#don't you cry no more. (chapter ii)
bloodsalted · 4 months
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@fellandfeathers || sent a reaction meme! || accepting!  
send “no, you don’t get to die”  for my injured muse to react to yours saying this while they’re bleeding.
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dean can taste the blood trickling down the side of his chin from the corner of his lips. it coats his tongue and the inside of his mouth in a coppery, rust flavor so rich that he can smell it inside and outside from where it's caked on his nostrils. he spits some out. not caring that it lands wherever. his hand's covering a damn rip across his side. a dull blade always fucking hurts so much worse than a sharp one. tears you up bad, too. all that strength it takes to punch it in. let alone how that asshole made sure to twist it on it's way out.
demons. this one had a vendetta. he pissed it off real good.
what he wasn't expecting was two more crawling up from behind. sneaky dicks. had him near the end of the damn long fight when he was winning. couple more seconds, he coulda sent that thing to hell. or whatever else sorta place ended up swallowing it whole. he didn't give a shit as long as it was dead.
yeah that was minutes ago. now? he's slumped against a wall. bleeding dizzy and lightheaded with a broken leg he hasn't let his brain recognize, his insides feel all sorta messed up (they are..he can't breathe right and he's choking more times than his lungs appreciate) and he can't move. panic comes and goes. has him reaching for a phone that isn't there. his eyes close. he forces them open. it's a losing battle and they're shut again by the time he feels the pain start to fade.. not a good damn sign, he tells himself. wake up! but the effort feels way more than the payout. that's bullshit. get up?!
'no, you don't get to die..' an unfamiliar voice draws eyes half-lidded.
"..or what?" is all he manages before a soft grunt cuts him off. he's lifted off the ground. out of the pool of crimson and dark red. he feels pale hair against his cheek before the world goes warm, golden and then black.
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greenandsorrow · 5 months
the price for misbehaving (ii)
post rut Alastor x gn!reader
WARNINGS; the aftermath of a very horny fic, mentions of deer mating season, friends to lovers, deer/doe!demon!reader, reader with self worth doubts, a sprinkle of angst, curly-haired!Alastor, undertones of Alastor being a momma's boy, mentions of his past, making out, fluff (literally), plot
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Dividers by; @saradika-graphics & @cafekitsune
Please do not repost or directly copy my work and don't use it on AI platforms either.❤️
From a smutty oneshot to a multi chap fic. Nothing can compare to the chunkiness of the 1st chapter, but I'm satisfied with this one as well. Enjoy you lovely beings and thanks for being patient with me!!! The art above is by @kalico-of-doom.
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The only time Alastor isn't smiling is when he's sleeping you have come to realize. You can't help but notice how tired he looks as you lay motionless beside him. You start petting his ears and he groans softly, nuzzling deeper into your touch without even bothering to open his eyes. A small smile forms on his mouth, a real one. Is this really the same man that has been fucking you until your legs stop working?
In the morning you wake up in his bed, a daily occurrence at this point. However, you weren't expecting him to be staring deeply into your contemned soul.
"A- Al?"
Your voice is hoarse from sleep. You scratch your deer ears, flop on your back and stretch. Alastor keeps staring, studying you and every micro expression you make.
You can feel fear creeping into your gut. Is this the end? Is the rutting season gone? Does he want to kill you and eat you now? Will he kick you out? One thing is certain.
He doesn't need you anymore.
After all, you were just a friend helping him go through a difficult time. Nothing more. Still, you would be lying to yourself if you said that you haven't caught any feelings. From his forceful claiming that hid a great deal of desperation to his tender claiming last night, Alastor has left more than just his mark on you. One could say that he owns you in the most primal and raw of ways, but if he chooses to deny that... that's all it takes really, then you were nothing but a fucktoy.
"Um... I- I'm gonna take a shower"
Is that you doing the walk of shame? Alastor is a gentleman, why isn't he saying anything?! Not a single thing that could make you feel less terrible about the whole situation!
Now that his hormones have died down and you are far from aroused as well, getting out of bed and standing completely naked in front of him... It makes you feel exposed, vulnerable, small and inferior to him.
This new emotion, the deep embarrassment that has your face feeling hot and your stomach to churn with anxiety makes you dress up and leave "your friend's" room in the speed of light.
You lock yourself in your much smaller room, preparing a bubble bath for your spent and tired body. You smile to yourself a little, remembering how Charlie had made sure you'd have your own bathtub so that you can read your books while soaking in the warm water.
Sinking in the water, having it envelope you, cleanse your energy and take his scent off of you feels nice. You let your eyes droop until they close lazily, you allow your shoulders to relax, your jaw to unclench. A long and audible sigh. Your hands around your frame.
You start crying.
If another deer demon resided in the hotel, he might as well had spent his breeding season with them. You weren't special. The mere thought of such a thing is killing you. You were just another victim of the radio demon's manipulation.
Still, it's your fault as well. For believing this was more than what it appeared to be? Maybe. You are getting more and more confused by the minute.
But oh the way he had been repeating your name like a prayer... It must mean something to him, you being there for him that is. You didn't even judge the way he had spilled tears of sexual frustration when handjobs weren't enough to relieve the ache in his loins.
Who else has seen Alastor Hartfelt of pride under this light? No one. You are the only exception. He wouldn't have allowed you to get so close to him if he didn't trust you.
As your thoughts keep overlapping and fighting with each other and you continue to cry softly, you peak up the all too familiar sound of static.
Another unfair thing! He can melt into shadow and go anywhere he pleases... The sound intensifies as he approaches... you? Is he really thinking of invading your space like that? You can't even cry and be miserable at peace! Not like you're in Hell.
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"Bonjou! Konmen s'apé kouri? Huh?"
Not only are you not in the mood to ask him to translate what he just said, but Alastor literally spawned in your bathroom and he's now acting like this is okay to do. The way he's readjusting his lapels and smiles smugly like he wasn't a grunting mess last night infuriates you even further.
"Can you please get the fuck out of here?"
"Mh?" he just stands there in his usual apathy. He's even holding his cane.
"Can you at least stop smiling for a second?"
"Oh ho! I'm afraid I can't do that my dear!"
"But you can definitely get your ass out of my room! I-" The sound of your voice carries to your ears like a child whining. There's a lump in your throat that you're beginning to fear you won't be able to keep down for much longer. If your face and hair weren't already wet from the bath, then it would be crystal clear that you were weeping like an idiot before he suit himself in.
Alastor is quick to gauge your body language. You're hugging your knees, shielding your naked body from him. Sometimes you swear he can tell your emotional state by sniffing the air around you. It's like your scent is enough for him to piece together the puzzle you are. The radio demon scranches his nose.
"What's there to be so sad over y/n? Today is a beautiful day!"
Is he playing stupid?! Because if he's doing this on purpose... Well, there's not much you can do now that he doesn't need you anymore.
Your lower lip trembles at this terrible thought and the lump in your throat escapes your notice, resulting in a broken and weak sob to come out of you.
Tilting his head to the side way more than necessary and squinting his eyes, Alastor asks "Are you pregnant?"
You freeze and widen your eyes. "I- Is that even... even fuckin' possible in the afterlife?"
The fucker chuckles!
"Oh I don't think so, at least not for lowly demons such as yourself!" The worst part is that he wasn't trying to insult you by saying that, but rather calm you down.
"Go to Hell."
You can't help it now. You break down in tears. Your chest feels tight as the sobs ripple through your body and make your frame retreat to itself. In addition to your general misery, the water has gone cold, causing you to shiver.
The overlord places his cane against the tiles of the wall and crouches down so he is eye-level with you. He won't let it show just yet, but Alastor is very worried. There's a guilt eating him from the inside.
While he was in heat, in breeding mode, or whatever you wanna call it, he wasn't fully aware of his actions. Alastor's mind was blurred from the desire to mate and basically reproduce. Now that he's back to his senses, he has come to the unpleasant realisation that he might have caused you harm in the process of letting out his passion.
And this simply won't do! This deer demon has done cruel and vile things that he doesn't particularly feel bad about, but hurting you... He would never be able to forgive himself.
You were there for him and showed him a great deal of love and understanding.
So, that's the reason you left so hurriedly from his quarters... He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. HE DID IT TO YOU.
Alastor's permanent grin fades just slightly. It is replaced by concern, evident in the way he looks at your trembling body in the water. He reaches out to gently touch your skin, checking for any signs of pain or discomfort. Your friend's voice softens, it's now filled with genuine worry and regret.
"I'm so sorry darling... I didn't know I caused you... pain."
It's true that you have many bruises and hickeys decorating various places on your body, but that's not the reason behind your breakdown.
"I- It's not th-" you just look down. You can't even explain yourself.
The radio demon's worry deepens after your vague response and he quickly takes action to be by your side, pulling you out of the bathtub and into a tight hug. Alastor whispers reassurances in your ear, his voice filled with remorse.
"I'm so sorry... We should have stopped when it got too much."
No one has heard Alastor apologize before, not even God, for all that's worth.
His expression softens even further as he sees your tears that just keep coming. He carefully brushes them away, worry etched into every line of his handsome face.
"I didn't mean to make you cry. You must know that."
"I'm not in pain... Just sad."
You do look rather devastated.
Alastor is almost frozen in place from all the guilt since he can now see the bruises forming on your skin. The water camouflaged them, but now they are exposed for him to observe and take in.
He swallows hard, his voice shaking with emotion like never before. "Y/n... I didn't mean to do that. I didn't. None of it."
"None of it?"
Your voice is muffled due to how you have hid your face in his chest. At least he's warm.
"My intention wasn't to cause you injury or physical pain."
You look up at him, finally making eye contact. He's looking at you as well, eyes shining with regret, guilt and what appears to be shame.
What really surprises you though, is the pleading tone of his voice. It's one thing to be vulnerable because he's hungry for sexual contact and another because he genuinely cares for you.
"Can you ever forgive me for this? I promise, it was never my true intention. I just... I got carried away. And now... It's not an excuse..."
"You really meant none of it to happen between us?"
"Now now little deer! Someone's getting ahead of themselves! That's not what I implied at all."
You sigh and settle in his lap.
"Oh mon cher, did you really think I regret our... stimulating times?"
Alastor's long arms press you against him, his clothes absorbing the water on your still bare skin. He then peaks you up bridal style and carries you to your bed. It's not king sized like his but he doesn't seem to care for such detail right now.
"Now let me see you."
"I said I'm fine!"
"The artist will be the evaluator of his work."
"No Al! Artists get critics to evaluate their work."
"Hmmm, did you say something dear? Cause I didn't hear you!"
It's a common tactic of his to hide his real feelings by being chatty and pleasant. You of course know that, but in your current state it's very validating to have him take care of you.
So he did care. And he still does after having stopped necessarily needing you.
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Alastor isn't joking around. He's searching your body, subconsciously writing down every scratch, every bruise and hickey, every bite mark.
Ears alert on top of his head, eyes wide open. He can even make out the shape of his fingertips on your hips... He turns you on your stomach only to discover his whole palms are imprinted on your buttocks. Meanwhile, you just allow him to inspect your body for as long as he wishes. All the crying has left you drained but also tranquil and calm.
"I'm fine Al. Really."
"Shhh, I'm not done evaluating the damage."
"It's just a bite or two."
"I drew so much blood..."
"Yes and?"
He just keeps observing, keeps rolling you this way and that. The scratches and the bruises are the most triggering to him. They remind Alastor of unhappy memories, in the days when he still hadn't taken good care of his father. As long as he hasn't permanently marked you it should be fine.
"I'll ask Niffty for some ice."
"N- no... Can we just... sit here? Like... cuddle?"
"You were my solace."
He gently presses a finger on your lips to shush you.
"Thank you."
"You don't have to say that. It's not like I helped you with a flat tire or something."
"I don't do cuddling."
"Nor touching for that matter. But... It's not that bad, huh? Just let me put something on first."
You stand up and go to your closet to pick something to put on. Your hair is still wet and your legs still feel sore from all of your intense moments, but it was a relief to know he still wants you in his life after the rut has ended.
Alastor's behaviour makes you wonder. He's contradictory. From fucking your throat in his radio station, to bending you over various objects in the hotel, taking you in missionary, against walls, windows and doors, he still seems pretty reluctant to give himself to intimacy. Unlike those times, his mind is now clear, no overwhelming heat involved. Intimacy -to him- equals vulnerability and vulnerability equals pain. The inevitable way in which things had worked out in his life.
"But we did sleep together until yesterday."
The radio demon cannot deny you. He's already sat at the edge of your bed, taking off his coat, shoes and anything else that could make the experience any less enjoyable.
"I wish I could say you'll take this to your grave."
You grin brightly and chuckle at his silly, little remark. Your confidence has been restored to an extent after he made it clear that he does concern himself with your wellbeing.
"But why do you not like being touched? Physical contact is a form of affection."
"Or a form of punishment, of intimidation, domination and... many other vile things my dear..." His voice is too low for your liking as he says that. You don't know what burdens Alastor's shoulders, but it can't be good. And I'm not even referring to his own cruelty and the pain he has inflicted on others. Maybe his opinion of physical contact is connected to the endless scars on his body.
"Oh well whatevs Al. I just want my cuddles."
The way his ears are pulled back and he looks at you almost like he's a shy and innocent boy makes your heart bit faster. At least there's no velvet rubbing off his antlers this time.
Alastor is extremely gentle and cautious in the way he handles you now. He lays down on his back and you use his chest as a pillow. It's a cozy place. His chest. He has some fluff there, just like Angel Dust, but unlike the former he hides it under layers of clothing and keeps it unstyled. Still, it's undoubtedly soft and fuzzy and you like to sink your hand in it or swirl the soft hairs around your fingertips. The radio demon isn't complaining as one might expect, it's soothing to have someone touch his body in a non-hostile manner. It's refreshing to have someone appreciate his body as it is.
Would you also appreciate it if you saw him as he once was?
His father hadn't. He could handle the child of a mixed marriage, but Alastor wasn't just mixed, but also looked the part and according to the racist beliefs of his father in the 1900's that was a bad thing.
As you're nuzzling against his long and elegant neck, your friend's mind wanders. You lived during the 90's. What would it have been like if he had also lived during that period? Everything would have been different. The town he grew up in, his relationship with his parents, his career as a radio host and a serial killer.
"Did you know that my hair is naturally curly?"
Your ears perk up at that and Alastor gently takes hold of them and pulls at them from the root, just slightly.
"That feels nice..."
"Oh I know."
"What were you saying?"
"Oh yes, my hair's curly! Since I was nothing but a tiny, adorable baby boy! ...my mother... she..." His hand lets go of your ears and you can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he takes a deep breath and lets it out in a long sigh.
There's a melancholy about him now and you feel the need to comfort him. He's opening up to you by being genuine and vulnerable. Alastor is sharing a part of who he used to be and the least you can do is listen. You resume your activities on his fluff, almost massaging the area. He seems to like it, for a moment closing his eyes and letting a sound like purring.
"Can you keep this up?"
"Sure Al."
"Merci. What was I saying...? Oh yes of course! Mama and my curly mop."
The radio effect of his voice and his arms around you make you feel like you're a kid being told a bedtime story. It's a good thing the other residents have gotten used to you and Alastor disappearing together for long periods of time. His soft chest fluff under the pads of your fingers only intensifies the feeling of being told a story while tucked in bed, warm and safe from the outside world.
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"It's truly amazing how much power is given to hair in certain cultures. In my culture, dear y/n, hair texture served as an indicator of social status. My family -a wedding between a white man and a creole woman of colour... oh ho dear! It was something else back then...-
As a kid, I was always the one teased for having “weird hair”, as if it didn’t match my other facial features. When school began, my sweet mama, she... she would put my hair in locs to protect the curls. Apparently they didn't like that at school! So my father... he radio static intensifies he made my mother shave it. He claimed that if my mother and I wore our hair differently then no one would take us seriously."
You take a moment to digest this new piece information. It's true that locs enclose the natural hair and help it stay intact. It's also true that Alastor grew up in a time when it was very difficult to be of a cultural background which was different to the majority's. You choose to not comment on anything, that's not your job.
You swirl some more of his fluff around your fingertips before moving your hand to his hair.
"Well, it's not curly in the afterlife."
You feel the vibration of his chuckle through your check that is resting on his chest.
"But it is!"
Alastor lets out a satisfied sound as he presses you even tighter against him and begins rumbling about his hair care routine. He uses anti frizz oils, heat protection oils and then blow dries it. Truth is, that's just the steps you managed to actually register in your brain, because a sleepiness started overtaking you as you stayed laying in his embrace.
You're now fading between consciousness and unconsciousness. It almost feels like you're floating. Is this what Heaven is like?
Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. But you did manage to find your little oasis in Hell. And so did he.
Alastor looks down at your much smaller frame curled up against him. Your breath has slowed down and your eyes are closing. Why does it feel so warm and soft to have you close to him like this? He knows he shouldn't be letting his guard down, but he can't help it when it comes to you. The radio demon is enamoured with you.
Wanting to make the experience even cozier and dreamier for his favourite sinner, Alastor starts singing quietly. His sense of rhythm is immaculate and his jazzy tunes make you fall sound asleep in no time whatsoever.
When you wake up an hour or so later, he still hasn't moved, but he acknowledges that you're awake with a small hum.
"Oh wakey wakey my darling y/n!" had been his usual response to you waking up while he was in the rut. However, right now he appears to be much more unguarded and raw than his usual persona. You haven't even completely woken up and you're already wondering about this new side of him.
"Al? Is everything okay?"
"Oh why yes it is, but there's this thought occupying my brilliant mind..."
"Care to share it with my not so brilliant one?"
You expected him to laugh or even chuckle but Alastor goes straight to the point. "All this... making love and we still haven't kissed. Not really."
Kissing him would mean that you actually view him romantically and that whatever "friends with benefits" situation you had going on will get destroyed. That's not a bad thing though. Despite your initial fears of your fellow deer demon being too emotionally unavailable and only needing you to calm down the torment of his lust, a kiss wouldn't hurt. Kisses are good.
"We can change that y'know."
You make the first step by leaning towards him, basically giving him the green light that you're consenting to this. Alastor notices it and loses no time, pressing his lips against yours while wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close into another embrace. He smiles widely as you kiss, his head tilting slightly as he runs his fingers through your hair. After a few seconds pass, he pulls his head back, slowly breaking the kiss as he looks into your eyes with a broad smile on his face.
"Aren't you delightful?!" and he dives back in.
Alastor's second kiss with you is firm and passionate, but not overly aggressive. His lips are very warm and he seems to enjoy the intimacy of taking his time to explore your mouth. As the kiss progresses, he gradually increases the pressure of his lips on yours. His arms wrap around your waist and his tongue slowly wanders further into the welcoming heat of your mouth.
Once again -just like when it came to sex- you have come to the conclusion that Alastor isn't that experienced, but some raw power, an instinct if you will, provides him with the ability to do all the right moves at the right time.
And then you just break character. You burst into laughter. His large and pointed ears twitch at that change of pace.
"When I thought I was doing a good job-"
"Oh no, that's not it at all. I'm just happy." You're giddy and so is he.
Maybe not needing you but actually wanting you isn't the worst case scenario.
To be continued.
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my masterlist || Hazbin Hotel masterlist❤️
tag list; @stygianoir @aperfectidiot @lady-valtieri @what-0-life @clowncollegealum @whatinthepluto @dragonqueenfk @ajajajabdjsjx @ellie-x0xo @1rxsemary1 @ermmmwhattheflipguys @kimkimmm2411 @sukaretto-n @randomuser-89 @crowleysthings @ratskinsuit @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 @ilikemyteawithmilk @dennsfz @dontevenknowwhyimhere @sirens-and-moonflowers @diffidentphantom
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yunniestars · 17 days
"maybe this time, love won't end."
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. . . ACT I. "Logged Out" ʚɞ pairing: kinich x gn!reader
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oh archons, the nerves have never been wrecking so much before.
he was in front of your residence, and the place feels all too familiar. it was definitely a different location, but the taste in decoration screamed you. ah, this felt so surreal, he thought.
taking in deep breaths, he knocked on the wooden door. the doorknob starts to unlock, opening the door and...
"hello, how can i help you?"
oh. that sweet, velvety voice. the one he missed so much.
he couldn't believe his eyes, it really was you. the same person who changed the trajectory of his life and gave it meaning. his star, moon, sun, and everything. the one who made him feel like a lovesick fool, but he'll never regret being one. the jewel that no mora he earns will ever buy. his-
"um, if you're just going to gape at me, then i'm shutting the door." you say with an annoyed look on your face.
"i'm sorry?" he blurts out. okay, that was a mistake, but he's genuinely confused -- were you joking at him?
"uh, excuse me? do you expect me to just let you in? i'm not expecting visitors at the moment, so go leave or else i call someone-"
"ah wait! i'm..." he tries finding a good excuse to stay. suddenly, he remembers the other reason why he's here. "i'm the one for your commission. yeah."
your face then lights up, demeanor going from irritated to overjoyed. "oh then why didn't you say so! gosh, and here i was thinking on methods to get rid of you as soon as possible!"
he then gets hugged by you, the same warmth he used to bask himself in, but right now, it felt... strange. the warmth wasn't the same as before.
you then let go of him, with a cheery grin. "i'm y/n l/n. your name?"
"...kinich. 'malipo' kinich." he responds, a wave of disappointment washing him over.
"great! so, the last time i saw my yumkasaur..." your voice suddenly starts to slowly disperse, words breaking down into inaudible mumbles as if he shut down every sound around him.
you didn't remember him.
"my baby!"
you run up to your yumkasaur who ziplines to you, happy to see you after such a long time. kinich watches the scene unfold at him, unsure on how to feel.
the entire time, you were behaved like the same person he loved so much before. the same old yapper who pulled his heartstrings like their life was on the line. except... you acted as if you didn't know him.
"how have you been?" kinich breaks the ice as you two head over the place you say your yumkasaur was last seen.
"that's quite the question for someone you just met... but i guess i've been pretty lonely? after all, pipo has been away from me for so long."
and since then, you continued talking about pipo and the conversation longed on as if you were just getting to know each other.
perhaps for you it was like that, even if he couldn't believe it, but to him, he knew every single thing about you.
however, for some reason, it feels as if his knowledge of you was just useless now.
"thank you for finding pipo for me, i don't know what i would've done," you cry while hugging kinich, who didn't know if he wanted to hug back or just distance himself. "um, as for the compensation..."
"nevermind that," he cuts you off.
your eyes widen in shock. "what? no! i need to pay you. i'll feel guilty my entire life if i just take this for free -- take it!" you hand him a bag of mora, but he shakes his head.
"just... compensate me by being with me. i'll never ask for anything more again," he says in a low whisper, but loud enough for you to hear.
you tilt your head, but nod. "okay then, let's be friends!"
oh, that took a deep cut. you've really forgotten about him.
he took a deep sigh, and nodded back. "friends, then."
well, it's better than being nothing with you.
୨୧ prologue | act ii ୨୧ masterlist
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♡ tags: @lvvcian @sunsethw4
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a/n: thank you for reading the first chapter! i'm sorry it's really short haha, but i hope it was enjoyable nevertheless. idk when i can update again, but i have a lot of ideas in my mind right now, so probably 2-3 days from now. also, thank u to the nice comments that were left at my work! it's been motivating me to continue so it means a lot haha. love u all
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writingchalamet · 2 months
Angels Like You II
Angels Like You Chapter I
A.N: Hope you enjoyed part 1, things will be heating up from here and we will be getting a lot more Y/n and Bucky interaction!
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, violence, blood, mentions of S/A, mentions of graphic physical abuse, fluff, y/n has a child, Bucky being protective
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Chapter II
Your day had begun like any other, waking to the sound of Forrest stirring on your baby monitor. You walk into his bedroom finding him sitting in his cot a beautiful smile instantly gracing his face as you enter the room, rambling the word 'mama' or an iteration of the sort over and over, you were both all smiles all morning as you most days, getting Forrest ready for day care was perhaps your least favourite part of the day, he still cried when you dropped him off and it broke your heart in two everyday. After Forrest was dropped off at day care, you start your day at work, keeping the door to the Bakery locked until your other baker joins you in an hour, you make a start on your breads taking your premade doughs out the fridge, giving them a quick kneed before placing them in their baking trays. Then onto pastries and cakes you can whip up from scratch, deciding on lemon and blueberry cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting as your 'chefs choice' for the week.
You hear a tap on the glass door and go through kitchen into the main shop to kind your employee Kay standing at the door smiling, clutching a bunch of flowers in her arms. You unlocked the door opening enough to let her in before securing the lock again, "Hey Kay, how are you?" you embrace her in a side hug "I'm good thanks, I got these flowers for the counter, I saw them yesterday and they reminded me of you, so you know" the thought brought a smile to your face in an instant. "Oh thank you, that's so cute" You find a jug to put them in, arranging the carnations on the counter next to the till. Yourself and Kay continue baking and prepping for the day ahead, finishing off some icing and glazing before placing the first batches into the display counter and finishing setting up.
The morning flew by, your regulars came in for their morning coffee and pastries, the couple of old ladies who come by once a week to pick up a loaf of bread and some cakes stopped by and had a chat, and a few college students stopped in, you were happy with how business was going, until you saw a certain head of curls across the street, dark eyes looking your way, his figure loomed over you like a dark omen, you just knew something terrible was about to happen, you could tell by the way he sat there chain smoking and swigging from his coffee cup, that was most likely not coffee, he wore a smug smile across his face while he continued to stare at you.
"Okay Boss, I'm gonna run down the road and grab some lunch, you want anything?" You tore your gaze away from the menacing stare of your ex to meet Kay's. "Uh, no I'm good thanks" she nodded and headed out the door, down the street and out of sight. You were alone. Shit. You look up again and see that Matt had moved from his spot on the wall across your shop, and was moving hastily towards you. You clamber over the counter and try to make it to the door before him, but you're too late. The sweet ding off the bell above the door ringing leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. "Get out Matt, you can't be here" you try to be firm but your voice only comes out broken.
"Or what, you gonna call the cops? You know they won't do anything" He stalks towards you until your backed up against your counter, the hard wood digging into your back. "Matt seriously, leave me alone, please" you were willing yourself not to cry but couldn't help the few stray tears that slipped down your cheeks. Matt picked up the jug of flowers smashing them down against the counter with force causing the glass to shatter, a few shards cutting your arm in the process. "Don't you fucking cry or I'll give you something to cry about" His hands wrapped around your neck cutting off your supply of oxygen while he threw you against the window, keeping you pinned there by your neck. You sputtered out a choke as tears slipped down your face, only making him grip you impossibly tighter, "You wanna fucking cry, you ran away while you were pregnant with my child, I have a right to see them, huh, where is the little brat" He shook your neck bashing your head against the glass. You only hoped he would tire himself out, he usually didn't last long when he'd had a drink anyway.
