#dr. Bluebond-Langner
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I wish I never listened to the medical and psychiatric community when they told me it was possible to change my sex. What a lie. Very dangerous and unethical. Sex reassignment surgery is a hit and miss type of surgery, but they don't tell you that. They never do. And maybe if I didn't have autism, maybe if my brain wasn't so defective, I would have caught on before it was too late. I wish there was a cure for autism, but that's unlikely. It's endless suffering on top of even more suffering. I also wish voluntary euthanasia was legal. My death, likely painful, has proven that ethics are not universal and are otherwise non-existent.
No one is truly there for me. There's no need to pretend. I have a gaping hole in my genital area with my colon spilling out (disgusting) and a ring of scar tissue blocking most of the entrance. If the colon can't discharge, that leaves it with severe blockage, which then could turn (and likely expected) into blood clots, followed by death. I've already reached the stage of blockage.
What hurts me the most is the loneliness and the inability to find a partner. I can't have a normal sex life. I'm a loser and I probably deserve this deception. This is what I get for messing with nature. Mankind is destructive and I self-destructed. I just wanted friendship and love. I wanted life to be easier. I wanted to be a woman since I was 15. I wish I had the knowledge that I have today. I was a confused kid with no identity. I wish I could have done everything different, but it's too late now. I'm royally screwed.
Dr. Thomas Satterwhite and Dr. Maurice Garcia, both in California and who are my original surgeons, have basically killed me. With accessory to my death is Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic, Dr. Rajveer Purohit, Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner, and Dr. Jess Ting, who all refused to help me despite having letters by 1 psychiatrist and 2 Clinical Social Workers recommending reversal surgery and my detransitioning. My last wish is for the State of California and State of New York to press mutilation and criminal charges against these monsters, but they won't because people like me don't matter. There will be no accountability since malpractice is impossible to prove, especially with no lawyers willing to help me. There will be more victims of the false promises of changing your body into someone you can never be.
The Transgender Ideology and its lies, along with the pro-gay media, medical and psychiatric community, have killed me. The feminization of America will continue to produce outcomes like mine. It wasn't my fault for failing. Everyone failed me, my death shouldn't surprise anyone.
I hope they're all happy now. They've doomed me to choose between a life of suffering and death. No one cares enough to help me, they want me to wake up in pain everyday and suffer. No pain medication, no surgery, no empathy, and no pleasure.
I hope to be remembered in positive light, but no doubt I'll be labeled mentally ill and a fool. I've always meant well. It was my kindness and trusting at face value that screwed me (like always).
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Yarden's pleas for help, ignored by the medical institutions that did this to him in the first place, can still be found on his Yelp profile [archive].
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arthurjude · 5 years
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March 2019 (21 months post-op)
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queertransjew-blog · 7 years
top surgery revision update
It has been two days short of 10 weeks since my top surgery revision. Apparently, my body really like to make scar tissue, because I developed some more — although this is still an improvement over what it looked like pre-revision.
Here’s a few photos of what my chest currently looks like:
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In case you didn’t read my last post — Dr. Bluebond gave me injections of kenalog and something else at my last post-op, and it has definitely helped in reducing the scar tissue, though as you can see from the photos, there is still a little there. I think it’s obvious, but if it’s not -- the revision was done on the right side of my chest.
I’m sorry about not having photos from before my revision, but I honestly didn’t take many, and the ones I did have, I deleted. But I think what ultimately matters is the final result, and I also don’t want someone to stumble on them and think lesser of Dr. Bluebond’s results — not that she necessarily needs me to vouch for her, but I think highly of her as a surgeon, and I don’t want an intermediary result that she is obviously taking care of to be a blemish on her reputation. Maybe some people will think that’s problematic, but whatever. I’m only sharing what I’m comfortable with.
And again -- the scar tissue I developed was not due to any fault on my surgeon’s end. After my drains were removed, I developed a seroma that left scar tissue after it was gone. And obviously my body is prone to developing excess scar tissue since some formed again after the revision, though not nearly as much this time around.
Also, it honestly looks worse in the photos than it does in real life. And while it’d be nice to have the scar tissue all gone, Dr. Bluebond said if the injections didn’t take care of it, then she’d be able to do a second revision, but this one would be in-office and not in the OR and would be simple. As for the scarring, because now the incision line is larger since the second surgery, she said she could also revise that.
I’m happy with how my chest looks. I’m confident after a few more months, it’ll look even better, and I’m willing to be patient and potentially have to get another revision, because really all that matters to me at the moment is that I don’t have to bind — and I don’t. And I’m confident Dr. Bluebond is going to make sure both she and I are satisfied with my results.
