#dont forget to study
dailytraingirl · 30 days
born to brainrot about DPS for hours
forced to study for upcoming finals 💔
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yestrday · 7 months
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COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who has his eye on you ever since you two entered college. a young, bright-eyed thing who moved from the boonies to the big city at a chance to find out more of the world beyond your farmlands and vast expanses of grass. who noted with wry amusement the pep in your step and the twinkle in your eye as you sit in the front row like a good student with an eagerness to learn.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who you approach with a stunning and naive smile. you're asking him for notes, the professor being too fast for your hands to properly take notes. he asks for your sns and sends you the pics of his note, and you eagerly thank him while unaware of the glint in his eye at this opportunity.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who scrolls through your social media and collects information about the kind of person you are. you know little about the world, but you're eager to learn more. your comments sections are full of relatives and friends congratulating you on you enrollment in the big city, and your cheery replies of thanks and acknowledgment. yuta chuckles as he sets aside his phone, eyes still trained on your back. how cute.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who continues keeping an eye on you. you keep asking him for notes because your cute lil brain just can't keep up, and he notes the waver in your smile when he shows off a little bit of his intellect. from how casual he is about his studies yet still getting high marks, the distance between you two is obvious. but there's still a spark of determination in your eyes—
— until prefinal grades come around and he sees you staring blankly at your phone. yuta angles his phone on purpose to let you get a glimpse of his, and he marvels at how bleaker your expression becomes. all your hard work... all your enthusiasm and eagerness... for nothing? have you always been this stupid? you were... you were always the brightest in your local school...
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who watches you throw yourself into your studies more than ever. you don't have that pep in your stel anymore, your eyes have become dull and beavy, and no one can strike a conversation with you because you're always asleep. yuta is your only companion, angling your head on his shoulder so that you can rest more comfortably, leveling onlookers with a stern stare as he shushes them with a finger.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who watches your eyes lose the last of their light when midterm grades come. your fingers are trembling as you clutch your phone, and you bite your lip to avoid the tears spilling out. yuta puts a comforting hand over yours, and you slowly clutch his shirt. "i did my best, didn't i?" you ask. yuta hums, hand on your neck. "... i did, didn't i?"
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who is your only point of contact for the rest of the finals. you don't even try. instead, you cling to yuta like he's your last chance at validation. you preen at his compliments, blush when he says he likes your outfit. the only time the light comes back to your eyes is when his attention is on you, and you feel a sugary rush in your veins whenever he smiles at you.
you, who does nothing for their schoolwork but instead focus on making yuta happy. you latch onto him like a clingy girlfriend, and he's more than happy for you to do so. while he studies for the upcoming exams, you're cuddled up on his lap, keeping him warm for the winter months. he pats your head and rubs your temple as you doze off to sleep.
sometimes when you voice the need to study, yuta shushes such needless concerns away. "you don't need to think so much," he whispers, scratching your scalp and he watches you preen. "aren't you happy right now? with me?"
you nuzzle into his touch, eyes fluttering shut under his touch. "... yeah."
"good," he hums, kissing you on the forehead. "then don't think of anything else but me."
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marlocandeea · 6 months
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Namanari, Hannya and Ja, three stages of spirit possession, usually because of grief or jealousy, as depicted in Noh theatre.
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theonewhereistudy · 1 year
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I've been lost for a long time because I enrolled for university, and life now feels as if it's on hold since I don't know how my days will be when I start it. Sometimes I'll think too much about other people and how they are managing their lives and how I'm so late in comparison to them; I used to be better in letting these thoughts go away, I guess I'm just very anxious and not managing it properly; I also think a lot about the future and how we are all walking to the non existence and I think that for now there's no mindset that can soothe my soul. 2023 is full of new scenarios in my life, I've always been afraid of change, even tho I've gone through so many changes in life, but I never paid much attention to these transitions, because they weren't violent ones. Life is unpredictable; Change is in every corner waiting, and she never has the same face or touch, maybe I should start to look at her as a friend that is always somewhere else living adventures, and once in a while will show up and bring new winds, good or bad, I never know; but as a friend, I should go through these situations and help her, until she's ready to leave to her adventures again, and I'll wait.
