#dont mind me i might do this once or twice
hprewetts · 10 months
oh hestia is a people pleaser, okay
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i-cant-sing · 1 month
Time Traveller AU pt 4
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. AU masterlist is here. Check out my MASTERLIST for more.
Part 5 is here.
Two weeks had passed since you and Baldwin had met Salauddin. As much as you tried to stay in your room to try and work on your time machine a bit, Sibylla was far too excited with the wedding preparations and was dragging you along. Even the maids were too eager to do everything, be it dressing you up or accompanying you around the castle. You suppose it was their way of trying to get in your good graces so that you'll choose them to be your court ladies. Its all politics really. The few moments that you did try to have for yourself, they'd be with Baldwin. You cant ever have meals without him, even if you were sneaky. You theorised that Baldwin probably had someone in the kitchen to inform him the moment you're having a meal made so that he can join you too (and proceed to handfeed you the first and last bite from his plate).
You decide its finally time to bring up the agenda you had in mind. "Baldwin?" You call softly, earning a surprised look from him because he's used to your admonishing tone. "Yes, princess?" he quickly closes his book, giving you his full attention.
"Do you think... it could be arranged for me to travel?" He raised a brow. "Travel? Where?"
You mustered up the courage. "Egypt."
"Egypt? Why?" Of course he was alarmed because at the time Egypt was under Muslim rule, and Salauddin was the sultan of Egypt. It was his territory and it was far too.
"Why not? I thought you said you would show me the world." You reminded him of his promise when he was trying to bribe you into marrying him.
He sighed and nodded. "That can be arranged. Come on, now." He took your hand and pulled you towards him as he moved towards the corner of his room, keeping you facing him. "I always keep my promises, princess." He whispered kissing your chin before turning you around to face the mirror.
"See? Now you've seen the world. In fact-" He spins you back to him before turning you towards the mirror again. "-ooh! Now you've seen the world twice!" He keeps on spinning you back and forth a couple of more times making you laugh before you get dizzy and lightly smack his arm.
"Be serious for once, Baldwin!" You glare at him. "Dont you get tired from your flirting attempts?"
His eyes twinkled as he cupped your face with his hands. "Never!"
With your face still in his hands, you repeated your request. "I want to go to Egypt, Baldwin." "But why? Do you want something from there? Because I can have it brought here-"
"No." You cant believe you have to manipulate him. Eh, he'll get over it. "I... I dont have a family, Baldwin. I was an orphan and well- things werent great at my orphanage, so I ran away. I wanted to find out about my family, about my parents. What happened to them. So I've been travelling here and there. I suppose thats how I developed an interest in history." You could seem his resolve melting with the way his eyes softened, so you continued on. "Please, let me go to Egypt. I think... I think I might find some clues about my family there. And if I dont..." you chuckled. "Well, I could always write something on Salauddin."
"Do you really want to go?" You nodded eagerly. He smiled. "Alright. I'll talk to Salauddin. If he gives permission, then you can go. I dont think I could accompany you there. Guy has been stirring up some problems here and I cant have him try to start a rebellion."
"Its okay, I can go alone." "Well, not alone. I'll send my best knights along." Shit. Oh well. Better them than Baldwin.
Breaking the pattern for once, you decided to initiate affection and gave him a hug. "Thank you, Baldwin!" You heard him inhale sharply, his body stilling for a moment before his arms slowly but surely wrapped around your frame, and you felt him melt into you a bit. This is psychology 101, okay? Pavlov's dog experiment, if you reward him for "good behaviour", he is more prone to be "good".
If only you knew this may have been the first time in more than a decade that he's been hugged. And now that he has... it only cements more in his mind that your hugs are his- you are his.
As expected, Salauddin agreed and allowed you to come to Egypt. However, Baldwin still delayed your trip by almost a week under the pretence to make "necessary arrangements for your trip".
It was just him trying to find excuses to make you stay longer, or even change your mind about leaving at all.
"You know it's going to be soooo hot in Egypt? What if you get a heat stroke?"
"I'm going with Salauddin. He's been living in the desert for so long, I'm sure he'll teach me how to protect myself from the sun."
"You- what if you get thirsty? You won't get cold water!"
You looked at him baffled. "Salauddin literally had a box of ice in the desert- he served us ice water. Did you forget? I'm beginning to think you might be suffering from a heat stroke."
He huffed. "Surely, you cant be safe in Egypt without me by your side. People will attack you for being my weakness!"
Your heart skipped a beat. I'm his weakness?
You shake your head. Not the time. "How would they even recognise me? I'd be in a niqaab! Besides, I thought you were sending your "best knights" with me." You said turning around to fold your clothes.
Baldwin's hand reached for your wrist and he pulled you back to him, your body stiffening against his hard chest. Damn, how long did he work out for? Just a few weeks ago, he couldnt even stand for long without passing out.
He rested his chin on your shoulder. "I'll miss you." He mumbled, and the corner of your mouth quirked up. "I know." You replied as you tried to break out of his arms and return to your packing. But Baldwin spun you around, his brows furrowed. "You wont miss me?" His eyes held deep concern, while his voice reminded you of a scared child.
He's adorable.
His grip on your arms tightened the longer you stayed silent. Fearing he'd change his mind about the trip, you cupped his face and brought it closer to yours, staring into his eyes.
"No." Hurt flashed through across those blue pools, but you continued. "Because the mere thought that you would be waiting here for me will make me want to return home early." His face softened.
"Home? You consider this your home?" He whispered, clearly affected by your words.
Oh, he's about to die when he hears what you've got next.
Your eyes smiled. "You're my home, Baldwin." You knew if this was an anime, then right now Baldwin would be animated with a pink background with halo behind him, and probably cupids shooting arrows and crying.
His reaction proved you right. Baldwin pulled you in for a tight hug, hiding his head into your shoulder and before you either of you could react, you both fell on your bed, though Baldwin didnt let go of you.
When he finally pulled away, he caressed your cheek with one hand. "What?" you asked with a lazy smile. He didnt say anything, just kept tracing your face with his fingers, looking at you as if he was in a trance. Considering you were leaving tomorrow, you didnt move from the bed. You didnt want to break whatever fantasy Baldwin was in (truthfully, you didnt have the heart for it. He looked like something was healing inside him.) So you stayed there next to him, letting Baldwin run his fingers though your hair and falling asleep to that.
"How did I get so lucky?" He whispered to himself, still looking at you in awe.
Baldwin didnt sleep that night. No, he wanted to memorise your face.
The next morning, you were sent off with a small entourage, even though Baldwin wanted to send you with a bigger one, but you reasoned with him that a large group of people would only draw more attention to you.
"Be safe, princess." Baldwin said, pressing his lips to your forehead. You smiled and nodded. "I'll be back before you know it." He gave you a lopsided smile before pulling out a pouch and placing it in your hands. It was heavy. "I have given the knight commander gold to cater to your every need, buy anything you like but- I still want you to have this. Just in case." You peeked into the pouch and your eyes bulged out at the gold coins in there. "Its too much, Baldwin. I cant take-" He cupped your cheek. "I insist. If- God forbid, things go wrong, I want you to use this to get out." You leaned into his touch. "Nothing will happen to me, Baldwin." He prays so (he and his church is praying for your safe journey). "I know, but please- keep it. For my peace of mind." You finally conceded, giving him a hug before starting your journey.
From Jerusalem, you first reached Salauddin's caravan in the desert, where the Kurdish leader was waiting for you.
"So, have you come up with a plan to leave Baldwin?" He asked, guiding you inside his tent, taking note of the niqaab you were wearing. It was the one Baldwin had helped embroirdered for you- he recognised the ugly flower on your sleeve.
"Its not a priority at the moment." You lied, deciding it wouldnt be good to reveal all your cards to him. After all, he is a conquerer. You dont know what kind of games he may be playing.
He raised a brow at you, setting up the chess board. "Then why are you going to Egypt?" He wanted to gauge your expressions, but your eyes were solely focused on the chess board as you made the first move.
"I have some matters to take care of. Personal matters." You watched him move his black pawn.
"Anything I could help with?" He asked. You took his bishop. "No, you have already helped a lot. Thank you. But I must ask- how did you just agree to Baldwin when he asked if I could go to Egypt?"
He scoffed, taking your knight. "You think I did this for free? Please, your husband had to pay a pretty penny to take his "little heaven's angel" through the desert safely. Honestly, how have you bewitched him?" Salauddin gazed at you. "Either he's too stupid or you're much smarter than you look, the latter is something I highly doubt, so it only leads to one conclusion- Baldwin is stupid." He mocked.
"Hey! Dont insult my fiance." You admonished, looking back at the board to make your next move. He leaned forward with his elbows on the table, looking at you expectantly. "Or else what?"
Your eyes finally made contact with his, and he could feel he had insulted you somehow. "Or else... you'll regret it." You threatened, which he didnt take seriously, because- why would he? You're nobody.
His eyes lit up. "If you were any less threatening, Y/n, you'd be a dandelion." You rolled your eyes, clearly not amused. "Say whatever you want, but you and I both know you didnt do it for the money."
"What do you mean?"
"Mmhm, I dont know. Dont you have enough money already? I think- oh, you made a mistake there." you smirked taking his queen and now his king was left wide open for attack. "I think... you were scared to say no."
"Excuse me?" He moved his king. You chased him with your knight.
"You heard me." Your rook pushed his king into the corner. Frustratedly, he tries to escape by moving his king diagonally, but you were quicker with your bishop.
"Why would I be afraid of a man whose own brother-in-law is starting a rebellion against him and he's been allowing him to do so just because his sister claims to love him?" He taunted at the messed up family dynamics. Of course he knew how ready Baldwin was to give his kingdom away to Guy to be perished, but that was before he was cured of his leprosy.
You had boxed his king from all sides. No escape. "Why wouldnt you be? The same man was only just a 16 year old when he defeated you on the battlefield devastatingly. And that too, when he was so sick, his face was melting off." You knocked down his king. "Can you imagine how strong he is now that he's cured?"
His anger was subtle. Eyes glaring at you, mouth pulled into a thin line, his nostrils flared ever so slightly.
Clearly, you had struck a nerve.
"You shouldn't play with fire." He warned. You twirled his king between your fingers. "Who said I was playing?"
You both sat in silence for a few more moments, with you mostly relishing in your victory. "So, what do I get for winning again?"
His eyes narrowed, though they werent as hostile as they were a few moments ago, "You get to keep your head."
"Am I always playing for my life everytime we play chess?" "Yes." "Huh. So how does it feel to know that I will outlive you?" You teased, making him roll his eyes as he stood up, leading you out of his tent.
"My men are going to accompany you to Egypt. They're ready, so-" he looked at you with a scowl. "Leave."
"Aww, thank you, aljedu!" You waved, leaving before he could get mad at you for calling him "grandpa".
The journey to Egypt took a little over 4 days, but you really cant complain with the small army of people at your service. Even the men and women Salauddin had sent with you made sure to cater your every need, and more importantly, help you and your entourage survive the desert.
The pyramids were still as magnificent as in the future, though the area was now surrouded by a bustling market of sorts. As your caravan moved further into the town, you saw a large centre built that had the traditional Islamic architecure elements- huge domes, minarets, white pillars. The colourful tile works (prominents turqoise and dark blue themes) and a few gothic arches displayed the catholic influence as well.
"What's that?" You had asked one of the knights. "Thats the madarasas." You nodded as you recalled reading about it in "the golden age of Islam" era. Madarasa was essentially an educational institution that were devoted to the study of law, maths, science, medicine, religion, philosphy and other subjects. The complex itself consisted of a mosque, a library, a boarding house. They were home to both students and professors, and were maintained by charitable endowments and unlike a modern day college, it lacked a specific curriculum or institutionalise system of certification. Information was usually passed on informally from teacher to student, and both men and women were able to attend.
It was heaven for anyone who seeked to learn, and this was exactly where you would be going to get help for your time machine.
But that would have to wait, as you were now lead to Salauddin's palace for rest. It was massive and just like the madarasa, it was also beautifully constructed. The palace spread over on a large area of land, and although it was was around 80-100 feet in height with those humongous pillars at each corner, the palace was largest in horizontal dimensions. Inside, after passing a throng of soldiers stationed who kept their gaze lowered even though she and most of the females were completely veiled, you saw a huge pool that continued throughout the palace, even through sharp corners. It almost looked like the castle was built around the turquoise pool. Despite it being hot as hell outside, the palace was cool and insulated even though there were no air conditioners or fans and was open enough to be well ventilated. You had seen the palm date trees through the city, but there was a huge new variety of exotic plants inside that you dont think would be able to survive in the desert.
Egyptians were truly ahead of their time.
After dinner, you were sitting in your room with your maids. They were talking about the hospitality of Muslims and all, helping you unpack and get ready for bed.
"Alright, time to sleep." You said with a yawn and they all immediately began leaving. All but one maid, who had to stay by your side at all times even when you were bathing. Apparently, Baldwin had ordered her to do so because he didnt trust anyone in the foreign lands.
"You can go to your chambers with the others, Isabella." You smiled politely at the blonde girl, no older than 19. She shook her head, her brows furrowing in concern. "No, princess. It is my duty to be with you at all times. What if you need me for something?"
"I wont." You smiled tightly. The sooner she left, the sooner you could sneak out of here and go to the madarasa. "You must be tired from all the travel. Please, go rest. I insist." But it was like she couldnt imagine committing a grave sin like this.
Fine. If she's not going to leave then-
"Isabella..." you come close to her, fiddling with your thumbs. "Can I trust you, Isabella?"
She nodded obediently. "Of course, my princess."
"I need to get out of the palace for some time." You tell her slowly, letting her absorb the words. Automatically, she responds. "I can have them arrange a tour tomorrow-"
"No, Isabella-" you let out a distressed sigh, rubbing your forehead as you paused for a dramatic effect. "I need to go out right now."
"Now? At night time?" The young girl wondered what possible emergency you could possibly have. "Oh, um- well, I can have the guards prepare a-"
"No!" You turned around, reaching for her hands. Isabella's eyes widened. A princess- royalty is touching her? You tilted your head sligtly, eyes making a desperate plea.
"I have business that I need to take care of on my own. I-" you sigh dramatically before looking at her with most remorseful eyes. "I have to find my family. I need to- I cant get married without them attending. I- I- just need them and I know! I know they're here! I can feel it!" Isabella's face softened at your "distress" but you can still see her hesitance, and so before she could protest, you squeezed her hands. "I tell everyone I am an orphan but- the the truth is... I was a slave. I was stolen from my family and- and I was raised with other slaves. It wasnt until I was 8 that I had ran away. I've been running from my owners for a long time, all while trying to find my family. I dont care if they're dead but- I need to know. I need to know, Isabella. You... you understand why, right?"
Tears slipped from Isabella's eyes as she nodded her head feverently.
"Of course I do, princess!"
You pulled your shawl around you tighter. Temperatures really did drop significantly at night in deserts. You were now standing outside the madarasa you had seen earlier in the day after convincing Isabella to stay behind and pretend to be you under the covers in bed while you went out.
The building was much more quiet now, although the market was still alive but people were less and everyone was mindful of how much noise they made.
You quietly walked into the madarasa, pretending to be one of the several servants who were entering the place. Inside, the area was designed in the shape of a rectangle without a roof in the center. The moon light illuminated the common ground in the middle while lanterns were lit all around the 4 sides, numerous doors on each side.
Keeping your veiled head down, you walked past many scholars and students. You wanted to enter a room, but with all the doors closed, you feared you'd enter the wrong room with someone who wouldnt be as forgiving to a stranger entering this place.
