#dont even know if this post will be legible
I'm getting over being sick with something and am very foggy headed and while on the way to pet sit at my sister's place I look over at a sign for a place that says "smoked crab" and I got so excited and was like "man! As soon as I'm feeling better I want to taste that! How does it taste? Is it good? Is it-" then you cannot imagine the deviation I felt when I saw it actually said "smoke CBD and vape" I felt like I was presented with themepark tickets just to find out it's actually a lecture on the benifits of misogyny.
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Some more thoughts Based on this post where you have your soulmates signature and Steve is a bat by @strangersatellites
I'm putting them in a new post so I don't derail it. I hope to I see several take on the initial concept. It's so fun.
Nancy and Jonathan he knows from back home they moved out here before him and have jobs at the paper. Are they are romantically involved or just friends now 🤷‍♀️ either way they work well together.
And they help Steve in his search. Jonathan knows where most of the murals in the city are and Nancy gives him some tips on getting people to give him information and a list of questions to help him along.
Benny has a deli across from one of them. He won't give up much, things good for business draws a crowd and if Eddie just happens to a regular who always tips good well why would he sell him out. Still he does offer Steve a sandwich and a list of a few murals that are lesser known in the city.
Heather works in the shop across from on and is annoyed in the uptick of customers. They're cutting into her down time. She didn't see anything anyway and she tells Steve he's wasting his time. The Bat is a ghost no one ever seen him. Or so she says.
Steve still has to work so there are days when he makes no progress, gets nowhere on finding his soul mate. Spends sleepless night tracing the bat on his hip and looking at the picture Jonathan gave him hoping somewhere in the is a clue.
So on and so forth skipping ahead.
Then the Robin thing I initially brought up
I can see a Steve running around the city type of thing happening because of this. He’s turning into a real detective, asking about all the murals, folks who live in the area. Steve meeting other characters from Stranger Things as he moves closer to his goal of finding his soulmate. He’s checked every single one he knows of is commiserating at the bar by the latest one. Robin is a bartender, mostly waving off his search until he waxes on about his soulmate and how talented they are. Steve isn’t the usual sort looking for Eddie so she slips him the address for another bar, one that play live music, has art all over, tells him to check it out. CC is of course play in front of the biggest mural Steve’s seen from his soul mate yet.
Steve wants to memorize every aspect of the mural, wants to take in every detail but it's hard with a band playing right in front of it. Harder still when his eyes catch on the lead singer and can look away. Mesmerized for an entire set.
He doesn't even realize he's just been sitting there watching until the band leaves for a break. Then he's turning to the bartender, an older man in flannel, asking about the mural. Wayne chuckles, "you'll have to ask the owner about that but he doesn't usually talk about it."
Steve's a little tipsy form earlier as he accepts the beer Wayne slides to him like a condolence. Sulky over one more obstacle standing between him and his person. "Could you ask him anyhow, please?" Wayne looks him over takes in his downtrodden face and the begging tone of his voice before giving a nod.
Steve’s not very hopeful by the time Wayne slides another beer to him either a shrug. He stays for the band and hopes that maybe if he's persistent he'll get the information. Nancy always insists sleuthing takes persistence.
He's mesmerized all over again and feels like dark eyes are boring into him, like this one's just for him. Which is silly, he's drunk and he's never heard this band, much less met the man singing. No way would he be singling him out, just a trick of the lights and the third beer he ordered.
When the singer climbs down from the stage he trips over a light playing it off as a bow. But what stands out to Steve is dark eyes still hooked on him as Eddie dances through the crowd signing autographs and giving hugs.
Steve turns away, it's a lot, too much and he's still ninety percent sure he's imagining it. All up until there's a sweaty musician's chest brushing against his arm as Eddie leans on the bar next to him, "so I hear you've been asking about our favorite artist."
I dunno I'm sorely tempted to write it write it but I've got so many wips already so I jsut wanted to get out some thought because I found the concept so inspired.
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sneez · 2 years
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various fairfaxes and a drawing from my english civil wars hiking au which i never posted :-) [id under cut]
[image description:
the first image is a digital drawing of a group of men on a light brown background. they are all wearing hiking-appropriate clothing. from left to right: a young man swinging from a tree; arrows pointing at him read ‘weirdly passionate about hiking’ and ‘like 15′. a man leaning against a tree; arrows read ‘grumpy’ and ‘only here for family bonding with father-in-law’. a man with a cane and one arm in a sling, leaning over to read a map; arrows read ‘has injured himself on every hike so far’ and ‘designated driver’. a man reading a map with a serious expression; arrows read ‘annoyed about everything except hiking and sometimes also hiking’ and ‘only one who can read a map’. a man with his hands on his hips looking at the viewer; arrows read ‘arranges hikes and then doesn’t go on them’ and ‘good at arguing’.
the second image is a collection of four digital drawings of thomas fairfax, a man with long dark hair, a moustache, and a beard. he is wearing seventeenth-century clothing. one is a full-body coloured drawing of him sitting in a chair facing away from the viewer with his legs folded and his hat on his knee. the other three are uncoloured: two are headshots of him as a young man and an older man, and the third shows him sitting at a table reading a piece of paper with an expression of concentration.
the third image is a coloured digital portrait of thomas fairfax as an older man. he is clean-shaven and has long dark hair and a scar across his cheek. he is wearing a dark doublet and a large white falling band, and is looking to the left of the image with a serious expression.
end image description.]
