#doom grove
m39 · 2 years
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2004): Grove
After his 2001 WAD, Equinox (link to my review: ==>), we welcome once again an alien in disguise known as B.P.R.D. This time, we will be taking a look at one of the two WAD projects that were connected with him. And we are going straight through the rabbit hole with this one.
G4: Grove
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Main author(s): B.P.R.D
Release date: January 26th, 2004 (original release)/February 26th, 2004 (database upload)
Version played: Original version
Required port compatibility: ZDoom (and probably any port that is not Boom)
Levels: 1 (MAP01 replacement)
Like in my Equinox review, I played this map before, primarily due to Dean of Doom spoiler tagging it. And let me tell you something: there was a reason why he did that.
Grove is... unique. It is some of the most intriguing Doom maps I’ve played in the past (at least by 2004 standards). Almost everything in this map feels so bizarre that you feel like there needs to be a sequel just to increase the lore or whatever there is in the map’s world.
Now, let’s dive into this map further to see what secrets it hides.
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Don’t we all hate Chaingunners? Not only do they tend to ruin your fun by being the most obnoxious hitscanners in Classic Doom but turns out they can also steal your crops. The latter thing happened to our hero of this map: Being sick of some Hoovy (here called Smugla) stealing his mushrooms, he grabbed a gun and went after the Fatass through the hole he came out. After climbing out of the tunnel Smugla made from another side, he ended up in some inhuman place near the robber’s house, surrounded by forest. Our hero finds a map with an X in its upper-left corner. Thinking that this is where more mushrooms are (after taking what was near the Hoovy’s house) he decides to go there.
This map looks... fooking hell, it’s something incredible. Sure, it’s mostly just a shit ton of forest around you, but the atmosphere of this map and the mystery of its world is what makes it great. Once again, B.P.R.D’s unorthodox thinking and planning are shown in his body of work at his best.
And Grove’s music track makes it even better.
It’s something really alien in it but also calming at the same time. I know, I’m not saying much but, words can only barely describe what happens on this map.
Your task on this map is rather simple: collect three skulls and put them on three pedestals with hands to exit the map. Typical stuff for a Doom map but getting each skull is where it gets interesting:
Blue skull is inside the tomb, where the ruins are. To access it, you must travel to the hidden stone circle (by the teleporter hidden in the woods where the map shows) and press the skull switch to unlock the tomb.
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Red skull is in the cemetery but the entrance to it is barricaded. There is another passage through the cave, however. Don’t forget to press a hidden switch on one of the steps to come out the other side.
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Yellow skull is inside the Smugla’s vault. You can open it with one of the switches in Grove Central. And the skull is actually a decaying head of a bisected Arch-vile.
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But the way of getting the skulls is not the only interesting thing in Grove. The map that you will find doesn’t show the topography of the level. It’s more like a treasure map, showing you only clues about what is where.
You might also notice some 45 degrees turned squares on a map. These are actually secrets. There are five of these, and by finding all of them you can gain access to the super secret. I won’t tell you what the secret is. I will only say that you can get a Plasma Gun with a shit-ton of ammo to help you.
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As I mentioned earlier, Grove mostly takes place in the forest, surrounding you from everywhere. And while it’s not a problem, it becomes one when you have to move between the trees to get to important places and/or secrets. It gets especially annoying when you try to find a small, stone circle, where you will be moving from one end of that part of the forest to another just to accidentally step on it. I can promise you that it might take you a few minutes at best at your blind walkthrough when you finally find it. And I’m not even talking about getting out of the forest.
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Also, let me tell you that this map tends to look really dark in some of the sector light modes. You won’t be able to see almost anything. If you have trouble with that, you can set it on Legacy or something else that can give you some brighter lighting.
Now, before I’ll move on, let me tell you something. If you get stuck at the beginning of the map, take a look at one of the bookcases inside the house.
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Grove can get challenging sometimes despite having only 57 enemies on HMP. The first good idea is to get the Super Shotgun from the well before getting even close to one of the points with the exclamation mark shown on the map (remember to drain the water near hands first).
The main reason why this map is difficult is due to the severely limited ammo. Unless you know where the secrets are, you will not have ammo to deal with the final army of hell Nobles at the very end of the map, nor with Smugla himself.
Yes, Smugla appears as an enemy. Thankfully, or rather unthankfully, he is nothing more but a reskin of Spider Demon. If you brought Plasma Gun from the Super Secret with you, he will go down easily.
