#dont remember her last name lol
cliosimming · 2 years
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Mia’s friend Emilia came over to hang out for a little bit.
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the-mushroom-faerie · 2 months
i figured out why we don't like pete - and its not just because he "gets in the way of our otp" or because shes settling or whatever ship reason
she flinches. when he yells at her, she flinches. this woman, lieutenant colonel Samantha Carter, has stared down goa'uld system lords. she's decked ba'al, spat in (i think) apophis' face, taken the entire sgc back from hathor with only 5 other women - and she flinches from some douchecop. shes scared to turn down his proposal. sam carter isnt scared of anything - except the man she supposedly loves. shes searching for reasons to break up with him and she only does when her dying father points out that he can tell shes not happy. thats why we dont like him.
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acaciapines · 2 months
rotating noelle around in my brain. i need the dess raises kris au to be real RIGHT NOW.
please talk to me about the dess raises kris au i think im gonna explode. also start writing it this summer maybe :3333
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ozymoron · 2 months
i dont think i actually like shipping for like normal shipping reasons im pretty sure i only like ships cause i like seeing boys kiss and girls kiss especially if what they have going on is fucked up and weird
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evilmagician430 · 8 months
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
still thinking about how my friend said my dad looked like a yakuza last night like 😭😭 ??
#snap chats#i was showing her a pic i took of him when i saw him last month and she was just like#'oh he looks like a yakuza guy' HUH ??? like he is as tall as a typical rgg chara and ik i joke bout my dad lookin like daigo--#NO BUT THEN I SHOW HER A PIC /OF/ DAIGO AND SHES LIKE 'i dont see it' ?????????? LIKE SURE MY DADS BALD BUT#THAT THE CLOSEST COMPARISON you mkae no sense girl#its so funny she thinks my life revolves around yakuza And It Does but its so funny when she tries to equate stuff to it#like that event i went to last night was an ornament painting one and she was like#'oh why dont you make a yakuza ornament :) like uhhh arakawa and uhhhh that other guy'#FIRST OFF SHE STILL DOESNT REMEMBER SAWASHRIOVELKRVEJ BUT ALSO WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN#i mean lowkey in retrospect i could have made an arakawa family ornament but not the point#the point is my life isnt JUST YAKUZA KAYLA SHUT UP ????? LOL#i appreciate it tho. shes trying. /would be great if we finished y7 one day/#on that note. can i share the absolute joy i felt last night#like i said her favorite streamer's name is joe but we were hanging with a friend who didnt know about This Joe Guy#and so when my friend started talking about him the other friend was earnestly just 'who's joe'#and i have never felt such joy in saying 'joe mama' I HAD BEEN WAITING MY ENTIRE LIFE FOR THAT MOMENT#ITS LIKE WHEN I GOT UPDOG TO WORK ON MY OLD FRIEND LIKE PLEAAASE I DONT CARE IF ITS A DUMB JOKE#IM DUMB AND I LOVE DUMB JOKES i was so happy. the purest joy i felt ever#ok bye i guess i should get ready for class
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barb-l · 1 year
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I love that Mitsumi just didn't let him get away with that. She's so self-assured and know what she deserves and I adore that about her. It makes so much sense for her character bcuz of the way she was raised and who raised her. As opposed to Shima who who grew up being such a people-pleaser... Not his own fault btw. It's a fucked up thing, and I sympathize with him, but Mitsumi was also in her right to call him out 😤
It's super interesting for Chieri to bear witness to all these tho. She's sorta Shima's female version, except she kinda... weaponizes her charm? Idk how to word it rn in a less sinister way, cuz I don't really mean it like that. But it's just really interesting.
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mbat · 9 months
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hey taleblr did i ever say that i made P.I.E. in the sims (also katrina because i latched hard onto a character that was mentioned like one time)
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busylilbee · 2 years
I just remembered that I once got called up to the office of the community theatre I volunteered at and got asked if my brother could sing at all and if my mom was available for the upcoming show.
Because my mom is East Asian and my brother and I are half. And they literally could not find any Asian people at all to fill the 3 Asian parts in the show.
#spoiler alert my brother could not do it#like he had the abilify to do it hut it was too stressful#so the 2 chinese boy roles were played by 2 at least partly hispanic kids#i think#i only knew one of them and idk his exact heritage but it definitely wasnt anywhere in asia lol#my mom did agree to do the mom part#she just had to run on stage at the end and call her 2 sons names and they ran happily to her#whats HILARIOUS is that we were going to be out of town for the last 3 shows#so not only did we have to find people to fill our backstage roles#but also the tall 20 something white costume designer filled my moms role as the chinese mother#yes the musical was thoroughly modern millie#i forget this happened and then remember and laugh#this is what happens when you need to fill ethnic roles in the american south i guess#i cant believe in our whole city they couldnt find a single asian boy to play one of those parts#maybe they just didnt ask around enough#bc 3 of my brothers friends were fully east asian or at least looked it#but to be fair that was not the norm#most asians in that city were indian or filipino#anyways this production was hilarious and when i remember how i got called up and strategically asked about my brothers abilities#i laugh#i was like#i mean yes he CAN sing and dance bc we were in a performing troupe in elementary school for a few years#but he is currently a deeply stressed and anxious teenager so#dont get your hopes up#personal#i miss that theatre though it was really fun
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bigmeandragonlady · 17 days
deep diving into my brain (and blog) and i think Rei was actually a forest nymph? but i have memories of making her do water stuff so i changed her? which im pretty sure was a late development
but it's been, again, 8 years so who knows
the obvious answer is to give her two versions
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fivefeetfangirl · 1 year
I need to make a destiel amv to thee swedish orgasm song
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darling-i-read-it · 11 months
Right Family, Wrong Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: toxic relationship !!!, age gap (legal ofc, reader is in her mid to late twenties), you dated draco and then lucius lol, insinuations to smut
Author’s Note: I DONT KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS. i think i like it and i went a slightly spookier/intense route but idkkkkkk. I love writing for lucius though so this was a fun little twist 
Requested: by @russian-soft-bitch, Hello love! I'm officially requesting that Lucius idea you had, I HAVE to read it 😤 Thank you and have a good day!
Summary: What started as a revenge plot against your ex boyfriend Draco ended up with you in Lucius Malfoy’s bed. 
Song: Back to Black by Amy Winehouse 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Lucius wrapped his hand around yours. You were sleeping soundly beside him, breathing evenly. Your expression was peaceful. Serene. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen you at such peace. You were always stomping around Malfoy Manor with such umph that he would’ve thought you ran the place if he didn’t. 
Your lips were parted ever so slightly. The same lips that had touched every part of him, the same lips that left marks on covered places, the same lips that whispered things to him that would never be said in the daylight. Your presence here was something he had never expected but something he granted with open arms. 
Narcissa had left him in the dust years ago. She was to raise Draco. There was no need that Lucius put himself into affairs that had nothing to do with him. Truthfully, Lucius had no real interest in raising Draco any longer. It was a project that continued to fail him. He was too much like his mother. 
Which meant he had Malfoy Manor to himself most of the time. The help walked around without making a sound. It was him in the large place and it was never lonely because now he had you. 
“Lucius,” you whispered. He hadn’t noticed your eyes open. You squinted at him for a moment and then your expression turned into a doe’s. Wide gaze, looking at him like he had all the control in the world. “You’re starring.” 
He raised his hand and brushed your face. 
“I’m admiring,” he promised. His voice was gravely. It wasn’t even light outside yet. It was still dark outside, the moon the only thing illuminating the crevices of the room. You nuzzled your head into the silk pillow. 
“Go to sleep,” you whispered. Your eyes shut again. He lost the doe look he had savored so dearly for a moment. He dragged his hand down your face to your chin, raising it. Your eyes opened again at the sudden movement. “Lucius…” 
He dipped his head down and kissed you. It was a hungry kiss, something to be relished. There was nothing like an extremely early morning with a Malfoy. You would know better than most. 
You gripped the back of his head, scrunching up his long white hair. You brought him to you so that you didn’t have to strain your neck kissing him. He was a much better kisser than his son. He was more attentive. He was cautious with his words, knowing the weight of them. 
For all of those reasons it was easy to slip from the youngest Malfoy boy to the eldest. It was easy to forget all of Draco’s vein promises when you had new ones being made by someone who would keep them. 
You opened your mouth, gasping at his cold touch. The icy night left the imprint of his hand on your cheek. He worshiped at your bare skin, making it a point to touch every inch of you as often as he could. 
There were no thoughts of Draco as he kissed down your stomach, moving lower with each deliberate kiss. 
There was a letter on the table. You opened it with a Malfoy letter opener. You knew that it was addressed to you before you even checked the name. Draco had always left you a special seal, one that dripped red as it dried. You wondered if he knew you were staying at the Manor or if your owl had brought it. 
You tossed the envelope back onto the table and sat down on top of it. Your black dress flowed nicely onto the ground, just barely touching the hardwood. Lucius had gotten it for you. 
Please answer my owls. I can’t speak to a wall any longer. 
It felt like a waste of paper. You tossed it aside. Draco had been an awful boyfriend, one that you grew up beside and all you had known. You had never understood what love was actually supposed to look like because Draco had promised you that he knew. 
He did not. 
You were doomed to him from the second he stared at you in the Great Hall. Slytherins were naturally tethered to one another, based on their shared personalities and pride. Draco had chosen you far too young. 
Now you were older. You had grown to be more mature. Draco hadn’t. He didn’t understand that it was truly as simple as that. Draco had hurt you. You recoiled. The relationship ended. 
“Your son sent me another letter.” Lucius walked from the kitchen to the dining room. The walls were clad with portraits of the Malfoys going back decades. The most recent was of Lucius, Narcissa and Draco. It was slightly tilted, as though someone had tried to take it down. 
“Are you going to answer it?” he asked, uninterested. 
“No.” He kissed your forehead as he passed. You watched him go to the head of the table. Dinner would be served soon. He had invited you to stay, though you likely would’ve stayed without any invitation. 