But luck was on your side tonight, as your eyes finally caught sight of an ajar door, and you slipped in once you noticed no one was currently in the room. The room was far more spacious than you had anticipated and even though the equipment was far too old, you recognised it to be a sort of lab. Nearing the desk in the corner, you noticed some papers spread around with some maths done. Even though the numbers were in Arabic, you recognised it- algebra.
"What are you doing here, woman?" You look upto find a man in his late 30s with a white turban and a black beard looking at you angrily. "Who sent you here? By Allah! Leave right now or I will have you punished for trespassing and attempting to seduce a pious man you devil-"
"I'll leave but I cant go without correcting your error." You said pointing to his papers.
He blinked at you. "What error?"
You laughed tauntingly. "Im surprised you dont see it." The man's brows furrowed as he marched over to you. "There is no error! I am the finest mathematician of this decade, if not century! I study astrology, biology, physics, alchemy, philosophy and you dare tell me that I made an error?! I am Al-Abbas ibn Bashir! Who are you to correct me woman?!"
You stared at him unamused. "The square root of 8 is not equal to the square root of 4 + square root of 4." You said pointing at his paper. He squinted at you, trying to process your words before looking where you were pointing.
"Yes, it is. It is additive-"
"Not everything is additive." You sighed, pulling out a blank sheet of paper and solving the question step by step for him. "See? Square root of 8 is 2.818 while square root of 4 is 2, so since we have two square roots if 4, it'll be 2 plus 2, which adds to 4."
You sat down on his chair while he looked over your explanation, trying to find an error in your work. There were none.
Abbas looked at you, brows still furrowed. "You- fine, you are correct. I made a small error-" "Small?" You teased. "Yes, small!" He snapped back as you chuckled. He continued. "But that doesnt explain what youre doing in my office. Who are you?"
You rested your head on your palm and stared at him. "I have work for you."
"And what might that be?"
"Hmm, depends. Are your studies purely theory based or... experimental as well?"
Abbas gave you a nod. "I like to mainly focus on theories, but I like to test my theories as well, so from time to time, I do have to conduct experiments as well."
"Fantastic!" You straightened up and grabbed a paper as you began drawing a tool. "Here, I have mentioned the dimensions and I need you to engineer this for me." He took the paper from you. "What exactly is it?"
"I cannot tell you." "Why?" "Well, I'm a scientist too, and I dont want you to stealing my work." You replied as you pulled out your coin purse that Baldwin had given you. "I suppose this would be sufficient for you?" You placed 5 gold coins in front of him.
Abbas scoffed. "You think you can buy me? I dont care for money!" He stood up, turning away from you.
You raised your brow. "Name your price."
He shook his head. "I cannot be bought, woman. I am a man of science. I have far more important things to be doing with my time-"
"Like making more mistakes?" He glared at you. "One small error. Thats all it was. Besides, just because I made a small miscalculation doesnt mean youre smarter than me."
You smiled under your veil.
"Wanna test that?"
Abbas had decided to work for you after you had outsmarted him in every subject he presented. I mean you only had to touch the basics of what you had learned in 6th grade science class but he was- bamboozled.
After he had recovered from his shock, he had agreed to work for you on the condition that you check his work for mistakes and impart some of you teachings. He swears he wont copy any of your "works". You gave him the gold coins and told him to work under complete discretion and that you'd meet him again in 3 days time, when you're ready to return to Jerusalem.
The plan was to collect your tool from him and then give him a couple more tools to design which you would collect 2 weeks later when you visited Egypt again. Because while you do need to work on your time machine, you also need to find ways for Baldwin to go to war with Salauddin again, because originally Baldwin dies of leprosy, but since you already cured that... you need to find a way for Baldwin to die and so far, a war seems to be the only answer.
But youve seen their relationship... Baldwin and Salauddin wouldn't simply jeopardise everything like that. They have a good bond, a strong friendship even.
However, if highschool has taught you anything, even the closest friendships end because of misunderstandings.
And so, a week later, you were back in Jerusalem with your new tool and a new plan in mind.
You walked up the stairs and towards Baldwin's office. Since you had arrived earlier than he was expecting, you wanted to surprise him. Honestly, you missed him and his adorable expressions-
You stopped at the foot of the door, your heart dropping at the sight.
Baldwin and a woman... kissing.
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hugs2doie · 1 year
HI could u do when theyre clingy?? i love ur texts!
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HIHI ANON!!! ofc !! also i didn’t do it in the text format cause it would be quiteeee long, also this is mixed with the dreamies if they want cuddles too? idk 😭 however i hope you like this and AAAAA THABK U SMMM
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nct dream when they’re clingy !
pairing: bf!nctdream x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warning: none
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𖦹 mark:
mark will give u little signals like hugging u more often that he would in a daily basis, hold ur hand etc and waits for ur reaction. if u are okay with it, he wouldn’t mind being more touchy and clingy. he would be flustered asking u stuff like “can u not leave the bed? i wanna stay with u like this a little longer” (prolly with some stutters too) and you just can’t say no. HOWEVER if you said no (i mean its kinda understandable, what if u were hungry or wanted to use the restroom) he would have a frown on his face and won’t say much about it, though you can still see the sadness in his eyes. but when you come back he will have that goofy (but cute 💔) giggle ☹️☹️ a clingy mark would probably mean a lazy day for the both of you.
𖦹 renjun
renjun would EXTRA nice to you and you’d just be like ???? like, how come he isnt roasting you AT LEAST twice?? you immediately understand why when he comes behind you while you were cooking (if you can cook😭) & wrap your hands around your waist & puts his head on your shoulder/the crook of your neck to ask how your day was. obviously, you’d literally melt from that, like c’mon, who wouldn’t? if you two were watching movies he’s tangle y’all’s legs & if you tried to get up he’d hold you closer and say smth like: “sit down, everything else can wait 🙄😒”.HE’D GET MOODY IF YOU WOULD STILL GET UP 😭😭 to the point where he’d ignore you,, but will get over it quickly cause he’s clingy & needs your attention. when you’d apologize he’d be like “okay fine ugh i’ll forgive you, just don’t do that again 😒”. a clingy renjun would mean that he wants to be the only thing (person) you see and focus at that moment.
𖦹 jeno
jeno would hold your hand quite often. he’d also give you lots of hugs and try to touch you in any way (ofc not sexual) while giving his significant eye smile to you. he would always try to be your side just to be around you. ofc you’d notice and give to him (as you should!!). however if you tried to tease him and pretend not to notice and go on with your day he’d get so sulky and wonders if the physical contact made you uncomfortable ☹️ once you see how he started to stop being clingy towards you, you’d quickly assure him that you’re teasing him and he’d smile & hug you again. if you’d get up and do smth he’d put his head on your shoulder and wait for you to finish also he would pretty much follow you like a puppy wherever you’d go. a clingy jeno would mean a puppy-like jeno (NOT LIKE A KINK THOUGH 😭).
𖦹 haechan
haechan would literally be STUCK like a glue to you. he would literally turn into a bear and not leave you alone for a second. it could go like : “babe i have to go” “no you dont” “you cant be gaslighting me haechan” “im not doing that, wdym?” LIKE HE WOULD NOT LET YOU LEAVEEE 😭 if you still MANAGED to leave, he’d be a whine mess and would keep on telling you to come back. if you wouldn’t be next to him for the next 10 seconds he’d get up and follow you around, like jeno, but he’d CLING into you till you get tired of it and go back to bed (or anywhere) to cuddle with him. HOWEVER HAECHAN MIGHT GIVE U AN ATTITUDE TOOSOMETIMES?? like when you would try to leave he’d probably scoff and tell you to not come back since you “clearly don’t love him” which if you ignored and left the room he would raise his voice so you could still hear and be like “wow the loml doesn’t even love me” or stuff like that 😭 i mean he obviously isn’t being serious, he just wants you to spend time with him esp when he needs it the most. a clingy haechan would mean an actual bear/koala haechan.
𖦹 jaemin
he’d probably give you a lot of kisses on your face while smiling it’d be soooo adorable 💔 he’d be kinda like jeno, following you around, but not like THAT much cause he’d understand if you’re busy and wait for you. i feel like clingy jaemin would be full of aegyo?? like if he would want smth he’d do aegyo in front of you 😭. all the time with you he’d be smiling ngl. i feel like if y’all would cuddle he’d like to put some cheesy romantic movie in the bg OOOR even music,, he’d be whispering you sweet stuff or compliments ugh i’m sick to my stomach 💔 i feel like jaemin would be the same if he’s clingy, but a bit more touchy. a clingy jaemin would mean a lovely dovely boyfriend (he always is but y’all know what i mean!).
𖦹 chenle
I FEEL LIKE CHENLES EGO WOULD MAKE IT HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT HES CLINGY??? like he might not try to cling to you cause he’s afraid you’d tease him about it 😭😭 however he’d tell you to stop working or moving around the house and just chill with him. if you said no, he’d help you so you would finish your work or wtv you’re doing faster. once y’all r done & are chilling at the couch he’d do that cliché thing the men do in movies: he’d pretend to yawn/stretch and put his arm around your shoulder 😭😭 after that you understand what’s going on and just give in to him and give him your full attention. chenle would have a proud smirk on his face CAUSEEE YOU DIDNT TEASE HIMMM 💯 but if you did he’d tell you to go away (jokingly) which you obviously wouldn’t do, instead, you’d try to get closer to him (anddddd he’d be very happy even though he wouldn’t show it). a clingy chenle would mean a big ego chenle.
𖦹 jisung
HE’D BE ADORABLE STOP THIS. okay so jisung would he VERYYYYYY shy to express how clingy he is feeling. this is probably because, 1) he’s afraid you might judge him & 2) he isn’t rlly into physical touch. he would give you signs by patting your head or being around you more often than usual. jisung would be satisfied just by a hug or two, or praising words/compliments. he would have his shy smile on his face, he’d even giggle ugh 💔💔 as i said, jisung isn’t rlly into physical touch however he wouldn’t mind it, so if y’all r cuddling he’d probably put his head on your chest and wrap his arms around you while you guys literally talk about anything, even the silliest things. he likes when he gets attention from you and absolutely loves when you drop anything for him & him only. a clingy jisung would mean a shy jisung.
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lilastromama · 1 year
what i love about different zodiac signs/placements 🍷 [2]
aries lilith: their willpower. it might not always be for the positive, but theyre willing to do everything in order to get what they want, everything. Theyre ruthless. Im not saying thats GOOD, but its not always a bad trait either. go babes
saturn in the 8th house: how the universe doesnt play about them. this has less to do w their personality, and more to do with how inclined they are with spirit. fool them once, youre not gonna be able to fool them twice anyways. The universe always whips out the uno reverse card on you if u make the mistake to hurt them. Just something i have experienced a hell lot
capricorn sun: their balance (?) listen idk how to put this in words the right way, but so many caps ive met have this certain balance. being calm, kind, patient. And then theyre loud, chaotic, angry, funny, make the best jokes and are the most noticeable in the room. U never know what u get, and i like that
aquarius moon: aquas have never been an easy ride for me, gotta be honest. but the one thing i hold them high up for, is how they dont always "fit in" and yet are still chillin. I have always found strength in being (excuse my language) "outcast" like. Its good to have a mind of your own, and not always walk the way others take, or tell u to go. Please keep questioning things, keep doing you. (as long as it doesnt harm anyone) its a great thing to be unique, its a power move. Its actually something we could all have/do a little more of.
virgo sun: their confidence/support level. Ive noticed a lot of virgo suns to be hype-women/men/people. they support u the best they can, give compliments not even models have ever heard, and make u feel like ure on top of the world. and in women (as i am one, and have experienced this ESPECIALLY with virgo women) they give the best instagram comments. U know which ones im talking about. Those "Omg, i hear vogue calling youu already!!" 🎈comments. Theyre the best at it.
cancer mars: its funny bc cancer is in its fall when its in mars, its not specifically a sought out placement to have. But there is something about those individuals that remind me of female rage. LISTEN 👹 it takes a lot for cancer mars people to noticeably lose their shit, they almost never do it in front of others, they keep quiet mostly. But WHEN they show their pent up emotions, its time to call 911. go home and get the gun, NOW.
9th house individuals: Their minds. Yes, yes, yes. If u like deeptalks, like to spiral down the rabbit hole and back up, talk to these people. they make amazing teachers, leaders, people which are there to guide and learn you. They have incredibly fast minds, they analyze and calculate QUICKLY. those are the people which u go to when ur ex posted a new pic and u wanna know whos in it. Give them about 3 seconds and they will find out, including where their great grandfather lives. A pleasure <3
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
would.. you ever consider.. a chad x reader x ethan threesome thing ? like reader admits to chad that shes sexually attracted to ethan too and chads like "oh really?" and all teasing like then she just goes "chad, im serious. what if we tried something new.. but ethan was included?"
so when they knock on ethans door to ask if he'd like to try something with them ethans quick to let them in and its just reader in one of chads huge shirts on her and chad in his boxers, both covered in hickeys from moments before.
and idk if u wanna take it from there but i could be more in depth (i love writing im just not good at it 💀)
just my thoughts about this, might do a full fic at a later time!
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i feel like chad would be down, the though probably had crossed his mind once or twice in the past but had never brought it up in fear of making you uncomfortable.
he'll never admit it but he was relieved to hear you bring it up first and would be more than eager to go get ethan.
ethan was always a little (very) envious of your relationship. he didnt know who he wishes he was more tbh so he always tried to be out of the dorm anytime the two of you were over in fear of hearing something that would leave him throbbing and reaching his hands down his shorts.
today he couldnt leave despite the fact he wanted to. he had to study for his upcoming econ test, he would normally go to the library but it was closed today and it was raining so he coudnt even go sit outside, everyone elses dorms were occupied leaving him stuck there with his headphones blasting as he tries to ignore whatever the hell the two of you were doing.
when he hears banging he ignore it, finding it unbelievable the two of you were making so much noise until he turns around and notices the knocking on his door.
when he opens his door and are greeted by the sight of the two of you practically naked and sweaty, covered in hickeys with bruised lips he finds himself taking a step back to compose himself
"do you need a condom?"
you laugh at ethans clearly uncomfortable way of making conversation
chad shakes his head and eye's ethan up and down, "bro you know you dont own any condoms."
"i... well i have that box you gave me."
chad shakes his head and looks at you one more time to confirm with you and you eagerly nod, your eyes unable to leave ethan and his growing buldge
"you wanna join us?" "dont just ask him like that?" "how else am i supposed to do it?"
ethan stares at the two of you bickering with confusion, "What?"
"we want you to join us ethan" "join you.. with what?"
he can only watch as you walk towards him and wrap your arms around his neck giving him a grin, "you know what silly."
chad finds his way behind ethan and lays his head against his roommates shoulder. "so we were just wondering if you wanted to join us-"
you would laugh at his eagerness if you didnt want him as bad as you do
bringing his head towards yours you slam your lips against yours as chad begins to kiss down his neck
ethan feels like he's in heaven, maybe hes a little grateful the library is closed today
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missn00tson · 7 months
Yoo Wooin headcanons
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Hi, the Wooin landscape is barren af, so Im here to offer my headcanons abt him.
Hope you enjoy!
He's Bi, or def fruity in some shape or form.
I once read abt him being in a poly relationship and it has been ingraved in my mind ever since.
Def the type of guy to do a lot of pda. He likes to slap your ass in public, a lot. He's not the type of guy to be gentlemanly and open the door for you, but when he does he will slap your ass as he enters after you.
