#dont you love it when your people are enslaved; break free and then are enslaved AGAIN and now everyone has french lastnames
astarionancuntnin · 7 months
listen, obviously i love astarion for multiple reasons, but ironically when i first started the game i wasnt interested in him, at all. i was fully commited to finding karlach and dating her bc of what i had seen online about her. i had barely heard or seen anything about him other than him being "the flirty vampire" and i was like eh okay
i ended up keeping him in my party cause his remarks were hilarious and i really vibed with his energy. and then he started opening up and you get to see how the whole overconfidence and flirting was an act, he starts talking about cazador and what he went through and how determinate he is to take him down. he keeps mentioning how he cannot wait to get rid of his master and how satisfied hes going to be, and hes smiling just thinking about it
then we learn about the ritual and theres this sudden spark in him, hes convinced that its the answer to his problems, he gets tunnel vision on the ritual, and if you romance him he also thinks its the only way he can assure not only his own safety, but also yours.
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and when you finally win the fight, you have to save him from himself. hes desperate, completely blinded by the power he could potentially have. if he has this power, hes never going to be vulnerable, no one will abuse him ever again.
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he is willing to lose himself to make sure he never gets hurt like this. even with high approval, if you dont succeed a persuasion roll or refuse to help him, he either turns against you or leaves your party. in his eyes, at this moment, you are the one who turned against him.
if you suceed the persuasion roll, he agrees that he can be better than cazador, and before stabbing him repeatedly, mentions (again) how hes going to enjoy this
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only to break down right after. even though its something hes been wanting to do for centuries, all the suffering hes been through came crumbling down after it was done. cazador is dead, hes the one who killed him, he finally got his revenge, and yet he feels this emptiness.
its done, why do i not feel better?
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if you saved him, he talks to you later and admits how he wasn't himself, how thankful he is that you helped him out and most of all, you believed in him. you saved him by believing he could be more than what he saw in himself.
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if you talk to him after completing dame aylin's quest in act 3 (after killing cazador), he mentions how he expected her to rejoice after defeating yet another person who intended to enslave her, but shes just tired. hes comparing her reaction to his own experience after freeing himself from his abuser
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and after karlach's reaction to killing gortash, he brings up the fact that theres "no justice in this world". contrary to what he believed earlier in the game, its not only him thats been wronged for several years. even though in the end they all got to get rid of the people who ruined their lives, they are still hurting.
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hes realising that killing your abuser, although it seemed like the simple, satisying solution of finally having your revenge from years of trauma, might free you, but it will not fix you. they're dead, but you still have to live with what they've done to you.
he is my roman empire
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eyesxxyou · 4 months
pirate hobie is so fine in my head !!!!😖
also its giving "broken wings" by sage francis
heres some specific lyrics in case you dont wanna listen to it
"I'd like to see Her take flight into the stars Instead of letting her fly free they keep her in jars Instead of letting fly free they keep 'em in jars I put my hand to the glass so hard It might break the prison bars It isn't hard to see why they keep her captive She's naturally attractive Speaks with adlibs, she's uncommonly talented Ain't enough adjectives to do her dispotion justice Kids are wishin' for just a kiss and it's a mission to touch her lips They can't trust her with Freedom of movement that's a chance to loose her quick If she ups and splits We might as well call that discussion quits If we's to keep her down the government's underlinks Enslave people in this town especially if there cultures rich Exploiting talents making it do a bunch of tricks With the rest of the wingless imports Repeatedly told you ain't a fairy, just a bitch Just a bitch, with a butt that's thick So rub your tits, and thrust your hips And suck my dick, and run your shit, and run your shit, and run your shit
She's a fairy with broken wings I used to go watch her perform And if she hears me I hope she sings songs That had me going right back Couldn't find anyone in town to talk Bout how no one like that Should be confined to the ground we walk"
I didn't have any song in mind when I wrote it but thanks for sharing this with me!!!
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konfizry · 2 months
Full BtD spoilers stream of consciousness under the cut
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So the part where Nazamil's aim is to erase everyone's free will and personality and charisma to End Racism. You scratch that. Been done better elsewhere, very poorly executed in BtD let's just. I mean I guess you could have gone down that path and still ended up with something palatable but let's just indulge me this time around.
So what we do instead: make it so that Nazamil wants to erase people's memories. Her idea is that if people forget about the great conquest, the subsequent enslavement or Dahnans, the 300 year rule, the humilations, the dehumanization, the crown contest, the loved ones they lost, Lenegis, the Hollowing, if they even forget about the concept of "Dahnan" and "Renan", then the walls between people will break down as a consequence. You can still keep the masks/supressors that were used in BtD, to keep (and imo further reinforce) the callback to Alphen's mask. Erasing memories and pain is what it did, after all (tho for my purposes i'm choosing to focus only on memories. heck nazamil might even correctly come to the conclusion that supressing everyone's sense of pain might lead to Issues that directly threaten everyone's survival so she tweaks the suppressors so they don't do that, if that was ever an issue. or. whatever just come up with a quick explanation, for that)
Anyway. So. First of all in BtD it is stated that Nazamil forces the suppressors on people (and subsequently has supressed people also do it for her)? Too silly. Scratch that as well. Make it so that there were people who were genuinely interested in forgetting. Forgetting the horrors they've witnessed, forgetting the disgrace they've endured, forgetting the unfathomable. So, Nazamil reached to them and they put the suppressors on of their own free will. Which is just a little more disturbing, so we're going with that. Now, what's so bad about a couple weirdos forgetting their most painful memories if they so choose? Your body your choice and all that. Well, maybe there are unfortunate side effects, maybe it messes with their sense of self, maybe their family members don't want to see their relatives lose the experiences that they shared with them, unpleasant though they may be.
But there's worse, and more pressing matters at hand, because the forgetting epidemic is spreading as more and more people --Dahnans and Renans alike-- are going to Nazamil to have their memories erased. Even more alarming: as it turns out, Nazamil's amazing technicolor dungeon headquarters powered by Helganquil technology can also connect to Dahna's will. Her theory is that if she manages to gather enough people with a strong desire to forget in her headquarters, she might be able to hijack Dahna's will into making it so that every person has their memory wiped entirely (Alphen-style. they would still retain all their skills like walk, talk, bake, and also very basic knowledge maybe, but their experiences and identities would be back to square 1. it's magic dont question it). Oh yeah her theory is correct, btw, ofc it is. And now you have this looming grand-scale threat, but also Alphen&co also have very personal stakes in there. And you can sort of explore how each of them feels about their own memories and why they would or would not want them gone. This resonates really well with Alphen especially since he had his memories wiped (or, blocked). Memories of times and places that the Conquest also destroyed. Also worth keeping in mind that Alphen definitely has an ambivalent relationship with his own memories. I believe he states in toarise before losing the mask for good that he's anxious at the thought of regaining his memories, when it does happen it isn't a pleasant experience; the first recollection he gets are of his Most Traumatic Time At The Alien Lab, and later on he suspiciously does not go out of his way to reconnect with his past in any way. Is he scared of what he'll find if he remembers too much of his past on Dahna? Is he grappling with his identity and how new information about himself might make him lose the person he's become? Is it the realization that each loved one he remembers from 300 years ago instantly becomes one more person to mourn? Is it a concern that reminiscing a Past that no living person experienced might drive him away from his friends in the Present? (The answer, naturally is that the writers didn't feel like providing Alphen with substantial backstory or Dahna with History, but let's just pretend that there's depth to this game.)
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What I'm saying is, BtD could have been a good opportunity to delve into those issues. You also have to remember the promotional art. It disproporionately featured Alphen and Nazamil specifically (which, duh, MC and new character, obviously, but they could have chosen to make promo art with just Nazamil, or more promo art with Nazamil along with the whole party which does exist but fr there was such a focus on Nazamil looking sad and Alphen looking super serious). This could have hinted at some kind meaningful connection between two, and i believe this idea of Forgetting Stuff could have yielded some interesting results. Naturally Alphen, is not the only person who's invested in erm, keeping their memories. So you can have each character deliver classic JRPG emotion-ridden lines right before the final battle, blah blah blah i don't wanna forget my dad, bla bla bla if kisara can still fish but she forgets that it was her brother who taught her then i don't want to eat it, blah blah blah i know it hurts i'm hurting too but i want to make new memories with you blah blah blah we can share this burden blah blah blah, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to- blah blah blah how can we forgive what we've forgotten? blah blah blah Forgetting and Ignorance cannot bring about emancipation for they are tools that facilitate and maintain systems of oppression nazamil do not be complicit in your own subjugation, ok don't have them say that verbatim let's not do that (then again maybe rinwell).
Also note how Nazamil's powers still work well with this idea of "erasing", she has the ability to cause Hollowing, or rather, it's a byproduct of her healing. i think that's what it was? they don't dwell on it much, do they? seems like she really needed one power that could be characterized as freakish otherwise NPCs couldnt justifiably lash out at her. it's a bit of a shame that it didnt get looked into more. You know just like Dahnan history was erased, people were erased in menancia, mahag saar and ganath haros, even the renans' true history and lineage were erased, nazamil can make herself disappear, she's safe when she's unseen, unexisting. (also theres a semantic connection between the "oblivion" that haunts shionne's dreams and is materialized by the Hollowing and "forgeting". Admittedly this connection would not exist with the word that's used in the original japanese 破滅 (hametsu) afaik but i still like it)
Also the narrative would need to alot more room to Nazamil's memories, just to give us a taste of what it is she wants so desperately to forget. And then we can start to ask the really difficult questions. Should she be allowed to forget, if she so chooses? why, why not? How do you explain to a child who's known nothing but contempt and abuse that she simply must live with those things inside of her? (idk)
And like, i'm barely scratching the surface here. you could also explore how forgiving ties into remembrance. and then into what forgiving does and does not do. Or you could *not* go in that direction at all because forgiving is its own thing, and it doesn't necessarily resonate immediately with Nazamil. Oh, and if you want a little bit of angst, you can have one character be affected by The Forgottening (im calling it that, i hope it sounds very cool) and everyone panicks and maybe the character in question feels their memory fading and they desperately try to cling on to what they cherish the most in their heart and... who knows. (naturally this isnt permanent but like. the characters don't know that) One more thing, I think maybe you can put Nazamil's headquarters be located under Niez? Since it's where she starts off and Shit Went Down (ugghh) there. And Like there's this whole ridge under Niez that's never explored. What if we could explore the lower city and then you go even lower and there's the rift that gives you access to the dungeon proper. Also what if All of Niez is affected by the Forgottening and so as you explore Niez on your way to stop Nazamil, you also get a glimpse at what Nazamil's ideal world would be like and to be honest it's not that bad, everyone is friends :) they just don't know anything? idk idk
notes; idk if realistically ppl actually want to forget painful memories irl. those with flashbacks or other intrusive thoughts might want those gone but it doesnt necessarily mean erasing the information from your brain altogether. in my limited experience with people, the memories most likely to be deemed entirely undesirable are memories of embarrassment/shame rather than trauma where the person was victimized. (by that logic renans might actually be more sucesptible but idk if i can stretch it that far) so we might have to find a compelling explanation as to why so many people want to forget that goes beyond "bad memory makes me feel sad :/" i'd also like to emphasize that this does not in any way fix BtD. here i've discussed one specific aspect, yet there are many others that must be drastically and very seriously re-thought and re-worked if one were to present something palatable to the public (which was never the end goal of BtD) one last thing: it must remain silly
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aliensunflower-fics · 3 years
Everything You Deserve [Major Adrien Salt Ahead]
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[ I don’t believe in writing salt for the sake of salt but I figured this was a challenge so I went with a version of Adrien thats become so desperate, insecure, and paranoid that he makes the decision to use the wish and grant himself a good life only it doesn't work so well for him. ]
It all starts when Ladybug approaches Chat Noir one night after a patrol, shes excited and eager to share what shes learned as Guardian, the big news? She learned rather horrifically that the Miraculous jewellery are prisons keeping the Kwami contained and enslaved and after learning such an awful truth, she scoured the texts for anyway to break the imprisonment and finally after months SHE FOUND IT! A way to free the Kwami! And better yet when they are free they can pick there own holders merge with them and be even stronger! No more time limits no more weird nonsensical powers and rules but also no more commands or abuse only free will and true equal partnership!
Ladybug of course wants to free the Kwami ASAP and that includes Plagg and Tikki in fact, Plagg is vital for the whole thing as his power of destruction is needed to free the others with his own Miraculous being the last to be destroyed. Chat Noir on the other hand... Isn't so eager.
In his mind Adrien is panicking his whole life unraveling in front of him. With the Kwami freed they could all go out and pick there own heroes meaning no more just Ladybug and Chat Noir, no more partnership between just the two of THEM he’d be replaced by who knows who. With the Kwami freed Plagg could easily say 'no thanks' and refuse not only Adrien as his holder but refuse to transform anyone at all! With the Kwami freed he’d lose his one and only source of freedom and joy hed probably lose the only love of his life Ladybug no more jumping from rooftops no more escaping his father and his empty shell of a house and family. It wasn’t fair! It just wasn’t he had no guarantee Plagg would pick him or stay with him it would all be over! He DESERVED his miraculous and sure it sucked that the Miraculi were prisons but it wasn't like HE abused Plagg he wasn't Hawkmoth after all he was a nice guy?! So wasn't it okay to just leave things as they were?!