“Good girl,” he grumbled. 
What had started as a revenge plot against Draco had started to become a domestic relationship. The secret was thrilling. The only people that saw you were the help, who were sworn to silence. 
“I have to leave in the morning,” you said as you approached your seat. “Work is calling.”
“Work seems unnecessary,” he said curiously. “You could stay. I’ll give you an allowance.”
“I’m not your child. I can live my own life.” He leaned back in his seat. He had a hand wrapped around his staff as his eyes narrowed on you.
“Those statements have nothing to do with each other,” he observed. “Stay. Just a while longer. Live in his honeymoon, finally allow yourself to know what it’s like to be worshiped.” His words were alluring. “I have to go to Knockturn Alley tomorrow. You could come with me, get out of the manor if you insist on leaving.” 
You half smiled. You had never assumed Lucius to be the type to come up with other options to spend time together. You were so used to Draco who had endlessly forced you to follow him along like a lost pet and lose you in the corners like you were a joke. 
This whole thing was so cloudy. 
“I have been meaning to stop by the apothecary.” 
“It’s settled. You’ll come with me tomorrow.” He clicked his water glass with his fork. Someone brought food through the doors. You wondered what it was like to have so much power.
Knockturn Alley was permanently dark. At least, it seemed that way. The people rushing by never rose their faces and when they did they were indistinguishable. It was as though everyone had enchanted themselves to become mundane and unremarkable. Lucius had a hood over his head but made no attempt to hide his blonde hair. Your hood kept you shrouded, even as you walked closely beside him. He had a list of things he needed to get and you looked through the windows of the shops at things you had never studied before. 
Stores selling human fingers were of interest to Lucius. He let you go inside first as he pursued. You had never been inside a place like it before. It felt like a forbidden realm, something that was locked off to you because you had no reason to enter it. 
“Fingernails,” he muttered. “Do you see the fingernails dear?” 
You looked around, trying to stifle the reaction you had to being called dear in public. 
“Here,” you breathed. You raised your hand and he approached. “Aged,” you read from the small note card. “What do you use this for?” 
“Severus sent me a potion he’d been testing. I wanted to try it.” 
“What kind of potion?”
“An unnamed one,” he muttered. “Perhaps you could help me with it. Draco said you were rather good at potions.” You were reminded of the age difference suddenly but quickly brushed it aside. 
“I was the best in my class. Snape seemed to like me,” you said proudly. It was a fact you took pride in. Snape didn’t like just anyone. 
“I should’ve asked you to tutor Draco,” he muttered, grabbing what he needed off the shelf. 
“I tried. He was often distracted.” Lucius’s hand brushed your side as he walked past you. Like father, like son. 
You could feel prying eyes. You glanced around the dark shop that was illuminated only by floating candles. The shelves looked like people. You had to search to find anything actually moving. Your eyes landed on the sales clerk, another man who had been shrouded in a dark hood. You couldn't see his eyes but you could feel his gaze on you. You raised your chin, as though in defiance. Lucius didn’t seem to notice as he grabbed your hand and dragged you along to the next row of shelves. 
You avoided eye contact when Lucius checked out. 
You returned back to the Manor later that night. The sun was setting behind the peak of the house. It was like you were living your life shrouded in darkness nowadays and you couldn’t say you were complaining. It was slightly like you were constantly hidden from anything important. The door opened for Lucius. By the time it shut you couldn’t see who had been the culprit of moving it. 
Living in the house with Lucius was vastly different than living in the house with Draco. Draco knew the best hiding places but Lucius didn’t need them. You felt the most in control as you ever had. 
Lucius put down the bag of things onto the dining room counter as he walked into the room. Sitting in the chair at the other end of the room was a face you hadn’t expected to see, one that stopped you completely. 
Toying in Draco’s hand was the letter you had discarded. 
“You aren’t scheduled for a visit,” Lucius said. His voice was strong. There was no hint of weakness. You raised your chin to match his attitude. 
“This is why you haven’t been answering my letters?” Draco questioned, staring at you as though his father wasn’t there. “You found a different Malfoy to follow around like a lost puppy?” He sat forward, accusatory. 
“Draco,” Lucius snapped. You met the young Malfoy’s gaze with ice. 
“I haven’t been answering your letters because I have no interest in speaking with you.” Draco set his jaw, chewing on his cheek. Lucius took a deep breath. 
“This isn’t a ploy to make me jealous? To get me back?” he questioned but it felt more like he was stating a fact. 
“Why would I want you back?” you asked him. “Why would I beg for your forgiveness and your kindness when I know I can get it from someone I like far more?”
“My father?” 
“Yes Draco.” Draco stood up. He put his palms down on the table, leaning forward. He shook his head, a signature scowl on his face. 
“Were you plotting to steal the Malfoy money through different means because I tossed you aside like a piece of trash?”
“I wanted someone who would treat me like a woman and not like a charm to accompany his pride,” you seethed. 
“This is ridiculous. There’s no way you’re entertaining this father,” Draco said, his eyes now set on the older Malfoy. Your eyes followed his as well. Lucius had taken off his cloak and set it on a chair. He was acting completely unbothered by the conversation. 
“Draco, you’ve always been too much like your mother.” Lucius raised his chin. He eyed his son, knowing he would cower under the gaze. “If you intend on being a pest, I’ll have you escorted out of the manor.”
“You were a stupendous failure Draco,” Lucius said lowly. “You took something great and you botched it with continuous frustrations. There is no need to take out those frustrations on someone who salvaged the situation or the woman.” Draco’s jaw set. “Go back to your mother. Maybe she’ll teach you some manners.” 
Draco choked on whatever words he intended to say. He took the letter he had written to you and ripped it in half. He left it on the table, dramatically. He gave you a lingering angry look before walking past the both of you out the room. The manor was so large that he could return to his room and neither you nor Lucius would ever know. 
The tension in the room defused. 
“I’ll put away the things we got,” you said, grabbing the bag from him. You took a jar with you into the kitchen. He followed you. 
“Your son is impossible,” you muttered. There were no feelings resurfaced at seeing Draco again. You wondered how long you had been over that relationship, if it had been longer than you even remembered. 
“His mothers fault.” Lucius raised his hand and brushed your hair off your shoulder and onto your back. He leaned forward and kissed your neck. You let out a soft sigh. 
“You’re distracting me from the task at hand.”
“My fault,” he muttered against your skin. 
“You have no reserves?” you asked. You turned around to look at him. He had his hands on your sides in an instant. “Your son's ex-girlfriend in your bed every night?”
“Do you have reserves?” he questioned. You weren’t sure why you were even asking the question. Lucius had done some morally challenging things in his life. There was no way this was a concern of his. You found that realization quite freeing.
“No,” you said finally. You meant it. He nodded once, proud of himself. He traced your jaw with his finger. 
“Then I don’t see any issues.” You glanced at the door Draco had left. You knew he was likely still in the manor. You kissed Lucius like it was the last thing you would ever do. You didn't care if this was a relationship that would fizzle out, all you knew in the moment was that you wanted to kiss him. You devoured his lips, holding his head so he was as close as you could get him. 
Everything else felt like an afterthought to him. It occurred to you that in the past you had had the right family, but the wrong Malfoy. He hoisted you onto the counter, pushing aside everything you had gotten from Knockturn. 
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softlysunrays · 2 months
━━ for the first time
pairing : ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings : used of yn & she/her prns for r (sorry), ASS WRITING & ENDING EUWEUWUEWUEW, not proofhead & i also write this at 3 am till 5 am lol, i have another vision in my mind but i js couldnt write what i have in mind..... so bear w me
dividers : @idontgetanysleep
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It's been years since both you and Ellie broke up, it was her decision. 
The two of you were still young and naive, you two were fourteen and Ellie had to go. 
"I guess this is it," said Ellie as she fidgeted with her fingers. 
"Don't say it like that, who knows we can see each other again in the future" you tried to say excitedly, but deep down you knew this might be it. 
This might be the last time you two see each other.
But you have hope that she won't be gone forever. 
Your eyes start to get blurry because of the tears well up in your eyes and Ellie pulled you in for a hug, that didn't last long.
You remembered the warm embrace of Ellie's hug. You had felt like you wouldn't let go and were hesitant to let go herself. Ellie looked at you for the last time, she remembered thinking how beautiful you were at that moment. 
You let your hair down and you wore that ugly sweater of hers, that she had given you before.
But that was a few years ago, now you're twenty-four and alone in Jackson. 
You went to Jackson a year after Ellie left Jackson to live somewhere else for peace. You worked as a teacher during the day and would help heal and clean the wounds at night. 
Everybody adores you. 
Why wouldn't they? You are you. 
It was a cold, dark and windy night yet it was filled with waves of laughter and joy by the residents of Jackson. 
There was a party that night, everyone was enjoying themselves and welcoming the new people but somehow a pair of green eyes caught your attention. 
Could that be her? You thought to yourself.
You shook your head to get the thought of your head but it didn't work like that so you insisted on another drink and a night walk to get a breather from all of these overwhelming feelings. 
"YN!" Maria yelled out your name while she gave you a big smile. 
"Come here! I want you to meet someone" she continued saying. 
You smile at her as you take the drink from the bartender guy and walk towards her. 
As you walk towards her, you swear you've seen that girl before but where could it be?
"YN, this is Ellie. Ellie, this YN" Maria exclaimed. 
"Hey, uh I'm Ellie," she said nervously as she stuck out her hand for you to shake it.
"Hi, as you know, I'm YN" you shyly smiled at her and shook her hand. 
She smiles at you back.
"YN, she used to live here back when she was probably 15? or 14?" explained Maria.
"I'm so glad that you're back, Ellie" Maria gave a pat on Ellie's back. 
"Oh, and YN, I hope you don't mind that she's living with you now" she informed you with apologetic eyes. 
"Oh, it's fine I'm dying to have a roommate anyway," you said jokingly.
