#dont @ me if theres spelling mistakes
foolsocracy · 1 year
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its because i thought if you knew, you wouldnt love me the same
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favouritewindow · 4 months
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im window !! this is my art blog !! art tag--> #window art
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leviiackrman · 1 year
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"we've worn masks for so long, we've forgotten who we are beneath them..."
tag list (ask to be added or removed): @risingsh0t @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @statichvm @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @confidentandgood @arklay @jinfromyarikawa @shellibisshe @simonxriley @queennymeria @marivenah @faerune @feypacts @mrdekarios @liurnia @thedeadthree @jacobseed @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan @dekarios @jillvalentinesday @shadowglens @fenharel @alexxmason
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god. google docs drives me insane because im spellchecking my shit and every single time. without fail. it always, always tries to change "stared" to "started." I don't know why. It knows stared is a legitimate word. It just refuses to accept it in any sentence, no matter how I use it, even when it makes zero sense in that context. why is it like this. i dont want to say 'they started into each others eyes' in what world does that make more sense then stared.
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quecksilvereyes · 9 months
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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clawsdevour · 2 months
*.#kuroo bf hcs
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wc: 0.2k content warning: fluff, slight smut, aged up, post-time skip, my booty writing
note: I KINDA JS MADE THIS ACC AND WROTE THIS CUZ ITS LIK 12:51 IN THE MORNING AND IM SPIRALING RN SORRY IF THERES GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MISTAKES (pls support me on my writing journey and i hope i dont catch the author curse) thank you if u read this post <33
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to tease you and be playful around you while showing you how affectionate he is towards you
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to love hugs and cuddling and overall physical touch
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to frequently call you when he’s away for work He’d also buy you gifts and souvenirs that remind him of you
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to take care of you and stay by your side when you’re sick. He’d know what to give you that’ll make you feel better even if it’s just a hug
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend that you’d fall asleep on call with because his presence makes you feel safe
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend that would instantly get your parents to love him when they first meet
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to have you breathing hot pants into his neck as you claw your nails into his broad back
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to have you completely in a mating press to reach deeper into you, watching your reactions as he dives deeper into each thrust
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to give you the best after care. He always gets up to clean you up and gives you kisses and cuddles before sleeping.
-Kuroo, the type of boyfriend to smirk seeing how you’re unable to walk the next morning, covered in his marks.
masterlist here
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iwantwhaticanthave · 1 month
random things i wrote down that helped me & might help u
might add to it later :)
also if there are any spelling mistakes ignooreeee
- calorie tracker (make a notebook with calories before eating a meal)
- drinks with caffeine will help suppress hunger (e.g : black coffee,energy drinks,cola zero)
- after eating work out for at least 15 min
- after waking up eat after 3 hours then work out, then dont eat anything for 6 hours and then work out again (but dont forget water!!)
when u feel hungry
- all u need is water!
- go on tumbler/pinterest
- watch tv
- play games
- make a song playlist
- read a book
- walk
- color/draw
- look at your self in the mirror
- eat gum
- watch disgusting mukbangs
- clean ur room
- drink water
- eating junk all day because u ate chocolate is like stomping on your phone because u dropped it
- every time u say fuck it idc theres 100% chance u will care later
- junk food u craved for an hour or a body u craved ur entire life?
- stop rewarding ur self with food ur not a dog
- u are not hungry u are bored
- eating is always a decision nobody forces your hand to pick up the food and eat it
- what u eat in private u wear in public
- you are what u eat
- dont undo the hard work all week on a weekend
- drinkwaterdrinkwaterdrinkwater
- fat lasts longer than flavor
- so u dont dread getting weighed at the doctors office
- if you eat the way you’ve always eaten, you’ll weigh what you’ve always weighed
-if you can pinch it you can lose it
-imagine the numbers on the scale going up after each bite
my fave youtubers that motivate/watch while eating
-supersize vs superskinny
-dance moms
-cindy diaries
find the right solution
sweet -> cucumbers, tomato, black coffee
savoury -> banana, water, watermelon
oily -> apple vinegar, green tea
thats it!!💝🐈‍⬛
don’t push yourself too hard there are some days where you feel like you’ve ruined it all but there’s always the next day!! ily 💋💋
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viscaaelbarcaaa · 2 months
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Warning: fluff
Pairing: Marc Guiu x Fem!reader
Being a exchance student in London was never easy. Big city, bunch of trafic, new language, new school system..and much more
You are working as a student in a nice, cozy caffe near the center of the city where its always crowded. Meeting a bunch of tourists and hearing some new languages. But you never expected to meet a famous footballer.
It was a nice sunny morning. The caffe sign turned to “open” and people already enjoying their morning coffee.
“Y/n can you go get table 9 please?” One of your coworkers asked
“Yeah, right away!” You answered and walked towards table 9
“Hello, how may i hel-“ you froze in place realising who you just met. It was the one and only Marc Guiu, you didn’t really have time to read news about football because of work and school but you did came across a news page where it mentioned a famous Spanish footballer transfering to Chelsea, but you would have never thought that you’ll meet him
“You okay ma’am?” He chuckled
“Yes, sorry…how may i help you today?” You gather your composure
“I’ll just have a Espesso” he answered looking at the menu
“Alright will be right up!” You wrote down his order and walked back to the counter
“Girl, you wont believe who i just met!” You whisper-yelled at your best friend, who happens to be a regular costumer
“Who?!” Her eyes widened with curiosity
“Shh, keep it down he might hear you” you scolded her while preparing his Espresso “You know the footballer whos meant to move here?”
