#dont understand how they even talk to each other without being forced into the same living space for months on end
allbeendonebefore · 2 years
trying to write dialogue for bert is like herding cats he keeps dragging this comic out and im just trying to pry him off his scratching post it’s not sustainable UGH!!
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weird-is-life · 3 months
Hello i have a request for spencer reid x reader. If you have noticed in the show, esp early seasons he doesnt really get jokes a lot and takes stuff literally. Can you write a reader who is the same way, and the team is partaking in a funny joke and they are the only two who dont get it??? They r so perfect for each other
Hiii, lovely🥰ty for the cute request, hope this is okay. Warnings: fluff, clueless Spencer and reader, mentions of drinking and tea, (0.5k)
The latest case is finally over, and the whole team is more than happy about it. There are drink being passed around the jet in between, well almost everyone, except from you and Spencer.
You two are comfortably sitting next to each other on the jet's couch with the cups of tea in your hands. You didn't feel like drinking, and neither did Spencer, so instead he made you both some tea.
You are still very much present in the merry conversation happening between the team though, just without the alcohol.
And suddenly everybody is laughing, something to do with Derek and a bar, but you don't get it. You force a fake laugh out because you don't want to ruin the fun.
You find that Spencer is laughing as well, so even he must get the joke. It's only you that doesn't understand. You think of how embarrassing that is for you. Never getting the jokes.
The laughter dies down, and the conversation continues going as smoothly as it has been before.
Abruptly, you get an idea. Maybe Spencer could explain the joke to you?
It takes you a few minutes to find the courage to lean closer to Spencer, and ask about the joke.
"Spencer? C-Could I ask you something?" You whisper as inconspicuously as you can. Not wanting to get anybody else's attention.
Spencer looks at you with a soft smile, and he says, "sure."
You clear your throat, feeling a bit sheepish about it," did you....could you explain the joke to me?"
Spencer frowns in confusion, " what do you mean?"
You sigh in defeat," I mean the joke that everybody was laughing at. I didn't get it." Your cheeks go a bit red at your confession.
"You didn't get it?" Spencer asks curiously. Not mean or cruel about it, just curious.
You shake your head. Too embarrassed to say it out loud.
"I didn't either," Spencer grins at you. Eyes shining with sparks of amusement.
"You didn't?" You baffle. You saw him laughing.
"Nope. I often don't. I usually just pretend that I know what they are talking about, and laugh at it," Spencer shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. The sides of your mouth go up.
"Did you pretend now too?" You question with a quiet giggle. You can't believe that he's done the same thing as you.
"Yeah. Did you pretend too? I saw you laughing," he raises his eyebrows. His own smile appearing on his pretty face.
"Yeah, didn't want to be the only one not laughing," you admit.
"Good," he laughs, bumping his shoulder to yours, "now we can pretend to understand together."
You can't contain the laugh as he says it. The both of you chuckling on your own inside joke.
"Oi," Derek draws your attention, your laughing gone, but the smiles remaining on your faces, " what are you two lovebirds laughing at?"
Your cheeks go impossibly more rosy, "nothing." It's an easy lie, you don't feel like telling them the truth.
And one look at Spencer you know he doesn't either, his own cheeks a bit more pink than they were before.
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midmourn · 6 months
break ups with nct dream
♡ nct dream ﹒ gender neutral!reader genre angst warnings break ups, unhealthy coping, insecurities, some members dont think of themselves very highly, unintentional manipulation maybe ?? ( library )
mark who can’t stop pretending like everything’s fine. mark who is for once thankful of his busy schedule. because when his mind isn’t preoccupied, he finds it always going back to you. now, you only come to his mind late at night when he’s about to fall asleep only to wake up in four hours for yet another schedule. there’s a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach when he realizes the heartbreak is just as fresh as it was the moment it happened. thinks he let you go to easy but also respects you too much to argue. at this time, he’d be too busy talking to you on the phone to fall asleep. something he used to momentarily regret the next day, but now something he yearns for. he turns around and begs hypos to let him sleep.
renjun who wants to scream at the world and god and ask why is this happening. renjun who refuses to talk about it. he doesn’t understand what happened. he thought you guys were doing perfectly fine. you seemed happy, anyway. he can’t tell if he was just too blind to see that you actually were unhappy or if you were just a good actor. he finds himself thinking about what you’re doing, even when he’s busy. he misses you so bad that he’s so angry that you left. he gets even angrier when he sees you with another guy a couple weeks later. but he’s more angry at himself for letting you go. he thinks it’s easier to be angry than upset.
jeno who cries and then gets his emotions out at the gym. jeno who hits the punching bag so hard it manages to fall off the chain. he moves onto the wall next. he ignores the concerned stares from others about the bruises and split knuckles, but is the exact same otherwise. he thinks he’s doing okay, getting his emotions out in the form of his fists, because at least he’s still doing what he needed to do, right? he’s fine, he swears. when he’s laying in bed alone, he can’t help but wonder what you’re up to and type up a message that accidentally seems too much like a booty call. u up? wyd?
haechan who doesn’t have the energy to be his normal self. haechan who is too quiet, blends in with the walls when he’s normally the life of the party. his voice is literally hoarse from crying and begging you to stay for so long. he sends countless messages to you, enough to the point where you blocked him. people wonder where he is only to find out he’s been right next to them the entire time, thoughts consuming him. he spends time overthinking every decision he made in the last six months that led you to break up with him. he can’t find one. it must be him, though. you’d never break up with him without a reason, right? he wasn’t good enough for you, so he has to be better. and with that, he gets off his ass and forces himself into the conversation. he will be better, for you.
jaemin who is so mature when you bring it up. jaemin who doesn’t cry or act like he’s upset about it in front of others. people think he never loved you with the way he acts. that couldn’t be far from the truth. the only way he’ll grieve over your relationship is in his room, alone, with his babies. he accepts your decision, but the what if’s consume his thoughts. what if he hadn’t done that one thing you got angry at him for? what if he hadn’t missed your anniversary date? but he knows he was a good boyfriend, too. he doesn’t think he’ll ever get over you, doesn’t want to, but he knows he has to. he can only hope that you two will find each other later in life.
chenle who fights harder than he’s ever fought. chenle who wants to work it out. ultimately, you win. he cannot help but be a little bit pissed on how difficult you’re being, how you refuse to talk it out and avoid him. he doesn’t even know what happened. he doesn’t think you’re going to stay broken up so he doesn’t even bother shedding a tear. he thinks it’ll be something you two will laugh and then bicker about in fifty years. thinks you’re trying to make him jealous when you try to move on, and it works. doesn’t think before finally cornering you. he gave you your space, now it’s time for you to give him the answers he wants.
jisung who doesn’t understand the concept of space. jisung who has attachment issues. he’ll text you “good morning” and “good night” and tell you about his day without thinking about it because it’s like a routine for him by now. feels so bad and accidentally makes you feel bad for him with his countless apologies. will tweet about you on his priv and forget you’re still on there. doesn’t even want to think about you moving on, and him moving on is out of the question. he truly thought you were his soulmate, but he wanted you to come back to him in your own terms. he’ll spend forever making it up to you, anyway.
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natriae · 10 months
Ushi gushi who u dated thru highschool and 2nd year college and he is getting hornier but all u guys have done so far is make out and hand job/fingering till u ask if he wants to go further and BOY does he and u see a side of him u never imagine 😍
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Ushijima Wakatoshi is no doubt the best boyfriend ever. He spoils you and always makes time for you. He would drop everything to go see you, but he's still wakatoshi. He has a hard time with social cues and displaying his emotions. You like to call yourself the 'Toshi master. Usually able to understand his affection and thoughts without him showing it.