"Come, I'll show you the way to our home" you lead the way. 
Home, home, home.
Ellie craved that, home.
As you two walked out of the bar, you looked at the sky. It was dark and cloudy and somehow you could see the moon glistening, hanging from the sky.
Ellie noticed you were shivering and she looked at what you were wearing.
You noticed Ellie eyeing your sweater - the one she once gave you years ago
"So... What was the occasion for the party?" Ellie asked as she looked at you. 
"Oh, it was not much really, just welcoming the new people which by the way, welcome back" you answered her. 
Ellie let out a faint 'oh, thanks' and you two walked in silence until she just couldn't help but blurted out how familiar you were, to which you replied "Do I, now?" to her with a playful tone.
"Yeah, she was my first love and the most beautiful girl I had ever seen" Ellie confessed and you just stood there and listened to her.
"Tell me more about it, if you want of course" you softly said to her.
"You know, I used to have the exact same sweater as yours but she liked it so much that I just let her have it and also, because, I want her to remember me."
"I want her to remember that I was in her life, at some point." Ellie continued.
"And what if I told you that she remembered you, all too well?" you questioned her.
Ellie was shocked, you could see it in her eyes when all the dots were finally together.
You are her, the girl she thought was the most beautiful.
You're her first love.
And you are here, with her.
With Ellie. 
And you are still as beautiful as she saw you for the last time.
"It's so weird seeing you wearing that sweater. It's like seeing you wearing it for the first time, again." Ellie murmured. 
As Ellie spoke, you felt your heart skip a beat. You try not to look at her to hide the blush that creeps up on your cheek and chuckle, "I love wearing it because it reminds me of you, and all the fun times we had together and also it keeps me warm".
"Did it? You were shivering" Ellie let out a laugh.
"Maybe you should give me a hug to warm me up," you said smugly.
"Maybe I should" Ellie smirked as she pulled you by your belt loops with her index finger before pulling you in for a hug. 
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that neil is a zionist and therefore dont buy his games, doesnt matter remastered or not !!!
before you leave, have you DONATE TO PALESTINE today? ITS FREE TOO !!
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drvscarlett · 2 months
Sweet Nothings (1)
Carlos Sainz x pageant queen! reader
Summary: All that they ever wanted was sweet nothings but everything changed like midnight rain? Who knows.
Sweet Nothings: 1, 2, 3. 4
A/N: Idea hits me because I remember how AD 2021 was at the same time as Miss Universe 2021. Its supposed to be a one shot but then there was a limit for the photos lol so stay tune for pt2
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YNjpeg (2016)
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Y/Njpeg me being so excited about my first grand prix while carlos is sitting and getting his hair done lol
CarlosSainz55 have to look good when you are the most beautiful woman in the universe
YNjpeg stoppppppp, you're making me blush CarlosSainz55 its the truth
User5 is this how he gets his hair so good after the race?
Y/Njpeg i think so, its a very long process
User6 Y/N you have been so excited and so nice. Hope to see you in more GPs.
User7 i met her too, she was so nice to talk to! User8 oh to be in a grand prix and meet her
User10 she isn't even that pretty
User11 i bet they won't last long User12 get a life!!
Maxverstappen1 is this why he is late to our meeting?
CarlosSainz55 get off her instagram and leave us alone Maxverstappen1 Y/N, he is fighting me again YNjpeg boys please play nice CarlosSainz55 i love you mi amorr YNjpeg love you moreeeeeee Maxverstappen1 cmon even on instagram???
CarlosSainz55 (2017)
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CarlosSainz55 a day off and mi amor joined me!!
YNjpeg always the happiest when he is on his vroom vroom
CarlosSainz55 incorrect. always happiest when im with you YNjpeg really?? you are so sweet
User6 even during his day offs, carlos still goes karting
User7 carlos looks so happy thereeee
User8 is carlos competitive when karting?
YNjpeg yes he is. bro thinks he is in f1 User8 omg lol HAHAHHAHAA
CarlosSainz55 (2018)
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CarlosSainz55 Race day shot. Photo taken by the most beautiful girl in the universe
YNjpeg will always be rooting for you!
CarlosSainz55 i love you User16 lord i want what they have
User7 Vamos Carlos!!
User11 Goodluck for todays race Carlos!!
User19 look at his eyes, he is so in love with the photographer
CarlosSainz55 its because Y/N is my photographer User2 LOOK AT CARLOS BEING SO WHIPPEDT
CarlosSainz55 (2019)
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CarlosSainz55 recharging the batteries with the most beautiful girl in the universe
YNjpeg who is that extremely handsome man?
CarlosSainz55 your boyfriend YNjpeg am so luckyyy
User10 the visuals in this photo
User11 they look so good together!!!
User12 i dont know if i wanna be them or date them
User15 same
YNjpeg (2019)
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YNjpeg where the sky meets the sea
User27 its just a silhouette but why is it prettier than me?
YNjpeg don't say that, you are beautiful sunshine User5 Y/N has always been the sweetest wag ever
User6 enjoy your vacation Y/N
YNjpeg thank you!!
LandoNorris wow no photo credit??? YNjpeg stop stealing my boyfriend first LandoNorris excuse you, that's my husband
User8 I hope Carlos and Y/N stays together forever
User9 right?? they are such a power couple
CarlosSainz55 (2020)
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CarlosSainz55 its day 14 of lockdown and i found some old treasures
YNjpeg wait, where did you get that photo of me???
User7 just imagine if they have kids in the future
User8 the genes of the kids User9 omg i can imagine them as parents
LandoNorris mate please make children already
CarlosSainz55 you muppet, it doesn't work like that LandoNorris cmon im gonna be the best uncle CarlosSainz55 i highly doubt that LandoNorris RUDE!
CarlosSainz55 (2021)
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CarlosSainz55 attending the first party with Ferrari and I have the most beautiful woman in the universe
User6 ohmygod!!!!! the looks
User9 name a more stunning couple than Y/N and Carlos
User10 its so fun to see that Y/N has been with Carlos during his Toro Rosso days till Ferrari
User11 we love a supportive couple User12 i hope they stay strong
User13 break up with her, she isn't even that pretty
User14 thank god someone finally said it. she just has too much make up on User16 can you both shut up. your opinions are irrelevant
YNjpeg (2021)
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YNjpeg i can't believe that it's finally me and you, and you and me
Just us, and your friend Steve #ForeverThirdWheel
LandoNorris Know your place
YNjpeg sidechick Charles_Leclerc fight him Y/N
CarlosSainz55 you know that you are my only one
YNjpeg see that LandoNorris ??? LandoNorris what about us?? what about everything we've been through
User5 Carlos and Lando's friendship is so wholesome
User6 no matter what team they are in, they are friends
User7 loving the banter between Y/N and Lando
User9 Y/N realizing in 2019 that her biggest competition is not Carlos' fangirls but rather Lando Norris User8 its so entertaining hahaha
YNjpeg (2022)
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YNjpeg homebodys for date night
User6 gorgeous couple!!
User7 anyone noticing how Carlos seems serious?
User8 Y/N is all smiley and Carlos is also serious, is something happening User9 would you just chill out??
CarlosSainz55 the most beautiful girl in the universe
User10 we can all calm down, Carlos commented!
User55 if they break up, i will literally cry
CarlosSainz55 (2023)
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CarlosSainz55 you will always be the prettiest girl in the whole universe, I'll miss you.
LandoNorris so dramaticcc
YNjpeg not my fault, you aren't a romantic LandoNorris he is mine first YNjpeg he has been mine since 2016 beat that! LandoNorris you suck
YNjpeg i love you. always grateful to have you around mi amor
CarlosSainz55 i'll always be here just like you have been with me YNjpeg am currently running to hug you
User7 I made the mistake of looking at the comments
User8 It feels like a good day to lie down in a highway
User9 same girl
User15 why are they being so cryptic?? where is she going???
User16 i dont wanna say it but they may be breaking up User17 breaking up?? they have been together for years User18 maybe they are getting tired of each other
F1Gossips just posted a photo.
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F1Gossips we cant help but notice the absence of Carlos Sainz's long term girlfriend Y/N in the paddock for the past few grand prix. Source says that Y/N has not been spotted after she attended the Suzuka GP 2023. Is this the end of the couple?
User1 Say sike right now.
User2 Its april fools,don't believe anything that they are saying
User3 honey its already april 2
User4 I fear that we have come to an end.
User5 No,this is cant be. How can you drop an 8 year relationship like that???
User6 Right? Im not believing anything till they say something. User21 Don't you realize that they don't have any responsibility to say anything to us about their private life, jeez.
User7 poor carlos,losing his trainer then losing his seat and now losing his girlfriend??? man has a hard year
User8 I never liked her anyway
User9 right??? she gives weird vibes User10 just say you are jealous of her and go
Y/Njpeg just posted a photo
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YNjpeg This year is a period of growth and change. Its difficult but I think I like her a lot better.
User2 Mom what is this cryptic posts???
User4 Im not ready for them
User5 You look beautiful Y/N
LandoNorris i miss you!!
YNjpeg miss you more muppet. Eat your fish! LandoNorris I don't miss you that much
User7 She is glowing and stunning!!! Is this the post-break up effect?
User8 Can we just be happy how happy she looks???
User9 Man, she fumbled real bad
User10 yeaah like how can you break up with Carlos? User11 ohmygod you two are delusional.
ChiliUpdates just posted a photo.
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Liked by YNjpeg and 678,900 others
ChiliUpdates Carlos Sainz is having a brilliant year with weekly podiums and race wins. He is now closing the gap to Verstappen by 4 points. Carlos WDC 2024???
User4 carlos driving like a man without a seat
User5 girl he literally has no seat for 2025 User4 oh my bad. i forgot!!1 this was supposed to be a joke
User6 im so proud of carlos,he deserves this
User7 but you know what I miss seeing Y/N's face when Carlos wins. He would always wink at her and point at her when he is up there.
