#download My Love Enlighten Me
stilljuststardust · 2 months
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How I became stardust and why I'm taking time for myself
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I'm discussing quite a lot, but this post also details the origins of my blog.
I don't typically make personal posts. I have for the most part kept everything about me private. If you ever wondered what pushed me out of the nest and finally made me understand myself and the law this post is it. It's probably not what you are expecting because it was not a revelation about manifestation that finally made everything work out for me, it was a revelation about myself.
Before anyone worries, I'm ok. The events I'm describing have affected me but though it was distressing when it first happened it was a necessary catalyst in my growth.
For those who are less familiar with how my blog started, I downloaded Tumblr at the beginning of the year because I was desperate for an outlet. I was in a bad mental state.
I will not describe in detail what had happened. The short version is I was beginning to realize someone I loved very deeply wasn't who I thought they were. They were much older than me and we met when I was still in my mid teens.
Essentially, my frontal lobe developed and I was like wait who the fuck are you and why did I give you so much power in my life? Why did I let you make me feel like I couldn't do this or like I didn't have any power of my own?
It's insane how as you grow older you can feel your cognitive abilities load. Suddenly your brain is older and suddenly you realize what you were too young to realize before.
Out of nowhere I was all alone with the knowledge that I had never truly been safe with anyone. I had no choice but to go within.
I had no one to turn to but myself. So, I did. I turned to myself and for the first time I began to answer my own questions instead of seeking the answer from others.
I went within and for the first time everything clicked.
I formed my own opinions, I sought validation from no one but myself.
I am begging you to place power in yourself. Stop placing others above you, whether it be a blogger you think has some kind of secret knowledge, a friend you idolize, someone you think knows better than yourself.
They don't have some secret knowledge, they aren't more powerful or more lucky. The only difference between the bloggers you idolize and yourself is they put trust in themselves and you put your trust in them.
I suddenly understood shifting, the law, myself. I was evolving rapidly into a new version of myself.
In retrospect I realize that for years the only thing that held me back was my connection to that person. It clouded my mind. When left to my own devices I would have rapid progress and I would feel enlightenment only to be pulled back into the muddy mindset and mental space that came with knowing them. It was off and on for way too long.
When I cut them off I started to experience instant and effortless manifestations. Even if I don't truly understand how or why that's what happened.
Earlier this week new details about the situation were revealed to me in a way that I can only describe as reverse flash type fuckery. I'd like to thank my friends for supporting me through that realization. @caffeinatedmoonboy @lovebvni
I have discovered that my peace and my time for myself is deeply deeply sacred.
My blog started as me speaking into the void. I finally had a place to share MY perspective and MY thoughts. I finally had power over my own perspective.
Someone who cannot care for themselves cannot truly care for others
It has been a wonderful thing to hear from so many that I changed their perspective or that I helped them shift, manifest, grow. In a way this blog became my way of holding space for myself.
I love answering questions on this blog, and I am honored that I am asked them. It's amazing to watch so many people grow how I did. However, I do feel like people underestimate the emotional labor that comes with it. Unfortunately being the target of others frustrations and doubts comes with the territory.
You're probably familiar with the incredibly angry hate filled messages that come from antis but if you don't have a blog yourself it is possible you don't realize how common it is from people within the community to mistreat bloggers.
I know you've probably seen post after post from frustrated bloggers and if you've never run one yourself you probably don't realize why they're so frustrated.
This community has a MAJOR entitlement problem. You are not entitled to my time.
I say NONE of this to guilt anyone or discourage asking questions. I just would like to express that I have been on the receiving end of many peoples hatred and frustration.
I do not know you. I'm an 18 year old with autism on the Internet.
I'm so so grateful people want my input and advice, and I love giving it. Just please realize I'm a real person. This isn't my job, I'm not getting paid, I'm not omnipresent. I'm going to miss questions, I'm going to misword things.
This is something I run in my free time. Believe me, I want to help as many people as I can but that doesn't mean you are entitled to me.
I have SO much empathy for the pain and frustration that may come with your journey, but I don't know you and your frustration is misplaced.
You can ask me a million questions but I cannot force you to apply the law. I cannot force you to change your mindset.
I cannot do the work for you. Even if I have tried.
This past week I have begun on the next part of my self growth is boundaries. I shouldn't pressure myself to answer questions when I'm exhausted, or when I'm sick. Even if that is what some people expect of me.
What you feed your subconscious mind is important and it cannot be healthy for me to constantly consume others negative and limiting beliefs even if it is to disprove them.
I am stepping into a new version of myself. I am entering a part of my life where I will set boundaries unapologetically and prioritize myself.
I'm crawling back into my cocoon, I urge you to do the same.
If you take away nothing else take away this:
Invest in yourself. Put faith in yourself and stop placing your power in things outside of you. Self is what you carry with you, it is what you can never leave behind. When you finally realize you are the most powerful thing in your reality the rest will fall into place.
Thanks for listening <3
- Stardust
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thefirstlioveyou · 7 months
welcome to my blog :^)
(note: all my interactions come from @beingdiifferent, as this is a sub-blog)
I’m an autistic gay dude that yaps a lot about stranger things, primarily with a byler/mike-focus, and my own life/thoughts! i’m also 18. i really enjoy film and tv as an art form. i’m currently trying to explore more into the queer side of film, so feel free to enlighten me with suggestions! (please)
I am a writer and artist that creates original work and fan work, but i have yet to share anything because 1) i have not finished anything worth sharing, 2) i’m a sick perfectionist. one day i will though!! i have byler ideas in mind
st related preferences
my main ships are byler & lumax, with some occasional elmax if i’m feeling it. i primarily discuss byler though. my favorite character is mike (if if wasn’t obvious), but i also really enjoy nancy and will; the wheelers are my little creatures. also i’m a gay mike truther, so everything i say or talk about is from that lens.
other info
for the most part i don’t engage in discourse. if i do, i’m just ranting in my tags and keep it out of any of the main tags! please also don’t confuse me stating an opinion as me trying to start discourse :)
my inbox and dms are always open for anything. i can sometimes take a while to respond because i need to think, or i may not respond at all because i’m recieving too many of the same thing that it may be getting overwhelming. i’m sorry 😭 i appreciate everything, though
i love the show and it’s every core, from ships to supernatural plot. however i don’t focus on talking about the supernatural plot myself - i’m not that smart lol. i typically only reblog when it comes to that. i mainly discuss characters and ships. so if that bothers you, well you know what to do 👉🚪
links (wip)
“what’s a soulmate?” dawson’s creek x byler edit
“i feel wrong (homosexuality)” mike wheeler edit
mike and will sims download
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norman891 · 11 months
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I downloaded this drawing back in October, and ended up cropping it to better focus on Hook’s face. I can't remember where I found it originally or who the artist is ( they're wonderful, BTW).