Over all the commotion you didn't hear the bell of the door opening, and you didn't see Bucky coming to stand behind Matt but thank the lord he did. "You're gonna wanna let the lady go" As soon as you heard his voice your senses ignited, your eyes opened and the tears stopped flowing immediately. Matt loosened his grip but refused to let go. "yeah or what" he scoffed before throwing his head over his shoulder catching a glimpse of your rescuer. You could have sworn you saw him recoil into himself, something you had never once seen. However his fear was short lived and soon replaced by anger once more. "Who's this guy huh? what you just opened your legs for the first guy you said hi to here, you whor-" the second his grip tightened around your neck once more it was enough to send Bucky into overdrive.
He reached forwards wrapping his hand around Matts wrist bending it backwards until you were sure you heard a snap, while Matt screamed Bucky secured an arm around you, giving you the once over, not stopping until you gave him a nod. "Oh I'm gonna fucking kill you, you stupid bitch" in a poor attempt to throw a punch Matt practically threw himself at Bucky, who didn't seem the slightest bit phased, caught Matt by his throat with his vibranium arm, squeezing until he was red in the face. Matt coughed attempting to pull back, Bucky only pulled him closer, clenching his fist all that bit harder. He pulled him close enough that his mouth reached Matts ear. "If you come near her again, I'll fucking finish the job" with those words he pushed Matt away from the two of them, Matt scrambling away and out the door nearly falling to the floor in the process. You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding, feeling the weight of the world fall off your shoulders for just a moment.
Hot tears spill down your cheeks again in slow steady streams, burning the skin in their wake. "Thank you" you breathed out, your shaking hands reaching up to wipe your face, it's then your realise the blood dripping from a glass made gash on your arm, dripping down your fingers and onto the floor. "Hey, let me take a look at that, make sure you don't need stitches" you pull your arm away from him recoiling into yourself, "no it's fine, you've done enough, you can go, thank you Bucky" You stare at the floor the entire time watching as small droplets of blood begin to litter the tiles. "I'm not leaving in case he comes back, in fact I'm gonna patch you up and we're gonna get Forrest and go home, okay, sound good?" His hand raised to your cheek gaining your attention from your disoriented state, he wipes away the tears as they form under your eyes, brushing them away from your skin, you close your eyes for a moment allowing the feeling to sooth you.
"Alright lets get you cleaned up"
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After the incident at the bakery Sam, Bucky and Sarah had been on high alert, Sam brought up the fact that they could have Torres flown in to be your own personal bodyguard, the thought daunting, that you might actually need one. Then Sarah brough up the fact that there are two more than capable 'bodyguards' here if they want to help. And that's how you ended up here, with Bucky living in your spare room for the past two nights, seemingly watching your every move afraid you'll shatter like glass.
What shocked you the most was how quickly Forrest had taken to Bucky, usually he was shy around people for weeks, hell he’s been going to nursery for a year and still won’t let some of the day care assistants hold or play with him. In a way you were glad he was so reserved, made you think that he would never just run off with a stranger, or your psycho ex. But with Bucky he was different, he seemed to open up pretty much straight away, showing him his favourite toys, wanting to sit next to him on the sofa, wherever you looked you would see Forrest’s little hand reaching up for Buck’s trying to show him something, the sight bringing a dull ache to your chest. Maybe it was the lack of a male presence in his life that made him take to Bucky so well, but you were grateful either way.
You were settling down for the evening after feeding Forrest his dinner, the three of you snuggled up on the couch watching a Disney movie before you put Forrest down for bed. You couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling filling your body as you watched Forrest nuzzle into Bucky’s side, his head leaning on his chest. You found your head lulling to the side more often than watching the film, admiring the pair of them, Forrest occasionally pointing to the screen and muttering some gibberish to Bucky excitedly. Towards the end of the film, Forrest had fallen asleep, cuddled into Buck’s side. “I better get him up to bed” you sighed in content beginning to sit up from your comfy seated position. “I can take him up if you want” Bucky spoke in a hushed tone, already slipping his arms around the boy and standing from the sofa. “Why don’t we go up together?" You smiled, getting up from the sofa and following Bucky up the stairs into your sons’ room, you admired the way Bucky gently placed him down on the changing table as if he had done it a thousand times, and stood aside letting you get the baby changed ready for bed. Once he had a fresh nappy and pyjamas on, Bucky picked him up once more, leaning over the side of the cot and smoothly placed Forrest down into his bed, without him stirring once. You both stood there and smiled over the sleeping baby for a moment before retreating back downstairs.
You opened a bottle of wine grabbing two glasses, heading back into the living room finding Bucky back in his original spot on the sofa once more. “I never really got the chance to thank you for the other day, or explain…” You avoided eye contact as you sat down, fiddling with the stem of your wine glass in an attempt to distract yourself. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, I’m just glad I was able to help is all” Bucky responds coyly, wrapping a hand around yours in an attempt to stop your nervous fidgeting around the glass. “Sarah spoke to me… She said that she told you guys about Matt… That you seemed pretty upset” you plucked up the courage to look in his eyes, as you did, he looked away, shaking his head. Almost embarrassed. “I uh… I don’t know what to tell you…” There was a pause after he spoke, neither of you knowing what to say. “Why do you care so much, you don’t know me?”
Bucky scoffed, seeming taken aback by your comment, as if someone caring about your well being was a problem. “Why wouldn’t I care, especially after hearing the shit he put you through, that would be enough to make any sane person mad, no?” His response seemed valid, even if you didn’t want to admit it, if it had been you that had found Sarah pregnant and sleeping in her car, hearing her situation you would have been just as furious. You understood where he was coming from. “I guess…” Your sentence trailed off and you stared into your empty wine glass. Bucky took the hint and opened the bottle of wine, filling your glass more than you normally would have, you giggled side eyeing him, tilting the glass up to your eyeline. “You trying to get me drunk Barnes, you know there’s a sleeping toddler upstairs right” you joked, clinking your glass with his, just as full. He laughed along shaking his head.
After sinking one or two bottles of wine, you felt yourself growing more confident. The wine raising a sweet pink blush to your cheeks which Bucky found undeniably cute, he found himself drawing closer to you and you let him, there was no room between you, his arm encased the back of the sofa around your shoulders, your head occasionally falling back to rest on the limb, your thigh hunched up resting on his own, as you chatted the night away truly getting to know each other. If Sam were to look in through the window Bucky knows he would have a shit eating grin plastered on his face at the sight of his best friend this close to a girl after so many years. And you couldn’t help but admit, it felt nice to be this close to someone, especially after the only relationship you had ever been in was an abusive one, you thought you would find it hard to trust, but Bucky made you feel at ease the second you were near him.
“So, what’s it like being a superhero?” you enquired eyes wide with wonder. He scoffed again shaking his head, and attribute you would soon grow attached to. “I’m no superhero doll” you shook your head, taking his glass out of his hand and placing it on the coffee table, you place yourself directly in his eyeline, practically sitting in his lap. “Oh common! You fought Thanos’ army, helped bring down that Zemo guy and you just stopped the flag smashers! And to top it off you were sergeant of the Howling Commandos. I’d say that’s pretty superhero-esque to me” you wink at him and couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the look on his face. “Okay stalker, someone’s done their homework” he laughs out, he raised his hands in defence, lowering them to rest on your lower back and his Vibranium hand on your thigh, your hands settled on his shoulders, and you gave them a light squeeze, feeling intrigued by the feeling of the metal under his shirt.
 “Of course, I had to, I’m not gonna let some strange man I don’t know stay in the same house as my son, am I?” you tilted your head to the side, eyeing him quizzically. “Of course, not” The flesh hand holding your back began to stroke up your back and you forgot to breathe for a moment. His hand stilled in the centre of your back, laying there flat and steady. You stared into the blues of his eyes, realizing now just how deep they really are. How much history they hold behind them, how many horrors he too has seen. You felt his gaze searching your own, tracing every spec on your face, you saw his eyes linger by your eyebrow where your scar was and regrettably you tore your own pair away from his face. Removing yourself from his lap, standing before him. He sat there; brows furrowed slightly in question as to why you were leaving. “I should get to bed, I have to get back to work tomorrow, but thank you Bucky for a lovely evening, thank you for everything…” You spoke to the floor before turning hurriedly towards the stairs. “Yeah, yeah, no problem… No problem at all…” Bucky spoke shallowly to himself wondering what he had done wrong.
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maidragoste · 2 years
You Can Do It
Aegon II Targaryen x Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra)
Summary: The twins are born. Aemond isn't by your side, but Aegon is.
Masterlist Serie
I still don't know when I'm going to finish writing chapter 5 but until then I'll leave you with this
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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"Aegon what are you doing here?" Alicent asked in surprise as the door to your chambers opens and her firstborn entered.
As soon as the king heard the news that your waters had already broken, he ran to your chambers. He didn't know why exactly but something inside him told him that he had to be by your side. And he was glad to listen to that small voice when he saw how the tension in your face softened at the sight of him.
"How are you feeling?" He asked walking up to you.
"I had better days, your grace" you replied with a small smile. It won't matter that you were sweaty and your belly was giant. to Aegon, you still looked beautiful.
You stopped your walk and leaned against the wall. The maester had told you to walk around the room until it was time for your baby to come out.
"My king, the birthing bed is no place for men," the maester said earning a glare from Aegon.
"I am the king and I can be where I please" he replied scathingly "Besides, I came to support my niece in the name of my brother"
Your eyes blinked away the tears that were forming at the mention of Aemond. You had the stupid hope that your husband would return for the birth of his child.
"Aegon, this could go on for hours," Alicent said trying to convince him to leave "I'm sure you have more important things to do"
"I'm sure the council can handle it for a couple of hours" the king affirmed "It doesn't matter, I'll stay by your side until you finish" he promised looking into your eyes.
"Thank you" you whispered thinking for a brief moment to hug him but you didn't.
And neither Alicent nor the maester said they bothered to try again to get the king to leave, not wanting to face his wrath. They were also sure that sooner or later Aegon would leave. Both of them were surprised when he took your hand and started walking with you around the room for over an hour.
Alicent was telling you stories from when your uncles were babies in an attempt to distract you from the pain when at one point you get a contraction so strong it almost makes you fall on the floor, if it wasn't for Aegon catching you. They both helped you get into bed as comfortably as possible. Aegon didn't take his eyes off your face as the maester lifted your nightgown to see if you could start thrusting yet.
"You can push now, princess" the old man announced.
You began to push, crying out in pain as you clung to both Aegon's hand and Alicent's. She looked at her son expecting him at any moment to get up and leave the room. But he never did, he stayed by your side without letting go of your hand, from time to time making a little grimace because of the strength with which you were holding him but he never complained. She noted how Aegon's lavender eyes conveyed pure concern and pain. He looked like he was suffering from seeing you suffer.
"Princess, you must keep pushing," the maester asked when you stopped.
"I can't," you said tiredly "I can't do it" you repeated ignoring the midwives' words of encouragement.
"Y/n, I swear that all this pain will be worth it when you have your baby in your arms," Alicent said brushing the hair from your face.
"No, I can't do it" you repeated shaking your head "They're going to have to cut me open to get the baby out" you panicked and started crying. You were scared, you wanted your mother by your side, you wanted her to tell you that everything would be okay. You didn't want to die yet, you wanted to see your mother and siblings again, you wanted to be there when Aemond came back and met your baby. But right now you didn't think you were capable of giving birth.
Aegon felt his heart break to see you in this state. You looked so hopeless. He couldn't bear to see you like this.
"Hey, hey, look at me, look at me" with his free hand he took your chin making you look at him "No one is going to open you" he promised, giving your hand a light squeeze, it was the only way he could show his support "I know you can do it. Do you hear me? You can do it. You're not alone" he could feel her mother's gaze but he didn't care, the only thing that mattered now was you "You have dragon blood in your veins. You are strong. You will beat the delivery bed "Your breathing calmed down and slowly the tears stopped flowing "Now I want you to push, you can lean on me, smash my hand and scream all you want but I need you to push" he smiled when you nodded.
Alicent couldn't help but be surprised and angry. A part of her was surprised by the softness in her firstborn's voice when speaking to you, she was grateful that he can comfort you but another part was furious with her son for being here, by your side when he was not together with Helaena when Jaehaerys and Jaehaera were born. Aegon was not there to calm his sister's fears.
Then you started to push again, you were sure that your screams should be heard throughout the castle but it didn't matter, today you would give birth. Aegon was right, you have the blood of the dragon and you weren't going to let the birthing bed kill you. You were going to live, you were going to see your baby grow, you'd be on your feet when Aemond got back and you'd introduce him to his child, and the both of you raise him together.
"I can already see the child's head, princess. Keep pushing" asked the maester and you did it. You had to make one last effort and you could already have your baby in your arms.
You kept pushing until you finally heard a cry from the baby. You were so relieved to hear that you let yourself lean against Aegon. He started stroking your back. You closed your eyes for a moment enjoying the sense of security and peace you felt. You smiled when you heard that he was a boy. You were about to ask for it so you could see it when you felt pain again making you groan, earning worried looks from your mother-in-law and brother-in-law.
"Princess, there is still another child" announced the maester surprised.
"Damn it Aemond. When I get back I won't let him touch me again" you said making the king laugh.
"Okay, princess, let's get this over with," Aegon said smiling and you couldn't help but smile back. You should hate him for stealing your mother's throne, but how could you hate him after he was by your side on the birthing bed? It was not his obligation, he was not your husband but he was still here, by your side, supporting you.
A couple more pushes and it didn't take long for another cry to be heard, this one much louder.
"Another boy, princess. Congratulations"
"Thank you all for being with me"
A few minutes later the midwives finished cleaning the children. They gave you one of your babies, Alicent was ready to take the other but the midwife gave it to the king.
Aegon didn't expect it but he took the baby without problems, it's not like it was the first time he had a child in his arms he was a father. He felt a lump begin to form in his throat as he remembered when he first lifted Jaehaerys. He decided to put those thoughts aside so as not to overshadow the happiness of the birth of your children.
"My little Aemon," you said looking tenderly at your son in your arms. You felt your heart full of love. Alicent was right. All the pain was worth seeing how she looked at you "I'm your mom" you smiled and left a kiss on her forehead. You still didn't want to let go but you could see your mother-in-law eager to pick up one of her grandchildren "Meet your grandmother" you gave her the baby.
Alicent was relieved to see that her grandson had Aemond's nose and violet eyes, which were darker than the king's. For a moment she had feared that Aegon's attitude was because they were actually his children.
"And what are you going to call this little guy?" Aegon asked as he rocked the baby. He already loved him, simply for being a part of you.
"Baelon" you replied with a smile feeling warmth seeing how he looked at your son "Now, I didn't want to interrupt your moment with your nephew but I would like to meet my son"
"I'm sorry" the king apologized with red cheeks before passing the boy to you.
"It's okay" you smiled at him before turning your full attention to your baby.
Alicent looked at the three of them and felt nauseated. You looked so happy as you spoke to Baelon and Aegon looked at you with such love, he had never seen that look in his eyes, the three of you quietly seemed like family. She felt sick when she realized her mistake when she denied the commitment between Helaena and Jacaerys and yours with Aegon. She remembered her firstborn complaining that he didn't want to marry his sister but you, that he loved you. She had thought it was a whim but now she could see it. Because only a man who truly loved you could look so happy while you carry another man's child. Any other man would be spiteful and jealous. But Aegon didn't, he loved you so much that he just wanted to see you well.
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tag list: @hannaeditzs @multi-fandoms-stuff @zverea @m1tzifa1ry
@solacestyles @lilithskywalker @satish @justsumtuffstuff @crispmarshmallow @daduol @inmyowndefender @afro-hispwriter
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cookybananas · 2 months
Do I Know You? Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker x Reader {Part. II}
author's note: here is part two aka the final chapter to my alternate universe/timeline!au fic. I wasn't expecting to release this chapter so late, but here it is!
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summary: Where Darth Vader is sent on a mission and finds himself traveling through another timeline and meets another version of you were you aren't dead. part I: Do I Know You? I
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Obi-Wan took his saber off his belt and held it firmly in his grasp now. "Let's try this one more time. You will leave at once and return to where you once came." Obi-Wan stated.
Vader's demeanor shifted. The dark side influencing him to become more angry by the moment. He grew impatient at this, other Obi-Wan, standing in his way between his wife once again. With a hiss of his helmet, Vader's helmet was back on his head again. His vision now giving him the advantage to see in the dark penthouse.
"You will not take her away from me, again." Darth Vader's mechanical voice boomed as he lit his red lightsaber. "You will surrender her over to me alas."
"Oh I don't think so." Obi-Wan lit up his blue lightsaber as he got into his fighting position.
I stirred around in my bed. Something felt off, I could feel it in my stomach. My eyes shot opened at the faint sound of what sounded like lightsaber clashing.
Artoo had awaken from his rest state and beeped quietly at me, telling me that there was something or someone was here.
I stuck my hand under my pillow to pull out my handy blaster. I haven't needed to use it yet, but it was a precaution in situations like this. I got out the bed and cracked the door open ajar.
"Someone's here Artoo." I whispered to him, to which he quietly beeped in response.
I opened the door wider, only to see Obi-Wan's blue lightsaber clashing with a red lightsaber.
"There is no need to resist me." A deep, mechanical voice spoke. "Search your feelings Obi-Wan, only then you will know that I was once your appreintience, Anakin Skywalker."
I raise up my blaster, trying to find the person Obi-Wan was fighting, but it didn't help that it was dark and I couldn't tell who was who and what I would be aiming at specifically.
After moments of locking on the person Obi-Wan was fighting, I took a shot at what looked like his torso. A booming mechanical cry was heard, but that wasn't enough to take him down. In fact, it made him angrier. He used the force and threw Obi-Wan across the room and into the wall.
"Don't move! I'll shoot you again." I spoke up, my breath shaking. My other hand searching to find the light switch on the wall next to me. I turned on the lights only to be met face to face with the tall masked figure that was couple of feet from me. I pointed the blaster at his head, my hands shaking.
His breathing was mechanical. He sounded like a droid, but seemed human at the same time.
"Angel..." The tall figure said. My eyes widen, my blood ran cold as I froze in place. A nickname I haven't been called over year, a name I haven't been called since...Since Anakin's death. I gripped my blaster tighter, only for him to use the force and pull it out of my grasp and fling it across the room. I looked over to where Obi-Wan was on the ground unconscious.
Artoo rolled into the living space with a scream, attacking Vader's leg, only for him to be forced kicked across the room by Vader. This gave you time to run over to your blaster where Vader had flung it, but you couldn't move. That bastard was holding you in place with the force.
"Do not be afraid. I will not harm you." Vader spoke up, pulling you closer to him with the force. You were trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use.
"You will not harm me? Then release me this instant!" You exclaimed, still wiggling around the air, as he pulled you closer to him. You felt your feet touch the ground as he released his grasp from you. You were now standing face to face with Vader. "What is it that you want from me?" You brush out your silk nightgown as he stared at you in awe. You were slowly becoming uncomfortable under his gaze, but you wouldn't let yourself fold.
"Hello? Did you not hear me?" You asked again as you crossed your arms, your patience growing thinner.
"Apologies...I just." Vader mustered out, unable to find the words.
"You just what?"
You couldn't tell, but Vader was panicking under his suit. He didn't think this through, or what he would say to you if he faced you. You were very much alive, at least since the last time he saw you. Your e/c gleamed under the living room lights. Your locks of h/c hair were longer now, cascading down to your hips. Your lips were plump and rosy, just taunting Vader to smash his lips against yours.
Without thinking, Vader's hands had found his way up helmet once again. Hoping that this time you would give him a chance, unlike Obi-Wan who was a bit apprehensive and combative toward him. You watched in bewilderment as the person who was after you revealed himself as a humanoid man? But your shock didn't end there. Your eyes scanned all over Vader's face, analyzing it. You didn't know what to expect what this man would look like, but you weren't expecting him to look like this.
Vader's eyes were no longer yellow, but were his original cerulean colored eyes. You took a step closer to him as you cupped his face, your eyes meeting his. You couldn't believe it, you didn't want to believe it. His eyes were just like Anakin's, if not the exact same. Though Vader was now hairless and heavily scarred, he still resembled Anakin. In fact, there were still remnants of Anakin within Vader that he believed he had rid of years ago.
"I-it can't be..." You whispered out. It had been over a year since Anakin's death. There have been many nights where you dreamed of the life that both you and Anakin could have had after the war. How you would have left your position as senator, Anakin leaving the Jedi, just so you both could have a family somewhere in the star system. But every morning as you woke, it was a constant reminder that it was only a dream, and that every waking hour you were awake, it was a nightmare for you.
"Angel.." Anakin said softly, cupping your cheek. Your eyes were glossy now, tears slowly forming in the corner of your eyes.
You had dreams and hopes, hopes that one day both you and Anakin would find each other again. You couldn't care if Anakin had been reincarnated into a Wookie or some hideous creature, but as long as there were remnants of Anakin, you would be happy and content. Perhaps it had been the lament you had over the loss of Anakin or the loneliness you've endured the past year, you did everything and anything in your power to be with him once again.
Now, here he was, standing in front of you. Though he didn't look like the same Anakin you once knew and loved, but you had gut feeling that he was like Anakin at least.
"Ani...Is it really you?" You were desperate, desperately hoping that this was the Maker giving you another chance to have your happy ending with Anakin.
Anakin nodded in response as you wiped away a tear that fell from his eyes. You let out a sob has you threw yourself into his strong arms, to which he engulfed your small frame. He held onto you tightly, afraid that you would slip away from him.
You pulled away from Anakin, your eyes meeting his once again. Smiling up at him, you stood on your tippy toes, inching closer to his face as you closed the gap between yourselves. Your lips were soft against Anakin's slightly chapped lips. The kiss soon turned passionate as Anakin's pressed you harder against him, his hands roaming up and down your body, desperate to touch every single inch of you.
You let out a small moan, however your passionate session came to an end when you heard someone clearing their throat. Both you and Anakin pulled away, turning your heads at Obi-Wan who shifted uncomfortably in his spot, clutching his elbow that had been injured.
"How long was I out for?" Obi-Wan spoke up, trying to shift the awkward mood between the three of you.
"A good 15 minutes I'd say?" You responded, your cheeks now tinted pink as you looked up at Anakin, before looking back at Obi-Wan.
"Well, I'm gonna go get some rest. If you need me, I will be in my chambers." With that, Obi-Wan swiftly made his way out of the living area and into his room. You couldn't help but giggle, as Anakin let out a chuckle. Obi-Wan definitely had been watching the both of you make out for a good minute or so before intervening.
Anakin let out a hiss, forgetting the fact that you had shot him earlier with your blaster. You looked at him with concern.
"Oh darling... Let's get you patched up." You tell Anakin, your hand gently brushing against the wound. To which Anakin sucked in a breath.
"Could you patch me up in your bedroom love?" Anakin spoke up. You rolled your eyes at his comment, before hooking your arm around his and leading him to your quarters.
thank you for reading!!! <3
tags: @mistress-amidala
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dancingtotuyo · 3 months
epilogue. the ghosts that we knew
Woman | Joel Miller X Female Reader
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Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tags: Joel Miller X Female Reader. Age Gap (13/14 years). HBO Characters. Mostly cannon compliant for show & game. Timeline is changed.
Chapter Warnings: angst, hurt and comfort, cancer, TLOU II SPOILERS, death, grief, Major Character Death, afterlife?
Notes: So we come to the end of this beautiful journey. Thank you EVERYONE for all your lovely comments and words over these past several month. I hope you don't hate me too much.
Words: 3942
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You walk the trail every night. Sometimes, Ellie joins you or Maria, but never Tommy. Sometimes you walk alone. You talk to Gabe still. You tell him about Carter. You tell him that you’re okay. But most often, you talk to Joel. It’s not that you loved him more, but it is different. Where Gabe drifted further away in death, you still feel Joel nearby like he’s watching over you. You wonder if Gabe saw Joel coming. Maybe he stepped back so you could have someone next to you.
You tell Joel about your day and how the kids are growing. You pull his smile, the feel of his hand in yours, out of the recesses of your mind, so close to the surface, it's almost tangible. You tell him that you miss him. It takes years, but eventually, you tell him that you’re okay. 
Ellie spends more time with you at the house. She walks with you to take Carter and Willa to school. She comes over for dinner most nights. Together, you tell your favorite Joel stories over dinner. Carter chimes in from time to time. Willa listens for every drop she can glean of the fading figure in her young mind. 
The kids are asleep when Ellie has her first panic attack. The clattering of pots falling to the floor does it. You hold her through it. Your hands aren’t able to fix this one. She sleeps next to you on Joel’s side of the bed that night. It still smells like him. 
It’s a month after Joel’s burial when Tommy comes fumbling in late to your weekly family dinners. He has a lead on the girl who did it. Tension seeps through your bones. You don’t have the same taste for revenge. The idea is bitter in your mouth. 
There’s a lot of shouting. Maria tells Tommy no. That part is clear, but you see the guilt seep through him. He knows he’s not responsible for Joel’s death, but he can’t let it go. It’s no surprise when Maria knocks on your door the next morning that Tommy is gone. Ellie and Dina ride out that morning. Jesse follows suit soon after. 
The familiar fog of grief creeps at the corners of your mind. You can’t let it overtake you this time. You have the kids. Tommy and Ellie’s absence makes it harder, but you push through. You want to do more than just survive. You can almost hear Joel cheering you on. 
You throw yourself into motherhood and training your apprentices. At night, you cry yourself to sleep. Maria and Elias spend more time at your house than theirs. You never say it out loud, but both of you start to wonder if your family unit which was once 8 has dwindled to 5. 
A weight lifts off your chest when Ellie bursts into the clinic. You pull her into a suffocating hug and then inspect her for injuries. There are many, but she’s going to be okay. Tommy’s leg is another story. It’s been too long since he sustained the injury. He’ll walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Dina’s shoulder injury is miraculously not infected, but it’s the subtle swell of her abdomen that makes you lose your breath. 
You’re able to find a strong heartbeat with the doppler. Dina and Ellie share a relieved look. You want to ask but restrain yourself. Ellie will tell you when you need to know. 
You don’t ask where Jesse is. 
Your family dinners resume. Your family table is back to 8 since Dina joined with the ever-growing promise of 9. You know Tommy is still searching for leads on Abby. You pray he never finds them. Things between him and Maria aren’t good. Ellie says she’s done seeking her out. 
Ellie spends a lot of her free time riding outside the wall. You don’t ask questions. Joel liked to wander too. Sometimes she shares about the things she saw, but oftentimes she just shares a knowing grin with Dina. There’s a twinge in your heart. You used to do the same with Joel. 
Autumn is in the air when you finally open Joel’s drawers. Maria hasn’t said anything about Joel’s clothes, but you know you need to go through them, distribute what’s wearable to people who need it. It still smells like him. Tears spring in your eyes. It’s been so long that you have started to forget it. Closing your eyes, you can feel him next to you, behind you, in front. He’s all around. His soft voice echoes deep within your brain almost like he’s whispering in your ear. The tears fall in steady streams. 
