#rose chats writing
hprewetts · 10 months
oh hestia is a people pleaser, okay
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eebie · 9 months
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meteor shenanigans are the most fun to write
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good-beans · 7 months
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(Milgram self-insert oc masterpost hehe)
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Color: #E7355B [the pink in the art]
Age: I guess she’d be 20 given when Milgram started huh.
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Symbols/imagery: ballet/musical theater, science experiments
Song genre: very similar to Mahiru's, something upbeat and extra pop-y
Tentatively she's number 011? She's not really prisoner but she's also not free to come and go, so I'm not actually sure if she'd get a number (Edit: I've decided she'll actually be 012. Staff is given the 01X range, and even though Es doesn't actively have a number they'd be staff member 011, making her 012.)
Story: Since the project is supposed to be realistic/present day, the mv machine would be brand new and unpredictable tech, so they’d want someone keeping up on maintenance and making sure the brain-invasive process won’t cause any harm to the prisoners. Rose was studying abroad in Japan working on some cool neuroscience tech (irl I know nothing about technology or brains but shh) and she stumbled upon some secret tech/plans from Milgram. Long story short, she was dragged into the experiment to make sure things ran smoothly.
Writer's Reasoning: She’s really fun for me to play around with, as she allows me to work with a character who has a tiny bit of pull over Es’ mindset in conversation but not the final decision (aka mirroring the voting system), and someone who is simultaneously trapped in the prison but has a reason to see all the canon content.* I really enjoy the character interactions and dynamics Milgram has set up so far, so it’s been super fun seeing how things change for better and worse when someone not quite aligned with either Milgram/the prisoners is thrown into the mix!
*As much as I love dramatic irony in fiction, it would drive me crazy if I knew every detail of of the vds/mvs but Rose didn't – and every single Milgram character is The Worst Communicator Ever so I couldn’t justify that she’d hear it secondhand from them...
Story roles:
She’s a bit conflicted -- she’s officially Milgram staff and knows she should remain neutral on the prisoners, since she won’t be allowed to interfere with the process/executions. At the same time, her job description is literally “make sure the machine doesn't hurt them and everyone's safe :)” and she's way too emotional to avoid getting hopelessly attached to everyone 😅
I really enjoy the theory that the machine extracts videos based off of priming, so one of Rose’s duties involves listening in on the interrogation and making sure there’s been enough material discussed/not too much time has passed overall (hence the ringing of the bell happening at different lengths for each vd -- That's her ringing it :3). She then watches the mvs along with Es to make sure there are no machine glitches, and know how to calibrate it better for next time.
(IEdit: I've since decided to add in official trial mvs, but before when I wasn't ready to tackle that:) She has to run some tests on the machine to make sure things are calibrated correctly, so she'd extract little things here and there. It gives me the opportunity to think up lyric snippets and recurring symbols for her without worrying about full encompassing music videos.
I'm not afraid to admit she can fall into Mary Sue territory every so often by being everyone's friend, because it's less about "aw everyone likes her" and more about "canon is too painful rn and I need a fix-it tool to take care of these guys and give them hugs and tell them someone forgives them and cares about them and unfortunately these characters wouldn't let anyone less than a friend do that." Rest assured she's definitely not perfect and will fuck everything up on occasion :3
Miscellaneous: Whenever I play around with normal au ideas she's still working on the machine (but in a public, more ethical setting), and she's Mahiru's roommate :) Her character isn't super focused on love, but if I had to pick a cover song it'd be Stickybug II. It's very much my vibe, the lyrics fit well enough (better than most songs, at least lol) and it's one of my favorites out of my limited knowledge of unchosen Deco songs! (Edit, I've actually given her non-deco cover songs hehe)
So yeah, I hope she's not too boring without a cool crime to decipher, but I wanted to share since I was really proud of her! It took a bit of tinkering to find a way to fit her into a perfect secret-third-thing role that runs very smoothly with all of canon, so I was very excited!
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jamiesfootball · 8 months
Having just finished the first chapter of oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love) I am throwing a bouquet (and myself) at your feet.
Waaaaaaaaaah!!! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you got a chance to read it.
To reward your bouquet, here is a (rough) snippet from the next chapter:
Jamie jumped as his phone dinged, the device slipping out of his hand to land on the floorboards. Christ, he was jumpy. What the hell had the physios done to him in there anyways?
Gail would tell him--for the right price. Roy made a mental note to stop by the bakery the next chance he could; a fresh loaf of challah went a long way in the physio department.
By the time Jamie managed to fish his phone out of the well, his face had taken on a forcefully blank expression, betrayed only by the tightening around his eyes. The corner of his lip twitched down uncomfortably, like he was being pulled on a hook.
The light changed. Roy pulled forward. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Jamie take controlled, measured breaths and frowned. Perhaps he was in more pain than he was letting on.
With his poorly feigned stoicism pulled close like a jacket, Jamie casually flicked his phone back on. The rest of the pained tension bled right out of him as he huffed a sharp laugh.
"It's just Dani. They took the red-eye out of Heathrow last night, and they just landed in Guadala-jara," he explained, picking up the conversation like they'd been interrupted. The name of the city he pronounced carefully, effort and practice separating the word into manageable, if awkward, halves. He texted something back on his phone before continuing, "The Elenas have been sending me pictures all night. I'm pretty sure they're making a timelapse of how long it takes him to cheer up after leaving England. It's funny, innit? You'd think someone who loves going home so much wouldn't be so sad about it, but they've sent me about a dozen of him pouting in the airport lounge."
He held up his phone to show Roy said picture of sad-Dani, as if Roy were not actively driving them through traffic.
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dove-da-birb · 9 months
WAIT THE LILIA THING IS INSPIRED BY LABYRINTH omg gotta read it now like right now-
Yup! Loosely inspired! There will be some mentions, and perhaps I'll work in some of my favourite scenes and lines alongside the more iconic ones; but trying to find a mix of mostly OG work with some inspo.
The title How You Turn My World is actually the title of one of the songs in the movie, and it felt fitting to call it that.
Because I looked at Jareth and went, "...Lilia would wear that, and probs past Lilia was similar to him in some ways."
Side note; first watched Labyrinth in grade 6 and it gave me nightmares (I was terrified of puppets)
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xhanisai · 2 years
Can’t wait for season five to give me Adrichat simping over both Marinette and Ladybug whilst Maribug is simping over both Adrien and Chat Noir and the two think they’re in love with two whole people only to find out at the end that no, they fell for the same person twice (or thrice in Marinette’s case cos of Cat Walker). And of course since Adrien is so sappy, he’s gonna babble out something along the lines of “You’re amazing. It’s no wonder I fell for you on both sides of the mask, My Lady” and Marinette is gonna watch him with those hearty, glittery blue eyes and hnNnnNnNnnnn
You have no idea how much I need this.
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
So, upon my friend's recommendation, I recently finished playing The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel, an old point-and-click DOS game that was quite fun and and had some banging chiptuneish music. (Where else could I watch Holmes down two pints in two seconds, ask for another one until Watson stops him, and then immediately bribe every single criminal in the entire pub for information? It's an experience.) As such, I went to download the sequel, The Case of the Rose Tattoo, and found a comment beneath it that I find... baffling, to say the least.