“Yeah, what about him?” she answered with a curious voice while sipping on her own drink
“He is sitting right there!” You point at the table. What you didn’t notice was him literally looking straight at you, he smirks at you
You smile back nervously
“Oh girl he wants you” you best friend said
“No he doesn’t, he doesn’t even know me, we just meet!” You explain
“Oh but he does, smirking and staring at you, girl you got yourself a husband” she laughed
“Shut up” you place the espresso on the tray and add a little muffin on the side
While carrying the tray, you cant help yourself but steal a couple of glances of the footballer
“Here you go, sir” placing the espresso and the plate on the table infront of him
“Thank you” he thanks you with a smile, appreciation evident in it
God, that man just took your breath away, you just stand there staring at his gorgeous smile that could make the whole London shimmer and his dimples.
You snap out of it and return the smile
“Sorry, dont wanna sound weird but i just transfered here and dont know much about the city..maybe you could give me a little tour?” He offered
“Absolutely!” You agreed
“Alright, perfect..will Saturday do for you?” he asked
“Yeah sure..but can i you know get your number so we could text where we meet and if theres any change of plans?” You hesitated abit
“Oh yeah right” you exchange numbers
You walk back to the counter, grinning like a kid when they get a new toy
Authors note: kinda rushed so sorry hope you like it and also apologising for any grammar issues, spelling mistakes
Made this cuz of Marc’s transfer to Chelsea which literally broke me to pieces but oh well
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st4r-fruitz · 4 months
for my next trick, i will explain boat boys as if youve never heard of them, but im sick and cant be botherd correcting my spelling mistakes:
boat boys forst origionated in this minhecraft server grian (their frined) amde called double life. double life is the thirud season of an on going sereies called the life series or, some poeple call it the traffic series bcuz the lifes u get go from 1-red 2-yellow green-3. anywasy so bopat boys are joel and etho(eefo). they wweere paierd in doubl;e life. on he first day they got to know eachother and they made some jokes and stuff, it was niv]ce. actuually they ar ecalled boat b hoys bcuz they went arounf the server in boats. like, on land. it was very funny. the seconf session joel made a big boat for them to live in called the "relation-shipo", (get iot, get it? nudge nudge). etho went tyo the warden and joel sount very concerned as he did so. i dont remeber much abouyt double life as ive been binging limited life for 3 months now. they died due to a trapped nether portal. the perotral had lava spilled aorunf it. it was very sad.
also inportant fact: ther forst time etho and h=joel ever in terected on the whole entire life series they were in boats. they were both riding in boats. are u joking me. THATS SO FUCKING POETOIC WTF CHBFSHVBSHJBJHVKS
onto liml li9fe. they firat saw eachorther in the forst session. etho said "oh so ur gonna make a boat with a new friend now huh?" bcuz joel and jimmy had planned to live in the water. etho was very jealous ogf this, it made me sad. then joel saw etho ina boat with a co2w and joelk saidn "CANT BELEIVE YOUVE REPLACED ME WEITH A COW EEFO!!!" and etho responded with "he keeps me company atleats" AHAHDBFBHVBHWJJVSB JKSNNOOO. anyways in session 4, etho KILLDED JOEL!?!?!?11?!?!??! it was vwery cool actually. joe, clutchedf a fall, and etho landed in huis clutch water and saidf" YOU SAVED ME. YOU SAVED ME JOEL, SO NOW I CAN KILL YOU" that was very cool of etho. even joel daid himself to etho "the fact you landed in my own water bucket trick" i thionk thats everything improtant in liml life?
then serect life. oh, secrect life. my beloved. my onbe treu savior. save me secret life, save me. so, the two sigificant events of secrect life between bgoat boys i can remeber are 1: joel and ehto hop in ab baot otghter and joel goes "we cant do tjis ehto, the fandom will go crazy" (true( then vthey go for a lottle ride untill they are fiorced to stop by a blcok in. their way and ehto goes "well tjis is where the relatiopnshoip ens" HDGBDFISBFCHBES 2: scott is talk9ng abt his task for the sessions=] which is "say i love you to three plkayers and get them to say ot back" so rheyre discussing who would say it back, andf scott goes "i love yoy " to etho and he goes "thank you?-' HAHAH ayways so one thing leadfs to another and etho is on joels front door stepo saying to joel "i loive you" and joerl responds "uhh ok eefo i know youre obbesed with me i saw u made me the thiumbnail for ur fist bvidoe but cmon ehto calm donw" and etho is sad NSJDWBHJSDCJH im sad jusbjbfdn. its alot.
and now the decked o0ut stream. (ik th9s. was before secret life SHUTUPSHGUTPU) so, jimmy askes for a kiss from joel before he does his decked oyut run. joel goes "yeah sure. on the neckk" and jim goes silent till joel goes "WAIT NO ON THE NECK- I MEANT THE CHEEK IM MEANT THE CHEEK" nd it li9ke this hwole meme for the whole event. jimmy startes sing "etho and joel, sitting in a baot" and etho goes "kissing on the neck"!!!!!GSUGDEGUSDVJ!!!!then when they are at rens ice biat thgingy joel and wehto are sitting nect to eacher in thjeor boat s and etho goes "AWH GOTTA COVER UP MY NECK " joelsays "I DONT KISS [PEOIPLES NECKS!!!" then joel scooches up to etho in his boat and joel goes "schooching up to ya etho " and etho goes "his hand slowly reaches into my hair" LIKE EHTO IS HEE WRITING A WHOLE FANFIC OKKKK ETHO I SEE YOUUU. anyways rhat was very funny.
anyways. hermitcraft. oh boy. theres a lot and i will prpbaly misss a lot too but oh well its later and im sick and tired so SUCK IT UP. ill just do dotpointrs of the things i remeber.
etho sees jols banners and really like sthem and asks j]him for trhe pattern, whoch leads to many books which may or may nboit have been signed with neck kisees.
etho makes statues of jpel them pretemds oit wasnt him. joel rrqally liukes the statues and adds thjem to the front of hios nade awith his tori gate
etho so happens to be talk9inmg abt joel and joel hears him and goes "alsways talking abyt m,e eefo"
joel and etho are talki9ng and theres a camle and etho goes "joel mjust reallt like camels ciuz they goit the loonnnggg necks" and joel syags "oh for goodness sake" (ilobve when joel says oh for goodness sakes its like one of his mottos ayt tjis poibgt it so funny )
thatys all i camn remeber i migjt add mre when i thin k of it
thanks for taking the time to read this if u did (and u even could, oops) i doubt many people will make it down this far with reading it, so congrats i guess!! you get.. nothing-
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jjmaybank4l · 6 months
Cleaning JJ up
Warnings: panic attack, abuse, meltdowns let me know if I missed any!
theres a lot of spelling mistakes dont come after me😭
I knew that jjs dad was mean. I’ve never met luke and to be honest I don’t really want to. I was sound asleep at John b’s house in my bed that JJ and I shared. My phone rang. I groaned at the sound of the ringer. I looked at the time.