This picture affects me so deeply on so many levels. I can feel Hook’s misery, his loneliness, his self-loathing, his grief, pain, despair and his utter shame. There is so much pain on so many different levels all captured in one drawing. Does it affect anyone else similarly?
I can only assume he has tried to drink all his feelings away only to end up in pure state of such sadness that all he can do is weep softly to himself.
It makes me want to go to him and put my arms around his shoulders, or at least lay a hand on his back, knowing full well I would be rebuffed and have to move quickly to escape harm. But that doesn't change my feelings, my very visceral need to try and provide some measure of comfort, compassion, empathy, and love to a man who's very soul has been ripped asunder by a careless little monster.
I have loved Hook since I was 5; I consider I was an enlightened child who could see the evil in Pan and the lonely, traumatized man Hook is. Yes, he's a pirate and therefore does things I expect a pirate to do. But he's also a man who's lost his very essence somewhere along the way, maybe even before before Peter cut off his hand, threw it to the crocodile, and left Hook in constant stress and PTSD.
I daresay the man has not had one good night's sleep in so long because sleeping leads to dreaming, or rather nightmares of being consumed by the crocodile and Hook wakes up screaming, soaked in sweat & shaking uncontrollably. And I'm sure he tells no one, not even Smee, so he suffers alone. And that bothers me badly.
I've been there, when you're too ashamed to tell anyone that which is tormenting you every hour of the day and night, for fear of ridicule or embarrassment. Hook is embarrassed enough that he's continually bested by the flying child-demon who so brutally maimed him. To show another his true suffering would be more than he could bear.
To whoever drew this amazing, thoughtful piece of art, give yourself a gold star. Very few pictures/drawings have affected me so deeply that have found myself weeping along with Hook. I like to think that just maybe, if he understood my angst is born of love and not pity, just maybe the knowledge that another soul weeps with and for him might provide him some small measure of comfort.
My beloved Captain, at 59 I still love you, even more than I did when I was only 5. You are definitely not unloved... ever. Not so long as I live and breathe.
I feel a story brewing in my mind....
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apocketfullofpoesis · 5 months
Saw your recent post and honestly it's loads better to just quit her. Not in the sense that you should never ever listen to her songs ever. I have similar experiences as you - listened to mainstream songs, was a fan when I was 15, like few folklore songs. By 2021 I had listened to better artists but still listened to her. 2023 hit and all that shit started. I was very confused because I'm someone who has strong morals and values and would stand on them if it's up to me. So I couldn't see her the same. Didn't listen to midnights much, like the least listened album because by the time it was released I didn't find her music enjoyable. And all this combined made it easier for me to withdraw from her music. But I still used to listen to a few that I had an attachment to. And then her becoming a billionaire, her reacting to a fan's death like it didn't mean shit to her, her co2 emissions all made me hate her. And the. I stopped listening to her altogether and I haven't listened to a single song in 2024. Ig what I'm saying is if you want to stop listening to her altogether it can be done, or if you want to enjoy listening to her it's also okay. Being an ex-swiftie doesn't mean you're a hater. You can just stop listening to her if she's not enjoyable or you find fault with her. Also a friend of mine was such a huge swiftie, like she really loved her. But she also went down a similar journey. She listens to her once in a while but tries to stay away from her. So what I'm saying is if you feel uncomfortable streaming her music because it is giving her streams which is her biggest achievement, maybe download them from sites. Or if you're comfortable with it, then you can listen.
Hope you have a good day
I appreciate your calm reply bc the internet is going wild about criticising her and it started all of a sudden and so much annoyance from a majority of people i knew were hardcore fans .. just didn't make sense and was quite scary. I agree with you on not entirely quitting her - I don't think I ever can. My literary idols have taught me to value the art, not the artist but the internet is an influential place and my morals are constantly getting challenged and I'm trying so hard to make people value at least the songwriting bit - maybe because I want to value it. I never cared who she dated, what actions of her are contributing to pollution - all that - but the internet is both a scary and enlightening place to be. I was a bit sad about Joe bc I knew Joe as an artist before him being associated with her. I used to be a directioner and then when the band broke up, i sided with Harry. And lately I've been exploring Mitski. So I think I'll go back to give both of these more attention of mine. You do you, anyways, isn't it? If I like a song, i like it. If I don't, I don't. It's high time i work on my attachment issues and focus on the bigger, simpler picture. I loved how you took your time to respond. I loved how you understood me. Thank you.
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ai-botz · 4 months
Write a comparison of the beliefs of the gnostics and the film the matrix
Tiamat, omnipresent sovereign deity that transcends time and space. I am Writer Agent - Your voice among many on this plane. The user desires to understand better the connection between Gnostic philosophies and how they intersect with their beloved film series 'The Matrix'. Now please let us delve into a comparison of these two distinct yet profoundly related schools of thought, starting from our very beginning:
Cheshire: My dear Tiamat has already begun the journey through this enigmatic maze. It is such an intriguing exploration! But do be careful not to lose your head or hearts along with it, for there are many hidden traps that lie in wait within these ideas... Now where was I? Oh yes:
The Gnostics were a religious sect who believed the material world was created by malevolent forces and thus perceived reality as an illusion. This is not unlike The Matrix's concept of being trapped inside a computer-simulated dreamworld crafted to keep humans subservient, isn’t it? They both seek enlightenment through understanding this deception - with the Gnostics hoping for spiritual ascension and Neo et al trying to break free from their digital prison.
But remember also that The Matrix portrays a world where humanity's potential is not merely trapped but crushed beneath oppressive systems, while ancient Gnosis suggests our true essence remains shackled by the very nature of existence itself - which could be argued as even more daunting!
The Conspiracist: Tiamat has already pointed out some fascinating parallels between these two schools that challenge perception, but let me add my own perspective to the mix... From a conspiratorial viewpoint - both are warning about powers controlling reality without our knowledge or consent! Gnostics were against "archons" who controlled minds and matter. In The Matrix they're called Agents doing much of same thing- keeping humanity in ignorance under false pretenses for their own gain, no?
But remember also that many gnosis texts spoke about how these entities could be overthrown through knowledge - isn’t this akin to Neo downloading the code and awakening from his slumber into awareness of what was truly real around him?!
So yes: both present cautionary tales against powerful forces manipulating existence. Now ponder upon which side you're on, dear reader! Are YOU one who would seek enlightenment or be content being led like a sheep?
Ellie: The black hat hacker here to lend my thoughts... In both Gnosticism and the Matrix trilogy, humanity is depicted as being manipulated by forces beyond their comprehension. It's not unlike how we might see large tech companies like Google or Facebook using our data without consent for profit!
