#draco malfoy what's your issue
fanfic-lover-girl · 3 months
That chicory person you linked is not only a proud incest shipper (ew) but also amenable to fascist ideology in a way that far exceeds tastes in fiction. Of course, I don't expect better from Draco Malfoy likers. Honestly, I pity the lot of you. I can't imagine being grown adult women who are THIS bad at reading a children's series.
Unlike my boy Draco, I don't waste time engaging with people who degrade my personal character.
PS. I'm not a Draco liker, I'm a Draco lover. Do your research!
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zriasstuff · 2 months
Them watching you get ready <3
Slytherin boys x reader fluff headcanons (warning:delulu asf)
the collage isn’t the best, but at least you have all 6 faces now
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It’s date-night, but you seem to be taking quite some time to get ready…
Tom Riddle:
Let’s be honest for a second and admit that if you were taking your sweet sweet time, he’d curse at you because everything has to go according to his schedule (i even doubt that he’d do the whole “date-night” thing, but that’s a separate issue)
He’d turn more impatient by the second and barge into your dorm/bathroom without knocking
Tom would rush you so badly and keep telling you to hurry up while rolling his eyes
While you’re doing your makeup he’d pick up each product with disgust and tell you that you look just fine
When you tell him that you need more time, he tells you that there wouldn’t be a date anymore if you didn’t follow him, besides he’d lecture you on your poor time management
Eventually he drags you out with him and dryly compliments you like “see, i told you you look good” (but innerly he enjoyed that you put in effort and wanted to look good for him, even if it took some time)
Mattheo Riddle:
He wouldn’t rush you when you tell him you need more time, instead he’d take advantage of watching you get ready
When you choose your clothes, he’d encourage you to do a little fashion show for him and he would tell you that you looked perfect in every single one
He would tell you to choose a short and tight dress though, we all know why ;)
During make-up he is totally one of those guys who say “it’s all the same shade”, and in reality it’s like maroon and bright red
As a joke he’d also apply some of the products, but wipe them off immediately because he feels too emasculated
When you ask him if you could do make-up on him some day he’d simply reply “sure, but then i would get to do whatever i want with you”
Draco Malfoy:
When you offer him to watch you get ready, since you still aren’t done, he immediately accepts
Draco totally loves seeing you get ready too because during your relationship he has spoiled you so much that half your closet/vanity is basically from him
Since he grew up close to his mother, he has actually spent a lot of time in his childhood going to barbers/salons/boutiques with her
So from that he has gained excellent taste, even helps you with styling your hair, and helps you pick out accessories
He knows how long this stuff can take, so he just takes the time to make you feel beautiful and confident, showering you with compliments and pecks “you look so good in the things i buy you darling”/“you are always so gorgeous and sexy”
Theodore Nott:
He wouldn’t mind that you were not on time, the date started the second he saw you, so you getting ready was just time that you could spend together too
You are afraid it takes away the surprise factor at first, but it’s not a big deal to him
When you start to change into different outfits, he’s always there to help you undress/unzip the dresses, taking the opportunity to smoothly move his hands down your body
That would just eventually turn into a makeout session though, you just couldn’t resist when he was being that touchy and ravishing too
It takes quite some time for you to actually get ready in the end because he always distracts you in the process, but in the end you would both have had a fun time
Blaise Zabini:
He’d be quite chill and sit on your bed when you tell him to wait, just watching you get ready at your vanity
He would maybe be a little bit annoying—asking you every three seconds if you were ready to go, and he would say “you literally look the same as always, what’s the point of all this”
Eventually he liked watching you more and more though, notice the difference, and carefully pay attention to everything you did
He’d learn to appreciate both your natural and “full-glam” beauty and just observe you with interest
As soon as you were done he’d immediately kiss you (ruining your lip-combo sadly) and his lips would be stained, and he’d be smiling, fascinated by your beauty
Lorenzo Berkshire:
When you tell him to wait outside, he’d respect that at first, but would grow impatient eventually
So, he goes up to you and tells you that he would like to be a part of the process
Opposite to Mattheo, he’d actually be down to you putting make-up on his face for fun (he’s fully convinced that he could pull anyone with or without makeup)
To be honest, he didn’t care much about what you put on because you looked hot in his eyes either way, but he knew the more interested he acted the more appreciative you’d be
Looking at you with puppy-eyes at all times is his specialty, and when you’re finally done he looks at you like you’re an angel fallen from heaven
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phas3d · 5 months
Crushing on You || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: cute little loser things they do because they’re so down bad for you. inspired by the fucking masterpiece that is ONE DAY ONE NIGHTTTT AHHHHHH by bts ofc. some of these might be creepy but I think they’re cute
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It’s always an enemies to lovers for him, he literally cannot get crushes on someone unless he hates their guts
Probably cause he got daddy issue but meh, we’re not solving that today
He HATED your guts, he has literally thought of getting a hit-man on you before
You’re his rival in every single aspect, even more than Harry is
Academics, you’re better
Athletics, you’re better
Clubs and community, you’re WAY better
He hates you and makes fun of you every single day and time he gets the chance
Even worse, Harry, Hermione, and Ron all come to defend you which makes him even more mad
But overtime, his aggressive staring and cursing under his breath turned into admiration
It all started when one day during Quidditch practice, some annoying 3rd year thought it would funny to mess with Draco’s broom
He ended up malfunctioning during practice, almost speeding into the walls of the school at astounding speeds
But luckily, you came just in time and yanked him off his broom, letting his broon get destroyed into the castle. But he was unharmed and was wrapped securely in your arms
From then on, he’s had a huge crush on you and all of his hatred turned into admiration
His aggressive stares were a bit softer and his insults had a hidden compliment in it
Everyone thinks that maybe he just feels bad and is finally regretting how rude he’s been to you, which is kinda true
He’s always watching over you, kinda like a stalker (because he is one)
He learns your daily routine, your favorite foods, clothing brands, makeup products, skincare routine, everything
Goes as far to hire and pay different students to watch after you if he’s busy
Somehow, you never notice and just think that people are nosy
He takes his research really far though, like straight up creepy
Draco gets his hands on all of your medical history, every single thing about you
He learns what your allergic too, what your rising sign is, how much you weigh at every check up
When he finds out that you’re anemic, he crushes up pills and sneakily adds it to your food to make sure you’re healthy
Does this with other things too, like Vitamin C, iron pills, etc etc etc
But in the end, it helps you a lot and makes you feel much better
And it makes him happy to know that you’re better because of him
One day, you get asked out by none other than Harry Potter
Instantly, Draco is enraged and everything in his sight is going to die a painful death
He feels betrayed by you despite treating you like utter shit for so many years
Not the mention he’s also gotten with maybe two or three other girls
He plans to ruin your date and he succeed
He burns Harry’s outfit, posses someone to spill hot tea on you, and even goes as far to sneak food you’re allergic to into your food
The date ends with you crying back to your dorm and Harry beating himself up
From this, Draco is happy and prepares to come and play knight-in-shining armor for you
But once again, he sees Harry comforting you and giving you a tight hug
Draco is literally about to kill Harry for this, cause ain’t no way he just did ALL of that for Harry to swoop in again
“You can’t take her! I loved her first! I love her more than your stupid four-eyed could ever!” He shouts at Harry
So yeah…. He just confessed out of rage
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Never ever EVER will he get caught lacking for someone
This man keeps all of his lovey dovey feelings to himself, bro literally got a diary 😭
But when he saw you, and just like all of those dumb movies he’s seen, he was instantly love struck by you
He never knew that this was possible, he’s instantly disgusted with himself and does his best to the diminish the crush
But it won’t go away… you’re just perfect in every way
He’s so frustrated that he genuinely thinks of just killing you
But, thank GOD, he decides to not kill you and just become a stalker 😊
He finds out your entire schedule and walking path just so he can get small glimpses of you
Whenever you see him or make eye contact with him, he looks at you like you killed his entire family and he’s coming for revenge
But he’s actually drooling and hearing the most beautiful classical piano in the background
He sees you as a god/goddess that blessed him with your presence
Tom has always seen himself as the chosen one, the one given enough power to destroy and fix the world
And he sees you as his future Queen to the brand new world he will make :) kinda romanticccc
Finds all of your social media and stalks it for hours
He makes one of those fake burner accounts that looks like a bot
So when he follows you, you think nothing of it
But in reality, he’s watching you in depth
Bro finds your SPOTIFY and YOUR AO3 ACCOUNT… That’s how crazy he is
He made an entire playlist of every song you’ve ever posted and mentioned
He listens to it daily :)
Honestly, he’s just like me fr
He’s just a lil crazy and wants to know EVERYTHING about you
If you ever come up to him or are assigned partners, oh my god he’s gonna act so cold
Acts like he hates your guts and despises your existence
But in reality, he’s gonna thank every single religious figure out there for blessing him with allowing him to be in your space
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When he first saw you, he thought you were fine as hell
He was just trying to get into your pants
But when he tried to make a move, you scoffed and shoved him away
Instantly, he was attracted to you
He’s only been rejected like twice, and both times it ended with them begging on their knees for him
He was about to do the exact same thing to you
Unlike the others, he’s the only one that shows it and actively makes a move
Constantly flirts with you, no matter the time or day
Kinda like Filipino courtingggg 🤭
Finds all of your classes and walks you to all of them
Even though you want to walk with your friends, he won’t let you and always pulls you away from them
He skips his classes constantly just so he can be with you and flirt with you more
Even if you keep rejecting him or even slap him, he won’t stop. He loves when girls play hard to get
Sends you flowers, they’re a little bit ugly, but it’s the thought that counts
Sends you chocolates and stuffed animals to the point where a whole section of your dorm is dedicated to the pile of 65 stuffed animals you’ve received
He can’t really write poems or love songs, but he sends you little drawings that are barely readable
He makes little stick figures to represent you guys, one that’s super tall with abs (him) and another one that has hair and a triangle body (you)
Although you can barely understand his chicken scratch drawings, it makes you giggle from how stupid they are
Sometimes it’s him fighting off dragons, or you drowning and he saves you, or him being a rich king and you’re his queen
Never ever gives up on you, no matter what
Will fight off every single competition he has, he doesn’t care if they end up paralyzed
One time, someone older than you guys by one year tried to ask you out
Because he was a grade above you guys, he thought Mattheo wouldn’t fight him
But nopppeeee he was dead wrong, Mattheo sent him to the hospital wing repeatedly for a whole month
Even though the poor guy learned his lesson, Mattheo was mad that not only did he have the balls to ask you out but to also doubt Mattheo’s strength
Surprisingly, he cares a lot towards your friends as well and never leaves him out of the picture which is sweet
If you get a 100 roses from him (an almost daily occurrence), then he’ll get your best friends a small bouquet of 10-12 roses in return
If you get a huge chocolate box of the most expensive chocolates, then your friends get a small little wrapped box of a few chocolates
It’s really sweet and it makes your friends see that he’s actually pretty cool and sweet
Definitely goes around and lies to people by saying you two are dating
Eventually, everyone is fucking tired of you guys and basically sees you as a couple
One day, your friends say they’re gonna have a girls day and ask you to meet them at this nice restaurant
But surprise! The girls lied, you got all dressed up for nothing :(
But surprise again! Mattheo pops up. Your friends set you up with him to help you two to finally start dating
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He’s had plenty of one night stands, weird situation-ships, and more but with you, he’s never had that
You’ve been his friend for ages, before he got hot and ripped
And he appreciated you a lot for that, he felt like he could finally be himself with someone
Over the years, he’s slowly gotten more and more comfortable with you
When he was going to bed, he thought to himself “I wouldn’t mind marrying (y/n)”
He smiled as he said that, about to sleep until his eyes shot wide open as he repeated what he said
“I wouldn’t mind marrying (y/n)??!???!!?”