2:17 AM
JJ was calling me. “Shit” i said to myself as I answer the phone. “Hello?” I could hear JJ sniffling and his shaky breath “y-yn” he said. “J its not even 2:30 in the morning. Are you okay?” I ask yawning. “Um. C-can you come pick me up please?” He’s asks trying not cry. “Yeah jay of course where are you?” He waits a second to answer. “I’m at my house.” He says in a whisper. “Ok JJ I’ll be right there.” I say sighing and putting on one of jjs sweatshirts which was huge on me. I grab the keys to the Twinkie and drive to lukes house. I pull up and jj is sitting on the front steps hands in his hair. I pull up to the house and he slowly starts walking to the car. I notice he’s walking really slow and he’s limping. He gets in the car looking at his feet. “Do you wanna talk about it?” I say driving back to jbs house. “No” he says softly. “Ok” I say. We walk inside the house and I hold his hand as we walk into the bathroom and I turn on the lights. I see his cut up and bruised face. I gasp softly. “Jj” I say sadly hugging him tightly. He puts his head in my neck as he crys into my body holding my wasit tight. I can feel his tears on my shoulder. I play with his hair telling him it’s going to be okay. He just gets worse. He starts breathing really fast and his body shaking. “Jj sit down” I say as I lean him to sitting on the toilet lid. “I-I c-cant breathe” he says shaking. “Jj it’s okay I’m here your safe I promise” I say hugging his head and kissing his forehead. He starts to calm down. “Come on jj lets get you in the shower” I say turning the shower on and grabbing a towel for him. “I’ll bring you some extra clothes” I say as I leave the room letting him take his shower. After a few minutes later he opens the door sniffling his hair dripping. I walk in with a first aid sitting on the counter as he walks in between my legs and I clean his cuts. When I clean his cuts he winced and flicked away. “Sorry” I say softly. “Don’t be”.
After a few minutes all his cuts are cleaned up. “Thank you” he say softly. “You don’t have to thank me. I would do anything for you in a heartbeat” I say smiling to him. We walk into the room and I pull the blankets back for him. As soon as he lays down I start walking out of the room to go to the couch. “Where are you going” he ass softly. “I’m going to sleep on the couch so you have the bed.” I say smiling. “No. Please stay. I don’t want to be alone” he says softly looking at me sadly. “Ok jayj” I say smiling softly as I get into the bed. He lays his head on my chest and he holds my wasit. I play with his hair softly and draw shapes on his back. Soon I hear his soft snoring. I kiss his head and close my eyes. We fall asleep holding eachother. I love this man.
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0littleladybug0 · 3 months
haihai :3 could u please do mayhaps a cg!steve harrington x little reader an mayhaps they the little is a bit cranky >:O and maybe just wants extra cuddles and extra baby time w cg stevieeeeeeeeeeee :D I love ur acc btw
this request is the cutest thing ever i love it so much (coming from a girl that gets supper cranky when im regressed 🤭
Cg!Steve Harrington x little!reader
Summary: someones getting cranky and Stevie knows just how to help
Tags/warnings: Age regression, gender neutral reader, tooth rotting fluff from our favorite cg, spelling mistakes if you squint your eyes (theres always gonna be at least one i miss), reader being the most teeniest tinyest baby ever, reader being insecure but dw Steve is to the rescue!, no use of Y/N, ive never written for Steve before so let me know how i did!!
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It wasn't an exaggeration that you were completely and utterly exhausted. Between classwork and picking up as many shifts as you could with your part time job, you were stacked with responsibilities and were constantly busy. Its not like you were doing it all alone though, you and Steve have both been working insanely hard. You both needed and deserved a nice break from the real world.
Your little space was just that, it was perfect for the both of you! You loved being taken care of and Steve loved having somebody to take care of, and he especially loved taking care of his sweet sweet baby.
The only issue however, was that you always had a problem verbalizing what it was you wanted. You knew that Steve loved being your caregiver and didn't mind your regression at all, intact he praised it any chance he could and was beyond supportive of everything, but you just couldn't shake the insecurities away sometimes no matter how hard you tried to.
You had spent all week without slipping into your little space, something that Steve noticed very quickly since you rarely ever go that long without regressing, even if its just for a hour or two. You wanted nothing more then to slip and be babied by your cg, but the insecurities in your head were too strong, and that made you want to slip even more.
Good thing for Steve though, he had an indescribable gift of reading you just like a book. He knew everything and anything about your regression, and he knew that the longer you stayed big, the smaller and smaller you would regress.
So when you came back home from an exhausting shift after your classes, he knew what you were doing.
You kicked off your shoes and flopped onto the couch with a small whine escaping your lips. You were so tired you didn't even see him walking over to the couch, taking a seat right by your feet, rubbing circles on your back.
"Hi baby." he cooed, "lets change you into some jamies and get you some food, how does that sound?"
The idea of being all cozied up in your favorite pjs sounded like a dream, but the thought of having to get up and actually change, you simply just didn't have the energy for that.
you wanted Steve to pick you up and carry you on his hip, change you into your jammies and give you a nice warm bottle of milk.
