#i hope people like this i am still kinda nervous about sharing this
astrxealis · 1 year
okay i'm going to an ffxiv unofficial fan event in july this year and there's this wol (character) sticker exchange thing me and lune really want to participate in but 1. we don't really know how to draw yet 2. we don't really have money to commission. so. sobbing
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anonymouscheeses · 8 months
Even more and more of obvious shit I point out because I want an excuse to rant while not interacting with actual people in real life who also like this show because I'm masking 😍💜💜
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*grabs pen*
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The people writing fanfics where she gets FURIOUS. Omg. That was something I read. I LOVE MY FELLOW FANFIC WRITERS BUT OH MY- YALL REALLY HAD CHARLIE M A D.
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I love his reaction lmao look at his goofy face.
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HER BOW BECAME HORNS (my "redesign" is now 100% worse)
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Oh and the angel dust fellow back there 🤯
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No explanation needed. <3
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That's it.
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I thought this song was gonna be a Charlie and Vaggie duet- tbh I still preferred that BUT I LOVE CARMILLA SO I KINDA DONT CARE.
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Is that. Like. How she thinks actually 😰
I know there's been a lot of the lack of Vaggie's self-worth, which I wish was explored into more. I just think the Vaggie(3rd) episode just wasn't needed at all if it didn't even have an impact. Don't get me started on that episode, it was rushed, too early to have character arcs already, and overall not needed or even should have existed periodt.
I hope they explore it next season because GOD this woman needs TO LOVE HERSELF. OR ATLEAST CARE ABOUT HERSELF LIKE????
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Charlie, sharing is caring <3
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Out of all the people I thought Charlie would vent to I didn't think it would be ROSIE. It's a nice surprise tho I love her <3
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That's it.
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Season 2 is going to be Charlie in her villain era and Alastor's reputation era 😍
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I can't say how much I love them. It's too much. I cant- yay the teaser image before the show came out <3 they are so fucking adorable. UGH SOME1 END ME
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Charlie loves the wings hehehe. Vaggie looks nervous about it. It's probably a reminder to her about when she used to be an exterminator. The healing from everything will take a long time but hopefully Charlie will be there for her the entire time. And vice versa
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Ayo- 😰
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Uh next one tomorrow cuz yeah 🤯
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brooooswriting · 10 months
98 with carol danvers please! this is my first request ever and also english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes. so, i'm just imagining how cute it would be for carol to meet reader's family and be sooo nervous about it. i think she would try to please everyone and would need a lot of reassurance because of her insecurities. i'm sorry this is too lame, please ignore if you don't like it. anyway, i love you writing and thank you for sharing your stories here!!
98. My family likes you more than me
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You and Carol have been dating for a while now, about a year and a half but she had been in space a lot of that time. She had taken you with her whenever you could which was a lot less than she had hoped. And it also made meeting your family hard.
But now Carol has decided to settle down a little you finally had the time to do so. So you thought the monthly family meeting was the perfect opportunity. “Monthly family meetings” sounds way more formal than it actually was but it has always been fun to confuse people with it. Your girlfriend was also confused when she first heard the name.
“Are you sure? I can just stay here and we can watch a movie later” Carol said, looking at you as you got dressed.
“Carol, love, by now my family thinks I made you up. Like you’re my imaginary friend” you laughed as you turned around to look at her. “If you really really don’t wanna come you don’t have to, but I’d be very happy if you do come along. They’re gonna love you.” You carefully stroked her cheek with your thumb in a reassuringly manner.
“Well, maybe I am your imaginary friend and I am trying to save you from the embarrassment of your family knowing” she joked but you could see that she was insecure so you only chuckled a bit.
“Come along please? They’ll like you, I just know that”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re the first person that makes me really happy and they can see that. So you have nothing to worry about” so, maybe you lied a bit. Your family could be quite annoying and rude but they still liked to see you happy and Carol made you happier than ever.
“Alright, let’s go before we’re late” she said as she grabbed the flowers and the bottle of wine she got for today. You squealed happily and pulled her into a passionate kiss, your hands cupping her cheeks. Her unoccupied hand found your waist to pull your body closer to hers, sighing happily before abruptly pulling away. “No, no. If we keep going I’ll never leave this house and neither will you” she grinned.
You got in the car and made your way towards your parents house, it was a 50 minute drive in which you tried to reassure Carol. “Alright, we’re here. Are you ready?” You asked her, your hand finding hers.
“As ready as I’ll be” it was kinda cute, how she wasn’t nervous when she was fighting against aliens or gods but meeting your family scared the poor girl more than anything. Your family was known to have quite some money and influence which wasn’t really helpful but truth be told your family didn’t act like it. All of you would rather sit in jogging trousers or pjs than in a suit/dress at a fancy party.
You took the blonde by the hand and searched for the key you still had to their house. Carol marveled at the house, it was way different than what she expected. Instead of a new mansion she was met with an old, still big, country house. “This is such a beautiful house” she told you as you finally found your keys.
“Thanks love” you quickly kissed her cheek before unlocking the door and entering. “We are here and I brought my imaginary friend” you called out. Immediately after Carol could hear at least 6 different kinds of footsteps running towards you.
“Oh honey” your mother said and fell into your arms, nearly throwing you to the floor. “I’ve missed you so much” she exclaimed making you laugh a bit.
“Mom, it’s been two months” due to work you hadn’t been able to attend the last family meeting. “But I missed you too” you added to make her happy. She pulled away giving you the opportunity to hug your dad and your brother, to then say hi to your “niece”.
“So this is Carol huh? It’s so great to finally meet you” and with that your mother also threw herself into carols arms, who was more than confused. The blondes family has never been really nice or affectionate, the kree weren’t either and fury, well he loved her but affection also wasn’t his. After a moment of confusion, which your mom didn’t even notice, your girlfriend hugged her back. “I’m y/m/n but you can call me mom if you want” your mother said as she pulled away.
“I’m Carol, it’s great to meet you. All of you” she gave your father and brothers her hand before crouching down to greet the other person. “You must be Hannah. It’s great to meet you. Here, I got this for you” with that she pulled out some gummy bears that you normally always gifted the small girl.
“Thank you” she mumbled and took the gummy bears before running to her mother.
“Oh and I got this for you” she handed your mother the flowers, your father the wine. With a smile your parents thanked her before ushering you further into the house. You were immediately sat down at the big dinner table, you and Carol between one of your brother and your family friend.
“Care, this is Sandra and her daughter Hannah, you’ve already met her outside. They’re family friends and by now family” you introduced before introducing your brothers girlfriends.
After a big family meal, Carol was pulled into the living room by an overly excited Hannah and your youngest brother, who was still older than you, who wanted to team up with her. “Alright, so let’s do teams and then let the games begin” your father called out and everybody started cheering.
4 hours later, after a lot of games, a lot of screaming and a lot of laughing you were finally back in your car. You loved your family, but they could be a lot. A happy sigh left your mouth as you looked to the drivers seat where Carol sat, her hand on your thigh as she drove back home. “Do you think they liked me?” She asked, still insecure making you chuckle a bit before taking her hand from your thigh to press a soft kiss to the back of it.
“My family liked you more than me, babe. They argued on whose team you’d be, nobody wanted me” you laughed at the memory. It was a whole family fight who could team up with your talented girlfriend, while not one person asked you.
“Well, I mean I am pretty awesome” both of you smiled brightly at her words. The confident Carol was back at it. She stopped at a red light giving you the opportunity to lean over and press a passionate kiss to her lips.
“Thank you for coming with me, I know they can be a lot” you told her as you pulled back slightly. She was quick to pull you back and kiss you another time.
“It was my pleasure. Now let’s get home, I believe that the person from the loser team owes the person from the winner team something” her smirk made you blush as the light turned green.
All the insecurities for nothing.
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I need some help.
So, I have this friend who’s Aro/Ace, and we have a very close group of us and like 2 other people. He recently came out to this group, and we’re all super supportive. He actually came out to me before the others, and I helped encourage him to tell them.
I am demisexual, and was planning on telling these same people around that time, but he got there first, and I didn’t want to be a jerk so I waited like a day to tell them, but I’m not sure if I waited long enough. He‘s also being weird about me being demi, and kind of treating me like I’m not really part of the same community, like, just little comments, not malicious or anything, but lots of little things.
I was the one to introduce him to all the fun ace memes, like, garlic bread, and such, and I’m the one who explained the difference between romantic and sexual attraction to him, and I introduced him to qprs, but he still treats me like I’m not the same.
I don’t know if I’m overreacting, but I’m already insecure about being aspec, but not fully ace, so it’s just kinda freaking me out. Should I talk to him about it? Just deal with it? I don’t know. I don’t want to „me too“ his identity, but I don’t want to be erased.
Is that like... Ace gatekeeping of sorts...? Man I'm sorry you're going through this, that sounds awkward.
Sorry I'm replying so late, I hope I'm not too late, but... Yeah, personally I would recommend talking to him about it, to find out why he's doing this. I have no idea what's going on here, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he might have felt your coming out might have undermined his in ways, even though that wasn't your intention at all and now HE's undermining yours...
Coming out is a very personal experience that should be up to a person's choice on when and how it's best to do it, so it's important for him to be able to respect yours like you did your best to respect his.
Being queer, and being on the asexual spectrum, is also very personal and CAN lead one to being defensive after having been othered for so long, not sure why, maybe 'cus we're afraid we might be damaged in the process or reduced to an image we don't wanna be reduced to. I mean... I don't know if it's a universal experience, but for instance, while I'm always happy to meet other aros and aces, I have trouble engaging in aroace-dedicated communities (welp... mostly 'cus I'm afraid of groups) but also and mostly, every time I get recommended a work with aro or ace characters in it, it hardly ever fails to give me a massive nervous stomachache and make me want to put off checking out said work forever, 'cus... I think I'm scared of finding out the many ways my identity can get undermined in the process, ironically.
I'm not sure what causes this. Maybe growing up in a reality that's so hostile to being on the aro and ace spectrums fucked me up. And maybe there's something like that going on for him too, though I don't wanna project at all. I can only ever speak about my own experience.
Either way... Both of you are valid in both of your ways, he shouldn't be gatekeeping anything, indirectly or not, especially when you've been so open to sharing your experience, and yeah, you're not the same, but you're on the same spectrum, and there are part of your struggles that you share, and he should respect that. Just because your experience doesn't 100% align with his doesn't undermine either of you. You're in this together and you should be able to have each others' backs. I sincerely hope you can talk it out and I hope he doesn't get too defensive about it... But yeah, I hope you can get your feelings across to him as well, 'cus you don't deserve this. I sincerely wish you both the best.
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abyssalzones · 2 months
hey :) i had to unfollow a bit ago just for personal reasons (i'm sure you're well aware of trauma-induced emotional sensitivities of some kinda discussions in the manner of this stuff) but... i wanted to take the time to read your analysis anyway, since i had still been looking forward to it, and i think thats always fair to do. and like you said, regardless of any differences in thought... i wanted to say still i really appreciate you sharing your thoughts, cus you were right, too, in that even though i was oddly nervous to read it... i do completely agree with you in the end, y'know? you DID surprise me in some ways. especially for sharing something so personal, and i hope everyone does nothing but respect you for that as well -- if you get any shit for sharing this i'm gonna be PISSED. you're right about a lot of things, and Especially in your disappointment in the fandom, too. i'm glad you enjoyed the book in the end and i hope you can continue to chill out in your bubble away from the broader trends up stuff going on right now even for your own sake, cus i understand how frustrating fandom can be in... general, really. so thank you again for sharing
uhm. that's... that means a lot to me, actually! I totally understand what you mean, and how stressful it can be (obviously), so it really is a lot to know you went and read all that anyway and came away from it pleasantly surprised. I've also really appreciated you and everyone else who has expressed that they'll be backing me up on being open about the topic, although currently the response has been pretty overwhelmingly positive, which I am super grateful for :J
it was particularly important to me going into writing and posting the review/analysis piece that I not only reach people I had already been writing for, but possibly fans outside of my general blogging sphere. so, thank you for having some faith in me!!
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1v1z · 3 months
introducing the hoops&yoyo archive! (beta)
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this is a project I've been working on for the past few years and I am finally sharing it with the public!
I initially started developing this because I wanted to create a site for my own reference, but it quickly turned into a wayyy bigger thing than remotely possible for me to handle on my own. I want to help make sure these characters are online forever and this is my way of contributing to that.
and you can help! i've created a discord server that includes information about how to contribute to the site. there, you can also share/submit things to be added to the site. and of course, you can just chat and hang out. you can go to piddles.net/discord to join. I'm kinda nervous about sharing this so "early", but I think something like this has been needed for a very long time so I wanted to make sure people could know it's actually a thing now.
go check it out at https://archive.piddles.net/!
if it says that you need to sign in, username is "public_tester" and password is "hoops&yoyo". and things are still in the process of being set up, so you might run into some bugs/errors & some pages will be inaccessible/nonexistent. sorry!! hope to see you there!!! :)
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breezy-cheezy · 10 months
You are deep in the paint about One Piece and me and my datemate watched OPLA recently so I will tell you this thing I said while we were talking about Shanks.
He said something to the effect of Shanks is CRAZY STRONG, perhaps one of the strongest, and has some special ability that allows him to tell anyone weaker than him to GTFO, so it's a fucking mystery why he lost his arm when by all rights he never needed to lose the arm. He's still the strongest without it, but why'd he lose it in the first place if he didn't have to???