User8 we are a child of divorce User9 and the fact that Y/N is in the likes User10 heartbroken so many times
User11 carlos is really challenging max this year
User12 agree,its been more and more exciting. User88 Im so glad Ferrari and McLaren are finally catching up on that rocketship of Max User24 RIGHT?? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT
User13 I hope Sainz wins this year.
PageantQueens just posted a photo
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PageantQueens Presenting the candidate of the Philippines, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. What do you think about her?
User2 she is gorgeous!!!
User45 not only gorgeous, her interviews made her sound eloquent User28 yes QUEEN!!!
User3 im from netherlands but miss philippines is my queen
User4 crown her already
User6 wait hold up that's Y/N as in Carlos' Y/N
User11 okay i just remembered how Carlos used to call her the prettiest girl in the universe, he manifested this
User36 what??? User84 and now its not only carlos calling her the prettiest girl in the universe but everyone User44 please dont make me cry rn
326 notes · View notes
girasollake · 1 year
˚♡ ⋆two of cupsੈ♡˳
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pairing: neteyam x fem!mangkwan!reader
!disclaimer! there is pretty much nothing we know about this clan but since i saw they are like ‚spiritual masters’ or something i thought i would use their name because it fits the story!
requested: no
type: angst/fluff
summary: (i am so bad at writing these) the reader is part of the clan you mostly hear about in legends, they are spiritually connected to eywa, more than any other tribe. she has to run away after the sky people destroyed her village and she meets a boy. his energy calls to her and she doesnt know why. both of them are children of clan leaders and both of them need to find a mate due to their age (both are around 18-20), they feel the pull towards each other and dont know that their fate was already written in the stars (its me, im the stars)
warnings: death of a loved one, injuries, mentions of blood and wounds, breakdown, grief, a happy ending
a/n: i hope you guys will like this one because i came up with the whole clan for the sake of the story lmao, but even if you wont like it i still hope you enjoy reading it!// gif is from pinterest, all credits to the owner!
word count: 5,818 
[there may be some errors, because i’m too lazy to check it lol]
╰┈➤ a little glossary:
*Faysawtute! Wiya! - These sky people! Dammit!
** Oel ngati kameie, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik - I see you, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik
***evi - kid(in an affecionate way kinda)
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You weren’t sure how you ended up in that place. The last thing you remember is running away from the sky people who had somehow found your village, the screams of your people started echoing in your brain. You sat up and analyzed your surroundings carefully - the forest around you was vast and mysterious, you have never went into this part of Pandora before. You needed to find your friends, your parents, your ikran, but the only things you could see were trees and bioluminescent plants. A hiss escaped your lips when you stood up, blood was running down your leg and you noticed a big wound it was coming out of, a stab wound. All of this wasn’t unfamiliar, you have fought against the sky people before, but this time they were hungrier for blood than ever, targeting your tribe and searching for you. Your clan had knowledge others didn’t, your people had a special connection to Eywa which presented itself in the fact that your hair was white. You were hiding in the shadows, often migrating and avoiding direct contacts with others, to other tribes yours was just a legend. You almost never engaged, only when it was necessary, and even though you should have gotten rid of the strange enemies from the other planet – your father decided to keep moving and put the fighting behind you. You didn’t blame him, there has been enough bloodshed and there were only 87 of you left, well, now probably less than that.
‘Faysawtute! Wiya!*’ You cursed and pressed on your wound as you walked over to the nearest plant with long leaves.
You tore one of them out of the plant and used it as a bandage, as well as some small vines you found nearby. A faint sound of an animal could be heard in the distance and you were thankful you still had your bow and arrows; your knife however was nowhere in sight. You sat down on the ground, closed your eyes and pressed your palm to the ground, you needed to feel her so that she could lead you to one of the sacred places. A few deep breaths calmed your body down and you opened your eyes rapidly, your ears going down – you felt her. After standing up you started following your gut, you had learned to trust it as much as possible. You tried to stay focused on the energy flowing through your body as well as the one flowing through the forest, but those beautiful plants had caught your eye way too many times for your liking, causing you to lose that focus.  With each step you felt weaker and even more tired, the journey was taking too long, you felt as if you had been walking for eternity. The sun started showing up, soft light reflected in your sleepy eyes and something in the horizon suddenly caught your attention, you stopped in your tracks. A big tree, with white long vines and a strong aura you could see from far away - the source of power. You smiled to yourself and resumed your walk, you couldn’t give up now, she would heal you at last. When you finally reached the tree, you collapsed at the bottom of its trunk. Your hands took one of the vines and connected it to your queue making a tsaheylu. Your pupils dilated as the purest energy of all flowed slowly through your weak body. Next thing you remember was darkness.
A sound of flapping wings caused you to open your eyes. You quickly disconnected from the tree and ran behind one of the larger roots to hide. As you were putting one of your arrows on the bow you heard the stranger approaching you. You stood up and pointed your weapon at them, but this wasn’t an enemy - it was a young Na’vi boy, probably close to your age. His bow was also ready to fire an arrow at you and you could tell he was confused too, because his eyes were scanning your body in a rapid pace. When you finally locked eyes, you lowered your weapon. However, he was still holding his up, cautious of you and your actions. But you knew better, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you; it was visible in his eyes that he was not a killer.
‘Who are you?’ He finally asked. ‘Are you an avatar?’
You tilted your head, confused about the new word he used, ‘What’s an avatar?’
He lowered his bow and hung it on his body, ‘Come.’
You didn’t move.
‘You’re Omaticaya, right?’ A question left your lips.
He nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it just as quickly.
‘What’s your name, boy?’
He grimaced at the last word, ‘Neteyam.’
‘(y/n)’ You replied.
For a moment you were standing there in silence, contemplating if you should ask for help. After all, you had nowhere to go to.
‘What are you doing here?’ He asked suddenly and stepped closer, which made you take a step back.
‘I got lost.’ You sighed. ‘The sky people found my village and the last thing I can remember is running away.’ You looked up at the tree. ‘I woke up in the forest and followed Eywa’s energy to find one of the sacred places to heal myself.’
‘Heal?’ He tilted his head in confusion once again.
You nodded, ‘I need your help.’ This time it was you who stepped closer. ‘I have to find my parents.’
He nodded, ‘I’ll take you to my grandmother, she’s Tsahik.’
Your ears perked up as you started following him to his ikran, ‘Who is the Olo’eyktan in your clan? Your grandfather?’
‘No, he died before I was born.’ He got on his ikran and offered you his hand. ‘My father is the leader.’
‘Hm.’ You quietly said and wrapped your arms around his chest gently.
You started wondering if you should tell him that you have that in common – being future clan leaders, that is. You knew the pressure, the responsibilities, the expectations and you could talk to him about that, but you wanted to keep that a secret for just a little longer. You could feel his strong energy, there was a certain feeling of calmness radiating from him and you swore it called to you. You have just met him, but he felt like an old friend, someone you never forget.
The ride was pleasant, you were curiously looking around and admiring the view. You thought he would take you to his home, somewhere in the forest, because after all the Omaticaya were a forest clan. It was surprising to say the least, when you landed inside a huge cave in one of the mountains.
‘I thought you were supposed to be tree people?’ You furrowed your eyebrows as you were looking around the village.
Neteyam helped you get down from the animal and softly laughed, ‘We are, but our home was destroyed.’ He looked down. ‘I never got to see it.’
You rested your hand on his arm and rubbed it softly, ‘I’m sorry, Neteyam. I am sure it was very beautiful.’
He sent you a soft smile which you reciprocated. Your eyes were locked with his, but he broke the eye contact due to something or rather someone coming from behind you. You turned around, a man was slowly approaching you, an elderly woman following after him.
‘That is father and grandmother.’ Neteyam stated from behind you.
‘Oel ngati kameie, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik.**’ You made the proper gesture and felt their tough gaze on you.
They greeted you in the same way and then looked at Neteyam. You knew exactly why they were confused just like he had been. It was because of your hair.
‘I come from the Mangkwan People.’ You announced in order to avoid unnecessary questions.
The Tsahik walked over to you and inspected your whole body, especially one part of it.
‘It’s been a while since I saw one of you.’ She said calmly. ‘Where is the rest of your clan?’
‘I don’t know.’ You sighed. ‘That’s why I’m here, I need to find them and I need help.’
She looked at Neteyam’s father who gave her a firm nod.
‘You can stay with us child.’ She informed you. ‘What are you called?’
‘(y/n) te Magte Leta’ite.’ You whispered your full name and the woman gasped softly, but didn’t say anything.
Neteyam exchanged a look with his father, both uncertain about the Tsahik’s reaction. The Olo’eyktan made a gesture towards his son to come closer and he whispered something into his ear. The young heir nodded and turned his attention to you.
‘Come, I’ll show you around.’
After a brief walk through the village, which mostly consisted of you trying not to pay attention to the people whispering as you walked by, you arrived at what you figured would be Neteyam’s home.
‘This is where we sleep. There is not a lot of space but I can give you my own area if you want to rest, I’ll just share with my brother.’
‘Oh, no, it’s okay. I can sleep on the floor, I don’t mind it.’ You chuckled. ‘No, but really, you don’t have to give up your space for me, I’ll be good with anything.’
He smiled at you and his eyes followed your movements as you were admiring the inside.
‘Forgive me for staring at you so much before.’ You turned around to face him. ‘I’ve heard legends about your clan and I was surprised that..’
‘I’m real?’ You softly laughed. ‘It’s okay, I know you don’t see people like me every day.’ Your happy expression faded away.
‘What’s wrong?’ He approached you.
You sat down without looking at him and he did the same, ‘There isn’t many of us left.’ You turned your head to look into his eyes. ‘That’s why you don’t see us often. We always run away, hide in the shadows, we don’t engage in anything… I’m sure your grandmother remembers the times when my clan would happily help others when in need, but times have changed. All I know how to do is run away.’
‘You don’t have to do that anymore, I’m sure your clan would be welcome here. To stay with us.’
You lifted one corner of your mouth, ‘Thanks, tree boy.’
