?!? Look at what we did!! What we said to our family!!)
<That's different.>
(HOW is that different!! What we did was worse!!! We nearly ended the world and all Ramos did was change a few blinding memories!!)
{We only have so many memories left.}
(Do you think about ANYONE but ourself!?! That's Isabeaus friend! They have regrets!! We should give them a CHANCE!!!)
[. . .]
<. . .>
{. . .}
(What, do you think we shouldn't have been given a chance?)
{. . . No. Where I in your familys position, no.}
<We're stuck like this untill we die, now. That's what we wanted, right? What you wanted?>
[. . .]
(. . . Anything to add, Loop?)
[. . . You got your happy ending. So what.]
(. . .)
[No, I'm not going to tell them. None of us are.]
<Afraid of being rejected?>
[Of course not!]
<Afraid of being accepted, then. Pathetic, hiding behind a star because you fear that which could give you happyness. Maybe you don't want it anyway.>
[SHUT! UP!!!]
(Stooooooop your head already hurts enough. Please.)
{You feel a hand on your bodys shoulder.}
{Quick as lightning you slash with your dagger and bolt into awareness. It's raining, your dagger nips the hand that grabbed you, you look up-}
{Oh. Mirabelle, and. . . Ramos.}
{Mirabelle was holding the gash in her hand. It wasn't deep, and started healing it.} "A-ah- o-ow- I-I'm so sorry I'm sorry I, I was trying to, t-to wake you up and you weren't responding s-so-"
{You was surprised, so you acted accordingly.}
{Quiet, Ramos was walking up to you both. They looked nervously at you.} "A-are, are you alright? Mira?"
"I-I am, it, i-it just stings a little bit! I-I'm sorry Siffrin."
{You have your bored expression on. You rub a fist on your chest. "Sorry." It's what you were supposed to say.}
"I-It's fine. Uh, M-mal?" {You nod, you notice Ramos shuffle back a little bit.} "O-okay, okay. I'm really really sorry b-but, but something happened!! A-and, and we had to, h-had to make sure you were o-okay and, a-and-"
{You stand up, Mirabelle wouldn't have risked waking you if it was something simple. She's hyperventilating.}
[Do the brething thing with her, that'll help.]
{Ugh, fine. You nudge her to get her attention, she jumps and is about to stutter out something, but you hold up a hand to stop her. And you pat your chest with both hands. "Breathe with me."}
{You breathe in. . .}
[. . . And out.]
[You smile at- oh! Hmm! You were in control now! Well, might as well take advantage of it.] "Feel better, Mirabelle~?"
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm better- o-oh!" [She looks up at you, surprised.]
[You playfully bow.] "Lovely Loop at your service~"
[She giggles at that.] "I-is, is it that easy to switch? Between you all?"
"Oh not at all!" [You say jokily.] "I suppose the breathing did the trick though. Now, how can I help you today, Housemaiden~"
"R-right." [She had her serious face on.] "T-there's, there's a serious situation! I-it's Isabeau, he, h-he-." [She looks over at Ramos.]
[Ramos must have realized what she wanted them to say, and looked away from you.] ". . . . It's mind craft, again. Isabeaus being effected by it."
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
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*gif created by me(thefallennightmare) feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: Possibly the last one for tonight but we'll see!
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday
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Things were different; weird.
It's been a few days since our time at the Airbnb and Noah's barely acknowledged what happened between us. And instead of avoiding me, he was always there. Before when I entered a room, he would find some excuse to leave, me doing the same. Now when I walk into a room or place he was in, he watches me with intense eyes. Not that I was complaining if I was being honest. But what happened between us still didn't excuse his previous attitude towards me. I'd done nothing to deserve his cold shoulder, and I planned to make sure he knew that if we continued this.
No, I rapidly shook my head. That was a one-time thing.
With a sigh, I kept my attention on finishing setting up the merch booth while the guys were on stage for a sound check. I bobbed my head along to the beat Folio smashed on his guitars, the opening to Artificial Suicide echoing loudly in the empty space. Thankfully, this venue had space for me to set up the booth in the main area so I could watch the show tonight.
As confusing as our relationship, if you could call it that, was. I still loved watching Bad Omens. They were electrifying on stage.
When Noah's voice came through the speakers, I cringed and turned on my heels to watch. He cleared his throat, the music halting before he threw his thumb in a circle showing that they started it from the top. They did and the same thing happened; Noah's voice cracked and sounded as if he was losing it.
"How does it sound, Y/N?" He asked into the microphone.
I walked closer to the stage with my face screwed up so I didn't have to yell. "Do you want the truth?"
"I wouldn't expect anything else from you."
That made me chuckle but then let out a deep sigh.
"You sound like shit, Noah. What's going on?" I stuck my hands in the back pockets of my jeans and put all of my weight on my left foot, cocking a hip out.
Noah sighed while handing the microphone to one stagehand before sitting on the edge of the stage, his long legs dangling off. I was a few feet in front of him and ignored the way my brain screamed at me to slink between them.
"I woke up this morning with a sore throat and thought it'd get better by now," he ran a hand through his hair.
Matt sighed next to me; stress clear on his face. "We've got about six hours until your set. Why don't you rest your voice until then. We can cover the rest of the sound check without you."
"You sure?"
Nick clasped a hand on Noah's shoulder and nodded. "We got it."
While they all conversed about what to do, an idea sprung to mind and I pulled out my phone to look up the nearest coffee shop. Thinking no one noticed, I slipped away from them while sending a text to Davis, who was still at the hotel, to see if he could finish setting up for me.
"Where are you going?"
Turning around, I noticed Noah followed me. I gave him a stern look, him already forgetting Matt's orders not to talk.
"You're not supposed to talk," I reminded him.
He rolled his eyes then whipped out his phone and typed something on his notes app before showing me; he asked again where I was going.
"I was going to get you a tea to help soothe your throat," I said, suddenly nervous that the gesture might have seemed too much coming from me.
Noah's mouth curved into a smile and motioned for me to follow, him clearly coming with me.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? There's a line outside, you're bound to be seen."
I'm sure he knew that but I wasn't worried someone would see him alone. I was worried he'd be seen with me. After almost a year working for Bad Omens, I'd done a pretty good job and not to be seen with them out in public. Of course, in group settings, it was harder, with fans snapping pictures of us when we walked around the town, we were sightseeing. But now, alone with Noah, I couldn't fathom what people would say if they saw the two of us. Fans knew I was the merch girl so maybe they'd think we were just grabbing coffee for everyone else.
That's exactly what you're doing. No need to overthink things.
Noah led us out the back where fans weren't allowed and when I told him where the shop was, we began walking in stride there. We didn't speak, the silence something we were used to between us, but every once in a while, our hands would brush together. A spark of heat and electricity shot through me every time. Something I knew Noah felt as well because, at one point, his fingers brushed against the inside of my wrist, on purpose.
As the shop came into view, we noticed there was a small group of people hanging around outside; all wearing Bad Omens merch. The two of us came to a halt, and I peered up at Noah, seeing what he wanted to do. He shrugged before typing something on his phone and showing me the screen.
Can't hurt to talk for a few minutes, right?
I narrowed my eyes at him, debating whether this was a good idea.
"If I get any flak from Matt because I let you talk and your voice gets worse, I'll kick your ass," I pointed at him.
Something dark flashed across Noah's eyes and he licked his lips, typing a new message.
Sounds like a deal, angel.
Ignoring the way my insides burned at the pet name, I told him I would be right back while he socialized with the fans. As I stepped inside, the group of fans started muttering under their breath that 'the Noah Sebastian' was standing right in front of them. The wait for the tea wasn't that long and as I waited, my eyes dared a glance outside to see Noah finishing up taking some pictures with the fans. As if he felt me staring, his eyes locked with mine and gave a small wave.
An action one fan noticed then followed Noah's gaze, landing right on me.
With a start, I turned back to the counter when my name was called and took the tea with a smile. By the time I made it back outside, Noah was alone, leaning up against the wall of the building.
I handed him the tea. "I don't think it will cure you completely but maybe enough for tonight's show."
Noah nodded his thanks and soon we began the short walk back to the venue, in silence. Thankfully, he was not speaking to save his voice because I wasn't sure what we would talk about. Clearly, we were supposed to think what happened that night didn't, and I was glad to do that.
Was I?
I couldn't dwell on the question for long because my phone buzzed in my pocket. Expecting it to be Matt wondering where I ran off to with the vocalist, it surprised me to see my mom calling. She never called me on her phone. When we did talk, which was rare nowadays, it was when Lana called me.
With a soft hand on Noah's forearm, I pulled him to a stop.
"Give me a minute?" I asked.
He nodded, so I took a few steps away to give myself some privacy.
"Mom?" I asked once I answered.
"Yes, I'd like to report a break in."
My heart rate intensified hearing her calm, eerie voice. It wasn't anything I'd heard before which made me wonder what the fuck was going on.
"Mom, it's me. Y/N. What's going on?"
"There's a lady in my house trying to give me medication. I told her I don't need it but she said it'll help me."
I pinched my eyes shut while letting out a shaky breath. I could practically feel Noah's eyes gazing at me but ignored him; right now, my mom needed me.
"Mom, that's Lana. Your nurse," I spoke low into the phone so Noah couldn't hear me. "We've been through this, it will help you."
"NO! She said it will make me go to sleep. I don't want that."
I bit my lip, trying not to break down. It had been a good couple of days for both my mom and I, now everything was slowly turning to shit once again.
"Just take it, alright? For me?" I begged.
"Who are you?"
It wasn't the first time she questioned who I was but every time; it chipped away at my heart. Having your own mother forget who you were was a different kind of pain. There was some rustling on the other end, a struggle almost as I heard Lana grunting and my mom yelling obscenities to her. For a split second, I almost told Noah I had to leave but when Lana's calm voice came through the speaker, it erased that thought from my mind.
