#dont jump on me ack
lalovi · 6 months
Hello, can I request Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader who likes to dance pls? Since I imagine Shadow Milk Cookie dancing around a lot, I thought a dancing Reader would be perfect for him!
Have a nice day/evening/night! 👋🏼😁
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Shadow Milk Cookie x GN! Reader. ONESHOT
Warnings: None
Stars shone whimsically in the sky, and the cool night breeze could be felt all around you. A quiet melody was playing from the stage inside. Standing on a balcony was you, elegantly twirling and stepping from side to side. Though your eyes were closed, you did not need them. It was song that guided you, not your sight. It was peaceful, until somebody grabbed one of your hands and forcefully spun you around.
Your eyes shot open and you could see the person who interrupted your dance standing right infront of you. Cold hands, shades of blue, crazed eyes. It was none other than Shadow Milk Cookie.
"Is this what my doll has been up to? You know, I've been looking all over for you," he would say. One of his hands were on your waist while the other was holding your own. His eyes looked deep into your eyes, and a smile could be seen on the blue cookie's face.
"I thought you were still doing your show," you would explain to him.
"Dove, I finished a while ago. I wanted to meet up with you immediately after, but you hid away on this balcony! I was a little worried," informed Shadow Milk Cookie.
"Ah, sorry." You would smile wryly.
"What's that look for?" He'd snap, beginning to pout.
"It's just funny how much you want to be around me. I didn't think you liked me that much!"
Shadow Milk would roll his eyes.
"You are so silly. Why wouldn't I enjoy being around my favorite doll? You're perfect."
He would spin you around once again and start the steps to a familiar dance. The two of you would recite this dance all of the time, so the steps have already been memorized by heart.
It was the first dance that Shadow Milk did with you.
"Dancing again? You seem to like it a lot," He'd chime as he continued to spin around with you.
"That's because I do like it a lot. Though, it's much more enjoyable with you."
Shadow Milk Cookie couldn't help but snicker. "I know. I'm a joy to be around~"
He would dip you backwards and stare into your eyes.
"But, I suppose I also enjoy our time together."
He would bring you back up to your feet and continue the hypnotic dance.
How much time has past since you two first began dancing?
The two of you had no plans on stopping any time soon, but it just had to start raining. It wasn't even a light mist that would make things more romantic. It was heavy.
"Uhg, what a pain." Shadow Milk would say through a glare. He quickly lead both of you back indoors, but the damage had been done.
"I'm so sorry doll. If I knew there was going to be rain, I would have lead us inside earlier."
"It's fine, really. I was starting to get sleepy anyway," You'd explain to him.
His eyes would widen for a moment before he picked you up into his arms. You would have started shouting at him to let you go, but something else caught your attention first.
"Ack! Shadow Milk, you are freezing!"
He couldn't help but snicker.
"Sorry button, I run cold."
Shadow Milk Cookie would place a kiss on your forehead before starting to walk both of you to your shared room.
After the two of you changed into more dry clothing, Shadow Milk immediately wrapped you up in a bunch of blankets.
"I can't have my little doll getting sick now!" He'd say as he began to cuddle up next to you.
"You're still cold.." you would whine, trying to scoot away from him.
"I know that, silly! That's why you have to share the warmth..." He'd say back, holding you closer.
He was so annoying sometimes.
But of course you still loved him.
Loves dancing with you so much!
Sometimes he'll see you randomly dancing on stage, and he can't help but join in
Will 100% spin and dip you
But if on the off chance you spin him...
He gets flustered
Will make up the excuse that it just caught him off guard
But you know he's flustered since his hands turn warm...
He is NEVER warm
Loves to flirt with you while you dance
And likes giving you silly little nicknames like: button, doll, dove, star, and when he's in a silly mood, silly billy.
His favorite greeting is spinning you around or random hugs from behind
Acts like a cat
He's clingy and needy like one as well
Seriously panics if he loses you for over an hour
You have to make up for it with kisses
Man also gets jealous SO easily.
Death stares and constant harassment towards the other party
He never does this infront of you though
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
“WHY DID WE DO THAT” yes Gricko why indeed
Bit quick to jump to nudity there Torbek
Gricko is just full of great ideas today
“You are familiar with mirages” THIS ALMIRAJ IS NO MIRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikkie: “You don’t really understand how this works” Mace/Gideon, immediately: “I know exactly how this works”
This desert is getting eerily intense
I love how they’re showing Torbek gaining control of the Witchlight and the Other
“Together, as a unit, as you do everything, you decide to tackle this next obstacle” ACK MY HEART I FUCKING LOVE FOUND FAMILY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD
How are y’all interpreting Gricko’s monstrosity connection? Bc I’ve been doing it as like a really enthusiastic zoologist but what if he’s also a monsterfucker
Sorry that was a little unhinged and sudden but I think i might be right he does have a thing for monstrous women who could decimate him with one move
Love how Frost always wants to talk first but Gideon is immediately “IM GONNA GETCHU”
Gideon is going to oneshot this tricobra/cobydra if he keeps this up
“Two attacks on Frost” “no thankyou ❤️”
Rich is so good at flavoring this spell and its effects
Mace/Gideon “Don’t roll max against me” and then Rich doesn’t— that’s Kremy employing Husband Privilege right there
What is the realm they are talking about?? Ghettei? Gehettei? Whatever realm they say Kremy is bringing with Hunger of Hadar
Goddamn that’s a lot of damage at once
Torbek and Gideon and Hootsie bro moment 😎
“Torbek accidentally Longscarfed him” 😭❤️
Love how Nikkie just keeps repeating the generic desert description like an NPC in a game when you try to talk to them too much
HOLY SHIT okay 1. The immersion hell yeah 2. Why. Why is there a swamp here again. The swamp was supposed to be gone. There wasn’t supposed to be more swamp.
“Blow on my dice” there is no heterosexual explanation for this
Now I have this horrible image in my head of Kremy pulling an Entrapta and going “I just need a little more time”
“I am the thing that remains when the alphabet is gone” this is giving me such a good idea for a Tower of Babel campaign wait a minute
Ah yes just like the 1999 classic film The Mummy—- *I am forcibly removed from the stage*
Is. Is the swoose sounding like Bavlorna on purpose. Is this a plot thing. Please this is so important—- Bc there’s an hourglass on the archway, so it has to be time and also maybe the voice is important— Oh. Okay. So not like Bavlorna.
What is the realization Andy is having???? Oh my god I need to know
Does the fact that this is Nekhbet and the lion-headed guardian mean Egyptian mythology at all influences this part of the story? And maybe the Hourglass Coven in some sort of way if this temple is here? Was this temple originally of the Hourglass Coven, or was it taken over???
The emotion in Mace’s storytelling is incredible and then he has a your mom joke. Alright.
Andy and Mikey’s reactions are beautiful things to watch
“We’ve been free ever since”
Fic idea: Kremy and Gideon get married and uh. Yknow Gricko’s entire thing about getting Pa Coal to come to one of Gideon’s weddings? Somehow that happens but it’s a really sad moment bc Pa Coal is dead so it’s an urn and Gideon gets to have a moment just talking to the urn
OH SHIT THE BIRTH OF THE HAGS?!?!??? Wait wait wait I have so many questions— to be made into a hag, do they need to find this temple first?? Does this temple somehow lead to the hag hut??? What is the thing that drinks the brew in the hag hut?????? How did that being come to exist???????? How is this temple connected to the thing that makes the hags???????? Is this a temple of time or of memories and records????
What is the process of making a hag??? Do all hags come about via this process????
Wait a minute. We had a white horse and rider statue, now we have a red one— if the next one is black then these are the riders of Baba Yaga and maybe that is who makes all the hags— like a sort of Mother Hag situation??
Frost is right, I think, this is also a story or situation or whatever about choice (esp bc of the swoose at the entrance)
I need a series which is just Gricko explaining everything that’s happened in the campaign in extreme detail
“We hit rock bottom and we picked up shoooveeeelllls.”
Ayo Bavlorna what the fuck— Endolyn’s story was terrible but this is another level
So these hags are not actually sisters then? Or are they sisters because they all come from the same source? (Whatever makes the hags)
Yuuuup I was right about the riders!!!!!
Idk why but Kremy’s story hits for me
Nikkie this is so impressive. Holy shit— this isn’t in the module. She wrote these backstories herself. Wow.
And the flipped time order of everything!!! And the Granny Nightshade symbolism
Wait blue roses??? Like the ones in Twig’s eyes???????