He's remained the same since highschool. He stuck to the same routine with little differences in the past years. He'd wake up do his morning run, then go to class, practice, then shower and do his homework, and finally cuddle you to sleep in his dorm. Saturdays were specifically reserved for you. He tried to leave his comfort zone by taking you on dates, but you knew he perfered to stay in. You did too, so it was no issue for you to spend every Saturday with Wakatoshi at your house back in highschool. He found comfort getting groceries with you and helping you clean. He found comfort in really anything that took his mind off his family.
There was a lot of feelings that Wakatoshi missed out, but with therapy and you supporting him along the way he got better at understand what he was feeling. Being away from his mother definitely helped as well.
Even with all his amazing qualities there were sometimes you felt insecure in your relationship. Going to college was a much different territory for both of you. Students from all around Japan went to school with you guys. At Shiratorizawa no one really talked to 'Jima because they were scared of him but here you can't remember a game where some girl wasn't flirting with him. Or even listening to how far your friends have gotten with their boyfriends. It's not that you want to force 'toshi out of his comfort zone, but sometimes you think he doesn't like you..like that. Almost like it's out of obligation.
After date night he asks if you want it instead of getting in the mood. Almost like it's apart of his routine. You guys eat, come home, he kisses you a bit and fingers you till you cum, and then he washes his hands and kisses you goodnight. You want him to do it for his own pleasure.
"everything okay?" He asks once he finishes washing the dishes. He walks over to the small couch you sat on while in deep thought.
Looking up at him you smile at his cute face. Bring your arms up signaling you want a hug. Lifting you up he places you on his lap as he sits down. You legs draped over his as your wrap your arms around his neck, resting your head on his chest. "I guess, I've just been thinking...'Jima you find me attractive, right?" Looking up you watch as he nods his head. His eyes srunching a little in thought. Your hand resting on his chest feels his heart begin to beat a little bit faster. " um, remember when Tendou had-um- remember in highschool when tendou was quite aroused and everyone made fun of him?"
"his boner?" Ushijima states unbothered.
Your face reddens at his outburst and you nod your head. "well why don't- you dont seem to get that when your with me, and I was worried that you dont feel that way about me, and I don't want you to be doing anything you find uncomfortable if you dont feel that way about me." While you ramble you start to feel a small poking at the side of your right butt cheek. "'Jima?"
His faces flushes a bit and his heart beats after as he brings his lips into his mouth. "I do feel that way about you." He says, not looking into your eyes.
Bringing your hand up to his cheek you move his head so the two of you can look at each other. "why don't you ever show it?" you pout.
"i don't want to make you uncomfortable." He tells you, face remaining unmoving. You watch as his pupils expand looking into your eyes. "Meditating usually helps it go away." He tells you like it was a serious issue. You giggle and move into kiss his lips.
"Do you still have those condoms Tendou gave you?"
His single nod is all you need to tell you that tonight you won't have to worry about Wakatoshi's attraction towards you.
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kaphzzz · 3 months
so i saw a couple posts about how arthur is sexist and racist and i'm not defending him because ive got a filter on but i do think some things are debatable. a few things got blown out of proportion and overanalysed i think.
first off i agree by today's standards hes definitely got some views to correct such as gender roles and not resorting to telling a woman to go to the kitchen as an insult, but at that time hes about as feminist as you get from a man. he says he doesnt think women and men are all that different, and he doesnt show any doubt at all regarding the capabilities of the women in the gang. many times hes expressed his belief that the women such as tilly or mary beth are skilled and capable of fending for themselves. he frequently shows his vulnerable side to the women in camp. when sadie made it firm that she wanted to be a fighter he allowed her to do it, barely even hesitated. i think he only mocked her because hes irritated at the commotion she and pearson caused in the middle of the camp, and also when isnt he sarcastic?
about the womens suffrage march: yeah he goes only because he's getting paid but he doesnt mock them for their cause and isnt afraid to be seen among them or to be perceived as an ally to their cause. considering the amount of angry men gathered at the protest who would have died of shame if anyone thought they were allies to feminism i think the contrast is clear enough.
'arthur as a lover would force gender roles' i genuinely dont think he would. the girls in the gang do chores because ms grimshaw is in charge of them and arthur has nothing to do with it, hes in fact more assured of their mission success when the girls are involved. he trusts sadie in a fight with his life. he meets charlotte and offers to teach her, without her asking him, to handle a gun to hunt and be independent, not once does he tell her to go back to her cozy life in the city or find another man to rely on beyond offering to get her somewhere she can get food. he goes out of his way to help mary, even when he realises he has nothing to gain from it. these are his views on what a woman should or shouldnt do and it wont change just because said woman is his partner. and i dont even ship him and sadie but i totally get it, i think he'd love a woman who can handle herself both in life and in a fight. this is also why so many people thought he had insane chemistry with black belle and there are even fanworks out there of the two. he doesnt get to meet too many but he's nothing but impressed and respectful when he meets a strong woman. and sure, if his partner is and just wants to be a wife in a traditional wife role, arthur'd be totally fine with it, he'd probably love to have someone stay in their home caring for it and waiting for him. but i also think he wouldnt be opposed to someone who can accompany him when hes out and about and who he can entrust his life to either.
'he lost his temper at mary' okay why wouldnt anyone? thats an understandable reaction for anyone in the circumstances. he's gone to meet who is probably the only person he has ever loved romantically and still loves, and all she does is criticise him for his outlaw lifestyle while at the same time expecting him to help her using the skills he gained from that life. im not going to say shes using him or being manipulative but it comes close, which is a whole other debate and i dont want to get into it but mary isn't in the right either. they talk to each other as equals too, their argument and the way they talk to each othet just supports that. when he got angry he realises his mistake and tries to calm himself down immediately when mary tells him to be kind to her. any truly sexist man who believes in a man's role in a relationship wouldnt even have listened. there were and are enough men in relationships who dont listen to their female partners or accept criticism from them or would even escalate the situation but arthur is not one of them.
about him being racist - this is a no brainer honestly he wasnt racist in 1899 and not racist now. sure you can say hes ignorant and uneducated on racism issues but thats not the same as being racist or accusing him of racism. the only thing i see people have to support the racism argument is that he referred to javier as a 'greaser' during the boat heist, but thats i think the only time he says a slur and thats only because he's got a role to play and hes simply saying whatever the manager expected from his act. he thinks of javier as family and all of the non white people in the gang too, quite obviously.
and lastly yes i agree hes a flawed person, charles calls him out on not wanting to help the germans or the tribe of his own will, lenny calls him out on not realising that the south is dangerous for him and tilly and charles to be in, in fact many people put him in his place by telling him exactly where hes wrong. he is often offending people whether he means to or not, and in certain situations quick to lose his temper or resort to violence, but he is also a kind and caring and sensitive person. i dont think we need to be squinting so hard between the lines to know that hes a good person when he doesnt have to be the violent brute dutch shaped him into for the gang.
so anyway i totally agree hes not some pure pookie wookie cinammon roll capable of no wrong and definitely has a lot of flaws besides the crimes, but i dont think racism or sexism are among them.
everyone has their own understanding of a character, i dont normally want to get involved in debate but if anyone does want to discuss then do but keep it civil
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
i saw your dr stone senku oneshot about senku realizing hes inlove and just wanna say i LOVEDDD IT, so i was wondering if i could request a similar thing to that but with kusuo (i dont rlly mind if its a headcannon or oneshot or whatever, anything works!) with like aren or mikoto randomly pointing out that kusuo looks like he likes the reader LMFAOO
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hi there! thank you very much for your request! i'm glad you liked my dr stone oneshot!
i tried to mimic the straightforward, fast-pace, absurdness(?) of the show- i hope i did it justice ;,)
warnings: none!
wc: 1.9k
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Kusuo, as much as he tries not to, cannot help attracting people into his life. He does his best to avoid socializing and standing out by minding his own business, hoping others will do the same. 