How comfortable he is with you changes a lot about how he acts with you. When you've been a thing or sortof thing for a long time he will get less... annoying? Dont get me wrong, he's still a litle shit but shows more of a caring side of his. It also ups his aftercare, like, he doesn't leave u or kick u out right after sex.
True to the story he's a little shit always up to somthing, and up for anything. He'd prolly not think twice if you suggest to do smth strange or dangerous.
Would spoil u excessively w gifts. I cant promise u theyre pretty (you have seen his fashion style, its not for everyone) but they will be expensive for sure.
Buys you matching clothes and expects you to wear them so he can show you off.
Will ask you to draw anything and get it tattooed. No mater how good your drawing skills r, if u can hold a pen you're good.
He's pretty good at drawing himself, but just like the rest of him his drawing style is rather... unique. He had been interested in becoming a tattoo artist for a while, and would become one if he didnt get as much money from illegal activities as he does.
Would do drugs and other types of substances with you for fun. He especially loves doing it before and after you've fucked.
He has the most obnoxious alarm ever (if he even feels like getting anywhere on time) and takes too damn long to turn it off.
Types with the most incoherent text messages ever. His texts r abbreviations from hell and as short as they can be. The only emojys he uses r 😎 and 🖕🏻
If you use the middle finger emoji tho he'll tell u it means u have a small dick just to annoy you.
Leaves you on read when you dont ask for a specific answer. He wont answer with an "okay" or anything either.
Would randomly call u at 3am and ask u if he was with u last night when the cops ask him for an alibi. It doesnt matter if he did it or not, he'd lie.
Dont expect him to cook. If you're eating at home it's just simple cupnoodles, otherwise he goes to eat out for every meal.
The guy walks so. Tremendously. slow. Like, showing off walking all badassly but walking slow like a SNAIL
Has the most annoying morning alarm ever (if he even feels like getting somewhere on time) and takes an eternity to turn it off.
Doesn't include you in his job, but isnt super secretive or apologetic abt it at all either.
He's total shit at talking about his feeling other than "annoyed" and "horny", same goes for consoling you about yours.
When you're not close yet he will most likely leave you to yourself as he has no clue how to deal with it other than letting it pass. He might offer you to do something you like to put your mind off it.
If you're more of a serious (for how serious it can be) thing he will try to console u in his own way. He will stay by your side, most likely uncomfortably staring in the distance until u tell him what you want him to do.
Strangely so, these are the moments where he's uncharcyeristicallt distant. Usually he's a guy with 0 personal space but then he just lets you be until he gets told otherwise (sounds submissive to me ahEm-)
If your just a bit down (and he has outruled the possibility that you're mad at him, so you wont atack him outta nowhere) he will try to cheer u up with stupid dirty jokes.
Would be into crossdressing. More so himself than his partner, but I can see him wearing a short skirt for shits nd giggles once and realizing things abt himself.
Looooves doggy style. Esp when he tops. He loves watching himself sliding in and out of you while you fuck, it just awakens something inside of him.
Would be the type to push u deeper while youre giving him head.
As an adrenaline junky he loves the idea of fucking and teasing in public. Even better if someone else watches.
Def some sort of sadist. He esp loves hour long edging followed by overstimulation. (I dont make the rules. I do but I dont :)
Loves the idea of phone sex, until he gets too horny and wants to do it himself.
But moments like those r the easiest moments to dom him. Yes, he's a switch, a brat for sure.
Even if he doesnt like to admit it, during spicy time is the only moment ur allowed to order him around and having a chance of him listening.
Dont overdo it tho, if he doesnt feel completely at ease w u yet he'll snap right out of it again (esp when he was planning on domming) and rail u even harder.
His rythm is slow and teasing at first, trying to tick you off, but as his own high nears he rams into you with short but quick thrusts.
Continues to fuck you even after you both came, enjoying the pain it gives him and the strangled moans and grunts tou let out.
Loves it when you beg. He loves feeling superior and being worshipped.
Though when hes subbing. Degradation kink. Im telling you. D e g r a d a t i o n
Hes not a gentle guy, he get turned on by seeing your tear stained face. He'd lick off the drops while he's pounding inside of you, wishing you'd cry more.
When he praises you he'll always degrade you at the same time, often using degrading nicknames. "Such a pretty slut for me" "This pathetic doll is taking me so well, aren't they?"
Loves when you bite and scratch him. It sends him straight over the edge when you scratch his back while he's fucking you.
Especially when he's bottoming he loves it when you leave bite marks allover him. On his neck, hut also his inner tighs make him weak in the knees.
You can bite down pretty deeply. If it draws blood, he'll slightly spread his legs further for you to lick it off.
Loves it when you moan around his cock.
Def a hair puller while recieving head, bobbing your head forcefully up and down making you gag.
He asks you to show your tongue after you've swallowed.
Loves calling you "my good slut"
Enjoys having his hands tied back while you ride him. He loves the way you body bounces while you move atop of him while he strains his hands in his cuffs.
He loves when you use him, ignoring his needs and pleasuring yourself.
The idea of his partners useing him while he's tied up and gagged, unable to stop them from edging and overstimulating him. One on top of him and the other eyeing them like a predator. Man that's maybe even better then drugs for him.
He loves hunting. Whether it's chasing you in a haunted house before taking you against the wall or you chasing him before making him crumble under your fingers.
Even though he's a shit, he knows the importance of knowing what your partner wants, and he'd make sure to get to know your prefrences beforehand. After all, what fun would it be if you're not up to do what he wants?
Aftercare after quickies is rare but when you have played a scene with him he will help you clean up and ask you about your opinion of the scene.
He knows no personal space. He cuddles with you until you both fall asleep, but leaves in the morning after showering and eating. (ofc depending on how close u are. If it's just a one night stand he leaves for sure, unless u put some magic on him. If youre more of a regular thing he'd make himself comfortable until u wake up and leave afterwards)
I have no clue how many words this is, but thank you for reading! :)
IHis lips also look so pink and juicy in the newest chapters, did he buy him some lipgloss or smthh?? I love itttt
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taraprince · 1 year
the nsfw abcs are so good 😩 can u do one for mello please 🙏
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❗️nsfw warning❗️
OFC I CAN 🤭🤭 i’m so glad you like them <33
// GN reader, might mention pussy once it twice i don’t remember//
A (aftercare) - mello isnt exactly the greatest at showing affection, but he tries his best to assure your comfort after sex, especially because he knows he can be rough sometimes all the time
B (bottom or top) - hes happy with anything as long as hes getting laid. If you wanna ride him, then be his guest. If you want him to tower over you while he fucks you stupid, hes fine with that too.
C (cum) - most of the time, he tries to pull out before he cums; however if you ask him to cum inside you he’ll obey without hesitation. He doesnt like wearing a condom, he wants to feel your heat right up against him, but he’ll do so if you ask him to <3 oh my god hes so pretty when he cums, shouting your name as his stomach flexes and his hair falls in front of his face ahhh.
D (dress up) - he doesnt mind dressing up for you, but he goes absolutely feral when you dress up for him. If There's anything that gets him hard fast, its you straddling his lap in a skimpy lace set he got for you that points out your curves so beautifully.
E (experience) - though he's a god at what he does, he actually doesn't have a lot of experience. Once he got out of Wammys, he never really got with another person before, making you his first time (which just makes his love for you even stronger)
F (fav position) - he loves loves lovessss having you ride him. He adores how prettily your thighs and chest bounce as you try to take all of him inside you. It drives him insane when he sees how your face contorts so lewdly before you cum all over him. “Cmon, you can take all of me, yeah? I know you can, just a little lower~”
G (goofy) - he’s pretty focused and serious during sex, and youll never really find yourself laughing; however sometimes he purposefully uses cheesy pick up lines when the tension is thick and you cant help but giggle a little.
H (hair) - he has a little bit of stubble down there, but he tried to keep it maintained. He doesnt really care a lot, he just wants to keep himself presentable for you. He doesnt mind what you do, if you dont want to shave then thats fine by him. Sex is sex, whether theres hair or not.
I (intimacy) - hes a bit more rough than passionate, but he does know how to make the knot in your stomach twist and turn. Every so often, when you two are having sex he’ll slow down and tell you how much he really loves you and how much he loves seeing you stuffed with his fat cock
J (jack off) - oh my god constantly. As much as he wants to take him time with you and do unspeakable things, hes just so busy with kira and near on his back all the time, so he doesnt have a lot of free time. He often resorts to pleasuring himself to the thought of how pretty and tight you are for him.
K (kink) - besides constant praise (and a hint of degradation if your needy), hes pretty vanilla. Hes definitely covered you in chocolate and licked it off you a few times, but thats only on special occasions. If he ever walked in on you with your hands tied behind your back (dont ask how its possible ok let me dream) and presented so openly for him, he’d go wild, losing almost all of his self control.
L (location) - if you want to fuck him, it doesnt matter where you two are, he’ll do it. His personal favorite out of all the places you two have done it at is on his couch at work. He loves the rush it gives him thinking of one of his dear coworkers walking in and seeing how good you can be for him and only him.
M (massage) - since he cant always be intimate with you, he often gives you massages because thats close enough, right? He really goes crazy for any type of skin to skin touch you two have because hes a man whore
N (no) - he seen and done it all really, or it feels that way at least. He cant really think of anything he wouldnt do; as long as your happy hes happy. He knows he doesnt show it very well, but he really does care a lot about you.
O (oral) - god he loves it when you sit on his face. The feeling of your plush thighs squishing his face can just make him cum over and over, but he keeps his composure so he can enjoy it a bit longer. Hes also such a fucking whore for you when you give him head. Bucking his hips, gripping your hair tightly, telling you over and over how fucking amazing your mouth feels around him. You two have for sure 69d on multiple occasions.
P (pace) - he adores roughly pounding into you (or guiding your hips quickly up and down), seeing your face twist and mewl at how good his dick feels. If you ask him to slow down, he’ll just go faster until you cum and your body goes limp.
Q (quickie) - lovess them. Yes, he loves being able to fully worship your body properly, but he just doesnt have time. he often has you against the wall of his office, rattling the wall with how hard hes rutting into you.
R (risk) - all for it 100%. Though he very protective of you, he loves the idea of fucking you silly in public with the high chance that someone could see or hear. Hes for sure fingered you in a restaurant before, and he had to remind you to keep quiet before someone heard you moaning like such a slut. “Fuck, your so loud and im only using my fingers. If your good and keep quiet for me, when we get home i’ll give you more. Sound good~?”
S (stamina) - he usually lasts about 3-4 rounds. Hes a tough man, but you make him weak in his knees when you open up so willingly for him, just begging him to ruin you from the inside out.
T (toys) - he owns a pair of handcuffs, a vibrater, and probably a ball gag. He thinks you look like a sexy fucking god/goddess when he uses his toys on you, with you squirming and mewling under him while he fucks you silly with just a few pieces of plastic and rubber.
U (unfair) - he’ll tease you with his words constantly, but once you two are in bed he cant help but just tear you apart, no time to mess around. “I see you over there getting off to my voice, rubbing your pretty thighs together. Why dont you just come over here and spread them open for me to play with, hm~?”
V (volume) - hes loud and proud. He almost WANTS people to hear how good hes getting it. He whimpers and moans when he cums, groans and mewls when you take control over his tired body (his sounds alone could make you cum over and over, and he knows it)
W (wild card) - mellos kind of a secluded guy, and as much as you think you know everything about him, theres always gonna be something that hes keeping secret. Which is exactly why it surprised you when he subtly mentioned his desire to be covered in hickies and love bites. Of course, he got what he wanted (and you may have escaped with 1 or 2 or 5 of his own marks across your body)
X (xray) - hes pretty average length, about 8, maybe 8.5 inches, but he still manages to drive you absolutely feral with the way he fucks you.
Y (yearning) - hes a raging manwhore and nothing anyone says can change my mind about that. Your always on his mind, your pretty lips both of them,your plush thighs that feel like cotton candy in his hands; he can daydream forever. You two usually have full on sex (not counting quickies) about 3-4 times a week.
Z (zzz) - hes out quick when you two are finished. Hes tired after a long few hours of countless orgasms <3
AN: AH i love doing these sm 🤭 can you tell i went with a theme on this one🙏 THX FOR THE ASK I RLY APPRECIATE IT💍💍💍🫶🫶🫶
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rainyamidala · 1 year
authors note; if you dont like the "has kids and is pregnant" trope, this is not for you !!!! this is basically a headcanon explaining why jake is so tough on his sons in atwow !!
d/n = daughters name
s/n = sons name.
i didn't want to make up names in case readers would like to do that on their own. personally i imagined the kids in way of water lol
theme; you tell jake he's being too hard on your kids - he tells you why.
pairing; dilf jake sully x reader
warnings; bad ending !! clearly what i need to work on the most. mentions of death and war. intentional lower caps
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"Jake." I began, looking at him with that look on my face as he finished lecturing our son. This conversation we were about to have must not be had in front of the kids, as that might make it seem like i don't respect jake when he sets a boundary or makes a decision. if thats what it looked like to our kids they could start not listening to him - which is the last thing i'd want.
but it was getting out of hand, and it made me uncomfortable.
we had three kids, one on the way. two boys, one girl.
i always thought him being much more strict with our sons was because they were older and needed to take more responsibility than our daughter had to - because i agreed with that. he did lecture d/n when he had to (so she wouldn't get a suffocating attitude and behavior as a grown up. parenting !) but with our boys it was very different. he'd lecture them about everything, and being very harsh and closed minded when he did so.
jake caught on, nodding.
"you guys go ahead, your mother and I will be right behind you." he said, patting our oldest sons back twice before they went off, mumbling to each other.
"i told you he'd freak out!"
"shut up, jerk. it was your idea."
"oh, yeah? you're the one who started it!"
i waited until they were out of hearing distance before i began again, turning from their direction and to my mates.
"you are very hard on them." i said as i turned around, gaining a sigh from jake in response.
"we've been over this, y/n. they're teenagers. they can't grow and mature with kisses and hugs."
"but it is more than that. you cannot expect them to make no mistakes." it is hard enough already for them with their father being who he was. but like every other na'vi they wanting to make their father and anyone with his name proud - that wouldn't be such a fight if he didn't have so high and unrealistic expectations.
"i don't." Jake responded fast, sounding over it already. he hated having to explain his reasoning - having to explain and defend himself.
"they think you do. that's whats important - they think you have expectations they will never be able to fulfill."
"they said that?"
"once. but they do not have to. i see it - i feel it." i felt very close to all of my children, like if they were physically hurt, I was too.
"I'm their father - its my job to be hard on them. toughen them up for the real world."
"your daughter is growing up in the same world - you don't treat her the same and they see it, jake." the absolute last thing id ever wish for is for jake to be so tough that it creates a wedge between two sons and a father.
"what do you want me to do, hm? let them run off and break every rule we set for them? that is not the kind of example i want to set for the youngest; that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want with no consequences." as he said the word youngest, he placed a hand on my stomach. ever since i got pregnant, he had gotten even more strict. i thought it was because he didn't want to stress me out with our kids (specifically boys) being wild, doing things they shouldn't be doing, but i'd never asked.
"talk to me, ma jake. why are you like this?" before we had our oldest, s/n, jake was very fun. definitely the wildest man i had ever met, always doing something he shouldn't. he was still like that, but less than before. i knew it was because he had matured massively since then, but i wish he'd seen himself in our sons before being so quick to judge their excitement for the world around them.
