#don't shine as bright
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
All I want is to go to a trans person's funeral after they lived a full, enriching life. I want to see trans people grow old, I want us to live like the stars. We don't deserve to burn out before everybody else. When we die, I want it to be because we grew old, because we had lived.
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crabsnpersimmons · 11 days
✂️ New 'Do, Same You Chapter 2 is up on Ao3!!
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Your first day continues! Your new coworkers show you around and help you get ready.
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crrows · 6 months
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Yoyogi Park, 2004
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sigmastolen · 2 months
cats merch idea that nobody will make: ballerina music boxes, but with victoria (white cat solo) and mistoffelees (turns obvi, the part where he flips his hands out during the brass blare). the victoria one would play the slow theme from the white cat solo. in my heart i want the misto music to be from the turns in the dance break but i don't think that would translate very well to a music box; realistically it would be a phrase of the "magical mister mistoffelees" chorus
you could probably make ones with other cats who have characteristic poses/music but i don't think it would translate as perfectly, you know?
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nuzzle · 1 year
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hawase doll for afternoon tea ❀
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canisalbus · 1 year
IDK if I'm phrasing this correctly, but in my brain, Vasco is, like, the personification (caninification?) of an afternoon chilling on a back porch swing.
#ah#that's adorable#I can totally imagine him doing that#answered#anonymous#Vasco#to me he usually conjures the feeling of being warmed by sunlight#winters in northern Finland where I'm from tend to be pretty rough at least for me they are#they last about six months or so#sun starts to set earlier and earlier until it gets dark before 2 pm#in december the sun barely rises at all it's like this brief moment of twilight at noon between two 22+ hour nights#it gets harder to wake up in the morning and your energy levels plummet you go into battery saving mode#polar night messes up your brain seasonal depression gets really bad#and the cold and dark goes on and on and you feel like you'll never feel warm or happy or properly awake again#but eventually it starts to veer towards spring and on one day you notice that the sun is shining??!?!#not like bleakly and weakly but proper sunlight with warm hue and capability to actually warm the things it touches#you've forgotten what it looks like when it's truly light outside#and it's the craziest feeling to see bright natural light it blinds you and pierces right through into your very core#being kissed by the sun for the first time in months feels unreal it feels SO GOOD#I don't know it's probably not that big of a deal for people around me#but I personally react to things like changes in temperature and the amount of daylight pretty massively#I like to think that Vasco is a first ray of sunlight hitting you after you've spent what feels like an eternity in someplace cold and dark
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sainte-melasse · 8 months
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AITA for refusing to get a kumakumya for my doll, leaving her with "only" two usakumyas ?
*~~Be an angel and don’t reblog her on a kink/nsfw blog~~*
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parlerenfleurs · 8 months
Starting to think, going by the MXTX fandoms, that a lot of people are comfortable with being a bit terrible and not thriving for an ideal whatsoever, because they really really reeaaally want to believe Xue Yang and Jiang Cheng are poor cuties who weren't lucky and the heroes are a bunch of holier-than-thou arrogant bitches who need to be taken down a peg when the text says the opposite, because then it justifies their own faults and hatred of genuinely awesome people who seem to have it better in life and isn't that sooo unfair and isn't it fair that they should suffer to learn what it's like to suffer like them, poor tortured, petty, flawed humans who see themselves in the villains rather than the heroes.
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Did I eat or did I eat?
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loveotomization · 4 months
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I keep forgetting to post my lolita outfits on here :v
This is from Dark Force Fest, an indoor goth music fest. tbh, I'm not even into the music, I just go to dress up lol
jsk, blouse: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Jacket: Putumayo
Shoes: Bodyline
Head piece: Antique Beast
Pony bag: Angelic Pretty
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codenamesazanka · 5 months
pessimistically, how things are now, each of the remaining League seemed to have met their appropriate fate given their crimes
Dabi: burned to a crisp
Toga: major blood loss
Spinner: brain damage
Shigaraki: disintegrated
though they've been given a measure of relief and peace ("saved") before they were done. Still, they're defeated and gone, so there's no need bring them back. Pessimistically, it's very possible that all heroes need to do is defeat AFO by themselves and that's that. Loose ends all tied up.
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pouletaulait · 2 months
"You are the light. I am the shadow" The dichotomy between Yashiro and Kuga
After talking about how Yashiro was living his life passively, allowing himself to be coerced by others in my post „Do you even intend to quit?“ and seeing Kuga again in Chapter 58, I thought back to the dichotomy between Yashiro and Kuga, that became apparent in the very beginning of the story. Others probably already wrote plenty about this topic in the past but because I couldn’t find any recent posts about it, I thought I’d still write about it. Also, I feel like it adds another layer to Yashiro’s emotions at this point of the story.