Ladybug took a step forward obvlious to his inner turmoil a soft smile on her face as asked him to hand over Plagg ‘just for a little while’ on instinct as if fearing she’d rip it off Chat Noir leapt away only barely hiding his expression of anger and fear. He needed time to think and fast as Ladybug looked at him with shock, then distrust and anger, he just needed to cover his tracks and luckily thanks to his father he had years of practice and he knows just what buttons to push on his precious Bugaboo. He quickly lifts his and in surrender plasters a pitiable look on his face and says that they need to THINK about this.
"Obviously freeing the Kwami is the right move my lady, but if were not careful Hawkmoth could do some serious damage dont you think?" The look of confusion and uncertainty on her face is all the opportunity he needs.
"Just think, this is a very complicated sounding spell your telling me about surely its going to take awhile right?" she bites her lip he can see the seed of doubt hes planted blooming into a sprout.
"Why if you take too long imagine the destruction the DEATH Hawkmoth could do to the city? And we NEVER know when hes planning his next attack. Can you stop that spell in the middle to save Paris?" He sees her frown her pretty little face scrunching up and he cant help the grin that appears shes SO easy to guilt because she always CARES so much for all the little people of Paris. Her sense of duty and responsibility always weighing her down. Its what he loves about her but gosh does he wish she’d just relax and let it go for once just for HIM.
He pauses a clawed finger carefully placed on his chin as he scrunches his face as in deep careful thought to her it may look like he trying to come up with a solution to there current dilemma but really his mind is scrambling for a plan. Adrenaline is rushing through his veins and hes scared and anxious. He just knew Plagg would abandon him the second he was free he KNEW it would be over his freedom ripped away his relationship with Ladybug shot before he could convince her to just admit her love he worked so hard he tried so much didnt he deserve a life better than this- Wait... Yes... Yes he did deserve better than this, better than his father, better than losing his freedom and fun, better then this dead end loveless relationship with a stubborn girl and he knew there was one way to get it. With perfectly practiced ease he lets out a light gasp leaving as if hes just thought of a BRILLIANT idea.
"What IF you gave the Ladybug Miraculous to ME? I can patrol as Mr.Bug and make sure the Akumas are taken care of and no damage is done while YOU have Plagg and do your fancy little spell to free the Kwami?" He smiles a bit too brightly and when Ladybug frowns and tries to protest and doubt he has his parry ready easily rooting and poking at her insecurities and doubts and fears does she really want to just leave Paris UNGUARDED while she does her spell? Is she really so careless and selfish???
Its just for a day or two surely she TRUSTS her PARTNER enough to trade Miraculi for that LITTLE bit of time surely she believes HE can handle stuff while she does the oh so important spell RIGHT? He sees the guilt and doubt fill her eyes and watches as she caves under his words, he knows its cruel and he hates to see her frown and feel so down but really hes doing this for HER just as much as himself she has no idea what kind of mistakes shes been making between thinking of FREEING a bunch of chaotic destructive gods who were likely imprisoned for a good reason anyway. I mean what does she think the Temple and the Order are bad guys or something? psh silly Bugaboo always coming up with crazy theories like the time she thought his dad was Hawkmoth.
No this will be better for everyone he just knows it! Even if his desires SOUND selfish but hes sure that his pure intentions will guide the magic to give everyone, a better life a life where everything is perfect. Shooting Ladybug a signature cat grin as she agrees to his plan he jumps behind the nearby chimney uttering his de-transformation phrase and promising to send over Plagg with the ring once she sends over Tikki with the earrings. Ladybug hesitates but with her body hidden behind the chimney she agrees, his heart rate elevates as he hears her say her de-transforming words and though the mild temptation to peek is there he knows he just needs to be patient as the spotted Kwami rounds the corner holding her earrings Adrien smiles, while they dont know it this is the last Marinette see or hear of her red spotted Kwami friend again for a long time.
The moment Tikki is within Adriens grasp he doesn't even hesitate, he snatches Tikki and unifies the miraculous ignoring the shocked cries of the Kwami and of Ladybug and hes enveloped in white light. It only took a second for everything to change. Adrien had secretly ALWAYS thought about the wish since he learned about it from Fu. At first he thought he’d wish his mother back, then he thought about wishing for Ladybug to love him, for his life to be better, for his dad to finally give him attention, to never have to do photo-shoots again, to continue getting to transform with the Miraculous for as long as he wanted so he could keep having fun. But even when he was tempted there was no real REASON to take his ladies Miraculous not when things were good enough, not when she was still there, and he could transform whenever to escape. But now with the RISK the slightest CHANCE that Plagg might say 'no' he decides its time to change things up to reward himself for  all the things hes put up with. So Adrien doesn't just wish for one thing no, he has a list of demands for his new perfect reality and when the white void around him pulses and fades black he feels excitement run through his bones at what awaits him in his new perfect world. The world that he truly DESERVES.
I want to be able to transform whenever I want so I can have Fun.
I Want Ladybug to be my loving devoted doting girlfriend.
I Want my mother back and for her and father to be my perfect parents.
I want to stop doing photo-shoots and instead get to do whatever I want.
I want to get everything I worked so hard to deserve.
When he awakes everything seems normal. Hes in his room and it looks more or less the same but perhaps its a little more... empty? Of course he also notices the odd disappearance of all his Ladybug memorabilia 'oh well' he thinks, he can always just BUY back everything hes missing, hes rich after all so he can have whatever he wants.The second thing he notices is the lack of weight on his ring finger. Plagg's ring is MISSING, now that is far more cause for concern then some Ladybug merch.
With a bit of fear and annoyance he scours his room only stopping once he finds a jewellery box on his desk, opening it he fully expects Plagg to pop out hissing and scratching but instead he sees a Peacock Broach and the Kwami that emerges is subdued and quiet. Adrien feels a twinge of rage as already this new perfect universe has gotten things WRONG one of his demands was to be able to transform whenever he wanted so he could keep having fun... But he does suppose he failed to specify in his demand that he wanted to keep the ring. Oh well its not destruction but he supposes riding around on his very own sentimonster servant could be fun too, besides if the wish got all his other demands right then Ladybug will be his madly in love girlfriend and she will surely just GIVE him Plagg's ring if he asks for it!
As he gets dressed and attaches the peacock pin to his shirt he hears a knock, its Nathalie informing him that his PARENTS are downstairs waiting to have breakfast with him! Joy and excitement replace any lingering annoyance and the quiet somber Kwami doesn't even mind hiding in his pocket. Rushing down the stairs Adrien has to hold back tears as he leaps into his mothers arms. His father is there as well smiling kindly as he ushers Adrien into the dining room for a big family breakfast. No photoshoot schedule is presented to him, instead hes told he has plans to have fun all day with his friends and that his weekly allowance deposited in his bank so he can buy himself and his friends lunch. Finally he thinks THIS is what he deserved.
After breakfast Adrien goes out with his class all of them still there, he gets to goof off and say whatever he wants with no consequences or annoying parental 'rules' holding him back. Hes gleeful when he notices that he doesn't need to look out for paparazzi or fan girls. He doesn't notice the fact that Marinette and Alya aren't a part of the class or how his friends sigh impatiently as he AGAIN tells them what THEY are going to do ignoring there own input and desires. His day goes by smoothly and easily and PERFECTLY and finally as the sun dips below the horizon he decides its time to transform and see his precious Bugaboo hes waited SO long for her to love him, to show him willingly who she is and what better way to finish the day then finally get the sweetest reward of them all.
Riding his sentimonster through the city he ignores any accidental damage its just because hes not use to controlling the Sentimonsters yet besides its not HIS job to fix it, its Ladybugs and hes so SURE she wont mind repairing his little damages. After awhile of wandering he sees a flash of red on the rooftops excitement fills him as he calls out for his bugaboo he sees the red figure pause and begin to move his way 'finally' he thinks 'finally she is going to give me what the love I deserve! That I worked for! Finally I wont be alone EVER again!!!'. The red figure swings up dramatically and then drops down with an impressive twirl. But as she moves to stand Adrien feels his blood run cold as instead of the distinctive dark twin tails the hair on this Ladybug is bright blonde. She looks at him and her eyes are icey blue nothing like HIS Ladies eyes at all.
"Oh my SWEET Adrikens! I missed you soooo much while you were with those IDIOT classmates of ours ALL day!" Adrien feels his stomach churn violently at these words a wave of hot suddenly burning his skin as shock setting in everything about this new world suddenly feels WRONG from the colour of the sky to the texture of his new Peacock suits leathery gloves. THIS Ladybug is so obviously Chloe that much is painfully easy to see but worst of all she KNOWS his identity behind his new peacock mask.
"Sooo what are we destroying tonight my little birdy? I was thinking maybe we rob some more museums like last time! The look on those stupid heroes faces when you dropped those diamonds in the Seine was HILARIOUS! Seriously these dates are the most fun Ive EVER had!"  With quick painful realization Adrien catches on to Ladybu- no Chloe's words.
She knows his identity, they have been robbing and destroying things in the city of Paris together, these are 'dates' which means he finally did it... He really is dating Ladybug only its not HIS Bugaboo its Chloe! Wearing HER spots, using HER name. And worse of all if Chloe is telling the truth... Then there are heroes that have come to stop them... And if there are heroes trying to stop THEM then that means that he, Adrien, formerly Chat Noir... Is the villain?
No... No that cant be right. HE is suppose to be hero? Hes supposed to be loved and praised! Hes supposed to get the girl! He cant be the villain he cant be dating ugh CHLOE of all people. Disgust fills him and he wants to scream and rage he wants to blame Chloe its probably all her fault it was ALWAYS her fault before but she never roped HIM into her stupid schemes she never ruined HIS reputation or hurt HIM it always just... She always just... Went after everyone else...
The sound of feet landing on the roof behind him draws his eye yet he feels stiff and shell shocked. He turns registering the familiar pair of green cat eyes. Those eyes are locked on to him filled with fury and disgust, the long dark braid, outfit and the oh so familiar staff he knew that look from the brief time they swapped Miraculi. Standing before him as the new Cat was the original Ladybug and if the sneer on her face, the new aura of confidence, power and security was anything to go by he was in serious trouble.
The next day Adrien hardly remembers how he and Chloe escaped from Ladybu- no from Chat du Lune. But he does remember that as they were fleeing Chloe was laughing like it was just a fun game of tag. As he turns on his tv in bed he frowns as his Peacock transformation is broadcast on the news being called a 'villain' and a 'monster' all while the destruction he so casually caused while riding his fun new sentimonster around the city looking for his bugaboo is broadcast shown followed by footage of past incidents he and Chloe had apparently caused together yet that he cannot remember. He watches himself steal, destroy and laugh taunting about the fun hes having as he knocks over someones home with his massive sentimonster, they show Chloe as well but somehow shes not nearly in as many videos as himself and she never does nearly as much damage as him he supposed it was hard knocking down a building when you had a Yoyo, instead Chloe or ‘ladybug’ was blamed for robberies from museums to banks, jewellery stores and high end fashion boutiques what she does with the loot is a mystery according to the the tv host, Adriens sure that Chloe propbably has all the loot stashed in her room at the Grande Paris. As he watches more footage of himself riding through the city destroying things in his path a part of him agrees that it looks fun that he kinda wants to do that, but another part is angry he isn't SUPPOSE to be the villain he isn't suppose to be dating Chloe! His perfect world is so ruined MESS.
But maybe... Maybe he can fix it? All he needs is the cat miraculous... Sure Chat du Lune would NEVER give it up willingly but maybe... Maybe there was 1 way. After all he had Chloe with her Ladybug all he needed to do cause enough mayhem enough destruction, In videos shown on tv and online he saw Chloe as Ladybug use her Miraculous Cure to undo the major damage caused after they were done having there ‘fun’ but... If he convinced her to stop they could hold the city hostage and force Chat du Lune to hand over the ring then he would get his ‘loving and devoted girlfriend’ Chloebug to hand over the earrings and he’d get another chance at the wish he could fix everything keep the good parts and fix the bad! It had to be possible it just HAD to he deserved to be hero he deserved to keep his parents this reality wasnt right so didnt he deserve the chance to fix it? Sure if he did this hed be a true villain but it was just for a little while! He knew HIS bugaboo after all no way she’d leave the people of Paris to suffer she always cared so much for all those little people.
As Adrien got out of bed and headed down to breakfast with his family his mind made up he’d do it hed make the world into what it should have been from the start.
‘Isnt it what I deserve after all my suffering?’
I want to be able to transform whenever I want so I can have Fun.
 He’d just start with demolishing a few houses that looked ready to topple over anyway, Chloe seemed hesitant not to use her Miraculous Cure when they were done having the ‘date’ but all it took was for him to say he ‘loved’ her and shed do anything she said. Besides he was sure this was all it would take to make Chat du Lune crack she was so caring after all.
