#dont mean your free from the shit you do netflix
thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
Also ngl kinda funny Sokka's actor claims the essence of Sokka is still there in the live action show, when the actor himself is from a tribe that is not recognized federally and has been described as false by three recognized Cherokee tribes (the Cherokee Nation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians). So don't know what the fuck he means by Sokka's essence is still in the live action, because they couldn't even stick to Sokka being indigenous.
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kenthenugget · 5 months
Dear Watcher....
This is going to be about the youtube channel Watcher and a recent video that they released earlier today, so if you dont watch the channel, or older content produced by Ryan, Shane and Steven at Buzzfeed, this is not going to make sense to you. This only going to be for those who are a fan of Watcher, or are fans of Buzzfeed Unsolved so if you are, that's great!
Earlier today, I got a video notifcation from the channel titled, "goodbye youtube", and it was definitely not something I wanted to see. There is a recent trend this year of youtubers retiring or taking a break this year and I was scared this was that scenario. And it kind of was but way worse. Basically, the guys over at Watcher are going to be posting on their new streaming service called....Watcher. And, no, it is not a late April Fools joke, that's actually what their doing. Initially, I was in a state of shock after I watched through the entire video. I, no joke, went through the 5 stages of grief upon viewing this announcement and was thrown through a loop to where I struggled to focus on sketching one of my comic pages. So much so that I actually made a deviant blog post about it the moment I finished watching the video (most of the content from this post will be copied and pasted from that blog so declaimer I guess). After having some time to absorb this information, I have to say that Im really disappointed with the guys over at Watcher. Like Im not mad to where Im completely done with their content but.......WHY!?
I think at this point in time that a lot of people, myself included, are burnout with the whole streaming boom we've had for the past 5 years in no part thanks to those greedy bastards at Disney....but thats another story. I miss the days when there were only 2 to 3 main streaming services and not 5 billion other services that you need to buy in order to watch a show you like that was on Netflix but it now locked behind a pay wall. Streaming services used by a novelty concept but are now not looked upon in the best light. So for the them to announce a streaming service now is definitely a bad look, especially because the content before was free to access. I feel like creators will always have an uphill battle when it comes to content that was initially free being locked behind a paywall, because you're potentially isolating your audience and bringing up the question of weather your audience if loyal enough to give you money to enjoy your content. Now, like I said, I love and respect the people at Watcher, but I dont know if I'm willing to take money out of my wallet to watch the next season of Ghost Files. Especially in this economy, where in some parts of the country a big mac now costs 20 fucking dollars, and with inflation going out of control.
Now its not like I don't understand why they're doing this. Ever since its founding in 2019, Watcher has always had troubles with money, with most of their shows not being profitable enough to make ends meet (I know that sounds bs because most of their vidoes get millions of views but this is coming from one of the founders Steven, in an update video from a while ago so idk, views probably mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things). And the fact that they started around the pandemic didn't help things either. Unlike Buzzfeed, Watcher is a much smaller company so any loss that happens is felt much more than if it was a larger one. In the video itself, they mentioned that most of their money came through youtube ads and sponsorships, which, while alright if you're an independent creator, may not be enough for a company. And then there's the fact that YouTube can remove or demonetize videos out of nowhere and for the dumbest reasons so its not a very stable sight to base your income off of. So I can understand why they felt moving on from YouTube was a good idea. But..........I think there were better ways of going about it than creating their own fucking streaming service. Like, in one of their update vidoes, they said most of their shows werent making ends meet so maybe cutting back on the production of said shows to make them not as expensive to produce would be a good solution. In their announcement vid, they talked about wanting to maintain their high production value for their shows without going under but (and I dont mean this to slight them) I dont think they understand why they popped off in the first place. For me, Im not watching Ghost Files or Mystery Files for high production value and fancy graphics, Im there for Ryan and Shane. Same reason I loved Buzzfeed Unsolved, which compared to those shows is much more bare bones. I get wanting to step up your production value from what you had at Buzzfeed but if you have budget out in certain places which would entail having a season that doesnt look as good as the previous season, that's completely fine. Im sure me and the rest of fans wouldn't have minded a downgrade because at the end of the day, the fancy sets and graphics are window dressing to why we're truly watching.
I also thinking letting us know ahead of time would've possibly softened the blow. Watcher is in a very interesting situation because there's a much closer relationship between them and their customer base as opposed to traditional companies. So they really could've been like "hey! We're thinking about having future content be on our own streaming service because doing business through YouTube is fucking us over. What do you guys think?". One explanation as to why they waited until now instead of a few months ago when this idea was sparked could've been because they knew they would get backlash and they were going ahead with the streaming service idea regardless of fan input, which might be the reason. But if that's the case, they probably would've had the comments and likes disabled from the start. Right before I started typing this, I checked the video to see if the comments were disabled and they are thankfully still there. Im someone who always wants to see the good in people (which is definitely a character flaw of mine and while defiently lead to me being at the end of an abusive relationship........another abusive relationship but lets not go there), so I think this might be the case of Ryan, Shane and Steven, thinking the streaming service was a good idea and not reading the room properly.
At this point, Im hoping that they dont do things that could make this situation 10 times worse: a) removing the existing content (Mystery Files, Puppet History, etc) off the youtube channel and having it on their streaming service. If you are going to have new seasons of those shows behind a paywall, at least have that content still up for those who want to support but cant purchase the service......b) respond to the critism in a negative way. I think things would be made worse if they lumped genuine fans who are concerned with the new direction with the trolls and haters, and double down on this new direction. Im hoping this situation ends up being a slip up that they can learn from and not being the beginning of the downfall of the Watcher gang. No joke, I think Ryan and Shane are the only youtubers who have avoided any sort of drama up to now. Youtubers I once respected over the years from Tobuscus to Leafyishere to H3H3 to Idubbz to even fucking Dream have all fell from grace in one way or another, and Im hoping the ghoul boys dont join that list....
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
I think they were good out of context, as standalone. But some things never made sense. Like after the first one where Supergirl joins, it's like. She found out there's a whole universe where there's no superman or supergirl, no clark kent or kara danvers, which potentially could mean krypton never exploded, and she can get to that universe with the help of her friend barry's friend cisco, and she does... absolutely nothing with that information. No desire to visit au!krypton. No desire to see her parents again. No desire to take Clark, who has no ties to his own culture because he lost it as a baby, to go see krypton. Nothing. And like she knows there is life on other planets and it matches the life in other planets on her universe because of the dominators, the alien main villains of that crossover who also exist in her universe. It drove me crazy.
Yeah i definitely went through it. But it made me stronger in the end. Yeah i loved/hated 13 reasons why. It was definitely wild. And thank you so much! One of my best friends says i should write an auto biography, but i can't imagine anyone being interested in reading about my messed up teen years. Like "ooh i was an alcoholic in high school" big deal, like, doesn't make me special. And yeees. My mom is my best friend (not in a norman bates kinda way), we're very close. Recently she's been hinting that it might be better for me to move out because i need to work on independence, and i meed to be free to fornicate at home. I'm unsure if i want that, because i love living with her.
Lol oh i'm like that with scooby doo.
Yeah, i love foggy too. No spoilers (unless you want them) but yeah, very limited foggy. Rumor has it it's basically a cameo. And yees punisher is coming back. I never got into him but he is nice to look at. Especially his nose (i have a thing for noses, i'm weird).
Thank you! I subscribed to you :D
Thank you! I'll try beans with my mom, maybe she'll get that.
Yeah indeed, second opinions are important. And it was definitely helpful! Now I can plan accordingly. And that sounds like a great weekend! I hope you have a great week!
gonna respond under the cut 😎
i think supergirl definitely ruined a lot of the series/crossovers bc they never really tied it together with everything like you said? seemed like a lot of wasted opportunities. i tried to watch supergirl a couple times but quit both times lol. it definitely had a lot of plot holes from what i remember, which honestly isn’t much lol. idk why but dc shows/movies just always seem to fall short compared to marvel stuff, imo. it’s like they just don’t know what they’re doing half the time and just go with whatever
sometimes we have to go through some shit to make us stronger in the end. the show definitely got very dramatic but i loved it anyway and was invested lol, but i can see not wanting to engage with that after all you went through. hey ya never know! your story could be just the thing to help someone out who’s maybe going/gone through something similar. LOL, i do love me some psycho. did you ever watch the show bates motel? living alone (or at least without your parents) is definitely nice! i live with my brother but he’s much more easygoing then my dad so it works. it’s like having a roommate but we get along haha. it’s a big step though so i think it’s ok to take your time and make sure you’re ready!
dang, that makes me sad. kinda weird to do daredevil without him i’d think. that shall be interesting. the punisher was one of my favorites. i really wanted more seasons of that, but i kinda felt that way about all the marvel netflix show lol
oww thanks! hope you enjoy 🥰
beans are a fun way to describe it for me. or it makes me feel less blahh about it lol
that’s always a helpful thing! thanks, i am on a trip with my bff this week but i got horribly sunburned and dont feel like doing anything now lol. hope you’re weeks been good!
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 8
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Gif caption: Top Gif: Frank Castle from Marvel's Punisher Bottom Gif: Joyce Byers from Netflix's Stranger Things
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Reader: 17-18 range | female reader
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU), Curt Hoyle (MCU), Karen Page (MCU), Peter Parker (MCU), Dinah Madani (MCU), Steve Harrington (ST), Billy Hargrove (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST), Will Byers (ST), Jonathan Byers (ST), Joyce Byers (ST), Nacny Wheeler (ST), Mike Wheeler (ST), Lucas Sinclair (ST), Dustin Henderson (ST)
A/n: Guys. Halloween Happened this part you know what that means? Demo dogs most likely next chap
Warnings: underage drinking mentioned, also fuck nancy we donf like nancy this chapter
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The next day, your up, but Frank has work
So your alone at the house
Props to him for leaving a bowl of oatmeal and fruit for you
God you wish you knew how to cook like Frank does
Maybe you could try.
No you'd probably burn the house down.
A phone call causes you to carry over your breakfast
"Always while Im eatin' come on." Y/n playful protest
"Oh. Nancy Hey. Whats up-" Y/n asked.
"Here take the phone-"
"Hello?" It was Mike now.
"Oh. Hey Mikey what can I help you with?"
"Will...uh. Told me about you wanna Try D&D."
Y/n smiled, "I wouldn't mind watching over a game. I've never played it before. Oh. But I was gonna ask if Steve if he wanted to go see that horror movie. And was gonna see if Will wanted to work on our costumes."
"Steve?" Mike asked, "You're dating Steve!? Harrington?!"
"Well. Anything can change within a day Mike- but why is that so-"
There was a click.
"Hello? Mike? Nancy?" Y/n asked into the phone.
Okay. Odd?
Guess that means no D&D for you. Sadly
So you dialed Billy, maybe you could see him today.
"What?" He asked crankily
"Oh well hello to you too Hargrove."
"City bird." He realized, "hey."
Y/n smiled, "I was wondering. Could I come over?"
"Yeah..." he answered.
"Really?" Y/n asked, "And. I dont have to sneak in. Or out?"
"Can we talk about this in person?"
"Yeah. I'm on my way." Y/n spoke.
You got dressed and put on your boots to make the trek to Billy's house
Luckily, you still got your leg strength from running and jumping and all that good shit in New York
You ring the door bell and Max answers it.
"Oh. Hey." Max smiled.
"Hey Max." Y/n smied
"Billy's in his room."
Y/n nodded unzipping her jacket, "did you like those comics?"
"Yeah! They were pretty cool. Know where I can get more?"
Y/n nodded, "I have more dont worry."
You walked through the house, following Billy's loud speakers.
Metal as usual, and even though you knocked he didnt hear you, so you walked in.
"Yo Hargrove!"
The music cut as he turned to her a smile stupidly happy.
"Glowing much pretty boy?" Y/n teased.
"Close the door."
Y/n did as asked as Billy came to her, engulfing her in a stupidly tight bear hug. What?
"Good news?"
"He's gone! He's really fuckin gone!" Billy spoke happily.
"Who?" Y/n asked with a laugh.
"Oh come on! I know you did this!" Billy cheered, "Two weeks! Of fuckin breathin' room! Thank fuckin you!"
"What?" She asked in disbelief.
"What?" He asked, her sudden sour mood dampining his, "What! This is great!"
"He's supposed to be in Jail!" Y/n argued.
"He is!"
What? No thats. Thats not possible.
"I. Two weeks?! Two fuckin weeks?! Thats it!?" Y/n argued.
"Its two weeks! He's done breathing down my neck!"
"No Billy! He's suppose to get. Months! Years maybe! Not two weeks! Thats a slap on the hand!" Y/n argued.
Oh it was so hard to argue with Billy, especially when she seen him so happy for the first time
But he was just. OH so happy, that she eventually dropped it
And he tries to remind you its two weeks free of his dad but it just makes you more mad
He doesnt understand this was what you were suppose to do.
"City bird! Hey! Im talking to you!" Billy argued walking through the house as he followed her, "Where are you going!?"
"You don't understand!"
"Understand what?! You did it!"
"Did it!? Did it!? This is a joke Billy! 2 weeks?! My dad went after the people who killed his family! They killed them! Gunned them all down. He got not one! Not two three or four! 5 life sentences! The laws a joke! The System is A joke! You deserve better!"
You go to leave but he slams the door closed before you can open it all the way
Just for him to hug you
Maybe you should just relish in this small Victory after all Billy was Free from Neil for atleast two weeks.
"Im glad you got some freedom." Y/n spoke, "did he look like a truck hit him atleast?"
"More of less around four trucks."
Y/n laughed, "you want icecream? I want icecream."
So there you are both having on the hood of his Chevy Camaro
Thats when you bring up the family dinner
He only laughs
"Never again" oh he's coming, you'll drag him like he dragged you to the store
Also talk about Halloween
He gives you a 'really' look as you say your going trick or treating
"Free candy."
"Free Booze."
Fair enough, it is Billy
But you tell him maybe something childish will help him feel his true potential and he laughs at you
You both just BS and catch up
Yeah you told him your sucking faces with Harrington and he fake throws up in his mouth
"City bird city bird!" He called out face in hands as he leans on the hood "what am I gonna fuckin do with you?"
"What?" Y/n laughed, "I really do like him."
He looks up at her, "He's...I don't know...just seems...like a great match."
Billy gave her a 'really' look.
"What?! Oh come on. Mr. Jackrabbit."
"I own it." He argued, "Harrington doesn't."
"What?" Y/n asked, "Please. I don't think he's a sex addict like you-"
"That's not it." He defended, "jackrabbits hop around."
"What...no." y/n spoke, "Pietro didnt hop around."
"Okay. Okay." He spoke standing straight up, standing infront of her, "If he hurts you-"
"I'll call you. I promise."
He nodded, "promise?"
He held his pinky out for her as she linked pinkies with him, "Promise."
Seems just been away from each other for a day or two you both had alot to talk about.
Then you both driving for a bit and end up at your house
You work on your costume as he sits by the window smoking.
"What the hell is that?"
"My ant man helmet."
"Can't you just borrow his costume?"
That was a good question
Scott was the type of guy to let you borrow his costume for something like Halloween
"Yeah lets call him."
So you called Scott up
"Hey! Y/n! Y/n!" Scott spoke happily, "The one who too easily kicked my ass."
"Haha. Look I have a favor to ask."
"Let me guess, Im the coolest superhero and you need my help defeating someone."
"Well. You are cool. But I need to borrow the outfit. You know. That one."
"Yeah fair enough I'll have Strange portal it to you." He told, "But hey! You better send some of those snacks you send Peter."
"Did everyone eat the snacks I sent Peter before Peter ate them?"
"Pfft....yeah. yeah we did." He answered, "They were good!"
So you got an orginal ant man suit even if it was a little snug
"Now thats fuckin badass." Billy cheered watching Y/n turn around who laughed.
"You think the kids will like it?"
"Kids?" Billy spoke, "Dont tell me you actually slept with Harrington-"
Y/n shook her head rolling her eyes as she took looked down at the outfit, "no. But my dads with a chick now and I told him i got trick or treating with him. Same with Nancy's brother who asked me."
"So you rather go trick or treating with some loser kids. Than hang out with me."
"Yes. I would very much." Y/n teased causing him to laugh and roll his eyes playfully, "Don't worry Hargrove you be jealous after the fact I get free candy."
You end up taking the suit off for now, and hanging it up.
Just for Peter to come through your window unannounced and over excited.
"Y/n! There's a Radioshack here! And Man you should web sling through the trees with me! Hence the outfit of you know Spiderman but Oh! My God! It's amazing-"
There Peter stands, spiderman mask gone and suit on as he looks at the two of you in the toom.
"And...you have a friend over- Im Peter! Well Spider Man!- Hi?"
So there goes Billy knowing another superhero identity
Also great for two of your best friends to meet finally
Peters surpised there's no line of questioning just to figure out Billy's already asked you all the usual questions when he found out about you
So you all end up hanging out at your house and basically you both get to tell stories about badass fights and aliens and what not
Yet the day runs out, and Frank ends up coming home meaning the others are probably gonna come over soon
Joyce and Will come over with the gang,
Everyone comes just to hang out, talking bullshit catching up so more
You show Will your room while Matt talks with Billy
"Pretty sick right-"
"Is that your coustume!?" He cheered.
"Yeah it is." Y/n smiled,
"can I put the helmet on?!"
"Hah. Yeah come on I'll help you."
You help Will put the helemt on, its too big for him so he has to hold the sides to see out the eye holes but he's amazed by it
"You look Avenger ready." Y/n smiled.
"You think?" He asked as Y/n pressed the side opening the mask up as he held a smile. "It opens too!"
You had no idea how happy Joyce actually was with Will being so vocal towards you
You dont remember yourself as a kid much but you wonder if you were anything like Will
Quiet but when excited when talking about something of intrest
And he told you all about his costumes
Then proceeded to go into the full entire lore of Ghost Busters
Which you didnt even know exist
You didnt even realize you fell asleep until you woke up early the next day
They put Will on a cot besides your bed, so that must've ment Joyce stayed over, and Peter was on the floor besides Will's cot.
You got out of bed and went into the living room just to see that supposedly everyone had past out in the living room and that included Billy.
You almost laughed actually
Matt was leaning against Frank who was leaning against him
So you went searching for the Polaroid camera
Founding it and full of film you went to take a picture
And Matt must've been so knocked out that he didnt even React.
But Billy did as he flinched awake
"Mhm...yeah..." he groaned standing up stretching himself out as his bones cracked.
"You hungry?"
"Gimmie five mintues to wake up first damn."
"I'll take it as a yes."
So you started making everyone breakfast
Billy ended up helping you because he litterally watched you almost knock down a pan of hot bacon greese twice and you've barely even started.
And a soft knock causes you to get the door.
Its Steve. With flowers.
"Happy Halloween." He speaks with a smile, "For you."
"Thanks., Happy Halloween to you too," Y/n smiled looking at the orange and yellow sunflowers, "they're pretty."
"Just like you."
That made you giggle, Ew giggle?
Billy swears he'll puke in he hears you giggle again and you'd be right beside him puking your brains out
Steve's pretty pissed when he walks in and sees Billy cooking breakfast as you quickly put your flowers in a vase
"Last time I seen both of you together it was-"
"At the dinner." They both answered.
Y/n smiled, it was nice to have them around together
Though they really hated each other.
They enjoyed you attempt at breakfast
It wasnt a crazy breakfast just simple bacon, eggs and toast.
"Not bad." Billy complimented.
"Thanks." Y/n spoke, "Thought I would of burnt it."
"Just the toast." Steve teased causing Y/n to chuckle, "Burnt toast ends are good."
Y/n smiled poking at her eggs, "I'll have to remember that."
Steve smiled at her, as she held her smile back. The two catching eyes, locking and holding one anothers gaze.
Billy only rolls his eyes at the both of you
He just has a bad vibe off Steve
And that goes both ways
Soon everyone starts waking up and you get them coffee and breakfast
You get the Polaroid camera and take pictures of everyone
Madnai and Billy sitting next to each other of course show the bird
"My brother likes cameras." Will spoke sitting besides Y/n with his breakfast, they sitting on the porch together on the stairs.
Y/n smiled drinking some of the coffee, "Yeah? If he's anything like you, we could be good friends."
Will nodded looking down at his plate, the cold stealing heat from the food.
"You...lived in New York."
"Yes I did." Y/n spoke, "All my life almost."
"You've seen. Werid stuff?" Will asked, "Like. Stuff that's...scary?"
Y/n looked down at her mug, "...Yeah...I do."
"Do you dream about it?"
"All the time." Y/n answered, "what about you? Have any bad dreams?"
"Not last night." He answered.
"But before?"
Will nodded, "I get worried Im gonna hurt someone."
"Thats the good thing about nightmares." Y/n spoke, "they cant hurt anyone. Not anyone out here."
He nods as Y/n smiled, "So. What houses are we going after first? I know in New York the rich families always give out full bars."
"Here too. Same houses every year."
You both go inside, Will wanting some more eggs.
Joyce is glad to hear Will has no nightmares, its not often and she even jokes that she'd have to start having him have sleep over with you more
Its just a good time all around.
Billy's given up on convicing you to go to a party instead of trick or treating but did tell you where the party would be just in case
He leaves after a time, saying he had to check on his "shit head sister" you two quickly linking Pinkies before he leaving
"What was that?" Steve asked as they walked into her room.
"Handshake in a way." Y/n spoke.
"Bye Y/n!"
"Bye Will! Bye Joyce! I'll pick up Will in a few!" She called.