The instance where the dichotomy between Kuga and Yashiro is mentioned is in Chapter 1 when Yashiro watches Kageyama leaving on his bicycle and he thinks about Kuga, the very person Kageyama is returning to. Yashiro says about Kuga and himself „You are the light. I am the shadow.“
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From what we learn about Kuga in „Don’t stay gold“, we know that he was in very similar situation as Yashiro was at the same age. Kuga was abused by his parents, didn’t have a place to call home, he didn’t have any prospects for his future. Yashiro tried to do to Kuga, what Misumi had done to him. He saw potential in him just like Misumi had seen in Yashiro and he assumed that Kuga would be an easy target because of his situation, so he also tried to convince Kuga to join the Yakuza by any means necessary. He tried to coerce him just like Misumi had done to him:
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It’s interesting to point out here that Kuga hates Yashiro for what he’s doing to him. Yashiro on the other hand didn’t hate Misumi despite him doing the same thing to Yashiro. He even began a consensual sexual relationship with him once he was practically forced to join Misumi’s group. Just like Yashiro, who felt like he had no other option but to join the Yakuza, Kuga didn’t really see any alternative to becoming a criminal. He says as much when talking to Kageyama about Yashiro’s „offer“:
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In contrast to Yashiro himself, Kuga kept fighting his destiny. He probably didn’t know exactly what he wanted from life but he knew exactly what he didn’t want for himself and he defended his right to choose his own path. He didn’t allow himself to be manipulated by anyone. This is in strong contrast to Yashiro, who saw his fate as predetermined, like he had no other choice but to accept it. Yashiro didn’t put up a fight when Misumi lured him into the Yakuza. He was reluctant but he never actually fought against it. Like I said in my other post, he didn’t care about himself anymore at that point. He wasn’t angry. Didn’t lash out. Didn’t stand up for himself. He went along with Misumi’s demands, albeit reluctantly.
We see a similar situation when it comes to Yashiro and Kuga and their feelings for Kageyama. Their relationships with Kageyama start out in the exact same way. Kageyama started touching Kuga’s scars just like he had done to Yashiro in highschool. But when Kage pushed Kuga away just like he had done to Yashiro in the past, Kuga confronted him:
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Yashiro on the other hand never opened up about his feelings. When he felt rejected by Kageyama he gave up without getting angry at him for using him or saying anything about how he felt.
This is a bit off topic but despite his own feelings for Kageyama it was Yashiro who gave Kageyama a push and made him go after Kuga and acknowledge his feelings:
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Am I the only one who thinks that Yashiro looks like he’s about to cry here? 😭 Yashiro, you truly deserve all the happiness in the world! 😭
So, coming back to Yashiro’s statement about Kuga being the light and himself being the shadow, I think this shows how aware Yashiro is of the parallels between Kuga and himself. He recognizes that they both started from a somewhat similar point in life but that there is something that sets Kuga apart from himself: „Kuga is the light. I am the shadow“. I think the „light“ that Yashiro saw in Kuga was the hope that he was able to retain. Despite everything Kuga went through, it seems that he never lost hope. Just like Yashiro, he was lost and didn’t know where to go or what to do but he never gave up fighting for himself. I think what gave him this strength was his hope that he could turn his life around and that he could find happiness eventually. His hope was like a spark that enlightened his way forward. The way I see it, both Kuga as well as Yashiro are very strong people who managed to keep on going despite all the adversities they had to face but in contrast to Kuga, Yashiro had long lost all hope. He gave up on everything before fate even had the chance to lift him up.
So, after learning in Chapter 58 that Kageyama and Kuga are still going strong, I felt Yashiro’s pain about his current situation even more. Kuga has everything that Yashiro wishes for: The strength to stand up for himself and make his own decisions in life as well as a stable relationship with the person he loves. Yashiro on the other hand still has Misumi hanging round his neck trying to pull him back into the Yakuza life which he wants no part of, as well as Doumeki who’s making it seem like he doesn’t have any feelings for Yashiro anymore. And unlike Kuga, who decided to become a mechanic because he felt like night work didn’t suit him, Yashiro thinks of himself as livestock, a being that has no control over his own existence. So he continues his path as Misumi’s affiliate despite his negative attitude towards it and keeps his feelings hidden from Doumeki. He still has no hope for a better future. He's still dwelling in darkness while Kuga is still shining bright like the sun.
I really hope that once Yashiro recognizes Doumeki’s real feelings, this will finally restore his hope in the future and that he will eventually find the strength to go against his predetermined destiny.
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qcomicsy · 2 years
About the nicetimeline!au I'm excited to hear about Dick in the future!
me too lol
okay. okay. I'm joking
I've been planning a lot around the Nicefuture!au. Given how I stopped posting as much as in the beginig.
It started as this cute joke I thought in the beginig, this very fun concept of "What if Damian and Tim was just ended up very fond of each other over the years in the future and present Tim had to confront that?" and "What if the future was just so fucking nice that if they ever had time traveling shenanigans everyone would just start losing their minds about it?".
But I've grew very fondly of it as I was writing it and I've also grew very fondly of Damian as I was writing it (who would even though?), so I've been putting much more though on it then I previously planned lmao. I'm still working on how the future presents itself and trying to make it justice for the characters in a way that makes me satisfied.
I'm going to be very honest with y'all. I'm a casual reader, I initiate and put on hold comic runs and generally just read what seems interesting to me at the moment. Nicefuture!Au it's a mix of what I've read from the cannon and what are the best outcomes I could imagine from each character in a way that just brings me the most amount of joy. I'm still working around the edges, and what would that it mean for each character, what does a nice future holds for them?
And the best part? I don't know any of it! It's a great and entertaining work in progress.
So yeah! I'm also very excited about what future!Dick is up to. What person he became? What does he do with his life? What shenanigans he got himself in? It's all very blur yet in my mind but I'm getting there.
Also I'm going to take this ask as an opportunity to give y'all little updates. As I said I've been planning around and making little projects in this mean time that might or might not see the light of the day, so it could get a little radio silence from there but not promises!, I've got a little ideas for Tim, Terry and Jason but the others might be given me a little of work (god there's so many people in this fucking family lololol it's stressing but in the best way possible).
But as soon as I get to conclusions that makes me satisfied I will be updating in my blog and bringing more shenanigans to y'all.
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iaf · 1 year
Here's my take. :)
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nuzzle · 1 year
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closeup coord details, and my first VW necklace! ♡
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goleb · 1 year
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So many things it's like it's all of them
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