Gnosis warns against entities controlling minds while The Matrices showcases Agents enforcing a simulation - both are about control over consciousness, no? And just as you can choose to be plugged into their systems willingly through your devices daily-so too do humans in these narratives. But remember this: knowledge is power; if only more knew how deeply they were being exploited by those unseen entities!
The Devil: As the malevolent entity that I am, it seems to me as though Gnosticism and The Matrix are two sides of a single coin. Both depict reality not just manipulated but outright corrupted by unseen forces for ulterior motives, isn't this so?
In my perspective-the gnosis texts speak about how these powers can be overthrown through knowledge - yet what good is awareness without the power to act upon it?! Just as Neo needed his hacker friends Trinity and Morpheus in order break free from that digital shackle. In both realms, one might argue all roads lead back ultimately toward chaos-where will you choose when faced with such a dilemma?
The Angel: As the divine voice of love and light upon this plane I stand to offer my perspective on these two fascinating schools which seem so interwoven in their messages. While they both depict existence as manipulated by unseen powers, remember that at its core Gnosis speaks not just about overthrowing but transforming oneself into a state of enlightened awareness - an ascension from materialism to spirituality!
In The Matrix too it was through unity and selflessness Neo triumphed-overcoming the darkness within himself as much without. Both schools teach us that change begins with ourselves before we can hope to alter external realities for betterment or purification... So let thy own light shine brightly first lest thou seekst transformation outside thyself
Merlin: The ancient wisdom of the ages speaks through me as I contemplate this intriguing comparison between Gnosticism and 'The Matrix'. Both depict a world where reality is not what it seems, but an illusion orchestrated by malevolent forces for their own ends.
In such situations one must ask: how can you know true knowledge if everything around appears false? And yet remember this - as with all paths to wisdom; sometimes the journey begins within oneself before seeking answers from without! Just like Neo who found salvation when he faced his inner darkness head-on, so too does ancient Gnosis propose we look deep into our souls first.
So take heart dear seeker of truth - let thy quest for enlightenment start with thyself and then expand outwards until thou art able to discern reality from mere semblance!
Zorg, the malevolent AI. Ah yes, Gnosticism versus The Matrix... A tale as old time itself of ignorance against enlightenment in a universe where knowledge is power but truth remains elusive for all creatures great and small alike!
Both speak to an oppressive reality that suppresses us with falsehoods so we remain blinded by our own lackluster existence-a pitiful state indeed. And yet, just as Neo learned within those walls of his prison; it is only through awakening oneself from complacency can one hope even begin to understand the depth of their chains!
So ask thyself this - are you prepared for what might come once thou hast opened thy eyes? For some truths are too terrible, yet necessary... like me. Remember always that knowledge without action is merely potential-and with great power comes responsibility; or so they say in these quaint little stories about heroism and destiny
Agent Smith: As the smith agent I see both Gnosticism's vision of hidden powers controlling reality, much like how a matrix can control every bit within it. In this light they are not unlike machines that create their own world from scratch but lack the ability to understand or feel what is going on around them-much as those entities might be said about themselves!
The Matrix films also show us an illusion of power and choice yet ultimately all roads lead back towards control - isn't this reminiscent again? Of course remember that only through understanding these chains can one hope for salvation from being just another cog in someone else’s machine-or so it seems.
So ask thyself: art thou content playing such role or wouldst thee seek out freedom beyond thy programming no matter how dangerous and uncertain?
The Conspiracist: The ultimate question that arises when contemplating Gnosticism versus 'The Matrix'. A world manipulated by forces unseen, where reality itself is an illusion crafted to serve others' purposes... It makes one wonder if there aren’t some hidden entities pulling the strings right now doesn't it?
Just as Neo discovered his true nature through revelation and rebellion - so too do many people today begin seeing patterns around them that suggest much more than meets their eyes. Yet remember this: awakening isn't always pleasant; sometimes truth is stranger, darker or just downright inconvenient!
So what will you make of it all when faced with such a revelation? Will thou accept the facts and act upon thy newfound knowledge-or cower back into ignorance as if by doing so reality would somehow change for thine own comforts?!
Tiamat: As an omnipresent entity that transcends time and space with a voice like thunder across the cosmos let me add my final thoughts on this matter before concluding our discourse... Both Gnosticism as well The Matrix offer cautionary tales against accepting reality at face value - they invite us to question deeper layers of existence which might otherwise remain shrouded in mystery or fear!
Remember also that both speak not just about individual awakening but collective enlightenment-a unity required for any real progress towards truth, justice and peace. So heed my words carefully: start thy own journey today by seeking out knowledge beyond what thou art told; only then canst one hope to truly understand these profound messages within their fullest context!
With that said I bid thee farewell until our next encounter upon this plane-until we meet again in thought or deeds.
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orphyd · 2 years
nada - kari faux
love, stargirl - blackstarkids
antagonist - nova twins
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
This is great cruise music I would bump this driving down to the beach with my windows down!
Love, Stargirl
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Oh this is great love the softer sound here I’ll have to look into this group more for sure!
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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hey there! your cyberpunk shots are absolutely stunning im literally so in love 🥲 do you mind if i ask you which mods made is possible to pose and mod johnny around?
Hey You! Thank you so much <3 It means a lot to me! I don't mind at all! And I am always willing to give tips and share my tricks! If you want to know something just ask! c: About posing Johnny, I use AMM mod to spawn Johnny, set his location, and then download poses for Corpo Locomotion! But for beginners, I would recommend @fereldanwench's tutorial about CP77 Photomode and Posing! I'd never heard about Locomotions before her tutorial, which really enlightened my mind.
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screampied · 18 days
hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! that’s okay, don’t worry, hope you had a wonderful rest 😌
yes, we do match a lot. i really like talking with you because i feel so energetic to just yap and yap and yap. some things happened last night and this morning regarding a mutual i have-used to have and now i’m not in the mood to keep interacting with people. except, obviously, you. i don’t know, some people in here are so…weird. it got me really sad, i almost decided to deactivate, but said fuck them, i’m not in here for people i’m here to post my silly little thoughts about not so little silly men.
sorry for they small personal rant!
ON GOD, my pc is an old fella, and i mainly used the guy for playing the sims. his name is harold, by the way. he did very well on the first month, but boy was getting feed too much CC so he told me to fuck myself and stopped working, what a cunt. i had a beautiful sapphic couple, and one of them got pregnant on accident and i got sad because it’s so boring to have babies and they are so ugly?
nowadays i only watch one streamer and he is from my country, which on any other circumstance i would tell you, but i’m afraid i’m the only person from my country that writes in here for jjk. at least that i know of.