But she didn't break at that so they had to start destroying a bit more, soon he found himself scheming and in heated battles with not only Chat du Lune but other heroes she had at her side. It made him furious to see HIS partner HIS lady fighting with other people it was suppose to be HIM at her side. And so if he destroyed a few more things then originally planned it was an accident he was just angry at seeing himself get replaced that was all he was ALLOWED to be emotional.
Soon he had to admit it was sort of fun breaking stuff every-time he felt angry at his perfect world at the wish hed made at himself for making it hed just command his sentimonster to crush and break and destroy. This world had more flaws then he originally saw he started to see his perfectly families flaws, he noticed how his friends didn't always treat him how he expected, he noticed how Marinette and Alya were missing apparently off at some fancy new school on scholarships instead of spending time with him and comforting him! Nothing was right everything was a mess so who cared if he destroyed things it felt good and besides the moment he got his wish hed fix it who CARED who it hurt now!
I Want Ladybug to be my loving devoted doting girlfriend.
Knowing that Chat du Lune is the old Ladybug is torture, worse still with Chloe parading as Ladybug, he needs Chloe for his plan so he cant break up with her but he loathes the way she dotes on him cares for him always worrying about him and touching him trying to kiss him in the middle of battle when hes busy! Worse still she sabotages any chance he has of flirting with his REAL lady Chat du Lune, he misses touching HIS lady and the cute way she'd get SO mad and beg him to stop flirting and get serious the one chance he got to touch her he brushed his hands against her pretty face while they were fighting. Sure she broke his fingers and he had to order Chloe to heal it with her cure but it was worth it to be close to his sweet Bugaboo.
But worse still Chloe isn't just his girlfriend in the mask. At school and at home shes there clinging to him like some leech sure she does whatever Adrien asks for fear that he will abandon her just like her mother did but that doesn't change the fact that she isn't his sweet darling little Bugaboo.Even though she says she cares Adrien doesn't believe her shes just like his fangirls only interested in him for his looks and money. He starts finding himself slapping away her hands when she reaches for him with furrowed brows telling him shes so ‘worried’ about him. If she was so WORRIED she’d just shut up already and do what he asked without question. He’s been stuck in this awful reality months now and nothing is right about it NOTHING!
Besides he just KNOWS hes in this situation because of HER she probably ropped him into being a villain so the least she can do is fix it for him! But instead she’s trying to turn around and act like she ‘cares’ about people now? Acting like she doesnt agree with him destroying the city! Say’s the girl who nearly crashed a train her first time out as a ‘hero’ in the old reality’ Say’s the girl who still bullies her classmates!
As further desperation to ‘fix’ his crumbling perfect reality sets in Adrien doesn't see how his destruction anger and temper pushes even Chloe  of all people away his complete ignorance and lack of care for her feelings is all too familiar to her mother and Chloe or ‘ladybug’ starts to miss out on Adrien’s sentimonster rage induced city wide tantrums.
I Want my mother back and for her and father to be my perfect parents.
His mother is cheating... And with NATHALIE of all people. As if the reality he was stuck in wasnt terrible enough his parents and there marriage was LIE. He overheard them one night his mother and father arguing, father knew that mother was cheating and he didnt care they were only together to keep a strong public image and to raise Adrien the SECOND he was done with school his mother planned to divorce Gabriel and be with Nathalie openly.
It was all wrong. His mother was suppose to LOVE his father they were suppose to be a perfect family he DEMANDED it when he was making the wish so WHY why didnt they LOVE EACH OTHER! Sure they were perfect Parents they gave him whatever he asked for they loved him and encouraged him and never yelled they were patient made him homemade lunches showed up for parent teacher meetings but what did it matter if they didnt really love each other!
Adrien didnt want to see how his father was overly focused on work how he treated his mother as more of an object to ogle and decorate then as a living person with needs and feelings to consider he didnt want to see how his mother was desperately lonely how she felt trapped and frustrated living with someone who ignored everything she said and saw her as second place to his bussiness.
It was Nathalie’s fault obviously he’d get rid of her next time he’d fix his parents relationship hed make sure they loved each other he needed them to love each other he needed his family to be perfect he didnt want them to be divocrced and he didnt care why they would nothing was wrong between them nothing at all!
I want to stop doing photo-shoots and instead get to do whatever I want.
It had been so nice, no one chased him no one stalked him no fangirls. No having to work or doing photoshoots. But then he realized... No one RECOGNIZED him. The first time he saw Marinette had been a shock, she was there at the park when the class was sketching a new design while Alya typed away on a small laptop. Adrien watched them shocked to see the two girls that had been mysteriously missing from the class, when Marinette’s phone went off she glanced at it before showing Alya the reporter closed her laptop and the two got up to leave Adrien placed himself in there paths waiting for well... Something but Marinette didn’t spare him a glance only walking around him with annoyance. When Adrien spoke to Nino about it later the boy looked at him with confusion.
“Why would she recognize you dude? Its not like your famous or anything.”
And that hurt somehow. He didnt know why the idea of Marinette’s room being empty of all his photos bothered him but it did. He missed Marinette he wanted her to rejoin there class to help makes things ‘correct’ but Marinette didn’t stop to speak or even look at him, and when he looked her up later he learned she was perfectly happy maybe even happier then she was, she was working hard toward her dreams of being a Fashion Designer, she had many new friends including some old friendly faces like Kagami, Alya, Luka and others. He also saw that she was apparently dating though he didnt dig to find out who he didnt want to know just the idea of her dating someone angered him almost as much as his bugaboo replacing him with all those new teammates.
After that he started to notice certain things. Without his face on billboards no one felt the need to let him jump ahead in lines, no one spoke about him or complimented him, sure he could go out when he wanted and had no responsibilities but he started to feel lost. His classmates were growing learning and trying to figure out who they were they were trying out different career options, they were winning awards, trying and failing at different options but Adrien...
What did he want? He just wanted everything to be perfect, he just wanted the life he deserved. But aside from this single mind consuming goal he had nothing no one recognized him he WASNT famous anymore, he didnt care about his dads bussiness or his mothers acting he didnt have any other dreams or goals all he had was his dream his goal of a perfect world and it consumed him.
And as he got more desperate more possessed with his one and only goal as he allowed himself to lose and break all his own morals as he did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted his friends started to notice. Before being consumed by his goal of a perfect world Adrien had been perhaps a bit pushy he would guilt you into doing what he wanted sometime but now, now he was unhinged. Even Chloe his loving girlfriend and the class bully had pulled away and gotten quiet fearfull of making a wrong move and having Adrien abandon her like her mother, Nino and the boys found themselves pulling away for other reasons. Nothing they said was ever met with a positive response Adrien didnt care for there accomplishments and sometimes hed get upset when they didn’t do what Adrien ‘expected’.
For instance when Marc and Nathaniel’s sci-fi comic won an award and Adrien got angry that they hadn’t made a comic about the heroes and villains of Paris instead. Or when Nino got an internship working in the music video bussiness and Adrien interrogated him on why he wasn’t working on his music. Adrien seemed to see his classmates at playing the wrong roles in some twisted play that was his life. He was obsessed with how things were ‘suppose’ to be and no one wanted to be around him anymore.
I want to get everything I worked so hard to deserve.
But it all got so much worse after one specific battle with Chat du Lune and her team. He had finally FINALLY gotten the uper hand and finally he would rip the Ring off her finger but when he reached for it... It wasn’t there.
There was no ring, no earings, no bracelet or charm or anything. Chat du Lune didn’t have jewlewry, in fact.. Not ONE of Chat du Lune’s teamates had a piece of jewlewry on them. It didn’t make sense where were the Miraculi? They HAD to have Miraculi... Unless.
His lady had wanted to free the Kwami and with Plagg at her side she would have been able to. But that meant that Plagg had been CHOOSING to stay by her side he had chosen her instead of coming back to Adrien, didnt Plagg know he regretted the wish didnt Plagg WANT him to fix everything? Why did his Kwami his friend betray him... But then he KNEW Plagg would betray him didnt he that was why he made the wish in the first place wasn’t it?
But if Plagg’s miraculi had been destroyed then there was nothing left. He couldn’t steal the ring couldn’t unify it with the earings and could not fix everything he was stuck in this dead end world, he had become a true villain in the desperate process to try and fix everything.
And now it was over?
... Or was it?
Surely he could find some way to force Plagg back? Surely he could fix it? He needed to fix it.
He deserve it. He had worked so hard, so didn’t he deserve it?
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queenestarcheron · 4 years
acomaf review
so i recently reread acomaf and i made a post about everything that i liked/didn’t like (more of the latter). i also started another one so some of that is repeated in here. i have referenced page numbers but they are all from the uk paperback edition so i don’t think they will be the same for everyone. it’s all chronological. there will probably be typos since i wrote this on a whim pls ignore them. this is quite anti rhys so if that bothers you just ignore this and pls don’t attack me for my opinions.
(pg. 24) feyre says "I don't know if I can handle them calling me High Lady." implying that she doesn't even want to be in a position of power in prythian. is that the trauma talking? tamlin also says that there is no such thing as high lady which makes no sense bc high lord power is hereditary so it should be able to go to women too. also this makes rhys making feyre high lady make no sense.
(pg. 29) poor lucien i cannot believe his brothers did that to his girlfriend
(pg. 48-49) feyre threw a shoe at rhysand and all im saying is that, if nesta threw a shoe at cassian, they would try and flay her alive
(pg. 73) rhys says there can be high ladies... but there never was one?? how does he know they can exist? it doesn't add up. again, if a person could just be given the high lord power, then what is the point of having the high lord bloodline
the 90 pages in between are just feyre getting upset and rhys saving her from the spring court
(pg. 163) i am diSGOSTED "You know I'm always happy to tangle in the sheets with you Amren ... I know how much you enjoy Illyrian-" seriously?? i don't think this is a normal friendship dynamic. also we hear about how dangerous amren is but cassian literally just made this comment and she did nothing. and we dont see her do anything to others at all. the only thing to suggest that she's a powerful being was the end of acowar
(pg. 169) amren calling the illyrians "barbarians" does not sit right with me
(pg. 209) "They might not be happy about it, but I'll make Nesta and Elain do it" you'll make your sisters risk their lives and status? to help the fae? the race that enslaved humans for centuries? okay feyre. everyone's right, youre a great sister
(pg. 215) rhys offers feyre sex with cassian? how are the nesta stans the ones that don't gaf about cassian when his own friend (who he considers a brother) says this about him? i don't think after 500 years of knowing him and liking him nesta would say any of this
(pg. 229) cassian gets mad at rhys for endangering feyre's life for no reason and then rhys says "you would do the same" like nO SIR NO HE WOULDN'T
(pg. 246) feyre says nesta looks older in her eyes. she's obviously been affected by her sister running away with the fae and her and elain even thought she was dead. don't try and tell me that she doesn't care bye
(pg. 255) cassian's dinner table speech about how feyre died for the fae and nesta should stop being a bitch. um, sir your people enslaved hers for CENTURIES? and you want to play the fucking victim? okayyy sure. have fun with that
(pg. 280) rhys doesn't make his people play the tithe but he lets them live in tents in snowy mountains? while he lives in comfort? and im supposed to support this guy? hard pass for me
(pg. 288) rhys stalks about keeping velaris a secret and says "My people do not seem to be suffering much from it." basically ignoring the people in the hewn city and illyria as his people? tehy are all hated by the rest of the courts and apparently rhys is just cool with that bc velaris is fine.
(pg. 326) all i want to say is that cresseida deserves so much better
(pg. 361) okay lol jurian was "obsessive" in his pursuit to free his people. why couldn't he just be chill about it? his people could wait you know. he didn't hav eto go batshit crazy. it's not like they were servants their whole lives and were being treated like they weren't people.
(pg. 377) okay so this is when cassian comes back from giving nesta the letter (wings and ember) and he says something about how the family is full of "bossy, know-it-all females" my mans you invaded HER PERSONAL SPACE and asked her intrusive and inappropriate questions. she literally did what any other woman would have done.