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…You mean to tell me that you believe modern depictions of Sherlock Holmes are too autistic? Sherlock Holmes?? The same Sherlock Holmes whose original stories have countless bodies of academic text dedicated to discussing him as an early and extremely prominent depiction of autism? The same Sherlock Holmes that from every adaptation I had ever seen from the moment I even knew what autism was, I thought, "oh he is definitely autistic" before I even knew I was autistic?? If they're playing Rose Tattoo, that suggests they likely also played Serrated Scalpel, and let me tell you I did not get neurotypical vibes from Holmes's depiction in that game, either. A neurotypical Sherlock Holmes is like... just not Sherlock Holmes. If you take that away from him, he is no longer himself. And the media illiteracy to assume otherwise is truly astounding.
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
Mind if I poke you for fanfic writing advice?
Aw of course, feel free to send any questions! All my advice will come with the disclaimer "you can do whatever you want forever" lol but I'm always down for talking about writing :D Feel free to ask here or even DM if you want 😎👍
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dailyeca · 2 years
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there will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword there will come a poet, whose weapon is his word there will come a ruler, whose brow is laid in thorn
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hprewetts · 10 months
what i'm writing is so needlessly painful jesus christ
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good-beans · 5 months
Interest check: do you wanna hang out with me 🥺👉👈
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
“I know what you’re doing, but I’m choosing not to be mad because I was going to do it anyway.”
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“This is my daddy, his name is Simon.” Your daughter stood proud, beaming up at her father as she introduced him to her kindergarten class. “He is a soldier for the SAS.”
Simon watched as nearly a dozen small eyes watched him intently. Usually, in circumstances like this Simon would be nervous, but the tight comforting grip of his little girls hand in his, had his confidence soaring.
“Well class, does anyone have any questions for Mr. Riley?” Your daughter’s teacher asked, giving Simon a knowing smile.
Simon’s eyes widened as every single hand in that classroom rose, each hand eagerly waving, waiting to be picked on.
He answered what felt like a million questions in ten minutes. The questions ranged from, how long has he been in service, what does his job entail, has he killed anyone, is he friends with his other soliders- you name it. He actually found himself enjoying answering the questions, and was genuinely surprised at the maturity of some of the children.
Simon rarely liked being the center of attention, but he felt a surge of pride bubbling in his chest as he looked over at her daughter who was looking back at him like he was the coolest person on the planet.
Later on, a group of kids surrounded your daughter as Simon stood outside the classroom chatting away with some of the parents. He let his eyes wander, watching as his daughter chatted excitedly to her fellow classmates.
“I’m so jealous your dad seems so cool!” One of the kids told your daughter, and the rest of the children nodded in agreement. “I wish he was my dad.”
“I know.” Your daughter said, a proud smile lining her lips. “My daddy is the best there is.”
Little did she know, Simon was standing right around the corner listening to her every word, a soft smile dancing on his lips.
A/N: sorry this is trash, lol. Had this idea after a dream I had, and had to write it😂🥺
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illyrianbitch · 2 months
An Education in Malice
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Pairing: Vanserra!Reader x Azriel
Summary: With the sharp tongue of your notorious family, you are Azriel's most tantalizing challenge yet. It only takes one small meeting before you both realize that the line between hate and desire is dangerously thin.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, rough, angry, hate sex basically. sexual degradation (name calling), p in v penetration, sex in da woods, bickering and insults, inner circle slander
Word Count: 6.6k
a/n: i know technically we wouldnt be a princess... but we r a high lord family so were running with it for the sexual tension. also dedicated to my soulmate and the brilliant babe, @itsswritten who told me to write sumthin smutty like this. thank her 🫡
Part Two
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
“Hello, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel’s jaw clenched at the sound. 
He’d almost forgotten how grating your voice was to his ears, how it made his body tense with an emotion he could never quite describe. He turned around slowly, taking you in where you stood leaning casually against a tree. 
The dress you wore was reminiscent of autumn court elegance, fabric cascading around you in rich hues of crimson, gold, and amber, like the vibrant foliage of the season brought to life, sleeves like flickering flames. There was a sense of wrongness in seeing such an elegant form amidst the wild, your commanding presence even more striking than that of your other family members. If he didn't know who you were, he would have been tempted to describe you as something of unparalleled beauty, a vision amidst a forest of wilderness.
But Azriel knew who you were. He knew what you were. 
He had noticed the similarities between you and your brothers quickly, from your mannerisms down to the curve of your lips. You and Eris shared the same snarky smirk– a smirk Az wanted to wipe clean off your faces. You were using it now, holding his gaze with the corners of your lips upturned and amused eyes. 
“You look thrilled to see me,” you said. 
Az did nothing to hide his disdain as he narrowed his eyes at you. “Where is your brother?” 
“Busy,” you responded, absentmindedly running the tips of your fingers along the tree you leaned on. You took a moment to observe the bark before you turned to face Azriel again, a small taunting smile on your lips once more. “I’ll let him know you missed him.”
Azriel held your gaze for a moment, a tick in his jaw as he let out a short exhale. Then, he was turning around to leave, a clear dismissal. A small flicker of anger rose in your body. Quickly, you winnowed in front of him, your sudden appearance setting his shadows into a frenzied dance around him, coalescing into a swirling mass around his neck like a collar of live snakes ready to strike. 
“Don’t be rude,” you said, “I’m here on Eris’ behalf. Give me information to report back to him.”
“Nothing to report,” Azriel said, voice flat. He stared at you for a moment, eyes scanning you. And then he was making another notion to leave, brushing past you with a small shove to your shoulder. You nearly laughed at the action, at how easy he was becoming to rile up— at how much your presence bothered him. 
“You don’t want to stay and chat?” You said over your shoulder. A flutter of triumph spread in your chest when you heard his footsteps come to a halt. You turned to face him, his back still to you, shadows swirling around his body like black flames. “It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other.”
Azriel turned to face you, a small scowl on his beautiful features. “Not long enough.”
You laughed, the sound stroking his body in a way that sent shivers down his spine. You let out a sigh.
“I get bored in Autumn sometimes, you know?”
Briefly, something flickered in Azriel’s hazel eyes, but it faded faster than you could decipher what it meant or where it came from. He titled his head slightly, eyes taking you in fully.
“Not enough cruelty for you?”
“Something like that.”
You both held each other's stares, his icy gaze against your fiery one. He lifted his chin slightly, rolling his shoulders as if to straighten his already stiff posture. You didn’t miss the way his wings extended slightly from their tucked in position, just enough to stand as a warning, as a reminder of who he was— what he was. 
“This is a waste of my time.”
Yet, Azriel made no move to leave— not this time. 
“Because you have such important matters to return to?” You asked with a raised brow, “You said it yourself, nothing to report. So, are there some damsels in distress to be saved? Something to make you feel important?”
You made sure to pay extra attention to when you mocked his previous words, tone dropping slightly deeper to imitate his. Azriel’s eyes narrowed even more, a dark wave of evident anger washing through his face, nostrils flared, jaw clenched. You bit the inside of your cheek to contain your grin. 
You were playing with something dangerous, this you knew. But Azriel was so fun to rile up, so easy to. You understood, now, why your brother seemed to enjoy these meetings so much. You’d assumed Eris was some sort of masochist, somehow finding pleasure in the necessity of being allies with the Night Court, the same people who so commonly disregarded you and your family as evil and cruel— although, they were right to a certain extent. But perhaps Eris had found some sort of entertainment with this affair. 