I’ve encountered some bugs while playing Grove. The most noticeable one was with the secret that has a big mushroom. For some reason, the area that covers its surrounding with shadows has a ceiling with a floor texture on it... WHAT?!
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I have no explanation for this. Maybe it’s related to the newer versions of ZDoom/GZDoom.
Also, I noticed a small square of void near the generator behind Smugla’s house.
There is more of this stuff written in the text file. I think there was a bigger chance for those to appear in the past than now since I didn’t encounter any of these.
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Grove may not be a masterpiece (trees are the main con) but I think it’s still awesome. It’s something that feels like it shouldn’t work and yet everything clicks in the right place. This map is one of the two reasons why B.P.R.D got named the Mapper of the Year in Cacowards 2004. And he made this map in almost two weeks! This is insane!
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And also, if you want more, here’s Dean of Doom part where he talks about this map (part starts at 17:12):
I hope my experience with Grove won’t ruin my time with the next map on the 2004 roster.
See you next time.
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Huh... I always wondered if an author of Grove is an alien.
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nysscientia · 1 month
okay but Wyll is like. a prodigy, actually. and I want to talk about that more
like he is a folk hero for a reason. it's not just because he's so nice to people. he is also an incredible adventurer.
when you meet him in the Grove, he is on a level with you—but dialogue makes it clear that's because the tadpole fucked with his capabilities. if you have him around and hear his little interparty exchanges and reactive lines, he talks about things he's done as the Blade of Frontiers, and they include wrestling a giant one-on-one, and fighting a dragon. by himself.
he fought a dragon by himself!!
like (spoilers for end of game), even when you fight a dragon in the finale, you're not doing it ALONE. you have 3 other party members and as many allies as you care to summon. WYLL WAS ALONE IN THE WOODS WITH WHATEVER SUPPLIES HE COULD SCRAPE TOGETHER AS A SOLO ADVENTURER. AND HE FOUGHT A DRAGON.
by all accounts, I think it's reasonable to guess that before the tadpole, he was more powerful than the level 12 cap that's built into the game. and sure, he's a warlock drawing power from a bond, but most D&D lore I've encountered build in the idea that warlocks need a certain amount of skill and prowess to handle the power offered to them by their patron—there's a reason warlocks and clerics still level up, rather than just shooting to the top of the ladder. PLUS, he had to know how to use that power effectively.
and then!! (spoilers for epilogue) if he does the Avernus version of his ending, he's become a ranger within the 6 months since you've last seen him. and not like, he took a level or two in ranger and he's working his way up to it. he tells you about devils he's killed that are on par with the dangers y'all faced in your adventures—and he's doing this either with only Karlach for company, or possibly even by himself (??? I've only ever had him go with Karlach, I can't stand it). so. he is ALSO now one of the most powerful RANGERS in the realms. IN 6 MONTHS.
which makes sense! he wouldn't lose all his adventuring knowledge and skills just because the pact is ended! but to master an entirely new discipline, magic and all, in such a short time??
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evrensadwrn · 8 months
hemlock grove author please write a non canon book where roman and peter manage to get away from all the shit and move together and drive together and smoke together while healing and they heal from their traumas together and and and and and breaks down cryngin sbobng wailng braeking dwomn
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Did they actually add a “good route” Minthara recruitment that is literally just commandeering the Daughter of Lolth Mod or is it an assumption based on the patch notes 🧐
Hoping not bc it’d be a major case of caving to fan pressure to the detriment of the art. The problem with the evil route isn’t having to kill the tieflings*, it’s how empty and pointless it is bc you lose half the game’s content for basically nothing. The choice makes no sense from most RP standpoints and is barely consequential in the story except for locking you out of things. It’s a weak underdeveloped storyline that needs stuff added, not its one good thing taken away
(*coming from someone who avoids this route ONLY because it makes me too sad to not see Alfira and Lakrissa flirting on the Elfsong roof)
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sigyn-foxyposts · 29 days
"Echoes Of The Plum Grove Relationships!"
So far in my first play through Isabella and Kat got married, i love my little lesbians! Jack and Bridget got married and he is already pregnant.. Also i poisoned Rowland to marry James.. sorry enby king, maybe in another life time </3
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rayo1-productions · 2 years
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Enter at your own peril, past the vaulted door where impossible things may happen, that the world’s NEVER seen before!