"Hi dear," she breathed into the phone. "How are things?"
I scoffed. "Really? That's how you answer the phone? What the fuck is going on?"
"I promise its nothing-."
"I swear to the Gods, Lana if you say its nothing you can't handle I'm going to fucking loose it," I spat through gritted teeth.
Every single phone call, Lana would tell me her version of the day but end it with 'nothing she couldn't handle'. I was tired of hearing it; I demanded to know the truth.
By now, Noah had come around to face me, a wondering spark in his eyes.
"Everything alright?" He mouthed.
I nodded with a sigh before turning slightly away from him.
"It's been a terrible day, dear. Your mother is getting worse, and she really needs to go to a facility where they're better equipt to handle this."
Tears burned in my eyes, and I hastily wiped them away with the back of my hand. This was not a conversation I would have with Lana over the phone.
"I know," I spoke out in a deep breath. "I have a few more weeks left and when I'm home, we can talk about it."
There was a long beat of silence on the other end that I almost checked to see if Lana hung up.
"I really hate bothering you, Y/N. You deserve this time away because of how tired you were from taking care of your mother. You're too young to deal with this on your own."
My heart warmed at Lana's words, and finally, a lone tear rolled over my cheek. Noah reached out with his thumb to brush it away and I instinctively leaned into it, not realizing how badly I needed it.
"I have to go. Whatever happens, no matter the time, please call me."
"Of course, dear."
I stared blankly at the black screen, replaying everything that happened and knowing that eventually I'd have to decide. I kept my mom at home because I thought she would remember things easier, all the memories we made but maybe it was only making things worse for her. I knew I was being selfish letting Lana deal with everything on her own while I was hundreds of miles away living my life.
Would she even let me back to help? She already told me I didn't deserve to deal with it on my own.
"Hey," Noah cupped my cheek. "What's going on?"
His voice was quiet so he wouldn't strain it.
I sniffled while refusing to meet his gaze. Even if he heard the conversation, I wasn't ready to talk about my mom yet; if ever.
"I don't want to talk about it," I shook my head in his grasp. "Please."
His thumb lifted my chin so I had no choice but to look at him as his eyes darted back and forth between mine as if he was searching for something. Eventually, he nodded but kept his grip on my face.
"Alright, but I'm here if you change your mind," he assured me.
"Why? What's different now?"
The question tumbled out of my mouth before I could even stop it. Noah let out a deep sigh before stepping away from me and letting his hand fall from my face.
"I-It's hard to explain."
I chuckled darkly and extended my hands to the side, a silent way of telling him I had the time to listen. But Noah said nothing, only gripped his tea tighter in one hand while the other ran over his face.
"Forget it," I mumbled. "You shouldn't even be talking. Matt would kill me if you lost your voice because of me. Can we just head back to the venue?"
Reluctantly, Noah nodded, and with that, I turned my back to him as I walked away.
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A quick yawn fell from my lips as I loaded the last box of merch into the truck. It was a very long night and with his vocal rest and tea, Noah was able to perform tonight; not how he usually does, but no one noticed. Since I had been incredibly busy all night, I didn't have time to think about my mom but now as I walked back inside the venue, I couldn't help but think of her.
Was I a terrible daughter for leaving her?
Would she ever forgive me?
Would she ever remember me?
All the doctors and specialists I spoke to said never to think of that question, it only made things worse in the end. You couldn't dwell on the what ifs or the bad with Alzheimers, you had to relish in the good times.
A warm body slide up to me as I was aimless walking the back halls of the venue and I saw Folio smiling at me.
"I'd figure you left," I said.
"We're all still here having drinks in the green room. We couldn't find you so I came looking," he explained.
I tossed a thumb over my shoulder. "I was packing up the truck."
"Well, I've got some bad news."
That made me pull him to a stop, worry etched deep into my bones. "What is it?"
"Some members of the crew wanted to get a head start to the next city and left already. They were going to ask you if you wanted to go with them but no one could find you. I told them to go ahead, and you'd ride with us. I already grabbed your things from their bus."
I didn't know how to feel. Obviously, I wasn't mad for being left behind and I was thankful Folio thought to grab my things. I did, however, feel apprehensive about being on the same bus as Noah. Now there was nowhere to run. At least at the venues, there was a decent amount of space between us. But the small confines of the tour bus, it was inevitable it would force us to be together. Our little trip to the coffee shop earlier proved that there was still tension between us.
It didn't help that neither of us talked about what happened at the Airbnb.
I gave Folio's hand a squeeze. "Thanks."
"Come on," Folio pulled me along to the green room.
A part of me wanted to fight, the thought of crawling into my bunk on the bus sounded better but I knew right now I needed a distraction. We walked through the door seeing Nick, Jolly, and Noah in the room.
"I feel as if this is a Bad Omens only meeting," I laughed towards Folio.
He simply ruffled my hair before sitting on the couch next to Nick.
Noah was standing in front of a mirror in the room trying to undo his ear in's but he couldn't quite reach so I walked up behind him and removed them for him.
"Thanks," he said while taking them from me.
All I did was nod and was ready to sit on the couch until his hand grasped my wrist, stopping me.
"How are you doing?" Noah asked.
When we came back to the venue earlier, he tried to ask one more time what happened on my phone call but I denied him again.
"I'm fine."
I didn't mean to be cold towards him but I was exhausted after a long day, the last thing I wanted was to be asked if I was alright. I just wanted to forget. So I sat next to Jolly on the couch and actually thought about it when he offered me a beer. I said I drank little, depending on the situation, but after the day I had; more so the year, I accepted the beer with a smile of thanks.
Noah sat on the couch across from me and gave me a look that screamed apprehension.
I took a pretty large drink before setting it on the table in front of me.
"Don't worry, Noah. I won't get drunk and make you carry me back to the bus," the tone in my voice was icy.
Guilt ate away at me because there was no need for me to sound like that but the last thing I needed right now was to be judge. Especially from Noah.
"It's not that," he hesitated, thinking if he should have continued and ultimately decided not too.
I, however, was in a feisty mood so I pressed on. "What is it then? You don't want me drinking on the job?"
"Or is it an embarrasment having me drunk around you guys? Is that why you're holding that night in Chicago over my head."
Noah had a pinched expression, and his shoulders were rigid with annoyance. His knee bounced widely before he abruptly sat up from the couch and walked to the other end of the room, clearly needing a moment to cool off.
I wanted to follow to continue giving him a piece of my mind but Nick held up a hand to stop me.
"Do you even remember what happened in Chicago that night, Y/N?"
"Barley. There was this married guy flirting with me all night and when I found that out, it hit me hard so I drank," I answered Nick.
It was Jolly who spoke next. "Noah found you outside with that guy as he was trying to force you into his car. He claimed the two of you were supposed to head back to your hotel room together."
My face paled realizing what exactly Jolly was saying.
"I definitely did not have plans to go back to my hotel room with him," I informed them.
"Noah knew, so he was able to get you away from that guy," Folio finished.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That was the reason Noah held a grudge against me for that night. But that made little sense; if he saved me from whatever that asshole had planned, why did it make him so cold towards me?
"Why?" I asked while looking at him.
"You'd think I'd let you get into a car with some random asshole while you're drunk?" Noah snapped.
"No, of course not. But I don't understand why you're holding that night over my head. None of it was my fault," I defended.
Noah's jaw tightened. "I never said it was."
Suddenly, it all clicked into place. Seeing me almost put myself in danger made him so upset with me. I will be the first to admit, when I got drunk I didn't make the best choices. Hence why I decided against drinking all the time. It still didn't excuse the way he acted the way he did, but it explained why. Maybe now we could move past that night and enjoy the rest of the tour without the heated tension.
I stood to my feet and walked into his open embrace, wrapping my arms tightly around his back while laying my head against his chest.
"Thank you," I said softly.
Noah tensed for a moment before his own arms snaked around me, laying his chin on top of my head.
"You never have to thank me, angel."
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
really im begging for a sirius degradation thirst with afab reader because damn that man is something else 😩😩
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a/n: he is indeed a horrible man and I hate him (affectionately)
➤ intermission | sirius x reader
1.3k words | nsfw | afab!reader
cw: sirius is his own content warning. jealousy and possessive behaviour; degradation.
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Hot puffs of air fan across the delicate skin of your neck when Sirius murmurs into your ear, his lips brushing against you just enough so that you shiver in his grasp. he leans in close when he wants to speak: the sound of his hips slapping against your ass and the vanity in his dressing room creaks under your palms as you brace yourself against each deep thrust drown out everything else.
There's a commotion outside as actors and stagehands rush to prepare for the play's second act, and any minute now they'll be announcing for attendees to return to their seats since the intermission is almost over. You won't be joining them, not yet—not while Sirius is fucking into you from behind like a beast in heat.
When intermission started earlier, he surprised you. You looked up from the program in your lap when you sensed someone standing beside you, and there he was in his tall, sweat-slicked glory. He hadn't even changed out of his costume, but simply removed the heavy ornamental robes so he would look less obvious mingling among the crowd. In the dim, shadowy light of the theatre, you could still see the flicker of vibrant green and icy-sharp blue in his expression. He barely spared a glance for Vega who sat in the seat next to you, your guest for tonight's play since Spica was called away on urgent business and you didn't want the extra ticket to go to waste.
Something about the arrangement irked him because the smile that curled Sirius' lips lacked the humor and warmth he normally showed you. "There's something backstage I'd like to show you, if you don't mind." You didn't hesitate to take his offered hand—you never have, and probably never will—and he practically pulled you out of your seat and through the auditorium and busting halls leading to the dressing area. 