Andy what are you doing
Oh shit. Next is the fabled Episode 46. Ohhhh lord. What’s gonna happen………
How much time has passed for the Feywild while they’re in the material plane???
Gahhhh!!!! The lore!!!!!!!!!!!! So good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait okay there’s a connection to Prime but I haven’t watched Prime and it’s 91 episodes there’s no way I can watch all that rn but I NEED TO KNOW THE AVANTRIS LORE AND WHAT THE CONNECTION IS OMFG
So much happened!!!!! Holy fuck!!!!!!!!! And next is Episode 46 I’m gonna have my brain explode
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gigglz · 1 year
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(Strictly PLATONIC!! This is a tickle fic.)
Quick, short fic. I LOVE THEM AAAAH
Miles was told he had to train his stealth a bit, kindly saying he wasn't good at it… at all.
His goal according to Peter B. Parker was to successfully scare at least 5 people. Gwen, Pavitr, Peter B. Parker himself, which would be harder considering he was the one giving him the task, Hobie and Jessica. Miles had already scared 3. Gwen, Pavitr, and Jessica. Even for only 3 people it took around 7 tries, since they were all spiderpeople.
He thought for a second. “Hmm. Maybe i should go for Peter next, but then again that would take the longest. I should probably go for the one that doesn’t know what im doing. Hobie. Yeah! Easy enough.”
He spent a good half an hour trying to find him. Turns out he was in some sort of lab… stealing? Of course.
He crawled on the ceiling, invisible of course. Being extra careful to not make a sound.
Hobie was looking around the lab for random parts he could easily fit in his pockets, humming some tune.
Miles was waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
“How long ya gonna wait for?” Hobie suddenly spoke, startling Miles.
Miles wasn’t sure he was talking to him, so he stayed quiet.
“Aye, Miles. Im talking to ya.” Hobie chuckled and looked up, straight at Miles.
“Aw, man…” Miles let out a sigh and jumped down. “How did you know i was there?”
Hobie looked at him. “I knew the moment you arrived, you’re not very good at being sneaky ya know.”
Miles let out a groan. “Yeah…“
“Aye cheer up, bruv. No need to be down in the dumps about it.” Hobie smiled.
Miles looked at him confused “what?”
“Anyways what’re ya trying to do?” Hobie asked while putting something in his pocket again.
“Oh its just- wait, no. Im not gonna tell you.” Miles almost slipped up, it would be so much harder to do if Hobie knew.
“Awe c’mon tell me.” Hobie tapped his shoulder with his fist playfully. “Is it top secret?” He joked.
“Yes, yes it is!” Miles exclaimed.
“Well now i want to know even more, c’mon Miles, were mates! You can tell me.” Hobie leaned against a table, now very eager to know.
“No, no. Not telling you, sorry!” Miles turned to walk away, cause he knew he was eventually gonna tell him if he stayed.
“So ya wanna play like that, do ya? Alright.” Hobie shrugged getting up from the table, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“What does that mean?” Miles stopped, suddenly feeling nervous.
“Oh nothin’… unless you wanna tell me?” Hobie grinned.
“Wha- no. No way, forget it!” Miles waved his hands at him.
“Alright, alright. Go then. Didn’t wanna know anyway.” Hobie turned away, walking back to the table.
Miles sighed, “thank god.” He started walking to the door, he was gonna try again a bit later.
But before he could leave Hobie spoke up, somehow right behind him. “This is how ya sneak up on people.”
Suddenly Miles felt two hands on his sides. “waitwaitWAIT HOBIE- ACK!” Hobie started wiggling his fingers into the younger boys sides.
“Ya wanna tell me now?” Hobie laughed mischievously.
“nohoho AHAH HOBIEHEHE!” Miles yelped as Hobie switched to tickling his ribs. His legs buckled and he fell to the floor, Hobie catching him.
“Woah, mate. Ticklish much?” Hobie put him on the floor, and switched to his sides again to prevent Miles from getting used to the feeling. “Y’know I can keep this up for as long as i need.” Hobie teased.
“Ehehehe Hobihie nahahAHAH” Miles squirmed, weakly trying to fight him back. “STAHAHAP NAHAHAAA”
“So ya wanna tell me yet? Or do i need to keep going?” Hobie chuckled with miles.
“ihim nohohot telling yohoHOU NOHOO” Miles threw his head back and kicked his feet.
“Well if you insist, I’m having fun so i dont plan on stopping any time soon. Hey, yer hips ticklish?” Hobie didnt wait for an asnwer and went for his hips.
Miles SCREAMED. “NAHAA OHO MAHAHAI GAHAHAD HOBIHIE NOHOOH AGHAHA” Miles bucked and shook his head frantically. Trying to pry Hobies hands off of his hips.
“I guess they are, dont try to fight me, only way ill stop is if you tell me!” He pressed his hands into Miles’ hips a little stronger, laughing with him.
“OHOKAY OKAHAHAY JUST STOHOHAHAHA-“ Miles could barely speak, it tickled so bad.
As promised Hobie stopped as soon as Miles told him to. “Alright, spill it. Unless you want to go for round 2? I wouldn’t mind.” He smirked.
“im good, ihim gohohood.” Miles was still giggling.
“So?” Hobie looked at him intrigued.
“Ihits just some stupid task Peter gave me, apparently im not stealthy enough. So i have to scare 5 people, you were one of them.” Miles held his sides, trying to get rid of the ghost tickles.
“Ohoh! So thats what it is! I have to agree with Parker here.” He chuckled.
Miles groaned, he knew Hobie was right.
“Better luck next time, bruv! Just watch your back. Maybe ill be the one sneaking up on you, aye?” He teased Miles as he helped him up to his feet.
Miles chuckled, a little embarrassed.
“Alright, alright. I will.” Miles said as he wiped his shoulder to get a little dust off of it.
“I suggest catching them in an environment where its not so silent, like here.” Hobie pointed around the lab.
“Ah, yeah. You're right.” Miles chuckled.
“Alright go, get Peter first, then come back to me. Always stay alert.” Hobie wiggled his fingers at Miles, chuckling.
Miles cringed a little, shook his head and turned to leave, yeah, no he definitely was gonna go for Peter next.
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fangirlingatstuff · 1 year
Ik you said you dont normally do nod x reader but if you ever have the chance or want to, can you do one where reader is very easily flustered. Set before their dating where hes super flirty and cocky and all that fun stuff just to see her blush and get nervous. Don’t feel pressured to answer tysm!!
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Of course!
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Out of Reach
Nod x Reader
“Nod, quit it!” You shouted as you jumped onto your tippy-toes, swinging your hand up at the knapsack he held above your head.
“Aw, come on, Y/n,” he grinned, raising his arm higher. “You can jump higher than that!”
You groaned loudly and tried to pull his arm down lower. “I need that to take notes or Ronin’s going to kill me,” you said while jumping again, trying to shove him over.
“What? Nah,” Nod scoffed and snorted, waving you off. “He wouldn’t get mad at you, you’re too cute.” With that he winked and switched the bag to his other hand.
Your eyes widened and your face flushed pink, your brain buffering over what he just said, giving him time to push you out of the way.
“Wha-wait, NOD!”
He laughed and waved the bag over his hand looking back at you, “Catch me if you can!”
You groaned and chased after him.
“No fair!” You shouted.
“Oh come on, girl, it’s too easy!” Nod cackled, jumping out of the way as you dove.
“Just give it back!” You swiped for it again.
“Oop-” he dodged and raised your bag over your head again. “Awwwww, whats the matter?” He grinned, “Can’t reach?”
“Nod, I swear!” You huffed. “I will climb you!”
“I’d like to see you try,” he smirked.
“You asked for it!”
You gave yourself a running start before tackling Nod to the ground, toppling the both of you over.
“Give it back!”
The two of you rolled on the ground as you scrambled for the bag in his hand. Nod kept it just out of reach, but he didn’t expect you to wriggle your way out of every way he tried to keep you back. At one point, his arm was wrapped around your waist while he tried to pull you away from grabbing your bag back.
Finally, you shoved his head away and leapt for the bag, snatching it from him.
“Aha!” You sat up immediately. “Gotchya!”
Nod huffed and propped himself up on his elbows. His eyes flicked across your face, a smile forming on his own. He couldn’t help it, not when you were positively beaming.