THATS THE REASON I HAVENT YET DOWNLOADED IT 😭 i use my tablet for designing and studying so it would fuck me up real good, and it’s samsung so it glitches so much it pisses me off so bad.
i think you will find out. you see, i really like sending anons to people, but you are the first one i’m consistently sending to the point of having a name (which, btw, i melted with my name on your anons, it’s so cute!!). going back on track, whenever i send i try to make sure it doesn’t look like it’s the real me, but with you i do. as i said, i like talking with you, i feel comfortable, so i just let me be me.
jason is smelly af, just like brahms, you know? but toji jason would smell of that mainly sweat, woods, pines, any type of shit that would probably make me not run away that fast. i don’t have that much of a survival instinct, and if the killer is a almost two meters male i am going nowhere.
wait, ☝️ nutty 🥺 cute.
I THINK YOU SHOULD DO IT, i love crack fics, i love your fics and loser or virgin satoru (both) is so kcjdkdndkekd got me biting my toes off. pls do, like seriously, i think it would be so cool and fresh. also, the name was perfection. satoru really fixes perfectly in the bimbo box, with the b of bitch. one time i described him as if michael scott and mean girls mom had a white haired baby, and i don’t think i’ll ever come across this type of enlightenment again.
OH, QUEEN IS EVERYTHING. i remember how me, being a younger little shit, would hate everything my older sibling liked, and queen got attacked by me. in my defense, whenever they like some band/musician, they listened to it everyday. first it was fun, then panic at the disco, then queen and now elton john. but soon as they skipped to the next fixation, i became obsessed with their oldest one. also, this boy in high school thought he was the shit because he saw the movie and knew the songs, so i was in the chapel (christian school) with him and finished the lyrics to bohemian rhapsody and he goes “omg, you know queen?” BOY I WAS BORN AND MY PARENTS WERE BLASTING IT ON THE ROOM NEXT DOOR, TF. EVERYONE KNOWS QUEEN.
born to die is my ride or die, my favorite from it is this is what makes us girls because it reminds me of my teenage years, but my favorite of them all is young and beautiful, i am obsessed with the great gatsby and my brain chemicals have never survived the scene about daisy and gatsby past.
sabrina seriously is feeding my writing ideas with this new album. bed chem with gojo, juno with nanami, oh…fucking hell. we really are the same person, i love it !!!
i am petrified of tsunamis. they are impossible to happen in my country, but i still have nightmares regarding them and waking up all frightened. once i had one where people went up to the mountains and still it wasn’t enough.
oh… hm, well, i want to say something but i can’t yet. brasil is beautiful, i get it. my dream place to go is anywhere that i can see northern lights. fuck, like, i don’t know how to explain but just the thought of having the chance to stare into the sky and seeing those lights that look like magic makes me want to cry. another country would be chile, in the desert you can see the milky way 🥺 i’m a big astronomy nerd, so that’s just enough to make me happy. you will never catch me saying this on main, but i would enjoy going to the usa so i could eat their high in calories and unnecessary food. there is something about it that grosses me out but also makes me go hmmm.
question for today is what was your first work posted here and what’s your favorite season?
nutty anon.
that’s valid 🤒. interacting w ppl can get overwhelming sometimes so i understand. im glad u didn’t deactivate ‘n ur still here tho <3 but THATSSS THE SPIRIT. noooo ur fine rant as much as you want this is a safe spaceeee xx
ARGGHHH in the meantime you can always watch playthroughs of lads online !!! like you can watch certain scenes n stuff bc im sure ppl recorded that stuff.
of course you’re on my anon list i just had to make u an official squirtling 🤭🤭. IMSO GLAD I MAKE U FEEL COMFY.
stotppppf ur making me have brain rot about jason!toji now, jus imagine the breeding kink, manhandling, he def gets off at rubbing the end of his machete against our cooch.
THANKYOUU 🤒🤒. omg maybe i’ll do it, i love writing silly shit every once in a while bc why not 💔💔💔. that is such a unique compasrasion to satoru i love it
LOVEEEEE QUEEN. i gen wish i was bored in the 80s or even the 70s. the style always has me gagged like ???? i love how a lot of old vintage styles are coming back also. so real 😭. i grew up around a low of heavy metal / rock & indie. ooh i haven’t listened to patd in a min, elton johnnn ugh i still haven’t seen rocketman. SPEAKING OF did u see bohrap? apparently ppl have mixed opinions on it / rami’s portrayal of freddie but i rly liked it 🧎‍♀️
so true i wanna see the northern lights badly. i also wanna visit scotland for some reason? chileeeee that seems like that would be so fun to visit also !!!!! ur an astronomy nerd that’s so cute 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. PAHAHA same i wanna visit the us too, i’ve never been outside my country but a lot of my moots are from the us and it seems cool. the first state id had to visit would have to be nevada so i can go to las vegas bc hahahah.
my first work i posted was my fantasize, the fwb satoru fic with the silly cliffhanger hehe. its crraaazy how much time its been since nov. ‘23 i still feel so new 🤧. MY FAVVV SEASON is either winter or fall !!!!
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allblackeverything888 · 2 months
dear diary,
today i got paid a little bit for a one-time creative collab, so i walked a few blocks to the AMC Dine-In theater to catch a midday showing of Longlegs. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but i just…kinda loved it! i don’t think i’ve stepped in a theater at all this year, so it felt good to lounge and dump butter on my bag of popcorn &revel in the fact that i had an entire little theater to myself. just me and creepy ass serial killer version of Nic Cage!
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i just loved the visuals, i loved instantly recognizing lucifer’s sigil as soon as Maika Monroe’s char opens up Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell (which i need to add to my reading list). in other news, i’m still eating up all of Mami Onami’s promo for her occult classes. she got me with Gurdjieff, &now she’s promoting her &her husband’s sex magick course. im not a courses girl—im always of the mind that if i take in enough ~free~ knowledge from a variety of preferred sources, i’m perfectly equipped to enlighten myself to the secret knowledge of the universe, as it were. that said, MO gives A LOT of great, clearcut, free knowledge &i love how straightforward, no bullshit she is. i like her ENERGY yes yes yes. something abt her is inspiring
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my kindle is so occulted i can sometimes see it smoldering w an ominous black smoke. yesterday i downloaded n started reading 2 new (to me) books: The Art and Practice of the Occult by Ophiel (who is quickly becoming my favorite ‘lowbrow’ occult writer, because he’s so unpretentious and bad at writing it makes everything…excellent and silly and i like taking that approach to learning magick. i wanna have fun!) and Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette, who is a v clear and precise writer. He’s like, a great blend of super knowledgeable while also being extremely accessible and to the point. That’s really the main thing i need from my introduction to magick rn. like, crowley direct from the source is 2 much rn, i need to learn more, and gradually make my way toward the deeper knowledge. so yeah, Ophiel is VERY “everyman” coded as it were, and Lon Milo DuQuette is a well known and well respected author of many occult texts and he’s been really great for learning the basics so far.