He said nothing when he led you to his private dressing room and closed the door behind him. He leaned back against the door, arms crossed behind his back, and the metallic click of the lock made you jump. His expression was softer now than it was before, but it was still unreadable. You fidgeted nervously with the sleeves of your dress, self-conscious under his inscrutable gaze.
"Don't do that," he admonished you quietly. He could see the self-doubt building around you like a fog. "You look lovely tonight." He stepped closer and brushed his fingers along the neckline of your dress, tracing over the exquisite embroidery. He smiled a little when you shivered until the gentle touch and he explored even more, gliding his hand over the heaving curve of your breasts and down further still. He followed the dip and slope of your tummy and waist until his fingers teased at the high slit that exposed your leg when you moved. 
"It was a gift from my boyfriend," you teased softly, reaching out to tuck a wayward lock of hair behind his ear. "He has excellent taste."
He hummed and leaned forward, inching his fingers across the top of your thigh and between your legs. "But he's stuck on stage, starving for you, while your dear friend Vega gets to enjoy your delightful company." His fingers slide along the silky material of your panties, drawing a surprised gasp from your lips when he slid his fingers gently over the material and applying barely-there pressure to your clit.
The world spun and suddenly you were pushed forward against the dresser. You braced your hands on the tabletop while his hand continued exploring between your thighs, pushing harder against your underwear so that the slick starting to coat your folds made the thin fabric sticky and wet. 
"I wonder if he thought of doing this to you every time he glanced over at your lap. I bet he got a nice view of your bare thigh and wondered if your skin is as soft as it looks," he whispered into your ear. The implication of his words burned your cheeks with shame, but you were distracted by long, nimble fingers sliding the damp fabric aside so he could trace circles around your entrance. "You'd have to be stupid not to notice the way he looks at you, my dear."
You gasped and bucked in his arms when two fingers buried themselves inside you. It didn't hurt—you were sopping wet and slippery for him—but you didn't realize how needy you were until you were suddenly full. "He's only a friend," you whimpered, grinding your hips down against his hand to encourage his fingers to go even deeper. "I wore this for you." You bit your lip and whined through your teeth when his fingers pulled out suddenly, leaving you empty and throbbing and desperately unsatisfied.
He moved behind you, his hands brushing against your back as he fumbled with his belt. There was a soft clink and a zip and then his cock slid down between your cheeks and through your messy folds. He thrust lazily between your thighs as he coated his cock with your slick and bumped the fat tip teasingly against you clit. He bunched your dress roughly around your hips and kissed your shoulder with a sigh. "Such beauty deserves a little appreciation, don't you think?" He buried his snarling groan into your neck when he plunged in deep with one sharp snap of his hips. "And who could possibly appreciate a little cock tease like you better than me?"
He fucked you with rough, erratic strokes. he didn't have the patience or time to draw this out for fun. This was a tease, a reminder, a claiming. He sucked little marks along the column of your neck with a grin, watching your eyes close and your head tip forward in the mirror's shaking reflection. He found the slit of your dress and rubbed against your clit with his forefinger, startling a broken moan from your lips when the sensitivity and pleasure took you by surprise. Your body fluttered around his cock when he teased you towards your release. His hips finally stuttered to a halt when he came moments later, groaning your name against your shoulder and filling you with cum.
You were both panting loudly in the otherwise quiet dressing room, and you heard the muffled announcement that the show would be recommencing shortly and that guests should return to their seats. Sirius had more than enough believable excuses for his sweaty hair and sloppy stage makeup; you had no reasonable explanation for your own well-fucked state. 
"There's a washroom down the hall where you can clean up," he suggested, eyes glowing amber as he kissed your temple. He let the crumpled dress fall back into place and he stepped back to admire you. You were flushed and warm and glowing. He adjusted his pants after tucking his softening cock away. "I'll take you there and then you can go back to your seat for the rest of the play."
You took a hesitant step on still-trembling legs and leaned into him when he wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you. Your thighs were tacky from slick and cum soaking through your panties and dripping down your leg. You weren't sure perfume would be able to make the way you smelled now, musky with sweat and lingering notes of Sirius' cologne wafting around you like a cloud.
"Vega's going to guess what we were doing if I sit next to him like this," you whined with embarrassment when you dabbed at your warm cheeks with a cool cloth. 
Sirius's smile turned cocky, and he looked far too pleased with himself when he glanced at you in the mirror and caught your bashful gaze with his. "Exactly."
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leahrintarou · 1 year
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☠︎︎ WARNINGS: stress sex, fingering, stimulation, cunnilingus
☠︎︎ WORD COUNT: 1.1k
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y/n :) --> kenma <3
'good luck today, kenma. I hope I get to see you soon'
kenma lost count of how many time's he's read over the message. he missed the sound of her voice. reading just text messages alone, only made his situation harder. quite literally. prior to the two's temporary long distanced state, he was notified of a mandatory meeting and interview dedicated to famous content creators in the gaming field.
at first, he was going to decide against going, despite it being mandatory but, he was forced by y/n to attend the occasion. even though they lived in the same house, in the past month and a half, they've been distant and caught up with their own occupations. when it came to getting rest for another busy day, that was the only moment they'd been able to spend with each other.
kenma was sure that the next two weeks were going to be a small break for he and y/n but when he received the email about the situation, he couldn't have felt more deceived. now, here he was, sitting in a secluded area of the crowded building, all to which were made up of fans, interviewers, etc.
he scrolled through his phone to pass through time, not even realizing that he were reading though older text messages shared between he and y/n. he even listened to some voice messages but his eye's widened when he came across two older pictures that were sent by y/n.
'should I get this in burgundy or blue?'
was the text message sent under those pictures of her wearing both sets of detailed lingerie. kenma's eyes couldn't part from the images displayed on the screen. in fact, he didn't realize his memorized daze until the brightness of the screen dimmed from inactivity. he blinked at the image, hurrying to scroll away before his thoughts could form mental images of non-innocents scenes.
a knock was heard on the door before kenma stood up to unlock the knob. he was met with one of the stagehands. "kenma, you're up" he announced before quickly hurrying off to his next destination. he let out a sigh, placing his hand over the entirety of his face before allowing it to fall back down to his side and into his hoodie's pocket.
"thank you for your time, kenma" the interviewer said through a grateful tone. kenma nodded before giving a small smile to the crowd and stood up to walk off backstage, allowing the next content creator their own spotlight with the audience and interviewers.
he decided to wait in his own room, until everyone was interviewed so after, he could attend the meet and greet that was being planned. kenma was dreading that moment. he weren't in the best of moods what so ever. he tried to put up and hold a facade for the entirety of the interview but in some parts, it did falter.
finally arriving Infront of his secluded room, he twisted the doorknob, noticing how it was now unlocked. he wasn't sure if he'd left it like that due to his mind focusing on other things so, he brushed it off.
kenma opened the door, walking over to the sofa to finally take a seat in the confinements of the quiet atmosphere, but froze in place when he was instead met with y/n's seated figure. "hi kenma" she smiled, standing up to engulf his frozen figure in a hug or else they'd be standing there all day.
"the security guys don't do their jobs very well" she mumbled, only smiling when kenma's arms wrapped around her own figure. he felt how he pulled her closer to himself, not missing the fact that she felt one of those familiar and quiet breaths fan the shell of her ear. "kenma, are you okay?" she asked, feeling him shake his head to reply with a 'no'.
"I missed you"
"I did too, but I'm here-"
"every part of you"
he pulled back from the long lasting engulfment, this time it was y/n who was frozen in shock. kenma placed a kiss onto her lips, letting out a sigh of satisfaction when she pressed against his own. inhaling a sharp breath, his hand made it's was to her lower back, applying a pressure to bring their hips closer to each other.
while keeping a steady movement with their enveloped lips and tongues, kenma guided y/ n to lay onto her back, against the plush of the sofa, before hovering above her figure, not letting their kiss part for even one second. he quickly moved his hand to her pants, unbuttoning them before removing them from off of her legs.
y/n shivered at the touch of kenma's cold hands against her bare skin. he slowly parted her legs with a hand to separate her thighs. "kenma.." she mumbled. he hummed before parting the kiss to place small kisses to her hips and her clothed sex. he noticed how she wanted the pleasure just as much as he did, causing him to hastily remove her underwear.
his hand made it's way to y/n's arousal before inserting two digits into her sex. she immediately placed a both of her palms over her mouth, muffling her moan the best she could. the situation only became more of a pleasure filled struggle when kenma's moved his fingers in a scissoring motion, his wrist moving back and forth.
he couldn't help but feel painfully aroused at the sight. kenma placed a warm stripe against y/ n's bud with his tongue, noticing how a whine slipped past y/n's barricading fingers. he raised his unoccupied hand, using its index finger to place against his lips, to remind her to try and keep her sounds at a lower volume.
he knew that y/n wouldn't be able to fulfil that request when he only and teasingly, sped up both motions of his fingers inside of her. kenma reapplied his mouth against her bud to speed up the process of helping her reach her peak and soon enough, it did arrive, causing him to quickly reach up to cover her mouth, all the while, helping her ride out her high.
the situation and sight made him acknowledge his aroused erection, quickly removing his hand from y/n's lips to replace it with a peck from his own.
"i have to meet some fans in a couple minutes. I need you to help me with this" he motioned to his lap, making y/n's eyes widened when it darted from kenma to the clock. "kenma..you have five minutes left?"
"then lets hurry"
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grapecinnamon · 1 year
Welcome Home headcannons (bc I'm obsessed now)❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈♾️
Julie, Sally, and Poppy have an all-girls slumber party every once-in-a-while. Sometimes they invite Wally
Wally and Barnaby have regular sleepovers too, usually in Home. They don't like to leave him out
Frank likes to infodump about butterflies to Wally. It's easy to infodump to him, since he doesn't talk much anyway
Wally can pick up weird bugs off the ground with his own hands because to him, "they're just tiny neighbors who live outside."