But instead (and seemingly without doing anything), he’s acquired a large group of friends who greatly admire and care for him. It’s undeniable that they could be troublesome, but he still goes the extra mile for them and even those he doesn’t know well. You were in Kusuo’s class and lived in his area, so he often saw you in and out of school, and just like the rest of his friends, you managed to meddle your way into his life. You’ve repeatedly witnessed his kindness and compassion, and each time you’ve confronted him, he’d brush it off and chalk it up as an interference to his peace.
Kusuo was pretty bland to you besides his funky accessories and bright pink hair, but you found he was an easy person to talk to, mostly because (and sadly enough, depending on perspective) the conversations you had with him were pretty one sided. You didn’t think much of Kusuo’s quietness, and took him to be a good listener instead of someone who was disinterested in what you had to say. 
Over time however, whatever irritation Kusuo originally had with you faded as you familiarized yourselves with one another. He found himself hanging out with you and contributing more to your conversations (telepathically, of course) out of his own volition. If he wasn’t forced to hang out with Kaido and Nendou, and maybe sometimes Aren, he was usually spending time with you. He seemed to tolerate you more than anyone else in his life because of your patient understanding nature. You were non-invasive, never forcing Kusuo to do anything he didn’t want to, and covered for him whenever he was confronted by others so as to avoid further attention. For your kindness, he’s subconsciously given you his time and attention and is a little more lenient with allowing you into his life. 
Saiki discovered with time that the two of you actually share a lot of common interests, such as a love for video games and manga. On top of that, he also greatly respected your determination, hard work, and open mindedness. 
“Why does Y/N get to…?!” his other friends would groan out or shriek in irritation when he enabled you over them, to which he’d deadpan, “because they’re not insufferable like the rest of you.” 
Even though you two have always been strictly friends, Kusuo just cannot help getting himself into tricky situations as well, and so no matter how hard he tries to make it seem like the opposite, somehow people are always getting the wrong idea when the two of you are together. 
It’s hard to tell who exactly was the first in Saiki’s friend group to suspect anything, but his friends all at once slowly started acting unnatural when the two of you hung around together or talked about each other.
The people who addressed the elephant in the room first were Toritsuka and Mikoto. 
Saiki and the two were dealing with a dangerous situation, which was surprisingly and maybe even alarmingly normal considering the nature of Saiki’s friends (being psychics and all), when you suddenly approached him in the midst of their chaos.
You called a greeting toward him and his friends and then started rambling about your day, completely oblivious to the danger the group was trying to tame. You brought up a low grade you got, an annoying teacher, and then asked Saiki if he wanted to go out to a cafe after school. 
But Saiki suddenly grabbed your shoulders and looked you firmly in the eyes, catching you and the other two psychics off guard, because they stopped whatever panicking they were doing to watch. 
A beat of silence. “Saiki?” “I’ll meet up with you at the cafe, alright? I’ll even treat you, just get out of here.”
And you’re confused on why he sounds so serious and urgent, on why his grip on you is so firm, but you’re patient, and so all you do is stare at him with a small frown and go “okay.”
You said your goodbyes and headed off with the group watching you do a double take before disappearing behind a corner.
And Kusuo immediately regrets holding onto you when he turns around to the stunned looks on his friends’ faces, who, after a moment of processing the sight, are in his face. 
“I knew it! I knew the two of you were dating! You don’t have a heart of stone after all!” “I wish you would’ve told us, Kusuo! They’re cute, too!”
He’s insanely annoyed by this, obviously, and immediately shuts down the mistranslation. “Quiet! I’m not dating anyone and stay out of my business. We have to continue…”
But from there, the situation only worsened. Everyone was thinking it, everyone was feeling it. It was only a matter of who was finally going to say something about it. And of course, Saiki knew everyone was thinking it, but he truly didn’t think it would escalate into something intrusive. 
And after the psykickers, seemingly everyone decided to speak up about it. 
You were talking to Saiki before class began, and when you were invited over to talk to another friend, Kaidou and Aren appeared by the esper’s desk. “Is it true?! Are you and L/N dating?!”
“No. Get out of my face.”
“I didn’t really see it at first,” Aren thought out loud to himself, ignoring his wish. “L/N’s pretty friendly with everyone, but the two of you oddly enough make sense. You look good together!”
Saiki stared exasperatedly. Saiki respected Aren for being one of the more level headed members of his friend group, but even he was on about this?
“What are you talking about Kuboyasu? My pal’s irresistible!” And now Nendou was joining the conversation, approaching Kusuo’s desk with his hands in his pockets. “Congrats buddy! They’re a real cutie!”
“Hey! What are you gents talking about?” Hairo’s voice boomed out. Him too? Why was everyone so interested in the conversation? 
“Saiki and L/N,” Kaido answered as Hairo joined the semi-circle formed around Saiki’s desk. Hairo's face lit up, immediately catching on just from the mention of your names. “Ooh! So it’s true, huh? I always suspected something! I’m happy for you both!”
“Enough! I’m not dating L/N! Where are you all getting this stupid impression from?”
“What are you talking about?! You two always come in a pair!” Kaido cried out in defense and stared at his friend incredulously. 
“Yeah, everywhere you go, L/N isn’t far behind. You can’t find one without the other.” Aren added almost hesitantly as Saiki stared with his mouth forming a small “o” shape.
This came as a surprise to him. He was always so keen on living a “normal” and peaceful life, finding others a threat to this aspiration and doing his best to block them out because of it. He didn’t socialize or attempt to make friends, but apparently he could live his “normal” life with you in it. You casually followed him-- and him you-- and he found comfort in and outside of your “normalcy”-- your presence, your everyday tasks and conversation; even your uniqueness. You became a part of his normal at some point, his peace.
When did that happen? 
“You bring them everywhere with you, dude. I think L/N’s the only person who can get you to come out of your shell a little.” Hairo commented with a short laugh and scrunched brows as he thought aloud.
Saiki admits that he’s more willing to try new things or do something he initially didn’t want to if you’re there with him. He trusts you, and so if you’re involved, he supposes he doesn’t mind getting involved either. Sometimes when he asked about the two of you constantly tag teaming, he’ll say something like “they wanted to come along” or “Y/N convinced me to go” and Kusuo himself is a little surprised that he never realized how that looked and sounded like to his friends, who knew him to be pretty reserved and introverted. 
“Oooh! Are we talking about Saiki and L/N?” Oh no. Not…
“Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but I couldn’t help but overhear you boys talking about L/N! They’re always telling me about you Saiki! It’s so nice how you do so much for them!”
Does he really do a lot for you? Yes, yes he does, and Teruhashi has heard it all. You don’t talk about it excessively or ever make it seem like a brag, but it slips up so casually in conversation that even Kokomi, with all her admirers, finds it endearing how natural Saiki’s urge to take care of you is. 
Trouble at work? Saiki’s on the job. He’ll get your annoying manager to stop bugging you or help you clear out the place faster after a long day. An item you casually mentioned you wanted? Knowing Saiki, he probably goes through hell and back trying to get it for you, but even so he never spends too much time indulging you in the details of how he obtained it. A classmate giving you a hard time? Saiki’s loyalty is more evident than ever. Even Teruhashi is taken aback when you share your experiences with him. 