"because that's how my father raised me and my brother - i think i turned out alright. that's what i want for them. to turn out alright. more than alright - i want them to be the men they were born to be." he explained, struggling a little to keep the eye contact between us.
Jake was not one to talk about his family or his life before Pandora. i knew about his brother and his warrior background, but his parents weren't a subject he'd heavily touch on unless heavily forced.
"when i was a marine, i could be careless. it's more to the story but in the end, i lost my legs because i wasn' thinking two steps ahead. i didn't have my father to correct and lecture me, so i'm giving it to my kids." Jake was very grateful for this chapter in his life, more thankful for this than anything. being able to wiggle his toes and run in the forest was a gift he did not recognize until it was lost. not being able to do so as a human threw him to the wolves of depression - same affect as losing his brother.
he'd hate for one of his sons to get badly injured or even worse: one losing the other like he had lost his brother many years ago.
i opened my mouth to respond, but he quickly shut me off by continuing.
"my father raised me like this and I will continue raising my sons like this. you might not agree with me on everything, but i know i'm doing the right thing."
In response, i just nodded, looking down. i felt slightly bad for bringing it up, seeing the direction it had gone in. Jake had lost his brother and didn't want our kids to fall in his footsteps of fate.
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woncherie · 2 years
Thank you for replying about the rules!
Then I would like to make request for the blue lock boys : bachira, chigiri and kunigami, please!
May I request how the boys would try to confess to a painfully oblivious, yet affectionate crush please? Like they enjoy hugging the boys and all, but everything flies over their head.
Thank you for your time!!!
HELLO!! ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖) I'm sorry for it to take to long, I was drowning in uni work. I wanna apologize for this mess that I produced. this kinda got longer than expected so I left out chigiri,, I'm so sorry grr
genre: fluff
Reader: Gender Neutral (if I did any mistakes please tell me!!)
confessing to oblivious reader:
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You always appreciated Bachiras easy and ongoing character, not taking everything that you say to him seriously. you two could just sit around for hours and hours without getting bored, just laughing and joking around together.
His love language is physical touch. He loves having his arm around you, being close to you, his hands on your shoulders, just touching you in any way. he also speaks his mind, not thinking twice before dramatically confessing to you every few days, jumping on your back and hugging you while laughing.
When you began your (now very close) friendship to him, you were confused by his behaviour, but after a few weeks you got used to him and his way of acting. you dont even take these words serious anymore, even though it seriously hurts you. you'd love to hear them come from his mouth and meaning them. (at least you believe he doesnt mean it.)
Some of your other friends might even ask you two if you were dating. You shook your head, Bachira nodded.
"What what?"
You looked at him with wide eyes, wondering why he just nodded. It wasn't unusual for the both of you to get asked this question, but usually both of you would dismiss it with a quick hand or headshake.
You loved Bachira, and you loved the close friendship you two had, but at this point it was getting more than frustrating. it feels like he knows about your feelings and is just playing with them.
"Why would you say that?" You bit the insides of your cheeks, trying to ignore the pain in your chest once again. you couldn't do this anymore, it just hurt. You didnt want to tear up in front of him, but you just needed to tell him about his behaviour just breaking you.
"(Y/N), I told you about how I felt about you around five hundred times already." you heard bachira speak up defeated and discouraged, his normal joking behaviour being gone. instead, a serious looking boy stood in front of you, looking deep into your eyes, taking your hand slowly and gently. "But all you do is laugh and change the topic. I can't stand this anymore. are you doing this on purpose?", he let out rather frustrated.
"... HUH????"
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Kunigami is literally just a big ass fluffball. He is nice and patient to everyone and anyone as long as they are the same to him.
This is probably why you never realised the special feelings he had about you. yes, he is nice and helpful and gentle, integrating and patient, but with you his behaviour goes up another level. he's constantly looking out for you, making sure you eat properly and stay hydrated, he's even walking you home every day with the excuse that his home is in the same direction anyway, acting unbothered and cool when in reality he should've turned to the right halfway through the way home. (but you don't know. he doesnt let you find out.)
he's inviting you over to him every other day, meeting up and probably playing football with you. it doesnt matter to him that you aren't a good as he is, he would even gladly teach you, as long as it means to spend more time with you.
in order for you to realise he really thinks you are more special to him as the other people in his class, he would probably take you to a nice scenery to confess his feelings. which means him forcing you to spend time with him again, not that you would mind though.
you noticed him being more silently and into his head the whole day in school. after school was over you head to his desk, trying to find out if everything is alright.
"Hey, do you need to go home right now?" he asked you, looking up from his desk and right into your eyes, making you feel a bit shy under his glance.
"No. Is there anything you wanna do?" you answered him. He stood up from his chair, throwing his bag around his shoulder. "Lets go for a walk."
You both walked around the city, hands brushing up against one anothers every few minutes. you could feel him trying to hold at least a few fingers of yours, but kunigami always shyed away right afterwards. you didnt say anything, just hoping for him to just take your hand.
The second you two stood at the bottom of a small mountain you started complaining a bit. "What the fuck, do we really need to go up there?"
"Just shut up and follow me" he said with a grin on his face, stretching his hand out for you to finally take.
you placed your hand in his and he grips it tightly, starting to lead you up the mountain. his hand spread warmth through your body and you could feel your heart racing a bit. stop feeling this way, he is just being nice, he's like this to everyone, you tried to downplay your feelings.
once you arrived at the top it was already late in the afternoon and the sun started to set. you both threw yourself onto the ground, looking up into the sky, talking and watching the sky turn from blue to yellow to orange to black, stars beginning to shine brightly all over it.
you did admit that the scenery was amazing from up here, but you didnt say it out loud. you just know kunigami would grin and say I told you so after you complained the whole way up.
instead, you turned your head to him and looked at him, surprised that his eyes were already on you. (they were from the very beginning, you just didnt notice.)
his hand came up close to your face and he put a few strands of your hair away that fell over your forehead. you couldn't help but turn red at his small gesture.
he opened his mouth, wanting to say something before changing his mind and closing it again.
"is everything alright?" you asked him.
"(Y/N). fuck. I really like you."
Here is an insurmountable amount of garbage. It disgusts me as well. I apologize in advance.
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sharkrad08222222 · 3 months
Misfits in Toyland Changeling the lost edition
I fuckin love @zal-cryptid 's Toylanders, so I decided to transfer a few into the works of Changeling: The lost, starting with someone who probably wants to be out of here. So HERE IS THE CHARATERS SHEET! ...ah shit forgot people dont know what changeling the lost is...Hold on let me get my thinking cap on, but first, a story of how I think Tammy got in and out of Arcaida.
Once(the Backstory, which I might not need to add and it probably wrong, but I aint wasting it.) Tammy Yokoi was not someone who you wanted to meet. Sure at first, they seemed ok, but give them anything important to do that she had no interest in and she would throw it aside, and probably make fun of you for thinking said task meant anything. This is what made Krampus catch his eye, where he followed her and saw how she was just The worst. Outing a Girl as intersex, outing the same girl as a Lesbian, which pretty much Destroyed her life, and being such a terrible babysitter, that she NEARLY caused one kid to die, and sad kid would have if Krampus didn't step in. Thinking of an apporeate punishment, he turned her into a tamagotchi and pulled her away into his little kingdom in Arcadia. As a tamagotchi, she was unable to feed or clean, herself, and died multiple times, only to come back and to starve all over again. This happened twice before being found, where she was thrust into many a Test to get her working, form being stuck in doom, Monkey Island, and various others, all in a way to improve her living situations. It wasn't all bad, she did meet a Woman named Mel, who got turned into a pull string Baby doll, who she grew rather fond of. but also met the girl she ruined the life of, Jen, who has an Axe to grind. Now.(Life as a changeling) She does not remember how she got out of her plastic prisons, all she remember is that Mel is in danger and she tried to stop it and she then found herself behind a pizzeria. She was quickly found by a summer patrol when she tried to get back to Arcaida, and now is a part of the local Summer court of (insert whatever big city of the state Tammy was form?) Here she is a Driven Elemental, working on getting connected with people to hopefully get back to Arcadia so she can give Krampus a piece of her mind. However, her time has changed her, form a bully to a more care taker role. She still packs quite the snark, but she does give a damn about the people around her. 
Mask and Mien Most changelings are changed form their encounter, literally as they their bodies and souls where forced into new shapes,a Mien. but exiting and the Desire to remain hidden form their form captors looking for escapees, has created their mask. Tammy’s mask is pretty similar to her origins forum, but for the supernatural looking for tells , her heartbeat is more like a Hospital monitor, her eyes show a pixelated reflection, her voice has  only the slightest hint of static.
Her Mien makes her looks like she’s been Rotoscoped into reality, with a body showing visible pixels. Not the most Terrifying but it’s unusual for sure. I would shit my self I say a person suddenly go form normal to Rotoscoped person holding rotoscoped shot gun. Seeming, Kith and Court. Seeming was you where in Arcadia Elementals were people made into forces of nature who got confined to a lined area, but eventually Freed, and now have a lot of power on their hands. As an Elemental of Code and Computer stuff, Tammy can cause computers to bleed pixels and for Monitors to shoot stuff out at people.  Kiths are the roles people got forced into. Being Eletrical in nature, and now with the ability to manipluate a code, Tammy is a Levinquick with the abilithy telaport between the air waves. Carries alot of burner phones for this. Courts are a mix of support Group and survialist club. NO ONE wants to go back, the summer court espselly, who if they keepers are going to try to take them back, they are going to fight tooth, nail, bone and Whatever else to get them to back off. Tammy Joined the summer court cuase to her they seem like the ones most likely to barg into or at least teach the skills on how to do so. For her Mantle with the courts, she is a bit sharper with her insults.
Clarity And keeping it together. Clarity represents how "stable" a changeling is, how connected they are to reality. Clarity is how aware a Changeling is to the world around them, and creatian actions or events can cause this track to take damage Tammy has a common on of not wanting to keep people against their will, cause you know the whole being trapped in a tamagotchi again her will sort of thing. Tammy also doesnt not like it when she witnesses someone experiences Neglect, cause she knows how that feels. Starvation is in the same boat as Neglect, not only for witnessing it but also for feeling it. Another things that cause her clarity attacks is being reminded of pass behaviors. She Realizes that she was bad, and does not want to repeat them, BUT rather than face them, she instead runs from them, buries them. if you think that she could fall back into old habits…you are not wrong.  Luckly though Touchstones, connections to realuty are mantianed and Clarity can be regained. Tammy's Touchstones are a group of kids she babysits for, a circle of kids if you will. was it the best idea to go baby sitting again, but it has given her Convection, with the small rings of kids she baby sits over months and week ends. plus cash for paying her half of the rent. Speaking of which what do all these dots mean? If one has played any TTRPGies, like a D&D, you probably know what skills and attaubies are, Willpower is willpower, burn it to be more likly to succed at a task Glamour is Emontial Fuel that both fuels abilities and existence. but merits is where things get intresting. Merits repersnet more specialzied skills, special training, innate Biological abilities, assets of all sorts, ETC, ETC. Changelings need Glamour to survive and can feel like shit if they dont get any so, but Tammy due to the deprecation she faced in Arcadia has developed a body that take some Glamour Fasting It will still catch up with her but not as fast, at least until she can find some, hedge fruit or People she can feed form.  Having been gone for so long, she has been somewhat forgotten, her parents given up their search, and most of her fellow classmates having moved on, she’s a ghost. Pure Anonymity.  No paper trail, no Criminal Record, none of that.
Her Drive and old skills form playing baseball has come back, make her a Relentless chaser.
She’s made some Allies outside of her summer court, a group of baby sitters, mostly being their to help with unruly kids or getting them to cover for her. They dont know her true nature, but that is liable to change, espelly with one going into clown collage.  Elemental Warrior...We will talk about that later.
A mixed blessing form Her time in Arcadia, but her body has somehow Become Hardy out how to go on even when the ravages of the world are after her. but WAIT THEIR'S MORE due to the laws and red tape of Reality, changelings can take up contracts with the funablemtal forces of the universe. On the list their is the classic for all elementls elemental weapon! Using the code around her she shapes it into a weapons to use against her foes. Usually a shotgun of some sort, but with enough concentration he can summon an old Navel Cannon. Need to scare someone off? Overpowering Dread, is the ability to do just that. Tammy could Summons the illusion of a big scary monster but she usually just makes them leave though supernatural potent Insults.
Do you want to put a curse on a target, but dont have time for a HEX? Retrograde is the choice for you. Tammy's manfest , causing  the targets phone to not work, computers to crash and for the GPS to break down.  Sometimes you need to hide, or make it look like your unattiable and Trapdoor Spider’s Trick is ,well, the trick. Tammy causes any doors to appear barracked with the power of an anti virus software. Sometimes you need to make some one really pissed off, so that is why Tammy uses Sunburnt Heart is infusing someone with the anger of the sun(The sun is well known for being incredibly petty, still hasnt forgiven her kids cause they killed here dad), so using the power of the summer sun, Tammy can infuse people with the rage, and then direct those people away form her.
owever if tammy wants to use her own rage, Elemental Fury is the go too. Causing all the srceens to bleed out pixels what replate environments, while also damaging all who are caught in. A favor of hers is sending a crap ton of rude messages to a bunch of people causing them to riot in an area.
and this STILL isnt everything, but DEAR GOD I have been here for too long, and I am going to go now...and stat out Krampus.
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scoobydoodean · 27 days
Hey babes, i saw ur post ab dean and sa in 6x09 and was wondering what ur thoughts were on the headcanon that dean did underage sex work? Also have u noticed the very wierd number of times he talks about roofies / alludes to being roofied?
Hello! I don't have a tag specifically about Dean and sex work, but anything I have written or reblogged about it gets catalogued under the tag #dont objectify me! You also might be interested in my tag #dean and the family finances.
I have been asked about sex worker Dean before though and discussed some about underage sex work as well.
Dean mentions roofies (potentially) twice afaik—once explicitly in 9.13 "The Purge":
DEAN These aren't "supplements", they're roofies. SAM What? How do you know what roofies look like? DEAN How do you not know? You think I want to end up in a hotel bathtub with my kidney carved out? In Chechnya?
Then they may be referenced in 10.09 "The Things We Left Behind" where Dean describes being plied with alcohol by a group of adults at CBGB when he was way too young to be there:
DEAN: All right, so I get there. I sneak in, and it is nuts. I mean, people are drinking and they’re smoking and they’re—they’re snorting whatever. There’s a five-hundred pound guy on stage with a Mohawk just screaming. And, uh, my mind is blown. I don’t even know what to do. Then this girls walks up and she says “Hey, why don’t you come over and sit down with me and my friends at our table?” All right! SAM: Yeah, and they get him drunk. First time. DEAN: But not fun drunk. I’m not quite sure what was in that stuff, but the room starts to spin, and I feel like I’m going to puke … forever. 
Dean also gets slipped drugs inside a bar in 4.05 "Monster Movie".