Y/n pulled the hanger down with the costume on it
"We don't have a handshake." Steve commented.
Y/n chuckled, "did you want to make one?"
"I wouldn't mind-" Steve started, as he turned around she getting undressed to put the suit on.
"I just thought it'd be cool. You know. With dating an all...plus. dont think any other girl would want to have a secret handshake."
A zipper was heard before Y/n's footsteps and he turned around: seeing her in full deep red leather with an accent of black.
"You look. Wow." Steve started looking at her in awe, "wow...is that-"
"Leather?" Y/n asked, "sure we can call it leather."
"You look."
Y/n raised a brow.
Okay is he gonna stop saying Wow now?
You can only laugh and walk out the room with the helmet in hand.
Apparently Peter's coming too because he's now in a toned down spiderman suit like the classic instead of the superfancy shiney one
"Whattya think? Think I could tag along?"
"I think your tags showing."
"What!? Really!? Aw man!"
Steve almost feels left out, but he said he was going to a party so not to really feel bad about it
You leave with Parker and Steve at your side bur before you do.
"Matt you're coming."
"Yeah alright."
Just drag Matt Murdock along on all your silly adventures
No you really just need him to flirt with Mrs.Wheeler so you can sneak Mike out the back door
Saying bye to Steve you kiss him quickly and then your on your way
"No daredevil outfit?" Y/n questioned Matt clearing his throat, "its on under your suit isn't it."
"Just in case."
"In case what? A tree attacks us?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Just incase Y/n goes insane."
You only laugh at that and park infront of the Wheelers, getting out as Matt gets out with ease
"Act like your not blind. Just keep the glasses on and flirt with her. I'll go around back and Peter will keep the car going."
"Yeah yeah. Go go."
Operation break the kid out of his basement a go.
You quickly ran around back while Matt went to sweet talk Mrs.Wheeler
"Well...Hello." Mrs.Wheeler spoke with a smile, Matt smiling back.
"Hello. Ms?"
"Mrs. Wheeler. Karen Wheeler." She spoke, yeah sounds like she wouldnt be Mrs. For much longer talking like that.
You knock on Mikes basement door that leads to the back as he opens it seeing Three boys there.
"Shh!" Y/n shushed opening the helmet, "Sinclair, Wheeler- hi new kid."
"You're from the supermarket! Remember me? Dustin Dustin Henderson."
"Oh. Yeah. Hi. Now hurry up Mrs.Wheeler dosen't exactly like me."
They rushed to follow you and while Matt quickly said his goodbyes after painfully flirting with Mrs.Wheeler they all quickly got to the truck
"Come on we gotta go get Max!" Y/n spoke, taking the helmet off, "hold this would you Henderson?"
They all wanna wear it. They know your not all the really heros but damn. You do look it
You guys go pick up max, then Will
Thats where you "offically meet Johnathan"
"Hey. I'm-"
"Y/n....Y/n Castiglione..."
She smiled, "Thats me. Hehe...Jonathan I remember you from the lunch tables. Not very...social at school."
"No! No! I. I understand ya." He spoke as they shook hands, "nice to finally meet you."
"Right back at you."
"So uh. If you dont mind. Taking photos while there out."
"No not at all yeah. I'd love too."
Group of kids ready to rumble now
You take them to the "rich neighborhood" because thats where all the good candy is
They're all rushing to get out the car because they have to home by a certain time so they want all the candy they can get
Peter and Matt keep up with most of them
But Will's kinda lagging, so you stick with him. Gives for nice photos of the kids in the distance
You also snap a few pictures of Will trick or treating too
As well as denying people for pictures
But as you're standing there changing the film and waiting for Will to come back down you look up and he's gone
"Huh. Will! Will!" Y/n called just to hear him shivering from far away.
You managed to find him.
"Hey! Hey! Buddy. What's wrong?"
"Im sorry im sorry!" He cried.
"Come on lets take a breathe. Theres nothing to be sorry for." She tells him.
"We're down here mike."
Mike rushed down to both of you and ask what happened
But Will says he just wants to go back and hang out with Mike at his place.
"Okay. Thats fine. Call your mom while your there? So she knows. And take this," Y/n spoke handing him the camera," Good memories right?"
He looks down at the camera and full roll and nods.
"Come on I'll take you both back."
So you do just that, drive them back to Mikes house.
"And please! Call your mother!"
"I will."
Y/n smiles, "Hey and Will."
He looks back at her, "If you ever need someone to back you up. I've got you."
You hope he'd be okay, and that a friend could help him, but you have to go pick up the other kids too because its getting towards that time
So you take them home waving to them then driving off.
But one of the kids forgot something to there costume so you'll just give it back Monday.
So when you drop off Lucas and wave to Mr. And mrs.Sinclair goodbye you realize its not even that late.
"What are your thinking?" Matt questioned.
"Its only 10:30." Y/n spoke.
"And?" Matt spoke Peter handing him a tootsie roll, "thank you"
"I...could go to a party."
"We're going to a party?" Peter asked.
"No. I'm going to a party."
"You take peter i dont tell. You dont take Peter I tell." Matt spoke.
"What?! Why?" Y/n argued.
"Always need someone watching you back." Matt defended, "is this Bananana flavored what the hell!"
"What!? No way?! Thats a thing!?" Peter asked handing Matt another one.
"Steve will be there." Y/n defended.
"Oh." Matt spoke.
"What do you mean oh?"
"Oh. Like. Drinking, drugs, boys, bathrooms-"
"EW!" Peter and Y/n complained.
"Im telling the truth!" Matt defended opening the packet of candy and eating it, "who the hell gives out fruity tootise rolls!"
"So. I take Peter. We chill for a few hours we come back."
"Wait so I can go?"
Matts gonna murder you with the fruity tootsie rolls if you keep giving them to him.
You drop him off at his motel and then your off
Que you and peter almost getting lost for 25 mintues, real smooth
But you guys eventually make it
Just to find a guy hurling outside
"Wow. Hawkins Parties. Great." Peter joked.
You could only roll your eyes at him as you both went inside.
You could Find Steve but you found Billy
Being Billy
People hyping him up as he chugged what you assumed was the whole Keg he feeling like a king
Then spotted you
"Look who decided to show up!" He laughed, shouting over the music,"Put your kids too bed!?"
"Infact I did!" She laughed.
"Come on! Lets get you a drink!" He shouted
"No! No! Im not into the whole drinking think!"
"I know! But you be surpised that water and soda still exist here!"
So he takes you to go get a water and then runs off, you following just to loose him in the crowded house.
Thats when you spot Nancy, and go to say Hi but Steve's over there.
You much rather not intrude on there friendship, after all. You're always hanging around boys so you dont see a problem with Nancy hanging around or anyone else
Except Carol
We dont like Carol, or Heather aka the Bully
Peter finally finds you
"Already partying?" Y/n laughed.
"This kinda sucks." He answered grabbing a water.
"Yeah," y/n spoke, "Not everything they make it out to be."
"Wanna just go back to yours and build that lego set?" Peter asked then took a chug of water, but got no answer, "Y/n?"
What was Steve Harrington doing walking Nancy Wheeler to the bathroom just in sight And going in with her
"One sec."
You left Peter there as you went to the bathroom, in full honesty you expect to hear soothing words and puking
Not. Well.
"Its all Bullshit!" Nancy complained.
"Nanc, come on you're drunk, just puke your brains out and-"
"You're bullshit!" She argued.
"Nancy I don't-"
"Bullshit. Its all bullshit Steve. I love you!"
Y/n stayed still, "Nanc, I. Look I really like Y/n."
"But you don't love her. Its why its Bullshit! Who do you love?! Its me or her!"
"Nanc, you know you can't make me do that-"
"Its me. Or its her!"
You interveinded by knocking on the door.
"Nanc? I seen you come in here? Are you okay? You didnt look so good!"
The door opened to see Nanc still hunched over the sink, and Steve standing on the other side of her.
"Too much to drink?" Y/n asked him.
"No kidding." Steve told.
"Nancy? You okay?" Y/n asked going to stand her up straight.
"No-" her protest didnt last long as she fell over Y/n catching her.
"Alright lets get you some water-"
Nancy just pushed off her, and went off by herself
"Rude drunk much?" Y/n asked.
"I thought you weren't coming." Steve spoke up
"Kids went home." Y/n told, "Thinkin about goin there myself. Home. This aint my style."
"I could go with you." Steve mentioned.
"I've gotta drop Peter off." Y/n answered, "Maybe. Come over we go threw the candy stash?"
"At my house?" Steve asked.
"Your house? Steve your parents-"
"Aren't home." Steve finished for her, "I like Tootsie rolls. See you there."
He kissed your cheek and then left
You and Peter end up leaving and you telling him you were going to Steves
He starts teasing you
"Yeah? What about you and MJ?"
"Thats a different story!"
"Sure. Parker Sure."
You pulled up to the motel just for Karen to run up.
"Hey Karen-"
"Matt's gone."
"What?" Y/n asked.
"He's gone!" Karen complained.
"Come on he's blind but very much capable-"
"Okay! Okay! Let me park and we'll help look!"
It doesn't take long for you with a trusty flashlight to reach the nearby farms to see Matt out there
"Damn it Murdock! What in gods name are you-"
You had stepped into a pumpkin rather than tripping over one just to see your ankle high in rotten pumpkin guts.
You kick them off and walk over to Matt
"Dude everyones-"
"Shut up."
Well if Matt's telling you to shut up its usually important
"Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
He was silent for a moment, "look at the pumpkins below you. There. Rotted."
"Okay some bad crop maybe?"
"Pumpkins? Rotting on Halloween Night?" Matt asked grabbing a piece just for it to almost melt in his hand like ice cream on a hot day, "Crops this rotted would take days, weeks even. Why would it be so vast?"
"Matt. Its Hawkins. Its probably some old farmer that just cant get around fast enough." Y/n explained, "lets go now?"
He sighed, getting up and picking up his white cane and unfolding it, walking over to her, "somethings not right here, you need to tell me if you see anything."
"Matt. Its Hawkins!" Y/n protested.
"Y/n. Im blind!" Matt argued, "look what I do."
Matt did have a fair point, but you rather just. Stay away from that stuff
You were trying to ya know. Lay Low
Plus you had a boyfriend, and then there were the kids
And you just dont wanna rope them in to anything Superhero level dangerous
Certainly didnt want anything avenger level threat
You took Matt back and used the motel phone to call Frank
"What!? Why not!?" Y/n complained.
"Who's house are you staying at?" Frank asked.
"I dont know. Who's house is Joyce staying at?" Y/n protested.
"So this is how your gonna convince me?" Frank asked.
He sighed, "I need the truck back for tommrow- If I see ONE mark on you-"
"Yeah yeah, you'll pow pow pow. I got it." Y/n spoke, "Try and not break the bed frame?"
"Y/n! I swear to-"
But you had already hung up and was calling Steve's house
"Harrington. Pick me up by the street near my house 15 mintues."
With that you said goodbye to everyone, told Matt to stop freaking out and drove off to your house
You parked the truck and hurried in through your window to change and throw the stuff one of the kids left in your room.
You'd ask Strange to portal back the suit later.
So with your bag of candy and small bag of chlothes you went to the road.
"What...the hell is that..." Y/n asked squiting at the hunched over animal in the distance, just before it darted off.
But Steve's lights come into view and he's stopping for you to get in.
You tossed your bag in the back and sit in the passenger seat
"Big Haul." Y/n smiled holding up the candy bag.
Steve smiled, "any spare tootsie rolls in there?"
"Saved one just for you."
The drive back to his house was filled with Music and laughing
You two eating candy before you could even go through it.
When you got to the house, some bad memories came over you, but you pushed forward.
He took you upstairs. You hadn't been to his room before.
His room was...plain compared to yours, but bigger.
"I can go make us something warm. Coffee? Tea?" He asked, he looked nervous having Y/n in his room sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Um...yeah whatever you make I'll have one." Y/n told with a smile.
"Right...you'll be fine up here?"
So he left you up there, and you decided to pick out all the wrappers from your candy adventure in Steve's car and toss them in his little trash
Just to catch a peak out his window
Wow. Steve's family had a lot more money than you realized
It was sooner rather than later that he came up with tea for the both of you
"Sorry. If you don't uh."
"Like it?"
"I'll drink it anyhow. Thanks."
They sat on his bed side by side, drinking tea.
"You're not very picky."
Y/n chuckled, "how could I be?"
Steve cocked an eyebrow up as Y/n sighed, "Sorry-"
"No. No." Steve told, "harder than I imagined in New York."
Y/n smiled, "Superhero's are people too."
"You really do have relationships with them. Don't you?" Steve questioned, "Genuine realtionships."
"I understand them. In a way...I see them as people..rather than superheros. Not all are good though, some rest in the gray and such." Y/n informed with a soft smile towards him, "Its tough out there."
"Im no superhero, but I get it." Steve answered, "I shouldn't even be saying that..."
"Hey. Everyone has there hardest hour." Y/n told setting her mug besides her feet on the floor, "its diffrent from someone elses. Ya know?"
"I think thats what makes you...unique." he started, "You...see everyone in different parts. Heh I'd be dumb to say its not one of the reasons I love you-"
It went silent between the two, Steve clearing his throat as he set his mug on his nightstand, "I. Sorry."
"For what?" Y/n spoke, "You say sorry when you dont mean things. Did you not-"
"Mean it?" Steve asked, "Well No I didnt."
"You didn't?"
"No! I mean yes no I didn't- The sorry. But I did- I- fuck."
Y/n smiled small at him as he jumbled his words: "I get it."
"Oh thank god."
He couldnt help but feel stupid when you were around, like you were some kindergarten crush
When both of you are already dating
You lay back on his bed, and he lays besides you.
Thats when you realize he has a glow in the dark star sticker on his ceiling still, most likely from when he was like 8
"Does it still glow?" Y/n asked.
"What?" Steve asked looking at the ceiling as she points it out, "lets find out."
He turns off his lamp leaving the two in the semi dark light from the pool outside polluting the room.
"Yeah kinda." Y/n smiled as Steve finds himself next to Y/n again.
"Huh. Would you look at that." Steve chuckled watching Y/n reach a hand out to the star.
"Stars aren't far out of reach then." Y/n told him.
Steve's hand came up to catch Y/n's, "Two hands are better than one."
She turns her head to look at him he doing the same as they make eye contact and hold it, "You're not wrong."
Steve gives her a soft smile, he getting up to lean on his side and look down at her, "what?" She asked.
"Just wondering if you have more intrest in the star than me." Steve told her, causing her to laugh, "Could...I steal your attention for just a moment for a kiss?"
"And ruin my view of the star? No way!"
Y/n laughed as he joined her, feeling her hands grip onto his collar and pull him down into a soft kiss. It pulling Steve in deeper in love than he already was.
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Tags: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @3-spurr
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almatiarau · 3 years
Day One (kth x reader one shot)
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Pairing: Officemate!Taehyung x F. Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, just a cute little story to celebrate Mr Kim Tae Tae’s bday! Office AU!
Warnings: Descriptive Sexual Activities, Penetrative Sex.
Word Count: 7.2k
Disclaimers: I don’t own BTS - they simply inspire me!
Summary: Taehyung and you work in the same department for 3 years now, you have always had a crush on him but know how he’s so out of your league. One day you two are appointed to plan your company’s birthday event, in the midst of it all will you finally had a chance with him?
A/N: Hi All, finally I finished this little one shot to celebrate Mr Kim Taehyung’s upcoming 27th Birthday!! this is just a fluffy smutty one shot, hopefully you’ll enjoy it (do please let me know if you do, I will appreciate it so much and I get more motivated to write more) Stay warm, safe and healthy everyone!
You’ll always be my Day One
Day zero when I was no one
I’m nothing by myself
You and no one else
Thankful you’re my day one
Day One - Honne
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 “Finally! Never thought everything’s finally over and we came to the afterparty.”
 You bend over a little to rub your right heel that have been aching for hours now since you’ve literally been on your feet almost the whole day. It’s finally the last event of your company’s anniversary celebration. In honour of the 50th anniversary and celebrating last year’s highest ever profit booked by the company for the last 5 years, your CEO decided to hold company’s getaway with all 200 employees to spend 2 nights at a resort near the beach. Since your head of department was chosen as the Project Manager for this event, he immediately chose you and your colleague/close friend Taehyung to help him run the event, well you were also joined by other staffs from different departments too.
 “You okay?” Taehyung held your left arms which were leaning over the bar table while you still rubbing your heels.
 You felt your heartbeat quickened from his low baritone voice.
 So, Kim Taehyung. He’s been your colleague for almost 3 years now. He’s 2 years older from you but he got into the company later than you were, so your boss had assigned you to show him some ropes when he first came in. Of course, you were mesmerized by the strikingly handsome features of his face, also the sweet and deep voice of him, but you knew from day one, you were not his type. He was outgoing, friendly, hung out at the hippest places with hip friends, just living his hipster life as you said it.
 You yourself was just a typical girl next door, plain jane, you went to all-girls school your whole life, only had two “serious” boyfriends, not many outgoing friends. Your typical weekends are either hang out with some girl friends for dinner and movies or just Netflix and browsing anything online. In by no means, you were the same level of hotness as Kim Taehyung.
 However, since you were in the same department, and Taehyung apparently was good friend with your already friend, Park Jimin, you ended up hang out with them a lot afterwards. Plus Mina, your friend from Audit Department who had been crushing on Jimin since forever.
 Ever since then, your Friday nights after work sometimes filled with going out for some movies or just dinner and drinks with Taehyung, Jimin and Mina, living the good life of 25 years old single employees in the city. But no matter how many times you convinced yourself that you and Taehyung would never be together, your heart couldn’t deny its pull to him. Especially when he always treats you so good, as a friend that is.
 “I’m okay, just relieved that we’re finally free from this shit, let’s just abuse the free booze.” You said as you straightened up yourself and adjusted your skirt accordingly.
 “You’re never good with booze Y/N, don’t kid yourself.” Taehyung chuckled.
 “Says you whose not even better than I am.” You playfully punched his arm.
 “Touche, God I’m so hungry let’s just find some food.” Taehyung took your arm and navigates you to the outside of the ballroom which now were filled with blaring EDM music and people dancing.
 “By the way thanks Tae for taking care of that sound system mess in the beginning.”
 “No worries, you already had too much on your plate.” He patted your head slightly, giving you butterflies.
 “Y/N! Tae! Where are you going??? Let’s dance!” Jimin shouted from the dancefloor, he was with Mina who were still dancing her heart out.
 “I’m hungry, gonna get some food, be there later!” Taehyung shouted back as Jimin gave him an ok gesture.
 You two ended up sitting beside each other just near the buffet table. You were not hungry at all today as nerves were taking over you to ensure that the whole events would go smoothly. Now that’s everything coming to an end, you just realized how hungry you were, so you devoured the remaining pasta and beef with Taehyung who apparently really really hungry too as he left his plate clean.
 “You wanna go back inside and dance?” He asked while wiping his mouth with tissue and handed another one to you.
 “I’m torn, like I’m tired but yeah I wanna dance too.”
 Taehyung smiled. “Let’s dance a while and if you’re too tired let’s just crash, I feel better now that I’m full.”
 “Yea me too I guess.”
 You two then made your way back into the ballroom where the DJ was blaring Feels So Close by Calvin Harris. It was your favourite song, and you know Taehyung loves it too as you two sometimes share your favourite tracks via Collaborative Playlist on Spotify. Taehyung pulled your hand while skipping to the dance floor towards Jimin and Mina who were still swaying to the beats, they each have beer glasses on their hands.
 “I fucking love this song!” You shouted while throwing your hands up and jumped.
 “Me fucking too!” Tae also jumped and dance following the beat.
 The four of you shared laughter and danced together along the song as you also sipped some of the beers from Mina’s glass. The song changed into Avici’s I Could Be The One and you danced even more vigorously, letting out all the stress and steams you’ve been feeling from work and planning this event. As the night went further the songs were becoming sultrier and sexier, you could see many of your colleagues were already tipsy or even on the verge of drunk. The once crowded dancefloor filled with many people dancing together now divided into some people coupled up and dance a bit too sexy for office function. But hell, your CEO already gave you the green light to let everyone a bit loose tonight with the open bar and free flow booze.
 “God we need to get laid you know just for the amount of work we’ve done these 2 days.” Taehyung blurted nonchalantly as he sipped his beer while still grooving his body to the beat.
 “You don’t have any idea of how truthful that is!” You let out your frustration for the lack of action you’ve also been feeling.
 When Tinashe’s 2ON came into the speaker, you absentmindedly got closer to Taehyung as he swayed lazily with a glass of beer on his right hand. Jimin and Mina had gone to find some food few minutes earlier. What surprised you then was when Taehyung’s left-hand rest on your waist as he swayed with you, your back just inches away from his chest.
“Y/N are you drunk?” He whispered on your left ear, sending goosebumps all the way to your spine.
 You shook your head as you didn’t drink as much, you’re just slightly buzzed but you’re nowhere near tipsy.
 “Are you?” You asked back.
 You both still swaying your hips right and left following the song’s beat when your heels caught onto something and you slipped a bit, making your back fell back and caught on Taehyung’s broad chest. He let out a puff and grasped on your waist tighter while still maintaining his balance and the beer on his right hand.
 “Hey, you okay? Sure you’re not drunk?” He said again now even closer to your ear, his lips barely touching your earlobe.
 You looked up at him and your lips almost brushed each other as you clumsily moved back and away from his grasp. Your heart thumping like crazy as if it was on a race with the song’s tempo.
 “No, I slipped Tae, I’m not drunk! Maybe I need a fresh air.”