#artwork#fairfax#and others! theres a bunch of blokes in the hiking one#basically the concept is it's the english civil wars but instead of having a civil war they are rival hiking groups. and they compete with#each other over hiking trails and such. i never drew the royalist group but i was imagining them to be the Official hiking club and the#parliamentarian one started because there was drama in the royalist club so they started their own#and now theres drama between both of them. hiking drama.#ANYWAY thats from last year i cant remember why i never posted it but here it is now :-)#the other ones are much newer (for the most part) i did the coloured sitting fax yesterday#the last one is based on a portrait i came across recently which may or may not depict fairfax in 1664 (the identification is questionable)#and i still havent made my mind up whether or not i think it could be him or not but i was So excited about finding such a late portrait#i knew i had to draw at least something inspired by it. i cant even tell you how i excited i was i almost exploded#for context the latest portrait we have otherwise is from 1650 so if it is actually him it is a Very Big Deal#but i dont think we will ever know because the identification has been rejected by the metropolitan museum of art :-/ alas#of course it could be raised again in the future but i dont know if anyone would care enough to do that. i would obviously. but otherwise#oh for the first one from left to right it's lambert ireton fairfax cromwell pym#i dont know if the writing will be legible given how much tumblr crunches images but We Will See#i hope you are all doing well my dear friends :-) it has been so nice to get around to answering messages today i have missed you terribly#edited to add image descriptions! sorry i didnt do that earlier my apologies
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an-emo-trashbag · 2 years
anyone else when trying to make their board for the "what music do you have in common with___" tag chain find that when they save their board the text they added becomes a pixelated unreadable mess 💀
exhibit a: this space on mine
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my only relatively untouched one was mcr and I think that's bc its only 3 letters and even still the c went silly 😭
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tf2-incorrect-quotes · 6 months
SOLDIER : soldier does not know what a furry is. he has a fursuit. he calls it his battle armor. its awful. it reeks. its handmade. possibly made using real fur. hes infamous at every con in the country. hes banned at the one in teufort. he uses his suit to blend in with the other con-attendees because he thinks they are actual, real anthropomorphic animals. he identifies heavily with his fursona and draws it frequently. PYRO : pyro SCOUT : hates them with a passion but if you ask him why he just says 'i dunno.. i just think its kinda weird'. probably out of some desperation for peer approval. but also at the same time itd be really funny if he just didnt care. pick your poison DEMO : demo is like "aye thats a wee bit odd" and then gets in an argument with scout about what his fursona would be because scout is like "with your halloween costumes i thought youd love being drawn as a hyena" (its a maned fox) and then he gives a long drunken (argument goes on for a long time) speech about why hed be . like. a cu-sith or something. ('those things aint even real' 'yes they fuckin are mate ive seen one with me own eye') . if he actually saw someone in a fursuit depending on sobriety and their sona he either wouldnt really care because people can have hobbies or he would start acting buddy buddy because he mistook it for the wulver HEAVY : heavy doesnt really care for that kinda stuff. doesnt see the point in wearing animal suits unless you are camoflaging among the bears in the siberian wilderness in order to get their meat without gaining the attention of the mother. pyro draws him a fursona once and hes like . mm. good. because bears are large and honorable creatures. SNIPER : sniper is a man who lives alone in a camper van whos job is sitting still all day. he would be a furry. see my vision boy. itd be some weird animal too like a reptile or something. he wouldnt be loud and proud about it. he dreams scout finds out in the way a bully finds out about the protagonists dark secret in a high school drama movie and then tells everyone else and then they kill him with hammers and he wakes up in a cold sweat. ENGINEER : engie doesnt bash it because hes glad folks have their hobbies and he can admire the creative skill and ability of the community. pyro draws him as a beaver sometimes (non anthropomorphic, just a beaver with a hardhat, goggles and overalls) and he doesnt mind and it starts becoming his favourite animal because of that. i dont think he'd ever really directly identify with the community though. probably calls them 'furbies' from time to time because he forgets the word. SPY : spy thinks theyre all degenerate freaks and is happy to loudly claim this. he has several incredibly expensive suits and attends cons frequently. hes been here for years. he tries to sneak around it and deny anything to do with them but the team Knows. they all know. MEDIC : i honestly didnt know for him. other mod suggested he has an awful flesh homunculus fursuit that lives and breathes on its own. you crawl inside and its sticky and wet and warm and pulses. doesnt even have anything to do with the subculture.
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air--so--sweet · 1 month
TUA Season 4 Spoilers
Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist but it feels like some of Klaus' story was cut or changed in post or else rewritten and reshot. And I think that plot was was about Dave or at least his dog tags.
At Sy's dry cleaners, when he presents the box of alternative timeline objects Diego goes through it and hands items to Viktor and Ben. No one else grabs any items except Klaus who runs over the box excitedly and goes straight for one item - dog tags.
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I wasn't able to read these (which feels like a mistake, wouldn't you want them legible in close up to hammer the point home?), but I think it's safe to assume these are Dave's dog tags, especially considering how Klaus interacts with them the rest of the scene (did my best to crop these so you can see him a bit better without totally murdering the quality).
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Which really confused me because Klaus was wearing his dog tags at the end of season 3 right? And then I went back and looked at the scene and realised Klaus is wearing something on a chain but at no point do we see what it is because whatever is on the end of the chain is tucked into his shirt. And yes his dog tags are tucked into his shirt at other points in the season but it always just looks like they slipped into the shirt as he moved around, as they're often off to the side or at an angle...
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...and even at times switching between inside his shirt, outside of his shirt and then inside it again within one scene (which is not a criticism, it's just the nature of having multiple takes and multiple angles, it can lead to inconsistencies)...
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...whereas in the final scene of season 3 they're perfectly placed, hanging straight down and remain inside his shirt the entire time, even when he bends down.
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So then I thought oh, it must be intentional. What he's wearing isn't his dog tags, Reginald rebooting the universe clearly erased what happened with Dave. We're going to get a scene something like the scene below from Ain't No Place (To Call Home) by Hara_Kiri.
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(Sidenote: Very much recommend this fic, don't love how it ends, but don't still love the majority of the fic and it's a better ending then what we officially got tbh, also dont know if the author has a tumblr but happy to tag them if they do)
But then that never happens and the dog tags are just never seen or mentioned again. But then why have the scene of him finding them in the box? When he should have already had them? And then he still doesn't wear them?
But what really makes me think part of Klaus' story was cut, was the birthday promo video we got on October 1st last year. The cast are all in costume and it says 'previously recorded' because it was released during the SAG strikes, so it was likely filmed on set either between takes or at the end of a day, with the cast just in whatever costume they were in that day. And Klaus is in clothes we see him wear in the season....with all of his tattoos, except the Umbrella, clearly visible.
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But then we never see him get his tattoos back in the show??? And this can't just be an error, there's no way a make up artist would accidentally apply four whole tattoos, and then Robert Sheehan wouldn't question it, and no one else on cast or crew would pick it up as a mistake. Like even if this was for some reason actually filmed separately to the show, he starts the season without his tattoos, there's no reason for them to forget that when they come to post the promo. Which suggests there was more to his plot with him somehow regaining his pre reboot body, but it didn't make it into the show.
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blorbingqls · 1 year
"We accept the love we think we deserve" - seeing this quote in terms of love and control as subjects in Only Friends
With @tomatoland 's brilliant post on TopMew on the above quote here , i think that with 7 eps in, we have understood that love and control are very well linked with ephemerality as a subject.
As i have previously linked epheremality with control here, i would like to talk about how love also makes us lose control with the impermanence of life. This is a long overdue post for 4 eps now.
linking the ephemerality squad here so that you can also share your opinions on this @waitmyturtles @lurkingshan @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @ranchthoughts (anyone else i am missing, pls tag, i really appreciate it)
As Tomato (@tomatoland i hope you're okay with that nickname; i really tried to find a name on your blog for you) has referred in their post, Mew left his bubble of insecurities and got his heart broken. Completely legible and correct on his point. Top really loves Mew but now Mew has no reason to believe him anymore. With the play in their power dynamics, both of them loved each other and lost control of the way they wanted the relationship. Yes, if Top and Mew has stuck to their original plans - just reaching to the point of ideality and sex, then, this relationship should have ended after they got their goals. I dont think that sex was a goal for Mew as much as it was for Top, but, we can say it was in the secondary.
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But as they fell in love, they, especially Top understood how the love he received from Mew is so much more than he thought he deserves (taking into account his trauma and past experiences). So , even though Mew is projecting his hurt by doing things that literally are asshole-ish as fuck on his accord, Top is willing to let go all of that since even he knows he is in the wrong this time and he is willing to lose all control he has on his life - of fame, money and insecurities in order to have Mew back. Top is willing to be as obsessive as Mew said he would be in a relationship in order to get and accept the love he think he deserves from Mew, even if it won't be good.