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shenrickyz · 2 months
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5 times seojun makes sure to look after jisung, and 1 time jisung returns the favor
FEATURING ᝢ kang seojun, park jisung, & nct dream ensemble. WARNINGS ᝢ 5+1 things, mentions of mark's graduation, overworking, and implications of depression. WORD COUNT ᝢ 9k  NOTES ᝢ okay okay so HIII!! first of all, this is for the biggest seoji fan ever aka @junjiie, also my bsf ever jj we all love you ☹️💟 second of all, this doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to seoji, their dynamic is so intricate that i can't even to explain them bc i'll go crazy and start sobbing uncontrollably from how much i love them 😭😭 third, yes this is a 5+1 thing, going back to my ao3 roots and shit, you will never know the name of my account btw..🙁 just know there were a lot of weak hero things on there, i miss ao3 (i got locked out of my account), anyway, yeah this is a very experimental i wrote through many many all nighters and many iced coffees, but now it's done, seojun might be one of my fav nct ocs sorry zixin & niko 💗 seojun cutest person ever wbk!! okay bye bye dont crucify me pls 🙏
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jisung is on one of his nightly walks again.
nightly walks around the dorm that is, he isn't about to go outside at one in the morning, one; because renjun would definitely kill him if he ever found, and two; he doesn't need fresh air right now.
jisung finds his own body confusing, he's tired, but can't sleep. the ground is practically stabbing his feet, but he's already walked seven circles around the couch in this short amount of time. he feels out of it, he craves something, not food, he's not hungry, he's not thirsty either, he doesn't know exactly he feels. he's sleepless, yeah, but sleep probably won't do the trick.
thoughts are rampant in jisung's mind, many thoughts. the fucking comeback, the hours of practice he's gonna subject himself to, the hours of recording they'll have to endure, the hours he's spent without even eating, how is he still alive? he might collapse onto the floor in this very moment and sleep just like that.
but instead of that, jisung (or his feet, he guesses) has other plans. he stops his tenth lap around the couch and beelines towards seojun's room, those thoughts still rampant in his mind as he starts his way there.
seojun always pulls all-nighters, he truly only needs 3 hours of sleep to thrive in this world (his words, not jisung's). the other doesn't really get how that's healthy, considering seojun's a dancer, and he's constantly up 24/7, sleep should one of his top priorities, jisung doesn't understand how he never gets tired, but he guesses the constant need to be doing something is a huge factor.
the light in his room is on, jisung can see from the crack under the door, and even if it wasn't on, seojun is always awake. he lightly twists the doorknob, peaking his head through the opened door.
seojun is, of course, doing like three things at once. he's cleaning his glasses, has a book open, and is singing along to a song playing in his mind. when he hears the door open, he glances up, smiling at the sight of his fellow 02 liner. "hi, what's up?"
jisung pauses, holding the door with his shoulder so he can use his right hand to scratch his arm, he shrugs, licking his lips. "can't sleep" he says easily, and seojun just hums, sitting up.
he doesn't say any more, patting the spot beside him on his bed, beckoning for jisung to sit with him. the younger doesn't think twice before closing the door behind him (gently though, because hikari has issues with noise). the moment he sits himself down with seojun, he feels comfortable, cozy.
"why'd you come to my room?"
"you were the only one awake".
a lie, a pretty obvious one too. jisung knows hikari is also awake, he usually gets plagued with sleeplessness when comeback preparations roll around. jisung doesn't really know why he lied, it's not like seojun would reprimand him or anything.
seojun doesn't need to know it was a lie, though.
"mmh" seojun looks back to his glasses, putting the napkin back in the case. "why can't you sleep, ji?" he asks, glancing down at the book he'd previously been reading.
jisung glances down as well, eyes focusing on seojun's bracelet. "i don't know.." he mutters, beginning to fiddle with seojun's blanket, his nose scrunched as he takes in a deep breath. "just thinking, i guess".
"ah" seojun puts on his glasses and shakes his head. jisung always thought seojun looked exceptionally pretty like this— not that seojun isn't usually exceptionally pretty, jisung just thinks he looks so good in this current state. somewhat messy hair, reading glasses on, no makeup, just.. seojun. "so what? you want me to read you a story or something?"
"no i just.." jisung pauses, scouring his mind for the right words to say. seojun's eyes go back and forth, between the younger and pages on the book before him. "i'm just— i'm thinking too much, i need to just sit down and be fine".
jisung doesn't really think the words make sense, but seojun gets it, and jisung can see that he does with the way his eyes soften. "so you just want to sit in silence?" he asks, fingers caressing the cover of the book in his hands. jisung's eyes follow seojun's fingers, humming lightly.
"not really.. can we just talk?"
"about what?"
jisung groans, covering his face with his hands. "i don't know just.. stuff" anything to distract him from his irritating thoughts, he doesn't want to think about the comeback, or the performance, or sm, or anything pertaining to that, he just wants to talk about stupid shit, talking with seojun will relax his mind. "just don't be quiet".
"well lucky for you, park, i'm a professional loud mouth".
oh do i know.
jisung makes himself comfortable, lying his head down on one of seojun's many pillows. the older simply smiles down at him, glancing back at his book and only skimming the page before turning it. "what's keeping you up tonight?"
"comeback thoughts" jisung answers immediately, getting only a small hum from the older. "i don't know, i'm nervous, anxious, worried that i'll slip up and put the whole group in jeopardy?"
his tone is questioning, like he's even confused on why he's having such thoughts, but seojun doesn't reply. the silence isn't a taunting silence, one where jisung can tell seojun is making fun of him in his mind, it's more of a silence of solace, jisung likes how the air in the room feels, his thoughts aren't yelling at him right now, they're silent, they don't bother him. "is that weird?"
"it's weird that you think you'll ever mess up" the park almost rolls his eyes at the kang's words, but he doesn't interrupt him. "you're an amazing member, jisung, you're talented, you never slip up, and you'd never bring down the group".
"you're just saying that to make me feel better.."
"i say it all the time, though" seojun adds, and jisung has to admit, he is right, but he wants to remain stubborn, wants to ignore his reddening cheeks. "and i mean it, ji, don't ever think about yourself like that, you're important, and everyone thinks so".
the words make jisung pause, he doesn't have an immediate answer for them. seojun is just so good at doing that, making him speechless. it's not like what he said was new or revolutionary, seojun says shit like this all the time, it's just something about him, not exactly his words.
seojun makes jisung feel things he can't explain.
jisung's silence doesn't bug the older, who just takes his hand, intertwining their fingers. "you— we'll be fine".
"we always are, aren't we?"
at the words, seojun snickers, unconsciously tightening his hold on jisung's hand. "yeah, we always are".
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these days, jisung is easily tired.
maybe it's just the back to back promotions, having to learn five new choreographies and master them so he doesn't make a mistake on stage, so he doesn't upset any of the members. they're all having a rough time as well, he can't even begin to imagine how mark and donghyuck feel, knowing they have to do these promotions and also prepare for their upcoming 127 comeback (and apparently with a song they hate too, donghyuck is not a fan of sticker).
jisung just chalks up his exhaustion to the many hours he trudges around the practice room, doing the same dance seventeen times with minimal breaks, no sleep, then waking up and having to repeat the next day.
and jisung thinks it'll all be fine, because he has never actually ever been behind. if he has to force himself to learn a new choreography, he will, he doesn't care if one of his legs falls off, by the time jisung is seventy, he's probably still gonna be dancing himself to death.
so here jisung is, trying his best to keep his eyes open as he stares out the window of the van. it's way too late, schedules took way too long today, jisung just can't wait to get home, to lie down on his bed, and let the sleep take him away.
but for now, he's awake, wide awake. he's not exactly sure why he's keeping himself awake, some dumb reason he can't explain through the fatigue plaguing his own body. it's not like no one else is asleep, chenle dozed off forty five minutes ago, hikari and jeno are both gone, laying their heads on each other. it looks like sleep is about to take jaemin away pretty soon, renjun is silently sleeping in the seat in front of them, whilst mark and haechan are watching stupid videos, tired, but not tired as if they're about to sleep.
and seojun, seojun is wide awake.
seojun is always wide awake, jisung can never get it. seojun is one of the youngest members, and young people need sleep (that's what everyone says, at least), but every time jisung looks at seojun, he's awake. jisung doesn't know the last time he's seen seojun sleep— of course he sleeps, but jisung hasn't seen him doze off in a long time, the older must be an owl or something.
jisung finally stops looking out of the window, glancing over at seojun beside him. he takes his time observing the older. seojun is listening to music, a cnblue song, jisung can hear it faintly from his headphones. he lightly chuckles at the fact, and it seems that seojun hears him, removing one of his headphones. "did you say something?"
jisung suddenly startles, shaking his head through the tiredness attacking his body. "no i just.. nothing i said nothing".
seojun blinks, humming. he turns off his headphones, taking them off. "why aren't you sleeping?"
the question puzzles jisung. "what do you mean?"
"you're tired".
it's not a question, the words that escape seojun's lips are a remark, a statement. he isn't asking jisung if he's tired, if he wants to sleep, he's telling jisung that he's tired.
"that's funny" jisung replies, it's not surprising for seojun to have predicted this, it's obvious that he's tired, there are clear bags under his eyes, he can barely speak above a whisper, and he keeps having to pick himself up when his head starts slipping down, beckoning him to such a desirable slumber. "you just.. know?"
"it's pretty obvious" seojun responds, he doesn't display any kind of exhaustion, something that is absolutely stunning to jisung. seojun should be knocked out cold, he always does so much, but he never seems to ever be tired, he has to be some sort of superhuman, how does he survive without sleep? jisung will never know. "and i know you".
jisung could never disagree with that. sometimes, he thinks seojun might be a mind reader. he always knows when it comes to jisung, he can pick apart the smallest things, notice the smallest differences, and can somehow always know what he's thinking. on certain occasions, it freaks out jisung, just how much seojun knows, but on most occasions, it just confuses jisung.
"yeah, you know me so well.." jisung mutters, his tone is meant to come off as sarcastic, but seojun clearly can't notice because of how low he says it. he looks down at his feet, bumping them together.
"you should sleep".
jisung disagrees, he doesn't know why, he just wants to stay awake, staying awake is what he wants to do. "i'm not.. sleepy".
"you're a terrible liar" seojun chuckles, merely glancing at his phone before focusing all of his attention on the maknae. "you can sleep, you know, i'll wake you up when we get back".
"i don't wanna sleep".
"yes you do".
"no i don't".
"you do".
"i don't".
this childish back and forth comes out of nowhere, and it goes on for much longer than it should. it's nothing serious, playful bantering like this between the two has always been prominent in their relationship, arguing over stupid things has always been a them thing to do.
"will you stop fighting me on this?" seojun asks, his voice softening. "there's nothing wrong with sleeping, why don't you want to?"
"if i sleep, i'll sleep for too long".
seojun raises an eyebrow, clicking his tongue (a habit which makes jisung's stomach flip in ways that are so strange), a small hum leaves his lips and he leans back in his seat. "why's that a bad thing?"
"because i have to wake up early tomorrow to get extra practice in".
seojun laughs again, his laughter is a pretty harmony, one jisung loves witnessing. he doesn't mean to focus on it so much, the curve of seojun's mouth that is, but he does, he can't stop himself.
he feels himself get flicked in the head by the older, and a small yelp escapes his lips. "you dummy, that's really what your worried about?"
"dummy? you could at least not insult me.." jisung frowns, rubbing his forehead as he reels from the flick from seojun.
"seriously jisung, you need sleep".
jisung scoffs. "that's ironic for you to say" his words make seojun snort, he can't disagree with that. he's much too lively at a time like this, after the day they had, seojun still finds time to be awake, even while most of the members let their exhaustion take them away to dreamland. "you never sleep".
"this isn't about me, though" classic seojun, deflecting from anything pertaining to him and focusing on jisung. "it's alright if you sleep, i'll make sure to wake you up for your early practice".
the words come out in a joking way, but jisung knows seojun is serious when he says them, he just knows seojun, he knows how he is. seojun is always going to look after him, no matter how stubborn jisung tries to be, the older will never truly let him. taking care of him is his thing, jisung thinks the other will be looking after him until he dies.
and he wouldn't really mind it anyway.
"jisung" seojun grits his teeth, the tone is a warning, the kind of tone mark uses with the group when they're acting like idiots. jisung thinks it's so weird when seojun talks like this, because energetic, childish, outgoing seojun should never be sporting a tone like this. "don't argue with me, you need to sleep, i'll wake you up, you know it".
i do. but jisung doesn't say that, he just lets out a tired chuckle, shaking his head. "you're so assertive.." he mutters, scooting closer and leaning his head down onto seojun's shoulder.
"anything to make sure you get sleep" seojun carts his hand through jisung's hair, an easier way to coax him to sleep, but jisung doesn't think it was on purpose, just seojun being seojun. "i'll wake you up tomorrow, and when we get back".
he doesn't need to reiterate his words for jisung to know, seojun is always going to take care of him, making sure everything is going okay with him. "uh huh, thanks".
though jisung says those words with a tone of mild irritation, he doesn't mean it.
and seojun knows, because he always knows.
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"hyung have you seen my—oh.."
jisung can't even focus on what he's looking for anymore, because he walks into the kitchen turned bakery and experiences a type of whiplash he doesn't think could ever be replicated. he's met with the immediate aroma of chocolate chips, cookies, cookies are being made. he stops in his tracks, because the sudden chocolate chips which litter his nose aren't the only surprise.
"oh hi jisungie!" jaemin exclaims, quickly taking jisung's attention away from everything else. "what were you looking for?" jisung feels like his mind has gone blank as he tries to figure out everything he needs to articulate right now.
"my uh.. my watch" he responds, but the watch is the furthest thing on his mind. "why are you all, baking?" he finally asks, catching the attention of his fellow members.
"were doing something nice for mark!" renjun exclaims, his words muffled, his mouth is full of something. "celebrating golden hours release!"
ah, that makes sense. jisung finds the gesture cute, how they're gathering together to do something nice for mark, he really is special to them. all of them. "oh, so you're making just cookies?" he asks, not knowing what to do, so he just stands awkwardly.
"no, were making brownies too".
"were trying to make brownies" jaemin corrects, making donghyuck whip his head back to glare at him. "you didn't even get the right cocoa powder for the recipe".
"okay and? the brownies will still be good it's not like mark will even notice!"
and just like that, the pair begin arguing. wow, how fitting for them. jisung is quick to tune out of their argument, instead walking around to the other side of the kitchen counter, making his way to a certain someone.
seojun had been quiet the whole time, which is, frankly, unusual. jisung notices immediately how focused he is on making sure the cookie dough and chocolate chips mix together perfectly, so focused that he doesn't even look up to greet jisung when the younger stands beside him.
"hello? earth to seojun?" jisung calls out, suddenly craving the older males attention. the kang finally looks up, but he doesn't pause his aggressive mixing, his arm continuing to do it's thing. "are you okay?"
"hm? yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
"well.. you're quiet" jisung immediately remarks, opting to tell seojun about his newfound observation instead of making small talk. "that's weird".
seojun snickers, poking jisung's cheek (a gesture which the younger pretends to be annoyed by). "i just need to make sure these cookies are perfect, i want mark hyung to like it.."
he pokes his tongue through his inner cheek, and jisung simply nods. he gets it, seojun's need to impress mark goes way back, all the way back to their trainee days, where an eleven year old seojun would do extra well in practice just to get better praises from mark. "he will, when have you ever disappointed him?"
jisung can't do the complimenting as well as seojun does, but at least they have the same affect, because seojun smiles. a small, cute stretch that highlights his pretty pink lips.
jisung has no idea why he's staring there anyway..
"you know what, you're right, i shouldn't be stressing so much about this, these are just baked treats at the end of the day".