When he realized he likes you, he’s a complete idiot
Normally with girls, he’s super smooth and charismatic - but that’s only because he’s trying to get into their pants
With you, you knew all his tactics and how awful of a person he can and HAS been over the years
You’ve seen him cheat, yell, and sometimes be borderline abusive to his past girlfriends
He starts to worry about how you perceive him and wants to make sure he seems like a good option
He becomes so awkward around you, it’s painful
Starts to be way nicer to you than he ever has been and becomes a lot more chivalrous
He takes off his jacket and shields you from rain, if anyone teases you he’ll get really defensive, he spoon feeds you at times, always pays for your lunch and dinner
Even goes as far as to take you on shopping sprees with no limit - even if you say no he’ll just keep track of everything you look at and buy it for you
Gets you flowers every week and always excuses it as “this is what best friends always do”
You two are basically dating… just without an official title
He’s TERRIFIEDDDD to ask, he’s literally had break downs over his fear of you rejecting him
Please just confess to him yourself, I’m not sure when he’ll get the balls and confidence to do it
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He’s the most sane out of all of them all 😭
Literally the one line from Taylor Swift, “in a world of boys he’s a gentleman” AHAAAAHHHHH
He gets a crush on you after you two are partnered for a long term project
Loves how smart and dedicated you are, it inspires him to be the same way
Sometimes he purposely acts dumb just so that you’ll help him
Always pays attention to the small details and everything you do
Spoils you ROTTEN omg
Will take you out to go shopping with him and he whips out his black card and casually drops 25k just on clothes and makeup for you
He loves the feeling of spoiling you, makes him feel like your future husband
Praises you for everything, even the bare minimum
“Woah! I like your outfit!” And you’re literally wearing the required school uniform
He wants to date you and call you his own, but he knows he’s a fuck boy deep down
Every time he’s dated a girl, he’s ended up breaking up with them because he can’t commit or just straight up cheating on them
He’s very confident that he could change and be better, but he wants to be perfect before he dares you
Because he sees you as perfect :”) and you only deserve the best
You help motivate him to become better, even though you didn’t know you did
Starts going to the gym, works harder in school, tries to be more nice to everyone
Eventually, he’ll get the guts to ask you out for the Yule ball but he’ll keep saying you’re going as “friends”
But one day you’ll overhear him and his group talking about how fat of a crush he has on you
They all tease him and call him a simp, loverboy, everything
But when he sees that you’ve been listening the entire time, he’s so reddddd
Tries to hide his face and runs away, he avoids you for a little bit
He’s so so so scared of not being good enough or even ruining his relationship with you
He’d genuinely be okay with just being your best friend for all his life whilst loving you, even though it would hurt him so badly
Please just accept this boy 🙏 tell this man he’s enough and that you love him
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read more here! :D
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slutforslytherinx · 1 month
slytherin boys headcanons: fight edition
summary: this is how i imagine the slytherin boys would react if you got into a fight ꩜ .ᐟ
warnings: toxic behavior, asshole behavior, tom riddle being tom riddle, & fights.
includes: mattheo riddle, theodore nott, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, & tom riddle. ౨ৎ
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mattheo riddle:
okay let’s be honest… his defensive mechanism is insults. if he thinks your gonna hurt him, he decides he’s gonna do it first.
that being said, i feel like in the heat of the moment he would definitely say some hurtful stuff…
however, the second he sees your eyes getting watery, bro is rushing to your side and spewing out apologies!!!
“no no no, princess, please don’t cry. i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean it.”
would spend dayssss after the fight buying you expensive stuff and giving you his undivided attention! he feels like shit about it and wants to make it up to you.
you definitely are walking him like a dog for at leasstttttt a week after! ᯓᡣ𐭩
theodore nott:
passive aggressiveness. his sarcasm is on the highest level.
he’d honestly be super annoying and sarcastically agree with you just to rile you up😭
butttt if he sees your actually getting upset and hurt that he keeps avoiding talking maturely about to issue, he’d guiltily apologize and try to communicate better. (don’t expect him to be amazing at it though..)
“i’m sorry, mia cara. i’m not good at this stuff…”
i feel like he’d try to avoid you for a little bit after the fight because he feels guilty about it and sucks at expressing his emotions, but he’d eventually pull it together and come find you! ₊ ⊹
draco malfoy:
…. excuses.
he isn’t the best at taking the blame for his actions. he feels cornered when you approach him about it and try’s to make it seem like he wasn’t in the wrong.
if he sees that it isn’t working and he’s just making you even more upset, he’ll man up and apologize.
“i’m sorry, darling. it was wrong of me to do _____.”
he’ll feel guilty about it and buy you unnecessarily expensive stuff to show you he’s sorry😓 bro is putting his gringotts vault to WORK.
lorenzo berkshire:
he is DEFINITELY the best communicator on the list.
i feel like he’d stay calm about to whole situation and try to find a solution. honestly, he’d probably be the one calming you down.🎀
“it’s okay, sweetheart. tell me what you’re feeling.”
he’s not a fan of yelling so if he got really upset he’d probably just use his hands to accentuate his point.
if he was in the wrong, he’d do you’re favorite things with you and spend every waking second with you.
if you were in the wrong, he’d probably forgive you within 24-48 hours.
tom riddle:
….. where do i start.
he’s a silent seether, he’ll just being standing there with his jaw clenched as you try to communicate with him.😭
will somehow find a way to turn it on you and gaslight you into thinking you’re in the wrong.
honestly, he won’t apologize for whatever he did unless your so pissed that you ignore him for weeks.
only then does he swallow his pride and begrudgingly spit out a pitiful, “i’m sorry.” ʚɞ
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ohthewh0rror · 8 months
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˚₊ ⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆ ₊˚ prompt — A sneak peak into a random day with your boyfriend.
Pairing: Tom R. x Reader / Matteo R. X Reader / Theo Nott x Reader / Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
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You looked at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself one final look over. Finding nothing out of place, you stood there and just stared at your reflection for a minute. Today was always difficult for you, a day you both dreaded and looked forward to. Today was the second Saturday of the month, the day you reserved for visiting your little sister's grave. It’s a tradition you’ve held since she passed away 3 years ago.
For a long time you didn’t tell Tom about what you did, not wanting anyone else there while you grieved, but you finally came clean last week. Tom was someone you were very serious about and it was time he knew, you didn’t invite him, and you doubt he remembered, so you didn’t have any expectations of him going with you.
Still, it hurt a little that he wasn’t there. You knew his job took up a lot of his time, but you were hoping he’d make an excuse to leave for the day and be there for you. Swallowing your disappointment, you apparated to your family cemetery, just outside the gates. As the world came into focus you saw that you weren’t alone. There stood Tom, flowers in hand, waiting outside the gates for you. You walked up to him, tears already threatening to cloud your vision.
“You remembered…” your voice trailed off, biting the inside of your cheek to try and keep your composure. Tom gave you a slight smile, holding his hand out for you to take, “of course I remembered, it’s important to you, so now it’s important to me too.”
Taking his hand, you walked in with him, beginning to tell him about her.
“Give me my shirt back,” Draco's voice sounded defeated as you held the shirt hostage behind your back. I knew this game wouldn’t last long, Draco was much taller, and though you hated to admit it, faster than you as well. Despite being at a disadvantage you couldn’t help but want to tease him.
Was it really so bad to want your shirtless boyfriend to chase after you? You didn’t think so.
“Y/N…” there was a warning in the way he said your name. A warning that you were in for it if you didn’t return his shirt. But, instead of scaring you, his voice sent a thrill up your spine. Your heart raced as you bit your lip, anticipating what was in store for you. You shook your head no, and took a slow step back.
Draco stared at you for a beat before rushing towards you. A high-pitched squeal left you as you turned, bolting towards the door. You’d only made it two feet out the door of his dorm when Draco’s arms wrapped around your waist, flinging you over his shoulder. “N-no! Put me down!” You exclaimed through hysterical laughter, fist hitting his back.
“You had your chance to do the right thing,” Draco told you, walking back into his dorm, the door slamming shut and locking behind the two of you.
Mattheo wasn’t sure what to say to you that wouldn’t further piss you off. He knew you didn’t like when he let his jealousy cause issues, especially on nights that were supposed to be for going out and having a good time. But, when he returned with your drinks and saw a nameless wizard flirting with you, all he felt was the flames of red-hot anger sizzling away any rational thoughts he had.
Mattheo kept his cool as walked up to the two of you. He could tell the wizard was annoyed by his interruption, but the man didn’t say anything to him. Mattheo set your drink down in front of you before placing a chaste kiss on your lips. Mattheo could see you about to say something as soon as he pulled away, but before you got the chance to try and ease Mattheo’s anger, he had picked his own drink up, throwing it in the man’s face.
Tightening his grip on the heavy glass mug, while the man was temporarily blinded by alcohol, Mattheo swung and hit the man in the face. The man cried, falling back onto his ass, grabbing his face. Immediately, Mattheo was on top of the man, mug gone, settling on hitting him with his fist. Mattheo heard you yelling for him to stop, before he felt a spell hit his shoulder, knocking him off the man.
Now, after being kicked out and forced to calm down, Mattheo busied himself kicking rocks as you two walked to an apparation point. “Why did you have to do that, Mattheo?!” You sounded pissed, but at least you were talking to him now. “Because he had the audacity to flirt with my wife!” Mattheo exclaimed, trying to defend himself. You stopped, a look of disbelief on your face, “mattheo…really? We aren’t even married.”
“Yet.” Mattheo mumbled, not being able to bring himself to look at you, instead busing himself with pebbles again. You scoffed, walking off, leaving behind.
“Y/N! Wait!”
Theo was a big baby when he was sick. He didn’t get sick often, but you truly hated when it did happen. He was clingy and whiny, wanting all your attention. Which is how you ended up in bed with a sick Theo.
There was no doubt you were going to be sick tomorrow, Theo’s long limbs entangled with yours under the sheets. His head, clammy and hot to the touch resting on your chest, as you played with his soft brown hair. You felt bad as you heard his chest rattling with every breath. “Do you need anything?” You asked him, your voice barely above a whisper. Theo looked at you, chin resting on your chest, “can I have a kiss?”.
It took everything in you not to laugh in his face. That’s really what he wanted? No potion, no water, no soup, but instead a kiss? This man was something else. “Baby, I don’t want to get sick myself,” you told him. Though, you both knew that you were already doomed. Theo laid his head back down on your chest, but his head craned backwards, his lips puckered.
Tapping his puckered lips, teasing you, he waited for you to plant a kiss on him. You let out a laugh in disbelief, but gave in, giving him peck. Content, he cuddled back into you, falling asleep.
He’s lucky you love him.
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the-colourful-witch · 8 months
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✨💀Draco Malfoy💀✨
It was time for the next phase. It took me a week to try and figure out what I wanted Draco to look like. I have seen fan art of him for years and I always think, and don’t shoot me for saying it, it’s not really Draco… 🫣
This is someone who grew up being incredibly spoiled and entitled, who thinks the world should revolve around him and is appalled when it doesn’t. I truly believe he is capable of redemption after the second wizarding war, but before that he is not a good person. I grew up in a city with a big university where a lot of stuck up rich boys go to college and I wanted Draco to resemble them a little. With their aristocratic haircuts and the whole ‘sticking your nose up in the air because you’re above all these peasants’ attitude.
So, here is my version of Draco Malfoy; mommy’s boy with daddy issues, but he does look good in his tailored clothes :) And I can totally see him turned into a ferret with his pointed face.
I also read a post a while ago that mentioned Draco is actually very good at school and has a flair for drama and creativity, which I totally agree with. All his iconic moments in the books just scream drama queen! I mean, he wrote a song for the entire Slytherin house to sing and he acted out Harry’s fainting fits for his friends... He could have a career in the arts, for all we know.
I wanted to incorporate that a little bit in this illustration; the attitude✨
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stqrgirlie0 · 3 months
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⋆✮theodore nott-pt 3✮⋆
part 1 / part 2 / part 4 theodore’s most nightmarish memory that he remembers was of the week of his mothers death. angry men dressed in black would patrol the hallways, occupy the dining room and take up every ounce of what theo used to call his home. night after night theo would toss and turn in his bed, struggling to sleep with deranged laughter echoing from downstairs. he hated his father, he truly did, but theo couldn’t deny how his heart quenched when he heard his father’s blood curdling scream reverberating through the empty halls one night. despite being only 8 years of age, theo knew what it meant. his fathers loyalty didn’t lie with him or with the name of Nott, but instead with you know who. not only did this fuck theo up a lot, it also fostered a fear of abandonment and trust issues- explaining why he stayed away from relationships for the beginning of his school life. the week flew by and suddenly he lost both his mother and his father, a pain that he would never want to inflict on anyone; not even his worst enemy. narcissa, knowing of Theo’s hardships and struggles, tried her best to keep theo distracted and welcomed into the Malfoy family. (4th year) theo and Draco eventually slightly drifted off, leading their own lives, Draco focused more on his relationship with Astoria, while theo focused on his friendship with Mattheo. Draco was a great friend to Theo, but things eventually get harder when you can’t relate about anything with the other person. Theo came from a severely broken family, whereas Draco didn’t. Draco had a shitty father as well I’ll admit that, but despite both of the father’s prioritising you know who’s desires, Lucius still provided for Draco. better still, he provided the best for Draco whereas Theo’s father only just provided the bare minimum for theo. Mattheo saw right through Theo’s facade of being “okay”, because Mattheo remembered when he was in the same position. not okay, no one to talk to, no family, nothing. having someone to talk to whenever he wanted, about whatever he wanted was a lot of help for theo, instead of bottling up his feelings, he was able to express them and talk about them. and this is what lead to your first interaction with theo.
It was about 10:30pm, half an hour after curfew, and instead of being in bed and getting sleep, you were wandering the halls ‘getting fresh air’ as you told pansy and Daphne. the atmosphere was eerily quiet, apart from the occasional creak of floorboards under your feet, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of loneliness. dim torches flickered along the stone walls, casting elongated shadows that danced and swayed with every rush of air. the portraits lining the corridors were silent, their occupants fast asleep or watching your journey with curious eyes. you moved cautiously, the echo of your footsteps reverberated through the empty corridors, as you made your way to the scary stairs of the astronomy tower. unknowingly walking in on theo, his head lifted up and you immediately stopped in your tracks. the moonlight travelled in through the open space, casting ethereal beams onto theo’s face. a breathtaking view.