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But, I also feel, the concept of love as explored in the series so far, not just runs along with TopMew because of the books, but also with all the remaining couples in the show. I won't discuss P'Yo and her partner, CheumApril in this segment, because I want more angles on this from the coming episodes in order to validate my point. But, I'll discuss this point with our other views on the couples: RayMew, TopBoston, SandRay, and BostonNick.
Now, RayMew is a pairing that is being enforced on the viewers for the past 3 episodes now and the last episode shows a pretty good view of how as characters, Mew and Ray view each other.
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For Ray, his love is unconditional for Mew because it correlates with that fact that Mew was the only reason who made him stay in this world - who made him believe that he deserves the love from his friends, the love which he didn't get from his parents or any potential partners. But potential partners were never in the scene because Mew was Ray's emergency contact. Their relationship runs deep and however much you may think, even if Ray thinks Mew's love for him could be more as a friend, he also believes that because as he is so damn shitty and a fucking burden to society, he can't ask for more from Mew for the sake of their friendship and his esteem. He keeps entertaining the idea of them as partners several times, but, until ep 7, Mew has never entertained the idea that his love for Ray will be any worthy of more than a friend. Because, Mew wants to continue making the boundary and keep the control, according to me.
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Now, as Mew has entertained the idea, i am interested how it pans out in the next episode (not very promising tho). just linking this out here because its so fucking interesting.
We will mainly take here Boston's viewpoint since Top gave up on this since the very beginning and became firm with it post ep 3. He gives no flying fucks about the possiblity of it. Top considers Boston to be a one night stand and a one night stand only.
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Boston, as has mentioned so many times, considers Top to be top tier; the person who gives him something as close to love because as an Machiavellian prince (refer here) Boston considers Top to be the only worthy competitor in his reign. And he really doesn't care if he hurt others feeling. Mind you, Boston has been the most truthful to himself, maybe not to others. And as a prince, his love speaks volume through keeping them in their reign because ultimately Boston wants power and control in his arena. That's the fucking politics of it. And Top is the only worthy contender who can damage his reign. Hence, he wants the top tier power as much as possible, and only Top can give him that. Him fucking off to America, that can easily happen through Top, because he is a very well known hotel chain owner/manager. So, Boston wants his loves, because he very well thinks he deserves it and he accepts it as much as he can. But, he also knows that for him, he can't make this love into a weakness, because that will be out of his control.
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Boston however, as Mew so incredibly pointed out, is gullible. Ray couldn't see through him, but, MEW FUCKING DID. That is why even though Boston didn't consider Mew as his competitor, he was fucking jealous of him because Mew got Top and was chosen over eventually by Top. Mew has the power that Boston didn't think he had, till now. And tbh, Mew is now winning the game, despite his insecurities with his relationship with Top.
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God, I have so many feeling for these babies. Where to start? Okay so, you know in second episode, Sand built that boundary with Ray regarding friends with benefits? Well, it has backfired on him. COMPLETELY.
As ep 8 preview says, I love how Sand realised the fact that they were never friends to begin with, for even to have made that boundary to make sense. Sand is a pathetic little man, as so many of you have pointed out, but, why is he the way he is?
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His incredible nature to be so caring of others around him has made him feel like its his responsibility to take care of everything. His mother, his business, his money and job, his style and even his fucking roommate. Now, Sand is so emotionally attached to this damsel in distress, pathetic burden to society (affectionate) Ray, that even before they became friends, he made Ray his responsibility. Sand has no right to ask for love from Ray, because they are not friends, lest friends with benefits to ask for any care towards himself. But he selfishly asks, for the first time.
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Because, as a person who keeps on taking care of others endlessly, it is harder for them to ask for the care and love they expect and deserve from whom they love while keeping their self esteem intact. And for Ray to completely shut him down at that time, and him still following Ray while he was drunk, makes him so much real because you feel responsible for that person. You are their emergency staff, even if they don't consider you to be.
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While Ray comes from another perspective itself. He initially wanted to know Sand more as a person, because he is a person who wanted to explore the life beyond what has been given to him. He is a spoilt brat, and when he realised that he can't buy Sand's love, he explored it with him.
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But because I think Ray believes that Sand will always be for him, even when he does asshole-ish behaviour (because thats where everyone leaves) he has taken Sand for granted. The backup option. Anything goes wrong with his ideal relationship, he can always go running back to Sand, because Sand has become his addiction.
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Apart from drugs and alcohol, Mew and Sand are the only people he can keep coming back to. For Mew, it is only at a cost. At some conditions, only for something personal. While maybe Ray wants explore that possibility with Sand, but he is afraid. He is afraid that Sand will go away. just as Mew did. A person who can only consider him a friend and nothing more. Even if he wants to explore that possibility with both of them, loving them at the same time, he can't make people his priority, because he doesn't know how to do that. Nor does he think he's worthy of it. So, he accepts whatever he thinks he deserves off Sand's love and care.
I am interested to see how it pans out for these idiots once his relationship with Mew falls out. I am concerned for Ray so much. Give him access to therapy and rehab soon pls. Sand and Ray's father I think are going in that direction, with this speculation by @prapaiwife.
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Now, our final pair has been the most interesting couple in this show so far. Why do I say that?
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Well, for Nick, Boston is one of the top-tier gays. As pointed out by Boston, he likes bad guys. And lets be honest, Boston, most dishonest, cunning bastard out there. So, Nick believes that he will be that gay who lands the top tier dick and fix this problem. Right?
Wrong. Nick very well knows this won't happen. Still he keeps hoping for more as Boston doesn't know how to not be a hypocrite as a prince. He keeps giving some here and there false hope through his actions, not words which makes Nick believe he's special, but he's not. He takes whatever love he thinks Boston gives him, despite him not being his number one, despite Boston cheats on him over and over again. He just wants whatever of love as actions that Boston can give to him because that proves wrong all of his low self esteem. So he accepts whatever he thinks he deserves because he can't ask for more in a bed friend relationship. With Boston's guard so up and his will to leave the country, Nick knows he can't do anything but try to make him stay. Even if that's a 99% chance of not happening. He tries because he doesn't want Boston to hate him. He only wants him to love him. Because for him, thats enough.
The sadness keeps on piling up for these outsider, hard working roommates, doesn't it?
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While, for Boston, he is nothing but a rebound from the angst of not getting Top. He wants a serious relationship, and maybe, he does look for it in Nick, maybe not, but he doesn't love Nick. He doesn't love Top either. For Boston, Nick is a toy he wanted to play with.
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Because he cares about his reign, his reputation. And, Nick realised that. Hence, Mew contacted him and Nick gave that information to Mew. They will bring Boston down together because Nick somewhere believes he can get him back.
But Nick babygirl, he doesn't love you bub. He doesn't. And, it hurts so much. Because Boston keeps on taking from you, whatever he deserves. And that is your care for him, for granted. He is a leech bub. He is.
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Now, how does it all link to ephemerality and control?
Well, love itself is impermanent. It doesn't stay.
The world knows this and still we chase it. And at an age as our characters, we chase love and freedom like anything. In order to gain control. We take up jobs, more courses to learn, experiment with love and relationships, with people because the time is ticking and people say now is the age. We break hearts and get it broken.
