#dont be mean!! to the little dragons!!
possamble · 1 month
farcille postcanon characterization warmup that got way out of hand. beware, here be spoilers, dragoncock, and bottoming as an extreme sport.
Marcille has always loved Falin’s voice. Soft, high, airy and girlish—it was always as gentle as the rest of her, even in the midst of pitched combat. When things went to hell in a handbasket, it was always Falin’s whispery incantations that kept Marcille grounded as blood and monster guts sailed through the air. 
And that hasn’t changed. No amount of dragon could really change that, Marcille thinks. Yes, she she has moments when her voice becomes rough and ragged and guttural, mostly when she’s swinging her mace or her fists, or gritting her teeth through a monster claw stuck into her side. But maybe that urge to growl was always there, and she’s just finally able to voice it now. Marcille finds that she’s loud at times she would have been silent before—grunting with exertion when she would have grimaced quietly, singing some nonsense melody over a mundane task when she would have hummed it under her breath—and that’s a good thing.
But otherwise, nothing has changed. Falin’s voice is as delicate as ever, chiming in a lilting giggle behind a dainty gesture of her hand. Rustling like pages of well-loved books as she casts her protective wards, or ponders over how to cook a new monster, or murmurs right into Marcille’s ear while she…
Well. While she’s got Marcille bent over her own desk with her nightgown pooled at her ankles. Marcille’s not sure if it’s rude or considerate that she didn’t get a chance to dress herself before she had a girthy cock shoved up her cunt first thing in the morning. 
“Marcille,” Falin whispers, unfairly shaky as if she’s the one getting fucked within an inch of her life. She’s mouthing at Marcille’s neck, draped over her and pressing as close as possible in every way, gripping Marcille’s hands tight and keening like she’s found heaven between her legs. “Marcille, Marcille…” 
It’s not fair. It’s not fair that she gets to do that, that she gets to sound like that—with that sweet voice she’s always had, now making obscene little noises that are still whispery fine and almost ethereal coming from her mouth. These quiet, barely voiced sighs that puff against Marcille’s ear, the dulcet moans that thrum against her skin, and that demure little gasp when she thrusts a little harder and somehow finds even more space inside Marcille to bottom out in—
“Marcille…” she whimpers like she’s in pain, on the verge of tears, fingers tight between Marcille’s as they grip the edge of the rattling desk together. “You feel—so good, oh… You’re”—another moan buried just behind her ear—"so wet, so good…” 
It’s not like Marcille got the chance to be anything else right now, did she? Not when Falin fell upon her just as she was sorting through her documents, pressed against her back and already unfastening the clasps of her gown and slipping it off her shoulders. She was fully naked before she even got a playful good morning whispered into her ear—it’s a miracle she had the forethought to push her papers out of the way just before Falin had her wrapped around her finger in the most literal sense. 
Well. Fingers in the plural, really, since she always starts with two. Usually while pawing at Marcille’s tit with her other hand until her stupid knees give out and she ends up buckling over whatever surface is nearby—in this case, her desk, mercifully free of any uncapped inkwells at the moment. Now slathered with sweat that makes her tits slip and slide along the wooden varnish, of course, but otherwise non-disastrous. 
Hopefully her nightgown is catching most of the mess running down her thighs, or she’s going to have to make the most humiliating request to the castle staff about her carpets for the third time this month—
“Yes…!” Falin digs her heels in and fucks her even harder, taken with some kind of mindless momentum all of a sudden. “I love you,” she pants in that stupid—feathery, daisy-light tone that has no business being this sweet while she’s ravaging Marcille like this— “you’re perfect, you’re perfect—” 
Marcille’s going to die like this. This is how she’s going to go: Bleating like an animal with her cheek stuck to her desk with drool, eyes just permanently rolled back in her head, toes barely touching the floor as Falin keeps fucking her further onto the desk. She hasn’t said a single coherent word since her second orgasm however many minutes ago, just broken into an endless stream of guttural noises as her cunt slobbers and squelches around Falin’s cock almost as loudly as she’s wailing. 