So I replied, after like a minute of thought, "Because he might not need the arm, but Luffy needed him to lose his arm". Luffy needed the lesson he was going to learn for Shanks giving up that piece of himself to save Luffy's life. He needed to see the stakes and be given that lesson of actions, consequences, collateral damage, giving pieces of yourself for the sake of your crew/family/nakama.
Furthermore, with Sanji and Luffy being connected through "my mentor/surrogate father literally gave up a piece of himself to save my life", stands to logic that Sanji also needed that lesson in the narrative sense. These older guard pirates passed along something vital, giving up something that they don't need to live fulfilling lives but would be seen as incredibly important, to teach the next generation something and give them tools with which to do better.
I don't go here (I don't have the spoons for the entirety of One Piece tbh), but I liked the conclusion I came up with and wanted to share it in the hopes that you might like it too. I don't think I'm breaking any new ground here tbh but as an outsider, it was neat to think about.
I SURE AM, BUDDY X'''D Thanks for popping in! 👀 I got thoughts (and manga screencaps since you won't read it anyway, FREE REIN:
Hm. I mean point taken, but I mean...even the strongest people aren't infallible? Even IF Shanks has Conquerer's Haki (the power in question) which is something very special someone has to be born with and trained to use to its fullest, that doesn't mean it'll fix everything. Also like. He's also been shown to kinda....lose control of it when nervous or on edge.
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Like my dude did not have to do this. He mentions later he doesn't like being on different territory or something LOL (he's visiting a different powerful pirate leader here).
Anyway to rescue Luffy at that time, he had to act FAST and was probably SCARED FOR HIM so like. Maybe didn't have the time to make the Haki register? It came down to losing Luffy or bodily thrusting his own arm forward to block the bite from the sea king....and well. Shanks has 2 arms. Only one Luffy. The choice was easy. Even upon losing the arm he didn;t seem upset by it really.
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For the sake of the new era he says....the face of it being Luffy himself. And yea the wording really is "I gave it up" and him clearly having no regrets.
STILL I think you do have a point, this was VERY important for Luffy to learn. This same kid stabbed his own face to prove he was "manly enough" to be a pirate (so Shanks wouldn't leave without him....like his brother Ace....like his brother Sabo, to an extent, through "death" in his case) so the realization that being a pirate....would not be easy. There would be sacrifice. There would be pain. But also in a way, it was Shanks showing how important Luffy was to him. This, and passing down that straw hat much to big for Luffy....yeah.
It's clear then he's not ready. Not yet. It's with these parting gifts that Luffy is finally able to let Shanks go, and improve himself so he's strong enough to protect others, so they don;t have to do for him what Shanks did. Luffy learned to live, and while Shanks's sacrifice was devastating to Luffy, he took it to heart to keep going and grow stronger. And yea, that Nakama is just that important, more than limbs. More than life.
NOW SANJI ON THE OTHER HAND....similar but different. Luffy and Sanji were very lonely kids, but for different reasons. Luffy was clingy to anyone who showed him anything close to kindness, while Sanji....puffed up like a scared cat. Without going deep into details, he's from an extremely abusive family that beat into him he's not worth anything because he's weak. Especially from his father. So when Zeff gives him all the food, and sacrifices his own leg....well...
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"Why did you do that for me?! I never gave you a reason to be kind to me!!!" And Zeff responds with their shared dreams of the All Blue...but I also feel like it's just. Sanji is a kid. He's just a kid. Again a face of the new generation to come. Zeff had his chance to search for the All Blue and be a pirate, but Sanji's life is just beginning. I'm sure that fueled his decision too.
But unlike Luffy, this just made Sanji cling harder. In a way he gave up his dream to support Zeff, out of guilt, out of a sense of duty and kindness he'd....not really experienced and didn't know what to do with. And Zeff probably allowed it for awhile, because goodness Sanji is just a kid, and he needed someone to help him grow and learn.
But it took Luffy to come along, bringing "I will live for you" to challenge Sanji's "I will die for you" conclusion.
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Which uh. Didn't really fix Sanji's self sacrificial nature, but it HELPED, lmao. Eventually he was able to let go of suppori=ting the Baratie to finally chase his dream...as long as he doesn't die for a crewmate in the process hsdhfhdsk
So YEA IDK how much their mentors/father figures knew/thought about their sacrifices, but there sure were willing choices to give up their limbs for the upcoming generation/era, no matter what. I loved Zeff emphasizing that to Garp in OPLA, I think that's extremely important and a huge theme to One Piece in general. Cycles, power, and how many conflicts rise from powerful forces refusing to let go of their power, thus suffocating the new generations (the World Government smacking down so hard on the age of pirates).
Shanks and Zeff gave their support and protection to ensure these kids could live their fullest lives, and I think that's beautiful!
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I'm nervous about requesting this since I don't know if it's a good idea, but here goes: Reader goes camping for a weekend and decides to invite Dream to do typical camping activities (canoeing, swimming, hiking, etc) with them on one of those days. Can be pure fluff/slice of life (though I wouldn't mind a little bit of smut too).
Dream of the Endless x Reader + Destruction of the Endless x Reader
Summary: "Pardon," Dream shakes his head, "how were you two acquainted again?" Destruction and you turn to each other as you bring your chocolate marshmallows closer to the open fire. In unison, you reply, "Didi."
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral reader, camp instructor!reader kinda, unbelievably mopey!dream, puppy!destruction, fluff, jealousy, bro vs bro?, typos, etc.
A/N: HELLO MY BABY LOVE FANGIRLMARY. I AM SO HAPPY YOU CAME TO MY INBOX I DO A DANCY DANCE. I LOVE YOUR URL UR DP AND YOUR REQ SO MUCH I GIVE YOU AN EXPRESS PASS. I havent had a req like this at all i think AHHAHAHA. It's so, how you say, simple and cute which is a great thing to start with for me. n ur like me fr cos i get nervous sending asks T_T so if you're still nervous lemme hold your hand. anyway, it kind of spiraled, and I felt like adding an endless sib so i did and I HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR DESTRUCTION OK 😫 i hope you don't mind huhuhuh and hope you like it my love <3 i think i've used this gif before but its too perfect for the fic not to reuse HAHHAAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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You were a rainstorm and Dream was a sponge, except he didn't know it. With every opportunity he had to be around you, he took you in until he was overcome with an uncomfortable heaviness. He was leaking with grimy emotions. And he was awfully spineless.
Matthew had been croaking from his shoulder, telling him he was a ridiculously wet sponge, and that he had to pull himself together and wring himself up because he was, frankly, disgusting.
That did not bode well for the bird. But this is not about that.
It's about how the lord of dreams did get thinking that. Perhaps, he should in fact act upon these weeping urges, for it was painful to be around you yet not have you.
It was unclear who was more shocked when you suddenly invited Dream for a weekend away, Matthew or Dream himself.
And so with the thickest, greasiest, smuggest smirk, Dream accepted the invitation. He made it known that he was graciously making room in his labor-filled schedule to accommodate your request, but accommodate your request he surely would do.
For the days building to that weekend away, Dream would study all the spectacles that involved camping. He would be camping with you and you would be camping with him; it will be lovely. He visited the dreams of those who enjoyed the leisure, and those who were objectively good at it, soaking in all the things he could learn, much like the sponge he was.
You can only imagine how shocked he was to find that the precious gift of the precious free time you, in your humanly nature, prized so much, was not even a gift to him at all, it seemed. For a gift was not typically shared, not meant to be shared, much less with some 20 other people.
"HEY DREAM!" you beamed, grinning ear to ear as you raised a hand and waved at him the moment you spotted him.
You promptly jogged over and huffed through your smile, "I'm so glad you decided to come! You'll like the people here, I promise."
Dream looks at you as a toddler busts a lung out crying. He cannot find himself to smile, though you do, for a corrosive jealousy was ripping through his stomach. You begin to explain that most of the people present were from the same circles as you,and that you did most of the planning for the weekend. You reiterate that it will be fun.
And yet as your expression softened and your brows raised while you assessed his form, he could not not smile at the sight of your doe eyes.
A dark cloud thunders above him.
He begs to disagree.
"You didn't bring any bags? Any equipment... at all?" you tilt your head.
Dream places his hands behind him, "I find no need for it. After all, anything you can posses comes from nature, does it not?"
You pull your head back and chuckle, "wow, okay, nature man," you grin, "I'm glad you at least dressed for the woods. I would have told you off if you kept your trench coat on."
Dream needlessly brushes off his tank top then places his hands in the pockets of his jogging pants, "I am capable of dressing cordially to the setting."
What he was incapable of doing though, was sharing. But you already knew that. At least he thought you did.
You introduce him to many people, he nods in regard but does no more. When someone calls for your help to set up some things, Dream immediately swoops in and makes sure that he would be the one to help you as you help.
"I must say," Dream starts as he lends you a hand whilst in building some tents, "I thought that today would be a more... intimate setting."
You turn to him as you poked a stick through the fabric, "it is. This is the smallest number of people I've hosted for a weekend at this site."
Dream's eye twitches, "but I had thought," he turns to you with a stern expression, "the invitation was exclusive to me."
To be honest, you were too preoccupied with setting up to notice how serious he was about it. The moment you caught the glint in his eye, your stomach dropped. Your lips part at the grave expression etched across his face. "Uhhhh," you clear your throat, "well, I mean, you're the only person I invited, if that counts for anything."
Dream sucks in a breath as he finishes doing his side of the tent. He walks over to you and helps you with your side. He does not look at you as his hands take yours but he knows in his bones that your eyes were on him. He also knows there was a heat blossoming in your cheeks.
He mutters, "I see," he spares you a moment's glance, "then I am glad."
That didn't last long though.
The next thing he knows, he's made to sit with a group of men, all somehow bearded, laughing over the 'good ol days' over some beer in between scolding the human spawn they had with them.
After that, he was doing yoga with some mothers that were giggling over embarrassing stories, and how good looking he was in between scolding the human spawn they had with them.
And then, well, he was holding a leash of dogs who were eager to run off but not allowed to because their masters where setting up, and so they ended up barking at the human spawn they had with them.
Then, like a true omen, he heard the laugh of the prodigal.
How did he know it The Prodigal? Well, considering the earth shook beneath his sneakers and the flock of birds fled from the trees, he was certain it was him.
Normally, he'd be glad to see his little brother, but when he saw his giant frame next to your smaller one, well, let's just say everyone who was in the middle of a nap at that moment woke up from a terrible nightmare.
"Brother," Dream interjects your giggling conversation.
Dream, needless to say, was salty to see your temperate exchange. He had gone above and beyond to socialize with the people in this camp, and yet here you were with the wrong Endless.
You and Destruction turn to him mid-catching your breath. All Dream could think about was how you had your palm on Destruction's bicep.
Was the temperature dropping?
Destruction perks. He raises his hands and steps forward, "brother!"
Dream is sealed into a tight embrace and is lifted off the ground in the process. His eyes are on you as you look between him and Destuction.
"You two are brothers?" you ask in surprise.
Destruction turns to you as he sets Dream down, "we are!" He slaps Dream's back, making his body flinch to the side. The older of the two grunts where the younger one smiles, "he's my big bro!"
"Oh!" you say with wide eyes. You tilt your head, "well then that explains the odd names."
Destruction gives a hearty laugh. Dream eyes him hotly.
Destruction sighs, "I'll know to call you if I ever did you get my brother to agree to come out somewhere."
Dream grunts.
You shake your head, "I'm equally surprised to see him here, honestly. Most of the time I'm not even sure if he enjoys being around me."
He turns to you upon hearing this.
"He's a tough nut," Destruction retorts, pulling his brother into a side hug, "but he's not hard to crack."
Before Dream can even respond, his brother rakes them both over to the lake, "now, how about we go canoeing!?"
Destruction couldn't have offered a more terrible idea.
The canoe boats were not suited to carry the Endless, much less two at once.
Destruction, ever the gentleman, did not hesitate to plunge ankle deep into the lake, only to ensure that you get into the boat safely. He held your hand as you stepped in, and Dream bristled as he watched.
When his brother turned to him, offering out a hand in order to do the same for Dream, the older of the two practically seethed in annoyance.
He turned his cheek and crossed his arms.
Destruction sighed, "oh, come now, Dream. The canoe awaits!"
Dream is adamant and stays put.
Destruction presses his lips into a line and decides to get in with you.
"Come on, Dream," you urge upon seeing his pettiness, "canoeing is fun! I promise."
One of the many promises you've made thus far.
Dream lets out a breath upon hearing your voice and the yelp-turned-giggle that you release as your tiny canoe rocks because of his massive brother.
Dream holds back an eyeroll as he watches you clutch onto Destruction, as not to rock the boat further. You giggle again, as does his brother.
"Very well," Dream says, walking over to you both.
It was futile however; every attempt in joining the already crowded canoe lead to only disaster.
It was clear Dream could not join in the canoeing, at least not in the same boat.
So the two of you rowed deeper into the lake, and Dream followed after in a separate canoe all by himself. A miserable predicament.
He could hear your soft voice, droning about all the nature facts you knew. It was audible, your excitement. He could not see you, not with his physical eyes at least, but he knew your face was lit up. It always did in moments like this. Destruction listens intently as you speak, though undoubtedly, he knew most of what you were talking about already, being a nature buff himself.
He reacted with excitement accordingly. He gasped, and laughed, and inquired further in all the right moments. He made your voice lift into further enthusiasm. He made it sound so easy. And perhaps it was to him.
Dream then rowed faster, so that, finally, your rides were side by side.