Wally's the one everyone goes to whenever they have a problem. Wally doesn't mind listening to them and giving them advise. But sometimes, Wally isn't having the best of days and can't listen to anyone. But he always has Barnaby to go to
Julie's most common stim is flapping her hands
Julie only owns dresses. She doesn't really own pants. She has to borrow from Sally
Sally loves romance novels. She'll usually read them when she's not directing
Wally loves talking about art. He'll mainly ramble on about shapes and perspectives, and the color theory, his most favorite to discuss.
Eddie Dear kisses Frank on the forehead to calm him down whenever he's angry. It always seems to help
Howdy is practicing juggling. you'd think it'd be easier with four arms but... not for Howdy
Barnaby is always trying to get Wally to try new foods, even some Wally doesn't think he'll like. It's not that Barnaby doesn't respect Wally's boundaries, he just wants him to at least try it
The neighbors celebrate Thanksgiving, but they call it something else (Feast Day I suppose?)
Poppy is always nervous for Feast Day because she usually makes desert. Since she's afraid of using kitchen appliances, desert making is usually a two person job, sometimes with Julie and sometimes with Sally
Wally loves Feast Day. He gets to make pumpkin pie for everyone. The problem is that Wally doesn't like stuffing (Julie's usual) cause of all the weird textures. He would still make himself eat it so he wouldn't look rude, even though he would be visibly uncomfortable eating it. Now every Feast Day, Julie makes two stuffing dishes. One for everyone else, and one for Wally, which is a bit more plain. It's currently Wally's favorite Feast Day dish.
Wally ate a flower in Frank's garden one time. It did not go well for either of them.
Julie and Frank like to gossip. Nothing too bad, they just talk about how extra bossy Sally was being or Barnaby telling another bad pun, etc.
Wally likes to put his paintings around the neighborhood, almost as if the buildings are fridges
Julie is afraid of ghosts. Frank usually has to be the one to tell her they're not real. "I bet they don't like to play games," Sally says.
Howdy has all of Wally's food preferences memorized, since Wally never really changes his opinion that much. Plus he likes his hot dogs plain
Eddie Dear and Wally bond over their love of arts and crafts. They sometimes get together and make stuff
Wally is usually the stagehand during Sally's plays. He sometimes plays a role, but he's much more comfortable pulling the curtain or moving the spotlights
Wally actually loves pulling pranks. Barnaby got him into them. Most of the time, Wally's pranks are just misplacing objects where the neighbors didn't leave them (he once hid Sally's script, and Frank's butterfly net). But sometimes he'll feel bad and tell them where their missing object is
Wally and Poppy are very good at sewing. Wally loves making sweaters for everyone when it gets cold. Poppy likes knitting scarves and sometimes crochets little messages (she has a "bless this mess" sign in her home)
Wally has a sensitive stomach and can't eat certain things. There's a correlation between autism and stomach problems, and Wally seems like the type to have them
Whenever they have meetings, they always have them in Home, so Home could also be apart of the discussions
Poppy loves having picnics. It's easier to make sandwiches because in her mind, nothing bad has ever happened to anyone who made a sandwich
Wally loves taking naps. He'll sleep for about an hour during the day everyday. if he doesn't get his nap, he gets so drowsy during the day. If he does this, you'd usually find him sleeping with his head leaning on Barnaby, giving up his long battle of not napping. He was once found facedown in Frank's garden. Frank, of course, was not pleased
that's it. for now. Ik it's a long post, but I'm just so obsessed with Welcome Home. Clown, if you see this, you're a goddamn genius
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mydearzero · 2 years
Vocal Exercise | E.M. x Reader
Summary: Your band is about to compete against Corroded Coffin in Battle of the Bands and you're way too nervous. Eddie might just know something to take the edge off (hint: it's not drugs)
Smut, Enemies to Lovers.
Warnings: AFAB Reader, Smut, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), oral sex (f rec), creampie, Exhibitionism, If I missed any warnings please tell me!
2K words
A/N: I wrote something?? How very unlike me lmao I hope you enjoy this once in a blue moon occurrence
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You nibbled at your thumb as you stared at the sign-up sheet. It shouldn't be this difficult a decision, so why was it? You had played in front of a crowd before. Your band was always excited about any opportunity to play. What was keeping you from signing up for the annual Battle of the Bands? 
You heard him before you saw him. The bane of your existence. Eddie Munson. The chains attached to his clothing rattled with every confident step he took. 
You had no good reason to dislike Eddie. There was just something about him that got under your skin, and he knew it. He used the fact to his advantage, even if only to get a rise out of you. 
You refused to turn your gaze to him as you continued staring at the sign-up sheet. Three entries so far, and no Corroded Coffin in sight. Tammy Thompson was on top of the list, as always. 
"Unless you've developed telekinesis, can you move?" His voice, though somewhat attractive, was like nails on a chalkboard. It sent raised the hairs on the back of your neck. 
You grumbled as you crossed your arms, took a step back and gestured to the sheet. "All yours, Munson." 
"What, too scared to sign up? Not like you'll win. Why don't you just let the pros do what they do and keep practising in your friend's basement until you're ready, hmm?" He smirked as he all but etched 'CORRODED COFFIN' into the paper. 
"Oh yeah, the pros, like Tammy Thompson? I'm sure she'll get real far. Can't beat raw talent, Munson." You rolled your eyes as you snatched the pen from his hands and wrote your band's name under Eddie's recognisable handwriting. 
Eddie never moved an inch, leaning against the wall. He watched as you scribbled your bandmember's names and what you'd be doing, never taking his eyes off your disgruntled face. 
Usually, you'd try to not let him have the upper hand. His gaze was knawing, screaming at you to return it. You caved and turned to look. His smirk grew as he chewed his gum obnoxiously. "See you there, (Y/L/N)." 
"I don't think I can do this. I think I'm gonna hurl." You fanned your face as the stagehand came over to give you your microphone headset. The loud music faded to a halt as Corroded Coffin finished their set. 
"We'll leave you to it for a bit, yeah? I'll get you some water, maybe. Just calm down, it'll be fine." Your bandmates gave a thumbs-up as they filed out of the room. 
"Y'know... I might know something to take the edge off." Eddie's voice came from the hallway, peering his head around the corner into your dressing room. His bangs stuck to his forehead, sweat covering his skin. Lucky bastard, he'd already gotten it over with. 
"Piss off, Munson. I'm not interested in any of your drugs." You scoffed as you messed with the positioning of the clunky headset. 
The stagehand left you once she connected all the wires and had given you the last rundown of when you'd be on. Three more acts, two and a half before your mic was hot. You had to get the vocal jitters out now. 
Eddie paraded into the dressing room and closed the door behind him, locking it. "That's not exactly what I had in mind. But that offer does stand." He crossed his arms as he leaned against the vanity. You'd never quite noticed how toned they were or how tall he was until now. 
Perhaps it was the adrenaline rushing through the room, your nerves combined with his post-performance butterflies. You couldn't help but be intrigued. You gestured for him to continue. -
He put his hands on your hips and pulled you to stand between his legs. You frowned as he leaned to whisper in your ear. "Nothing more relaxing than a decent orgasm, babe." 
Your eyes widened as you pulled away from his touch, mouth agape. "What the hell, Eddie! That's not funny!" You slapped his bicep. His eyebrows raised in challenge as he watched your thought process. He saw your horrified face change to confusion before it flushed with shame. You hadn't even noticed you'd called him by his first name. 
He noticed your uncertainty. You loathed him, but he was right. And it wasn't like he wasn't easy on the eyes. He knew you'd been convinced when he stroked your arm and your eyes fluttered at the surprisingly delicate touch. 
Your breath hitched as he leaned close once more. "Let me make you feel good." His touch burned your skin, heat soaring straight between your legs. His lips pressed to your neck, breath hot on your skin. 
A soft moan left your mouth when he sucked harshly under your jaw. "Is that a yes?" He questioned, slowly trailing his hand down your side. You nodded breathlessly. 
"I'm gonna need you to say it, princess." He tutted. You were surprised when a barely audible whine made its way out of your throat. 
"Please, Eddie." were all the words you could gather. His eyes met yours. They were polar opposites. You felt yours were pleading and desperate, while his seemed amused, maybe derisive. His pupils were blown. Whether from the adrenaline, drugs, lust, or a combination of all of the above was uncertain. 
He turned your positions around, pushing you onto the vanity table and getting on his knees. The way he looked up at you through his eyelashes could only be described as absolutely blasphemous. You were convinced he wasn't doing this for you as much as he was doing it for himself. 
He placed his hands on your thighs, ever so slowly creeping up under your skirt. He hooked the tips of his fingers into the band of your underwear, tugging it down. You raised yourself off the table so he could slide it down. He barely got it past your knees as he dove forward, using his hands to spread your legs to make room for his head. His grip on your knees was crushing as he licked a stripe up between your lips. He nuzzled for a little before releasing his hands, opting to spread your lips with them instead. 
A sigh of relief left your mouth as your body melted into his touch. One of your hands was on the table to steady yourself, the other tangling itself in his hair. His lips wrapped around your clit. He circled his tongue around it a few times before slowly sliding a finger inside. 
"Knew you'd be so wet for me." He sounded out of breath as he devoured you. "All bark, but the second the offer stands, you're like a little bitch in heat." He chuckled. You tugged his hair harshly, urging him to shut up and continue. 
Eddie complied and returned to pleasuring you. You could feel him smiling against your pussy, as stupid as it sounds. The bastard was enjoying this way too much. He added another finger and curled them in the exact way he knew would get you close. You felt the pressure build up in your throat as you tried to stay silent. Noise threatened to spill with every thrust of his fingers and movement of his tongue. 