“Marcille,” Falin keens, sounding like a bashful princess ravished to breathlessness—just something straight out of a high-minded erotica novel—all while hammering Marcille into the desk at a shallow, breakneck pace. “You feel—feel s–o good, you’re perfect, oh—oh, you’re perfect, you’re beautiful, I love you, I love you—” 
For the love of—fuck. Marcille can distantly hear herself scream, can feel the desk digging into her as she flails, her grasp on sanity getting thinner and thinner with each word that tumbles out of Falin’s mouth and shoots straight through her nerves. She’s—good god, she’s not usually this talkative. It’s almost always Marcille begging and blabbering about how much she wants Falin’s cock, how good it feels, how she wants it harder and faster and more, screaming and crying Falin’s name over and over—
But now, in the absence of Marcille’s pathetic yapping—after she’s already fucked the words out of Marcille so thoroughly—Falin’s taken it upon herself to murmur a stream of honeyed nonsense into her ear, her frail and gentle voice breaking with desperation—and fuck, it’s not fair.
“Yes, yes, oh—” Falin sobs into her neck. “I love it—I love it when you sound like this, I love you—you’re so good, so good for me, my Marcille—” 
No, no, no, she can’t do that, she can’t do that—she can’t say that, in that voice, while her cock is so deep in Marcille there’s hardly room for anything else, battering all her nerve endings and rearranging her so that there’s nothing left but her, Falin, Falin—
“Ah!” Falin cries out, like she’s the one getting reamed against her stupid fucking desk so hard she can barely breathe— “Yes, please, please—please say my name again!” 
Well. She can beg all she fucking wants, but it’s not going to be pretty and she has no one to blame but herself—it’s her fault Marcille can hardly speak, it’s her fault her name is only coming in rough wails with both syllables separated with heaving, crying breaths. Marcille gives it her all, scrapes whatever intelligence she has left to speak, and sounds like a dying animal in a way that can’t possibly be anything but hideous to listen to—
And still, Falin sobs, as if in utter ecstasy as she fucks Marcille so hard the desk starts scraping along the floor in harsh jumps. 
“Yes, yes—ah—” Her voice, not so whispery gentle now but still so melodious and clear, sounding out from deep in her chest— “I—love—you—” she weeps, punctuated by the hard slams of the desk against the floor as she drops the rapid pace in favor of mercilessly hard thrusts— “Beautiful—perfect—mine!” 
Then she finally, finally comes—not that it stops her, not with how she thrusts with every spurt. Like she’s not just satisfied with letting it spill out, like she needs to fuck it into Marcille with all her strength, once, twice, then one last time, stuffing her cunt absolutely full with searing heat—
And Marcille doesn’t even realize she’s coming until she’s unceremoniously ejected out the other side of the high, that telltale swoop of vertigo rushing through her veins. The orgasm doesn't even have the grace to let her go limp with afterglow, of course, and she’s left there convulsing and twitching like a drowning fish. With her jaw pressed to the desk, she can actually hear her teeth chatter from how hard she’s shaking, Falin’s warm weight on her be damned. 
(One day. One day, she’ll stop embarrassing herself like this—one day she’ll finish like a normal person during sex, instead of going off like a cheap firework every half hour and wringing an orgasm out of herself as soon as she feels Falin finish inside her, whether or not she even had one left in her to begin with.) 
“M-Marcille,” Falin stammers, her voice breathless but now shy and girlish again as she slowly untangles their hands. “Are you—are you okay?” 
The gall. To ask her that, when she’s nothing but a sweaty carcass slung over her desk, still twitching erratically. To be so gentle as she straightens up and kisses the back of her neck, tenderly brushing her hair to the side as she pulls out ever so slowly—
And still. Not. Slowly. Enough—apparently! Not with the sparks that explode in Marcille’s eyes again, utterly unclear if this is another orgasm or just a particularly brutal aftershock! She just goes squeaking and shaking and sliding off the desk onto her knees, hands clapped over her cunt like they’re going to protect her from the lightning racing up and down her spine. She doesn’t even know where she landed, really, convulsing and closing her thighs around her hand as cum and slick drools into her palms, falling forward and— and smacking her head against the edge of her desk.
“Oh!” Feathered arms clasp around her before she can slide past the wood with her sweaty forehead and land on her face. “Careful—are you okay?” 
The gall. The audacity. The—something, or whatever, fuck, Marcille doesn’t even care anymore. Her head throbs with an oncoming bruise, she can’t feel her legs, she can feel her pussy way too much, and it’s a wonder she hasn’t fallen apart on the spot—
“Okay… let’s…” There’s some maneuvering going on, but hell if Marcille can actually tell what Falin’s doing. “Here, let’s take a bath—I’ll go draw some water.” 