 However as you started to move away, Yoona from Marketing Department approached both you and Tae with a sly smile on her face. To say Goh Yoona is beautiful would be an understatement because that girl is as tall as a model, with slim figure, tiny waist, round hips and the right amount of boobs to be considered as a walking barbie doll. Her hair is always impeccably done with soft curls at the bottom, like she had a permanent blow dry or something. Also, she has the prettiest long curly eyelashes (probably extensions but then again you couldn’t even wear one as your eyes are sensitive and always ends up with red eyes).
 “Taehyung, we’re going to open some wines just poolside, I think they have your favorite red wine.” Yoona took no time to place her hand on Taehyung’s forearms and playfully squeezed it.
 Taehyung looked at you and tilted his head, silently asking whether you want to come too. Your first instinct was to decline of course, why would you torture yourself for another round of Goh Yoona throwing herself over Taehyung the whole night, and maybe with the frustration he let out earlier for wanting to get laid finally land Yoona her dream of locking him down for good. But seeing how flirty her hands on him, batting her eyelashes and the plunging neckline of a dress she wears, you felt a flame flared up, like a competitiveness out of nowhere, or maybe it was just the alcohol in your system, but either way, why not just let the best woman win?
 You gave a little nod to Taehyung and he caught up on you. “Can Y/N come too?” He peeled Yoona’s hand from his arms slowly.
 Yoona gave you a smile which didn’t reach her eyes at all as she said sweetly. “Of course, let’s go.”
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 Fiji Blue’s Butterflies were playing on the background from a Bluetooth speaker one of Yoona’s friend put on the wooden small table besides the chaises. A small bungalow was occupied by 4 people with plastic cups and some bottles of wine, as you came over, they happily handed you a cup.
 You looked around and realized that these people are the “cool” people at your office, Goh Yoona and her cliques, and then of course Taehyung knew most of them as you knew they hung out several times after office for drinks and game of pools at the bar near office. You saw Taehyung sat in a chaise with Yoona and another guy, you forgot his name but you remember that he’s Yoona’s senior in Marketing Dept.
 “Y/N, such a surprise seeing you here, I thought you’re not into drinking.”
 Ji Sung, a senior from Trade Department sat beside you with his own cup of drink. Ji sung has always been overly friendly with girls in the office. People were saying that he wanted to marry desperately as his age is approaching 40 and his mom was quite the nagging type, therefore every new girl in the office would always know Ji Sung because this guy would introduce himself out of nowhere and tried to woo his way. Unfortunately for the past 4 years you’ve been working at the company you saw all his futile attempts resulting in nothing as he’s still very well single up until this moment.
 “Yeah I just thought I deserve some drinks after working my ass off for this event.” You sipped your wine slowly to avoid more awkwardness.
 “Oh yeah, you guys the committees did a very good job! People are happy and having fun!”
 You smiled genuinely at him. “Thanks Ji Sung.”
 “What are you drinking there?” He gestured his head to my cup.
 “Ah, try the Whiskey, Yeon Su brought a good bottle.”
 You laughed lightly. “Ah no, I don’t think I’m strong enough for whiskey, I don’t wanna pass out tonight.”
 “Why? Out of all these people you at least deserve that… you definitely deserve to let loose Y/N.”
 You felt like his tone went a little bit too suggestive and you started to fidget on your seat.
 “See, you’re already so tense, it’s either you need stronger drink or…” He gave a wink and you tried your best not to run away immediately.
 “Uhm, thanks Ji Sung, I think I’m okay.” You stood up slowly but then he caught your left hand by surprise.
 “What’s wrong Y/N? Don’t be such a prude.”
 His words shot like daggers. You tried to free your hand from his hold but he held it even tighter.
 “You’re pretty Y/N, you should act more girly then maybe you’ll land yourself a boyfriend.”
 You were about to look for Taehyung on the other side when he suddenly appeared just between Ji Sung and you, he shoved Ji Sung’s hand away from yours and gave him a cold glare.
 “What did you say to her Ji Sung?”
 Ji Sung held up his hands in front of his chest. “Whoa calm down Tae, I’m just joking around, Y/N knows how goofy I am.”
 Taehyung searched for your eyes as you were looking down on your heels and pretended to straightened your skirt.
 “Y/N you okay?”
 You nodded lightly. “I think I’m just going back to my room Tae, you guys have fun and continue okay.”
 As you were about to turn around, Taehyung caught your hand. “Wait, let me walk you upstairs.”
 “Tae you don’t have to, I’m not drunk.”
 But before you protested too far, he walked both of you towards Yoona, his hand still wrapped around your wrist.
 “Guys, I’m gonna call it a night and walk Y/N to her room, okay? Thanks for the drinks.”
 Yoona immediately stood up and you could see her nose flared up when she saw Tae’s hand around your wrist. “Oh no, Tae, we’re about to open another bottle of wine, are you sure? Maybe Ji Sung can walk Y/N back? Is she drunk?”
 She made her way to Taehyung and wrapped her arms around Tae’s right arms. She batted her eyelashes again and pouted her lips. “We were having so much fun here.” You could see her trying to squeeze her boobs up onto Tae’s face.
 “Nah, Y/N’s not drunk but we’re tired as fuck, you know we got up very early today and prepared everything, so if you don’t mind.” He peeled his arms away and started to walk towards the hotel entrance, leaving Yoona’s flabbergasted face.
 As you were making your way to the elevator, you freed your wrist from his grasp, just to put your sanity back cause your heart started to beat so fast you found it harder to breathe. Especially now that you both standing in a proper lighting of the hotel’s lobby, you could see him in his black suit, black shirt underneath with no tie on, he already unbuttoned the first three buttons of the shirt too apparently, making his smooth but firm chest shown. You know Taehyung looks good in a suit, it’s not your first time seeing him in one as you went to company’s function or customer’s events several time with him as your business IT team, and you were the relationship manager. But somehow tonight, with his hair sleeked back, a few loose strands on his forehead, he looked exceptionally handsome to you.
 Taehyung pushed the elevator button up and turn his gaze back to you. Both hands rest inside his pants’ pockets.
 “Don’t take Ji Sung’s words to heart Y/N, you know that guy always talking bullshit.”
 “Yeah no worries Tae.”
 But Taehyung could see through you with your wavering look, the way you didn’t stop fidgeting, he knew that asshole’s words were getting into your head.
 “You and Mina’s room at 6th floor right?” He asked once you both walked into the empty elevator. You nodded as you took out your card key and swiped it to be able to choose your designated floor. The elevator ride to 6th floor never felt so long as you both standing in silent. Taehyung’s hands still inside his pocket while you could see from the mirror wall of the elevator, he’s busy poking his tongue inside his mouth. You didn’t stare too long though, as his gaze flickered to yours, you looked down to your feet again.  
 With a ding sound, the elevator’s door opened and you two walked again in silent, side by side towards your room’s door. As you’ve reached your room, you turned to Taehyung and ready to bid your goodbye but he chased you to it.
 “Hey Y/N, do you mind if I washed my face first? My eyes been burning a while.”
 “Oh… Okay.”
 You opened the door and as you walked in, you saw Mina and Jimin fell asleep in your bed, duvet covering them but you could see Mina snuggling comfortably in Jimin’s embrace. Since it was a King-Sized bed, you furrowed your eyebrows to figure out how are you going to sleep tonight.
 Once Taehyung closed the door and reached your side, he cursed silently.
 “Fucking Jimin-ie, he’s supposed to be with me.”
 You laughed weakly. “Yeah I know. Mina didn’t text me or anything too, these guys I swear-“
 Silence fell upon the room, but you took a deep breath and faced Taehyung. “It’s okay I’ll just wake Mina up in a few maybe then she will-“
 Before you finished your sentence you saw Taehyung shook his head slowly. “Nah, they must be tired too, why don’t you grab your things and come to my room? We can just put some pillow on the center of the bed or I’ll sleep on the floor I don’t mind, let’s go.”
 So, before your mind even begin to process what this means, you packed your sleepwear and toiletries, and then followed Taehyung to his room on the 5th Floor. You tried to not overthink about it. Taehyung is one of your closest friends, he was there when you puked your guts out during music festivals when you drank too much, he drove you home when you passed out after clubbing with Jimin and Mina too, he even once bought you a sanitary pad when you asked him to because yours were running out and there’s no way you would survive the trip down to convenient store without leaking your pants. So Taehyung is your close friend, he saw you as his close friend too to the point of comfortable enough to invite you to his room for the night in platonic way.
 “You can use the bathroom first Y/N, I’ll just watch TV here.” Taehyung took off his suit jacket and uncuffed his shirt while sitting at the edge of the bed.
 You nodded silently and made a beeline towards the bathroom. You saw your reflection on the mirror and God you look awful, hair a bit dishevelled with your bangs plastered on your forehead from the sweat, your once bouncy curls this morning had flatten out, lipstick left only in faint pinkish stain and you could see some of your mascara a bit crumpled. Well, you’ve been out and about running around since 8AM in the morning and now it’s, you glanced on your watch, 1AM. So, you clipped your hair and started to clean your makeup, wash your face and shower. Once the warm water hit your body, you could finally feel how tense your muscles were.
 You looked over your pajamas one more time, a short cotton pants with button up short sleeve shirt and pink flower patterns all over. You debated whether you need to spritz on some perfume but for God’s sake, you were going to bed right? So, you left your toiletries bag just besides the sink and walked out of the bathroom.
 You found Taehyung sit on the bed, back rested against the headboard, shoes off, his long legs straightened up on the bed, eyes closed. He looked so peaceful you tiptoed across the room not to wake him up, but he opened your eyes just as you plug your phone to charge.
 “You done showering?”
 “Yeah, sorry if I woke you up.” You smiled sheepishly.
 He shook his head lightly. “No, I wasn’t sleeping.” He then stood up and walked casually to the bathroom.
 “I couldn’t find anything interesting to watch, try syncing your phone to the Bluetooth speaker Y/N, lets just hear some songs.” He gestured his head to the speaker on the bedside table and disappeared into the bathroom, in seconds you could hear the shower turned on.
 You synced your phone’s Bluetooth to the speaker and started to play your chill playlist. You then sat yourself on the bed, resting your back against the headboard, just the same position as Taehyung was, with the room’s curtain opened, you could see the night sky, it was a clear one with some clouds scattering. Before your mind could travel further, you heard the door opened and saw Taehyung walking out of the bathroom with a pair of grey sweatpants, no shirt, hands busy drying his wet hair with a white towel. You couldn’t help yourself to salivate over his feature, chest a little more buffed than you remembered, smooth abdomen and two strong arms with bulging biceps now that his arms flexed to dry his hair.
 “Oh I love this song.” He threw the towel over his travelling bag and shook his head lightly to move his hair out of his eyes. Your phone was playing Honne’s Free Love.
 “For the love of God Tae, put some shirt on.” You looked away now that he had a good view of your face.
 “Oh sorry I forgot.” He scrambled open his bag and took out his white Celine tshirt and pulled it over his head.
 “Hopefully I won’t drool over this tshirt, it’s the only one left and I’m planning to wear it to go home tomorrow.” He grinned sheepishly, showing off that charming boxy smile of his.
 You couldn’t help to laugh and threw a pillow at him playfully.
 “Hey don’t throw it away, we need them to build the fort.” He caught it with ease and put it back on the bed.
 You blushed at his words and absentmindedly looked over to the opposite side of the bed you’re sitting on. A king-sized bed is a big bed, but you were worried whether you would toss around in your sleep and ended up kicking him, or worse, hug him tightly because that’s what your subconscious wanted to do.
 “Hey, Y/N, if you’re not comfortable I’ll just go and find other’s room, maybe Hoseok from IT Team can share his room with me.” Taehyung’s already deep voice went even lower and softer as he sensed your concerned face. He sat opposite of you on the chair besides the desk, eyes focused on you.
 “No, no, I mean, this is your room after all, and it’s almost 2AM already, let’s not bother everyone else. I’m okay, I just…” You looked down and played the hem of your pajama shirt.
 “Ji Sung’s words got into you didn’t it? Don’t lie to me.”
You looked up at Taehyung who leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs, hands clapped together.
 “Well… I know I’m not the most fun, outgoing person out there, but I’m not a prude.”
 Taehyung suddenly stood up and clenched his fists. “He called you what?”
 “Calm down Tae, it’s okay.” You gave him a reassuring smile while squeezing his hand.
 “It’s fucking not Y/N, you gotta stop being too nice to assholes like that, you should have told me downstairs when he’s there so I could kick his sorry ass.” Taehyung fumed.
 You stood up and without giving it much thought, gave him a hug to calm him down. “What are you saying Kim, you don’t even like sauce stain on your hands, would you ever get your hands dirty fighting a guy?” You stroked his back softly.
 Taehyung scoffed but his right hand slowly stroking the back of your hair. As his left hand embraced your back. You rested your arms on the back of his shoulders as your face snuggled to his chest. As Dhruv’s Vulnerable started playing on your phone, you both stayed hugging each other, Taehyung even pulled you closer as he rested his cheek on the top of your head, hands didn’t stop stroking your hair. But then, you felt something poking on your lower stomach and your eyes grew wide as your body freezes. Taehyung stopped his movement and took a step back, turned his back around.
 “Fuck, sorry Y/N, shit, okay… so…” He scrambled to find a word as he clearly embarrassed, you felt sorry for him too, he was so flustered when you saw him scratching the back of his head as he kept his back to you.
 “Hey Tae, it’s okay, I mean, it’s a shame that you didn’t stay with Yoona earlier, you might get what you wanted tonight, I think she’s so ready for you.” You giggled.
 Taehyung turned around and gave you a serious look. “You think I want her?”
 His gaze was so intense you needed to look away to the other side. “Err… well, who doesn’t want her Tae? She’s a literal walking Barbie.”
 Taehyung took a step towards you, his long point finger lifted your chin up so that he could look you in the eyes. “I don’t care if she looks like Aphrodite, she’s not the one who made me hard.” You blushed at that, your cheeks grew hot, and you’re not gonna lie if you’d said your panty gets a little bit wet from it.
 “Y/N, let me be honest to you, I’ve never had the courage to do so because you’re too good for me, hell, you’re Y/L/N Y/N, company’s little sweetheart, who always help people around, smile sweetly to everyone from CEO to the janitor, who always put everyone else’s wants before herself.”
 He let out a defeated sigh. “You’re a beautiful human Y/N, that jackass Ji Sung is crazy to be calling you names cause I’m sure every man in the office would be lucky to have you.”
 You closed your eyes and let out a sigh too. Everyone except you Kim Taehyung.
But somehow on the back of your mind, you must have said it out loud because Taehyung’s eyes went wide with surprise.
 “Huh?” You blinked several times trying to figure out whether you really said that out loud.
 “But I’m no good for you, hell I’m barely figuring out my life, I still spend too much on things I don’t need, I’m a mess Y/N.” He shook his head slowly.
 “Hey hey, Tae, what are you saying? I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you, look at you, every woman turns their heads every time you walk by, you’re everyone’s favorite too, always know how to blend in with every group, always the life of the party, I’m just the boring girl…”
 “The fuck you boring? Why do you think I hang out with you a lot? We went to those music festivals together, you always make me laugh so hard, you’re funny and witty Y/N.”
 “I….” You were left speechless.
 “Okay, so at first I did see you like a little sister, a friend, because you’re so nice and I just wanna protect you from douchebags out there, but then, you remember that Honne’s concert we went? Last year?”
 You nodded, the memory still fresh on your mind, you went out with Taehyung, Jimin, and Mina as always. You had the best time singing and dancing and of course with Taehyung there, you felt even more elated, he sang with you and then helped you with your bag at the end of the concert when you were too tired to move.
 “At that concert, when the stage lights illuminate your face and you were singing your heart out, with sparkles within your eyes, I was this close to risk it all and kiss you because God you looked so beautiful.”
 You couldn’t help the tears flooding in your eyes because this is Taehyung, the Taehyung you’ve been crushing since forever, the one you thought you would never have a chance with cause hell, he would always hang out with the coolest people and you were never considered as one. He was always surrounded by girls who wears the trendiest clothes while you always wear your pastel skirts or pants with oversize blouse, you were nowhere near their level of status in your opinion.
 “Hey, why are you crying?” Taehyung cupped your face gently.
 “Because… Kim Taehyung you don’t know how long I’ve been crushing on you.” You hit his chest with both of your hands, he let you do it for a few times before he caught both of your wrists.
 “Since day one Y/N, I know you do but I was always hesitating, I thought you deserve to be with someone whose more mature than I am, who’s ready to give you the life you deserve, so I was okay with standing on the side line as your friend, that way I could watch over you.” He then placed little kisses on the back of your hands, twinkle eyes still staring at yours.
 “Since day one?”
 “Also since Honne’s Day 1 at that concert, I’ve been wanting to do this…” He leaned in to mould your lips into his, he moved slowly, savouring your taste in every crevice of your pinky pout. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers slowly grazing Taehyung’s nape. With one last peck, you both gasped for air.
 “Tae…” You caressed his cheek slowly, if you could see your face right now it must have been filled with the look of love and longing.
 He kissed your hand again before pulling it as he walked backwards towards the edge of the bed. He slowly sat himself, eyes never leaving yours, fingers intertwined, he pulled you slowly, motioning you to sit on his lap.
 Once you’re settled on (what you think now is your favorite chair ever) his lap, you kissed him again, with more fervour as fogs of lust had taken over the atmosphere in the room. Taehyung’s hands started to fiddle with your pajamas button as you let out a moan. But when he unbuttoned the first one, you snapped back to reality and held his wrist.
 “Baby, what’s wrong? Too soon?” Taehyung’s already deep voice went even deeper and huskier with lust as he searched your eyes again.
 You shook weakly. “It’s not that, it’s just… If you’re thinking only about tonight, Tae, I can’t do it, I would be too clingy if I slept with someone…”
 He gave you a soft smile and kissed your nose. “Then be clingy with me, I’d love that.” Another peck on your lips.
 “But… you’re not my boyfriend…”
 Taehyung let out a chuckle. “Oh so this is what’s it about? My sweet sweet Y/N, will you give me the honour to be your boyfriend?”
 You slapped his chest again as Taehyung had not stopped chuckling. “What’s so funny about it huh?”
 “Baby, I’ve confessed my feelings for you, I thought you already knew that we’re not doing one-night stands.” He kissed both of your cheeks playfully.
 “Yea well excuse me to be needing a verbal confirmation, or even an email confirmation would be more sufficient Mr Kim since-“
 Taehyung stopped your babbling with another kiss right on your lips. “Baby no matter how hot you are when you’re talking business but seriously Y/N you drive me crazy right now.” He emphasized the word crazy with a soft grind of his clothed crotch against yours, and there you felt it again, his harden length, and it made you feel delirious with lust.
 You both went back to devouring each other’s lips while your hands pulled up his tshirt hastily. Once he’s shirtless, his hands went back to unbuttoning your pajamas button while trailing kisses down your neck, stopping on your pulse point, he sucked on it for a while and you’re sure tomorrow you’ll have to cover those reds and purples with foundation, but you don’t care, it’s tomorrow’s business.
 “Fuck, these tits been haunting me all day today, you shouldn’t have worn that tight black dress Y/N.” He dived right in to envelope your right breast while his hand squeezed the other one. You moaned as your hands squeezed his fluffy hair, pushing his head to take more of you.
 As your body moved on its own, slowly grinding on him, Taehyung’s hand trailed lower to the waistband of your pants, he dipped his long fingers and traced your already dampened underwear. Your fingers squeezed his muscled back, leaving faint nail marks and he hadn’t even fuck you.
 “Tae… please…”
 “So wet, all for me baby?”
 “Yes… only for you…” You cupped his cheeks and dived for another kiss. As your tongues danced around each other, giving more licks and sucks, Taehyung’s finger started to rub figure eight around your aching bud. You responded by grinding on his finger, and he took it as a green light to push your underwear aside and plunged his finger right in between your slick folds.
 “Fuck… Tae…”
 Taehyung licked a long way from your navel to the valley between your breasts and licked around your hardened nipple, earning another high-pitched moan from you. “Look at you so sexy and wet for me.”
 With hazy eyes you nudged Tae’s left wrist which still fingering you deep. “More Tae, please….”
 And with that plead he manoeuvred both of you so that you’re laying back on the bed. He pulled your shorts and soaked panty all the way out of your legs and hovered over you. With a lick on your bottom lip, his fingers plunged back into your pulsing cunt, but now he inserted two fingers, it made your back arched from the bed from the intense pleasure.
 “Is this what you want baby? You wanna cum on my fingers?”
 You shut your eyes tightly and nodded frantically as you felt the pleasure building in your lower stomach.
 “Use your words Y/N.” He pushed his fingers even deeper and you couldn’t help to let out a loud moan.
 “Yes Tae fuck, yes!” You held onto his shoulders as your hips buckled against his hand to chase your high.
 “Then be a good girl and cum for me.” With his skilled fingers roaming around your spongey walls inside, hitting the sweet spot you didn’t realize you had all these times; you came undone with his name spilling out of your lips like a chant.
 As your body still shuddering from the intense orgasm you haven’t had for quite some time, Taehyung sat back on his heels, licking his fingers clean of your cum with a smirk on his face.
 “Taste so sweet baby, those assholes calling you names will cry on their bed missing out on this sweet juices.”
 His words made your cunt clenched again as desire still overpower you. With the energy left in you, you sat up and tugged on Taehyung’s sweatpants, your other hand palmed over his hardened dick.