As P'Jojo says "This show is Hurt People Hurt People", tell me who hasn't been hurt by love, by control and by living at its time? And also by missing out each of these experiences because you were lonely with your own life and burdens?
We accept the hate and love the life gives us, because this is what we think we deserve out of this. And tbh, these feelings, are never permanent. They keep changing with time, and that's the only thing thats permanent.
Change is the only thing that remains permanent.
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sku-nk · 4 months
For someone who runs a blog dedicated to writing fanfics, you're writing isn't the best. You only bother with punctuation and proper grammar when you're writing, but it should be all the time. "Not even tripping lol," you said. That's no way for an author to speak.
The first thing you wrote was promising, and I was excited for an addition to the few Sam Carpenter writers we have. It was decent, though I couldn't get much of Sam's personality from it. The next two fanfictions you wrote let me down. (one simply because I don't care for Tara much) Perhaps that's why I prefer it to you're lastest, in which you do write Sam with more personality.
My main issue with it is that you give Sam a casual, boyfriend-ish sort of vibe. That's nothing like they way she'd behave. I have hope that whatever you post next is up to par, though that hope is fading as I type.
-An unsatisfied reader who hopes to educate you with their constructive criticism
alright so first read through i can already see an error in your spelling. youre using the incorrect your/you're (which in this case would correctly be 'your'). this docks about ten points from your overall grade. it's a common mistake, but for someone sending a hate message about my grammar you should know better.
continuing my read it all looks relatively decent (aside from the fact that youre completely ignorant to some people preferring to text and chat like they speak) until i get to your silly little side note about disliking tara, which you make using parentheses. when you end a sentence with anything in parentheses, the correct move would be to put the period after it. on top of that, you continue to use the incorrect your/you're. minus ten points for each.
i noticed that in the last paragraph, you wrote 'they' instead of 'the'. minus ten.
your signature does need a bit more work, its not nearly as legible as it should be. it seems like it says something it obviously doesnt. it looks as though it says 'An unsatisfied reader who hopes to educate you with their constructive criticism.' we both know thats untrue, though, and it should read, 'A coward hiding under the anonymous button hoping to disguise their hate as constructive criticism.' that takes away about 25 points since your name is the bare minimum and you fucked that up.
your hate message gets an overall grade of 35%
-skunk, who urges you to get a fucking life and write your own shit if you dont like it
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Headcanons: Japanese
For every installment of TMNT I’m providing why each turtle would speak/practice/appreciate Japanese, enjoy!
TMNT 2003
- speaking in Japanese strictly to speak formally to Splinter
- doesn’t curse
- nothing informal, iykyk
- I honestly think he would be great at writing kanji, I headcanon that Leonardo has the neatest handwriting out of his brothers
- definetely uses that shit to degrade EVERYONE and EVERYTHING that pisses him off.
- You know that man gets mad at everything, even BUGS.
-Expect it to be very informal, likes to use it around Casey to confuse him
-can’t write it as good as Leo, but it’s legible & that’s what matters y’all
- uses it to curse…but a little for the sake of speaking it just to speak it.
- Still working on informalities and formalities, but whatever
- not the best at writing it
-chicken scratch fr fr
- don’t ask him to write anything for you
-secretly uses duolingo, emotionally attached to the duo bird xoxo
- uses it to curse
- can translate (when nobody asked,)
- also to joke around, observe:
Raph: *incoherent cursing in Japanese*
Mikey: so what he means to say is-
Leo: I know what he said!
TMNT 2007
-loves to describe different things using Japanese. Like, he'll compliment the weather or the way something looks
-liked to use it in South America to scare people into thinking it was a ghost
- sort of kind of writes it, not all the time, I think 2007!Leo would fuck up some Japanese poetry though <3
-you guys remember his police radio right? Sometimes he'll go on there and talk in Japanese just to fuck with them.
-they dont know what he's saying
-observe the phrase Raph loves the most:
-ill let you guys search that.
- uses it around Mikey to confuse him, but only for short phrases
-doesn’t write it as much, I headcanon he has the second best handwriting in this one since he’s canonically left handed, (I’m ambidextrous) but I speak for all left handed people that we dislike the lead stain on the side of our hands A LOT.
-like raph, he uses it someitmes to fuck with the customers on the other line of his IT Tech Support job. If they're giving him a hard time, or being plain stupid, he'll start describing what to do to fix their problem in a different language.
-uses it freely, except one time he was helping a guy who was fluent in it.
-all it took was a "yokai" in response and Donnie was bamboozled.
-he doesn't use it as much on there anymore after that.
-definitely had one of those learn kanji books where you trace the symbols so he can better learn the linework
-i like to think in this universe of tmnt, Mikey and Splinter watch J-dramas together
-its already mentioned that Splinter is into soaps, imagine him and Mikey watching a good old J-Drama from the 90s.
-Without english subtitles
-Splinter likes it that way, it's more dramatic
-has definitely taught some kids from the parties he hosted how to write pizza in Japanese
TMNT 2012
-okay, he definetely has watched Space Heroes in the Japanese Dub
-A1 voice acting, he loves it
-He sometimes like to say the orders in his head he says to his brothers in Japanese, to see if he still got his translating skills yk?
- would try and speak it around Karai to impress her no doubt
- called inanimate objects by their name in Japanese- couch: ソファー table: テーブル mutagen: 変異原, you get the gist yall
-while splinter was teaching them all how to read and write, Leo got his hands on some post-its and stuck them on every piece of furniture and machinery around the lair and wrote their name in kanji
-convinced that it works and don’t tell him otherwise
-would 100% teach April a thing or two
-Master Splinter offered to teach April
-cue Donnie coming into the cut saying he could do it instead
-one on one study sessions with him and April, she enjoys it a lot
-donnie is actually a great teacher
-until he gets into the phonetic and semantics- ie; the science on why in the Japanese language they pronounce certain things the way they do
-she doesn't remember much about that part
- talks to himself while he’s working on an invention, sometimes to Timothy
-Timothy definitely doesn’t understand what the fuck he’s saying
Bayverse TMNT
-most likely uses it while on missions and fighting and in stealth mode, but mainly uses sign language during said stealth mode
-he practices his writing all the time, is really into line work and origins of the language/the evolution of it from ancient to modern Japanese
- enjoys reading it in his downtime, that man definitely has a stack of old Japanese literature that he likes to read!
-Reddit man for the win
- anything about Japanese culture/aesthetics, he can answer!
-doesn’t speak it much, but he enjoys learning about the culture a lot!
-REALLY loves Japanese City Pop, probably bayverse Donnie’s favorite genre of music no doubt
-Donnie passes notes under the door of his lab to whoever’s passing by when he needs something, not a full sentence at all, just one word notes.
After some loud knocking coming from the other side of the lab door, Leonardo comes to it as if it’s a habit at this point. He’s so used to Donnie not coming out his lab for hours, and he’s come accustomed to retrieving any item he needs from the “outside world.”