“Stop talking,” was Azriel’s only reply. 
He took a step forward. You made sure to stay still, to hold his gaze as he peered down at you. 
“Because you’re trying to get a rise out of me,” Azriel responded, his voice cool, “and it will not work.”
“Oh please,” you scoffed. “Play the unphased act all you’d like, we both know its bullshit.”
He said nothing in response, his eyes remaining locked on yours. Azriel’s stare was harder now, colder. A clear warning was written in his features, carved out between his clenched jaw and narrowed eyes: do not fuck with me. 
But you welcomed the challenge. If he wasn’t going to admit it, you were more than willing to prove your point. 
“You put my brother in a chokehold in a public meeting. You have no self-control. You’re just constantly one spark away from igniting.”
Azriel growled. “Your brother deserved it.”
You raised your brow in a small taunt. 
“Because he called your precious Morrigan a slut?”
Whether Azriel wanted to admit it or not, you were very easily tearing at his resolve. He moved quickly, his hand naturally falling to the dagger at his hip. Shadows moved closer to you, but with a swift movement of your fingers, they were met with the spark of a small flame, quickly retracting back into their mass form near Azriel’s shoulders. You winnowed back to your original place, back against the rough tree bark. 
“Careful, Shadowsinger,” you sneered, “You’re forgetting your manners.You didn’t even let me finish.”
Azriel wore a clear scowl now, brows furrowed as he held your gaze from afar, hand still on his weapon. There was something deadly about the way you made him feel, the intensity of those feelings far surpassing any hatred he held for your brothers– Eris, specifically. In truth, the more time Az spent near Lucien, the more he saw him as someone good– and the less similarities he seemed to bear with you, his conniving snake of a sister. You opened your mouth to taunt him once more.
“I don’t agree with my brother,” you said, “Hell, I admire Morrigan for her freedom. I do love a pretty dress. So, I would have called her something else… a liar, perhaps?”
Those words were all it took to light Azriel’s fuse.
Within a blink, he was in front of you, the cold steel of a dagger, Truth-Teller you presumed, pressed against your neck. His wings flared out angrily behind him. Shadows surged around you, a suffocating darkness descending like a shroud, swallowing the sunlight and leaving only a void of darkness. You stared into Azriel's eyes— cold, and angry.
"Shut up," he snarled.
For a moment, a sense of fear flickered deep in your stomach, but you swallowed it down, the flame diminishing before it could properly ignite. Even as his shadows threatened to consume you both whole, you refused to back down, meeting Azriel's gaze with a defiant stare of your own. And then, you grinned. A cruel, wicked gesture that made his blood boil.
“Nice to see you perform without an audience, too.”
Azriel's voice was laden with disdain as he responded, words dripping with venom. "You and your brother are exactly the same."
But instead of flinching at the accusation, you maintained your smirk, unfazed by the blade pressed against your neck. "Which brother? I have quite a few," you countered, your tone teasing, almost playful.
Azriel's grip tightened, images of your family conjuring in his mind. Az could barely remember the names of your other brothers, their features blurring into a blurry mess of fiery auburn and copper. Instead, his mind focused on you– the female before him, under his grip and his dagger, standing next to the two males he despised for different reasons. 
“You can decide,” Azriel finally said, “they’re all equally terrible.”
“I’d say Lucien is a good male,” you laughed bitterly, “I’m willing to bet your sweet Elain would agree.”
A surge of fury rose within him, a deep primal instinct to lash out and silence your taunts once and for all. But even as he bristled with anger, he realized you were right.
He was constantly teetering on the edge, one step away from losing control. It had gotten worse recently, watching everyone around him find their place, their people; Elain growing closer to Lucien, his brothers spending time with their mates. Azriel was frustrated. He was angry. You’d done exactly what he told you wouldn’t happen– gotten a rise out of him. He hated it, hated you, hated himself even more.
Azriel took a deep breath, your heated gaze still on him, eyes narrowed, a small smirk on your lips that he filled him with a burning anger. It wasn’t as if he could kill you, no, he couldn’t even really hurt you. One mark on the Vanserra’s youngest and only daughter would be a mark for war. This was a battle Az couldn't win, indulging your provocations for the mere sake of your entertainment. He needed to calm down. Regain control. 
The shadows around you began to recede and sunlight filtered back into the clearing as Azriel  pushed you away with a snarl. You leaned your head back against the tree as you took a deep breath.
He studied you for a moment before saying,  "You'd think someone as pretentious as you wouldn't need to rely on irritating someone for an ounce of attention." 
There was a subtle shift in your demeanor—a swallowed response, a flicker of vulnerability. His gaze followed the movement down to the column of your throat.
You gave a bitter laugh.
"Yes, pretentious. All of you Vanserras," Azriel retorted with a bitter edge, “Every single one.”
"That's ironic coming from you. You think we're pretentious?"
Azriel's gaze hardened. "Yes. Cruel, evil, and vile. You think you're better than all of us."
Your mouth widened as you scoffed. And then you let out a laugh of disbelief. 
"Oh my Gods, does it ever get tiring?" you retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Wallowing in your own self-pity and then using it as a means to hate everyone outside of your incestuous little circle?"
"Do not speak of my family," Azriel snapped.
You smirked. “So you admit your family is incestuous?”
Azriel said nothing, a sudden realization that his anger, once again, had beat him to his rationality, somehow giving you another weapon to use against him.  He clenched his jaw, feeling a simmering heat building in his stomach. 
"You stand in front of me and pretend to be shocked when I call you for what you are?" he countered with a sneer, “Your family isn't quiet about their disdain for my family, for my kind, or for me."
You lifted your chin. “You don’t even like your own kind, Shadowsinger.” 
There was another flare of his nostrils and you knew that you’d gotten him once again. Azriel’s fists clenched at his sides, a sight lost to you as his shadows covered them. You continued as he stayed silent.
“I will admit, my family can be a bit narrow minded. Why would I hate you for the things you can’t control? Where's the fun in that?”   
Again, Azriel remained silent. He knew if he made a move, if he said a word, it would likely be something he regretted, something that would come back to bite him in the ass. 
"I don’t hate you because you’re from the Night Court, or an Illyrian, or a bastard, or whatever it is you tell yourself at night," you continued, your words like a dagger aimed at his pride. "I hate you because you are hot-headed and arrogant. You’ve held a grudge against Eris for something that wasn’t his fault and have utterly screwed Lucien to no end. Your little family is a disease.”
Azriel’s resolve was cracking. He didn’t have enough self-control for this, for you. He’d barely mustered up the diplomacy needed to meet with Eris. 
“Stop talking,” he said through gritted teeth. He felt it again, the flicker of frustration that threatened to engulf him like an unattended flame.
You gave him a withering glare. “Or what, you’ll make me?”
Azriel blinked, his eyes scanning your body instinctively. There was something about the words you spoke, the way you had spoken them, that made his body shiver. A small jolt of electricity passed through his muscles. Unfortunately for him, you caught it as quick as it manifested. Your eyes widened as you let out a dry laugh, forming a small smirk on your lips.
“Oh my gods,” you said, taking a step closer, “I bet you’d like that, wouldn't you? Is that why you’re such an ass today? 