Destruction talked to you about the old sprites and spirits that used to live in these parts. Dream catches how you lean in to listen to his words. His eyes practically burn when he catches the flower in your hair, the same kind of flower that was in Destruction's.
Dream felt like jumping into the canoe across him, but that would hardly put him into your good graces, so he doesn't.
Before he realizes what he is doing, Dream clears his throat then loudly speaks, cutting his brother off, "you know I am friends with the queen of the fairies."
Both you and Destruction turn to him.
Dream ceases his rowing and allows his boat to drift next to yours.
There is a long silence between the three of you.
You turn from Dream to Destruction, jaw turning slack.
Why are you looking at him?
You push your shoulders back and tilt your head, "ah..." you smile at Dream, "I see."
Dream clenches his jaw. That was not the reaction he expected. But then again, he was unsure of what he was expecting.
It's Destruction that diffuses the thickening awkwardness, "he commissioned Shakespeare to write for the queen, you know."
You pull your head back then chuckle, "ah," you smile brighter, "he did, did he?" You turn back to Dream, "and which Shakespearean work would that be?"
Dream lifts his nose, "I have inspired the bard to write a great many plays. Two of them however are specifically for me."
You lean back in laughter, clutching your chest in delight, "ah, is that so? Let me guess, is one of them A Midsummer Night's Dream?"
Dream smiles, "precisely."
You laugh louder, shaking your head, "that's seems about right. I must admit," you sigh as you level your breathing, "I haven't really read that story at all. I... don't think I have the brain power to."
"No shame in that. I personally prefer painting over plays," Destruction notes, claiming your attention once again, "I admit, my attention span is not so suited for long winding plays."
You laugh again but Dream does not enjoy it, "yeah. I don't mean to offend the dead, but I can't really understand Shakespearean at all, so. The language is too outdated for me."
Dream accidentally (intentionally) hits the side of the other canoe. He feigns ignorance for a moment but then turns to the two of you, offering a wry smile, "apologies."
He was not at all apologetic.
In the end, Dream was situated between yours and his brother's shoulders in front of the large campfire most of the people on this wretched camp trip were circled around.
The explosiveness of the day had melted into a solemn and warm nightly gathering. Everyone was doing their own thing, cooking food, passing said food around, sharing stories. There was a strong sense of community. Dream, yet, felt like he did not belong.
The nightmare king, as he was talked over by the two of you, passed the 3rd plate of pie, rhubarb this time, to the person past you, then sunk deeper into his spot.
You were oblivious to him, he thinks
You were not. You noticed he was sulky ever since the canoeing. You offered a stick of animal shaped marshmallows to Dream mid conversation with his brother. He declined and sat up straight.
"Pardon," Dream shakes his head, "how were you two acquainted again?"
Destruction and you turn to each other as you bring your chocolate marshmallows closer to the open fire. In unison, you reply, "Didi."
Ah, Death. That made sense.
"Wait," you raise a finger, turning to Dream. He immediately perks up. Finally, he has your attention.
"If you're related to Didi," you start, "then that means you're-" you point to Destruction, "related to Didi."
Destruction grins, "my big sister!"
"Ah," you smile, "being sweet must run in the family."
"I have had enough!" Dream blurts, standing from his spot. He does this so abruptly that you drop your marshies and it calls the attention of other camp goers, not that he cared at all at this point.
He fails to realize that you did very much care.
You feel the hair at the back of your neck prick as you look up at fiery Dream. He pipes, "you told me it was I that you invited, I and only I, and yet you have done nothing but speak to my brother the whole day!"
Destruction can feel the agitation radiating off you for being put in the spot like that. He raises a hand, "Dream-"
"You are not being spoken to, Destruction," he turns to his brother, "know your place."
Not that you looked, not that you wanted to, but you could feel everyone's eyes burning into your body.
Destruction raises his hands in defeat. He turns to the crowd and sees a few of them were looking on in their direction. He turns back to you then the next second decides he knows what to do. Destruction looks out to the cliff from not too far off, then with the slightest tilt of his head, it falls with a loud splash into the lake.
It effectively distracts everyone who was looking your direction and everyone who wasn't.
"WOW!" Destruction points and stands, "that was a rock falling!"
You stand as well, looking to the people moving over to see what had happened to what, but Dream's grip on your arm keeps you from following.
"Please," he mutters, making you turn to him. His face is mystical in this light. It is shadowy yet so beautiful. "Speak in earnest. I cannot take this any further. I wish to know who between us has your heart."
You are effectively winded by this talk. It came out from seemingly nowhere.
"Is it I or my brother that you want to be with," Dream mumbles lowly, making your entire body freeze.
Your breath hitches, "b-be- what?"
"Must I speak more plainly? You can only have one. I am not particularly generous, and I certainly do not like to share what is mine," he raises his hand. You hold your breath in fear of the sound of your shaky breath when he brushes his fingers against your shoulder, "what I want to be mine," he whispers. "I especially find it difficult to release something that I want-- tenfold knowing what I want could well end in the arms of one of my siblings."
Your heart was echoing in your ribcage and your eardrums at this point.
The thumping would have excited Dream had he not been so green with envy.
"Destruction is dear to me," his soft lips move ever so slightly, "but if it comes to it, I will fight for you."
You nearly choke on your breath and your spit. A fight? One between Dream and Destruction? It sounds like a primordial event. A shiver runs down your spine. You shake your head quickly, "please don't."
Dream knits his brows and shakes his head more surely than you did, "I will."
Your breath hitches, "to be honest-" you blurt, "I didn't realize you- you... liked me like that."
Dream watches as you gather your thoughts.
"You... you do pop up in the strangest places, but I chalked that to something of fate or... proximity," you give a nervous look, "and you're not very good at showing emotions... I normally convince myself that if you didn't want to be around me, then you wouldn't."
He steps forward and places his hand on your cheek. "Allow me to make myself perfectly clear then," he rubs your skin with his thumb. Your skin pricks with goodbumps.
"Think back to the first moment we met. Every moment after, all instances that you have seen me was not coincidence. That was me purposefully reaching out to you, wanting be near you, wanting to see you, wanting to hear you, wanting to be with you, wanting you."
Both his hands are on your face now. His thumbs ghosts over your lips, "I want you."
You gulp.
"Do you want me too?"
You can't speak. You cant think. You can't breathe.
He doesn't let you when he leans in and kisses you. Soon enough, he gets his answer when you grab onto his top and kiss him back.
The forest trembles beneath your feet. Neither of you notice.
There, behind a not too far off tree, Destruction watches.
Matthew, in an announcer voice: In a total 180, the Dream rizz reaches maximum capacity, and in the end, he gets what he wants.
160 notes · View notes
sacredjake · 1 year
Teach Me- Part Three
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pairing: Professor!Sam x 21+ College Student Reader
word count: 7.8K
warnings: 18+MDNI! cussing, fluff, small angst, drug use (weed), oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex, nicknames, soft sammy. let me know if i missed anything!
part 3 is finally here! i apologize for the long wait, i hope this made up for it. huge thank you as always to @malany-gvf for letting me talk through my ideas with her. and a thank you to @gold-mines-melting & @ageofhearingloss for helping as well <3 love y’all! linked below is a song that inspired bits of this, and a visual of sammy :) enjoy and thank you so much for reading and waiting!!
Stars On The Ceiling
sammy visual
The leaves outside had turned from lively green to vibrant shades of reds, oranges and yellows signifying that fall was here, and a month had passed since that day in Professor Buckley’s office with Sam. Since then things had only progressed. The… relationship between the two of you developed more into just that. A relationship. 
Nothing was made official per se, but the foundation of your connection wasn’t based on just sex. Sure the sex was good. Like really, really good, but that wasn’t what kept the you tethered to one another. 
Everything about the two of you just made sense. You shared almost all the same interests which lead into constant conversations about practically anything. With Sam it was just so easy. The flow was natural as if you were meant to be with one another in some way. 
Sam was kind, funny, extremely smart, spontaneous and incredibly sweet. He was also just an overall goofball and sometimes a smartass, but you admired every part of him you’d come to know on a personal level. He never failed to make you feel anything less than special, and made sure to constantly tell you in case his gestures didn’t already show it. 
While you avoided going out together in public, he would still take you on dates to a neighboring town. Neither of you were willing to risk getting caught by anyone who didn’t already know, which was a short list of just Macie, and Sam’s best friend Danny. You had met Danny several times as he and Sam are roommates, and you got along great with him. He was kind and funny, and practically perfect for Macie, who was dying to meet him. 
Which is where you were headed right now. 
When you had told Sam that Macie wanted to meet Danny he came up with the idea for the four of you to head over to an arcade in the next town over as a group. Sure it was more of a set up for your two best friends, but they didn’t really need to know that. You each had just told them that since they were the only two people who knew, that it would be nice to hang out with friends together. Both of them agreed to go almost immediately. 
“Will you please stop that, you’re stressing me out.” Your eyes were trained on the road as you drove, but you could see Macie squirming in her seat every few seconds. It was driving you up a wall. 
“I can’t help it, y/n! I’m nervous!” Macie exclaimed with a huff, wringing her hands in her lap. You let out a breathy laugh and set your hand on top of hers to stop the movement. 
“It’s just Sam, Mace.” 
You knew that Sam was not, in fact, why she was so nervous, but you were hoping maybe it would make her laugh. And it did, kinda. It was more of an annoyed laugh than a genuine one. 
“He is not who I am nervous about! I’m nervous about meeting Danny!” With the movement of her hands ceased, her leg began bouncing up and down violently against her seat. 
“Danny is not in any way intimidating, okay? Just calm down, you will get along just fine.” You tried to give her your best reassuring smile, but the jerky action of her leg made you falter. “And for the love of god stop bouncing your leg!” 
Her knee froze and settled down on the seat with a muttered “Sorry”, unaware of the subconscious action. 
When you pulled into the parking lot of the arcade you were able to spot Danny’s car quickly along with a spot in front of him. This was definitely an intentional move on your part. You knew the guys would be waiting in the car for you and Macie to arrive, so by parking in front of Danny you were able to get Macie’s immediate reaction. 
“Oh. My. God…” She did fairly well at making herself look busy so that she wouldn’t be caught gawking at Danny through the windshield. 
“You didn’t tell me he was a fucking greek god!” Macie exasperated in a hushed tone like she was afraid they would hear. 
“Are you going to keep pretending to look for something in your purse, or are you going to get out of the car?” 
You didn’t leave her the option to reply as you opened your door and stepped out of the car to greet Sam and Danny. Danny looked like the usual Danny you saw at their apartment. He was wearing a backwards cap over his gorgeous curls, a loose t-shirt, black skinny jeans and white vans. Very Danny, which was cute. Sam’s outfit was also very Sam, and was easily one of your favorites. He was wearing an oversized white button-up with pops of color on the shoulders, and a pair of fitted gray trousers. His hair was down and wavy, looking absolutely flawless as always. 
“Hey toots! About time you two showed up.” Sam beamed at you, grasping your hand pulling you in for a quick kiss. When you pulled away you pushed his shoulder lightly and laughed before greeting Danny and introducing Macie. 
“While you two have technically already met,” You gestured between Macie and Sam, “You’ve never met in person, so… Sam, Danny, this is Macie. Macie, this is Sam and Danny.” 
“Nice to know you’re more than just a floating head!” Sam smiled brightly as he shook Macie’s hand, his comment earning a laugh from your best friend. Danny just shook his head at Sam, way too accustomed to his antics. 
“Ignore Sam, he’s an idiot.” Danny muttered to Macie, his voice still loud enough for you and Sam to hear. They shook hands as she laughed, smiles stretching both of their faces. 
“Hey, I happen to be working on my Master's degree right now!” Sam scoff feigning offense, a hand over his chest. 
“Come on you two,” You rolled your eyes playfully and started pulling Sam towards the entrance of the building, “We have games to play and I can’t kick all of your asses if we stand out here and listen to y’all argue over whether or not Sam is an idiot.” 
“Whether or not I’m not an id- Wait, did you just say you were gonna kick our asses?” You looked back at Sam briefly, shooting him a cheeky smile and humming an ‘mhm’. 
“Oh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, honey, but I am quite the champ at laser tag. No way you’re kicking my ass.” 
There was an unintelligible whisper from Danny behind you followed by Macie’s giggles that led you to believe he had made fun of Sam in some way. You both chose to ignore whatever he had said and continued to walk into the building. 
The first thing everyone decided to do as a group was play a game of bowling. It was a nice way to talk and still play some sort of game, the conversations between Macie and Danny flowing easily as you suspected. You got to learn more about what Sam was like growing up, and they were told all about your college escapades. 
Not shocking to you, but shocking to the guys, Macie beat everyone at bowling. It was a little secret you kept to yourself that she was oddly good at the game. Danny seemed quite impressed whereas Sam vowed to take her down in laser tag later in true Sam fashion. 
“I’m pretty hungry, is anyone else ready to eat?” Macie dropped her ball off at the return rack, the rest of your group in tow. 
“I could go for some food right now.” Danny agreed. 
“I’m okay right now, might check out some of the arcade games.” You lied as you placed your ball on the rack. While you were definitely hungry, this was a great opportunity for Macie and Danny to get to know each other. 
Sam opened his mouth to respond and you shot him a warning look, trying to telepathically tell him about your plan. You knew he was probably going to say that he could eat. When he caught your eyes he stopped talking and gave you a weird look before realizing what you were doing. 
“Yeah I’m with y/n, I can wait a bit. You two go ahead and we’ll meet up later for laser tag?” 