So when he sees the neatly placed slip of paper of “food!” written in chicken scratch kanji, he’s trudging his feet to the cupboard where Donnie’s secret stash of lab snacks are. Yes, a whole bin that’s labeled “lab snacks.” He reaches for the usual packet of strawberry frosted Pop-Tarts, noticing that there’s only one box left. He would have to ask April to get some again soon.
Leonardo wonders if he should attempt to toast them for Donnie, but as he glances at the silver toaster that Donnie fixed (again) a few nights ago, he thinks about how badly it would end and how pissed Donnie would get for having to fix it the 4th time this week. He picks out the aluminum wrapped strawberry Pop Tarts as is, placing the bin back in its secret place to where Mikey can’t see it.
-likes the art aspect of Japanese culture, has the kanji for “family” etched on his shell
-since he knits in his past time, he makes small things that reflect the language or art in some way, whether it be making a cherry blossom rug for Splinter’s room, or making Mikey his requested mits for the winter time patrols with his name written in kanji
- like Donnie, he doesn’t verbally speak it, but incorporates it into his life in some way
-will engrave anything if his that he can with kanji
-since he can’t exactly get a tattoo, he reverts to engraving, hence his shell
- 100% calls the pizza shop and orders in Japanese
-they don’t understand what he’s saying
-when the Hamato family is feeling some Japanese food, he hits them up and orders in Japanese, he gets all giddy when they respond back
-him and Donnie argue in Japanese 110%
-he’s struggling with memorizing certain kanji symbols, so he’s using Rosetta Stone
-doesn’t like the Duo bird
-has a conspiracy theory that the Duo bird tracks his every move???
-will switch the TV to a J-Drama or put Splinter’s TV to the Japanese Dub version of whatever he’s watching just to fuck with him
-secretly enjoys said J-Dramas
-pretends to be leader and barks orders in Japanese
-yeah nobody listens to him
-using his “platinum library card,” he loves those Japanese picture books of modern art
-DOES NOT lend them to Mikey, since he’s missing some now
-overdue library books because of this
-really enjoys those learn kanji trace workbooks, will trace the symbols with a purple colored pencil
-also, everything he writes will be in purple
-he doesn’t care what you think about that
-calls animals by their name in Japanese
-cats, dogs, whatever! He’s naming them out loud
-had a pet parrot once that he got to speak back to him in Japanese
-he loved that
-until Leo got his parrot to curse in Japanese
-didn’t know how to make him stop, so he had to deal with that for a while
-participates in changing the TV around to the Japanese Dub with Leo to mess with Splinter
-the cause of Donnie’s overdue books
-he really likes the art! Preferably the modern art
-100% prank calls people with Leo pretending to be foreign realtors & telling people they’re overdue on their car insurance
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meatsex · 5 months
I’d like to hear the reasons why you don’t want to post art ever again. I’m just curious, and I respect your decision not to.
im still kinda asleep so im gonna try to make this legible and also not too personal although it is tied to my art so i guess by default it is
tl;dr im embarassed and i think everyone looks at me weird so i kinda want to disappear some times
i cant avoid feeling like everyone thinks of me as weird because i make so much art of this one guy and 50% of that is because i can make art really fast so i can do a lot of it but then i also probably look crazy because i really do so much art but i can only pull off the "well i have autism" card so many times before it loses all meaning and also its not something i actually want to talk about
i try not too think about this too much cuz if it were true then i probably wouldnt have the amount of numbers i have in social media and i wouldnt have people sending me requests/ideas or people making art for me and i feel like im ungrateful that despite all of these things i still feel like im an outsider or that everyone secretly hates me but i kinda cant avoid it because im someone that inherently feels like a weirdo half of the time and then ill just say it again my first weeks in the vs community kinda sucked ass n all of my close people have always reassured me that these people were overreacting but
and then when i make personal art its like this cringefest gore nudity shit and thats been my thing for like 6 years now but i feel like it doesnt make me look any better even though i dont mix the two things
i really do all of the art i do out of appreciation, i know my way of showing it isnt drawing in a cute style that makes everything look beautiful or super happy but thats just not how i work and it kinda makes me feel like i dont belong or that im just looked at weirdly and its kinda hard not to say "i dont want to post ever again" because its the only thing ive been drawing
like i made a zine of all my art and posted it and so many ppl liked it but i was this close to ultimately not posting it because looking at it from afar i kept thinking "oh wow i look insane and i think everyone is going to think so too" so yeah im just constantly feeling paranoid over something at the end of the day i guess i cant control or whatever
i try not to fall into whatever concept people currently have of parasocialism cuz like i said some days i dont care about my art being acknowledged by the guy and most of it i do as fanart of him as a singer which is why it ends up looking kinda edgy but again how do others perceive meeeee lol lmao
alternatively you might not even be a vs fan so this means nothing to you in that case sorry anon if you actually read through all of this
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hedge-n-seek · 6 months
᯽ Hello! ᯽
Hi! New to posting about this, so sorry if I avoid interaction a bit! I’ll reblog from here, but won’t use my main to interact if possible
A catchall name you can use for me is Hedge, op, or you can use the name of whoever’s tagging under a post to indicate who’s posting, since I think a few ppl in our system might post some? Generally They/Them or He/Him is ok, but don’t be afraid to ask! Current poster tags include, but may be added to; #🦇.Val Posts ᯽ #🦋.Jenth Posts ᯽ #🪶.Dove Posts ᯽ and a general tag # 📺. Hedge Posts if anyone doesn’t want to specify
᯽ BYI ᯽
We keep our regression pretty private, but it’s still fun to post and make art and talk to people about things we’re interested in! I’ll usually edit or doodle or something similar, but I also write sometimes. Generally I won’t post while small, but might reply to people if I know you well enough. Because of that, we might not be posting all the time, even if you see us reblogging things! It’s probably not us ignoring you, we’re just not in the space to talk at that moment. Also, Tonetags are super appreciated! They’re not required, but they’re still nice to use. I also have a hard time typing sometimes, though I try making sure what I write is legible. Feel free to let me know if you need something rewritten so it’s easier for you
On this blog, you’ll probably see a LOT of Vast Error content, as well as other Homestuck and fanworks stuff. I might Minecraft post occasionally, talk about s4m, Adventure Time, and whatever other shows I’m interested at the time! Some shows might have content not suitable for kids, but none of that content will ever be posted on here
᯽ DNI ᯽
Pr0sh1p / Z00 / etc.
Pro s/h or e/d
Endogenic or Neutral
Adult Content / Using Agere for that
Just use your brain and don’t be gross
᯽ Interests ᯽
Vast Error
Homestuck + Fanworks
Adventure Time
Bugs n Birds!
Whatever interest passes by for a bit
᯽ Request Stuff ᯽
There’s no guarantee I’ll get to it in a timely manner, but my requests are open unless my askbox says otherwise! Just send em in. I’ll do stimboards, moodboards, panel edits, and maybe small doodles? I might do mini fic requests too, but only if I feel motivated at that moment, those aren’t a guarantee
Request Tags! #Hedge.Request ᯽ #Hedge.Boards ᯽ #Hedge.Edits ᯽ #Hedge.Doodles ᯽ #Hedge.Fics ᯽ #Hedge.Asks ᯽
Other Helpful Tags! more to be added… #.rb ᯽ #.fav ᯽ #Hedges.Pesters ᯽
᯽ I Think That’s It! ᯽
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safe-ship · 1 year
Heads up about the safeship creator everyone, they refuse to provide accessibility to screen readers despite being asked to multiple times & is generally ableist. Below are some screenshots + a transcript of a really long paragraph rant went on.