Azriel’s wings twitched behind him. You gave him a mocking pout as you stared up at him. 
“No one to torture, no sweet female to make love to? Poor, powerful, Spymaster.”
Azriel thought for a moment. He thought about the anger boiling in his body, how on edge he’d been, how every little thing had been setting him off. He thought about you, in front of him, a female he despised from previous meetings– loud-mouthed, vicious, and selfish. A female from a family he hated, a family that took things from his family, from him. 
And then he began thinking of how great it would feel to show them how wrong they were about him. To prove to them that they weren’t better than him, that he was just as, if not more, powerful than their damned bloodline.
You had been right again. He was pent up. He hadn’t taken a lover recently, hadn’t fucked anyone since that one almost-night with Elain– where she’d been sweet, sensitive, and gentle. But even before, with the females who’d asked for it rough, told him they could handle it, he hadn’t indulged himself too far. He still respected them. They were still wide-eyed and kind, sweet to a certain extent. He didn’t want to hurt them. They were ladies. Azriel respected ladies. 
“I said stop talking,” Azriel growled. 
There was a tick in his jaw. 
“And I said, make me.”
But you, you weren’t a lady. You weren’t sensitive, sweet, or kind. You were a viper. A snake with beautiful lips and a body he found incredibly inviting— not that he’d ever admit it to anyone. But standing in front of him, that defiant look in your eyes, the pride seeping off you, the smirk on your lips… Azriel felt hungry. He felt ravenous. 
So, he thought for one more moment. And then he was taking a step forward, one that you matched with an equal stepback. 
“Y/n,” Azriel drawled as he continued to take another step. You matched him again, moving back while you glared at him. “Are you not getting enough attention? Is that it?”
Your back hit the tree and you let out a small exhale as Azriel took a final step forward, inches away from you as he stared down with a dark gaze. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You bit out. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
You attempted to regulate your breathing as his eyes drank you in, a clear and unashamed desire painted over his face. 
“Do I look like a fucking mind-reader?”
 Azriel gave a dry chuckle. You were unraveling before him, scrambling for control. “Such a vile mouth for a princess.”
“Fuck you.”
“Is that why you came?” He brought a hand to your chin, roughly tilting your face up to look directly at him. “Do you want to be fucked, Y/n?”
The answer was yes, you did. There was a sickening sense of excitement that ran through your blood, a heat pooling between your thighs. But you wouldn’t admit it. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction, weren’t about to prove him right. So instead you stayed quiet, pulling your face out of his hands and turning your cheek. 
“I came for intel,” you said through gritted teeth, “in Eris’ place.”
Azriel gave another chuckle, something dark and humorous. His hand trailed to the side of your neck, pushing the hair off your shoulders to expose the line of your collarbone. You swallowed.
“Interesting,” he said. He leaned in, lips against your ear. “Then what is that desire I smell?”
You let out a sharp exhale as he leaned away. Taking a deep breath, you looked at him, biting the inside of your cheek at your body's betrayal. You needed to balance this.
“Maybe its you that needs a good fuck, Shadowsinger. Like I said, you seem real pent up. Noone quite scratching that itch?”
But Azriel no longer seemed angry at your words, instead, he seemed amused– hungry. He was quiet for a second too long, simply staring at you. A sense of irritation prickled at your skin.
“What?” You snapped.
“I can admit that,” Azriel said coolly, “if you can admit something to me.”
“What, are we trading secrets now? I wasn’t aware this was a children's sleepover.”
Azriel didn’t respond. You registered the movement of a dark shadow as it fled from his body, slowly sneaking around your collarbone. You attempted to hit it away, but it quickly slithered back to Azriel, running up his chest to curl around his ear. He smirked. 
“When was the last time someone fucked you, Y/n?”
The air left your lungs as you let out a small gasp. You blinked. Quickly, you regained your composure.
“Excuse me?”
Azriel kept his smirk. “It must be hard getting anyone to touch you when you’re so sheltered by those males you call brothers.” 
He reached out a hand to your bare collarbone, but you caught his wrist in your hand, allowing it to hover in your grip. His eyes slowly trailed up to your face, heavy-lidded and darkened with a sense of attention that made your stomach clench. 
“What the hell are you getting at?” You sneered.
Azriel simply stared at you, the ghost of a smirk still plastered on his lips. His reactions had you gritting your teeth in anger and rubbing your thighs in anticipation at the same time— you hated it.
“Don’t ask questions you know the answers to.”
“You're pathetic,” you spat, “Save your games for a bitch who cares.”
But you still gripped his hand in yours, still felt the heat radiating off his skin. And you made no motion to move. No motion to let him pull back. Azriel didn’t fail to notice this, either. 
“That snarky mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble. But I bet that's why you use it, right?”
Your breathing was heavier now. Azriel’s gaze flickered to where you still gripped his wrist.
“You can fool everyone, Y/n,” he said, “But not me.”
You shouldn’t have enjoyed the way his voice sounded on your skin, shouldn’t have felt a breathlessness filling your body as he spoke to you. But you felt it. And it was a burning, hungry desire that made your chest tighten. This was what you wanted, it was what you needed. 
Azriel was right. The bastard had read you like a book. Your family, your brothers, never let anyone near you for fear of embarrassment– fear of you bringing some sense of shame. But Azriel was right. You wanted it. You craved it. You wanted to forget who you were, to give up the control you always had to wield. 
Before you could overthink it, you loosened your grip on Azriel’s hand and pulled it towards you, situating it on the side of your throat. You let out a small gasp when he quickly wrapped his fingers around the base of your neck. 
And then he was pulling you into him with a deep and angry kiss. All teeth, tongue, and fire, mouths crashing together almost painfully, but neither of you stopped. With every movement of his mouth, of his tongue on yours, a dormant flame deep within you awoke. 
A primal desire surged through Azriel’s veins like wildfire, the scent of you– of your want, of your desire– filling his senses in a way that had his cock throbbing. There was no room for rational thought, only the raw, unbridled passion that engulfed him in a fiery embrace. His hand found its way into your hair, fingers brushing along your scalp as he yanked your hair to expose your neck to him. His lips wandered to your exposed collarbone, giving a harsh suck to the skin near the column of your throat. 
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Shut up,” you responded, reaching your hands out to fumble with his leather clothes. Azriel pulled back slightly, grabbing your wandering hands in his. You let out a sound of protest as he ran sloppy kissing along your neck.
“Oh how i’d love to fuck that foul mouth of yours,” Azriel murmured against your skin, his mouth reaching your ear. “But we’re short on time.” He took your lobe in between his teeth and you let out a small groan.
“I bet all you’ll need is a few minutes– and that's being generous.”
Azriel’s hand gripped at your waist, traveling up your chest to roughly grab your breast through your dress. 
“No wonder you’re so insufferable.” he said, his voice amused as he pulled back, his other hand tugged at your hair once more. “You haven’t been fucked properly.”
You snarled. "Fuck you." 
Azriel grinned.
"Oh, princess, I will.”
And then he was pulling the front of your dress down, exposing your bare breasts before him, nipples peaked in the fresh air. You let out a gasp as a small faint ripping sound traveled to your ears. Before you had a chance to react, Azriel was spinning you around, pulling your back against his chest, one hand bracketing your throat as the other traveled down your stomach, grabbing at the fabric at your dress. 