‘Who is that, brother?’ Your focus shifted from the boy sitting next to you to the girls standing in the entrance.
‘(y/n).’ You answered before he could open his mouth. ‘May I know your names?’
‘I’m Kiri and this is Tuk.’ She replied and looked down at the smaller girl hiding behind her leg.
‘Come here, I don’t bite.’ You smiled at them.
They carefully came closer and sat in front of you. Their reaction was similar to everybody else, their eyes weren’t looking into yours, but above. You curiously looked Kiri up and down, there was something in this girl you couldn’t quite put into words, a powerful energy illuminated from her body.
‘Dad wanted to talk to you.’ She said to Neteyam.
‘Oh, okay.’ He quickly stood up. ‘I’ll be right back, treat her nicely, she’s our guest.’
He left their home, your gaze followed him as he got lost in the sea of other Omaticaya people. Meanwhile, Tuk was still taking in your strange looks, a confused frown was on her face.
‘You want to touch it?’ You asked her and she nodded eagerly.
She crawled closer to you and started playing with your hair, ‘It looks like it glows! Does it glow in the dark?’
‘Sometimes.’ You replied with a funny expression on your face.
‘Can you show me? Please!’
‘Maybe one day, okay?’ She nodded in reply.
‘Do you need someone to patch you up?’ Kiri asked.
‘Sorry, what?’ You gave her a confused reply to which she gave a nod towards your bandaged thigh. ‘Oh! I forgot about that. It’s okay, it’s fully healed.’
‘How do you know?’
‘Because Eywa healed me.’ You replied while taking off the leaves and vines, Tuk was still playing with your hair.
‘What?’ Her ears perked up and she sat up straighter. ‘What do you mean by that?’
‘When I connect to the source, such as your big sacred tree, I can transfer Eywa’s power into my body to heal myself.’ You explained like it was nothing. ‘See? All good.’ You showed her your thigh which  now only had a small, faint scar in the place you were stabbed.
You looked up to see her puzzled expression and it took everything in you to not laugh.
‘You need to teach me how to do it.’ She finally whispered.
‘I can try, but it’s a difficult craft. It requires patience, meditation, and strength, spiritual strength. My people start training the moment they connect with Eywa for the first time and it takes years to master it.’ You told her. ‘But I feel that you have all that is needed. I’ll teach you when the time comes.’
‘Really?’ She covered her mouth in shock. ‘Thank you!’
‘It’s nothing.’ You smiled and looked over at Tuk. ‘Are you having fun?’
‘Mhm!’ She exclaimed. ‘Can I braid some of it?’
‘Of course.’ Her smile warmed up your heart.
It’s been a while since you sat down and had your hair done by anyone, so why not let the little kid do it? You shifted your gaze to look outside and saw Neteyam talking to a girl. A light clench could be felt in your heart, why was your body doing that?
‘Is that your brother’s mate?’ You asked and gave a nod towards them.
Kiri turned around to see who you were referring to, ‘He hasn’t chosen yet. Mother is expecting him to do that soon but he keeps postponing it, he says he has to be sure.’ She explained and you felt a relief inside. ‘And that is Nelao, mother thinks she would be the perfect Tsahik, but I disagree.’
‘Why?’ Your curiosity won. ‘She looks nice.’
‘She does, but I just don’t feel like she’s the right fit for my brother.’ She murmured. ‘Nelao overheard my mother talking about her being the new Tsahik. Because of that she’s so certain he will chose her that she doesn’t even leave his side.’
‘You would be a better Tsahik, (y/n).’ Tuk peeped in.
You tilted your head and giggled, ‘I would be, indeed.’ You paused. ‘And I will. Perks of being the daughter of the clan leaders.’
‘Your parents are Tsahik and Olo’eyktan?’ Kiri gasped. ‘Why didn’t you say it before?!’
‘I like being secretive.’ You smiled. ‘Revealing too much information at once isn’t a good idea, trust me.’
‘You can be our Tsahik if you want to.’ Tuk added.
‘Tuk! You can’t say things like that!’ Kiri scolded her sister.
‘Why not?’
‘Well, for once, she may already have someone betrothed to her.’ Kiri explained and turned her attention to you. ‘Do you have someone promised to you?’
You shook your head, ‘No.’
You wanted to add more, but you bit your tongue. Your parents have shown you a few young men to marry, but none of them felt right. You had to feel it inside and you couldn’t choose just because they expected that, it was your decision after all. And it’s not like you didn’t try, you hung out with some of them, talked with them, laughed with them, and yet none of them matched your energy in a way you longed for.
‘See? She can be our Tsahik.’ The little girl muttered and Kiri just rolled her eyes.
‘I’m sorry for my sister.’
‘It’s okay.’ You giggled. ‘Don’t be sorry for her, be grateful that she’s here to make your day more interesting.’
She smiled at you, ‘She sure is.’
‘All done! Do you like it?’ Tuk asked and showed you a few braids she had done.
‘They are perfect! Thank you ‘evi.***’ You gave her a quick hug to show your gratitude.
‘Kiri can you show me where you clean yourselves? I think I need to wash away the dirt.’ You turned to the older sister.
‘Oh my, of course! I’m sorry I should have asked you if you needed anything! Can I offer you some new clothes?’
‘If you’d be so kind.’ You smiled.
The three of you got up and you followed them hastily. On your way out you locked eyes with Neteyam who was still talking to Nelao, he shot you a quick smirk which made you look down and break the eye contact.
After changing and cleaning yourself up you sat down on the edge of the cave. You were taking in the view unfolding in front of your eyes.
‘Where are you mom?’ You whispered and felt someone approach you from behind.
‘We have not had a chance to meet. My name is Neytiri, I am Neteyam’s mother.’ The beautiful woman spoke up.
‘(y/n).’ You smiled and bowed your head to greet her.
‘Can I join you?’ You nodded in approval.
She sat down next to you, ‘Beautiful, isn’t it?’
‘Yes, it’s extraordinary. I love looking at Pandora from above.’ You replied.
‘You have your own ikran?’
‘Yes, but I don’t know where she is. I was hoping to go search for her in the morning with Neteyam if that’s possible?’ You asked and quickly looked down. ‘Or any warrior for that matter, it doesn’t have to be him.’
Neytiri smiled sweetly, ‘I’m sure he would love to help you.’
You shyly raised your head and while looking into her eyes reciprocated the smile. For a moment both of you were sitting there quietly, enjoying the darkness with some glowing plants in the distance. Your ears perked up when you remembered a strange word Neteyam had said to you before.
‘What’s an avatar?’ You asked your companion out of the blue.
She looked at you confused, ‘You don’t know?’
‘No, I am not familiar with that word.’ You answered. ‘Neteyam asked me if I was one and I didn’t know what it meant.’
Neytiri roughly explained to you the concept of the word, she also used the term dream walkers. You also found out that her husband was an avatar before, which surprised you, it’s weird you haven’t noticed his additional fingers.
‘Your husband has a strong spirit, strong heart. I could feel it.’
‘He does.’ She whispered. ‘It’s late, we should head inside.’
You nodded and stood up to follow the woman inside their family home.
When you woke up there was nobody in the tent with you. While you were stretching a big yawn escaped your lips. There was some water left next to you in a small pot, you picked it up and took a few big sips. You wiped your mouth and stood up to go outside and search for any of the familiar faces. You approached Neteyam who was giving some food to his ikran.
‘Hi, did you sleep well?’ He looked at you.
‘Um, yeah, it was a good night.’ You mumbled. ‘Are you going to help me today? With finding my ikran and my people?’
‘Oh! Yes, right, I have this thing here for you.’ He pulled out some sort of device. ‘This goes around your neck and this into your ear. Those are comms we use for communicating. ‘He pointed to the one he was wearing. ‘I’ll show you how they work.’
He installed everything on you and explained step by step to you how to use it. The whole time you tried to stay composed and steady, but his fingers brushing your skin were not helping. After that you both got on his ikran, the first place you wanted to check was the one you woke up at and that’s where you navigated him. You were using your memory and it was hard doing it from above since you were inside the forest while looking for a way out. Neteyam was patient with you, he landed a few times in the wrong places because you thought each could be the right one, thankfully one of them was. You got off the ikran and immediately noticed your blood on the grass. It was faint but because of daylight you could see the trail you were running through that night. You followed the blood with Neteyam by your side.
‘Mom! Dad!’ You shouted into the forest but received no response.
Suddenly a faint ikran roar erupted through the trees. Your ears perked up and you quickly ran towards the sound while making noises to lure in the animal.
‘Wait for me!’ You heard the man shout behind you, but you didn’t stop.
Soon you noticed something blue moving between two trees and you slowly approached it.
‘Ra’ia.’ You whispered and came closer to your ikran.
You noticed she was covered with a net and that was the thing disallowing her to move. You spotted your knife next to her and grabbed it to free the animal. Now everything made sense, they must’ve shot that net at you which caused both of you to fall down, you somehow freed yourself and dropped your knife while running away.
‘I’m sorry I left you Ra’ia.’ You whispered while you were hugging her neck and stroking her skin with one of your hands. ‘Thank you Great Mother for keeping her safe.’
‘Is that your ikran?’ You heard Neteyam’s voice.
‘Yes.’ You nodded. ‘Her name is Ra’ia.’
‘It’s suits her.’
‘Thanks.’ You chuckled. ‘We should check my village now.’
He gave you a nod and started calling for his own animal.
The place was a mess. Your started to feel heavy when you noticed limp bodies of your people laying on the ground. You took a deep breath and wiped away the tears already falling down from your eyes. With each person you examined you felt your heart break even more. However it broke down completely when you noticed your father’s  broken bow, his hand wrapped around the weapon. You swallowed a big lump and took cautious steps towards him.
This can’t be real. He’s okay, he has to be okay.
‘Dad?’ You whispered when you finally reached his side you moved his body, he didn’t move. ‘Dad, come on.’ You cried. ‘Wake up! You can’t do this to me!’ You shouted and started shaking his body.