Context: An anon asked her to stop using ! and 0s to censor proship related things. This was her response:
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Context: The same anon sends another ask that the OP screenshotted. (I cannot find the post as it seems she either deleted it or Tumblr's search feature is funky)
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Their response is copied + pasted below. Content warning for NSFW mentions, sexual harassment (of the anon), and guilt tripping.
Listen dude i do know better you fucking insufferable misinformed prick. I myself need readability accessibility with ny fucking aphasia that is only getting worse. I already know firsthand how little people give a shit about this stuff becuz i need it. I already have difficulty writing legibly okay. And i get a lot of shit over this disability that i dont deserve. I made this fucking tag to help others to the point that i dont even block the few people weve had problems with so that even if i have to sed it at least the tag will work well for others. So if i have to put a 0 and ! In the forbidden word to decrease how much extra stress is gonna be on me from putting it straight up on their dinner plates then im fucking going to. Why dont you get off your high horse and grow the fuck up and stop making fucking assumptions. Cause im doing a hell of a lot more of kindness and effort for accessibility than you are for saying its immoral for someone WHO NEEDS screendreaders and is ashamed about it to choose a fucking single exclammation point over getting the regular bullshit i put up with from people who wanna be pedos x100 so that you can feel good abt yourself becuz u would choose the latter. Whether ur also a screenreader needer or not what you are is a fuvking asshole becuz i literally have two spine surgeries voming up with a huge threat of bevoming a paraplegic or dead before then and i have a shortened lifespan from all my disabilities. I come into this community to cope with how shit my life is and i try to make it better for others no matter if its a little harder on me and i get nothin but disrespect from invasive and presumptuous assholes like u behind anon who dont wanna have a real vonversation with me or actually think abt anyone but yourself and how good it feels to stroke ur moral dick over the dying woman and i have had it up to here!
U guys wanna keep coming in my inbox being assholes to me? No nuance in life im a bitch? So little thanks nothing but pussies on anon talking shit or invading my privacy? Maybe someone the fuck else should try and run this ship then becuz im fed the hell up and abt to deactivate.
And even despite being told twice to provide accessibility, they continues to be inaccessible even excluding shipcourse.
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And in regards to more of their ableism, they told someone to "develop a frontal lobe" which is harmful towards those with intellectual disabilities. For context: calicofemme was their old main.
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Anyway, do what you will with this information. If anyone wants to add more things to this regarding her behavior, go ahead & I'll reblog it. I made this post to raise awareness of how the creator is harmful and shouldn't even be in this community because of how they go entirely against their motive for making it.
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Idk if your still takin the AU asks, but I've been slowly building an AU where the Kamados have a sixth sense. In summary, Tanjiro sees ghosts and acquires many ghost friends over the course of canon (including some very angry demons and former Hashira who want to see him punch Muzan in the face)
!! oh Hellyeah ill still take these!!! [cracks knuckles] ill see what i can do!
the amount of time it takes a ghost to manifest post-death depends on the person-- sometimes its Immediate, other times they Take A While if they're particularly stubborn about realizing it. the amount he can see them changes depending on how focused he is-- being clear and legible when he's looking for them or extremely tired, or barely a whisper if he's in Go Time mode. they cant interact Much physically-- the most they have is Mild Ghost Shenanigans if they try really hard.
so obviously the interludes with tanjiro's family showing up are just For Real instead of Ambiguously Metaphorical. theyre the first to show up, and offer moral support occasionally :)! [they primarily tag along with nezuko to keep her company... and also to maybe possibly help her wake up more. theyre worried about her :( ] this is followed by sabito and makomo, who are Slightly more active and tag along to keep an eye on him and make sure he stays safe. (they were originally surprised tan could Continue Seeing Them and were originally going to just fade off with their work done, but... well, they felt compelled to stay. something about this kid, yknow.)
of course, not every ghost is exactly Friendly. like the swamp demon for example. this is where sabi+mako come in! Tanjiro Protection Squad. tanjiro cant exactly fight a ghost even if he Can see them, so they have to take care of it. and they do a damn good job of it. ...also members of the Tan Protection Squad is the Kamado Family, which the fox duo were a little concerned about, but its Shocking how effective a scolding from a Genuinely Disappointed Mother (+Equally Disappointed Children) can be to disarming a ghost. even with the protection squad on duty though, tanjiro is actually Pretty Good at dealing with Ghost Shenanigans because. hes him. its hard to feel spite over someone who genuinely cares so much, against someone who sympathizes even with creatures like demons. Hes Got Such Kind Baby Eyes. a lot of the time, ghosts are free to just... pass on. some stick around, some dont, but they're usually offered at least some kind of peace.
i cannot even fucking Imagine the chaos that happens when they accidentally run into muzan in the city.
ghosts dont just tether to tanjiro! sometimes he will meet someone and they'll have several ghosts following them about. they dont always speak to them, but he can Feel them-- how they're feeling, what they're holding onto. he has a reputation in the corps for mysteriously appearing, saying something ominous (yet oddly reassuring) or bringing a gift and Leaving... and then you realize youve never spoken to him before, how did he know about your favorite food? favorite animal? where did he learn this..?
on a similar line, whenever a ghost decides to tag along (temporary or otherwise,) tanjiro tends to pick up little trinkets or charms for them that they'd like. it feels polite somehow. they seem to like it, anyway. this means he has little charms on his belt and such all the time! :) he doesnt have a lot of space on him to carry them with, so he rotates them every so often (with a few exceptions he keeps on him at all times.)
its a heavy burden to bear, but he can handle it. he's the eldest son, after all.
. anyway this is a ridiculously fun concept-- i tried to keep it to Important Things(tm) but i am constantly in a state of doing Everything All The Time Always ! so theres a handful of misc stuff under th cut <33
rengoku becomes part of the Permanent Ghost Squad, but he kinda just... haunts Everybody, Always. all those rengoku flashbacks/manifestations? Theyre Canon Now. rengoku jumpscare <33
muzan has a ridiculous amount of ghosts tagged onto him-- theres so many of them you can't really tell where one starts and another ends, just that they are truly, deeply enraged. he seems entirely unbothered.
yoriichi is a bit of a fickle ghost. he rarely shows up-- only in those echoes and flashbacks + when tanjiro utilizes sunbreathing. he tends to wordlessly leave immediately after. (maybe theres some sort of lingering guilt there...)
. anyway i just think that Team Ghost Gang should get the chance to kick the shit out of muzan post-canon. they deserve it. ghost violence <33
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glorified-red · 2 years
how do you make your writing do poetic? Cause I see my writing and I’m like what is this hot garbage compared to your brilliance?