"But first, you're going to beg me for it,” he breathed into your ear, his voice so low you felt it more than you heard it. His words traveled straight to your core, leaving you dripping with want. Yet, you refused to let the words leave your lips. You gritted your teeth, bristled at the suggestion— pride and defiance warring within you. 
“Like hell I will.”
Azriel made a sound of disapproval, his mouth still running along your ear, “No?” he asked, hand slowly trailing from your throat to your chest, his fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. “So you don’t want me to touch you?”
His hand fell over your breast, cupping it in his palm as his thumb brushed over your nipple. You watched as black tendrils of shadow danced around his forearm, meeting where his fingers tweaked your nipple. Their cool gentle touch sent a ripple of sensation through you and your head fell back against him as you let out a small whimper. 
“Stop being a fucking tease.” 
Azriel found that he loved the way you whimpered, loved the tinge of frustration in your voice as he touched you. Here you were, melting into his touch, attempting to avoid admitting in words what your body was showing in actions.
“I asked you to do something.” 
He rolled your nipple between his fingers. You let out a deep exhale, pushing yourself back onto him, grinding into the evident bulge that pressed against you, the thin material of your dress doing nothing to disguise his hardened length. 
“Just fuck me already,” you turned your head to catch his gaze, darkened and pupils blown with lust. “I know you want to.”
You covered his hand in yours, molding his hand into your touch, urging him to grab your breast again– harder, firmer. 
The corners of his lips quirked up. “That doesn’t matter. Beg for it.”
Agonizingly slow, his hands roamed your trembling form, lighting flames of desire that you almost feared would consume you whole. Second by second, you felt yourself losing control. The heat of his touch seared through you, eroding the last crumbs of your resistance until all that remained was a burning need to be filled by him, to succumb to the primal urges coursing through your veins. You wanted him. You needed him. 
“Please,” you whispered, the truth spilling from your lips in a voice so meek you barely recognized it as your own. 
"Please what?"
With a trembling breath, you finally let go of the last shreds of your resistance, your voice coming out in a deep, frustrated plea.  “Please fuck me.”
Azriel's lips curved into a predatory smirk. 
“Good girl,” he said, his voice low and sultry as he pulled away from you. In one movement he was pulling your ass closer to him, forcing your body forward to brace yourself on the tree. In seconds you felt the cool air on your body as Azriel pushed your dress above your hips. Naturally, you felt your body bowing at the sensation. He let out a groan at the sight. 
Then he was spreading your legs, baring you before him, glistening cunt on full display. His rough hands gripped your bare ass. He massaged it for a moment, but the motion was brief, and soon you felt a hard hand land on the fat of your cheek. You let out a small shriek, but it was followed by a low moan as he delivered another smack. Azriel smirked at the sound of it, at the sight of your ass reddening with his handprint. 
“Are you going to fuck me or not?” You managed to grit out as you pushed your ass out further,  “I’m growing bored.”
“Bored?” He ran finger through the wetness that pooled at your core. “Your cunt doesn’t seem to think so.”
You moaned at the feeling, pushing yourself back against his hand.
“Too stubborn to admit anything,” Azriel murmured, “But your body gives you away.” 
Azriel took a step back, your body cold at the loss of contact as he freed himself from the confine of his leather pants, each movement filled with a primal urgency that would’ve made him unsettled— embarrassed even— if he had been in a more rational state of mind. But Azriel wasn’t being rational. All he could think about was you, and staring at your beautiful glistening cunt, all he wanted was to fuck you into oblivion, to let his frustrations out. To tame you like a wild animal— his most tantalizing challenge yet. 
He settled himself behind you and stroked his cock along your folds, allowing it to glide against your core until both of you were slick with your desire. He teased you slowly as he moved up and down your entrance. You pushed against him, urging him inside, inviting him to take you. 
Azriel only laughed darkly at the movements, and you whined in response, frustrated and irritated. 
“Remember this the next time you insult me,” he said, “Remember how you were begging for me to fuck you.” 
Half a breath later, he pushed himself inside you, sheathing himself to the hilt. You exhaled in tandem, your cunt clenching him, pulsing around the stretch of him.  He adjusted his angle and picked up the pace, sending pleasure rising in a wave that you couldn’t hold back, your mouth falling open as he began to take you harder. 
You let your forehead fall against your hands, braced against the rough texture of the tree. You faintly felt the ridges under your palm, but there was no pain, no irritation that you knew you were bound to experience later. All you could truly feel was Azriel deep inside you, stretching you out and using you in a way you hadn’t experienced for a very long time. The lust Azriel felt, the experience of being with you, of claiming you as his, was no longer a desire, no longer a want. It was a need. An animalistic and primal need that he felt deep in his chest. 
Azriel's movements were relentless, each thrust sending ripples of pleasure rippling through your body, clouding your mind in a haze of ecstasy and melting away all coherent thought. There were sounds emitted from your lips, this you knew, but they were incoherent whimpers, quiet murmurs whispered towards the ground as your forehead dug into your hands with every buck of Azriel’s hips.
“You had so much to say earlier, Y/n,”  Azriel said, pulling out until he was barely inside you. He thrusted back in, resuming a hard and brutal pace. 
“Why so quiet now?”
“Did you just need the attitude fucked out of you?”
"What will your brothers think?” he taunted, his grip on your hips bruising in its intensity, “Your father?”
“If only your family only knew what their precious princess was up to. Taking it from the likes of me, like some common pleasure hall whore."
The mention of your family sent a surge of burning shame coursing through your veins, you felt the heat rise to your cheeks, flushing against your exposed skin. But amidst the suffocating shame, there was something else, something primal and insatiable that stirred within you—a hunger born of defiance, of indulging in a forbidden ecstasy. It filled you with a sense of exhilaration that bordered on madness.
Quickly, that spark of defiance ignited within you, mingling with the fiery hunger coursing through your veins, an urge to bite back at him. You craned your head to look over your shoulder, catching his eyes as you let out a moan, taking your lips in between your teeth. 
"Do common whores get you this riled up?" you purred. There was a feigned innocence in your tone that made Azriel twitch inside you. His gaze burned into yours. "Do they make you this hungry?”
A part of you wanted the confirmation, wanted the triumphant feeling of knowing you could ruin him for everyone else— that you felt better than the females he had bedded, that you, the one he loathed so openly, were the only one to truly quench his thirst.
“Do they feel as good as me, Azriel?”
He let out a deep, guttural moan. The sound traveled through your body, lighting your skin on fire as you bucked back into his movements, meeting every roll of his hips. 
“Say that again,” Azriel groaned.
When you gave no reply, he twisted your hair around one fist and gave it a tug, pulling your body up to him as before. His thrusts never staggered, not even as his hand traveled to wrap around your throat, matching the reddening print from his earlier grip. The other hand remained steady at your hip, gripping into the fabric of your dress and the exposed skin of your body. 
“Say my name,” he growled and your cunt tightened at the sound, at the way he gripped your throat harder. You grasped at his arm with your hands, holding on to his skin as he bucked into you. 
Azriel growled, pulling out of you almost completely before he pushed back in a heavy, angry stroke. Your body arched in pleasure, a small whimper leaving your mouth instinctively.
“Don’t be a brat.”
“Fuck you.” 
