#its a fun little kids flash game i love it so much
onedragonaday · 8 months
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2/13/24 Final boss from Vulpin Adventure
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darqx · 10 months
Some BP/HH/General asks
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That mood when you want to share all the things but also want to keep it under wraps for the actual thing haha! Thanks very much anon!
As for your questions, I can't actually be specific cos there's no definitive number I have in mind for either. Basically there are a number of sectors (you can consider them their equivalent of countries - they have less than what we do though), and a number of species of demon of which I've designed about seven of. The ones I've shown before are these guys (and do you think I could find this pic again? No, I had to recreate it cos for the life of me I couldn't remember what ask I'd previously stuck it in lol):
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One day when i have enough species and stuff out there I want to make a proper field guide \o/
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Thank you very much for the interest! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I would actually love to for BP, but before I jump the gun there I have to get the comic out first lol. That being said I have made mini-games before featuring the HH versions and some other characs alas they are all lost at the moment to the sands of Flash becoming obsolete 😩
Me and Gato do still collab sometimes (and send each other Xmas presents)! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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I have been working on one off and on for a while actually! Hopefully I'll have some pages to post next year or so*, I've been doing a bit of thumbnailing recently :D
*that is the plan but i also don't know where people find the time to do anything with a full time job lol.
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Hullo! Glad you are enjoying the snippets of BP I've got here and there :D Here is an older ref on Izm back when i first got the idea (at that time i didn't really plan to do anything with it, it was just an AU. Now it's my main project haha. Anyway the ref is a little bit out of date in that regard.)
I used to have a "field guide" which was also made quite a while ago, unfortunately the death of Flash kinda killed it. Here's a screenshot of some relevant info from it though.
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That's an interesting one as it's questionable how sentient souls are after removal 🤔 In my mind its only form is the smoke light, it can "see" to some degree and MIGHT be able to talk (but in a very no one can hear them sort of way, a la i have no mouth and i must scream. So i guess it can think "aloud"). The more time passes the less sentience it has.
It could try, though it wouldn't really get anywhere if it's in Rire's collection. He might just eat it lol.
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.D: Good with kids, will be fine in all aspects.
Izm: The fun dad however needs a partner that knows what they're doing to ensure the child safety during shenanigans.
Marcus and Zeke: Also would be good parents though might be more helicopter out of protectiveness/worry when first starting out.
Ren: Geek parent very good for homework help. Some Asian parent tendencies eg "ah see, i told you not to do that right? Now you see what happened."
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They are similar to our known society for this! So basically, there are some good families out there (eg Zeke - who is a demon - is from a pretty average loving family), and there are some bad families out there who only care about power or having an heir or whatever.
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HH Rire is a human. I differentiate between him and Demon Rire because they are two different characters...even though they are also technically the same character lol. You can consider them as alternate universe iterations of a base "Rire" concept.
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I actually half jested this in an old comic lol
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I am sorry to inform you that a HH webcomic doesn't actually exist 😅 I did a lot of art, animations and one shots (such as the HHJ comics) with them, but nothing actually planned or serialised or anything. Whatever's currently on my DA or here is basically what exists.
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Bringing this image back cos it's relevant lol.
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You spelled it correct there though! XD
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deedala · 21 days
✨🎂 weekly tag wednesday 🎂✨
Today we're talking about birthdays! BECAUSE ITS @energievie's birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVIE!!! <<33333 and thanks for writing this weeks game and for tagging me 💖💖💖
When is yours? November 17th
Where were you born? the mythical land of ohio
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? the one i was born with got spirited away by a c list actress lmao but my married name is cool and i am happy with it!
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? i really really do. but in the actual way that scorpios are, not the super reductive meme-ified "scorpios are angry and mean" way.
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? oh this is tough... i can't be sure but it might be that when i was really little (maybe 6 or 7?) i had a birthday party in the party room at mcdonalds and i remember little flashes of that here and there but the main thing i remember is one friend giving me a framed poster of a very lovely watercolor painting of a unicorn mama and baby and my parents put that on my wall and it stayed there for my entire life. now i have it on the wall in my daughters room (she also loves it!)
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? oh shit, i guess maybe that unicorn poster lmao
How about one of the best you've given yourself? oh my god im actually terrible at gift giving. its one of the things i hate the most about myself. like any other circumstance i know what my friends and family like and will get them things when i see them. but when its time to come up with a gift i just completely blank 😫 so yeah i dunno, no thoughts head empty lmao (omg i misunderstood this question and put myself on blast for no reason 🤣)
What's your favourite cake flavour? yellow cake! yummmm
How about your favourite flowers? i love poppies and i love dandelions and i love ranunculus roses!
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. oh yes plenty! my house sucks though so im gonna tell you about how for my son's 10th birthday (double digits is a special occasion right?) we rented out a gymnasium that had a bunch of fun equipment and gymnastics coaches who helped the kids play on it. the kids all had so much fun it was delightful.
What's the ultimate birthday song? uuhhhmmm the one from futurama?
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. okay theres a few good ones but my fav is DANNY DEVITO!!!! (we're both short and italian and that is so valid of us)
and now to tag some little birthday nuggets!! play if you wanna or just consider this a little birthday candle for you to blow out and make a wish on 🔥💖
@michellemisfit @mybrainismelted @suzy-queued @gallapiech @lingy910y @catgrassplantdad @spookygingerr @mmmichyyy @thepupperino @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @celestialmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @sleepyheadgallavich @jrooc @blue-disco-lights @crossmydna @wehangout @gardenerian @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @palepinkgoat @the-rat-wins @sam-loves-seb @friend-bear @creepkinginc @softmick @callivich @loftec @burninface @rereadanon @vintagelacerosette @sickness-health-all-that-shit @whatwouldmickeydo @spoonfulstar @captainjowl @howlinchickhowl @iansw0rld @y0itsbri @transmickey @themarchg1rl @salesmain @marianchurchland
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jerzwriter · 5 months
In the Garden
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Thank you to the always lovely @aria-ashryver for this ask! Come spend the first spring day in Olympus's garden!
Book: Wake the Dead Characters: Zoe Rivera (F!MC), Troy Hassan, May Words: 1,100 Rating: General A/N: @choicesaprilchallenge24 | Vegetable Garden and @choicesholidays "Spring is a time of new beginnings, how appropriate..." (though I tweaked it just a bit!)
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Spring is a time of new beginnings, so it was no surprise that on its first warm day, the residents of Olympus were eager to be outside. After a brutally cold winter, it was evident that spring fever still existed, even after a zombie apocalypse, and the colony’s leader was not immune.
Scrunching down atop a patch of soil, Zoe stopped for a moment to wipe her glistening brow with her sleeve. Sounds of laughter caught her attention, and she turned to find several children playing a game of hide and seek nearby. 
“Joey,” she yelled to the oldest, a boy of about ten. “You know it’s not safe to hide alone. It’s early spring, and the zombies will be back.”
“ I know,” Joey grinned. “That’s why we have a parameter set and a big kid watching us.”
Zoe’s brow furrowed. There were only a few “big kids” in the colony, and they were doing chores during this time of day. “Really,” she asked. “And who is this big kid?”
A raspy throat clearing could be heard from the edge of the children’s play area, and Zoe shook her head. “I should have known,” she laughed.
“What,” Troy winked. “Can you honestly say you've never described me as a big child?"
“No,” she agreed. “I haven’t. The descriptor of “big” would be too generous. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be doing chores, too?”
His face dropped, and he feigned shock. “I am! I’m supervising the children! You should really just go ahead and make me a teacher.”
“So our governing committee can lose all faith in me and revoke my leadership? I think not. Besides, aren’t you scheduled to help me with the gardening?”
“But Miss Zoe!” A little voice wailed. “We are having so much fun, and it’s the first day of spwing!”
Lily was an adorable child with a long mane of curly, black hair. Whenever they flashed Zoe that mostly toothless grin, everyone in sight knew Lily would be getting her way.
“That’s fine, Lily,” Zoe conceded. “Troy can remain the big kid that he is.” Glaring over at the “big boy," she yelled. “You owe me, Hassan! Now I have to do all the gardening myself.”
“No, you don’t,” a voice cried, and a small hand slipped inside Zoe’s. May looked up, her face beaming brighter than Zoe had seen in a long time. “I can help you. I love gardening.”
“I know you do,” Zoe smiled. “And we all know you’re better at it than I am... but don’t you want to play with the kids... and Troy?”
“Nah,” May insisted. “I love gardening even more, and besides, Troy is taking bribes to tell the person who’s “it” where the others are hiding.”
“HASSAN!” Zoe hollered, but Troy had already scooted to the other end of the yard.
“What? Sorry! Can’t hear you!” he yelled, chasing after the children.
An amused Zoe turned to a delighted May. “I’m going to have to talk to him about this later, but for now...”
“For now, we garden!”
Time seemed to pass by in a moment, and before they knew it, the late afternoon sun was beginning to set in the sky. May was engrossed in her work, and Zoe tapped her shoulder to gain her attention.
“We should start heading in. We both have to get washed up before dinner.”
“I know! And I can’t wait for dinner! Eli is making chili tonight.”
“He does make a good chili,” Zoe agreed.
“He’s the best cook! I told him we were planting zucchini, and he said his mom used to make fried zucchini flowers. He’s going to make them for us as soon as these grow.”
Zoe quietly surveyed the little plot of land, her eyes downcast. “If they grow,” she signed, surprised she had said it out loud.
“Of course they will grow!” The enthusiastic little girl replied. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“Well, gardening doesn’t always... work,” Zoe lamented as she sat on a nearby step. “Especially when I’m involved.”
May was quick at her side. “What do you mean? You’ve gardened before. Feather says you’re a natural.”
“Well, Feather is very kind. But I don’t always feel like I know what I’m doing.”
“That’s because you grew up in the Tower,” May said, patting Zoe’s back. “I bet you didn’t even have dirt there.”
“No,” Zoe laughed. “Which is surprising because there sure were a lot of dirty things."
“Yeah, but I grew up at Sunflower Creek. That’s why I know a lot about gardening, and I’ll teach you. You can teach me all the things you learned at the Tower. Then maybe one day when I grow up, I can lead Olympus, too.”
Zoe reached over and lifted the girl onto her lap, squeezing her closely in her arms. “You will be an amazing leader one day,” she smiled. “I just know it.”
“And you will plant really amazing zucchini,” May giggled.
“You know what? You’re right!” Zoe grinned. “This is why we all need each other.”
The sweet moment came to an abrupt end when fun but chaotic screams shot from behind. They turned to find Troy buried under four of the children, each pulling on a different limb. Zoe rushed over, despite her side-splitting from laughter.
“HELP!” Troy screamed.
“Troy Hassan,” she scolded. “What is going on here.”
“We found out he was taking bribes from all of us!” Joey replied. “Now he’s getting all of our pudding after dinner.”
“Troy?” Zoe questioned with a stern glare.
“I’m not really going to take their pudding,” he insisted. “I’m just providing valuable... business lessons.”
May tugged at the hem of Zoe’s shirt. “This is why we all need each other,” she smiled.
“That’s right, we do. But right now, Troy needs us to get him out from under that heap of kids!”
“Oh, that’ll be easy!” May stated.
“Yeah? Why?”
Just then, the creaking sound of the old wooden kitchen windows could be heard, and Eli's head poked out.
“Come and get it!” he yelled. “The chili is hot!”
Squeals of delight mixed with Troy's whimpering and grimaces as a stampede of children trampled over man. Zoe extended her hand with a smirk.
“Let’s get you into the lodge before these kids do you in.”
Troy stumbled along beside Zoe, attempting to catch his breath. “Since they assaulted me, can I have their pudding after all?”
“No,” Zoe reprimanded. “But how about I sneak you an extra cup from the kitchen.”
“You will?”
“Consider it payback for all the treats you used to sneak to me at the Tower.”
“Nice,” he grinned.
“Yeah. Besides, you’ll need the extra energy for tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” he asked. “What’s tomorrow?”
Zoe removed her gardening gloves and smashed them into Troy’s chest. “You’re on gardening duty, Hassan... and tomorrow, you’re on your own.”
Thanks again for the prompt @aria-ashryver! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations Tagging others sepeartely
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lou-struck · 1 year
Apple Bobbing? Please...
Eijirou Kirishima x reader
Flufftober Day 6: Bobbing for Apples
Wc: 1.6k
~ While at your neighborhood Halloween carnival, Eijirou enters an apple bobbing competition in hopes of winning you a very special prize. 
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The callouses on Eijirou Kirishima’s hand feel like home as the two of you walk hand-in-hand through your neighborhood Halloween carnival. Thanks to last night’s heavy rainstorm, a few fallen leaves stick to the dark pavement. Little kids leave through the crowd, their colorful puffy jackets bundled snuggly around them, making them look like colorful little-legged marshmallows. 
The carnival looks like so much fun. There are rows of booths, rides, and vendors as far as the eye can see. But your boyfriend is trying hard to hide his disappointment. Originally, he had tried to get you two tickets to Pumpkin Land, the coolest Halloween amusement park event ever. But it was so popular and completely sold out of tickets at the beginning of the season. Even with all of his pro-hero connections and agencies standing, he still wasn’t able to get his hands on any.
“Mmmm, I smell Turkey Legs.” The Sturdy Hero hums into your ear playfully. He’s doing his best to just forget about Pumpkin Land, keeping a positive attitude about the whole thing.
“Of course, that’s the first thing you notice.” you giggle, wondering how he was able to smell anything over the overwhelming scent of freshly popped kettle corn from the stall off in the distance.
“What can I say? I love meat.” he grins, flashing you a mouth full of his pointy shark-like teeth. His signature red hair is covered by the black hood of his sweatshirt, and the cold air makes his cheek look a tad pink, but he still looks as handsome as ever. 
“So, what should we do first?” you ask eagerly, looking at the rows of booths and rides. “Food, rides, or games?”
“His blood-red eyes sparkle in excitement as he looks at you. “Hmmm, I think we should start with something sweet.”
“Oh, like funnel cakes?” you say, glancing hungrily at a passing food truck advertising its fall-themed funnel cakes. One is made with a pumpkin spice batter with a caramel drizzle, and the other is shaped to look like a human brain and sprinkled with a strawberry powdered sugar. “That place looks cool. The brain may be a bit unappetizing, but it’s kinda fun since it is so close to Halloween.”
“Those do look pretty epic, but I have something else in mind.” he chuckles, his grip on your hand making it easy to spin you around. You gasp in surprise as you are now chest-to-chest with the Hero. He looks down at you sweetly, his eyes begging for a kiss before the words leave his tongue. “May I?”
“Please.” you smile, his chivalry never failing to make your heart race. That one little word spurred his lips to press to yours tenderly. His embrace momentarily wipes the thoughts of haunted ring tosses and Zombie-brained funnel cakes from your mind.
“Tasty, this was just what I was craving,” he says lowly, pulling away. 
“So, you don’t want to get food anymore?” you tease, tilting your head to the side quizzically. At that moment, a group of teenagers walk past you with arms full of carnival food. The intoxicating smells make Kirishima’s stomach rumble as it wafts under his nose. 
“N-no, I’m still hungry.”
It’s been a few hours of fun. Your bellies are full of greasy, slightly spooky-themed carnival food, and now, thanks to Kiri’s domination at the strongman carnival game, so are your arms. You hold your brand new Jack Skellington Squishmallow closer to your chest as Kiri guides you effortlessly through the crowd of people that only seems to get thicker as you head towards the heart of the carnival. 