And Steve always knew what you wanted. Which made you want to stay big even more, but you were beginning to slip and you couldn't help it.
"No, not tiny." you pout, trying to prove your point.
"You mean this itty bitty baby right here, this little one isn't tiny hm?" he asked, tickling you slightly at your sides. "Seems pretty tiny to me."
You giggle and squirm, immediately making you slip completely into your little space.
"Cmere sweetheart, lets get you changed, your to tiny to wear your big clothes, i cant imagine thats comfy."
"Wanna be in my jammies." you nodded in agreement.
Steve got up from the couch, a confused look lacing his face when he turned to see you staring up at him with big doe eyes.
"You want me to carry you, dont you?" Steve asked, already knowing the answer to it.
"Yes please." you said shyly hiding your face.
He chuckles to himself as he put his arms under yours and hosting you up on his hip. "Good job with your manners hun, where did i get such a polite little one?"
God he loved to see you blush and hide in the crook of his neck.
After getting you into some comfy clothes and a snack in your stomach, he knew that you didnt even need a bottle to knock you out for the night. Would you still be asking for one, oh absolutely.
You began to kick your legs when he hovered you over the couch in an attempt to you you down.
"No dada! No couch!" You shook your head vigorously.
"Baby, I gotta put you down somewhere, dont you want something to eat?" Steve asked.
You let out a whine and buried your head back into the crook of Steves neck. All you wanted was to cuddle with your caregiver, you didn't want to think about what you wanted to eat, let alone have the energy to actually do it.
"Just wanna stay with you." you mumbled, your voice soft and muffled from Steves shoulder.
"Ok How about this," Steve began, holding your cheek with his free hand so that you could look at him. "What if i made you some nice *comfort food of choice* and then a bottle after, huh? How does that sound?" Steve suggested, he could tell you were tired and fussy and all down right exhausted. he couldn't imagine all the big feelings you were having right now in your little mindset.
He waiting until you slowly nodded in agreement before walking over to the kitchen, with you still on his hip of course. After the food and the bottle was done, he walked you over to the couch and placed you on his lap. He pulled a throw blanket over your back and made sure your stuffie was close to your side and put on cartoons on the TV. You didnt have to ask him what you wanted, he already knew how to treat his tiny tiny baby.
he blew on your food to make sure it wasnt too hot before holding it out to you on your baby spoon, encouraging you to eat it.
He knew that in such a little headspace the last thing you had was energy to feed yourself. He never minded helping out his baby.
"Its yummy isnt it?" He asked in between bites, never rushing you and letting you take your time with the dish.
You would nod along, clinging to Steves side feeling your hangry crankiness slowly go away.
You giggled when he licked his finger and whipped your checks clean. Your laugher to Steve was like an angle choir, he would do anything to hear that little laugh.
After you were done with your food, Steve had so hesitation feeding you your bottle next. You could feel your insecurities rise again at the though of Steve having to take care of you so much, making you cranky again.
You tried to grab the bottle from Steves hand before he tapped it away.
"Its ok baby, let dada give it to you." he reassured.
That one piece of reassurance was enough to get you back into your baby headspace as you nuzzled your head further into Steves chest with a smile.
Your bottle was quickly finished as Steve reassured you with sweet nothings throughout it. He grabbed your paci and held it out waiting for you to take it. You had no hesitation letting him place it in your mouth. He brought both arms around you now, bringing you into a big bear hug. He layed down on the couch with you on top and ran his hand through your hair.
"Sorry i was cranky today." You mumbled through your paci.
Steve looked down at you at your saddened state. He hated when you apologized for feeling your emotions.
"Hey baby, look at me." He said, bringing a hand to your cheek, brushing it slowly with his finger. "You never have to apologize for the way you feel. Its ok that your not happy and playful everyday. Every baby has their cranky days. And i will always be there to take care of you no mater if your happy or sad or cranky or tired. Im going to be there for you no matter what. Im always gonna be here for my little baby." He kissed the top of your head and tighten his grasp around you.
You nuzzled back into his chest with a soft smile on your lips.
You felt loved. You were loved. Everything was ok.
You both fell asleep holding each other on the couch, you woke up feeling cured of last nights big emotions with the help of your cg and your littlespace. And even if you woke up and you were still little, you didnt worry about being too much for Steve. You knew he would grab you a juice box, set you on the kitchen counter and make you breakfast as you watched.
You truly couldn't ask for a better dada.
But yet again, he couldn't ask for a better little one either.
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kennediffed · 1 year
No Spoken Word, No Small Command
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pairing: ID! Leon S Kennedy x reader
description: One little set of words was enough to change the mind of your older coworker
content: afab reader, older male/younger woman, suggestive content, pet names (princess, babygirl, doll), teasing, Leon calls himself an old fart like one time, not proofread at all with the exception of correcting spelling mistakes
word count: 698
partially inspired by this leon c.ai bot (also this song, but mostly due to the title)
hiii! im back, i kinda took an extended break due to burnout but i should be back to writing now!
AO3 Version!
"I'm sorry, run that by me again?" the older male sitting across from you nearly choked on his drink as you made your request known to him.
You had just made the ballsiest move in your life by asking your older coworker Leon out on a date. You couldnt help but shift your weight from one foot to the other as you nervously stood there. You cleared your throat before repeating yourself. "I…. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?"
He leaned back in his chair before looking at you with those beautiful blue eyes of his. "Babygirl, I think Im a little too old for you" Leon chuckled before taking another sip.
You sighed, you knew that he would answer like that. Considering there was a noticeable age gap between the two of you, you were foolish to think that he would answer any other way other than bringing up the differences in your ages. Not to mention relationships with considerable age gaps are often looked down upon, and theres no doubt your peers at the DSO would have the same opinion if they found out.