He raised a brow and smirked, resting his chin on his fist. “You know, if you wanted me to hold you, you could’ve just asked.”
Your face fell again, eyes widening. What was he—
Oh. Oh.
Your cheeks started to burn furiously as you realized the compromising position you had just been in. And you had just given him the perfect opportunity to tease you relentlessly.
One second, you had your bag in your hands, the next, Nod is running off with in his grubby hands.
Blush forgotten, you smack the floor and yell after him, “NOD!!”
Once again, you were chasing after him, jumping and swiping at the bag he held over your head as he laughed at your misfortune. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
@kbokhara sorry this took so long! Ive been in a lull of inspiration as of late
Hope you enjoy!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Branches whipped by as Penny ascended through the canopy of the Tree, carrying Jaune in her arms. They reached Weiss, Blake, and Yang still in combat with the Cat, who kept summoning falsifications of their friends and enemies. The girls were clearly getting worn down from the constant onslaught.
Jaune: HEY CAT!
The Curious Cat whirled around to see the Rusted Knight Once more, with that annoying Doll that followed him like a lemming
Yang: *Punching the Cat in the Face* FUCK YOU!
Blake: *Taking out Glass Clones* Less Talk More Fight!
Jaune: *Getting set Down* Penny, We need to get the Cat out of Neo if we want a chance at beating them!
Penny: Understood! I will attempt to Restrain them!
Penny Began Laying Fire out, brilliant Bursts of Green from her swords vaporizing the glass clones, Slowly closing in on NeoCat
Smaller branches had fallen, some being set ablaze and burning rapidly as the Cat focused on taking out the one who had bothered them for so many years, crying over his 'Friends.'
CC: *Raising Claws to strike* I'M TAKING YOU OUT IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!
Jaune: *Catching CC's claws* That's Exactly What I'm Planning on!
Jaune Dove Into a pile of fallen branches and leaves, taking the Cat with him.
NeoCat Coughed, and hacked until the Cat was ejected from Neo, fell to her knees, dazed and confused by what had been happening to her.
The Cat immediately leapt, dodging one of Penny's lasers.
Penny: You are not Getting to Remnant. You three go save Jaune.
CC: None of you are STOPPING ME!
The Curious Cat Grew to their large, bipedal, black-and-white form while WBY ran to get Jaune.
The Cat leapt into the air, interrupting the charge of full-array blast, sending forcing Penny to spiral, spinning the swords in front of her.
She retaliated by bringing the blades around and slashed at the Cat. They dodged backwards, taking a smaller four-sword beam to the face.
Yang: *Grabbing a Dazed Jaune by the shoulders* JAUNE! JAUNE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?
Jaune: *Hack! Cough* Wh- *Cough* Why aren't you helping Penny?
Weiss: And the Cat's Danger Close to her! I- I'm sorry I knocked you off earlier!
Jaune: You can apologize later! Weiss, Can you box the Cat in?
Weiss: Y-yeah! We are talking about this later though!
Weiss began forming Glyphs around, cutting off routes and slowly making a cage around the Curious Cat, before they leapt at Penny. Yang Threw Blake at the cat, and Dragged them to the ground.
The Brightest, largest beam of a Fully-Charged, Full-Array Blast, that enveloped the Cat.
When it eventually faded, The Cat laid in the burnt crater of the branch serving as the battleground. They had been reduced to their small, Blue and Magenta state, struggling to their paws.
CC: U-Useless ... Stupid ... Beasts ... This-
At the sound of a gunshot, the cat was scattered into powder, shard of bullet and branch spraying up from the ground.
Ruby: I was so Tired of them.
Jaune: Ruby!
Yang: *Rushing to her* RUBY!
Penny: Friend Ruby!
Ruby: Guys- ACK!
Yang: *Hugging Ruby tightly, Crying* Ruby! URby I-I'm sorry- I- I-
Ruby: *Hugging Yang back* No- Yang- I
Yang: *Puling back slightly, cupping ruby's cheeks* Dont- please please PLEASE never do anything like that again-
Ruby: *Beginning to Cry* No Yang, I Won't! I'm Sorry!
Weiss: *Swallows thickly* I'm- I'm glad you and Ruby are Back, Penny.
Penny: I am glad to be back!
Jaune: Ruby was always going to come back.
Weiss: And you!
Jaune: Uh Oh.
Weiss: Don't you Ever- EVER Jump into Fire again!
Jaune: The Fire form the Leaves isn't That hot, and my Aura could take it!
Weiss: Would you have jumped into the fire even if your aura was broke?
Jaune: ... No?
Weiss: ... *Walks over to him, cups his cheeks* Jaune, Don't. Nothing like that ever again, alright?
Jaune: O-Okay. I'll try.
Weiss: Good. *She Kisses him on the cheek* I don't want you to leave us anytime soon. You've come too far to be lost now.
Jaune: *Smiling slightly* Okay Weiss. I'll do that. Hey, Penny-
Penny: Thank you for giving me my Choice. B-Back on the Bridge. It has been ... a very long time, hasn't it? Since then?
Jaune: yeah, But it's ... It's been on my mind a lot.
Penny: Well, I am deeply, truly thankful you did as I asked, and proceeded to take care of some form of myself here in the Ever After.
Penny: I am also unable to apologize enough for *Gestures vaguely, both at him and in general* This. I wish you didn't have to suffer alone with the weight of what happened to me on your shoulders.
Jaune: ... you and me Both Penny. Thanks for thanking me, I guess.
Blake: Hey, Uh, What are we gonna do with her?
Neo Stood at the crater the Cat had been in, glaring at it before realizing attention was on her. She strode to wards the edge of the branch and looked over into the darkness.
Ruby: *Standing up, wiping tears form her eyes and handing a still weeping Yang to Blake* Hey, Neo ... You don't have much to live for do you?
Neo: *Cocks head, Shakes head*
Ruby: Well ... You're pretty strong. We could use your help back home.
Ruby: Going down there means you'll probably lose yourself, especially since you don't want to be yourself.
Ruby: Uh- Roman's last words, before the Griffin got him and the Airship crashed were, to me. Over sending you down.
Ruby: "You want to be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history! As for me, I'll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat and survive!"
Ruby: I- Obviously- Everyone Dies. My Mom Did. Penny Did. Pyrrha Did. Roman Did.
Ruby: If you go down there You might not die. You might find yourself, who you really want to be. But you might not remember who you were. You probably won't remember Roman.
Ruby: So come with us. So long as you don't double-cross us, we- won't have problems with you. We're gonna stop Salem, and that means getting Answers from Cinder. We can't kill her, not unless she's actively trying to kill us. Other than that ... We'll just ask you not to be selfish and steal things from poor folks. Other than that, I'll defend your right to be free, and who knows, maybe if you help us stop Salem, you'll be pardoned for your crimes.
Ruby: So ... What do you say.
Neo: *Looks over the edge, looks at Group, staring in question*
Ruby: You want to know what they think?
Neo: *nod*
Yang: You've tried to kill me. You've tried to kill Ruby, and also drove her to what amounts to suicide. I can't just forgive like that ... But ... I trust Ruby, and so long as you don't try anymore stuff, and keep away from me whenever possible, then You can join us. I'll bite my tongue on it.
Blake: Many hands make light work. I wouldn't mind having another person on our side.
Weiss: You have caused a lot of issues, Neo. Keep your hands out of other's pockets and weapons away from other's throats, and I won't complain about you.
Penny: Miss Neo, You are a highly wanted individual, with one of the largest bounties on Remnant. Your life there will always be dangerous, with many, many criminals wanting to put a knife in your back, with many, many people that will refuse to help you.
Penny: Personally, I do not like you either.
Penny: However, Ruby seems to believe you capable of avoiding most further violent crimes, and as such, if she is willing to extend a hand to you, I will back her up as her friend.
Jaune: You hurt me and My Team really badly last we all met. You stole the relic of knowledge from us and have been the worst kind of outside pain. You've helped Cinder and hurt a lot of the people I care about, but ...
Jaune: You're a good fighter. Going just off of my Gut tells me ... Yeah. You'd be a good ally. Not a chance you'll ever be an upstanding citizen, but maybe you won't be the worst.
Neo: *Looks across them all, takes one last glance down the Tree*
Ruby: So, What's your choice?
Neo: *Stares at Ruby, questioning*
Ruby: You're Aimless. If I had to guess, Roman gave you the friend you needed. Someone to believe in, to care about. I'm willing to be that for you. Let's call it an apology to him. I can't replace him, but I can act in his stead.