You pretend to not notice the spring in his step as he does so. Because in Eijirou’s mind, there is nothing manlier than being there for the person you love.
“That’s weird,” he mutters, his boots coming to a stop on the pavement. “There’s something going on at the stage.”
“Like a concert?” you ask, getting up on your toes to try and see over the evergrowing crowd of people. 
“Maybe, let’s go check it out, stay close. I’ll bulldoze a way to the front,” he says confidently. He would never hurt an innocent civilian, but his years of training as a hero, as well as his sturdy frame, gives him quite the edge when it comes to navigating swarms of people. You nod and link your arm around his much burlier one. His strong muscles make it hard to get the perfect grip, but you know that he would never let you get separated from him. 
When you are ready, he begins to move. His strides are confident as he makes his way past the crowd. On the stage is an old man wearing a tall orange velvet top hat; his hair seems to glow in under the stage lights thanks to some kind of quirk. 
There are Thirty or so large metal Tubs behind him. Event workers are filling each one with water. As the water level gets higher and higher, you start to notice glimmering red dots floating on the surface. 
“What are those red things?” you ask, leaning into Eijirou’s frame. Just as the announcer begins to speak into the mic.
“Apples,” he says in a loud whisper, not wanting to interrupt the man.
“Apples?” you whisper back confusedly, only to be cut off by the squeaking of the microphone. 
“Thank you to everyone who has come out tonight.” the man says cheerfully, speaking into a microphone. “It is now time for our Annual Apple Bobbing Competition; if there is anyone who wishes to compete, please make your way towards the stage.”
“That looks like fun.” you tease, nudging your boyfriend slightly, “Do you want to compete?”
“Nah, bobbing for apples doesn’t sound like my thing.” he shrugs with a smile. “Besides, that water is probably freezing.”
“True, but it would still be fun to watch.” You say as he nods eagerly. Volunteers begin to make their way up to the stage, not minding the cold water.
“And if you are new and apprehensive about joining our competition,” the announcer says. “the winner of this year’s competition will win two VIP tickets to “Pumpkin Land.”
“D-did he just says Pumpkin Land?” Kirishima breathes. Taking an eager step toward the stage. 
“I think he did,” you murmur. “But you just said you didn’t want to get wet.”
“I know what I said, but I gotta win this for us,” he says, puffing out his chest bravely. He rushes up to the stage before you have time to object. And you step up for a closer look. 
“Oh, it looks like we have one more competitor .” The man says, noticing Kirishima taking his place on the stage. How could he not? Your boyfriend is easily head and shoulders taller than the rest of the competition. But everyone knows that size doesn’t quite equate to apple-bobbing ability. 
You watch as Eijirou and the rest of the competitors kneel in front of the buckets and listen to the announcer explain the rules.
The competition will run for two minutes and in that time. Competitors with their hands behind their backs, we’ll have to dump their heads into the bucket of water and pull out as many apples as they can with their mouths. When the time is up, whatever competitor has removed the most apples will win the competition and the tickets.
You notice a few people murmuring in the crowd, 
One person points to Kirishima, who, after removing his sweatshirt, looks much more noticeable. “hey, that red hair, you don’t think that’s…” 
“no, I don’t think so…” another replies. “What would Red Riot be doing here?” 
You want to roll your eyes; heroes have every right to live their lives as normal people do, even if it means entering a stupid apple-bobbing competition. But their voices are drowned out by the sound of the competition starting. 
Right away, your boyfriend punches himself headfirst into the vat of water. He’s fearless. And he is one of the first to emerge with an apple in his mouth. The fruit looks skewered upon his sharp shark-like teeth. Which proves to be a problem. 
He tries to let go of the Apple, but it stays firmly in his mouth. As much as he shakes his head, it does not budge, and he’s falling behind.
“oh no, it looks like we may have an early elimination.” The old announcer says, looking at your boyfriend with concern.
There is a look of determination and your boyfriend’s crimson eyes, and he begins to bite down on the apple, his sharp teeth efficiently cutting it in half, and it drops to the side of the bucket. This new game plan surprises the crowd, and strangely enough, Kirishima, who stares down at the split apple in wonder before diving straight back into the bucket to grab more apples.
He’s unstoppable, and even before the timer sounds, signaling the end of the competition, his bucket is completely emptied. He throws his arms in the air in victory as the other competitors come to a stop. 
“Well, want that amazing, folks?” the announcer declares, racing upwards to try and grab Kirishima’s hand to shake. “Young man, I have been doing this for years, and I have never seen someone bobb quite like ya. Congratulations on winning the competition.” 
Your boyfriend’s smile is blinding as he shakes some water droplets off his hair. “Thank you, sir; it was a pleasure to compete.” His eyes find yours as he receives his winning envelope of tickets. “There is someone very special to me who really deserves these tickets."
"Oh my." the man laughs handing him a towel. "Would this be a date?"
He smiles at you knowingly, "Absolutely."
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stagehunt · 5 months
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, don't reblog.
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NAME:        vos AGE:         23 PRONOUNS:         they/them YEARS OF WRITING:          that  definitely  depends  on  what  you  classify  as  writing  but  i  discovered  rp  as  a  concept  in  2010  which  was  probably  just  a  bit  after  i  got  into  writing  little  short  stories  and  things  as  a  kid.  i  was  writing  them  by  hand  in  a  little  notepad  that  somebody  in  my  family  handed  over  to  a  school  teacher,  extremely  mortifying  ordeal  to  me  at  the  time  lmfao       
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?           i’m  pretty  sure  i  first  started  by  writing  shitty  warrior  cats  fanfics  actually,   and  i  didn’t  know  that  fics  or  fandom  in  general  was  even  a  thing  at  the  time  so  u  could  say  i  was  destined  for  this  sort  of  brainrot   fgdjkh   little  nine  year  old  me  also  encountered  rp  for  the  first  time  by  searching  for  warrior  cats  flash  games   (i guess??  idk  what  i  actually  thought  i’d  find)   and  instead  wound  up  on  some  random  webpage  with  a  chatbox.  moved  on  from  there  to  writing  awful,  horrible   (but  very  fun)   naruto  oc’s  on  a  website  that  i  think  was  called  chatango  some  years  later,   dabbled  a  little  on  imvu,   and  started  writing  on  tumblr  around  2015  iirc
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?          i  wouldn’t  say  so?  sometimes  i’ll  listen  to  like…  instrumental  interludes  from  certain  albums  or  smth  that  i  won’t  enjoy  too  much  because  i  find  music  very  distracting,   not  just  for  writing  but  in  general,   and  sitting  in  silence  is  a  weird  feeling  to  me  too.  when  it  comes  to  other  things  i  need  a  podcast  or  video  essay  or  something  similar  to  be  at  all  productive  but  it’s  hard  to  focus  on  writing  with  someone  yapping  in  your  ear.  i  used  to  save  writing  for  nights even  when  i  have  free  time  throughout  the  day,   because  i  tend  to  feel  bad  about  sitting  at  a  computer  screen  all  day,   but  with  my  activity  in  its  current  state  i  have  to  sit  down  and  get  it  out  the  moment  inspiration  and  energy  align  themselves  for  me.    
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?         sorry  to  steal  your  answer  but  i  def  have  to  agree  with  what  layla  said  re  the  community  aspect  of  rp  actually.  it’s  so  nice  to  be  able  to  just  click  with  someone  over  a  shared   (sometimes  niche)   interest  and  love  for  certain  medias/characters/dynamics/genres  etc.  the  feeling  of  finding  someone  who  shares  your  vision.  and  also  stemming  from  the  same  thing,   i’ve  always  felt  that  my  favorite  and  most  “solid”  muses  are  the  ones  that  i’ve  gotten  the  chance  to  develop  alongside  another  through  plotting.  love  shared  canon,  love  affiliated  oc’s,  love  group  verses.  allllll  that  good  stuff.  
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR WRITING.         gonna  break  the  format  we’re  following  here  because  i  have  to  ramble  and  idk  how  to  break  all  this  into  three  titles,     so  obviously  being  succinct  isn’t  one  of  the  answers  here   kfdjghd
i  always  try  to  capture  a  different  flow  and  style   (???)   of  prose  depending  on  who  i’m  writing,   and  i’m  never  sure  if  that  really  comes  through  for  others  or  if  i  just  seem  inconsistent,   but  whenever  i  look  back  at  old  blogs  i  can  see  it  for  myself  and  that  at  least  keeps  me  content   :)   i  want  to  read  my  writing  back  and  feel  that  it  has  character  outside  of  just  the  spoken  dialogue.
i  like  to  spend  a  lot  of  time  with  a  piece  of  writing,   which  realistically  is  not  to  my  benefit  in  terms  of  activity,   but  i  do  just  really  enjoy  drafting  and  redrafting,   rearranging,   nitpicking  at  everything  until  it’s  as  close  to  being  what  i  want  to  be  as  i  can  get  it.  so  that’s  more  about  the  writing  process  than  the  writing  itself,   but  i  think  it’s  still  important  to  allow  myself  to  have  fun  with  it  fkjghd
pulling  a  blank  on  a  third  thing  bc  this  is  actually  a  really  difficult  question  but  i’ll  come  back  and  edit  it  later  if  something  pops  into  my  head  kfjgdh
A question for the next person
HAVE YOU MADE ANY STRONG  CONNECTIONS  /  FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING?          for  sure.  one  of  my  dearest  friends  in  this  world  is  not  a  writer  but  someone  who  i  met  as  a  mutual  friend  of  my  first  rp  partner.  i’m  not  really  in  touch  with  that  person  who  introduced  us  anymore  but  i  simply  couldn’t  live  without  my  bestie  and  i  consider  writing  the  only  reason  we  really  met and she gets to kinda "beta" some of the things i do write   dfkgjhd   i’ve  also  traveled  to  the  states  a  couple  of  times  in  my  teens  to  meet  a  rp  buddy  who  i’ve  known  since  i  was  around   ,,   twelve  or  so  i  believe.  
wouldn’t  be  right  not  to  shout  out  @ohchosen  here  either  because  i  was  very  close  to  leaving  tumblr   (and  also  probably  rp)   for  good  when  we  became  friends,   and  writing/plotting  tmkz  together  has  been  one  of  the  best  experiences  i’ve  ever  had  on  this  website,   where  friends  and  mutuals  tend  to  come  and  go.  you  never  did.  you’re  probs  the  funniest  person  i’ve  ever  spoken  to,   craft  the  most  beautifully  written  responses  imaginable,   you  put  a  world  of  effort  into  developing  your  muses  and  you  let  me  derail  every  single  one  of  conversations  to  talk  about  music  instead   gfjhdg   sorry  i’m  so  mean  to  you.  ily  a  lot.
there’s  also  a  handful  of  mutuals  who  i  don’t  necessarily  talk  or  interact  with  very  much  anymore  but  have  been  around  for  years  at  this  point  and  i  have  fond  memories  with  too.  always  so  so  so  glad  to  see  you  pop  up  on  the  dash,  it  makes  me  smile  every  time  so  i’ll  use  this  as  an  opportunity  to  wave  at  you, you know who you are    <3
NEW QUESTION: where  do  you  draw  the  most  inspiration  from  when  writing?  music,   other  medias,   ur  fave  author,  a  dream  you  once  had  etc.
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tagged by @oneireth tysm <3 tagging val take my love letter as ur tag, also hi @heliador @loetise @tiderider @yeonban @pearlcure @deathsmaidens @sungracd !!!!!
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richeeduvie · 5 months
The Austerlitz episode in Logan wins AU. Baby jr wants to join the family therapy thinking its just fun family time. They all get up to go to the little chapel, so baby jr. gets up as well and starts walking with them, so happy, almost skipping. "No no baby, we stay here" "But I want to go with them mommy, I want therapy too". So Baby and Baby jr. sit with Tom and Willa. Not sure how that conversation would go, but would love to know. Afterwards when Logan and Roman take pictures Baby jr also wants to be in a picture. So they let her, because who can say no to her, and she's like "Mommy! You too!". So now it's a picture with Logan, Baby, Baby jr. and Roman. And Roman just feels weird. (No this is NOT affair AU)
If this was the affair!AU, it'd be a serve on Roman's end. Just up in the photo with his secret daughter, old dad none the wiser. Cunt-like.
"You can't join us, weirdo."
Baby Jr's smile at Roman drops. She pouts and mms. Roman pokes her shoulder.
"It's torture. It's not for babies - it's for losers. I'm just there to support our sister and brother."
"I wanna do therapy, please please."
"...You'll probably have to at a certain point." Roman pecks her cheek, bending down to her. "Mwah!"
Connor kisses Baby Jr's head on the way in. She puts her hands up.
"I hop-I hope therapy is not fun like what I'm thinking."
Baby smiles.
"I promise you, sweetheart, it's not."
Baby Jr nods and slumps into her mommy when she picks her up. She's still sad, she can have times that are not fun. As long as it's with her family.
Tom teaches Baby Jr that slapping game with your hands. You know, the one where you lay your palms out and someone sits theirs on top of yours, then you have to be fast enough to slap their palms before they pull away.
She always gives herself away, giggling hard when she's about to slap Tom's hands. He'll let her most of the game, where Baby Jr will laugh even harder.
Willa smiles something subdued, but bright.
"You've got a lot of power. You bore a little, pretty monster-ow!"
"Sorry, Tom."
She still giggles.
"She's a cutie, you're lucky."
"Thank you, Willa."
"Both of them. Shiv tries to peel my pupils if I ask for baby photos, so I'm assuming all of them were ugly coneheads...don't tell her I said that."
Willa tilts her head looking at Baby Jr. No kids, but at least the genetic proof is pretty cute - and odd for a toddler. If Logan can produce that...no, that's weird.
"Shiv was a cute baby."
"Oh, well - I never doubted it."
"Willa, play? Please."
"Okay, don't go too hard."
Tom's confused as to why Baby Jr is very gentle when slapping Willa's hands.
Then it's time for photos and Baby Jr is tilting her head, she walks behind the photographer - she doesn't want to ruin the picture.
"What are you doing?"
She missed out on therapy, she's not gonna miss out on picture taking.
"Can I be in the picture?"
"No, don't bother the boys-"
"Alright." Logan waves a hand over. "Romulus, they've already got enough of just your mug."
Roman blinks down as Baby Jr comes running up. He hauls her up.
"Thank you, Daddy."
"You're good for advertising."
She smiles shyly. Roman makes a face that's almost catty as much as it is slightly disgusted, but he smiles at Baby Jr when he catches her smiling at him.
"Mommy, come. You too."
"Oh, I don't know-"
"Might as well."
Roman's smile drops as Logan waves a hand over again. Baby comes into the middle, smiling at Logan and Roman swallows.
He presses his nose into Baby Jr's palm. She giggles.
He's a bad picture model when he catches Logan's hand on Baby's back. A flash comes along, bright.
What a picture of the happy family.
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Weak Spot - Chapter 11
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Fluff and Smut
Synopsis:  When falling in love is the easy part where does the difficulty lie? In a society where we’re defined by our job, it’s those little details as a relationship goes on that ends up setting a course for whether or not a couple can make it in the long run.
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
“I don’t like movies.”