I see her again in a little more than a week, and we’ll see what needs to be done from there, if anything.
Again, and as always, please let me know if you have questions or whatever else.
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dickandtwoballs · 2 years
I’m cancelling my consult appointment with Dr. Bluebond-Langner due to what she said in the NYT article. I’m furious.
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bleh-idk-bro · 3 years
getting surgery in 25 days... so close yet so far
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xprincetx · 4 years
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1 month post op slowly starting to look much better, I’m loving it. Left Side 1 week post op, Right Side 1 month
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itslucasaaron · 5 years
Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner Top Surgery Consultation Video!
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Check it out! I go over all the details of my consultation and how I feel about it! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel!
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transcythe · 5 years
I FINALLY get my drains out tomorrow holy crap this has been the longest two weeks of my LIFE.
I still have to wear the surgical binder pretty much 24/7 for at least another week but...progress...
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Lee says:
Research on transgender health and wellness after gender affirming surgeries can be helpful for transgender people who want to learn more about what their options for medically transitioning are.
Knowing the potential outcome of these interventions can help inform and guide the decisions of people who are considering getting these surgeries— and it can also help inform cisgender healthcare providers too.
As someone who had bottom surgery myself (I had ALT phalloplasty) I took a deep dive into the current research on the procedure before making my decision, and while the research was helpful, talking to people who had the surgery I was planning to have equally important.
That being said, if anyone is considering getting peritoneal flap vaginoplasty, this new study should have interesting results and is worth reading!
There isn’t enough knowledge out there about this topic, especially given the relative newness of the peritoneal pull-through procedure as a vaginoplasty option.
Here is the primary author’s Twitter summary of the study:
“📊Retrospective review of 199 peritoneal flap vaginoplasty patients
⏲️Median time to orgasm = 6 months
🚭Any smoking history = correlated with less orgasm recovery
Among those with minimum one-year follow up (89%):
🔀Orgasm pre-op not significantly correlated with orgasm post-op
🎆Rate of post-op orgasm was 86%, however,
🌷Not all anorgasmic patients were attempting to orgasm
📈Patients continue to become newly orgasmic past one year
Interventions for anorgasmia post-surgery include:
🔧Pelvic floor physical therapy for scars, hypersensitivity, or dilation difficulty
🩺Testosterone rx (orchiectomy is hormone intervention!)
👂Sex therapist with 🏳️‍⚧️ competency
❤️‍🩹Trauma informed care
We examined a rudimentary outcome (orgasm: yes/no). There is so much more to learn about the sexual health of transgender women and nonbinary people after surgery! It is a privilege to work for this community under the mentorship of Dr. Zhao and Dr. Bluebond-Langner at NYU Langone”
Full publication here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.02.015
(It costs $31.50 to purchase access to the full article, but if you are in school you can request that the research librarians help you gain access to a copy of the full text of the study)
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5 months post op! Excuse the hair and the fact that I've gained a lil weight, I'm super lazy in summer because I work my ass off during the academic year. Extremely happy with the results, but then again my standards were just "a flat chest that doesn't look like a woman's mastectomy". Also swimming shirtless is awesome. Message/inbox me for more info!
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arthurjude · 6 years
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Hello beautiful people! In a couple of hours it will be Trans Day of Visibility and frankly this entire photo set is pretty self-indulgent. I have learned a lot about myself in the past two years. One of the most important things that I have let go of was the inclination to try to rationalize why the things that I do for myself actually serve a greater purpose. It’s okay to be proud of yourself. It’s okay to do things for yourself just because they make you happy. Because being happy and learning how to embody yourself fully is one of the most radical things someone can do in their lifetime.
So today I don’t have sage words to report back. I am here to celebrate the simple pleasures -- like the way that my shoulders grew into my blazer, the way that my scars have faded and healed, and the strength, joy, and boyhood that I feel when I carry around my sweet, curious, talented, and funny two year old cousin who has only ever seen me as who I am -- his “Aurfuh”. (Who is, by the way, turning two tomorrow! Happy Birthday, sweet bean. I love you so much.)
I’m blessed to live the life that I am living now. I hope that wherever you are, my trans siblings, you know that you are loved and cherished by people who have never met you, that you have an incredible future waiting for you, and that we will be here to support you whether or not you are visible today.
In Solidarity, Arthur Jude
(he/him. click on each picture for timeline.)