Neo: *Thinks for a moment, Takes Roman's hat off, studying it*
'Roman': Hey. I think She's Gonna Join you.
The false Roman Looked to Neo, who plucked the feather out of his hat, and handed the cap to him.
'Roman': Thanks. I was missing this. Goodbye Neo.
And 'Roman' Stepped off the Branch, dissolving into the shards that made up the illusion of him.
Neo: *Places Feather on her chest like a brooch, stands a little away from the group*
Then, with one last look to each other, the group walked into the Portal in the Tree. Jaune was made Young again, they learned the truth of the Brothers, the origin of the Ever After, and what will become of Little and Juniper and eventually made it back to 'when' they are needed most.
They looked across the Vacuan Sands, seeing the city in the distance and the swarm of ships in the sky.
They'd made it home. All alive, and in time, Well.
Who knows what will happen next?
~The End~
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I love the dynamic of Peter 3 and Harry(raimi) i was wondering if you could do a gif of Peter 3 getting revenge on Harry and him being flustered and in a lee mood.
Hi! I was wondering if you could do Lee!harry and Peter 3 as the ler.
Lee Mood
Summary: See prompts above :)
(Two fic ideas, one fic 😁 ❤️ I hoping Three getting him back for trying to tickle him is okay ❤️😅 Anyway, hope you enjoy Anons ❤️ 😁)
Harry tensed and looked up. "Otto?"
The man's entire lab stayed quiet. No one should be in there anyway. Otto and Peter 2 were supposed to be in a meeting right now with his Dad and the other two Peters weren't supposed to be in until later.
When no further response came, Harry shrugged his shoulders and finished hanging up his coat. "Just hearing things."
The older man whirled around. "Peter? . . ."
Once again, no response came.
"Pete, if you're messing with me, you're doing a horrible job."
There was still no response, but Harry couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched.
A small scurrying sound made him turn in the other direction. ". . . Dad?"
The lab fell quiet again.
Harry moved a little closer to the desk. "Which one of you is it?"
A moment later, a blur lept from behind the desk. The figure crashed into Harry and the two tumbled to the floor.
Once the wind returned to the taller man, he looked up at his attacker. ". . . Three!"
The middle Peter laughed. "Yohou shohould hahave seen yohour fahace!"
The older man growled and gave Three a shove. "You jeherk!"
"Oho come ohon! That wahas hilariohous!"
Harry grabbed Three's shoulders and rolled onto his side.
"Wah! Hey!"
"Now thahat ihis funny," Harry replied while pinning Three.
The middle Peter whined. "No fair!"
"Ahall's fahair in fihights."
Three smirked. "Oho, so it's aha fihight you want!"
Before Harry could blink, Three was back over him while he was on the floor.
The grin on Three's face grew as he pinned down his older friend. "Thehen lehet's fihight!"
"Ack!" Harry jumped as his ribs were attacked by Three's nimble fingers. "Wahatch ihit Hotshohot!"
"What's wrong Sunshine? Ticklish!"
"Shuhut uhuUUUUP!"
"Oo!" Three dug into his lower ribs. "Sweet spot."
Harry lightly grabbed the middle Peter's wrists. His cackles filled the room as he squirmed in the hold.
"Tickle tickle tickle!"
The older man literally blushed. "NAAH! DONT SAY THAHAT!"
"Aww, why?"
Peter 3 smirked as he spidered down to Harry's sides. "What's wrong?"
"Eek!" Harry actually snorted.
"Oh my word!"
The blush on the older man's face turned a shade darker. "Shut uhup!"
The middle Peter spidered back along Harry's sides for a second time. "Do it again!"
"Naha yohou je---." Harry got cut off by another snort.
Harry gave his younger friend a playful shove. "Yohou're thehe wohorst!"
"But you haven't said the magic word."
The older man's face turned a shade darker. "Whahat wohord."
"Oh, yohou definitely knohow thehe word."
"N-noho Ihi don't!"
Three's smirk grew even more as he switched to pinching Harry's hips. "Yes you dohoho."
Harry squirmed back and forth, the occasional squeak slipping out. However, he gave no retort to Three's teases.
"Aww." The middle Peter leaned forward. "Does someone like the tickllllles?"
"Shuhut uUUUP JEHEherk!"
"Ihi thihink yohou doooo."
Harry squealed again as Three's fingers found a sensitive spot just above his hips.
"You juwst wove being tickwed."
"Yohoud behe more intimidating if you weren't giggling your head off ahand grihinning like a maniac."
Meanwhile, the older man twisted back and forth as the tickles made their way even higher.
"All this fight and you haven't told mehe thehe special word." Three paused the tickles and leaned forward. "Ihis someone ihin aha Lee mooood?"
"What's thahat?"
The comment made Peter 3 start in surprise. "You've never been in a Lee mood before?"
"Ihif Ihi have, Ihi dihidnt realize what it wahas."
"A Lee mood means you just get in to a mood where you want to be tickled to bits."
"Ohh. Like whehen yohou ahannoy one of us because you wahant tihickles so badly?"
Three's face flamed bright red. "Shut up, but yes."
Harry chuckled but a look of realization also appeared on his face. "Soho thahat's what I've been feeling."
"You've been in a Lee mood and didn't even realize it?"
"Well I didn't grow up surrounded by tickles so I never really got the desirheher fohor them."
"Fair." Peter 3 rolled up his sleeves and cracked his knuckles. "But we're about to change all that."
The older man's eyes widened at his friends actions. "W-wait! Whahat ahare you doihing!"
"Taking care of your Lee mood of course." Peter 3 dug back in. "I'm going to keep going until you tell me to stop."
And that he did.
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It truly is, it tried to even stomp me down, it hopped so high...
I literally had to get into a small crevace for it to stop following me.
*I cover my mouth before coughing* ack-
Hush, hush..
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Hoppy is dead. Unintentional suicide. She tried jumping from one of the higher platforms to escape Noah's grasp before losing her footing and falling to her death. I dont understand how that could've been her.
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so i’ve been, as always, doing some (understatement of the century, i didn’t know someone could learn so much about themselves in literally 42 hours) questioning
and i’m pretty sure that i am a median monoconscious system. as well as me, host, am blanketself (not sure exactly how to use that term, like, in a sentence?). also probably blurian and maaaybe cation :> so good detective work lmao!! thank you! <3 /gen
i’m going to go with these terms for a little while, while still doing research on and trying to talk to a psychiatrist about OSDD-1. question- could someone be monoconacious and blanketself while being a disordered system like OSDD? or are those solely endo terms?
anyway- aside from the labels, i think i may have started fleshing out who one of my headmates is? i still have absolutely no clue how to communicate- especially since we’re monoconscious. i did some thinking and made a little drawing, it’s based solely on my personal feelings about how he would look and stuff.
i think that he’s probably formed through trauma- and quite possibly the first fragment to form as well. i don’t know his name- but he’s a version of me that’s younger and regresses- i feel like he’s an age slider? maybe? 5-8 or 9? but like. the most mature 5yo you’ve ever met lmao. tbh maybe he’s just ageless. ACK dude please come out and talk to me and like. explain yourself.
anyway- 5-9 age ????, he/they pronouns and non-binary (tbh my only reassurance that i’m not just making a character or something because i wouldn’t choose he/him pronouns, i absolutely never use them for myself), he’s formed from age regression and pet regression (or my alter humanity? not sure which) i think. he comes out when i’m having a meltdown or when my dad is yelling or scolding us, since i’m pretty sure that’s the trauma causing our fragments, and he’s the traumaholder(?) for that.
anyway, enough nonsense rambling! i’m getting nowhere with this! i drew him a picture :3 he looks a lot like our body, i think we all do (except wednesday maybe, i think she just looks like wednesday), but kinda just a younger and much more androgynous version. and of course he’s got the fluffy floofy ears.
oh also i think he’s nonverbal- or at least very much prefers not to talk, likely due to his trauma and alterhumanity combined together. when he does talk, like, irl when he’s fronting(?) it takes so much effort to get him to talk, and when he does he jumps through hoops to make it baby talk or as indecipherable as possible ? i don’t really understand it, but it definitely happens.