A pair of arms wrapped around you and started pulling you away.
‘No!’ You shouted. ‘NO!’
Neteyam embraced you in a hug which you were trying to break out of, ‘Let me go! He’s okay! We have to get him help!’
‘I’m sorry, (y/n).’He whispered and held you tighter. ‘There is nothing we can do for him, we need to go.’
You were crying your eyes out, your screams were stopping in your throat along with the tears you were choking on. You don’t know how long Neteyam was trying to calm you down, it could’ve been 20 minutes or 3 hours, you had no idea. His palm was stroking your hair and his chest was wet from your tears, but it was working, he finally managed to help you steady your breath and stop crying.
‘Can you help me bury him?’ You looked up at him with glossy eyes. ‘Please, Neteyam.’
‘Of course.’ He replied and kissed the top of your head gently.
There was a sacred place, a small tree close to your village where you would bury the dead. Neteyam helped you carry your father’s body there, you whispered a quick prayer to him and to Eywa. You connected your queue to the sacred tree and experienced a vision. Instead of seeing your father you saw your mother in some kind of metal home, perhaps a capsule? It was strange and covered in various plants. You gasped and collapsed right into Neteyam’s arms. You looked at him and explained where you think your mother may be.
He widened his eyes, ‘I think I know where that is.’
‘Mom?’ You called out. ‘Mom are you there!?’
You moved closer to the entrance of the shack and looked through the broken window. Your mother was nowhere in sight.
‘She’s not inside, do you know if there is anywhere she could-‘
‘(y/n)?’ You heard your mother’s voice coming from the bushes.
You moved closer to the sound, ‘Mom? Yes, yes mom, it’s me.’
Her fragile silhouette emerged from the plants and she instantly collapsed into your arms, crying.
‘Your father..‘ She cried. ‘He..’
‘I know, ma, I know…’ You started caressing her tangled hair. ‘It’s going to be okay, ma.’
‘You need to find someone to lead the clan, you need to find a mate, daughter. We have to find the others as soon as we can, it is the only way.’ She explained and looked up to rest her sad eyes on Neteyam. ‘Who’s that?’
‘That’s my friend. We’re going to take you to a safe place.’ You explained. ‘The Omaticaya will take care of you, of us.’
‘No, no, we can’t. They are going to be hunting us. They know what we can do and they don’t like it.’ She stammered.
‘They are hunting my people too.’ Neteyam finally spoke up. ‘I can’t guarantee you will be safe in our hideout, but going there is the best thing I can offer you right now.’
‘We have to go, ma.’ You helped her stand up. ‘It’s okay, come on.’
The flight to the Omaticaya camp was peaceful, with no surprises from the enemy, but you felt your mother’s broken energy the whole time and it was draining you. You felt her pain, it was mixing with yours and creating a dreadful combination. There was also her unwillingness to go with you so she complained for most of the ride. When you finally arrived you were greeted by Mo’at, who immediately recognised your mother. She took her away from everyone and they both disappeared in her tent. You sighed and turned around to face Neteyam.
‘Thank you.’ You said. ‘For helping me. With finding my mother, Ra’ia and my..’ You paused, tears were starting to form in your eyes.
‘Hey, hey, you don’t have to thank me for this.’ He took your hand into his, caressing your knuckles softly with his fingers. ‘I’ll help you anytime you need me.’
You smiled up at him, ‘Do you-‘
‘Neteyam!’ A voice called out which made him drop your hand. ‘Is that this new friend of yours everyone is talking about? My name is Nelao.’
She grabbed Neteyam’s arm and hugged it to her body. The sight made your heart feel like a needle was going straight through it. You told her your name and complemented her own.
‘Thank you. Yours is quite unique as well.’ She looked up at Neteyam. ‘Shall we go? You must be hungry!’ She turned to you. ‘You’re welcome to join us, of course.’
You shook your head, ‘Maybe later, but thank you for invitation.’
You started walking away and looked at the man one more time, to your surprise you locked eyes with him once again. Then Nelao pulled him away as they headed to feast with the others. You approached Mo’at’s tent in hopes to find out how your mother was doing.
‘We have to find the rest. My daughter needs a mate, we need a new leader, Mo’at. I cannot believe all of this is happening.’ You heard your mother’s broken voice through the thin tent material. ‘I lost him, it hurts so much.’
‘I know what it feels like. I lost my husband because of these demons too. Your clan is welcome to stay with us when they are found.’ Mo’at spoke up. ‘Accept our help, Leta.’
‘It’s not nice to eavesdrop, you know?’ Neteyam’s voice startled you.
‘And why are you not participating in the feast?’ You tilted your head to the side.
‘I just..’ He paused. ‘Can we talk?’
You nodded, ‘Why didn’t you tell me you are the next Tsahik?’
‘What?’ You asked confused. ‘How-‘
‘I overheard your mother saying it to you before, she wasn’t particularly quiet so it’s not my fault.’
‘Right.’ You gave him a nod and smirked. ‘Do you want to go for a ride?’
‘If I do, will you answer my question?’ He tilted his head.
You shrugged, ‘Come and find out.’
You giggled and started running away to get on your ikran. Neteyam shook his head and followed your steps.
‘Where are we even going?’
‘You’ll see.’ You replied and took off, the man right behind you.
Throughout the flight you were constantly messing with him, whether that would be shoving him from the side or disappearing behind a mountain to scare him. He was pretending to be mad, but you knew he liked it. When you saw your destination you increased your speed. He tried chasing you trying to outrun your ikran, but to no avail.
‘It’s even more beautiful at night.’ You whispered when you landed.
‘It is.’ He replied, but he wasn’t looking at The Spirit Tree.
He was looking at something else or rather someone.
‘Come on, let’s go sit under it.’ You grabbed his hand and ran towards the tree.
For a moment you were just enjoying each other’s presence and looking around at the bioluminescent grass, leaves and vines. Well, you were the one looking around when his gaze was mostly lingering on your form.
‘So?’ He broke the silence which made you sigh.
‘I didn’t want to be defined by that. You out of all people should know the burden this role carries.’ You paused. ‘All the responsibilities, risks, duties… I just… I sometimes wish I wasn’t next in line.’ You looked at your hands. ‘Especially now when my mother urges me to find a mate immediately. Someone to step in for… You know.’
He nodded, ‘Yeah, I know what all of that feels like.’
‘But I can’t just take anyone and I think she doesn’t understand it. I have to feel it inside, it has to feel-‘
‘Right.’ He interrupted you.
‘Exactly!’ You exclaimed. ‘At least you already have someone to mate with.’ You whispered.
‘Huh?’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘Are you talking about Nelao?’
You nodded, ‘She seems really nice. You should be grateful your mom chose someone like that for you.’
‘She is nice, but at the end of the day it is not my mother’s decision.’ He responded. ‘It is mine.’
He raised his palm and rested it on your cheek.
‘And I don’t want Nelao.’
You felt heat going up to your cheeks and his face was slowly getting closer to yours. The kiss was slow and passionate, but most importantly – it felt right.
You were the first to break the kiss, ‘Are you sure about this?’
‘Are you?’ He asked.
You nodded your head eagerly, ‘You know, from the moment I saw you, your energy has called out to me.’
‘My energy?’ He chuckled.
You softly punched his arm, ‘Do not laugh at me! Last time I checked, I was the one seeing and feeling what you don’t.’
‘Oh, and that makes me worse than you?’ He tilted his head playfully.
‘Yes.’ You giggled and connected your lips with his eagerly.
After a while both of you pulled out your queues and observed how they connected with each other. The feeling was almost euphoric, something you have never felt before. You felt Neteyam’s energy, you saw it so vividly in your mind, all of his good and bad sides, everything about him was in front of you like an open book. All of it melted into your own body, your own energy mixed with his as you became one. There was no denying that all of this felt right.
You woke up in the morning only because someone towered over you and their presence was enough to awaken you. You slowly opened your eyes and you felt Neteyam’s arm on your stomach, your back pressed to his chest. When your vision cleared up you looked up and saw your mother’s angry face.
‘Did you mate with this boy!?’ She screamed, which made Neteyam and you quickly sit up.
Jake was standing behind her and guided her to take a step back. Neytiri was also present, but she was behind the two, a small smirk spread out on her face.
‘Answer me, daughter.’
You stood up, your fingers intertwined with Neteyam’s, ‘Yes, mother.’
She scoffed, ‘You were supposed to find someone from our clan!’
‘It is my fault.’ Neteyam spoke up. ‘I was the one to-‘
‘No, it isn’t.’ You shook your head.’ It was all because of Eywa. We met before her and we mated before her.’ You told your mother. ‘From the moment I saw him I knew we were meant to be together, his energy called me, it lured me in and I could not resist. The feeling was stronger than anything else.’
Your mother shook her head, but deep down she knew exactly what you were talking about. She had felt the same thing when she first laid her eyes on your father. She looked up at Jake who just shrugged his arms.
‘There is nothing we can do about it.’ He told her. ‘It is done.’
‘There is nothing wrong with uniting our clans.’ Neytiri spoke up. ‘I must say, I think it’s necessary. Especially in those dark times.’
You smiled at her and she reciprocated the gesture. You turned to your mother with pleading eyes.
‘Please, ma.’
She was looking between the two of you quickly and her gaze finally rested on your mate.
‘Fine.’ She closed her eyes and sighed. ‘At least it’s done now. All we have to do is find the rest of the clan, but I must say, the boy I chose for you will not be very pleased about this.’
‘Ma!’ You scolded her.
‘The boy she chose for you?’ Neteyam asked.
‘She chose like 5 boys for me.’ You chuckled. ‘But they don’t matter anymore, do they?’
‘I guess they don’t.’ He smiled at you.
‘We should head back to the camp.’ Jake said. ‘And please, don’t sneak out in the night, I don’t want your siblings to follow your footsteps.’
‘Yes sir.’ Netayam nodded.