The four of you went your separate ways. Danny and Macie to the bar for some lunch, and You and Sam to the arcade portion to play a few games. Together you picked a few two-player games, each of you winning one here and there. Even when you played a game meant for only one person, the other would play after keeping up the friendly competition. Eventually you both decided you’d play a round of skee-ball and then grab a bite to eat. 
“You’re pretty sneaky.” Sam nodded his head over to the bar area before throwing his ball up the ramp. Following his gesture your eyes landed on both of your best friends chatting away as if they had always known each other. 
“I just knew they would hit it off,” You admired them a few seconds longer before returning your attention to your own game, “They look cute together anyways. I hope it works out.” 
Sam hummed in approval, taking his last shot and landing the ball in one of the one hundred slots. The machine lit up wildly with lights, and bells rang making it known to everyone that he had scored a hundred points. He grabbed the tickets that spewed out of the game and walked over to watch your last throw. 
“Think they know this was kind of a set up?” 
“Maybe, but I don’t really think they care all that much. They seem to be enjoying each other’s company.” You threw the last ball and watched as it sank into the fifty point slot. Sam snagged the tickets that had dispensed and handed them to you. 
“Should we go pick out a prize, babe?” He waved the absurd amount of tickets in his fist around, wiggling his eyebrows. You nodded your head with a smile and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers with his as you walked towards the prize room. 
“What is that?” Danny eyed the box tucked underneath Sam’s arm as the two of you approached the laser tag area. 
When you finally made your way over to the bar for a bite, Danny and Macie had already left so they didn’t get to see the prizes you had picked out. Macie had texted you letting you know that she and Danny were going to do a quick ax throwing session while you ate and they’d meet up with you at laser tag after. 
“It’s my prize!” He held the rectangular box out so they could get a better view of it, excitement written all over his face. 
“A lava lamp? That’s pretty sick.” 
“Hell yeah it is! Cost me all my tickets.” He beamed, looking over the box again like a child on Christmas morning. His reaction when he first saw the item was absolutely adorable and you urged him to get it. It was a pretty cool lamp too. The base of it was black with silver stars littered about, the ‘lava’ inside was a neon, lime green color and the light inside was blue. 
“What did you get y/n?” 
“I didn’t really see anything I liked, so I helped Sam get the lamp.” 
It was partially a lie. You had seen something small that you wanted, but Sam’s reaction to the lava lamp convinced you to do whatever it took to get it for him. Even if that meant you spent your tickets on him. Seeing his joy was worth more to you than the silly item you saw. 
The four of you continued to talk until the game before yours ended. Macie and Danny recounted their ax throwing experience, noting that Danny was a natural while Mace struggled a bit. To which of course Macie said that she was just going easy on him because she had already beat him at bowling and felt bad. 
Finally your group was called to start your game. You entered a prep room, vests and laser guns lining the walls. The room was mostly dark, the only light illuminating it coming from black lights that reflected neon paintings on walls. Each of you stood by a vest and listened as the worker went over the rules and basis of the game. Once he was done explaining everything, he instructed everyone to put on a vest before opening the door to let you inside. 
The goal was simple, you were split into two teams. You and Sam against Macie and Danny. The objective was to hit the opposite players as many times as possible with the laser from your gun. Hits to the shoulder sensors were worth ten points, the back and chest were worth twenty-five. 
Each team would also have a base in which they should be guarding. Hitting the base from far away was worth fifty points and hitting the base from underneath was worth a hundred. While this particular set up was meant for larger parties, the four of you decided it would still be fun. 
As soon as you entered the main room Sam pulled you through the maze of walls and objects towards your base. The clock had already started and there was no time to waste. 
“Alright so here’s what I think our plan should be. I know Daniel is gonna stay and guard the base, so I think you should stay here while I go down.” From the top of the base you could see the entire playing floor, including the other team’s base. The black lights illuminated neon barriers and walls throughout the course along with more artwork. 
“Are you sure? You’re wearing a bright white shirt and I’m wearing black. You’ll be an easy target for either one of them. They won’t see me coming.” 
The sides of his mouth twitched up as he thought about it, amusement spread across his face. He grabbed your face in his hands and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. 
“You’re so smart, did you know that?” He dropped his hands from your face and turned you around to the stairs leading into the main floor. “Now go get us that win, I’ll cover you from up here as best as I can.” His hand connected with your ass cheek, sending you on your way, but not before you threw a playful glare over your shoulder at him. 
You jogged down the stairs making sure your steps were soft in case Mace or Danny were nearby. Staying close to walls and under the bases, you made your way over to the other base. You figured if you couldn’t see the other base, they couldn’t see you from the aerial view. 
Out of the corner of your eye there was a flashing light that streaked by, signaling that someone was close. You pressed yourself into the corner of the wall and waited to see if whoever it was would come closer. Within a few seconds, Macie walked by. She was walking away from you, her back exposed and not noticing you were there. You took the opportunity to shoot her back plate several times before running to safety in another tucked away spot. 
From this spot you had a clear shot of their base. While it wouldn’t earn you the maximum amount of points, the shots would earn fifty each time. Until you were found or could get closer, this was a great option. You were also hoping that maybe it would draw Danny out since you were so close. 
You started firing round after round after round at the giant sensor on the roof of the base. Each round made the object light up with red alarm lights and an automated voice signaling that the base was under attack. You kept shooting at the base until you felt your vest vibrate repeatedly. Danny had finally left his spot and found you, shooting at your chest as quickly as possible. 
Not wanting to risk him racking up more points, you ran by him and back towards your base,  a new plan formed in your head. 
“Alright so when you see Danny leave the base, you need to run over and shoot it from underneath. I’ll take the hits from him, but if we both shoot the base then we'd be able to outweigh whatever he scores off me.” You were out of breath from running back to your base, chest heaving and slightly bent over. 
“That sounds like a great plan. We only have like ten minutes left of game time, I think we should wait a little while.” 
“Agreed. Once Macie sees you’ve left the base she’ll come running over here. We can’t give her a lot of time.” 
“Start with five minutes left?” You nodded in agreement and straightened back up placing your hands on the back of your head. 
“Are you gonna come stay at my place tonight? We could put on a movie, order some pizza and relax? Maybe smoke a little if you wanted?” Sam asked as you caught your breath. 
“Yeah, that sounds nice. We can use your new lava lamp too.” His face lit up at your response, smiling fondly at you. 
“I got something else the other day that I think you might enjoy, but you’ll have to wait to see what it is until later.” 
“Ooo so mysterious.” You grinned back at him, wondering what he could’ve possibly bought. 
The next few minutes passed with the two of you trying to decide on a movie to watch for tonight while keeping an eye on Danny and Macie. With five minutes left in the game it was time to move. 
You followed the same path as before, tucking yourself back into the previous corner. And as before you started shooting their base as quickly as the trigger would allow. It didn’t take very much time at all for Danny to find you, however, by the time he had reached you, Sam had made it underneath their base. The look on Danny’s face was absolutely priceless, realization and shock setting in. 
“Son of a bitch!” He shouted quickly, turning back where he came from to attack Sam. You followed behind him, laser aimed at his back the entire way and lighting him up with each hit. 
By the time he got back to the base and Sam, it was too late. Twenty seconds remained on the clock and Sam had already scored well over a thousand points. There was no catching up. 
“Oh c’mon Daniel, you have to hand it to us, it was pretty clever. Don’t be such a sore loser.” 
“I am not a sore loser.” Danny rolled his eyes at his best friend with a grumble, arms crossed over his chest. You were all standing out by your cars just talking shortly before heading your separate ways. 
“Whatever you say, Danny,” You teased, “To be fair, I did warn everyone that I was gonna kick their asses.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Both Danny and Macie waved you off as you walked by them to open your car. Sam was following behind you to say goodbye, and give Danny a moment with Mace. 
“Alright so I’ll see you around 6?” Sam was leaned in close to you, arms resting on the top of the open car door between you.
“Yeah, I think that’ll work.” 
“Perfect. Let me know when you make it home and are on your way over? I’ll order the pizza when you’re headed my way.” 
“I will, and you do the same please.” He simply nodded in response before leaning in to kiss you and say goodbye. 
You got in your car and shut the door with Macie following not too far behind. There was nothing but silence while you navigated the beginning of your journey home. Although you definitely noticed the small grin plastered on your best friend’s face. 
“Did you have fun? You and Danny hit it off pretty well?”
“Uh… Yeah,” Her cheeks pinked more and more by the second, “I had a good time. He, uh, asked for my phone number so we could hang out just the two of us.” 
“Oh hell yeah! See I knew you two would get along so well!” 
“Yeah, Yeah.” She rolled her eyes playfully at you, still smiling. “Thank you, though for introducing us. He’s really sweet and funny, and definitely super hot… I just hope he’ll actually text me.” 
“Mace, he’ll text you. Danny isn’t the type of guy to lead someone on.” 
“I didn’t get that vibe either, which is nice, but we’ll just have to see.” You nodded your head showing that you understood what she was saying while keeping your eyes on the road. 
The rest of the car ride home was filled with talk about upcoming school assignments and plans the two of you had together with your other roommates. The four of you hadn’t hung out in a few weeks partially due to school work, but also because you were spending a lot of time at Sam’s. Macie had been covering for you and keeping Sam’s identity a secret for now. 
Chloe and Sadie knew that you were seeing someone, but you wouldn’t tell them who. Not that you didn’t trust them of course, but the less people who knew, the better. It kind of sucked because you wanted to do nothing but gush about Sam to your friends constantly, but you weren’t willing to risk anything. 
Eventually you made it home, running inside long enough to change, pack a small overnight bag, grab your backpack and freshen up before you walked back out the door. While you had spent the whole day with Sam, you were eager to see him again so soon. You were especially ready to relax and hang out with just him.
The air was chilly, wind sweeping through your hair and cutting through the thin material of your cardigan that you wrapped tightly at your sides. You walked quickly through the small parking lot to his apartment, trying to lessen your time outside. Sam met you at the door, already having it open since you texted him that you were there. 
“You look a little chilly there, Bug.” Sam called out leaning up against his doorframe. He was wearing a red crewneck and a pair of black sweats with a blanket draped over his shoulders, and no shoes but fun tie-dye socks adorning his feet. 
“Me? Chilly?” You chirped between chattering teeth, “Never. Not at all.” You laughed slightly, your body shaking even more due to the shivering. 
“C’mon let’s get you inside. I have pizza waiting anyways.” As you walked through the threshold he pulled the blanket from his body and wrapped it around yours instead. With the door shut behind you, his hands returned to the tops of your arms rubbing up and down and placed a light kiss on your cheek. 
“Go ahead and get comfy, I'll bring in the pizza and drinks.” He said, ushering you towards his bedroom. You followed his instructions and made your way to his room through the decently sized apartment.
Kicking your shoes off next to his door and dropping your bags next to them, you climbed into his bed noticing the lava lamp from earlier now sitting on his nightstand. It must’ve been on for hours already, probably since he got home, the ‘lava’ flowing to the top and floating back down steadily. The small lamp fit in nicely with his room.
While you waited for Sam to join you, you pulled out your phone to busy yourself for the time being. A text had popped up onto the screen from Sebastian, and you opened the messages app to see the preview of the text first. The text that had come through from your older brother made your heart drop to your stomach, and your stomach drop to your ass, panic flooding your entire body. 
Are you at Oakridge? Thought I saw you walk into Sam Kiszka’s place as I was leaving Brandon’s.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You sat there completely frozen staring at the text, wondering what the fuck you were going to say. When Sam walked in with the pizza and drinks your eyes shifted from the screen to his face. Immediately he could tell something was wrong, stopping just at the foot of the bed with the pizza still in hand. 
“Everything okay?” He sat the pizza box on the bed before moving to the side and setting down the waters on the nightstand. Your eyes followed his movement, never once leaving him.
“My brother just texted me… He asked if I was here because he thought he saw me walking into your apartment.” 
“Oh fuck…” Sam ran a worried hand through his hair before it settled on the back of his neck. 
“I don’t know what to say.” 
Sam rubbed the back of his neck while he thought up a lie as to why you would be here. Sure you were in his class so maybe you needed help with something outside of class, but that’s still unprofessional. With each passing moment the expression you wore grew more worrisome, your face becoming more pale. He sat on the bed across from you with criss-cross legs and gently took your hands in his. 
“Hey it’s gonna be okay, I can tell you’re freaking out, but it’s gonna be okay.” Sam tried to reassure you, his soft brown eyes locked on yours looking more downturned than usual. You looked like you were going to cry, eyes becoming red and shiny nearly breaking his heart.
“Daniel is a tutor. Just tell him that he’s tutoring you in one of your classes because midterms are coming up. He knows that Daniel is my roommate and does tutoring on the side for extra cash. He’ll believe it.” He handed your phone to you before placing his right hand on your cheek. “It’s going to be okay, no need to worry right now.”
You nodded your head silently and unlocked your phone again, the screen still on the messages app. Sam’s hand on your cheek found new purchase on your knee resting lightly and giving it an encouraging squeeze. 
Yeah I am. I needed some extra tutoring for one of my classes since midterms are around the corner, and Danny Wagner is my tutor. I had no idea he was Sam’s roommate.
Both of you waited for a moment, watching as Sebastian read the text. The text bubbles at the bottom of the screen danced while he typed his reply.
Oh okay. Should’ve just asked me, I could’ve helped.