(pg. 386) rhys fully says "neither side is innocent" when talking to the mortal queens BOI THE FAE KEPT THEM AS SLAVES WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND STOP TRYING TO SOUND OPPRESSED OMG
(pg. 393) they are talking about how miryam and drakon fell in love when she was still with jurian and apparently it's jurian's fault bc he was too obsessed with liberating the humans? you can say what you want about them fighting for the humans but it's clear they really don't give a shit
(pg. 398) feyre hears mor's story and says that she understands why rhys can't forgive nesta. she actually just compared what mor's family did (trying to marry off mor and nailing a note to her body and leaving her at the autumn court) to what nesta did (was mean to feyre when their family was in poverty and didn't stop feyre from hunting). chilee wut
(pg. 415) the court of nightmares scene and all i want to say is DID ANYONE IN THE HEWN CITY CONSENT TO SEE THAT. also their high lord using women like objects isn't exactly sending his people the best message, especially the youthful ones. like if their ruler is doing it, then why shouldn't they? rhys is kind of making it worse for women ( at the very least he isn't helping AT ALL)
(pg. 443) mor says that she hates the illyrian mountains and says that they should be "burned to the ground", completely forgetting about all of the people there, the culture and the fact that she has 2 and half illyrian friends
(all of chapter 54) rhys tells us his sad backstory and a bunch of excuses but never apologises for his actions utm. am i supposed to excuse sexual assault because he was emotionally distraught? bc im not going to do that
(pg. 548-553) nesta stands up A LOT for the humans and tries to convince the queens to give them the book. we see a lot of her humanity in this scene. don't tell me she's just a cold bitch please read with your eyes and see for yourself. ALSO THE NESSIAN BIT ON PAGE 553 LETS GOOOO
(pg. 559) feyre talks about how nesta feels everything too much and i just want to ask where this feyre was in acofas when her sister was off in the deep end with her ptsd
(pg. 589) jurian is called a monster for literally no fucking reason omg give my guy a break
(pg. 606) lucien helps elain when she is fae and on the ground soaking wet. this is all before he finds out that she is his mate. this is why we stan <3
please feel free to comment on/challenge anything ive said. you can try and come for my favs if you want but it probably won’t change my mind. i might do acofas later. 
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dmbakura · 4 years
About your last post: No we dont, please tell us more 👁👁
(took a while to answer this because hooo boy you have awoken the beast)
alright so imagine you were born to a legendary demon and a human woman and you also have a twin brother whom due to various circumstances you end up fighting to the death, but then after that you choose to take a jump into hell and face the ultimate demon king of evil (who is a bastard) and then you LOSE so he turns you into a knight/demonic slave through torturing you and breaking down your entire sense of self. you follow so far?
so after all that, your twin brother ends up defeating you (again) and in doing so frees you from the enslavement of said bastard demon king man, only now you’re dying and your body is falling apart because of all the trauma and abuse you have gone through...
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and in a fit of desperation, you take the magical dimension cutting sword that you have and drive it into yourself to cut off the “weakest” parts of yourself...
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and out pops this guy! your goth twink human side!
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(long and incoherent ramblings about why V is important and why i love him below)
so V is one half of vergil, the other half being urizen (V is 100% human while urizen is 100% demon) and he’s basically got vergil’s last braincell and whatever remains of his empathy, while urizen is vergil’s demon half run completely amok with nothing to rein it back in
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though this doesn’t mean that V is a particularly nice or morally upstanding person. he’s got maybe 30% more morals than vergil (though that practically makes him a model citizen by comparison) and his motivations do start from a selfish place of wanting to remerge with urizen so he can be a complete person again. (he’s also slowly dying after being split off because he doesn’t have enough power to sustain his frail body)
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(pictured: V projecting his trauma over his mother dying on a random child whose mother is in danger)
however, seeing the damage his demon side is wreaking on red grave city, V does realize “hey all this death is Bad and im going to help these Silly Humans” which is HUGE character development for vergil who has a track record of Not Giving A Fuck about humans at all
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he spends about a month before the main bulk of dmc5 starts helping people who are still alive get out of red grave and killing demons there. such a good boy!
he’s also a little unhinged but like. sexy about it.
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oh and probably the most hardcore thing about him? he has three demon familiars that are bound into his skin
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^these three are manifestations of vergil’s trauma and nightmares, also cast off of vergil when he split himself. V takes them and uses them to fight, so yeah. he literally reclaims and uses his own ptsd as a weapon, while also reading william blake poetry to power up. did i mention he reads poetry? whenever he wants to be a cryptic fuck to another character he will just pop out a blake quote and it’s kind of amazing how shit this guy is at social interaction huh.
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griffon (the bird) and shadow (the panther) are noteworthy because of their personalities. they deeply care about V (and vergil too), but that doesn’t mean they wont give him shit, as seen above :3 just the cutest nightmare abominations ever. griffon kind of acts like a guiding force/morale support/resident shittalker and most of all, mother hen to V to keep him from getting himself killed because. well. V is incredibly reckless and might not entire realize humans can indeed Die From Things
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(pictured: V realizing he will Die If He Gets Shot)
((PLEASE read visions of V, it’s so important and amazing))
in conclusion this man owns my ass and the way he tries to fix the mess he himself caused and actually grows to act like a Real Person and how that ties into vergil’s character development is amazing. also his theme slaps and he’s absolutely gorgeous and im saying that as a lesbian. capcom puts something in their games man
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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i-may-be-stupit · 3 years
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Shigaraki x Silly!Reader
As usual, this is rather gender-neutral and the horny got me because I fukn love Shiggy 🥵😍 but yeah, enjoy!
You typed up a report of the latest incident between Endeavor and the league of Villains. Well, actually, you were just editing your boss's writing. She was a journalist and you were her assistant. You rolled your eyes, reading through it and fixing any grammar mistakes or typos you came across. Why the hell is she making Endeavor seem so god damn perfect? I mean, when you first met him, you told the guy a joke and he hasn't stopped glaring at you ever since. You rolled your eyes at just the thought of that fuck-faced jackass.
Not only were you the editor, but you were also the secretary in the news office building which is a whole different job as it is. You blew a bubble from your gum and turned your music in your earbuds up a bit more, since the day was going slow. Yeah, there'd be a scoop here and there but not a lot.
You looked up to see a guy with red eyes and a black hoodie grinning evily while saying stuff to you. You just stared at him until he finished talking. He looked at you and you looked at him. You spat your gum in a tissue then took out your earbuds. You smiled softly at the man. "I'm sorry, you said you wanted a visitors' pass?"
The man looked at you with a blank stare at first. "You didn't hear anything I just said?" You shook your head. He frowned and tilted his head in annoyance, "I was talking for like 3 minutes straight." You just blinked. "I just explained my whole reasoning for kidnapping you for information on Endeavor."
You smiled at him, "Im sorry sir, I'm just the secretary, but the information desk is on floor three, just take that elevator to the right and-"
"What the fuck, bitch?!" He opened his arms wide in anger, "Do you not recognize me from the news?!"
You put a finger on your chin and tapped it in thought for a moment, before clicking your tongue and snapping your finger, "Ah, you must be a pro hero or something!" His jaw dropped. "Wow, no wonder youre so handsome!" You took the bottle of lotion out of your desk's drawer and offered him some. "If you're going on an interview you could use some of this though!" He glared at you before snapping his fingers, and thats when you found out who he is.
The entire League of villains showed up and your eyes widened in fear. The man known as Shigaraki Tomura laughed harshly with a gleam in his eyes, "Recognize me yet, (Y/N) (L/N)?!"
You stared at him again in fear. You then snorted, "Hank the handy man?" And thats when he lunged at you, only for Shigaraki to fall into one of Kurogiri's portals. You laughed with tears in your eyes as the burnt up goth boy snickered. Kurogiri elbowed Dabi and Dabi wiped away a bloody tear in his own eye as he held your arms behind your back.
Dabi chuckled quietly in your ear a small, "You gotta teach me some insults if you live." And you snorted as you consentualy walked into a portal, not even mad at being kidnapped.
You were in what seemed to be a lounge area, seated on a chair with your arms handcuffed to the back of you. You looked around, innocently smiling, "Wowie, nice place you guys got here!" Spinner looked at Dabi confused as you started humming. "So, uh, whatcha need me for?"
Mange spoke up, "Wait, how are you so calm about this?"
You chuckled, "Hey, this chair is comfy, I'm off from work now, and I got to see a cute guy up-close and personal!"
Dabi looked at you with a straight face. "No thank you."
You rose an eyebrow at him, "Dont flatter yourself, Rat, I'm talking about the one that tried to kill me." Shigaraki walked into the room, slightly pissed off as Kurogiri rubbed his back. "There he is! The handsome one!"
Shigaraki glared at you. "Don't patronize me." You were about to speak, but he cut you off before even getting the chance, "You're working with Yuki Ino, the Journalist who's been interviewing pro heros, including Endeavor." You nodded, not understanding if that was supposed to be taken as a question or not. "Tell me everything about what's happened to All Might, why he retired, and how to end Endeavor, including the Pro-heros' plans to take down my organization."
You stared at him for a good minute before sneezing, "Sorry, what did you say? I disasociated."
Shigaraki twitched before scratching his neck violently. "What do you know about the number 1 pro hero?!"
"What?!" You looked at him in utter confusion. "I cant even remember what I had for breakfast, how the fuck do you expect me to remember anything about Enslaver?"
The red eyed male scratched his neck faster. "Endeavor."
You looked in even more confusion, "What the fuck is that?"
Shigaraki pulled you by your shirt closer to him in pure anger, "His hero name! Its Endeavor, not Enslaver!"
You blushed and fluttered your lashes, "Wow, the way your crimson gems glisten even in such dim lighting is so mesmerizing..." You puckered your lips and moved forward, but Shigaraki just let go of your shirt in utter disgust.
"I dont speak Wattpad."
You smiled at him happily, "I mean, I know that I should be scared because you're hella intimidating, but geez louis, your eyes are pretty! If you don't end up killing me can I be your boo thang?" You grinned and thats when he lunged at wwnnaqqa again, only for Kurogiri to put himself in front of you, again, so Shigaraki just fell into his portal, again.
Kurogiri just quietly mumbled out a small, "Lets take a break." Before going to the bar and throwing back a shot of some alcohol.
Shigaraki crossed his arms in front of the League with you in another room. "She was trying to seduce me like a slut to get out of death! Playing with my emotions?! Like I'm an ,idiot?! How dare she?!"
Dabi sat back, watching as Toga practiced her knife throwing on Twice. The burt man shrugged nonchalauntly, "She seemed legit to me."
Toga and Twice both nodded with a little, "Mhm," as Toga threw a knife at an apple on Twice's head.
Shigaraki just frowned. "Have you people seen me?" They all stopped what they were doing, looked at their boss and then put their hands up to their faces while cringing.
Kurogiri walked in, dragging you in a chair behind him. He placed you right in front of Shigaraki and you smiled awkwardly at him, "Sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable, Mister Shigaraki, I just can't help myself when I see a cute guy like you, though!" You giggled and shrugged as Twice awed at the nonexistent budding romance.
Shigaraki looked at you with disgust and concern. "You seriously think that I'm cute?"
You tilted your head cutely with a small smile"That's why I asked you out, what the hell?" You chuckled softly and Shigaraki blushed with a frown as he stared at you.
He scratched at his neck, took a shot of alcohol and sighed. "Just tell me everything you know about Endavor, okay?"
You frowned deeply with a small groan, "Ugh! He's kinda a asshole! I told him "Good morning, Teletubby Sun" and he just glarred really hard at me!" You frowned and pouted before mumbling out a small, "I mean, it was just a joke..."
Shigaraki pinched the bridge of his nose in utter frustration while Dabi fucking died of laughter in the background, "Anything actually important?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Hey! That's totally important!"
A weak, hourse, "it is!" came from Dabi and you grinned.
"See, he gets it!"
He glared daggers into you and got closer to your face. "Do you not understand the danger you're in?" He snarled. "I can kill you right now if you dont submit."
You poked your lips out jokingly before giggling out, "I get it, but who's to say I don't wanna die?" You winked at him.
Shigaraki stared at you calmly, not leaving your goofy grin. "Everyone out of the room. Now." And everyone did as they were told and left, all praying for you.
Shigaraki silently cut your restraints and you started rubbing your wrists while smiling, "Thank you! You know, that was starting to hurt-"
He grabbed you by your hair and flung you onto the floor. The wind was knocked out of you and to make matters worse, he placed a foot on your chest, glarring down at you. "This isn't a game, you stupid fucking cunt." Shigaraki laughed darkly, seeing your jokester smile twist into a horrified grit as you struggled to breath. "I mean, are you dumb or something?! Your worthless life is on the line and you really couldn't care less?! "His hands covered his mouth, holding back another laugh, though you could hear it in his voice, "You're so fucking pathetic, I don't even feel like wasting my time killing you~!" He pushed his foot down harder.
You gasped for air, clawing at his foot to pry it off. "S-Shigaraki, sir-" A crack was echoed as he pushed his foot down harder on your now broken sternum. You scream out as tears fell from your face from the pain, "Please, p-please remove your f-foot..."
Shigaraki only laughed harder, cupping a hand over his cheek, ring finger raised, "Oh all of a sudden you care about your life, huh?" He straddled you, pinning you down with your wrists in one hand, and your neck in his other. "You think you can just flirt with me like the little slut you are and get off Scott free, huh?" You choked and Shigaraki drew closer to your ear, "Where's that attitude gone now, huh? Oh, can you not speak anymore? Tell me, please, how many dicks have you taken already. How the hell did you get a job," his face scrunched up in fury, "at a god damn Hero News agency without knowing shit about any heros, huh?! You probably slept with everyone there. Didnt you? Flirting with them to get what you want just like with me?"
Your face was hot and you were crying and choking at his words and actions, "N-No! That's not-" you gasped hard, unable to breath properly, "not me at all!"