"Besides... even though I want you to myself... it wouldnt be fair to anyone else, doll. I bet you got a lot of boys lining up around the block that'll fight for the chance to be with you"
You drummed your fingers against the wooden desk in front of you as you tried to think of a response.
"Well, with all due respect sir, those boys dont know how to treat a lady..." you began, exhaling. "Besides, Mr. Kennedy... we're both adults here, I fail to see what the issue is."
Leon chuckled again, leaning back in his desk chair.
"While you may be right about that, you still got your whole life ahead of you too, princess..." his voice was playful in tone as he took another sip. "you shouldn't waste it on an old fart like myself"
You stepped closer to his desk, leaning over it slightly. "But what if i want to spend it on you?" you asked, feigning innocence. You walked around the desk until you were on the same side that he was on before sitting on the desk and crossing your legs. "Besides, you're not *that* old"
He looked up at you, a smirk threatening to break out on his face. "Dangerous game you're playing here (y/n)." It truly was a dangerous game, and he was losing it.
You tilted his head up. "Come on Leon..." you cooed, "one chance?"
Something inside him snapped right then and there cause he chuckled and looked down at his lap right there and then. "You're tempting me sweet thing" he mumbled, his hands gripping gently onto your waist.
You couldnt help but giggle at his eagerness.
"I thought you were concerned about your job?" you softly spoke once more "why the sudden change of heart, Leon?"
"I can't say no to a pretty thing like yourself." He mumbled, his nose pressed up against your neck. "You dont have any plans for later today, do you?"
You shook your head no. "Unless you count napping at home as plans for later, no... why do you ask?" you hummed.
He chuckled before looking back up at you. "Was wondering if you wanted to go out after you get off your shift... get to know each other a little better..." his tone was laced with slight hunger and desire. He then leaned up into your ear and whispered. "I'll be making sure you can't walk straight when you clock in tomorrow too"
You giggled in response. "how scandalous, i look forward to it" you teased, before looking down into his eyes.
"I get off at 5... see you then?" you softly spoke. 
"You got it sweetheart" he let go of your waist and you started making your way to the door. "Just... dont think about me too much... dont wanna spoil the surprises I have in store."
You gave him a smirk before speaking again. "No promises" you smugly said before leaving the room and going back to work. You couldnt wait until 5 pm.
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yum-zlurplie · 5 months
welcome to glorp N' go(tm)
(old account was @3-kids-in-a-trenchcoat)
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roleplay azkz CLOZED for the time being
she/her/xe/xem/any/all (when /ic)
any and all nzfw and/or suggeztive azkz will be deleted! (any nsfw and/or suggestive asks will be deleted)
when anon iz turned off, azzume that therez been to many of the above (when anon iturned off, assume that theres been to many of the above)
bazic dni (eg, pedophilez, zoophilez, ect ect) (basic dni eg, pedophiles, zoophiles, ect ect)
nzfw accountz (nsfw accounts)
kink accountz (kinks accounts)
izrael zupporterz (israrl supporters)
dream ztanz (dream stans (exceptions for fictives))
endogenic "zyztemz" (endogenic "systems")
(ooc) basic boundaries:
dont randomly vent to me, ask first
if ion feel good, dont baby me pleagse 🙏
zpecial tagz and their meaningz (special tags and their meanings):
yum anzwerz (azkz that i have anzwered) (yum answers (asks that i have answered)
yum zlurplie zpeakz (thoughtz on a rb or og pozt) (yum zlurplie speaks (thoughts on a rb or og post))
yum rebloogz (reblogz) (yum rebloogs (reblogs)
yumz headcanonz (my headcanonz for characterz/the floorz) (yums headcanons kmy headcanons for the characters/the floors))
(ooc info under the cut)
my name is lesley, pip, or yum (none of these are my birth given name, using different names on here for my own safety. i don't dislike my birth given name)
pronouns page blehh 😝😝:
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when ic, i will use Z's instead of S's, tell me in you need a translation
mod has a hard time typing and reading tones through text! use tone tags and bare with them if they make a spelling mistake
autism, adhd, anxiety, possible DID and bipolar (not self diagnosing)
if you have any questions for me, put "question for mod" or something like that
uhh any/all prns for when im ooc, when i say any, i MEAN any. unless your a family member, family members r only allowed to use she/her on me for comfort reasons
i am barely on during the day, so if it takes a bit for me to get to your ask i apologize
my funny stamps 👍👍 i smile 😁
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my silly posic and objectum blinkies
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i love my touys /p
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undeaddollz · 3 months
patrick hockstetter analysis hi, i realize there was spelling mistakes on my henry bowers one but i'm really too lazy to go over it all and fix em so if theres some on here too then ignore it! don't come at me for the hypothetical disorders i'm saying patrick may have, i do believe he probably is on the spectrum somehow and i will not listen to anyone who says otherwise.