Been waiting to do this one for a long time. A new Earth One wallpaper featuring Dexter’s Laboratory! The show that started it all! Kicking off the Cartoon Network Universe and opening the door for Warner Bros’ legacy of modern animation!
Background art collaged with concept art from Dexter’s Laboratory and FusionFall. 
As always, you can find the first story in this series right here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11418172/1/Cartoon-Network-Universe-Earth-One-FusionFall
Previously on Cartoon Network...   Coming up on Cartoon Network...
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vr-trash · 9 months
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promised yesterday that i would remember to post more of my dcog drawings on here (hi chelsea)
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vampiricsheep · 1 year
Love only finding out you can tell astarion to beg like a dog on the playthrough where he is absolutely not allowed to date tav
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acaciapines · 10 months
nano day nineteen
words today: 3047
words total: 42967
more good progress today! realized how hard it is to write a conversation between two people who do not speak the other's language! usually whenever i write firefly talking to people its either in her pov (she tends to understand others better than they understand her) or its like, eda, king, or luzmari. eda who is soul-bound to firefly. king who can See Dust and thus lowkey read minds to an extent. and luzmari who is. well she doesnt have any special power shes just lived w firefly for long enough to understand.
needless to say the collector is Not good at owlspeak. they will be one day! but that day is not today.
its always so fun when the characters sort of run away from you. king and the collector weren't going to start fighting until the last chapter--but they certainly disagreed! so now the fight's started sooner, which is good overall, i think--i've still got the big whammy saved up for that last chapter, and they've spent the entire story drifting apart. its a good way to kick off the final third of this fic.
my favorite part of what i wrote today:
“Quite frankly,” King says, and he shrugs them off, “I don’t even think you understand that you’ve doomed the entire Isles.” He recoils, and his head stings as though King clawed him, but there’s no wounds he can see. Still he doesn’t remember how to breathe. The world is blurry at the edges. King’s stardust is so far away and thundering. “I—” Their words catch in their throat. “What did I do?” “You aided Belos!” He looks so much like his dad. With the snarl ‘n the anger ‘n the way he towers over them, ‘n they cower back further, wanna bare their teeth but it’s all blunt so what good would that do? “Without you, Belos’s would’ve never been able to start the coven system! To cut down all the palistrom trees! You talk a whole lot about missing how things were when you’re the reason they aren’t like that anymore!” “He said he would free me!” “Oh,” King snaps, and his eyes cut right to the center of them, piercing, “and you believed him?” “I don’t.” Everything is going fuzzy. They keep blinking to keep how many Kings there are straight. “I was trapped. I didn’t wanna be trapped! I didn’t do anything to be trapped! I just—I just, I was good good good and your stupid dad trapped me! So it’s his fault!” “Somehow,” King says, “I really doubt you did nothing.”
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alephalpha333 · 2 years
🎶 ALEPH ALPHA ★ Agyertha 🎵
This is my first track of 2023 - Check it out!!  🎹🎸🔊🇨🇦
Alternative Rock / Indie / Stoner Grooves / Electro Rock / Psychedelic Beats
((( All vocals, instrument, production and artwork by me )))
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myfriendthedictionary · 8 months
have been doing mini’s femslashfeb prompts for 2024… smiling ! i haven’t posted anything for them because all ive been doing is messy sketches to get the day by day prompts but it’s honestly been really fun… and also helpful to my art process. and i get to revisit a lot of my fav ships from over the years !! so a double win !
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niroke · 9 months
I'm trying so hard to resist creating the same character in a different fonttt
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evrensadwrn · 7 months
i like to pretend hemlock grove stopped at season one
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cambius · 10 months
i might make a list of things that neph would approve / disapprove of in game, because that sounds like fun lol.
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vr-trash · 6 months
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collection of recent-ish dcog drawings i forgot to share lol
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shadowshrike · 6 months
Interfering with Halsin's Portal
It's pretty well known that there are a few situations you can get in where Halsin is well and truly angry rather than disappointed or worried, but I don't think a lot of folks know one of those situations is if you mess with his portal to the Shadowfell. It's a heartwrenching bit of acting. It's also fundamental to the plot of my in-progress fic Girdled Roots, so I figured I might share it with the other Halsin-lovers out there who have never seen it.