 “Let me please you too Tae…”
 But he stopped your hand gently. “As much as I want that, I won’t last a second in your mouth baby, tonight can I cum around you please?”
 “Yes, fuck me now Tae…”
 He smiled sweetly and pecked your lips again. “Wait here, I hope Jimin left some condom behind or I swear to God I will bust my nuts if I had to go downstairs to buy one.” He immediately got up from the bed and searched Jimin’s travelling bag in a hurry. You’re so damn horny that you need to pressed your thighs together to feel some relief.
 “Tae, hurry up, I’m so wet…” You said seductively.
 “Fuck Y/N stop it, I will fucking cum in my pants.” He still rummaged through Jimin’s bag, throwing shirts and pants around. In seconds he let out a loud “aha” and brought the foil package back to the bed. He then hurriedly took off his pants and stroked his dick a few times, precum leaking on the tip.
 You took the foil package and tore it open with your teeth, making Taehyung cursed under his breath.
 “Why don’t you bring condoms Tae?” You asked as you put the latex over his erection.
 “Don’t think I’m gonna have sex.” His hands roamed over your perky breasts and squeezed them, making you moan again.
 “Don’t you always have one ready in your wallet?” You laid back again as Taehyung hovered over you once again, peppering kisses on your collarbones while his hand moving his dick against your wet pussy to coat it with your juices.
 He then looked you straight in the eyes. “I haven’t had a condom in my wallet again since that concert Y/N, because I don’t wanna sleep with anyone else.”
 With that word, not only your pussy flooding but your heart too was filled with warmth and love. You then gave him a deep kiss, filled with adoration to let him know how much it meant to you.
 “Now put it in before you bust your nuts.” You smiled cheekily.
 But of course, that cheekiness wouldn’t last long, because once he started to push his dick in, inch by inch, you had to bite your lips to ease the sting (yeah, it’s been a while for you) but also you realized how big actually he really is. You felt tears pooling on your eyes and Taehyung stopped his movement.
 “Baby is it too much?” He peppered kisses again all over your face.
 You shook your head weakly. “It’s okay, just go slow, been a while Tae…”
 He gave you the most endearing smile ever and nodded as he moved even slower to push further. When his dick finally fully sheathed inside, he waited for you to adjust yourself patiently, never stop kissing every inch of your exposed skin while praising you.
 “Y/N, baby, you feel so good around me, so warm.”
 All of his actions gave you assurance and made you feel more comfortable as the pain slowly subsided and the need for frictions bubbling up.
 “Tae… you can move, please move.”
 “You sure?”
 “Yes… please, I need you to fuck me…”
 His eyes darken with your last word. “Baby don’t say that, I might not be able to hold back if you say that.” Slowly he thrust in and out of your pulsing cunt and find a slow but delicious pace that got your hips chasing his.
 “Fuck Y/N, so good, can I go faster?”
 “Yes, Tae, please…” You pleaded as pleasures started to build again on your lower stomach.
 “Come on beautiful, cum for me before I lose it.” He then stood up and sat on his heels, picked both of your thighs and placed it over his as his hips started to piston in and out of your swollen pussy in faster pace.
 You feel like your high is nearing with each thrust. “Tae I’m close, so close…” And he helped you to the finish line as he rubbed gently on your pulsing clit. In seconds you came undone for the second time that night, panting heavily as your body still spasm from your high. But Taehyung hasn’t done yet. He slowed his pace to give you a chance to calm yourself, but you felt his dick pulsing inside your warm hole, so you cupped his cheek and planted a deep kiss. “Cum for me too Tae, wanna feel you cum for me…”
 Encouraged by your words, he threw your legs over his shoulder and started to thrust rapidly, chasing his own high. With his face closer to you again, you lick and bite his bottom lips while whispering praises and his name. “Tae, baby, cum for me, let go for me.” And with that word, his cum spilling onto the condom as he thrust into you sloppily.
 You both stayed a bit in your position, sweaty foreheads on each other’s, eyes glassy but body both feel satisfied from the release. Taehyung slowly pulled his dick out of you, rolled off the condom and disposed it to the sanitary bin inside the bathroom. He went back with a small towel and slowly wiped the remaining juices from your inner thighs while you lay there staring at him with loving eyes.
 He kissed your forehead before joining you again in bed, pulling up the duvet to cover both of your naked figures.
 “That was amazing Y/N, you are definitely the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with.” He kissed your forehead again as your head snuggled on his bare chest.
 You blushed at his word because you know he was trying to convince you again not to think about Ji Sung’s or other people’s word about how unsexy you are.
 “Tae… thank you.” You looked up and met with his ever-glowing eyes.
 “For what? We both got laid tonight so win for us!” He jokes.
 You playfully nudged his chin with the top of your head. “Not that you moron, I mean for making me feel good about myself.”
 “Anytime beautiful, because you ARE beautiful, my beautiful girlfriend.” He pulled you closer to his embrace and not long after your exhausted state brought the two of you to slumber.
 At exact 8AM, Park Jimin swiped his keycard to enter his room, along with Mina who couldn’t contain her giggles.
 “Sshhh… you wanna bet 100 bucks they finally fuck?” Jimin gave her a playful smirk.
 Mina punched his arms lightly. “Those two are idiots I swear I’m not sure…”
 But her words hang in air as they tiptoeing inside and saw two figures cuddling under the blanket. Naked shoulders pressed against each other. Taehyung’s light snores could be heard clearly.
 “Ssshhh… let me just grab my fresh clothes.” Jimin put his finger on his lips gesturing Mina to lower her voice.
 “Jiminie… don’t forget the condom.” Mina blushed as she mouthed to him.
 Jimin nodded and started rummaging through his bag. However, when he couldn’t find what he’s looking for, he scoffed.
 “These motherfuckers used my last one baby.”
 Mina rolled her eyes. “Good lord, even they’re getting together caused us trouble I swear I’ll flick Y/N’s forehead when she’s awake.”
 Jimin chuckled while tiptoeing back to the front door. “Come on, I’ll buy a pack downstairs, let’s give the lovebirds some beauty sleep after exhausting night.” With that said, he closed the door silently and walked hand in hand with Mina.
 You couldn’t help to smile while slowly opening your eyes. You heard them coming in, but you still want to bask in the warmth of Taehyung’s embrace, and since he’s still deep in sleep, you didn’t want to wake him up either. You looked up slightly to peek on your “boyfriend”. Fluffy hair, some of his bangs covering his forehead, the little mole on his nose, and the oh so pinky pout.
 “Take a picture, it’ll last longer beautiful.” Taehyung hummed still with his eyes wide shut.
 You couldn’t help but giggle. Kissed the tip of his nose lightly. “Didn’t know you woke up.”
 Taehyung hummed again as he nuzzled into your hair. “I’ve been awake since those two dorks barging in, I was this close to laugh when Jimin started to search for his condom.” You both couldn’t help but laugh.
 “We should buy them a new box as a token of appreciation.” You said, head leaned into the crook of his neck.
 “Yeah, I think so. Meanwhile let’s stay like this for a while, girlfriend.” He kissed your forehead.
 You hummed as you pulled up the blanket closer and snuggled into your boyfriend, the Kim Taehyung.
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A/N: Thank you for reading this one shot everyone!! I hope you like it and please do leave some comments or feedbacks if you like it :) once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM TAEHYUNG! I hope he’ll have a blast and stay healthy and happy always!
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faeriescorpio · 2 years
13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20
13. what’s your comfort food?
anything artifical and orange. mac n cheese. orange gatorade. anything artifical orange flavored. caramels. or maybe homemade tacos? omg yeaaasss.... the only way i eat avocados is my own guacamole recipe with lots of garlic powder PLUS you can buy these boxes of taco shells that are those cheese doritos flavor... mmm yeaaassss... with some black beans and the grated cheese and you put them ground beef at the bottom, then the cheese so it melts on the hot meat then tomato then lettuce then guac because the weight of the guac flattens the lettuce so it takes less space... mmmmm you can put the beans wherever but i recommend with the ground beef... warm proteins at the bottom of the taco shell,,,, my family used to own a taco restaurant chain in Virginia called Tippy's tacos and at Tippy's there was this queso with a secret recipe except the queso place stopped making queso and/or were shut down but like. the secret queso recipe... when they shut down we took all the queso mix from the restaurant and our family was like mad fighting over the queso mix because its godly unngngg like i think there was a genuine physical fight but who knows because the guy who owned the restaurant all the kids my age joke hes a murderer and also my family is crazy but talking about my insane family and they shit theyve pulled would be like. a whole nother story. but shout out to my grandma for stealing a cop car when she was 8 and then later marrying a cop. surprisingly the cop is the nicer of the two
14. favorite feel-good show?
Community if its a TV show, I already listed my movies, and to be honest I'm more of a movie person but I think Ive rewatched every Community episode over 3 times. It used to be Malcolm in the Middle but they took that off Netflix like 4 years ago and I'm still mad about that. Also they took BBC Sherlock off Netflix and I was MAD about that. Because I guess Season 1 of BBC Sherlock was also my thing. I have a DVD disk of BBC sherlock season 1. a dvd. im so sorry. i really love S1E3.
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
I love your art, it's very friend shaped. I am glad we are mutuals. I enjoy seeing you on my dash :)
17. fairy lights or LED lights?
ooh. okay. so at home I have LED lights because I love my blackout curtains and also my desk is beneath my bed, its a loft bed thing except the legs of my loft bed are too long so its like markiplier in college and my face is inches from the ceiling. but in college I have fairy lights because the dorm room light is harsh and evil and my two lamps only provide so much light so I have fairy lights too. must I choose?
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
oh yes yes yes. I still have my lovey (the stuffed animal that you never let go of as a child and definitely chewed on at some point and now it looks like the soul is sucked out of it) except my great grandmother is into sewing so it doesnt look too bad. It gets washed and restuffed and taken care of so it looks worn but good. ive also been like buying WAY too many fruits from Jellycat (look up the website, tumblr has talked about it before but they never drop the name and its like. childrens stuffed animals but also adults stuffed animals.) I have like over 50 webkinz according to my account-WHICH I TOTALLY DONT LOOK AT AHAHAHAHAHAH i mean not NOW that webkinz wants you to have an app plus apparently you need to buy a webkinz each year to keep your account add free which is like woah what- I mean I have a drawer of stuffed animals. it's not bursting at the seams or anything haha : )
19. most important thing in your life?
guy who did my adhd assessment implied that I'm unhealthily codependent on my best friend. but to be fair when i was in middle school I had a reoccurring dream every night for 3 years that she was going to get robbed at gunpoint and I would use myself as a human shield and get shot instead and bleed out in her arms and because it was nearly every night for 3 years I thought it was actually going to happen like a premonition and all it did was cement the idea in my head that she's everything to me. as soon as I accepted my future death the dreams stopped so I guess its not going to happen? but according to the dreams it should happen some time in the next 4? years because the dream said it would happen when im in college. but its fine im fine
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
my best friend- /j um. im not really sure. i dont have anything i ask for for my birthday because im pretty content. I mean sure, the worries of money and also how terribly lonely I am in college because I havent made many new friends in college and also im touchstarved and also my depression aint great and if i could get my adhd meds. but actually i feel pretty content when it comes to needing objects. a tan trenchcoat tho, oh, oh ive been searching for one for 6 years at every goodwill and target i could find. how the FUCK can i not get my hands on a tan trenchcoat in 6 years???? i need to buy online i swear theres a conspiracy against me, i have 3 black trenchcoats, THREE! actually i lost one in color guard but still!! and also a green petticoat that passes as a trenchcoat, but tan?? TAN??? ooh no i cant have that :( ujjuuuuuhghghhnnnnhnn okay replace everything i said before I want a tan trenchcoat and like. a working real iron man suit. also a legal name change to Samuel James Jellison which is neither my legal first, middle, or last name and also apparently like two dudes ever have had this name and theyre both dead so theres no point in looking this name up UNTIL i change my name. But I could be Sammy Jim Jellison, omg,,,
#i do talk about james jellison on my fairyreblogs but a quick recap.#he bought me my lovey. he's my great grandfather.#he died on my 7th birthday.#before he died i used to live with him. actually he died like 2 years after i moved out.#im pretty sure he taught me how to read.#also jim was notoriously grumpy and rude to everything except for his wife his youngest daughter and me so im special <3333#also grandpa cop i love him. he holds so much guilt about whatever he did as an undercover cop that he has never spoken about it#like for years. it has been years. and he wont say a word#also he and gramma are 9/11 first responders because gramma is a transphobic nurse and grandpa is literally like omg <33#you could pour soup in his lap and hed apologize to YOU.#anyway any of you go looking for a Jim Jellison who died November 14th and I may bite you in a nonaffectionate way#its been over a decade and my greatgrandmother STILL hasnt changed her voicemail from 'Jim and Joan'. because its HIS voice.#literally you could hit me with a truck and i'd be fine with it and you could drown my sibling and id be mad but fine with it#but invoke fuckign JIM JELLISON and i will go insane. like thats the only father figure i have who i LIKED. back off#is my dream name literally just my great grandpa with Sammy slapped in front? yes but its more than that.#i lived in their house raised by them i deserve to have the Jellison last name#also Samuel James sounds so cool. also Joan is my last name so if im making a switch I think taking the hubbys name will be okay#middle name. middle name is joan. god imagine if my last name was joan. actually i kinda wish my last name sucks.
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This @flufftober2021 fic turned out differently from my usual style, but I still think it's alright! It also includes some images, if you need a warning for that.
Flufftober Day 9: Text Messages
Rated T for swearing, Seteth/Manuela, ~1255 words (with some leeway due to images)
Thursday Sept 16 • 7:14 PM
Seteth: Manuela, thank you again for staying with Flayn until I could pick her up from choir practice. You went above and beyond your duties as her instructor, and words cannot express how grateful I am for your accommodation.
Manuela: np
Seteth: Np?
Manuela: no problem
Seteth: To prevent future confusion, perhaps you should type out full sentences instead of using abbreviations. (deleted)
Manuela: say if you want to thank me with more than just words
Manuela: do you happen to be single?
Manuela: asking for a friend
Thursday Sept 16 • 8:44 PM
Manuela: hello??
Friday Oct 1 • 5:56 PM
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Seteth: Flayn, could you please explain the meaning of this video?
Manuela: this is how you reply after ghosting me for two weeks??
Seteth: Shit (deleted)
Seteth: My apologies, Manuela. I meant to text my daughter. Please delete my messages and forget this ever happened.
Manuela: oh im not mad at you
Manuela: this is l i t e r a l l y the funniest thing ever
Manuela: poor sety needs a lesson on memes?
Seteth: I do not need a lesson on memes. And please do not call me ‘Sety’.
Manuela: you say that
Manuela: yet here you are in my messages asking your daughter what a tiktok video means
Seteth: This video is from Tumblr.
Manuela: who even uses tumblr anymore!! i thought it was dead!!!
Seteth: My daughter and I still use it.
Manuela: anyway
Manuela: the joke behind this tiktok is simple
Manuela: very beautiful
Manuela: very powerful
Manuela: a meme lesson for you, free of charge. youre welcome
Friday Oct 1 • 11:07 PM
Manuela: you get why thats funny right
Saturday Oct 9 • 10:31 AM
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Seteth: Flayn, I sincerely hope that you did not want to become a marine biologist because of internet memes.
Manuela: lmao you did it again??
Seteth: Fuck (deleted)
Seteth: My apologies for bothering you once more, Manuela. I promise that I won’t repeat this mistake in the future.
Manuela: wait you arent going to delete my number are you?
Seteth: I would prefer not to, in case I need to contact you regarding Flayn’s choir schedule, but I cannot keep accidentally messaging you when I mean to message her.
Manuela: but i dont mind the memes
Manuela: really
Manuela: your cluelessness is a b s o l u t e l y adorable
Seteth: I do not appreciate being made fun of.
Manuela: im not making fun of you!!
Manuela: this is your problem sety
Manuela: you need to lighten up. thats why you dont understand these memes
Seteth: Lightening up is not my problem. I already allow Flayn a great deal of freedom on the internet, provided that I am able to check her social media on occasion.
Manuela: and then you pester her about memes you do not approve of
Saturday Oct 9 • 11:45 AM
Manuela: hello?
Seteth: Apologies for not replying back sooner. I had personal tasks to attend to, and I was also thinking about what you said.
Seteth: I do not disapprove of her jokes, but perhaps I give her that impression because of how often I ask for explanations. I truly do not get the humor of this generation of children.
Seteth: Please do not tease me, Manuela. This is a serious matter.
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Manuela: oh sety
Manuela: you really do need to relax
Manuela: how about this? you can send me memes that you dont get, and ill do my best to explain them
Manuela: and i promise i wont tease you too badly ;)
Saturday Oct 9 • 12:58 PM
Manuela: hey sety i was being serious that time you know
Seteth: Apologies for the wait. I was compiling several recent memes from Flayn. I have 3 of them to share with you today.
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Manuela: oh come on you haven’t heard of the squid game
Seteth: I have heard of Splatoon, yes. Flayn plays it all the time.
Manuela: not that squid game!!
Manuela: its a popular netflix show that has nothing to do with squids
Manuela: so the joke is that people like you who dont know about the show assume that its about squids using underwater computers
Manuela: or something like that
Seteth: I see.
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Manuela: lol!!
Manuela: youve seen crazy car mods right? Looks like someone put a bunch of crayfish in their car
Manuela: which i approve of btw
Seteth: And I do not approve of it. I shudder what to think if Flayn did this to her own car when she gets one.
Manuela: then dont let her get a car
Manuela: that was a joke btw please let your daughter have a car
Manuela: anyway what else you got
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Manuela: ok you got me with this one
Manuela: theres probably a science joke in there and im not a science teacher
Manuela: i know someone who is tho. you know hanneman?
Seteth: Please do not show Hanneman these memes. I do not want my name attached to them.
Manuela: i wasnt going to tell him who sent them to me but ok fine
Seteth: Thank you for your help anyway, Manuela.
Manuela: np
Manuela: you can keep sending me all the memes you want btw
Manuela: anything to save my star singer from her clueless father
Seteth: I am not clueless. I am simply unaccustomed to modern Internet humor.
Seteth: If you do not mind me talking to you for a bit longer, it feels like the internet has changed so quickly. Back then, we had Lolcats, Rickrolling, Newsgrounds, and other jokes that were easy to understand. Now, I am baffled by every other image my daughter sends me.
Manuela: the jokes havent changed that much sety. everything is as silly and random as it was back then.
Manuela: its just your tastes have changed but thats normal. youll get used to it
Seteth: Thank you, Manuela. I must confess that it’s nice to talk about this to another adult.
Manuela: np
Manuela: tho now you got me wondering, how old are you
Seteth: I am 39 years old.
Manuela: no way??
Manuela: before i thought you were m u c h older than me, but when you started talking about lolcats i was like wait a sec
Seteth: Do I really act that old? (deleted)
Manuela: and you still havent answered my question btw
Seteth: Which question?
Manuela: are you single
Seteth: I fail to see how that is relevant to the conversation at hand.
Manuela: im just saying if you want to ever talk about memes in person, im always up for a drink
Saturday Oct 9 • 3:22 PM
Manuela: shit did i scare you off again
Seteth: Not exactly. I was just considering it.
Manuela: either you learned how to joke really fast or youre actually into me??
Seteth: I do not know how to respond to that. All I am saying is I am not adverse to the notion of talking to you face to face. Perhaps about other topics besides memes.
Manuela: ofc we can talk about other stuff!
Manuela: are you free tonight?
Seteth: Not tonight, I am afraid, but we can meet up some other time.
Manuela: kk
Manuela: looking forward to more invigorating discussions from you sety ;)
9 notes · View notes
whatever its too late now! you get to hear me talk about it to avoid writing it!!
So, i’ll be explaining the show for you newbs who dont watch power rangers like a smart person (as in the not watching it is smart). 
Power Rangers Mystic Force is, obviously, power rangers. It’s got the standard team of five with superpowers and weird biker-looking uniforms. 
If im honest, PRMF is literally just power rangers but with like fantasy magic.
It follows Nick Russell, the new guy in town. He’s a biker and he’s got this tragic bs backstory about how his parents abandoned him (update: they work overseas, they adopted him and like do not vibe with him)  and he travels, living with  family members and how he never sticks around long enough to make friends. We know he’s staying with his sister, and about nothing else. ~ Nick Russell is actually really important, of course, he is the Red Ranger and if we didn’t have the leader be angsty what kind of Power Rangers would we be, am I right? (i dunno i havent watched other power rangers in like ten years) ~
But we’ll come back to that. ~
There’s also Charlie “Chip” Thorn, a hyperactive hyperimaginative redhead with a love for fantasy and superheroes. He’s eager to join the team and loves the idea of quests and fighting villains and shit. He’s the Yellow Ranger, with Lightning Powers. ~
Vida Rocca, the ‘bad girl’. She has this one strip of her short hair that she dyes and may I just say when I finished the show a third time I couldnt not think ‘yO HER HAIR CHANGES TO SHOW HOW SHE FEELS ABOUT THE RANGERS’ but lets be honest thats probably bs lol. Anyways, she’s a DJ and she loves music, she’s the Pink Ranger (who hates pink for most of the show) with Wind Powers. ~
Madison Rocca, the ‘good girl’. She’s Vida’s sister, and she like following the rules and she enjoys recording her friends to make little videos for them to look back on when theyre older. She’s hesitant and cautious, but will do a lot to make sure her sister is safe. She’s the Blue Ranger, with the power of Water. ~
Xander Bly, he’s cocky and thinks hes all that, and flirts with women like every chance he gets. He thinks he’s super handsome and amazing and probably has a superiority complex for one reason or another. He’s the green ranger, with Nature Powers. ~
Not rangers include: ~
Koragg, one of the big bads who (SPOILERS) later turns out to be Nick’s father and Udonna’s long lost husband. Early on in the show he can telepathically communicate with Nick, which gives Nick these really really bad headaches, great for angst, it’s used as a bit of a plot device through a lot of the show and ngl I love it cause angst. ~
Uhh forgot her name but there’s the Vampire Queen who has bat wings on her hips and is in a full leather body suit. She’s kinda boring. ~
I forgot her name as well but the Vampire Queens daughter, who later goes on to save her mother because she realizes that the Rangers are the good guys and she’s on the wrong team.  ~
Udonna, the kinda ex White Ranger and a very powerful sorceress, as well as the Ranger’s trainer and Claire’s aunt. ~
Claire, (SPOILERS) who turns out to be the Daughter of Udonna’s sister, who was more powerful than her and sacrificed her life to seal the gate to what is essentially hell. She’s comedically bad at magic early in the show, and acts a lot like a comedic relief. ~
The Master, aka The Big Bad that the evil guys are trying to let free. Koragg before he became Koragg was trying to kill him and succeeded in trapping him further than all the others. He’s some weird tentical creepy muscles-showing no skinned weird i dunno i think i repressed this cause i forgot what he looks like lol.