Everyone turned around and started walking towards their ikrans, you and Neteyam following after them.
‘I knew this would happen.’ You heard Neytiri whisper to her husband.
‘Who didn’t?’ He quietly replied.
You chuckled and turned your head to Neteyam. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
‘Want to race to the camp?’ You asked and started running to your animal before the man had a chance to process your question.
He shook his head and ran after you. He would always run after you.
© girasollake, 2023
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taglist:  @hockeyboysarehot​ @esposadomd​ @astr1dblogs​ @greengarsstuff @black-and-white1​ @softpia​ @writingsbybirdie​ @slythermania​ @mariiyoushi​ @rakwunz​ @hirokosoul​ @goldenchunkycat​ @margoniezniez​ @bluesprings18​ @decaffeinatedmom01​ @swords4mob​  @quietshyashlyn19​ ( if you liked/commented on my post about this fic and you are not here, please check your settings because i couldn’t tag you <3)
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elliespeach · 11 months
tear you apart | ellie williams
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˗ˏˋ"if your friends won't watch over you, i will." ´ˎ˗
pairing ellie wiliams x fem reader synopsis ellie owns her own vinyl store and the day you wander in changes both of your lives forever. she quickly becomes infatuated with you, desperate for your love that she believes is meant to be. when things in your life begin to spiral, ellie is there to catch you, but you'd never suspect she was the reason you fell in the first place. heavily heavily based on the book/tv show "you" on netflix wordcount 4k warnings gosh where do i start, stalking both cyber and in person, ellie is obsessive, manipulative, a gaslighter, a pervert lowkey, possessive and easily jealous, she breaks into readers apartment and goes thru your stuff, shes also so delusional like top tier delulu, shes based off joe goldberg so i mean put the pieces together. this is all from her perspective, most if not all of the inner monologue is ellie's thoughts about you, the italics is verbatim what she is thinking in that very moment if that makes sense. like joe, all of her actions are justified in her mind, and she doesn't see anything wrong with them. reader has a dysfunctional family. pls lmk if i am missing something! authors note hi hello hi, i have been so excited to post this!! just wanted to clarify this rn, i am bringing in a LOT of elements from the book and show, especially in this part, if it seems very similar thats why. i don't plan on following the plot line for season one, but i needed a good base to jump off of, dont hate me. n yes, readers best friend is shauna from yellowjackets i couldn't help myself. i needed a girl group, sue me. cat is apart of this girl group, not ellie's ex along w dina, also not ellie's ex in this au lol
fuckin’ trash, ellie thought to herself, looking over the torn up vinyl in her hands. the guy who returned it obviously had no fucking clue how to take care of something. especially something so needing of love. she placed the vinyl down on the counter beside the register before stepping into the back of the store, grabbing her tools of restoration. as she rummaged through a drawer, the familiar bell rang from the front door indicating a new customer, but she ignored it and continued searching for the sandpaper she always left laying around somewhere. the last drawer she opened was the winner, taking her supplies, she emerged from the small room into the front of the store, the beads in the doorway swaying as she walked through them. 
thats when her eyes found you, examining the vinyl left on the counter. you hadn’t noticed her yet, too engrossed in the mishandled vinyl. she watched you for a moment as you looked it over, tracing the scratches that lined it. to ellie, you looked to be the definition of a nice girl. sporting a flowy sundress that laid just below your ass. nice girl who likes attention, she thought to herself, looking you up and down from afar. 
she played it cool, keeping her eyes on the sandpaper and cloth in her hands as she made her way back to the counter. you finally took notice of her when she stood in front of you. “oh, hi,” you smiled brightly, to which ellie looked up. “whoever handled this vinyl should be in jail.” a sense of humor, ellie smiled at you, letting a breathy laugh fall from her lips. and an appreciation for vinyls, rare.
“a life sentence, for sure.” she spoke, and you laughed. a laugh that was genuine, not forced by politeness. 
“can you point me to where i could find a david bowie album, ellie?” you asked sweetly, and she had to remember she wore a name tag. flirting with me and you like david bowie? ellie’s grateful its a tuesday afternoon, the store is dead. giving her more time to talk with you. you, who seemed to never stop smiling at her. 
“against the wall,” she pointed. “third box from the left.” she lets you wander over yourself, taking the time to admire the way you carry yourself. you had a pair of red, heart shaped sunglasses resting on your head. ellie could tell you liked to pay attention to details, it was evident in the way you matched your sunglasses to your dress, and she wondered just how many pairs you owned. both short dresses and uniquely designed sunglasses together. her head tilted at the thought, switching her over chewed gum to the other side of her mouth. 
you rifled through the box as ellie’s gaze pierced your back, although you were seemingly unaware. david bowie, she thought again. not another stuck up gen z who only listens to who is in the top one hundred, no. no, you were special. ellie put her focus onto the vinyl in front of her, slowly dampening it with the cloth before grinding the sandpaper over the scratches. but she kept you in her peripheral vision and she couldn’t help but notice you were struggling to find a specific one, or at least it looked like it. 
“need help?” she asked you, keeping her voice neutral.
your body turned to face her, meeting her eyes and a faux pout on your lips.“i think the only one i want isn’t here, or i’m seriously blind.” 
ellie chuckled, coming out from behind the counter, “my money’s on blind, just organized this box a few days ago.”
you huffed lightly, standing to the side while she approached you and the box. “i can’t find the rise and fall of ziggy stardust, it’s one of my favorites.”
of course it is. ellie barely looked in the box before she saw the album, pulling it out and holding it out for you. “i’ll book your eye appointment,” she said with a light grin. 
“ugh, my hero,” you gushed, taking the album from her hands gently. i’ll always be your hero, but something tells ellie that you didn’t really need her help to begin with. 
“c’mon, i’ll ring you up,” ellie led you back to the register and you placed the vinyl down on the counter lightly.
“promise i won’t do what that guy did,” you joked, reaching into your bag for your wallet. 
ellie almost wishes you would. you’d come in a few days later, apologizing for being so clumsy but asking if she could fix it for you. of course, she would say yes. how could she say no to someone like you? “you couldn’t if you tried, pretty sure he did it on purpose.” 
“what makes you say that?”
“just a hunch,” ellie shrugs, scanning the barcode on the vinyl. 
“maybe his dogs got it, or worse, his kids.” you kept eye contact as you spoke, which shocked ellie. a lot of people would break away, divert conversation, maybe even stay silent all together. but not you. 
“if that guy had kids, i’d feel bad for them,” to a lot of people, this comment would rub them the wrong way, and ellie internally cursed herself for saying it. you’re a sweetheart in her eyes, someone who wouldn’t think things like that, but again, you laughed. the transaction was almost over and she was grasping at straws, so she kept going. “guys like him blame everything on everyone else, i wouldn’t be surprised if his kids actually hated him but,” 
your head tilted, waiting for more. to ellie, it looked like you were hanging onto every word she said. and she relished in it. “–thats only if someone wanted to have kids with him, which i highly doubt.” 
“from what i’m hearing it doesn’t sound like anyone would want to,” you’re trusting my judgment. ellie’s lips curled up with your words, and she bagged the vinyl in a plastic bag. you handed her a credit card, which was decorated with flowers along with your name. and you want me to know your name. you could’ve used cash, the vinyl was less than twenty dollars. but no, ellie knew better and she knew you better. your eyes found the scratched up vinyl yet again, “but you can fix it?” 
ellie swiped the card against her own wishes. she’d give you the whole store if you asked with that pretty smile. “it’ll be back in the box within the hour, why? you like pink floyd?”
“yeah, for the most part. i haven’t listened to that album yet,” 
“i can put it on hold for you.” ellie rushes out, and she feels like she came on too strong. you could easily listen to it on spotify but she reminds herself that you’re in her store for a reason. you probably own a vinyl player, an older model you got off of facebook marketplace because the newer ones don’t match your personality. maybe a pioneer or a yamaha, and now shes thinking about how you probably dance around your room listening to music. your response breaks her from her imagination. 
“that’d be great, thanks ellie,” but she can see it so perfectly in her mind, you’d wear a big t-shirt and a dainty pair of underwear. twirling and spinning about, the t-shirt riding up as you did and as you stood in front of her in that short dress her mind seemed to unravel and she had to clear her throat. 
“anytime–” she tacked your name at the end of her words with a smile, handing back your card which you very quickly put in your wallet. her eyes glanced down for a split second, admiring how the dress pushed your tits together before bringing them back up to your face. 
“aren’t you going to tell me to have a good day?” you teased much to ellie’s enjoyment, reaching out for the bag she was holding for you. 
“have a good day,” your fingers grazed hers, and ellie knew it had to be on purpose. a flirt, and a good one at that.