From where you were perched on a concrete slab, you gawked at Donnie. Only a few days out from your sex-capades and still recovering, you had barely been able to manage the trip to work. It meant leaving for lunch was out of the question and Donnie had suggested bringing something to you instead. The warmer weather meant you at least wanted to sit outside. He was hesitant; you’d allowed him to dote on you far more than you would have liked, but you ate up the attention regardless of its source. The compromise had come from where you were currently sat, on an anchored flowerbed adjoined to your building.
“What? How is that possible?”
He shrugged. He had opted to simply lean against the ledge as if it were a standing table suitable for his height. “I find the inaccuracies maddening.”
You blew a raspberry and set down your soup. “Ok, I guess that’s like you, but also there’s no way you’ve always been like that! How about when you were a kid? All kids love movies!”
Donnie grew quiet in an odd way. You studied him and found there was a flash of something there. You couldn’t identify what, but its raw edge made you shirk off pressing.
“Sorry…” You wanted to kick away the territory you’d touched on, but the angle would have put an unnecessary stress on your hips. You opted for the next best thing and changed the subject. “We don’t have to watch a movie.”
“What would we do then?” He wasn’t appreciative as much as he relaxed at the redirection.  
“Anything!” You gave a nod into a bite of bread. “It’s a loose thing anyway, barely laid out in our roommate agreement: ‘tenant must be on deck if other is to arrive between the hours of 2am and sunrise within reason.’” You smiled at him cheekily. “It’s a mutually ensured safety thing. I watch movies because they keep me up. She’ll game for that same reason.”
Donnie looked into pansies as he thought it over.
“If it’s too boring, it’s alright to say no. I just figured, I would be up and not doing anything, and if you were available it might be fun to do that together.” You made it through the sentence but as soon as it ended you felt a creeping lap of embarrassment. All your meetings thus far had been structured. It made the lackadaisical quality of this one seem silly in comparison.
You felt Donnie’s eye and you turned to find him watching you with a thread knitting his brows.
It was enough for you to prompt him. “What?”
“Anything would include nothing. I can’t imagine you’d be satisfied if we sat on the couch in stasis.”
You brought your little half eaten loaf up and rested it against your lips as you conjured the image. Your brain concocted one where you were sat together in comfortable silence. It welled up a spring of calm in your chest. “I don’t know… I enjoy your company so I don’t think I’d mind if we just sat around.”
Several stitches were made and he was now a tapestry of confusion.
You gave a puzzled look of your own.
“You heard the apt ‘nothing,’ correct? As in, not talking, touching, et cetera and so on?”
You smiled in a befuddled way. “Yeah, that sounds like nothing.”
He looked back to the flowers as if they had the answer.
You watched him until your lips pursed. He seemed genuinely put off in a way that didn’t make sense to you. He had acknowledged, and reciprocated, your feelings on multiple occasions at this point. It seemed strange that a self worth issue could crop up. You set your food down to reach out to him. It meant a little swivel, but you ignored the sting in your torso.
He seemed slow to catch the move, but relented by scooting over so you could touch his shoulder.
“Do you believe me?”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I understand it.”
“If you don’t understand, can you not accept it?” 
“If that were the case, I would not be standing here.” He gave you a look that broke through the distraction in favor of mischief.
From where your hand was, you flicked out your index finger out to poke his cheek. “Poor Donnie! So put out!”
He caught you playing along and twisted his head enough to snap at your finger. Escaping the bite, you wagged it in his face as a taunt and he snatched up your wrist. A thrill shot through you as he mimed a large teeth glinting chomp around your hand. You feigned a scream that devolved to giggles. He snapped down centimeters shy of your skin before pressing a kiss into the extended digits.
You made a little noise and it took all your forethought not to squirm in place. “Yellow card for unfair teasing.”
He set your hand back near your food with a patronizing pat. “Heal faster then.”
“Because I have so much control over that!”
Amicably, he looked at you with a cocky aura.
“You don’t either.” You sneered at him playfully.
“No, but I’m naturally more resilient and heal faster by design.”
“Mhm.” You ignored his gloat by spooning some soup into your mouth.
“At your current rate you won’t be healed by Friday.”
“Now you’re coming?”
“I neither confirmed nor denied my attendance.”
You gave him a suspicious look.
He spun around and pretended he was lounging with his back to the planter.
It gave you enough time to think about what he had said. “Wait…” You took care not to spill as your hands fell into your lap. “You weren’t thinking we’d-!?”
He looked at you with pompous ooze.
“With my roommate coming home who knows when!?”
He was pouring it on extra thick. “You’ll find I do extraordinarily well with a deadline.”
Your hips rolled and you pushed the wince under closing your eyes at the thought.
That bare chuckle of his floated off of him.
“Ugh, this is so much worse than regular teasing.” You willed yourself to calm down by looking in the murky depths of your lunch.
“When you first brought it up I assumed that’s what your intention was.”
“No, actually.” A guilty man would look away so you settled on turning your chin up at him. There was no way he’d know you’d thought about it. You’d been thinking about it since that night. It was just impossible in your current state. You cursed your frail body.
“Hm, imagine my surprise when I found out you’d prefer to do nothing.”
Glimpsing the cloudless sky, you tried not to frown obviously. That was absolutely a lie. He was trying to excuse away whatever had actually caused his uncertainty. Adding another, your laundry list ‘for another day’ was growing a little too long. “Well, now you know!”
He tipped his head slightly as if he’d gotten away with something.
You could let that slide and be petty; it was the best kind of compromise. “Crazy how I like you for more than your body…”
There was an audible click and it took you’re a moment to realize it was his jaw.
Your grin grew. “…or your mind…”
He stood a little straighter and was firmly turned away.
“Those things are a great bonus, but I like you.”
He was exceedingly quiet and you went back to your lunch after you found he wasn’t going to respond. The gentle sounds of the city filled the space until you heard a soft voice.
“You say these things so easily.”
It took you a moment to ping the voice as his. When you did a little heat cropped up in your cheeks, not at the content, but at his reaction. “Well, it’s easy to tell the truth.”
On the sidewalk a man ran by.
Donnie reached up and rubbed his neck. “You’ll grow tired of thinking of me so often.”
You wanted so badly to hop off the planter and embrace him. From your current height there was no way you could sustain the drop. Trapped with a racing heart, you willed him to look at you. “I don’t know; I wouldn’t know how to stop.”
Across the street someone yelled for someone else.
You capped your soup cup and set it aside.
You looked at him.
“I’ll be there.” His arm dropped into a dangle and for a moment you’d thought he’d just walk away. Instead he shifted his weight and turned towards you. In a methodical fashion, he planted a hand to the right of your hip and used it as an anchor point to lean up into you. He didn’t take time to greet you there before kissing your cheek. The chaste nature of it drowned your already flooded senses and you turned into him. He stayed close as your cheeks brushed before he pulled away.
“We’ll talk sometime before then?”
He gave an absentminded nod before waiting for you to gather your things up. He then carefully lifted you off the concrete and put you on your feet. You held onto his arms even well after the point where you still needed his support.
“Don’t think too hard, alright?”
His solemn exterior cracked enough to allow for the upturned corner of his lips. “That would be an impossibility.”
You smiled at him and could feel the adoration leaking out in your expression.
He leaned forward until his head butt against yours.
The contact point stung a little but you laughed it off.
You bid farewell and held onto each other for a little longer until he parted.
There was a knock at the door.
You cussed from where you were in the bathroom.
You heard a door fly open down the hall.
“No!” You yelled and fumbled with the soap. The dispenser fell into the sink. “Fuck!”
Your roommate cackled manically and her feet slapped hard as she careened down the hall.
“Don’t you dare!!” You screeched. “You’re supposed to be getting ready to leave!”
“Maybe your boy toy shouldn’t have arrived early!!!” She joyously yelled back before you heard the telltale unlocking of the front door.
You shut off the water and threw the bathroom’s open with wet hands.
As you yelled out, you watched as her snap the knob before leaning against the frame in a plastic picture of composure. “Well if it isn’t…” Her hand slid down the jamb. “Long, green, and handsome!”
You shoved a sopping appendage into her face.
“MY MAKEUP!!!” She screamed and tried to twist your arm.
You wrestled at the door and were vaguely aware that Donnie was watching the display.
“Whatever! Proper introductions in a minute!” Your roommate relented by throwing her hands up.
You let go of where you had a fistful of her shirt and she flicked her hair as she headed back to her room.
“Huh.” Donnie leaned in enough to watch her go.
“Yeah…” Your nose scrunched up as you examined the droplets still on your hands. “First impressions, yay…!” You gave a weak pump of your fist. “So good…”
“That was comparable to our first.”
“I swear I’m not like this all the time.” You shook your head.
He gave you a knowing look and you spun around to avoid it. “My apartment!” You gestured out in a careful way to avoid flicking water. “This is the living room slash kitchen.” You headed straight for a rag to wipe your hands.
You heard Donnie close and lock the door him.
“It was listed as cozy.” You tossed the towel back into its spot and turned. “Down the hall it goes all doors on the left: bathroom, my room, and the Cave of Wonders.”
“My idea!” Your roommate’s voice echoed out from her room. “Because those who enter without permission are killed on sight!”
“Or because only she can see the worth within.” You leaned into Donnie without dropping your voice.
“I heard that!!” Your roommate hissed before something clattered.
“I’m assuming that was a reference.” Donnie’s eyes were in a constant rove.
You had a biting exclamation on your tongue, but caught it. The pause gave you a moment to look over your partner. He seemed on edge. “Right, you don’t like movies.”
He glanced at you in one of his sweeps long enough to indicate a confirmation.
“He doesn’t!?”
“Leave already!!” You turned and shouted down the hall.
You roommate appeared with arms akimbo and a purse slotted around her body. She then walked with poise, straight up to Donatello. “Hello, sorry about earlier.” She held out a hand to him. “Nice to finally meet you. Thanks for keeping Y/N company tonight.”
He evaluated her hand with only a flick of his pupil. “Sure.”
Her lips turned down before she let her wrist fall to her side. She then perked right back up. “Well, I’m off! I’m aiming for like 2am-ish so you kids be good!”
“Money’s on the counter, chicken’s in the oven, whatever else, and have a good night, mom.” You shooed your roommate out as she was already heading towards the door.
“Fully grown and still living at home?” She put a hand over her mouth in feigned scoff, but you could see her cat-like grin underneath.
“Don’t die!” You opened the door for her and tried to push her out.
She dodged you and winked at Donnie before leaving of her own freewill.
You closed the door after her and injected some theatrics into locking it. “That’s… her!”
“The two of you are energetic.”
“We bring out the worst in each other.” You bounded out of your irritation with your head held high.
The shred of him that was amused barely slipped out through his reserved form.
“You can sit.” You swung your arm out to the couch as you were headed in its direction anyway. You flopped into it and the action created a scathing reminder that you were still healing. You grumbled as you realized adrenaline had momentarily distracted you from the pain.
Donnie watched you stiffly before creeping over to the couch slowly. You watched with growing amusement as he took great care in only perching himself on its edge.
“Not comfortable with new environments.” You hummed, adjusting into the cushions to relieve pressure on your torso.
He didn’t respond.
After another frustrated minute of squirming, you finally found a comfortable position and sank into it with a breathy sigh.
The apartment’s quiet lingered in the air.
“No one buzzed you up.”
Donnie’s head tilted slightly. “No foul play, I just so happened to show up when another tenant did. You have careless neighbors.”
“Did you see what floor they went to?” 
You felt him shake his head more than you saw him.
Your lids had grown heavy and you tried to downplay how relaxed you became in his presence. “Well, at least they’re pro-mutant.”
Silence chased you.
 “I’ve been meaning to ask. You were wearing a face mask the first time I saw you, but you haven’t since?” You weren’t filling the space as much as you finally had a moment free of distraction.
It was so quiet you could almost hear his gears turning. “I do that when I’m not in the mood to be stared at. It affords a bare level of anonymity.”
You smiled, your head tucked into the back of the couch. “Not to me.”
He only gave the barest sound of acknowledgement.
You lounged for awhile before cracking an eye open. His head was turned so he was looking down the hall with rigid posture. “You okay?”
“Yes.” The response was too fast.
“If it’s too much you can go. I sweat it won’t hurt my feelings.”
His head took a slow trek in turning to you. He was being especially careful in what he let pass over his features. He then made it obvious he was trying to appease you by indelicately shimmying until his back was flush with the couch.
You frowned.
He looked forward and seemed to studying the television. “Did you have a movie in mind?”
His gaze stayed where it was. “I won’t pretend to enjoy it so don’t bother showing me the best.”
He was giving off his usual topic drop aura, but it felt strange as he was trying to play off his entire demeanor as opposed to a conversation point. You made a little noise of displeasure before fetching the remote from where it had been left on an armrest. You could feel Donnie watching you as you turned the TV on. You navigated the menu with soft rubbered taps before locating the screen you wanted. “A friend asked me to watch this horror movie and tell him what I thought.”
You chanced a glance at your companion and, as if waiting for his cue, he gave a nod.
You wanted to comment on it, but his discomfort was nearly palpable. You chewed your cheek and hit play.
The movie started up and with a grunt you got up to turn off the lights. Falling back into the couch, the room filled with unsettling music and dark imagery. Somewhere around the second murder you felt Donnie’s posture slump forward. He looked like he was studying the screen. In flashes the pace ramped up and around the climax you noticed that Donnie’s leg was bouncing. As the falling action indicated the credits were near, a different tension was evolving. When the screen went to black, it felt like Donnie was a moment away from bursting.
You tried to contain yourself.
“So… what’dya think?” You goaded before biting your lip.
Donnie rounded on you in an instant. “This is what I was talking about! They expect me to believe that man killed how many people?! With how sloppy he was?!”
Your smile came out around your teeth. “I’ve gotta get popcorn for this. Keep going.” You shoved off the couch to stand before rounding it to the kitchen. You hit the light when you got there and Donnie’s eye chased it like a moth to a flame.
“From the first murder shown, the amount of evidence he left behind was staggering! DNA on the champagne glass, he wasn’t wearing gloves so a litany of fingerprints, and he washed the murder weapon in her sink! Was this meant to be a comedy?!”  
You popped a bag into the microwave and with several beeps had it turning. “Yeah?”
“Skipping ahead for a moment, the use of barrels was exceedingly frustrating! Shallowly buried and not used for body decomposition?! Why even bury them in the first place then?!”
He continued to list off many faults as you procured a bowl. The only indication he noticed your return to the couch was his immediate swivel to pelt more of his examination at you. You happily popped kernels into your mouth as he went on in a frantic fashion. You had finished about half the bowl when he came to the realization as to what was happening. He didn’t quite stop listing his digressions as much as the tone shifted around them. He then petered off with a deeper frown etching itself into his lips. He looked like he was pouting by the time he finally stopped.
“That was so much better than the movie.”
“I’m glad you find it amusing.” The bitter edge to his voice was offset by the comical image of such a large man sulking.
“More like I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“This is not better.” He reached forward and palmed a large swath of popcorn. He then reeled it into his person and ate it one piece at a time.
“I’ll take sour Don over uncomfortable Dee any day.”
He narrowed around the new nickname before taking the piece he was about to eat and flicked it at you. It hit you squarely in the forehead and you laughed as it fell back into the bucket.
“Yeah, it wasn’t scary, but there was a ton of imagery.”