patrick is SO INTERESTING, the disorders that i suspect he has is possibly CIPA as he doesnt show much reaction to pain and possibly some sort of BPD or autism but im more sure of CIPA. but it's confirmed for him to have solipsism he doesnt think other people or things are real, the reason he killed his little brother avery is because he felt avery was real and his parents were taking attention away from him. he doesnt like deviating from his schedule, he expects dinner to be at the same time, parents to be in bed at a certain time every day but the baby took away from that and so he suffocated avery to death. i believe he also has a sort of god complex as he thinks he decides what happens in the world. he doesnt think him harming people and animals matters because they aren't real anyways and meerly toys for him so he doesnt get bored. we don't get a lot of background on patrick let alone his parents but the movie gives us jack-shit about him. he's obviously a pyromaniac and doesnt seem to have any reaction to pain, laughing when henry hurts him after patrick sexually assaults him. he has a sort of psychosis, he doesn't love anyone besides himself but its not in a narcissistic way. he doesnt really have attachments to anyone, his family could die and he'd just be worried about whats for dinner. he'd only be upset cause it ruins his schedule. He would be upset if bowers gang died but simply because they bring him entertainment and its someone to bully kids with. I feel he probably was subjected to some sort of trauma when he was younger, possibly sexual or some form of neglect. people arent usually born acting how patrick does and all the adults shown in derry seem to be abusive or neglectful. his favorite past time is to torture kids and animals, he enjoys taking their lives, he has a fridge full of tortured animal corpses, mainly cats. since the fridge is his favorite thing it gets used as a factor of his demise, after sexually assaulting henry he goes to his fridge and is killed by pennywise. he loves to spend time at the barrens/junkyard since thats where a lot of the violence happens, those places being frequent bowers gang hang out spots. Bowers gang is scared of him, most adults are too. theres rumors floating around of patricks hobbies so people often let him do whatever he wants as to not agitate him. I dont know if victor and belch exactly know about the fridge as its a little hidden away in the junkyard but henry knows, when patrick teases henry for "letting him" sexually assault him henry shouts "if you fucking tell anyone about this im telling everyone about your fridge and you'll be taken away" or something similar. Henry keeps him around since 1, hes deeply scared of patrick and doesnt want to anger him 2, he also finds ways to entertain henry, helping him blow off steam from the abuse at home on other kids and sometimes animals. henry seems to be a big fan of animals but when he starts to go crazy after patrick dies he shows similarities to patricks behavior, growing violent with dogs and cats and being more murder-driven with his bullying. patrick seems kind of obsessed with henry but it could just be finding henry useful or a good source of entertainment and he can torture henry to end up getting what he wants. patrick is only fueled by his own selfish desires, he has no exact motivation for doing anything, other than him deciding he wants to. psychosis can be drawn out by not sleeping sometimes and maybe patrick could suffer from hallucinations, in the movie it seems he's scared of what he's killed coming back to life but honestly i dont think thats really accurate as i dont think that is something he would think about and he already feels no guilt about it so i think it was just the movie being stupid again. so if he does have hallucinations i think he would be indifferent to them, maybe only being annoyed they arent always at the same time every day.
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duffs-balls · 4 months
The Dilfest 2
heres the first one
read that first bro or dont idc
sex🔥 fingering, dom duff, spanking, teasing, dirty talk (kinda), marking (kinda), pills (painkillers not drugs), hot sexy men (passing out and going mental warning, dont look at the pictures below if u have any heart issues /j)
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The soft thud of the car door shutting lightly woke me up, but not enough for me to open my eyes or register what is happening.
He softly opens my door and undoes my seatbelt, before grabbing me right under my armpits and lifting me up into his arms. I instinctively wrap my limbs around him. I cling onto him like a koala, burying my face in the crook of his neck as I just keep on sleeping. He closes the door and locks his car before wrapping his arm around me securely.
He grabs the key and unlocks the door, before stepping into his home.
He doesn’t mind carrying me at all. He likes being so close to me and being able to take care of me like this.
He flicks on the lights and locks the door behind him, before making his way upstairs to his bedroom.
He lays me down on the bed, kissing my forehead before taking off my shoes and tossing them onto the floor. He takes off his own shoes and changes into sweatpants and a plain shirt before crawling into the bed.
Sunrays shine through the curtains and onto our entwined bodies. I frown and blink my eyes open. I let out a yell as I feel someone else pressed up to me. I push the person off me and stand up, staring at them in horror. I relax slightly as I see it’s Duff, but before I can do anything, a pounding headache hits me.
It feels like theres a hundred Oompa Loompas banging three big metal tubes on my head. Jesus Christ. I groan and clutch at my head, squeezing my eyes shut.
“Hey, hey, hey. Cmere.” His soft, soothing voice fills my ears, relieving some of the pain. He immediately reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me back into bed.
I snuggle up to him, nestling my face in his neck as I grip onto his shirt. Snuggling up to him at least made me feel a little better. His arms wrap around me protectively, rubbing my back in an attempt to soothe my aches. “Shh, baby.” He murmurs, kissing the top of my head. “You want me to get you some painkillers?” I nod, groaning softly.
He lays me down on my back on his bed, pulling the sheets over me. He presses a lingering kiss to my forehead before he lets go of me, hurrying over to the bathroom, which was connected to his bedroom.
I keep my eyes shut tightly, curling up into a ball as I realise how much warmth and comfort having Duff next to me gave me. And now, that was all gone.
I can faintly hear him rummaging through the cabinets and turning on the faucet.
A few moments later, he walks back into the room and crawls into the bed. He places the medicine and a glass of water on the nightstand, before helping me sit up.
I climb into his lap, not caring if I was being all clingy even when we hadn’t known each other for long. I couldn’t give a shit, I’m feeling horrible and he makes me feel much better, so I’m gonna get as close to him as possible. Period.
“Here.” He says softly as he hands me the pills and the glass of water, he chuckles lightly as I cling to him. I drink the whole glass, not opening my eyes since I knew the bright light would be way too much.
I hand the glass back to him and wrap my arms around him, seeking comfort in him. He hums softly, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. “There you go.” He murmurs.
I try to get even closer to him, pressing my body against his and shifting around to make myself as small as possible. He chuckles at my attempts, his arms tightening around me.
I squirm around for a few moments before letting out a frustrated groan, my jeans becoming annoyingly uncomfortable. I roll onto my back and quickly take them off, my eyebrows furrowed.
I move back into Duff’s lap. He chuckles but doesn’t say anything, just holding me again when I move back onto him. “Better?” He whispers. I smile and nod.
We stay like that, cuddled up in bed. Eventually I’d fallen asleep. He’d whisper sweet nothings into my ear every now and then, or caress my body, which I’d do to him too. We’d sometimes change positions. It felt so good to be cuddling with him; he made me feel so safe, and I made him feel safe. It was not awkward or weird at all, it felt right and comfortable.