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i imagine him slightly different than this, but my drawing skills aren’t capable of depicting it so maybe i’ll find a picrew or something- also unsure if he has the tail but i kinda was getting a tail shift while drawing him so ???
all in all take this with a grain of salt, i’m still fakeclaiming myself :// but i wanted to clutter up your askbox!(/sarc)
in seriousness, thank you, what you’re doing for beings like me(us?) is truly amazing and indescribably helpful <3333 love you mutual!! /platonic, gen
woah boy my answers going to be kind long lolgen/lh
first off about trying to talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist about OSDD 1 we suggest making sure you feel safe with the psychologist/psychiatrist as theres alot of stigma about dissociative disorders in the field...aswell as maybe dont go into it be saying "so someone told me online-" cuz they may believe you are faking(wich isnt something they should be doing..claiming people are faking that is)/gen/lh
also you can definitely be a disordered system and be a Median+Monoconscious/gen(heck im a disordered system whose a gateway system and hydraconscious :3)/gen/lh
also smol you(is it ok for me to refer to him this way?) sounds very interesting/gen
also its really no prolem we love helping others(love you to)/gen/p
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togoldlilya · 2 months
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How to get the cuddles you NEED: A tutorial
sleep pulls heavily on her eyes, a yawn ripping itself from her mouth. blinking sluggishly, she resists the urge to lie down.
"natto, tsuna mayo" a calming voice calls out to her. humming, she looks up to see toge standing over her with a smirk on his face, not that she could see it, but she just knew he was.
"kikiiiiii~ come to bed already" her voice is soft with sleep, almost a whisper.
"okaka, tsuna mentaiko" he refuses, voice light with laughter as she grabs at him blindly. finally grabbing ahold of him she pulls him close to her, stuffing her face into his chest, his sweater soft against her face.
"pleaseeee, i don't wanna sleep without you, please toge? i'll help you with your school work tomorrow, promise." she bargins, becoming slightly desperate at his refusal. he can't help but chuckle at her clingy, whiny, nature when she's tired.
"shake shouyu, tsuna mayo" he relents easily, unable to resist her adorable... well everything. and he knows she's so much better at schoolwork than him, and he definitely needs help with that stupid worksheet kusakabe sensei assigned them. after she doesn't move for a minute, he decides to just move her himself. wrapping his arms around her he drags her up the bed to the pillows where he unceremoniously drops her onto the bed, consequently getting pulled down himself as her hands are still tightly clutching his sweater. unable to detach her hands he gives up and, after a moment of struggle, pulls the blanket over them. she happily snuggles up to him, head resting in the crook of his shoulder. after closing his eyes and starting to drift off himself he's startled slightly, when she presses a soft kiss against his neck, mumbling what was most likely an "omoke". "omoke natto" he responds, falling into the clutches of sleep soon after.
                                 - morning -
"INUMAKI SENPAI, WAKE UP YOURE LATE FOR TRAINING! AND HAVE YOU SEEN SAYAKA SENPAI ANYWH-" a loud voice interrupts the calm of the morning, shattering the silence instantly. toge grumbles slightly at the noise and just pulls sayaka closer to him. "WHAT?? SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU TWO BEEN-" the yelling is blissfully interrupted, oh wait, maybe not so blissfully, by more yelling.
"nobara, what are you yelling so much about- SAYA CHAN? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE I-" the excess noise finally rouses sayaka from her sleep, lifting her head to see what all the commotion is about. nobara and yuuji stand in the door way, nobara's jaw on the floor and yuuji exclaming his surprise very, very, loudly.
"yuuji, baby, i love you but if you dont stop yelling right now i will punch your throat in" sayaka cuts off his yelling, unable to handle the noise so early in the morning. her voice is heavy with sleep but her threat is still very real, so yuuji wisely shuts his mouth.
"but saya chan, since when have you and inumaki senpai been sleeping together? do you love eachother?" he askes, at a much more reasonable noise level this time. sayaka, after realizing she is not going to be able to go back to sleep, pulls herself up into a sitting position, causing toges arms to fall down to her waist.
"its been a few months yu, sorry i didn't tell you sooner, we just wanted to establish things first to make sure everything is mutual and real. and yes, i love toge very much." sayaka explains calmly, causing yuuji to pout at her, claming she was keeping secrets, and proceeds to promptly jump on her. letting out a squawk of surprise, she readily pushes him off of her onto the floor, where he falls with a painful thump.
"are you guys done messing around yet? gojo sensei said to be quick and its been 15 minutes already." megumi's flat voice cuts though the chaos, his form suddenly materializing behind nobara.
"ACK MEGUMI DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" nobara sqeaks, jumping away from his unexpected appearance.
"whatever, sayaka senpai, please wake up inumaki senpai, we're running late this morning and knowing gojo sensei, hes gonna make you run extra laps or something stupid." megumi explains, unconcerned at his teammates dramatic reaction.
"okay megs, we'll be right there alright? just give us a few minutes to get dressed." sayaka calmly accepts, a small smile on her face as she runs her fingers though toge's already messy hair. megumi curtly nods before bodily dragging his teammates out of the room. 'well maybe we should have told them by now' she thinks amusedly, already thinking of how shes going to pay back yuuji later for jumping on her.
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Yap sheet live and in color pt 2!! Um ily this is so fun im actually having such a good week and the fact that U updated also just makes it even better 🫶🫶🫶 also i think to maybe see if it doesn't make the ask so super long on like feeds imma try this with no spaces between maybe idk
1.) This is literally from the tags i haven't even started reading, but hurt,,, some comfort??? UGH okay off i go
3.) Lowk forgot i was doing this for a sec bc im waiting for water to boil cause im making dinner rn BUT OH BOY DID THIS BRING IT BACK FOR ME
CARMY CALLING RICHIE A DEAD BEAT MAN ILL BEAT UP THAT LITTLE RAT BOY i love him so much it hurts but ill kick his ass fr like just bc ur hurting doesnt mean u make everyone else hurt (even tho thats how he was raised :< anyways thats 1 L for carm major L
4.) YEAHH RICH FUCKING SPEAK ON IT SPEAK ON ITTTT oh uh oh not tony catching strays rip us. Double uh oh coming from carmy. Also carmy thats another L don't do richie like that :<
6.) Yk what this chapter is going to be endless Ls for carm i can already tell but :< the whole oh are you gonna fix him too?? Like I can just feel and see like the hurt radiating off of him thru the screen like he's clearly so affected by all the stuff he saw but :< thats still not an excuse CARMEN
7.)The fact that Tony feels like she needs to prove herself, that she can take it, makes me very :<
8.) Also like I'm intrigued bc it almost feels like more than Tony just not charging them for the services out of like the goodness of her own heart or guilt over not being there for mikey like i originally thought like theres something else going on there i am ✨️confused✨️
9.) Noooo not Tony thinking she did something wrong :<<<
10.) i fear im going to jump off a bridge at this rate bc WAAAAAAA carmy is obviously so upset and he CLEARLY doesnt know how to handle that he IS SO ME
carmy im coming for you count your days that was so uncalled for Carmen what the FUCK onion im coming for u bc I just know I would be sobbing on the floor if carmen said that to me like especially bc Tony very obviously blames herself already :<
12.) Okay my noodles are done so BUT im mildly confused is all this carmy pov happening right after he yelled actually i just glanced back and yes it is and i will say i am glad carmy is at least A LITTLE self aware and that he's completely off the rails anyway
13.) :< i want my comfort neow right neow onion this is making me so sad (im on like point 7) also verbal confirmation that tony is crying like this isnt even a carmy specific L this is just an L
14.) Carmy just major self loathing makes me sad like yes he did this to himself but also like this is just the only way hes ever been shown how to express himself and ugh this better end with him going to therapy (i know it wont)
15.) Um so i read all of tonys thing just now i think uh anyway im gonna kms now tony thinks he hates her :< i really want my comfort now
16.) I know carmy doesnt deserve comfort but also i think he does a little is that too much to ask for
17.) Also the whole heart to heart with Richie makes me so :< i dont have a lot of coherent notes to write except for :< like im very :< right now
18.) Also i LOVE that tony is going to go to the fucking eras tour with richie and eva i LOVE that anyway um ACK ACK ACK
19.) ALSO ALSO ALSO like UGHHHH richie telling tony its not her fault mikey died and them commiserating is so fucking AGH
20.) STOP THE BANTER wait pause
21.) firstly um tony STILL looking out for carmy warms my heart thats fucking cold bc u KILLED ME anyway
22.) Right. UGHHHHH the banter has me just a touch :> bc like syd and tony dogging on richie is so :>. But overall im still :<.