A sign of relief exhaled from your lips, your shoulders dropping from the release of tension. His response was normal, something he says every time you tell him about tutoring. You typed a quick reply explaining that he had enough on his plate and you didn’t want to overload him before looking back to Sam.
“He bought it, thank god. I was really freaking out,” A meek smile spread across your lips, “Thank you.”
“For what?” 
“For being calm and calming me down. For not getting angry. You have a lot more on the line than I do…” Your voice drifted off into a whisper. The Ex’s in your past would have never handled a situation where they could face serious reprimands so calmly, and certainly would have blamed you. Tears pricked your eyes distorting the vision of Sam gazing down at you softly. 
“Oh, sweetheart… C’mere.” He moved to sit up against his headboard, pulling you to sit between his legs once he settled. You leaned into his chest, your back laying flush against him with your head resting in the center of his chest. He pressed play on the TV, the movie both of you had picked earlier coming to life. Sam wrapped his arms around yours and weaved his fingers overtop of your own before crossing both your arms around your waist. 
You sat in comfortable silence just watching the silly romcom and let the rise and fall of his chest ease your breathing. His chin sat on top of your head, the scent from your shampoo drifting lazily in the air. Half-way through the movie and between bites of pizza, Sam spoke.
“Any interest in smoking tonight?” He looked at you with raised eyebrows and a light smile on his lips making his eyes crinkle at the corners ever so slightly. 
“Yeah, just a little bit though.” Sam smiled wider and sat his pizza in the box so he could move off the bed. He moved around his room towards his closet, turning on the light and walking in. When he re-emerged he was holding a small light green hand-blown glass bong with dark green ivy leaves that ran up the sides of it, his red grinder, and a lighter. 
You didn’t indulge in smoking often, but you figured why the hell not, right? Sam also had really good weed. You never had to smoke a lot just to feel the effects, and the strain he smoked never made you feel anxious like others had in the past.
He set the items down on the nightstand and began to prep the bowl, packing the finely ground weed into the bowl using the butt of his lighter. Once the bowl was packed Sam returned the grinder to its spot in the closet. He started the bowl taking a rather large hit before handing it off to you. You sealed your lips on the mouthpiece and held the lighter to the weed for a few seconds. Once satisfied with the amount of smoke you had produced, you pulled the bowl out of the downstem and pulled the air up into your lungs, clearing the chamber. Sam watched as he always did, mesmerized at your ability to inhale all the smoke no matter how much was in it. 
“Perfect,” You handed the piece back to him and met his eyes staring at you with adoration, “You are literally perfect.” The smoke from your exhale drifted into the open air through the smile Sam had caused. You could feel heat crawl its way up your neck and onto your cheeks from his praise, no doubt looking rosier than usual. 
Sam repeated the steps you had just taken, yet again taking a larger hit. He cleared the chamber and set the bong back on the nightstand before turning back to you, the corner of his lips lightly pulled up. The smoke never left his lungs as he beckoned you towards him with a wave of your hand. You obliged knowing what he wanted you to do. 
With your face centimeters from his, Sam’s hand gently held the side of your neck, his long fingers reaching the base of your skull. His thumb stroked your jaw softly as your lips parted slightly. Smoke began to flow smoothly from Sam’s mouth into your own, sucking in the air he released. You held his eye contact for a few moments feeling the soft intimacy of the moment wash over you. Breaking away from his gaze, your eyes fell to his lips that turned up into more of a smirk the longer you looked at them. When you drew your eyes back up to him he was already staring back, the outer corner of his eyes drooping with relaxation the high brought. His top lip curled, turning his smirk into a toothy grin filled with nothing but pure affection. 
The hand resting on your neck pulled you closer to him to close the gap, your lips meeting delicately. His mouth moved against yours slowly like he was savoring the feel and taste of your lips. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip with a languid stripe inviting you to open your mouth fully to him.
 Needing to be closer to him you climbed into his lap hooking your legs around his waist and looping your arms around his neck, never breaking the kiss. Sam’s arms snaked around your back, his right hand tangling in the hair at the back of your head.
Like smooth velvet, his tongue danced against yours, exploring the space like he had never done so before. Each pass of tongue on yours made you melt further into him. You felt that soon enough you would surely just become a part of him. But maybe that was the weed. The tip of his tongue grazed the roof of your mouth before he pulled away, leaving slow, open mouthed kisses along your jaw. 
When he finally came to the corner of your jaw finally dipping down towards your neck, his tongue swept over the skin knowing this was one of your sweet spots. His hand at the back of your head held your exposed neck to him, your head lulling backwards with an airy gasp. Traveling down the column of your neck he continued to leave sweet kisses in his wake. You needed more of him, your hands finding the hem of his crewneck at either side of his hips and pushing the fabric upwards. 
Sam only disconnected his lips from your skin briefly to pull the sweatshirt over his head and toss it to the floor. While he rid himself of his shirt, you pulled your cardigan off and threw it off the bed onto the floor. His fingers lifted the bottom of your shirt and you raised your arms to aid him as he pulled it over your head before it too was flung to the ground. 
Instead of returning his lips to your throat he kissed your lips, following the same pace as before. Sam pulled you closer, both of your bare chests pressed flush against one another. With his arms around your back he began to lean forward, sending you backwards slowly until your back met the mattress. Your legs were still wrapped loosely around his waist connecting his hardening bulge to your core. The thin material of your leggings allowed every bit of him to feel the growing heat between your legs as he kissed you. 
His hips pressed further into yours, driving his erection slowly against your clothed heat drawing soft, low moans from your lips. Your hands threaded into his long chestnut tresses, nails lightly scraping his scalp. His hand ghosted the skin of your side, passing over your ribs like a feather as he made his way up to your breast. With another roll of his hips he took your hardened nipple between his fingers, rolling it with gentle pressure. 
You could feel the high of the weed begin to wash over you, and you weren’t entirely sure that you weren’t floating above the bed right now. Every inch of your skin burned and tingled. It was one of the best feelings you had ever experienced. 
Sam trailed hot kisses down your body, taking his time along the way. Once low enough, the tips of his fingers slipped under the waistband of your leggings and underwear, dragging them down. He continued to leave kisses on your body, and never stopped to tease, going straight to your dripping core. 
With a flat tongue he licked a stripe up your pussy, changing to a point as he passed over your clit. His tongue passed slowly through your folds again repeating the motions from before except when he reached your clit this time he pulled it between his lips, sucking lightly. Your hips bucked upwards involuntarily, hands pressed against his head holding him closer to you. His eyes met yours, his pupils so blown that they overtook the iris making his eyes almost completely black. With his lips still wrapped around your clit, his tongue began massaging the sensitive bundle with his tongue. 
“Oh Sam, fuck.” Your chest rose and fell rapidly, the words full of air. 
“You taste so sweet, baby,” Sam murmured between smooth laps of his tongue, “Like fresh honey.” He returned his attention back to your clit for a moment, babying it as he did before. “Could stay here with my tongue in this sweet pussy all day.” 
Instead of drawing up your core as he had been, he slipped his tongue inside you and let his thumb rub slow, tender circles over your hardened bud. His thumb moved in sync with his tongue, dragging in and out against your walls. Each motion of both pushed you closer and closer to the edge, moans and praises drifting from your parted lips. 
“That’s it, sweet girl,” He coaxed you closer to your release with just his thumb and words, “Almost there.” He watched your orgasm begin to take with soft, loving eyes. Every noise he drew from you was like music to his ears, the most beautiful symphony leading to his favorite crescendo. 
Your orgasm washed over you slowly with Sam talking you through it, praising you over and over again. He watched in awe simply admiring how beautiful you looked, your skin flushed and glistening, back arched, and head thrown back against the blankets with your mouth hung slightly open. 
“God you look so pretty when you cum,” He stopped mid-sentence, his tongue sweeping through your wetness once more to collect the fresh nectar that dripped from your cunt, “Can’t wait to watch you cum again.” 
He moved back up your body, slotting his lips into your own. He was careful to keep distance between your sensitive core and his clothed length to avoid overstimulation. You could taste your release on his tongue as it slid over your own, humming and pulling him closer to you. 
“Sam please.” You begged, pushing the waistband of his sweats down his hips. His hand cupped the side of your face and lifted it to urge you to look at him. 
“Easy now sweetness. I wanna take my time with you tonight,” He placed a kiss to your cheek, “Adore you,” Another one to your other cheek, “Savor you,” The tip of your nose, “Worship you.” Finally placing the last one to your lips. 
“C’mon, let’s move you up to the pillows.” 
You nodded lazily, completely in a daze at how lucky you had gotten with Sam. He was the first partner you’ve had that did exactly as he said he wanted to do. Praise and worship you in every way you deserve. 
He moved off of you allowing you to move up the bed towards the headboard. While you laid against his pillows, he shed himself of his sweats and boxers freeing his hard erection. Your mouth watered as you took in his beauty. Every single part of him was like perfection, handcrafted by Aphrodite herself. God’s greatest creation, you were sure of it. 
Sam made his way back over to you, but stopped on his knees at your propped up legs. He placed his hands on either side of your knees and delicately pushed them apart. You watched him take his pointer and middle fingers into his mouth and wet them, eyes glued to his lips as the digits slipped past them. His wet fingers began to draw circles on your clit, the small bundle growing harder with each swipe. 
Never stopping the motion of his fingers Sam drew closer to lean over you, the tops of his thighs meeting the backs of yours. With his other hand he guided his length along your slit covering himself with your slick. When he reached the base, he drew back and pushed through your wetness again. 
“Already so wet.” He pumped his hand along his pulsating member, spreading your arousal to coat each inch of his velvety skin. 
Sam pulled his hand away from your clit and rested it on your cheek peeling your eyes away from his hand pumping up his shaft to look him in the eyes. 
“Ready for me?” You nodded in favor of a verbal reply, your brain foggy from your previous orgasm and the weed. 
The hand he had pressed to your cheek moved next to your head pressing into the pillow as he braced himself. You wrapped your legs around his lower back bringing you closer to one another as He lined his swollen head up with your entrance and pushed in slowly. His other hand found purchase on your waist while he sheathed himself inch by inch, the slow stretch a delicious burn. As he disappeared inside you he watched loving the way your walls sucked him in. 
When he was fully seated inside his head dropped back, a shaky, “Oh fuck,” escaping his lips. He didn’t move for a few moments as both of you got accustomed to the way the other felt. 
“You feel so fucking good, sweetheart, can I move?” He whispered, eyes meeting yours, pleading and longing.
“Please, oh my god, Sam please.” 
He began to withdraw from you immediately, slowing himself to feel every inch of you against him. He pulled out almost completely, leaving just the tip in before he pushed back in with a steady roll of his hips. Each thrust in and out was slow, calculated and deep. Oh, so deep. With every push inside you took all of him down to the base, his tip grazing that sweet spot causing the imaginary coil in the pit of your belly to tighten.
Just when you thought he couldn’t get any deeper than he already was, Sam pushed his torso away from you, his hands reaching up to grip the headboard above you tightly. The leverage he gained from the bed frame allowed him to drive further into your core, pressing directly into your most sensitive area. He kept up the same slow, yet strong and deep pace continuing to build your orgasm steadily.
“Oh god, Sam- fuck, that feels so good.” The praise bubbled from your chest, fucked out and pitchy, your hands gripping his hips firmly. “Plea- Please don’t stop.” You whined, earning a groan from the depths of Sam's chest.
“Not gonna stop, baby. Won’t stop till you’re cumming around my cock. I can tell you’re almost there.”
He moved one of his hands on the headboard to your clit, toying with it and setting your core on fire. You could feel your walls clenching around him the closer you got to your climax. Neither of you would last much longer, both of you peering over the cliff edge. 
“I’m about to cum, baby. Look at me.” You met Sam’s eyes as he asked, enamored with the sight of him above you. Wavy chestnut hair fell around his face, eyebrows pinched lightly, and his plump pink lips parted. Breathtakingly beautiful.  
“Oh fuck” He moaned as your eyes gazed back into his, “You are so beautiful,” He punctuated the praise with a deep roll of his hips, “Angelic perfection.”
“Sammy.” His name drifted off your lips in a gasp, dissipating in the air. 
“Let go, cum for me. Wanna see that pretty face.” 
If your first orgasm washed over you, the second crashed into you. You felt it all over your body in an instant, every muscle contracting. Sam came shortly after, slowing his thrusts to work you both through the high until he became too sensitive. He collapsed on top of you pressing kisses to the inside of your neck and on your cheek while you both caught your breath. 
Sam pushed up on his arms bringing his face to yours. He brushed the hair out of your eyes with his hand, a fond smile etched onto his face and eyes trailing after his hands. 
“I meant it, you know.” He said softly, taking in every detail of your face like he was committing it to memory. 
“Angelic perfection.” 
Heat flamed your cheeks along with a goofy smile stretching across your lips. Your hands covered your face trying to hide the silly blush that inked your skin, but Sam was quick to pull your hands away. 
“Hey, hey,” He giggled, matching your smile, “You’re not allowed to cover that pretty face.” He kissed your lips sweetly, humming and smiling into the kiss. 
It was short lived though as he pulled away abruptly, nearly jumping off the bed. 
“I almost forgot!” You sat up in his bed pulling the covers over your naked body, watching him walk around his room searching for something. 
“Oh here it is!” 
He came back to the bed, setting an oddly shaped light on the nightstand. It was a dodecahedron with a black stand and hundreds of different sized dots on each face. He plugged the object in and quickly turned off the salt lamp that had been illuminating the room along with the lava lamp. When he turned the new lamp on, your breath was taken away.  