Shigaraki loosened his grip on your neck. He glarred deep into your soul. "Then why the hell were you flirting with me back there? I'm not dumb, (Y/N), I'm a very fucking capable man!"
You smiled awkwardly, thankful that you could breath a little better. "I just think you're HANDsome!" Shigaraki's cheeks tinted pink as he glared at you. He let his grip go completely as you choked and coughed before looking up with a smile, "And this position... w-with you on top of me is really lewd, so can you maybe..." You trailed off as he just stared harder at you.
Shigaraki blinked, expressionless. "I'm pinning you down on the verge of killing you and the only think you can think of is getting fucked by me?" You looked away, struggling a bit with the feeling of awkwardness and arousal. He smirked, feeling your neck get hotter. "You really are a little fucking whore aren't you?" And with that, he softly kissed your lips.
Your face went hot as you looked up at him. "What was that for?" He kissed you again, this time longer. "S-shigaraki..." You pouted and looked away. "Theres something I should tell you..."
"Hm?" He tilted his head with a smirk, waiting for you to tell him that you're still a virgin.
"You shouldve taken my lotion earlier." You laughed out and he started choking you again. "Joking- J- Joking!" Shigaraki glarred down at you before tongue kissing you much more rough. You moaned as it thrashed against your tongue, saliva dripping out the side of your mouth. Shigaraki bit your lip softly before dragging his tongue down your chin and onto your neck. He licked and sucked on it as you bit your bottom lip. Tomura came back up and tongue kissed you for only a second before grabbing your shirt with all five fingers. You gasped and covered up your bra. "H-Hey! Gentlemen ask for permission first!" You frowned and he just grabbed you by your jaw.
He mocked you with a fake pouty voice, "Oh, that's my bad for not being a fucking gentleman. Can I pwease fuck you??" Tomura rolled his eyes, "Now shut the fuck up and let me suck on your nipples." Shigaraki's mouth immediately locked with your left nipple as his fingers played with your right. He laughed, hearing you softly mumble his name. His mouth left your chest with a small pop and he looked down at you with a smirk, "Dont be shy saying my name, (Y/N); I'm gonna need you to get used to screaming it anyways." And with that, he licked his lips then placed his tongue on your torso, dragging it all the way down to your work pants.
He decenigrated your pants and underwear happily. Shigaraki brought his face to your slit and took a hard lick, a finger shoving itself inside of your tight hole. You moaned loudly, confused. "Tomura, a warning next time!?" He just pumped his finger inside of you slowly as his tongue played with your privates. You moaned while holding his head down on you, your fingers twisted in his hair, as he sucked you off like a cherry. You panted heavily and he stuck another finger in you. Shigaraki then lifted his head off you.
"I'd warn you that time, but you're kind of suffocating me, so maybe, don't fucking push down so hard!" You frowned and just pushed his head back in between your thighs. He kissed and licked more, groaning whenever you'd thrust into his mouth deeper. Shigaraki chuckled at how you'd only get quiet when hes making you moan.
You shivered and groaned, coming closer and closer to your climax. Shigaraki noticed and immediately pulled off of you. He wipped his mouth with the back of his hand and grabbed you by the hair. "Alright, slut, you've had your fun." He pulled you towards him and you fell on the floor, right in front of his groin. Tomura sat, grinned down at you with one leg up, "You gonna just stare or are you sucking me off?"
You rolled your eyes before pulling his pants and boxers down. Oh wow, you were not expecting this... You put a hand over your mouth and blushed hard. He was only semi hard and already a good 8 inches, what the hell?? It was thin, but long, kind of like the rest of him.
Shigaraki frowned down at you, blushing hard, "What? Is something wrong with it?? I-I've never done this before, asshole, so stop making me feel bad!"
You felt a smile rise onto your lips. Is he... getting flustered? You chuckled and looked up at him, pumping slowly, "It's just intimidating." You licked the tip and gulped, feeling a bit nervous, "But, I'll try to take it all in, okay?"
You placed your lips on his tip and suck it as your hands jerked him off. He groaned, grabbing your head with 4 fingers. You gradually took more and more into your mouth, using your hands for whatever didn't fit. You bobbed your head up and down on him, speeding up. Shigaraki groaned your name.
"F-Fuck, Y/N, you really know what you're doing!" He pressed his hand on the back of your head harder, forcing more of him into you. You gagged and choked as Tomura just laughed, "God, you're taking it all in like a good little sex slave, aren't you?" You moaned at the name and shigaraki shuttered, "Mm, your moans feel so fucking good on my cock!" He breathed harder, "Fuck, Y/N, I need you to touch yourself while sucking me." You brought your hand to your slit and rubbed at it, moaning. Shigaraki groaned, "Fuck, Just like that!"
You gagged and moaned on his dick, feeling it twitch in your mouth. A lewd little 'pop' echoed in the room as you let off. Shigaraki frowned and you gave him a cheeky grin, "No sticky icky for you!" He groaned in annoyance.
"God, why are you like this?!?" He grabbed your arm and threw you roughly on the bed. Before you knew it, Shigaraki was already inside of you. Your face went hot as he fucked you doggy style.
You screamed, "A warning!!! We've been over this!!!" He responded with a slap on your ass.
Tomura rode your ass, grinding into you and groaning while doing it. "Fuck off, Y/N, you're a horny mess just like me, dumbass!" You screamed his name as his thrusts became faster and deeper. Shigaraki pulled both of your wrists back and down, making you kneel, your back pressed against his chest as he fucked into you. "Fuck, you're so fucking tight..." Shigaraki sloppily kissed your neck. You breathed harder as his dick hit the spot over and over. Shigaraki flipped you over onto your back. You laid underneath him as he paused. Tomura blushed harder and looked away, "I-I wanna really savor this..." he smirked, glaring in your eyes, "Plus I wanna know what you look like, full of my cum!"
You were flustered and giggling, "Its the ✨mood switch✨ for me-"
Tomura placed a hand over your mouth, "No. You just lost your speaking privileges."
Shigaraki grinded into you slowly. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and drool seeped from your lips. Shigaraki held your waist, pulling you whenever he's press himself deep inside of you. You were speechless from the pleasure. You moaned and whined as his body slowly moved with yours.
You pressed the back of your hand to your face, feeling a bit embarrassed at the change of atmosphere. It was so easy to just enjoy him fucking you silly and laughing and everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to feel any other emotion rather than pleasure muxed in with something new.
Shigaraki placed his forehead against yours and breathed harder, "I-I'm getting there, Y/N..." He let out a breathy moan and your legs shaked. Tomura kissed you softly as well. "A-Ah, you're almost there t-too, right?"
You nodded, feeling a knot in your stomach. You moaned and Shigaraki pulled out, cumming all over you. You moaned, climaxing too.
You were covered in cum and panting. You couldn't even find words to say. It just felt so good. Shigaraki cuddled up to you. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I'm giving you your speaking privileges back now." You stayed silent, your face hot. It was hard for you to be serious, but God damn. Tomura looked at you a bit concerned, "You okay-"
"That was amazing."
He looked surprised before laughing hard. "Did I really leave you speechless?" You nodded, silently. Shigaraki kissed your lips, "That sucks because, even though you're annoying, I kinda like you."
Your eyes widened. He liked your jokes and stupid comments?! Your mouth became ajar. "I-I..." You just closed your mouth, staring at him.
Shigaraki placed his arm over you. He smiled, "Lets hang out tomorrow."
You smiled back.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 7
Notes by me
- unas!!!!
- ah yes. Gotta make them connections with food!! What food should we use to make this important alien contact??
Cliff bar
- hey bro Idk where you think you are but we dont shoot people on this show
- haha jk imagine tho
- wait isnt that the unas that stole Daniel that one time
- chaka!!!
- ok!! Daniels hair said swOOP
- Jack pls have a little bit more sympathy
- guilty!Daniel
- literally they wouldnt have let Daniel go if they didnt think there was a new weapons opportunity >:(
- god can the unas catch a break
- I fucking hate these ppl already
- burak can die and I would not care less
- "honesty huh"
"We're traders!"
Daniel saying thier best bet is to be honest and then lying thru his teeth is the height of comedy
- "what happened to him/her?" Inclusive!
- this storyline is the same as that star trek enterprise episode when they enslaved the aliens that had previously enslaved them. Circle of enslaving
- "dan-yel???....." The love and admiration in his eyes .....
- "its bc hes mine" I cant take this Daniel said this unas is my SON
- I want this fucker dead
- Daniel booty out again smh
- when Jack says " come on" and tugs daniels little jacket strap.
- its the big brother vibes that make me go insane
- ok jack! I know its technically not their job to free slaves all the time and stuff but you cant possibly see whats happening to these intelligent beings and not care...
- the dudes personal slave knows sha ah ka???
- "ke ka! Danger!" I just love when Daniel speaks another language its just neat
- they probably are gonna be killed bc of "bad blood" or whatever
- "Daniel you ok?"
"......been better"
- when the one between them hands them the walkie
- "chaka full o nuts whatever"
- Daniel speaking unas for a whole conversation. I'm a little sweaty I'll admit it...look away
- of course they want freedom!!! God this is house elves all over again
- chaka has pretty eyes
- "you injured my father :(" who gives a fuck
- like if they are intelligent enough to take care of your child? Cook and clean ? Plow your fields?? You dont think that maybe they are smart enough to have their own towns and familys and stuff??? Hello????? Are you fucking stupid????
- "I will not continue to do nothing" thats my BOOYYYYY
- stop torturing Jack and Daniel they have enough headaches
- when Daniel gets electrocuted (?) And chaka starts freaking out and the others realize how important he is to chaka and then they start yelling too 💗 unas solidarity
- ok bro!!! Killing ppl randomly is a sign that you should fucking die
- daniels "NO!" Was good tho
- sam: should we still care about not killing the ppl?
Daniel and jack: you know its gotten well past the point where we dont give a fuck anymore
- Daniel yelling for them to stand back and then chaka yelling too gaaahhhh they are so cute
- when chaka looks at tealc and says "frieeeeennddddd" 💗💗💗💗💗
- no glasses !daniel
- "stay and fight and free the others" YES UNAS RISE!!!! RISE!!!!
- literally who cares if they kill all those ppl. Do you care?? Cause I dont
- like.... they were brutally enslaving them. I would high five the next unas that killed their oppressors
- "they deserve a chance" NO SHIT
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: zatted, caged, prisoner, electrocuted(?), light from eyes and mouth, chain on ankle
Jack oniell whump: zatted, caged, prisoner, electrocuted(?), light from eyes and mouth, holding head, chain on ankle
🤓No glasses!Daniel for the last 5 minutes of episode
🎶listening to Juicy by Doja Cat🎶 bc I saw a glimpse of daniels curvy cheeks
🎶listening to You Cant Take Me by Bryan Adams from Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron soundtrack🎶 for Chaka not laying down and letting them turn him into a slave and deciding to stay and free his people💪💪👊👊 "you cant take me, im free!"
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anti-marxistcult · 6 years
Borders vs destruction of Nation
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The idea that 'all borders are bad' is a neoliberal/neocon agenda, and mainly has to do with lowering wages, and eradicating any worker's rights, in favor of the lower standards of desperate people in places with fewer rights- whom these same folks will say 'do all the hard work' - never mind any white/european people who work in mines, on farms, or on rigs- they don't exist. Eric Weinstein's coverage/commentary on this topic is on point, and honest, without being jingoist, or whatever term you want to use. And he voted for Bernie Sanders- but he also very much understands the economic and democratic value of a nations borders. Economist Ha-joon Chang's work, esp his book 'The Bad Samaritans' also shows how these absolutist ideas in the news- all or no immigration, free trade or marxism- are false dichotomies to push agendas forward- since the rise of the British empire, successful governments have been strategic/pragmatic about their use of free trade/protectionism, and so also the borders which preserve such laws, mark where one government/people has very different ideas than the next. Absolutist positions in these key issues are almost always used by fascist or socialist dictators.
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While they worry about breaking down walls, I worry about the breakdown of our culture. If Islamic culture takes over it won't be;
their body their choice
Love won't win
Religions won't coexist
and you won't be a strong, independent woman 
because you'll be beaten half to death every time you leave the house by yourself.
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Well African land is being bought up by China so sooner or later Africa won’t belong to Africans anymore.
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yup but the fuckheads that worship John Lennon’s “Imagine” vision are too mentally damaged to see that.
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The irony is that some of us want borders to keep leftists and other nonsensical ideologies away from regular law-abiding citizens. It makes perfect sense for natives who just want to live in peace to push back against anyone who does not assimilate, lacks consideration and does not even respect you or your land to begin with. Borders are needed in the same manner rich leftists need gated communities, locks on their front doors and alarms on their cars.