You save 2 shirts, one for Carter and one for Willa. Ellie has his watch, and you have the kids. The rest of his shirts and jeans go into the box. Then you clean out his sock drawer, checking each for holes, which most of them have. A small smirk crosses your face. You and Sarah used to do the laundry. His socks always had holes then too. Some things never change. You pull two socks apart, and something flashes in the light before hitting the floor with a soft ping. You toss the socks into the box, feeling around for the item. You find it just under the dresser. 
You hold the thin, gold band in your palm. It feels so delicate in your hands. Diamond chips encrust half of the band, shimmering in the light. Your eyes water again. It slips on with just enough resistance that it won’t slip off: a perfect fit. How long did he have this? Was he going to give it to you? 
Yes. It whispers in your bones. 
Not as a proposal, you know that, but a sign of his commitment. You slip it back off. Something doesn’t sit right about wearing it on your finger for the whole world to see. You want to keep this between you and Joel for a little while.
You open up the box on your dresser. It contains your wedding band, untouched since you placed it there years ago, a few pairs of earrings, and the gold chain your dad gave you the day you graduated nursing school. You slide the ring onto the chain. It rests underneath your shirt, near your heart.  
You give Maria the box to distribute. You don’t tell her about the ring. It stays tucked under your shirt.
The night of Joel’s birthday, you reach for the last of the coffee beans pushed in the back of the  cupboard. There’s something therapeutic about the movements- grinding the beans and boiling the water. 
When you open the cupboard, the owl mug sits at the forefront. You freeze. You don’t know how it got there. It’s stayed pushed to the back since his death, but it makes you hold your breath. You despised that thing so much, but now you reach for it, filing it with coffee.
“Make enough for two?” Ellie says.
You spin around to find her sitting at the kitchen table. You smile weakly. “I can make it stretch.”
You know her disdain for it but say nothing, filling a second mug for her. The two of you sit in silence, steaming cups of coffee in front of you until Ellie gives up trying to choke it down. She pours the remainder of her mug into yours. You chuff, smile tipping your lips. 
“I don’t know how that old man drank this shit.”
“Yeah, this isn’t great, but you know Joel.”
“Never saw him turn down a cup of coffee.”
“No, I don’t think he ever did.” You take another sip of coffee, eyes watering with unshed tears.
Ellie invites you to join her on a ride one day. You take her up on the offer. You ride side by side for most of the trek. It’s apparent she’s taking you somewhere. 
“Ever been out this way?”
“Joel used to pull me out of Jackson from time to time. We spent time in the wildflower fields. Bugged the hell out of the council.” You laugh. 
Ellie smiles. “And before?”
“I never got so far past this side of Jackson.”
“Something new to see,” Ellie says, excitedly then hesitates slightly. “Joel took me to a museum once for my birthday. They had a dinosaur and a space exhibit. He tracked down an old tape from one of the rocket launches. It was one of the best days of my life.” 
“I remember when he found the museum. He couldn’t stop talking about how excited he was to show you.” you smile at the memory. “He talked about that day a lot. It was one of his favorites.”
Ellie pulls her horse to a stop and you follow suit. “He was really good at that, making sure there were good days.”
“He was.”
“I’m not sure how many good days are left for me in Jackson.” 
Your heart skips a beat as you push down the panic rising in your chest. You can’t lose another person. “Oh?”
“Dina and I… we’ve been talking about what we want after the baby is born.” 
You try to focus on her words, not the ringing in your ears. “Is that why you brought me out here?”
“I wanted to show you.” Ellie grins, kicking her horse forward.
You furrow your brow following after her. Your questions are answered as you burst into a clearing. An old farmhouse comes into view. It appears to be in relatively good condition. A partial fence circles widely around the property. It’s new. 
You look over at Ellie who wears a look of pride and ownership over the small estate. “You did this?”
Ellie nods. “Dina and I are gonna move after the baby is born. I’ve been working to get the fence finished and the inside livable”
Tears prickle at the back of your eyes. There aren’t words for how you feel. You’re sad that Ellie won’t be across the street anymore, but you’re proud of her for carving out her own space in this world. She’s not far, you remind yourself. There’s something else about it tugging in your soul. Joel would love this place. 
“You and Carter and Willa can come visit us anytime,” Elie says as if she can read your thoughts. 
“Ellie, it’s amazing.” 
She looks relieved. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Now show me inside.”
The sun is setting as the settlement walls fade into view. You two spent too long at The Farm, you know it, but you hadn’t seen Ellie’s eyes light up like that in a long time. She is bouncing off the walls. It’s good to be out from behind the city walls. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Of course.”
“It’s just... ” Ellie bristles. “You’ve been quiet since we left.” 
“Sorry, I’ve just been thinking.”
You let it settle over the two of you for a while. “Joel always talked about finding a farm nearby. Getting out of the walls.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I did a shitty job of training other people to do my job. I didn’t feel like I could leave.”
Ellie nods. 
“I asked him what kind of farm he wanted.” You smile at the memory. “He always said-”
“Sheep.” Ellie finishes. “Because they’re quiet and do what they’re told.” 
You laugh. “Exactly.” 
You’re back within the walls of Jackson as the sun dips behind the mountains. You walk down the streets side by side in silence. Ellie turns for her house. 
“Ellie, I’m proud of you.” She stops in her tracks and turns around. Lights from the house sparkle off her eyes. “I don’t know if that means a lot coming from me-”
You’re cut off when she collides into your chest, arms squeezing you tight. You squeeze back. “Thank you.” It’s soft on her voice. 
JJ is a few months old when Ellie and Dina move out to The Farm. You go out to visit them occasionally, sometimes with the kids and sometimes not. The first time you go alone, the wildflowers are in bloom. You take a 15-minute pitstop to collect yourself when you first spot them. You leave The Farm early to walk through the same wildflowers Joel used to take you to. 
The breeze plays in your loose hair. You slip off your boots and let your toes curl into the unkempt ground. You see Joel’s smile in the Prairie Fire, hear his laugh in the Columbine. 
Here, the familiar whisper behind your ear says. 
You still wear the ring on your chain. It feels warm under your shirt. Unclasping it, you let the gold band fall into your palm. You slip the ring on your finger for the first time since you found it, and it stays there.
You pick a bouquet of wildflowers. They sit on your kitchen table for a week, and it feels like Joel hand-delivered them. Willa stares at them with her head cocked to the side, chin resting on the table. The tilt of her head reminds you of Joel. She has his soft curls that gather right at the bottom of her neck. The wonderment in her eyes reminds you of Sarah. You can’t help but kiss her head, let your fingers trail through her hair. His rings sparkles on your finger under the sun streaming through the window. You wonder if she feels the same draw toward the flowers that her dad did. 
Willa smiles up at you. “Feels nice, mommy.” His Little Wildflower. She’s growing like a weed.
Carter struggles. He doesn’t talk. He spends most of his days in his bedroom. Joel always found a way to get him to talk, to smile. He may be the spitting image of his father- but it’s clear he got your temperament- your way of handling his feelings. 
You take him to The Farm, just the two of you. He helps in the barn, rolls around with the sheep, and walks the fence line with Ellie for hours. You hear him laugh while you hold JJ on the front porch. Even though they don’t share blood with him, you see bits of Joel in both their mannerisms. They learned how to interact with the world from him. 
Carter is excited when they get back. Ellie is going to teach him how to shoot next time you visit. You swallow back tears. Joel promised to teach him once he turned 10. Carter talks your ear off the whole way home. 
Tommy still looks for leads on Abby. You pray he never finds one. Things between him and Maria are tense. Elias spends a lot of time at your house. Your worst fears are realized when Maria bangs on your front door at 6 am one morning. Tommy’s found a lead. He’s going to talk to Ellie. 
You tear into Tommy in the middle of the street when he gets back that evening. “What the fuck are you thinking!?”
He brushes you off. “I’m not discussing this with you.”
“Like hell you are! How dare you bring Ellie back into this!” You’re a mama bear, fiercely protecting her cub. “You fucking asshole! Do you know how hard she’s worked to be okay?”
“She wants justice just as bad as I do!” You’re sure the whole town is watching from their windows, but you don’t care. 
“This isn’t justice! It’s revenge!” You can’t push back the tears that come. Your family table can’t grow smaller. You can’t lose Tommy too. “Where does it fucking end? With us all in the ground? He wouldn’t have wanted this!”
“How can you say that?” Tommy gets in your face. It’s a scare tactic you’ve seen him use before. You don’t flinch. “That bitch took him from us! She made us slide that knife into his heart. She deserves it- and worse!”
“You will not drag my children into this, Tommy!”
“Did you really love him? Or was it all just-”
Your hand collides with his cheek before he can finish. “How dare you!” You’re shaking with rage. Tommy holds his cheek in his hand. “Joel would’ve wanted you here with your wife and son! He would’ve wanted us to keep having family dinners, and holidays together! He would’ve wanted us to live! Not just survive! I’m trying to live, Tommy! Because going back into survival would kill me! And it’ll do the same to Ellie!”
“If she doesn’t go, I go.” Tommy walks away. 
You ride out to The Farm the next morning. Dina looks relieved when you climb the front porch stairs. Ellie is in her drawing room. She’s added more portraits since you were here last. They’re mostly Dina and JJ, but there’s one of Carter from his last visit, Willa from behind, Joel with his guitar on the porch, playing catch with Carter, dancing with Willa. All as clear as pictures. It hits you how much she observed, took in even when she looked in from a distance. The last one steals your breath for a minute. Two silhouettes dance on a front porch.
You have to swallow back the emotions before you speak. “I know Tommy was here yesterday.” 
And then she cries in your arms. You brush her hair away from her face as she does. You make out limited information. The panic attacks keep coming. She can’t make them stop. She thinks this will make them stop. Your hands, so used to healing, feel useless. 
With her head in your lap, she looks like that 14 year old girl you met years ago. “It’s not your fault, Ellie.”
She looks up at you through bloodshot eyes. “He would’ve never killed that doctor if it wasn’t for me.”
I would do it all again. It comes through so tangible. You repeat it to her. You tell her it’s not her fault. You tell her that Joel learned to live again because of her. You want the same thing for her. Don’t let vengeance overtake her. You want her to live life how it’s meant to be lived, not the violent cycle it’s turned into. Joel wants her to live. 
Ellie stays on the farm with Dina and their son. She comes to see you in Jackson more often. All three of them do. The two of you talk about the day Joel died and what she saw. She finds out what helps her get through the panic attacks. It’s not easy, but they start to come less frequently. 
Tommy goes after Abby. You feel like you lose another piece of Joel as his figure disappears into the tree line. You hold Maria as she cries. No one sees her cry but you. The roles are reversed, but you know how to give her support and comfort. You learned from the best. 
I’m still here, Darlin. You have all of me.
You hear nothing from or of Tommy for months. It turns into years. Maria blames herself. She told him to not come back. Elias is getting into trouble at school. You’re all shocked when Tommy returns two years later. He moves into Joel’s house across the street. He never found her. 
Maria and Tommy coexist. They both join family dinners. They co-parent Elias well, but they don’t reunite. 
Life isn’t always easy, but you make it through, all of you. Most importantly, you experience life. The ups and downs, the twists and the turns, and you do it together because you’re family. 
It’s the morning of Willa’s 16th birthday when you find it. A lump in your breast. Just 1 from what you can tell. You comb your mind for any other signs. None that you can recall. Maybe it’s benign. You push back the memories of your grandmother’s battle with breast cancer, but the tears still emerge. 
I’ve got you. You swear you can almost feel Joel’s arms around you. 
You don’t tell anyone. You spend more time outside the walls. You’ve trained up several people to provide medical care. Morgan can suture better than you. Sharon has steadier hands. Willa is already an expert herbalist, growing and cultivating medicinal herbs and plants. If something happens to you, Jackson will still have good medical care.
Joel seems closer than ever these days, like the veil between worlds is thinning. Sometimes you swear you see a flicker of him like a mirage in the wildflowers, or in the corner when the whole family is together. You were never sure what you thought about higher powers and the afterlife, but you’re sure there’s something there.  
You find another lump two years later. A third shows up soon after. You start to notice other changes in your body. You’re tiring easier.  
You’re more intentional about the time you spend with the kids. You make sure they know the stories they can’t remember. Carter teaches you how to shoot a bow. Willa teaches you about all the herbs in her greenhouse. You spend whole weeks at The Farm. It’s the end of summer when you know you have to start telling people. You tell Ellie while the two of you watch the sunset from the porch swing. She hugs you. There are tears, but there's peace to them. 
You faint while on a walk with Maria at the start of September. You tell her, and then you tell the kids. It’s one of the hardest things you have to do. Even at 21 year old, Carter goes to stone as Willa cries in your arms. 
You’re confined to your bed by Christmas. You sleep most of the day. Everyone comes for Christmas. Carter carries your shrinking frame to the couch. There’s laughter and jokes. You notice Maria’s hand in Tommy’s, but you don’t ask. 
Joel catches your eye from the corner. He looks younger. In his early 40s or so, you think. He smiles at you. He’s never been so clear. He’s waiting for you.
You stop eating after Christmas. Your thoughts start to feel disjointed, words scratch at your throat and you can’t push them out. Breathing takes all your energy. Willa has extracted opium from poppies. It helps. You hear their voices filter in. Willa, Carter, Ellie, Dina, Maria, JJ, and finally Tommy. They talk to you, but you can’t respond. They reminisce. It brings comfort to you as you feel their voices slipping away until you can’t hear them anymore. It’s dark and silent. 
When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by bright clear skies. The wind rustles through the wildflowers around you. A bird chirps in the distance. You stretch out your legs with the delectable sensation only available after a sun soaked nap. 
You close your eyes again, you can see Jackson. Willa and Carter are bickering about something. They walk your evening path. Willa is giving Carter a hard time about his latest romantic encounter. You can see The Farm. Dina and Ellie sit on the front porch. JJ is doing his chores. It all feels so close, but you feel separate. You can see it all happening, walk through it with just a thought, but you can’t interact with the world.
There’s a deep chuckle in your ear. You turn your head. Joel lays next to you, a smile on his face. His hair is less gray than last time you saw him. The creases around his eyes aren’t as deep. 
His hand touches yours. It’s warm. You’ve passed to the other side of the veil. Your heart leaps.
“Hey Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting for you.” 
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Tag List: @pedrotonin@amyispxnk@joeldjarin@ilovepedro@justagalwhowrites
196 notes · View notes
ghost-in-the-hall · 11 months
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part III
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Welcome to part 3!! It makes me so happy to see all of you enjoying this, I'm so excited to keep writing and sharing with you guys!!! However, I'm going to be putting a content warning on this chapter, everything will be clearly laid out in the warning! Other than that we get some sweet II and III, so enjoy! Again, thank you so much for reading, if you'd like to be added to the tag list don't hesitate to let me know!
WARNINGS: Content warning for a scene with an aggressive man. Some guy is trying to pick up reader, he's gross, he gets mad when reader turns him down, attempted grabbing but nothing actually happens, aggressive language. Brief description of a hand wound and care of said wound. I think that's everything, if I missed any please let me know!
Part II - Part IV
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
Thank you as always to @spookyghostjelly for beta reading, ily ❤️❤️❤️
Your fingers drummed nervously across the countertop, your face starting to hurt from forcing your rehearsed smile. You felt beads of sweat starting to gather at your temples, your skin growing itchy as one of the droplets slowly trailed its way down your skin. The man at the counter leaned in a little too close to you, his breath smelled of cheap cigarette smoke and stale beer, making it difficult for you not to gag. “Come on, just one date.” His gaze pierced into you, hungry and unwelcoming. You shifted your weight in between your feet, eyes darting away from him as you attempted to plan your escape.
“I’m sorry, I’m not interested.” You crack a nervous, apologetic look. His eyebrows narrowed, his whole expression changing in a way that lets you know you hadn't given him an answer he would accept. You nearly jumped out of your skin as the bell chimed above the door. Your gaze snapped over to the entrance to find Vessel, II, and a third man you didn’t recognize slipping inside. II started in your direction, only for Vessel to grab him by the arm and tug him towards the back.
“I promise I’m a nice guy.” He smiles at you with yellowing teeth, despite how friendly he tried to seem, his gaze still locked into you maliciously.
“Ves, I have the case of drinks you asked for!” You call to the back of the store, hoping to catch his attention to signal your state of distress. Before you had a chance to see him react the man snapped his fingers in your face.
“Excuse me, I believe we were having a conversation babe.” Out of the corner of your eye you see the mystery man Vessel brought with him stiffen, his head turning slightly in your direction as he straightens up. “I see you’re exactly like all the other stupid whores in this town, always distracted by guys with muscles.” He sneers, leaning in even closer. "Well I deserve a chance too. I don't deserve to be tossed aside like trash." His voice cracked as he spoke, you noticed his body started to shake as he grew more unpredictable and upset with every passing second. "Now, I've been patient… I'm going to ask you one last time before you and I have a fucking problem, do I make myself clear?"
"I've already answered you. I suggest you see yourself out before I call the cops." The man suddenly screams in frustration, making you jump. You attempted to back away from him, trying to put some distance between the two of you, only for him to try and grab you. As he swiped at you a hand grabbed the man’s wrist, pinning him in place. You watched as he expertly put the man's wrist in some sort of hold causing the man to cry out in pain, almost falling flat on his face as he tried to scramble away.
“Just walk forward and it won’t hurt.” Your savior barks out a command, ushering the man out of the store. II approaches the counter, grabbing the man’s bags and throwing them out the door after him. You watch as the unknown man grabs the attacker by his jacket and throws him to the ground, rolling him off the curb, his cans rattling to the ground behind him. The second the situation was handled II’s eye’s immediately found yours, long strides bringing him next to you impossibly fast.
“Are you okay?” He asks you softly, his large hands engulfing your much smaller trembling ones as he allows you a moment to process that you were once again safe. You nod as you let out a shaky breath. II pushes some stray hair out of your face, giving you a quick once over to inspect for any injuries. He lets out a soft hum of approval as he sees nothing physically wrong.
“I’m just a little shaken up, that’s all.” You gave his hands a gentle squeeze, trying your best to resist the urge to crumble into a mess of panicked tears under his gentle gaze.
“III, is he gone?” Vessel calls over to the other man.
“Yeah he tore out of here pretty quick.”
"I'm sorry I didn't step in sooner." Vessel offers you an apologetic smile.
"It's alright, I'm sorry you had to get involved. But thank you, all of you, for doing something. I didn't expect him to fly off the handle like that." Vessel places a comforting hand on your shoulder, II did one final check to make sure you were alright before stepping away.
The third man slowly approaches the counter, being cautious . He takes your hand firmly in his. "(Y/N)?" You nod in response. "III, nice to meet you, sorry it couldn't be under better circumstances." He smiles in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"Thank you for that." His thumb trails over your knuckles as he studies your face for a moment.
"Of course, I can't stand seeing disgusting pigs like that trying to force themselves on women." You feel II's warm hand come to rest in your shoulder.
"Are you going to be okay here by yourself?" He asks.
"Yeah I should be alright, I probably won't get that much sleep, but I'll be fine." You try to reassure him. You found yourself looking around the empty lot nervously as they drove away, expecting the man from earlier to be standing somewhere outside. You sprinted upstairs, slamming your door shut behind you, triple checking that you had locked up tight. You collapsed on your couch with a sigh, turning on your TV to distract yourself. You found yourself sucked into mindless television, your nerves slowly withering away as you let yourself forget about the day's events. You quickly muted the TV at the sound of something tapping against your window. Your pulse immediately began to race as you realized that there was someone outside. You grabbed your phone, dialing emergency services so you were ready. Cautiously you approach the window, keeping yourself out of sight as you look outside. Your body immediately relaxed at the sight of a familiar figure. You were met with the sight of II throwing small rocks at your window to get your attention. You tug at the stuck frame, pushing it up with a groan as it scrapes into place. "What are you doing here?" He drops the small pile of pebbles he was holding, dusting off his hands.
"I didn't feel right leaving you alone after today." He calls back. He shoves his hands in his pockets, his overall demeanor somewhat nervous as you wait for him to continue. "If it's alright with you, I figured some company might help." He shrugs slightly. You blush at his offer, slowly nodding in response
"I'd like that." He straightens up with confidence at your response. "Stairs are around back, I'll let you in." You hurried over to the door, stopping to look in a mirror to fuss over anything that was out of place. You took a deep, steadying breath as you opened up the door. II was just jogging up the stairs as you stepped out into the cool night air. He paused on the landing, the two of you trying to figure out what to say as you awkwardly rocked back and forth on your heels. You didn't know why you felt so nervous. Granted, you had only known II for a couple weeks at this point, but he had always been so kind towards you, if anything you looked forward to seeing him come into the shop day in and day out. "Come on, it's cold." You pull your sweater tightly around you to try and block out the wind, a shiver running through your whole body at the sudden drop in temperature. "Let's go inside, I'll make you some tea." II stands awkwardly in the entryway, almost as if he was waiting for instructions on what to do next. "Make yourself at home." You prompt. He clumsily pulls off his boots, tucking them neatly into the corner. You hummed softly as you worked on starting the kettle, watching as II acquainted himself with your living space. He walked around with his hands behind his back, carefully leaning in to look at pictures or other various items that seemed to pique his interest. You lean over his shoulder to see what he was looking at, your soft chuckle caused him to jump slightly as he suddenly realized how close you had gotten. He motions to the picture, silently asking if he could pick it up. You nodded enthusiastically.
"Which one's you?" He asks, settling close to your side so you could look at the photo together. Your eyes scanned over the group until they landed on the image of you letting out a boisterous laugh just as the photo was taken. You pointed, II studied the picture for a moment before glancing up at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a smile. "You look so pretty." You can't help but blush at the direct compliment. "Where was this?"
"It was taken at the Fall Festival in town, actually." He sets the picture neatly back in place. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes before you jumped slightly at the sound of the kettle singing. "I'll be right back." You grab two mugs, handing one to II as you both nestle into the couch.
"I like your apartment, it's nice." He remarks cheerfully.
"It's not much, but it's home." You respond with a smile. He turns away from you, lifting up his mask just enough to sip at his tea. "Thank you for coming to see me…" you trail off, running your finger around the edge of your mug. "I feel a lot safer with you around."
"I'm glad," he replies softly, fidgeting with his sleeve. "I want to become someone you trust," you both look up simultaneously, your eyes meeting his. "I won't let anything hurt you if I can help it." You smile, your eyes scanning over the contours of his face beneath his mask. You wanted to reach out and take his hand, feeling an overwhelming need to be close to him.
"I really appreciate you coming to check up on me, II." He shifts slightly, bringing himself slightly closer to you.
"Anytime." He breathes out a laugh. "I just… I had to make sure you were alright. When we walked into the store earlier, and I saw that guy harassing you, I don't know what came over me but I just saw red. If Vessel hadn't grabbed me I honestly don't know what I would have done to him." He tentatively reached out, you met him halfway, allowing your hand to rest in his. "Then, when we left, you still looked so scared. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overprotective." He chuckles. You found yourself absentmindedly fidgeting with his fingers as he held your hand, slowly circling your thumb around his own.
"I honestly was still really anxious when you showed up." You admit, a bit embarrassed. "Having you here with me is really nice."
He leans in a bit closer to you in order to whisper, "I'll stay as long as you need." He shoots you a playful wink, making you giggle. The two of you sat talking late into the night. Any worries from the day's previous events are the furthest thing from your mind as II helped to lull you into a state of comfort you weren't sure if you had ever experienced before. You looked over at the clock, you groaned as you realized you'd have to be up for work in a few hours. "I'll take that as my cue to leave." He chuckles. He stands, stretching his arms high above his head with a pleased sigh.
He haphazardly shoves on his boots as you trail behind him to the door. "I guess I'll see you at the store." Despite how hard you tried it was impossible to mask the disappointment in your voice. The truth was you didn't want him to leave. In the fleeting hours you had spent with him this evening you felt like you had finally started to meet the real II. Despite how friendly he always was towards you, there was still something about him that was so guarded. You were hoping that given enough time you would become someone he could trust as well.
"Maybe we could do this again sometime?" He shoves his hands in his pockets, his eyes trailing to the floor as he asked.
"I would love to… I had a great time." You smile at him. You found yourself subconsciously shuffling closer to him.
"I did too." You reach out for the door handle, catching the smell of II's sweet cologne. You look up at him, intense blue eyes already studying you. You swallowed thickly as you froze, you really didn't want him to leave. His gaze drops to your lips for a fraction of a second before he clears his throat, snapping both of you from your trance-like state. You pull the door open, stepping out with him into the cold fall night. "Be safe, yeah?"
You nod, "you too." You stood on the landing as he headed down the stairs. "Goodnight II." He pauses at the bottom.
"Goodnight (Y/N)." He bows his head slightly before heading around the building. You didn't get much sleep the remainder of that night. No matter how much you tossed and turned you couldn't get the thought of II out of your head. His bright blue eyes, soft voice, your whole night with him kept replaying in your mind like a dream. Luckily, your next day at work was uneventful, the most exciting part of your shift was cleaning bright red food dye off the floor from a kid who dropped their slushy. You clicked off your open sign, propping the door open to start bringing in your stock for the evening. You got to work lugging the crates of produce inside as you waited for your helpers to show up.
"Fuck's sake Charlie, could you have loaded this thing up anymore?" You grumble to no one as you struggled with a particularly heavy crate. You yelped as your foot got caught on a pallet, the handle of the crate splintering apart in your palm as you slammed it and your full body weight to the ground. You winced as you opened your hands. One of them was relatively unscathed, a few minor scrapes from the skin dragging across the pavement. Your other hand, however, wasn't so lucky. A long gash spread across your entire palm, small chips of the bright blue plastic barely visible against the deep red pool. You jumped as someone rushed around the side of the building.
"Are you alright?" It was III, his eyes wide with worry as he rushed to your side. "Can I look?" You gingerly hold your hand out to him, your fingers shaking as the adrenaline starts to wear off. He clicks his tongue, "you gotta be careful doll, can't have our best girl getting hurt now, can we?" He smiles as his eyes meet yours. He helps you up, careful not to bump your injured hand, before leading you inside. "You sit here," his hands land on your waist as he lifts you to sit on the counter. "Where's your first aid kit?"
"Just outside of the bathroom in the back. III, I promise I'm alright-" he waves you off before you have a chance to finish your statement.
"I know you can handle yourself, but you're hurt." He calls back to you as he retrieves what he needs. He makes his way back up to the counter, waiting with an outstretched hand for you to present the wound for him. "I was always taught," he continues in a tone barely above a whisper, "that if you're hurt you should probably let someone else help."
"I guess you're right," he looks up at you through his lashes. Striking blue eyes cause you to blush under their intense gaze. "But, regardless, thank you." He gently takes the wrist of your good hand, bringing it over to his arm.