Hundreds of stars along with a few constellations were displayed around his room in a beautiful blue light. 
“It’s so beautiful, Sammy.” You stared in awe at all the different little stars, your head whipping around. Sam climbed back into bed with you and pulled you to lay on top of him, your cheek pressed to his chest. The sound of his heart thumped in your ear, steady like his breathing. 
“I thought you might like it. Pretty neat, huh?” He studied your face as you gaped at the fake stars, the smile from earlier gracing his features again. 
“It’s stunning. I love it.” You drifted back to Sam’s face taking in how pretty he looked in the blue light with stars speckled on his skin. 
“You’re stunning.” He cupped your face with both of his large hands, unable to tear his eyes from you. The bright smile on his face faded into something softer, his eyes following suit as you looked at one another. 
 “I think I’m falling for you, y/n, and I know it might be cheesy, but I wanted to ask if you’d be my girlfriend?” 
Cheesy or not, your heart melted at his confession, warmth encasing your whole body.
He was falling for you. 
You didn’t need to think about your answer. You knew the moment he asked. 
“Yes, of course, Sam.” You beamed, threading your fingers through his that laid on your cheeks.
 “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
His smile widened to match yours, and you could feel the way he felt about you just from his soft eyes locked on yours. Pulling you closer, he kissed you with happy excitement, both of you smiling into the kiss. 
You fell asleep that night with Sam’s bare body pressed into your own thinking for a second time how lucky you were to have stumbled upon Sam. He was everything you had ever wanted and so much more. In such a short amount of time he had become your everything, and you were quickly falling in love with him.
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faeriichaii · 8 months
Hi, I really liked your work and I'm so glad to be with you now...
Are the requests still open?
Oh, if so, then I'd like to read something about Keely×reader(girl)It should probably be clarified...I can't say exactly what this track of creatures is called, but I would like the reader to be something like a half-human half-bird (only wings, maybe sharp teeth)Something in the likeness of a previously unknown species of inhabitants of Middle-earth.
Some cute, maybe even funny courtship moments from Keely (the reader is still with wings).Something sweet, funny and in love.
Sorry, I hope everything was clear. I'm a little nervous because English is not my native language...🥺
Feathers ~ Kili x Harpy!Reader
A/N: I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed my stories so far :) And yes Requests are still open!! Don't worry, I understood your request just fine and I hope you will enjoy this little story with Kili and the harpy reader :)(I imagine her to be kinda like Hawks? So just a pair of wings and fangs)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Fluff (not proof read!!) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.5k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋAmrâlimé ~ My Love ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋGaihith ~ Little Dove ࿐ྂ
Summary: Joining the company on their quest, you knew to expect possible danger on the way. What you did not expect are the feelings between you and the prince.
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Flying through the air, you looked at the ground below you, in search of a certain wizard. You were on your way to Gandalf to report important matters back to him, but finding him is not quite easy. He always disappears without a trace and the only lead he left you is to watch out for dwarves. Around 13 dwarves to be precise. Spotting travellers on horses, you flew down a bit in order to take a look at these people. A smile graced your lips, as you counted exactly 13 dwarves and one hobbit. Even Gandalf was within the group. You lowered yourself onto the ground, a few feet away from them. Emerging from the trees, you waved at the wizard with a smile on your face. His face brightened up, as he watched you approach them.
“Gandalf, I have a message for you from Radagast. And they are not very good it seems.” His face fell at the news you just told him. “Thorin, I think we should set up camp around here.” Gandalf said to the king, before stepping off of his horse and approaching you. Putting a hand on your shoulder, careful to not brush against your wings, he led you a bit off of the path. “Please share the news with me (Y/N).” “Well, Radagast told me that dark magic is taking it’s place in the forest. He told me you should meet him at his wooden cabin as soon as possible.”
The wizard in front of you nodded at that, his eyes focused on the ground in thought. “Very well.” Looking up at you, he gave your shoulder a squeeze. “(Y/N) could you do me a favour and continue to travel with Thorin and the company? Just to ensure that the dark magic of the forest does not reach them.” A smile painted your lips, as you nodded enthusiastically. Gandalf has mentioned the travels of the dwarves once to you and you wished you could have joined from the start. However, you were busy at the time being, helping Radagast with other things revolving the forest.
“Of course, Gandalf! I know the nature of middle earth as well as Radagast, so this would be the perfect job for me.” The wizard gave you a nod at your acceptance of his proposal, told Thorin about the change of plan, settled back onto his horse and left you alone with the company. Carefully you walked over to them. Your wings were pressing tightly onto your back, in order to try to hide them more. Most habitants of middle earth are weary upon first meeting you. It is not common to meet or see a Harpy, even though you look almost like a human. Except for the wings and your small fangs.
“Hello, I am (Y/N). I will accompany you on your journey until Gandalf is back.” You said, gently smiling at the dwarves. They all welcomed you with their gruff voices, before continuing to set up camp. Taking a seat at one of the logs around the fire, you looked around the company once more. A sudden jolt beside you made you look at the person beside you. His warm brown eyes were glistening under the sunlight, as he brightly smiled up at you. “Your wings look so beautiful.” He suddenly said, making you blink at him dumbfoundedly. A smile of your own graced your lips, as you registered his kind words.
“Thank you.” You say, letting your wings relax further on your back, slightly expanding them. “Ah I forgot to introduce myself!” Suddenly the dwarf jumped up from his spot beside you and stood in front of you. “Kili, at your service.” He slightly bowed down in front of you. “It is very nice to meet you, Kili.” The dwarf sat down once more, this time a little closer.
“What does it feel like to fly?” You ponder a moment at his question. “It feels like freedom. Like nothing in this world could take you down or harm you in any way.” Your wings flutter against your back, urging you to take off and take a leap through the sky. “I wish I could experience it once.” He says, his eyes looking up at the darkening sky. “Maybe I can take you on a short flying session sometime during our travels?” You carefully say, not used to someone being so curious and interested about your talent. His eyes brighten up at your proposition, before taking your hands in his. They were warm, but rough to the touch. “Is this really possible? Can you really take me up into the sky?” Squeezing his hands, you brightly smile at him while nodding. “There should definitely be a way. Maybe I can’t lift you up too high, because I never carried another person through the sky, but it should be possible.” Warmth spread from your heart through your body at his enthusiasm.
You have never met someone who was so keen on getting to know you. Especially because most people tend to turn around when they spot your wings. But now you are sitting beside a dwarf, who would like to know everything about you. Who even asked, if he could fly with you through the sky. Maybe this journey holds more to it then it seems.
The weeks passed and you never in your life had so much fun before. Thorin, as well as his company really grew on you and they started to see you as a part of their family. As part of their own kin almost. But the one person who you really grew fond of was Kili. The warmth and love that emits from him makes your heart skip faster. You once even took him on a short trip into the sky, which resulted in him now constantly begging you to take him up again. But you knew your time to leave has come after Gandalf returned, telling you that Radagast has asked for your presence once more. You didn’t want to leave all of them yet, especially not Kili. But you had tasks of your own you needed to tend to.
Sitting by the fire, you picked at your wings to try and suppress the thoughts. You hadn’t even told Kili yet, but you knew he probably already figured it out on his own. A soft hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts. Kili took his place beside you, a frown on his face. “Gandalf returned, so I guess you have to leave us again?” He asked, playing with a small bead in his hand. A sigh left your lips. “Yes, I do. But believe me when I say, that I wish I could stay.” His hand moved to grab your hand gently, making you look from the fire in front of you to him.
“I would like to ask you something Gaihith.” Your heart leaped at his gentle voice. “Do you remember the time I told you about the customs we have?” A gentle blush dusted your cheeks at his question. After Kili told you all about the dwarven customs, only one really seemed to stick to your mind. “Of course, why do you ask?” “Well, I would really like to braid your hair (Y/N). Would you let me?” You were stunned. You never expected him to ask you to court him. Especially because this will be the last night you get to spend with each other. “I- yes!”
He smiled at you, before gathering a few strands of your hair. “I wanted to wait until a more… romantic moment to ask you.” He confessed, his fingers brushing against the side of your face. “But this could also be seen as a reminder now. That we will meet each other again.” He finished the braid off with the bead. Taking your face in his hand, you leaned into his warm touch. “I will miss you Amrâlimé.” “I will miss you too Kili.” Giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead, you smiled at him. “I also wanted to give you something.” You rummaged through your bag, until you found one of your feathers.
“I know it is not much, but I hope this will bring you luck and maybe ease the pain until we will reunite once more.” You gave him the soft object. His fingers gently brushed through the soft hairs of the feather. A smile graced his lips, as he looked back at you. “It is the best gift I have ever received Gaihith.” You wrapped your arms around him, as he pulled your face closer to his. His lips were softly placed upon your own in a short kiss. “We will meet again Amrâlimé. In Erebor, where we will braid each other’s hair over and over again and you take me up into the sky whenever we wish to fly.” Blushing at his words, you placed your forehead on his, basking in the warmth of your newfound love. “This is not a goodbye. This is a promise to find each other once more, after the journey has ended.”
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vacantgodling · 3 months
Hi, I hate to be a bother but is chapter 1 of Paramour (hope I'm spelling that right) the only chapter you've shared or are there more posted? your writing is so good and I've fallen in love with the story after seeing your anniversary art. Also, do you post it anywhere outside of Tumblr? unfortunately, the color scheme of your blog and the size of the font makes it hard for my poor eyesight to read (No hate to you btw I just zoom in real close)
hello hello!! firstly you are not at ALL a bother <3 (also you're spelling it right lol) regarding my desktop blog, i bumped up the font size so i hope that's helped it be a bit more readable? i'm planning on changing up color schemes and the like at the end of this year, but i hope the size change makes it more bearable ;3;
secondly, hearing that people like my writing enough to want to seek more of it has me giggling and kicking my feet so THANK YOU for enjoying chapter 1 and the art so much--there's some details that may or may not get added in whenever i eventually make a third pass at writing this behemoth and i spent 6 hours slaving over that drawing LMAO SO i really appreciate you reading it AND telling me you enjoyed it im so EEEE
at this time, i'm not formally publishing / putting out paramour because its still very much a work-in-progress (essentially, i'm working on draft 2 right now bc i'm doing some major outline renovating, but tbh i'm thinking that when i DO feel like i'm at the point that i want to publish it, i'm kinda leaning towards a serial style like @/stjohnstarling's what manner of man... but those are details for several years from now, i'm just rambling at this point) BUT FEAR NOT!! its my main obsession at all times and i have posted a TON about it on my blog. but for your convenience, i've compiled all the 'main' writing bits that i've posted on this blog over the past several years into this ask so that way if you wanna just read the 'main' meat and potatoes that i've decided to release from the vault so to speak... then here they are.
but, if in general you want to peruse my main wip tag, i talk about paramour so much its Ridiculous lmao -> s: paramour and you can check out the overview powerpoint intro i made for it here, just to get a clearer picture of what the heckie is going on lol -> powerpoint intro
anyway though, the list of main writings, broken into a couple of sections. i will also preface, that chapter 1 doesn't make it too apparent--but there is a LOT of sex, kink, and romance involved in this story. so proceed at your own disgression dear anon since i'm not sure how you feel about that lol.
MAIN WIP WRITINGS (in chronological story order)
paramour draft 2 chapter 1: pre-wedding
paramour (title drop 👀 but this scene is gonna end up slightly different in draft 2)
midnight query (amon and erecia talk in some undetermined chapter)
the bird & the worm (flashback to amon at 12)
but i am not (a bit from chapter 9 of draft 1)
masquerade (the first time hya and amon fuck—there is smut proceed with caution. also the latter half of chapter 9 draft 1)
an invitation (excerpt from chapter 10 draft 1)
displeasure (a relationship snippet from an undetermined chapter)
nervous (just hya and amon being kinky)
ties that bind (kink interrupted by feelings from some undetermined chapter)
divine (some sappy shit from an undetermined chapter)
hiccup (excerpt from chapter 20 of draft 1)
AUS & JUST FOR FUNZIES (meaning not in the main wip)
jealousy (amon & hya slums au—where both of them grow up in central halifax)
pleasure (amon’s birthday present 2023-> this is sex/smut so proceed with caution)
a fool’s errand (role swap au—aka the au where amon is rich and hya is the butler)
laundry (role swap au)
wedding invitation (role swap au—amon being friends with myrtus makes me insane actually)
i know what you’re saying (amon & hya slums au)
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I’m so glad someone said it, that Jikook are more soulmates and not vmin. I’m not 💯 up on that lore but it seems they said it once or twice, and the fandom ran with it? It drives me nuts because to me it’s not evident, not any more at least- reasons being what you’ve been talking about. Some soulmate when you can’t post for them on their release weeks, and that’s twice now. In fact not posting at all would have been better than what he actually did, which imo was disgraceful, he knew what he was doing and what happens when he does, I wish more people could see it, and stop defending him, he’s done this too many times.
To me, Jimin and Hobi are more bff/soulmate or mini moni, they have beautiful bonds. I mean Jimin does with most people and that’s wonderful but also part of the fandom’s problem because it makes him infinitely shippable. Instead of respecting their relationships, people fetishise them imo. Like with the vmin hug at jins discharge, people over the top reacting and inserting themselves. Jimin gives good hugs, his hug with Jin was also precious.
I don’t think people do that with jikook because as you said, they have not ‘labelled’ their dynamic unless you count all nighter friends (and when you truly think about that, it’s kinda wild). And I think peoples six sense can tell they are different and yes, homophobia and real person shipping play into that. When you have reactors on YouTube noticing it without context or knowledge, that’s when you can see without bias how they come across.