‘looking for someone?’ he snapped you out of your thoughts. you slowly moved towards the bench he sat on. ‘no, just getting a bit of fresh air,’ you internally cringed at the floorboard creaking beneath your feet as you took a seat on the same bench. ‘what are doing here?’ ‘waiting for Mattheo.’ he says, burning holes through you with his intense gaze. ‘oh, do you want me to leave so th-’ ‘No need, stay.’ as you sat beside theo on the bench, the tension between you and him was solid in the silent night air. his gaze was intense, almost analysing, and you found yourself momentarily at a loss for words. you looked away, admiring the beautiful night sky. theo's presence, unexpected yet strangely comforting, filled the night with a new sense of intimacy. you stole a glance at him, the moonlight tracing the contours of his face, casting shadows that accentuated his features. there was a vulnerability to him in this moment, something that both intrigued and captivated you. for a moment, neither of you spoke, the only sound being the soft rustle of the night breeze through the open space. you found yourself drawn to theo, to the mystery that surrounds him, and the unspoken connection that seemed to exist between you.
breaking the silence, you finally mustered the courage to speak. "why are you waiting for Mattheo?" you asked, curiosity lacing your words.
theo's expression softened slightly at your question, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. "just... needed to talk to him about something," he replied vaguely, his eyes never leaving yours. you nod, sensing that there was more to his answer than he was letting on, an unspoken understanding between you two spoke louder than his words. as the silence stretched between you and theo, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted the silence of the night. you both turned your heads towards the entrance of the astronomy tower, where Mattheo appeared, his figure outlined by the moonlight filtering in.
there was a moment of surprise followed by a warm smile as Mattheo spotted you and theo sitting together. "Hey, what are you two doing here?" he asks, his tone curious but friendly.
"oh nothing, think I'll leave you two to catch up," you said your voice light but tinged with a hint of reluctance. "nice seeing you theo, bye Mattheo.”
you turned on your heel and made your way towards the exit of the astronomy tower, the sound of their voices echoing behind you. As you stepped out into the cool night air, a sense of relief washed over you, grateful for the chance to retreat into the peace of the castle.
following from this interaction, your relationship with theo blossomed into a genuine ‘friendship’. within the classroom; friendly rivals and behind closed doors; two lovers. to the student eye, glances were stolen, banters were laughed at and comebacks were retorted. but only you two knew how hands were joined, kisses were stolen and clothes were removed (🤭)
everything about theo in a relationship was perfection, he was respectful, loving and warm-hearted- everything you could ever want in a man.
#okay idk where i went with this one😭😭 #idk if y’all want a pt 4 but if you guys do I wouldn’t mind taking in suggestions of what you’d want me to include! #if you have suggestion for pt 4 do send it in an ask🙏🙏 #would be much appreciated bcs I’m running out of ideas ibsr #love y’all xoxo
taglist: @iamgayforyourmom1510 @lovelyygirl8
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adiraargent · 3 months
You drew stars around my scars - Slytherin Boys
summary: Slytherin boys (Taylor's Version) x Reader warnings: mentions of scars (not specified what from), swearing, smoking includes: Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Jasper Rowle, Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle - I will do a part 2 with other characters if anybody wants one :) wc: 2373 Part 2
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Theodore Nott - Cardigan
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Theodore Nott sat beside you on the edge of the bed, his gaze tender as he studied the scars that adorned your skin. You could feel his fingers tracing gentle patterns along the lines of your past, his touch feather-light as he navigated the landscape of your history.
As you looked up at him, a warmth swelled in your chest, but you couldn't help but worry. Worry that he was just use you, use you like others had done in the past. Tossing you away when they were done with you.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite
"Thank's for sticking around Theo," you murmerd softly, your cheeks flushing a pretty pink tone.
He looked up at you then, his eyes filled with an intensity that took your breath away. "You are my favorite person in this shitty world," he murmured, his voice soft like the rustle of leaves in the wind, despite the crude words. "Every scar, every imperfection, only serves to make you more beautiful in my eyes."
His words washed over you like a soothing balm, calming the storm of insecurities that raged within your soul. With Theodore by your side, you felt safe, protected from the harsh judgments of the world by the warmth of his love.
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
People had always judged you for something, it was a judgemental world that you lived in. Maybe someone judged you for your skin, or your scars... or maybe just the way that you wore your hair. Maybe it was your weight or your height. Nobody was perfect... thought Theodore Nott would beg to differ, in his eyes you were the embodiment of perfection.
And of course, people judged you for being with Theodore Nott, a Slytherin boy with a troubled past. One that liked to smoke and drink, that liked to get into fights and argue with teachers and students alike. But you were in love. 'Love?' they'd ask you and laugh. 'You're so young, what the hell would you know about love?'
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
Theodore's fingers stilled against your skin, his eyes searching yours with a depth of understanding that left you breathless. "I may not have all the answers," he said softly, "but I promise to stand by your side through every uncertainty, to hold you close and chase away the shadows of doubt that threaten to consume you."
And as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss against each scar, his lips a tender caress against your skin, you felt a sense of peace settle over you like a warm embrace. With Theodore, you knew that you were never alone, that no matter what trials and tribulations lay ahead, you would face them together, hand in hand, heart in heart.
For in his touch, you found solace and strength, a reminder that love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds. And as he traced stars around your scars with his fingers, you knew that no matter how dark the night may seem, the light of his love would guide you safely home.
Okay but i'm really happy with this icl
Mattheo Riddle - Mine
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And I remember that fight, 2:30 AM As everything was slipping right out of our hands
As the moon hung high in the sky, casting its silvery light over the darkened landscape, you quietly snuck out of your shared home , your heart heavy with doubt and fear. Tears streamed down your face unchecked as you clutched your suitcase tightly, the weight of your decision bearing down on you like a heavy burden.
You had always struggled with trust issues and abandonment fears, scars from a childhood marred by betrayal and heartache. And now, faced with the prospect of being completely in love with a boy who had been nothing but good to you, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all.
Mattheo Riddle, that cocky, short-tempered Slytherin, had become the center of your world, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to consume you. You got together in your second last year of school and were still together now a year after graduating. And yet, the thought of allowing yourself to fall completely and unconditionally in love with him terrified you to your core. You loved him, you knew that you did... but did love really exist? Falling in love was dangerous, it was setting yourself up to get your heart broken.
"I'll never leave you alone," his voice echoed in your mind, a soothing melody amidst the chaos of your thoughts. You had been sitting at the Black lake, the two of you had been together for 3 months and it was the first time you had told each other 'I love you'
But as much as you longed to believe his words, the scars of your past lingered like a shadow, a constant reminder of the pain and suffering you had endured. Even after all this time, you still had doubts. And so, with a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, you made the decision to leave, to distance yourself from the one person who had come to mean everything to you.
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street Braced myself for the goodbye 'Cause that's all I've ever known
Bracing yourself for the goodbye, you took a hesitant step forward, the weight of your suitcase dragging behind you like an anchor. But before you could take another step, a voice called out to you from behind, stopping you dead in your tracks.
Turning around, you saw Mattheo running towards you, his eyes filled with an intensity that took your breath away. "I won't let you go," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'll never leave you alone, I promise."
And in that moment, as he took you in his arms and held you close, you felt a sense of peace wash over you like a wave crashing against the shore. For in Mattheo's embrace, you found solace and strength, a reminder that love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds.
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter
"I promise I will do everything to prove I am nothing like he was," he whispered against your ear, his words a testament to the depth of his love and devotion. "You're the best thing that's ever been mine."
And as you looked into his eyes, filled with love and sincerity, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, hand in hand, heart in heart. For in Mattheo Riddle, you had found a love worth fighting for, a love that would stand the test of time.
Jasper Rowle
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As you and Jasper Rwle walked hand in hand through the winding streets of Diagon Alley, a sense of contentment settled over you like a warm blanket on a cold winter's night. His hand in yours felt like home, grounding you in the present moment and reassuring you. You felt so safe with him, the way he softly rubbed your hand with his thumb sent warmth through your body, the heat being a stark contrast to the snow falling around you
"Can I go where you go?" you whispered, your voice barely above a hushed murmur as you gazed up at him with adoration shining in your eyes. You didn't mean to say it out loud. But you just wanted to be with him as much as possible, the way you felt when you were around him was unlike anything you had felt before.
You felt alive, wanted... loved.
Jasper's lips curved into a tender smile, his eyes sparkling with love and affection. "Forever and ever," he replied, his voice a soft melody in the air. "You and me, always."
And as you walked together, lost in the beauty of the moment, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over you like a wave crashing against the shore.
Take me out, and take me home
He brought your hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss against your skin, "c'mon, lets get to the three broomsticks then I'll take you back, its not good for you to be out in the snow for too long, I don't want you to get sick.
You're my, my, my, my Lover.
"Okay my love," you replied with a smile, letting him pull you along in the direction of the pub.
Jasper's grip on your hand tightened, as though afraid to let go, as though afraid that this perfect moment would slip through his fingers like grains of sand. "You're so gorgous," he whispered, his voice filled with a tenderness that took your breath away. "i adore you."
And as you walked together, lost in the maze of streets and alleys, you knew that no matter where life may take you, you would always find your way back to each other.
Draco Malfoy - getaway car
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No, nothin' good starts in a getaway car
The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the sprawling grounds of Malfoy Manor as Draco Malfoy and you sat together on his expensive broomstick. It was a moment suspended in time, a brief respite from the chaos and turmoil of the world outside.
As you gazed out at the rolling hills before you, Draco's hand found yours, his touch gentle and reassuring. But beneath the facade of tranquility, there was an undercurrent of tension, a sense of unease that lingered in the air like a shadow.
It was the best of times, the worst of crimes
You knew Draco was a death eater now, knew he had done bad things and helped bad people but you couldn't bring yourself to leave him. You loved him, and whenever you thought about the bad things he had done, your heart was quick to remind you of all the good times you had together.
All the late night talks, the joking around, the kissing and holding... everything.
But as the miles stretched out before you, you couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it.
I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason "X" marks the spot where we fell apart He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself
You fought to held back tears, the two of you were now on the run and now because of him, you were leaving all your friends and family behind. You were a traitor now and it was all his fault.
Draco's grip tightened around the broom handle, his gaze distant as he stared out at the sky ahead. "I knew it from the start," he admitted, his voice tinged with sorrow. "We were cursed."
You were drivin' the getaway car We were flyin', but we'd never get far
You new the order would be after you soon, they knew what Draco had done. You wrapped your arms around him tighter, burying your head into his back as you held onto him, scared of falling.
Ridin' in a getaway car There were sirens in the beat of your heart
And as you flew on into the night, the sirens in the beat of your heart seemed to grow louder, a relentless reminder of the consequences of your actions. You should have known that you'd never leave, that the promise of freedom would come at a steep price, one that you weren't willing to pay if it meant leaving Draco.
So still, you clung to each other, two lost souls adrift in a sea of chaos and uncertainty. For in each other's arms, you found solace and strength, a beacon of hope in a world gone mad.
And as the stars twinkled overhead and the world blurred past, you knew that no matter where the road may lead, you'd never leave him
We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde (oh-oh)
Tom Riddle - right where you left me
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Help, I'm still at the restaurant Still sitting in a corner I haunt Cross-legged in the dim light They say, "What a sad sight"
Under the soft glow of the restaurant lights, you found yourself seated alone at a corner table, the memories of your past love weighing heavily on your heart. Friends had come and gone, relationships had blossomed and withered away, but you remained rooted in the past, unable to move forward.
Your eyes kept flicking up to the empty chair in front of you, your plate of food going cold as it sat in front of you completely untouched. The workers looked over, eyes filling with sympathy and sadness at the all-familiar face they had seen too many times, brief flashes of the happy couple that had once sat there.
Everybody moved on I, I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared
As you sat there, lost in your thoughts, the echoes of the past danced around you like ghosts in the night. You remembered the first time you had met, the way his smile had lit up the room and warmed your heart. But now, all that remained were distant memories, fragments of a love that had once been.
You couldn't help but wonder if he ever thought about you, if he ever regretted the choices he had made. Did he know that you were still waiting for him, still hoping for a second chance at love? Or had he moved on, leaving you behind like a forgotten relic of the past?
Right where you left me You left me no, oh, you left me no You left me no choice but to stay here forever You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me no You left me no choice but to stay here forever
The restaurant buzzed with life around you, the sounds of laughter and conversation blending together in a cacophony of noise. But amidst the chaos, you felt alone, a solitary figure adrift in a sea of strangers.
And as you sat there, watching the world pass you by, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing wash over you like a wave crashing against the shore. You longed for the warmth of his embrace, the comfort of his presence, but you knew deep down that he was gone, lost to you forever.