Alright, so those are the characters. Now let me explain the plot.
Nick rides into town on his bike and is usually found set up outside the record shop that the rest of the Rangers (yet to be) work at. Btw, theyre all teenagers, but I think this takes place in summer cause we never see them go to school. 
Anyways, this old man calls for somebody to help him, and says that his brother and him were walking through the woods and somebody grabbed him, and he needed somebody to go looking for his brother. Nick, not being apart of the town to know they have rumours about dying in the forest, offers to help.
Xander tells him the woods are haunted, he ignores the man saying the man needs help so who gives a shit about some rumours, and then Vida is like “i’ll help too,” and Chip joins in cause he thinks its gonna be some awesome quest. They make it out to the forest, and Maddie and Xander join them, (”Xander I told you if you ever took my car I’d rearrange your limbs!” -Vida, episode one).
The man is like super ominous and her vanishes once they get into the forest, this creepy witch lady saves them from some bad guys attempting to attack them, and then throws brooms at them that they fly off on. 
Time skip not actually in the show but im losing steam so we’re moving on. Eventually, they make it to RootCore, aka the base of operations, and meet Udonna and Claire. Udonna is this super powerful sorceress and the White Ranger, and she trains them. Claire is her apprentice who is comedically bad at magic.
She hands out wands to them, they go to leave, get into a fight, all of them but Nick believe in and use magic, Nick leaves the forest, Udonna fights Koragg and loses her staff aka her White Ranger magic, and the Rangers are left in charge of saving everybody. In the end, Nick goes to leave and ends up showing up anyways to save the rangers from Koragg and embraces the magic, becoming the Red Ranger.
That’s the gist of the first episode, and the rest is kinda just “fight the bad guys, discover random secrets that make a surprising amount of sense for a show like this, fail a couple times, do some weird shit then end on a happy note”
The fantasy creatures integrate with Humans, Vida dyes all her hair bright pink, Nick fucking leaves town and this is the weird part. Because for one, Nick wanted to stay with his friends it was obvious, but for two; the way he left was w e i r d . He, Udonna and not-evil-Koragg who I forgot the name of, leave together.
The end scene is Nick riding up to the edge of the rode on his Motorcycle, then it slowly pans out to show Udonna and Nek (im just calling him Nek as in not evil koragg now) on bikes as well?? one of them asks if hes ready to go and they ~ride off into the sunset~
anyways, great show! youve gotta watch it on some.. less than legal sites but shh its okay shhhh. It used to be on Netflix but like yaknow, its gone now. Either way, it’s a great show in my opinion! Like I mean it’s bad cause Power Rangers, so to most who are looking to critique there’s probably shit acting, and there’s a lot of not needed grunting in battle, the effects are shitty and the costumes are kinda depressing, but it’s still enjoyable! 
Random Facts-- ~
Vida hates Pink, despite being the pink ranger. ~
Chip, Vida, and Maddie have been friends since either kindergarten or elementary school, i dunno about Xander. ~
They all work at a Record Shop/Music Shop together, and their boss is an idiot but kinda entertaining. ~
Vida turns into a vampire for about two episodes, and Chip is the one to figure it out. ~
Maddie gets turned to stone because Nick essentially calls her useless and shy, and so she went out to prove otherwise, and got caught up in an attack. ~
Chip opens a weird black bottle he found after a battle and some weird thing comes out and attacks him, he spends the B Plot of that episode quite literally dying with his soul being eaten and climbing a mountain to get the cure. ~
Koragg has a really dumb moral code about how he only fights with Honor and refuses to kill the rangers most of the time because its “not honorable” for some reason or another. ~
There’s an episode where Xander gets this really really ugly and big zit right on the tip of his nose, and he uses this perfection potion Claire made for plants. He proceeds to turn into a literal tree and be depressed. ~
There’s a Troblin, the child of a Troll and a Goblin, named Phineas who’s very entertaining and I like this. By the end of the show, he ends up dating the daughter of the Vampire Queen which when you think too hard about makes no sense. ~
Nick turns into Koragg at one point late in the series. I completely fucking forgot how, but he does lol.
12 notes · View notes
atlafan · 4 years
Hii ok u dont have to write this if it doesnt inspire u but I’ve been watching Selling Sunset on Netflix & I’ve been waiting impatiently for the 3rd season cuz it’s just so good lol but i was wondering if u could write something about rich real estate agent H? Maybe helping the MC buy her first home and they hit it off? Ur the only 1 who writes these diverse Harry’s & I can’t stop thinking about real estate H showing her expensive houses & like doing NaughtyStuff with her in an empty 1 lol xx HC
a/n: this has been in my inbox for a while and I’ve been wanting to get to it, so here it is! there is smut, but it’s more tame than you requested. Hope you still like it! 
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You weren’t sure how you were able to do it, but you finally had enough money for a down payment on a home. You scrimped and saved for years as best you could, you paid off the majority of your student loans, you built up your credit, and now you felt ready for this very adult step. 
Your parents weren’t sure why you weren’t content with just renting. “What if you meet someone?” They’d ask you. “Then they could just move in with me, or we’d find another place. It’s an investment!” You’d reply. They had this vision in their head that you’re supposed to buy a home with a partner. It was the twenty-first century, you didn’t need anyone to help you...or so you thought. 
The pre-approval process at the bank was lengthy, but thorough. They’d need to see your W2′s from two years prior, they needed to know how long you’ve been at your current job, and basically just how much money you had altogether. The mortgage specialist at the bank was very kind. 
“So, you’re doing this all on your own?” 
“I am.” You smile.
“Have you got real estate agent yet?”
“No.” You shrug. “You don’t really need when you’re the one buying do you? I can just call whoever’s showing the house and work with them.”
“Maybe in small towns, but in larger areas like this you’ll want a realtor, trust me. It doesn’t cost you anything either way. They can top shop, help you negotiate, all those kinds of things.”
“They also like to show you houses out of your price range.” You scoff. 
“Not the honest ones. I get it, at the end of the day, they’re out there to make a quick buck, and the more the house is, the larger the cut they get. But I know a guy, he actually helped my son buy his first home. He was absolutely wonderful, and he’s a shark.” She goes through the many business cards on her desk. “Ah! Here it is, Harry Styles, he works for Greenfield Real Estate.” 
You take the card from her and scan it over.
“Don’t they sell, like, really nice homes? They work with people looking for mansions.” 
“Just give him a call, and tell him I sent you. You won’t regret it, trust me. Your pre-approval is only good for ninety days, so you’ll want to contact him soon.” 
Your head was swimming, but you knew she had a point. Half the houses you favorited on realtor.com or zillow were sold already. It was a seller’s market for sure. Maybe you would need someone to help you negotiate...but did it have to be a man? Couldn’t you find a female realtor? You spent years becoming the strong, independent woman you came to be, and now it felt like you’d be surrendering to some stereotype. 
However, after perusing on the Greenfield website, you see a picture of Harry. You bite your bottom lip, swallow some pride, and dial his number. 
“Greenfield Real Estate, this is Harry.” You weren’t expecting the British accent, or the deep voice and drawl that came with it. “Hello?”
“Um, hi! Yeah, Doris at Hills Bank gave me your card...I’m a first time home buyer.” You want to smack yourself for how stupid you sound. 
“Oh, I love Doris! I’ve worked with her a bunch. I actually helped her son buy his first home last year.”
“That’s what she told me.” 
“Right, so, picking a realtor is sort of like dating, you wanna make sure you pick the right one. Why don’t we meet up for coffee somewhere locally so we can get to know each other a bit.” 
Pushy, he was already wanting to meet you. Probably to have you sign your life away to be his client. 
“Sure, we could do that.”
“Are you local? There’s a place on Bleaker Street that has great coffee.” 
“Is it Monte Alto?”
“Yeah! That’s the one. When are you free?”
“I could meet you Friday during lunch my break.”
“Sounds great, I’m assuming noon?”
“By the way, you didn’t tell me your name.”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Alright, Y/N, I’ll see you Friday at noon at Monte Alto.” 
You take a huge breath after you hang up. 
Friday rolled around, and you weren’t able to step out of the office until nearly 11:50. It would take a little more than ten minutes to get there, and you hated being late. You were happy you had at least looked up what Harry looked like so you’d be able to spot him once you were there. 
Once you’re there, you see a man sitting on one of the cushioned chairs, looking out the window. It had to be him. 
He looks over at you and smiles. He stands up to shake your hand.
“Yes, hi, sorry I’m late, I’ve had meeting after meeting this morning. Fridays aren’t usually this busy.”
“No worries at all. Tell me, what’s your order?” 
“Oh, I can get it myself. I’m gonna grab a bagel too.”
“Good idea, I’ll do the same. Now, what’ll you have?” 
“Really...I can-”
“I know you can, but I invited you here, it would be rude to have you pay. Do this with all my perspective clients.” 
“Well, don’t I feel special.” You say sarcastically. He chuckles softly as you both get in line. 
You both order your drinks and food, and wait awkwardly for your names to be called, then you sit back down. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re more than welcome. So, tell me, what’s your dream home?”
“Oh god, um, nice big kitchen, I love to cook when I actually have time. A room for entertaining. I’m usually the one to host friends. Two stories, a garage, three bedrooms would be ideal, but I’ll settle for two-”
“No settling.” He smirks. “Go on.” 
“Um...well, so, three bedrooms, ideally I’d like a master with an en suite, but who doesn’t?” You watch as he makes notes on a little pad of paper. “I’d like a yard, but it doesn’t need to be huge. Bonus points if there’s a deck or patio, maybe even a pool, but I can live without those things.”
“And you’re buying this just for yourself, correct? No husbands or boyfriends I need to know about?” 
“You know, I could have a girlfriend.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry you’re right, um-”
“Relax, I’m teasing.” You chuckle. “But to answer your question, I am doing this alone. I feel like I’m ready for a house, so I want one.” 
“Thought I put my foot in my mouth for a second there. I need to learn to just say partner.” He picks up his drink to take a sip, and that’s when you notice he has perfectly manicured nails. Interesting. “So it seems like you know how to be realistic about what you want, and you also have a dream list. What about projects, do they scare you?”
“I’m good with painting or even having to put new flooring in, but I’d like to stay away from any major reno.” 
“Gotcha.” He makes another note. “And what price range are we working with here?” 
“Let me just make a note on my phone, I’d rather not say out loud in case someone tries to rob me.” 
He smiles and nods. He squints at your screen and makes a note. 
“Great, good for you. What do you do for work?” 
“I’m a physician, I work at a doctor’s office not too far from here. I’ve been there for two years, and I love what I do.”
“That’s great. So, Doris talked with you about balancing a mortgage and paying down your student loans?”
“They’re mostly paid for, actually. I got a lot of scholarships for my undergrad, and during med school I was awarded a pretty decent grant.” 
“Perfect.” He scribbles some more notes and then puts his pad and pen down. “What do you want to know about me?” 
“How long have you been a realtor for?” 
“Six years, been with Greenfield since I started.”
“What made you get into it?”
“Love seeing people happy.” 
“What about when someone buys below the asking price?”
“Doesn’t happen with me, not when I’m selling anyways. However, when I’m helping someone buy a home, well, let’s just say I’m pretty good at negotiating.” He smirks. “You’d be in good hands with me, but if you wanna shop around some more I’ll understand.” 
“Do you work with first time buyers a lot?”
“Sometimes, it depends. I know a lot of them like to work with me. They’re usually young, I’m young. Makes for a more relatable experience.”
“Okay.” You look outside and think for a moment. “I think I’d like to work with you.”
He smiles big at you.
“Are there any homes you’ve had in mind that you’d like to start looking at? I can definitely see what open houses are out there too. People tend to make offers fast, but don’t let that scare you. The home has to feel right, if you want it, I’ll make sure you get it.” 
“There were a few I’ve seen on realtor...” You take your phone out to show him. “I’d like to not have a super long commute either if I can help it.” 
“Are you looking to grow into this home or is it more of a starter space for you?” You give him a funny look. “I just mean, like, would you be open to a condo or something like that.”
“Only if it was detached and didn’t have a high HOA.” 
He nods and looks at some of the other homes you had favorited.
“So what I’m gonna do is go back to my office and run a few searched. Then I’ll text you a link to the home I find, and you can tell me which ones you like. Don’t be afraid to tell me you hate them either. Then if there’s a couple you wanna see, we’ll set up a time that works for you, and then I’ll contact the other realtor, sound good?”
“Sounds great.” 
You shake hands again before leaving. As you make your way back to the office, you feel relieved. You had someone you could ask questions to, and someone basically on your side. Harry was nice, a salesman at heart, but nice.
Saturday morning you get a text from Harry.
Harry Styles - Hi Y/N, it was great meeting you yesterday. Here are some places I think you might like. Let me know what you think! 
You liked how formal he was. You tap the link he sent you. The first couple were duds, but there were a few on here that actually peaked your interest. 
You - Could we three of the home? The bottom three on the list. 
Harry Styles - Sure! When would work for you? 
You - I don’t work on Mondays, so that would be easiest. Timing doesn’t matter. 
Harry Styles - I’ll contact the realtors and see what we can put together. 
You - Thanks so much!
You felt really excited. You wondered if maybe you should invite your parents to come look at the houses with you, but maybe you would save that for a second look through once you actually find something. A house can look much different in pictures than it does in person. 
Monday morning, around 9:30, you meet Harry at the first location. His car was parked in the driveway. He gets out when he sees you pull in. He had two coffees in hand. 
“Morning.” He says to you. “Got you a coffee, I remembered your order.” 
“Oh! Um, thanks.” You take it from him. 
“I’ve already gone in and unlocked the doors and turned the lights on. The other realtor isn’t here, which is perfectly fine. Take your time, feel free to walk around outside before heading in too.” 
You smile and nod. The front was beautifully landscaped, and there was a gate leading to the backyard. He follows you out that way. You listen as he explains when the home was built and why the people were selling it. There a nice deck that had been recently put on, no pool though, but there was room for one. You go up the stairs of the deck and go in through the sliding glass door. 
“Kitchen was recently renovated within the last five years. All appliances come with the place.” 
“It’s beautiful.” You run your fingers over the nice granite counter tops. 
As you scope out the rest of the house, you’re not as impressed as you were with it when you first walked in. The bedrooms were small, and barely had any storage. The basement wasn’t in the best condition either. 
“Definitely a no, but a good first experience nonetheless.” 
Harry looks down at his watch as he nods. 
“Wanna follow me to the next place then?”
Same thing happened at house number two and three. You just weren’t wowed. You sigh heavily as you lean against your car. 
“Don’t get discouraged, Y/N. It’s better to know what you don’t like. We can keep looking. When I go into the office tomorrow I can run another search. Maybe we can look at some condos.” 
“That might be good. Maybe somewhere with people my age? It would be cool to be in a little community.”
“Thanks...I hope I haven’t been a pain with the things I don’t like.”
“Not at all. This is a really big purchase, you should get what you want.” 
It took three more weeks of meeting up with Harry on various days to find a place you liked. On a Saturday evening, he brought you over to a condo that was detached, had a garage, a community gym and pool. It had three bedrooms, and two and a half baths. One being an en suite for the master bedroom.The kitchen was gorgeous and flowed into a dining/living area. You were thrilled. 
“Harry...” You look at him. “It’s perfect.” 
“Really, you like it?”
“I love it!” You squeal and hug him without thinking. “Sorry.” You blush.
“It’s fine, it’s exciting.” 
“I’d like to put an offer in. The price is rate and the HOA is reasonable. It’s not too far from work. I’d be able to entertain, the backyard is fenced in. There was even security at the gate! This is my home, I can feel it.” 
“Fantastic. The paperwork can take some time. Would you wanna fill everything out over dinner?” 
“Plus, it gives you a chance to see what places nearby are like. We passed some nice restaurants on the way here.” 
You follow him to a nice pizza place a couple of miles away. He bring a large packet of paper and a couple of pens in with him.
“On the way here I called the other realtor to let him know an offer was coming their way.”
You both get seated and are given some water. He takes the papers out and explains what you would need to sign, and what your offer would mean. Harry said you could definitely low ball the sellers, so you asked for about $15K less than the asking price. 
“They probably won’t accept, but most people don’t on the first offer. This just gives us a good starting point.”
“And you think the six grand in closing costs is good?”
“Yeah, totally reasonable. That’ll be about half of it. Sometimes, you can get more money off after the home inspection. Once a price is settled, you’ll want to schedule that right away. I have some names of some great home inspectors.”
“Would you be there for that?”
“I would. I’m there for all of it. The other realtor will be there too.” 
“Okay good. I’d feel better with you there.” 
As you begin to sign the documents, a waiter comes over. 
“Good evening folks, can I start you off with anything to drink?”
“I’d love a glass of rose please.” You say. 
“Just a Corona for me, thanks.” 
The waiter nods and leaves you be. 
“Did you want to just split a pizza?” Harry asks looking down at the menu. 
“Sure, what do you like? I usually just get green peppers and mushrooms.”
“Works for me. Would you mind this cauliflower crust?”
“Not at all! I prefer that, actually.” 
‘Perfect.” He smiles. 
When the waiter comes back, Harry orders your pizza. He watches as you finish up all the paperwork. He checks over everything to make sure you signed everything. 
“I’ll get this all scanned and sent over tomorrow.”
“Do you ever take a day off?”
“Yes and no. The realtor world is funny. Sometimes I’m in the office all day and then I wont hear from a client until 8PM. I’m not helping someone buy, I’m helping someone sell. I’m always busy.”
“Sorry to take up your Saturday night...”
“No, don’t be. I’d just be home working.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his beer. “It’s your Saturday night I’m more worried about.” 
“Oh please.” You laugh. “My friends know I’ve been busy with this, they understand. Besides when I showed them who you were...” You stop yourself from finishing the sentence. 
“No, please, go on.” He smirks.
“They just, they saw your picture on the Greenfield website, that’s all.” You blush. 
The waiter comes over with the pizza, and thankfully it breaks a bit of the tension. You each take a slice and dig in. 
“This is delicious.” You say. 
“Yeah, never been here before, I’ll definitely have to come back.” He takes another sip of his beer. “Once that condo is yours, I fully expect an invite to your house warming, by the way. I like to know my clients are good to go.”
“I definitely won’t be a stranger.” 
When you and Harry are done, he walks you out to your car. He gives you a small hug goodbye as well. You felt like you just had a date, but there was no way you did. 
After going back and forth twice, your offer was accepted. You set up a home inspection with one of the names Harry had given you. He meets you at the house when it’s time, and you’re able to meet the other realtor. A woman, who was a little too delighted to see Harry. You felt jealous when they hugged. However, he stayed close to you and took notes while the inspector was talking. 
You made sure to ask a lot of questions. There were no major things that alarmed you. All of the information was just a lot to take in, and you were feeling slightly overwhelmed. You should have brought your parents, or another friend. Was Harry a friend at this point? As the inspector was putting together a full report for you, and getting your email, the other realtor was talking to Harry.
“So, I thought you were only in the selling game right now.” She smirks at him.
“Once in a while I take on a buyer.” He shrugs. “It’s good commission.”
“Yeah, thanks, can’t wait to split it with you.” She rolls her eyes. “But I do love when our paths cross.”
“Mhm.” He looks over at you and then back to the realtor. “The previous owners took great care of this place.”
“Yeah, they did. The only reason they moved is because they’re daughter had a baby and they wanted to be closer to her.”
“Ah, classic.”
“Are you doing anything later?”
“Um…well…Y/N is probably going to have questions and stuff, so I’ll probably be busy with her for a bit.”
“Okay, but, like, tonight, are you free? We could grab a drink.”
“Harry?” You say, walking over to them. “Everything’s all set. He said I should have the radon and water tests by next week.”
“Perfect. You’ll be able to make a final decision and add anything to an addendum then.”
“It was nice to meet you.” You shake the woman’s hand.
“Same to you. Look forward to hearing from you soon.”
“Y/N, I took a lot of notes, is there anything you want to go over?”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“See ya Margaret, we’ll be in touch.” He shakes her hand and leaves her standing there, shocked.
Harry walks with you outside, and you agree on a bar to meet up at. You both grab drinks and Harry goes over his notes with you. He gives you the name of a good plumber since you mentioned you’d want to update a few fixtures.