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yeah, fucking dictators, they enforce their fucked up ideals by hook or by crook
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A world enslaved is what it is, it not a conspiracy nor exaggeration, the Left dont logic, just care about feelings like a ignorant weak child chucking a tantrum
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And that is the racism and superiority complex the Left has over minorities
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TRUTH. It is the leftwing privileged silicone valley champagne socialist elites
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they dont care, they just want to import votes to gain more power for themselves
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no, and what is funny is the left are anti capitalism but are wrongfully blaming capitalism for the wrong that corporatism is doing and at the same time the left is supporting corporatism and the corporations are supporting the left’s agendas
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only the lazy, envious unproductive leeches think that way, they want “their” cake and eat it without earning it and without contributing to make it, and that requires slaves to do that for the scum that think that way
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The globalist marxists love enforcing their double standards and hypocrisy onto the whites even though whites are a global minority
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Yup. And there has been an influx of marxist activists hitting the dissenting youtube channels and chats lately, good thing the dissenters in alt media are having none of their bullshit.
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useful idiots only know their programmed talking points and when that fails they call you names, and when that fails they violently lash out
Globalism is the path to world tyranny, no elite group/class deserve the power to control the whole world, no matter what their fake promises of “good intentions”
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"Uruguay already landed and took off with no problems"
Matt and Abu start to tear up... And they will make me cry like a hyena laughs
"Suck it up buttercups, i don't need you two that won't even go see your wives (soulmates/half and halves) crying in my face! You got better things to do!"
Some have phones, but have limitations...
Abu had told them to call the consulates or embassies if they ever got a chance to escape.
Because he would bring some kidnapped ones, the badder ones here or there and tell them "escape" and i was arguing with one and told her "don't be stupid call the American Embassy, they will protect you!"
Anyways she was stupid and went back to Iraq pregnant.
Because I'm worthless and no good and a liar. So mom says as it was mom. Not that i believed that but now i know she was. And i still tried to help her.
And so Abu was all "explain me everything you know about this"
So i did and how an embassy or consulate is actually a little section of land in a country that belongs to another country
So a diplomat from Liberia, in America, would go to an embassy for the Librerians and it is considered to be Liberia land although its actually our land we allow them to use. They are protected by their laws from us there. As are their people and so on. So we can't go with an American search warrant for their home. We have to call Liberia and say, "look you sent us a fucktard and im about to kill him so you need to help us help you keep him alive"
And so Abu told everyone he could and even wrote the phone numbers on strips of papers.
So, for Uruguay, two people called their consulate and asked for help when they received emails of their release.
Apparently one said "come get me! They said she said we can be released! I don't know where i am! Help please!"
So with the phone call they were able to pinpoint their coordinates although the GPS is disabled in their phone -- no hack can break the GPS and if one ever does someone goes and repairs it.
Uruguay knew about the farms and their people but because the Queen owns them There's nothing anyone would do about it. But the Queen knows i have no trouble beating her ass because last time I saw her i did because she got undressed while Abu and Matt were screaming for help. So i beat her ass and yankyy her facey --- i did sit down and therapy talk her and asked her like she was 5, nice, to get dressed and ber and i would go have lunch in public and be normal. But she refused and got belligerent like we been getting drunk and high for 9 days without sleep or food. So. We came to an understanding about this situation so no one has to get beat up. Plus i terrorized her husband a few weeks ago and he had to move out the next day... Cause she kicked him out and she said she wanted me to kill him and his Goddam light turning on and off pissed me off.
**pet the chin of a dog of someone you hate then yell "you know what poison is?? Its too cold for your dog to be outside!" When they go to the door to see what you're doing at their gate.
He moved but left his dog after crying all night and i see him running all over the neighborhood now. Supposedly he's trained to kill but hes super sweet and doesn't even act mean.. Runs around smiling all sweet and listens and doesn't bark... He barks locked in the yard tho. Pit bull. Male.
Anyways. It could speed up the process if someone calls and says how many they have and etc.
Uruguay had 15 people at 2 farms so one of the smaller farms took two trucks to each farm and picked them up.
Then they waited at the small farm for the pick up from the military. So about 24 hours it took for that but about 2 days to hear whar to do from Uruguay.
Mexico has 90% so they're doing as much planning as possible and preparing the transition site.
At the transition site, they will get stories of the people. Everything they can remember and use newspapers and other information like police records and anything they can find to help the families be found for the victims.
As soon as possible they will be provided a phone to contact their families with a counselor present and they will have constant communication with their families until they are home
Because there are so many people, about 2,000 it will take weeks to cover everyone.
So we have field trips planned for those in the safe haven.
They will go out and see local sights, eat in restaurants and be tourists and be given ("free") spending money for their own souvenirs and goods.
They will be heavily guarded and protected. And it's voluntary. We split them into small groups and they can choose to go to which trip when.
Its their first taste of decision making and freedom to live as they have had the right to all this time.
So we are excited for this for them as well as Uruguay being able to take theirs home for the holidays. Uruguay will have a similar program for them as well.
At larger facilities: Our program has days with a group staying at the temporary home to be interviewed and use computers and to rest if it is not time for them to interview, catch up on laundry and things like that. This way they dont miss out on trips but have time "off" to rest and reflect.
Trips aren't everyday, tho. Because we don't want to overwhelm them with the outside world and make them feel they can't choose to be free.
Mexico and i worked last night for a celebration in the summer. So the victims can all see each other again. And celebrate their freedom together. Again heavily guarded and protected. There we will have a festival explaining many different religions, including Islam and Iraq customs, in hopes to further develop peace and tranquility. We prepared some fun challenges to recognize emotional PTSD and how to overcome the sudden overwhelming feelings with pride and happiness and most of all personal strength. For example: a fun water park with water slides and such... Realizing many may not be able to swim, the victims may feel intense fear and panic. However there will be life guards in the towers and in the water and swim instructors and life vests and everything to make it perfectly safe and enjoyable. So to overcome that intense fear is a self empowerment movement for the victims. We hope they have so much fun they dont even realize how much progress they made until they are safe and warm in their beds and they drift happily to sleep and God holds their hands and tells them how proud he is.
So Mexico has said they will provide program material with the detailed information of the challanges to expect, this way they can recognize their feelings that they have been taught to suppress. Initially and also how to expect to overcome the problomatic issues.
So we hope all the victims and their chosen family members from home choose to go and see us. And choose to educate themselves and heal and to see their friends they made in captivity.
While it is normal and expected to hate those who captured and enslaved the victims, the victims themselves always made the best of a bad situation and they made friends and families of their co-workers. We don't want to tear apart yet another family for these people. So we plan to have bi-yearly free events for them to see one another. Just as the military and its affiliates would for war veterans here in America.
Being a military brat, I've had my chosen family torn apart all the time. Being a victim of the two main kidnappers and the owner of the farms, i have had my blood family torn apart as well as many friends kidnapped and murdered. Thus I have complete understanding how not having the opportunity to see my family and friends again is harmful to the heart. And soul and mind. So i cannot allow that to happen to these unfortunate souls that have suffered as long as i Have. I see them no different than myself, in the way I want them to be cared for. As i have not been cared for, it will be extravagant, as the days go wearily by, I realize how much more i deserve that i do not receive. So i can only imagine how they could feel without freedom so i hope to maximize as best as possible without interfering with their daily life So they can live as normal as they wish -- with the financial benefits they will receive. They have lived in horrid conditions and received no pay but food and housing and worked daily. Thus they will be taken care of financially and their only job is to be happy, wise and free. And spend time with their families, sharing memories and making more. Live, laugh, love. That is their jobs. And they will be paid nicely for that. The governments are working together to sort all that out. And it seems that it will be a conglomeration of tax payer dollars not from any one country. Mainly the drug manufacturing countries, that benefited financially.
We have elected to have the first one big celebration to televised on worldwide television, including Netflix. So those not invited have no need to crash our party. As There are many surprises scheduled that should delight the nations.
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faunusrights · 6 years
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oh dear
Though she’d had time to slip back into her shoes and soothe away the immediate pain of Emerald’s silence, the journey here had left her no less raw, a persistent frown curling her lips.
i said this last time but i’m still really enjoying the cinder narration we’re getting in the remaster... i also know it’s what really will be the final nail in my coffin, but c’est la vie.
of course it means we get 2 see this sadder cinder and i! dont like it AAAAAAAA!! i preferred it when we had no idea what her motives were so then Me Caring About This Round Child could be delayed but now we’re in full force i-love-cinder territory!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLEASE....
i literally googled maikoa’s name JUST IN CASE SOME BUGGERY WAS GOING ON but i think we’re safe. no hidden double meanings. no secrets....
Her lips pinched together, watching a Faunus with broken antlers lower his head to avoid Maikoa’s gaze, others with similar signs of abuse doing the same. It was a familiar move, one she recognized intimately.
i BEG to be free of this depression!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD. GOD I DO NOT LIKE THIS PART!!!!!! and what do u mean recognised intimately hello??????
Golden eyes scanned the streets, the Faunus all turning their heads away as her gaze fell over them. Most were older than Maikoa. Others were children, their horns and fangs still growing in.
im sad now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SAD,
Pristine steps rose to a porch lined with pots of Angel’s Trumpets, and Cinder’s smile thinned. It almost looked cozy.
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“Do you often question your superiors?” Cinder asked.
But even without the slow shake of his head, Cinder already knew the answer to her own question. There were too few scars to be seen on Maikoa to indicate he had ever refused an order from the White Fang.
theres like.... HISTORY HERE...... and im SO UNBEARABLY CURIOUS as to what it IS. like. im tryna figure out. if her superiority over him stems from her dealing w. the fang, or if. shes actually been. a LOT closer than we know. cinder’s history is SO muddied and even though i know we’ll discover some of it im endlessly curious because I Know Some Other Shit that makes me WONDER.................... is there more to this....
Cinder blinked down at the key, not missing the way her title was tacked on as an afterthought. That same heat from before pooled in her cavernous ribcage. Violence collected at her twitching fingers, old scars across her body flaring with phantom pain.
That old itch again, like every wound rubbed raw.
like the interactions w/ cinder and the fang are so specific and im like. i just. whats going on. WHATS HAPPENING. HEWWO????????? am i misreading it.... maybe..... but also...... hm,
“Tell me, Maikoa, do you think Sienna Khan would care if I killed you right now?”
i never said i would write cinder/sienna fic but hey if you put a gun to my head i certainly wouldn’t say NO.....
Around them, the Faunus that had been sheltering close to doorways and alleys had begun to take notice of what was happening. They stood watching openly, their ears all pricked and swiveled towards the scene.
you know what im gonna say it. cinder is just. GOD. she thinks of herself as powered by that sorta burning spite??? that she works for HER MACHINATIONS and boots ppl up the ass if she feels like it but. i just. shes like ‘im not gonna care!!! gonna do my thing and not give a shit’ but she gives so many shits. every day, new shit, and she’s giving it out like she’s at a soup kitchen. of shit. and i LOVE IT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cinder ‘i have never cared’ fall is actually cinder ‘i have ALWAYS cared ALWAYS’ fall and i BELIEVE IN THIS because u kno. u kno that rly. a lil piece of her aint gonna give her the satisfaction of being a stone cold bitch!!!!!!!!
Cinder had made arrangements with the White Fang’s leader herself, and Sienna Khan wasn’t known for a bleeding heart.
On the edges of her peripherals, Cinder saw the people stepping closer, their attention rapturous. It occurred to her that they probably viewed her as a savior, someone to break the shackles of their enslavement to the White Fang. Someone altruistic. Someone not motivated entirely by spite.
They didn’t know her.
The White Fang would send another overseer—they always did—and by that time, the white-hot resentment licking at the inside of her ribcage would have exhausted, her own plans taking her far away. There would be another overseer, the inhabitants would resume their harried lives, and Cinder wouldn’t spare this town a second thought.
Besides, a nagging part of her insisted, this town would probably not survive the coming days.
but theyre ON HER MIND.... IS..... THE THING..... like out of all we’ve seen of her narration so farm she DOES think abt it she IS aware of it and she DOES recognise it and all of this is just her. trying to say to herself ‘you dont care this isnt yr business’ but i just. MMMMMM ITS A LIE. SHES LYIN. and because of [SPOILERS WO~AH] im like. bitch. bitch,
okay moving on from vague cinder feels but i AM right i WONT BE SWAYED,
She didn’t stop, continuing on with scarcely a moment’s respite, her body drawn by the increasing tug of Cinder’s location.
And she found, though she’d only hunted Grimm in the past, the trail Cinder left was similar enough, black smoke hanging in the air like a veil.
okay honestly if i keep grabbing bits the rest of this will become a huge emojifest but there’s. there’s a lot of Hints being dropped. just So Many. LIKE JUST A LOT LIKE. 
im rly loving the deserts clashes tho we get some Peak Cinder and Peak Hunter Glynda too its all very 👌👌👌💦
In her soft Beacon years, she had forgotten how a hunt made unnecessary things wilt and die to make room for stronger senses, and even forgotten how to use those stronger senses. Now, it was as if she had never lost them. Her blood didn’t just sing to her now; it roared like the engine of a great machine, and the prickle in her flesh at Cinder’s presence was like needles.
a few things abt this passage:
ONE. i rly like that shift to ‘soft beacon years’, because i think that rly draws a line in the sand (hoho) from glynda ‘i gotta protect beacon its my home i belong here’ goodwitch to the current glynda ‘cinder is my goal beacon is behind me right here right now she is my one focus’ goodwitch. this hyperfocus is, firstly, a mood, and also just a rly good character tidbit we stan this autistic bitch,
TWO: 👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈😎👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 fuck off!!!!!!!! FUCK OFF GOD THAT BIT IS BRAZEN
She had been young then, yet to learn or respect the emotions people expected from her.