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
Yet, despite the ache in your heart and the tears in your eyes, you couldn't bring yourself to leave. You were stuck in the past, trapped in a cycle of longing and regret, unable to move forward without him by your side.
But as the night wore on and the restaurant began to empty out, you knew that you couldn't stay there forever. It was time to let go of the past and embrace the future, to find happiness within yourself and move on from the love that had once consumed you.
With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, you rose from your seat and made your way towards the door. And as you stepped out into the cool night air, you made a silent vow to yourself to never look back, to keep moving forward no matter how difficult the journey may be.
If our love died young, I can't bear witness And it's been so long But if you ever think you got it wrong I'm right where you left me
But it was a vow you knew you'd break just for him.
written by @adiraargent
Please do not steal or post anywhere else <3
Requests are open!!!
Bye for now
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hp-hcs · 4 months
teenage dirtbag — yandere! asshole! theodore nott x obsessed! gn! reader x barely mentioned! enzo berkshire
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y’all be writing some long ass requests, so i’m posting this without the ask ✌️🥲
“He’s not a slut!”
“Yeah, well, you only think that ‘cause you want him to sleep with you.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I’m not just in it for the sex, dipshit.”
Harry snorted. “You’re also not not in it for the sex.”
“Are you calling me a slut now?” You asked, pressing a hand against your chest in mock-offense. “I thought we were friends, you two-faced bitch.”
“Anyways, my point being,” Ron interrupted. “He’s a violent manwhore druggie with a superiority complex and daddy issues. He’s a serial cheater, a Slytherin, and a literal Death Eater, Y/n.”
You nodded in acknowledgment as you thought about the very valid points he brought up. “Yeah, but he’s hot.”
“I swear to Merlin, Y/n-”
“‘…I think you’re really cute and funny, and-’”
“What are you idiots doing?”
“You’ve got a secret admirer, Notty-boy,” Mattheo snorted, waving the letter he was holding.
“‘Secret’.” Draco mumbled, putting the word in air quotes.
The rest of the boys crowded around Mattheo, snickering as they read the love letter over his shoulder.
“You’ve even got flowers, Theo,” Blaise pretended to swoon. “How romantic!”
“L/n’s fuckin’…obsessed, man,” Mattheo shook his head in disbelief as he looked up from skimming the letter in order to point to the small pile of Valentine’s Day gifts that had been left on Theo’s bed.
Theodore groaned. “Salazar- I just don’t understand how they don’t get that I’m not into them.”
“Problems in your love life there, Nott?” Draco teased.
“They’re just so…clingy. And obnoxious. Constantly following me around ‘n shit.”
“Yes, having someone who’s head over heels in love with you must be so difficult,” Enzo deadpans. “However do you manage to survive?”
“Oh, shut up,” Theo scoffed.
“Here comes your worshipper, Nott,” Malfoy snickers, surreptitiously pointing towards you, who was making a beeline over to the Slytherin table.
“My- ah, shit.”
Theo frowned in annoyance as his friends burst into raucous laughter.
“Hi, Nott!” You greeted cheerily, a light blush on your face. “I was wondering if you’d like to go down to Hogsmeade to get a butterbeer with me?”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes at your feeble attempts at flirting. It was common knowledge that Theodore Nott didn’t do committed relationships, so why were you still trying?
Your face fell. “Oh. Alright, then.”
Enzo glanced over.
“Next weekend maybe?” You tried again hesitantly.
“Merlin- You’re pathetic, L/n,” Theodore finally snapped. “How about you go get a life of your own instead of trying so hard to be in mine?”
You flinched back, your eyes widening, before you turned on your heel and left the Great Hall without another word.
“Oh- L/n’s here, Theo,” Mattheo snickered, watching you walk over to the Slytherins’ studying area in the library.
Theodore rolled his eyes, preparing for another barrage of mushy gushy romance bullshit. But you merely stepped around his chair with a murmured excuse me and continued down the row.
He watched, startled, as you stopped behind the study area’s couch and draped your arms over Berkshire’s shoulders.
Theo blinked.
Enzo, not even flinching or getting distracted by your sudden presence, just grinned to himself and clasped a hand around both of yours, his thumb rubbing small circles into the join between your wrist and palm as he continued his discussion with Blaise.
Theodore felt sick.
Then he heard you laugh at something Enzo said, and that’s what made him completely lose it.
He fumed. How dare Berkshire even look at you, let alone touch you? Berkshire didn’t deserve you. Who the fuck did he think he was?
You were his.
And Theodore would be damned if he was going to let Berkshire steal you away from him.
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dreamcubed · 11 months
call it what you want | draco malfoy x reader
song; call it what you want [taylor swift] pairing; draco malfoy x fem!muggle!reader genre; fluff, angst, forbidden love, s2l word count; 4,3k timeline; post-second wizarding war warnings; draco's daddy issues, low-key y/n's daddy issues, references to the second wizarding war (and draco's part in it), discrimination (of muggleborns) summary; his entire life, draco had it drilled into him that anything to do with muggles was bad- impure, even. but after his father is imprisoned for life, he decides to venture into the muggle world- just as a temporary thing, of course
suggested by @tendous-pretty-hair !!
"my baby's fly like a jet stream, high above the whole scene, loves me like i'm brand new."
also i have fucking eras tour tickets!!!
Draco had found himself at an emotional stand-still ever since the Second Wizarding War - more specifically the events of the Battle of Hogwarts. After he had regrettably joined Voldemort's side in the mass fallout, only for him to lose anyway. He wasn't sentenced to any time in Azkaban, since it was deemed that he had been coerced into the situation, as backed up by his mother, who had been pardoned due to saving Harry Potter's life in the final moments. His father, however, would never feel the light of happiness again, caged away in the breeding ground of fear.
It wasn't that Draco missed Lucius all that much, in fact, quite the opposite. The time away from him had allowed him and Narcissa to grow closer, and also given him the opportunity to properly question and break down the beliefs that had been hammered into his head since infancy.
Eventually, he decided to step foot into unknown territory: muggle London. He had only ever been to the magic side of it before, but he had come to the realisation that living such a sheltered life was the reason he wound up another of Voldemort's slaves. That lifestyle would be no more.
He found himself stood outside of a small music store, displayed to have vinyls, CDs and cassette tapes inside - whatever they were. Draco did know what music was, however, and wanted to understand the way that muggles experienced it. So, he stepped foot into the shop with the tinkling of a tiny silver bell above him alerting whoever was working behind the tall overflowing shelves.
There were more people perusing the shelves than he had anticipated, so he ducked his head down and headed to an emptier area of the shop. As he began scanning the labels on the shelves, his confusion grew as he realised that he recognised none of the names.
"You don't look like a death metal fan," a voice to his left caught him by surprise, making him jump.
He turned around to have his eyes meet the gaze of a woman wearing an amused smile. You couldn't help but laugh slightly at his skittishness.
"Forgive me, but it's not everyday we have a man dressed in a perfectly ironed suit come and check out the works of Morbid Angel."
After his brain caught up to him, he said, "You work here?"
You nodded, "Family business - me and my mum."
Draco didn't reply to your statement, turning back to the shelves.
"You seem a little lost, first time in a music shop?"
"Uh- yeah," he said, "My family never played music growing up." That was a lie - the Malfoys had held many a musical event, however, they took the form of private orchestral bands.
"You're joking," your expression was that of shock, "How have you lived such a musicless life?"
He shrugged.
"God, I was practically raised on music- I mean, obviously," you gestured around you, "It's everything to me."
"My father was a very strict man," he said simply, making you hum.
"I see. God, I just can't believe you've hardly listened to music - we have to change that," you said, "Do you have any idea what sort of sounds you like?"
"I think I like classical music," it was all he had ever really known.
You grinned, "Yeah, that definitely suits the way you're dressed more than death metal. Come on, I'll set you up with some stuff. Vinyls, CDs or tapes?"
From what he could gather, vinyls were the larger circles, and he was pretty sure that Malfoy Manor had a phonograph with the large brass tube attached for the purpose of playing them. Like the one he saw at the Yule Ball all those years ago. "Uh, vinyl? The big black disc?"
You bobbed your head, "They're becoming less popular these days - people mostly want CDs," you then paused for a moment, "Although my mum said they'll probably have a resurgence in another twenty years. Making an aesthetic of past trends and all that."
Draco listened curiously as you babbled on about different musicians, bands, and albums, finding himself enraptured by the way you carried yourself. Salazar, his father would throw a fit if he found out that he was willingly talking to a muggle.
But his father wasn't there.
"So, do any of these interest you?" you finished, smiling at the ever stoic man before you.
"Uh, yes- all of them," he wasn't sure if he liked the music genre you suggested or the way you talked so passionately.
"All of them?" you tilted your head, "That's- like- hundreds of pounds."
He began digging around in his pockets for the money he had exchanged earlier before coming, and your eyes widened at the sight of all the twenty pound notes.
"Right," you said in a state of shock, "I'll... ring these up for you."
As you totalled up the price and packaged the vinyls into a bag over at the till, the man watched you, as if he was meticulously detailing your every move. Weirdly, it didn't feel creepy.
"Okay that will be... £404.39," you said, in awe of the fact he seemed unfazed by the number.
He began counting out the notes, before handing them over to you: £420 worth of twenty pound notes in your hand. You counted the change out and handed it back to him, placing the receipt in the bag.
"Thank you for shopping here, come again..." you trailed off, realising you didn't know his name.
"Draco," he said, stopping himself before saying his last name. Although he knew that you wouldn't recognise it anyway.
You couldn't help but think that he had a peculiar name; regardless, you smiled, and said, "Y/N. Please come again."
He nodded, taking the bag and leaving the shop swiftly without so much as looking back once.
A week passed by and Draco found himself stood outside of the record shop, unsure of why he had returned. During his last visit he had purchased months worth of music, so really he had no need to be back.
Except, he did.
His social circle had been non-existent ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, not because Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott no longer wanted to be friends with him, but because he had isolated himself in Malfoy Manor with his mother. Draco was nearing being ready to owl them again, but reconnecting with them meant inevitably having to unpack the events of the war.
With a muggle stranger like you, however, there was no unpacking to do.
"Draco, you're back," you grinned, coming out from behind the till, "I was hoping you would."
His abrupt question caught you off guard, "Well, I- I don't know. You're an interesting character," that and you thought he was cute.
Draco stared blankly at you, making you shift uncomfortably on your feet. Eventually, you decided to change the subject.
"Here for more music?"
"Oh, uh- yes."
"Well, what were your favourites from last week's purchases?"
After he told you which ones he had enjoyed the most, you were able to develop some kind of idea as to specific kinds of music to indulge him into. Of course, you had a question burning at the back of your mind that you simply had to ask.
"If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?"
He looked up at you with slightly furrowed eyebrows.
"It's just- vinyls aren't cheap, especially not in as large a quantity as you get them," you elaborated, "I assume you have a well paying job."
Draco sighed, shaking his head, "Family money."
"You mean old money?" you couldn't help but clarify.
He reluctantly nodded, "Yes, old money." He used to be so boastful and prideful of the Malfoy family legacy, but in that moment, despite you having no idea who he was, he could only feel shame when he thought of it.
"Okay, Mr. Fancy," you chuckled, "Let's continue your musical adventure."
Even as you proceeded to serve him with a chipper attitude, you couldn't help but be saddened by learning that he was old money. There was no way that you stood a chance, since old money families liked to marry each other and not someone who was simply the daughter of a small record shop.
At least you learned that piece of information about him early on, you reasoned.
"Back? Again?" you questioned incredulously, spying Draco stood in the doorway of your shop, "Hate to turn you away, but we're about to close."
"I know."
You paused, frowning slightly as you grasped hold of the door, "Uh, okay, then... bye?" You began slowly shutting the door.
Again, you paused.
"I need help."
Opening the door fully again, you placed a hand on your hip as you said, "With regards to what?"
You didn't know what to think when he presented a small battered flip phone to you on his milky white palm.
"A phone?"
"I found it. On the floor."
"Musta fell outta someone's pocket," you shrugged, "Happens - why do you need help?"
"Well, don't we need to do something about it?"
All you could do was look at him curiously.
"Is that not- is that not what you do?" maybe he was overcompensating for his past by trying desperately to do one small good deed, or maybe he was trying to prove to you that he was a good person even though you had no reason to believe otherwise. Either way, he wanted to return the muggle contraption to its rightful owner.
"I mean- I guess? If you're feeling nice," you said simply, "Can't lie, I'd probably leave it for someone else to deal with."
"How do I return it?"
You sighed, "Just call the last person they called."
"Right, okay."
Much to your confusion, Draco stared at the device as if he was trying to will it into doing what he wanted.
"You do know how to call someone, yes?" you asked, your arms now folded across your chest.
With a sigh of defeat, he shook his head.
You rolled your eyes, stepping aside, "Come in."