“If they wanted to reenact Greco-Roman mythology they may as well have fully committed to it.” 
“History buff.” You pointed at him. “I could have called that one.”
He scoffed. “Where do you think I got ‘Donatello’ from?”
The phrasing was off.
As soon as you caught it, he did as well. 
His posture snapped upright and it made it all the more suspicious.
You opened your mouth.
 “I know!” He caught one of your hands and then the other until his voice grew quiet. “I know.”
Your lips were still parted and you closed them.
In a blink he went from wary to pleading.
It caused you to inhale sharply.
“I know I’ve asked a lot of you. I was clear I would keep you in the dark, but I recognize how frustrating that must be. I know you always notice. You notice every, single, time, but this one especially, I can’t-” He hitched on the word and winced. He then dropped his appeal and stared at your knuckles.
This one felt different and his avoidance spoke all the more of its importance. You studied him for a moment longer until you followed his eye line to your conjoined hands. From where yours were slack, you carefully moved to squeeze his. He didn’t soothe or return the gesture. You swallowed hard. “If I can’t ask about that, can you at least tell me what was wrong when you first got here?”
“May I use your restroom?”
Your shoulders dropped and you pulled free of his grip. He usually wasn’t one to run away. “Yeah, you remember where.”
He was still and then he was off the couch. You scarcely heard his steps and sank back into the cushions.
He named himself?
You turned over the many curiosities you collected and none of it seemed to fit. Abandoning the puzzle only out of frustration, you palmed the remote and flipped through the many viewing options. You’d spanned nearly the whole catalog by the time he returned. You didn’t look at him, but let the remote roll free from your clutches. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him pick it up and move it away along with the abandoned popcorn bucket. You imagined you probably looked like the pouting one and were sure it was nowhere near as endearing. Giving a little sigh, you prepared to look at him when he spoke.
“I didn’t know how to act.”
“That seems to be a common occurrence lately.” The words had more bite in your head then they did off your lips.
“You can spend a lifetime learning and there will always be knowledge outside your grasp.”
You finally peered at him. He was facing you with one leg folded up onto the couch. The other was threaded over its ankle and gave him stability on the floor. “Is us being here that different than anywhere else?”
You waited for him to expand.
He looked off to the side as he formulated. “There’s no distraction.”
You eyed him.
“It’s a foreign space of your design. I had no way to plan for it due to a certain agreement-”
Frowning, you wondered if he would ever stop holding that against you.
“-Which left me with little options. It was also difficulty to anticipate how your roommate would factor into the equation.”
“A bunch of things you couldn’t know meant you…?”
There was a tentative lifting of his grave veil. “’I swear I’m not like this all the time’?”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
His lip twitched.
“I was unable to stop myself which was especially frustrating after I’d made a scene about doing nothing. The reality of which was more daunting which made it unsettling.”
You took the statement in and turned it over. It felt as if a secret note revealed itself in doing so. It was another account regarding how his usefulness was tied with his worth. You didn’t like that. “How are you now?”
A smile tugged at your lips. “About what?”
“How would you like your response? Organized alphabetically, by likelihood, or worsening case scenarios?”
“You’re being silly. You don’t have all of those ready to go!”
He gave you a look that said otherwise.
“I have never wanted to give you a noogie more.”
“Surely, you’re more creative than that.” He clicked his tongue.
“Nah, I’m a common bully.” You raised a noncommittal hand. “Gimme your lunch money.”
He reached out and covered your appendage with his own.
The tone of the move had you mentally backpedalling the joke.
“I assume I can’t keep distracting you with affection.”
You tried to keep from looking away. “You’d have to test that to find out.”
He applied force to lower your hand and, like a lever, it tipped your head up. His lips met yours in a soft meld and you melted under the contact.
He pulled back with a serious look in his eye. “I’d like to clarify.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Don’t want kiss me? It’s a little late for that.”
He gave you a rue turn of his lips before kissing you again. This time when he retracted, he had a tenderness in his gaze. “I don’t want this sentiment to be tainted with negative pretense.”
You nodded. “Agreed. Promise?”
“The fact that you got one out of me is monumental. You’re pushing your luck?”
An annoyed sound came from his throat. “Fine. You’ve gained another promise.”
“I’m going to grab you.”
He barely nodded once when you yanked him down to you by the top edge of his plastron. He was careful in the way he held you, but let you lead a mellow make out.
Slowly coming out of the titillating exchange, you pulled away to nuzzle his cheek. It wasn’t something you’d chanced yet and it caught him by a sort of surprise. He then settled into it and you pulled away only for him to chase you with the same move. It put loving binds around your chest and situated pulling back only caused them to constrict more. “So.”
“I’ve had a recurring drawback in my ability to communicate.”
You gave a nod heavy with thought. “And it’s not just that, but you can’t really explain that’s happening.”
You could sense him watching you closely.
You pushed your lips to one side. “There’s no real good solution for it so maybe we accommodate?”
“The terms of which being?”
You laughed at how serious he was. The wasn’t a trace of irony in his face and it made you giggle more. He took matters like this on as if they were business deals. “I’ll be more understanding if you explain what happened as soon as your able?”
He considered it. “Essentially you don’t want it to build up.”
“Communication is key or something like that.”
“Be forthcoming.” He spoke more to himself and straightened as if he were running mock scenarios.
Movement on the TV caught your eye and you watched as it cycled through previews as a screensaver.
“Are you sure you can’t just add it to the pile of other unknowns?”
You glowered at him.
He opened his mouth and you could sense what was about to come out.
“Don’t you dare call me tedious.”
Instead of being upset about being cut off, one of his eyebrows rose in amused surprise. “I think you’ve gotten mixed up. You are ‘tenuous’ while I find emotional exchanges ‘tedious.’”
You went to swat at him and he dodged. You rolled into the momentum and got to your feet. “I didn’t peg you for the type to give up when something is difficult.”
“Astute for once.” He leaned back in the couch and his arms spread out comfortably. “I prefer to complain.”
“That’s obvious.” You kicked one his legs in passing. “I’m gonna get a blanket. Feel free to raid the fridge.”
You heard him get up as you approached the gloomy hallway. Not bothering with the lights in the short trip, you opened the door to your room. Navigating it by memory, you wandered over to a chair where a fluffy blanket had been tossed. You gathered it up the best you could and turned. Fear shot through you as something else moved in tandem. You froze, trying to adjust to the faint traces of light.
The blanket slid from your grasp and you moved to catch it when the entity followed suit. Underneath a new flicker of anxiety it was enough to give you pause. Narrowing your gaze, you found it to be a small mirror on a dresser. Rolling your eyes at the thing, you clicked your tongue. The movie was a far cry from anything scary and yet you were still jumpy. It was one of those silly things that didn’t make sense. Brushing off the ridiculous jitters, you rounded out of the room and towards the light.
Donnie had his head in a cabinet and seemed to be debating glasses as if they were of the utmost importance.
“My favorite is the black handled mug.” You heaved the ball of fabric onto the couch before coming up behind him.
“Are you getting something?”
“Probably a soda.”
He lingered before settling on your recommendation. He turned with the glass in hand and stopped. You watched curiously as his head tipped back and he took the air in. Curious, you wondered what he could possibly be smelling. He then put his cup down before appraising you as if you were meat. “Fascinating.”
Suddenly feeling naked you tensed. “Uh?”
“What was it?” He neared you letting his snout lead.  
“What was what?” There was nothing behind you, but you felt backed into a corner.
“Fear.” The sound came off his lips as if he could taste it. “What scared you?”
Still put off, the memory of the silly fiasco in your room acted as a mood lightener. “Oh, pfft. I saw my reflection in the dark and it caught me off guard.”
His head fell to the side as if nothing was supporting it.
“You smelled it on me?”
“The dark.” He looked to the side.
“It’s dumb, but I guess the movie put me on edge.”
“That trash?” He was staring at something.
“Yeah, I didn’t feel scared watching it. It’s weird.”
“The suspense staging can artificially trigger a response in the brain.”
“What are you looking at?” You stepped forward when you couldn’t trace his gaze.
His neck sagged and, with a pendulum like weight, swung to you. His look was tempered but slowly grew into a manic grin. It marked some kind of alert, but surprise kept you from reacting fast enough. His hand shot out and from the angle you finally realized what he’d been staring at. The light switch flicked off and darkness flooded the apartment. Blinking to adjust, the glow from the TV cast the room in a pale light. As soon as you got a bit of bearings, your hand flew to amend his action. The light clicked back on and you found yourself alone.
Spinning around, you couldn’t locate Donnie anywhere. You hadn’t even heard him leave. A growing panic sped up your heart rate. “What the hell?! Are you trying to pull some horror movie bullshit!?”
Silence followed and you backed up into the counter.
Head pivoting in all directions, you couldn’t find him.
Instinctively, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. Eyes darting wildly, you slid your hand there to smooth them out. If he was trying to prank you it was rapidly becoming not funny. He wasn’t even taunting you. It was like he’d never even been there. It reminded you of the morning you’d woken up alone in his apartment. That similar fear compounded with your current one into a knot of stress.  
The only movement came from the TV still rotating through specials.
Lost, you could only cycle through tropes that you had seen with victims in similar scenarios. Pressing into the counter until it bit your healing bruises, you prepared yourself best you could. You gave the room a final scan before reaching your hand out to the light switch. Readying, you clicked it off. A similar curtain of black descended before the TV buoyed against the dark. The preview glowed a little too brightly and the empty room stretched out in front of you.
Knowing a change was about to occur, you held your breath. The current preview ended and before the next one came, the screen blacked out. In that split second before the next appeared, you heard the sound of fabric move. Slamming the switch, you found yourself still seemingly alone. You scanned the curtains, but they were deathly still. With nothing out of place, distress pooled in your features.
“Last chance!”
The stillness was overwhelming and you resisted the urge to screw your eyes shut. You grimaced as you pressed your hand against the switch. In a down flick, darkness took reign and you strained to listen. You could feel the way your pupils expanded to take in as much data as possible. It caused the light from the TV to sting, but you stared as you awaited the rollover. The ad clicked away and in it you heard a new sound. It sounded like a rush of air heading towards you and you hit the lights.
The outstretched blanket manifested in front of you. A scream ripped from you as it descended on you. The pressure of two strong arms puppeteering it immediately became apparent and you fought back against them. “What the fuck?!”
Donnie laughed and reigned your limbs in. “You did say I was more entertaining than the movie.”  
Since he found your struggle so funny, you went completely stiff to deny him the pleasure. It caused the blanket to slack around you and his head appeared grinning overtop. You seethed at the excitement pouring off of him. “Not cool. Not fun.”
His mouth frowned, but there was a joy twinkling in his eye. “Too much?”
“Ya think?!”
“Any other way wouldn’t have elicited the same response.” The arms around you slid to your hips as he took in your scent.
“No.” You squirmed and found his hold was loose. In a snap you broke free from it and translated your displeasure. “I’m not happy and not about to let you get off on how I smell!”
Like a kid who wasn’t used to being told no, you caught him trying to get one last whiff.
You shoved the blanket into his face. He stepped back in the force and you yanked the fabric back to you. He relinquished it and you juggled the bundle in a march to the couch. “Get a drink and cool off.”
“Bold word choice, coming from you.”
You couldn’t believe he was still trying to joke around and angrily snapped up the remote. You navigated the display as the sound of liquid being poured echoed behind you. His steps signified his approach and you could feel him stall as he realized there was nowhere to set the glass. He backpedaled to the kitchen and the cup clinked against the counter. You kept your attention forward and the cushions dipped as he took a seat. His gaze burned into your cheek and you tried to play off your irritation as cool indifference.
“I don’t apologize.”
You flipped through your queue.
“You weren’t that scared.”
Wrong again.
Pulling up the details on a movie, you scanned a cast list.
He growled with frustration and the couch moved as he adjusted himself.
You peered at him out of the corner of your eye.
His brows were down and his pupils darted around his lap as he searched for some solution. His struggle weakened your resolve just enough.
“I’m not mad mad.”  
“What kind of nuisance is that?”
You soured. “I’m more upset at how your handling this.”  
His brow came down in concentration as if that hadn’t occurred to him.
“Just because you don’t think you did anything wrong, doesn’t mean you get to act like me being upset is ridiculous.”
The click was nearly audible and he looked at you.
He had skill at banter, but there was a line he clearly wasn’t aware of. It made you wonder about his previous opponents. You hadn’t thought much of any of his previous partners. His gaze further spoke of things he didn’t understand and you tapped a finger against the blanket wad at your side. “That and it… wasn’t really what you did, but the fact that you just vanished that was scary.
The sentence had a sort of blowback that was visible in his neck.  
“Of all the mysteries, the worst is that you could disappear so easily and there’d be nothing I could do.”
He had a growing intensity that you had to look away from.
“It’s more of an abstract fear, I know. I mean, teasing is fun! We both do it. I don’t know…”
“I see.”
“Sorry.” You wanted to crack a window to shoo out the heavy air. “I’m being sensitive, I guess.”
“No.” You felt him lean back. “I haven’t shared my worries.”
The pivot took you off guard and you had to remember. “Your weird organizations.”  
“Clerical work is not weird.”
You didn’t want to let humor seep in, but something about how staunch he could be about ridiculous things always got you.
“I’m not immune to the irrational.”
You peeked at him.
“There was one such concern that you’d realize I wouldn’t be good company tonight and you’d kick me out.”
“How is it your ego is both huge and non-existent at the same time?”  
His expression tried to teeter on scandalous, but it barely covered the vexed nature he had taken on.
“I wouldn’t, for the record.” You gathered the blanket in an effort to unfurl it. “Even when I’m upset. Even if you were the most boring thing on the planet.”  
He watched your task.
You got it unrolled and stood with it. He tracked your movement and you urged him back. He sank into the couch and you tucked a portion of the blanket around him. Heedful of you, you gave him a gloomy half-smile before patting the fabric. You then sat next to him and pulled the rest of the cover over your legs.
“I have no plans to depart from our engagement at this time.”
You stopped in your adjustment for a moment before getting back to it. You supposed that was a sort of version of what you’d said. It just so happened to be a little too sterile to be comforting. Situated, you leaned back.
“Why are you comforting me?”
You shrugged. The prick of bitterness still stung, but it felt like a moot point.
“You haven’t forgiven me.”
“So, you like scaring people?” You tilted your head and picked at a loose thread.
The muscles in his legs flexed so sharply you could feel it through the cushions.
You looked at him with a dry understanding.  
“There’s more nuisance to it, especially if we’re talking about you.”
“Me, huh?”
He ran a hand over the blanket in his lap.
You waited him out.
“I got caught up. That’s the first time I’d smelled it on you.” He flicked a hooded gaze at you. “You have little regard for your own safety.”
“Not true, but-” You gestured for him to continue.
“There’s an alluring quality to it.” He took a long time laying on of his arms across the back of the sofa. It placed his elbow somewhere behind your head. “A close facsimile could be prey drive.” 
Against your will, your imagination kicked into high gear with imagery of you as a rabbit and Donnie as a wolf. His imaginary teeth snapped at your heels and the fantasy crossed with real world him nipping at your fingers. The confusing shift pooled a heat in your belly. “Oh.”
If he smelled it, he didn’t react.