“I’m so jealous! I wish I had someone like that!” Chiyo groaned out from behind the group as Kokomi and Hairo made space for her to join the discussion. 
With so many of his friends taking notice of these things, Kusuo is forced to acknowledge and reflect on them in that moment, especially when they’re suggesting something beyond friendship. 
He consistently swoops in to save you from bad situations, even when you insist that you can handle yourself. And Saiki knows you can, he doesn’t always doubt you, but he tries to make it seem that way or as if you were an inconvenience. In reality, Saiki never exactly knew what urged him to help you out so much. With his other friends, everything he did felt like a one sided favor. But with you, it was something more. He was okay with taking care of you. 
And he can’t help but smile when he sees how excited you are about something. Saiki’s cold demeanor sticks most of the time, but it’s typically in private or away from his friends’ prying eyes that Saiki’s shoulder relax a little and he lets himself enjoy your presence. With his responsibilities and burdens as a psychic, romance was absolutely off the table. 
But maybe…
“Hey everyone! What are we talking about?”
Both the conversation and Saiki’s daydreams immediately halt as everyone turns toward the sound of your voice. You slowly approach the group with a smile on your face. “Talking about that test?”
Even Kusuo is staring dumbly at you, but before anyone could open their mouths to answer, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. 
As the teacher called everyone to return to their seats and the group broke apart, Saiki briefly looked down and then toward you in the seat across from him, watching you unpack your supplies. 
Good grief. His troublesome friends really got to him. 
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Translation: “I mean, it’s so obvious you have a thing for Y/N with the way you’re constantly together. How could anyone not tell from the way you’re always protecting them to always hanging around one another, though it’s definitely an odd pairing but one you two seem to make work. It’s almost like a cliche in a romance film!”
(Akechi cornered Saiki in the hallway right after class.)
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masturbucky · 2 years
Being shared between Joe and Love would include...
[!!!]it's mostly a dark and smutty profile, keep that in mind
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Joe. HATES. it.
He hates how Love looks at you- He knows what a MONSTER his wife is, he CAN'T let her get to you, he can't let her know that he wants you even if she does too-
Wait. She... What?
When he picks up on the way Love looks at you — when he sees her stalking you, too, because he does the same-
They both shocked when they see each other's cars near your house.
Love tried to hide you from him, afraid that he would be mad, and he did the same because he was afraid that she will kill you-
But after a small family talk they came to an agreement.
Sharing is caring.
So when they finally have you — not without your and their fight with each other of course, not without some blood here and there, screams, kidnapping, you know, tipical Goldberg-Quinn family stuff-
When they have you the way they want you, without any fight to their love, there's finally appears the question.
How should we have sex?
Joe and Love of course didn't thought about that before, when they, you know, were busy keeping you in their cage and getting you to the point of Stockholm Syndrome-
But it does matter now, when you love them both and want them both.
So they have one more family talk, you're not included yet — they don't want to embarrass you in any way, you have such a good progress accepting them(Love says), they just need to figure it out before acting up
So they talk. Like, seriously talk about how they want you and what would be included, and how. I mean, everything should be consensual, they will take care of it.
Joe was reluctant at first when Love offered to try threesome instead of making a fucking schedule for who can take you and when, but... It's not really that bad, he can imagine that. He can feel himself getting harder on the thought of you being all sweet and messy between him and Love.
So when the time goes to action, they start it slowly. Baby steps, yeah? Love cooks a dinner with you while Joe makes sure that Henry's asleep. A simple, sweet evening of their unusual family, as it should be, as they love it to be and hope that you love it now, too.
You already expected something to happen when Love was practically buzzing with excitement, constantly hugging you and kissing your cheeks while you help her on the kitchen.
So when after dinner Joe and Love somehow lead you to their bedroom instead of yours — well, yes, both of them stayed in your room more often than in their, but still — you just know what's happening.
"Sweetheart, we..." Love starts, sitting on the bed with you, stroking your thigh with her hand softly. She's nervous, you can tell, Joe is nervously stands near the bed too.
"We want to try something new. Y/N, would you let us...?" Joe continues instead of his wife, as he kneels down in front of you, placing a small kiss on your knee while looking up at you.
You cant really say no to them. I mean, of course you can say that you're not ready, they will understand, they want you to want them and they wont force you in their bed, of course- They can always wait for you.
But you don't. You let them take your clothes off slowly, with multiple kisses and praises, with all their attention on you — mostly Love talks, Joe does — a perfect team work
And now, you're completely naked for them. They, meanwhile, stayed clothed, but oh god — you dont really care, as long as Love kisses you the way she does, and Joe eats you out like he haven't eaten in years-
You notice that you're so close to cumming only when Joe puts a thrid finger in you, and Love takes her clothes off too, so you can touch her as much as she touches you.
And yes, that's it. You're cumming on Joe's fingers and tongue, you even feel him moan, maybe he even strokes his cock on that image of you all overwhelmed by him and Love. Love, meanwhile, oh Love, she holds you close, grabbing wherever she can grab on you, and holding your hands on her chest.
It's going to be a long, great night. They waited for too long to stop so early. And from now on, you sleep only in their bed.
You don't really mind, do you, sweetheart?
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todomemolesta18 · 10 months
More Nuzi comparison~
"Uh, you cant compare them to Stolitz, uh, because they are two different ships and, uh..."
Blablabla, idc. This is for fun and to show my reasons to why I like a ship and not the other 😌
If you dont like Nuzi, fine. If you LOVE Stolitz, fine. Is okay, this is, again, personal opinion and kinda subjective, so dont take it as an attack please.
(This is super long, so I apologize for that)
So... lets talk about something else that makes a hug difference betweent these two ships. (This is gonna be long).
Respect and equality.
I think is kinda obvious, but just to be clear. What do I think is respect and equality in a relationship? That they both see each other as equals. They respect each others boundaries. They have basic empathy.
Oh, boy, this is gonna be fun...
Lets start with Nuzi! (Spoilers if you havent watch it!)
In ep 2, as I said in another post, N constantly ask Uzi if she is okay. But what I didnt mention is that, later, after a very traumatic experience, N tries to touch Uzi´s shoulder, but she backs up, looking scared, and N looks at her worried.
Then... Uzi asks a question that breaks him...
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You can see on his face. That question got him. He understood that Uzi is scared of him, and has good reasons to be. So, without insisting, he just leaves, even if this makes him sad.
Next ep confirms what Im saying, with a brief flashback of this moment, and him saying that he and V cant interact with Worker drones because they are dangerous. All of this with sadness on his face.
N respects how Uzi feels, and even understands why she feels like this. Even when this makes him sad, he doesnt selfishly impose himself on her and respects Uzi´s boundaries.
N is not a bad person for feeling sad, because even when feeling like this, respects Uzi. Well, and the other Worker drones. But specially Uzi!
Damn, they only interact again by accident, because he goes back to stop V from murdering other worker drones, not because of Uzi. By this point, Uzi has calm down, but N doesnt know this. Actually, when they meet, there is a brief moment that I like and is this one:
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When they see each other again, he aproaches her, and Uzi instinctively flinches, maybe because of the surprise, or because she is feeling akward because its been a while since they saw each other, and last time they spoke was... uh... well, you know.
But, anyway. It doesnt matter why, because N notices this, and stops. Uzi didnt need to say anything, he noticed her face and movement. N, not forgething last time, understands that she may still be scared and moves away from her.
They keep talking (akwardly) and when Uzi tells him that maybe something bad is gonna happen, N offers her help...