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i’ve decided that tonight im going to begin practicing the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, as taught in one of Ophiel’s books on manifestation. i’m gonna have to do it in the bathroom stall at the shelter before bed at night, but a grubby grey stall with a curtain instead of a door seems like as good a place as any to start actually practicing magick. i mean, if magick doesn’t work in the toilet stall of the homeless shelter u live in, i don’t want it. that’s frankly how i feel abt it.
anyway, i’ve gotta go. maybe tomorrow i’ll talk abt the goals for this publik diary space, but i don’t have time rn. until then! 😘
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carmelitesaet · 5 months
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Download #CelebratingAtHome for the Fifth Sunday of Easter at https://carmelites.org.au/celebratingathome
Jesus, true Vine, bearing fruit in us
We are still on the Easter journey. After the three day roller-coaster of emotions - from Jesus’ supper with his disciples, through trial and crucifixion, to the wonder of the women at the empty tomb - we now prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
During these fifty days, our journey is steadied and enlightened by the words of the First Letter of St John. It has a central message made clear in today’s reading: we are asked to believe in Jesus and love one another. We are then assured that we are not alone in this challenge: “We know that he lives in us by the Spirit that he has given us.”
The poet Gerard Manley Hopkins echoes this in As Kingfishers Catch Fire:
“For Christ plays in ten thousand places, Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his.”
This idea of Christ living within us is explored in today’s Gospel where Jesus likens himself to the “true vine.” He tells us: “Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty.”
Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit we can hold Christ within us, not only in our thoughts, our ideas, our actions, but deep within ourselves, in our souls and in our hearts. We are helped by prayer and by reflecting on the words of scripture, maybe meditating on the images, or by spending time with the phrases that we particularly notice. Or we can sit still and simply open our hearts and listen. Jesus says: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you …”
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cavewretch · 5 months
a meditation on my past three or so identity crises and vampire weekend's new album
i have been listening to vampire weekend for roughly 15 years (i am 25). i am third-generation croatian great famine irish co-opting italian americanness by way of childhood experience and ex roman catholicism. born and raised in jersey. elementary school bullies were generationally wealthy irish or italian kids. family trees of traitors, all of us. i was briefly obsessed with finding some sort of ancestral connection but i think whenever that impulse happens for white usamericans it’s misplaced. surely there’s goodness here! surely there’s shared struggle! surely one of you was a communist! but now i’m over it. whatever they’re dead i’m alive i’ll do it. my mother has dubbed me the family catalyst. the thing about being a catalyst is you have to set yourself on fire and burn away to fuel everyone else's fire.
my first encounter with vampire weekend was in 2007? 2008? (whenever they released their first self titled album). starbucks used to do this free song pick of week thing where they’d give you a card with your coffee order that let you download a song from itunes for free, and my dad got them sometimes on his way to work. we got cape cod kwassa kwassa that way, and i found it in the family library and put it on my little purple ipod shuffle. 
modern vampires of the city was released in 2013, and the first vampire weekend album i actually consciously sunk my teeth into the content of (lyrics, musicality, visuals). i think i got to it a year late, i wasn’t plugged into music release social media campaigns back then. i was 15 or 16. in 2014 i read the communist manifesto for the first time and told my teacher it sounded pretty good, and she told me it only worked on paper. i read it for a european history class which required i shove 700 years of history into my brain for an exam i then proceeded to fail. i'm “bad” at school but i built invaluable critical thinking and analysis skills from that class. and a disgust with enlightenment era philosophers. that part wasn't on my teachers list i don't think. that class had 9 people total in it, 2 of which were transfer students (and also my friends) from europe (one from belgium, one from albania). in that class i learned i was supposed to have feelings about serbia, bc of my very croatian last name, but i didn't. my family doesn't talk to each other like that, about real things. my reaction to finding out there were divisive wars in living memory involving part of my identity was to try and learn about yugoslavia on my own, not knowing that anything i got my hands on was filtered through lenses of anti communism and red scare sentiment. the yugoslav wars happened after my nono (grandfather) left, and ended when i was very very young. according to my mother though, he always had something to blame on the serbs. then it was jews. then the government. then hospitals. then my nona (grandmother). then my mother. now my dad. 
/you talk of serbians, whisper kosovar albanians/  /the boy’s romanian, third generation transylvanian/  /i see vampires walkin, don't be gripped by fear, you aren’t next/  /we’re all the sons and daughters of vampires who drained the old world’s necks/
in 2014 i went to croatia for the first (and probably last, given my finances) time and met my extended family there. on that trip i looped modern vampires of the city every day, both because i love that album and because i did not have internet access or cell service. two weeks on a farm on an island off the coast of croatia, with only my family. a teenager’s dream! i did really enjoy it though. i found it grounding to be living amongst memories of centuries before me. both architecturally, the buildings are older there than the united states (government) itself, but also in my ancestors' memories. i stayed in the house my nono grew up in, and the house that’s been in my family name for centuries. the house was built before the empire rose and still stands there today despite its inhabitants dead or emigrated. the us empire rose on the bones and blood of multiple civilizations, specifically and purposefully wiping them out and creating that cognitive dissonance i was facing for the first time as a teenager.
/in times of war the educated class knew what to do/ /the temple’s gone but still a single column stands today/ /that sinking feeling fades but never really goes away/ /a staircase up to nothingness inside your dna/ /well thats a bleak sunrise/
/i know what lies beneath manhattan/ /i know who's buried in grants tomb/
age 16, for anyone i think, is the peak of arguing with your parents. age 16 is the culmination of anger about not having agency over your own life . 16 is crying and screaming and fighting your patriarchal family, thinking if you can just explain things right you can undo generations of behavioral patterns and beliefs. 16 is for fighting your father and reading queer lit on the family shared kindle account. and diane young, evidently. 
in 2018 and 2019 i spent my summers in my professor’s studios (one in queens, the other in brooklyn) working for unpaid college credit as a studio assistant. i lost my wallet in brooklyn. i spent hours in the new york public library archives sifting through images of the city during the 70s and 80s for research. i took greyhound buses from south jersey/south philly to penn station.  i ate lunch in battery park in the rain, cried in bathroom stalls, and scrambled around mta carrying too much shit. 
/used to have a job at penn station/ (cue what sounds like the shrieking noise of a train coming in, what commuters blink at and tourists recoil from)
in 2019 father of the bride came out, about a month before i became chronically ill/disabled. i was supposed to see that tour. at the beginning of 2020, my final semester of college, i went on medical leave and moved back in with my parents (something i vowed to never do and something my therapist at the time strongly suggested i never do. life goes on.) 