Eddie deemed you close enough, judging by the tight grip on his hair combined with the suppressed sounds coming from your lips. He rose from his knees and wasted no time unbuckling his belt. You tried to listen for the stage to estimate the time you'd have. Eddie spread your legs once more as he positioned himself between them. 
"Wait, Eddie. How many songs have there been?" You whispered as you put your hand on his chest to stop him. "Don't know, don't care. Guess you'll have to shut up and keep quiet." He shrugged as he grabbed your wrist, removing your hand from his chest. He pushed his underwear to join his jeans around his knees and stroked himself a couple of times before lining himself up. 
Eddie pushed the head of his cock inside and roughly reached up your shirt, grabbing your right boob and twisting the nipple harshly. An audible yelp left your mouth. "Shut up." He groaned as he pushed all the way in. Air was nowhere to be found, especially not your lungs. 
He barely let you adjust before pistoning in and out. Adrenaline was very obviously still coursing through his veins. He grabbed your hips and pushed you to lean against the mirror. The lights surrounding it shone down on him, almost giving him an angelic glow. 
His grip on your hips tightened as he changed his stance. Small whimpers and breaths left you, still trying to remain as quiet as possible. Eddie pushed inside relentlessly, chasing his release and coercing yours out of you. He's found the right spot now, he knew by your face. He moved his right hand to lean on your thigh, thumb circling your clit. He grinned as he watched your face, eyes shut tightly. 
The light on your headset flickered, indicating it'd just gone hot. Eddie took this as his sign to hurry the fuck up and make you come. Loud knocks on the door, combined with the music from the stage drowned out the banging noise of you against the mirror and his balls slapping against your pussy over and over. 
Your breathing sped up as you neared your peak. Eddie was getting sloppy, putting more and more pressure on your clit, circling it hastily to meet the pace of his hips. He groaned as he felt you tighten around him. You were so close. 
"Y/N! Are you in here? We're on in three!" Your bandmate yelled through the locked door. Their pleas went unheard over your whines and Eddie's rambles in your ear. 
"I'm gonna fill you up so well, baby." Eddie smiled to himself sadistically as he moaned in your ear. He was going to make you scream his name through that headset even if it was the last thing he'd do. You were gonna kill him. 
The knot in your stomach snapped when Eddie pulled out all the stops, flicking your left nipple, circling your clit with the speed of light and hitting the exact right spot to send you over the edge. 
"Eddie!" You screamed as you came on his cock. He laughed and groaned in satisfaction as he followed, hips stilling and pushing as deep as he could. He looked between you with glee as he filled you to the brim. 
Your eyes widened as you noticed you'd not only screamed his name while your mic was on, he'd just cum inside you, and you had to be on stage in less than two minutes. "Better keep it in, princess. Everybody can probably already guess what we did, don't want to give them more proof when you have my cum spilling from that pretty pussy in the middle of the stage, hmm?"  
He smirked as he pulled his dick out and pushed the spilt cum back inside with two fingers. He gave your pussy one last tap before sliding your underwear back up, fixing your top and skirt and letting you down from the vanity. You already felt the cum trickling out slowly and staining your underwear
You could barely give yourself a last glance in the mirror before he was ushering you out of the door and onto the stage, your flustered band members following after seeing you barge out of the dressing room, Eddie hot on your tail. They'd definitely heard. Which means the crowd definitely heard you scream his name through the last band's performance. 
You'd never felt as embarrassed, yet turned on in your life. Your nerves were long forgotten, the only worry in your mind during your performance being to not let any more of his cum spill from inside you. 
At least you were no longer worried about your singing skills. Too bad Corroded Coffin had the menace that was Eddie Munson, or you'd definitely come first instead of second. Or, well, come first again. 
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skele-bunny · 13 hours
No one asked for it but I'm gonna share it anyways bc I want to. Queued post don't kill me.
World Building!
(Specifically during Era 3 bc I can do what I want.)
CW - Privacy Violations, inhumane punishment
Despite Terzo trying so, so hard for his ghouls — to make changes to the regulations, to give them a chance to simply live, Terzo wasn't able to do much. He was so restricted. Again for example, have you seen those uniforms?? Terrible :(
Ghouls were monitored heavily, and still only really acknowledged as weapons/servants. They had duties and they had to perform, and if they were unable, they were retired or simply sent back. A cruel thing to many, but no one able to protest.
To even simply want to buy personal items, a form had to be filled out and could STILL be rejected despite it coming out of the ghoul's wallet. They made so little as is, but the rejection was truly a punch in the face sometimes. It was little stuff, too!! A band shirt, or one of those cheap necklaces, toys, anything ranging to even personal shoes! It could be denied. All those days of waiting and saving for nothing.
When Dew wanted to merge his and Aether's room, they had a GIANT packet to fill out. They had to list all of their items, why they wanted to merge rooms, why it would be beneficial, why it should be approved, and signed. The waiting process took longer than anything else, so much so that it was only after Dew's transition that their form got approved.
Very fuckin strict curfews, too!! Every morning and night, a Sibling would come in the den and do a roll call. If a ghoul wasn't in the den and claimed to be at work, it had to be double checked. If the ghoul was labeled as missing, they'd get SERIOUSLY reprimands like weeks of detention, or stuck with the weeds in the garden back to back, or lose a privilege like their cellphone. If it was super bad, then solitude. Stuck in a cell-like room with only a toilet, sink, and a bed.
If a ghoul was caught sneaking out? Immediate confinement for MONTHS until they learned, practically weeping at whoever's feet, that they'd never do it again.
Speaking of cellphones, they were confiscated a lot. Some of them figured out how to jailbreak their system and be able to consume media or go on websites not allowed at the time. A looot of privacy violations happened as pictures and texts would be gone through as well. When Pebble first experienced it, he literally cried in a Cardinal's office as his nudes were gone through.
Masks were strictly enforced if not inside the den, but even still had to be on for roll call or visits from humans. Even on tour, they weren't allowed to show their face to any of the stagehands/techs; glamoured or not.
Era 3 had the highest turnover rate simply because of sickness and torment inflicted by the clergy. Zephyr, Alpha, and Ivy all having their own severe illnesses that forced them to retire but still able to work; so somewhat useful... Delta who was literally mangled in the mind from being the first surviving elemental transition, left as only half of who they were — retired. Omega who's essence just simply burned out and he couldn't continue, try as he might (and he did try!) — Retired. Aether who eventually succumbed to his own fate like Omega in later years; but could still work. Aër who was stuck in solitude for years and years until he passed simply because he no longer wished to be a pawn.
There was a LOT of violence during the first 3 eras, mainly 2&3 from how exhausted and cooped up the ghouls were. Barely given days off, but always could rely on the holiday festivals (unless you were one of the unlucky ones still forced to work.) They needed enrichment and they simply couldn't get that properly until Copia became Papa, just as limited while Cardinal.
Needless to say, the Ghouls weren't always happy go-lucky and prosperous. There was a lot of favoritism and neglect going on, and it took multiple times and working protests for certain things to be done; such as accessibility and better living standards.
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These are all the fanfiction AO3 links to Copia related content, both as Cardinal and Papa. Please see pinned post on Tumblr for other Papa content!
If you don't see something you are interested in please feel free to send an ask when open as well as commission me through the heart mug site. Link in pinned post!