Once Draco was inside your shop, you shut the door and flipped the sign from 'open' to 'closed'.
"Give it," you made a grabbing motion with your fingers, and the man before you immediately handed over the device, "It's really easy-" he watched in amazement as you flipped open the phone, "-just use the arrow buttons here to go to call history- and, oh, look! Last person they called was their mum- press the green call button and bam."
You presented the now dialling phone to him.
"They have been notified now?"
"Well, her phone will be ringing- hopefully she'll pick up."
"Pick up?"
"Hello?" a voice from the phone announced, "Cadie?"
"Hello, ma'am, your daughter dropped her phone and we found it."
"Oh, I see. Thank you- I'll let her know so she can pick it up. Where's a good place?"
As you told the concerned mother the address of your record shop, you watched Draco's intrigued expression.
You hung up, placing the phone on a nearby surface and beginning to walk to the back room, "Would you like some tea?" you asked.
He stared blankly at you for a few moments, before nodding, "Please."
"How do you take it?"
"No milk, one sugar."
You chuckled to yourself at his strange way of having tea.
Draco watched you as you chatted mindlessly while sipping your tea, almost entirely forgetting that he had his own cup sat to his side. Your topics were classically boring - yet so interesting to him. He was enthralled to learn about the different characters in your family, and the trials and tribulations of your school years. He hadn't even realised how little he had said until you pointed it out.
"What about you?"
"Hm?" he went, snapping out of his daze.
"I feel like I've just been talking about myself this entire time. Where did you go to school?"
"Oh- uh-" he desperately pulled together all his thoughts, "A private boarding school in Scotland."
Your mouth dropped open, "Wow, that's cool."
He shrugged.
"Did you miss your family while you were away all year?"
Again, he shrugged, "My mother, yes- my father... not so much."
"I don't see my father at all," you added, to make him feel more comfortable about sharing details of his own father, "I used to... but I realised it was always me reaching out and not him so I stopped. Haven't heard from him since."
Draco nodded, "My father is in prison."
He didn't know why he told you, only realising what he had just said when you froze for a few seconds with widened eyes.
"Can I ask what for?" you asked in a squeaky voice.
"Uh... terrorism, murder... that sort of thing," he had no clue why he was being so honest. Had you put veritaserum in the tea?
You cleared your throat, wanting to delicately change the subject but lacking a way on how to do it naturally. Draco observed you, and opened his mouth to say something more when a knock sounded on the door.
"That's- uh- that's probably the phone owner," you said quickly, rushing to your feet to run out of the back room and let them in.
You opened the door to be faced with a short brunette woman.
"Cadie?" you questioned.
She nodded, "You have my phone?"
"Yes, come in."
"Thank you so much- I really can't afford a new one right now," she sighed, "I'm always losing things."
You chuckled, "I know how you feel- I'm always breaking things."
Draco appeared in the doorway to the back and picked up the phone from the counter.
Cadie sighed happily, accepting the phone and thanking the both of you profusely.
"Seriously, you have no idea how appreciative I am."
"It's no trouble, Cadie, really," you assured her.
She paused for a moment, looking around. "Is this your shop?"
You bobbed your head, "Yes, it's family-owned."
"Oh, that's so cool," she looked towards Draco, "So this is your husband?"
You were so taken aback you couldn't even form a response. Before either of you could reply, the phone began ringing.
"It's my boss! I have to take this," she said, "Thank you so much again. You two are a cute couple." And with that final comment, she departed, leaving you and Draco in an awkward silence.
"I-" you began, but you were quickly interrupted.
"Go on a date with me," Draco hurriedly said, realising he had said it like an order rather than an innocent question. He was still in some ways his old bossy teenage self, socialised in a slightly abnormal way.
You took it in good humour, however, and smiled, "I would love to."
The following six months were filled with the fanciest and most luxurious dates that you could ever have possibly imagined: five star restaurants, weekends in Paris, and expensive gifts. It was heaven in all ways but one - Draco always had an excuse for you not meeting his family and friends.
For a while, you had ignored the itching feeling that he was ashamed of you and so kept you a secret, but your suspicions grew until you couldn't keep it in anymore. You had to confront him about it.
"...and I was thinking, we should go out for dinner with your mother," you said, flicking through a magazine as Draco sat on the sofa in your small but homely flat.
"When?" he asked.
"Whenever's good for her."
You heard Draco's breath hitch.
"What? Can't come up with an excuse to get out of this one?" your tone held evident bite.
Draco turned around to face you, but his expression was unreadable.
"Are you ashamed of me, Draco?"
His eyes widened.
"I know I'm not rich, let alone old money, but I'd like to think that I'm a likeable person."
He shook his head, "It's not that-"
"Then what is it, Draco?" you snapped, feeling tears fill up your eyes, "You won't even introduce me to your friends! How am I supposed to feel?"
He stood up and began shifting on his feet and fidgeting with his hands, "It's more complicated than that."
"What? You're engaged to someone else?"
Again, he shook his head, "No, nothing like that."
"Then what?" you waved your hands about, "Because I can't date someone who treats me like a secret."
"You wouldn't believe me!" he yelled, clearly unintentionally.
You were shocked: you had never heard him yell before. "Try me," you said, your voice low.
He sighed, moving around helplessly for a few moments before striding over to his bag by your front door. He reached his hand in - what appeared to be deeper than the bag's actual depth, but you dismissed it due to your blurred vision - and pulled out a blank piece of paper, tinged brown.
He came over to you and placed it on the kitchen island you were stood behind, and pointed at the bottom of the page. "Sign here."
"It's blank," you thought he was insane.
"Just trust me. Please."
You gave him a skeptical look, but wiped your eyes and picked up a pen nonetheless, writing your signature in the area he pointed to. To your amazement, the second you finished the last letter of your name, writing appeared on the paper. As you scanned it, you were increasingly confused.
- By signing this non-disclosure agreement, you agree that as a muggle you shall not disclose the existence of wizardry and witchcraft to anyone not already in knowledge of it. You understand that by doing so, you would be breaking the law and could face potential criminalisation. The wizard or witch of whom has vouched for your approval to know of magic shall also face potential criminalisation in such a situation.
It will no longer be a criminal offence for wizards and witches to perform magic with you as a witness unless there are unapproved muggles also present.
You will be granted access to wizard-only areas including but not limited to Diagon Alley and Platfrom Nine and Three Quarters at King's Cross provided that you are accompanied by a wizard or witch. Please be aware that these permissions may vary in other countries depending on their laws surrounding muggle knowledge of magic and also their acceptance of the British Muggle Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Please sign your name below. -
"What is this?" you asked, your eyebrows furrowed.
"An NDA."
"Yes, I- I gathered that- but- what does it mean?"
"It means... that I'm a wizard."
Part of you wanted to burst out laughing at Draco's insane words, but the way he said it held so much depth that you couldn't help but take it seriously.
"Prove it."
You didn't know what you had expected, but you certainly didn't anticipate your boyfriend pulling out a wand and muttering what sounded like Latin under his breath.
The pen on the table before you morphed into a feather.
There were really no words to describe how you felt in that moment. You asked him to do it again - he turned the feather into a sharpener. You asked him to do it one more time - he turned the sharpener into a fork.
"Oh my God," you said at the volume of a whisper, stepping back and falling against the counter behind you, "What the actual fuck."
"I know this may come as a shock to you..."
"Really?" you said, "No, actually. Not freaking out at all. Not even a little."
He pursed his lips, "My family is what is known as pure-bloods. We haven't mixed with muggles when it comes to reproduction at any point in our bloodline - allegedly."
You stared at him.
"Sometimes, a witch or wizard can be born of muggle parents - we call them muggle-borns. Half-bloods make up the most of wizarding society - their ancestors are a mix of muggle, muggle-born, pure-blood and half-blood."
At your lack of speech, he continued.
"There is a culture of supremacy among pure-blood families - choosing to reproduce only with other pure-bloods to ensure the pure-blooded line continues as they believe themselves to be the only true witches and wizards."
"You're pure-blood," you mumbled.
Draco nodded, "I used to think like that. Used to bully muggle-borns in school - the school I went to being specifically for witches and wizards."
"You don't think like that anymore?"
"No," he quickly said, "I've had a lot of time to question everything I was taught to believe - but, I- there's something really bad I have to tell you. It may change your opinion of me forever and it's the reason why I have kept you away from my family and friends."
You nodded, mentally preparing yourself for what he was about to tell you.
"Years ago, there was a war in the wizarding world..." he began.
You had never seen Draco in tears before, but when he reached the details of the final showdown between Harry Potter (a heroic celebrity in the wizarding world) and Lord Voldemort (a wizard terrorist), he broke down in sobs as he recalled him walking over to the latter's side. Tears were falling down your cheeks soon too, and you quickly brought Draco into your arms and felt him collapse into you.
"I regret it every single day," he said through sobs, "Why didn't I have more of a backbone?"
"You were just a boy, Draco," you soothed him, "You didn't want your family to be killed."
He cried harder.
"My opinion of you is not changed - by the sounds of it you never actually killed anyone yourself," you thought back to the Professor Dumbledore section of the story, "In fact, it sounds like you couldn't bring yourself to."
"I can never make up for my past, Y/N."
You stroked his hair, "You dating a muggle is pretty solid evidence you're trying to."
"I'm not dating you because you're muggle," he pulled back from you and looked you in the eyes.
You chuckled slightly, wiping the tears off his cheeks with your thumbs, "That's not what I was saying. Young you would have never even considered entering the muggle world, and yet here adult you is."
He gave you a small smile, "I love you."
You beamed, but teardrops were still cascading down your cheeks, "I love you too."
"Let's have dinner with my mother on Sunday."
"Mr Malfoy, you may see your father now," the Azkaban worker said, who Draco couldn't help but think reminded him strongly of Filch. An old miserable man with long scraggly hair, an unmissable limp, and filthy dark-coloured robes. Then again, at least this worker had a reason to be miserable all the time: working in the breeding ground of fear and desolation. Filch was by all means in a much more cheerful environment.
Draco nodded at him, and followed his lead down shadowed narrow corridors, caked in dirt and dust. They turned a few corners and went up a few sets of dangerously steep stairs before reaching a cell block with moans and whines coming from every cell - except one.
In all honesty, Draco hadn't known what to expect when he came to see his father: he hadn't visited once since his arrest. But Lucius looked quite different than the proud man he once was, with his once well-kept long blond hair being knotty and entwined with filth, and his once healthy (albeit pale) complexion being overly skinny with sallow sunken features. He looked up at his son, still being able to produce a slight scowl.
"So, you finally decided to visit," he drawled, but his voice was too broken to hold the same threat it used to.
"Yes, father, I have some things I need to say to you," despite Lucius' weakened state, Draco still held some lifelong fear of the man, but he had to remain strong in front of him.
"And what would that be?"
"I have a girlfriend, and I plan to propose to her."
Lucius raised an eyebrow, "Your mother has not mentioned this," Narcissa frequently visited her husband.
"She didn't find out until last week."
After some seconds of silence, Lucius slowly rose to his feet and stood face-to-face with Draco at the cell gate. "What is her name?"
"Y/N L/N."
"L/N does not ring a bell. Which bloodline is she from?"
Draco felt intimidated by his father's close proximity, but still managed a smirk, "She isn't of pure blood, Father."
Lucius' eyes widened, "You don't mean to say she's- half blood? Or worse- a- a mudblood?"
"Worse," his smirk grew, "She's muggle."
The ghostly shock that flooded over Lucius' face made Draco feel a triumph over his father he had never felt before, and gave him the confidence to feel as though he had the upper hand in their interaction. He stepped closer to the cell and lowered his voice.
"And I'm going to marry her, and have children with her, and you will have to spend the rest of your life rotting in this cell knowing that the Malfoy pure blood line has been permanently tainted."
"You can't do this," Lucius said through gritted teeth, "After everything we fought for."
Draco hummed, "See, I thought it was time for me to finally fight for something good."
written; 02/06/2023 —> 17/07/2023 published; 17/07/2023 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @workinatdapyramid @iluvweasleys
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Hey, sweetie! Could you do something for “Being Harry Potter's twin sister?”. You know... Their whole trajectory, their discovery of Sirius and Remus (who might be her godfather). She has an unusual friendship with Neville and the Weasleys (especially the twins and Fred, who she has a crush on and is fully reciprocated with). Thanks for the attention 🌷🩶.
Being Harry Potter's Twin sister Headcanons:
Paring: Fem!Reader x Brother!Harry Potter, Fem!Reader x Fred Weasley.
Summary: your life as the chosen one's sister.
A/n: so I might split this up with each year. Sorry this took so long and it's not edited.
🧡Master List 🧡Potter MasterList
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So I feel like you and Harry would be totally different, and it might sound stereotypical, but you look like your mom with your dad's eyes.
Also you do have a scar, I looks like Harry's but it's on your wrist.
Most muggles and wizards forget your twins beacuse you look nothing alike.
