#donate to my cause
vi-stri · 21 days
PLEASE talk about Congo, Haiti, and Sudan, with the same fervor you give Palestine. PLEASE care about black struggle and suffering.
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harriertail · 2 months
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WARRIOR CATS COLOURING PAGES A tribute to the old days of Deviantart Bases, this is a charity project of 14 colouring pages of the most iconic scenes in warriors. Can be downloaded and printed or coloured digitally as PSD or PNG files All proceeds go to Care for Gaza! Artists - Maeybat Bearflowerr Pigeonleap vvortexccordis harriertail kitraptor powderseas marsopps sootslash/exocynraku Needlepine AElOU grovebeast Marmosetpaw archiepelago
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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💙❤️Happy Holidays!❤️💙
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crazyw3irdo · 11 months
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
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Hello! Honoring the call for a global strike, from now (24/01/2024) until the end of this week (6AM Monday 29/01/2024, Hanoi/Jakarta time (GMT+7)) I am offering one full-body sketch of any character you want for every e-sim you donate.
All you need to do is:
go to gazaesims.com
follow the instruction there and donate an e-sim of any plan
screenshot the confirmation of your purchase and donation
send the screenshots to me via either email ([email protected]) or Tumblr DM, along with the character you want a sketch of and any references you have on hand.
Standard commission/request guideline applied. I'll run streams in the next four days (and perhaps after as well) on Youtube doing these sketches live - those will be announced on this blog as they happen.
I'm not currently affiliated with the Cartoonist Cooperative or any other artists doing the same drive, but if my art's not what you're looking for, definitely give the Coop's site as well as the e-sim tag on Tumblr a look! And if you're not looking for sketch commissions from me or art commission in general at the moment, I encourage you to donate an e-sim anyway if possible.
Thank you for your work and support - I can't wait to draw your character!
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chiquilines · 2 months
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Ochako my relatable academically exhausted queen
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the level at which people are misusing the term "Never Again" in the far left absolutely infuriates me.
"Never Again" doesn't refer to the idea of no more genocides -- unfortunately people are evil and corrupt and seek scapegoats and destruction, there were genocides in the years following the Holocaust, there were genocides 10 years ago, there are multiple genocides going on as we speak
"Never Again" means we as Jews will pay attention to the warning signs, will not mindlessly allow antisemitism to fester and take over our communities, we will fight back. it means we will be proud. it means we will not let you hate us without a word of refusal.
"Never Again" is a warning for us, it is a reminder that what happened then can happen now -- is happening now. The Far Left doesn't get to use it against us. You don't get to turn our tragedies into hate-speech and antisemitic rhetoric.
Am Yisrael Chai
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lesbiandardevil · 3 days
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anyway hi im back again with more doodles ! please donate here to help feras and his family and get a doodle in return !
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littledeadling · 1 year
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Doodles that are just a scheme to make u read my dincobb fic 😇 (it’s explicit, but the first half isn’t & is self contained, if that’s not ur bag)
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luckycl0ve · 4 months
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happy valentines day here's something i cooked up earlier! please donate if you can to the pcrf like i have today
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quasieli · 8 months
Help me stay afloat while looking for work!
Hi folks! It sucks to be asking this, but I really could use some help with paying some bills while I struggle to look for a job. I've been looking for work for months, but my options are quite limited in the new area I'm living in, but I have weekly medical bills to pay for therapy if I wanna stay sane through all of this. All I need is a bit of help with copayments, which aren't that high, but I hit the red, so I don't even have that.
I'm trying to get commissions set up to try and make a bit of extra cash on the side, but I've been really stressed out about this whole situation, making it really hard to focus on getting that done. If you could spare even a few bucks, I'd be so grateful. I'll even offer out some sketches and such if you want something while I'm still figuring out my proper commission stuff. Thank you so much to the folks who have already helped out, I'm forever grateful to y'all 💙💙
Venmo: EH1220
Ko-Fi: Link
Paypal: Link
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tracle0 · 11 months
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Feast your eyes! My pride stars :)!
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hypogryffin · 8 months
trade offer
I receive: a drawing Minafuu/Makofuu (whatever Minato and Fuuka’s ship name is)
you receive: my love and affection (i would legit pay you if you had a way tbh your art is so good!!!
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(i do have a ko-fi if youre serious abt giving me money lmao)
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generic-internet-name · 9 months
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Hey remember when i bound the first half of from the archives? well i've finally done the rest! and honestly i am so proud of it. i tried some new things with the binding, and i am almost completely happy with how it turned out! the only improvement for next time would probably be actually measuring things.
thank you @sixteenth-days for writing something so good i needed to physically bite it.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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the batman's grave #3
[ID: Bruce Wayne in his Batman costume but without the cowl. He's sitting in front of the Bat-computer which is off panel and is holding a tea cup that Alfred just gave him. Alfred asks, “Are you using evil computer skills to commit financial crimes against dark capitalism, Master Bruce?” Bruce smirks slightly and says yes and Alfred bursts into a large smile. He tells the billionaire, “There's hope for you yet.” END ID]
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liquidstar · 9 months
This is such a tangent btw but on the topic of guilt tripping and reblogs... I remember a few years back there were some terrible fires in Greece (and again this year, entire island villages are gone now) and at that time I had family who were caught in them. I can't describe the desperation I felt with these horrible things happening to my family and loved ones in my country. And I remember being frustrated and desperate with how no one around me in America really seemed to give a shit. I remember blogging asking people to PLEASE care please share something please reblog this link for mutual aid please think about the stories and fires etc etc etc. And the thing is I was very much in a state of grief myself, maybe not every word or action was perfectly reasonable, because I don't realistically expect everyone everywhere to care about every tragedy in the world. You can't. Emotionally it's just not possible, especially with all the stuff going on in the states rn too. Yeah it's a lot. It's not like I blog about every tragedy that ever happens either. I understand.
HOWEVER what I also remember was at this time there were a couple mutuals very clearly making vagueposts along the lines of "remember not everyone has the energy to care about everything in the world uwu" while I was posting about family who died and family who were drifting in the ocean for hours as their homes and loved ones burned. Listen. You have to understand sometimes that when a person in grief and frustration with things going on in their countries and communities impacts them very personally beg you to care... It's coming from a place of needing to see that care in the world in general. They're not holding a gun to your head Specifically saying you have to reblog the posts, if you don't have the energy just ignore it.
You don't have to go out of your way saying "um actually I can't care about the horrible stuff you and your family and your country are experiencing rn. I'm too busy focusing on my own stuff so can you be quiet or more reasonable with your grief thanks." Like. Just keep it to yourself then??? Have some fucking sympathy for other people and understand that maybe it's not always logical. The same way you don't have the emotional energy to think about every tragedy in the world, people who've been impacted by them often don't have the emotional energy to handle that alone and may seek somekinda community or solidarity. Idk. It's not about forcing shit on you sometimes it's not about you
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