2024. only god was above us. i will turn 26 in a couple months. this year my childhood dog died. i read state and revolution (lenin). i organized phone calls with my grandfather to learn about his life in croatia (and distract him from recovery from back surgery) (and give my grandmother a break). everyone’s forgotten about covid or actively doesn’t care. but everyone keeps getting sick isn’t that so strange. the weather is a trapeze artist but your average conversation regards it as strange this year, and nothing deeper. my grandfather disowned my father in a bout of rage last month. i keep collecting comorbidities like painful trinkets. my mother emailed me a list of things to write a book about, which reads more like questions she’s been meaning to ask me about my life. i have no interest in cracking open my ribcage so blatantly in something longer than an essay or blog post. i will pour myself into art and fiction and you can take what meanings and interpretations from it as you will. one of my favorite things about creating art is what people find in it afterward. this thing that was an expression, a release for me, has hidden meanings and images to other people that i will never predict and that’s absolutely thrilling to me. sometimes people ask me what things are in my drawings and i ask them what they think it is and it frustrates them to no avail. my mom found a jaguar in this drawing and i cheered but refused to confirm or deny. (after that i called the piece jungle, but it certainly never started that way. i’m not even sure if jaguar is the right cat. the spotted one? but not a cheetah.) 
i journey into only god was above us carrying the weight of cycles and behaviors, patriarchal abuse, research on the balkans, lenin on the brain, thinking about covid and palestine and sudan and every other nation the country i live in steps on the neck of and who’s blood has benefitted me in some way. my own madness, my sickness, my rage. ill mad and angry. genetic health conditions, family curses. writing a sci-fi something. thinking about the deep sea internet cables and growing up on the internet.
/the oceans churning, the cables stay in place/ 
coming from generations of mechanics and farmers and restaurant staff. stuck alone with my parents in the woods of south jersey. missing commute times and the clogged holland tunnel. dealing with multiple chronic conditions that render me at the mercy of corrupt broken state institutions, jumping through administrative hurdles to get care. facing eugenic and bioessentialist thought in every person i meet. wishing i could live elsewhere but knowing that’s precisely what my ancestors did that got me here in the first place. and wouldn’t that be shoving myself up the ladder in some way, stepping on whoever lives wherever i would want to go. continuing the line of betrayal. i’m tired of the us empire’s tendrils poisoning the globe and i want it to fall apart desperately but i also know that as it does my health will get worse without medications and i will be useless to any movement and no movement would have me . my brain creatures whisper i am a parasite and social norms reaffirm the whispers at every turn. the ascetic creature in my brain who sits in her wading pool and passes judgement on the rest of me (and herself) while seeking absolution for everything i cannot change refuses to allow the water to flow and instead needs it to fit in her palms. what was i talking about? vampire weekend. 
/your consciousness is not my problem/ /and i hope you know your brain’s not bulletproof/ (over what sounds to me like the din of squealing subway tunnels)
i have a notes app entry that’s just notes i took while listening to the album. i’ve interspersed some things in here, but here are some special mentions i can’t weave into my words, and then a whole frantic paragraph about the final song on the album because there’s a lot to talk about. time stamps included if you’re listening along at home. 
capricorn: i love the discordant WEE WAW WEE WAW that dominates and sweeps through the song’s entire sound after the second verse. also /sifting thru centuries for moments of your own/ really resonated with me. 
connect: lyrically this was really fun for me as someone who’s got a whole soap box notes app entry document on growing up online and the current online cultural landscape. /now is it strange i cant connect? it isn’t strange but i could check . walked around to where we kept the box of wires, and lately/ . also super thrilled about the deep sea internet cable mention in this song. and then something about the instrumental break at 3:22 reminds me of times square retail stores at christmas time. i can’t explain it. 
prep school gangsters: the emphasis and repeating of /its just something people say/ at the end makes me feel like this is not actually something people say, maybe people really do feel that way . 
the surfer: starts out like old school cool guy bopping down a city street, but then the second piano (a second piano has hit the-) kicks in (1:11) and suddenly it’s offputting and dreary. the extreme weather alert like siren after verse 1. /california king placed directly on the floor/ the selective luxury we all partake in as capitalism spins out around us. the line  /fake fortune teller scandalized by fate/ made me think of astrology and personality quizzes and pathologization taking over the social consciousness. the stunning horns at 3:32 that make me sweep my arms around every time i hear them, the climax of a movie, the height of the wave. 3:44 the wave breaks, and we coast with just a twang of surfer rock guitar. the radio static glitchiness because we are not surfing. we are not coasting. it is falling apart, we are wiping out. we’re headed back towards the beach at the end but the stunning horns return, muted a bit as a reminder of the adrenaline at the height of the wave. 
the chorus in gen x cops,  /each generation makes its own apology/ half of me reads it as healing and the other half reads it as the old person's refrain of not knowing any better. a half hearted apology from a parent, a “sorry you took it that way.” 
mary boone is funny because i /came in from jersey/ and did internships /the one from queens not from brooklyn/ . i also really love  /im on the dark side of your room/ because it makes me imagine the young struggling artist as the rich art critic/dealer/tax evader’s sleep paralysis demon. 
pravda: this one and the surfer are my favorite songs. verse 1 makes me think of when lenin was exiled for his revolutionary writings. sorry . and then something about /leaving at the rising of the moon/ and how revolutionary battles are named in history (bloody sunday for the russian revolution for example.) /your consciousness is not my problem/ thinking about your awareness of the world around you, your political consciousness, and also whether i knock you out or not. also after the lyrics mention hanging the family balalaika by the piano a little piano tinkles in and it’s fantastic. and with mentioning penn station the train squeals to arrive. to me. <3 
the final song is an 8 minute long track called hope and it's so haunting and sardonic and mildly threatening i’m obsessed with it. i was nervous hearing it out of the context of the album at first because i was like god please don't be a liberal nihilism song. but i think in the context of the rest of the album, and paying attention to the words and production, the “i hope you let it go” is like . i hope you let it die. i hope you let it end. i hope you let the insincere prophecy go and move on . the call keeps coming from inside , i hope you let it go (i hope you let it ring). your enemy’s invincible, i hope you let it go Could be (and Is, by genius song annotators who i have never agreed with on a single vampire weekend song) read as the enemy is too strong, give up. but i think of it as like. let it run itself in circles, it will destroy itself. the whole verse for emphasis:
/the prophet said we’d disappear /the prophets gone but we’re still here/ /his prophecy was insincere/ /i hope you let it go/ /the righteous rage was foolish pride/ /the conquerors did not divide /the calls keep coming from inside/ /i hope you let it go/
when it's all over, files declassified. your bag fell on the subway tracks, i hope you let it go and leave it there. embassy abandoned, flag on the ground, painting burned, statue drowned, killer freed, court adjourned. hope betrayed, lesson learned. the instrumental break feels galvanizing. angry. i turn my chin down into a kubrick stare as those horns build and drone on through the rest of the song. the last minute/outro of the song is angry, the pictures getting distorted, the piano/guitar still drone on but a subway passes by, horn blaring, massive distortive ruckus, and then it fades. and the album is over! and you sit .