"This isn't going to feel good," he states bluntly, "squeeze as hard as you want. You nod, your fingers instantly digging into his arm as he cleans off the cut with disinfectant. He was quick but meticulous with his work, making sure the bandage was securely fastened before cleaning up after himself. "There you go doll, good as new." His eyes crinkle as he smiles. "But, I will be taking care of the lifting today." He says in a playful tone. He helps you down off the counter, allowing you to stick by his side in order to help him figure out where everything went. You sat next to him on the floor, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes from laughing so hard. There was a knock on the door, both of you instinctually turning in the sound's direction. III peers above the shelf before fully standing up. "I'll get it." You hear Vessel and II's familiar voices as he opens the door.
"Where is she?" II asks.
"She's over there, she had a bit of an accident earlier so-" before III had a chance to finish explaining II hurried around the shelf to assess the damage himself.
"What happened?" His eyes wide as he knelt down next to you. "It wasn't that asshole again, was it?" You can't help but laugh slightly at his concerned tone.
"I fell and cut my hand on a crate." You explain holding up your bandaged palm. He sighs in relief, his shoulders noticeably relaxing.
"You gotta be careful, dove." He gently pats the top of your head. He stands, offering his hand to help you up. "Come on, IV really wants to meet you."
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @herripinkle @thepoisonedchalice @saturnhas82moons @wingsofeternitysstuff @creamwhxre @itsyagirl-snowflake @themultiverseofmars @mustluvecho @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @jumpcauseimfroggy (I think that's everyone if I missed you or you'd like to be added please let me know!)
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oliviablancmom · 5 months
"Pedriiii - Part II"
Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x singlemom!Oc
Theme: fluff, angst
N/A: And here is part two, I hope it lives up to your expectations. I would like to thank each like, comment, reblog, and ask about this imagine. I'm happy that you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I love seeing your reactions. Again, this chapter turned out huge, but I needed every part to make sense. I hope you enjoy it and fall a little more in love with these three.
Warnings: Men being inconvenient in this chapter, people making a child cry.
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Pedri was in a mood; he was training alone in the academy because Gavi did him a favor by opening up to the entire team about his meeting with the woman from the nightclub, who turns out to work for Barça. And now all of the guys were messing with him, especially after Gavi spilled about the ring that was shining on her finger. Seriously, Gavi needs to return playing ASAP because Pedri can't deal anymore with the boy gossip phase.
"Are you sad today?" The little boy asked the player, taking his attention from the movie he was watching on his iPad. "I can bring M&Ms for us; Mom put some packages in her purse, I think she's sad too," he says pouting.
"I'm fine, buddy, just focused. But why is your mother sad? Did something happen?" Pedri asked curiously. In one of the many conversations he had with the little boy, he discovered that the little boy's mother worked for the team, but Pedri hadn't had the opportunity to meet her yet.
"I don't know; Father is supposed to take me this week. Then he screams at her and then at me, and they fight." Pedri swallows the knot in his throat as he sees the little boy's eyes watering; something hurts inside him for seeing the little boy like that.
"You know, those M&M's we were craving for, we finally get to have them," he says in an attempt to cheer up the little boy.
"No way, for real??" He jumped excitedly, and Pedri smiled at him.
"I swear. I'm going with Gavi after the training to get them." Pedri fixed the cap on Axel's head.
"You guys aren't going to eat them without me, right?" He pointed the finger at Pedri, trying to make an angry face.
"What, of course not? I'll bring them for you tomorrow, and also, I wouldn't eat them with Gavi; I'm angry at him," Pedri says as he starts to get his things ready to leave the academy.
"Why?" Axel asks curiously.
"Because he has a big mouth," the boy gasped, looking at Pedri.
"So he would eat everything," Axel says, worried, and Pedri laughs at his reaction.
"Yeah, something like that, buddy."
"Axel, I swear, it's been days since the last time I gave you candy; you shouldn't be this energetic," Isa asked as she watched her child jump from one chair to another. The boy stops, with a little smile on his face, and then back to his jumping games. Isa looks suspiciously at her child.
"Axel..." She calls, getting close to the boy. "You didn't eat any candy, right?" She holds the boy, stopping him from jumping anymore. He looks at her, his head tilts to the side, and a mischievous smile emerges on his little face, the dimples in his cheeks showing up. "Axel Harver," she says unbelievably as she starts to tickle him, his laughs getting louder and louder.
"Mom, stop. Please stoooop, Moooommy." She lets him go, letting him catch his breath.
"Little boy, little boy. I already told your grandfather not to give you too many candies." She kisses his head.
"It was for my friend; I couldn't let him eat alone," the boy said simply, and she smiled at him. Sometimes she couldn't believe how smart he was for his young age.
"No, you couldn't," she smiles, looking at the time on her watch; it was time to go home.
"Get your things; it's time for us to go home." The little boy ran to get his bag.
"Can we stop by Pops?" He asked excitedly.
"Of course, it's been two days since the last time you saw him; you guys are probably getting sick already," she says ironically at the boy, who had his grandfather on his little finger.
"He says that I could start Barça school after my birthday, so I'll be a La Masia boy, mom." The boy says excitedly as they walk towards the parking lot. He and his grandfather had been planning that moment for over a year; the excitement of both was evident. Honestly, Isa was still insecure about the idea of him wanting to be a player; she was too jealous for that, and modestly aside, her son was adorable, he would definitely get some attention. "You think I could play with my friend?" She looks down at her son.
"Well, probably, he's going to Barça school too?" She asked, as she had heard more than once about this friend of his.
"No, in the first team," he says simply. She looks confused at him.
"Well, I think it would take time for you both to be there; maybe you even change your mind about being a player." Her boy made a disgusted face.
"Axel, you are having so much attitude lately."
"But he's already there," he ignores what she is saying. She stops, looking at him.
"Wait, in the first team? Your friend?" The boy nodded happily. "The friend you spend the day with?" He nodded again, as his little eyes focused on something behind her.
"Are you befriending the players?" She asks, but she doesn't get his attention, as he seems to focus on the thing behind her before she can turn to see what he's looking at. He snaps out of his trance.
"Pedriiii!" he screams, and he runs away from her. She was pretty sure that her eyes were going to pop out as she heard the name. She then turned to see where her boy was going, catching a glimpse of him jumping excitedly into the player's arms.
"You've got to be kidding me," she says to herself.
"That friend of Aurora's is really into you," Gavi says to Pedri, who rolls his eyes. "You should give her a chance."
"I'm not interested; she's not my type." Gavi smiled wide at his friend, ready to comment, but was cut off by the boy who jumped at Pedri.
"Hi Pedri, hi Gavi." The little boy high-fived the two players.
"Hey little guy, no Gavi shirts today?" Gavi asked, getting an eye roll from Pedri.
"No. My mother said I should wear other clothes from time to time," he says with a sad smile, receiving a laugh from both players. "Are you going to get my candy?"
"Yes, I will. Are you here alone?" Pedri asked worriedly. He was used to meeting the boy alone inside the training center or the stadium, but the thought of the little boy running alone by the parking lot gave him shivers.
"Nooo, with mommy, Silly," he says, laughing as if Pedri had told him the funniest joke. Before Pedri could look around to search for the child's mother, his senses were clouded by the familiar scent of perfume that had been stuck in his mind for the past few days.
"Axel, what have I told you about running away from me like that? You can't let go of my hand on the street," the woman said in a sweet yet reprimanding voice.
"I know, Mom, but I had to talk to my friend," the little boy says in an even sweeter voice as he hugs the woman's legs. Pedri was absorbed in their interaction, while the woman's eyes stared at him. He simply couldn't believe it.
"Hi, Isa. Cute kid you have; now I can see the similarities," Gavi was the one to break the silence.
"Thanks, Pablo; he is the cutest." Pedri saw her eyes shine proudly as she looked at the boy, and honestly, Pedri felt dizzy.
"Hey, Pedri. I need to take my mother home and take her to a place," Gavi calls for Pedri.
"Ok, Let's Go! Bye Axel," Pedri wave a quick good bye to the little one, ignoring his mother.
"NO! You can't come, it's personal," Gavi says almost desperately, getting an intrigued look from Pedri.
"Gavira, I spent months taking you to every place; you owe me," Pedri says feeling annoyed as he watches his teammate head to his car.
"Sorry, brother. Ask one of the boys."
"We can take you!" The little voice says behind him. "Right mom, right? We can take him, pleeeease, we can take him, riiiiight?" He says as he jumps, pushing his mother's blazer, whose face was getting red.
"I don't know, we are going to Pops, and he probably doesn't want it."
"Of course he wants," Gavi says almost screaming.
"Aren't you leaving?" The three ask at the same time to the youngest, who looks amused as he gets in his car, leaving the parking lot.
"So you're coming with us, right? Right, mommy?" The woman only nodded, taking the kid in her arms and heading to her car. Pedri follows right beside them; he watches as she puts the little boy in the car seat.
"Axel, stop moving," she murmurs at the chatty boy. Once she finishes fixing it, she takes a step back, expecting to close the door, but ends up bumping into Pedri, who was holding the door. With a push, he closes the door, trapping Isa between him and the car. He takes a breath watching her beautiful face, but then he remembers something that was bugging his mind.
"Is your husband coming with us?" He says in a hushed tone just for her to hear. She opens her mouth to reply but nothing comes out; she brushes past Pedri and gets into the car. Pedri runs his hands through his face; he would kill Gavira.
"Aren't you getting in? We are late," she says annoyingly after rolling down the car window. Pedri grumbles and heads for the passenger door.
There was so much tension inside the car, of course imperceptible to the little one who chatted incessantly in the back seat, telling things to his mother, asking questions to Pedri, and singing along to the songs playing on the radio. Despite the many conversations he had with the little one, Pedri hadn't realized how talkative he was; perhaps the presence of the other players made him feel shy. Pedri returned to his conversations with the boy, noticing the mannerisms he had and now could see how much he resembled his mother: the sweet way of speaking, the sweet and welcomed smile, the dimples on his cheeks when he smiled. Pedri was feeling something strange; the presence of the woman clouded his feelings.
"Pedriiiii," Axel's voice snapped his attention back. Pedri turned in his seat to face the younger one.
"Yes, buddy?"
"Mommy is talking to you." The child pointed to the woman driving. Pedri redirected his focus to her, who glanced at him briefly before returning her attention to the road.
"You didn't tell us your address," she said calmly, the velvety tone of her voice sending shivers down Pedri's spine.
"Um, actually, you can drop me off at this store downtown," he showed her the address. "My brother will pick me up there."
"We can drop you home."
"No, I don't want to cause you any trouble," he couldn't help the sharpness in his tone, and he saw the woman wince and just murmur a little and almost inaudible 'ok'.
After a few minutes, they arrived at the candy store.
"Wait here for a minute," he told the woman, hurrying out of the car as quickly as he could to retrieve his order from the store.
"Oh my God, he's really going to get them," Isa looked at the back seat, seeing her son looking outside where the player walked towards a store, a fascinated look on his face.
"What, Axel?" She asked curiously, not used to Axel admiring someone else like that; normally, he was a shy child around strangers.
"Our candies," he said excitedly. "The ones we wanted but couldn't find, with different flavors."
"Did you ask him?" She turned to look at him, trying not to sound like she was reprimanding him.
"No, he wanted them too. And since I'm his friend, he's going to share them with me, because he likes me, Mom, he really likes me." Isa felt her throat tighten, and her eyes filled with tears. Words could hurt, especially when said to a child. She didn't know what to say to him, but the little boy's excitement comforted her heart.
"Here, buddy, we finally got them," the player gets into the car, snapping Isa out of her thoughts; she silently watches their interaction and how happy her son is. "Are you taking them to practice tomorrow?" Pedri asked as he stroked the child's cheek.
"YEEEEES!" Axel shouted excitedly.
"Alright, see you tomorrow then!" He said smiling at the little boy and then turned to the woman beside him. "Thanks for the ride."
"Thank you for this," she said honestly. "You have no idea what this means." The player furrowed his brows in confusion and then exited the car.
The feeling of returning to training with the rest of the team was a great relief, especially when there was the possibility of returning to play soon. Pedri felt ready; the medical department had already cleared him to drive, but they still wanted to postpone his return to the fields. And as eager as he was, he wanted to follow the guidance of the professionals. But still, knowing that he could return to playing soon gave him extra motivation in his recovery.
Pedri was eager to share the news with his little friend, who longed for his return even more than he did himself, but it had been almost a week since the last time he saw the boy. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he missed the boy running to meet him after training. He thought about asking about him to the boy's mother, but every time he saw her, the ring gleamed on her finger. Pedri didn't want to make a big deal out of it; after all, it was a one-night stand, but he couldn't deny that he was affected. The remnants of that night were vivid in his mind, and knowing that the woman was committed spoiled the images for him.
"You know, for someone who wants to seem indifferent, you're terrible at hiding it," Gavi whispers beside him as they watch the woman approaching with the film crew.
"Hello, boys," she says with a sweet smile.
"Hello, Isa," Gavi greets excitedly and nudges his friend to do the same, but Pedri just nods slightly, which seems to frustrate the woman. She kept her gaze on the player's face, reading every detail as if searching for an opening to say something.
"Here are your lines," she says after a few minutes of silence, handing over the cue cards with the ready-made phrases they needed to record for the Barça One promotion. "It'll be quick," she says, moving behind the man handling the camera, and soon the rest of the crew went to prepare the players.
Gavi was the first to record, while Pedri amused himself watching. Gavi hated these kinds of activities, so something that could normally be quick ended up taking longer because of him. Pedri's attention is stolen when his eyes fall on the woman, who is watching the recordings while making some notes in a notebook and speaking to the cameraman. As if sensing Pedri's eyes, she turns to face him and then walks slowly towards him, stopping by his side.
"You said you didn't know who I was that night," the player says quietly so only the woman can hear him. She looked back at him, her confidence in facing him as if challenging him bringing back memories.
"Are you talking to me now?" She asks in an ironic tone. "And I never said I didn't know who you were, I just said I didn't care," she says convincingly, and there it was, the sharp tongue and tone from that night, the player thought.
"That's not how it seemed, just like the part about being married," Pedri smiles proudly having retorted in the same tone, but the woman's furious look makes the smile disappear.
"It's not like that, and if you didn't keep avoiding me every time I show up, you'd know," she turns her attention back to Gavi's recording.
"You just had to say 'Hey, I have a husband,' it's not that hard," he says as he moves away from her."
Isa didn't want to go out that night, in weeks like that she gets in a terrible mood, there were right and wrong days, and that was a wrong one. But her work friends were eager for a night out , and they kept saying how good it would be for her since she was an ocean of anxiety. So there she was, sitting in the bar watching her friends dancing excitedly, she didn't want to go dance, not yet at least, she still wasn't feeling at her best to enjoy the night like that.
"Hey doll, can I buy you a drink?" A man comes to her side, she looks at him uninterested.
"No, thanks," she says simply, backing at watching her friends.
"C'mon, it's just a drink." He holds her arm getting close to her face.
"I don't want it." she says firmly.
"Oh, don't play hard to get," he touched her hair. "you are too pretty to be here alone." He insisted with a flirtatious smile.
"She's not here alone." The familiar voice cut before she could answer the man. "Take your hands out of my girlfriend" he says in a warning tone, making the woman gasp, Isa looks around to see if there are eyes on them, but for their luck, no one is paying attention.
"You? Her boyfriend? No way." The man laughs looking at Isa. "Aren't him like one of the Barça kids?" Isa saw Pedri's face turning red, and before he could answer she took him by the waist, getting him away from the inconvenient man.
The moment he saw the woman enter the bar, he just knew that he shouldn't have accepted Ferran's invitation to the nightclub. Because from that moment, his attention were on her, just like the first night. He tried his best to try to look uninterested, he even tried to speak and dance with a girl who was in their VIP area. But his eyes kept stealing glances at the woman, and the moment he saw a man on her side, he made his choice, going right into her.
He didn't have the time to answer the man who called him a kid, he had an answer for that, a good one that Isa herself could confirm, but her hand putting him away was distracting, the power she had over him was driving him crazy.
"Barça would end us, especially me, if I let the image of one of their golden boys get messed up because of some nightclub confusion" Pedri looked at the woman's face, her big brown eyes were soft and just like always, were mapping all his face.
The people around them didn't seem to notice who he was especially how they weren't dancing to the rhythm of the music playing. Pedri's hand was over her waist going up and down, she passed her manicured hand by her hair and the action made the smell of her perfume travel to his nose, automatically he bent down to her neck, smelling her inebriated perfume, like someone addicted. The woman was blinding his senses. He thought that the remaining images of their night, which kept playing as a movie in his mind were just the carnal feeling of a good night, but now he was afraid that it was something more, since the fact that only the idea of watching her gets all his attention, and we're everything about her, literally everything.
"Let's get out of here" she murmurs in his ears.
He didn't answer, he only took her by the hand to get out of the club.
That's how they ended up in the hotel room again, they didn't talk, the actions of the desire were speaking for them, Pedri was tasting every piece of her, like a starving man, like it was the last thing he would do. And deep down he thought that maybe it was the last thing, cause a noise kept ringing in his mind, remember him about the ring on her finger. And that makes him snapped at realization, he took the woman's hand who was holding his hair as if she depended on it, and there was no signal of the commitment. He kisses her hand then her mouth, and then all over her breast. She kept murmuring and saying things he couldn't understand, her face was all messed up because of her red lipstick, and he was sure he had the vestiges in his face too.
"You remember what you said to me that night?" He asked her, her eyes looking at him with such intensity that he felt at his chest. She smiles, her cheeks getting more red.
"That you should stop flirting with me 'cause i was hard to forget." She said with a lazy smile as she kissed his face.
"Well you were right"
"I am always right, I said that too, when you call me an arrogant, knowing-all b*tch."
As Pedri was to answer, the woman's phone rang, she picked it up from the bedside table, and the name "Henry" showed on screen, making Pedri rudely distance himself from her. She rolls her eyes as she answers the call, and soon her face turns pale, Pedri watches her with worry.
"What happened? Baby..." She gets up from the bad, "Do not cry, please, don't cry. Mommy it's going to pick you up, my Axel." Her choked voice and the mention of the name make Pedri stand up and approach the woman, who was trembling nervously.
"Let me talk to someone," she says, Pedri stops in front of her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM? HE IS JUST A CHILD!" she screamed sterically, her voice full of pain, making Pedri holding her arms, and try to calm her down. "That always happens, every time, he's just a baby, and every time you guys do this to him." She goes silent for a moment, Pedri felt his heart beating so hard that he could hear the thuds echoing in his ears. "I'll go get him" she says firmly, " I don't care how late it is. I'm not leaving my son like this." She ends the call and then throws the phone on the bed, her hands covering her face as she collapses and cries uncontrollably. Pedri embraces her, his chest full of concern for the woman and the little boy.
"Isa, what happened? Is Axel hurt?" he asks.
"I need to go," she says, stepping away from the player.
"I'm coming with you" She pushed Pedri away.
"No, you're not, you don't need to." She says coldly.
"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone, not in this state," he says firmly as he gathers their things around the room. Isa looks at him with apprehension and suspicion. Pedri couldn't understand her action. He holds the door, waiting for her to leave the room, and then she huffs in frustration and follows him outside.
Once in the car, Pedri gives her his hoodie that was in the backseat of his car, as thanks to him, the woman's dress was ruined. He drives to the address she had given him, the journey in complete silence except for the sound of the woman typing incessantly on her phone. As they arrive at the destination, Isa takes a deep breath and then looks at the player.
"Pedri, please, promise me, no matter what you see or hear, you don't leave the car, understood? Or you'll make things difficult for me." The desperation in the woman's voice made Pedri's stomach sick; not knowing what was happening was making him desperate. "You'll make things difficult for Axel," she says before he could say anything. And, reluctantly, Pedri agrees with the woman, as he would never do anything to harm the child.
He watches as the woman gets out of the car and rushes into the yard of a house, calling out for Axel. A blond woman emerges from the house and points a finger at Isa. They engage in a heated discussion, but he cannot hear their words. Then he sees Isa push the woman and hastily enter the house. Everything falls silent for a few minutes, and his heart races so fast that he wonders how he hasn't had a heart attack yet. After a few minutes, he sees Isa emerging from the house, holding Axel in her arms. She walks briskly towards the car, with the blond woman following her, screaming insults. Isa quickly jumps into the car with Axel, and the back door closes behind them.
"You can go now," she says, and Pedri turns around to look at her. Her face is red from crying. Pedri starts the car and drives away, not knowing exactly where to go, but deciding to wait before asking as Isa is talking to Axel. "It's okay, love. You're okay now." She says in a calm voice, trying to calm down the little boy.
"I don't want to come back, I don't want to stay with them, they're all mean to me," he cried so hard that Pedri stopped the car, deeply concerned for the kid, as he had never seen him cry like that before.
"You don't have to, Mommy promises you won't go back there, at least if it's something you want." Pedri turns to look at them, observing the woman wiping the tears from the little one's face and giving him a tight hug. Their eyes meet, and Pedri sees so much pain in hers.
"What's going on? This is tearing me apart," he says as he gestures towards them.
"Pedriiii?" Axel spun so quickly to look at the player that Pedri feared he had snapped his neck. He leaped from Isa's arms to the front seat and hugged Pedri tightly. Pedri simply held him back, while Isa looked on in complete awe at her son's rapid change of mood.
"I'll finally be able to eat my candies," the little boy says with a sweet excited voice.
"Axel!!" Isa says laughing at the boy's innocence.
N/A: SOOOOOO, what did you guys think? Writing the last part, breaks my heart, because I know their situation, me being mean for not telling you guys 😏
So, the next chapter will be the penultimate one, and then there will be the final one, and then the bonus. As mentioned in the previous chapter. Of course, it all depends on how much the characters are talking to me as well...
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senawashere · 4 months
We're on this together... (Chapter II)
Bradley Bradshaw × fem!wife!reader
Summary: Is it harder for you? Or for Bradley?
Warnings: infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf. Mostly angst.
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'We are on this journey together and we will never separate. I love you."
January 3, 2023.
Everyone,mostly you, could see how much Bradley loved childrens. Babies, toddlers, teenagers, it didn't matter, he loved them.
Ever since you married, you had admired how he treated them, how he made them laugh, how they played, and how his eyes lit up at the high-pitched squeals they made when he threw them in the air. He would catch them again. And again.
He... was born just for this.
That's why you were trying so hard to give him what he wanted more than anything in the world; a baby,a kid of yours.
He searches hundreds of websites for you on ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant, checks your ovulation time, changes your diet... he does the impossible and you both still can't succeed.
You couldn't make your husband happy. He hated this sentence.
And the worst part is, he's not the only one waiting for you to have his child, everyone is doing it, all of your friends are having their second or third kids and you were still... not pregnant.
One day, you were criticized among your friends for not having a flat stomach. They said something as a joke that you might be pregnant, but it wasn't like that.
Just because you dont have a flat belly doesn't mean you're pregnant, right?
Your tears feel familiar on your skin now and when you were sure Bradley is gone you were crying all over the house, you couldn't let him see you like this, it's not fair when he gave you everything and you couldn't give him something so simple.
It's that simple. Right?
You don't want help, you can do it on your own, you know he can or so he thinks, he keeps busy every day trying not to think about it, but it's inevitable, you can't do that when it's something he wants so badly.
You were doing your usual work on laptop, trying to get rid of the thoughts in your head, even if only a little, you were scrolling through your e-mail box while slow jazz was playing in the background, writing down what you needed to write and dealing with the files you needed to handle.
"A young man fell into the base today! We walked around the hard deck and drank soda's. He was with for a while we had a lot of fun, but I think he misses his aunt y/n. I love you baby.💞"
The text came up with a picture of your husband with Jake's son, three of them smiling and Bradley holding some soda cans in his left arm and the right one is holding the boy's shoulder. It was beautiful and made your heart ache, a small smile appeared on your face,the voices and pain in your head seemed to be over, at least for a mimute, and you replied to the message, "I love you two!! Say hello to Jake for me.💓💓"
You stared at the picture for a few seconds, forgetting about the task in front of you.
The smile on Bradley's face was genuine, and he was holding the little boy with incredible familiarity, as if he already knew how to hold a child even though it wasn't his own.
Your phone hit the wooden table with a loud thud and you brought your hands up to your face, feeling tears of frustration falling from your eyes.
No, you were not jealous of them, in fact, you were very happy that they were pregnant with the third one, but why couldn't you?
This was unfair.
While God gave people the chance to have so many children, why couldn't you even have one?
And the saddest problem was,you.
Bradley was perfectly healthy, he could get a different woman pregnant, but he couldn't get you.
The house was quiet, unlike your head, thousands of things were going on every second.
You left your spot and went upstairs to take another pregnancy test with some hope.
It came out negative. Like always.
January 18, 2023.
You throw the four pregnancy tests you took ten minutes ago into the trash can and you hear Bradley sigh as he sits on the bed, hiding his face with his hands. You sit next to him.
“We just have to try harder.” He said, lifting his head to look at you and placing his hand comfortably on your knee.
“What does 'trying harder' mean?” you asked,with a hint of you wobble voice from the emotions. "We do this every day, especially when I'm ovulating, when I..."
"Baby, calm down." Bradley tells you and he just snorts in annoyance.
"Maybe...we could go to another doctor?" He gets down on one knee as if he's proposing, but you stand up and look at him as if he had three heads.
"Why should I go to the doctor? There is nothing wrong with me, we will have this baby, I know. Sooner or later." you exclaimed.
He stood up and took your hands in his, stroking your wrists.
"Of course we will, I have no doubt about that. But—it's better to know more, you know?"
"We're going to have this baby, Bradley. I am going to."
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Uh oh-
I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER BEING SO SHORT😭😭😭 and bad news it is progressively gets more sad.. And there is going to be timeline-
I'm tagging people who might be interested and some mutuals:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsigns-haze @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @hardballoonlove @topguncortez @hangmanapologist @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @els-marvelvsp @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @promisingyounglady and if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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bloodsalted · 6 months
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@eyeless-smiles || a meme continuation || from here!
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a confession. dean's not one to give them freely. could be the booze making his lips looser. could be how they've been meeting up. how they keep running into each other. how the company makes him feel something he hasn't felt in a long time. like he's being HEARD. underneath that is another thing. a vein that laced itself through his system, tangled itself with his and feels like it's beating all on it's own so hard and so fast his has to race to catch up and it only quickens by the hour each time cori is there.
dean can't explain how the liquor swells up in the back of his head. numbs the exposed nerves inside his brain. makes them feel dull and warm and slow so much easier as their conversations continue. and now? he finds himself catching a breath when their paths align. sneaking away from his sleeping brother so he doesn't have to answer where he's going most nights when their towns dot the same place on the map's become a thing.
tonight? it's no different. dean says what he says and doesn't take it back. forest green watches as cori's touch meets the back of his hand. his stomach flips, dean clears his throat and swallows a shot--stare pivoting back to the shaded gaze regarding him. you know he's never really seen his face. not all of it. disappated, the thought escapes his grip and he squints, wiping his opposite palm over his mouth before shrugging and dipping his head in a nod.