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queertransjew-blog · 7 years
electrolysis consult + insurance coverage
About a week ago, I had a consultation for electrolysis. I had a hard time trying to decide if I wanted to go for laser first, and then move on to electrolysis afterward, or just go straight to electrolysis. I decided to go straight to electrolysis because 1) it’s covered by my insurance, and 2) electrolysis is permanent, and laser is not. Since I’d have to do electrolysis eventually, I figured why not skip the intermediate step and go straight to it.
Researching it was making me anxious, mostly because I was trying to find a dermatologist that was covered by my insurance and also performs electrolysis. Turns out, there really aren’t any. Then, I was trying to find someone that was affordable enough that I could pay them for each session, and then wait for insurance to reimburse me. Knowing how health insurance companies work, I figured it could be a while until I was reimbursed for each session, so I didn’t want to go in not caring about cost when it was going to be coming out of my pocket first. A lot of the electrolysis providers in my area charge anywhere between $90-125 per an hour session, but I found one woman who charges $80 per hour, and she’s the one I ended up going to.
In the consult request on her website, I wrote that I was looking for electrolysis on my forearm. When I met her, she immediately knew it was for phalloplasty. Despite having her practice in a small suburban town, she told me she’d done electrolysis on three other guys. I assume they all went to one of the California doctors, because she asked me if I was going to CA as well for my surgery. She said she also treated a lot of trans women.
So that was a nice surprise, because I had assumed anyone doing electrolysis in my area would not really be familiar with trans people. But she was really nice, and unless something changes, I’ll be sticking with her for electrolysis.
I’m happy to be getting started with this, because it feels like taking steps in the right direction.
I also talked to a really nice woman who is a representative for my health insurance company. I had been told multiple times electrolysis wasn’t covered under my plan (despite finding documentation that said otherwise). She apologized for the misinformation, told me that it is covered because it’s for phalloplasty, and then said she would help me not only get reimbursed for it, but personally talk to the woman performing the electrolysis to get the necessary information.
Sidenote: Electrolysis should be covered for anyone, trans women or trans men or non-binary people, if they feel like they need it. It shouldn’t be covered only as a pre-requisite for surgery. But I don’t make the rules, unfortunately...
She also said she’d be able to help with getting all the documentation for bottom surgery coverage through the insurance company, and said to give her information to my surgeon’s office so they could correspond directly.
I’m glad to have a direct contact at my insurance company to reach out to with any questions, because I’ve found a lot of the reps aren’t…knowledgable, despite having that knowledge supposedly being a part of their job? Trans healthcare is lacking, we all know this. Anyway, things are moving along and I’m happy about it.
I have two appointments with therapists next week to get my letters for bottom surgery, so then I can secure a surgery date. It’ll be nice to have a concrete date to finally look forward to! And then in another week or so I see Dr. Bluebond again for a post-op for my revision, but also to talk to her more about bottom surgery (since I have a bunch of questions I thought of after my first consult).
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dickandtwoballs · 3 years
My Current Plan
Hysterectomy in my home state
Consult with Dr. Bluebond-Langner (first choice)
Possibly with Dr. Chen as well (second choice)
RFF phalloplasty with UL, burial, vnectomy, and erectile device
Tattooing done by Michelle Varga when surgeries are completed/healed
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bleh-idk-bro · 3 years
The consult with Dr. Bluebond-Langner went surprisingly well. Everyone I interacted with was friendly and taking measurements not as awkward as I thought it would be. I opted for DI and Dr. BBL told me that it'd look great :) I even got a surgery date!! I really wasnt expecting it because the nurse told me I wouldn't get one today, but Dr. BBL told me there was a cancelation just before she came to see me so she offered me the date :))
it hasn't been formally scheduled yet, but it's tentatively scheduled for feburary 11 2022 :)
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itslucasaaron · 5 years
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This is my chest 4 days post op!!!! I took this photo last night right before my first shower since surgery. Literally the best feeling in the world to take my first ever fullly shirtless mirror selfie lol I’m absolutely in love. You couldn’t wipe that smile off my face no matter how hard you tried. Thank you Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner!!!
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vergilthelibrarian · 5 years
So I have 2 top surgery consultations next year and I don't know which surgeon I want to see. Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner is like my dream surgeon and Chella Man got his top surgery done with her but Dr. Alexes Hazen is also really fucking good. I might just go to Alexes Hazen (since my consultation with her is Apirl 1st) and then get bottom surgery with Rachel Bluebond-Langer in the future
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