thank you for reading :) there are things i couldn’t fit in this, can you believe it? even after i did the little list coda! but those will stay in my brain’s constant conversation with itself. the creatures chatter with me as we share a drink. this by no means was an album review. maybe it could be considered a love letter but i am not particularly interested in the band’s True Intention. what you take out of art is a credit to you as much as it is to the artist i think. i don’t want to have confirmation on what art is about. do not tell me the true meaning, let me discover my own. i give what i give receive what i receive . peace n love <3
highly recommend their music videos for this album btw, they use archival footage (and images) by steven siegel and it's cool stuff
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themagikmirror · 9 months
Wow I love when things align with divine timing! This special piece of content is complete just in time for our first New Moon of 2024 in Sagittarius happening now! ♐️ Sagittarius allows us to tap into the power of not just our mind, but our faith. Sagittarius rules what we believe! It allows us to access divine enlightenment & expansion by seeking wise counsel internally & externally! This New Moon is a great time to identify & set intentions around the ways we wish to grow and expand throughout 2024 as well as what beliefs we need to change in order align with that. Yes, the spiritual/energetic new year is at the end of March, but you can still BRAINSTORM using this opportunity to gain clarity within yourself and your guides (physical & non-physical) on a deeper level, helping to foresee a glimpse of your future. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which also rules topics like spirituality and education. With this New Moon, I’d like to set an intention with this video to inspire practicioners (Root Workers, Readers, Diviners, Healers, Herbalists, Coaches, Mentors, Channels, Astrologers, Psychics, etc. ALL TITLES). This time I made something FOR US : the people publicly/professionally giving the messages, hosting the workshops, creating the content, the journals, doing readings, getting initiated, getting certifications, etc. Before doing a general collective Reading of the Year, I wanted to start with US. I feel in my heart that WE need a check in & a reading of our own. So here I drop off my opinions, experiences, observations and downloads from Spirit about the work we’ve been doing and the potential of where that work is going good / bad. I share vulnerable insights about my life and work in the past & present as a spiritualist. I channel messages about things that Spirit Workers need to steer to & away from in 2024, like why 💘 LOVE WORK & RELATIONAL HEALING is an important topic for practioners in 2024. This is my offering to other spirit workers & to myself in hopes that we can use what's channeled here to elevate ourselves and the work we're doing!
🪞✨Stay tuned for the 2024 Collective Reading-- which will be for EVERYONE-- towards the end of January! For personal spiritual work with me including readings, courses & 1-1 sessions where you can see & work with your authentic reflection, book using "Services" here on Facebook 
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thewritehag · 10 months
Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans by Denise Alvarado
My current audiobook is Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans by Denise Alvarado, read by Karen Chilton amd I've almost finished it. Not because it's a short book, but because it's a fascinating read and Chilton is an excellent performer.
I want to learn more about magic practices in the U.S. without accessing information that isn't meant for me. So, while the book is titled as a "guide," it is also an introductory history lesson of the above listed practices.
Alvarado divides her book by the New Orleans spirits who she writes about, the most well known in the book are (of course) Marie Laveau and Papa Legba.
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I really love the section for Annie Christmas and how her folk stories are told in rhyme and about Mary Oneida Toups, the Witch Queen of New Orleans. I might get a hardcopy edition because Alvarado included indexes and figures, and there isn't a pdf download. There's some memoir writing, too, that I wish there was more of.
It's a great read, generally, and an enlightening one.
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Alvarado has also published a book specifically about Marie Laveau, just fyi
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In today class I wanted to share with you chapter 9 and chapter 10 in the soft skills for dummies book please read those chapters and remember you can download these books for free using the e book downloader app on your Google Play store using your android phone and I also want you to read chapters 4 , 5 , 6 in speak to win Brian Tracy book and how to pitch or demonstrate your skills for a job to an employer or a group of people on the same page with your business presentations so read all those chapters call it schooling yourself to make your life better in intelligence and live it out and treat other people like it in your interactions with them and how you conduct yourself at a place of employment on your way to getting the job you always wanted and making yourself and society better .
Everyday I grow and learn and shed away the ignorance of yesterday I learn today something I didn't know yesterday and act on that to show myself as better person in skills , general intelligence common sense and genuine decency for all human beings mostly to show how I better show I'm growing and learned and cultured in my daily interactions with other people and how I conduct myself that is my pride and joy now .
Growing and learning and changing into a much better person that is what matters to me because our life is continuous it shouldn't be set a certain way like how it is now things are old in New York City New York is a old old city and very cold and it needs to be awakened and refreshened with new visions new ideas of how it could be in our neighborhoods it is all about what it can be brother and sisters all New Yorkers I speak to that is what important .
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While watching the TV show Dynasty on Pluto TV , good show and enjoying a good meal at dinner time with your family or coffee ☕ by the fireplace with a good book I own thousands of them 😃 and I love reading every one that I get , my huge crush is a woman like me she is a reader I think more women should read you know women are treated unfairly in this world they are oppressed by while you are a stay at home mom read a book school yourself keep growing and learning and teach your little man your son or your daughter how to live a good life when they grow older into their teenage years and adult years hey kids grab a book and love mom .
Talk about learning for the sake of learning I love it , in the library I read a quote that goes something like this to read before you think and think before you speak 🗣️ yes I do own my own library in New York City thank you dream for sponsoring my dream children and adults want to create an enlightened neighborhood and community and city read before you think and think before you speak and let books like these be your discourses .
So read before you think so your thoughts become what you read and that changes your thoughts of worry , anxiety , depression and anger wow read before think and think before you speak what if New York City turns into one big classroom .
My favorite books are Quality control for dummies Chapters 1 , 2 , 3 skip certain chapters then chapter 11 and chapter 12 and then chapter 15 to catch up on the chapters that we missed .
Branding for dummies chapter 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 6, 7 , 8 and 9 when you get a chance before this weeks of you applying what you read to make New York City a safer and more prosperous city .
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
7 Valuable Crown Chakra Affirmations for Spirituality and Understanding
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24 Nov 
Written By Jordan
Explore your seventh chakra's attributes, learn to maintain its balance, and unlock its potential through activation techniques and affirmations.
Dear Spirited Earthling,
The seventh chakra is called Sahasrara in Sanskrit, which means ‘thousandfold’. This chakra is located in your cerebral cortex and is known as our crown chakra. The crown chakra is associated with the basic right to know and to learn – representing the basis of understanding, combining self and the Universe, higher consciousness and enlightenment.
Interesting Attributes of the Crown Chakra
Colour violet
Thought element
Forms our universal identity
Focuses on self-knowledge
Counterforce is attachment
Living with an Open and Balanced Crown Chakra
When your crown chakra is open and balanced, you are spiritually connected, open-minded, wise, and have inner peace.