I look at them and see something deep and pure, a bond that is so precious they chose to enlist together, that alone shows their relationship is more, more something?! I am just hoping that with the show people will be respectful of them, and see how truly special they are to each other, the trailer alone was beautiful and showed them being so domestic in tune with each other, so precious.
i think if someone were to say that vmin aren't soulmates in any other space but this jikook space, there would be a target on their back and possibly risk being doxxed (/j but also /srs).
the main time i can think of with soulmates was friends from mots7. of course their friendships go beyond instagram posts and we have zero clue how often the members actually see each other, but vmin divorce was a thing on twitter last year for a reason. they really were not sharing about each other publicly.
i find vminkook interesting nowadays. because i think jikook make it obvious that they choose each other (often when jimin is nervous or uneasy he chooses jungkook, i.e., 2021 birthday live, beyond the star shoot in his appt). but tae still chooses jimin (and now often jungkook) as his go to in bts. never forget "jimin-ah i like you the most." even still, the fandom hooks on to vmin and hasn't let go for years.
my hot take is that there's a little something different in jimin's relationship with jungkook, despite him holding strong relationships with every other member. of course folvlowing jikook for a while will give you that viewpoint, but ot7s leaving jikook out of discussions and posts tells that they know their different.
i completely forgot about all-nighter friend, and i think that's because i could find bigger words to use in relation to them. their commitment in each other is so obvious it goes beyond hanging out all night.
thanks for the ask! i, of course, agree that the travel show will only deepen our perception of jikook and let us into their bond just a little more :'), i can't count how many times i've watched the trailer, im just too excited.
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khaire-traveler · 4 months
Hi, there! First of anything, I hope you had a wonderful day!
I have a question that could be kinda personal so please, feel free to not answer if you do not wish to. The main reason I'm asking you this is because you're one of my current fav blogs.
Could you share us how did you started to post here? And what made you take the decision to share your thoughts and experiences?
I've been wanting to start a blog about my practice lately, but I'm so scared of doing things wrong in the aspect of being disrespectful due to lack of information.
Thank you so much in advance! ✨
Hey, Nonny!
I don't mind the questions at all! I'm glad to hear you like my blog. c:
This response is a bit long, so I'm going to add "read more".
I forget how long ago I started this blog, but I believe it's been at least one year now? It may be two, but I'm unsure. I had a blog before this one that posted similar content. It wasn't as "popular", and at the time when I ran that other blog, I was healing through a lot of trauma. I deleted that blog due to some unsavory people I had met there; it just became too overwhelming at that time.
After about a year and a half, I created this blog. I missed having a community to talk to about my religion, even if no one really interacted with me. No one in my life, at that time, followed my religion, and if they did, they didn't worship any of the same gods. I wanted to have others to talk to that I could share my love for the gods with. I wanted to share some lessons I had learned, too. I felt a lot more ready to run a blog about my religion. It felt safer to do so, and I was much more confident in my practice than I had been. My relationships with my gods had grown, and so had I. Finally, my dear companion, @broomsick , inspired me to create this blog and rejoin Tumblr.
I was actually very hesitant to share my experiences again at the start. On my first blog, some people had weaponized my experiences against me and fueled some major anxiety issues I had at the time. So on this blog, I was very careful with what I shared. Frankly, I still am, but I'm much more open to sharing things I've experienced than I was.
My advice to you is to keep some things sacred and hold them close to your heart. It makes those experiences all the more special when you don't feel pressured to share them with others. My next advice is to start by sharing your random thoughts about your gods and experiences. It might sound silly, but over time, I've found that people enjoy hearing what others have to say. Many things I've posted here have grown alongside my real-life practice. Even now, I'll sometimes come across an older post of mine and see my progress. It's very encouraging when you're able to look back at how far you've come. Another piece of advice I have for you is to post for yourself, not for others. Make sure what you're posting are things you genuinely enjoy sharing, things that you actually want to post. Never feel pressured to post things you don't want to post simply because someone else requests it.
The most important advice of all that I have is for you to do it, and do it scared. It makes you nervous? Go for it anyway. You'll never know what it'll be like until you try. Taking risks is a difficult thing to do, but you could have so many wonderful experiences if you choose to take them, and even though this is just Tumblr, there's no telling what kind of connections and discoveries you could make by creating that blog! If you're new, that's great! Share what you're learning as you learn it, and as I mentioned above, you can look back and see how far you've come in the future and feel proud of it. I don't think it's disrespectful to share your thoughts and experiences, even if you realize you were wrong later on. Your practice will grow as you become more and more comfortable with it, and it's only natural that we say things now that we disagree with later. When we grow, we change, and so do our beliefs.
I say to give it a try and see if you enjoy posting! If not, you can always change your mind. It doesn't have to be a permanent decision.
I hope this answered your questions well. I also hope that the advice I shared is helpful to you. Take care, Nonny, and may you have fun on your new adventure, wherever it takes you! 🧡
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (29)
*When the Tributes finally discussed the Mentorship Program after the Zoo Fiasco* Read [This] first.
Facet: Yesterday was kinda crazy.
Velvereen: Crazy?! Those Capitol losers were freaking hilarious!
Marcus: Says the one who didn’t need to clean up their Mentor’s mess.
Velvereen: To be fair, none of those four freaks were assigned to me.
Marcus: Well then, Velvet, I hope you get the worse one.
Velvereen: It’s Velve- Why am I even correcting you?! Your Mentor is a stupid drunk idiot!
Marcus: Ha! I pray your Mentor is an unhinged psycho who will feed you expired food.
Velvereen: You little sh-
Facet: Why are you two even fighting?! And why was that last part weirdly specific?!
Panlo: Yo, let’s trade Mentors!
Marcus: Does anybody want to take mine then?! I’m literally ready to sell his soul to anyone-
Lamina: But Marcus, your Mentor was clearly loaded with food and money.
Panlo: Yeah! You’re so lucky! Your Mentor was even generous to give me a second ham sandwich.
Brandy: Pablo, why didn’t you save me some?!
Panlo: For the last time, Brandy, my name is Pan-
Brandy: I don’t care!
Lucy Gray: And his boyfriend even gave me a rose! What a cute looking gentleman!🤭
Jessup: Are you sure about that, Lucy Gray?
Lucy Gray: What do you mean?
Jessup: Well, last time I checked, that Snow Angel was stupidly drunk and embarrassing himself in front of Treech.
Mizzen: He and his friends were also busy crying and hugging Reaper all the way here!😂
Reaper: Ughhh! Don’t remind me!
Coral: Lucky indeed. My half-naked Mender-
Teslee: Mentor.😀
Coral: *glares at Teslee* My stupid Mender only gave me this useless cheesecake coupon.
Brandy: What’s a coupon? Is it edible? Can I eat it?
Jessup: At least Vitamin Girl gave me these sparkly pills.
Panlo: Are you sure those things are safe to digest, 12?
Jessup: Don’t know. Don’t care.
Lucy Gray: They might as well taste like candy.
Facet: I just hope my Mentor is rich enough to feed me.
Teslee: Can we stop thinking about our Mentors for a moment? You’re all just making me nervous.
Lucy Gray: Don’t be so giddy, Teslee. We haven’t even met all of them.
Teslee: You’re just happy you already met your stupid Mentor! Plus he’s pretty!😫
Lucy Gray: And very much taken.
Velvereen: His super rich boyfriend is so clingy though.
Tanner: Well, I wish I had a super rich glucose guardian who would spoil me rotten too.
Facet: Same. But I want mine to take me shopping and buy me expensive jewelry.
Lucy Gray: Why the jewelry though?
Facet: Because I have standards.
Circ: Well, I just want someone as smart as me.
Jessup: Please stop. I don’t want to hear any of your fantasies while I’m still alive and breathing.
Reaper: Ugh!! Why did they even let a bunch of kids mentor another bunch of kids?!
Treech: Honestly, I couldn’t and wouldn’t care less.
Lucy Gray: Yup. Capitol people are weird.
Coral: Says the weirdest one.😒
Lucy Gray: Hey! Stop bullying Reaper!
Reaper: She’s not talking about me, Baird. She’s talking about you.
Lucy Gray: No, she ain’t!
Coral: Yes, I am!
Treech: Why are you guys even fighting? You should be more concerned about our dwindling food supplies.
Velvereen: Well, we could just save the cookies that Blondie and his rich boyfriend gave us for the next few days-
Mizzen: I already ate all of mine and Coral’s. So-
Coral: Mizzen, you little gremlin, how could you?!
Mizzen: They were delicious!
Coral: They were my evil Capitol cookies! Not yours!
Mizzen: Sharing is caring!
Coral: You never share, you evil gremlin!
Tanner: Well, I think the people in charge should at least feed us while we’re here.
Dill: *coughs* I think our Mentors will take care of that problem.
Hy: *coughs* I just hope my Mentor is rich enough to give me medicine.
Sheaf: I hope mine can steal me some Capitol sweets.
Brandy: I want to eat cake.
Panlo: Just don’t expect someone normal then. You might as well end up working with a Kleptomaniac who steals puppies for a living.
Reaper: Or a freaking Ravinstill.
Tanner: One of the President’s family members?! Never!
Dill: *coughs* Imagine working with a crazy Ravinstill.
Coral: Honestly, I would rather die of embarrassment if a stupid Ravinstill was assigned to me.
Dill: *coughs* Same.
Bobbin: I would literally take anyone else at that point. Heck! I would take one of those four drunks to be my Mentor.
Jessup: Shut up, Bobby! We get it already.🙄
Bobbin: It’s Bobbin!😠
Mizzen: No need to fight. Besides, we just have to wait and see by tomorrow.
Lucy Gray: Yeah! Let’s hope for the best!
Reaper: *is aggressively praying* Please, Panem, for once, I beg you to give me the normal one!😫🙏
Tanner: The normal one?
Reaper: And please don’t give me a Ravinstill! Give it to Dill for all I care!😭
Dill: *coughs* I heard that!😠
*Meanwhile, at the President’s Mansion*
Felix: *sneezes*🤧
Androcles: What’s wrong, Class Pres? You have been sneezing nonstop since late afternoon.
Felix: I came out to work on my essay today, but honestly, I’m feeling so attacked right now.
Androcles: That’s rough, buddy.
Felix: Wait- How did you get in here? And why are rolling in my freaking bed, Andie?!
Androcles: What do you mean? I always come here after school.
Felix: But I didn’t even invite you?
Androcles: You don’t need to invite me. I have your house keys.
Felix: You stole the Presidential House Keys?!
Androcles: You gave them to me.😀
Felix: I don’t remember giving you my- Andie, did you steal those Keys from the President of Panem?!
Androcles: Felix, my bestie, just accept the fact that we’re fundamentally married already!😘
Felix: We’re not even a couple-
Androcles: We have been bromantic boyfriends since the moment you won the class election.
Felix: Says who?!
Androcles: Says everyone but you, Class Pres~.😏
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atwooozi · 6 months
Almost Perfect (Sebastian x Fem!Farmer) Chapter 14: Courage
Warnings: Slow burn, personal struggles, anxiety, depression, eventual smut
Summary: Sebastian finds himself unexpectedly drawn to Angeline, the cute farmer in Pelican Town. One day, as he visits her farm to return the favor with a miniature figure, their connection grows stronger.
A/N: I hate that I have to keep pushing back event days because of my poor planning. Hopefully no one cares too much since the Luau kinda sucks anyway.
Chapter 14: Courage
Summer 12
It had only been a couple of days, but Sebastian still felt a warmth spread through his chest as he held the frozen tear in his hand. The moment they shared lingered in his mind, it stirred feelings in him that left him feeling nervous. He couldn’t shake the thought of her smile, the way she looked at him with genuine interest, it rattled him. 
Throughout his day Sebastian found his mind wandering to Angeline more often than usual. He caught himself smiling at the memory of her dimples or the sweet sound of her voice when she spoke, and the way she showed genuine interest in him of all people. 
“You seem like you’re in a good mood.” Abigail smirked as she looked up from her magazine. He needed to get better at locking his door.
Sebastian’s smile immediately fell and he rolled his eyes at the comment. “And what if I am?” 
Abigail shrugged. “What’s that about, hm?” She asked as she stood up from Sebastian’s old couch and walked over towards him. “What are you smiling for, Allers?” She said as she poked annoyingly at his side. 
Sebastian flinched and tried to shrink back in his chair as Abigail poked at his side. “Can’t I just be happy?” 
Abigail pulled back and thought about it, tilting her head to the side as she mulled it over. “No.” 
Sebastian groaned and pushed himself away from his desk. He slouched further into his chair. “I don’t know I just am.” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
Abigail snorted. “Sure.” She grabbed her magazine and headed towards the stairs. “Tell me when you know, nerd.” 
The door shut behind her and Sebastian sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and glanced at his screen. He needed a break. The coding could wait a little while longer. Sebastian grabbed his hoodie and his smokes and made his way outside. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over Pelican Town. As much as he hated the summer the warmth in the breeze felt good. 
Although he typically would settle by the lake he found himself gravitating towards the once abandoned farm. He figured that Angeline would probably be finishing up her chores for the day. He had been wanting to thank her for the frozen tear that she had given him.  
As he approached the farm, he spotted the cute farmer tending to her crops. Her face was lit up by the fading sunlight. He was tempted to stop and just take in her features for a moment, but he decided against it. He felt a rush of nervousness and excitement as he called out to her. It was unlike the nervousness that he typically felt. This feeling wasn’t oppressive. If anything he welcomed the feeling, he felt lighter. 