Marcille whines, because no—she doesn’t know where she is, she just twists until her face finds feathers and buries herself there. She even manages to bring one cum-covered hand to grip at the quils, because this mess is Falin’s fault and if she doesn't like it then she can wash it off herself—but she’s not allowed to leave. 
A little chuckle under her breath—and it’s so fucking cute and girlish like she hasn’t just demolished a full grown woman to the brink of unconsciousness, but Marcille can’t even find it in herself to be mad. Falin can ask her whatever the hell she wants, do whatever the hell she wants, so long as she doesn’t let go. 
“I’m bringing you with me, I promise,” Falin whispers so tenderly, pressing a kiss to Marcille’s head. There’s arms tightening around her back and under her knees, and she feels herself being lifted. “I wouldn’t leave you like that…” 
Better not, Marcille grumbles to herself. Not sure if it made it past her mouth, but it doesn’t matter. Falin’s going to take responsibility for turning her morning into—into this, even if it means having to draw some bathwater with an elf clinging to her the entire time. She’s going to be the one to wash her off, bring her their missed breakfast, and tell everyone why she wasn’t there at the morning meeting—
Maybe not that last part. 
“I’m sorry,” she hears, in that soft and whispery tone she’s loved for so many years. That voice that didn’t change, even with everything that happened—everything that Marcille did to her, and it’s—
It would be so, incredibly stupid if she started crying out of nowhere. 
“Liar,” she whines, digging the indignant annoyance back up to pout like a spoiled brat. “You liked… every second…” 
Another giggle that so infuriatingly lovely. “I did.” The sound of a squeaky valve turning, then rushing water that slaps against stone. “Did you?” 
Marcille just grumbles again and clings even tighter. Falin just laughs a little louder and strokes her hair, too kind to demand an answer in so many words—or, perhaps, impishly content to let Marcille incriminate herself with her silence, as she so often does.
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attractthecrows · 2 months
let it also be said that I love the Mahariel + Lavellan worldstate. It's so haunted. You are Dalish, you are not a part of human culture, but by happenstance you're dragged into it and to the forefront of hell to save a world that hates and fears your people. You have no choice. You can never return to your home, to the familiar, to anything you've ever known. You will be an echo; Mahariel echoing Garahel, Lavellan echoing Mahariel. You're so proud of your Dalish heritage, but your identity doesn't matter at all. Doomed to be a martyr for a people that do not respect you and cannot understand you, while your clan mourns, lamenting that they cannot bury you, no life-tree to stand as your memory. You're a hero. You're already dead. You died the moment you left your clan.
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dollopheadedmerlin · 6 months
I think it's so funny when people draw Merlin characters with stuff like top surgery scars because it carries the implication that Gaius is a leading medieval gender confirmation surgeon
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saturnniidae · 21 days
Those posts that were like 'if rtte starts before Hiccup and Astrid get together, then why does he have the little braids in his hair!!' As if he and Astrid haven't been having sleepovers occasionally spent braiding each others hair for years 🙄
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lesbian-sunshim · 2 months
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support me on patreon or leave a tip
rare pairs for your consideration - spike x ocellus
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raylasrightbraid · 1 day
guys ive come to the conclusion that rayla NEEDS a girl bsf her age
im hoping that in season 6 my girl Astrid can clutch up BC RAYLA NEEDS GIRL TIME LIKE NOWWW
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ceruleanthiing · 2 months
I dont?? Think there are any cars in Imperium City?? I’d need to rewatch DR to check but I don’t think I saw one car which makes sense because their public transportation is pretty tight. My memory is shit though so if I’m wrong I’m wrong but hear me out
The point I’m trying to make tho is that this would mean Sora didn’t know what a car was when she first left so I’m picturing her seeing them everywhere in the Crossroads/Ninjago City and being like ??? and she tries to ask Arin what they’re called but her descriptions just leave him confused as to what she’s talking about (he’s overthinking what she could mean because to him a car is such a mundane thing that everyone knows Obviously) and so she has to go out and point to one and he’s like. You mean the fucking car
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saga of "what if spader was Unnamed Baby". i dont think he is cuz he isnt the same color. but it would be, really funny. it would add such a fun LAYER to his reactions to dark magic AND TO PEP. “THOSE ARE ALL RUMORS. but he WAS a powerful dark wizard” <- guy whose siblings actually got cursed by that guy.