Here's literally all the top writing advice I've learned in the past two-ish years because I assure you, my writing was also hot garbage, but hot garbage is still smokin hot bbbyy so dont give up
(brief mentions of smut in passing):
Honestly a lot of it comes down to Quantity > Quality and its not something I talk about very often on here. When I first started writing, I posted almost everyday, if not multiple times a week, consistently. I was writing headcanons of anything I could think of and stupid stories I saw on TikTok, I was answering requests the second they got in my inbox.
How I did it? I just wrote. I didn't think about it.
I was writing because it was fun, not because I wanted the writing itself to be good, I just wanted it to be (insert encanto song here). Some of my older fics are terrible, I reread some of the content and I cant make it past the first few paragraphs without cringing, Ive even considered deleting some or completely revising them because of it.
But that'd defeat the point.
I keep those fics (as terrible as they are) so you guys can see that I too, used to suck at writing. I didn't know what a hyphen was or an em dash, let alone an en dash. I didn't know how to properly punctuate AT ALL (future me, an english major, literally dies inside).
I focused a lot on dialogue when I started out, was it OOC? Probably. Did I care? Fuck no. I wrote anything because the more I wrote the better I got.
Unfortunetly overtime I became obssesed with the Quality of my work and since then I've written very little in comparison (rip my inbox being open to requests lmao). Has the quality gone up? Hell yea. But has my motivation and insecurities suffered? Oh fuck yea.
I focused so much on making my narration more poetic that my dialogue talent suffered tremendously. Which is why I'm trying to get back into more random, silly one shots because goddamit quantity > quality.
And you can see this in Nightmare because that was the series where I started getting creative with prose, pacing, and narration. That series was written and is still being written for me and me only (yall get to see it as a little treat). Its my experiment baby where I throw words at the wall and pray they stick, I talk in metaphors and pray to god it makes sense.
Nightmare is my writing exercise journal basically, everything I learn from Nightmare goes into other fics.
You can easily see how much I've grown as a writer and how because Its just one big experiment. Have you read the beginning of that? It fucking sucks, but the last six chapters? Arguably some of my most poetic work.
Big Brother Intuition was the start of me taping into the emotional side of stories and telling a story through internal dialogue and letting everything else slip in between the lines. Again, it was an exercise. The sole purpose of that fic was to challenge myself to write from Tim's POV for the first time and to write something I myself, experienced and to translate feeling and emotions into legible words.
This is when I started to learn the best writing advice I've ever learned to date that I will scream at anyone who lets me proofread their work:
Show. Don't Tell.
This is huge in writing, especially if you want to write something poetic.
"He walked across the carpeted room."
"Static clung to his socks as they dragged across the carpeted room."
In the first line, you're telling the reader whats going on like youre reading from a powerpoint. In the second, you never actually specify that he is walking, but the reader can tell because you show it visually. They can picture it in their head clearly that not only is he walking, but his shoulders are probably slouched because hes dragging his feet.
Did I ever mention the posture of the character? Nope. Did I mention he's tired? Nope. But can you picture it in the subtext without any more information but that line? Yes (assuming you read into things like me but for the sake of argument just say yes).
(this is also where word connotation comes into play but thats a whole other rant)
The reader can vividly picture your story without you having to spell it out for them.
Now bear in mind, you also have to treat your readers like idiots (sorry not sorry guys).
I like to picture the brain as an empty room, a completely blank canvas. Your story should be vivid enough that by the end of it, the reader has the entire room filled with detail.
When you start writing, you plop your character into that empty room. But how is that character interacting with the environment if its just an empty room? Things only get added into the room if the character interacts with it. If the character doesnt, then you're just telling the reader what to imagine.
What's poetic about that?
If you don't describe the setting, your readers will be confused and won't be able to immerse themselves into the story because they'll be too busy trying to figure out where the door is instead of paying attention to anything else. But reading a long paragrpah describing the room in detail is so much more boring than if the character interacts with it themselves.
(Telling the reader theres a dresser by the bed instead of making the character plop their keys on the dresser before climbing into bed)
You have to specify everything your character is doing to the environment around them so the walls turn from white to red, the room suddenly has a bed in it, theres a dresser next to the bed that needs to be sanded down because the character felt a prick on their skin.
Little things like that make your story more entertaining.
Which starts with the five senses.
I did two Five Senses writing challenges ages ago as a way to get used to writing the senses solo, I highly recommend doing the same (in my masterlist :P). Whenever I write smut, pain, comfort, you name it, the only thing going through my head is "What are they feeling, what are they hearing, what are they smelling, etc"
If you can work with the senses, showing will be so much easier to do because senses is how you show things.
"She felt like she was going to cry."
"The rims of her eyes started to burn."
In the first one, youre telling the audience what shes feeling. In the second, youre showing it. The main difference is that I imagined what it feels like to start to cry (that burn) so I could use a more "poetic" approach but really, I'm just showing instead of telling. That's the difference between hot garbage and poetic writing.
I often like to overexplain things to my audience, I pretend that my readers know nothing before starting my fic, whether its a series or a simple oneshot. This way anyone can read any of my work regardless of if they know Damian has a fucking metal spine or not beause who knows niche stuff like that yk? Its a story, make it enjoyable to anyone because they dont need pre-existing knowledge.
Come here, this is your bread and butter okay?? This shit is what makes your writing glorious:
Whatever you do, do not make the reader hesitate.
If the person reading your work has to pause what theyre doing to reread a sentence because it doesnt make sense?
You've failed as a writer.
If the reader has to pause what theyre doing to look up a word because it doesnt make sense?
You've failed as a writer.
If the reader keeps losing their place in your story because its dragging?
You've failed as a writer.
Harsh? I know.
The entire point of writing is to tell a story well enough that the readers can fully immerse themselves into your story. If they hesitate for any reason, it breaks the immersion and suddenly that arent ✨reading✨ anymore, theyre R E A D I N G
It's boring.
Now this manifests in soooo many ways and I see it in every fic I've proofread. Assume your readers know nothing!!! I mean it!!! If youre detailed enough in your imagery, your reader will be able to imagine the story without having to readjust their visual (I'm looking at you smut writers, I have no clue what position they're in right now and I'm more confused than I am turned on).
I get bored if the paragraph is more than 4 sentences long because its intimidating to look at, its clunky and boring and it doesnt flow AT ALL. This is when readers skim your work to get to dialogue because dialogue is more easily digestible. (but please, make it obvious who's speaking because If I have to reread an entire convo just to figure out who's talking, you're done and Im moving onto the next fic)
Why? Because the punctuation is easy to digest.
Why do you think my paragraphs are so small? Why do you think my narration is sprinkled in between dialogue? Why do you think I switch between dialogue tags and actions?
So I dont lose reader interest (will I still lose some? oh duh, but not nearly as much as I would if I didn't do these things)
You cannot assume your readers know your story the same way you do, you have a specific picture in your head. Do they? Do they even know what they're supposed to be imagining right now?
And thats where the senses come in!!!
See? It all connects.
Do writing exercises, I promise, they actually work. I treat every fic as a writing exercise.
Self Care Day? Dialogue Training.
Exhaust and Exhaustion? Juggling Characters Training.
Petnames? Tense training.
The list goes on and I could explain it all in so much detail but I'll spare you the boredom.