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tagidearte · 8 months
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He's a knight after all.
Little -/+ 1hour sketch. I'm obsessed in case you couldn't tell.
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mai-komagata · 9 months
Tendi is a bit of an unreliable narrator in regards to orions
this is not hate of tendi or of lower decks, which I love heart and soul. Just a more realistic take on what we have been told.
But I do think it is important to keep in mind her descriptions of orion society are of someone *extremely priviledged* in the social hierarchy and that orion society is very unequal.
She is the rich international student at a university -- she is right to dispel a lot of myths about orion society perpetuated by the more hegemonic power in the sector. But also realize her perspective is heavily influenced by her position as one of the richest families in the planet. Like its good that her grandmother was a scientist on a science ship, and good on them recognizing orion scientific achievements. But was that a position available to the common orion, or like, something wealthy people were able to access in orion society? It is amazing that she is putting aside her privileged position to join starfleet, but is that a possibility for her only because she is wealthy? Like can the guy whose job is to carry divans all day make the same decision? Is she less likely to downplay aspects of society like hormonal coercion, or the slave trade as part of their piracy operations because the wealth of her family allows them to opt out of those aspects of society? Is she to some degree ignorant of societal inequality b/c of her wealth? She sees a lot of orion society as embarrassing and worthy of critique which is laudable of her. But I do think she might have a bit of a myoptic view, too. If you've never read this medium article on the international school class, it is enlightening: https://medium.com/@rachel.engel/an-open-letter-to-the-international-school-community-our-role-in-the-black-lives-matter-movement-c92ba725d93c (on the transnational capitalist class)
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p1tstop · 11 months
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@ rosbergxracing Who says you need to be on your best behavior when the boss is around!? 😜😉
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trainingdummyrabbit · 7 months
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in other news, uhhh . oops
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all day and all night i think of him
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jackshiccup · 9 months
in dawn of destruction i just love that little moment of pause snotlout had when hiccup came back from his small trip with astrid to find the edge being attacked. hiccup gives out orders, snotlout just stares at him and hiccup stammers to asks him ‘what is it, snotlout?’ to which snotlout replies, ‘nothing. it’s just well, it’s nice to have you back.’ and it’s with so much sincerity and even a hint of relief and it’s just so !!! snotlout looks up so much to hiccup and it grounds him (and the rest of the gang) for hiccup to BE there and to be the leader their team needs and has. it just shows how much faith and trust they have in each other and no matter how much he complains all the time, snotlout will always and undoubtedly have hiccup’s back and vice versa.
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chronal-anomaly · 4 months
Little activity notice but I'm taking my praxis/boards at the end of March so I'll be extra unresponsive from here on out. See you all on the other side of this!!
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generichoneydew · 3 months
So I've been playing Animal Jam a lot lately (yk nostalgia and all) and I thought it would be fun to make a masterpiece becuase I have contractual obligations to draw once a week anyways.
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Considering how freaking difficult it is to work with the Animal Jam painting tool im actually pretty proud of this. The restrictions of the software make it annoying, but in a way fun to find work arounds and compromises. It runs kinda like MS paint I like it a lot :)
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This is a shameless pitch for my field of work but if you like biology and you like coding...consider bioinformatics as a career  👀  Especially if you live in the US, as it's well-known for its bionformatics scene.
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hewwopumpkin · 3 months
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the sonic boom characters are interesting because muzzles are treated as a fur pattern. eyes are also completely round and dont meet the muzzle.
characters are more diverse species-wise as a result, but struggle to fit with other characters from the franchise because they take different cues.
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vialdovi-artstuff · 2 months
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That cool mutilated dude
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impostorsshow · 8 months
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No I did not clean up that line art yes it was fun
Hes such a guy
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