23.) Stop not mikey thinking that tony and carmy would be a good match :< also like i feel like that *kinda* confirms that tony and mikey didnt have a thing bc why tf would he say that if they ever did but anyway
As always i adore you and your writing even if i almost sobbed reading this one there were actual tears in my eyes and i never ever ever cry reading stuff or consuming media so fuck you so hard for that one
🫶🫶🫶 till next time pookie
LETS. GET. INTO ITTT.. Yap Sheet from Just Dropped, I'm excited to hear your thoughts on Something to Do!! Unless you already did-- And I'm just real fuckin slow to churn through my inbox.
THE NO SPACES SEEMED TO HAVE WORKED??? I hope that was easy for you, on your end-- If it's not, simply destroy people's pages it's fine we ball.
I did the.... some comfort because I was like... It does definitely hurt-- Comfort wise, it's definitely there, but you just don't really get it from the person you want it from, yknow?
AND THANK YOU-- I was very happy, when I realized the silly other shoe bit I could do. fun hat trick on my part.
DEAD BEAT BROOOO-- I can't remember if I added that or if it was in the original dialogue. I think I added it? I remember needing a transition line, to get into it-- It was like the Carmen equivalent of Richie's okay donna-- WOOF
I'll just do one point, for the Richie side of the fight, as I the writer don't have much to say about it but yeah it was-- Shit was brutal. It was very interesting to look at the freezer fight again with the perspective of Tony in mind and going,,,, huh,,,, they could both be talking to her, in this. The You're Nothing really also-- I wonder if Carmen will ever actually say that to someone, in canon. I don't think he could. But also they might just be saving it for the biggest explosion.
Writing Carmen's dialogue for this was very tough and interesting, for me-- Because like-- With the information he had, I kinda got it. Like yes 100% self-destructive tendencies but also I think I could sympathize with like, essentially him thinking he was basically some sort of manic pixie to be fixed by Tony. He was wrong, but like-- I get the concern. He shoulda voiced it better but I get him.
YEAAHHHH, YEAAHHHH Tony before this chapter for the most part I think only displayed the good/quirky parts about being the anxious helpful hero type, and this chapter and onward I think really got into the genuinely self-destructive behaviours of her thinking she needs to be able to take shit.
There was in fact, something going on there. With the invoice. LMAO. Tony's nice but she understands the power of a dollar
The repeated 'did i do something wrong' across multiple chapters-- Fuckin, in anything 'did i do something wrong' will always fucking get my ass. Like it's just so. It's. I'm, I'm fuckin sweatin just thinking about it. It always hurts.
It's funny that while writing that line, I had always planned for that line to be like, the spinebreaker but I was worried, when I had actually put it to paper, that readers were somehow not gonna think it was that bad. I'm glad everyone thought it was horrifically bad. He fucked up there.
I won't comment much on Carmen's POV because there's some surprises I have in stock, for you, with that-- But I do agree. I think Carmen is typically slow to realize he fucked it-- But when it's something like that and everyone has a volatile reaction-- He's gonna know immediately that it's over.
Here's the thing, I can't show you any lines from the next chapter, because literally every single line is a spoiler for what the chapter is. but I've realized actually I can show you an old draft-- This was from the original list of the seven things.
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I took this out, inevitably, but I did really like the idea of like... Realizing that this moment isn't just a now fuck up, it's a forever fuck up.
14. both of those fuckers went right on the self-loathing train. What could we expect from them? Choo choo, mf.
16. I hate to tell you this. He's gonna have a terrible time. I'm not letting that motherfucker catch a break. You'll see what I mean, in time.
17. WHY'S THE HEART TO HEART MAKE YOU FROWN--- I mean I get it but like BITTERSWEET RIGHT? RIGHT? ANYONE?? IS THIS THING ON?? Do you think the writers knew when they wrote season 2 and Richie getting Swift tickets they knew those things were gonna be like 3000 dollars a pop. I feel like they didn't. I like to go back and read this bit, from time to time. I just really like Richie and Chip. Am I a Rich/Chip believer? Honestly. A little bit I think. I have a wandering eye. I think.
21. Tony will always look out for Carm. It's so lame. get UP girl be PETTY-- HAUNT HIS ASS!!! DO A HAUNT!!!!
23. I love that you say kinda. I love that know one trusts me with a slight confirmation. I have poisoned the water mistrust and I love that.
I'M HONOURED TO GET YA MISTY-- MEANS A LOT, I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the next one. Love you fuck you sorry not sorry at all my bad your fault hugs and kisses THANK YOU BYYYYEE
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The Voice In My Head
*16 Years has passed from the canon au*
Adrian: Ack!, *Gets thrown around like a ragdoll*
Knuck: Hah!, When you said you were an arc I expected better and not THIS! What a disappointment no wonder you don't have a father
Jaune in Adrian's mind: Oh Nah, Let me control you real quick
Adrian: *What are you gonna do?*
Jaune: *Teach a lesson*
Adrian let's his uncle possess him as he closes his eyes
Knuck: Hahahahah!, What a fucking idiot closing your eyes while in combat is dumb!!
As knuck throws a series of quick jabs Adrian dodges it
Knuck: TF?!?!!
Adriaune: Whoa, Hey! Dont punch a student that's gotta be 2 days in detention at least my guy!
As he says this Jaune jumps and kicks his face hurling him across the stadium
Knuck: *unconscious*
Adriaune: That's what you get Dick!
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Devour Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Bby Ackles  [bby Ackles :)]
[Realizing that the entire movie is contained in the startup and you just.  don't realize it yet.  but anyway]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
God his kids look just like him
Anne Kilton 👀🤣  [I KNOW! When I tell you this film has SPN vibes… Not a lie]
Sir, that’s not- Leave.  Run!  Your white is showing
THE FUCK IS HE DOING WITH THE GUTS  [The fact that you haven't gone hunting before is showing]  ☠️☠️☠️ Blechhhh
Now a baby???  BUDDY GTFO.  FLEE
Mysterious cabin in the woods
Nekked crying person
[The end.  He ded. Sorry, did you think Jackles was in the whole thing?  Oh wait :)]
The voice
[Weirdo monologues are back: Max-coded]  Talking in circles
Oh nooo drugs  [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 1]
TF [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 2]
[His jacket tho... Dean-coded]  RIGHT?!  But also… Wtf?! The kid was just gonna shoot them?!
Oooo, bitch
Wot.  Is happening.  [She was getting the champagne and intentionally being provocative]  Oh shit
She favors Kirsten Dunst  [Yup, agree]
Yeet.  You just gave the lagoon monster a weapon
Ma’am  [You mean that’s not how computers work?]
You burn candles on your laptop?  Again... Ma’am
“YeH, I pushed a button.”  You idjit.
“Watch your fucking language”  ☠️☠️☠️  [I hate his boss btw]
Alan Ackles has arrived
Bruh his dad reminds me of your dad 👀☠️  [ASDFASDFADF YOU'RE NOT WRONG]  Lemme find out you’re related to the Ackles  [I would pass the frick away]  I would too! ☠️☠️☠️
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 3]
BRUH ITS WILD CHARLIE  [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 4]
[Buddy, I love you, but please ask why your friend is demanding your personal info and typing on a computer]  ☠️☠️☠️
Wait is this uncoolness again  [His friends are very uncool throughout the film: you'll see]
Huh.  Uh, y’all run.  HE CRAZY
[I love his acting in this scene.  The turkey line is so well done too aalksdfj]
BRUH  [Did I mention friends putting personal information into random computer programs = not good idea?]  LIKE… dude!
Ohhh noooo
Bruh… I’m tripppinnn lol this movie is wild  [I KNOW RIGHT]
[Get ready for hate-his-boss hours]
["You wouldn't have let Conrad sign you on" HE DIDN'T KNOW?!!?!?]  RIGHT?!?
Can this dude keep a mom!!??  [I say nothing… I love them tho]
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 5]  😭😭😭😭
Say you want him in your pants/skirt without saying it ma’am
[This mom's better at the love-life-meddling than Mary]
He’s so cute thoooo  [I KNOWWWW]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Buddy
[I love Jackles in this whole scene… His smirk/fist pump thing alskdfj *chef's kiss*]
He’s too cute… I can’t even  [I KNOWWWWWWWWWW]
It’s. Not. Like.  This.  What is she.  DOING.  TO HIS HEAD.  WHAT.  AM I WATCHING WOMAN???  I HAD TO TURN THE VOLUME DOWN.  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [I did warn you about this scene]  
[Okay, two things… a) I love Jackles playing the romantic type.  And b) the promised friend-uncoolness]  *huff sigh*
Bruh why does the voice on the phone sound like him 🤔🤔
Jump scareeee ☠️☠️
Bruh that’s the devilll run  [Okay, but.  To be fair.  His entire life is vaguely concerning rn.  Buddy's head ain't even safe]  
The smileeee!  Isss too cute  
Ooooof  Wench’s dad, run!