“I am,” Azriel said, “And your cunt is swallowing me whole, princess. Like it's made for me, like its been begging to be fucked.”
He released his grip from your throat, letting you fall forward as he placed his hand on the small of your back, arching your body for him as he pounded into you from behind. You fell forward, hands planted on the tree before you, fingers clawing at the bark like an animal in heat. Azriel watched as his cock disappeared into your cunt with every thrust, watched how your ass bounced back on him with every movement, how your tits moved with every roll of his hips. He fought not to finish from the sight alone. 
You struggled to find your voice through the haze of pleasure that clouded your mind, that seemed to twist and tie your tongue to where you could only gasp incoherent words of ecstasy
“Oh, fuck. Azriel.”
Azriel drank in your sounds of pleasure like a male thirsted for centuries, the sound of his name on your tongue sending a wave of pleasure through his body.
“Are you going to cum, Y/n?”
You let yourself surrender to his touch as he continued to ravage you with ruthless abandon, his voice caressing you in ways you never knew a sound could do. You wanted him to go faster, harder, rougher; wanted him to fuck you with all his might, with all that anger you saw. As if he could read your mind, Azriel’s thrusts sped up, slamming into you.
“Fuuck, yeah, you are. I can feel this pretty little cunt clenching me.”
He continued his pace, fucking you with long thorough strokes that left you completely pinned between him and the rough bark of the tree. You felt him heavy against your back, breasts pressed against his hand as he moved between gripping them both roughly, holding onto them for leverage as he fucked you from behind.
"Look at you," he taunted, his grip tightening around you possessively. "So desperate, so needy. You're nothing but a pretty little slut, begging for release, aren’t you?"
Azriel continued, moving deeper and faster, pumping into you with snaps of his hips that had you writhing underneath him. 
"And yet," you managed between breaths, gasps leaving your lips as he drove into you. "You’re the one pounding into me like a brute who can't get enough.” 
With a low groan, Azriel's hand tightened around your breast, his grip possessive as he leaned in to bite at your shoulder with a hungry intensity. He was beginning to think that you’d surely be the death of him, that he had created something, some beast inside him, that refused to be satiated by anything other than you— and that was dangerous. But he didn’t think too much about it, not now, not as he felt your cunt massaging him from the inside, felt your walls clamping onto him in a way that set his body on fire, his cock throbbing. 
Azriel railed you over and over, nothing slow or gentle about his movements. And with every thrust, you whined in ecstasy. His grip on your hips tightened, holding you in place as he kept pounding into you. He fell forward, grinding against you, pushing you further into the rough bark of the tree.
You could feel it, a deep pressure building in your stomach as his cock stretched you in the most delicious way. And you could feel him too, hot against your back, his deep breaths and the groans that reverberated through his body. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in your ears, muffling out the sound of your moans as your whole body tensed.
Then you felt it, a cool trail snaking up your legs. Dark tendrils of Azriel's shadows slithered through your thighs, caressing your skin with a tantalizing touch that made you clench at the sensation. You gasped as they coiled around your clit, winding you up with a feeling you’d never experienced before. With a loud moan, your orgasm rolled through you in a violent convulsion,  white spots dancing at the edges of your vision.
Azriel hated to think it, hated to admit that the sound of you coming undone on his cock was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever heard, that feeling your cunt clench around him as the sound filled his ear was enough for him to unravel. With a choked moan, Azriel spilled into you, spurts of his seed coating your walls. You let out a final, breathy whine at the sensation of him spilling into you, feeling as it began to drip as Azriel slowly pulled out.
With a heavy breath, his gaze lingered on the glistening trail connecting the tip of cock to your cunt. The lust in his eyes faintly faded, and a moment of clarity washed over him as the reality of what he’d just done hit like a sudden, cold wave. He didn’t regret it, no, not at all. This was exactly the release Azriel had needed. In fact, a part of him nearly grinned at the realization, at the relief he now felt in his body. But the other part of him, the rational side afraid of disappointing his family, of fucking something up, awoke in a panic. What the fuck had he just done? And why was he so proud of it? 
You slowly stood up, straightening yourself out as you turned to face him, face flushed and hair a tangled mess. There was a ghost of a smirk playing on your lips as you took them between your teeth and bit down. Your breasts were still exposed, nipples peaked and reddened marks from his rough grip. Azriel's eyes traveled down your form, swallowing hard as he took in the sight before him. He could smell the desire that filled the air around you both, could smell himself on you— the image of him plunging in and out of you still fresh in his mind. 
The idea of it alone made his cock stir again. There was something intoxicating about this situation to him. The image of you returning home, covered in his marks, in his scent, in his seed. Eris smelling him on you, realizing that you’d not only fucked someone he despised, but sullied yourself with an illyrian– just as he’d told Mor. And you, you’d remember this. You’d remember him inside you, remember how you let him use you, fuck you like a common-court whore. And you’d have to live with that. Every insult you’d give him, everytime you sneered at him in the future, there would be a part of you that remembered falling apart on his cock as you begged him for more, for him to fuck you harder.
With a gentle flick of your fingers, your dress was perfectly restored, the fabric falling gracefully around your figure as your hair cascaded down your shoulders in silky, untouched, waves. You smoothed out the sleeves of your dress with a practiced gesture before turning your gaze back to Azriel, scanning him from head to toe. Your eyes lingered on his still-exposed cock, covered in the mixed fluids of your cunt and his seed. A smirk played at the corner of your lips as Azriel looked down, realization flickering in his eyes as he hastily pulled up his pants, stuffing himself back into them. 
"Well, this was fun," you remarked casually– almost bored. Azriel resisted the urge to frown at the words, at the tone you used.  "Catch you later, Shadowsinger."
Before he could respond, you were gone, leaving him standing alone in the forest, staring at the empty space before a tree.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
Part Two
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: @rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria
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rafesslxt · 1 month
MISS YOU | r. cameron
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summary: you and rafe have a secret relationship but rafe starts to miss you, not being able to spend much time with you without people seeing you together. - based on this request
warnings: fluff, none really, included picture of chat between rafe and reader, reader is John B‘s sister.
words: 1,7k
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"Sarah!" I laugh loudly, running away from her through her garden. "I‘m gonna get you!" she giggles and runs after me. We‘re currently in her garden with her Dad and Rose, them sitting on the porch with cocktails and whiskey while Sarah, Wheezie and me run around with water guns.
I run behind Rose, knowing Sarah would never shoot her with water. "Girls!" she says in a warning tone, looking right at Sarah in front of her, holding the water gun up. "Sorry Rose." Sarah says and shoots water out of it, trying to wet me but only hitting Rose.
I run away again and shout "Sorry Rose!", looking behind me. I see Ward laughing at his wife, while Wheezie laughs at her too. Suddenly I bump into something hard, making me almost fall down on my ass but two hands catching me. "Woah, easy there." I look up and see the face of my boyfriend Rafe, grinning down at me cheekly. My cheeks heat up when he licks his lips. "Sorry." I giggle and he let‘s go of my hands.
Rafe and me are in a secret relationship, only Sarah knows about it. But the rest of the kooks and pouges don‘t. We just wanted to enjoy ourselves so we decided to not tell anyone but Sarah, since she‘s my best friend and also the girlfriend of my brother John B.