"i..uh." he swallows. it sticks. "yeah.. sure." unable to hide his cheeks heating up, blood pressure rising steadily where an unsteady gaze now darts back to his unfinished beer--dean polishes off the bottle. fingers wriggle, motioning for cori to lead the way. "..just a walk. somewhere not smelling like stale beer and road dirt. right?"
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 8 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 1,529
Warnings | +18, detailed descriptions of punishment, spanking, Jungkook is obsessed and angry, smut dubcon(?), fingering, male masturbation, forced cum consumption
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This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | Fifth chapter ready! Let me know what you think of the story or if you would like to be added to the taglist, i would be really happy!
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @douknowbts, @aiiselle90210, @fewercascade
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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It had been exactly four days, Y/N had been locked in that room crying, eating what she had to eat so as not to upset Jungkook, but the sadness and disgust were still there. She still couldn't tell if it was for him or for herself. He spent those nights as tense as a violin string, going to work during the day and hermetically locking the front door, and at night he heard her crying and that upset him. But he had factored that in as well, Jimin had explained to him how the first few days had gone. "It's going to be hard, but if you love her you'll have to put up with it," the blond man in the principal's office had told him, while Seokjin just listened, typing occasionally on his phone. "I hate to see her so dejected, I'm the cause and that hurts me," he had hissed with his head clenched in his hands, Jimin had denied it with his head, totally frosty. "You are just too sensitive, she has to get used to a new way of life and certain reactions are more than normal, my wife had tried to kill me if you remember well, so consider yourself lucky," he scolded him. "Besides," Seokjin exclaimed, "her parents reported her missing and everyone thinks something happened to her, even the neighborhood she lived in was a good cover, don't think of stopping just now." Jungkook nodded, before freezing.
"What about Kang Yoozu?" he asked, threateningly. Jimin let go of an icy smile, "You don't have to worry about him anymore, with the material you provided me, there will be fun to be had." A few days later, Jungkook understood his friend's words, it was all over the news that Kang Yoozu, age twenty-three, had kidnapped and most likely tortured the now missing Y/N. It had only taken a few rumors put out there and a lock of the girl's hair found in the student's backpack to set off alarm bells. Jungkook thought Jimin had done a masterful job; everyone knew about Yoozu's bullying of Y/N, and as Jungkook had said at the beginning, it was those like Yoozu who had no loyal friends.
At the dinner table that evening, Jungkook avoided turning on the television, not wanting the girl to see anything inherent in her disappearance; she seemed upset enough to the boy, so he asked her how she felt. "Like someone who hasn't seen the light of day for almost a week," she hissed, listlessly moving the contents of her plate. "When I'm sure I can trust you, I'll take you for walks," he tried to appease her, but at those words Y/N huffed blatantly, which the man did not like. "Y/N." "Jungkook?" she wryly made, openly challenging him after days of unexpressed discontent, "I'm not even allowed to complain, professor?" The ass-grabbing behind that title pissed him off, and he jerked out of his chair and marched toward her with an expression that was anything but sweet and patient, as it had always been until moments before. Y/N caught the danger signal and tried to evade him, but Jungkook was quicker and caught her lifting her off the ground as if she had been a feather, at which point the girl screamed and full-throated, kicking in his direction, intimidating him to put her down, terrified by the man's sudden change.
Jungkook was not frightened by her hysterical threats, after all, there were not even neighbors who could hear them, and he flung her onto the living room sofa, the girl ended up between the cushions on all fours, tried to get up so she could stare openly into his eyes, but Jungkook imposed that position on her by crushing her with his own weight, in fear she felt the young man's hands lift the fabric of the skirt he had given her that day, she tried to crawl away, but once again she was blocked by him, a strong hand of the man held her head still against the cushions. She shuddered in shock when her panties were also brutally lowered onto her thighs, she felt so much embarrassment that she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to extricate herself. "Rule number one, Y/N, don't ever use that tone with me," he hissed furiously, before his free hand came down on a soft buttock of the young woman, who squealed in shock and pain at the searing lash, the dry sound lost in the room along with her voice.
Jungkook settled down better behind her, taking sadistic pleasure in seeing his imprint getting darker and darker on her tender and delicate skin, "Rule number two, finish your meal without complaining like a naughty and rude child," he hit the same area of skin with an even more deafening spanking than the previous one, the girl wriggled in tears under his body, Jungkook felt the blood run miles through his veins, his cock now throbbing in his pants at that fantastic sight. Adrenaline raced through his body, painfully clutching Y/N's hair in its hard grip. "Rule number three, never question what I say to you in that insolent way!" he continued to hit her repeatedly on the other side as well, ignoring the tears now soaking the cushions of his couch or the girl's constant attempt to slip away from his blows, writhing. He stopped only when the girl began to give in, begging him to stop. "P-Please stop!" she screamed against the fabric of the cushions, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll be good, I won't misbehave anymore," she continued, Jungkook pulled away slightly, watching with hungry eyes the buttocks now red and irritated by his punishing blows, the girl's body trembling, shaken by sobs and whimpers.
"Ah..." he sighed, "My love," he murmured bending over her, tenderly kissing the skin now burned and alive with pain, the girl tried to block her sobs, feeling only more discomfort at the boy's attentions, who not content left a long trail of saliva from the abused area to the column of her back, stopping shortly after at a corner of her neck, Y/N shuddered, feeling him push the covered cock against her buttocks which, if possible, burned even more. Jungkook sucked and bit the skin of her neck expertly, Y/N did not have the strength to evade, not even when one of the man's hands descended on her pussy . "Since you get it... you deserve a reward, don't you?" he highlighted those sick words of his with another thrust of his pelvis, "I'm going to make you feel so good, love," he moaned, running two fingers along the folds of the girl, who widened her eyes at the same time Jungkook did, finding her soaking and quivering, "Fuck. .. you liked it," he laughed surprised, Y/N instead wanted to disappear, tried to stop her moans by sealing her lips, shocked by that new realization, but she tensed at the rhythmic and insistent movement of the fingers around her taut and shiny clitoris, no ... it couldn't be true.
She could not feel pleasure at such a time, with such a boy! But her body thought otherwise when the man's fingers tapped on her clitoris, which contracted and forced the girl's hips to push against the young man's hand involuntarily, seeking a more direct and steady touch. She opened her mouth wide for air, but was only able to gasp for breath, only causing Jungkook to increase the speed of his intimate caresses, reaching up to penetrate her lightly with the tip of his fingertips, Y/N stiffened writhing wordlessly, her brain now mush thinking only of finding more friction, which Jungkook granted her with a kiss in her hair, slipping his fingers from her tight slit to move up toward her clit, rubbing on the now overly sensitive pearl, he expertly pinched one last time before and Y/N let out a choked scream that confirmed her orgasm, which continued to shake her body for endless minutes. Now almost fainting in his arms, Jungkook turned her body over, lost himself in looking at her distraught face before glancing at her soaked red intimacy, biting his lip, god he couldn't take it anymore.
He began to unbuckle the belt from his pants, releasing the thick, throbbing cock without lowering anything else, reached up to the young girl's tear- and saliva-wet lips, running the already wet tip of white, shiny cum over them, cupped his hand several times over the velvety, warm skin of his cock, continued to pump himself, moaning loudly, he accompanied the gestures with sloppy, slick movements of his hips, Y/N barely registered the boy's actions, too shocked by what had happened, a choked scream escaped her throat as a warm, foreign-tasting substance poured onto her face and hair, a few drops managed to enter her mouth as well, only later did she realize what it was. Jungkook slipped two fingers into her mouth, filling her with his cum, forcing it to the back of her throat, which made the girl swallow for air. "My beautiful girl is also a perfect slut for my cock."
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the-great-empress · 2 months
Better with them than with you
Here Mc is woman
Warning: grammatical errors, English is not my native language
Tags: @huuvu
—Help them... that's why I chose you
—Mc… you… are a descendant of Lilith
Confusion and speechlessness was how I felt... but... I had the feeling that this was a sentence...
I heard Lucifer exclaim with happiness and then hugged me with fervor... while the cold and emptiness ruled my body... I also heard the rest of the brothers happy for Lilith, except Satan... then... the next thing I can remember was being in the common room from the house of lamentations surrounded by smiles and praises from Mammon, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan... Lucifer and... Belphegor... were fighting to sit on my sides, while they praised me and talked about Lilith... How long has it been since the revelation?
My gaze was fixed in front, on the other large piece of furniture, Diavolo was smiling with his charming smile, Barbatos with his cordial smile and... Satan with an expression of empathy and slight sadness... Why are you sad, Satan? Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?
Barbatos in summary said that he could no longer return to my original timeline… I felt like my soul fell into the abyss as I continued standing…
—I want to return to the place where they don't know who my ancestor is.
—I want to be treated like before the revelation
—I don't want to continue hearing about Lilith or being compared to her.
—I am not a replacement…
—Will Simeon and Luke hate me if they find out that I share blood with that angel who caused the brothers' fall? Nobody should know
They were the things that constantly prevented me from sleeping at night while I cried like a stupid girl, but as if he knew I was staying up late, he knocked on the door of my temporary room and said my name with affection and a certain air of sadness, every time I opened it. At the door, there he was... Satan with a book in his hands... it became a routine... Satan would come, we would read a chapter of a book and then cuddle and he would say sweet words about me... the others... they continued talking about Lilith, they bought me clothes adorable and angelic looking, they were aware that that was not the type of clothing I liked
More than a few people missed that this was Lilith's favorite style, as well as how my hair was the same color she had... that same night they mentioned it... I bought some hair dye and grabbed the kitchen scissors... The next day I entered the dining room with the opposite color to how I had it and with very short hair. The scandal that arose at that moment was great and Asmodeus recovered the "beautiful" original color of my hair with a potion.
No matter what I do... they will find a way to keep me looking like Lilith so I gave up and let them use me however they wanted.
Even Simeon commented that I was like an angel "Please Simeon... don't keep thinking about it... you could know who my ancestor is and I don't want you to hate me" I repeated in my mind, I feel like a criminal for Lilith's actions even if I don't I committed them. Is it because I cooperated with her to help the brothers? Why am I proof that she came out the winner and free from her punishment? The weight of keeping Lilith's secret tortures my body, I want to cry... scream... hit something... talk to someone... Satan was not an option, I was afraid that because of that he would have an attack of anger and fight with the brothers, definitely Barbatos and in Diavolo especially were not options, I didn't even want to think about how they would react, Simeon and Luke less so and as for Solomon I didn't know whether to even hint at him, I didn't want to involve him in a personal problem of that caliber.
Michael… when Michael apologized for the actions of Lilith and the brothers I cried, I just cried while he hugged me, Michael really… I…
Six of the brothers exclaimed in surprise as they observed her sister alive in front of them. They did not hesitate to run towards her and hug her while Satan and I watched the scene in surprise. I could swear I felt Satan's hands squeezing mine with comfort.
—Why are you still here? You better not get your hopes up and leave as soon as possible and take THAT Satan with you
They were the first words I crossed with Lilith alone.
How are you Satan?
Of all of them, the one that worries me the most is Satan, every time Ppyong returned I asked him about the avatar, he kept me up to date that he is still in the house of lamentations with the other Lords and Lilith although he only saw her once
Were you able to repair your relationship with your siblings?
The first days in “hell” were difficult… difficult to get used to the fact that the angels are the bad and cruel ones after all in my world they were the ones who supported me, well, most of them… difficult to trust the word of the demons and that they have no other intentions, in my reality, demons are liars and do actions behind the backs of others... hard to believe that here I would have someone that I can call family...
But I quickly began to like this "hell", I don't have to hide who I share blood with as if it were the worst of taboos or a criminal, in fact I don't even care if they call me "Solomon" or "Daughter of Solomon" nor that believe that I am Solomon, I would say that it makes me feel proud, perhaps because I have a good relationship with him and for all the support and help he has given me, I love listening to his stories like a little girl who loves to listen to those stories of her parents, although only distant relatives, I see him as a good father and parental figure
Satan, King Satan, dislikes that even his own subjects are confused about me being Solomon... and I thank him from the bottom of my heart... I really want to help him, help the seven kingdoms... kingdoms... kings... this feeling is... no Mc , concentrate, you can't feel that feeling again... that same feeling that caused you immense pain when the six of them made it more than clear who they preferred.
—There is nothing wrong with falling in love with kings.
Dad please
—Your mind denies it and your heart wants to express a big statement, but he is so hurt that he needs help.
No, it is not that which begins with “L”, it is only companionship and understanding, only that, and there is only sexual act for the “energy”, it is only that for me and especially for them, nothing more
—If it's just companionship, why when you were replenishing “energy” with Satan did Mammon join in and the three of them ended up with a sprained hip?
I don't know, but it's not that word! Wait a minute, did you hear everything?
—Even the angels in heaven would hear Bimet's complaints about how a human managed to "paralyze" two kings, fu fu~, when Leviathan finds out about that and King Lucifer who is waiting for you to wake up, you will have to satisfy two jealous kings
Oh please kings Lucifer and Leviathan have no reason or reason for jealousy, there is not even a hint of romance in this, stop pairing me with kings
—But you would make a good couple with them. Have you not noticed the subtle changes of the kings? Although the other Satan, the magician, that Simeon and even the other Raphael and Michael also have their charm. How about the best of both realities?
Aaaaahhh! I want to wake up!
Narrator POV
Intense and fervent
Those were the words with which Mc described the face of King Lucifer who looked at her with such fervor, it did not help that the king was in absolute silence and both were alone in that room, Mc tried to break the tension, however, the silent gaze of the king was more powerful, for a moment the woman remembered the words of her ancestor Solomon
“There is nothing wrong with falling in love with kings”
“Haven't you noticed the subtle changes of kings?”
The human hesitated, but then denied it, she didn't want to get her hopes up again... at that, some light knocks were heard on the other side of the door, it was Gamigin reporting that Ppyong returned with "that" for Mc and then she heard Ppyong and Jjok say good morning to both Lucifer and Mc
The woman felt great relief, but it was crushed by the disgust that Lucifer's face began to reflect
—Yes, he's so jealous that he can't hear "that"
It was Solomon's voice
—It's not jealousy!
Mc mentally remarked to her
Meanwhile with the two kings “wounded in battle”
—His Majesty has a meeting in TWO HOURS and he doesn’t even react! —shouted a hysterical Bimet to Buer who was intrigued and worried about the state of the two kings
On the stretchers were the kings Satan and Mammon, the lascivious faces full of ecstasy of the two rulers and the throbbing lumps under the sheets said it all
—What did you do to keep the two of you in climax? Solomon's daughter only lasted a few hours in that state, but they still haven't reacted —murmurs Buer fearfully
—I also want Solomon to cause those heartbeats in me —complained Sitri clearly jealous
Meanwhile in the Devildom… in Diavolo's castle was the prince of the same name, his loyal butler and the lords, except for Satan.
—Very well, Lucifer and I will go to "Hell" to bring Mc back —said Diavolo happily
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N/T: MC! Shit! What the fuck did you do to Mammon and Satan?!
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Lost Queen - II
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader
— word count: +1,820.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 2
You were afraid.
In fact, you felt mixed emotions. Fear, dread, horror, terror.
You didn't know why the hell you were in an old military camp, let alone why you were facing one of the greatest conquerors in history. Nothing that was happening made sense and your mind tried to look for logical answers, but it was in vain.
Because nothing that was in front of you was logical.
Maybe it was a really bizarre dream, maybe you were high or drunk, but you knew better. It was real and very real.
Nothing made sense and you felt like crying and going to your mother's lap for comfort but you couldn't do that. Not while you were being held by a scarred man and the others were staring at you with curiosity and... disdain? You couldn't tell.
How did you end up there? It was your first question. Your last memory was of you in your room, reading a book about the conqueror and falling asleep. Was that book cursed? No, that was not possible. But it will be? It seemed like the only acceptable option considering the fact that you were over 2,000 years in the past.
You took a deep breath, trying at all costs to avoid the urge to scream and cry. That wouldn't be acceptable to do now, you needed to stay calm and try to find a solution.
''Can you speak greek?'' You blinked in surprise when one of the men addressed you. It was the one who was next to Alexander. You glanced at him lightly, why he looked familiar?
''Hephaestion, I don't think she's fine or that she even understands what we're talking about.'' One of the slightly tall men spoke up. You shifted your gaze to him when you heard him say the name.
Oh, oh.
''It doesn't hurt to ask, Ptolemy.'' Another man said. You looked at him and blushed a little. He was handsome, maybe not by 21st century beauty standards, but he was attractive. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes.
And Ptolemy? Like in Ptolemy I Soter of the Ptolemaic Dynasty?
''She could be a spy sent by the persians. I mean, just look at the way she's dressed.'' The man with dark brown hair and green eyes said, looking you up and down with disdain.
You glared at him, daring him to say one more thing about your pajamas. Yes, it wasn't the kind of clothes they wore but it suited you it was comfortable and the print had kittens!
But the man held your gaze and you shuddered slightly as you noted their intensity.
''Look at the way she's dressed, friends. She clearly is a whore.'' One of the men said, looking at your breasts shamelessly.
If you weren't trapped in another man's arms, you would have kicked ass.
''Whore is my hand in your face if you say another word!'' The words came out before you could stop yourself and everyone looked at you in shock and you felt like slapping yourself.
You could have feigned madness, claimed amnesia or that you couldn't speak greek and, you really didn't, but apparently the ''magic'' that brought you to this place decided not to screw you around so much.
''She has spirit!'' The man holding you laughed and you glared at him.
Finally, Alexander decided to say something.
''Bring her to my tent. I want you all there.'' Were his only words and he turned his back on you without another word, with Hephaestion following, but not before giving you one last look.
You gasped as you began to be dragged towards what appeared to be the King's tent. Several people in the camp watched you curiously as you were led away and followed by the other generals.
You were so fucked up and not the way you liked it.
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Alexander didn't know what to do with himself at that moment. He didn't understand what was going on and he hated it.
There were so many questions in the King's mind and none of them were answered. But the most puzzling of them was why he felt awkward around you.
Alexander felt an unknown feeling and what it attracted to you. How a stallion was attracted to a mare in heat. Not that he was thinking about sleeping with you, no, it wasn't that but he felt weird.
It was like he already knew you and that bothered him a lot. You had never seen each other, he was sure of that, but then why did he feel that way?
He needed answers and fast. He looked at his best friend who was looking at him with concern.
''Are you alright, Alexander?'' Hephaestion's soft and warm voice rang out and the friend touched his shoulder to try to calm him down.
''I'm fine, just tired.'' He lied quickly and something told him that Hephaestion didn't believe his words.
But there was no time for questions, not when the mystery woman was led into his tent, surrounded by the curious generals. Alexander frowned, but held the pose.
He looked right at her and his mind filled with disturbing thoughts.
She was the strangest woman he had ever met in his life. She was beautiful, albeit in a different way, but what really drew him to her was the fear in her eyes, the kind of genuine dread he had only ever seen in the eyes of his enemies. And the way she was dressed… He had never seen such clothes, even in Persia.
And that attracted him.
Alexander cleared his throat before asking the question that had been on her mind since he met her, ''Who are you and what are you doing in my camp?'' The King's voice was serious and authoritative and he could have sworn he saw her shudder.
The young woman opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and closed it again, avoiding Alexander's piercing gaze. It made him uncomfortable, but he could not and would not show weakness in front of anyone, let alone in front of his generals and a complete stranger.
He watched her for a few seconds and realized what made her sulk, the fact that she was still being held by Cleitus the Black.
''Let her go.'' It was a simple command but the general obeyed instantly. Alexander smiled a little when he noticed that the woman's posture visibly relaxed when she was released.
''I'll ask you one more time.'' Alexander said and moved a little closer to the woman, ''And I suggest you answer.''
She just stared at him as if she was seeing a god in front of her. Well, maybe he was a god.
''Who are you and what are you doing in my camp?''
''I'm (Y/N) and I don't know how I came to be in your camp.'' She finally said it in a low voice but he could hear it loud and clear.
Alexander was stunned. (Y/N)... A name he had never heard in his life and yet it seemed to suit this woman. And when he was finally able to hear her voice again, the King found himself wishing he could hear her speak more often. She was so strange yet so endearing and Alexander found himself wanting to know everything about her and he would.
He was the King, after all, and he always got what he wanted.
"It's an unusual name. What it means?''
She shrugged, ''I don't know. I never tried to find out.''
She was so insolent and disrespectful. Did she not know who she was talking to?
A laugh was heard and Alexander glared at Nearchus, who stopped laughing at the same moment.
''Where are you from?'' Alexander asked, looking at her curiously. He had decided that she wasn't a threat, she seemed too stupid to be a threat anyway.
She thought for a moment and smiled. Alexander felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled at him.
''Uh…I come from a very, it's... a distant place.'' She said between pauses.
Alexander scoffed. She was a terrible liar, and he felt like laughing when she looked insulted when he scoffed.
''And where is this place so far away?'' He insisted.
(Y/N) glared at him.
''As far away as you could tell.''
''The name?''
If she looked angry before, she looked furious now.
''You would not understand. It's not your language.''
''Really?'' Alexander thought, ''And how come you speak my language so well?''
She paled, but recovered very quickly.
''I studied.''
Alexander hummed and decided to stop questioning her. For now. She looked tired and scared, from what he could read from her body language and something inside him told him not to disturb her anymore.
''Call the servants. Give her a tent, clothes and food.''
All of her generals looked perplexed, even Hephaestion.
Even the woman, (Y/N), looked confused.
In fact, he didn't even know why he was doing this, but he needed to make sure she was going to be alright.
It was a need that screamed inside him. The need to protect her and he didn't know why.
He needed to find out about her. Who was she, where did she come from, everything.
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You were taken to a tent away from the camp and left alone.
You looked around curiously. It was a small tent but it had a small bed, which you recognized as a cot, and some candles. It was just that.
You wondered if you could freak out now, but it wasn't feasible. No, everyone could hear it and it would get you in more trouble than you already were.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You started to feel the tears in your eyes. You wanted to cry and scream and cry some more. But you couldn't. Not when you were in such a vulnerable position and you were scared.
So scared.
You were scared of everything. Fear of being tortured, dying and being abused. You noticed some soldiers looking at you with lust and it scared you so much. What would stop them from making you a booty? A toy?
And it was so desperate.
You sat down on the small cot and finally allowed yourself to cry, the hot tears running down your face, as you sobbed and contained your screams of frustration.
You didn't even notice the servant entering your tent and placing a plate of food beside you or the clothes that were brought for you. You didn't notice because you were so desperate and you were sinking in your fear and despair.
You needed to go. You needed to go back to the 21st century.
And you had no idea how to do it.
And just that thought made you cry even harder.
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— lady l: I was going to post it tomorrow but I got some time and I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer so finally chapter 2 is here. I hope you enjoyed it, what did you think of Y/n's first interaction with Alexander and some generals? Feel free to give me your opinion. I love you all and until the next chapter!! ❤️
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seospicybin · 2 years
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Chapters: Part II / Epilogue
Hyunjin x reader. (s,a)
Synopsis: Knowing that your life will end soon, you choose to have your desired death by making a pact with the devil with a red hair, Hyunjin. (16,7k words)
Author's note: This was supposed to be a Halloween fic but it seems like New Year is the perfect time to release it. It's about renewal and awakening but with a little bit of chaos in it.
Warning: Mentions sulcidal thoughts and may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised!
Which one is worse: Living or dying first?
You asked yourself as you stood there rethinking all of your decisions that led to this.
A gust of wind blowing your white dress, cold and harsh, like a slap in the face.
You let out a heavy sigh, the steam of your breath formed a curl of white smoke against the dark of the night.
You looked down, down below from the top of the building where everything seemed so small and people looked like specks of dust, looked down beyond your quivering feet, so high you couldn't even see the bottom, the concrete that would welcome you when you plunge to your death.
Was it a good decision? You asked yourself.
Death is easy.
A stab to the heart, a drop of poison, a cardiac arrest, a hypoxia.
Life is hard.
You wake up to another day of a mundane, dull life, work, home, sleep, eat, sigh and do it all over again the next day. Life is pain itself and everybody dies at the end.
You either die now or later, what makes the difference?
All you need was one jump then it's all over.
Death is that easy.
You took a shaky breath, whether it was from the cold or the fear creeping from the inside, a survival instinct in you that told you to get off the ledge and into the safe side.
You carefully put your leg up and are ready to leap, your mind went blank.
You screamed at the vast night sky because the silence got too deafening then like your brain betrayed you, shut you down before you make the worst mistake of your life, you got off the ledge.
You almost slipped and fell off the top of the building just like how you planned, but you found a hand that grabbed yours. Slender fingers decorated with metal rings, pale and hot to the touch, wrapped around your waist, holding you from falling, from death.
He helped you get off the ledge by lifting you by the waist then put you down gently, away from the edge of the building.
"You're hot," you said.
"It's not the first time I heard that," he said with a teeth-baring grin.
You shook your head, "I mean, you're literally hot," you corrected yourself, it was like he had spent hours by the fire and absorbed all of the heat.
He didn't reply but shoved his hands into the pocket of his dress pants.
"How ironic!" He suddenly said.
"An angel," he said, pointing to you who was dressed in an angel costume with its halo headband, "and a devil," he said, placing his hand on his chest to present himself, "met on a rooftop of a building,"
Your eyes were blurry with tears that made you realize that you were crying, cheeks wet and flushed from the cold.
"An angel about to fall but the devil helps her get off the ledge," he finished.
Did he see everything?
You roughly wiped your tears to see him better.
He was wearing a three-piece suit as black as the night, long hair, slicked back, red like hellfire. He has a small face, pale white skin, and small but smoldering eyes, then the lips, red and plump, like a cherry.
He looked at you with his head slightly tilted to the side, observing you like you were an object that intrigued his mind.
And if he weren't blinking, you would have mistaken him as a statue, a perfectly carved marble statue more beautiful than David by Michelangelo.
"Why don't I buy you some drinks and you can tell me how you got here?" He offered, one corner of his mouth raised higher than the other, forming a sinister smile.
You hugged yourself, either your body was seeking warmth or trying to comfort yourself, considering his offer like solving a math problem.
And he took a step closer, held out his hand at you.
You were slightly shivering from the cold, you started to get a runny nose and the invitation suddenly got so tempting, knowing that his hand would offer you some warmth.
You nodded and let him lead you back inside.
He didn't take you back to the Halloween party your company was having, he took you somewhere else, an empty lounge bar that you didn't know even existed in the building.
He welcomed you to sit on one of the stools that face the counter then he stood, took his suit jacket off in an elegant manner, folded it then placed it on the next stool next to you.
He smiled when he caught you watching him rolling the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows without blinking, he spared you from being embarrassed by hurriedly going behind the counter.
He put his hands on the counter and leaned forward at you, "what do you want to drink?" He asked you with eyes pierced right into yours.
"Anything," you answered. You couldn't decide when it felt like all the knowledge in your brain suddenly vanished when he looked at you dead in the eyes like that.
He squinted his eyes as he thought of something to make for you.