Oh shit  [He didn't run]  Reverse daydream???
Ah!  A k!  Ack!!!
Nope. I almost passed out for that one.  Bruh.
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 6.  And continued friend uncoolness.  At least he apologized immediately, unlike SOME people] 🥺🥺
Uh ohhh he in trouble
Or something
[Oh, I forgot that intercourse bit, sorry.] Oooooof.  They ded.  [They did the deed in a horror movie; isn't that, like, a cardinal rule?]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Fair.  But they didn’t even get to finish
[Dean-coded hug right there.]  WITH JODY  [And guilt complex.  Poor buddy getting blamed by other people again, too]  RIGHT!?  ["You coulda brought the gun to me" Yeah, you see how me reporting someone else's crime went this time; of course I could have]
Oh no sad music  [Buddy's friend just died; I think it's deserved alkdsfj]
Buddyyyy 🥺🥺🥺  Oh noooo
Oh nooooooo  [Wot?]  The little "son" got me
The way he says “Ok” *dissolves*
[I do like his "play it cool" line.  Is so cute alksdjf  Help]  
Clothes change  [Jonathan/Wayne Stranger Things jacket]
Oooop look at that he’s drinking  [also Wench's dad-coded]
[Jake's look when daddy grabs his arm is a bit.   Concerning.]  🥺🥺🥺🥺  Yep
*sigh*  Poor Jake/Tom/Dean
“Marisol”  Like aerosol  [alskdjf]
[Frecklessss!!!  That's the most pronounced I've ever seen them]  I KNOWWW
BRUH She got that crazy look in her eye.  Don’t go.  DONT BRING YOUR FRIEND.
[Did I mention romantic!Jackles is so great compared to the emotionally-repressed character he usually plays?  Like, nothing against those roles — I love them, too — but it’s a nice change.]  I KNOWWWWW!  IMAGINE.  JUST FREAKINGGGG IMAGINEEEEE.  HIM WOOING CAS LIKE THIS.  Poor buddy would combust!  [Is trueeee]
Aight… I’m calling it the pathway is them.  At least their voices.  They are calling themselves.
[Love her ringssss]  I knowwww
Blech.  Blechhhh!  Fingers
I am Native American; I can confirm they probably do weird shit like that
Buddy only been with this girl 10 mins and she’s already pouring his coffee; I’ve been with my husband 15 years and he pours his own shit ☠️
the cat  🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Tf
👀👀👀  I seeee you
[Get ready for more Dean-coded]
Well damn Jake can’t catch a break-
“Give rest o christ… cause you have took half our town already.  Please chill out”  (I’m going to hell)
[btw, SPN-coded lore-gathering session]  Right!  [The lights are pretty tho.  He be pretty too]
The priest is like this is ABOVE my pay grade
i just kept the tat… ya know… cause- ☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [My dude slandering Metallica]
[The dog's name is Sammy asdlf *Now* who's getting replaced with a dog?!]
[I am waitinggggg for your reaction to the ending of this film btw; seems like is gonna be gold]  🤣🤣🤣🤣 [Edit: I was right. Be warned about the increase in cursing alskdjf]
Well shit.  Poor devil guy
Ooooooh the plotttt thickenssss
[Early Jackles films has him brooding and staring at things a lot]  🤣🤣🤣
More sitting, more staring  [tbf, buddy pulls off the Heathcliffe aura real well]
Ahh!  It came in handy!
Oooooooh!  Devil shit!
why Jake gotta go to hell?  He’s so sweet  [You'll see]  And cute ☠️☠️
[WAIT OH HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD THAT’S AMES WHITE FROM DARK ANGEL]  What?!? 👀👀  [You'll understand the significance later… for now, @witchy-writer-lady and I shall keep the secrets]
[aka: this entire movie is trying to sell us on the fact that this lil ray of sunshine is the spawn of Satan laksfdj]
[btw, um.  You thought that twist was something.  Wait for the next one.]  WAIT.  Is tarot girl ANNE?!?!  Pls Say- [I say nada]  Womannnnnnnn she gave him the smooches!  That’s not ok  [I DID NOT CONFIRM]  Like I know he is foineeee but it’s not ok! If it is the case
Oh shittttt
WHY WOULD YOU GRAB THE BLOODY KNIFEEEE??! BUDDY, WHATCHA DOIN THERE?!?!  [Okay but horror movie, weapon = good]
This fucking movieeeeee-  [Is not done yet] Is wilddddd
Ohhhh shit… That’ll do it.  He gonna snap [aslkdjf]  And start killing with the pick axe  [ALSKDFJ]
How type?  I can’t
[Sam-letting-Dean-turn-into-a-vampire-scene-coded.  Which is kinda concerning given the.  Undertones.  of that scene.]  BLEHCH
– – –
Endpoint Reaction:
Wench: I want you to know that I've been cackling at your reaction this whoel time
Wench: asdk
Jezebel: I’m just- Yeah.
Wench: I'm dying of laughter rn
Jezebel: I just…. What.  Why.  His mother.  She was his mother.  “I can be anything you need me to be”  HOW ABOUT A DECENT FUCKING MOTHER YOU MANIPULATIVE DEVIL BITCH
Wench: One of the few films where Jackles comes out with two parents still alive, and it’s only true because he had four at the beginning and lost two along the way aldskfj
Jezebel: Well, three, ‘cause he killed her too
Wench: Nah, she didn't die
Jezebel: Wtf.  But she was dead at the end, wasn’t she?
Wench: The human vessel was.  And that's a maybe.  We don't know for sure.  But she's definitely alive enough to force-feed him blood and shit, so
Jezebel: Oooh.  Blech.  His MOTHER.  Who wroteeee this shit.  Bleach.  I need bleach for my eyessss
Wench (aside to the audience): She’s never forgiving me.
Jezebel: I just  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Ok I’m good I think
Wench: aklsjdf
Jezebel: It was a pretty good movie.  Until the end.  That happens a lot in Ackles case.
Wench: Do you see what I mean by, his acting was actually, like, really good?  Especially in that context?
Jezebel: Yess! Buddy just couldn’t get a good ending if it was standing right in front of him…  Ten Inch Hero next, so I can be equally pissed at the ending but in a happier tone.  Maybe tomorrow?
Wench: YEAH.  FINALLYYYY. Sandwich shoppe, here we come!
Jezebel: Ending note.  SHE WAS HIS FUCKINGMOTHER!?!?
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redactedwriting · 5 days
i think joe shoves fingers in his mouth and tells him to stop being a little bitchy brat and patrick growls and tries to bite his fingers bc he sucks <3 so joe grabs his t-shirt and shoves it in his mouth <333
ACK!!!!! hehehehe <3 yeah
patrick biting joes fingers and joe yelping and slapping his cheek with his free hand <3 it’s not hard but it does make patrick jump and make a little moaning sound around joes fingers….joe grabs his jaw and goes “you should behave, patrick. i don’t wanna be mean.”
but patrick rolls his eyes and joe rolls his back and says “fine. don’t tell me i didn’t warn you” before being rougher and less accepting of patrick’s bullshit <3
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minkkumaz · 1 year
favorite anon,, hehe. ur my fav writer!! im so happy i discovered ur fics,, interactions with you are always so sweet!!