“you too, ellie. i’ll be back for that album.” 
you left the store as quickly as you came, taking your sweet vanilla scent with you. ellie thought about your interaction all day, it consumed her walk home and when she entered her small apartment she fell to her couch and opened her laptop. 
plugging your name into any and all social medias was easy, who could forget a name like yours? all your accounts were public, and very quickly ellie could tell just what kind of person you were. the sweet girl who loved vinyls who had an addiction to posting online. your twitter was filled with random, obscure thoughts and always with a hashtag at the end of them. from time to time you’d tweet about where you were, and ellie tsk’d out loud to herself. anyone could find you within seconds, you need to be more careful. you seemed to tweet about everything in your life and ellie refreshed the page, wishing to see a post about the cute girl in the vinyl shop who helped you find your favorite album. 
yet, there was nothing. and for a moment it hurt her, but the more she thought about it, it was better you didn’t post about her. that means it was real for you, hope remains. 
facebook provided the basics of your family, although the account was inactive. but your parents who divorced a few years back seemed to only post about your younger siblings, leaving her to wonder if they didn’t approve of your lifestyle in the city. she stalked their pages like it was her job and at this point it felt like it was. she discovered that your two younger siblings went off to college out west and your parents even sold their home to be closer to them while still living separate lives. ellie felt pity for you, how could they just leave you behind? 
your instagram feed was an aesthetic one, pictures posted solely to appease your followers. a pretty sunset here, a mirror selfie there, a quick post about the food from the restaurant just down the road from ellie’s shop. there were also posts about your own art, colorful and detailed, just like yourself. a painting you did was the last thing you posted, but this one wasn’t like your other ones, it was black and white and had a lonely floating balloon in the center and the borders were lined with overlapping words. ellie could make out only a few of them, ‘melancholy’, ‘nobody’, and ‘distress’. 
there were lots of group pictures of you with friends. ellie could see you looked more authentic than them, who all seemed to resemble something out of a factory for young adults. you were a pearl in a sea of clams. 
out of curiosity, ellie brought herself to your friend’s pages as well. she needed to see the types of people you spent time with, seeing if they were someone she would approve of for you. one friend made an appearance more than others and she assumed that was your so-called best friend, a spunky city girl named shauna. her own instagram was like an influencer’s guide to posting online, and she seemed like someone ellie would avoid at all costs. shauna’s posts of you always had you in the background, or if you were directly in the frame it was a candid where shauna looked better. she's making herself look better at your own expense, can't you see that?   
your other friend’s social media were bland and unhelpful. ellie brought herself back to the task at hand. she typed your name into google and watched the loading screen. your name brought up a string of links all connecting back to your art pieces you’ve submitted to local papers and art galleries. an artist in new york city, aren’t you ambitious. maybe your parents didn’t like the instability of being an artist. but yet, you still pursue your passion. its admirable. 
what also popped up was a white pages link, with a few clicks, and a small charge to her credit card she found exactly what she was looking for. there wasn’t much she could do with your phone number, texting you would be creepy. there was no way for her to explain how she got it, so the next best thing was your address. which, lucky for ellie, was only six blocks from her own. 
if she could find it this easily, she needed to make sure that no one else did. which is how she found herself standing across the street from your apartment, peering into the windows that had no blinds, no curtains, no protection from the outside world. you were on full display for all of new york. first thing were doing together is buying you blinds. you were lounging around on your coach, scrolling through your phone and periodically shifting in your spot to get more comfortable. 
it was dark now, and again, luckily for ellie, someone standing on the sidewalk of new york wasn’t a weird thing to do and no one paid her any mind. for days she would stand in the same spot, studying your movements throughout your apartment. sometimes you would go to bed on the early side, but most nights you were fully awake, sipping something out of a purple mug which she could only assume was coffee, and drawing lines on a canvas. 
everytime you would take a break and scroll through your phone, ellie would refresh every social media, waiting for a post. your fingers danced on the keyboard and after a few refreshes on ellie’s end, your twitter had a new post. 
@yndoesartstuff: if anyone has tips on how not to procrastinate finishing a wip, please enlighten me
if you just put down your phone, i’m sure you could get it done.
one night she watched as you dipped your wet brush into the purple mug instead of the designated paint water cup. they didn’t even look similar, but ellie laughed to herself while you groaned, tossing your head back before getting up to dump the liquid out of the mug. this would also be the first night ellie gawked at you while your hands dipped below your shorts, she quickly looked around. no one else seemed to notice that you were pleasing yourself with your own gentle hands and her eyes found you again, sprawled out on your couch. 
your back arched, obviously hitting your sweet spot and ellie swallowed hard. blinds. were getting you blinds. 
some days, ellie was too busy with the store to watch over you and she hated herself for it. too tired to walk the six blocks and instead just looking over your social media again, looking through your friends posts to see if you’ve been up to anything. you had never come back for the album, which ellie had finished nearly two weeks ago now. but tonight, as she locked up the store she knew she was going straight to the sidewalk adjacent from your apartment. 
when she arrived at her usual spot she saw you through the windows and you looked too well put together for a night to yourself. you were dolled up and ellie liked to imagine it was for her, you’d leave your apartment and head to the store for the album you said you’d come back for weeks ago. but her hope was squashed when a cab pulled up outside your apartment and a woman who looked way too old started to walk up the steps to the building and entered the main door. ellie had been here enough to know the general look of your building's inhabitants, and this woman wasn’t one of them. maybe someone's mom, maybe she's visiting a friend. she can’t be here for you. no way. 
but through the windows, with no blinds, she saw you open your door for this woman and welcome her into your home. your mom. it has to be. ellie’s eyebrows narrowed when you pulled this woman into a hug, then pulled back and let your lips kiss hers. okay, so not your mom. who the fuck is this?
ellie, whose eyes were going from her phone to the big windows of your apartment, began to search through your online presence and found no traces of her. this mysterious woman who, now, you seemed to be having a highschool make out session with on your couch, was all over you, touching you, kissing you, and worst of all, pleasing you. that sweet smile that had previously been for ellie, was now for this woman and it made ellie’s stomach turn. but she didn’t leave, instead watched while the two of you began to peel each other's clothes off. 
were getting you blinds and were getting rid of this woman. 
the next day while she opened up her store, she couldn’t help but think about you and this woman. she was frustrated, of course. but she couldn’t blame you, obviously this woman was prying on your weaknesses for her own pleasure. taking advantage of you. it sickened her, and she had to know more. she had been through every following list she could think of and still, this woman was a mystery. and as she refreshed your twitter (a new hobby of hers), a new post popped up. 
@yndoesartstuff: lunch date with @shaunamavisxx never felt so right – at hoppers tavern
seeing that, ellie locked up shop way too early. it was fairly easy to make her way into your apartment, all she had to do was play the part. “sorry, my girlfriend hasn’t given me a key to this door yet,” she said with a friendly smile to your neighbor, who out of the kindness of his heart let her into the building. she waited until he was in his own apartment before picking your lock. 
it smelled like you once she stepped inside, and she let the aroma fill her nose as she walked around. it was messy, canvases piled up everywhere along with dirty paint brushes. clothes lined your floor from the bedroom all the way to the kitchen and she had to force herself not to clean it up for you. she examined your paintings up close, admiring how the strokes on the canvas looked. she noticed you draw a small bird in every corner, the bird is plump, uncolored and holding a small twig. it was your signature, and it matched you so well. but, what she really was after was your laptop, she found it sitting on your unmade bed. 
no password? she was shocked, and made a mental note to tell you that you needed to secure your devices. it’s almost as if you wanted her to search through it to get to know you better, and ellie did just that. it was linked to your phone and as she went through your messages they all seemed to be relatively normal. for someone like you, at least. 
loads of messages from a group chat labeled city gals, and she knew it wasn’t you who had named it being as you were funnier than that, and less basic. scrolling up, all the conversation in the chat was merely nothing of note, no mention of this woman to your friends which ellie found odd. maybe just a hookup? but even then, wouldn’t you tell your friends? 
ellie could gauge your friends' personalities through the texts they would send, shauna was most definitely the unnamed leader of this group, probably also the one who named the chat. her texts were mostly about planning activities, meanwhile the others just tacked on with fake enthusiastic responses. even yourself. 
leaving the group chat, she continued to scroll down your messages and found an unsaved phone number which seemed to be the winner. you don’t have her number saved, this is good. a lot of your texts to her went unanswered, left on seen and only responded once you’d ask for her to come over. that usually generated a reply within minutes from this woman, who ellie still didn’t know the name of. it angered her even further, realizing she was just toying you along. only using you for your body when you were so much more than that. 
ellie jotted down the unsaved number into her notes app, saving it for later when she could find out just exactly who this woman was. it was clear from the texts that she wanted nothing to do with you, and you still kept texting her like a sad puppy. it was pathetic, really, but ellie didn’t judge. she knew that your attention seeking habits were brought on by your dysfunctional family, she just wished it was her on the receiving end.
she found herself in your emails and saw you had an abundant amount of unread ones. it was a lot of spam and a waste of time, so she moved on. she decided it was best to go into your search history, restaurants, art galleries that allowed online submissions, sometimes even silly questions that ellie would most definitely answer for you if you asked. 
“how do magicians do their cutting in half tricks?” you would ask her from the couch while ellie made you both dinner. 
she’d call out from the stove, “there’s a fake table, the girl puts her legs through that. the legs you see on the other end are fake, baby.” and you would giggle sweetly as you always did, thanking her for being a know-it-all. 
but as she continued to scroll further and further down your search history, she saw that the day you two had met, you googled “vinyl stores near me” and ellie’s was the first to pop up. she thanked every star in the universe for such a coincidence, but the more she thought about it, it couldn’t have been a coincidence because to her, it was always meant to be.  
suddenly your laptop dinged and a new message appeared at the top from city gals. it was shauna and she was proposing a night out and it didn’t take long at all for the rest of the chat to respond. 
shauna: drinks at our favorite spot tonight?
dina: totally what time 
shauna: like 8 ish? 
cat: sounds good to me
shauna: im with our heavy drinker, she says yes too!! see u guys then
dina: hangin w out us :( rude 
cat: yeah wtf 
shauna: oh hush its no biggie, we’ll see you guys tonight 
ellie sat back as the texts rolled in, heavy drinker? ellie didn’t like the sound of it, and your friends seemed to think it was funny. bet they don’t even watch over you when you’re plastered, leaving you alone where anyone could hurt you. a few clicks on your instagram and she found a group mirror picture in a dirty bar bathroom, and the location clear as day at the top of the post. she confirmed it with a few other pictures and a deep dive of your twitter. gotta stop putting your location everywhere. 
ellie knew your lunch date with shauna would be ending soon and you’d return home to start getting ready for the evening. she shut your laptop down, placing it exactly where it was on the bed before and started towards the door to leave. as she was on her way out, a bright red thong caught her eye. it was so carelessly thrown between the couch and the table next to it and she stuffed them into her pocket before locking the door behind her on the way out. she knew you’d never notice, your apartment already looked like a tornado had been through it seven times over. 
she played with the string of fabric in her pocket as she walked down the sidewalk back to her place, contemplating the night to come. if your friends won't watch over you, i will.
read part two here :)
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