After hours of cuddling and slumbering, falling in and out of sleep, I speak up. “You hungry?” My voice is soft and slightly groggy, although my grogginess is nothing compared to his. His voice sounds like a deep rumble from a motorcycle, even more than it normally does. “Yeah. We can make breakfast if you want.”
His voice is so sexy. I feel butterflies in my stomach, and heat pools between my legs. I brush it off for some reason and nod with a smile.
We both get out of bed and grab each other’s hand as he leads me downstairs. I look down at our entwined hands, feeling even more butterflies in my belly. My eyes travel up before locking onto his back. He’s so broad, like a Doritos chip. Then I look at his arms. His tattoos are so beautiful, and his biceps are huge.
I speed up and start walking next to him. He smiles down at me as I get closer to him, before opening the door to the living room and kitchen. We don’t say anything, and that’s okay. I don’t like to talk much in the morning, anyway.
We walk into the kitchen and I jump up onto the counter, watching him as he opens the fridge in search for something to eat for breakfast.
I suddenly feel an urge, an itch for him. I grab his arm and pull him between my legs, wrapping them around him and trapping him inside them. We both lean in, no words needing to be said as we both knew what we wanted.
He brushes his lips over mine gently, before deepening the kiss. His strong arms slip around my waist, pulling me closer against him. I tangle my hands in his wavy, blond hair, deepening the kiss even more by pulling on the strands.
I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter, even though we’re just kissing. That doesn’t last too long. His big, strong, possessive hands wander down to my ass, squeezing and groping. I moan into his mouth, feeling his cock growing harder against my cunt through our clothes.
I can’t help but grind against his dick, moving my legs up higher to wrap around his waist. He groans into the kiss, his hands gripping my ass tighter. His lips become demanding and hungry, his tongue slipping inside to explore my mouth. My heart is racing in my chest, my breath coming in short, almost gasp-like breaths. He suddenly lifts me off the counter and slams me against the now closed fridge, making me gasp. I didn’t know he had this rough side to him, although I could’ve figured. One of his hands moves to squeeze my tit. I moan, arching my back into his touch. He keeps me pressed against the fridge, holding me up as my legs are still wrapped around him. His hand moves down to tease at the waistband of my panties, a smirk appearing on his face as he hears my needy whine. “So eager.” “Please..” It’s never to early to beg. He grins devilishly and slips his hand inside, rubbing at my clit in circles with his middle finger before sliding his fingers along my wet folds. I moan, my fingers tightening in his hair. He plays around with my pussy for a few moments, before finally slipping one finger inside. He starts to move in and out slowly, his other hand still groping at my breast. His thumb rubs lazy circles around my clit, making me let out moan after moan. I’d never felt so good, and this was only the beginning. He starts to trail kisses down my jaw, and then my neck. He sucks and nibbles, staying on the same spot for a bit to create a mark before moving down further. He lifts my shirt up and kisses the part of my breasts that aren’t covered by my bra. With one hand still working on my pussy, he can’t take it off. He grunts in frustration, suddenly thrusting his finger deeper inside me than before. “Take it off.” He growls. I immediately let go of his hair and take off my shirt, tossing it onto the floor before unclasping my bra and letting it fall to the floor too. He growls and takes my nipple into his mouth the second it’s exposed, sucking and tonguing it. I let out high-pitched, whine-y moans, my hands moving to tug on his hair again. He adds another finger into my wet hole, curling them to find my sweet spot. He abuses that spot relentlessly, making my back arch and my thighs shake. “Duff!” I moan, my hips bucking against his hand eagerly. My moans turn into gasps, my eyes rolling back as I feel myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm. His movements become faster and more intense, hitting my sweet spots in all the right ways. I can’t even manage to warn him as I cum all over his fingers. I cry out his name, my hands clawing at his back. I arch my back off the fridge, my hips grinding against him uncontrollably. I pant as I catch my breath, my head tilted back to rest against the fridge. He smirks and slowly pulls his sticky fingers out of me, grabbing my jaw with his other hand and forcing me to look at him. “Open.” He orders, tilting his head back slightly. I look at him with hazy, satisfied but lustful eyes. I part my lips, my eyes falling closed as he sticks his fingers inside my mouth. “Good girl.. Lick ‘em clean.” He breathes out, his eyes fixated on my lips and expression. I eagerly lick and suck on his fingers, slightly cringing at the taste of myself but liking the feeling of his fingers in my mouth and him controlling me too much to care.