Write anything and write a lot, even if its shitty, because the more you write the more experience you'll get.
Practice with sensory imagery.
Do writing exercises.
Be creative and visual instead of strict and bulletproof esque --- show, dont tell.
Treat your readers like they know nothing and treat them and their attention span like thats the holy grail.
Be creative and literally just have fun and I promise you will see so much growth in your writing.
Please let me know if yall want me to expand on this or to explain anything, my english major brain is literally hardwired for these types of discussions.
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theories for chain of thorns
i had these posted on my gr from like december, im just posting them here
- lucie will now be an antagonist lets be honest we all know it. necromancers are NOT good people and thats the path lucie chose for herself by wanting to save jesse
- someone major will die idk who it is yet, but my instincts tell me its matthew or alistair. the second wouldnt make sense tho – if alistair dies, how would the carstairs line continue down to emma??? hopefully itll be tatiana that bitch
- jamie x daisy its inevitable guys, have you seen the snippets? im rooting for them theyre perfect
- thomas and alistair are NOT gonna end up together this was a gut feeling when i wrote it but as of jan 5 i have a legible reason as to why they would not be happy and its the next theory
- IM SCARED THOMAS IS GONNA DIE the “found family tree” says that thomas died TWO YEARS before barbara. i understand cassie has repeatedly stated that its been manipulated (she hinted that it was changed by the silent brothers) and isnt reliable. but isnt that disturbing?? esp considering theres at least part of it thats reliable, and thats the fact that alistair will 100% go on to marry a woman despite being gay. if alistair doesnt have kids, and cordelias children are all herondales, then the carstairs family would die out and emma would not be related to jem (even tho its been stated that they are related by blood). “oH bUt SoNa iS pReGnAnT mAyBe ShEs GoNnA GiVe BiRtH tO a bOy” first of all, theres a chance the baby is born a girl second of all, the baby might die third of all, where is the son on the family tree? fourth of all, SONA IS, ACCORDING TO THE TREE, DEAD BEFORE THOMAS. PLEASE.
- grace x christopher i despise grace but she acts like a different person around kit… maybe he can fix her
- anna x ariadne she cant fuck up ALL the gay relationships, now can she?
- the merry thieves are gonna forgive alistair (specifically matthew) bro he literally made out with one of them TWICE. if matthew doesnt think “well shits gonna get awkward if i dont forgive the sorry bastard” istg~ 💀
- this is more of a hope than a theory MATTHEW FAIRCHILD SHALL ACHIEVE THE HAPPINESS HE DESERVES smth tells me he wont get a happy ending tho… i mean, if my above theory abt thomas is correct~
- SO DOES ALISTAIR I MEAN CMON GUYS #justiceforalistair he regrets the shit hes pulled and therefore your hate against him for it is invalid PLUS HE GOT BULLIED BY RACIST PIECES OF SHIT HE DID WHAT HE COULD TO MAKE IT STOP
- matthew will open up abt his secret its like a routine at this point, in every shadowhunters series. a character has a secret that nearly kills them outta despair, they open up to friends, theyre met with love and support. jace loving his “sister”. wills “curse”. emma and jules’ relationship. ty bringing back livvy. alec being gay. you get used to it lol
- either lucie or matthew would have their marks stripped lucie for attempting/committing necromancy, and matthew because sobh said he doesnt have a specified death date (also i think cassie just hates him)
- jesse will be evil bro wouldnt that be cruel… like imagine after lucie brings him back hes like “haha i manipulated you to bring me back i never loved you” and then sHe GETS HER RUNES STRIPPED FOR NECROMANCY and its worse bc the shadowhunters are already out to get the herondales bc they refuse to accept tessa as anything but a warlock no but in that case she would prolly go to live with wills parents OKAY BUT IMAGINE HOW HEARTBROKEN CHARLOTTE WOULD BE WHILE DOING IT WHILE JAMIE IS CRYING AND MATTHEW SCREAMING AT HER NOT TO AND WILL TELLS HIM TO STOP WHILE TEARS ARE GOING DOWN HIS FACE
- a “seven husbands of evelyn hugo” thing with anna x ariadne and thomas x alistair (credit to my good friend wiz/nisha for saying this) maybe cassie is going to have thomas marry ariadne and anna marry alistair so that they could have a good old switcheroo, so they can swap lovers?? obviously it cant be anna and thomas lmao theyre cousins but thomas and ARIADNE…
- matthew and cordelia ARE going to kiss at one point HOL’ UP I DONT SHIP EM, i think its gonna be a climon kinda thing where they kiss and dont like it as much as they thought they would, and end up deciding to stay friends i think thats the best way cassie could deal with matthews crush on her without breaking anyones heart, i hope to god it wont be like him confessing and her rejecting him plz oml
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jamiekb · 1 year
more things that i loved (and got to explore) from the Welcome home update
i had already made a post about my first thoughts and stuff, this is just me playing around again
More things!!!:
ok so the 'you' section in the neighborhood now has a little heart. huh i think that's the first time his voice is so distorted in the audios
oh my god even on their illustration page, on the welcome home section, clown changed the banner. looks so cool!!!
hey the telephone was part of the original concept art!!
now forth with the secrets that people have been so kind as to share
finally get the last video. there's something about barnabys voice that just doesnt let me pay attention to what hes saying, maybe its just too calm. that definitely has a different tone from the others at the end, you good Wally??
now past the password page
why is the banner called sneezing??
ok now i get why they say the question answerer went insane
probably nothing but i do find it funny that the 'it's in here' text gives you the 404 page. also are you calling Wally it?
so he can just communicate with people involved in the project i guess??? i do love that he just cant write in a normal way, still the name of a picture
can you not touch ink then?? or just like in general any of the material from Welcome Home???
Frank my dear! from the art in Clown's portafolio, didn't actually expect to see it in the page
more stuff to read! but it's too far away :(
is the question answerer the one that's.. you know.. asking the questions?
more emails!!! ok so you definitely dont touch it and you have to check it then. who is sending these??? im confused. and of course its not alarming to handle material from lost media and then have symptoms like nausea or fatigue, totally normal thing to experience
so im guessing for some of these pictures you have to play with exposure and stuff, some seem near legible
the little vault! i know it's scary but it's so small!!! and Wally from the portafolio!
another shot of the one where wally writes
you can sort of see the script! is it the one we had already seen?
who is sorry??? i just get more confused, need to go back to the exhibition page
back to the audios. I only got four the first time around (i, will, a, i-2), so it'll be nice to hear the rest
nevermind i didnt write down some that i did find (help, you-1, will-2, find). this is why 3am when you're tired is not the best time to do this. and of course the return of 'Neighbor', the angry vynil
pretty sure i hadn't heard 'understand' (some light distortion, interesting), 'way' (sorry darling, no can do, that was a weird way to request that) and 'soon' (creepy, not a fan)
back to the merch page. oh yeah you can click on the red button, why didn't i notice that? creepy and cool audio, not the duet i was expecting, it really is wallys part of the phone thing. again mentioning that we have looked into his eyes. Home says something? what is the work i have to do Wally??? are you just directly speaking to the question answerer?
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