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He says "could". Again, not forcing himself on her and just making an offer that Uzi can reject. N wants to respect Uzi and her feelings, even if it hurts him. Because he is a cinnamon roll. And, AGAIN, this obviously makes him sad, but that doesnt make him bad. We can understand why he feels like this.
Like Uzi, N has been alone, with V ignoring him, and J abusing him. Its not weird that N cares about Uzi so much.
And she cares too.
N turns back when Uzi clarifies that she is okay with him being close, even blushing.
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And he finally hugs her when knowing that Uzi is okay with him being close.
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Another moment is ep 4. Is not exactly the same, but is important for this post.
So, Uzi just did something... shockin. And runs off, because she is scared.
The other drones, including V and N, are shocked. V tries to go and kill Uzi, but N stops her, and says some interesting lines after V *lies* says that she is not afraid:
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He is scared too. Uzi just did something very scary and weird. We can see it on his face too on that moment. The shock.
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But still, N noticed how Uzi was scared too and thats why she run away. And stands by her side.
The "She is a kid, like us" line makes me think that N sees him and Uzi as equals, even if he is a Disasembly Drone and her a Worker drone. They are on the same level. Equals.
Later in the ep, we get the beautiful falling scene, where he tries to understand whats going on in her mind, and actually calms her down and makes Uzi feel less alone, by reasuring her that they will stick together.
But I talked about this moment in another post.
Buuuuuuut my absolute favourite moment that shows that they BOTH see each other in the same level, is this line from Uzi in ep 6, when Tessa says "dont date my robot":
... Do I even have to say anything? My girl Uzi is not being posesive, and even defends him when they treat him like and object.
Damn right he is, Uzi! Proud of you. Thats a green flag right there!
... you wanna know who is the opposite? Who is a red flag?
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Lets get this quickly out of the way, because everyone, including the shipers, already know.
And no, not because Stolas has more powers than Blitzo. Is because both of them are not equals in any shape of form.
Stolas has literal power over Blitzo with that book. Stolas made the deal, and he decides when to get the book back, like in ep 5. And also HOW to get paid.
We all know how.
So, yeah, in that sense, they are not equals at all. But thats not all!
Obviously Stolas doesnt see Blitzo as an equal, and the same can be said for Blitzo.
Stolas treats him as a sex toy, and fetichizes him. He is basically a racist, calling him "my little imp" or "my impish little playting". Stolas also infantilizes him by talking to him on a baby voice, saying "he is cute when he is serious". Or calling Blitzo by a nickname he dislikes.
Stolas chooses a lot of the time to act in a sexual manner with Blitzo, even when having the oportunity to say something actually nice about him but he doesnt do it.
"Im calling the only man who can fuck me".
"Hello, my big dick Blitzy".
"Good luck to you all. Especially that sexy one there".
"Blitz, if your perfomance on stage is as good as it is in bed, you leave them breatles".
There isnt a moment where Stolas says something nice about Blitzo, only how sexy he is.
And yeah, he laughs at his joke. But thats it. He doesnt say anything nice to him. He could have said something like "I always found your jokes hilarious" or "they have bad taste on jokes, because yours are amazing. You get it.
From Blitzo, is super obvious that he doesnt see Stolas as an equal either. The alucination just confirms it. And he even says that Stolas only wants him to feel the dick of someone from a lower class (and he is right). He sees Stolas as someone who is more powerful and over him.
Now, about boundaries. Stolas doesnt respect Blitzo´s boundaries. He steps on them. Even when Blitzo is looking at him annoyed, Stolas is just like "hehe, how cute" not taking him seriously, and keeps filtring with him.
And never forget that Stolas did the full moon agrement. In a life or death situation.
Or lets not forget how in ep 6, after saving their lifes he asked for a reward to Blitzo. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
"Oh, but he only asked!" Yeah, and is not like Blitzo cant say no, because Stolas has the book he needs for his job, and Stolas can take from him anytime, like in ep 5 where he took the book before the full moon.
Mhm, sure.
And now, one last thing. Remember what I said that being sad isnt the problem? Well, how does Stolas react when Blitzo lets it clear that their relationship is only sexual because STOLAS made it that way, and that he cant pretend it is otherwise?
His reaction feels more like "Oh, poor me! The man I love doesnt love me back, oh, poor me, Im so alone!" What about Blitzo, uh? How do you think he feels being used as a toy, uh?
But you dont care, you keep sexualizing him when you can. And you only are giving him the Asmodeus crystal because you cant have what you want, that is a real romantic relationship.
I hope that he stays away from Blitzo. But I know thats not gonna happen.
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shadamy for ask game? :) maybe sonamyshad as well 👉👈
i can do both!!!
- amy was the one to deeply connect with shadow during his first existential crisis in sa2 and was also the only one to ever see him cry/be emotionally vulnerable
- when she hugs him by accident he doesn’t throw her off he just awkwardly stands there. keep in mind this was probably the first hug he got since maria (if she even hugged him, for all we know this was his first act of affection since we don’t have canon proof of maria hugging him)
- pink and black aesthetic
- since she doesn’t view him as her hero like sonic is, amy is less likely to be reduced to a damsel in the dynamic (i want to note that i do not view sonamy this way nor think it should be written this way bur y’know, fanon tropes). amy is strong!!! so is shadow!!! they’re a power couple!!!
- shadow can spindash as amy bats him into something with her hammer
- amy is naturally empathetic and can read shadow and understand how he feels without requiring too much work from him. she’s emotionally intelligent and therefore shadow will never feel pressured into talking about trauma or his mind. if he does want to share though, we know that amy is smart enough to help him do this, as she shares the same empathy and kindness as maria
- in shth (iirc i haven’t played it in a while) if you do amy’s mission you can’t do rouge’s and vice versa. do with this what you will about choosing the most important feminine influence in his life (no shade to rouge! i’m just sayin 😩)
- shadow has been asleep for 50 years so he’s extremely unadjusted, which makes him young at heart while still being ageless and mature via programming and trauma. therefore, him and amy can experience a lot of new things together!
- amy can learn to be stronger and independent while shadow can learn to be more expressive
- they both have relative anger issues and can go to a scrapyard and beat the shit out of stuff together
- boom shadamy 🥴 amy renovating shadow’s cave and/or moving her gremlin boyfriend out of his gross hole and teaching him how to use furniture
- oh also he’d help her with the ikea furniture so it doesn’t suck
- all the reasons above BUT you also get sonadow and sonamy so the two ship sides can stop fighting each other
- bisexuality is really awesome
- sonic and shadow can do their own thing and can also alternate dates with amy because they both like alone time and this won’t strain the polycule by having amy left alone or the boys socially drained
- amy can hit a spindashing sonic AND shadow with her hammer
- once again, imagine this in boom. sonic and shadow trying to kill each other and/or makeout but being forced to act civil for amy knowing damn well she’ll kick their asses for ruining dinner and turning into feral beasts
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hikennosabo · 1 year
musing about vash and knives (trimax vol 8)
a full post on vash and knives's relationship will have to wait until i finish the manga, if i can even muster up the ability to write something that long and detailed, but i wanna write about some scenes in volume 8 separately from my general volume 8 post...
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both of them use their respective family-turned-symbol-for-their-own-ideals to try to appeal to the other's emotions.
knives chooses not to answer vash about rem. but vash answers knives about tesla. he gets so emotional that he even breaks out of legato's control briefly.
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vash understands knives's pain - he's the only one who can. he understands it better than knives does. and he tries to reach the part of knives that's hurting.