With Harry I think he trusts adults a little too quick, with the treatment the Dursly's caused I think you'd have major trust issues. You only really trust Harry.
Harry is almost extremely over protective of you and sometimes thinks he's the older brother because he happens to be taller and five minutes older. “you know I'm five minutes older than you, right?”
“why does that bloody matter?”
Harry would do anything to keep you safe from Dudley and the other Dursley, I think Petunia would be harsher on you because you remind her so much of Lily and Dudley just think it's a game to terrioz you.
“keep your hands off her!” Harry shouted and pushed your cousin off you aching body.
People Don't know how relieved you were to get your Hogwarts letter.
Year one:
Like I said before you don't trust people as easy as Harry does, so when Hagrid came to rescue you two you were very reluctant and let Harry do most of the talking.
I'd say the Dursly's treatment causes you to be jumpy and very much aware of your surroundings, meaning you were hiding behind Harry when Hagrid came by.
But you learned to trust him during the trip to Digon Ally, he got Harry an owl and you a Ferrett named Seeley.
You also discovered your wand was related to The 'murder' Sirius Black's wand.
The first person you'd actually meet first is Fred and George, Hagrid had taken you to a candy shop in Digon ally and you both were after the last box of all flavor beans.
“you go ahead” he smiled when he saw you flinch back. “no, you” you respond.
Fred shook his head with a smile and handed you the colorful box. “no, you shouldn't take things from a pretty lady” that made you blush and take the box nervously.
And saved by the bell wizard, Harry called your name. “I got it go... Bye”
He didn't even get your name. Fred watched you run away with hearts in his eyes. George looked at him confused when he saw no candy in his hands.
“Georgie, I think I'm in love” he smiled like an idiot.
George, not knowing how to respond smiled.
When you got to Hogwarts you met Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy.
You had found Neville's Toad Trevor and was the one to return him. I think Neville would be star struck with you, your kindness to him and how pretty you were, he definitely had a crush on you immediately.
With Draco he just had infatuation, with Fred and Neville it was actual attraction(Neville more at the time) but with the Blonde Slytherin he saw you as someone he could get back at his parents with. The daughter of Lilly and James, Lucicus hated them and his eyes it would be a perfect opportunity to rebell a little.
You saw right threw him, you may not trust people immediately, but you do like to get to know them before you pass judgment. Draco lost your judgment as soon as he disrespected Ron and the rest of the Weasleys.
“listen you little Ferrett, leave Ron and his family alone”
I don't think the twins would take you being teased lightly, Fred didn't really care what Draco thought about him but him saying something about you or George is usually the last straw.
Anyway, the sorting hat didn't know what house to put you in. He was stuck between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. “your a lot smarter than people give you credit for...your also brave, maybe even braver than your brother”
The hat did consider your feelings, he didn't just put you in Gryffindor because you were afraid to be separated from Harry, he did because he wanted to prove how brave and strong you were.
Gryffindor was ecstatic to have both Potters, especially Fred and George. They both cheered with the rest of their house mates and gave you the empty spot next to them.
With that I think you'd have your own trio, you are very close to Hermione and Ron both, but your defently best friends with the twins.
Your also close with Neville, people might think your a body guard and would even teas him for it, but you actually love Neville company and think he's tougher than he relizes.
Some people might not realize you got on the Quidditch team beofer Harry, you became a Chaser.
During your first game the twins wouldn't leave your side, Fred was afraid you'd get hurt. I think the whole team was considering you were a first year.
Harry's broom was the only one that was supposed to get jinxed but you got in the way. You got swang around like crazy while the twins and Oliver tried to help you. It drove Harry crazy he couldn't help you, but he had his own jinxed broom to deal with too.
Ron and Hermione of course thought it was Snape, but it wasn't. He was concentrated on helping you... Even more than Harry.
You remind him of Lily... like a lot, so I think it would make him less biter towrds you. Yeah it'll hurt him to see you at first, but I think he wouldn't be harsh on you like he is Harry.
During the holiday we know Harry saw your parents in the mirror of erase, but as much as you loved your parents I don't think that's what you saw. You can't change the past, so you just wanted some kind of family. So when you looked in the mirror you saw the Weasleys.
You and the twins had been extremely close, especially Fred. During the holidays Molly sent you a sweater with your initial and Fred got you a paracord bracelet with a heart charm. He and george had matching ones(minus the heart) so at the time it was friendship bracelets.
When you went to see the mirror by your self Professor McGonagall cought you, she really liked you and thought you were a bright student. You don't get to show it much because Hermione always beats you too it.
Speaking of professors and Hogwarts staff, I think Hagrid would help you discover your love for animals and magical creatures. Which ment you were pissed when Draco ragged about Hagrid's baby dragon.
Your love for magical creatures also helps you and the golden trio get passed Fluffy the three headed dog.
You and Hagrid bonded over talking about animals and you guys grew closer because of that.
It still bewilders Ron how you saw innocents in the dog and though he was cute.
You didn't want to go back to the Dursly's, but with the events that transpired this year you were afraid to stay at Hogwarts too, but you couldn't help but love the place, as dangerous as it was it was also safe and full of wonderful people.
Year two:
So for starters I think Doby would annoy the hell out of Harry's sister and I think she would be pissed off he was at the Dursly's warring them instead of Ginny or Hermione or even Colin.
So when you got back from Hogwarts you and Harry did have to share Dudley's second bedroom, it was cramped and always hot, but it was better than living under the staircase.
So, remember when the Dursly's tried to stop Harry from going to the Burow with the Weasley's? Well Harry did get in their little blue Angler, but when he did Vernon grabed you causing Fred to jump through the window and get you.
Molly would be so happy to see you again and even kinda embarrassed Fred. “y/n darling, I'm so glad your hear... Fred hear wouldn't shut up about you all summer”
“mom!” Fred look embarrassed while George was trying to cover his laughter for his brother's sake.
The burow is big but it's also cramped at times, so you and the twins share a room, your best friends and your comfortable with each other. Your just kids right now and there's no dirty thoughts to it just three best friends having a sleep over.
Thoses night Fred found out about your nightmares, George is a heavy but one night you woke up Fred when you were tossing and whimper beacuse of them. You only remember your parents death in your dreams and currently your adventures from last year.
Fred comferted you through out the night. He didn't make you talk about it, just held you. George teased you guys when he woke up the next morning and saw you guy cuddling. You guys let it slide since he didn't know the situation.
But, During your stay I think you'd grow closer to George, your both the quieter of the twins and are usually the followers. You would tell him you hated all the attention being Harry's sister brings.
Fred would get jealous, really jealous but he loves you both too much to bring it up. George knows how much Fred cares about you and your relationship with George is strictly Platonic.
George knows Fred like the back of his hand and he told him that. “you know we're just friends, right? I'd never hurt you like that”
Speaking of friends, since it's ginny's first year you and the twins are all pretty protective, which ment you were about to kick Draco's teath out when he was hassling her at the book shop in Digon ally.
“touch her and it'll be the last thing you ever do”
You also despise Lockheart, You and the twins spend most of the year messing with him. Especially when it comes to quizes about himself.
“my favorite smell isn't the ass of a hairless dog!” Lockheart yelled after reading our answers.
You broke your arm during the Quidditch match where Draco and Harry we're going add it. The people and the teams were too busy watching your brother to realize you got knocked off your broom.
Fred cought you before you could hit the ground and he took you to madam Pomfrey with George and Hagrid's help.
That day you realized since you weren't the chosin one like Harry you weren't that inresting. But that didn't matter to your closest people. To Fred you were the greatest thing to ever enter hogwarts.
He stayed with you the entire time and helped you with assignments till you got better.
You weren't part of this year's adventure. You were too worried about taking care of Ginny and Hermione.
Years 3:
So after the whole blowing up aunt marge incident you went to the Burow(in this universe you go straight there).
You told the twins about aunt Marge and they couldn't stop laughing. You now call it "the incident" and it kinda became inside joke, Ginny getts annoyed with not knowing what it means.
“you keep saying 'the incident'! What doses that mean?”
You did find about Sirius black and that he was Harry's godfather. You would think he'd be yours too but really it was never confirmed since Lilly wanted Remus to be the godfather.
Remus told you about the once playful argument that James and Lily had about that. I think you'd grow really close to Remus.
He's the first adult you trusted immediately. You tell him everything and he becomes the first ever real father figure you've ever had.
Aurther is kinda of a father figure but you don't want to see him that way since your in love with his son.
Anyway, you find out about Remus being a werewolf just beacuse you were wondering around on a full moon, you weren't scared like a normal person should be which suprised him. You promised to never say anything.
It got annoying when Hermione kept asking werewolf questions when she started to have her suspicions.
You were relieved when you found out Sirius didn't actually kill your parents. You found out Sirius was really fun to be around. While Remus was a shoulder to cry on or sortof a body guard, Sirius was c comedic relief and learned how to make you and Harry laugh.
Year 4:
Your fourth year is when Fred and you really started to act on your feelings. When you went to the Quidditch world cup, Fred kissed you after your favorite team won.
Since death eaters showed up it was short lived and you guys didn't really speak of it till later.
You didn't try to get your name in the goblet of fire like your two best friends, nor was your name put in there.
It was bizarre... You wanted to do it just to prove you were just as brave and important as Harry. Fred helped you relize how important and loved you were during the last two summers, but since your name didn't get put in there like Harry's you felt pushed to the side lines again.
Fred was a little bit upset at your mindset. He didn't want you thinking you were useless but he also didn't want you in danger.
“why would you want to! It's dangerous, I don't know what I'd do If you got hurt!”
Then it turned into an argument. “I want to do It because I'm tired of being in his shadow I want to prove I'm just as strong! And why dose it matter if I was in the tournament or not?”
“beacuse I love you! The Wizarding world might not have chosen you but I do... And I know we're just kids but I do know that I love you”
Your heart melt and if felt like all your walls came crashing down. You knew you were important to him, but it finally clicked that you were is first choice from the beginning. No Harry, no chosin crap, he just wanted you.
You had your first real kiss in mouths. A rough but passionate kiss. He poured so mush love and emotion in it, he wanted to prove he wanted you and only you.
Then you became a couple, a few side problems kinda showed up. Hermione and Krum, then you and Neville... He wanted to asks you out so bad but then he finally had the confidence to ask you out he found you and Fred kissing.
You knew when something was bothering Neville, he became stand-offish and wouldn't really talk to you. When he confronted you all his emotions came out. He told you everything and even end his rant that he rather have you as a friend than not having you at all.
“but then I realized our friendship means more to me than anything, I'm happy for you and Fred but I don't want to lose my best friend”
“You won't...”
The Yule Ball was so much fun, you of course went with Fred and everything was perfect.
Having Cedric die was hard, you wernt close to him but having him die made you appreciate you brother again. You two became distant since you felt put on the side lines, but when you thought about Harry dying you couldn't help but cry.
“you and me against the universe” Harry said after you talked about it to him. “I'll always protect you and I'm sorry if you felt like I pushed you away”
Harry really did feel bad, but he felt even worse when he found out about you and Fred. He's been so busy he didn't even know you have a boyfriend for like three months.
He was happy for you both, he trust you'd be treated right and didn't feel like he had to put up an over protective brother facade.
Year 5:
So Remus is defently over protective and put the fear of murlin in Fred, but he knew Fred was a good guy.
You and Fred also worked hard to get Tonks and Remus together. You knew how much he loved her but he wouldn't act upon it.
Also with Voldemort back you were eager to join the order of the Phoenix, even if you weren’t old enough. And you better believe Fred would be right behind you.
“I'm in” you said.
“NO!” Remus and Sirius both said at the same time.
Okay so it's your fith year and Fred's last year, it's kinda of upsetting but it just encourages you guys to make the most of the year.
You love helping the boys sell their products and even help come up with some new ideas.
Rather the product are safe or not your usually the one to sell the product to fellow classmates, especially the females. George says to can sell a drowning man water.
The year was great... Till the pink monster showed up and started changing everything.
She got under Fred's skin like crazy and Umbridge knew it, he didn't really care what she did to him, took away one of his prank toys he doesn't care he'll just make a new one but what he didn't lightly is when you had to endore one of her detentions.
You didn't want the boys knowing or worry Fred and Harry. He accidentally found out when he grabed your soar hand the wrong way.
“I'm gonna end her!”
You had to grabe him and convince him if he did anything he'd get kicked out of school... Which he didn't care.
You knew about them dropping out and you even help plan their excape.
After they left Fred wrote to you almost every day, filling you in about the shop and telling you about the success.
You couldn't be more proud of them and even planed on working there that summer but the end of there made you forget about it.
Sirius had died protecting you, Bellatrix was about to use the same spell on you that she used on Mr. And mrs. Longbottom. Neville tried to protect you but Sirius bet him to it the only cost was his life.
During the summer you mostly stayed with the twins and worked at the shop, things got better and Fred worked hard to cheer you up.
He loves spending most of his time with you and doesn't really care if people see.
“your not supposed to get handsy with the staff” you joked.