You went to studied him and found he looked away as soon as you tried. It was like you’d almost caught him. Narrowing your gaze it brought about a realization: he didn’t feel bad because he still wanted to scare you more. Despite knowing it was wrong in this context, he was still trying to find an excuse. The desire to indulge him overrode your concerns. A part of you knew it was wrong, but you shoved it down to deal with another time. “We could try.”
He didn’t look, but you could sense wary interest there.
“Under the right parameters.”
He finally turned.
“It would have to planned, communicated. I don’t care about how it changes the smell.”
You brought your voice down low and, despite the additional red flags waving there, those excited chase scenes ran rampant through your mind. “You could stalk me to your heart’s content.”
His eyes widened incrementally and there was a clear hunger there.
“Then catch me and do what you will.”
Weren’t you offering too much?
There was a creaking that sounded like fabric that was about to tear. You both snapped to attention and found Donnie was gripping the armrest so tightly the threads there threatened to burst.
“Sounds like a yes.”
“Parameters?” His voice sounded thick.
“Like what’s allowed in public, a time limit, me knowing what’s happening, things like that.”
The couch whined again and Donnie pulled his hand away from it as if he’d been burned. “We need to discuss this when you’re healed.”
“Just talking about it is too much for you?” You bat your lashes at him.
He opened up his expression and you found yourself back at the restaurant table. It was the move he’d used where he’d translated just how much he truly craved you. You pressed into the back of the couch involuntarily and bumped his arm there. You leaned your head against it and lowered your gaze.
Silence settled in as your tried to gather up all the amorous thoughts that were starting to pile.
“You don’t have to indulge me.”
“It’s not something I’d thought of before, but I am curious.” You gave a meek smile. “I like the thought of you chasing me, being wanted.”
The arm beside you slipped from the cushion and reeled you in. You snapped a glance between the hand that landed on your shoulder to his eyes that looked directly into yours to translate how earnest he was. “My desire for you is unquestionable regardless of presentation.”
That was the comfort you’d been craving. A pitiful need bubbled up and the only way you could alleviate it was by pressing your forehead into the crook of his neck. His hand squeezed your arm in comprehension.
“I’m finding there are certain things that require reminding.”
You nodded against him. “Feelings change so fast.”
“Reassurance.” He hummed in agreement.
Between the blanket and his tight hold, you felt a lull wash over you. Distantly, Donnie mentioned he was putting on another movie. Together you worked in tandem to get you turned around and set against him comfortably. Your final position ended with him sat catty-corner with one arm around you and the other languidly sprawled on the arm rest. You were then tucked between him and the back of the couch. Your head came to rest on the pectoral shelf of his plastron and the blanket was wrapped snuggly around the both of you.
A movie started playing and, while your eyes were looking right at it, none of the information made it back to your brain. Your mind was swathed in warm cotton and your lids drift shut. It seemed like only a second had passed when there was a faint sound of a door.
“I’m coming in…” The whisper seemed familiar. “Last chance to be decent!”
The was a subtle shift above you.
“Oh, ew.” The door closed with a clicked lock. “You’re cuddling.”
The firm surface under your air bobbed and you heard a puff of air.
“Is Y/N asleep?” The voice was getting closer and your sleep addled mind finally registered it was your roommate. 
The figure you were propped against shifted to examine you. Another huff emanated from them. “I believe so.”
“You ‘believe’?” She mocked and the sound was right next to you.
A rush of movement happened and you were pulled into a lap. Your head curled into soft skin of a neck under a sweater you remembered that pairing was distinctly Donnie.
“What is wrong with you?!” His harsh whisper confirmed it for you.
You guessed you had fallen asleep.
You wondered how much time had passed.
“It’s my couch.” Your roommate responded nonchalantly.
You really wanted to keep sleeping.
“For as much as Y/N values your relationship, you don’t seem to do so in kind.” You could feel Donnie’s anger. You nuzzled into his neck to both get away from the sounds and to soothe him.
“Oooh!” She chirped. “You always do the protective boyfriend shtick?”
She snorted. “I really thought I’d walk in on you guys doing it. I’m surprised.”
Donnie ignored her and his grip around you tightened ever so slightly.
“Aw, did I strike a nerve?” She cooed.
“What do you want?” You could hear the snap of his teeth.
The couch squeaked as she presumably changed positions. “Right to the point, alright. I’m sizing you up.”
“Attempting another pathetic warning.”
A chuckle escaped her before a slap on skin sounded that you assumed was her covering her mouth. It took her a moment to calm down before she gave a airy response. “You’re spicy. You’re talking about the selfie. Looks like you got the message, but you shouldn’t underestimate me.”
“Well since you’re so serious…” The couch shook and you imagined she sprawled out. “How serious are you about this one?”
There was no way Donnie could see your face from where you were now positioned, be he looked down at you anyway.
It seemed like something happened, but you didn’t hear anything.
“Let me ask it this way: every time I try to wring information out of Y/N, there’s a specific bit that gets avoided. I guess it’s new enough that you can pretend it’s not labeled, but Y/N is gaga over you. You know that much, right?”
There was a stiffness in Donnie’s neck before he gave a tight nod.
“I know what I’m seeing, but I want to know if you see it the same. Are you planning to fuck a few times and ghost?”
“No.” His response was sharp and immediate.
“Thank you.” The haughty edge to your roommate’s voice softened. “I’m a bitch when it’s important. Y/N is important.”
“I agree.”
It took every fiber of your being not to react.
Another non-verbal exchange happened that you desperately wanted to be privy to.
“How long do you plan to stick around?” Your roommate’s voice had taken on a strange doting quality.
From where it was near your hip, one of Donnie’s thumb traced circles against the blanket that covered it.
A lengthy pause happened and you tried not to hold your breath.
“I am honestly not sure.” Donnie seemed close to sighing in defeat, but one didn’t come. “This has all been unexpected.”
“Even if you aren’t looking, sometimes your person just finds you.” You roommate’s voice had a faraway quality. “It’s on you how you react when it happens.”
 He shifted and you could tell his signature studying gaze was locked in on her.
“It’s scary. It sucks, but if you want it, you have to open up and let them in.”
Donnie swallowed in preparation to speak.
“Personal experience.” She cut him off. “One man’s failure.”
His chin dropped until it nearly grazed your head.
“Short term, long term.” You could hear her hand move as she made a gesture. “Whatever. You probably have some idea what you want.”
You were pulled close enough that his head rested finally against yours. “Right now… I don’t want to let go.”
Your roommate made a noise you couldn’t quite identify before the whole couch screeched against the floor from the force of her flinging herself to her feet. “Hey, Y/N!”
“What are you doing!?” Donnie growled.
You groaned.
“Wakey, wakey! I’m kicking you lovebirds off the couch!” Steps came close and your body was moved as Donnie presumably tried to put you outside of her grasp. The sofa had little wiggle room in that department so her hand found your arm through the blanket. “Green Goddess can spend the night, but your ass is going to your bed.”
“Nails on a chalkboard.” You ground out, peeking at her from Donnie’s neck.
“Voice of an angel.” She sang.
“You need a new roommate.” Donnie grumbled.
“Oh! Volunteering so soon? So you are serious!” Your roommate tittered before skipping out of range just in case Donnie swiped at her.
His hands didn’t leave you and his voice dipped low for your ears only. “I couldn’t keep her at bay.”
“That’s alright.” You rubbed an eye. “No one stood a chance.”
He frowned.
“Did… you want to spend the night?”
He avoided the question by standing with you bundled in his arms. Your roommate made kissy noises as Donnie then carried you to your room. He somehow managed to flick the light switch with very little jostling of your body. The room illuminated and you saw his gaze catch on something. Without looking you knew exactly what it was.  
You could almost hear his thoughts. “Oh yeah, the twin…”
“I’ll have to decline.”
“I don’t blame you.” He carried you over to bed and set you down on the mattress. “I’ll walk you out? I need to wash up and change anyway.”
“Only to the door, you clearly need rest.”
“I also was really comfortable.”
He shook his head with a certain level of amusement before swiveling to depart.
You freed yourself from the blanket and stood. “How was the movie?”
“Surprisingly interesting, I can appreciate the attention to detail.”
“Realism.” You hummed and passed him to your door. “I’ll have to actually watch it then.”
He went to follow, but was cut off as you blocked the entrance.
You turned and reached up for him on the tips of your toes. He balanced your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Pulling him down into a kiss, you mewled as he pulled you flush against him and deepened the move. When you pulled back you stared at him tenderly. “We have to do this now so someone doesn’t get any more fodder to complain.”
He nodded in agreement and pressed another kiss into your lips.
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gildedmuse · 1 year
Play Pretend (Please Don't)
Part I
[All my writing posts should come with an @jhaernyl credit. She doesn't always have to say much, but what she does makes me want to write something just for her.]
Its Zoro's first ever high school party, but even he knows what it means when someone sets a bottle down in the middle of the floor.
Robin somehow talks Nami into it, and Nami forces the rest of them because she's just bossy like that (and too embarrassed to admit she's only going because Vivi is there.)
Without hesitation, Zoro gives a flat no. He came here to get out of the dojo, the cheap watered down sake, and because his friends wanted to come, that's all. He doesn't see why he should be forced to sit around and watching a bunch of people he only half knows or likes giggling and whispering about who kissed who based all on a random bottle spin.
Then Robin slides up beside him, though before he can her no as well she speaks right passed him.
Robin: Will you be joining in as well, Torao-kun?
Law: Why? Are you going to try you luck, Fluer-ya?
Trafalgar Law is a black haired senior with a wicked smirk that curls around his lips the same way his tattoos curl across his olive skin. Both make him look just a little dangerous. Like a knife, or an unregulated kendo match.
Zoro's ends up standing there at the side trying to look disinterested and too cool and super adult - but in a cool way, not like a lame chaperone or something - sipping from his cup of watered down sake, pretending not to watch as Torao kisses four different people including - oh how gross - that stupid Ero Eyebrow (who of course goes and makes this huge fuss over how he shouldn't have to kiss Torao since he doesn't want to and only even played this game because the beautiful, sweet angel Nami-swan ❤️❤️ ❤️ requested his presence and-) Torao just smirks and grabs him by his stupid tie and drags him across the circle, and even though Zoro wants to gag at the sight, it's also sorta hilarious to watch how fast the waiter shuts up. When Torao lets go, Usoop howls, tears in his eyes, as he points out thats Sanji's face is an exact match for Kid's hair. Though Zoro doesn't actually catch the idiot's embarrassment. His vision gets caught on that hook, the upward turn of Torao's lips.
(After he shakes it off he tries to join in and poke fun at Love-Brow being an homophobic asshole, but all he sees is Black Lung's wrinkled shirt and wet lips and arg, why would someone as cool as Law waste his breath kissing someone so stupid?)
Eventually Hancock declares that this game is for children and they need to go the ante. Who is up for Seven Minutes In Marie Joice? (To no one's surprise this very quick decision comes after she FINALLY manages to get her spin to land "like a love arrow" right at Luffy, who only even sat in the circle, Zoro is sure, because Nami put down a tray of snacks. He doesn't even stop eating his chicken. Just keeps chewing staring up as the senior girl makes annoyingly high pitched baby sounds and wiggles around like a worm before finally going in for the kiss, only to miss when Luffy dives down at the plate. Her lips brush Luffy's hat and she squeals so loud Zoro winces and has to cover his ears. Why are people so weird about something as silly as kissing?)
Zoro: What's Seven Minutes In Marie Joice?
Bonney: Something you'll never get.
Some of the kids snicker, though most just shrug it off as the two of them being siblings (Bonney is older, it's practically her job to taunt him in such a manner). Zoro still doesn't have any clue what it means, so the insult goes entirely unnoted.
Law: That's not fair, Bonney-ya, I've heard Princess-ya's friends all find him very "cute".
Torao flashes Zoro a supportive smile and winks at him, letting him know it's all in good fun, none of which Zoro doesn't know how to react to. Sure, on the one hand, He's certain Torao is trying to stick up for him even if he still isn't sure what it's about. Then again, he brought up Perona's annoying little friends who sit in the backyard giggling when he's trying to practice kendo. Zoro has a feeling he's being teased whenever they come up.
The waiter snorts and lights a cigarette, as if that makes him look older and cooler. Zoro shamelessly smiles when he chokes on his first inhale.
Sanji: Bonney-chan is right, as always. Everyone here has too high of standards to go with someone as brutish as you.
Zoro / Bonney: Oi! What would you know about standards love boy? / Oi! Watch your mouth you stupid eyebrow kid!
Sanji: My apologizes oh Bonney-chan~~❤️ !!! However, you have to admit, your brother is too afraid to even join in a simple kissing game-
Zoro: I am not afraid! Why don't you come outside and say that to my-
Hancock: That's enough! I demand we begin the game!
Zoro is so ready to march off when Torao scoots closer to his classmate Penguin, patting the ground beside him. He seems to have decided that Zoro meant it when he said he wasn't afraid. Which he wasn't!
Law: Come on, Zoro-ya. It will be fun.
Zoro is going to go, but this makes him pause. He can't help but think about about how Hiyori, Smoker, Robin and even old eyebrow all got to kiss Torao. Also, Zoro isn't a coward! That's just as important to prove, so it isn't actually like he wants to kiss anyone at all, it's all about his reputation. With a glower towards the stupid love waiter he goes and takes his spot next Torao.
The second he does Law leans in a little closer, knocking their shoulders together. He leans in until he's close enough that even his whisper knocks the three gold bars hanging from Zoro's ear together.
Law: You'll like it, trust me.
Zoro refuses to shiver. Instead, he hides his reaction in his cup. He takes a sip of sake, making a muttered sound which could be agreement or whatever.
Zoro still doesn't understand the premise of the game. It's like spin the bottle but now pairs of people go back into Basil's downstairs bedroom for a few minutes (not actually seven, but just typically just until Hancock seems to deem it enough time) and people whistle and cheer when they come out. Law goes in with Bonney who looks super annoyed, then with Smoker again.
After that time, Toroa comes out with his shirt half unbuttoned and a smirk that makes Zoro all warm.
The first time it lands on Zoro, it's Nami who spins. He lays on the bed and listens to Nami complaining about "that bitch Hina" . Zoro didn't know Nami hated the pink haired girl so much. From what he gathers it has something to do with Hina and Vivi having been paired up to come in here together earlier. Zoro decides to nap until Hancock lets them out.
He forgets to ask Nami what it is they're supposed to do. 
When he comes out Love-Brow nearly attacks him, which Zoro is fine with (he's always happy to kick that blonde pervert's ass) but Nami jumps in and calls him idiot for thinking that anything happened. Eyebrow goes on about Nami's purity (puke) then nicks Zoro for "striking out". Zoro doesn't really care about waiter boy's opinion of him and just shrugs if off as him being an asshole like usual.
Law gives him a sort of smile though and ruffles his hair before patting him on the back.
Law: Bad luck, getting her on your first try. Come on, your spin will go better.
Then it's Zoro's turn to spin...
It comes really close to Sabo and Ace which makes Law tense up next to him - it's barely noticeable except Zoro is hyper focused on Torao the whole time, to the point where the nearly missed when the bottle stops.
Zoro's wondering why Torao had gone all weird when he hears a giggle.
Robin: How fortunate for me, Kenshi-san.
When they get back to the bedroom, Zoro sits at the end of the bed, unsure what else to do. Robin follows suit, sitting suspiciously close to Zoro, who automatically crosses his arms, trying to look ready for whatever. Even though he still doesn't understand the point of this game.