"don't do this - don't make the same mistake again. there will be no coming back from this." all of vash's dialogue in this scene tells me that despite everything knives has done to him (and what he's CURRENTLY doing to him), vash still sees knives's pain and cares. he's still holding onto hope that knives will see reason, that he can change. but of course knives isn't willing to listen.
now i wanna talk about the scene where vash jumps off the ship with wolfwood.
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he's talking like a kid. "dont go, vash." he's so desperate, it betrays his loneliness. and then ofc he threatens to kill vash here lmao. because the only thing he knows how to do is threaten and use violence and force to try and get his way. because it's the only thing he's BEEN doing for over a century.
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i'm biased because i watched stampede before everything else so it's the lens through which i've been viewing knives, but in stamp there's a lot of emphasis on knives's loneliness without vash, and how much knives loves vash. which is summed up concisely here: "we only have each other." knives has no one else. as i just said, vash is the only one who can understand him. and the tragedy of it is knives's love for vash being so twisted by his trauma and loneliness and fear that it ends up as control and abuse.
and then when vash jumps out of the ship... it's similar to the earlier scene where knives does a swan dive and vash calls out to him.
and then knives tries to catch him, at first with his plant appendages...
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and then we see just his hand.
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just his hand, because that's knives. the plant appendages disappear, and all we're left with is knives's own hand reaching for vash. at his core, he just wants to be together with his brother.
leading us neatly into this, which makes me want to eat glass!
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"i felt his true self being absorbed." dude. that must be so scary. for vash and for knives both. vash felt his brother disappearing. and knives... he's losing himself. it's like he's dying. when vash said there's no coming back from this, he wasn't lying. vash slipped away from knives physically, but knives is slipping away from vash mentally.
also, when knives's feather touches vash in this moment, this is how he reacts. is it like a two way street, or...? did knives feel what vash was feeling, too?
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and then as knives proceeds with his plant-absorbing crusade, he thinks this.
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at his core he loves vash, and now he's deliberately trying to get rid of that core by absorbing more plants. to push that part of himself away, for the sake of his mission. trying to forget vash, who is the only person who ever had a chance of bringing him back from the brink. losing that part of himself. drowning out the love he has for vash by making "himself" disappear.
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it's so fucking over. at the end of the day there is still love between vash and knives but knives is too far gone and they can never be a family again. i'm experiencing shrimp emotions.
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elipheleh · 1 year
The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms, and on their own timeline. They also have the right to choose not to come out at all. The forced conformity of the closet can not be answered with the forced conformity in coming out of it.
-Alex, Red White & Royal Blue (2023)
i want to talk about this quote. full disclosure, it’s because i keep seeing some really frustrating takes (some of which veer into queerphobia) and i am getting a bit annoyed with people and rather than directly addressing it with them & appear to be picking a fight im going to make an analysis post in my space. (tbf. its mostly on twitter and i have a priv account so that limits me)
disclaimer; this is my interpretation, im not saying its the only interpretation just something to consider. i am queer & cognitively disabled - don’t assume malice and dont be cruel. i will ignore and block freely.
tl;dr/very simplified summary: it doesn’t mean “dont ever speculate about other people’s sexuality” but rather that ‘coming out’ in the way society understands it shouldn’t be a necessity for queer people to exist openly as queer. full context under the cut & self-exploration questions at the end.
so lets start with the context. alex is talking at a point in time when the world has read their emails and so knows both are queer (bi & gay, specifically), but neither alex/the white house or henry/the palace have commented. so more simply - alex and henry are known to be queer, but have not come out. alex uses the speech to come out as bi, and as being in love with henry. he also uses it to imply that he & henry should have the right to choose not to do this formal coming out alex is doing.
okay. lets get into the quote analysis.
The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms, and on their own timeline.
reasonably self explanatory. each queer person gets to decide their own timing for coming out, and the way that they want to address their sexuality.
They also have the right to choose not to come out at all.
this is where problems with interpretation have started to appear. fundamentally yes, this means people are allowed to not be openly queer/‘out’ if that is what their decision is. but it also means that they can be visibly queer - for example being in a visibly queer relationship; signalling with their aesthetic (e.g. someone being butch, someone who wears only ‘girl’ clothes despite that being at odds to their assigned gender); casually posting about queer things on social media etc - without addressing their own sexuality to others.
it does not mean that you should assume everyone is straight until they explicitly tell you otherwise. and quite frankly insisting that it does mean that is veering into homo-/bi-/queer-phobia because you are insinuating that being not-straight is a negative thing.
The forced conformity of the closet can not be answered with the forced conformity in coming out of it.
some people seem to be interpreting this as ‘you shouldnt force people out of the closet’ and i don’t think thats quite to the nuance of what it means. yes, i do think that is part of it - in much the same way as the previous sentence - but it is not really the whole of it. in my opinion this is actually addressing - at least to some degree - the concept of ‘we should assume people are straight until they explicitly say otherwise’.
the ‘forced conformity of coming out’ addresses the idea that to be “out” you have to follow these steps; that you have to make a public statement that ‘this is my sexuality and i am [queer/bi/gay/pan/ace/etc]’. you are conforming to this precedent of “how to come out” that countless queer people have followed. there’s nothing inherently wrong with doing so, but actually there are different ways to be queer - and even being “out” as queer - that don’t involve following that playbook.
here’s a hypothetical to demonstrate my point. two men, who have never dated any women, live together & spend basically all their time together over 5-10 years. they holiday with each other’s family, they’re always together at events (e.g. weddings of non-mutual friends), but they’ve never told you/the public that they’re queer and/or dating each other. at what point does one start to assume they’re together? and does the answer change if its a man & a woman rather than two men? if a man & a woman did that, people would assume pretty early on they’re probably dating. but yet when it’s two men suddenly it’s invasive to speculate. this is where this concept of the forced conformity of coming out comes in - along with the veering into homophobia i referenced earlier - why must they say the words “i am gay” for it to then be ‘okay’ to consider that they’re together? (the homophobia comes into play because if you think being gay is morally neutral (which it is) then you shouldn’t have any issue with the speculation about people being together regardless of their genders.) the idea that straight is the default is where this forced conformity starts to really kick in.
i guess the main things i want people to ask themselves are these (and i have been asking myself these questions, there is no judgement or censure just self examination):
1. do you think people can be openly queer publicly without explicitly sharing that they are queer? (by this i mean in an announcement or in casual conversation. can you be openly queer without ever addressing it explicitly?)
2. if you do, why do you think that talking about the possibility someone is queer is something that should be hushed up? is it because there is an internalised concept that being queer is something abnormal and/or negative? if it was a straight couple would you feel the same way?
3. what does “coming out” mean to you? why does it mean that, what have you internalised to get to that conclusion & is it something that always works or are there other ways to be openly queer (or ‘out’ if you prefer)?
4. is it possible that there are queer people living openly and happily as themselves without explicitly addressing their sexuality to the wider world, who don’t want to address it publicly? does this make them closeted or ‘less’ queer to you? if so, what makes you think that?