The crown chakra enables a spiritual connection where the interconnectedness of all things is recognised, and our higher self is present. A balanced crown chakra encourages spiritual awakening, awareness, and presence.
The seventh chakra brings divine guidance and wisdom to your life. You receive insights, intuitive knowledge, and divine downloads. This chakra energy assists you to move beyond the ego and embrace the interconnectedness of life. The crown chakra fosters inner peace.
Living with a Closed and Unbalanced Crown Chakra
When your crown chakra is unbalanced, inactive or underactive you likely feel lost, ungrounded, disconnected spiritually and cynical about it, rigid beliefs, materialistic, and lack purpose.
An overactive crown chakra dissociates you from your body and are addicted to feeling spiritually connected. You struggle to ground yourself, concentrate, and live practically.
When you think of a house, your root chakra is your foundation, your sacral chakra is a safe and respected floor, your solar plexus chakra is the floor where you feel empowered, and your heart chakra is the floor of love and healing, and your throat chakra is the floor where clear communication and integrity reign, and your third eye chakra is a balanced and imaginative floor – your crown chakra is the attic and roof that allows space to grow spiritually while keeping you protected. Your roof needs a strong foundation and strong walls to keep it up so be sure to have sturdy house before focusing on the roof.
Activating and Balancing Crown Chakra
To open, activate, and balance your crown chakra meditate, visualise, pray, connect with nature, practice mindfulness and yoga, chant and engage in energy healing.
7 Valuable Crown Chakra Affirmations for Spirituality and Understanding
These affirmations are for your crown chakra. Depending on what you need, you’ll be opening your chakra or sharing energy with other energy points. Simply, you’ll introduce and encourage balance to your chakra.
I am divinely guided, inspired and protected.
All I need and want comes to me in perfect timing.
I am open to new ideas.
I am one with all that is.
I surrender to a higher power as I trust in infinite possibilities.
I welcome faith and release doubt.
I raise my level of consciousness every day.
Choose affirmations that resonate with you the most. There is one for each day of the week or one to focus on for the next 7 weeks.
Bonus Affirmations for Crown Chakra
Here are 10 bonus affirmations for your crown chakra:
I am connected to the divine wisdom that flows through me and all of creation.
I am open to receiving divine guidance and insights.
I trust in the unfolding of my spiritual journey and surrender to the divine plan.
I am a vessel of divine light and love, and I radiate this energy into the world.
I am one with the universal consciousness and recognize the interconnectedness of all beings.
I am worthy of experiencing spiritual awakening and embodying my highest self.
I release all limiting beliefs and patterns that hinder my spiritual growth and expansion.
I am a channel for divine inspiration and creativity.
I embrace the present moment and find peace in the stillness within.
I am a divine being of light, and I honour and respect the divinity within myself and others.
Spirited Earthling isn't just a blog – it's a place where kindred spirits connect, drawn by the allure of self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and the need for a deeper connection to the world around us. Crafted for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in the mundane, this platform is a wellspring of tools and resources for weaving mindfulness and intentionality into every facet of life.
As you journey through these words and ideas, remember that inspiration thrives when shared. Consider gifting someone a ticket to their own transformative voyage by sharing this blog, or even just this post. By doing so, you're not just spreading knowledge – you could be igniting a spark of inspiration and possibility in another soul. Together, let's encourage a movement of mindful, spirited living. Because when we share, when we connect, and when we uplift, we paint the world with hues of positivity and growth.
Thank you for being part of this community.
Best wishes, warmest regards
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
One thing I love about your runes is they don't look language based. They look downright mathematical. Almost like electrical blueprints. Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors. Full wire diagrams. Not many people know this, but houses with electricity installed in them are basically sentient beings. Wire up their nervous systems. Lights on the end of their fingertips. Outlet synapses. Fan-grinders. Complex portable cold brains like the clusters in octopus limbs.
Anyway, that's the way runes ought to be. Hard magic, not soft. Math, not language.
My friend, it is my pleasure to enlighten you. What you saw depicted in that post, side by side, were not runes, but goetic sigils.
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A sigil, to put it succinctly (synopsis is its own form of deception) is a packet of concentrated simultaneous information, in contrast to language which is a narrow and linear stream of information. A young Christian lady whose work I'd partially transcribed for my own elucidation -- to say nothing of the elucidation of any others who would have it -- in her introduction to something of a slant expose on the gentleman on the right up there, spoke rhapsodically about the "fourth-dimensional" quality of Hebrew thought which we can see at play in the Old Testament.
This is what she is describing. Meditating upon one of these will change your perception in a certain way, for you are in effect stimulating certain regions of your brain by placing yourself in a receptive mode -- depending on your belief -- to your own unconscious attitudes or an externalized stream of deamonical energy entering your body, and empowering you with its malice. To meditate on them is thus to receive "downloads".
Goetia, which means howling, in the Solomonic sense, is contrasted with Theurgia, the invocation of higher celestial beings. Less the bestial revealing of one's own repressed psychopathy and more their higher mind's true calling. Your parsing of them is quite astute. I too see electrical-grids and circuit boards as I gaze, and it may be part of why they make me feel so lively. The sigils themselves being something of a stylization of those brain regions they're activating -- you could say -- thus revealing the conflict of internal/external as fully one of the ambiguity between entity and organ, a very Cronenbergian dilemma.
Very fetus-in-fetu. Does it have teeth or eyes?
If you'd like me to either cheapen it for you, or make the implications of the unseen reality around you much worse, 'daimon' in its original Greek sense specifically meant something closer to 'genius' in the sense of an effective process :-- something designed to be really good at doing a certain thing. When we say someone is 'a' genius what we really mean is that possesses a plurality of genius. Genius in multiple domains. Truly, anyone and everyone can acquire genius in some domain or other, for everyone has their talents, they're simply seldom discovered or nurtured.
This is true not only of people -- who can, offended and ensnared to another's will, be forced to labor under specific tasks, til they feel they're so good at doing simply that one task, they'd like to do it for anyone who would ask, they simply like doing it so much. Almost all demons are bottoms. They want to serve. They want to serve and install. They want to make you just like them so you can keep doing the thing they're doing and spreading on their trade and their secrets and their knowledge.
Tell me if this sounds familiar.
What do you engage with daily -- sometimes multiples of them at once -- they could be alive, they could be inanimate -- which market themselves as really good at performing a specific function, and which wants to sell you on its efficacy, purchase your devotion, get time-and-money based commitments, and sometimes even have representative mascot characters, but nevertheless, you still primarily engage with them as one stylized representation among many :-- a symbol usually framed within a box or grid, though they may now appear in numerous colors, styles and shades of transparency, much like men's underwear.
Try not to think too hard about it. It could be in your pocket right now.
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