For the first time since she’d fully committed herself to the hunt, Glynda felt the prick of displacement. A small, distant part of her wanted to go home.
i cant wait to publish the bingo card i made JUST for offal hunt because rn that shit would be pretty chockablock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few minutes later, her Scroll buzzed again. Ozpin passed her the details for a secure communication channel to an Atlesian address, belonging to one Special Operative Winter Schnee.
honestly this one really WAS OUT TO HURT ME and i Hated Every Second but i still am out here knowin Cinder Lies To Herself Most Of All and also Glynda Is One Big Old Dumbass,
thank god winter will maybe salvage this probably maybe not
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A Bloody Fine Caning Unauthorized cbt Orgasm The Disciplinarian Whos That Girl Capsized Cock Sucker Spellbound Tit Trance Introducing the Spanksticks Chastity Cock Shock Holly De Veaux L8TX SOLO Cum First then Fucked Boot Devotion Tools of Discipline Czarina Gia Hosiery Bend Over Bitch First Time LockUp No Relief Leather Slavery Evil Smoke Maniacal Used Cock Punishing Latex Nurse Leather Domina POV Bad Aby Sissy Maid Servitude Predicament Meets The Cane The Devils Contract Extended Caning Scene with The Biters for the Music Video Hold On Human Ashtray Gag Breaking the Male Ego Making You My Cock Sucking Bitch My Leather Gloved Hand Over Your Mouth Drone for My Decollete Bitches Wear Stripes Part 1 Spanked by the Head Mistress PantyHose Persuasion Ball Busting Birthday Trample The Chastised Maid Ball Skewering Heavy Rubber Nurses Pantyhose Whore Immobilized orgasm Take This Vampire Cock Pt. 1 Hot and Cold Dangling Dick Sucker Ball Busted Advancement Through Mind and Cock Control When the Smoke Clears Cranked Yanked & Chastised I Have Come to Enslave You Screen Evil Dick Pricked and Fisted in the Clinique Strap On Virgin CEI Suckle The Truth Hurts Practice Makes Perfect Last Breath for Subby Hubby Behind the Scenes Stretched Hogtie Good While he Lasted Barefoot Adoration Single Tail Out Takes Predicament Bondage Forced Orgasm BITTEN Dream State Seduction Drowning the Male Ego Shock Suck Spray Submit to My Cock Bound To The Cross Bound Broken and Chastised Cum & Clean These Boots Screen I Dream of Dirty Boots My Therapist is a Vampire Accept Your Submissive Heart Obedient Slave Training Nice and Easy FemDom Cock Commander Bicep Fetish Complete Cock Control Chauvinistic Pig Vampire Glamoured into Submissive Drone Sissy School Episode 1 Mesmerized JOI Exacting and Cruel cbt Double Domme Discipline Erotic Vampire Queen Controls your Cock You Said you Would do Anything Ball Lashing Black Leather Mistress Cock Sucking Sissy Training Part 3. His First Double Penetration Doctors Orders Smoking Dress the Part Edged and Controlled Inverted NT Ass Fucked Cum Eating slut FemDom Boss Disciplined and Controlled Ass Fucking Attitude Adjustment Clamped Rode Hard Put Up Wet Over Her Knee Elegantly Draining Your Wallet 24 Seven Chastity So Many Vices Hell Bent for Cock Work For It Boot Slut Therapeutic Rewards Plugged and Chaste Sissy Maid Slut Trained Slave Boy Cheaters Get Fucked Are You Ready to Serve Ride My Cock Part 3 Cum for My Cock Mouth Raped in Rope Bondage Mistress CandyXXX cock & Ball Busting Barefoot Trample Pantyhose Attraction Breath Control Forced Orgasm Slave to My Back Seam Vampiric Alpha Female Upstairs Firemans Carry The Collared Slave Slave to My Ass The Capable Foot Slave Cruel Cbt Experiments by the Latex Nurse Sissy Schoolgirls First Exam Fur Goddess Earn Your Stripes My StrapOn Romance Cum Eating Instruction Owned By Her Boots Slave to My Soles My Cock or Oxygen Part 1 Sissy Fuck Jaw Dropping CumShot Scarred for the Privilege The Graduation How to Lace a Corset Foot Worship Reward Shocked & Showered Shoe Fetish & Shoe Fuckery Cock Tied & Electrified Love Potion Number 9 Bound to Cum Size Queen Black Cock Thigh High Boots Are Made for Walking Forced to Suck Forced Into Foot slavery Bad Boys Get Spanked Ram Rod Attitude Adjustment Ass Blasting Forced O Cock Whipping FemDom Forced Bi Obedience & Devotion Bend Over Boyfriend You are My Human Ashtray POV Figging Taking His Cherry Multi Task Those Cocks Whore Forced Bi Fur Ensnared by Her Furs Part 2 LollyGagging Knob Lobber Smoking on human ottoman Sky High Stilettos Cum in Your Mouth or Not at All Soul Stealing Vampire Taste the Lash Surrender to the Leather Mistress Marked by the Paddle Screen Spank or Fuck Jerk Off Smack Down The Sissy Maid Ashtray The Ultimate FinDom Screen The Terms of Engagement Balls of Fire After School Voyeur Smoldering Mistresses Stocking Submission Sucker Punch You Wont Mind if I Smoke Pegged in the Sling Screen Tormented and Forced by the Latex Nurse One Way Out Strapon Venus Fucked & Sucked Fireside Foot slave Corseted & In Control Come to Bed Rope Crucifixion Jeans and Pantyhose Serious Bondage Mesmerized CEI Descent into Darkness Bound Strapped and Sucked The Sissy Assignment Need for Chastity Latex Stroke CBT Mesmerized into SubSpace Damn Good Bondage Golden Shower Brainwashed by Breasts Devil in a Blue Dress OTK Caned to Cum Holly De Veaux and Balls of Steel Keyholder Worthy Hands Free Hosiery Cum Chastity Test Pass Double Domme De Fete Eat It Birthday bitch CBT Cum Training Pantyhose Addiction Drilled Mouth and Ass Shoe Fancy Strung Up Tortured Denied & Locked into Chastity Strung Up Spanked and Caned Long Nail Fascination Penis Enlargement Clinic Foot Face Fuck Latex Smother Spit Shined Ensnared by Her Furs Part 1 The Trap Crushed & Controlled Ice Bucket Challenge Satisfying Tease and Denial The Imprisoned Heart Owned by My SpankSticks Part 2 Suspended in the SleepSack 6 Different Lifts Balls of Steel Taste it Dont Waste it For The Love Of Leather The Ultimate Humiliation Ensnared by Her Furs Part 3 Edged to Consume Love My Lipstick Enslaved to Nylons Face Down Ass Up Ball Busting Stiletto Surrender Your Company and Your Soul to My Cleavage Bound Drained and Forced into Chastity The Biters, Extended Medical Scene Strong Tits Weak Cock Seduced into Destruction Boots in Bed Vampire Glamoured to the Glory Hole Hosiery Heaven The Meaning of Objectification Intense Intro Smoking Hot Cock MindFuck Screen Mean Feet Entranced Surrender Caged Tease and Denial What Aby Dreams are Made of Long Hair Tease Pay and Obey Pimped Between Ecstacy & Annihilation Irresistible Undulating Strap on The Sensual Servant FemDom Induction Deep Dicking Bad Ass FemDom 2014 Gender Reassignment Pussy Whipped Chastity Test Fail Mouth Load Caned into Submission Caught in the Hamper Sissified Life Chap Boot Lust Elegance and the Ashtray Gag My Human Ashtray Vampire Glamoured to Eat Cum Stranglehold Panty Sniffer Forced Hands Free Multiple by Strapon Pegged into a Puddle Flame Job The Doctors Wife Trained for Cock Sucking Suspended and Spanked Frustrated Jerk Puppet Glam Public Lift and Carry Humbled Captive Male of FemDom Vortex of Ass Worship Addiction Breast Wishes Black Bull Turned Bitch Leather Whip Mistress Long Hair and Lovely Hose Part 1. Proliferation of the Penis He Goes Down Punished Thighs Single Tail Sadist Happy New Year cock sucker Rewarding Denial Cruel Shoes Merciless Leather Whip Mistresses Inflated and Drained Cum Consumption for a Slut in Training Hosiery The Slave Breaker Shine Agony of de Feat U R My Urinal Toilet Slavery 6 Foot Massage Smoking Venus in Furs Ruined by Tickle Torture More Than a Mouth Full Feature Presentation Overnight Captivity Shocked Cock Forced to Cum Trained for Cock Gagged Spanked & Fucked When I Say Latex Slut Thoroughly Fucked The Interrogation of Hoodman Shoe Fuck Fail, Back into Chastity The Key Holder Ass Owning Pile Driving Mistress Will he Ever Learn Bound Forced and Ruined Shoe Worshipping sissy Softly Taking You Down Take Your Medicine Cum Fast Cum Slow Ball Stretched Bitch Cbt and Permission Ripped Stripped and Whipped Bitch Slapped Cock Shock Kiss My Fabulous Ass Hypn0 Fag Suck it Sissy Boot and Glove Lovers Delight Whipping Pig Nipples Awaken the Submissive Within Across the Miles Scrotum Pincushion Cleavage vs The Car Title Shibari and Single Tails Mommys MouthSoaping Cbt Hoe UpSized Tit Worship Savage Clamps Season of the Witch Deleted Foot Fetish Scene from The Biters Music Video for Hold On Sissy Maid Programming Hangem High Cbt Instruction Quick Fix Sissy Foot Fetish Overload Captive Male Desires Mesmerized into Chastity The Flogging of a Work hard Play Harder Control Top Object of Tickle Torture In Preparation Caning 101 Sensual Strap On Domination Secret Cuckold Therapy The Sissy Exam Waterboarding in the Afternoon Marked for the Strapon Stroke to FemDom Bare Foot Trample Lick Boots Kiss Ass Two Cocks 1 Slut Welcome to the Stable So Hot it Hurts Mesmerized by FemDom You Can Not Escape My Wolfords Caged Chastity Double Vision Hang Tough Golden Nectar Ass to Mouth Sissy Maid Now Youre Mine Controlled by Cleavage Inverted Ass Whipping Skydive Dickhole Extinguisher Be My Hitachi Oiled Tickle Torture Breaking Your Pathetic Cock The Cougar and Her Prey Foot Fetish Fantasy Be My Leather Slave Spanked Mesmerized Feminized Stretched by Ass Hook and Humbler Goddess Cheyenne and Mistress Candy XXX cbt & nt You Need Discipline Screen Sissy Maid Motivation Panties and Punishments Racked and Ruined My Doctor My Home Wrecker More Bounce to the Ounce Ball Busting Tea Time All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go but Down Triple FemDom Boot and Shoe Lick Strapon Lovers Under My Heels Take This Vampire Cock Pt. 2 Pennys Punishment You Need a Spanking Strawberries & Cream Queen of the Night Caught in the Act Yes Maam Forced Bi Boyfriend Strap On Prep Leather Opera Glove Lust Chastity for the Married Man If you are Going to Act Like a Baby... Slut Boy Jim Take It Slut Cock Sucking Sissy Bootblacker Star Whores FemDom Strikes Back CEI Sissy Bound for Ass Pounding Corporal Punishment Wet and Luscious Pile Drive the Bitch in Chastity Tight Sweater Tit Worship The Psychology of Finance Vampire Leather Mistress Worship Web PantyHose Fetish Suck My Strap On Black Magic Faggot Its Time for Your Exam Smothered Pantyhose Domination Carried Away Open Wide Forward Thrust Track Fan Trample Owned by the Strap On Bound Spanked Sissy Mesmerized Forced Bi Back Bend CBT Bastinado Suspension Brutally Broken by BullWhipping Upskirt Tease and Denial The Weaker Sex Anniversary Cane Strait JOI Objectified Programmed for Cock Violet Wand Duo Spanked by Hand Swallow for Me Prescription Strength Cock Control Elegant Smoking Anal Training and Nipple Training Session Whipped Balls Spinner Boy Prove You Are Worthy Report to My Office Lick My Boots Cock Pain Cum Home Wrecker NOT House Keeper My Cock or Oxygen Part 2 Lick the Dirt from My Shoes Owned by a Vampire Snack Cake Crush Banged Sissy Bitch Rubber Sucker Double Dom Dicked Requirements of Sissy Service Ass Out Stocked and Humbled Forced Orgasm Fallout Ashes to Asses Fuck Hard Beauty Ruined Forced Orgasm Choke or Suck Strapon Abduction Boot Bitch Leather Mistress cbt in Chastity Pump You Up Bastinado Action Packed Ass to Mouth Ignored Human Ashtray Captive Male Retro Trample Fuck My Boots Hanging Hooded Man Screen Gagging Cum Licker Bitch Slapped Cock Sucker Highly Arched Feet Athletic Shoe Trample Caged Foot slave Into the Fold Mistress CandyXXXs Slave Boy Tickle Me Latex Lover Rachel DD Pashas First Session Leather Mistress Strapon Discipline What a Slave Wants Swallow Your Load Sensual Mind Control for Slave Training Enslaved Sissies & Maids Reflections of a Pantyhose Slave Leather Mistress HandGag Ride His Ass Part 2. Anal Expansion Winter is Coming Bound Chaste Male Reprogramming Double Domme Barefoot Trample HellFire The New P.A. Weight Swinging Balls TiTmatized Leather Mistress Icy Hot Handjob Both ends My Ashtray Forced Feminization Making Him My Bitch
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skythief · 7 years
Analyzing Sheith, with a dash of discourse.