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Sorry for sending too many zooble asks I'm a bit too autistic for them
Anyway uhhh. Hcs or thoughts about the way zooble interacts with other cast members or what she thinks of them pls? 👉👈 we saw them interact with jax, pomni and kinger briefly but that wasn't much and I've been thinking about all that tbh
Zooble interactions!
this one may be on the shorter side (and also indulging in one of my zooble ships ueue) since im feeling a little ouuwuwuuuooo wuu right now also dont feel bad for requesting for zooble! i totally get it! obviously this is based around speculation since we only have the pilot and they were absent for most of it so uhuh though i guess that goes with this entire acc as a whole
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Jax- as much as i wanna say they hate each other, the more i think about the more i can see them having a love/hate friendship going on. like they arent buddy buddy, but there probably exists some moments where they can agree on something and perhaps even work together in a decent duo. though it is rare you see them interacting and hanging out one on one
Pomni- weirdly enough i think zooble would be sympathetic to pomni, given her freak out when she first landed in the digital circus and her wanting to escape instantly. do i think zooble was the same when they got stuck? not exactly, but hey that's something else. as for actual interactions, i think if they got to interact more one on one i think the constant anxiousness from pomni would get on their nerves, since they're more of a "this is how things are now and theres nothing that can be done to change our fate, so its better to just accept it" person (at least thats how i read them)
Ragatha- finds ragatha to be one of the most tolerable of the group thanks to ragatha just. being kind to others and understanding. they stay in their own lanes for the most part, but zooble knows if they need something they can go to ragatha for a hand!
Kinger- torn between saying they hold a grudge over the gloink thing or not. i feel like it would be a baby grudge, like they dont think about it every single day and they can still talk to kinger without thinking about it but when they DO remember they get a lil mad. as for actual relationships, they would probably find kinger's antics irritating (namely the screams) so i don't think they would hang out with him much either
Gangle- wife/j no but ive been thinking about gangle x zooble since i was introduced to it because i genuinely do love the idea of them so much i wanna make more ideas for these two. anyways! these two hang out a lot, actually if you're looking for one you should probably try looking for the other since odds are the one you need isn't too far off. as stated in a previous post gangle is the only person allowed in zoobles room. love these two
Caine- neutral, i think, at the end of the day. i mean its not like caine forces them to do things they dont want to do (caine goes out of his way to tell zooble that they dont have to participate in the pilots in house adventure, so caine is more than willing to listen to input from the members i think) (ignoring the fact that zooble got 'napped by the gloinks, but i dont think caine sicked them on zooble)
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
Hi hi hello its me again
Same anon from sea-monster reader anatomy
I'm currently lying awake on my bed thinking abt this instead of sleepin, but in one of the posts (first one where you presented the concept i think) u said sea monster reader slowly learned words like thank you and eclipse and all that in worded sentences
If so how did they communicate before that
Was it trial and error like when a cat keeps meowning and you dont know what the heckty heck they want? Did they understand somewhat what each other was saying even without being able to replicate said language? (Like when you can understand English but can't for your life's sake pronounce a single sentence properly [aka me])
Maybe its just the power of love who knows who am i to judge
Anyway that was all im gonna try to sleep now cuz its 4am hope you have a good day/night 🌷
I don't promise to not come up with more questions my bad abt that
And i think of it a lot like both 'cat meowing but u dont know what they want' AND 'i can understand you but cant make the words' sort of? like Sea Monster Reader could understand Eclipse vaguely enough to get the idea of what he was saying, but could not, for a long time, make the words or figure out which words meant what, and Eclipse would try his best to understand whatever Sea Monster Reader wanted or was talking abt but their language barrier was just too much.
A LOT of it was reading the tone, at the very beginning. Eclipse would use a soft and gentle voice around them, and move slow and careful to show he didn't want to hurt them. If anyone else got too close with too much curiosity, he would use a growling, angry snap to chase them away, sometimes physically forcing them. He was always gentle or soft when he tended to their injuries, which was a lot coming from him, they were like the first person he was ever nice to skfdsdjfhs
Sea monster Reader, on the other hand, communicated a lot through gestures and body language. Sometimes they would try to speak in their own language, but it was obvious Eclipse was like ??? so they only did that when they wanted to say something they didnt really want him to understand. (at least once they would say smthn like "i dont understand why you are being nice to me. a killer doesnt deserve so much kindness" in their own language, knowing he wouldn't be able to understand it at al)
There was a LOT of improv in the beginning, and like can u imagine how surprised Eclipse was when they said his name for th first time,, i love these idiots bumbling their way thru being so different but also very in love,,
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voiceofsword · 2 years
How do ya think Hiiro would have turned out if he had run away *with* Rinne rather than chase after him after? I feel like Rinne definitely would have passed out sooner since he seems like the type to want to make sure his baby brother eats first
I THINK SO TOO, ANON.. putting this under a readmore bc i dont wanna stretch out anyone's dash 🙇
i feel like. overall hiiro would result in being the same person i.e the amagis development isn't... all that different? but they probably would've reached their conflicts somewhat sooner and "resolved" them before actual main story. it's complicated because i don't think rinne would've really been able to confront his brother about a lot of the complexes their hometown drilled into his head because he's so young, like partly i think the reason they were able to be addressed in main story is because of rinne's development as a person (in the city), and hiiro being older and having had alkaloid to back him up in terms of having people around him that love him and give him a modicum of self worth – so, in this case it's more something that bubbles under the surface all the time and is addressed in bursts rather than all at once. if that makes sense?
i completely agree with rinne giving everything up to be sure that hiiro would be happy, safe, and fed. but at the same time, i cant see hiiro sitting there idly while his brother busts his ass doing god knows what – he probably wouldn't be very happy about it. i think he would feel guilty seeing his brother all haggard when he's used to him being regal, and composed. i genuinely think it'd be interesting to think about how this is the beginning of hiiro seeing that he's more than just his brother's advisor. it'd take a Lot of getting used to, and hiiro's really not the type to internalize it and realize that the reason his brother does this is because he loves him – rather, i think he'd be very confused about the whole ordeal. 
when rinne inevitably drops due to exhaustion, hiiro would likely fret and try to find the nearest person to help them, which in any case and because i think rinniki dynamic is integral to rinne's development, would be niki. i also think it's more plausible for 12 year old hiiro to reach out to someone close to his age rather than an adult stranger both bc he's intimidated, and bc it's likely rinne's told him time and time again that he shouldn't interact with adults he doesn't know.
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in contrast with rinne's initial calm standoffish demeanor he has when he meets niki in canon i think with hiiro there he'd be a lot more abrasive? because the rinne we know in canon's kind of given up, at that point, so niki's help is welcome although met with a bit of ego. but since he has his brother to care for this time, i think he'd be a lot more wary of niki, and protective of hiiro, even though it's clear all niki wants to do is help. hiiro on the other hand would absolutely be open to niki because he sees him as someone who saved his brother, and doesn't understand why rinne puts up walls. niki is like 3 feet tall and could be swept away by a strong wind so there's literally nothing offensive about him. also hiiro and niki are both similar in terms of how they undermine their self-worth so i think that after that initial threat wears off rinne's pulling his hair out because the two of them can easily point out that they should be kinder to themselves but when it comes to each other they're incredibly dense
the addition of niki really would help with their development in this scenario imo because i feel like with him they'd be forced to talk things out to avoid awkwardness. over time rinne continues to take on odd-jobs but hiiro doesnt like that his brother's taking on all the work and making himself exhausted trying to support all 3 of them. it's likely rinne would explode over little things, like hiiro also trying to take on part-time jobs or taking on a lot of chores to make up for what rinne himself is doing without much regard for himself. obviously rinne wouldnt be angry per se but would be frustrated that his brother's too immersed in the idea that he's STILL less than rinne and thus deserves to shoulder all the work. i can see him walking out of niki's apartment leaving the other two confused, and hiiro very hurt – luckily niki might not be very academically smart but can be emotionally intelligent when he wants to be, so he'd sit down with hiiro and explain what it could be that makes his brother feel that way (probably not with a lot of tact because hes 14 but enough that hiiro is like hm ok that makes sense, and i also think hiiro would blindly follow niki's advice too if he comes to regard him as an older brother figure).