When we told her she was getting all red - faced and mad but then I reminded her that she‘s with my brother. "Oh - was that how you felt?" she asked to which I just laughed and nodded. "But this is different! It‘s Rafe!" she tried to argue. "Hey!" Rafe warns her making me laugh again.
His family loves me but same reason there. We just wanna enjoy what we have, just for us. Plus I just know If Wheezie knew, the whole island would know the next day. So sometimes Sarah covers me and I cover her when she‘s with my brother.
"I missed you.." he whispers, while the rest of them was busy laughing at Rose. "Miss you too, Rafe." I say smiling up at him. "What are you doing today?" he asks me, looking down at my pendant which lays on my chest. "We‘re with the pouges later, going surfing." "Hmm, maybe I‘m there later too." I chuckle and tilt my head. "You don‘t surf, Rafe." "Yeah but I can watch you." he grins before Wheezie comes to us.
"Ugh Rafe, stop botherin her. Sorry Y/n, just ignore him." she says rolling her eyes at him and pulling me back with her to Sarah. I look over my shoulder and mouth a 'i‘m sorry' at him.
We continue our little game until it‘s time for me and Sarah to go to the pouges. Rafe leaves with Topper in his car and Sarah and I in her‘s. When we arrive at the beach, the pouges are already there. "Jo I thought you guy‘s would never come!" JJ shouts from afar with wet hair and his surfboard in his hands. I see Sarah jogging towards my brother, kissing him on the lips. I make a gagging face before walking towards JJ, giving him a hug. "And miss surfing with you? Never." I joke and go to Kiara and Pope, greeting them too.
John B pulls me in a hug too but I laugh and push him away. "Ew stop, you just kissed my best friend." I joke while walking towards my board.
Just when I pull my top over the top of my head I hear my phone vibrating. I pull it out of my shorts, pulling them down too so I‘m in my bikini now. I see it‘s from Rafe so I turn around with my back to my friends so they couldn‘t see me writing, or with who.
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With a smile I put my phone away, turning back to my friends. "What made you smile like that?" Kiara suddenly asks me, grinning at me. The rest of them looks at me too now. My gaze meets with Sarah‘s, seeing her biting down onto her bottom lip to try hide a smile as she knew exactly what did. "Uh – nothing. Just saw a cute video on tiktok." I lie, pressing my lips back together. I don‘t notice JJ walking behind me and snatching my phone from me. Fuck.
"Hmm let‘s see what really made you smile." he say‘s, unlocking my phone. I really need to change my code. But his attention wasn‘t long on my phone when John B groaned, making JJ look up from my phone. "What is -" he starts but stops when he follows my brothers gaze and rolls his eyes.
Rafe, Topper and Kelce are walking down the beach into our direction. I used the opportunity and snatched my phone back. "Hey young lady!" JJ scolds at me to which I only giggle and shrug eith my shoulders.
"What do you think they want?" Pope asks into the round. " It‘s the beach guys, maybe they just wanna go for a swim." I say, trying to calm them down a little. I see Rafe typing on his phone again just before my phone vibrates again.
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'I‘m jealous of the people that can see you every day.' it kind of hit me right where it hurts, but not because he was mean or anything, but because what he wrote is the truth. Even If we see us every day, we don‘t see us every day. Last time we saw us he sneaked into my room at night with John B asleep in the room next to us. We had to be quiet and were up until the sun was out again. Around 6am he left before John B woke up. Most of the time we just sneaked into each others room or Sarah and I switched cars so no ine would notice the wrong car parking in front of the house.
I sigh and look up, watching him and his friends walking over to us. "Wow Sarah, you really did make an upgrade with him huh?" Topper talks first, still mad that she chose my brother over him. Normally I would just sit back and enjoy their shit show but when someone says about my family, I‘m in for it.
I throw my phone away to my clothes, walking up towards Topper. "What? Still mad that Sarah chose someone who’s better?" i say, looking up at him. "Funny you say that y/n. Last time I heard your name was when your Dad went missing." JJ had to pull me back before I could punch him, ready to do so. "Just continue talking Topper and your Mom is gonna miss her son." He starts laughing sarcastically and shakes his head. "Watch your mouth you little slut before I -" but he got interrupted by Rafe.
"Man that‘s enough!" Everyone looked at him im confusion and shock. Topper turns his head towards Rafe, eyebrows raised. "What? Since when are you on their side?" he asks, feeling probably betrayed by his best friend. "No I‘m not! But she‘s no slut! You just hale it too far man."
"Are you hearing what I‘m hearing?" I hear Pope whispering to us, everyone nodding in unison.
Topper scoffs at his friend and shakes his hand. "Oh and how would you know? Didn‘t you hear what Corey said about her last – " Suddenly Rafe‘s temper get‘s the best of him and he grabs Topper by the collor of his shirt. "Because she‘s my fucking girlfriend and I know he‘s talking shit because she‘s been with me!"
Everyone went silent and I closed my eyes at his revealing. I took a deep breath before I opened them again. I gulp and look to my side where John B slowly looks from Rafe and Topper to me. "Tell me he‘s talking shit." he says in a calm voice. What‘s that saying? The calm before the storm?
"Uhm - well.. I wanted to tell you but -" "You can‘t be for fucking real! Are you really telling me right now my sister is dating Rafe Cameron?"
I swallow down the clump in my throat and take a short look at Rafe who just looks at me apologetic and let‘s go of Topper‘s collar. I look back at John B and try to find something to say. "You‘re with my best friend!" "That‘s different y/n! He‘s a kook!" "Uh last time I checked Sarah is a kook too!" I said, throwing my hands into the air.
"That‘s different. He‘s .. he‘s Rafe!" he says, glaring at me and then down to Sarah, seeing she‘s the only one who doesn‘t look suprised. "Wait.. did you knew about this?" he asks her, turning more towards his girlfriend now.
She starts blushing now, stuttering a little. "Well - he uh - he‘s my brother and.. it‘s the same when I date you, I guess?"
"Why didn‘t you tell us y/n?" JJ asks now. "Would you habe been mad at me?" i shoot back. "Of course! It‘s Rafe we‘re talking about!" "Well, that‘s why!" He scoffs and shakes his head. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that I love him and you can‘t do anything about it! He‘s my boyfriend and I am old enough to make my own decisions!"
"You love me?" i hear Rafe saying in a soft tone. It‘s now that I just realised what I said. We‘ve only been together for a few months now and no one said these words.. until now.
My cheeks heat up when I look at him shyly. "Yeah.. I do." He walks over to me and cups my face in between his hands. "I love you too, princess." he whispers before kissing me softly at first and then with more passion. I hear gagging noises and and a few "oh my god" "eeeeww" "lord help me" making me giggle against his lips.
"This feels like some bad type of Romeo and Juliet.“ Pope says awkwardly. "This is so fucked up." Kiara agrees. "This is so disgusting." my brother groans while Rafe picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist.
That‘s where John B draws the line tho. "OH HELL NO!"
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Uh excuse me? Why is this my first Rafe Imagine on here when he‘s my favorite??