"glad you can see that".
the pair go unnaturally silent, the chatter of their fellow members still prominent in their ears, but nothing else seemed to matter to the 02 liners. jisung doesn't break the silence, intertwining his finger with seojun's. seojun has pretty hands, is that weird of jisung to say? no, he doesn't think it is. the rings that litter his fingers fit him so well, a barrage of gold and silver metal that compliment him perfectly.
seojun, who also doesn't say anything, just takes the act of affection as it is. his lips part, as if he wants to say something, but he immediately closes them, staying silent. jisung doesn't try to force seojun to talk, seojun doesn't try to force jisung to talk, they just stand there with their fingers laced together, comfortable in the silence overtaking them.
then suddenly, the two of them engage in a high end staring content. at this point, everyone else seems to be absolutely useless, the only thing mattering in the moment being them and their little staring competition. jisung loses almost immediately, because he does the stupid thing and lets his eyes wander down towards seojun's lips, totally not purposefully of course!
seojun laughs at the direction his eyes go, and it makes jisung immediately look up, blinking at the older.
but before he can say anything, chenle's familiar pterodactyl screech sounds in their ears.
the shout is enough to snap seojun and jisung out of their thing, and jisung's cheeks flare up immediately, he forgot everyone else was still here. seojun snaps out of his little daze much more naturally though, even with the red hue that tints his cheeks.
"coming!" seojun quickly looks back to jisung. "uh.. do this for me? please?" jisung could never really refuse, even if seojun was really just asking him to stir cookie dough and chocolate chips for him. "i'll pay you back".
"no no it's fine go help chenle" jisung whispers, not knowing if he could speak without his voice cracking. seojun smiles at him, a pretty smile, then quickly lets go of his bowl (and jisung's hand) to go and help the yelling chinese with whatever issue is plaguing him.
jisung takes over seojun's former job of stirring together cookie dough and chocolate chips whilst the older helps chenle with his issue. he listens to the continuous bickering of renjun and donghyuck, trying his best to ignore jaemin's knowing gaze, he feels it burning holes through the back of his head.
seojun isn't gone for too long, as he comes back giggling and ruffling chenle's hair. "thank you, jisungie" he whispers, quickly taking the bowl of now mixed cookie dough and chocolate chips away from the maknae.
"no problem" jisung politely smiles, not even looking seojun in the eye, but the older seems to find his awkwardness cute, because he pinches the younger's cheeks. "what was that about?"
"what? with chenle?"
no, the other thing. jisung is referring to their little staring contest, that random moment they had, where no one else seemed to matter, like it was just them in the room and nothing else was going on, but jisung doesn't want to ask about that while everyone else is still in the room. "yeah.. uh— with chenle".
seojun narrows his eyes, but just hums, beginning to shape the cookie dough so it can start baking. "chenle just couldn't reach for something, he needed my help".
"ah" jisung hums, chewing on his bottom lip as he averts eye contact with the older, who blinks at his sudden silence. "are all of these enough?" he abruptly asks, changing the subject, much to the dismay of seojun. "mark hyung won't ask for more?"
"if he does ask for more we'll just make more!" hikari shouts from another part of the room, answering jisung's question instead of seojun, who smiles, agreeing with his answer. "it won't be that hard".
jisung hums again, having no idea how to start up another conversation. "anything i can do to help?"
"you don't have to do much" seojun responds, finally turning away from the baking cookies and back to the maknae. "unless you want to be apart of haechan and jaemin hyungs argument about cocoa powder".
jisung snorts, humored by the suggestion. "no i think i'll pass.."
"speaking of jaemin hyung, did you find your watch yet?" seojun asks, and the realization suddenly dawns on jisung, he totally forgot that he was originally looking for his watch this whole entire time. "you haven't even tried to look for it?"
"i did! but then i got sidetracked by the baking and cookies and those two arguing over cocoa powder!"
seojun chuckles at jisung's response, cupping his face as he coos at the other. everything jisung does is cute, but everyone else thinks that as well!
it's just different when it's seojun..
"you're such an idiot, jisungie".
the nickname is stupid, but jisung loves when seojun says it (but he can't say that out loud, because the other members would pout about it all day). he doesn't mean to pick favorites, he just thinks seojun is extra adorable with the way he does things, and no that is not biased.
seojun continues shaking his head, sighing. "your watch is in my room".
jisung blinks, puzzled by the words. "my watch is in your— how did it even get there?"
"you tell me, i didn't even know it was there until like twenty minutes ago, you probably put it there and just don't remember".
"but that doesn't make sense i—"
jisung, again, gets cut off by a loud shout, and both 02 liners immediately whip their heads towards the second eldest, who jumps up happily at the sound of the oven dinging, indicating that the cookies were ready. "jeez, why is everyone yelling today?"
seojun snickers at the comment, head still turned away from jisung. "they have to combat the other shouting hyungs somehow" he mutters, patting jisung on the shoulder before going to hikari's side, helping him with the cookies.
once they're placed onto the kitchen counter, an immediate argument starts between renjun and donghyuck, who are talking about uneven chocolate chips or something. jaemin is begging hikari to try a cookie, but the older doesn't give into his demands, and it seems that he's working a double shift, because he's making sure to slap chenle's approaching hand away each time it gets closer to the plate. jeno, on the other hand, is just standing by, helping his bo— hikari by also shooing chenle away from the batch of cookies.
jisung is just staying silent, standing by as his members get up to their own things. seojun, again, comes back to his former spot beside him. the older doesn't say anything, just reaches for jisung's hand and laces their fingers together. "what?"
"why the sudden hand holding?"
"we were doing this before.." seojun mutters, and jisung doesn't try to shake his grip off or anything, just allows for seojun to intertwine their fingers. he smiles lightly at the fact, a smile that doesn't go unnoticed by seojun. "you like holding my hand".
"don't get too cocky".
jisung allows for his eyes to cast towards the plate of cookies on the table, and seojun notices right away, because of course seojun notices right away. "what? you want one?"
confusion colors jisung's face, and he shakes his head. "i mean yeah but hii would never let m—"
seojun doesn't wait for him to finish, grabbing a cookie from the plate and handing it over to jisung. "he's occupied with jeno hyung, he won't mind".
"but what about mark hyung?"
seojun snickers, taking jisung's hand and putting the cookie in it. "he won't mind, i'm making an exception for you, everyone will get it" jisung wants to protest, but he can't, because who is he to turn down the lovely seojun's lovely offer?
"don't worry, i'll cover for you if hii or injunie ever finds out" seojun whispers, giving a short glance to the older members in the room before raising his pinkie towards jisung's. jisung uses his free hand to take his pinkie and intertwine it with his. "pinkie swear".
jisung laughs, even if there is a cookie in his mouth. though he can't respond, seojun gets what he means, smiling lightly at him.
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"are you going for an insomniac world record or something?"
the question makes jisung snap out of his little late night daze, and the moment he catches sight of seojun, a tired smile makes its way to his lips. the older comes up to the couch and ruffles his hair, an equally tired smile on his lips as he then turns away to go get himself some water. "i'm not an insomniac, sleeping is just becoming difficult these days".
"anything in particular keeping you up?"
jisung pauses, taking a yawn. of course there's a lot keeping him up, the groups future, mark's graduation, other upcoming graduations, what all of that means for the group in general, his role as a member of the group, but he doesn't say all of that, just hums as a response to seojun's question. "a lot".
"don't wanna elaborate?"
"not now".
the older 02 liner makes his way around the couch, throwing jisung's legs off to make space for himself. the younger groans, but ultimately allows seojun to do so, as the younger quickly takes his place on the couch. "don't whine you big baby".
jisung frowns, but ultimately lets his legs fall off the couch. he enjoys seojun's company, he doesn't want the older to leave. he likes that he's here. "i'm not whining, just annoyed that you made me move".
"you can always just kick me off the couch" yeah, jisung can, but that doesn't mean he will. he feels much more relaxed with the older there. he would never make seojun leave a room, he enjoys being around him.
"yeah.." jisung mutters. he's bored, overwhelmed with thoughts, and he feels like everything is going wrong. "but i'm lazy" he answers quickly, a good excuse, seojun won't suspect a thing.
the older hums, silent. he observes jisung for a moment, eyes scanning his body, he pauses for a moment, fingers picking at a spot on the couch, and then he stands up, sighing. "get up".
surprise colors jisung's face. "what?"
"up, i'm gonna give you a massage".
jisung blinks, completely puzzled about what the hell seojun must've picked up on. "a massage? why do you want to give me a.."
"your posture's gonna go to shit if i don't" jisung picks up on the uncharacteristic swear, but he can't exactly argue with seojun. so, begrudgingly, the maknae sits up and sighs, he always ends up giving into seojun doesn't he?
"my posture is fine" jisung argues silently, lightly wincing as he feels seojun's thumbs make contact with his back. the older gives the younger a look of bewilderment. "what?"
"why did you even wince?"
"because.. your fingers are cold".
seojun chuckles at the response, starting off much more gently this time. "your shirt is that thin?"
jisung lets out a short breath, looking away from the older. "yes, it's also the middle of the night and everything that touches me feels cold, seojun".
"no need to be such a pessimist".
jisung yawns, closing his eyes as seojun kneads the muscles in his back. he has to admit, he is getting the slightest bit relaxed. "not pessimistic just tired".
seojun hums once again, a small smile coming to his that he doesn't allow jisung to see. "so what's bothering you?"
"what's bothering you? tell me" seojun responds immediately. "is it mark hyung?"
jisung's silence is enough of an answer to him. seojun makes an indescribable sound, then takes a deep breath. "you miss mark?"
"everyone misses mark" jisung finally opens his eyes. "it's not just mark it's.. everything, the group, the company, future promotions, the stupid graduation system, all i want is for us to  be like how we were when we debuted but now mark hyung is gone and hii has all this added stress and.. i don't know what to do, it's all eating me up inside".
jisung then lets another wave of silence hit as he finishes his long spew of words. seojun doesn't respond immediately, taking in the words and thinking of a response, but jisung doesn't doubt seojun, because he always knows what he needs.
"i just want everything to be okay—"
"it will be" seojun cuts in, a weary escaping his lips as he pokes his tongue through his inner cheek. "it's important to remember that you can always come to me with things like this, it's alright to talk about how you feel and i just.. i don't want you to feel like your alone in these thoughts because you're not and.."
jisung hears seojun's voice break, and when he glances back at the older, he's looking somewhere else, fingers still gently kneading jisung's back as he tries his best to think of what to say next. "i don't know, it always feels hard to think clearly these days".
jisung's face falls, seojun doesn't disclose things like this, he'd rather die before ever crying in front of anyone. he bites his bottom lip, but seojun shakes off whatever he was previously thinking, lightly laughing to himself. "sorry i don't know where that came from".
"no no no it's fine it's good to talk about how you feel".
seojun snickers, humored. "well now you sound like me" he turns jisung's head back forward, being only the gentlest with him, of course. the older treats jisung as if he's a fragile piece of glass. "i know i'm usually jokey or whatever but.. i don't know i'm just worried for the future of the group, i don't know what i'm going to do after graduating".
jisung blinks. "what's that supposed to mean?"
seojun goes silent for a few moments, letting out a small sigh. "seorin and i were talking about it once, how following graduation i'd probably leave the group".
just the three words 'leave the group' are enough to make jisung's stomach drop, he feels like he's about to throw up just hearing them. seojun can't leave.. what would that be like? how would jisung fare well if seojun wasn't around?
"what do you mean leave?"
seojun sighs. "jisung—"
"you can't leave! you're not going anywhere, your— your staying" jisung doesn't ask, he states, all seojun can do is pause his little ministrations and try to calm down the youngest.
"why did that conversation even come up?"
"because we were just talking and.." seojun hides his face behind his hands. "i don't know, i don't have much use after i graduate i'll just be tossed out by sm, it doesn't really matter what i do".
"yes it does" jisung presses, grabbing seojun's hands. "you're not leaving the group, i'm not going to let you".
seojun allows for himself to laugh. "you're not going to let me?"
"no, and chenle won't either, probably, you can't go it'll just—" jisung pauses, gathering his words. "it won't be the same without you".
seojun stays silent for a while, basking in the feeling of jisung's hand in his own and their breathing in the now soundless living room. "okay, i'm sorry i just.." he twirls a strand of hair between his finger. "i don't know, i was just in a bad spot when i brought that up, i'm just not feeling my greatest".
jisung frowns again, now upset that the older is upset. "it's really fine, if you want to talk about it we can.."
"no, we don't have to" seojun quickly dismisses, waving off jisung's words. the maknae narrows his eyes, a look of pity in them that he knows seojun hates more than anything. "just— let's finish with this stupid massage and get you to sleep".
"what about you?"
"what about me?"
right. jisung doesn't know what he should've expected, seojun putting himself first is one of the rarest sights he'll ever behold in his lifetime. he sighs lightly as the older continues with the gentle pressing of fingers into his back, slowly feeling himself get sleepy from the ministrations. "on another note, i'm pretty sure seorin hates me".
seojun giggles. "seorin does not hate you, she literally told me she likes you!"
"then she must've been lying cause i don't remember the last time she looked at me like she wanted me in the room".
seojun narrows his eyes at jisung, finding the statement about his sister hard to believe. "she'll warm up to you eventually".
jisung frowns, sending seojun an 'are you serious?' look. he often feels awkward around seorin, yeah she's nice and everything but she always glares daggers at jisung, he assumes it's all unintentional, but it doesn't stop him from being endlessly intimidated by her.
seojun can't believe the words escaping jisung's lips, because to him, seorin is probably the least intimidating person he knows, but he also knows her better than anyone else. "i hope that eventually is soon because i can't deal with feeling like your own twin sister hates me".
"she doesn't" seojun reassures once again, stopping his message and placing his chin on jisung's shoulders. "can't you trust me on this?"
jisung finally gets to look at seojun closer, though he rarely has to turn his head to get a good look at the older. "i always trust you" he whispers unconsciously, he originally meant to think that, but judging by seojun's reaction, he knows that he indeed did not think it, and he said it out loud.
if there's any sign of a red hue on seojun's face, he quickly shakes it away and clears his throat. "alright um— massage over, it's time to sleep".
seojun quickly moves away from jisung, whose silently confused about his change in behavior. "seojun?"
"can i uh.." jisung pauses, he doesn't stand up right away, feeling seojun poke his cheek and then pull it. "can i stay in your room tonight?"
seojun chuckles immediately, probably his fastest response to jisung this whole night. "of course, you didn't have to ask" jisung knows that, seojun would've even made the offer himself, that's just the way he is.
jisung just knows how seojun is, he's become very in tune with the older.
"okay come on, you need sleep".
and what else can jisung do but follow?
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"it's cold".
if jisung knew having to promote in the middle of the december meant he'd be provided a sweater only half the time, he would've faked a sickness or something. don't get him wrong, all the songs are so fun to perform, but he was never truly on board with the whole winter special album thing, he likes performing in not so hot but not so cold temperatures. having to promote in the middle of december is not his thing, even with him being a winter baby himself.
he felt as if he wasn't made for the cold.
"you've been saying that for the past five minutes, we get it jisung-ah".
jisung gasps at the comment from jaemin, feigning offense at the words. he doesn't care if he has to repeat it another seven times, he will, it's unbearably cold in this waiting room, and jisung isn't wearing anything that covers his arms. of course he isn't the only one here without a sweater, hikari is currently on his phone, trying his best not to shudder, and jaemin seems to be happy in all of his sweater-less glory, probably because he gets to show off his arms or something.
"well as i will continue to say that! it's freezing in here!" jisung exclaims, a frown on his face as he earns nothing but a laugh from his fellow members. he crosses his arms, looking away from the rest of the group in fake anger. "i'm the maknae, you guys should be caring for me.."
"just ask noona for a sweater".
"i— she's busy i don't want to waste her time!" jisung is quick to yell, but he really just doesn't know how to approach her, he doesn't want to make anything awkward. he also just really hates asking for help, so he lets the goosebumps begin appearing on his skin, trying his best not to shiver in the freezing temperature of the room.