Robin looks at him and giggles.
Robin: Would you like a kiss, Kenshi-san?
Zoro: What! No, of course not woman! 
Zoro: ....
Zoro: Is that what we're suppose to be doing?
Robin: I believe it is the "fun" part of this particular game, yes.
Zoro: *frowning* What's the point in switching rooms and calling it something different if it's the same game? Just so people can pretend they're doing something interesting instead of just kissing each other more? Tch. How pointless.
Robin: It does seem rather secretive for just kissing. *Leans in and plants a soft kiss on Zoro, who is too shocked to protest in time* Perhaps you should ask Torao-kun to help explain it's objective?
Robin goes on to say that it's alright if they pretend they did kiss, though Zoro doesn't see the point in pretending such nonsense. Not until they leave the room and Law lights up with this wicked grin, leaning in close when Zoro sits back down.
Law: See, wasn't that way more fun?
Zoro: *Stomach all fluttery* Hmm? Oh yeah. It was.... Great.
For a while neither of them get picked which it turns out is Zoro's favorite part of the game because it's mostly just sitting around drinking and talking with friends. And Torao doesn't get up to disappear with some girl or have a bunch of friends show up and drag him away. He stays next to Zoro the whole time.
Sometimes they'll talk about the couple that goes into the room and Zoro is working on piecing together what is the point of the game is, though it still feels like a waste of time. If you want to kiss someone so much why not just ask them?
He brings this up to Torao, who chuckles and says it's a fair point.
Law: But then why are you playing, Zoro-ya?
Zoro didn't want to admit that he's playing because Torao was there and, honestly, he didn't know what it was, or that he thought of all those other people Torao has kissed and hadn't liked it.
Zoro: I don't know. Bored I guess?
Law studies him and Zoro tries not to squirm under his gaze. Finally, Zoro snaps, demanding to know what he's staring about, when Torao's curious looks blooms into a smile.
Torao leans close again, speaking so no one else can hear.
Law: It's alright, Zoro-ya. I won't tell...
Tell? Tell what?
Law: I think it's cute. *Knowing smile* You want to practice before you ask her out, huh?
Zoro: Eh?
What? Zoro honestly has no idea what Torao is talking about. Not until Torao bumps their shoulders together and nods over to the snack table.
Smoker is over there, having left the game a while back. He looks annoyed but is standing there anyway while Kuina's younger sister - who has been a total brat until Kuina agreed to bring her along - is clearly upset about something. Knowing her it has to do with the Young Marines club since she's always going on about it.
Zoro: What? Tashigi?
Law's meaning taking a moment to sink in. When it does Zoro is ready to get all worked up because why the hell would Torao suggest THAT!?
Zoro is cut off before he can raise the point properly by a bunch of whoops and cheers that he's learned means two popular or attractive people or people already a couple got picked.
Tashigi is the last thing in his mind as Ace saunters over to a pleased looking Law, who takes his hand and pulls himself off the floor in a way that somehow makes Zoro feel dizzy. Can people just standing up be consider attractive? The two of them don't even wait to get back to the room, sharing their first kiss while standing right there next to Zoro.
It is nothing like the short, chaste kiss Robin gave him earlier.
It feels like Hancock waits forever before telling Shachi to knock at the door. Ace comes out with this devilish grin, his jacket and belt tucked under his arm as if he hadn't had the chance to put them back on.
Zoro pointedly looks at the carpet so he doesn't catch what Torao looks like. Though when he sits down  next to him Zoro can't help but notice he feels warmer somehow.
If Law notices Zoro isn't purposefully ignoring him he didn't show it . He doesn't really seem to pay any attention to Zoro at all....
This game is stupid, Zoro decides, and it's not like anyone will notice if he just gets up and leaves.
Law: Zoro-ya
He has hardly even begun to move away when Torao calls for him.  So maybe Torao had been paying more attention to him than he'd thought. Zoro turns to look at Torao, surprised the older boy had been paying such close attention as to notice the moment Zoro had moved
Law is giving him a weird look that shifts seamlessly into a coy grin. Zoro is vaguely aware of some people giggling and his sister raising a fuss about something or another, really only tuning in to her voice because the way she says "Trafalgar" makes her sound honestly pissed off.
Torao is holding out a hand to help Zoro up off the floor, which Zoro takes without giving it much thought. It's only as Law starts walking then both away that Zoro glances back at the circle if their friends and classmates. And noticed where the bottle is pointing.
Law: Don't look so nervous, Zoro-ya
Torao chuckles as he opens the door, ushering Zoro inside.
Law: I'll be real good practice for you, I promise.
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krethes · 1 year
Unfinished Friday
Got the idea from @tackytigerfic and lordy lordy lordy loo do I feel perceived 🤣
Soo this is a 7th year Marauder fic I started back in 2021 at the behest of the Wolfstar Discord that never quite got its feet off the ground.
“Oh, come on, Remus, it’ll be fun!”
He raised a brow and turned the page of his book without looking up. “No, thank you.”
A sigh. A familiar rustling of robes. The smell of rose and ginger. A flash of red hair. A press of pale fingers down the spine of his book. “Remus John Lupin, I hereby invoke the Favor.” Lily Evans regarded him with eyes like fresh spring clover, her free hand cocked on her hip as she leaned into his personal space. They were only about a foot apart now, and there was no escaping The Look.
He sighed, wrested his book from her punishing grip, and closed it neatly in his lap. “Of course you do,” Remus bemoaned softly, tucking the tome into the bag at his feet. There was nothing for it -- the Favor was one they traded often, something owed that passed between them almost as a joke. Normally, it was a quick glance over homework or something like ‘I can’t be arsed to get up and Our Boys are not around, so please could you fetch me a tea?’, not… this. “I’ve never played before.”
Lily smiled, her entire face lighting up with the gesture, light radiating from every pore. Merlin, but she was lovely, wasn’t she? Remus found himself swept up in it, and had to staunchly squash down the urge to smile back -- he was trying to be cross with her, smiling would ruin the whole thing. “But you’ve watched, haven’t you? Matches with your dad, right, on the telly? I’ll bet you know the rules better than I do.” She batted her eyelashes at him, long, mascara-dark things that got him every time. Girls.
She was trying to butter him up -- he knew this, knew her tricks after six years of friendship, and yet… It worked. Like a fucking charm. And it was The Favor, after all. 
“I do know the rules,” he admitted quietly, steepling his fingers together. His childhood had been rather lonely, after all -- mornings stretching into afternoons that lazed into evenings without other children to play with meant that Remus spent a great deal of his time reading or joining his parents at the television set. He’d been particularly fascinated by the game, of the men and women in peak physical fitness sprinting across a green field in shiny shirts and shorts, and it was the only time his father ever seemed to get excited about anything anymore. So Remus had been drawn to it, as much as he was to the sea, and absorbed the complexities of the game in his knowledge-sponge way.
“So…?” Lily wrapped her hands around his and pulled him to his feet with a little bounce, victory clear as day on her sunny face. At his nod of assent, she hugged him fiercely around the middle, her face tucked into his sternum in glee. “Yes, amazing! Right. So, you’ll be on my team!”
“Aren’t you...splitting them by genders?” He might be bent, but he wasn’t a girl. 
Lily shrugged. “Technically, but that’s just to foster some inner-team solidarity since we’re mixing the Houses.” She frowned faintly, the tiniest moue forming between her eyebrows. “Not much interest from some of the other students, I’m afraid. They don’t… want to be associated with a Muggle game.” 
She didn’t have to explain why -- it was plain. A Muggle game meant being labeled as a Muggle Sympathizer, as a Blood Traitor, even. They weren’t stupid -- they all knew there was a war on the horizon, about to come to a boil, but...they were still kids, weren’t they? Of-Age wizards, certainly, but only Peter and Sirius were eighteen in their little band, and they still deserved a spot of fun. 
“Besides,” she said, fixing him with a coy grin, “you’ll finally get to help me put Potter in his place! Black, too, I guess.” 
Remus snorted, shaking his head. “You can call him ‘James’, you know. You’re dating.”
“Don’t remind me,” she teased, though the look on her face -- doe-eyed and rosy-cheeked -- gave her away in a heartbeat. Their relationship was very new -- only a couple of weeks old, but Remus knew she was absolutely smitten with James Potter. “So, we’ll practice on Wednesdays and once McGonagall gets it cleared, we’ll have matches on Sundays! Potter-- alright, James, ugh -- was deadset we didn’t interfere with his ‘precious Quidditch’, but they’ll be early afternoons so don’t you start with me about your studies, Remus Lupin. I’m taking more N.E.W.T.s than you, I don’t want to hear it!”
Her rambling muted him, and he shut his mouth with an audible click. Well alright, then. Remus knew better than to argue when she was in full sail like this. The HMS Lily Evans was truly a force to be reckoned with. “Wait… the club hasn’t even been approved yet?” he asked, incredulous. It was unlike Lily to come into this half-cocked. Her sign-up sheet, though not as flush as she’d like to be, had an impressive amount of names on it. It would be a decent number of people to let down…
She pulled thoughtfully on her lower lip in a familiar nervous tic. “Well… Professor McGonagall seemed very confident she could get it approved… I trust her!” she decided, releasing her lip with a nod to herself. 
Remus grinned and ruffled her hair, earning him a well-placed jab to the ribs. “Alright, alright. Wednesdays and Sundays, then. I’ll clear my schedule.” 
Minerva had been delighted to hear about Lily Evans’s club idea -- football, indeed! Oh, she hadn’t seen a live match since she was just a girl, and even then, it was only the lads at the local co-op putting it on for a lark. She smiled to herself as she bustled down the corridors towards the Headmaster’s office, remembering those games. She announced the password -- ‘Curly Wurly’ -- and adjusted the fit of her hat. One had to look their best, after all.
Albus looked up from his desk and greeted her with a nod. “Ah, Minerva, welcome. You have a proposition for me, I hear?” He did not stop the quill scrawling across his desk, nor rise to greet her. That was fine, he was a busy man.
“Yes, Albus. Lily Evans would like to start an intramural football club.”
The quill came to a scratching pause, and he searched her face with pale blue eyes. “I cannot say that I can support a club that would only create more animosity between the Houses, Minerva -- Quidditch has done a fair enough job of that as it is, don’t you think?” 
She resisted the urge to tidy her hat again -- Albus had such a long way of speaking, never quite saying what he meant. Fortunately, she’d had decades of experience of dissecting his speech patterns, and had come prepared. “I agree, Albus,” she began, watching the flicker of light behind his eyes, “but this will be a mixed-House club. Miss Evans proposed a boys against girls game.”
“And do you think that to be entirely fair?”
Minerva frowned, drawing herself up a little straighter. “Albus, you are not implying that the girls cannot hold their own, surely?” It was 1977, for Godric’s sake!
The smallest of smiles unfurled across his lips and a familiar twinkle entered his eyes, one Minerva hadn’t seen in years. “Ah, of course not. I am certain Miss Evans will give anyone who thinks so a run for their money. Am I to assume you will be the faculty sponsor for this club, Minerva?”
Her schedule was quite full as it was, but perhaps she could convince Pomona to take on a bit more detention proctoring this term… “Yes, you assume correctly. Are we aligned?” She fixed him with a look of cautious anticipation, and only her rigid self-control kept her from Shifting into the cat at his nod of assent. “Thank you, Albus. I will keep you posted of the matches.” Minerva gave him a brief nod, took a cinnamon candy from his desk, and left his office feeling quite giddy indeed.
"Moony-moon-Moony, wait-- where are you going-- and ...AUGH!!! You're not!" 
"Padfoot, Wormtail, we knew this was a matter of time."
"Just-- maybe he has an explanation. You have an explanation, don't you, Moonfish?"
"Oof, Pads, that one's not very flattering, strike it?"
"Ah, yes, too right, Mr. Prongs, and duly noted. Well, Mr. Moony, what do you have to say for yourself!?" 
Remus looked at his three closest friends from across the white line painted on the Quidditch-turned-football Pitch with thinly veiled ire. "I'm not sure I understand the question, Padfoot-in-my-mouth." 
Sirius scoffed and gestured wildly at Remus's uniform. "Why, Moony, is your uniform...white?" He gestured to his own, very black, shirt and shorts. 
"Well, I'll tell you," Remus declared, leaning in all conspiratorial-like until he was fully in Sirius's space -- not, he noticed, that he minded. He cupped Sirius's face in his hands and inwardly rejoiced at how he practically melted, and smirked. "I wanted to be on the winning team."
"Oi!!! Out of bounds, Lupin! Foul! Card! Whatever… that means. Moony, you have betrayed us!" James cried from a few feet away, his face aghast. "What makes you so sure the lads are going to lose?"
Remus looked at the black-clad boys scattered across the field and cocked an eyebrow. They were...a motley group, to be honest, and largely pureblood. Xenophilius Lovegood was trying to coax a bit of rogue heather he'd brought in his pocket to take root in the grass of the Pitch. Peter was missing his protective shin guards. Damocles Belby looked a bit winded already, his ruddy cheeks even more crimson than they usually were. The other six boys just...looked a bit lost. Compared to the girl's team, which held Remus, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Sibyll -- not their best get, admittedly -- and a few younger girls Remus was embarrassed not to know the names of yet, they looked a bit... lacking.
Lily appeared at his side and glared at James with her hands on her hips. "Oi, Potter, don't harass my goalkeep," she snapped, though her frown quickly tilted up into a smirk. 
"Moony's my boyfriend," Sirius muttered sourly, casting sad, gray eyes up at Remus that made him feel just a little guilty. Nevermind, he'd make it up to Sirius later, do that thing he liked with his 
His ?? Teacup? Tongue? Wand? Textbook? No clue.
If you wanna...and if you qualify (most of you are way more responsible than me...): @msalexwp @r33sespieces @theresthesnitch (shh shh I know), @second-sister @elder-millennial-trash @quietlemonhush @aqua-myosotis and anyone else who wants to out themselves as a procrastinator 🤣
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I'm still in my Persona 5 brainrot era, and I really like the Persona 5 openings, so I tried to find all of them:
Persona 5
Just FYI, I play(ed) Royal, so to me, this opening feels so flat? As in, where are the wacky colours? But it still has a really nice style and the more limited colour palette works well. The focus on black, white and red is neat. And of course the song is iconic. It was a bit confusing to see these characters do all these athletic/ice skating moves, since that has nothing to do with the game, but I assume it's all for the vibes. The main downside, in my eyes, is that there isn't enough focus on Makoto, Haru and Futaba. They are also mains!
Persona 5 Strikers
Totally not important, but my god, I love Haru's outfit. I am about to start this game. I really, really like that every Phantom Thief gets their own little moment to shine. Again, it uses the less saturated colouration of Persona 5, but that means that each Phantom Thief's signature colour pops out. And it's interesting that it sort of transitions from this more stylised video to the more cinematic one for the action. It feels like a best of both worlds kind of thing. I do think that Ren swiping up feels a bit out of place, but maybe there's a storyline reason for it.
Persona 5 Dancing In Starlight
This is just kind of weird, but I suppose that's the best way to call the Dancing spin-off, at least, as far as I know. I do like these outfits a lot. I might use them in my new playthrough of P5R. But yeah, the dancing is for some way even weirder than the ice skating. The song goes hard, though, because Persona 5 is very well-known for its jazz-infused soundtrack so it is neat to acknowledge it.
Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth (that includes P5 characters)
I mean, I know nothing about the other Persona games. I also wonder why this video is age restricted, especially since it has a very cartoon-y artstyle. I don't mind this artstyle, but I do prefer the more realistic style. Oh, wait, it's probably because of the shot of the Persona 3 protagonist shooting himself in the head. Even though it's cartoonish, there are strict rules about underage kids being shot at. Anyway, I think it's a bit wack that it implies that Ren is singing to you in the beginning. But man, the song GOES HARD. I found out that the other singers are the main vocalists of the other Persona games and it is just wonderful how it all comes together. Multiple voices sound wonderful. This is probably the best opening song.
Persona 5 Royal
Obviously I am very fond of this one, since this is the first one I saw. I do remember thinking it's a bit much for the eye. As in, the warning of flashing images was immediately applicable from the very start, but god, it looks so good though. And of course, it also has more room for Akechi and Sumi. The part of Sumi does hit differently after you've played the 3rd semester. A lot does, actually, like the Phantom Thieves destroying buildings can refer to them having to break the fake reality. The diamonds at the end also add something surrealistic, like the surrealistic reality. Fun fact, I love Makoto's outfit so much and during my entire playthrough I was basically wondering when I'd see the outfits from this opening. When I saw Futaba wearing that hat in the 3rd semester, I was like "FINALLY!"
Persona 5 Tactica
I suppose this game is really about its guns. All the characters are cutesty stylised cartoons, but the guns look detailed. Ha. I very much like these shots with the flags. Apart from that, I don't have a lot to say. The song slaps, as usual.
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universaln0b0dy · 11 months
The Restless (twist x oc): Prolouge 01
"I barely consider myself a human anymore."
Lydia was breathing. Breathing again, like always. Just a second ago she had closed her eyes, after her torn of limps had stopped hurting and she was finally at piece, she had to open her eyes again. A sigh drifted out of her lips, as she listened to the mirrors bribes.
Compliments that would have worked a long time ago, but Lydia was tired. Her soul, her mind, her will. It was tired out after being denied the rest it needed for so many times, it was drained and weak.
"The fairest one of all." The mirror chanted, making Lydia giggle slightly, before pushing a hand through her shoulder length brown hair, making it ploof a little.
Her tired eyes waver across the room, taking in the details of it before realizing there was no door for her to go outside with. The only exit was truly the one right infront of her, through the mirror.
She shuffles and stands up, taking a few steps towards the mirror, as it patiently waited for her to take its hand. She sighs stopping right infront of it.
She had seen this scene once before, back in her first life were she was the average 16 year old kid everyone knew her for.
She doesn't remember everything that good, as if fog had settled itself around the memory, but she knew she had to fight Overblots. In some sense she was angry at herself for loving horror and adventure games so much.
She wouldn't have been suffering if she had just read more romance books. But who was she kidding? She had been killed of in twighlight too during a fight. It was just no use fighting anymore.
Lydia grabs the hand of the person in the mirror, seeing flashes of green fire, before being tossed into a carriage and passing out.
°•__The restless__•°
"Nya, gotta get that uniform..."
Lydia's eyes fluttered open, being greeted with darkness. It didn't bother her, the darkness was the least of her problems.
But the box she was stuck in would be a problem in a few minutes when her claustrophobia would start to kick in. It was honestly annoying that she had died about 10 times and still did not loose that stupid fear.
"The lid is to heavy, time for my special move!" Lydia is confused by this. Was someone trying to open the lid? Not like she minded it but the annoying high pitched voice of whoever was outside did not make it seem like they were up for a fun talk. She also started to push the lid, it surprisingly not budging even a bit.
The lid suddenly caught on fire causing Lydia's adrenalin to kick in and making her push the lid open. The grey cat in front of her made a face as if it will be raining every day forever on its birthday.
"You are supposed to be asleep..." It growled. Lydia on the other hand was focusing on the room, realising she just stepped out of a coffin. She was now in a slightly sour mood, like honestly!
"I should have just stayed inside of there, I would have been cremated without even having to ask." She muttered, making the grey feline put on a concerned expression.
"What did you say?" It asks in disbelief, making Lydia stare at. She had seen so much weird shit that a talking cat could be considered normal. As she realised she had just told it she wanted to die, she put on a fake smile.
"I said I really like your firy ears!" She compliments, catching the cat of guard. Lydia on the other was already focused on leaving that hall, as the cat suddenly again realised what it was here for.
"HEY, hand me over that uniform of yours!" It says, pointing aggressively at the purple black robe Lydia was wearing, it had pretty golden patterns on it.
"Well, I could. But why should I do what some animal tells me to do?" Lydia exclaims, rolling her eyes. She didn't have any mental strength to care. The cat could just have the robe if it wanted it so badly. But said robe seemed to be important and this changed the situation immensely.
"Did you just say, SOME ANIMAL?" The cat yells, its confused expression turning to anger. "I am the great Grim! On the way to become the best magician in the world!" The emphasis on the great made Lydia giggle slightly before she quickly went to having an expressionless face.
"Well if you are as great as you say we should search for the Headmaster to get you a robe that fits." She says, to tired to start a fight. She could bet she would fall asleep the next second. It was mood dropping to know it wouldn't even help a bit against her tiredness.
"Why are you offering that? You aren't planning on getting me kicked out of here, are ya?" The cat exclaims with a frown. The brunette puts up two hands in a defensive motion.
"I would have screamed if I wanted to have you kicked out." She reasons, before holding her hand out towards the cat. "How about I try my best to not get you kicked out an you don't try to kill me."
Grim hesitantly puts his paw into her hand, before retracting it as he proceeds what she had just said. "Why would you believe I would kill you?" If Lydia didn't suddenly loose her ability in expression reading, the cat seemed kinda hurt.
The girl shrugs. "I have no idea, you just look like someone with the skill to do so." She smiles genuinely. "You should take that as a compliment, you know! I don't say that everyone."
The cat again took her hand, agreeing to the deal. "You are a very strange human, you know that?" He says, but his mood seemed to have shifted. Lydia stands up, starting to walk towards the door she named exit.
"I barely consider myself a human anymore."
°•__The restless__•°
The two had been walking for quite some time, arriving at a libary. Lydia remembered that the game actually had a chasing scene at the start, she had swiftly avoided, even if more for the sake of her tired brain, than for the sake of others or even the school.
"Man, this is booring." The cat whined, making the brunette shake her head. "I know, but the Headmaster is probably searching for us and we aren't making it easier for him to find us if we move places every minute." The cat sighed in defeat flopping on the floor.
Lydia let out a slight chuckle. "See it on the bright side, you might as well be able to start studying."
Grim looked at the human. He was confused by them. He had animal instincts that allowed him to sense some things that couldn't be seen, but this human in front of him was numbed down. Tired, empty even. As if the fire in their soul had died down a long time ago.
He is about to say something as he hears the door opening. A man with a crow mask and general bird like attire stared at them, confusion flickering through his eyes.
"You are an impatient person. Not even waiting for us to pick you up from the hall and not only that, you let your familiar roam through the libary."
Lydia nods in an understanding motion, looking at the Headmaster. "I apologise for the inconvenience sir, but this Cat is not my familiar." The man doesn't listen, simply pushing Lydia and Grim through the door, starting to mutter something about them being late to the entrance ceremony.
°•__The restless__•°
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sinkableruby · 1 year
Gamer asks: 1, 2, 6, 13?
1 - Games you’re currently playing?
i almost forgot somehow, but im playing street fighter 6! super fun and i love the cast except for when the game is too hard and i feel overwhelmed by all the tech and things you have to do to learn characters :< at least they are all hot... 😔✊ but also the like player characters you can make are cool. it's a very good character creator and i always love it when games have that for my roleplaying brain. but again theres too much stuff and it takes too much time to get i dont wanna have to unlock moves :<
2 - Do you like playing with mods?
yes! mods are so good... you can tweak your experience to be just a little more comfortable, or revamp the whole thing. i usually only go through the effort of getting them when its a game i really like, like the binding of isaac or monster hunter or smth. i get all the enjoyment i can out of the base game, then do mods. its fun! theres also just cosmetic mods that change like appearances and audio and stuff like that, and those can get kinda goofy so probably i'd also wait til i'd done enough of the base game in general, but those are really good too!!
6 - Last game you finished?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmm i guess i would say... even though this is a replay, og pokemon platinum (emulated) i skipped the "buying the new remade game out of nostalgia" step and just went back the original without any of the annoying wait times due to emulation lol i like doing challenge runs on it like monotypes and nuzlockes, usually sort of building a team to a certain "character" (another roleplay thing, i really like doing that :p), its pretty fun! i dont always finish runs but theyre certainly enjoyable
13 - A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to?
i have so many of these!!! well, they more apply in a "single game i always come back to" sense, but still
i have to say smite first bc i still play that game sooo much (almost 3000 hrs ack...) the third person moba + characters u play as are gods from various mythologies combination is really good, hi-rez kinda struck gold with that
theres also left 4 dead of course (but really its l4d2 since it has all of l4d1's stuff) which ive played since i was a kid... its fun i love it! def a favorite of mine... altho the periods i play it are kinda intermittent
binding of isaac series... i played the original flash game which was not as fun but it was a more like, meaningful experience. which is definitely part due to the amazing music, and possibly in part due to that unfairness making it feel hopeless. i only play rebirth these days of course because it is much bigger and better in terms of gameplay, and gameplay is pretty important for roguelikes lol, but you can't talk about rebirth without talking about the original! also rebirth doesnt have good music :(( the only actually good track is the burning basement one (which is really good, but not enough to make up for a whole soundtrack of meh songs). although the recently added dogma fight song is great too, the cathedral ost is good, and the hush fight is one i personally like... other than that its all :l
oh and i still play long live the queen every now and then. a sequels coming out soon which is great!! but its not like the same setting where youre a princess trying to become queen and also theres cool magic which is sad... also the deaths in that game are adorable i love them
Tumblr media Tumblr media
look at it isn't it cute. go play this game everyone its fun you have to stop a princess from dying. i like how its written too. i recommend 👍
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
Pairing: Lucy Boynton x Reader
Words: 1,119
Warnings: allusions to sex but theres nothing explicit in this one.
A/N: This is the first of 5 lil blurby things i’ll be posting over the next 5 days lmao. A couple of them are more festive, but I thought we’d start with a non-christmasy one. Also I didn’t really edit any of these much so, ignore any mistakes you notice please and thank you. Anyway, this one came about because an arcade opened near me and it’s very very fun.
“I haven’t been to an arcade in years,” Lucy laughed, standing outside it with you, “Are we even allowed?” “What do you mean are we allowed? Of course we are.” “Oh, so I’m not here because you’re worried about getting in trouble and wanted backup?” “Of course not.” You said, quickly grabbing her hand, “C’mon.” The new arcade had opened not two blocks from Lucy’s London flat and you’d been dying to go inside, especially after you’d seen some kid leave with a giant squishmallow. But you didn’t want to go there alone. Being the only non-staff member adult in the building would be much less embarrassing if you had company. And since Lucy claimed to love you, she seemed the ideal person to drag along.  
When you finally got through the door though, you saw more adults than you’d expected to. There were kids, of course, tweens and teens gathered around certain games. But there was definitely at least a comparable number of adults and only a few seemed to be parents.   “See, we’re allowed,” you said as if you’d known there’d be that many adults all along. Lucy hummed and poked your side, “well let’s go play something then.” You both looked around, taking in the flashing lights and the cacophony of sounds, not sure where to begin. “Oh look, it’s that dancing game!” Lucy was already sounding more excited than a few seconds before, “I’ve always wanted to try that one.” “I definitely want to see that, but I think we need a card first. See, none of these ones have coin slots,” you pointed at a row of claw machines, each of which had a little card reader attatched to the front. “Very modern,” Lucy giggled, “I s’pose the guy at the counter can help us out.”
A few minutes later the very helpful man had set each of you up with your own cards and had explained, perhaps in greater detail than you’d needed, the membership tiers and how to cash in points. Lucy wanted to head straight to Dance Dance Revolution but it was occupied by a couple who were intimidatingly good. So you decided to do a little lap of the place first, try a few other games, until they’d left. And there was a lot to try. Classics like skee ball, whack a mole (though it too had been given a modern look, the moles now pigs from Angry Birds), and pinball machines. And there were things you’d never played before – a game aimed at kids where you sprayed water at a screen to defeat the fishy enemies, one where you threw Ping-Pong balls at little white squares to change their colour, and a taiko drumming rhythm game that was more fun than you’d expected. The couple still weren’t done by the time you’d looped back round to the front of the shops so you and Lucy decided to check out the claw machines, even though you were sure they’d be completely unwinnable.  
“They’re so adorable,” Lucy said, her hands against the glass of one of the claw machines, looking at the cute toys inside, “I’m gonna try and win one.”   “Even though it’s probably rigged?” “Well one try can’t hurt.” she shooed you out of her way, tapping her card. You watched as she moved the stick forward, letting go as she tried to see if it was lined up, and then pressed it forward again. “Oh shit.” she said softly, directing the claw to the right. When she let go of the stick a light flashed a couple of times and the claw dropped, grabbing nothing, “you can only move it forward once and sideways once. That’s it. Okay I have to try again because I didn’t realise.” You laughed to yourself, sure you were seeing Lucy’s competitive side rearing its head.   Once again she tapped her card and moved the claw, much more successfully. She still didn’t win anything but she was only a little off the one she wanted and she managed to hook the one next to it for a couple of second.   You left her to it, moving instead to a comparatively easy game where you scooped chocolates up onto a platform, hoping they’d be knocked into the chute so you could grab them. Every so often you’d hear Lucy groan or huff as she failed to get the toy. Finally she came and dropped into the seat beside yours. “I’m out of money on my card.” “No luck?” “I almost had it!” “I told you the machine was rigged.” “No, I’m sure it’s winnable.” “Do you want me to try?” You looked over to see her batting her eyes at you, “yes please.” “Oh alright.” It was impossible to say no to a face like that so you stood and took her place at the controls. “You want the pink one right?” “Mmhmm. Remember, you can only move it each way once.” “I know, I know.” You leaned over and tapped your card.  
It took more tries than you would be willing to admit to anyone other than Lucy but the more you played the more confident you became, certain you understood the machine better, that you could line it up better. Twice you managed to pick it up but watched it fall before the claw had fully risen.  And then finally you managed to snag it comfortably, the claw’s grip secure around the middle of the toy. Both of you held your breath as it swung through the air and fell into the chute.   Lucy squealed as loud as any kid in the place, “You got it!” You bent over and picked it up, taking a moment to look into the face of the toy that had cost so much money. It was cute, Lucy had been right about that. You recognised it as one of the other animals in the Hello Kitty lineup, though you weren’t sure of its name. “For you,” you said with a smile, holding it out for Lucy.   She was giggling as she took it, “I’ve never had a partner win me a toy at an arcade before.” “I've never won a partner a toy before. I think this might be one of my greatest ever accomplishments.” Lucy nodded, “I’d say I’d win you one back, but I think we both know you’re better at these machines than me. But I can thank you in other ways...” “Mmm? Like what?” you leant in closer and drew your finger along her arm. “Like letting you beat me at the dancing game.”   Before you knew what was happening Lucy was pulling you back towards the centre of the arcade, laughing.