Anyways, let me know If you liked it! 🫶🏻
my masterlist and my current 1000 follower special
Prequel to this story here, how they got to know each other.
xoxo sarah <3
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sweetiecutie · 7 months
you and childhood best friend Simon losing your virginities together on your birthday🥺
Pairing: childhood friend! Simon Riley x fem! Reader
Warnings: mdni, both reader and Simon are implied to be 19 or so, fluffy smut, lose of virginity on both sides, fingering, unprotected sex and pulling out as contraception (DON’T DO THAT)
A/n: god anon, that’s absolutely fucking ADORABLE!!! I enjoyed writing this sm! It turned out a bit longer than I originally planned but it is what it is.
You and your best friend Simon were sprawled out on your soft bed, soft pink sheet were rustling underneath your bodies whenever you moved. Some stupid show was playing on your laptop but neither of you paid much attention, chatting and laughing at each other’s stupid jokes, tummies full of delicious cake and aromatic tea cold and long forgotten on your bedside.
- What else does my angel want for her birthday? You know I’ll do anything you want, - Simon said quietly, his voice slightly raspy from chain smoking. Corners of his thin lips rose up in small smile, the one he reserved for you only; his hand came up to tuck a stand of loose hair behind your ear, gently pinching the apple of your cheek as he did so.
You just shrugged your shoulders meekly, smiling and blushing uncontrollably at this cheeky gesture:
- Nothing, just wanna be with you, - you said, looking up at Simon through long lashes, feeling your tummy flutter at the sight of his gummy smile upon hearing your words, those adorable dimples that you wanted to kiss so much showing on his stubble-pecked cheeks. You felt a sudden fit of courage simmering in your chest, so you added tentatively: - And maybe a small kiss?
You could hear your heart pounding in your ears as you watched Simon freeze, his body tensing for a few long moments after registering your words. Then his smile widened slowly as he sat upright from his semi-lying position, scooting over to be closer to you.
- I’ll give you as many as you wish princess, - he promised quietly, tip of his tongue running over his lips impatiently before pressing them against your own, big calloused hand coming up to cradle the side of your face. You hummed into the kiss contentedly, releasing long a breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
Your hands rested on Simon’s sides, crumpling soft cotton of his tee in between your trembling from nerves fingers, causing the hem to ride up, giving a glimpse on milky skin of his stomach.
Simon felt as if the whole world was spinning around and in the centre of it was you - gorgeous little you, all pretty and dolled up for your birthday, so pliant and soft in his rough hands. He couldn’t help himself from pushing his lips against yours a bit harder, small moan tearing through his chest upon the taste of your cherry scented lipgloss - god he’s been dreaming of this his whole fucking life.
Neither of you could tell how exactly everything happened - it was a mess of hot messy kisses full of tongue and shared saliva, hands raking up and down each other’s bodies, sloppily moulding and caressing, finally able to do so after years of yearning. You were laying on your back with Simon slotted cozily in between your thighs, his t-shirt off, button and zipper of his jeans undone, your greedy fingers cupping his hard-on through black cotton of his boxers, rubbing and stroking his throbbing cock. Blonde cussed under his breath, sucking another pretty mark on the side of your neck, his hands kneading soft pudge of your tits, pinching and tweaking sensitive nipples gently.
Simon didn’t hesitate to shift one of his hands lower, rubbing you through your pretty panties, cooing at the wetness seeping through them.
- Want you s’bad, Si, - you whined, bucking your hips against your best friend’s hand, feeling his cock twitch under your fingers at your words.
- Gotta work you open first, dearie, - he murmured and placed a small peck at the tip of your nose, doing quick work at shedding your clothes down, leaving you flushed and naked under him. Running two of his fingers over your slit he opened your folds, groaning at how fucking drenched you were for him. With his thumb rubbing and prodding at your clit a bit clumsily blonde carefully worked one finger inside of your fluttering hole, causing you to draw in a sharp breath. No matter how many times you stuffed yourself full of your fingers, everything felt tenfold better with Simon.
Soon he added a second, and then third fingers in, spreading you open on his thick knuckles, making you feel so full and needy for more. You synchronised the pace of your jerking on Simon’s cock with the his digits fucking in and out of you, eliciting a throaty groan from his.
- Can’t wait no more, I need to be inside of you, - Simon hissed, taking his fingers out of you, leaving you so cold and empty as he hastened to tear his pants and underwear off, crawling back in between your soft thighs. - Can I?
You nodded fervently, watching with wide eager eyes as your best friend pumped his cock a few times, spreading shiny bead of precum all over his brownish tip. Aligning himself with your awaiting entrance he met your eyes, making sure you wanted it still. Receiving a small yes that fell from your kiss swollen lips he pushed carefully, breaking into your virgin pussy. It stung still, even despite your pooling slickness and all the stretching. Simon hissed under his breath, head thrown backwards providing you with delicious view of his strong neck and chiselled adam’s apple, his face scrunched up as he fought the urge to bottom out inside your tight cunny, cumming shamefully quick.
Staying like that for a few long minutes to allow both of you to get used to completely new feeling Simon crouched down to pepper small butterfly kisses all over your cheeks and forehead, his affection melting your insides into a sparkly goo. Blonde took one of your hands and guided it down to where your sexes connected:
- Show me how you like to be touched.
And so you did, rubbing your clit in full circles, tight pleasure of it helping to ease all unpleasant feelings from first penetration. Simon cussed under his breath, feeling how you clamped down on his needy cock, pushing your hand away and taking over your clit, imitating the pace you’ve just shown him. With added stimulation you relaxed further into him, your walls declamping, allowing Simon to finally move.
His first thrusts were faltering and hesitant, not wanting to move too fast or rough to hurt your thus stretched walls any further. Slowly but surely picking up pace Simon soon was fucking you into your mattress, his cock brushing that one spot within you repeatedly, his thumb massaging tight figures eights on your swollen needy clit.
- That’s my birthday girl, so perfect for me. God you feel amazing, I could’ve cum right this instant, - Simon moaned, thrusting his hips against yours gently, fucking himself in and out of your needy cunny on slow sensual pace.
- Si, I think I’m gunna cum, - you whined out, feeling familiar heaviness settling in the pit of your tummy, your nerves aflame with newfound pleasure. Your hands gripped onto Simon’s buff biceps, seeking out some grounding; his hips faltered slightly, deep throaty moan rolling off his tongue - realisation alone that you were going to cum because of him was enough to push him right over the edge.
- Cum f’ me, pretty girl. Cum on my cock, let me make you feel good, - he encouraged, his thumb rubbing your clit more fervently, pushing you right into the pit of pleasure. Your body jolted as a wave of pure pleasure crashed over you like a tsunami, causing your eyes to roll back and toes curl. White dots were dancing before your eyes, white noise thrumming in your ears as you rode out your orgasm, your puffy pussy clenching and clamping down on Simon’s drooling cock, bringing him right to his limit.
- Ffffuuuuuck, - blonde gritted you, pulling his cock out and jerking it ferociously with his rough fist, a few pumps were enough for Simon to shoot his pearly cum onto your heaving tummy, staining your skin with milky ropes.
Crashing on the bed next to you Riley scooped you up in his tight embrace, holding you close to his heaving chest, thick fingers tangling themselves in between soft strands of your hair. Simon pressed soft kisses onto your hairline, making you giggle in post-coital bliss, snugging closer to your now lover.
- You can’t imagine how long I’ve been dreaming about holding you like that, - he murmured against your skin, inhaling lungfuls of your shampoo mixed with your favourite perfume. - God I’m not letting you get out of bed after that<3
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