YOUR OT6 MASTERLIST. I GASPED ONCE I SAW IT. twirling + swinging my feet. this feeling reminds me of waiting for the bonedo comeback.
first of all, CUPID SUNGHO. CUPID SUNGHO ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ firm believer cupid sungho wears glasses just because!!! before shooting his shots he definitely pushes up his glasses to get a precise shot.
medusa reader and human riwoo has me tearing up. the amount of angst that could be made up will BREAK me. like what if reader just wants to watch riwoo dance and perform but they cant get too close because they dont want to make riwoo loose his bright future ☹️☹️☹️
ZOMBIE READER? me and jaehyun could be zombies together 🤞🤞 stop but what if jaehyun was a scientist who could really help out the reader.. or like jaehyun and the reader were childhood friends when a zombie apocalypse appeared and watching his best friend get turned into a zombie made him dedicate his life and future to turning them back.. scientist/researcher jaehyun 💭 (i just wanna see jaehyun in a labcoat tbh)
VAMPIRE TAESAN HAD ME JUMPING UP AND DOWNNNNN. hes literally THE vampire ever. i 100% love the mysterious, weirdo social outcast taesan who’s secretly a vampire… (thinking abt how the reader could be a total geek and nerd when it comes to supernaturals)
PFKFKKDKD MERMAID LEEHAN. leehan and his fish pals :)))) LMAO but like ur so true leehan is legit the 🧜‍♂️ emoji. I CANT STOP THINKING ABT HOW BEAUTIFUL HE’D BE UNDER WATER LIKE IK HIS HAIR IS GONNA BE FLOWEINNGG. (plottwist, leehans a siren and ends our life </3)(its okay cause its leehan)
BUT OUT OF ALL IM SO SO SO EXCITED FOR ALIEN READER AND WOONHAK!! ACK i keep thinking about how Woonhaks a regular highschool student, and his new alien friend helps him study at night using their antennas as a nightlight HAHA. imagine the two just tucked under a blanket reading a book together with the light source as the antenna.
im seriously so excited for all of them it really feels like a bonedo comeback LMAO. the things i wrote were just little ideas. im definitely excited for anything you’re gonna be putting out!!
ditto! interacting with you has been my fav i love hearing your opinions on my works and stuff you're so sweet :,< i'm so glad you're excited for my series omg i feel honored that i'm on the same level as waiting for a bonedo comeback ><
i giggled so hard when you said sungho adjusts his glasses to look at his shot LOLL that thought is so funny to me bc hes so majestic but the idea of that is so nerdy HAHSKHSB
trust me.. riwoo's will have a lot of angst. THAT IS ALL I WILL ELABORATE ONE! shoutout to woonhakist aka my bae for the medusa and cupid idea :3
zombie reader w human jaehyun was probably one of my smartest ideas like i literally have the plot on lockdown and i'm expecting tears from everyone that reads it because i'm having trouble properly breathing at the mere idea of it. LET ME COOK!!!!
i'm gonna base vampire taesan off of a kdrama i watched! NOT PINPOINT ACCURATE TO THE PLOT BUT THE IDEA!! not saying which one quite yet, but i'll probably namedrop in the a/n portion once i actually publish it :) if you know which drama im talking about when you see it, you might have an idea of what the ending will be so i kinda hope people don't know ^^;
and no fr literally this whole series wouldnt exist if i didnt start working on mermaid leehan like a month ago. i was thinking about it.. then i wrote it.. and im like halfway done and the wordcount is literally sickening its so long.. but i can confirm that leehan is described very beautifully bc hes just THAT majestic. got me hyperventilating n shit. (i will not confirm nor deny your plot twist) (anything that happens is okay bc its leehan)
I AM ALSO SO SOSOSOSO EXCITED FOR ALIEN READER AND WOONHAK I'M BASING IT OFF OF 'I DO'!! so honestly most of what you're thinking about is pretty accurate (i might steal that antenna nightlight idea thats actually so cute and so smart wtf) (with credits to my sweet melon anon)
i'm even more inspired to write this now hehe you gave me motivation!!! get your tissue boxes ready for october because HINT!! they will all be very angsty :3
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alexpangender · 2 years
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Najdłuższy tag: 115 znaków
#{yes thats my way of saying- i saw it wrong mark doesnt follow me back. now fuck off and dont say a fucking thing.}
Moje najpopularniejsze posty w 2022:
Nr 5
{@justyoursicanon <3}
{Do nukes and arson count as an Tw?}
Another day another nuke exploding on the ground somewhere far away from the city, and the one who is sending nukes? A genderfluid 16year old (half demon bitch/hj) who is chaotic enough to kill god. (not kidding) She was bored and just casually started nuking something farther away from the city he lived in (even if they wanted to cause arson but still didnt want to get jailed), oh and it was around 3pm so it was amazing time for someone to take a walk ;)
53 notki (opublikowane w 2 lipca 2022)
Nr 4
{I see many people headcanon that Dark, Host and Google are shorter then Bing, Wilf and Dr.Iplier but i think like Host is the tallest of every ego, Dark is second with Google, Wilford is the third tallest ego with Dr.Iplier etc etc.
the shortest i would say i think is Eric}
55 notek (opublikowanych w 24 czerwca 2022)
Nr 3
*tosses a monster and a bag of Swedish fish* Here you go child.
*catches the monster and the bag kg swedish fish* :0 Thank you Mr.Red for this! *Hugs Mr.Red*
60 notek (opublikowanych w 1 maja 2022)
Nr 2
A portal opens up in the living room, and out was was a boy. Falling out of the portal, and landing, smack dab onto Mahina.
"ACK" the boy screamed out in fright and pain. He looks up in bewilderment, clutching tightly at his right arm that had bits and pieces of what used to be a cast. His disheveled hair and dirty appearance showed that he wasn't treated well, and didn't grow up with a good childhood.
"EECKK!-" Mahina squeaked in suprised and jumped behind the couch, confused and curious about what or who fell through the portal.
They poked there heard above the couch but frowned at the sight of that boy, he didnt look like he was being taken care of properly, which showed fron his right arm and his hair. Why was this child here, its not like anyone in the apartament got, visitors.
"Hey there buddy! Are you okay, you look un-well.."
61 notek (opublikowanych w 18 września 2022)
Mój post nr 1 w 2022
*A wormhole opens up and a person steps out*
Sup dude!
*Bing looked at the person who came out of a weird hole confused and suprised*
Eh- did you just come out of that hole?-
81 notek (opublikowanych w 1 maja 2022)
Zobacz Przegląd roku 2022 już teraz →
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oven-coven · 3 years
hc: david was rly bad at keeping his secret when they first met💀
disclaimer: im not a writer, this is just smtn i was thinking about, so im sorry in advance🤠 like it or dont, just dont tell me you dont cause it’ll hurt my feelings🤠🤠 anyway enjoy :)
(David pov btw)
“Tuesday night?”
“I’ll be working.” I sigh.
“How about… Thursday?” They ask from the passenger seat.
“I’ve got some business with my p..ack…” Fuck, you dumbass. Godda- “of…. friends, that night.” I recover, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. “Sorry.”
“Wait, that's like the 4th time you’ve done that since we met.” They laugh, a shit eating grin spread across their face.
“Done… what?” I try to play it off.
“Well, you refer to your friends as a pack, weirdo. Of what, dude? Rats? Are you the rat king?” They laugh, nudging me. God, I love their laugh… “Pack of lions? Hmm? Are you a wolf man?”
I nearly choke on my drink.
“Ooh, that got a rise outta ya.. furry?”
“Dumbass.” Jesus Christ, their intuition is scary… Mostly wrong, but scary nonetheless. “I’m free Friday night, what about you?” I say, turning into their apartment complex parking lot.
“Yeah, that’ll work.” They nod, content. “Hey, I had a good time tonight, I’ll see you-”
“I’ll walk you to your door.” I say, maybe a little too quickly. They look surprised.. Was that weird? Creepy? “Just wanna make sure you get in safe.” You can see them ‘get in safe’ just fine from the car, dumbass, why would-
“Really?” Their eyes practically sparkle. “No ones ever done that for me before!”
“Get out of my car.” They jump out, giggling to themself. I place the jeep in park, get out, and take their hand as we walk.
“Ooh, don’t make me swoon.” They squeeze my hand in return.
“You’re blushing.”
“No, I’m not.”
We walk slowly through the halls of their apartment, talking about nothing in particular. It went unspoken, but neither of us were really wanting to part ways just yet.
Eventually though, we reach their room. They drop my hand to unlock the door, and a heavy silence settles between us.
“An- uh, anyways, I had a really good time.” They finally say, cheeks flushed and smiling big. Pretty smile.
“Yeah, I did too, have a good ni-”
They tug on my collar, making me shrink a little and press their lips into mine. Just for a second, then pull away.
“See you friday, rat man.” They wink, closing the door behind them. (A/N: the werewolf was too stunned to speak💀)
“Oh,” The door swings back open, and they peek their head out, grinning wide as ever. Such a pretty smile “Get home safe, bye!”
I can’t help but smile as the door closes, for good this time. Dumbass.
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