“That’s a good girl.” He growls and pulls his fingers out, suddenly putting me down on the floor. My legs feel like jelly, shaking and making me stumble. He leans down to whisper in my ear, his hands resting on my hips possessively. “Bend over the counter.” He growls. My breath hitches and I obey, turning to the kitchen island and bending over it. My breathing is heavy and deep, my heartbeat racing in anticipation. He moves behind me, his hand reaching out to run along my sensitive pussy. He suddenly smacks my ass, and I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips. I can hear him cursing under his breath, feeling his gaze burning into my ass. I spread my legs further and stick my ass out, hiding my face in the crook of my arm. He smacks my ass once again, before pressing himself against me, his big hands gripping my hips to pull me back against him. He bends down, pressing open-mouthed kissed along my shoulders and neck. “You want this?” He whispers in his low, sultry voice. I nod frantically, my arm reaching behind my head and wrapping around his neck, while my other hand rests on the counter and supports my body weight. “Say it.” “Yes.. Please, Duff..” I whimper, feeling his hard cock poking into my ass through his sweatpants. “Please, what?” I groan, growing frustrated as he keeps me waiting for way longer than I wanted. “Please fuck me!” He smirks and sinks his teeth down into my skin, right where my shoulder meets my neck. He pushes down his pants and boxers, his dick jumping free and pressing against my ass. He moves his hand between my thighs and spreads them apart, before grabbing my hips and forcefully tilting them back. He suddenly slams into me without warning, making me cry out. He grunts at the feeling of my tight, hot cunt stretching around him. He starts moving in and out, slowly at first, but he quickly speeds up. The sound of his hips smacking against my ass, the wet squelching of my pussy and our moans, grunts and gasps fill the room, which fade into the background as he fucks me into oblivion. His hips move fast and hard, his cock hitting spots inside me I never thought to be possible. He holds onto my hips and pulls me back onto his dick with each relentless thrust. “Fuck, baby. So tight. Such a good girl for me, taking my cock like this. Fuck, yeah.” He murmurs breathlessly between hot kisses all across my shoulders and back. I moan his name uncontrollably, bucking my hips to meet his thrusts. “Gonna come inside your pretty little cunt. Come with me, babe..” He lets out a shuddering growl as he slams into me harder and harder, exploding inside me. I cry out in ecstasy as he fucks me over the edge, coating his cock in my come. He pants as he slows down, his forehead falling against my shoulder. His hair sprawls across my sweaty back, his breath fanning over my skin with each pant. After a few moments, he pulls out, our combined juices dripping down my thighs and his cock. He flips me around to face him, leaning in to kiss me messily. His big hand tangles in my hair, pulling me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck, rubbing my heel up and down the back of his legs. I pull back and bury my face in his neck with a breathless chuckle. “Jesus Christ.” I murmur. He laughs softly, his arm sliding around my waist. “Let’s take a shower.” He murmurs into my hair. I make a small sound of approval, kissing his neck. Right when I’m about to pull away so I can walk to the bathroom, he picks me up. I yelp and laugh, burying my grinning face back into the crook of his neck. He carries me bridal style, a big, charming grin on his face. I giggle and look up at him, leaning in to place some kisses on his neck and jaw.
anyway here u go uhh i dont have much to say tbh i dont think ill write a third part but we’ll see
i probably will be writing more other duff fics though
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arson-09 · 6 months
I dont talk much about minecraft youtuber drama here but god quackity is pissing me off with his shenanigans.
In case you missed it admins for quackitys minecraft server (specifically an admin named lea) came forth claiming that the admins were underpaid if paid, were working horrible hours, and generally treated like shit. This is of course paraphrasing but this is worker exploitation and disgusting.
Quackity then did a little stream saying he was “unaware” of anything wrong happening behind the scenes. Which is interesting considering this is his “passion project” and the studio is under his name and hes the one who hired everyone.
Then recently Lea (i apologize if im spelling her name wrong she is french if i recall) did an interview saying that quackity was basically lying, the ndas he had the admins signed were fake, and reiterated the horrible working conditions and the fact he knew everything.
Then today he streamed again saying he was stepping back because of the hate and threats we was receiving which of course is never okay but this is the first time he’s ever spoken on that subject (which is interesting as his twt fandom is known for being incredibly hateful and threatening people) and he was stepping back from the server. Again this is a simplified version, just hitting the major points of everything.
this is not accountability, this is him making someone else fix what hes done. He wont even openly admit to everything but his silence shows everything. What he has done to his workers is horrible and incredibly wrong but the majority of his fans dont care and are upset at dream stans of all people for “making him step back” (dream stans havent even been the main group doing this shit btw. they are just the group pointing out the hypocrisy the most as dream fans have received copious amounts of hate from qsmpers for the fact they like dream. Let it be clear that the allegations against dream have been proven false and as of me writing this post he has not done anything genuinely bad. like exploiting his workers)
Regardless of who you stan or hate, you have to realize that what quackity has done with his server and the admins is wrong and he should take accountability and discuss what hes done wrong. hes was/is a law student for heavens sake. This is only the tip of the iceberg of questionable things quackity has done (for example his merch company is extremely shady. there is very little information available about it online, people have trouble with shipping and receiving their orders, merch quality, and much more) and it saddens me that while the mcyt community preaches accountability and recognizing when a cc has done wrong, they fail to do it 99% of the time. I dont hate quackity, and i dont want him to get doxxed and receive death threats, but i need him to be transparent. To admit to his mistakes and be honest and actually change shit. Because right now him stepping back isnt fixing anything, its not helping the people who have been hurt by his actions. Im also really sad that the qsmp has been riddled with these mistakes as theres so much potential with it. It was the first bilingual minecraft server then multilingual. it united so many different parts of the minecraft community but it is not stable, its not going to last at this rate and thats so sad. Qsmp seems to just be a money maker for its creators, every part of it meticulous planned to see what will bring in the most views (as well as its the first server i have personally seen have a merch store? i wonder if the admins that play the characters are getting any of that money…)
Anyway, i just wanted to say my piece on it after ive been apart of the minecraft youtuber fan community for a long time and have seen a lot of shit :/ just a psa if your first reaction to this post is to get all upset in my comments i will block you. I do however appreciate genuine comments on the situation, as a fan or not of quackity. Worker exploitation is never okay but most of everything else is just how i see the situation.
(just wanted to add a quick edit cause i got a good anon but accidentally deleted it🧍🏻)
I am not making fun or trying to make the fact quackity is getting harassed less important. Doxxing and threats are never okay, and even if i dislike him i dont wish that on him. I am only disappointed that it took to this point for him to say something. Of course he couldve been planning something but he never explicitly said so so lots of people, me included, weren’t sure if he was going to ignore it as he does have a track record of not saying anything unless forced. As well as hes never condemned his fans for the fandoms habit of doxxing and harassment. Ofc Q cant control his fandom, but openly saying “hey stop doing that. i dont want yall to do that” would be nice. I thankfully have never experienced it but i had twt moots who got doxxed by qsmp fans and thats why i said i wish he had said something earlier. But i am not trying to take away how severe the fact hes getting doxxed is. Just wanted to make that clear👍🏻 Dont fucking dox or harass people, be critical but dont be horrible people.
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