"I think I know the perfect drink for you," he said then went on to grab everything.
It was so riveting, seeing him gathering all the ingredients and pouring them one by one into a shaker: ice, red liquid, red-colored syrup, and vodka, finished it with a spritz of lemon.
He started shaking all the mixture together, shaking your thoughts away then hurriedly clearing your throat.
"Are you working here?" You asked.
He cracked a mystifying laugh at you but not answering your question.
He placed a glass on top of the counter and then poured the cocktails into it, seamlessly without spilling a drop.
For the garnish, he put raspberries in a stick into the glass then presented it to you, and slid the glass right in front of you.
The red cocktail sparkling in the dim light, you lifted it close enough to take a sniff of the sweet-smelling drink.
You glanced up at him and he bat his eyelash at you, giving you permission to drink.
You took a careful sip, it was a bit sour, a bit bitter but it was sweet in the end.
You have to admit that he has a prowess for bartending.
"This is good!" You praised him as he cleaned up the counter.
"What it's called?"
"A love potion," he playfully answered.
You blinked a few times, thinking you misheard him.
He laughed, "it's just a raspberry martini!"
He picked up a cherry from a bowl, stuck his tongue just enough to put it on it, bite the stem between his teeth then pulled it out.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
Once again, you got caught ogling over him doing such a mundane thing as eating a cherry.
"I like it," you said, whether he asked about the drink or the scene that just happened in front of you.
He poured himself a drink, a whiskey and you could feel the alcohol burnt your tongue as he filled the glass half full, then added an ice cube.
He went to sit next to you, took a sip of his drink once he was seated then placed the glass on the counter, the ice made a clinking sound inside the glass as he moves.
You clank your drinks together then took sips of your drinks at the same time and it was getting sweeter the more you drink your cocktail.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get there?" He asked, licking his lower lip that made it even more luscious, inviting you to get a taste.
"I don't know. Desperation, I guess," you answered with low giggles. It baffled you that you got to act like that around a stranger you met barely an hour ago.
"Why would a beautiful girl like you be that desperate?" He asked with eyes that secretly assessed you like you were a Rubik's cube that needs to be solved.
"I'm dying," you shortly replied as you stared deep into your drink.
"Figuratively?" He asked.
You laughed but skipped on answering.
"You must think I'm dramatic," you said, you weren't even going to try to shoot your shot. You have no chance with him, there's no use in trying.
"No," he strongly denied yet his voice remained low and calm.
"There's nothing dramatic in letting yourself deep in your feelings," he added.
You looked at him or braved yourself to do so, for a few seconds before looking away.
"I just want it to end," you said.
It surprised you that the words fell out of your mouth like that, you blamed it on the drink but you saw that he only put a shot of vodka in it. There was no way you let loose like this without being drunk first.
"I just want to end my life my way," you said to him, correcting your first statement.
"I'm conflicted because if I do it, my parents will get sad," you explained, "but I don't want to wait for my life to end either. I want to end it my way, at a time that I decided for myself," you said with sadness in your eyes.
"It's my life after all. I get to decide how and when to end my life, right?"
He hummed, trying to catch on to what you were trying to say and gently nodding.
He propped a hand under his chin with his index finger touching his lower lip, looking into your eyes as if he was searching for something in them.
He slightly parted his mouth open and licked his lower lip, making it wetter and redder than before.
"How about you sell your soul to me?"
You burst out laughing, he said it as if he really is a devil with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Yeah, sure!" You played along with him, stirring your cocktail with the stick.
"And in return, you get to have your desired death," he offered a deal.
You ate the raspberries and chewed on them, "that's actually... a nice deal," you said to him.
"I know, right?" He exclaimed, then took a small sip of his drink, "but you have to give me three reasons why I should approve the deal."
"You want me to appeal?"
He nodded.
"Well, first, I don't want to make my parents sad. If I end myself, I can imagine how devastated they would be and I believe they'd blame themselves for it. I don't want that," you explained.
"Second, my life..." you heavily sighed as it summed up how fed up you were with your life, "I feel like there's nothing I can do with my life anymore, it is stagnant like that, it can't go further than this,"
"Or maybe, you haven't looked thoroughly enough," he commented.
"I don't intend to find out anyway," you meekly said, you hurriedly drank your cocktail and let the alcohol burn down the cries trying to escape your throat.
He stayed quiet but intently listened to you, tracing the rim of his glass with his index finger.
"And the third?"
"I told you," you beamed with a foolish smile, this time you were convinced you got a bit drunk.
"You're dying?"
You nodded then finished your drink with one long gulp.
"Figuratively?" He asked for confirmation.
You shook your head, "sadly, no," you said.
You folded your hands on the counter and rested your chin on it, "that's why I don't want to wait for my end to come," you said to him.
He sighed then tilted his head upward, looking up at the ceiling, "And they say life is beautiful?" He sneered at the vast emptiness of the bar.
You let a scornful laugh with eyes drooping lower with each passing second.
"Are those enough to appeal to you?" You asked.
He finished his drink and gasped once he gulped down all of his drink, "I'll think about it," he said.
You snickered, amused that he treated this as if it was real and that he seriously considering it.
"Yeah, take your time," you joked to him with a sleepy smile, and after that nothing.
A day in your life always went like this.
You woke up at 5:30 am, did your laundry then cook breakfast, showered then dressed up for work.
You went out and listened to your neighbor arguing about the trash bags again for the umpteenth time as you passed their door. You bought a cup of coffee and got on a bus to work, on a good day, someone would offer you to sit on their seat but that rarely happens.
You worked as a columnist for a newspaper but mostly, to write a review of children's books and or an event of people who paid the newspaper to write about it, who wanted it to be publicly known.
Your boss never took you seriously, that's why he only gave you jobs that other people won't take and also because you would accept everything he gave you.
"Let me guess, a reunion?" Kim asked, a co-worker who sits next to your desk.
"Close. It's an anniversary of a nursing home," you answered, "one of our executives is one of their biggest donators.”
"Well, of course! You'd better make his name big and bold in the article," she sneered.
"Noted!" You beamed in response.
The little delight in an office like this is to talk about lame things that would make you feel better about your life at least for a few seconds before you descend into the pit again.
You swiveled your chair in her direction, "did you perhaps see me leaving the Halloween party?"
She pursed her lips while tugging a pen between her teeth, "I think the last time I saw you was when you said you needed to get some fresh air," she answered.
You recalled everything you did that night, including the part where you went to the rooftop and almost plunge to your death but that didn't happen. You remembered someone stopped you, took you inside to have a drink then from there, it was a big blank.
You didn't know how you get home that night and woke up in a sweat, your Halloween costume stuck to your skin and your shoes neatly placed on the threshold.
"But I can't remember that night either. Someone from the printing got me on a taxi home," she grimaced.
"Oh yeah, I got a little drunk as well," you said despite your memory of last night was still blurry to you.
"I better get started on my article," then swiveled your chair back, pushed to your desk, and started working.
On the afternoon, you went to the pantry to make your fourth cup of coffee of the day. You waited for the machine to finish while looking out the window.
"Can you make me a cup too?" Someone asked from behind you.
You turned around to find Minho. Your friend since the first year of college, the one who asked you to intern at the newspaper together and got the jobs at the same time, the sole reason why you were still here and the one you've been secretly in love with, your first love and the only person you ever fall in love with, staring at you with a smile on his face.
"A black coffee for Minho. On it!" You said to him.
He walked up to you and helped you get a clean mug from the top cabinet.
His hand brushed yours as he handed the mug to you.
You carefully poured the hot coffee into his mug and ripped a pack of brown sugar to add to it.
"Exactly how I like it!" He exclaimed to you with a satisfied smile.
You walked out of the pantry together while carrying your mugs in your hands, catching up with each other since he worked in a different department with you.
"I didn't see you much at the Halloween party," he said.
You swallowed, "I left early," you quickly answered.
"Why? I think I looked for you all night," he said.
He exaggerated it but you took it that he was being nice to you like he always does to you, "I didn't feel well," you lied, but not entirely.
"It's going to get cold, you better start wearing warm clothes," he softly spoke with a hand on your shoulder.
"Sure, I will," you said.
Someone called for him from across the room and he excused himself and squeezed your shoulder before leaving you.
You followed where he was going, knowing well that what was going to happen next would agonize you.
He came to her girlfriend, stood next to her while she talked to him about something, putting all of his attention on her with a smile on his face.
"Is that for me?" She asked him, pointing to the mug of coffee in his hand.
He considered it for a second and handed it to her, "You can have it!"
And there you were, could only look at someone else having what you wanted the most, his love.
It was your fault. You want all that is not yours. You want someone who doesn't want you back. This was all your fault.
You walked back to your desk and plopped down your chair, took a haste sip of your coffee, and let it burn your tongue as a way to avert the stinging pain you felt inside with a physical one.
"I'm going home!" Your co-worker announced once the clock strike 5 o'clock.
"See you tomorrow!" She said to you then gathered all of her things from her desk.
"See you!" You said back before she exited the office.
You dragged yourself to put your things back into your bag and waited for that one saddest part of your day.
You waited and waited, then there he was, Minho glanced at you with a smile on his face, "hey, aren't you going home?"
"In a bit," you answered and forced a smile for him.
His girlfriend came to his side in a matter of seconds and held his hand, it was like she has a radar that would tell her whenever he got too close to you.
"Let's have dinner next time!" He said and he had said it more than dozens of times already but never did.
But still, the intention alone was enough for you, "Bye Minho!" You said to him.
"Bye!" He said to you then left with her girlfriend.
There was nothing that excites you anymore for the rest of the day, but to mourn your life in your tiny apartment.
You saw your mother's shoes on the threshold and knew right away that she came to your apartment unannounced like she always does.
"Mom, you came without telling me again," you told her because just like all mothers do, she likes being nosy and digging through your things.
She was squatting down in front of your fridge, then sighed, "You know what makes me really sad? When I found your fridge empty like this," she said with an edge to her voice.
"What did you expect, mom? I rarely cook," you told her.
"I'd rather have leftovers and expired food in your fridge than just these," she said as she took out all the empty water bottles.
You sighed because talking back to her would only lead to an endless argument so you refrained and tossed your bag on the empty chair.
"Come! Have dinner with me!" She ordered.
You reluctantly sat on the chair and let her serve you food, obeying her like this so she would go on her way faster and leave you alone for the rest of the night.
She asked the same questions, about life, work, friends, and everything that you have no interest in anymore, which is life in general.
"How's dad?" You finally asked, to stop her from asking more about your life.
"Enjoying his retirement like always," she answered.
Your parents were on the verge of giving up the idea of having children when they had you.
Your mom was in her late 30s when she had you, she almost died when she gave birth to you and that made you precious to them. You are their only child, the one that gave them a chance and the joy to be a parent, their only hope to continue their bloodline and carry their genes and soon to be their biggest disappointment.
She left after giving you a series of scolds, ruffling your hair like she always does since you were little and hugging you, then finally leaving you alone in your own private space.
You sat by the small balcony, hugging your knees while looking out the window, wrapping yourself in a blanket because of the cold gust of winter wind even though spring is around the corner.
You fell asleep on your bedroom floor and woke up to the excruciating migraine that always comes so suddenly, without warning.
You crawled to the bedside table and hoisted yourself to get on the bed, pulled open the drawer to take out the medicine.
You rummaged inside the drawer in the dark, shaking up the last of the pills onto your palm and shoved it down your throat, swallowed it down with a few gulps of water.
You sighed into the void of your bedroom and the walls echoed it back to you.
"You have to start your treatment immediately!" Your doctor insisted.
"Immediately!" He pressured you, completely annoyed with your nonchalant attitude about your own health.
He was the only one who cared about your well-being, even more than you do to yourself.
"I just need pills for the migraines," you told him in a calm manner.
He hissed and sighed through his gritted teeth.
"Do you have any idea how severe your condition is? You are dying! You'll die soon if you don't receive any treatment," he hopelessly reminded you of your grim future.
"I know that really well," you said to him.
Then again, your attitude only pissed him off more.
"Please, let me assist you. Let me help you, it's a shot in the dark but it's worth a try," he said to you, begging with all of his heart. He must have a lot of pity for you, an old man like him feeling sad for a young girl like you, to suffer such an illness instead of him who already bagged so many life experiences.
Aside from the fact that he's taken the Hippocratic oath, he probably thinks of you like his own daughter.
"Doctor, I don't want to receive any treatment. I just want pills for my migraines," you said again, sternly this time.
He reluctantly took his notepad and scribbled something on it, roughly ripped the paper before handing it to you.
"Please reconsider it before it's too late," he said to you.
"I will," you said despite your decision being final.
"Thank you!" You muttered to him at the end.
It started with the constant migraines and pounding headaches, then when it got too unbearable, you got it checked at the hospital.
When you think life can't be more bountiful, it came with a surprise gift: A tumor on your brain.
To put it simply, you were dying, you lived on numbered days and you have roughly 3 months or less to live according to what the doctor said.
You never had any suicidal thoughts before that, but then again, depression is one of the side effects of dying. Because a surprise gift wrapped in the prettiest bow,
You had informed the office that you'd be coming late and once you arrived, you got called to the editor's office because you didn't highlight the amount of donation the executive made to the nursing home and had to redo the whole article. You took one pill before started working, clenching your fists as you began typing on your keyboard, and just breathe.
As usual, you waited for the saddest part of your day to pass, holding his girlfriend's hand like she would fly away if he didn't, fingers intertwined, so tight.
"Hey, have a good evening!" He said to you.
At least he didn't promise the dinner again which made you quietly wish it came true one day.
"You too!" You said back to him with a thin smile.
You popped another pill even though the migraine had slowly diminished, or maybe you took it because you thought it would also lessen the intangible pain inside you.
You spent the night by the balcony again, sitting down by the sill, wrapped in a blanket looking at the half-moon shining so bright above the city.
It was at a time like this you always thought of death.
The question mainly focused on 'when'? When is the good time to die? Now? Tomorrow? Two days again? By the weekend? At the end of the month?
There was always something stopping you, either your brain offering you logical options, to call the hospital and seek treatment but most of the time, it was just the reminder that you need to take care of a few things before the one final, last breath.
It didn't make you sad at all, the more you thought about it the lighter you got like you were stripping away a layer of fear of yourself.
Accepting reality is easier than keep avoiding it.
You got up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous, immediately ran to the bathroom, then vomited into the toilet bowl. Tears, sweat, and hair stuck to your face, you flushed the toilet, collapsing on the bathroom floor after. Curled up on the tiled floor of the bathroom, suffering from the pain that you have to deal with until you eventually die.
After a moment of trying to gain your consciousness, you heard footsteps approaching your way through the vibration on the floor.
Your vision blurred with tears and you could make out the shape of a dark figure looming in the doorway of your bathroom, tall with a hint of red.
You were in no condition to either fight or fight, you barely had any strength to take a stand.
The figure approached you then you felt the warmth of his hand, cupping your cheek.
"You suffer so much," the figure said.
He ran his fingers down your face and forced you to close both of your eyes, it was a simple touch yet it worked to send you into a painless, dreamless sleep.
You made a cup of coffee the second you arrived at the office.
You could feel nauseous from last night lingering inside you and felt another cup of coffee would help. You felt a hand resting on the small of your back and quickly turned on your heel to see who it is, "oh Minho, good morning!" You said, half surprised to see him so early in the office like this.
"You came early!" He said to you.
If he paid attention to you just a little, he would know that you always come early, at the same time every morning.
"Yeah," you half-heartedly answered.
"Which is perfect!" He exclaimed, then leaned against the counter to face you, "I need your help," he said.
"What is it?"
"I have an article and I have to turn it in this afternoon. Can you help me edit it?" He asked as he ripped two packs of creamers with his teeth, then poured it into your coffee.
He stirred it with a spoon while you were holding the mug in your hand, he licked the spoon once he was done then tossed it onto the sink.
"Please?" He asked.
It became a habit of yours, to always submit to his wishes whether you intended to or not.
"Of course!" You said.
You huddled close together in front of his computer, editing the article together and mashing ideas together. He couldn't deny that the two of you made a great team, especially when it comes to writing, it has been like that since college.
"It reminds me of our college years," he said to you.
You turned your head a smiled at him, suddenly aware of the proximity that you hurriedly swiveled your chair to the other way.
"Yes," you sheepishly replied.
"Let me treat you to lunch today!" He said.
"No, it's okay, it's nothing," you kindly refused, holding up your hands at him.
He grabbed your hands and put them down on your lap, "just wait by your desk, I'll pick you up later!" he said with a smile.
Kim invited you for lunch like she always does but you refused since you waited for Minho to pick you up just as he promised.
But he didn't come, even after Kim came back from her lunch and gave you a puzzling look.
"I'm not that hungry," you lied to her and assured her that you felt like skipping lunch.
You got ready for leaving the office, shoving everything into your bag, and didn't even wait for the saddest part of your day to pass like you usually do.
You went home and slept the day away, when you woke up in the dark of your home, you found someone sitting on the balcony that you used to sit on.
You scrambled to turn on the light and found him.
The guy with the hellfire hair and luscious lips, eating an apple.
"I hope you don't mind me taking an apple from your fridge," he said to you.
You roughly pinched the bridge of your nose then rubbed the corner of your eyes, "How do you get in here?" You asked.
"Through the window," he answered.
"But uh... I-" your head was still drowsy.
"I don't think I have apples in the house," you tried again.
He softly sighed, "You should check your fridge because you have a whole box of it," he said.
He got off the balcony and entered your room, standing at the end of your bed looking at you, "I wanted to talk to you yesterday but you didn't look good," he said.
"Talk about what?" You scooted to the edge of the bed, then stopped, your head was spinning and your hands were shaking.
"You shouldn't have skipped lunch and dinner altogether," he said to you.
You limped to exit your bedroom and trudged your way to the kitchen, opened the fridge with all of your strength, finding a whole box of apples inside just like he said.
"Mom..." You sighed with your head still stuck inside the fridge.
He fitted himself in the small space and took two apples, "here, you have one and I have another," he said, handing one to you.
He didn't hesitate to take a bite of the apple and it made a delicious crunching sound that strangely evoke your appetite.
You caved in and took a bite, the sweet juice started to fill your mouth, satisfying your hunger and thirst at once.
He leaned against the kitchen counter, across from you, and looked at you as you stood there chewing on your apple.
"I've been thinking about it," he said.
"About the deal."
"What deal?"
"That you want to sell your soul to me and in return I give you your desired death," he replied.
And it all came back rushing through your head like a bursting dam. He was the guy from that night, the one who helped you get off the ledge, who made you that sweet cocktail, and probably the one who took you home, that's why he knew your address.
You gasped and almost threw the apple away, "you're the guy from that night," you exclaimed at him.
"Glad you remember!" He said to you with an unimpressed look.
"The devil," you recalled.
"In the flesh," he finished your sentence.
"Except that you aren't real," you said.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but he decided to move on "anyway, I brought the contract," he said, pulling out something from behind him, a piece of paper, worn and torn at the seam.
"I wrote down everything in the contract and you can read all of it," he paused to walk up to you then stopped just a step away from you, handing the paper to you.
"Just take your time, no need to rush to sign it and I'll be back before midnight," he said.
You took the paper from him and it smelled exactly like you imagined, a page of an old book.
"B–but how?" You asked in pure confusion.
You exhaled a long breath to calm your erratic breathing, "how do I know that this is all real?"
He soft chuckled while rubbing his chin with his knuckle, "just learn the contract paper," he said then took another bite of his apple before throwing the core into the trash bin.
He walked back to your bedroom and you were late to follow him, you caught the last of him getting out of your window to the balcony. But once you looked outside, there was no sight of him or the red of his hair anywhere.
It was like he just vanished into the night.
What kind of dream did you have last night?
But the details of your dream were too real to be considered just a dream, the apples were indeed there in the fridge, and the contract paper was on the dining table.
You were reading it when Kim all of sudden asked about it.
"Nothing, it's just a flyer," you waved her off and shoved the paper back into your bag.
The dullness of work suffocated you once again and to top that, Minho's girlfriend celebrated her birthday in the office and invited everyone to have something from the table full of a variety of food she ordered.
If Kim wasn't forcing you to have a slice of cake, you wouldn't have been here and eating the cake in silence, forcing it down your throat with your eyes uneasily looking at her, and then at Minho who stood so close like they were joined at the hip.
She sauntered in your direction and you quickly stuffed your mouth with the cake to avoid answering whatever she was going to ask.
"Seems like you really enjoyed the cake," Minho's girlfriend said.
You nodded with a mouth full of food, "yes, it's delicious," you shortly replied.
She smiled then brushed her hair to the back, intentionally showing something flashy on her hand, a diamond ring.
You knew she was baiting you to ask her the question but you didn't want to give her the satisfaction. You and Kim exchanged a glance, you guessed she noticed it too then looked in two different directions, to anywhere but her hand.
"Minho gave me the best birthday present," she blurted out when none of you asked about it.
You nodded but not saying anything.
"I didn't mean for anyone to know but I think good news should be shared, right?"
You stuffed more cake into your mouth and repeatedly noted, you really didn't want to know anything about that ring.
"We got engaged last night!" She announced, pitching her voice a bit louder for everyone around her to hear.
And suddenly, you had a hard time swallowing your food and it just stuck there in your esophagus.
People started making a ruckus then followed by congratulations from here and there.
You weren't sad or mad at all, you were just a little shaken inside. You forced yourself to swallow it all down inside you, whether it was the food or the bitter, harsh truth that you had to stop this masochistic infatuation.
Everyone's first love is meant to fail anyway.
Minho came to her side a moment later, looking unamused that the news was out. It baffled you how his eyes searched for yours first and not his girlfriend. You looked at each other but nothing came out from both of you.
Minho must be terribly stupid if he didn't know that you have feelings for him. It had been years and all these things you did out of devotion for him were too obvious to be missed.
You believed he knew but he decided to stay oblivious about it.
You got a little disappointed, at him and yourself, disappointed at him for leaving you hanging like this, and at yourself, for not having the courage just to say those three words to him.
"Congratulations!" You said to him, smiling even though you were close to tears.
"Thank you!" He meekly said.
You hated your heart so much for wanting what is not yours, for wanting what is not right, for wanting someone who doesn't want you back, for wanting him.
Your nausea returns when you were in the elevator heading down to the lobby. You felt the queasiness bubbling inside, you quickly covered your mouth and breathed through your nose, calming yourself with eyes uneasily looking at the floor number going down with each level.
You broke into a run when the elevator doors slid open, flung to the nearest bathroom, and pushed any door of the stall to find the one that was available.
You vomited everything out into the toilet bowl which got you retching and gasping for air at once.
"Hey, are you okay?" Kim asked.
You didn't know she was following you until she stood by the door clutching your bag in her hands.
"You dropped your bag," she said, one hand keeping the door of your stall open.
You took a tissue and roughly wiped your mouth with it, "Can you please get me my pills from inside my bag?" You begged.
"Sure, sure!" She fumbled to unzip your bag and shoved her hand inside to take out your medicine.
"Give me two," you said to her, holding out your palm at her.
She complied, shook the container until two pills rolled out then handed them to you.
You dry swallowed them and closed your eyes with your back resting against the partition.
"I have water," she offered, pulling out bottled water from her bag.
She uncapped the bottle before giving it to you.
"Thanks!" You muttered.
"Are you sick?" She asked.
You let out a long shaky breath, "I have this..." you paused to take another sip of water, "acute migraine," you lied.
She checked your body temperature but you seemed fine to her except for how you looked, "you look so pale," she sadly said.
"I just took my meds. I'll be okay," you assured her.
She helped you get up from the floor, smoothing down your skirt and fixing your coat, "you should get a taxi home!"
"Yeah, that's a good idea," you told her since there was no use in refusing her kind suggestion.
You sat on the couch waiting for the red-haired whatever man to really come just as he promised last night.
You sat cross-legged and read the contract paper over and over again, still wondering why you played along with him.
"I believe you have read the contract one too many times," he said, appearing out of nowhere behind you.
He walked so gracefully like a model down a fashion runway, poised and cool, his all-black attire supported the whole model's off-duty look.
"How do I know that you're the real devil?" You asked him, never the type to dillydally, especially when it comes to making a deal that involves your life.
"Isn't it obvious enough?" He asked with arms outstretched.
"Or are you hoping that I have horns and red-skinned, scary eyes and claws? Like that?"
You shrugged, "sort of."
He laughed, "my job is to tempt you human and you expect me to do that while looking like a scary creature out of a fantasy book?"
You pursed your lips and shrugged again, "well, that makes sense now," you said, settling the issue with an agreement.
You unfolded the contract paper and pointed to one of the points, "it said that you'll be with me every day. What's that mean?"
"What it literally means. I'll be with you every day, not for the whole 24 hours, of course. I have stuff to do," he said.
"What? Bartending?"
He scoffed.
"That's just ridiculous, I'm not going anywhere," you protested.
"I'm protecting my asset here because what if you had a change of heart?" He sat on the single sofa across from you, crossing his legs and propping a hand under his chin.
"I promise you, I will not," you assured him.
He softly rubbed his lips with his index finger, "are you sure it's not because your unrequited love just got engaged?"
That caught you off guard, "how do you know?"
"I told you, I keep an eye on my asset," he said, now spreading his legs open and propping his elbows on his knees.
You got quiet because you didn’t expect him to know this much about your life.
"So, it's not because of him?"
"No," you strongly denied.
"Let's not take a haste decision," he suggested.
You shook your head, "I think we should sign the contract!” You persisted, took a pen and placed your sign on the bottom corner of the paper.
He laughed when you slid the paper and pen at him, then said, "your turn!"
He burst out laughing, "and you think when you made a pact with the devil signing a paper would do it?"
You glared at him and hissed in irritation, "why didn't you-"
He took the paper and burned it on his palm, turning the paper into ash and smoke.
Your eyes widened in slight shock, it was like a magic trick, except that he wasn't using any trick and no equipment.
"Impressed?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
You cleared your throat and acted coy about it, "no, but you’ll make a great birthday magician," you told him despite what he just pulled off scared you a little but you tried not to get intimidated by him and repressed it by acting nonchalantly.
He stared deep into your eyes as if he tried to look into your head and see what you were thinking. He didn't look away as he pulled out something from the inner pocket of his black suit jacket.
A locket with a thin gold chain and the pendant isn't bigger than your thumb. He hung it around his hand and showed it to you.
He put it inside his palm after you stared at it long enough.
"Before we make a pact, you haven't decided on your death yet," he reminded you.
"I promise you your desired death, but the how and when, you haven't told me yet," he clicked his tongue repeatedly, "you have to be specific when making a pact with the devil," he said while squinting his eyes at you.
"Oh?" You exclaimed. He was right, you were rushing everything and you weren't aware of who you are dealing with.
"I want to die peacefully," you said.
"Like drowning?"
"How is that peaceful?" You asked in disbelief.
"Well, it's in the water and it's quiet. Peaceful!"
You winced, "I want to go..." you raked your brain for the right word to say, "quietly."