“What about a painter? Know of anyone that can help with that?”
“You don’t need to waste your money on a professional. Painting’s not that hard.” He chuckles.
“Well, I am not very skilled when it comes to that kind of stuff. Plus, I won’t really have the time to do it myself, and I’d wanna get it done before I move.”
“You could get all done in a couple of weekends no problem, you just need some friends that know how to paint.” He puts a toothpick in his mouth and fiddles with it. “I know how to paint.”
“You do?”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “Sometimes sellers need to fix up their houses quickly. I’ve come to the rescue on more than one occasion.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“I don’t make any money if I don’t. No one wants to be an ugly house.” He takes a sip of his drink. “I guess what I’m saying is, I could help you paint. You’re about to have a mortgage payment on your hands.”
“Pending the inspection report.” You smirk.
“Right.” He smiles.
“Did you offer up the same service for Doris’ son?”
“No.” He says smugly. “He already knew how to paint.”
“That other woman before, what was her name? Margaret?”
“Yeah, what about her?”
“I heard her ask you out…”
“She didn’t, she wasn’t…uh…” He scratches the back of his neck. “Sometimes we go for drinks if we end of working on the same house. Nothing more than that really.”
“So, you’re not, like, seeing her.”
“God, no. That would be a major conflict of interest.”
“Do you always go out for drinks with your clients?”
“Sometimes…I know some people have clients over to their home to do paperwork, but I didn’t think you’d feel super comfortable coming over to some guy’s house you barely know.”
“How considerate of you.” You giggle.
“Did it bother you that she asked me out tonight?”
You nearly choke on your drink.
“What? No, why, uh, why would it have bothered me?”
“Because…if someone had done the same to you in front of me I would have been bothered, but to be fair, I’m a pretty jealous guy.” He finishes his drink and orders another one.
“How many times does this happen?”
“You hitting on your clients.”
“Is that what I’m doing?” He fake gasps. “And no, I don’t usually do this. I’m a little embarrassed, actually. Not very professional of me to have a crush on your client.” Your eyes widen and your jaw drops slightly. “Sorry, I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable.”
“No! I…I’m just a little surprised that you’re into me, is all.”
“Why? You’ve got a great career, you’re super independent, and you’re really funny.”
“How do you not already have a girlfriend?”
“I’m really busy, like, all the time. I’m able to take vacations here and there, but you see how much I work. Any time I date it doesn’t last because people don’t understand the job. You’re a doctor, you get it. You must be busy going to classes trying to stay up to date on everything.”
“I am, I’m definitely busy a lot…but I make time for friends.”
“So do I. My friends don’t get offended if I have to cancel or reschedule, or they at least don’t take it personally.”
“I get what you’re saying…dating is hard when you have a demanding job.”
“So…are you going to ask me out?”
“Can’t, not until this is all done at least. Conflict of interest.”
“But when I do, are you saying you’ll say yes?”
“I guess we’ll find out when you ask, won’t we?”
Harry helped you go over the inspection report once you got it. You asked for some money towards getting the furnace serviced, and the previous owners thought it was a reasonable request. You were able to close a couple of weeks later. Typically the realtor comes to the bank with the buyer on the big day.
“Harry!” Doris squeals as she hugs him. “Great to see you.”
“Same to you.”
“Love when we get to see each other like this.”
“Same here, how’s your son?”
“Oh, he’s great. Y/N, have a seat. We have lots of things to sign.”
You sign what you need to. Doris gives you a gift bag with some wine glasses. Harry hands over a bottle of champagne to you as well. It was very exciting. You were officially a home owner.
“Thank you so much.” You shake Doris’ hand before leaving the bank.
Harry grabs your wrist once you’re both outside.
“Thanks, I literally couldn’t have done it without you.” You give him a quick hug. “My parents are gonna meet me there soon so they can check it out. I think they wanna take me out to eat to celebrate.”
“That’s great.” He clears his throat. “What, uh, what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Continuing to pack.” You laugh. “But, um, I could make myself available in the evening.” You smile.
“I’m having a little pool party tomorrow. Bunch of my friends are coming over, I’d love to have you over too, if you felt comfortable.”
“That sounds amazing! Can I bring anything?”
“Just your beautiful self.”
Your parents were very impressed with your new purchase. You did well. Saturday morning you continued your packing adventure, trying to make sure you properly labeled your boxes. You needed to make sure none of your medical journals got lost.
Even though Harry had offered over and over to teach you how to paint, your parents offered to pay for a painting crew for you, just to make things go faster. Once that was done you’d be able to move. You search your dresser for a suitable bathing suit. You weren’t sure how much skin to actually show.
“Ah ha!” You find your green, strapless one-piece that had a cute cut out in the upper part of the stomach. You’re also able to find a cute cover up dress to throw on over it.
In the latter part of the afternoon, you drive over to Harry’s. You were impressed by the neighborhood he was able to live in. All of the houses were huge. When you pull up to his house you wonder what he needed such a big house for. Maybe he entertained a lot too, just like you did.
You – just pulled up!
Harry Styles - come right around back!
You walk around to where you can hear music playing and people laughing. There were plenty of people already in Harry’s large in-ground pool.
“Y/N!” Harry waves over to you.
Damn, he has a lot of tattoos. You think to yourself.
“Hi, Harry!”
He comes over to you and kisses you on the cheek without really thinking.
“Glad you could make it. Make yourself comfortable. Plenty of food, plenty of pool.” He chuckles.
Harry’s friends were really nice and welcoming, you didn’t feel too out of place. His eyes couldn’t help but scan over your body the second you took your coverup off. Turns out Harry was a master on the grill. He made sure to pay attention to while still being a good host to his friends. It was a fun party. As the night dwindled you wanted to make some sort of move.
“You know, I’ve seen your entire backyard, but I’ve yet to be given a your of your home.”
“You’d like that?”
“It’s only fair, you’ve seen mine.” You wink at him.
He leads you inside.
“Well, you’ve seen the kitchen, obviously.”
He takes you through the first floor and then leads you upstairs. He explains that he has all the extra rooms so his family has their own space for when they come to visit.
“And this is my room, but you don’t have to-“
“No, let’s see it.” You smile.
He smiles back and opens the door. Your jaw drops when you see how much space there is. There were two closets, both filled with nice clothes.
“Come check out the bathroom. I had some work done to it last year.”
“Why do you have a double vanity?”
“For guests.” He blushes. “My last girlfriend actually, she liked having her own sink. Apparently I have too many products and they can get in the way.” He clears his throat. “Anyways, I had everything redone last year. I know a great bathroom guy if you ever wanna update anything.”
“You have a guy for everything.” You giggle. “And you do have a lot of products, two sinks makes sense.” You walk out and back into the bedroom. “So…”
“What date number would you consider this to be?”
“Legally, the first…not legally…” He grins. “Think I’ve lost track.” He steps closer to you. “My friends liked you.”
“I liked them.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “And I like you.”
“I like you too.” His hands move to your hips. “And I really like this bathing suit. Haven’t been able to take my eyes off you all day.”
You both smile and continue to make eye contact. Harry looks down at your lips and leans in. He presses his lips to yours, and you find yourself grasping at him to pull him closer. You couldn’t remember the last time you were intimate with someone, but it had definitely been too long. You were ravenous. You open your mouth him and he groans into you. You both shuffle back to the bed and fall on top of it.
“If this feels too fast, just let me know.” He breathes as you move to straddle him.
“Harry, I want you.” You cup his cheek and he moves to kiss your palm. “But, if it feels too fast for you, we can cool it.”  
“I want you too, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel pressured or anything.”
“I don’t, but thank you.”
You lean down to kiss him again. His hands move to the back of your bathing suit.
“Gotta get this off you.” He grunts.
You get off him to stand up.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“Seems to be our little theme.” He smirks.
Harry stands up and takes his trunks off. Your eyes grow wide when you look down at his hard cock. He steps towards you and helps you out of your swim suit.
“I have a fun idea.” He says as he kisses down your neck. “We’ve been in the sun all day, let’s go hop in the shower.”
You smile at him and nod. He leads you into the bathroom and gets the water in the shower going. He yanks you inside and gets you under the warm water. He backs you up to the wall and press you against it. His hands roam your body as his lips find yours again.
“I’ve thought about this so many times.” He says.
“You have?”
“Mhm, there were so many times in the houses I showed you that I just wanted to take you right then and there.”
He nips at your jaw as his hands knead your breasts. You wrap your arms back around his neck. You feel his hard cock press against your hip and it makes you whimper. One of his hands slides down your stomach. He looks at you to make sure it’s alright and you nod yes.
Your head rolls back against the tile as his fingers slips between your legs. His thumb works your clit while he works two of his fingers inside you.
“Oh my god.” You gasp and grind your hips toward his hand. You reach for his length and start to pump him.
You both were panting. You have to let go of him to clutch onto his shoulders as you release around his fingers.
“Please.” You moan. “Fuck me. I have an IUD.”
Harry kisses you and hooks one of his arms under one of your legs so he can push in at a better angle. You bite down on his bottom lip, causing him to groan loudly.
“You’re so fucking sexy.” He says into your ear as he thrusts in and out of you.
“You feel so good, Harry, fuck.”
He pulls out of you, turns you around, and presses back inside. His chest was flush with your back. You claw at the tile as he rocks in and out of you. One of his hands snakes around to rub your clit and the other works one of your breasts.
You feel a flood of things wash over you, but mostly it was another incredible orgasm. You could get used to this.
“Shit, I’m gonna come. Where do you want it?” He grunts.
“Inside me.”
“Jesus.” He groans and releases inside you. You moan out at the warm feeling.
“This is the softest robe in the world.”
“Glad you like it. You can wear it anytime.”
You both were cuddled up in his bed, munching on some fruit while watching TV.
“Do you have parties like this often?”
“Only when I’ve finally told a tougher home.”
“You were working with someone while working with me? How did you find the time?”
“Babe, I was working with like six other people.” He smirks.
“Doris was right, you are a shark.” You laugh.
“Gotta be able to afford this place, right?” He tucks some hair behind your ear. “You’ll stay tonight? I’m a cuddler.”
“Of course.” You giggle. “I’ll have to have you over for my next game night, you can meet all of my friends.”
“Like I said, I fully expect to be invited to your house warming.”
“That too.”
“But I’d be happy to meet your friends. Are they doctors too?”
“A couple of them are, yeah. We met in med school. Wouldn’t have made it through without them.”
You two stay up for hours, legs tangled in each other, telling each lots of things about one another. It was easy to talk to Harry, it had been since you met. He felt the same about you too. You both knew it wouldn’t be so easy to just get together. Harry’s schedule was unpredictable, and your days were long and tiring. But, neither of you really cared because you both felt like you found your person.
Harry loved game nights with your friends. He was a tad competitive, but it just made for more laughs. You both liked having your separate spaces, but you enjoyed when he could actually spend the night, or when you could spend the night at his place. Neither of you took it personally when the other was too busy or too tired either. Once you felt truly settled, you wrote Doris a thank you note for setting you up with the best realtor and the love of your life.
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brelione · 4 years
Endgame(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Request:with kie with a like super rich kook SO and bringing them to meet the rest of the pogues and they all expect to hate them but then not
Kiara had never liked you.Well, she had never reallly met you.She kind of just assumed you were a bitch.You were what Sarah Cameron thought she was, you came from a ridiculously rich family.
Your mother was a brain surgeon and your father was a famous actor so that obviously meant that you were ridiculously rich.Kie had done a lot of research on you, finding your name on your fathers wikipedia page and from there finding your blog where you posted videos of him behind the scenes and personal interviews with him on your youtube channel.
She was up for 16 hours straight watching all of your videos, memorising your intro song.You had a good one million subscribers, posting a lot of blogs and videos showing things that you had found on the beach.She would blush and giggle at your little comments.
 “Hey, beautiful people!Its your bitch and today im gonna show you guys my new surf board because my old one got broke on an accident.I mean, my wrist also broke so if you were gonna comment on it, trust me.I definitely noticed.So before I get into this video I just want to talk about mental health really quickly.”You paused to take in a quick breath, speaking a bit too fast.
Theres a new suicide game and its getting across social media really quick so please do me a favor and stay safe.It doesnt matter what the problem is now, its only temporary and suicide is a permanent solution.I linked some suicide hotlines and free therapy sources in the description so please just keep yourselves healthy and happy for me, okay?Okay, cool.”You licked your lips, calming down from the quick rant.
“Also drink some fucking water!Its hot out and I almost passed out the other day and make sure you get a snack because this video is already fifteen minutes long and im probably gonna be ranting for another hour.”You grinned at the camera.
Kiara bit into a carrot stick, her knees on her chest as she sat in the recliner of her living room. “Watching another documentary?”Her mother asked, noticing that her daughter hadnt moved in hours.Kie shrugged, focusing on you as you dropped your surfboard. “This is exactly how I broke the first one-fuck!”You laughed, picking it back up.
Eventually the boys started to spam her phone, interrupting her binge watching.She left her house with a sigh, walking out to the dock and waiting for the pogues.Thats when she heard your voice.It was quiet as you walked, wearing white jeans and a light blue button up shirt.
 “So you guys always ask me to show you the beach that I find all of my seashells at so thats what we’re-”You paused, looking over to Kiara.She quickly looked away, pretending to be busy on your phone. “Sorry guys, I just saw a really pretty girl.”You whispered to your phone, continuing your walk.
From there she finally worked up the courage to talk to you.She couldnt simply message you on instagram, you had hundreds of thousands of followers so her dm would get lost with all the others.
So she found her prettiest outfit and walked to your house, knocking on the door.You looked at her through the camera of your doorbell, knowing that you had seen her before.You set down your lap top as you were editing, going to answer the door. 
“Hi...um...hi.”She laughed, not planning on getting this far. “Hi, um...what’s up?”You cringed at your words. “Nothing much.I just live a block away and I just thought id say hi...im sorry.”She laughed again, becoming more anxious.
 “Its fine!So um...I dont know, do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?”You asked, leaning against your doorway.She licked her lips, trying her best not to blush. “Yeah, yeah ok.Um...could I get your number?”She asked, holding her phone.
You nodded, giving her your phone number and telling her to text you whenever.Once the door was closed and she had left you were a squealing mess on your couch, recording. 
“So you guys know that pretty girl I was talking about that I saw?Yeah so I just got her number and im low key freaking out-oh god lets just hope she doesnt watch my channel!”You laughed before finishing the editing process, uploading it to youtube.
Kiara got the notification while she was washing her face, watching the video and absolutely losing her mind.She buried her face in her pillow, squealing before deciding to text you.
Unknown number:hey!Its Kiara.Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
You smiled, letting out a sigh.You screenshotted it, knowing that it would be fun to look back at in the future.
You:Sounds good!Do you want to come over and we can get coffee or lunch or something?
You:Works for me :)
You were anxious the whole night, trying to figure out what to wear.You couldnt decide, posting a poll on your instagram.They decided that you’d be wearing a dark green romper and sandals.You went to bed early since you’d have to wake up before afternoon, heart pounding.
When you woke up it was eleven and you were already behind, hopping in the shower quickly, drying your hair and brushing it, trying to get it to a soft texture.You didnt want to look like you were trying too hard, deciding not to use all of the hair products you’d usually put in your hair before a meeting or a date.
You got into your outfit quickly, pinning your pin back with bobby pins so you could moisturize your face, grabbing your box of beads and parting your hair.You braided the two groups of hair that framed your face, intertwining the beads along the way, securing it with an elastic.
You sighed, twisting a golden flower ring onto your pinkie before going down stairs to sit in your large living room, waiting for Kiara.Your doorbell alerted you to motion outside, getting excited when you saw Kiara walking up to your front door.
She was wearing a pink tube top, light washed jeans with her hair half up and half down, bracelets hugging her wrists.You got up, answering the door the second she rung the bell. “Hi.”You smiled, phone in your pocket.
 “Hi.”She smiled back, looking up and down at you.The two of you got into your car, you driving as you started your drive to a cafe. “So how are you?”You asked, realising you knew nothing about her. “Im good, what about you?”She asked, hands in her lap. “I was up all night editing which obviously sucked but you know, it is what it is.”You replied, biting your lip.
She smiled, knowing she’d end up watching the video. “Editing what?Like an edits account on instagram?”She asked, cringing at how stupid it sounded.You shook your head, slowing down once you got to the main road, searching for a parking spot.
 “No, I have a youtube channel.I kind of just post random shit and hope for the best.”You answered, pulling up next to the cafe.She nodded, turning to look at you. “That’s cool, what kind of stuff do you post?”She asked, resting her chain against her palm.
You bit your lip, glancing over at the cafe. “I post a lot of interviews and random videos of my dad and sometimes he’ll take me to a set with him and i’ll take videos with the cast.I got to meet Scarlet Johannson so thats cool.”You replied, unbuckling your seatbelt.She grinned.
 “Thats fucking awesome-were they in a movie together?”She asked, wanting to hear you talk more. “A show thats coming to Netflix soon, its kind of like a murder mystery meets greek mythology and my dad plays Zeus.We should watch it together.”You answered.
The car was cool but you felt hot, probably because her eyes were focused on you.She nodded, liking the idea of hanging out with you more. “That’d be awesome.”The two of you went inside, the barista grinning at you.
She had always liked you and liked showing up in your vlogs when you came in to get your coffee with boba.She looked to the unknown girl beside you, a small pout on her face. “What can I get for you ladies?”She asked, already preparing your coffee. 
“What do you want, Kie?”You asked, moving aside so she could see the menu. “Uhhh….whats a green frappe?”She asked, squinting at the menu. “Oh-its like a blended matcha latte with like mint and vanilla.It's really good.”You explained.
The two of you sat with your drinks, Kiara laughing as you stabbed the boba bubbles at the bottom of your cup. “You know whats cool?These straws are made of hemp plastic so its-”She cut you off before you could finish.
 “Biodegradable?”She asked.You nodded, glad someone finally knew what you were talking about. “Yeah!And the company is awesome, they have like 10% of sales going to help the Amazon rain forests and another 10% going to help clean the ocean.”You smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
The afternoon had ended with the two of you on the beach, taking photos of eachother discretely while you finished your drinks, searching for sea glass and watching the sun set.Kiara was freaking out on the inside, knowing that she was pretty much dating a celebrity.
It didnt take long after that first day for her to start showing up in your videos.You held your camera as you two walked down the beach, her hand holding yours and twirling you every once in a while, flashing a smile to the camera. 
“So we’re currently on our way to a place that Kie will not tell me about because shes rude.”You spoke, turning the camera to face you.Kiara simply laughed, placing her chin on your shoulder. “Uh...no its because im good at planning surprises.”She answered, grinning when you gasped.
Two surfboards were on the sand along with a blanket and a basket full of fruits, veggies and sandwiches.You cut the camera, giggling and pulling her into a kiss. “Love you.”She grinned, giggling.
 “Love you too.”You replied, looking down at the boards.It didnt take long for the two of you to be in only your swimsuits, grabbing the boards and heading towards the water.You clipped the camera to your board, making sure it was secure before stating to film, catching a few good waves on camera before focusing more on Kie.
 “There she is, showing off for you guys.”You zoomed in on Kiara as she rode the wave, twisting her body to get a beautiful spin on the dark blue wave.She disappeared under the water, resurfacing with a smile and hair on her face, swimming towards you.
 “Did you see that?”She asked, a proud smirk tugging at her lips.You nodded. “How could I miss it?”You asked, earning an eye roll from your girlfriend. “Shut up.”She splashed you, letting out a loud laugh when you splashed back at her.
Turning off the camera, laying on your stomachs against your boards, holding hands so you wouldnt drift away from eachother.It was heaven. “So...ive been thinking lately.”She started, a nervous look on her face.
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. “And I think I want you to meet my friends.”She tapped her fingernails against your surfboard, waiting anxiously for your answer.She had told the boys all about you.
About how you had a huge following on youtube, how your dad was an actor and how you lived in the biggest house on figure eight.She had tried her best to tell them that you werent like the others, that you were fantastic and humble.
But of course they didnt believer her and ‘would believe it when they saw it’.She knew that if she didnt end up introducing you to them sooner or later that she’d lost the chance to introduce you at all.
You nodded, considering it. “Yeah, okay.When?”You asked, hoping you’d at least have time to think about this. “Tomorrow.”She replied, wincing when you let out a small shout. “Tomorrow?Shit-Kie, im not ready!”You exclaimed, covering your mouth when you realised how loud you had been. 
“Babe, chill.Let me pick out your outfit and it’ll be fine.”She insisted.You gave in, the two of you paddling back to the sand, wrapping up in your towels and sitting on the blanket, eating some cutie oranges.
She spent the night at your house, holding on tight to you even though the two of you were in a king sized bed and she had more than enough space to spread out like a starfish.
The morning came too fast, Kiara raiding your closet for something appropriate for the occasion, pleased when she came across a black bathing suit and a yellow shirt along with some jeans, tossing them at you. 
“Babe, you gotta get up.”She told you, already dressed and ready to go.You groaned, finally getting up a few minutes later, slowly changing and not even bothering to pick up your pajamas.You were still sore from last night, stretching your limbs as you pulled the jeans up your body.The boys were spamming her phone, making her annoyed.
Dumb Blonde:Where are you guys
God:Are you bringing them with you
Trash Rat:Dont bring them with you 
Trash Rat:The place is a mess
Trash Rat:Kie
Trash Rat:Kiara
Trash Rat:Kiara Madelyn Klark Carrera
God:Where are you guys
Dumb Blonde:Wait are they the one with the dad that was in that one movie
She ignored their texts, turning off her notifications and sending you a quick smile, promising to get you an iced coffee on the way.You were half asleep in the passengers seat until she handed you a french vanilla iced coffee, slowly becoming awake.