Multi-Chapter Works:
⛧  The Cardinal’s Prime Mover (COMPLETE) >>> Copia & OC Sister Rosalia Sister Rosalia is a young Sister of Sin in the Church of Satan who is a dutiful and average girl until she falls for the Cardinal... hard. (NSFW-Romance/Pregnancy Loss/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Angst) Copia x Rosalia Sequel Snippets (Mini sequels to the Papas in Love stories): 🜏 Late Night Serenade It's been a long night for Prime Mover Lia, up all night with the baby. When Copia awakens to join her, they share a sweet moment together. (SFW-Fluff/Romance/Comfort/Daddy Copia) 🜏 Birthday Candles Prime Mover Lia's birthday is around the corner and Copia is struggling to come up with the perfect gift. Lia only has one thing she desperately wants in mind. (NSFW-Birthday/Romance/Fluff/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) 🜏 The Major Leagues Sister Imperator has Copia doing another wild promotion event for Ghost, this time it's the opening pitch for the White Sox. Will his Prime Mover Lia help him gain the confidence he needs to go through with it. (NSFW-Ghaseball/Breeding Kink/Romance)
⛧ Death & Flowers (IN PROGRESS) >>> Copia & OC Sister of Sin Ollie It hadn't been serious, it never was with him. While Papa was suave and Ollie enjoyed their time together it wasn't meant to be. She knew it wasn't something meant to last…something permanent but—here she was. It was only one missed pill and life forever changed. (Romance/Comfort/Unexpected Romance/Pregnancy/Death) ⛧ The Red Dress (COMPLETE) >>> Corrupt Copia & OC Celeste Celeste is a stagehand at a local arena when her night goes south after a Ghost concert leaving her cornered by ghouls. Her life changes forever when she is told that she is to play a crucial role in the destiny of Papa Emeritus IV, and that the gimmick is real. (Dubious consent/Breeding Kink/Pregnancy/Violence/Dark Romance) ⛧ Something Blue (IN PROGRESS) >>> Copia & OC Astrid Sister of Sin Astrid is anything but excited for Cardinal Copia to return home from tour. As his assistant, she leads a life of monotony and boredom from which she longs for more. When the Cardinal returns, anointed as Papa Emeritus IV, she is faced with an unwanted and unavoidable situation predicated on her family's position within the church. Will Astrid rise to what has been asked of her or will she destroy everything and leave it all behind? (Romance/Comfort/Unexpected Romance/Angst)
One Off Works:
Whiskers The Cardinal's little ratto wakes you up... (NSFW-Romance/Vaginal Sex/Fluff) The Monstrance Clock is Ticking You've been invited to help Papa III and Cardinal Copia with a very pressing matter. (NSFW- Three-way w/Terzo, Breeding Kink, Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) Sweet Taste of You Copia has been begging you since the moment it began to let him, today you decide to let him get a taste... (NSFW-Lactation Kink) The Souvenir You had never felt more excited. Attending a ritual was something you had been dreaming about since you first heard Mary on a Cross, now some years ago, faintly playing over the speakers at the record store. Fast forward and here you were, against the odds, somehow managing to get a spot at the rail. (NSFW-Three-way with Cirrus, Breeding Kink) My Lioness Cirrus has grown close to the Cardinal now Papa. Now as they return home from the tour she is left to deal with her feelings and her Papa's request. (NSFW- Part 1/2/Copia x Cirrus/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) His Pride and Joy Cirrus has grown close to the Cardinal now Papa. Now as they return home from the tour she is left to deal with her feelings and her Papa's request. (SFW-Part 2/2/Copia x Cirrus/Pregnancy/Fluff) Candy Wrappers It's Halloween night at the Abbey, Papa IV/Copia decides to spend it sharing his love of horror films with ghoulette Cumulus and a sister of sin. The 3 decide to watch John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN and pig out on candy while it storms outside. (SFW-Fluff/Halloween/feat. Cumulus Ghoulette) What Would I Do Without You You aren't feeling well so your beloved Papa Emeritus IV comes to care for you. (SFW-Fluff/Romance/Comfort) Well Read Copia returns to the Abbey as Papa IV. No longer the Cardinal that you befriended in the library. Now you like awake at night your mind set on him when you decide to do something. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Love Confession) The Burning Ones Cardinal Copia is in love with a Sister of Sin he has known the majority of his life and now on the precipice of being Papa he must chose between her and possibly losing the Papacy. (NSFW-Older Sister of Sin/Romance/Fluff) On a Pale White Horse You've entered your second trimester and the need to have your Papa in the most carnal of ways is growing--there's just one catch his nerves. (NSFW-Romance/Pregnancy/Lactation Kink) They Come At Night The Cardinal has been sneaking out at night, tonight you find out where he goes. (NSFW-Three-way with Terzo/Vampire Terzo/Dracopia/Blood/Resurrected Terzo/Dark Romance/Period Sex) The Show Papa Emeritus IV has returned from tour and now you and Dew are to put on a show. (NSFW-Copia likes to watch/Feat. Dewdrop-Sodo Fire Ghoul) The Quiet Ones Papa Emeritus IV has hit the height of his heat cycle and is despite for a hole to fill when there's a knock at his door. (NSFW heat cycle/Copia x Rain ghoul) Too Small Couch A night spent cuddling and binge watching your favorite shower with your lovers, Cardinal Copia and Papa Emeritus III. (SFW-Hanging w/Terzo/Fluff/Comfort/Humor/Non-Gendered reader)
Open Road You've been dating Cardinal Copia for a bit now and after learning about your love for motorcycles he decides to surprise you with a ride. (NSFW-Motorcycle ride/Romance/Fluff) Ghex on the Beach Papa Emeritus IV has finally returned home from tour and heading straight back into his Papal duties when he tells you to pack up you're going to the beach. (NSFW-Chapter 13 theme/Romance/Fluff) According to Plan Papa Emeritus IV plans to pop the question to you, but nothing is going right. (SFW-Proposal/Angst/Romance/Fluff/Humor) Mending Wounds Copia and his Prime Mover have reached the moment where consummation of their relationship must take place, but the couple must deal with the unhealed wounds of her past. (NSFW-Mentions of SA/Comfort/Fluff/Angst) Papa's Blanket Fort Copia surprises you with yet another thing he never kid as a kid, something you planned to fix---right here right now. (NSFW-Humor/Fluff/Comfort) The Promise Cardinal Copia and you have been dating some time now, both of you nervous to take things to the next level until a bit of serendipity finds you both alone together. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Loss of Virginity) The Keyhole After staying up to do paperwork for Sister Imperator, you head back to the sibling dorms in the dark of night. When a noise catches your attention, you can't help but let your curiosity get the best of you and go to investigate finding the noise and a light peering from the keyhole coming from inside Papa Emeritus IV's office. As you discover the source of the mysterious sound, things change forever. (NSFW-Voyeurism/Romance) Okie Dokie Your shy Cardinal invites you to meet in your favorite spot of the chapel, deciding tonight is the night he commits to you in an act of carnal pleasure. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Chapel Sex/Virgin Copia) The Cherry Stem Your recent break up and late-night depression sends you into a hole in the wall bar when you meet a man who is intrigued by the trick you can do with a cherry stem. (NSFW-Romance/indoctrination of a new Sister of Sin/Public sex) The Fires of Indignation You are excited but ever so anxious as the time when you become Copia's Prime Mover draws near. One night when you forget your notes for your part of the ceremonies you are confronted with a grudge held against the Emeritus family bloodline. (NSFW-Violence/Feat. Alpha Ghoul/Mentions of Pregnancy/Blood/Revenge) Jesus He Knows Me Father DeFroque is a pious leader of the church who spends some quality time worshiping his true lord of Easter Eve. (NSFW-MFM/Degradation/Oral/Priest kink/Facial/Blasphemy Kink) As A Man Would Cardinal Copia has fallen hard for a Sister of Sin but keeps his distance knowing that he hides something about himself that will keep them apart forever. (SFW-Angst/Romance/Hurt/Copia is Death) Inspiration When your Cardinal invites you to meet him in the main hall of the Abbey wearing nothing but your nightgown and a smile, you are in for a night of pleasure. (NSFW-Romance/Public sex) Now We Wait Copia has something he has been wanting to talk with you about and now is the perfect time. (NSFW-Romance/Breeding kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Copia POV)
All Just For Show Papa Emeritus IV has reached the final show of the Re Imperatour and you know what's coming next... (NSFW-Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Violence) For Us Copia has had something on his mind, and you are determined to find out what it is. (NSFW- Romance/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Transmasc reader/Angst) Unwind Being a sibling of sin is hard...especially when dealing with the wrath of Sister Imperator. Copia helps you find a way to relax. (NSFW-Romance/AFAB Reader/Vaginal Sex/Anal Sex/Anal fingering) Gentle Sin Copia has been keeping his feelings for you secret for so long. What happens when you confess you are feeling them too? (NSFW-Romance/Love Confessions/Copia POV/Angst) And Then It Hit Him You have news for your husband, Cardinal Copia on the brink of his ascension to the Papacy, but will he stop long enough to listen? (SFW- Romance/Fluff/Pregnancy) Rush You know exactly how you ended up here and exactly how much trouble you'll get into if caught...but that's not stopping you and Cardinal Copia from consummating your feelings. (NSFW-Rushed Sex/Vaginal Sex/Confession booth/Cardinal Copia)
Copia One Off Works Featuring Other's OCs):
Something Within Your Eyes (feat. OC of @sistersaccharine) Sister of Sin Saccharine is elated to learn that Papa Copia has invited her to meet with him tonight at the stroke of midnight which just happens to be her birthday. (SFW-Romance/Fluff/Love confession/Dancing) This Night Was Made For Us (feat. OC of @sistersaccharine) Sister of Sin Saccharine has big plans for her first Lupercalia celebrations with her lover Papa Emeritus IV... Little does she know he has a surprise of his own. (NSFW-Romance/Proposal/Valentine's Day/Lupercalia/Fluff) Stay With Me...Forever (feat. OC of @sistersaccharine) The day has finally come for Sister Saccharine to marry Copia. Won't you be our ghuest at the wedding? (NSFW-Romance/Wedding/Fluff)
Selfless (feat. OC of @vampghoulette) Caldera, an hardworking and selfless Ghoulette begins to feel anxious about the upcoming Re-Impera tour. Knowing Copia's time is coming to and end she struggles during preparations for the tour. As she tries to help Copia and Aether find out how she's feeling and help ease her concerns in more ways than one. (NSFW-Spit roasting/Angst/Three-way/Comfort/Body Issues/OC Ghoulette) A Whisper of a Thrill (feat. OC of @a-tired-sparrow) Deacon Via is the head of the Human, Ghoul, and Other Anomalies Resources Department at the Ministry. Their everyone's go to person and a frequent confidant and of Papa Emeritus IV. While they have never told Copia about their affections, an unexpected phone call and a meeting changes Via's life. (NSFW-Love confession/Nonbinary character/Romance/Fluff) Not Another Sleepless Night (feat. OC of @a-tired-sparrow) Deacon Via and Papa Emeritus the IV have been enjoying an intense romance until the beginning of the Imperatour threatens to destroy what they've built when Via can't let go of their work back home to leave with Copia on tour. (NSFW-Romance/Angst/Nonbinary character/Tour bus sex/Fluff)
⚠️COPIIA-Unrelated/Non-related AU⚠️
As the Night Settled In (Spin off from Let There Be Night) Copia pulls an all nighter after becoming Cardinal and gets some much-needed release when he gets back to his lover. (NSFW-Romance/MFM/Established relationship/UNRELATED/NON-RELATED AU)
Thank you for reading!
May he walk with you in Darkness, leading you from the Light
⛧ PM Ren
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tarn-ati0n · 3 months
I'm giving you the opportunity right now what is the story you mentioned pleas tell me I need to laugh at you.
Ohhhhh Boy, you wanna sit down for this one.
One day my parents decided that we should do something fun for once in our miserable life, so they invited me and my little sister to a comedy show taking place in our city.
The show consisted of a bunch of different Comedians coming on stage for about 10 minutes each, plus one comedian being the moderator who would do his thing for like. 5 minutes between every other comedians entry.
Every comedian got their own title card before they stepped onto the stage. Cute. These cards were brought on stage by one of those... idk what you call them, stagehands?
Anyways, this ... stagehand ... just so happened to be a girl. One I would call pretty. This wasn't just my opinion, because if there's one thing my little sister and I have in common it's that we both like girls.