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replied to your post
“Cordially inviting any and all anti’s to come at me bro Whether it be...”
Can I just add, that many antis throw around the word "pedophilia" and first of all, that's a disgusting accusation to make of someone imagining FICTIONAL characters in a relationship. And second, it does not apply. Like the literal definition does not apply. Would a 25 year old with a 17 year old be cool IRL? Probably not but it's not pedophilia and it's also FUCKING FICTION JFC. God I wish I had the time to worry about what fictional characters people shipped.
Sorry for that brick I just have been wanting to say that for so long, hope you have a spectacular, wonderful, idiot free day <3
You may definitely add that. I certainly forgot to. 
It really depends heavily on context for that 17-25 thing. It depends on the relationship and maturity levels of the two people in question. I know there are 25 year olds that are still running around this site screaming about “problematic ships” like its the fucking plague. And then there are people in my life who grew up in drug houses, who struggle because their families entire line of poor credit, bad choices, substance abuse and felonies makes it nearly impossible for them to get jobs and basic debit/credit cards, who dug around in dumpsters for food during their childhood-- and you can bet they grew up incredibly fast, and incredibly hard. 
Biology plays a part in it to a degree too-Female brains tend to fully develop ages 16-25? (dont cite me on this, im just going off of memory) and for male brains I think they finish developing around like, 18/22-30??? I’d have to look it up again, but you get my point.
Theres a lot of factors that go into play- The maturity levels of the individuals themselves, and the actually Nature of the relationship itself, I think.
Lets take Sheith, for example. 
We have seen maturity and selflessness exhibited in both individuals; Both of them have had to go through very hard experiences; Keith being an orphan with abandonment issues, yet still carries some incredibly strong morals and a fierce love for people and a desire to protect others.; Shiro has been enslaved, amputated and experimented upon, and forced to perform in bloody, gruesome, arena’s. He’s been through Hell, and still he has retained a sense of calm, patience, and compassion. 
So we know from this that they’re both plenty mature enough-- But what about the nature of their relationship?
Honestly I think this one of the most healthy ships out there for the sheer amount of love and compassion and respect between the two, even without picking apart just how well they compliment each other. 
Again, starting with Keith; This is a highly individualized person that does not like authority. He’s not going to want to feel like he has to explain himself to anyone or meet anyones arbitrary standards; Does not like, and possibly feels threatened by rules and restrictions as that threatens his ability to do his own thing. He makes his own rules for himself and his own personal values to which he will adhere strictly. He’s intelligent, but it’s shown and seen through his actions-- Not explained through word of mouth, and most likely never will be. Trust and abandonment issues, as well as his orphaning, may lead him to difficulties communicating with others, being vulnerable, and expressing emotions or showing weakness, making him a very secretive, private person, that most likely finds both comfort and fear in Isolation. Comfort, because no one can hurt you, and you can sort everything out yourself and have complete control when you’re alone; Fear, because it’s very easy to keep isolating yourself and never stop, even though you want, like, and need people in your life, but may be hesitant to go to them for fear of getting hurt or abandoned, especially if you reveal your softer, more unprotected sides. Keith, as a character, may even be scared of his feelings. 
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One of these belongs to every paladin okay, thats all I’m sayin’. 
In conclusion, Keith is a very private, lonely person with a history of trust issues stemming from abandonment and a dislike for authority, making him not the easiest person to get along with.  He needs someone who will have the patience and respect that will allow Keith to open himself up to them on his own highly secretive terms, someone who is open minded, patient, and understanding, in order to understand someone as rare and unconventional as Keith (He’s not exactly going to come with an owners manual or introductory pamphlet y’know?). He needs to feel safe, comfortable, and not judged by a person in order to place so much trust, value, safety and security with them. If someone tries inauthentic, underhanded, or forceful means of manipulating someone like Keith into anything, you know Keith won’t be having it. 
Shiro is kind of the epitome of all of these traits, and we don’t just see him using them to understand Keith, but we see him using them to understand other members of his team as well (like Pidge or Allura). Once Shiro has a good understanding of someone, he waits until an appropriate, non-threatening time arises in order to build his team members up, give them advice, solace, or whatever he thinks they may need that he can give them. He uses a very open, friendly, safe, respectful and non-threatening communication style in order to build up people around him; This is an incredibly rare and beautiful kind of person, imo, at least in Shiro’s case, because we can see how very dedicated he is to doing this, and that he makes it one of his biggest priorities. 
This makes him pretty great for Keith, but there are plenty of reasons why Keith is great for Shiro too.
From episode one, from Keiths very introductory sequence, we see him caring, for and sacrificing for Shiro-- Going out of his way to make sure Shiro is safe at all times, or backing him up; Whether it be in or out of Voltron, Keith is literally Shiro’s right hand man. Keiths love for Shiro is very similar for Shiros’ love for Keith;  It is a respectful, kind, and appreciative, thankful kind of love. It is built on and never runs out of trust, and only seeks to lift the other up, and make sure the other is okay, without breaching any boundaries. 
Shiro, from his iron devotion and love for others, strikes me as the type of person that forgets to take care of himself, in lieu of others and their importance, valuing it over his own. Keith, being a very confident, straight forward, and protective person, is perfect for Shiro in that he can and will make sure Shiro does get the self-care he needs, but without threatening or stomping upon Shiros virtues, or his mission. Shiro, for all his dad-jokes and stereotypes, honestly might need the child harness more than Keith does for his sheer scary-levels of willingness to sacrifice himself, like he means nothing- Or at the very least, nothing in comparison to others. Shiro, just like Keith, doesn’t know when to stop and take a break if others don’t make him/tell him too. And even then, Shiro might not understand or believe it, simply because war and soldier-trauma is like this. 
Shiro needs someone who is confident, straight forward, and strong enough to take care of Shiro as Shiro takes care of others. He needs someone who will be considerate and kind to him when no one thinks to be, or knows to be. He needs someone who will keep a close eye on him and watch and listen for when he’s breaking, when he needs help, whether he knows it or not-- He needs someone who will be aware of just how much Shiro himself may not know it too. And he needs someone who will do this genuinely, authentically, respectfully, and patiently. Issues like these are incredibly painful for both parties to go through, and they may never heal. A spouse who deals with this may have to come to accept this as never-changing, and to do that... Takes so much genuine love and self-sacrifice? It’s both heart-wrenching and beautiful, as it is a gruesome reality. It’s not sexy, cute, or fun-- It’ cold and it’s harsh and to persevere in your attentive care of someone in spite of such hard issues, especially when coupled with things like PTSD, is about as Real as you can get.
The reason Keith fits this bill perfectly? Is because we already see him doing this for Shiro in canon. 
We see it in anytime Keith flings himself into action in order to save shiro, whether it’s well-thought out or not. We see it in his respect, adherence, and boundaries. We see it in how he trusts Shiro to keep throwing himself into battle and come back to him, amidst a respectful but attentive observance of his person, his space, his wishes and his safety. In Keith we see he’s developed his own very deep and respectful understanding of Shiro and how he works, just as Shiro has developed an understanding of Keith-- they both know each others strengths and weaknesses, and give each other trust and patience. 
Like, I really can’t think of a more healthy relationship yo. Fuck ages man, these two are good for each other, these two honestly keep each other sane and safe, and uplift the other, they have a rock solid understanding of the other, and their wants, needs, strengths and weaknesses, and they communicate in succinct, blunt, non-threatening ways build on trust. Even if they disagree or say harsh things to each other (Like Shiro reprimanding Keith for reprimanding Pidge, “That’s not how a team works.”, or giving him criticism. Or Keith pleading with Shiro in his BOM-nightmares.), they do not stay mad or hold grudges, which tells me that they never assume bad intent of the other either, even though it would be very easy to. 
My god like theres so much healthy shit in this ship it’s actually hard to cover everything, they both exhibit so much. 
Overall I really think like the last thing I’m worried about with these two is fucking AGE y’know? Clearly theyre mature enough to take care of each other; Does anyone really think either of these people would abuse the other? Because I certainly don’t. It wouldn’t just be wrong, it’d be completely out of character. Keith and Shiro simply care, value, and love each other too much for that. 
Feel free to add to this, if you’d like.
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ace-with--a-mace · 3 years
man i wish i had an ethnic name on my family :/
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warmradiantsoul · 6 years
Rachel’s Version of Harry Potter
So, Rachel hasn’t read or watch these. She has attempted to watch the first multiple times but has failed. She has close friends who continuously geek about particular parts, and have done for so long, that she feels as though she knows the plot. This is why she can’t sit down, start to finish, any Harry Potter movie......
“Hagrid, big dude, ARG. He finds Harry, and Harry is living on a rock. He is basically Patrick Star, but the ugly duckling version. His family doesn't’ like him. They treat him like shit, yada yada yada. He comes in... You're a wizard Harry (she says this exactly how hagrid does, imo). I guess that’s how that goes. Hagrid comes on in and is like, yo dude youre a wizard. Harry is like yo dude what the fuck. He was like yo dude come with me to this really dope school, you can learn these cool wizard things. And harry is like, my family sucks balls, I will come with you right away. Little does harry know, everyone in this wizard world, (she whispers wizards only fools, and also shows me this cool gang sign. Its all from the show adventure time. How neat is that) andddd sooooo in order to get there, harry meets up with this family. THe weasleys, theyre all red heads. They’re supposed to be poor???? but their house is cool ive heard. Harry and the sister, the younger sister, end up having a thing at some point in time. I don’t remember where in the timeline... but there are twins. They are jokesters. They are the michael gale buto of wizard world.  Somehow with their genius brains, they obtain all these things and give it to harry. I don’t know.... like this map who shows where everyone fucking is, at all times. Oh platform 9 3/4 is important too. That shows him how to get to hogwarts. I think thats where he met the weasleys? Question mark? and he meets hermoine and they eat chocolate frogs or something. And some shit goes down. But that might be a diffeeren’t movie. But at some point in time these scary demon things come down and suck life from you. I think one of the movies, the whole issue is the demoentors? is that what their called. I dont’ know. Doesn’t he have powers that are being suspended because he is protecting them? I don’t remember why they are there really. Azkaban is important. Whoever is locked up there. Whoever killed his parents? But i thought Voldemort did that so I don’t know. I thought he gave him that iconic bullshit on his head, the lightning bolt. Oh I’m sorry I don’t think I am supposed to say his name. He who shall not be named did it. I know they play some game, I don’t know what it’s called but I know it has to do with the golden fitch (lmfao so done). Harry breaks his arm but they think someone made him do it. Draco is evil. His dad is evil. The scary one we think is all evil is not actually evil. I feel they like they introduce more bad characters at the end? or maybe just when they do that cup thing. He somehow puts his name in the goblet thing. He didn’t, anyways. Everyone loves that guy. (she also keeps calling harry, henry). This is when the young Weasley girl and harry are like OOOO. Not Ron and Hermione yet. Doesn’t the Robert Pattison guy... they’re like a love thing at that time. I think there is some asian girl at some point. There is a scary teacher lady that reminded me of Mrs. Link (from fourth and fifth grade, she was a bitch, I had her twice. She was crotchidy. lol wut) Some dude with a bulging eye. People had me take my test once and I was . Ravenclaw. Whatever that means. (Me. A Ravenclaw. Explains.) DOBBY. We have to talk about him. The crazy elf thing. If I know anything about Harry Potter, Its about Dobby. Dobby is a house elf. He is enslaved. I don’t know why he is enslaved, I don’t know the history. (Emily chimes in saying she needs to read book six). Harry eventually gives him a sock and frees him. I guess I don’t really understand why he was okay with having him as a slaves. (Emily corrects her and tells her how he was always the Malfoys elf and was always trying to warn and save harry potter) (That also changes Rachel’s opinion about harry potter, whom she called a dick because she thought Dobby was his elf). Dumbledore Dies. There’s giant spiders. There is a tree that beats your ass. Unicorn blood and a three headed dog. A dragon. (long pause) And something about like whats that sparkly animal thing when he finally meets up with he who should not be named. And thats all I got.”
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