“Angeline.” He called, hoping she’d hear him over clucking of chickens and the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.     
Angeline turned, a surprised smile lighting up her face when she saw Sebastian approaching. She carefully placed her gardening tools down and tucked her short dark hair behind her ears. “Hey!” She said as she wiped the sweat from her brow with her forearm. “Wh-what are you doing here?” 
What was he doing here? Sebastian wasn’t sure actually. He had no business being on Angeline’s farm. He just couldn’t help but wander his way here. He supposed that maybe he just felt impatient. While he wouldn’t admit it to himself he wanted to see her.  
Sebastian cleared his throat, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. “You have a cat?” He looked down at the large orange cat that was rubbing itself against his legs. He reached down and gave the cat a gentle scratch behind the ear, earning a meow. 
“Oh!” Angeline smiled as she looked down and collected the large cat in her arms. “Marnie brought him over yesterday.” She smiled as she cradled the cat in her arms. “He’s my new roommate.” 
Sebastian smiled as he took in the scene before him. “He seems to really like you.” 
Angeline shrugged and set the cat down. The orange cat gave a loud meow and trotted away. “I’d hope so, we live together.” 
Sebastian put his hands in his pockets and looked around the farm. “I, uh, wanted to return the favor.” He said as he held out a small intricately painted Solarian Chronicles figure. It was a female paladin character. Sebastian wasn’t sure if Angeline was more of a fighter or healer, so he picked something that he felt was a safe in between.  
Angeline’s eyes widened in surprise as she took the figure and inspected it closely. “This is amazing!” She smiled, causing her dimples to show. “She looks like me!”  She hesitated as she looked up at Sebastian and shifted on her feet, full of excitement. “Thank you!”
Sebastian shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. He wasn’t positive if he was blushing or not, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he was. He honestly wasn’t expecting such a big reaction from her. “It’s no big deal.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I had a few extra figures and I thought maybe you’d like one…” He fibbed. 
If Sebastian was being honest then he would have said he had rushed ordered some miniature Solarian Chronicles figures. He had painstakingly spent the past few days hunched over his desk, painting the figure between gigs. Thankfully the money and all the effort was worth it. As Angeline beamed at the figure in her hand, Sebastian couldn’t help but be transported back to the night before.
“I thought we were going to watch Wumpus.” Sam complained as he slumped down in a chair across from Sebastian. 
“You can put it on if you want….” Sebastian muttered as he squinted while looking at the small figure in his large hand. He dipped his brush carefully into the paint before running the brush gently over the figure. 
Sam pouted and rested his chin on his palm. “Is that for Abigail?” He asked as he looked over at Sebastian. 
“No…” Sebastian bit his lower lip in concentration as he he moved his brush over the plastic.
“...Oh” Sam said as big grin took over his face. Sebastian flicked his eyes over to the lanky blonde. He wasn’t fond of his tone.  
Sebastian put his brush down and stared at Sam with a frown. “What?” 
Sam shook his head and chuckled. “Nothing, man.” He waved his hand and relaxed in his chair. “...So who is it for?” 
Sebastian hesitated and sighed. Should he tell Sam? He had told him so much already. Sebastian wasn’t even sure why he would want to hide it from Sam anyway. “It’s for Angeline.” 
Sam’s smile somehow grew even wider. “That’s cool.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes and set the brush on the table. “Do you have something you want to say?”    
Sam leaned forward, his eyes alight with mischief. “Well, it’s just… you’ve never made painted figures for a campaign before. I mean, it’s cool and all, but…” He trailed off and shrugged. 
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, waiting for Sam to continue. 
“...Are you, like, into her?” Sam finally blurted out, unable to contain his grin.  
Sebastian’s cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by Sam’s directness. He cleared his throat, trying to keep cool. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone. He was just trying to be a good friend. “No…I’m just returning the favor.” He explained. “She gave me a gift the other day.” 
“Sure, Seb.” Sam said as he looked at the packaging for the miniatures. “But you do realize that giving her a hand-painted figure is like next-level, right?” 
Sebastian frowned at Sam’s comment. He felt conflicted now. He wanted to give Angeline a gift, especially since she gave him one. He didn’t want to give her the wrong idea, though. 
“Next-level?” Sebastian repeated, his mind racing as he tried to process Sam’s words. He hadn’t thought of it that way. Was he inadvertently sending the wrong message by putting so much effort into the figure? Angeline had went into the mines for Yoba’s sake and fought monsters to give him the stone that sat in his pocket. It felt like an equal exchange to him. 
Sam seemed to sense Sebastian’s inner turmoil and leaned back in his chair, a more serious expression washing over his face. “Seb, I’m just messing with you. Seriously, I think it’s cool that you’re doing this.” He smiled. “It shows you care, y’know?” 
Sebastian nodded as he listened to Sam, a weight lifting off his shoulders. He was just being nice. This is what friends did! Granted, he never put this much effort into a gift for Abigail or Sam. “Thanks. I just… I don’t want her to get the wrong idea, that’s all.” 
Sam grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief once again. “Well, what’s wrong with that?” 
Sebastian’s cheeks burned brightly as Sam’s mischievous grin widened. He shifted awkwardly in his chair, not quite sure how to respond. What’s wrong with that? He didn’t want to lead anyone on. They were friends. At least, he thought of Angeline as his friend. Were they friends? People don’t just give gifts to strangers. 
“What’s wrong with that?” Sam repeated, with a playful glint in his eyes. “I mean, it’s not like it’s a bad thing, right? She’s cool, you’re cool. You guys are friends…why not take it up a notch?” 
Sebastian blinked at Sam’s words. He felt his stomach twist. He couldn’t do that. There was no way that Angeline would want that. Sure, they had nice talks, but still, he had nice talks with Sam, too. Did that mean he and Sam should take things up a notch?
“I don’t know, Sam.” Sebastian mumbled, running a hand through his hair absentmindedly. He most definitely had gotten paint in it. “I don’t want to make things weird. I-I don’t even think she would think of me that way.”
Sam shrugged, his expression softening. “Hey, you won’t know unless you try. And even if things don’t work out I don’t think she’s the type to like ignore you after.”
Sebastian sighed as he considered Sam’s words. “Yeah, maybe.” As much as the idea of doing anything romantic with Angeline seemed so far out of reality, it wasn’t bad. She was a beautiful girl. A nice girl. 
Sam grinned triumphantly, clapping Sebastian on the back, earning a grunt. “That’s the spirit! And hey, even if it doesn’t lead to anything at least we have cool figures for when we do a campaign!” 
Sebastian chuckled, as grumpy as he was he appreciated Sam’s optimism. 
“Alright.” Sebastian said as he adjusted his headband, that was keeping his hair out of his face as he worked. “I guess it’s time to put the finishing touches on this.” He said as he admired his work.
Sam nodded. “So, like, when you’re done we can watch Wumpus, right?” 
Sebastian felt a smile tugging at his lips. “Yes, we can watch Wumpus.” 
As the memory of the evening played in Sebastian’s head, he blinked, feeling something paw at his leg. He looked down to see the large orange cat using him as a makeshift scratching post. He gently patted the cat's head. He turned his attention back to Angeline with a gentle smile playing on his lips. 
Angeline’s smile softened, and she looked up at Sebastian with a warmth in her eyes that made his heart skip a beat. “You didn’t have to, Sebastian.” She smiled as she looked back down at the figure. “But I really love it. Thank you.”
They stood together for a moment, the evening breeze gently rustling the leaves in the trees. Sebastian felt a surge of courage wash over him, emboldening him to speak. Maybe it was Angeline’s reaction or just his unusually good mood, but it didn’t matter. 
“Listen, Angeline.” Sebastian started, catching her attention. “I was wondering if… maybe you’d want to play Solarian Chronicles with me and Sam sometime? Or, um, we don’t have to…” He was starting to fumble over his words. She probably thought it was lame. Even getting Abigail to play with them was a battle at times.
Angeline’s eyes widened in surprise, and while he couldn’t be sure if her cheeks were tinged pink from the sun or from their conversation. “I’d love to.” She said, her voice soft. 
Sebastian felt a rush of relief and happiness flood through him. He couldn’t believe that she actually said yes. Yes, he just invited her to play a game with him and Sam, but this was big for him. 
“Great.” Sebastian said unable to contain his grin. “We, uh, were planning on playing tomorrow if you want to stop by.” 
Angeline nodded eagerly. “Sounds perfect.” 
“Well I’m gonna go then.” Sebastian said awkwardly as he pointed to the mountain path. 
Angeline nodded and waved. “Later, Sebastian.” 
After saying their goodbyes Sebastian made his way back home, and he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. Not that he wanted to. He had never felt so weightless before. And as he looked down at the frozen tear that he had tucked in his pocket, he couldn’t help but think that it was a symbol of the newfound happiness in his life. Closing his hand around the rock, Sebastian whispered a quiet thank you to whatever twist of fate had brought upon this change. For the first time in a long while, he felt hopeful. 
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nerves-nebula · 7 months
I hope this isn't an unwelcome addition re: your vent about race, but it reminds me of my own experiences.
I didn't know I was latino until I was 13. Yeah there were *very* strong "hints", what with the whole "grandparents only speak spanish with limited english", "parents can speak spanish", "we're brown (except for my mum)", & "eat spanish food at grandparents". But like. I had never heard someone say what we actually were and I was afraid it'd be racist if I assumed we were latino if we might not be. For some reason.
Hah, I remember getting kinda mad at people who (rightly) criticized the "ambiguously brown" trope in media, because it was the experience I most related to. That's what *I* was. I wasn't anything specific, I was just ambiguosly brown for most of my life.
So like. I finally asked my dad what we were and he was essentially like "haha what are you stupid or something. We're LATINO obviously, what a silly question!"
So I just went "Oh okay." And pumped the brakes on our conversation. Quickly after I realised that that wasn't enough for me. "Latino" is a rather broad category, I wanted to know what *exactly* we were.
I felt kind of stupid after that though, and I didn't want to draw attention to how stupid I was by asking a follow up question (nor did I want to talk to my dad), so I just didn't until I was 16.
I got to thinking about it again, and I realised that El Salvador had been mentioned quite a few times in regards to ~parent lore~ (I truly did not know much about my parents. I literally didn't even remember my mum had an older brother. So I'd just try to piece together their stories whenever they ranted to us about like how our other parent had ruined their life or something. Bits and pieces they'd shared with us over the years).
So I texted my dad about it (who I was thankfully far away from by then. Funnily enough this was one of our last conversations before I cut contact with him), and he said we were salvadorians 👍. So yeah.
But like. I feel so disconnected to my culture. I don't even know what our culture IS. And despite now living in a place with many latinos, I feel like I still can't get into it. Firstly because it would involve me interacting with people. But secondly (and most importantly) because I feel like interacting with latinos would just reveal to them how unlatino I am. I can't speak spanish. I know nothing about us.
One thing about it is that I feel like I have to learn Spanish before I'm allowed to try to engage. But learning a whole language takes so much time. And I don't like doing it because it reminds me that I don't already know it! And I *should*!
Oh well. Not like I could've learned it when I was younger, or in that house with my dad. I don't know why they didn't raise us bilingually. But it's not like I could've learned it when I was young either, my dad makes fun of my mum for her spanish (she spoke exclusively Spanish when she was younger, but had to learn English when she moved to the US at 8. She lost a lot of her Spanish since then), which would make me way too nervous to practice spanish and be bad at it at first with him around (he somehow didn't think that would impact us? He ended up wanting us to learn spanish, so good luck with that when you act like *that*).
Also. I keep worrying that I look white. I've always been light skinned, but until 8th grade I thought it was obvious I wasn't white?? But maybe not so. It's not like I can ask people.
In 8th grade the teacher briefly left the room and left me in charge of it (I was seen as the most responsible/trustworthy), so I made a joke about me turning out to be a dictator, to which someone joked about that being racist, to which I said "It's not racist, 'cus I'm not white" (in a manner that I *hoped* conveyed that I was *joking*, and that the joke was that poc can still definitely be racist (I mean c'mon just be around my dad, you'll see)).
And he just stared deadpan at me. I thought he confused me for white, so I kept reiterating that I wasn't, and he just stared and stared at me the whole time.
I realised later that maybe he thought I was being serious, and that was why he wasn't smiling, or maybe he just didn't think the joke was funny.
But like. I couldn't know. "Later" was actually quite a *while* later, so at that point I was already out of school at home all day, under the pretense of "homeschooling" (there was never any schooling).
I don't even know why it matters if I look white. There are plenty of latinos I know of that could pass as white, who I never doubt are latino. Ugh. I don’t know. This is an issue that could be solved by interacting with more latinos. In fact, all of these issues could be solved by hanging out with more latinos. I gotta get over myself sometime and realise that there are PLENTY of latinos who are disconnected from their culture and who don’t know spanish so it's FINE interacting with fellow latinos is FINE there's no way I can fail some sort of latino authenticity test. Whatever. Problems and solutions for later.
because I feel like interacting with latinos would just reveal to them how unlatino I am. I can't speak spanish. I know nothing about us.
hahh. sameee
This is an issue that could be solved by interacting with more latinos.
also same... UNFORTUNATE!
i getcha tho. and i also get the whole "not knowing what we are until i'm a teen" thing. ive always thought it was weird that my mom and dad know a ton about their own family histories but never really made much effort to impress it into us. EH oh well.
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