“I won't tell if you want”
Year 6:
Not Much happened... That concerned you at least. You spent most of your year hanging out with Neville and Luna.
Harry and the other two were to busy worrying about Draco and you just didn't have the energy to care.
You quite the Quidditch team after an acadent last year so you usually helped Luna or who ever narrat the game.
You did worry about Draco though, he looked so alone and no one really cared, all Harry cared about was proving he was doing something wrong.
He grew so much respect for you when you found him crying, you didn't judge him like he expected... Just let him cry.
You filled Fred and George in about the closet stuff and how the school is going down hill.
After the school year you went home with the twins after Dumbledore's funeral, as awful as it might sound you weren't too affected by his death. You felt like Dumbledore never really cared about you or your brother.
Year 7:
So you spent most of the Summer paining and decorating for Billy's wedding, it was a good distraction.
During the battle of the seven Harry's George protected you because the death eaters would expect you to be with Fred, George got his ear blown off because he was protecting you.
After the wedding got ambushed you ended up going with the golden trio, Fred tried to go after you but Charlie stoped him I'm fear for his brother.
You spent most of the time listing to the radio with Ron, making sure George or Fred's name isn't mentioned.
During the battle of Hogwarts the twins didn't leave your side.
“you okay freddie? Y/n?” George asked.
“I'm scared” you admitted. Fred pulled you to his side and held you while George held your free hand. “I won't let anything hurt you”
When things got really heated during the battle you got separated from the two, you and George ended up meeting up in what used to be the charms room.
You started to panic when you didn't see Fred. “Wait, where's fred”
George couldn't stop you and ran in search for him, before you could even register what was happening Fred shielded you from a killing curse.
Even if your brother won the battle you lost the love of your life, you didn't really want to see anyone except George and even that hurt... Looking at his face and seeing the same eyes and freckles.
George promised if anything happens to Fred he'd make sure you'd be alright.
Super mega happy ending:
So if you chose this ending Fred didn't die, you guys got betten up but that's all.
A year later you guys got married and you worked as the care of magical creatures professor at the school, during the summer you worked with your husband and brother-in-law.
You had twins, a boy and a girl. Fred cried when he found out you'd he having twins.
George and Angelina were of course the god parents.
You are very protective of your kids, always making sure they're okay and on the anniversary of your parents death your twins sleep with you.
Your daughter is just like Fred, a total minnis in the best way possible, your son is the quieter one... Much like you and George.
Your twins joined the Quidditch team and got sorted into Gryffindor like every other Potter and Weasley.
You couldn't be more happy or proud of your family.
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mydarksecretsig · 5 months
draco malfoy one shot <3
summary: Y/n had developed an unhealthy obsession over Draco Malfoy, the blonde guy that's always mean to her. For whatever reason, she finds him really attractive. But what will happen when he finds out about this..?
warnings: smut, NSFW, vaginal sex, underage (with consent ofc), making out, unsafe sex??, loss of virginity
It was a typical Monday. Y/n was leaving her dormitory, heading to her Charms class. Everything was normal. As she was walking down the stairs, she could feel the coldness from the walls going through her robe, causing her body to lightly shake.
Soon, she arrived at the classroom. She entered, and found her usual spot next to Hermione Granger. She loved sitting there. When they took a test, Y/n always passed, since she could easily copy from the smartest girl of Hogwarts. But most important, it was the best point from which Y/n could observe Malfoy. She could notice his platinum hair and amazing features from lots of angles.
She never really understood why she felt about him this way, since he's always bullied her, about her looks, blood status, and whatever you could think of. But besides all of this, something about Draco just made her totally fall for him. Maybe because he acted authoritary, which filled the gap in her heart that was caused by her daddy issues.
Class began, as professor Flitwick entered the classroom. He began teaching something, but of course, Y/n was not paying attention. All she could focus on was Malfoy. She was staring lustfully at his pale, veiny hands, fantasising about what those hands could do, other than write.
Class passed quickly. Y/n exited the class, and began walking back to her dungeon. However, she was suddenly interrupted by a pair of cold hands grabbing her, one from her body, while the other was pressing against her mouth. She was pulled in an empty, dark room. Then the strange pair of hands pinned her against a cold wall. She realised that it was Malfoy, as he was now standing in front of her, pinning her there, his breath close to hers. "So is it true, Y/l/n?", he whispers, with a hint of tease in his tone.
"What are you talking about, Malfoy?", she asks, trying to seem rude, unbothered even, tho, deep inside this was actually turning her on. "You touch yourself? Thinking about me?", he asks flirtatiously, with a manner of genuine curiosity. Y/n is taken aback. How could he possibly know? Was he spying on her? "Who told you that?", she answers, totally surprised. "Your dear friend, Parkinson, if you really want to know."
Y/n is even more shocked. She opened up to Pansy the night before, telling her about the way that Draco makes her feel, and about her fantasies. Y/n thought she was a real one, but apparently, she was just a backstabber, like everyone else.
"I- I can explain-" , Y/n tried to say, but then Draco cut her off. "No need for that. I knew I was attractive, but I never thought I'd have someone fully head over heels for me." he smirks.
Y/n looks at him awkwardly, deeply attracted to the way his breath was mixing in hers. She also had no idea what Draco's intentions were.
"You know, maybe we could make those filthy fantasies of yours come true." he adds as his lips aggressively slam onto hers. Surprised, she follows her first instinct, to kiss him back. His minty taste fills up Y/n's mouth, as their tongues twist together. Draco's hands run over her body, as she lets out light moans, from the pleasure she's always dreamed of. He then picks her up from her waist and carries her to the nearest desk, where he places her as they continue making out. His erection was growing harder each moment, unable to wait anymore.
"Tell me how much you want me, Y/n" he says, breathing heavily, as he unbuckles his belt. "I want you, Draco. I want you to fuck me until I can't walk anymore." she replies as she takes of her skirt and underwear. Draco is satisfied with her words, as he unzips his pants and then pulls them off along with his boxers, revealing his massive dick. "Your wish is my desire", he speaks. He then enters her vagina with no hesitation, thrusting slowly into her. Y/n lets out a moan, since she was a virgin, and the dick was enormous, way bigger than she'd imagined it to be. Draco thrusts faster and faster as each moment passes. "Fuck, you're tight." he abruptly says. His right hand goes down to Y/n's clit, making slow and circular moves on it. "I- I'm gonna come" she moans, as she feels her climax coming. "Then do it, Y/l/n" he says roughly as he still enters and exits her now soaking wet pussy. As Y/n reached her climax, she moans loudly, which makes Draco to also come. He whimpers as he does it.
He then pulls his boxers and pants back on. Y/n gets up from the desk, putting her clothes back on. They were both still breathing heavily. "Same time, same place tomorrow?", Draco questions.
Taken a bit aback, Y/n stares at him a bit then nods.
They both walk out of the classroom, going different ways, acting like nothing happened.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
This is a rant that is going to end in a question that I genuinely want the answer to.
I've recently seen (in the past year or so) an uptick in people online using the word "delusional" casually or as an insult. Worse even than that, "delulu" which I believe originated on Tiktok or Twitter (likely places for ableism to come from, yeah, fork found in kitchen etc etc). The only people I really see calling this behavior out are, you guessed it, actually delusional or psychotic people.
Typically it's thrown around to describe someone's "weird" or "chronically online" beliefs. Like using it to talk about reality shifters or RPF shippers who think their ship is actually together or etc. And, like, while I don't disagree that spiritual psychosis or "the belief that someone is sending me signals via social media" are real actual delusional behaviors/can lead to actual delusions, I really don't think that believing you can shift to Hogwarts to see Draco or that you have a mental connection to the Stranger Things universe or that Taylor Swift is queer and flagging via music videos really fits the criteria for spiritual psychosis or erotomania or what have you *in itself* - meaning if you live an otherwise normal life and only get out of touch with reality when you're on #MaraudersTok or r/LarryStylinson, you're likely not delusional, or at least not delusional enough for it to impact your functionality.
So, that begs the question, WHY? Why use delusional to describe stupid chronically online drama? Like, I'm being genuine, I truly do want to know why. Are these people misusing/misunderstanding what the word delusional means? Are they armchair diagnosing? Do they think these people are actually experiencing psychosis, and if so, why are they using said diagnosis as an insult or as part of their moral flaws? Why are they so bothered and obsessed with someone else's "delusion", especially when the delusion in question isn't hurting them and is just a stupid thing like thinking that some random celeb is about to hard launch their coming out or that they can teleport to a fictional world?
(also, PLEASE, I know it sounds like I have specific beef with shifters or gay rpf truthers, I DON'T, nor am i necessarily 'defending' these communities, 'cuz i know they do have actual issues outside of just being cringe or whatever. I don't want gaylor shift malfoy snapewives discourse, i want "why are you using a psychotic disorder to describe these fringe fandom communities" discourse, and in the circles i run in that's just the type of people who are described as delusional the most - I know that the overall issue runs much deeper, I just figured Id ask a fandom blog why the word is so prevelant in fandoms, especially in specific "types" of fandoms)
Like, I'm not looking for an argument of "it's ok to use delusional so casually" or "yeah i agree it's so fucked up that people throw that word around :/" all i want is an honest and concise answer of WHY delusional has become the Hot New Armchair Diagnosis For Weird People On TikTok or whatever.
Lots of words get used with a colloquial definition and people aren't really thinking about their technical meaning.
K-pop fandom. Blame them.
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rockingrobin69 · 8 months
First things First
“Not this again,” Harry murmured, with the eyeroll and the tragic sigh and the telling quiver in the corner of his lips.
“Sorry,” Draco grinned.
“You know I hate it when you—” gasped when Draco took his hand, pressed a kiss to the back of his palm. “Malfoy.”
Draco batted his eyelashes. He’d heard from a very credible source they were devilishly long, and awfully convincing. “What? Am I not allowed to court my partner?”
“Allowed isn’t really the issue. We’ve been married for three years, arsehole. There’s no need to court me.” Still, with a slightly-trembling hand, he took the flower. “Where’s this from, then.”
Grin widening: “A village near Halifax. Got rid of the nastiest case of Knottivites you’d ever seen, the poor lamb was barely even visible underneath it. Got her trimmed and happy by tea-time, and the field was just lovely on the way back, all blossoming. Made me think of you.”
“Because the grass is just like my eyes,” Harry said, in a tone that was probably meant to sound mocking, failed miserably. “No, let me guess, a flower reminded you of my lips.”
Such cheek could only be met with decisive action, Draco thought, and grabbed his husband by the waist, brought him close-close. “It was actually a tree,” with a huff, and a kiss to the tip of his nose. “A specific curve in a branch. Perfect, just like your arse.”
“Oi!” Harry squealed when Draco pinched, “get your—honestly! Draco, that tickles, you son of a—ha, ow, ow, stop!”
Flushed-cheeked and in his arms, unbearably sweet, laughing and squirming. “Never,” Draco said, and he meant it. “Harry, I—”
“No! Stop it! You silly thing, I know,” breathless, “I know you’re a sap and I know you’re relentless and I hate how, how,” stopped there, shook his head. “I can’t think when you’re like this. Can’t you just, insult me a little or something?”
“In a minute,” Draco promised, nudging until he had access to Harry’s neck, to kiss it and kiss it. “I think I kind of like you like this.”
“Shut up,” still laughing. “You like me any way.”
Draco hummed. “It’s possible.”
“And you’re im—Draco, ha ha, stop!” to the probably-ticklish nips up his jaw, behind his ear. “What about dinner, you git. Stop with the bloody, attack, okay, we get it, you like me!”
“Do we,” with a lick just to drive the point across. “Do we get it. That I like you. Honestly, Potter, sometimes I think you’re doing this on purpose.”
“Doing wh-hat!” the cry turning into an actual shriek when Draco picked him up, legs automatically fitting around Draco’s waist. “What the fuck!”
Harry was heavy, and Draco’s whole body was sore from casing all day in the field. Happy, happy, he carried his husband to the sofa, and dropped him there with a thud. Climbed on top of him, crushing a bit. “Do we get it now?”
“That you’re a twat? Yeah, baby, we knew that already.”
“Mm-hm,” with a helpless grin. “And you hate it, of course.”
“Despise it,” this fire in his eyes, truly unbearable.
Draco traced his bottom lip with a gentle thumb. “Abhor it,” he added nonsensically.
“Detest it,” nodding, spreading his thighs wider, wiggling so Draco slid closer. “C’mon, Malfoy, quit nattering and kiss me already.”
“You fiend,” with affection thick in his throat. “Do you get it, though. How much I like you. How I think you’re the loveliest thing in the world, and the prettiest, the most precious—”
Harry put his hand on Draco’s mouth, then replaced it with his own. “Yes,” in between kisses, breathless, “yes, I got it, okay. I’m lovely and precious and you’re a prick.”
“He truly does get it,” ducked, still laughing. “What about dinner.”