So, during the break where all guests (ourselves included) could go outside for a breath of fresh air, my sister turned to me and said:
"Anyways, that stage girl is like. So hot, right?" And I answer. "You mean the one handing over the plates? Yeah, she's really pretty." And the girl we were talking about says, "Oh, you think I'm pretty?" And my brain explodes.
So as it turns out, this is also a quick break for everyone working behind the scenes. And wouldn't you know it, this girl just so happens to walk by us just in time to hear me say that. Isn't that crazy? What are the odds!
Unfortunately, I couldn't really appreciate the presumably low chances of this happening because my mind was busy activating every alarm protocol it knows, which led to a complete shutdown in the thinking department. This was not really helpful to the overall situation.
I say something which I don't remember, she answered something I don't recall, I probably tried to give a funny answer and definitely failed doing so, she said something that might have actually been funny followed by something else and leaves.
With the imminent threat out of my line of sight, my brain is slowly starting to boot up again. After a few seconds I'm able to form coherent thoughts again.
I turn to my sister who has just. The most shit eating grin imaginable on her face. I consider pushing her off the balcony we're standing on. I decided against it due to the fact that this was less of a balcony and more of a terrace, so it unfortunately wouldn't really hurt her. A shame.
"So you think she's pre-" "shut the fuck up"
Fast forward to us all sitting in my moms car after the show:
“Btw you know she totally tried to flirt with you back there, right?” “She tried to WHAT???”
And that’s the end of the story. You can make fun of me now.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for getting engaged to my childhood friend instead of my mentor?
I (21F) am an opera singer, and have recently seen success singing the main roles of some productions at the opera house I work at. I owe this success to my mentor E (???M), who inspired and taught me how to sing, though he is quite strict and protective. He says he needs me. He must've been an angel from my late father.
He brought me down to his lair once, but I betrayed his trust and angered him greatly, and the whole encounter scared me. See, E was born with a facial deformity, and so was subject to much hatred and scorn for his entire life. He wears a mask to hide his face for that reason, but I was curious, so I tried to take a peep...he was terrifying to behold, and, of course, furious. He even tried to hold me prisoner in his lair permanently because of it (but changed his mind later).
Unfortunately, it ultimately turned out that I was only put into these starring roles because my mentor had been doing many horrible things to put me in those roles. These include sending threatening notes to the managers, playing an unkind prank on the leading soprano and murdering a stagehand. He also crashed a chandelier right after that, which killed another person as well.
Now, it happens that around my first performance, I reunited with a childhood friend, R (20sM), who happened to be watching. He's also very protective of me. He didn't believe that E existed when I told him, though, and kept insisting I was making things up. Now, R has been courting me for a while, so after that encounter with E, I talked to him and told him to take me away to somewhere my mentor couldn't follow. I was by now scared of what E might do to me, even as my heart ached for him...anyway, R and I got engaged, but now E is even angrier, I don't know how he found out, he must've heard...
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sydsaint · 10 months
Y'all have been asking for it. So I have finally delivered! Scrap daddy Adam Pearce x flirty! Wrestler! Reader. Enjoy 💚
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Summary: Adam Pearce gets a surprise on Raw when a fight breaks out between Rhea Ripley and the reader returning from injury.
It's another Monday night episode of Raw, which means one thing. More crap for Adam Pearce to deal with involving the Judgment Day and their shenanigans.
"Mr Pearce?" A stagehand pops into Adam's office about ten minutes after Raw has gone live.
"Yes?" Pearce looks up from his phone at his desk.
The stagehand steps fully into the room with a nervous look. "I just wanted to let you know that Rhea Ripley is out in the ring 10 minutes ahead of schedule." He explains.
"Of course she is." Pearce sighs and adjusts his glasses. "God forbid anyone actually follows the schedule around here." He complains to himself before glancing back at the stagehand. "Just...let her talk. It's easier than me going out there and arguing with her for 10 minutes."
The stagehand nods and turns to leave when a call is made over his headset. Pearce watches the aid stop in his tracks and turn back to Pearce. "Umm, Mr. Pearce, sir?" The aid speaks up.
"What has she done now?" Pearce replies.
"Miss Ripley has just been confronted by Y/N L/N from Smackdown, sir." The stagehand explains.
Pearce chokes on air for a moment before composing himself. "Y/N L/N? She's supposed to be out on injury for another three weeks. And she's drafted to Smackdown." He gets to his feet.
"Miss L/N and Miss Ripley are fighting out in the arena as we speak sir." The stagehand explains further.
Pearce comes around his desk and ushers the stagehand out of the office. The pair weave through the backstage area all the way down to the curtain. Pearce hurries through the curtain just in time to find you reigning down punches to Rhea's face from your position on top of her.
"Well don't just stand there!" Pearce jumps into action and orders back up. "Separate them!" He shouts.
A gaggle of security and stagehands all file out to the ring with Pearce and move to separate you and Rhea. By the time everyone gets to the ring, you and Rhea are both bleeding. The security personnel manage to create some space between you and Rhea, so Pearce steps between the two of you.
"That's enough!" Pearce shouts at both of you in a stern tone. "Rhea! Back to the trainer's room!" He banishes Rhea.
Dominik hurries to Rhea's side and coddles her for a moment before they both slink away backstage. With Rhea gone, Pearce turns around and faces you.
You crack a satisfied grin at the Raw general manager. Blood is smeared over your face from a bloody nose, as well as your knuckles from Rhea's face. But you don't seem to mind it.
"Miss me, Pearce?" You wink at Adam with a laugh.
"What the hell are you doing here, Y/N?" Pearce confronts you while he's got you in the ring.
You laugh again and pull some crumpled papers out of your back pocket. "Oh, didn't you check your email, Adam?" You ask him while forking over the papers. "It seems I was too much for little Nick Aldis to handle. So I'm your problem now."
Pearce takes the papers from your hands and glances at them while mumbling to himself. The security team ushers you backstage and down to his office since Rhea is in the trainer's room.
You get dropped off at Pearce's office and plop yourself down in a chair. Your bloody nose now starting to make your head just a bit fuzzy.
"It says here that you were supposed to report to me at the start of the show!" Pearce sits down in his chair and gets a better look at your transfer papers.
"Oops." You flash a bloody grin at him. "I must have gotten lost. My bad." You joke.
With a sigh, Pearce smooths out your papers and shakes his head. "Are you even cleared for competition yet?" He asks you. "The last I heard you were supposed to be gone for another three weeks."
"Other than this sore nose and minor headache, I'm as healthy as a horse, Adam." You reply with another wink. "Also, you never answered my question earlier. Did you miss me?" You tease him.
Pearce looks at you with a stoic expression, but you can tell that you're starting to wear him down.
"How is your nose?" Pearce asks you as he reaches for a box of tissues from his desk drawer. "Not broken I hope."
"Nah, Rhea can't hit that hard." You insist as Pearce hands you a tissue. "At least tell me that you enjoyed the show. All I've been hearing while I was out was how ol' Rhea was giving my favorite GM a hard time." You wipe up some of the blood from your face that hasn't dried yet.
Pearce shakes his head at you and relaxes in his seat. "That doesn't give you the right to attack her like that." He scolds you.
"No." You sit up with an agreeing nod. "Her kicking me off the top of a ladder at Wrestlemania and putting me out of action for 6 months, does though." You remind him of why you've been gone so long.
"Right." Pearce nods. "What am I going to do with you?" He asks you.
Another smile plays on your lips at Pearce's question. "Well, we both know that I'm your favorite, Adam. So you're going to give me a championship match against Rhea. A cage match, in fact." You inform him.
"Is that so?" Pearce replies.
"Mhm." You nod and get to your feet.
Pearce watches you walk around his desk on slightly wobbly legs before you come to a stop next to his chair. "It's simple, really. You get Rhea off your back and your show back to normal. And I get to beat her ass to a pulp and get the title belt that should have been mine 6 months ago." You flick his tie playfully.
"Alright." Pearce chuckles and gets to his feet. "Let's get you to the trainer's room." He sets a hand on your back. "I think you've lost too much blood."
"Sure." You nod. "But I'm pretty sure this is just a clever ruse for you to feel me up, bossman." You tease him.
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vulpixisananimal · 4 months
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(. . .)
(What. WHAT. What do you have to say! I KNOW you have something!)
(. . .)
(We're back here again. AGAIN. After ALL THAT WORK. Do you have NOTHING to add to that?)
(Using the blinding dagger to get us back here. STARS. You want to protect Siffrin and you do things like THAT. Disgusting. You're Terrible, TERRIBLE! TERRIBLE!!!)
(And now we're stuck here! Again! Stardust can't come out because of that BLINDING MIND CRAFT. YOU I can't even trust to be sensible, and we blinding KILLED SOMEONE LAST LOOP!!)
(And you have NOTHING to say?!?)
(. . . It left, didn't it. Stars. . .)
(Even if it was annoying, a danger, stupid, whatever. It, it was someone to talk to. Stars.)
(You breathe in, and out. Let's just get this over with.)
(You open the bathroom door just as Isabeau knocks on it.)
"O-oh! Morning Sif!" (He doesn't remember.)
(You look up at him. What was your next line again? He was going to ask if you were ok and- You know what, no. You need this.)
(You hug Isabeau.)
"O-oh!!!" (After a second, he hugs you back.) "Is, is everything alright?"
(No. Nothing was alright. How do you explain this to him? How do you tell him you killed his friend. How do you tell him you're not who he thinks you are. You can't!! That's the punchline!! You couldn't get accross what you were feeling in a thousand Loops!! But what does that matter, you needed this.)
(. . . Was it selfish? Maybe. Maybe. . .)