He scrunched his nose, thinking of an idea.
"I want to die in my sleep," you offered yours before he gave you other strange ways to die.
"Okay, I can do that," he said.
"Next question: when?" He asked, leaning forward at you in curiosity.
"Soon," you shortly replied.
"How soon?"
"Soon enough."
"Too soon," you snarked.
"A week from now?"
"One month from now?"
"Too long," you said.
He rolled his eyes in a rather dramatic way and came up with a suggestion real quick, "13 days, that's my final offer!"
You thought it over, two weeks. Would you be able to get your affairs in order in two weeks? It was kind of ideal, it wasn't soon nor late, it was right.
He got up from the sofa and you unconsciously followed him, getting up from the couch as well. You both took a step closer and stood facing each other in the small living room of your apartment.
"Give me your hand!" He ordered.
You complied and held out your hand at him.
He took a breath to finally grab your hand, wrapping his hand around you and you did the same.
"Are you sure you want to sell your soul to me?" He asked, sounding all business and serious.
You swallowed air then cleared your throat before answering, "yes."
"And in return, you want a peaceful death?"
"13 days from now?"
"Yes," you undoubtedly replied.
A fire alight, setting both your clasped hands in a blazing fire but surprisingly, you didn't feel hot or in pain, it was warm, like your hand wrapped in mittens.
"Oh fuck!" You cursed under your breath, it shocked you but weirdly, you didn't try to take your hand away from him. Your eyes flicked to his face, his eyes turned into shades lighter than the usual dark eyes, gleaming like the eyes of a tiger in the dark.
"In a matter of 13 days, your soul will be mine," he said with eyes that looked right into you, so deep like he talked right into your soul that soon will be his.
You couldn't lie but felt a little frightened inside, you could feel beads of cold sweat form on your back and probably seep into your shirt.
"Congratulations, your life is officially cursed and you'll burn in hell forever!" He said with a smile that was the opposite of what he said to you. Then the fire went off, he let go of his hand to take out the locket again and opened it to reveal what looked like a clock but strangely, there was no number on it, just the needles.
"Places your thumb on it!" He ordered.
He gently led your thumb to the little needle in the center of the locket and pressed your thumb on it.
You yelped when your fingerpad made a contact with it, you pulled your hand away out of reflex to see that you had pricked your finger on the needle of the small clock inside the locket.
The drop of blood started filling the locket, crimson-colored liquid spread inside like a blooming flower then magically, the clock started ticking. The clock ran backward and that was when you realized that it was counting down the time to your death.
"13 days!" He said to you, opening your hand to place the locket on your palm.
You stared at the clock that counted down the time that led to your death.
Tick, tick, tick.
You had been wasting a full 60 seconds just staring at it in a mix of wonder and fear, you have a lot to say yet you were so speechless. You quickly shut the locket and put the chain around your neck, then you felt it, the weight of the pact you just made with the devil.
He helped you by fixing the hair caught in your necklace, "I brought just the right drink for the occasion!" He announced.
He poured wine into your mug in such elegance and didn't spill a drop by quickly spinning the bottle, then wiped it with a napkin.
You clank your mugs together since you don't have any wine glasses in the apartment.
"To cursed life!" He said as you both made a toast.
"To cursed life!" You repeated his words in a low, hesitated voice.
He sipped his wine and made it look like he sipped ambrosia in a goblet instead of wine in a mug.
"Having a second thought?" He asked, catching you holding the locket resting on your chest.
You quickly shook your head, "no."
"What are you going to do on your last few days in the mortal world?" He asked, tracing the rim of his mug with his index finger.
"Get my affairs in order," you replied, clasping your hands around your mug like you were seeking warmth from it.
"You need help?" He asked.
You awkwardly laughed, "what can you do?"
"I can do a little mischief here and there," he said, his finger flying to his lips, playing with the plump of his lower lip.
"That would be against my plan of 'going quietly'," you reminded him.
"What's with 'going quietly'? Why not 'go with a bang'?" He suggested, making a gesture of explosion above his head.
"I just..." you paused because you didn't know the answer. Why you should go quietly?
"I think it's easier that way," you replied with an answer that you weren't confident in.
He nodded and didn't ask further about it. He took another sip and let the silence hang in the air between you and him.
You looked at him, in his usual attire of black outfit and red hair slicked back, pale skin with eyes back to their intense black color.
And you wondered how he ended up here?
"What should I call you?" You suddenly asked him.
"You can call me baby, darling, love," he listed all the pet names he liked to be called with.
"I don't like to be called cutie, but for you, I'll allow it," he finished with a wide smile that made him look more human than he was supposed to be.
You rolled your eyes at him and inaudibly sighed.
"Hyunjin," he quickly said.
"You can call me Hyunjin," he said again while taking another sip of his wine.
You nodded, and that was enough information for the day. That he really is the devil, named Hyunjin and you just made a pact with him. Your eyes shot at the locket and at the reminder of it, you heard the sounds of the seconds being deducted from your life.
Tick, tick, tick.
"That's a nice necklace!" Kim beamed the moment she noticed the necklace dangling around your neck.
"Oh, this?" You asked her.
"Is it vintage?"
"Uh..." you stalled to find an answer, "yes, I bought it online," you lied.
"That's so nice!" She praised.
"Text me the online shop cause I want one,"
You stifled a nod, "yes, I will," you lied again.
At this point, you didn't care about all the lies you tell people, you are going to burn in hell for eternity anyway.
You were coming back from lunch with Kim when you met Minho in the lobby, he looked like he was waiting for you from the way he got up from his seat the moment he saw you coming through the entrance.
"Hey, want to have coffee together?" He asked you.
Kim realized that he didn't ask for her to be present there and excused herself to go back to the office.
"Okay," you replied.
You had been sitting facing each other and the cups of iced coffee dripping wet from the condensation, you waited for him to say something with your hands clasped under the table.
"What is it, Minho?" You asked him because he kept quiet the whole time you sat there.
"You have something to say to me?"
It seemed like he was unable to decide what he wants to talk about first, you guessed he wanted to talk about yesterday.
"I wasn't planning on proposing to her," he blurted out.
You looked at him rather wide-eyed, didn't expect him to say it like that.
"I was planning on gift her a ring. Not proposing to her," he explained.
"But her parents were present and she got ecstatic the moment she saw it," he paused to catch a breath, "I couldn't just say that I didn't mean to propose to her, she looked so happy. I-"
"Minho, I'm not asking," you reminded him.
His face gradually turned sour, "I just thought that maybe I need to explain-"
"Whatever you do or did or done with your girlfriend is none of my business," you quickly told him, settling the matter before he pried more than you allowed him to.
Your words seemed to surprise him and he was quiet for a while, "I don't want things to change between us," he said.
You badly wanted to ask him what exactly you two have. What you are to him? And what he takes you for?
"What are you talking about? We'll always be good friends," you remarked with a sweet smile.
A smile bloomed on his face, "yeah, of course, we'll always be good friends, right?"
You nodded even though he clearly drew the invisible line that you shouldn't cross.
He took a long sip of his coffee and gasped in satisfaction, "I'm writing a special article," he said.
He nodded, "yes, it's for the spring special-themed article," he replied.
You stirred your iced coffee with the straw, making the ice cubes clink against the glass.
"That's great, Minho!" You complimented him without looking at him.
"Can you help me with it?" He asked.
"I like it when we work together," he added.
You stirred and stirred, watched as the coffee made a swirl inside your glass.
You stopped stirring when the coffee was about to slosh out of the glass, "sure, I'd love to," you said.
There you go, making the same mistake over and over again, despite knowing that you would only get pain in return.
You were brushing your teeth when you saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
You got startled that you spat onto the sink, "coming back from whispering evil deeds into people?" You sneered at him then washed your mouth with running water.
He folded his hands and leaned against the door of your bathroom, "yes, and I should've told you to throw your iced coffee at him," he sneered back.
You got quiet, he wasn't only spying on your life but also knew what happened between you and the people around you.
You got on your bed and covered your body up to your chest with the duvet.
"That's it for the day?" He asked you.
"I'm going quietly," you reminded him with your back facing him.
He softly chuckled, "Goodnight!"
You didn't reply but the lingering silence got you curious if he was still there watching you sleep. You turned on your bed but he was already gone.
You haven't gotten to your desk yet when you got called to the editor's office, papers flying in your direction the moment you got in.
"You called this a piece of writing?" He asked you, the veins on his neck popped and strained in rage.
You opened your mouth to speak but he cut off you again with his shout, "do it all over again!"
You picked up the paper from the floor and took it with you back to the desk, you saw that this wasn't even your writing, it was someone else's but he had done it a handful of times, which means he wanted you to fix the writing and rewrite it again.
"Why does he always blame you for the mistakes others did?" Kim nagged with her head snapped at the editor's office.
You shrugged.
"Why didn't you say something?" She said with exasperation.
"You know it's useless," you responded while stacking the paper by its order.
She heavily sighed but didn't say anything back because she also knew that the editor is a really stubborn piece of work.
You spaced out while clutching your locket on your chest, feeling the ticking with every breath you took.
You could feel every second without needing to open the locket.
Tick, tick, tick.
"I knew that you'll be here," Minho said as he found you waiting for the coffee machine done making the coffee.
You turned on your heels, "yes, hi," you nervously answered.
"Have you got your coffee yet? I want to show you something," he said.
You nodded and collected your mug filled with freshly made coffee, "yes."
He took you to his desk and showed you the article he was writing for the spring-themed article, you scanned the words but the lines kept slipping off your mind, unable to focus.
"Yes, it's good," you said to him.
"Are you sure?"
"Uhm..." you hummed in confusion, your hand flew to your temple but nothing came to mind.
"I'm sorry, I can't seem to focus," you gave up trying and apologized.
He smiled at you, "it's okay, we can work on it some other time," he assured you.
You smiled back at him and took your mug with you, "sorry," you muttered.
"Let's have lunch together!" He suggested again, stopping you on your track.
"I can't. I have a doctor's appointment," you told him and it felt good on rejecting him without having to lie.
"Oh? Okay," he replied.
You didn't have a doctor's appointment but the doctor kept on calling you to come to the hospital, probably his last endeavor to convince you to get treatment.
And you were right, "I have thought it over like you asked and my decision is final, I will not get treatments," you sternly told him.
He sighed in defeat, pulled his drawer open, and placed a brochure right in front of you.
"Will you at least consider coming to this?" He asked.
You could tell that the brochure was a support group for cancer patients and survivors. It was a hard pass but to put an ease on the doctor's mind, you smiled and said, "maybe I will," you answered.
You were reading a children's book for you to review when he came, reading the title of the book out loud, "Chase the end of the rainbow," he recited, then chuckled.
"There is literally nothing at the end of the rainbow," he sneered then plopped down on the single sofa.
"It's just rain and puddles," he added then put his long legs on the coffee table.
You lowered the book enough to look at him, "did you make anyone cry today?" You playfully asked.
"I broke the ice cream machine again," he bragged, "I think yes, a few people cried."
"How fun!" You exclaimed with fake enthusiasm then flipped the page of the book.
He watched you reading the book, then got curious about it, he sat next to you and leaned so close to you so he could read it too.
You could smell the faint of his natural scent, of something strong, a bit musk and smokey. You turned your head just enough to see him, the side profile of his perfectly sculpted face and its facial features that complement each other.
He is so beautiful, it didn't make sense to you.
You shut the book and gave it to him, "you can read it," you said to him then went to your bedroom.
"Goodnight!" He shouted to you before you shut your bedroom door.
"Hey, you haven't sent me the name of the shop for that beautiful necklace," Kim said as she placed a cup of iced coffee on your desk.
You faked an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, I forgot," you muttered.
"Thanks for the coffee!" You added and took a sip.
Kim leaned at your computer screen to read the article you were writing and read it loud enough for both of you, she sighed when she came to the end of the paragraph.
"Sometimes I wonder why you're stuck here with me," she mumbled with a hand on her waist.
"You're literally wasting your talent here," she said with a hand on your shoulder.
You could only smile at her but you were sure that a new job wouldn't make a difference anyway. The tumor would still be there in your brain and you still be as miserable as you were here so what's the point?
You were waiting for the elevator to arrive when Minho took your hand and grinned when you looked at him.
"Have lunch with me!" He said while shaking your hand.
You turned your head at Kim, "I'm going with Kim," you said.
Minho looked at her, "mind if I borrow her for today?" He sweetly asked.
Kim uneasily glanced at you and caught the signals you threw at her with your eyes, but she said the opposite thing, "sure."
Minho always looked more relaxed when her girlfriend isn't around, she was having a meeting outside of the office and that was also why he bravely took you out for a lunch.
"You don't like it?" He asked.
"I'm not that hungry," you replied. You've been eating your food little by little. It comes as no surprise that losing your appetite is also a side effect of dying.
He looked at you with his head slightly tipped to the side, "you look a little pale," he said.
You took a sip of water, "I've been having trouble sleeping," you said but didn't tell him it was because of the migraine that kept you awake.
He reached for your face and pressed the back of his hand, checking your temperature, "you're a bit warm," he said.
You put his hand away from your face and gently put it down on the table, "I'm okay. I'm alright," you assured him.
He doubted you but nodded, continued eating his food, and shifted the conversation elsewhere.
"Remember the second year of college? That time we got on the back of the pick-up truck with the stage props, it was raining and we were both sick with flu the next day," he was talking with a smile on his face like the memory was so vivid to him.
Yes, those days were the happiest because it was so much simpler back then. It was just you and him stressing over college and nothing else. There was little responsibility, no articles to write, there was no girlfriend who keeps him on a leash and you didn't know that there was a tumor growing in your brain.
"You were sick but you insisted on taking care of me," he suddenly got all serious.
You gripped the fork in your hand tighter because why did he take you on an unwanted trip down memory lane? Shouldn't he know that those memories would only be nothing more than just memories? Soon he'd be forgetting all about it as he makes new ones with his dear fiancé.
"I'm finished," you said, putting down your cutlery and sliding the plate aside.
"I'll take care of the bill!" You announced because you needed to be as far away as possible from him.
He grabbed you by the elbow, "I'll do it!"
"No, you finish your meal! I have to go to the restroom anyway," you said with a thin smile and put his hand away.
On the way back to the office, Minho talked about the article he was writing but your mind was elsewhere, drifting here and there.
"So, what do you think?" Minho asked.
He cracked a laugh, "you weren't listening," he meekly said.
You shoved your hands into your coat pockets, "I'm sorry."
"Have a lot in your head?"
Aside from the tumor? You asked in your head.
"Not really," you answered.
He pushed the door open and held it open for you.
"Shouldn't you have a lot in your head?" You asked back.
He scanned his ID card before entering the building, "what do you mean?"
"You know with the engagement and everything," you casually said.
You didn't mean to but he was the one who started talking about those days when in reality, those days are over and he should be worrying about the accidental engagement.
Minho got quiet but strangely, you didn't feel bad at all. The sound of the elevator dinging open saved Minho from the question and you both got into the elevator.
Right before the doors slid shut, you caught a red-haired man smiling at you from afar, so sinister like a Chesire cat.
Out of reflex, you clutched the locket on your necklace and felt the needles counting down the seconds of your life.
Tick, tick, tick.
"You have 11... uh no wait, 10 days more to live and your plan is to finish your favorite TV series," Hyunjin said as he plopped down on the sofa next to you and took a handful of popcorn from the bowl.
"Did you happen to whisper any evil things into my ear?"
His eyebrows knitted together, "where?"
"At the office."
"A little after lunch."
He shook his head, "not sure," he vaguely answered and filled his mouth full of popcorn.
You looked at him and observed him, trying to figure him out.
He grabbed your chin, then turned your head to face the TV.
"If you're the devil that means you've been to hell?" You asked out of the blue.
"You make it sound like going to hell is a hospital visit," he said and slumped on the sofa.
"I came from hell."
"You were born there?"
He shrugged and took another handful of popcorn.
"Is it really that hot?" You asked out of pure curiosity and did everyone a favor for asking it.
"You'll find out soon," he shortly replied.
You pouted but despite the disappointing answers, your curiosity remained the same.
"Do you mingle with humans?"
He leered at you, "mingle?"
"You know, have a relationship with human..." your words trailed off, again, this was out of pure curiosity.
"Like us?" he pointed to both you and him.
You snorted, "what we have is a business deal."
"Like you and Minho then?" He teased.
You grimaced, "pfft... I hope not."
He chuckled and tugged a popcorn between his teeth, "why are you so curious?"
You put the bowl of popcorn onto his lap so hard sending some of it falling onto the floor, "You know everything about my life but I don't know anything about you and I'm going to die in 10 days, so please, entertain this dying lady," you complained.
He gently placed a hand on your elbow and it felt hot but bearable, "no need to be that hopeless," he playfully said.
You glared at him.
"The answer is yes," he finally admitted.
That intrigued you, so he did mingle with humans and your focus next was to figure out what kind of relationship he's into.
You nodded.
"I don't think there are that many differences in how I have sex with how humans have sex," he casually said.
"Oh?" His answer took you aback.
"Oh!" You said again when it finally registered to you. So, it was all just physical to him. You didn't know why you expect more in the first place?
"What? You think I want to be romantically involved with the mortals?" He asked with a condescending smirk.
The way he said 'mortals' made it sound like humans are pathetic creatures just like how humans think of worms.
"Who knows?" You said with a shrug but deep down, you wished that he got karma for saying that.
He sighed and took the remote, replaying the episode from the beginning.
"Hey, I was watching that!" You said and tried to snatch the remote back from him.
"Be honest, you didn't watch any of it because you kept asking me questions," he said and hid the remote behind his back.
"How mature of you!" You sneered.
He stuck his tongue out at you in response.
You shook your head in disbelief that this entity sitting next to you is the devil and he came from hell.
You've been busy trying to finish an article since this afternoon and it seemed like you have to work overtime.
As soon as you finished and submitted it, your editor gave you another one to rewrite.
When you came back to your desk, Minho was there sitting on your desk and playing with your stress ball.
"Why are you here?" You asked and you didn't mean to be brash. It was just that everyone in the office already left and you were stuck there to pick up after someone's mess
If Minho wanted to remember the good old days with you, he should know that this wasn't the right time for it.
"I saw that your bag and coat are still here," he answered and got off your desk.
"I'm busy. I have to finish another article today," you simply said and hoping that he'd just leave you alone.
"Do you need help?"
"I'll handle it myself," you refused with a thin smile.
"Sure. I'm sure you can handle it well," he said but he seemed rather disappointed by the answer.
He smacked his lips together then he put a small paper bag on your desk, "this is for you!"
He slid the paper bag until it was right in front of you, "you said you have trouble sleeping so I bought you some chamomile tea and I think there are other kinds of tea too inside—"
He always does this, putting you on a pedestal, raising your hope and when you thought you stacked your hope high enough to reach him, he knocked it all down.
Over and over and over again and the end is always the same, he left you alone to pick up the pieces.
"You don't like it?" He asked since you got really quiet.
"I like it, thanks. But just stop," you replied and pushed the paper bag back to him.
"I bought it for you," he said and pushed it back to you.
You looked at him right in the eyes, "no. I want you to stop doing anything nice!" You enunciated every word so he heard you loud and clear.
He looked rather confused by what you said and cracked a laugh, "Why?"
"I just need you to stop being nice to me unless you're going to be with me," you dared to hold eye contact with him.
He cracked another laugh, probably thinking you were playing with him.
"You think I'm being funny?"
His laugh died down and his face turned serious.
"See? You can't keep being nice to me and I can't keep pretending that this is something that it's not!" You told him.
Since half of it already spilled out of your mouth, the rest would have to come out as well.
"We've been friends for years. You know me, you know who I am," your voice quivering because it hurts letting these words out of your chest, "you either want to be with me or not."
Minho opened his mouth to speak but close it again, when he managed to say something, he was stammering, "we're friends and I don't want to make it complicated—"
How dare he said all that when he's the one who had been playing with your feelings and made things complicated!
"Bullshit!" You cut him off midsentence, "it's just bullshit!"
It seemed like you just spat acid at him that he stood there with his feet nailed to the floor.
"Where is this coming from?" He probably couldn't believe that his friend who's always said yes to everything he said holding this much anger inside of her.
"From the place I've been hiding from you for about three years," it was painful to admit how miserable you were pining for him for the last three years.
"Three years because I haven't wanted to seem demanding and I haven't wanted to seem needy or pathetic or… whatever!"
The tears rolled down your cheeks and you wiped them with your knuckle, "so, I haven't asked you."
You stared into his eyes again, wide and surprised at your confession.
"But I..." the tears caught in your throat the more you tried to fight them, "I have to. I mean..."
Despite having an inkling of what his answer would be, you gave him another chance by asking him the only question he needed to answer once and for all.
"Do you want to be with me?"
From the silence that Minho let it went on too long, you knew what the answer is. It was exactly like you had predicted and he didn't need to say it out loud, you knew.
Tears streamed down your face and you looked down at your lap, hiding your sadness from him.
You quickly recovered, wiping your wet cheeks with the back of your hand, and looked at him again.
At that moment, you decided that it was time to put an end to this.
"I can't do this anymore, Minho."
You left him and went someplace to cry by yourself, consoled yourself with the fact that you can start letting him go. Years of loving him only brought you tears and pain.
Minho left the paper bag on your desk and you shoved it inside your drawer and started working on the second article before it got really late.
"Before you go home, can you do another one?" Your editor asked as you've just submitted the article.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, sir!"
His forehead creased, unamused by your answer, "what are you talking about?"
As you worked by yourself at your desk while crying from breaking up with someone who's not even your boyfriend, Kim's words replayed in the back of your head. She spoke the truth that day, that you've been wasting your talent here and no one even had an ounce of respect for you in there.
And you came to a decision to, "I quit," you said and handed him the freshly printed resignation letter.
"Thank you for these past..." you paused to think of a word to describe your experience of working in this office and none came to mind except negative words.
"...wonderful years, sir!" You decided to end it with a nice note because you weren't the same with them but you didn't wait for his approval.
You let out a big sigh when you got out of his office, packed your things, and left.
You used to think that losing a job is a frightening thing but after you did it, it wasn't that bad at all. The world is still spinning and the sky isn't falling down on you. If anything, you have fewer things to worry about.
You sat on the balcony with a blanket wrapped around you, looking out at the view and the night sky.
Funny that you missed having Hyunjin around when all he does is annoy you.
This empty space only made you think of what happened that day, with you and Minho, and how things ended.
Maybe you were selfish for wanting him but he has no right to toy with your feelings, maybe you did ruin years of friendship but it felt so right.
Yet you were crying as you curled up on the bed and the tears seeped into your pillow.
A part of you was glad that Hyunjin wasn't there. You could imagine him making fun of you for looking so miserable on your last days on earth.
You forgot that you're unemployed, you woke up, showered, and cooked breakfast then when it hits you that you didn't have to go to work, you have no idea what to do next.
You might be dying but how could you forget being a normal person?
You ended up watching TV and ate the endless supply of tangerines your mom secretly put in your fridge. You napped and ordered lunch, watched some more TV, read some news on the internet, ate some more tangerines, and tried to cook yourself dinner.
You gave up when you couldn't find anything in your fridge. Your mom is right, it was an alarming thing to see an empty fridge.
"How do you like your unemployment?" Hyunjin appeared when you closed the fridge.
You sighed and took your phone, scrolling down the list of restaurants to order your dinner. "Fantastic!" You replied but with a deadpan.
He leaned on the kitchen island and looked at your phone screen, "Let's have some meat for dinner!"
You tipped your phone and got it out of his sight, continued scrolling.
When the food came, you spread them on the table in the living room and sat on the floor. You treated yourself to a big dinner since it was your first day of unemployment. From the amount of food you ordered, they put in three pairs of chopsticks and Hyunjin successfully secured a pair.
"You can't finish all this food by yourself," he said with squinted eyes then tore open the paper wrapper with his teeth.
You ignored him and started opening the lids, sending the mouth-watering smell wafting around the room. You slapped Hyunjin's hand as he went straight for the sliced meat.
You hissed, reminding him who had the right to eat it first since you bought it and doing so with a smirk on your face while he waited for you to finish, tugging the end of the chopsticks between his teeth.
"Can I have it now?" He asked.
Something about him reminded you of that naughty kid you knew in kindergarten, who liked to scare you by holding a caterpillar close to your face with a stick. He's annoying but in the most childish way and that was strange when you remembered that he came from hell.
"You were so cool yesterday," he said with a mouth full of rice but managed to put on a proud grin at you.
You continued eating but listened intently to what he said with stuffed cheeks.
"Breaking up with Minho," he continued.
"Oh wait, is it called breaking up even though you're not dating?"
You stabbed a piece of omelet with your chopsticks and ate it in one bite.
"I think you're the coolest when you..." he put down his chopstick and demonstrated how you slammed the resignation letter on your boss's desk.
"That's so badass!" He added in awe.
You couldn't remember the last time someone complimented you and how nice it feels, you didn't want to show him that so you suppressed your laugh by stuffing your mouth with more food.
"But winter isn't really a good time to quit your job you know," he continued, "I heard you spend more money during the winter because of gas, electricity..."
You blocked his chopsticks from taking more food and put them away, glaring at him.
He grinned at you with apologetic eyes, "I mean... why don't you get another job?"
"Why should I?" You simply asked.
He shrugged, "you have that thing called what... ambition or something like that."
"I'm not that ambitious," you said and it was true, you have enough from living day to day.
"If a painter dreams of having their paintings hung in the Louvre then a writer like you must have dreamed of seeing your writing somewhere, right?" He asked again.
It took you back to when you were in college and thinking of getting a job as a writer. You did the internship intending to fill in your resume and what happened years after that, let's say you were foolish enough for following a man and not your dream. You do have one and it is to write for the Daily K newspaper.
"I do," you answered.
He pointed his chopsticks at you, "Why don't you try to apply for a job there?"
You took a sip of water and thought why do you bother trying, it's a shot in the dark.
"I only have to live for a few more days anyway," you answered with a shrug.
"That's the point! You only have a few more days to live so you have nothing to lose, right?" He was talking but his eyes were looking at the last piece of meat and he knew that you noticed.
When you thought about it again then yes, you have nothing to lose. You can apply for a job and whether you got accepted or not, it wouldn't hurt since you'll be leaving the world forever.
You pushed the plate with the last piece of meat at him.
A smile rose on his face with his eyes formed two crescent moons.
How long was it since the last time you updated your resume? It was a long time ago that you couldn't remember it and you've been staring at your laptop screen, didn't know what to do with it.
"Shouldn't you be like... write something about yourself?" Hyunjin said, lying on the sofa and flicking the channels on the TV while you sat on the carpeted floor.
"Yeah sure, my bleak life story would make them hire me," you sneered and propped a hand under your chin, still trying to come up with something to write.
"Maybe all you need is a shot of courage!" Hyunjin said.
You looked over your shoulder but he was no longer on the sofa, he was there in the kitchen holding a bottle of tequila at you.
