#dr. cathrine
byronicherobracket · 8 months
The Byronic Hero Bracket: Qualifying Round Batch C #9
Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald from Cracker vs. Dr. Catherine Halsey from Halo
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Eddie Fitzgerald:
Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald from Cracker was a Byronic Criminal Psychologist. Best summed up by this conversation:
Thomas: Why do you drink so much?
Fitz: I like it.
Thomas: And smoke so much?
Fitz: I like it.
Thomas: And you gamble as well?
Fitz: Yes, I like it.
Dr. Catherine Halsey:
Dr. Catherine Halsey of the Halo universe is a ruthless, unapologetic woman who abducted young children in order to create an army of super-soldiers (even if she privately has a lot of guilt about it). She's one of the most brilliant human minds alive, but that doesn't stop most people who meet her from loathing her to their very core. Nonetheless, she's undeniably fighting for the advancement of the human race and has been shown to deeply care for those she sees as her "children", whether it be her Spartan-IIs or her actual daughter Miranda Keyes.
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trashgremlendoesart · 10 months
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opheliasghost05 · 10 months
i live for the fact that the answer to why mrs bean is funny was either, “it’s the name of a vegetable given to a women” or “it just is” and neither had anything to do with the incredibly popular british comedic character mr bean
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dice-theartist · 3 months
More dr who art! This time it’s 10 and Donna
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thekingofspin · 5 months
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mirroredmoons · 10 months
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cowboylikeoliver · 10 months
'allons-as the idiots say-y' YOUR HONOR I LOVE HER
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elizacobbs · 10 months
I wish I had a mom like Donna Noble.
A mom who would be there when her child needed it. A mom who would make her child feel valid and loved. A mom who would burn the entire planet to the ground if her child was hurt by anyone. A mom who'd be a shoulder to cry on and listen to everything her child had to say. A mom who would try to make herself a better person for her child. A mom who'd be her child's biggest supporter and number one fan. A mom who didn't care about her child's gender or sexuality but only cared that her child felt happy and safe.
Most importantly I wish I had a mom like Donna Noble who'd love me no matter what.
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dapperpostcard · 10 months
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hauntedandmurdered · 1 year
Hannibal: Let me tell you one thing, Agent Starling. You may consider me a beast, the nightmare of the tales you have been told as a little child, but I can firlmy say you don't feel quite as repulsed to my presence as you had assumed. What exactly is it that intrigues you about me, little FBI Agent, hm? Tell me. I'm dying to hear your sweet little lies.
Clarice: Dr Lecter, this is not a game. We are running out of time...
Hannibal: Time is standing still for little Cathrine right now, dear. But we have all the time in the world. If I want to play a game, you had better submit to my wish.
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lovetogether · 1 month
We should post our animal assessments for twin peaks uhhm laa 🎶
Laura - grey wolf
Leland - grey wolf
Sarah - grey wolf
Maddy - black wolf
Shelly - white tailed deer
Bobby - bobcat
Leo - cougar
Mike but like the one that’s Bobby’s friend - yellow house cat
Major Briggs - rhino
Donna - Pygmy rabbit
James - Newfoundland
Norma - cocker spaniel
Big ed - Newfoundland
Nadine - red fox
Andy - river otter
Harry - northern raccoon
Lucy - eastern cottontail
Hawk - Wolverine
Dale - piebald squirrel
Ben - brown tortie
Jerry - orange tabby
Audrey - mixed tortie
Cathrine - Persian cat
Pete - yellow bellied marmot
Josie - golden pheasant
The arm - teacup big
Giant - giant sloth
Mike - owl
Bob - coyote
Gordon - David lynch dog OR parakeet. Have these two fight to the death
Albert - ant (lemon suggestion)
Denise - maned wolf
Sam - duck
That other agent from movie we forgot his name - idk lol
Log lady - beaver
Annie - cocker spaniel
Harold - bearded lizard
Dr jacoby - brown bear
Phillip Jeffries - davidbowie huntsman spider
Da freaking Return
JaneyE - long eared chipmunk
Sonny Jim - chipmunk squirrel hybrid
Blow job brothers - desert bighorn sheep
Diane - poodle
British guy - feild mouse
Other sherif Truman - northern raccoon
Wally - weird hybrid of what Andy and Lucy were because that’s funny
Richard - bushy tailed cat
The woodsman - black bear
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trashgremlendoesart · 10 months
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Tl;dr: Not like other girls/guys is misogynist and misandrist respectively. For a good example of not like other girls actually being healthy, check out Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
“Not like other girls/guys” will always be my least favorite trope. It is so disgusting. It’s kinda sexist. In most cases it’s straight up misogynistic/misandristic. It’s just….. ugh. Because often times it’s about putting down women and men instead of celebrating the differences that make all people, regardless of gender, unique and beautiful. It also is interesting that the “not like other girls trope” is mostly used by women…. Actually i think both are mostly used by women… or maybe i just mostly read women, idk. And it’s the worst when they try to brand this as “feminism”. Like…. ew. No. It’s not feminism.