EDIT: Please be aware this is datamined dialog and may not be visible in game. It appears to be intended to trigger if the player attempts to enter the portal, which I don't believe is possible in the final game, or at least I couldn't find a way in the most recent version. Sharing this is simply to enjoy the incredible acting and get some plot bunnies moving, not to make any commentary about the game's canon.
Halsin's Initial Reaction
Halsin: No! Stop! Halsin: It's gone... that was our one chance. You've doomed this place to darkness! Halsin: I warned you - told you this was my burden to carry. Why didn't you listen?
The pure rage and despair is visceral. Prior to this, Halsin mentions this portal has been a century in the making, but he's so calm and measured (even upon success) that it is easy to dismiss just how much agony has plagued him as he hoped to make things right. This chance is everything to him. It has guided his every action for a century. It is a hundred years of work, prayer, and guilt to rectify the horrific fate of both land and people that came to nothing because a stranger he trusted refused to listen to him.
The portal breaking is the only time we hear Halsin speak the truth of its importance to him without a hint of emotional regulation. He is wild with pain. This man who is always thoughtful and slow to anger in the face of horror with the wisdom of age and suffering to guide him has become too overwhelmed to show any kindness.
Player response
The player is given several different ways to respond, and Halsin's reaction varies a surprising amount depending on how understandable their reason is. In most cases, he states that he needs to be alone afterward.
Option 1: I'm sorry - I acted on instinct. Halsin: Words won't repair what's been done to this land. Nothing will... I need to be alone.
You can hear the ache in Halsin's voice, but he's somewhat understanding of this response. He projects more sadness than unchecked rage. The player has admitted to making a mistake, and Halsin isn't the type of person who hold onto vengeance when an apology has been made, but he's not naive or people-pleasing enough to say "it's okay" or offer comfort either. The safest thing for everyone is for him to step away to grieve when there is nothing more to be done.
Option 2: I did all the work here - I couldn't just let you take the glory. Halsin: Glory?! There's no glory here. Now there's nothing here - only shadows and the total absence of hope. Halsin:  There is nothing more to be said... I need to be alone.
Pure fury radiates from Halsin's response if the player focuses on the idea of being some grand hero rather than actually caring for the outcome. What the player did was an unforgiveable act, dooming everything that Halsin holds dear, and you have the audacity to complain about not getting glory from it. Again, he steps away, but this feels more like he's doing it because he believes you're worthless to reason with rather than because he needs a moment.
Option 3: I saved your grove - I figured it'd be best if I handled this as well. Halsin: We were this close to healing these lands. Now your arrogance has torn open the wounds once more. Halsin:  There is nothing more to be said... I need to be alone.
Halsin is still frustrated with this response and unmistakably angry, but it's significantly toned down from the idea of wanting to go through the portal for glory. More like he thinks you're a self-important idiot than a truly terrible person.
Specialized player responses
There are also three special responses you can give if you have a particular class or diety.
Druid: I thought my powers were equal to yours. Halsin: It wasn't just power this needed - it was wisdom, understanding. I suffered along with this place for years trying to understand the curse... and it seems I will continue to do so. Halsin:  There is nothing more to be said... I need to be alone.
Interestingly, he responds much more intensely to a druid than some of the other player choices. It might be in part because he feels like a druid should know better. He lectures the player like an Archdruid would initiates in his Grove, alternating between angry and explanatory, trying to get the player to understand why they were wrong and the sheer magnitude of their error. He ultimately ends in a much more resigned place here rather than personally resentful. Like a father-figure being forced through further life trials because of a child's foolish indiscretion. Frustrating, but inevitable.
Selunite: I trusted in Selûne to guide me through the shadows. Halsin: My friend - I wish you had trusted in me.
This is probably Halsin's most simple response with the least vitriol. He fully understands this answer, even if he's disappointed by it. The fact he calls the player 'friend' suggests a certain tired acceptance of this being a natural behavior for a Selunite trying to do good. We don't see this calm in other responses where Halsin was surprised by the player's choice.
Sharran: The Shadowfell is no place for non-believers - I couldn't allow you to soil it. Halsin: I should never have trusted an ally of the Dark Lady.
If you've ever taken Halsin along with Shadowheart in Act 2, then you know he is absolutely scathing toward her and her faith. He likely isn't as angry if a Sharran breaks the portal because it is utterly predictable. It merely confirms a truth he already knew and talked himself out of. That Sharrans cannot be fully trusted in matters of their goddess, even if one was good enough to rescue his people from the goblins.
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