By the time you had finished your coffee she had pulled into John.B’s drive way, hand on your thigh in attempts to calm you down. “You’re gonna be fine, babe.Everyone likes you, they just havent met you yet.”She grinned, getting out of the car.
You squeezed her hand, following her into the house.The boys were all sitting on the couch, looking up once the two of you had entered.JJ immediately looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow.You felt a bit insecure, trying to figure out what he thought of you.
 “This is (Y/N).(Y/N), these are the boys.Thats John.B, thats JJ and thats Pope.”She pointed to each of the boys.The tension in the room was ridiculous until Kiara pulled you into her lap, the boys looking between eachother. “So whats it like having a movie star as a dad?”JJ asked, the first one to speak up.
You bit your bottom lip, pulling at the skin on your hands. “umm...its really cool sometimes.Chris Hemsworth is a family friend so thats cool but like...I cant go anywhere with him when he’s home without getting followed around and there was this one teenage girl stalking him once and she was climbing our house and was watching me sleep.”You answered, relieved when you heard Pope chuckle. 
“Wait, actually?Thats so scary.”He replied, the two of you beginning to calm down a bit.You, John.B and JJ were all conversating about Chris Hemsworth, all of them asking a lot of questions.
 “Wait-who else have you met from the Avengers?”John.B asked. “I met Scarlet Johanson and Chris Evans.”You replied.Kiara smacked your leg. “You met Christ Evans and never told me?”She asked, outraged.
You rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone to show them the vlog that Chris had made an appearance in.Kiara was just confused as to why she had never seen it before you informed her that it was private. 
“Ew-ignore my face.Just wait a few seconds.”You told them, the phone between the circle that had ended up forming. “Oh my god!Its Chris Evans!”JJ shouted, staring at the phone.Chris had leaned over your shoulder, saying a quick ‘hello’ to the camera before Scarlet stole it from you. 
“This is Scarlet Johannson and I have decided to take over my new role as (Y/N)’s mom.Im sorry (Y/M/N) but they’re mine now.”She smiled.Her hair had been dyed a light blonde, red lipstick and light eyeshadow.
You had been freaking out the whole time. “Wait-will you ever see her again?”JJ asked.You hummed, sure that she’d be making an appearance for a Christmas Party. “Can you tell her I love her, please?”He asked, face red. “She reaches my vlogs-do you guys want to be in one?”You offered, remembering that you had your camera in your bag.
They all agreed, excited as you took out your camera, Kiara holding onto you. “So Kiara introduced me to her friends today and JJ has a special message for Scarlet.”You grinned, pointing the camera towards him. “Marry me, please.”He winked, giggling.
Pope flashed a peace sign at the camera, John.B sticking out his tongue and doing finger guns. “This is John.B and this is Pope, and then we have Kie as always.”You pointed the camera at her.She bit her lip, winking at the camera and making you laugh.
 “Oh my god- what is this vlog.”You shook your head, turning off the camera.When you had posted the vlog that night you were spammed with comments demanding JJ’s instagram and of course you had to give the people what they wanted.
JJ was more than happy to have a ton of pretty girls hyping him up in his comments, Pope getting a lot of attention as well.Scarlet had made sure to let you know that she had watched it and to tell JJ that he was too young for her but she was flattered by the offer.But then your instagram was being spammed.You were being tagged in dozens of edits of you and Kie along with one of you and JJ.But the comments on that one were so funny.
Kieand(Y/N)4life:bruh no
(Y/N)officialfanpage:no <3
(Y/N)officialfanpage:Kiara and them are meant to be bb
Kiara(Y/L/N):Kiara and them are meant to be buddy
KIEANDYNAREENDGAME:uhhh isnt it confirmed that Kiara and (Y/N) are dating?
“They’re catching on.”You told Kie, sitting down on the bed and showing her all the things you were tagged in.She grinned, telling you to post and make it official. “You sure?”You asked.She nodded, fixing her hair as you got ready to take a photo, kissing her cheek. She bit her lip, watching you type.
We are endgame.
@poguestyleskye  @jjtheangel @lovelyelinor @messuhp  @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall​
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hauntedzone · 4 years
general takes on signs (check personal planets+rising but this is mostly about sun signs). not a serious post im just gay and having fun, i love all of you
aries: protagonist syndrome, like cross a toddler with a knife and no fucks to give, a shonen protagonist, a child prodigy (which i know is still a shonen protagonist), and like idk a scene kid
taurus: theyre very very easy to entertain, maybe its just me but by far the easiest sign for me to befriend. they remember all the embarrasing shit about you forever tho
gemini: epitome of that annoying kid in class who argues with the teacher, and its not bc they disagree they just do it for fun. im sorry but gem suns have npc energy just a little
cancer: you are the target demographic of 2012 tumblr #relatable pizza sweatpants netflix humor. in spite of that you are so hot and have lovely personalities
leo: desperate for anyone to tell them that theyre sexy and talented. they want you to be so obsessed with them. if they do anything its for clout i promise
virgo: would be the funniest people on the planet if they branched out from "i wanna die im the worst ever" type of humor. the potentials there but youre just sad. also the type to martyr themselves and then complain about it as if its not their choice
libra: im like going thru my charts and i barely know anyone with libra placements. libras have a psychic aversion from me or something ig. i feel like libra is talented at lying whether you do it or not
scorpio: i really want to say "the scorpio edgy darkness powerloving thing is a myth" but i think enough of you guys genuinely like that shit that it might not be. nothing makes a scorpio happier than being told secret information
sagittarius: all the sags i met are funny and really smart, and they absolutely know this and let it blow up their ego so huge. i love sags because being friends with them is free entertainment, theyre either doing or saying weird shit
capricorn: these motherfuckers can be so mean, and like they redeem it bc usually theyre mean in the funniest way and have good intentions (genuinely nice ppl) but some of the shit they say sticks with you omfg. my favorite sign btw
aquarius: really sweet dont let anyone tell you aquas are mean. they love people, and uh idk they also remember embarrassing shit about you like taurus. theyre definitely less predictable & get bored of you faster tho while taurus doesnt care if youre boring
pisces: you have an affinity with animals. also youre like made of tissue paper, your feelings get hurt so easily. being sensitive is a blessing and a burden ig. youre will graham kin
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swynlake-spill · 3 years
Boba, please bully some of our shyer residents into posting selfies! I am dying for some Rarer Insta Content.
ok i’ll try here we go 
@rikuxnakayama sir  i cannot keep buying overpriced coffee from [name redacted] just for the ten seconds of eye contact we have i simply do not make enough money have pity on me and POST 
@vitani-blackwell u arent really shy so i dont understand how you are not posting daily thirst traps i have seen your body and therefore seen god please RESUME REGULAR CONTENT 
@melody-the-unwritten typing ur username just now made me cry. :( melody i MISS YOu. melody i dont think u understand u could be miss swynlake if u wanted... this is your YEAR
@princess-ting-ting you post extremely quality pics of your fish and family jigsaw puzzles and stuff and thats valid and good plz dont stop but also you are the qin i respect in this world and i think you deserve to be told how beautiful u are js 
@littlelectriceelduh ur mysterious and look like the boy my mum warned me about. plz indulge my worst desires and help me star in my very own all time low pop punk fantasy 
@arista-the-musical BLASPHEMY that i am tagging a triton wtf did your sisters teach u!! arista when i say that i believe if you post selfies tagged #stopglobalwarming that it could maybe inspire a movement im not even being hyperbolic i think the power is in your hands and you should use it 
@cinderellaashbourne HONEY PLEASE COME HOME tiana as her roommate why are you not instilling in ella the confidence needed to become a powerhouse insta mom im just saying she could build an empire off her smile 
@babettexdurand seeing u makes me go  🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 sincerely do not think there are words... 
@evil--endeavors you want to be taken seriously as a business woman, totally fair! however, fourth wave feminism said stuff about idk owning ur sexuality or-- nvm dont do it for me do it for the young LESBIANS. also kick me in the face :) 
@one-lucky-lad small confession...i have a crush on this darling I KNOW I KNOW HOW EMBARRASSING however i am not immune to the specific charms of his beautiful blue eyes. im just saying haha what if we kissed 
@tink-bell tink used to post all the time but then she got her heart broken or something and i just think she needs to build up all that very valid fierce tink bell confidence she was famous for!! tink PLEASE give me the bed selfie i know you have! txt me u up ;) ? ask me to netflix and chill! also post on instagram obviously! 
@sanmononoke what is going on with this person real talk besides ofc being very hot as per swynlake’s hotness requirement. idk if she has an instagram. bet she’d post like feet pics and shit like that. think that we need a little bit of that spice in swynlake dont you!!! 
@moon-yeongjun frankly it is a crime that we are all collectively robbed of the journey that would be jun moon instagram experience. if you dont think he’s hot you’re lying to yourself!! new rule every time jun posts a petition he owes us a selfie its only fair idk im once again putting tiana to the task of making that happen
@notmuchofatail he’s been posting more lately but it is not enough for me. gregory eeyore is my past present and future. like im in love with him is what im saying. 
@a-merman-not-a-guppy stop pretending like you’re not a handsome lad its EMBARRASSING. what is the point also of designing ur own clothes if you arent putting up your wares on instagram. again this is just common sense i cannot believe im giving this immaculate advice for free. 
@notbad-justsungthatway again she posts decently but i think she should post more bc she is easily in the ten hottest people ever in swynlake. its a fact not an opinion and we’d all feel a lot calmer if she was active daily on instagram
@pinkpearlpark the coolest of the teens!! i need her to post so she can teach ME how to post. like idk what im doing teach me the ways of being an attractive rich cool person miss park! 
@bucktoothed--ice-prince again idk whats going on here he’s this very mysterious stranger who blew into town out of nowhere. maybe going without an instagram is the whole point but i would rather write dumb things on ur posts tbh
@trickster-knownas-pan AND A THIRD person who i know nothing about. maybe i am just nosy but also you are hot so you owe me something thats how survival of the fittest works maybe !!!!!!! i failed science three times!!!! 
@devyn-morey lol i know he posts a lot but obviously! obviously! 
@geehosaphat on the other hand martin has two posts on his instagram maybe and thats abysmal. martin you do realize you’re like. hot right. i mean it like you could be in a magazine. you’re hot. take off your shirt sometime maybe if you’re comfortable so you can flaunt it! 
@winndeavor again i know ur a serious business person who has a certain brand to maintain. on the other hand: you have abs. much to think about i know. 
@hclyghcst DISGUSTING that you could win jewel of the season or w/e and then disappear from my life. you owe me like ten selfies at this point! you’re cute kind and a good friend to people in your life! fuck im obsessed with u!! 
@vvinter-queen and now we shout out to her sister ANNA to help her. anna how is it that u have a moderately thriving bookstagram and yet elsa has no idea what a filter is. intervene. fix it. she’s beautiful. imagine how much ice cream u will sell. 
@gleamdncglow u dont have to post bc it might actually piss me off considering how pretty you are. but if you want to i guess (please please please please please please) 
@gabriella-marino you know what’s the best way to get to know ppl in town and make friends! yeah ur right, its thirst traps on instagram! i think you’re so cute on a serious note please tell me more about u...maybe in the captions on your thirst trap for instagram! 
@edwardandalasia honestly just curious how it would go if someone showed edward who is maybe suffering from some textbook case of amnesia how instagram works. you also have the best skin ive ever seen. send me ur tips. ok thank u!!!
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Hannibal S3 chuckles.
The netflix summary of episode one: Hannibal is enjoying his new life and sends a message to Will.
Yup. Enjoying it so much he has to tell Will how happy he is. Thats a thing happy people do.
Hannibal getting bored in Italy: you know what would be fun? Terrifying Bedelia with a lecture about betrayal.
Bedelia definatley trying to leave Hannibal: ....what are you doing Hannibal?
Hannibal murdering a Euro-version of Will: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PINING? BC I AM NOT PINING. I AM FINE.
Bedeli: Fml.
Hannibal’s message to Will: Please come find me. My new wife somehow underestimated what living with me would be like. She doesnt enjoy any murdering. So bored. I want someone to talk to and murder with xoxo Hannibal.
Everyone: Well you must hate Hannibal after what he did.
Will:............i mean. Sure. If that makes you feel better.
Bedelia: could you turn down the dramatics you are going to get caught.
Hannibal: *despondent and missing Will* Nothing matters. The world is bit a spinning sphere spiral toward chaos. All is darkness.
*Hannibal literally murdering everyone he meets in Italy.
Bedelia: Could you not?
Hannibal: immediately stabs a professor with an ice pick.
*Bedelia pulling out the pick from the professors head*
Bedelia: At the dinner table?
Hannibal: All is darkness. I technically did not murder this man. Everything is dying always. Nothing is truly alive.
Bedelia: FML.
Jack: if i try to help Will enough now it wil make up for ignoring him and not believing him before.
Will: I am more sane right now than i have been for most of the show.....
Chiyoh: I wouldn’t do this to an animal.
Will: Oh yea. We could be friends.
Bedelia really wanting Will Garham to die so Hannibal will stop moping. So she just starts trying to convince him to eat him.
Hannibal: omg how have I never thought of this?
Chiyoh meeting Will: oh great. There’s two.
Chiyoh: YEET!
Bedelia caring for Hannibal s wounds and generally him.
Hannibal: god i miss will.
Bedelia: Nevermind im just going to poison myself.
Mason: Last time that i played with Hannibal i ate my own face.............................................
Im sure this time will be fine.
Hannibal at the farm watching Will ripping off Cordels ear: I am so glad I didnt kill you. This is delightful.
Hannibal just chatting about being eaten.
Will casually manipulating Alana bc he is just done.
Just Hannibal with a hammer coming to get his man.
Hannibal: would you watch over me.
Chiyoh: yes.
Hannibal: Cool. Im about to make the next three years pretty boring.
Will after the Farm: i have to get away from this man bc i both love and hate him.
Hannibal: Yea about that......no.
Hannibal at the end of season 2: you would put me in a cage!
Hannibal halfway through season 3: I will put me in a cage so as soon as you miss me you will come back. And if you take too long I will manufacture a reason for us to hang out.
Will: i want nothing to do with murder. I am a changed person.
Hannibal: Hey.
Hannibal: Wait we arent friends anymore?
Will: No.
Hannibal: First how dare you.
Will:this is fine. I can see him. It will be fine.
Hannibal: Are you a good dad to that kid I can smell on you?
Will internally: omg i miss you so much.
Molly: yea i know he was besties with the Ripper. Buuuut hes so nice.
Anyone normal: wtf?
Freddie : Still alive *POKE*
Alana: I will protect Will from you.
Hannibal: U know he likes it.
Hannibal: He has murdered several people.
Alana: Listen to all that bullshit coming out of your mouth. For shame.
Will: fuck off Freddie
Freddie: But i gave you a big dick box when i broke into your hospital room and took a nude photo of you.
Molly: i love you and i will be here when you come home.
Will:..............yup. Thats a thing that will happen. Of course. For sure.
Jack: I have learned my lesson. Be free will.
Will: Thank you.
Jack: untilanothermurderershowsup.
Wil: wat?
Jack: nothing.
Bedelia giving a speech about her book. Sees will in the crowd: oh shit.
Will: hey bitch whats good.
Both proceed to have an i knew him better fight.
Bedelia: ur not a killer
Will: i mean.........if it makes you feel better.
Hannibal: god Will is not paying me near enough attention.
I know what i will do.
Lets have his family murdered.
Chilton throwing a bitch fit outside Hannibals cell.
We need a moron to bait the dragon.
Alana: oh Chilton.
Will: Oh natch.
Jack: Of course.
“The unfortunate fate of Frederik has put me into quite a good humor.” Fucking classic.
Will: Im gone. Its done. I dont miss him. Im fine.
Dragon: uh. I want to make lector....
Will: oh thank god. I can help you.
Will: im going to let Hannibal out. But it’s just pretend.......I promise.
Bedelia: You miserable bitch.
Will and Hannibal having a very intense conversation about the Dragon.
The nurses exchanging awkward glances.
Hannibal having just the best time during the escape.
Will both over it and knowing he will follow.
Hannibal being all eloquent when taking through his wound.
Dragon: imma film ur death.
Hannibal: If you hadnt reunited me with my beloved i swear to god. We were having a moment.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Live Capture.
Arón Piper x Reader
Request by anon: would you be able to do an Aron Piper imagine where his girlfriend is a YouTuber but she’s very shy to show him on her channel as a way of protection even though he’s used to the public & then they go out in public & a fan starts to record them...you can take it on from there :) hope you’re staying safe xx
Gif is not my own
Requests are open 🤍
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“On your left, on your left!” You call through your microphone, “Yes, downed him, another team coming up behind us.”
Your friend speaks through your headset and updates you on his own progress as both of you were midway through a game on Warzone. You took a moment to glance at the chat on your livestream to YouTube and smiled at a few of the messages before turning back to focus on the game.
“Alright we’ve got enough for a loadout,” You comment, “Cover me.”
He follows your advice and does exactly that, only moments before you’re shot at from another direction and both of you are killed.
“Shit man,” You groan, “I really wasn’t on it that game.”
“Still top ten though,” Your friend points out, “Alright, Imma head off for the night. I’ll catch you tomorrow.”
You say your goodbyes and turn back to your chat, reading a few of the comments you’d missed, “I think I’m going to turn in for the night too, thank you guys so much for watching this livestream. And I’ll be uploading a video tomorrow at 6pm so keep your eyes peeled for that one. Good night guys!”
You turn off your stream and shut down everything on your PC, the true sign that you’d be turning in for the night. You grab the empty plate from where your dinner had been and the empty drinks from over the course of the hours that you’d been on stream.
“Hey honey, any luck?” Arón asks from the couch, where he lay with his arm tucked under his head, turned to watch the TV screen.
“We got a couple of wins,” You nod, “Nothing great. I didn’t know you’d still be up.”
“And go to bed without you? Would I ever?” He laughs, “C’mhere.”
You yawn and walk over until you’re close enough that he can reach out and pull you down to lay with him, letting you rest on top of his chest, “What are you watching?”
“One of your videos,” He chuckles, “There was nothing on TV and I didn’t want to watch any of that series without you, so I’m watching your channel.”
“Why?” You smile, looking at which video he’d chosen.
“This is from that day we went to the beach and you were teaching me how to surf. I dont know how you managed to keep me out of the whole video!” He exclaims, “Genuinely there’s not even a glimpse of me.”
“Because I spent about four hours rewatching it and re-editing it to make sure. I’m very secretive when I need to be,” You remind him, leaning up to kiss at his jaw, “They all still ask questions.”
He hums in response, “Do you want to go to bed darling?”
Your eyes are already fluttering shut as he asks the question and he somehow has to figure out how to get you from the couch to your bed without disturbing you too much. It was a regular occurrence after you streamed late at night, and he’d grown to be very good at taking care of you after you’d drained yourself after a long day.
You’d been dating for a little under a year now but it felt like you’d loved him for a lifetime. He’d quickly become everything you could ask for in a boyfriend and the two of you somehow became the perfect match for each other. With him as an actor, and you as a YouTuber, both of you lived very unconventional lives at times - but that’s what made it work so well. You’d kept your relationship away from the public for this entire time, not wanting to risk it ending up like the majority of YouTube relationships nowadays. You liked the fact that your relationship still felt like your own, and you didn’t have to fear the audience response to seeing you with a boyfriend. They’d never seen that side of your life, and truth be told, you were fearful of showing them. For now, it felt so much more comfortable to keep Arón separate. Like it still meant you had him all to yourself.
- - - - - -
The next day, after waking up a little too late, you make sure to post your video on time and read through the comments as soon as it reaches your audience. It had been a fitness challenge that you’d had to ask Arón to help you film when you were at the gym. He’d spent half the time zooming into your face far too close or stopping filming because you’d made him laugh and you could hear him on the recording. Somehow, you’d still managed to avoid showing him in the footage and made sure that he couldn’t be heard too much through the microphone.
“What do you fancy for dinner, darling?” Arón asks as he steps into your filming room and sees you sat at your desk in your gaming chair.
“I’m just reading through the response to the video,” You explain as he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders, you run your hands along his arms as they encase you.
“Are they all talking about my brilliant filming skills?” He grins, kissing your cheek.
You point out one comment that questions in all capital letters ‘who does she have filming this? Y’all seriously can’t tell me she’s still single!!!!!’
Arón laughs and clicks to read the responses to the comment, pausing on one that is a timestamp from the video. A specific second in the footage that you find yourself skipping to on the video timeline to find exactly what one of your fans was talking about. Quite rightly so, at that exact second, you can just about make out Arón in the reflection of one of the mirrors in the gym. His face isn’t visible but his distinctive curls are obvious enough.
“Shit, do you think they know it’s you?” You ask, sitting more upright in your chair as you look through the rest of the comments about that exact moment.
Some people were suggesting different names, different people that could take the face of that curly hair - but only a few had actually suggested Arón. Someone mentioned the fact that you’d been at the Élite premiere and pointed out that you could’ve been going as his date rather than just a guest at the event - that was, in fact, the truth. Someone else mentioned how Omar followed you on Instagram - the initial way you’d met Arón.
“Oh come on, look, they’re saying loads of names,” He points out, “Theyre all just guessing, my name was bound to be in there at some point.”
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea that they’d be able to see y-“
“Hey,” Arón turns your chair around so you’re facing him, “It’s fine, honestly. I don’t care, okay?”