And then the other thing is that some people actually make it work! The one instance i can think of this working is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, where Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth Bennet because she’s not like the other women. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books and I consider Jane Austen to be a literary genius. But this isn’t about women and the nature of women (honestly it’s about humans and human nature but also); it’s about men and women in Regency England and how they are expected to behave. Elizabeth doesn’t behave like that, she is her own person and that is Mr. Darcy loves her. Also, women different from Elizabeth aren’t put down on. Jane, for example, is the sugar to her spice; eternally optimistic and full of a candid desire for the best in and for all people. Very different from Elizabeth’s “the more I see of the world the more i am dissatisfied with it”. And yet, both women are 1. Celebrated for being who they are. 2. Called out on their respective faults and 3. Not humiliated by the story, simply challenged and nurtured into maturity.
Charlotte would be an exception, however it is Elizabeth that puts down Charlotte, not the narrative. Charlotte is praised for her ingenuity, even though Austen (and thus Elizabeth) are still upset about her mercenary tendencies. She understands that “mercenary” was (and still is) sometimes a very much needed aspect of society.
The only time women are put down they are legit awful: Mrs. Bennet, Mary, Kitty, Lydia, Caroline, Louisa, Cathrine (she doesn’t deserve the title of Lady). All of whom are just awful. However, they are not put down as women and Lizzy isn’t “different from these women”. She and the other good characters in the books are different from the other foolish characters. Not foolish women. Not even foolish men (of which there are plenty!). Simple foolish people. Because, as Jane Austen was well aware, people have a great propensity to act foolishly.
It’s not about men or women. It is about gender: the culturally and socially constructed differences between males and females. And about how those constructs affect people and there relationships. The point is: Elizabeth isn’t “not like other women” she’s “different and better than what Regency England allows people (male and female) to be.”
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Reluctant Researchers Intro Post
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Dr. Catherine and Researcher Mechi are two scientists working for the Found. They are very different people with one thing in common; their employment here is not entirely willing.
Do not kill or attempt to mortally wound them.
Cathrine uses she/her pronouns.
Mechi uses he/him pronounces.
Unless specified asks will be answered by whoever gets to it first.
No god modding either researcher.
Magic Anons are allowed.
If you have a typing quirk please provide a translation. 
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mirroredmoons · 10 months
the doctor gave Donna a coffee while right next to the major mechanical stuff inside the TARDIS knowing she lost her last job due to a spilled drink on a machine what did he honestly think was gonna happen???😭
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cowboylikeoliver · 10 months
WE'RE WATCHING DR WHO AND THEYRE TALKING ABOUT ISAAC NEWTOM AND DONNA GOES 'wasnt he hot' AND THE DOCTOR GOES 'yeah! oh? is that who i am now?' AND MY MUM GOES 'what? gay? yeah you will be 🤨'
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