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deuterosapiens · 1 day
So, this marks Day Five of our little game. Today's post will be a bit on the shorter end, because I most unluckily need to be at work way too damn early. Might come back to add a few additional impressions, might not.
Anyway, tonight gave me genuinely more joy than Hell on Earth. The first of our unnumbered sequels, Hellraiser Bloodline.
So this one is mostly focused on the origin of the Lemarchand Box and tracks three different different time periods of association. We see for the first time the appearance of box creator, Philip Lemarchand. I'm not saying the film's portrayal of the man conflicts with the scant information presented in Hellbound Heart, I'm just saying that I suspect Barker imagined a bit more of a John Dee occultist type figure who also dabbled as a toy maker than the version here.
This marks the appearance of Angelique, whom I hope to see more of. I'm a bit annoyed with the whole "princess" thing, but that's because we seem to once again be forgetting about Leviathan, Lord of the Labyrinth and I very much would like to see Leviathan, Lord of the Labyrinth make another appearance before the fucking Hulu movie. Kay? Kay.
Flash to cursed descendent John Merchant who plays the role of discount Ivo Shandor. There's some cool stuff here, but I think the primary takeaway from any of the "present day" scenes is that... HOLY SHIT! THAT'S THE KID FROM THE SHINING (the mini-series)!!
The two security guards, well, their scene was fun. Their brutal disfigurement would have made John Kramer proud: can I see that enacted in a Saw movie? Please? Their post-Cenobitical forme is also cool, and contributes to a fairly amusing kill.
Star of the show, of course, is the Xenomorph Dog Expy, the nail-headed Hell Priest's pet, the Chattering Beast! I love this thing! It's such a fun design, even if I absolutely have to accept that its existence doesn't exactly make the most sense. No cares given- I am a simple beast: I see demonic doggo, I like.
The main framing device is that the Lemarchand history is told by a future year 21XY (because I didn't bother to care what the actual given year was) descendent, whose purpose is to close the gates to hell opened by the original Lemarchand Box.
Question: how does everyone in these films correctly deduce that the Lemarchand Box is in fact capable of acting as a Cenobite Storage Cube? Why is the Lemarchand Box a fucking PokéBall?? It's NOT a storage unit, it's a fucking key! Can one of these sequels get this right, please??
So, in the year 2525 (resist, I cannot), I'm forced to compare this movie to Critters 4 (fun fact, Critters 3 is the proud owner of the "Introducing Leonardo Dicaprio" credit), this is not a good thing. I'm also forced to compare it to Event Horizon, which is a very good thing. I'm a sucker for space horror; it's one of my guilty pleasures.
This really feels like there are ideas that could work, very well, but their execution is poor. Unlike Hell on Earth, I feel like there was an effort to make a damn weird movie. I certainly didn't have Hellraiser in Space on my bingo card, not this early in the series.
Hey, I just want to say, I've never actually seen one of these in the wild, so I'm very happy to present to you, The Smithee:
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I think there's so many things this movie was just not long enough to explore as well as it could. I might do a bit of digging and see if perhaps there are any deleted scenes available. If I can find the screenplay, I'm sure it will flesh out some of the weaker elements here.
This isn't quite as top-notch as the first two (general rule, for any franchise: sequels always suck- yes, there are exceptions, but on principle, a series which runs more than three films will usually be garbage very quickly), but it was at the very least, enjoyable. Next up, Inferno, which I'm guessing will once again deny me an appearance of Leviathan, Lord of the Labyrinth.
Give me the giant spinning woomf-woomf octahedron of torment, dammit!
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kaffeeraum-bei-zarah · 3 months
SPRING 2024 in pics and my way to embrace Slow Living 💕
...Today I would like to show you some photos of blooming trees captured during our spring walks. But it's not the only reason why I decided to make this post (I would share the pics anyway:). In short, I will share a lesson I learned on my journey to a more balanced and fulfilling life. ✿I've often noticed that some of the most interesting thoughts and solutions to problems I try to resolve with little success for quite some time come to me so naturally and effortlessly when I am at nature(!), as it was this time too when I was reflecting on the present topic. Usually, it's like sudden insights coming up in flashes, and the pieces of a puzzle are all at once put together into a beautiful and clear picture.
Then, when I start following "my own advices", my daily life does get so much easier and harmonious, and I can deal with my daily tasks as if they were a game of colourful blocks - it becomes not a task anymore, but a fun activity.
It's an absolute truth that Nature, whether we are out in the wild or among our favorite houseplants, makes us feel relaxed and at peace. And only in this state, when we are not in resistance, under the weight of negative emotions and thoughts, the access to necessary inner wisdom is getting unblocked. Truly, the hardest thing is not trying hard. :D
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...Sincerely speaking, being present in that magical (no kidding:) state of the here and now has always been in my nature. I really hate being in a hurry and any fussing around does take the cake. Yet, in our demanding, high-speed society, we inevitably end up getting lost in a whirlpool of unceasing activities -- some really important and some we've been trained to think they are. And, without us even noticing it, we're no more in connection with our true essence. The only way to leave the hamster wheel, at least marking the first steps, literally sucking the very life out of you, is to take necessary time to sit still and think through any possible ways of keeping balance between your own pace at which you can comfortably act and the imposed external requirements.
My first suggestion here would be - if there's still currently no way to get off the carousel, there must be reward options added to compensate for the hectic schedule in one's free time. Even if it's only tiny bits of these little me-moments, they will be your lifebuoy keeping you afloat until you can essentially change your lifestyle. Otherwise, accepting, though involuntary, a destructive lifestyle will inevitably bring you to the moment when the organism finally runs out its resources to handle the constant pressure. Running on empty won't last for long, only you'll end up with lost years on the side, years you could have lived freely, with joy of the flow.
ツ...I even stumbled upon a very nice song on youtube with a title just right on topic, "Get outta there."
My inner perfectionist didn't make it any easier -- I often tried to pack my days with as much accomplished stuff as possible and, of course, with best results possible. I didn't even realize that my daily schedule looked like another person's week- or monthly plan. Even when I was occupied with things I loved, there was an invisible worm-hole pushing me faster and harder to get through my endless missions grinning sarcastically from the darkness of my subconscious.
It was like a fly in the ointment of my originally harmonious self which I was gradually moving away from with every new attempt to embrace the unembraceable.
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"...just a little bit more and everything will be just right," I would often say to myself. I couldn't have been more wrong! No matter how much I did, I was focusing only on things still waiting to be done. It was beyond my comprehension why so many tasks were still pending no matter how much I loaded myself... It's not that I've now learned to easily measure by eye an appropriate amount of my daily tasks. It's really quite impossible to predict how everything would go. So, just with a preliminary sketch in mind of what I'm going to do, I calmly do what is planned, one thing at a time. And then, at the end of the day, I can see what my actual norm was. Now I feel grateful and satisfied with what I could do, even if it's only a quarter of what I initially intended.
Well, a little while back, I got another reminder to realize it's high time I finally mastered the art of Slow Living. And the reason was very banal - I just got so exhausted that I didn't have any forces to proceed even with trivial home routines. I didn't give a damn of whether I did something or not during the day. I just wanted to be in my own world, together with my senses. Just being and breathing. I began to do things which I could slowly and joyfully drown in, at my own pace, without checking the clock. I've been deliberately focusing on living that state every moment since then. And it started gently bringing me back to my true self.
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...I've come across a funny but so true thought the other day - an american professor emeritus of medicine and the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Jon Kabat-Zinn suggests an idea that we are the civilazation of human doings and now need to learn how to be human beings!
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...STATE over action. It's not only about slowing down physically . Very important is to pay attention to how you feel inside. You may look and act calm, but if you have this fussiness inside, it ruins the whole thing. That hectic inner state I happened to experience in my late childhood and early youth caused a disfunction in my thyroid (now thankfully almost healed:). A clear evidence how mind and emotions influence the physical body.
One more extra chance to finally learn the lesson was when I once cought a cold. Imagine, when you are in bed with fever, cough and other typical common cold pleasures, you do nothing from your normal routine and the only prevailing thought is how to get better the fastest possible. Usually it takes you a week to recover, and guess what? Everything is fine! The Earth is still spinning and everything goes its normal course around you in spite of the fact that you've temporarily fallen out of the clip.
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...Another paradoxical thing I noticed since I started learning to live in a constant state of mindfulness was that in a slow mode I can accomplish much, much more that I used to when I was really hard on myself.
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“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” -- Lao Tzu
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......I wish my past self could read all I have written here back then, thus I would have been saved from that stupid anxiety poisoning my reality for quite some time. And I am not a workaholic, you know. It's just that I have many interests, I love knowledge and always enjoy filling myself with new information and ideas that will feed my soul and that, ideally, I can practically implement. I just wanted to soak in and process as much necessary stuff as possible... And I didn't even notice how it became a strict duty rather than a natural joy of learning and creating. Hmm... I can't get enough of knowledge. Does it sound like I might be a philomath though? Is it still good...? :)
Also, there's always a reason behind any self-destructive behaviour. I happened to come through many turbulences in my childhood, though there definitely were a lot of precious moments thanks to which I could always feel connected to my true self no matter what, and that's apparently how I came to living the way where I subconsciously tried to compensate for all the lack of positive experiences during my girlhood.
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...Now, a few simple steps I've taken on the way to a more happy, balanced and efficient self:) It may take some time to build a new mental attitude, but if you maintain a constant practice, quite soon it will become absolutely natural. For me, somehow, it works like instant magic. Because once you start doing something differently, even a little bit, the whole course is getting changed. So, if you are in a similar situation and ready to break the vicious circle, here's how:
First of all, something to consider -- we are not slaves to our have-to-dos. It's us who set out priorities and distribute tasks throughout a necessary time period (day, week, etc). ✿I also like to keep in mind two or three next things to do, just for reference. Thus I am not lost in the present moment not knowing what's gonna come next (as that would be another reason for anxiety:), but I have a comprehensive panorama of my upcoming activities. Even if time doesn't allow to proceed with other pre-planned things, I still like to know what's next on my plate, and I feel calm just because I can easily follow the route clearly marked on my mind map. ✿There's time when it feels right not to do anything at all and just drift with the flow. A full day (or more if needed) drift experience:) ✿If you "fail" to do something, that's okay as well, let it be so. "You can do it!" ...later. Let's not forget, our way is a 'no-pressure' way. The excitement and joy of learning and creating flow freely and it's not a race anymore.
Do everything quietly. When I notice that I start fussing around about something again, I slow myself down deliberately. Remember yourself as a child? There definitely were moments when you were so immersed into your favorite activity that you completely lost track of time. Our beloved Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:2-5
Okay, its easy to be lost in things you love. But what about doing something that's kinda bothersome? The principle is the same - no fuss. You just have to do something, and there's no way you can avoid it, so start doing it calm, cool and collected. And then comes my favorite part - reward yourself after you have done that annoying thing :). It can be absolutely anything that uplifts you - a visit to your fav place like wandering around at a shopping mall, stopping by at a cafe you've been looking forward to visiting, a walk in the park to get your dose of eco-therapy. At home, treat yourself with something yummy, cozy up with a magazine or watch some cartoon series. There're countless ways actually to gladden yourself! ⌛Some things may be painlessly postponed, and I see it also as a nice way of dealing with a tight schedule without spoiling the inner balance.
When I'm super tired or just don't feel like doing a certain activity which has to be done anyway, I keep doing it, only more slowly. Even if it looks like a scene from a slow motion movie, that's fine. That's fine for this particular moment that we should overcome.
Split the things to do into parts and do them by portions. For example, if I watch a youtube video that lasts, say, 30 minutes or more, I can watch it only for 5, 10 or 15 mintues. (I don't close a tab then, and continue watching later right from where I had stopped). You can implement the same to any other activities that can easily be split, like e.g., your house chores. If you can't do the whole thing in one sitting, split it into smaller tasks and proceed doing them one by one as time allows. Thus you'll be progressing no matter how small your steps are. You're not stuck 'cause you did at least something. You are still moving forward...
When I have several things on my plate to choose from, yet in hesitation which one to choose, I consciously take one thing or another saying to myself "Okay, now I'm doing ...this... ." You can say it outloud or in your mind, no matter. Like, "well, now I'm reading this magazine." And then the action itself - grab it and start leafing through. I read about this psychological trick years ago. It helps to get rid of any irrelevant thoughts about other stuff on the agenda, as I give my brain a command to be focused on the current activity only. It's so simple but works really great right from the moment you pronounce it. You make a clear decision, then you start acting accordingly and the hesitation related nervousness is dissipated. It is the power of choice in action :)
Do more of what you love. It's not about that poisoning "doing more", but about making time for your favorite activities every day. Even if it's just a few minutes only, do it anyway, and you will be rewarded with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Because if you're constantly postponing doing things you love, you'll end up having to repeatedly accomplish undesirable stuff most of your time. If you don't start including "happy stuff" into your daily agenda, there'll always be something "more important" distracting you from doing what really makes you happy. ✔So many things might be getting piled up that we shifted for "some time later". So just start doing it little by little. Watch not a whole movie, but 5 or 10 mintues of it as time allows. Next time you will see the rest of it. “Slow progress is better than No Progress." - Jami Gold, {an Award-Winning Fiction Author, Developmental Editor, Workshop Presenter, and Blogger about the craft, business, and life of writing.}
Add a parallel task to your main activity if possible. E.g., I like to listen to my favorite music while doing house chores. I listen to educative and spiritual videos on youtube while doing some fancy work (crocheting or embroidering), or while having my 15 minute beauty time with a face mask on. Thus, I can kill two birds with one stone (ugh, that's kinda cruel! Anything more kind? .......yeah, I've just googled for a 'compassionate replacement' and it suggests this one - "Tie two loose ends at once.":)
And finally, to support your nervous system while you're learning to embrace a new lifestyle, it's very important to practice deep breathing and develop a feeling like "I am home in my body." I also love to rely on herbal teas with a calming effect - passiflora, chamomile, valerian, lavender and hops are very helpful.
Well, since I started to live this way, my daily life improved so much -- I calmly choose what to do and when I do it, and I can always relaxedly track my progress. (This is also thanks to a special daily schedule structure I had to develop myself by trial and error, because none of the existing examples worked well for me. This scheme simplified my life immensely. I can switch between activities easily knowing that nothing is forgotten. I would like to speak about this more in detail in one of my next posts:) So, with all this, no matter how much I did or how little, I always give myself a pat on my back for what's already been accomplished.
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” …slow living is not about living your life in slow motion; it’s about doing everything at the right speed and pacing instead of rushing. By that same logic, slow living is not about losing time by going slowly; it’s about gaining time by doing the things that are most important to you.” - Kayleigh Dray, stylist
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...thus, for me, living slow is not about doing less either (eventually, I can often accomplish more than I expect). It's about being gently present in every moment, knowing what to do and moving at my own pace. Quality over quantity approach, in everything.
Well, I don't even know if anyone would ever read this or not, but I just wanted to share my story, because I hope that someone could benefit from it and get out of the similar situation with ease. Also, commiting my thoughts into this digital paper here helps me a lot to organize my instrospection process. It's kinda win-win. :)
...And an absolutely amazing message! I've come upon it right now on youtube and it is just so on point!... ツ
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