"then stop complaining if you won't ask" jisung snaps his head towards chenle, opening his mouth to make some snippy remark, but he's quickly cut off by the small sound of the door colliding with the wall. "we're back~!"
in walks mark and, of course, seojun, who are wearing joyous smiles on their faces, plastic bags in their hands. jisung hums at the sight of them, whilst donghyuck jumped up excitedly at the sight of the leader and second youngest. "did you get them!?"
mark sighs, pretending to be disappointed that the snacks they went to get are all donghyuck cares about. "yes, we got them, we got enough as well".
"we've been saved! thank you!"
jisung watches the members rush to get the snacks they so desperately begged the others for, he doesn't really want anything, he's not hungry at the moment. so now the members are gorging on their little treats, their hearts happy, thanks to mark and seojun. "you don't want anything?"
"hm? no, i'm fine" jisung responds quickly, but then he feels uncomfortable again, trying his best to keep calm in this terribly freezing room. "it's just so cold!"
mark raises an eyebrow. "you're cold?"
"what do you mean? it's very cold in here.." hikari chimes in, clearly shivering when he mutters those words. the leader, whose wearing a jacket, has no idea what kind of cold these two could even be feeling at the moment. "jisung's been professing that for the past hour".
"not the past hour! it's just.. very cold" jisung reiterates for pretty much the hundredth time that hour, trying his best to warm himself up by rubbing his hands together.
"you guys are cold? i'm hot" seojun comments, unzipping his sweater as he stares at his fellow 02 liner, who gives him a dumbfounded look, it seems that hikari also shares the sentiment jisung has in his head.
"that's cause you're weird! you never get cold!"
"well it's not cold!"
"it's never cold for you!"
jisung exchanges glances between the two nct sei members, humored by their small argument about the weird temperature physics regarding seojun's body. jisung finds seojun confusing, he's constantly energetic but never tired, constantly hot but never cold, what kind of a person is he?
"jeez your shivering.."
jisung flinches the moment seojun's finger graces his goosebump filled arm, his hands are always so cold, he thinks seojun might be a walking ice block, elsa's long lost cousin or something, he's always so cold, a clear contrast to his personality. "yeah i'm shivering! do you not the feel the below zero temperature in this room?"
"nope, your whining so much, you could at least take it like a champ like jaemin hyung".
jisung scoffs, wrapping his own arms around himself in other attempt to try and heat himself up manually. he gives a frown, and his fellow 02 liner does nothing but laugh at his display. "are you enjoying my misery, seojunie?"
"very much".
"of course you are" jisung crosses his arms, turning away from seojun with that same frown remaining on his face. he hears the kang chuckle again behind him, and a small shuffle he can't exactly explain.
it's not until jisung feels someone put something over his shoulder, that he realizes what happened.
seojun took off his sweater, and gave it to jisung.
the maknae immediately feels rebuttal, moving to take the sweater off but only feeling seojun's hand get placed on his shoulder. "don't even think about taking it off".
jisung sighs, shaking his head. "seojun i'm not wearing this.."
"you said you were cold, right? take the sweater" seojun doesn't seem to care, seeing that he looks virtually unaffected by the freezing temperature of the room. jisung's about to disagree again, and seojun can tell before he even opens his mouth.
"jun, i was just being overdramatic i don't actually—"
"jisung, stop being stubborn, your cold, i'll be fine" the older is quick to cut him off, shoving his hands into his pant pockets and humming along to a song playing in his head. it's that one paramore song he's been obsessed with since forever that jisung still doesn't know the name of.
jisung hesitates for a moment, registering the feeling of the sweater on his back. seojun just nudges him, a knowing look in his eye. finally, not wanting to be scolded any more for being stubborn, jisung puts on the sweater, the fabric smoothly slipping through his wrists and immediately making him feel comfortable. "uh.. seojun?"
seojun turns back to the maknae, smiling. "yes?"
jisung fidgets awkwardly, settling with the feeling of the fabric against his skin. "thank you" he says, just a little whisper that's meant to be kept between the two of them, jisung isn't sure why he whispers exactly, but he felt that in the specific moment, he couldn't control the volume of his voice.
seojun smiles at the words, his smile is beautiful, jisung thinks it compliments his features so well. "it's nothing, jisungie, you know i'm always here for you".
seojun doesn't have to say the words for jisung to know, his actions already speak loud enough to him. the maknae continues to fidget with his fingers, but he shares a smile with seojun, a small feeling of elation soaring through him.
jisung knows that, as long as seojun's around, he's always going to look after him.
and he doesn't mind it, really, he loves it, in fact.
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+ one
jisung feels like he hasn't seen seojun all day.
he's seen the older maybe once or twice, but he hasn't exactly seen him. he feels like he hasn't heard him speak, or seen him smile, or heard him crack some stupid joke in years, jisung knows even the most energetic of people have their days, but seojun? seojun is mr. 'i don't care how tired i am i'm going to scream in your face all day', but seojun practically feels invisible today.
jisung knows seojun is tired, he knows seojun, he knows the older's constant all nighters would catch up to him eventually, but he feels like a ghost today, like he's just dragging himself around.
jisung is.. very worried.
"where's seojun?"
the first person to look up is hikari, who seems just as confused as jisung. hikari usually always knows where seojun is, but that's because the older seems to have some tracking device on him or something. he blinks for a moment, confusion coloring his face. "i don't know.."
"for once" jaemin snorts, and all the older does is glare at him, flicking him in the forehead. jaemin gives his best pitched up squeal at the collision, pouting as he rubs his forehead, but hikari pays him no mind, waving him off. "ow! you're so mean.."
"stop being stupid then".
jisung just stands there awkwardly, still having no answer to his question, he has to admit, he is starting to get a little bit weird, his leg bouncing up and down as his mind races with..thoughts. if seojun were here, right now that is, he'd talk with jisung about it, he'd run his hand up and down jisung's back comfortingly and do the seojun thing.
the seojun thing is what jisung calls the little mind reading powers seojun has. seojun is basically a master at everything jisung, he can tell what he's thinking, why he's thinking it, what he's about to say, and why he's about to say it. he thinks seojun knows him more than he knows himself sometimes, he's just so good at things pertaining to him.
"you're looking for seojunie?" renjun suddenly inquires, entering the room with his eyes pointed at his phone. at the sight of jisung's nod, the older gives a small frown, but jisung can't figure out why. "he's still practicing, i think".
jisung furrows his eyebrows, it is way too late for anyone to still be at sm. "at this time?" he questions, what the hell is he doing? he only earns a shrug from renjun, who is just as confused as he is.
"he said something about wanting to get extra practice in, it has been a while, though.."
that's all jisung needs to hear, he mutters a tiny "thank you" and goes back to his room to get his jacket, not focused on anything but seojun and his weird late night practicing. when hikari and jaemin interrogate him on where he's going, all he says is that he's going to check up on seojun, make sure he's okay. he pretends to have no idea why jaemin is staring the way he's staring, whatever that taunting look means.
jisung doesn't like leaving the dorm after dark, it's strange to him, but he has to get seojun before the older ends up sleeping at the sm entertainment building.
his jacket isn't zipped up, and the nightly breeze isn't exactly warm, but jisung doesn't care, he's only focused on seojun, seojun who he pretty much hasn't seen all day, seojun who he pretty much hasn't heard all day, seojun who he just wants to make sure is okay, and healthy, and alive and totally not suffering.
when jisung steps into the sm entertainment building, a strange shiver run downs his spine. it's like a ghost town in there, save for a few murmurings he can hear from the some of the rooms littered in the halls.
but he doesn't allow for himself to stray away from his main objective, quickly turning and heading to the practice room. jisung always thought these halls spread way too far, it was only a good few feet, but sometimes, especially at night, it felt like an eternity. he almost feels like he walks forever, and when he makes it to the door of the practice room, he pauses.
it's silent, no music, no footsteps hitting the floor, no heavy breathing, it's just silent. the silence concerns jisung, because seojun is known for making noise, but he doesn't allow for his anxieties to amplify, just places his hand on the doorknob and turns it.
the lights are still on, jisung notices, so seojun couldn't have left. when he finally looks down, he finds seojun. seojun is dozed off, asleep on the floor with his arms caged around himself. jisung lets out a sigh of relief, it could've been worse, he doesn't exactly know how, but it could've.
but seojun's okay, he's just sleeping, taking a much needed nap. jisung hurries over to his fellow 02 liner, peacefully lying on the floor with his head rested on his arms. he taps him lightly, not wanting to startle the older. "seojun".
"hm?" the response is silent, and seojun shifts in just the slightest, but he doesn't open his eyes. jisung frowns, shaking him by the arm. "what? what?" that seems to do the trick, because seojun rubs his eyes, finally sitting up and trying to shake off any tiredness. "oh— oh god hi, what time is it?"
seojun looks shaken, like he just got hit with the worst kind of realization imaginable. jisung usually never sees him like this, but he guesses it has to do with him being tired. so, he gives a small smile, rubbing seojun's shoulder softly. "hi, it's like.. ten, almost eleven".
the words make seojun's eyes widen, he looks terrified, like this time was horrible for him or something. "oh— oh my god i fell asleep i didn't even mean to.."
"hey it's fine" jisung reassures, placing both of his hands on seojun's shoulders. "you were just tired, you needed that sleep anyway".
it doesn't seem the words ease any of seojun's worries, cause the older just looks away, the look in his eyes telling jisung that this is a much more important thing to him than he thought. "did you eat today?" the maknae immediately blurts, making seojun snap his head towards him.
the question is the kind of question seojun always asks, the kind of question he asks every few hours to make sure jisung isn't skipping meals. seojun pauses, thinking about it.. or thinking about what to answer. "..yeah".
jisung narrows his eyes, that's a lie.
"what? i'm not lying!"
seojun scoffs, turning around with crossed arms. jisung sighs, he knows he's stubborn himself, but seojun is even more stubborn, he'll never admit his lies even if he was being held at gunpoint. "stop nagging me.."
"i'm not nagging you i'm concerned for your well-being!" jisung whisper-yells, pulling seojun closer to him, as the older was scooting away. "i just need to make sure you're alright, i haven't seen you all day and.. your health is important to me, seojun".
the older blinks, as if registering the words in his mind. jisung suddenly feels his face burn, feeling seojun's eyes look him up and down. seojun snickers, playfully nudging the younger. "aww, thank you" seojun gives his best fake pout, over exaggerating it to tease jisung.
jisung just scoffs, lightly pushing seojun's shoulder. the older just laughs at his response, staying on the floor as jisung gets up, dusting off his pants. "come on".
seojun blinks, as if dumbfounded. "come on where?"
"were going to the convenience store, i'm getting you something" jisung tries his best to pull seojun up off the floor, even with how the older seemed adamant on staying down. he's finally able to lift seojun up, much to the dismay of the kang, who frowns.
"you don't have to get me anything" seojun mumbles, staring down at his own moving feet on the floor. "don't spend your money on me" he says, looking up at jisung with an indescribable look on his face.
jisung just shakes his head. "don't try to argue with me, your hungry, you'd do the same for me.."
the words make seojun go silent, and he removes jisung's grip from his arm, intertwining their fingers. he's.. not used to this, he's the one who does the taking care of, he's not the one whose usually taken care of.
seojun has spent so much of his time in this group just looking after jisung, and the maknae never knew how to thank him besides giving him a few small smiles and muttering awkward "thank you's". seojun never asked for anything in return, obviously, but jisung always felt like he never offered enough to seojun, even with how the older has always been looking after him, since the two of them entered sm entertainment.
then, seojun smiles, squeezing jisung's hand laced with his. "thank you" he replies, turning away from the younger with a flustered feeling he can't exactly explain.
jisung smiles seeing seojun smile. "it's nothing, really, it's the least i can do".
seojun doesn't respond to that, just squeezes his hand again.
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azurlily · 1 year
OMG I loved the hange one u wrote Tysm for that your writing is so pretty can I have a a similar one but with a house pet reader and Sachiko Juraku -🐢
Omfg!!! Yessss!!! Also so happy to see you twice today 🐢!(A reminder to everyone, dont repost or reblog without redit!)
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Dating Sachiko Juraku as a Housepet
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Oh you poor thing. How the hell did you get yourself in this situation??
You gambled yourself into this predicament, you thought you were good enough to fight a big dog.
How wrong you were
Sachiko Juraku, she saw you first when a bunch of guys were getting a bit too touchy. She watched for a few minutes before intervening.
"Why, hello there boys, if you dont mind, I'll be taking this pretty thing with me!"
She'll take you to a private, and unused classroom and look at you for a bit. She's never been this interested in someone before.
You became her little enigma. She stared at you some more, keeping her tight grip she pulled you closer. It was official. In her mind at least.
You became her new toy(soon to be girlfriend).
She started taking you with her everywhere. When she gambled, when she was doing council work, she's even taken you home.
Now, of course when you two officially start dating she acts differently. She treats you with more respect, and is nicer.
Don't forget your place though. She could have gotten rid of your debt, but she hasn't and she wont.
Why? You might ask. Well it's simple.
If you were to ever decide you didn't want the relationship, she could easily hold your debt over you. Use it.
She'll make a life plan for you to put it plainly.
She knows it wrong but she doesn't care. You're hers and she intends to keep it that way.
It doesn't really matter if you're a house pet or not, but she's protective as hell. As well as possessive. She owns you.
Mind. Body. Soul.
All of it, it's all hers, all of you is hers. She just loves you so damn much.
She definitely spoils you, 100% a sugar mommy once you two have an established relationship.
You want it? She's got it. You two are out on a lavish date and you see a pretty necklace, or a cute dress, maybe some nice shoes. Just say the word and it's yours. All of it.
Sachiko hates it when you have to leave. Wether it's for class or something else. It doesn't matter. She needs you by her side and she hates seeing you go.
Very touchy, she sees you as her property(especially when you're a house pet). She needs everyone to know you've been claimed.
She buys you a set of bracelets that have her first and last name on them. If her little pet gets lost she can always find you.(the cuffs have a tracking device in them)
If you didn't like her at first, it doesn't matter. You'll learn to love her(she kinda a yandere in general) you have to. She loves you and expects love, affection, and adoration.
She of course gives you all these things. In her own way.
When you two fight she usually waits it out. Even if she knows it's her fault she wont admit it. She'll wait for you to come crawling back.
After all without her protection who is going to save you from all the big, bad, mean men in the school. She might even order a few to bug you.
That's all she'll tell them to do though. Just bug you, if they dare do more...she'll kill them.
When you come crawling back she apologizes, in her own way. She buys you whatever you want. She usually does this but for about the next two to three weeks after your fight she's buying you things more than usual.
She'll even just give you straight cash if you want. You've learned this is her way of apologizing without having to be verbal.
You're her pet and even if you two fight she knows(as do you) you'll come back.
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Oh... oh no. Just no. You are going to be in so much pain. I feel so bad for you, she's going to fuck you til you're raw.
Rough dom, she's hard, fast, and makes sure it hurts. She loves seeing you cry in pain, it brings her more pleasure than you'll ever know.
She'll bend you over any surface if she's horny enough. Her desk, a random surface in her house, a desk in an unused classroom. Anywhere.
Kinkyiest bitch you'll ever meet. She loves the strap specifically. She loves having you warm it, suck it, honestly she just loves destroying any hole she can get to.
Some days she's feeling more feral, she wants you raw. No toys, no lube, fucking nothing. She wants to naked with your legs spread out, ready for her and her alone.