(You made Stardust promise not to screw up with their family again. If you couldn't get that happy ending, they could at least. You still remember that fight, you still remember loosing. You still remember wanting to tear out Siffrins throat and stab him through the heart.)
(And now you were here, forced to see that happy ending play out while you, once again, are relegated to stagehand!!!)
(You're starting to cry.)
"No." (You finally say. Hugging a bit tighter.)
"Aw Sif, could I-"
"S-shut up." (You're crying more.) "Just, just shut up!"
". . . Sif. ."
"Don't call me that!" (You can't stop yourself.) "Every blinding time, every time you come check on us, to talk to him! And I have to sit back and pretend!! Pretend to be that happy Siffrin you all like!! Just so we can maybe get out of this BLINDING day!!!"
(Isa doesn't respond.)
"And now you probably think I'm crazy! Oh look! Siffrins gone all loopy~ TEE HEE! LOOPY~ Maybe they finally cracked!"
"S-. ." (He stops himself.) "I, I don't think that."
"Of course you do! Tee hee~ After all what else could, you. . ." (You look up at him finally, and stop.)
(He's. . . He's crying too.)
(There's a silence before he speaks up.) ". . . I. . . I don't, I don't know what you're going through right now but. . ." (He's looking for the right words.)
". . . . I'm sorry." (You finally say.)
"It's alright." (He respons, putting a hand on your head.) ". . . Do you want to talk about it?"
(You burry your face in his shirt and mumble.) "Maybe. . ."
"Did. . . Have you been looping again?"
". . . Yes."
"How long? And, and why?"
"Today, this is 8 or 9, I think. Looping because a defender, friend of yours, using mind craft on us. Keep trying to stop it."
"Oh. . ." (Isabeau gently scritches your head. It's nice.) "And, I'm guessing there's a lot more details to that?"
(You nod. Your breathing is steadying, finally.)
"Alright." (There's a pause.) "And uh, something, bad happened last loop I'm guessing?"
(Your breath catches, and you take a second to reply.) ". . . Yes."
"What was it?"
". . ."
". . ."
". . . We, we confronted your friend, they're going by Ramos now, and, and they turned into a sadness."
"And we died?" (He tried finishing.)
"No, we won. But Ramos, they. . . they. . ."
(There's a pause, then Isabeau hugs you tighter.) ". . . That, that sounds aweful!"
"You're not angry? Or, or scared?"
(Isa shook his head.) "I'm, well, I'm greatful and proud, proud that you came back to today even if you won to try again, but. . ." (Another pause.) ". . . I'm, a little scared, scared if Ramos is ok, and even more scared about if you're ok."
"Hehe. . ." (That's. . . Reasuring at least. You finally pull back a bit from the hug.) "I have had to deal with your memory getting changed, Mira getting accused of kidnapping Bonnie, Nille getting K.Oed by Ramos in one hit, oh stars I haven't even mentioned that looping is giving us craft exhaustion~"
"That's. . ." (Isabeau looks. . . Surprisingly okay? What a strange man. . .) "That does sound like a lot, but, I bet we can deal with it! Right? How many loops did you say it took in Dormont?"
"176~" (You say, now smiling slightly. You really WERE loopy.) "Give or take a few dozen."
"Then lets beat that record then!!" (Isa struck a heroic pose, it made you giggle.)
"Well it'll take a while to get to 177, but-"
(You both laugh, oh, stars. You stumble Forward, light headed. Isabeau catches you.)
"Aw no, you sure you'll be alright?"
"Maybe..." (You take a breath. You DO feel exhausted. Last loop was the first time you properly fought something, and Mal Du Pays decided to go all out. You probably where slowly getting yourself killed with all this craft.) "Just, tired, and hungry."
"Do you want to go lie down? I could carry you back to your room if you want." (He was looking at you so sincerely.)
"I. . ." (That, sounded really nice, but.) "I need to explain this to everyone, and make sure they're ready, and think of a plan and-"
"Later, we have time! And you look beyond exhausted."
"But I need to-"
"If you try and push yourself I will pick you up and carry you to your bed."
(You look away. Ok. That DOES sound nice, you can't deny it. Stars. Why was he being so nice to YOU?)
". . . You, I'm, you do understand I'm not-"
"Oh! I guessed as much don't worry."
(You snap your head back. He could tell?!?! Oh stars you were REALLY rusty. Then again, you did just have a huge breakdown.)
(Isabeau saw your look and continued.) "W-well, Siffrin talked about all this yesterday, so I was thinking about it all night. And so when you ran to the bathroom this morning I wanted to make sure you were ok because, well, I was worried. . ."
"Tee hee. . ." (Defeated, you lean on Isa and start walking back to your room.) "It's, it's Loop. By the way."
"Glad to see you again, Loop." (There was a pause.) "a-and, uhm, sorry."
"Sorry?" (You asked.)
"I-if, if me and Sif ever, made you, y'know, uncomfortable..."
"Oh!" (Ah right. The PDA. Those two idiots had yet to kiss, but they got close. You were around sometimes for that. Well, sometimes it was JUST you around.) "O-oh! Nope! Nooooo issue all!"
"OhthankChangeok" (He sighed in relief.)
(He helped you back to your room, you didn't realize just how exhausted you were. When you got there you practically collapsed onto the bed.)
"I can get you breakfast!"
"Please, I think a quesadilla would fix me."
"Oh! Is that what Bonnie made today?"
"Every time, tee hee~"
(You both laugh, Isa goes to the door, but pauses a moment.) ". . . If. . If you ever do want to talk about, well, anything. . ."
". . . I'll, I'll think about it."
"Thanks, be right back, Loop."
(. . . Why is it that a bed only makes your body hurt more.)
(You close your eyes, you're so tired, Stars, you're so, so tired. You just need, need a rest. . .)
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peabod3 · 1 year
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gn! reader, matty healy x reader, george daniel x reader, implied ross macdonald x reader, implied adam hann x reader, actual smut in this part guys, not too steamy but we are getting there :p
a.n: i made them subby, i have a thing for making men beg ;)
pt1! pt2!
You and George had bee-lined it off of the stage as soon as the boys’ set was over and you could hear Matty trying desperately to catch up with you.
“Hey- hey guys, fuck! Stop running!”
Laughs rang out behind you, Adam and Ross obviously catching on to your plans for the night.
You could feel the anticipation radiating off of George, his hand in yours buzzing with excited energy. It was a race back to the tour bus, Matty ducking and weaving between crew members trying to catch up with you both but you always stayed a few steps ahead and it was driving him crazy. He had practically thrown his guitar at the stagehand in an effort to catch you both and now all he could do was track your movements via the mop of hair that stood tall above everyone else. God bless George's height. He had started sprinting after you at this point, mind too clouded with need to even register you glancing back at him and beginning to giggle as you tug George along with more force. You reach the bus before him and slam the door shut, but not before he can see you push George onto the pullout in the lounge area.
1- Matty runs up to the door, all he can think about is what you might be doing to George and how blind with jealousy and need it makes him .
2- He twists the handle and hurries inside, shutting the door and taking a deep breath to ground himself.
3- He turns around and lets out a sound so pathetic and hot and full of pure need that he barely registers the fact that it came from him.
You are lent with your back against the headboard of the pullout bed, legs spread wide and a naked George sat between them. How you got him in this position so quickly is a wonder but Matty’s eyes practically cross as he takes in the sight of his best friends spread out on the bed before him. You, still fully clothed, have one hand on George's face, cupping his jaw, forcing his head straight with a grip that Matty just knows will leave marks. And the other is wrapped around his dick, pumping slowly as you whisper into his ear. George is just as gone as Matty now, eyes fluttering with every word and mouth slack with gasps and moans of pleasure. He is putty in your hands and Matty gets lightheaded with how fast his body reacts to the sight of it. That's when you lock eyes with him and he drops to his knees, palming at his erection with pure desperation. You have given him tunnel vision, he cant hear himself or George but by the smile on your face hes sure hes being far to loud for the thin walls of the tour bus. 
“Look at our boy down there George. I didn't even need to tell him to get on his knees but there he is, being such a good boy~, arent you Matty?”
They both let out moans at your words, George's tongue briefly lolling out of his mouth and Matty beginning to clamber onto the bed. You watch him as he gets closer before hardening your gaze and stopping him dead in his tracks, suspended mid air above one of George's knees. 
“I said arent you Matty?” 
Oh. You had wanted an answer from him. Maybe the whimper he lets out will do? Nope, your staring even harder now. The blood is leaving his head so quickly that the world is beginning to spin. 
“I-i am, oh~”
You had done that on purpose. Sunk your fingers into George’s mouth, making him moan and his legs spasm. His left knee had bucked into Mattys crotch and god had it felt good. Matty had become totally shameless, his body moving without a second thought. All he could focus on was the wonderful pressure between his thighs and the way George was hollowing his cheeks around your fingers. 
“Aww Matty, why wont you say it? Don't you want to be my good boy? Should I call in the others instead? Mm, think they'll be good boys for me?” No! Don't leave now! He wants to be good! He does, he promises! 
“George is my good boy, arent you?” That earns you a whimpering moan from the man in your lap but seeing both of these boys at your mercy has boosted you ego and you want to see how far you can push it. Push them.
Pulling your fingers from his mouth makes George let out a whine that trails off  as you grip his jaw again and lean in closer. “Say it baby, tell Matty what you are.” His eyes roll back in his head and his hips buck frantically into your hand. “yes, yes! good boy- i'm your good boy! i am, i am, i promise! good boy for you, ah~” You slide your fingers back into his waiting mouth and he continues moaning around them while you stare at Matty. He's close now, you can tell in the way is eyebrows pull up in the middle and his jaw hangs slightly loose, tongue lolling about as he watches George's dance lustfully around your fingers. You can't have him coming just yet. Not before hes begged for it.
“Now Matty,” you catch his attention, “dont you have something to say?”
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