"No thanks!" You turned down his idea straight away and looked back at your laptop, still having no idea what to write. "Where did you find it though?"
He uncapped the bottle, "it was hidden under the sink," he said and poured himself a shot of tequila.
Ah, you remembered that's where you hide your alcohol just in case your mom is coming unannounced and doing an inspection around your place.
He hissed after taking a shot and looked at you, "you sure you don't want it?"
"To relax the nerves?" He persuaded you once more and shook the bottle at you, his red hair looking like a swaying flame under the fluorescent light.
It was really tempting and you really did need a shot of courage, "I can't do this sober anyway," you finally caved in.
Hyunjin brought the bottle and two shot glasses to the living room with a grin on his face. He initiated a toast, raising his shot glass in the air, and said, "To cursed life!"
You clank your drink with his and meekly repeated his words, "To cursed life!"
You were too confident in yourself and could handle the alcohol well since you had a big dinner earlier. Somehow, your brain worked after a few shots and your fingers started typing nonstop. When you were done, you read it out loud to Hyunjin and asked for his opinions.
"Booooooring!" He booed, stacking his hands together and putting his chin on top.
"You should write it how you would write an article for them," he said, his plush lips red and puckered.
"Can you even get drunk?"
He closed his eyes, then grinned, "No."
You scoffed and started writing again while Hyunjin refilled both of your glasses with more alcohol. He really is the goddamn devil that you couldn't keep track of how many shots you have taken. It was blurry from there, your fingers didn't feel like they were typing but you saw how the page slowly filled with words.
You remembered reading it to him after and he laughed. You didn't know what was so funny about all this but you laughed to the point that you almost spit your drink. You both huddled in front of your laptop together and drank more tequila straight from the bottle in turns.
"This is it!" He said.
"I don't know. This sounds... so..."
"Out of this world?"
You laughed.
"Send it!"
You moved the cursor to the send button.
Hyunjin brought his mouth close to your ear, "hit the send button!"
You shivered, "oh, the devil's whisper!"
"Hit it!" He said right into your ear, a little louder.
You pushed him away while giggling and covered your ears, "okay, okay!"
You squinted your eyes with your finger only an inch away from clicking, sending in your resume through an email.
When you opened your eyes, there was a pop-up notification that the email has been sent.
"Oh fuck!" You sighed and lay yourself down on the carpeted floor.
Hyunjin lay there next to you, "see? It's not that hard!"
You stared at the ceiling with your eyes started drooping, "I'm so tired."
"You should go to bed it's cold in here," Hyunjin nudged your shoulder with his.
But it felt comfortable and you could barely keep your eyes open anymore.
"I'm sleepy," you whined.
"It's cold!" He grumbled.
Without opening your eyes, you grabbed his arm and held it close. His body heat was enough to keep you warm.
"It's warm now," you slurred and started to slowly drift into sleep.
You woke up with a cold sweat and fumble to get off the bed, then reality hits you like a bucket of cold water.
"Fuck, I keep forgetting that I'm unemployed," you groaned and went back to sleep.
You woke up after a few more hours of sleep and ordered lunch right away. Ignoring the mess from last night, an empty bottle of tequila, the dirty dishes on the table, and your laptop died from running out of battery.
Your head was pounding but you knew that it was not the usual migraine, it was the hangover.
You took a shower next, trying to get rid of the alcohol stinks, and washed the hangover away.
You felt a little better in the afternoon but your stomach still felt a little sick. You opened the fridge to only groan at how empty it was except for the bottles of water and a half box of tangerines.
You rummaged through the box of your office stuff and found the paper bag Minho gave to you that day. There were boxes of different kinds of teas inside with the name of the tea and what it's good for written on each box.
Putting your pride aside and making yourself a cup of chamomile tea, the smell of it instantly relaxed you.
"Make a cup for me too!" Hyunjin said, lying on the sofa with his hands under his head.
"Make one yourself!" You said and took a small sip of your tea.
"I feel like dying here!" He whined while lying sideways on the sofa like he was posing for a photoshoot.
"No offense," he quickly added at the end of the sentence.
You took another sip and felt better already, or you suggested to your brain that it was working on you.
"None taken!" You plainly answered.
He got up from the sofa and stretched out his long arms, his red hair messy on the back, "what's for dinner?"
That reminded you to start looking at restaurant menus, went to your bedroom to get your phone, and saw two missed calls from Kim.
You were about to hit a call back when the doorbell rang.
"Is that the food?" Hyunjin asked from the living room.
You got out of the bedroom while holding your phone, "I haven't ordered yet," you answered.
You came to the door and opened it, got stunned at the person behind it.
He was the last person you wanted to see but there he was, standing in front of you, Minho.
"Can I come in?" He asked with a smile.
You let him in because it's basic etiquette, you wanted to be polite, nothing more than that.
Hyunjin was already gone when you got back inside but Minho saw the paper bag he gave you on the kitchen island.
"You were having tea?" He asked.
You didn't want to give him the satisfaction that you cherished the things he gifted for you but it was too late to hide it. You decided to play coy, "you want one?"
"Yes, please!"
You went behind the kitchen island and made him a cup of tea, doing it to ignore looking him in the eyes because you knew what those eyes can do to you.
You kept doing it when you served the steaming hot cup of tea to him.
"Thank you," he muttered but didn't take a seat on the chair.
You stood there next to the dining table, suddenly feeling like you were the one visiting his house and not the other way around.
"You are eventually going to look at me, aren't you?" He asked.
So he noticed that you've been trying to avoid them, you took a deep breath to finally look him in the eyes. There was a part of you that was glad of seeing him again and you hated yourself for it.
"I came here because I had to see you," he began, taking out the hands that has been deep inside his jeans pockets.
"Had to," he emphasized.
And that part has taken a bigger part of you the longer you stared into his eyes.
"I just don't understand this," you said.
You put your hand on the table for support as you felt like you were about to crumble down all over again.
"I mean... I was right there for years, remember?"
Even the soothing smell of the tea didn't work on relaxing you anymore.
"'This was a mistake' that's what you said to me once, that we weren't right for each other."
He looked a bit perplexed, lost in your words. "Well, I don't remember that," he innocently said.
Unlike you, he wouldn't remember saying that but you remembered how and when he said it, how those three words stuck with you ever since.
He took a step closer and placed a hand on yours, "I just know that I hated when you're gone."
He held your gaze before continuing to talk, "I kept looking at your desk at work and it was driving me crazy that I wasn't hearing from you."
He puts his forehead on yours and sighed in relief as he has just found a haven, "I don't want to lose you."
You were on the verge of plunging into another heartbreak but at the same time, couldn't say no to the thrill, "Oh... Minho," you said so hopelessly. And you hated yourself for letting him get to you, holding you by your neck, and winning your heart all over again.
"Come here," he held your face in your hands and leaned in, putting his lips on you, tearing down your guard like it was nothing but a mere warning sign.
Here you were, letting him take you to your bed and kiss all of your doubts away.
The shape of his body fits you perfectly as he lay there next to you and held you close, if this was a mistake then why it feels so right?
You pulled away to catch a breath and looked at him again to confirm that you weren't imagining it.
"I'm taking a long break at the end of the year," he said.
His hand splayed on your back with his thumb teasing the hem of your t-shirt, "I was thinking we can go on a trip together," he came up with the plan out of the blue.
"Somewhere warm with good food. Somewhere where I can see you wearing that red swimsuit I gave you," he added and pecked your lips. He once gave you a pair of swimsuits on your birthday since you planned on taking a summer vacation but the trip was canceled because your father got sick.
"What do you think?" He asked.
The invite came too suddenly and the end of the year was a month away, you only have a week in your life but sure, a trip with him, anywhere it is would be nice.
"It sounds great," you replied.
He puts a strand of hair away from your face before placing a gentle kiss.
"Do you mean that? I mean, are you free to do that?" You asked because you still couldn't process this, him coming and he made out with you on your bed, then asking you to come on a trip with him.
"Well, I came here to see you. I'm here now," he said and pecked your lips again.
You got a little uneasy from his vague answer and jerked your head back, "that didn't exactly answer my question."
You propped your elbow against the mattress and put a space between you and him, "does this mean you're not engaged anymore? I mean, you come here to tell me that, right?"
Minho sighed with his eyes closed and placed a hand on your shoulder, "I wish you could just accept knowing how confused I am about all this."
You shrugged his hand off your shoulder, "so you are still engaged?"
He took a second, "yes, but—"
"Oh my God!" You groaned and couldn't be faster to get off the bed, you stumbled to stand on your feet.
Minho fumbled to get up as well and sat on the edge of the bed.
"You were right about us... this was a mistake," you meekly said.
"You didn't mean that," he refused to believe you said that.
You raked your hair and tried to gather your thoughts, "I'm about three years late in telling you this but Minho, you broke my heart so many times."
You held yourself back from snapping at him by taking a deep breath, "and you acted like somehow it was my fault, my misunderstanding, and I was too in love with you to ever be mad at you. So I just punished myself for years!"
"No, I didn't—"
You didn't want to give him a chance to interrupt you so you kept going, "then you came here and told me that you don't want to lose me whilst you're still engaged to someone," you spat the fact right at his face.
It had been like that for years but that was the first time that everything became clear to you.
"It's over, Minho," you said.
He grabbed your hands and opened his mouth to speak.
You shook your head and let go of his hands, "I'm done being in love with you."
You went out of the bedroom and took his coat from the sofa, then walked to the threshold knowing that he'll follow you there.
"What's going into you?" Minho asked and it was his usual card trick that is playing the victim again.
"A realization that I've got a life to start living and you're not going to be in it, that's what got into me," you answered, handed him his coat, and opened the door for him.
He took a long, hard look at you with eyes that always work to soften your edges but it seemed like the magic has worn off.
You showed his way out with your hand and stared at him with hatred in your eyes.
There was an intense staring contest happening for a while until he reluctantly took his coat and stepped out of the door, turning around to see you for one last time.
Before he could say anything, you got ahead of him and said, "Goodbye!"
You shut the door right in his face, walked back to the living room, and lay down on the sofa. You planted your face into a cushion then screamed at the top of your lungs. You kept doing it until you ran out of breath and your throat burned dry.
"Fucking asshole," you cursed when you got up from the sofa, then started pacing around the house trying to burn the rage inside you.
"Shit! Fucking asshole! What a fucking jerk! Fuck! Argh!!!" You took the cushion and started squeezing it until it turned misshapen.
"Maybe you should make a new cup of tea!" Hyunjin said from the kitchen, leaning against the counter and sipping his tea.
"That goddamn tea!" You grumbled through your gritted teeth and shoved the tea back into the paper bag, throwing the whole thing into the trash bin.
"You can have mine then!" He offered.
You couldn't stay still, you kept pacing around with your hands balled into fists and ready to throw a punch if you have to, "argh... I have to—"
You have so much rage inside you but didn't know how to let it out, "I want to break things and scream and punch something without worrying my neighbors."
"Or maybe sit down and have a glass of water," Hyunjin suggested but doing it so calmly because he enjoyed the sight.
"I swear if I don't get it out, I'm going to fucking explode," you angrily told him with clenched jaws.
You got your coat and headed out of the door, walking aimlessly while carrying your rage inside your chest.
You ended up in a batting cage, you just wanted to tire yourself out with physical stuff and hope the rage would die down eventually.
You don't know how to play baseball but you kept batting the ball so hard and loud that it made a ringing sound and when the pitching machine stopped.
You turned at Hyunjin, "again!" You said, signaling him to put the coin into the machine.
You kept playing until there was no energy left in you and your palms were blistering from gripping the bat so hard and shaking since you didn't have dinner yet.
"Here!" Hyunjin said, handing you cold cans of beer.
You took them and held them in your hands to soothe the blisters, sighing at how good they felt.
Hyunjin opened a can for himself and started drinking, "feel better now?"
The exhaustion did work to make you forget that you were mad but it was still there, you could feel it in the pit of your stomach.
You opened a can in your hands and took a long gulp, gasping when you swallowed it all down.
"You know, he's the first and the only person I have had sex with," you blurted out.
You stared at the night sky and there was no stars or moon, only the vast darkness.
"And that's when he said it..."
You turned at Hyunjin and his red hair looking like cotton candy under the bright neon lights.
"This was a mistake," you enunciated the words one by one with a feeling like someone squeezed your heart dry when you said it.
"Since then I kept asking myself. Was it the sex? Was I not attractive enough? Was it my body? Was it me?" you rubbed your temple and sniffled, either from the cold or you were about to cry.
"A girl like me just couldn't forget such words," you said and took a small sip of your beer, you wiped the drop that escaped the corner of your mouth.
"I told him about it earlier and he said he couldn't remember saying that to me," you said in disbelief with creases on your forehead.
Tears just rolled down your cheeks like a bursting dam and you couldn't fight them but let them flood.
"How could I love such a man for three goddamn years?" You croaked and rested your forehead on Hyunjin's shoulder, closing your eyes and crying.
“I’m so fucking stupid,” you cursed yourself with a lot of regrets woven in your words.
Hyunjin put his arm around you and pulled you closer, letting you bury your head in his chest, helping you hide your sadness from the world. He kept quiet and calmly drank his beer, listening to your crying while sitting together on a bench outside a convenience store.
Your tears seeped into his clothes but in return, you felt the warmth of his embrace.
He let out a long sigh and said, "Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur."
He spoke Latin like he was a native and it sounded so beautiful coming out of his mouth, not to mention his gorgeous lips that are as red as his hair.
"Even God finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time," he translated it.
It was surprising that it was coming from him, the last person you ever wanted to hear words of comfort from yet here he was, resting his head against yours and kept shielding you from the cold, the heartbreak, and the world. 
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chaotic-fandom-writer · 2 months
Adam x Reader P.7 (Hazbin Hotel)
Warnings: Heavy cursing, violence, ADULT THEMES, 18+
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AN: I kind of want a smut next chapter?? Do we want smut next chapter? Let me knowww~
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
Knock, knock, knock
You awaken to a soft knocking on the door. You lay still for a moment, waiting to see who it is.
"(Y/N)? Are you awake?"
You sneer, pulling the covers over your head and turning away at the sound of Adam's voice.
He knocks again. "(Y/N), can we please talk?"
"Go away, Adam!" You shout.
"Please, I really want to talk to you. I.."
You hear him cut off and take a deep breath. "I really missed you, (Y/N)."
You laugh. "I guess that's what happens when you let your wife get killed."
"I didn't want that to happen! What was I supposed to do?
I never meant to let you get hurt. I never meant to hurt you."
You laugh again. "I'm sure you didn't, because nothing means anything to you. It's all just one big game, constantly."
You hear a thud against your door, and a big sigh. "(Y/N), can I come in and talk to you, or are we going to shout through the door?"
You get up and swing the door open, glaring at Adam, not caring that your hair and face were most likely a mess. "No, we aren't going to shout through the door, because you're going to leave me alone."
He reaches his hand for you, but you slap it away. "Seriously, stop trying to reach out for me. I don't know why you think that we can just go back to normal, because we can't, and we probably never will."
He furrows his brows. "I can't just leave things like this, though. It's going to fucking bother me. I.."
He swallows and cuts himself off again, looking away uncharacteristically. "I don't like listening to you cry."
Caught off guard, you just look away, feeling a little heat rise to your cheeks. "J-Just leave me alone."
"No, (Y/N), wait-" You cut him off by slamming the door, curling back up into your bed.
"We need to talk about what the plan is when Heaven comes down here, because there's no way they won't with the two of us here."
Adam stood in the center of the room, the rest of the gang lounging around, listening to the plan.
Charlie stood next to him. "As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. We are going to have to work together if we're going to survive this.
It's not going to be like normal exterminations anymore. They're going to hit us full force. We have to be ready."
Vaggie pipes up. "I've already started working on getting weapons from Carmine."
Charlie nods at this. "Good. Angel, Husk, Pentious, how are reinforcments?"
The boys all nod. "Coming along nicely." Angel replies.
"We may need more sheet metal, I noticed a couple of weak points over here.."
The buzz of the group fades into one big chatter, discussing the best defense plans. You couldn't focus on them, anymore, because all you could do was stare at Adam.
He'd decided to finally loosen up a little and remove his normal garb and mask. The problem was, seeing his normal face, seeing him in a tight black button up shirt that hugged his biceps just right -
No, no, no nono-
You shake your head, looking away and standing to grab a drink. I need copious amount of alchol right now. I can't think about him like that.
You take a seat at the bar. Husk had come back to his usual spot.
"Need a drink?"
You nod. "Please. Something strong."
Husk eyes you. "You doin' alright? With uh.."
He nods at Adam. You turn to glance at him one more time, and make eye contact. You look away first, not wanting to see if he was still looking at you.
"Not really, no."
"I'm all ears."
You sigh, playing with the rim of your glass before slamming it.
"He literally watched me die, and continued to work for them no problem. What more is there to say? He basically decided to forget I ever existed."
Husk nods. "I can see why it would feel that way. Has he told you his side of things?"
You sit up a little. "His side?"
"Yeah. Have you asked him what happened before, after, all that? I'm not saying it'll change anything, but it might give you a little closure to know how it all went down."
He pours you another shot, and you knock it back.
"I guess so."
He fills your glass again.
"Something else wrong?"
"It's just.." You look back at Adam. He's with Sir Pentious and Alastor now, pointing out weak spots in the building's interior.
You watch the way his muscles flex as he moves around, his shirt clinging to his arms and back in all the right spots.
You slam your drink. "Why does he have to walk around like-" You wave your arms dramatically in his direction.
"So hhhott??" You start to slur. You look down at your cup. "Ss-strong stuff." You giggle. Husk holds his hands out to you cautiously. "Hey now, be careful or you'll fall of the stool. That's my mistake, I should've given you something else."
You shake your head, giggling again. "Nope, I love it, and I feel better already. Anotherrrr!~"
You say sing-songy, and hold your glass. He grimaces. "One small one, and this bartender is cutting you off. Got it?"
You nod, still holding your glass like a little kid asking for water. He sighs, and fills it again. "Thank youu!~"
You knock it back and look over at Adam again.
"That's, that's it!" You slam your hands on the bar as you stand.
"What are you doing?" Husk asks.
"I'm going to give him-" You hiccup, "a piece of my mind for walking around like that!"
"I don't think you should-" Before Husk can stop you, you're already pointing a finger in Adam's face.
"Hey!" He jumps, looking at you surprised. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"
You hiccup again. "How dare you walk around like that."
He looks around, and then down at himself before looking up at you. "Like what?" You gesture to his entire body wildly, stumbling a bit. He holds his hands out in front of you, ready to catch you.
"Like that. I'm trying to be pissed, here, how can I be mad if you make me want to-" You hiccup again, "want to fuck y-" Adam's eyes go big and he cuts you off, looking at Alastor and Sir Pentious behind him.
"Oh-kay, it looks like you've had a lot to drink. How about I get you back to your room?"
He gently grabs your arm. You giggle. "Back to my room~ huh?" He smirks a little bit. "Look, as tempting as that sounds, I think we should just get you into bed."
He tries to guide you up the stairs but you tug at his arm, whining. "Nooo, I don't want to walk up all the stairs." You sit on the first step, pouting like a child.
He laughs. "Why-" You hiccup, "why are you laughing?"
He smiles down at you, a sparkle in his eyes. "I just haven't seen you this trashed in a while, that's all." You stare up at his face quietly.
"What's the matter?"
"You're so fucking hot."
His eyes go big again, and he smiles, blushing a little. "Of course I am, babe, why do you think you married me?" You punch his knee. "Shut uppp!~" You giggle again.
He smiles at you. "Come here." He picks you up bridal style, spreading his brilliant, gold wings and flying you up the stairs to your bedroom.
Once inside the room, he helps you into bed, tucking you in the sheets. You look up at him, staring at his perfect features. Stupid, perfect man.
"What is it?" He asks you.
Don't say it, don't-
"I want you to kiss me." You mentally slap your forehead. Dammit, I'm supposed to be mad at him. I'm never drinking whatever that was again.
He smiles at you, and reaches out to you, cradling your face between his hands. He strokes your cheek with his thumb. "I want to kiss you, too, but I don't think I should while you're this drunk. I think you'll be upset about it tomorrow."
You try to look away, feeling your face get hot, but he pulls you back to look at him.
"But, if you wake up tomorrow, and decide you still want me to kiss you, come tell me, okay?" He smiles again. You smile back. "Okay, Adam."
"Get some sleep."
"Will you stay?"
He runs a hand through your hair. "Of course I will. I'll take your couch." He snags a pillow, stretching out on your couch. With his presence in the room, you drift off into a comfortable slumber.
The next morning, you wake up, head throbbing. Your eyes still all squinty, you slowly sit up, putting a hand against your forehead.
You throw your legs over your bed, and you're about to stand, when you see a steaming hot plate of eggs, bacon, and toast sitting next to a cup of coffee on your table.
You walk over, mouth drooling, and start shoveling food into your mouth, when you notice the note next to it.
Sorry to leave, but I had to get an early start today.
Hope you're hungry when you wake up.
You stop chewing for a moment, your eyes going wide as you stare at the toast in your hand, now.
Oh god, we didn't..?
You look at your clothes. You're still wearing the same thing as yesterday.
You think really hard..
And your face goes bright red.
That's so much worse than sleeping together! You think, covering your face with your hands.
After finishing your breakfast and getting dressed, you start to leave, pausing at the door.
'If you wake up tomorrow, and decide you still want me to kiss you, come tell me, okay?'
"Ughhhhhhhh-" You groan as loud as you can manage, burying your hands in your face and sliding down your door.
"I can't believe I did that! What do I do now?"
Well, do I want him to-
"No!" You cut off your own thoughts. No, no none of that. You think to yourself.
You stand up again. "But.." You imagine it for a second, how wonderful it would be to just have one more..
That's it! Just one more because I want it, and then no more ever again! It'll drive him crazy!
You smile, ignoring the butterflies you still feel in your stomach, and leave your room.
You walk down the stairs to be met by Charlie. "(Y/N)!" She comes barreling over to you, practically sceaming. You look around the room, and you spot Adam look up at you at the sound of Charlie mentioning you.
You guys make eye contact for a brief moment before Charlie yanks you down by your hand, forcing you to snap out of your haze.
"What's going on?"
"It's bad, it's bad it's ba-"
"Charlie." You grab her by the shoulders. "What's going on?"
"Adam got a message from Lute. According to her, if we can still trust her, Sera is planning an attack in 2 days from now."
You roll your eyes. "Oh, you can definitely trust her. She's extremely loyal to Adam." Charlie blinks. "Like, how loyal we talkin?" She raises her eyebrows at you.
You shrug. "Who knows? I was 'dead' for a while."
Suddenly, any feeling you had of kissing Adam is replaced by your anger again.
And speak of the devil, or, the angel, and he shall appear.
He comes up behind you and touches your elbow, making you jump and turn. "Oh. Hi."
"Hey." He scratches the back of his head. "Do you, um, remember last night at all?"
You cross your arms and look away. "Oh yeah, I rememeber everything." You see him perk up at this. "Really?"
"Yeah. I'm not sure though, might need to check with Lute on that one."
He rolls his eyes and sighs, leaning back from you. "Goddamnit, (Y/N), I don't know why you always have to do this shit."
"Me? What about you?"
He scoffs. "I didn't fucking do anything. In case Charlie failed to mention, she sent a message to warn us about Sera."
"Warn us, or warn you?"
"Oh my god, you always did this shit when we were together too. I don't fucking get it." He walks away. You follow after, ignoring how everyone in the hotel is staring.
"Well, you always fucking did this too!" You gesture at him, but he doesn't look back at you, storming outside and down the steps. "Do what?"
"Walk away! That's all you've ever done is walk away from me!"
He stops for a moment and takes a deep breath.
For some reason, all you can focus on is how sparkly his wings look between your tears. He turns to face you. "Why are you starting a fight with me right now? Did I do something? Aside from everything else?"
You shake your head. He smirks. "Why are you fucking smiling?" You ask, even more pissed off.
"So you're jealous?"
Your eyes go big and you quickly turn away from him, rubbing the tears from your face vigorously.
He laughs, which makes you huff. "You're so fucking jealous!"
"I am not!" You start to turn to walk away, but you feel his arms snake around your waist tightly.
"L-Let me go!" You want to be mad, but for some reason, your heart won't stop pounding in your chest, and your face is getting hotter and hotter.
You feel him nuzzle his face into your neck, stubble brushing against your cheek.
"Then why are you blushing?"
You stop fighting him, turning your head away, defeated. "I-I'm not blushing." He laughs again. "Stop laughing at me!"
You feel the warmth of his wings wrap around you, and he turns you to face him. "You remember last night, then?"
You try to look away, but he grabs your chin. "Do you remember?"
You look into his eyes. "Yes.."
For a moment, you say nothing. All you do is stare up at his face, studying his golden eyes, his perfect jaw line. The look in his eyes when you look at him reminds you of your wedding day.
You perfectly see it when you stare at him now, him in his tux, flower petals floating in the breeze. It truly was a perfect day.
"I want you to kiss me."
His lips come crashing into yours, almost violent. You can feel how hungry he is for you, how much he needed you, how long he had been waiting for it.
His tongue flicks against your bottom lip, and you open, allowing him in. His tongue plays with yours, and it's all you can do to keep yourself from moaning into his mouth.
One of his arms holds you tightly around your waist, pressing you hard against his body, as if he feels that you'll run away the moment he lets go. His other hand cradles your cheek, his fingers tangling up into your hair.
You wrap both of your arms around his neck, and suddenly you feel your feel dangling in the air as he lifts off.
You don't bother breaking away, kissing him passionately as he flies straight up, holding you bridal style now.
The kiss lasts for what seems like an eternity, and then finally, you feel your feet hit the pavement again, and you pull away, leaning against a wall for support..
He breaths heavily, staring down at you, eyes glazed over like an animal looking at it's prey. He leans over you, placing an arm against the wall on either side of your head.
"One more." He demands.
You smile, completely forgetting what you told yourself earlier about revenge, closing your eyes and giving him one last kiss on the lips.
He kisses back before pulling away to look at you, still leaning against the wall.
"I've been wanting that for so long, you have no fucking idea."
A small pit forms in your stomach. "Even when I died?"
His smile drops. "Especially when you died. I always missed you, (Y/N), always."
"Do you still love me?"
He blinks, and pauses.
"I-" You raise a hand. "Nevermind." You try to push past him, but he won't let you, bringing his wings on either side of you instead.
"I don't know why I asked that, just let me-" You can feel hot tears sting your eyes.
"I do still love you, (Y/N). You surprised me when you asked that. But please don't doubt that I love you.
With everything happening, I need you to know that. I don't want anything bad to happen without you knowing."
You feel a tear escape your eye, and he wipes it away with his thumb.
"I love you, (Y/N)." He pulls you close, and you bury your face into his chest.
"I love you, Adam."
Want a part 8? Let me know!
Don't forget, I'm always accepting requests
AN: I kind of want a smut next chapter?? Do we want smut next chapter? Let me knowww~
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
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