Other days she feels the need to fuck you til you pass out. Those are the days when student council business isn't going as well as it should be.
She makes it hurt, she's quite the sadist after all.
She has a few special collars with different things ingrained in them. One says Mistresses Slut in a beautiful font. Another says GOOD GIRL in bold, glittery pink letters.
She even has one that says Property of Sachiko Juraku(theres a little tag that says how to return you to her) she loves the idea that her little pet is also her pet in the bedroom.
You want her? Beg, you dumb bitch. That's all you are, a dumb little bitch. You're useless for anything that doesn't involve getting your brains fucked out.
You need her, dont you? You need her strap, her fingers, ever her shoes to rut against like the slut you are.
Sachiko loves propping you up in front of the mirror, making you watch as she sluts you out. Making you watch as she turns that pretty brain of yours into rot.
That's all it needs to be anyway. Rot. It's not like you actually need your brain. You're her dumb bitch, her beautiful little pet that sits so prettily on her lap.
You know it, she knows it too. All you have to do is beg and she'll turn you into the good pet she knows you can be.
Shes just so rough with you and sometimes you need her to be gentle! You need slow and gentle!
She can and will provide that. Grant it you will make it up to her later.
She'll take you nice and slow with her strap, making sure it's deep. She start with slow thrusts getting faster,(and a bit rougher) but never getting past a certain point.
She spreads you out and talks you through it. These are one of your few real intimate moments. She wont do this until you're her official partner. Heavens no! She wouldn't be caught dead treating a house pet like this...
Unless you're her house pet! When you start officially dating and you work up the courage to ask her about this, she's more than willing.
Now as for aftercare, when you're just her house pet it was short and sweet. She cleaned you up a bit with a few reassuring words and then kicked you out.
It hurt, but when you start dating it's a whole new story.
She's so sweet, she cleans you up, gets you food, and turns on television for you.
You started keeping extra clothes in her office and her house in case it was too much and you needed to stay longer than intended.
She loves you, even if she don't act it, you're hers. Her plaything, her slut, her pet, her lover, her beautiful little thing. You're hers and that is something that throughout your entire relationship she will remind you of.
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ghosttalksalot · 9 months
there's something so special to me about tender identity/face reveals. this ramble might be a little ooc but shhhhh i dont have much practice writing them yet
peter and wade are close, they both know how much the other cares for them at this point; even though they don't know whats under the other's mask. wade's relentless flirting and peter's quips are always exchanged with large grins under their masks. and they've had more than one rooftop heart-to-heart.
since they've been working together, peter has had wade's back, so he hasn't seen him die yet. he knows wade can, and has, but he hasn't seen it happen. he's been careful, catching him with webs before he falls, not letting wade get impaled too badly, using webbing to take away whatever weapon was about to deal a fatal blow.
but then the day comes, when they're fighting someone or other, and peter gets a little too distracted and wade gets shot through the head in a way that kills him. peter feels it coming before he turns to see and hear it and the guilt is unbearable. and now wade is dead. and peter is angry, angrier than hes been in a long time. this time when he leaves them webbed up for the cops they're a lot more broken than usual. and he scoops up wade and takes him somewhere quiet to wait for him to come back.
peter quickly finds a place, somewhere good enough, quiet and isolated where no one will stumble upon them. he gently places wade down, the temporarily-dead merc's head in his lap. and he sits there, nervous and watching for movement. he pulls his mask up to wipe his eyes once or twice when the tears start blurring his vision because fuck, it hurts, and he blames himself. even though this time it isnt forever, someone else peter cared about has died, and he could have stopped it. but he was too distracted, and he didn't.
wade comes to soon, but not soon enough, disoriented but calming quickly at seeing spider-man's mask right in front of him. peter asks if he's okay before he brings him up to speed, slowly, still feeling choked. a hiccup from crying that he just couldn't hide gets out and wade notices, head still in his friend's lap.
"what's the matter, that's not for me is it? i told ya, 'm fine now, webs, don't worry your pretty head"
"i know, i know, i just..." peter hesitates. "i didn't want you to be..." he lets a sob escape again.
"oh, you know that's not me. i always come back, see?" wade holds his hands up and waggles his fingers in the air for effect. "i'm not going away aaaanytime soon, spidey, alright?"
"can i ask a favor? you can say no, i swear you can, i just..."
"what is it, what can i do?" wade asks, although he already knows
peter slowly brings his hands up to the bottom of wades mask, and he hooks his fingers under the bottom, questioning but not insistent. "can i see? i just want... want to see you breathe, to know you're really alright under there."
wade grabs peters wrists, gently, and sighs. "i... i'm not so sure you really want to see what's under this thing, i'm not the prettiest on a good day, you know"
"please? i don't.. i don't care what you look like, i just... i want to see that you're alive"
wade lets out a sigh again and tries not to get in his own head. its spidey, he knows him. he thinks it over once, twice, several times, but he can feel the worry radiating off of spider-man of all people, and decides to just hope there's no gagging or recoil. when peter's hands move further, gently pulling from his hold, wade lets them slip from his grasp. peter pulls the mask up and off of wade's face so it rests on his head like a beanie. he stares intently down at the man below him, watching his eyes move and seeing his face change as he takes shakey breaths. wade pulls his gaze away from the large white lenses and tries not to grimace, his mind racing as he tries to imagine what peter must be thinking at seeing his scarred, "damaged" face.
but when peter pushes up his own mask, wade turns and looks up at him and sees no disgust. no sickness. no regret or disappointment or anything else his anxious mind came up with. instead, peter looks at him with nothing but genuine affection, and he's so overwhelmed doesn't even know how to handle all of it.
"see?" wade asks, breath catching in his throat. "alive as can be, webs."
peter smiles at him and puts his hands on either side of wade's face. it's gentle, caring. like he's afraid he'd crush wade between his palms if he put any more pressure, and wade leans into the touch. they'd been close before, but never like this. wade just closes his eyes, and lets himself be held. his heart skips a beat as peter's thumb strokes his cheek.
"my name. its peter, peter parker," wade opens his eyes to grin up at him, at peter.
"wade wilson, at your service," peter chuckled, they both knew he knew that already but he lets wade get away with it anyway. he wiped his wet eyes once more, before running his (dry hand's) thumb along wade's textured jawline.
"sure you want to keep your eyes on this mug, peter?" wade asked quietly. "'ts no easy feat."
peter frowns slightly at that. "'course i do, wade.." he presses a gentle kiss to wade's forehead, right between two of his scars. "there's nothing wrong with it, not to me"
wade looks peter in the eyes and as hard as he searches, he can see no trace of a lie, no hint of pitt. he holds back the sarcastic comments for... maybe the first time in his life, and just accepts it. he accepts the moment of closeness.
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kyskaisen · 1 year
can u write fluff for tsunade? she is literally so underrated! plus sorry for requesting so much LMFAOO 😭
i love how i make the call for attention ONCE and all the hoes start coming in😌/j anyways YES!! she's so underrated (if we're talking about her character, not her tits) and so hot lol please step on me tsunade
ANYWAYS ur good! idm the requesting :D
pairing: tsunade x f! reader (hope u dont mind)
soft spot.
whenever shizune would enter her office and mention your name, tsunade would always let out a sigh and rest her forehead on her hand, thinking what did y/n do now?
she tried to act like it didnt bother her, treating your scratches and bruises is just the same as treating anybody else's. she always found herself scolding you for getting yourself hurt whenever you'd come back from a mission. all you'd do is just sit there and smile at her once she finished. she'd bonk you in the head and call you an idiot then go about her day.
after a while, shizune would come into her office, preparing to say your name and expecting a long sigh from deep within her chest. but it was different. she'd look and sound more worried than before. the way her eyebrows would furrow and her eyes would soften whenever shizune mentioned what injury you had told shizune that tsunade has a soft spot for you.
so when tsunade repeated your name with a shout right after shizune, it confirmed her theory.
"lady tsunade, do you perhaps..have..feelings for y/n?" she asked nervously as tsunade rushed out of her chair. her silky blonde hair following her movements as she sped out of the office and straight to the med bay. "whatever do you mean? feelings? the age gap is tremendous! there is no possible way i'd catch feelings for a girl nearly 30 years younger than me!"
"she's 28, lady tsunade.." shizune trailed off before tsunade swung open the door to where it hit the wall. there you were, laying in that bed which after a while was your very own after coming here so often. you turned to the two women standing in the door and gave them a cheeky grin. "good afternoon, lady tsunade!"
"don't 'lady tsunade' me! look what you did! your arm's twisted into a roll! you might as well become a twizzler!" she scolded, holding your twisted arm. you winced slightly at the pain before she let it drop to your side.
"sakura was out of chakra, so she couldn't do much about it. she gave me a pill, and that was about all she could do." you explained while tsunade let out a huff as she sped over to the cabinets and grabbed a spoon.
"she couldn't at least sling it?" she sneered, sitting down on your bed next to you. you shrugged before tsunade shoved the spoon's handle in your mouth. "bite down. this'll hurt." she warned before placing rough hands on your twists, emitting chakra from the palm of her hands and eliciting a scream from your mouth as you bit down hard on the spoon.
after that, tsunade found herself scoffing and speeding towards the cabinet to grab an ice pack and stuff it on your arm. the look on your face that quickly changed from a look of pain to a blank stare that you gave her surprised her, just like all the other times before. "you look like a school nurse." you comment with a chuckle, not even paying any mind to the swelling pain in your arm.
she scoffed again. "y/n, why do you always come in here? it's been a record that once or twice a week you'd come in here with something new for me to fix!"
"why do you always come to my rescue, lady tsunade?" you ask, your blank stare somehow turning even more blank. tsunade's eyes wrenched wider and parted her lips, her frown leaving her face. "..well how do you want me to answer that?! coming to your rescue is just like coming to anybody else's! it's my job!" she frowned once again, and you only smiled. then you tapped your chin.
"..no, wait, cuz whenever naruto get's hurt, he has sakura to help him! only when the situation is dire is when you come in!" you chirp before looking up to find her giving you a deadpan expression.
she sighed and looked at shizune still in the room. shizune only shrugged before tsunade looked back at your smiling face. "because i'd be bored if i didn't have to come to your rescue every so often.." she mumbled under her breath, cheeks turning pink.
"really? bored? i thought you'd get annoyed of me after a while." you commented. tsunade looked up and gave you a wry smile. "well, i did. i am right now, actually," she answered before her wry smile turned into a genuine one. "but i don't mind." she finished quietly. you blushed slightly then your smile grew.
after a moment, tsunade reached her hand up to your head to ruffle your hair. you smiled like a kid and basked in her attention. tsunade softly chuckled before she leaned down to kiss your forehead. your smile fell as your eyes widened and your cheeks turned a deep shade of red. she chuckled again at your reaction. then she turned for the door, shizune following after her.
before she was completely out, she placed a hand on the door frame and turned her head back towards you, and grinned.
"have a good day, y/n. see you next time."
OMG THATS SO CUTEEEEE GOODBYEEE i wish shoko from jjk would treat my wounds like that
anyways hope u enjoyed! i rlly did like writing this one lol
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salon-maiden-anabel · 4 months
the more i think about your mom lucy hc, the more i really adore it. if you don't mind me asking questions about it, what's her general dynamic with kieran & carmine? is she a single mom? how does dahlia fit into the picture?
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO MY BRAINS BEEN. TRYING . the thoughts are disconnected but by god there are thoughts everything below the readmore
But! Hi hello welcome to Oh lord this family needs therapy and counselling . ! Honestly I have been going into everything with the idea of her being a single mom w/ them! It;s very much a situation of like.... Parent that works away from home constantly, so the relationship is just unfortunately naturally more strained kinda thing .
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With all this i go with like.... The idea that they were very much born in Hoenn and lived there with Lucy until Carmine was approximately 9 or so, and Kieran was 7 [I do like to imagine they're 16 and 14 respectively as of the dlcs]. Work being so remote and stuff plus worrying about their education and all just led to living with their grandparents in Kitakami being the best decision for their development as yknow, People. I like to imagine Lucy visits periodically throughout the year and such to check in :> just takes a bit of coordinating. Also shes absolutely the reason they're able to go to blueberry for highschool via both making sure they Can go there financially and putting a word in to a battle focused school of them being kids of a facility head :p even if realistically Lucy isnt the strongest head by any means lol . it's kinda like if an E4 member put a good word in situation. And we can see with Lacey and Drayton both going there... gestures. I wouldnt be surprised if more children of different league figures go to it or schools LIKE it. But thats besides the point Lucy absolutely like, struggles with her emotions and such. Even from the small bits of dialogue we have from her? Maybe its just my autistic ass reading too much into it LMAO but . gestures .
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i feel like if this werent a kids game she'd just tell you to fuck off to your face here
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sorry just more quick looking too much into dialogue but. cmon. CMON. ...She's . definitely influenced how carmine and kieran act at least somewhat .
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Carmine might be the easiest to point a finger to as being like her mom but i genuinely think that it;s actually Kieran who ended up the most Like her, yknow it;s incredibly obvious to point a finger at Kieran during indigo disk and how he talks as being her fault a little bit :p anyways thats just me vaguely mumbling abt that. AS FOR. DYNAMICS. Kieran isnt as close to his mom as Carmine is just due to everything with living with their grandparents. Theres also absolutely like.... Very much a gap because he stopped seeing her as much when he was younger, while Carmine was only a year off of being like. Legally start being a pokemon trainer age. And its just Awkward, relation wise, just because of how little she actually sees them through the years, especially when the discussion would slowly shift to more "How are your studies?" "How are you doing in school?" "How is your pokemon training going?" once they start going to blueberry. Which i don't think was ment to come off as uncaring for them and only focusing on training as it did from Lucy's end, but I dont really think she knew what else to ask and all, because she stopped being able to really pick up on their interests as much as they got older. Plus thats just kinda How she talks... With the importance on strength and luck n all that. Then with all this I imagine she like. Probably only called once maybe twice between the dlc plots n all? And once again with just mainly the training questions it was just a sour spot. I wouldn't doubt Kieran would also struggle with not wanting to be in a shadow/the nepo baby accusations /j that I fully think if Drayton knows about he'd tease him and Carmine about. So like. All that with the instilled importance of ones strength :sob: Lucy you were not helping the Kieran situation. Hell I don't really think she would of even known about anything going down between Kitakami to Blueberry with Kieran just because neither of them wanted to tell her at all? Because again just that Awkward connection between them, just the permanent fog on all communication that feels like someone said something wrong at all times and it got too awkward to finish. IDK I think im waffling on I don't know how to formulate my thoughts the best LMFAO BUT I THINK... DYNAMICS WOULD CHANGE POST-MOCHI MAYHEM ESP. Bc i KNOW she'd find out after carmine and kieran nearly fucking DIE in the underdepths and everything hits her in the back of her head at once that she needs to repair what she can w/ them because she almost lost them. Probably means taking an extended leave from working at the Pike so she doesn't have to worry about scheduling to see them in person for only a short period of time. Especially if the times line up for them having any extended break from school . It's never going to be perfect, far from it, with their dynamics and all but. gestures. Briar needs to sleep with one eye open for a bit at least. in short
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AS FOR. DAHLIA im in turbo hell because I can not see? the siblings ending up like they did if she was also around? Shes such a force of positivity as a person im just. blinks a bit. Im in hell bc i adore the ship as my big rarepair ill die on a hill for but nobody expected the kitakami siblings especially not me so . i think if they ever do get together it'd be somewhere nearer to scarvio era which just. yeah. see image below
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