“Are you sure?” You sigh, smiling as he cups your face in his hands.
“Positive,” He nods, leaning in and kissing you, “I say we just order in for dinner.”
You laugh and let him pull you up to stand, “Good idea.”
- - - - - -
The following day, you and Arón are on your way to your parents place for your father’s birthday. You manage to get up at a semi-acceptable time and keep yourself away from social media to avoid all of the questions about your mystery boyfriend. You step into the taxi and try to keep yourself relaxed.
“Hey! I know you!” The taxi driver speaks up, glancing in the mirror at Arón, “You’re on Netflix. My daughter watches your show all the time!”
“Thanks man, that means a lot,” Arón smiles politely, glancing at you for a second.
The man rambles on a little more about the show and how much he’d learnt about it from his daughter, laughing at how jealous she’d be that he’d met Arón.
“And is this your girlfriend?” The taxi driver asks, glancing at you in the mirror too.
“No, just a friend,” Arón nods, forcing a little smile in your direction, “So, have you been busy today?”
You’re relieved that he steers the topic away from you and tries to keep some level of awkward small talk with the driver as you eventually pull up in town.
“You can just drop us here, buddy, thank you,” Arón comments, getting out of the car and waiting for you.
“That’s a sign! That’s a sign, people know about us,” You state simply as you step out of the car, “I’m certain.”
“(Y/n)!” Arón laughs, “It’s fine! We have no certainty that people know we’re together, and we’ll let it stay that way. Stop worrying honey, you’ll give yourself a heart attack.”
You sigh and try to relax under the influence of his words.
“You’re cute when you get stressed,” He chuckles, reaching for your hand and squeezing it, “Really cute.”
You cock a brow, “You know, maybe I should tell everyone about us - feed you to the lions type of attitude.”
Arón laughs, “They’ll fucking love me!”
He cups your jaw with his free hand and dips his head to press a kiss to your waiting lips. It’s soft and it gives the sincerity to his words that his tone hadn’t done. You were so worried about everyone finding out about you, mainly because you were terrified of it ruining a time in your life where you were happier than you’d ever been. It was silly but you liked the idea of preventing your relationship from being strained by the public view. For now, it felt so much easier to keep this between you. When it had first started, you wanted to keep things private until you knew that this was something real and something you were sure of. But when you’d started to feel that way, it felt even more important to keep that private - knowing that you cared too much about Arón to jeopardise anything.
“Come on, lets go grab some food,” He encourages, locking his hand with yours before swinging an arm over your shoulder so that your interlocked hands rested just over your heart, “What are the odds that the taxi driver was actually a fan? I bet he doesn’t even have a daughter!” Arón jokes and yet again manages to say exactly what you needed to hear to ease your stress.
- - - - - -
A little later, as you’re sat at your parents house with your parents and your siblings, Arón comes walking through from the kitchen with your nephew in his arms.
“There she is!” He grins when he sees you, letting your nephew run over until he jumps into your arms.
“Where have you two been?” You laugh, looking at his disheveled Arón appeared.
“We’ve been on the trampoline,” Arón groans, flopping down beside you, “I think I’m too old for that now.”
“You think?” You smirk, “You’re a mess!”
He grabs your phone from the side and checks his appearance in the black screen. Your nephew giggles and reaches over to grab at his messy curls. Arón smiles and goes to tickle him, only glancing away when he sees your phone ping in his hand.
“Jeez, you’re popular today,” He comments, showing you the endless list of notifications on your phone.
“Probably just the boys asking about playing later, can you open it for me?” You ask, shifting your nephew so he was now stood on your thighs facing you as you make silly faces at him to keep him occupied.
“Oh shit...” Arón mumbles.
“Arón!” You hiss, making wide eyes in the direction of your nephew.
“Sorry, babe, but you need to see this,” You set your nephew down and he runs off to his own mother before you take your phone from Arón.
His reaction now seemed completely justified. In a group chat with a bunch of your friends from YouTube, you’re being bombarded with messages. Some of them are accompanied by photos but the majority are accompanied by laughing emojis. Quite rightly so as the photos show clear shots of you and Arón from earlier. The images had clearly been taken from across the street when you’d first got out of the taxi. One of you laughing at something he’d said, one of you kissing, another of you kissing, and a few of you walking away with his arm around you.
“Who took those?!” You exclaim, “I didn’t even see anybody... or hear anybody...”
“Hey, hey, look,” Arón nudges you, handing you his own phone that showed all of his mentions on Instagram.
You’d already been tagged in a flurry of posts about the situation - 100% of them being purely positive and excited for both of you. People saying how perfect you were for each other. Some pointing out moments from your streams and from YouTube where it was obvious you were talking to someone behind the camera - who they now understood to be Arón.
“They’re all so excited,” You half-laugh, “Look, theres even a fucking video of us!”
You show him a video a fan had taken of you two together that’s accompanied by the caption - ‘I wanted to speak to them but they’re just so fricking cute I didn’t want to disturb them!!!’
You smile at all of the supportive messages from your fans, commenting on how happy they were for you, though some were jealous of you being Arón’s girlfriend.
“Well, looks like that turned out better than we expected,” Arón comments, “Should we say anything?”
You look at him and grin, flicking your Instagram camera on as you pose for the photo. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and rests his head against yours as you both smile at the screen.
You type out a quick caption ‘You got us...’ and post it to your story. Though you lock your phone before you can become too bombarded by replies to the image.
“Shit, does this mean I can play Warzone with you now?!”
“You’re still terrible, maybe when you get a bit better,” You laugh, kissing him quickly.
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bigolyikesthings · 5 years
A sex expert- a sexpert, if you will
((shoutout to the anon that wanted first time smut. I’m not super sure if this is what you wanted, but this is how it wound up. Obviously this is smut, but theres also some soft. Just a little.))
It had been a wonderful evening. You had ordered pizza and Beetlejuice had scared the pizza boy into leaving it for free (or at least he thought he had. In reality you had already paid online, but it was nice to see him happy). The two of you had sat and enjoyed your meal while half watching some netflix original and throwing pillows at each other on occasion. Of course, Bj was dead and didn't need to eat. But the act was still enjoyable and his tastebuds still worked, so he enjoyed the pizza regardless.
There was a nervous energy to the air but only you knew why. Unbeknownst to Beetlejuice, tonight would be the night. You two had transitioned from friends to lovers a few weeks ago after a few unspoken thoughts were said. So far it had been steady and gentle, he knew you didn't have a heap of experience under your belt. So far then relationship mostly involved making out and cuddling on the couch. Of course, occasionally a hand may wander, but never anything more than a brief smack or grab. But you had decided earlier today that enough was enough. Thinking about him made you want to grind into any nearby surface and you were beyond sure he felt the same. So tonight would be the night Beetlejuice would fuck you senseless. Assuming he agreed. Which, lets be honest, he probably would. You'd engaged in some more raunchy activities in the past. Clumsy touches and the occasional attempt at oral one way or the other, but sex itself was something you were yet to explore. And trying it out for the first time with the ghost with the most didn't seem like a bad idea at all. At some point in the movie, who really gives a shit where, you reached over to Bj, running a hand from his knee to his thigh, ending with a quick squeeze. This act alone was enough to steal his entire attention. Your same hand then reached for his, holding it and stroking the knuckles for just a second while you made silent eye contact, before standing up. Closing your laptop with your free hand, you kept a hold of Beej in the other. Turning, he was dragged to follow you. "What's up babes? You tired already? The movie was pretty shit i guess, but we could've just changed it." You didn't say a word as you continued to pull him towards your bedroom, which had sooner become both your bedrooms now that he slept next to you most nights. You were amazed your resolve had lasted this long given the amount of times you woke to his boner against your ass, but then again, you were nervous. He was a demon. Mr sex positive and seemingly always ready to bone, knowing everyone else in the room probably would be too, simply because he was there. And you were someone who had barely given a blowjob once and that was frankly an embarrassing nightmare you'd rather forget. Closing the door you gestured for Bj to sit on the bed, not quite making eye contact. By now he could feel the nervous energy and he was starting to feel it too given the light blue starting to fade into streaks of his hair. "Babes, is everything okay?" You ignored his comment as you moved to urge him further up the bed, finally straddling him. You should feel elated, you should feel sexy, sitting over this snack of a demon, but all you felt was nerves and worry. You tried for sultry eye contact for a few seconds but quickly caved, instead electing to lean in and bury your face in his shoulder in shame. "Beej, I want us to... I want you to..." "What is it babe? For all my amazing skills, i cant read minds. What do you want?" he stroked the back of your head while chuckling at your adorable nervous behaviour. He'd worked out what you were trying to do, but knew it was important you say it yourself. Plus it was cute to see you so flustered. " I, well, I want us to have sex. But i get if you don't want to. I mean I'm pretty inexperienced and that must be annoying and if you don't want to we really don't have to but you're really hot and i really want you to fuck me if you do want to but i mean you dont have to." you barely raised your head from his shoulder to speed mumble your jumbled thoughts at him. And then you froze while he hmmed about it. Taking one hand, that had lowered itself to stroking your back, he placed it on his jaw and scratched his face, contemplating what you asked him. From your perspective he was mocking you and drawing your confession out. From his perspective he was memorizing you essentially begging for it and storing that away for any future where you were away for an extended period of time. "Well, because you asked so nicely..." he took your jaw in his hands, pulling from his shoulder to meet his eyes. Pausing for just a moment, with a smirk causing his eyes to sparkle, he pulled you to him. The kiss was passionate and conveyed that he was more than ready to give you everything you wanted and more. At first, everything was grabbing hands and clashing teeth. A fight for dominance led to you losing the battle, laying on the bed in only your underwear after Beej had dragged your pants slowly down your thighs and nigh on ripped your shirt trying to get it off. He was down to boxers and an open shirt, meaning you had full access to stroke and squeeze his sides. This ferocity was great and nearly led you to forget your nervousness until you felt calloused fingers at the elastic of your underwear. This move caused you to jump and freeze. Only slightly. But it was enough for Beetlejuice to notice. "Hey, hey, look at me babes." he pulled his lips from your neck to look you in the eyes. "Is this what you want? I get it if this is as far as you want to go. We can pause here and enjoy ourselves as we are. I know I'm having fun." and he leaned down to lick a wide stripe across your nipple, briefly sucking as he heard your whine in response. "But we can always go further later. I just want you to feel good, okay?" You looked in his eyes and behind them mischievous glint there was genuine concern. First times are important and he wanted to make sure you enjoyed yours. "I'm... I'm okay. I'm way better than okay." you ran your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, lightly scratching to comfort him when he looked doubtful at your words. "I'm just super nervous. You know this is basically new territory for me. But, i want this, i really do. Just, please, go slow okay?" At this he blinked slowly and smiled. He leaned forward to kiss you softly, and before you could even get a good taste he had moved south, his lips leaving a trail of saliva in their path. By the time he reached your underwear, you were starting to feel a nice warmth over you, his care evident. But you gasped feeling a tongue stripe up your panties. "Gotta make sure you're good and ready babes. Can never do with enough lube if you know what I'm saying." he held eye contact until you gave a faint not, and just like that your undies were gone and in their place was Beetlejuices tongue and lips and stubble. And holy shit. You knew he was good with his mouth, his kisses had showcased that talent already. But this was on a whole other level. He knew exactly where to lick and suck and lightly bite just after a few moments of getting to know you down there. And he was quite enjoying himself too, proud that you were having such a wonderful experience bought on by him and only him. It was certainly wonderful if you were now hesitantly rocking your hips up, trying for more but being scared to take it. In encouragement of your new found boldness, Bj reached one of his hands under you, grabbing hold of your ass and hoisting you closer to his mouth, and the other taking your fist balled in the sheets and placing it on the back of his head. You took direction well and gripped a hold of his hair, knowing from past make outs that this was generally a good move. "Fuck babes you're a natural" he muttered between your thighs, the vibration feeling like magic. Soon enough a finger was added, and then another. With encouraging vibrations from Bj such as "Cum on babes, cum on my tongue, let me get a taste of you." and "Please baby, I have to see what you look like when you cum." you were quick to finish, following his orders and unconsciously pulling him in close when you finished, covering your face with one arm. His head emerged from your thighs after one final long lick, and his grin was chesire-like. " Fuck baby. You can bet your tasty ass we're doing that again, but for now, how do you feel? You ready for the main event?" It took you a moment to come back to reality, but the sight of him licking his fingers was enough to remind you where you were and what was happening. You were ready, you were so goddamn ready. But somehow, you were still nervous. What if you did something wrong. What if you sounded weird, or felt weird, or you weren't good? Just moments after being on cloud nine, you were panicking again. And Bj could see it in the way your eyes avoided his and your arms crossed over your chest, legs slowly trying to close despite him purposefully staying in the way. "Baby, look at me. What are you all in your head about? I just got you out of there, don't climb back in." he placed light kisses on your forehead and cheeks, leaning in but still remaining firmly between your legs. "What if I'm not good?" you whispered, hating having to voice your thoughts. At this he let out a light chuckle that slowly built to full blown laughter. Only when you smacked his shoulder did he remember the sensitive situation. "I'm sorry baby. Look. I am willing to bet my undead life on the fact that you will feel and be amazing. I'm already addicted and we've barely started. Buuuut. If you do suck, which I'm not saying you will - and I'm hoping in the future you will, wheyey-but if you do suck, then that just means we have to practice right? Keep going till you're good?" his smile had started off genuine and had only grown cheekier the longer he talked. "Same as before babes, if you want to call it, I'm happy to pack my suitcases and head back down south or we can just cuddle if you like. But I will have to go and sort myself out in the bathroom if that's the case, coz babe you've got me rock hard. And i will do that, i will jerk off in the bathroom and come back to cuddle you because I care. Right now is all about going as far as you want and not a toe further. It's completely up to you." His speech earned him a few more smacks to the shoulder, but you could tell that despite the gross comments he was being genuine. And that knowledge that at the second you wanted it to end, the second it became too much, that he would stop? That was enough to push you over the edge. "Beetlejuice?" at the mention of his full name he returned from your neck where he'd been hiding while you thought, to now look you in the eyes. Using his name in full usually meant you meant business. "I want this. And i want you to..." you blushed at this. You thought you could be bold and make a hard statement like before about wanting him to fuck you, but now he was right there and watching you. And his stubble was still slightly shiny. "Yeeeees?" he dragged out, knowing what you were trying to do and savouring your embarrassment. "I want you to... I  need you to..." You want me to what exactly? I'm like a genie babes, you gotta tell me what you want for your wishes to come true." " Oh screw you Lawrence, I want you to fuck me, okay? " " Oh fuck yeah babes, one romantic plowing coming right up." At this point Bj had become a tightly wound spring and saying his first name was enough to make him snap. Before you could even smack his shoulder for the final time, his cock was at your entrance, him taking just a moment to smirk at you and receive an almost begrudging nod before sliding straight in. You were wet enough that it was an easy job to get in to the hilt straight away, balls resting against your ass. All you could do was breathe. It felt great but odd and you needed just a moment. Beej leaned in for a soft kiss to your lips before asking "ready babes?" and you muttered an mmhmm. He started off gentle, easing in and out, but that pace grew to be too little too slow for both of you. When your hips began meeting his, that was when Bj took it as a sign to roughen up just a little. Just so you could get a taste of the future to come. The pace wasn't punishing but it was hard, and it wasn't long before you were struggling to keep up. In an effort to still contribute, you resorted to mouthing and biting at his neck, while your hands swapped between pulling his hair and scratching down his back. You knew Bj liked it a little rough, and you were right. Your actions causing him to go harder than even he had anticipated, but nothing too far. It wasn't long before the two of you were essentially babbling broken praises and moans at each other. And the second Beej took his thumb and brushed it over your clit was all the stimulation you needed to cum for the second time. However when you tried to cover your face again, a hand reached and pinned your arm above your head. Bjs eyes locking with yours as you moaned up and at him. And seeing you, eyes glazed over and listening to you swap between crying Beetejuice and Lawrence was enough for him to lose it. The reality was better than any fantasy he could've imagined. He came inside, mirroring your act of moaning your partners name. And despite being fairly fucked out, the sight did manage to turn you on a fair bit. This sex demon who could lay with whoever he wanted was not only with you but was crying out for you. And rutting out his final few drops cum into you. Once he had finished, Bj was slow to remove himself from you, missing the warmth already. He lay on top of you, not using his full weight, but definitely making sure you felt him covering you. "Soo... You definitely don't need practice." he stressed the 'need' while making side eyes at you, "buut, it couldn't hurt to have it anyway. In fact, as a sex expert, a sexpert, i would recommend practicing as often as possible." You both let out a breathless laugh at this, knowing future practice would definitely come. "So how was it?" this time his tone was far more genuine. "Thank you. It was perfect. Mr sexpert." you offered him a kiss on the cheek. He cheered himself and his doctorate of fuckery as you went to the bathroom to clean yourself up, waving away his offers to come help given his phd in aftercare. When you returned, he had a retrieved a glass of water and arranged the blankets into a nice nest for you to tuck into. Once comfortably inside and tucked up against him you began to drift off to sleep. "Thank you for letting me be the one." Bj whispered into your ear. "I wouldn't have it any other way beetle."
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marziblogsworld · 4 years
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They came and not only they rocked the show, the fandom or the weekend but the whole fucking TIMELINE!!!...... And surprisingly this dysfunctional family acted as siblings this time. The most anticipated show of Netflix dropped on 31st of August and here is my review........
So the season starts where we left off. The Hargreeves family was zapped by Five into a different era so that they can survive the apocalypse. This time the Hargreeves explored and lived in the 60s. The first to drop was our favourite from Season 1 Klaus Hargreeves with our adorable and super cute Ben Hargreeves. Look to be honest Klaus storyline was the slowest one and didnt make sense at all. I wanted it to be more interesting and funny and crazy like Klaus is not some boring, depressed him running here and there ( i mean its just my opinion, thats all). Okay to be honest whenever Ben was on the screen i was like YAAAAAHHH MY BENNY, my sweet cutey boy and GET HIM A FUCKING STORYLINE PLEASE!!!!!!!... I WANT MORE OF HIM.
Then the next person who was zapped was i think was Diego. My man! Oooooh and 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏to his character development, this man was all about being a hero and saving the world and he did it, he was the one who saw it was Vanya the cause of the apocalypse again🙄 and went with his siblings to stop it. TAKE THAT REGINALD bitch who are you to say that he is nothing but somebody lives in his fantasy of being a hero, go die in a hole. He may not be smart in technical stuff but he is stealthy AF. Him and Five bonding in the start was the charmer of the show.
ICONIC MOMENTS OF THIS SHOW WAS WHEN SIBLINGS WORKING TOGETHER. (remembering the last scene and me going like 😊😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗).
Next up was either Vanya or Allison but both these GURLS were hella busy in this timeline (you know what i am saying). ALLISON you go superwoman stand up to those white trash and tell him whos boss( i liked this confident Allison) kudos and appreciation to her for surviving a life like this in the 60s when she has such a diverse mind from the 20s. Those racial profiling scenes were hella triggering and i wanted to punch those every mF when they speak trash to them.
A guy in a store: you color people cannot try dresses.
Me screaming angrily on the screen: yo! hoe last time i check white is also a color you dum shit.
I know, i know i am sorry. Okay back on track Allison you were great the whole show but just stop findingmen in every timeline. You dont need men in your life.
Vanya started of slow but i like the new amnesia her. She felt free and funny and not depressed or actually a pole. She explored her new ways and kissed a GIRL!!! like i said the ladies Hargreeves were busy...... Also Ben speech to Vanya 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 The only one who reached out and said the most sensible thing to her. MY BENNY😭😭😭😭😭....... AGAIN TAKE THAT YOU REGINALD.
WHAT HARLEN STILL HAS POWER........ HANDLER DEFINITELY HAS A BACKUP PLAN( I am following the Winchester rule....dont rule our their dead until you see the body) so nope i dont believe it. Laila is the most frustrating character ever, i couldn't stand her, and her and Diego relationship for me was like 🤢🤮 much worse then Luthur and Allison.
Which brings me to our babyish boy in the whole group Luthur Hargreeves. He had the best character development i would say. He fucking redeem himself and again his declaration to Vanya 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢 I was soo emotional. This boy is a cinnabun through and through. He is a baby wrapped around in a gorilla body. He still acts like a big brother. I loved that barn scene when those Commission people were shooting at them and he just wrapped his arm around Allison and Klaus and protected them. The way he helped Five with the older Five. AND HE IS A DEPRESSED EATER Hahhahahhahahahahhaha..... HE MAY BE A SOFTIE BUT HE WOULD DIE FOR HIS FAMILY TO PROTECT THEM.... And again TAKE THAT REGINALD...
I have to know... Really i have to know how does a kid acts so well like a person who is 72 yrs old. I could actually feel a man trapped inside a child's body, with the way he walked and talked and with his experience and the way he is smarter then others. ALSO I DONOT WANT TO GET ON FIVE BAD SIDE. he is a fierce assassin. Single handedly killed the board of Commission 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
I am living for BEN HARGREEVES in the next season. My EMO BENNY IS ALIVE AND NOW ITS TIME TO PARTY. i asked for his storyline and they gave me one now all i have to do is wait...........NETFLIX YOU BETTER RENEW THIS SHOW.. YOU HERE ME....I NEED MY BENNY STORYLINE....
The season was amazing. I could see the growth in each and everyone of them. They did affected the past lets see how their future plays out but still this Season two upped S1 for sure...
That is my review.... Follow me for more amazing reviews on your favourite tvshows, movies and books. Recommendations are open. 😉
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