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onedragonaday · 4 months
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2/13/24 Final boss from Vulpin Adventure
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mamorigami · 9 days
here to once again complain about ft and just the. existence of irene & being the mother of erza, which subsequently didn't matter at all after that arc ended. im scratching my head still at the prospect of giving erza an on-page mother, especially so late in the story with no build up outside the arc. idk if im making this up but i remember reading that it wasn't intentional at first, but irene ended up looking so much like erza that it was implemented in the story. i think thats dumb and stupid and boring and dumb!! fair warning that i barely acknowledge irene and erza's familial relation, any development is going be heavily canon-divergent & full of my own tweaks in regards to irene and her story..
#ooc.#ummm yeah and also irene sticking around in wendy was weird too its just ??? like why.#did anything even prove to be important about that outside of a “power upgrade” that couldve been accomplished another way#genuine question btw bc i dont even read 100yq and the last arcs of the main story are fuzzy#and this is coming from ME BTW??? I LOOOVE FAMILIAL ANGST & TENSION. opposing sides wouldve been SO delicious. but in the#end she ended up just??? confessing she's always loved her daughter and could never kill her--would rather DIE than do kill her#seemed so weird bc she was sooo cruel before the fight. literally 0 empathy in that noggin. and GOOD FOR HER!#idk that fight wouldve been better imo if it was these two ppl who felt so righteous & strong in their beliefs that they moved past being#related to each other. which erza did i think?? bc that person may have birthed her but she was never her mother or family.#that doesnt even work tho bc the only person who rlly Felt that familial connection was irene. they were literally strangers theres barely#a unique tension that it brings. it was just like any other fight..#erza had already found that family somewhere else. blood ties mean little to erza tbqh! and that holds strong with her past??#why couldnt irene match her freak.#also to have irene be THE creator of dragon slayer AND be a literaly dragon for 400(?) YEARS#AND THAT DOES NOTHING TO ERZA??? HELLOOOO#GIVE THAT BITCH HORNS OR SOMETHING GODDD#SO STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID
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opalsoap · 2 months
I LOVE YOU ANDROID 17 !!! (louder than everyone else)
Im so mushy for him,, sometimes I feel so apathetic and disconnected from everything, but Lapis brings me back and I love him sm for it <3
When he tells me everything will be okay, then I actually feel better because I put all my trust into his judgment,, besides, he tells me "If you're ever falling, you know I'll be there to catch you." And not once did he ever break that promise
GAHH ILHSM I'm so glad my friend introduced me to him,, when I met him in that bakery, I thought we'd never get along,, but here we are, married for life :3
It's nice having a lover who balances you out,, opposites attract is such a real saying HEHSJS
Anyway, take the edit I've made for my dearest :> Lapis made fun of me for making it saying I was sooo obsessed with him (he's not wrong) but oh well !! he loves picking on me for that anyway
I apologize for it being offbeat,, I don't edit, I just really wanted to make the audio :D All in all, I'm grateful you are in my life, my perfect, beloved, Lapis <3
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
why does everything i get really into always end up being so god damn niche. by the year 2035 i am going to be blogging exclusively about the interpersonal relationships between the pillbugs and snails hiding underneath the bricks lining the flowerbeds in my parent's garden.