hiiro wouldnt understand initially but he so desperately seeks his brother's reassurance that everything is ok that the second he comes back he immediately asks if what niki says is true. above all else i think hiiro needs for people to point out that the way he's treating himself is wrong for him to realize it, which rinne often avoided doing when he was a young child because it simply didn't click in hiiro’s head. but if other people say it's true, then he's forced to acknowledge that maybe rinne isn't angry at him, but rather, at his impotence in making hiiro see that he's worth more than what he thinks, and when he knows what his brother is upset over, it's 'relatively easy' for him to fix it. maybe. basically niki is their therapist. i feel like their life together would be peppered with instances like this
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i dont rly know how to keep this train of thought going but i Did appreciate the ask bc i love any excuse to yap on abt hcs. so thank u
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wanderrlust0 · 3 months
im home now and im glad me and him got high today bc i dont think i wouldve been able to be okay emotionally and pretend like everythings good. i just read my last journal post and i just started crying. like i gave him till the very last minute to say i love you to me and he didnt so i whispered it as i got ready to get out of the car and he then whispered it back. like, he wasnt gonna say it if i hadnt said it. he just said it bc i said it but i can tell it was like empty words like wtf i feel like he doesnt really love me anymore rn and ive done absolutely nothing wrong like its unfair and im tired of it. he hasnt been himself since tuesday. first he wasnt himself when i saw him sunday. then i forced him to talk about it a little. then he was good monday, saying good morning, goodnight, using :3 a lot. then tuesday he just went back to the dryness and sounding uninterested. stopped saying goodnight and goodmorning to me. its now thursday (technically) we hung out. i texted in caps goodmorning bc he again just started saying stuff. i feel like he was only okay today bc he was high. he was touching me a lot but mostly my ass bc i wore a skirt. i didnt mind it ofc but i did sorta feel like he was mostly touching me in a sexual way and less romantic way. he is so fixated on my friend who he doesnt like and thinks id cheat with. bunny stop being insecure..honestly. i feel like its def that and his inability to fully trust me is what the main problem is. like he was barely loving meD: i can tellll when he genuinely does bc he shows it but today and these past few days just felt so casual and not full of effort. like why the fuck am i really crying right now like idk how im feeling bc im like ofc hurt and im confused and tired and annoyed and upset and sad and it feels less fun. i always end up doing most of the talking when hes like this bc itll make me so uncomfortable to sit in silence. like theres a good silence and a weird silence. i used the bathroom and left my phone on the table. ik he most likely scrolled thru my notifications. like im sure he def did. he was standing right there. even tho it was locked and he cant see the details of the notifs ik i have nothing to hide. the thing is how long is it gonna take for him to have some faith in me and stop doubting me and treating me like im a copy of everyones past mistakes. i think now im really actually not gonna act like things dont affect me and show more dryness or annoyance or distance. whatever i feel towards him ill reciprocate or stop pretending like its nothing. he didnt answer my text where i sent him a video that i thought was cute and funny and i wanted him to see it too. no acknowledgement from that. he hasnt sent me an ig reel in days. he stopped saying goodnight and goodmorning. he did now. the edible made him happier today and same with me. we drank and it made us both sleepy. idk what hes feeling towards me. he doesnt really share everything bc he thinks that it doesnt make a diff if we talk about it or not bc he feels like nothing will change and its pointless. i obviously disagree and i feel like we def have to talk, whether itll make a diff or not. it will do something. itll help us understand each other more. itll help us see things in a diff perspective. itll help us clear the air and get rid of the elephant thats lowkey in the room. i wish he wasnt so insecure in times like these. i wish he was more confident with himself. i wish he would really just love me unconditionally and not question our love. i wish i didnt have to tiptoe around the topic of my friend. i wish hed pay attention to whats in front of him and realize how great we can be. hes like a part of me now and i cant see myself without him and i desperatelyy wish hed just understand thatD; im trying and doing my best. i love him to pieces, but if i feel that hes losing interest, it makes me lose interest and i emotionally feel less of a connection to who he is. its like i love him and want him close by but his energy isnt the same person and i miss him againnn. hes back to caring less
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
chapter 11 thoughts (amazing chapter as always) and damn is it a chapter (and my thoughts are long so as always sorry if it’s a pain to read)
first of all i love how even oscar’s coworker thinks that him and logan are in a relationship. ‘he’s just touchy’ i mean sure touchy is definitely when you have sex with your friend, make out with your friend and whatnot, that’s just him being ‘touchy’ obviously. if a coworker is saying that youre and you still arent convinced idk how oblivious you can be
and logan saying that the best parts of him are oscar, i mean yeah youve kissed youve fucked and youre both inseparable so that makes sense i guess but i love though that kyle is all so confused about this everytime logan is like ‘you know what i mean’ bc no logan i dont think kyle has a life long friend that hes done more than friend things with before
speaking of more than friend things, i still dont know how they can call themselves just friends when they’ve now both fingered each other and one has eaten the other out (first thing i thought of when i saw that scene was a similar scene in shark bait). i know i keep saying this but every chapter i always think ‘wtf do you mean that you’re just friends???’ and logan saying that he likes oscar whilst he’s naked is not helping my point
also i get logan’s entire college thing, moving away from everyone is so weird and especially when you know your best friend is going to be moving away from you. i wonder what will happen between the 2 of them and whats gonna happen after they go to college (unless somehow they magically cross paths in the same college or whatever)
anyways we need more of drunk logan thoughts bc i think it’s really interesting to see how he as a character thinks about things (just without a filter stopping him anymore) like just full on saying he cant get hard when he thinks about fucking oscar, no filter stopping him. i like hearing these thoughts just bc they’re so unfiltered
and kyle again… poor kyle i swear if i were him i would be scheming with callum to get logan and oscar together bc the man must have at least heard logan talk about oscar as if he’s his partner (no sorry i meant ‘friend’ obviously) like a million times
maybe kyle’s teasing might actually work idk (does it? perhaps it does, only you can tell us haha), and with that, that’s the end of my thoughts, sorry for it being so long and again thankyou for another great chapter!
HELLO. THANK YOU FOR YOUR THOUGHTS <3 never a pain to read i love and appreciate your thoughts very much me taking like 4 days to answer this ask is no reflection of my appreciation i just suck and am busy. Anyways
justice for oscar’s coworker tbh. she has been forced to witness their antics and then also put up with oscar’s insistence that they are Just Friends. at least she’s getting paid to be there…
logan literally does not know what he would do without oscar. i mean oscar doesn’t know what he would do without logan either but he isn’t really talking about it… but like. idk. just in life stuff like that is pretty wild to think about. like who would i be without this person in my life. logan thinks he would be Much Worse without oscar and does not understand why kyle doesn’t just Get exactly what he means like hello. logan. pretty sure You are kyle’s best friend and he is not gay for you. but i digress
THEY’RE JUST STUPID. aware of the fact that they do things “normal” friends don’t do but not aware of the fact that they’re just not friends. “it’s different with him” yeah because you are IN LOVE? whatever. my bad i did write it like that!
college will be fun. hehe. they’ll be fine… going to different colleges for the plot but it will be a spectacular time. they can keep arguing about who will drive to visit who until the end of the world probably. AND THEY WILL VISIT EACH OTHER! and i’m scheming.
DRUNK LOGAN WAS SO FUN TO WRITE. something something the first person he thought to call when he needed help was oscar. something something his angel. something something oscar being stupidly nice to him and why the fuck are you untying his shoes for him buddy stand up. Anyways. i agree more drunk logan i love him
i will disclose that kyle is a catalyst in thee ending of all time. i have it all planned out in my brain and not written down but shoutout kyle. he’s evil and i am evil and logan is fucking stupid
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