#im falling hard into the virvox guys rn sowwy. i like em a lot hee hee. i didnt realize just how small the fanbase for em was tho#actually i didnt realize how small the company that makes them were either. i got so used to the yamahas and cryptons of the vsynth world#that i forgot that like honestly. a lot of the voicebank makers and some of the software makers themselves#theyre like companies of like barely 10 employees with like no funding LOL not a bad thing but i forgor#but yeah i was looking up to see if there was like. a fanon reason why people shipped takehiro and ryusei? not judging because i get it#i like took one look at the virvox guys and immediately slotted them as a very strange boyband (a catboy and a middle aged dragon man....)#and also took a second look at takehiro and ryusei and assumed they were childhood friends. i saw the doujin flash before my eyes#but also looking into it it seems the fanbase is also like. 20 people. and like 3 of them ship that#and at least one person ships whiteCUL and ryusei? why not LOL when it comes to vsynths sometimes a ship can be spearheaded by like#one very prolific artist HGDJKDFSHDJK which actually reminds me. honestly i dont really have many vsynth ships#i guess i dont really partake in a lot of shipping stuff deeply but i like romance!! you know i like love stories. you know this#i mean i keep calling the eclipsed sounds characters the celestial polycule for a reason tho. im not joking around about this#this is serious to me. they are stars and moons and suns and together they hang out and kiss. in the sky. this is serious to me#also i do like solaria x eleanor forte actually. its a bit random but i understand it. i understand it#and of course the aformentioned takehiro x ryusei. and also the whole virvox polycule. get that old man in here too#(what do they call people like me. a multishipper? i do that a lot. you know this from my otome game fanart LOL)#OH and i dont remember either of their names rn but i like that the cevio bank anju inami voiced has like a big fat crush on like#that girl with the brown hair. i like that theyre like. besties (turning into something more wink wonk)#thinks with all my brain. i think thats it. i dont know why theres so little. i think its because i think of them as like#audio sample libraries first and foremost and i forget about their characters and relationships LOL#but im not against the idea of making some audio sample libraries kiss...... not at all#picks up a guitar sampler and a sound effect cd. presses them together.#hee hee. they kiss
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mantisgodsdomain · 6 months
Putting this out now. If anyone wishes to draw us a Scarlet we will draw you an art of your choice. Putting said Scarlet in Situations heavily encouraged but we are not picky we just want more of this one specific ant guy.
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
I was thinking about merthur and shadowpeach, and my brainrots gave me thoughts about shadowpeach in merthur's positions. My first thought was macaque as merlin cause of the devotion to their king, and extreme loyalty. but Emrys is the absolute most powerful person in the universe, kind of like wukong.
But if wukong was in merlin position, no way he wouldnt blow his secret in a week and/or overthow urther (and either place himself as king or macaque)
see, here’s the thing: shadowpeach and merthur are on 2 opposite sides of the devotion spectrum despite both leading to each pairing’s destruction and doom
merthur is devotion in silence and secrets and devotion in sacrifice. both of those idiots have a habit of doing selfless and self-sacrificial acts out of devotion and loyalty. but it was choked by prophecies and generations of harm
shadowpeach is devotion in self-destruction and shared secrets and silent paths made together. they fought together without any needing to hide. their care was open and understood by others. but it was ruined by the hubris of one who wished to conquer the stars just to ensure his loved were protected. the devotion soured into a resentment of their past joys because they didn’t know how to stop themselves from reaching more than they should have
#gonna try and simplify what I mean in the tags (place your bets on how I do)#shadowpeach began as a relationship built on devotion with no secrets. both were aware of each other’s actions & both understood#the other completely. however their relationship ends in ruin because of previously held expectations of each other and held back#communication. their devotion for each other destroys them and ends with the two as enemies and a broken friendship. the devotion is#still there but it’s more faint and needs mending#merthur begin with their bond needing some mending. they met at odds and could not stand each other. and yet there grew a devotion#one a little quicker because some dragon made known to merlin about his destiny but I digress#but there was devotion and un real able loyalty even at the lowest of times. EVEN WHEN MERLIN CONFESSED AND ARTHUR WAS DYING!!#they end their relationship with their devotion stronger than ever. a devotion that transcends time and life. their devotion is carved into#the prophecies and no one can erase them away. theirs is a devotion of unconditional love#……so…..who beg on rambly tags? congrats you win. i simplified nothing. i merely elaborated#bbc merlin#merthur#lmk#shadowpeach#tbh i dont think i can place any in the other ship’s roles#swk cannot be Arthur because he is the one with immeasurable power#Mac can’t be Arthur because he isn’t the one who wants to be king#Merlin can’t be swk bc he wasn’t a fan of kingship or flaunting his powers nor would he wreak havoc in heaven or be sealed under a mountain#Arthur can’t be Mac because he is not a fan of being the man behind the scenes or the warrior of the story#but they are so similar#but so different too#their dynamics are basically a reverse of each other(ish)#but yeah
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imorphemi · 2 years
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eyyy incorrect quote times with Grian and Pearl!
I know a lot of people lorewise like to separate Grian and Pearl and make them not meet up until hermitcraft s8 rolls around, but the amount of times Grian talks about her helping him in that period just doesn’t work well with that imo haha
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francy-sketches · 1 year
People complaining that jon and dany didn't have kids in s8 is so silly to me bc the idea of a reanimated corpse being able to reproduce is just. if it happens in the books I'm gonna piss myself
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