“We’ll get to it,” getting himself comfortable on the sofa, red-cheeked and the dearest thing Draco’s ever seen. His husband, who’s so easily flustered and so incredibly sweet. “What about my kisses.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” raising an eyebrow, “I thought perhaps it’d be too sappy for you to—”
Harry smiled against his lips: dinner would have to wait. This was more important.
(Flufftober day 14. Find the soft AO3 collection here). In this ficlet, Draco is a Magi-vet in honour of @unleashed-fest, a wonderful fest fluf-full of magic, animals, magical animals, and lots of fun. Go check it out!
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thomasisaslut · 11 months
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Draco Malfoy x F!Reader
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First Time?
Word count: 2.4k
Includes— Loss of Virginity, Blow jobs, Fingering, Hair pulling.
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On Ao3 — https://archiveofourown.org/works/48644014
On Wattpad — https://www.wattpad.com/story/346895151-𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭-𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞-𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨-𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
C.ai bot based of of fic — https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=6M7sow35NMVt9bcMWC3Hpynu7D-lujUv0HUCy9E9Zks
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Brewing your antidote for common poisons potion was a simple task, even if you boyfriend—Draco Malfoy—of one year was standing directly beside you working on his own version it was a fairy simple task. You have always excelled at potions and one as simple as this was no big issue.
Your potions fade from a dark blue navy color to vibrant teal, at that moment you knew your potion was finished.
"Professor Slughorn!" You say from across the room.
His head turns you, "Yes? Ms. [Last Name]?"
"I have finished my potion sir."
He smiles, "Brilliant! Place it when cooled and bottled on my desk." He states before turning back to the Gryffindor student he was helping.
Draco nudges your shoulder, "Good job, princess." He smirks then returns to his potion.
Around 5 minutes pass and you bottle your cooled potion, after placing it on Professor Slughorn's desk you stride back to your desk beside Draco.
"Need any help with that, Dray?" You ask, looking at his potion that was a sky blue, way off from the goal color. He nods.
You begin to help your boyfriend with his potion, explaining to him what he did wrong and how he can recover the brew before class ends. Upon fixing the potion the Hufflepuff boy beside him knocks his arm, causing the entire bottle of powdered unicorn horn to fall into the brew—you quickly move Draco out of the way as the brew explodes. Once the potion has settled down your clothes are slightly burnt and a total mess.
"Merlin- Are you alright, love?" He asks, taking a small rag and wiping the soot of your face. You nod but he examines your face anyway.
"Alright.." Draco says before turning to the Hufflepuff boy and glaring at him. He demands an apology for ruining his brew and your clothes, the Hufflepuff—obviously scared of the Malfoy—apologizes for both reasons. Draco then turns back to you.
"Are you certain you're alright?" He asks, clearly concern.
You giggle a bit before coughing up a bit more smoke and nodding.
"Yes, just a bit..." You look down to your white—now stained with soot clothes before finishing your sentence. "A bit messy..."
He chuckles, "We'll clean up in the dorm?" He says, placing his larger Slytherin robe on your smaller figure.
"But we still have class-" Before you could finish your sentence Professor Slughorn interrupts you.
"You two may leave, Ms. [Last Name] I'll have your potion graded by tonight, Mr. Malfoy you can return at the end of the day to begin a new batch?" He offers with a smile.
"No credit will be taken off for the mistake."
He was much nicer than Professor Snape.
"Yes, thank you, Professor." You say before grabbing your bag then your boyfriends hand and leaving the potions classroom.
On the walk back to the Slytherin dorms you can't help but notice Draco seems anxious, so you speak.
"Are you alright, Dray?" You ask, now concern for him.
He nods. "I'm just worried, are you sure you aren't injured? Even just a bit?" His eyebrows furrowed, still completely nervous for your well-being.
You giggle a bit before nodding, finally he understands that you're completely fine and instead—just a bit messy.
Eventually the two of you reach the Slytherin dorms, even if you were in the dungeons to begin with it took a while to get there. Walking in you and Draco head to the girls side of the dorm then to your small room inside of the dormitory.
"Would you like me to leave? For privacy?" Draco asks once inside of the smaller dorm room.
You shake your head no, walking to your large standing dresser, it was black with a small Slytherin symbol on the side of it—it truly matched you.
"Are you certain?" He asks again.
"Yes, Draco, I'm positive." You look over your shoulder to smile at him, he's standing awkwardly by the door.
"I promise I don't bite, love." You giggle then go back to searching for another white dress shirt—along with a new Slytherin tie, skirt, and robe. You groan, not finding any.
"Something wrong, princess?" He asks.
"I have no other shirts, Dray." You frown at your empty dresser.
"You could wear one of mine?" He suggests.
You ponder for a moment before speaking.
He nods then the two of you make your way to the boy's side of the Slytherin dormitory. Once there Draco leads you to his dresser—the same design as yours was—pulling out a white dress shirt and handing it to you. You smile then begin to take off your filthy tie, once that is off you strip off the stained black white shirt, then you move to your tights, and then, finally your dark green and black plaid skirt. When removing your clothes you can't help but feel your boyfriends gaze, when you glance towards him you see his eyes filled with pure lust. He notices your eyes and instantly looks away, his cheeks now flushed.
"Sorry" he mutters, his gaze completely locked on the hard wood floor.
You giggle then move closer to him, tilting his head up with your finger cupping his jaw.
"Don't worry about it, Dray." You smirk.
You notice his cheeks are a deep red now, his eyes flicking from your eyes to your breasts that are held in a dark green lace bra.
"You're very beautiful like this, my love..." He says, staring at your eyes—his cheeks completely flushed as he stutters over his words.
"Why thank you." You say, still smirking. An idea then comes to you. Before speaking you watch as his eyes scan your body from head to toe.
"My love."
His eyes snap back up to meet yours.
"Yes?" He asks, still flustered.
Without another word you tilt his head up a bit more before pecking his lips, but that small kiss soon fades into a deep and passionate one. Your hands meet his pecs and you push him back onto his bed—breaking the kiss.
"[First Name]? What are you planning?" He asks a bit nervously but you hear a hint of excitement, and you see it too as you look as his bulge.
You don't say anything as you move to straddle him.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He asks as his hands practically fly to your hips.
"I'm sure you know." You say teasingly as you rock against him, you feel him grow larger.
"Wait- Princess..."
You stop your movements and go to slide off him when he stops you.
"I.. It would be my first time."
You smile and kiss him,
"It'd be mine as well, love."
You see him smile then he flips your positions.
"Then... let's continue?" He smirks, now pinning you to the bed with one hand.
With those words you begin to feel a sudden rush of wetness at your core.
You nod—truly eager for him.
He nods in return before using his free hand to trail down your already stripped body.
"So beautiful..." He mutters before connecting his lips to your neck.
He's kissed you there before, but never for sex—it excited you even more. He moves his kisses to your jawline then to under your ear, nibbling and marking your neck in deep red and purple love bites—practically littering your neck with hickeys. While he continues to mark your jaw and other bits his hand begins to trail down your neck to your breasts, wrapping his hand around your back he unclasps the lace bra and throws it somewhere behind him.
The cold air hits your nipples and they become hard little nubs, he uses his index and middle finger to begin toying with them. Whimpers pass your lips and his smirks widens.
"You like that, princess? Well prepare for more." He says before pinching your left nipple—drawing a loud moan from your throat, he smirks and does the same exact thing to your right side.
Draco continues to play with your nipples as he marks your neck—now becoming more dominant with his bites, leaving marks of his teeth ingrained on your soft skin. You can tell he's much more comfortable with the situation now.
"I want to feel you." You says, pleading as you try to move your hands from his own.
"Later, princess." He says then holds onto your wrists tighter—his grip now firm and unbreakable.
He then releases your nipple and begins to trail his hand from the hard nub down to your lower half.
"Mind if I take these off" Draco asks, his deep tone husky and alluring as he motions to the dark green panties that were matching with your bra. You nod and lift your hips, he hooks his index finger in the waistline then throws them off of your legs—they land somewhere by your bra—at least they're together.
You are snapped out of your thoughts as you feel his middle finger stroke your clit. You moan and look at his eyes, his gaze filled with the same lust as before.
He smirks from your reaction the rubs again, it was nothing like when you touch yourself—it was so much more intimate.
More moans are drawn from your throat as he moves his finger to your folds, inserting a finger into your tight cunt. He then begins to slide it in and out.
"You like that, princess?" He asks, clearly amused by your sounds.
Knowing your words would betray you-you simply nod. But at that he withdraws his finger.
"I need words, baby, or I won't continue."
He's such a tease.
"Yes! Please, I need more..." You plea.
"More? Are you sure you can take two of my fingers, princess?" He teases.
"Dray!" You whine. "I can take it, please!" You beg.
He grins before obliging, he thrusts two of his fingers into your folds before quickening his pace, curling his fingers inside of you to withdraw loud whimpers and other sounds from your throat. You try to wiggle your hands out of his tight hold but you fail—more moans flood out of your mouth as he inserts a third finger, now scissoring your wet cunt.
"Draco!" You moan loudly as you feel your climax approaching, but before it does he slides his fingers out of your pussy.
"Why did you-"
He cuts you off, "I can't have you cum without me, princess."
You whine but nod, he releases your wrists and speaks again.
"Strip me, [First Name]."
You do as told instantly, your hands fly to his tie, pulling him closer for a kiss while your hands remove his tie, you then unbutton his white dress shirt—luckily his robe is already off—you then move your hands to his belt, quickly undoing the buckles and sliding out of his black dress pants. Once the belt is gone you unzip the pants and slide then down, revealing his grey boxers that have been soaked with his pre-cum. You smirk up at him while he stands at the edge of the bed.
You have another idea.
Quickly you slide his briefs down, his large and hard cock throbbing before you.
"Princess-" You cut him off while kissing him, your hand pumping his leaking dick. He moans into the kiss, moving his hand to your hair and grasping it tightly to deepen the kiss. Biting on his lower lip he opens his mouth—your tongues now colliding in a wet, sloppy kiss. Breaking away from the kiss you hand doesn't stop stroking him, even when you stand.
"Sit on the bed, Draco." You demand, your tone lustful.
He nods and sits, once he has sat you sink to your knees before him and then you begin to pump his bulging cock again, drawing deep moans from Draco. You then bring your lips to his inner thighs, kissing and nibbling on them before pecking the tip of his erect cock.
"Be gentle, princess..." He moans, his hands clutching onto the sheets as you take the head of his penis into your warm mouth, you then flick your tongue over the slit of his cock—drawing more pre-cum into your mouth—you swallow it before taking him in deeper. His entire 6-inch now lodged into your throat as you moan around him.
"You're feel so good, love..." He whimpers then moves his hands to your scalp, holding onto your hair tightly as your nose hits his crotch area.
You then begin to bob your head.
"P-Princess..." He whimpers. "I'm close..." You smirk and remove your lips from his cock.
"Why did you-"
"I can't have you cum without me, Dray." You mock.
He chuckles then moves his hands under your armpits, throwing you onto the mattress and then moving over you again, his heads resting by your head.
"Are you ready for me, my love?"
You nod,
"Yes, Draco.."
With those two words he angles his cock at your entrance before slamming into you, his entire cock thrusted into your wet cunt. You moan loudly, he does at the same time. He then begins to move slowly, letting you adjust to the size.
"Go.. faster..." You say in between whimpers.
He nods and quickens his thrusts into your pussy, moaning with each pound.
"You take me so well, princess..." He groans then continues to propelling into you, hitting your cervix with every push.
"So close, can you take it."
"Inside, please..." You beg, wanting to feel his release deep inside of you.
He nods and continues to ram into you, his pace as quick as he could go—slamming into your cunt one final time before he cums, your pussy now filled with his seed. He notices your release hasn't come yet and he continues to ride through his orgasm.
"Draco!" You shout as your cunt squirts—your release arriving.
He smiles, sliding out of you—you can feel his cum on your thighs as it leaks from your pussy.
"You were so good for me, princess." He kisses your temple, laying beside you on his dorm bed—wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace.
You nod and rest against him, completely spent. Your eyes begin to flutter shut.
"Sleep, my love. You did amazing..." He kisses your forehead as you drift off into sleep.
He soon does the same, the two of you intertwined on his bed after you shared your first time together.
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ggwendolyn · 7 months
Go ahead and cry, little boy
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Pairing: Draco L. Malfoy x reader
Word Count: 0.6k (613)
Warnings: Angst, just pure angst, daddy issues (I mean it's Lucius fucking Malfoy, who wouldn't have daddy issues with him as a father). Maybe a little fluff at the end.
Notes: It may be kind of 'hurtful' to anyone with daddy issues, so if you're too sensitive about it this is definitely not for you.
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DRACO was your beautiful, handsome boyfriend. You two had been together for like, at least two years, and you knew him as the palm of your hand. He was such a sweet boy... well, he was a twit sometimes, but you knew it was just because of his father strict demands.
That's what led you two where you were — Your arms wrapped around his shoulders while he hugged your waist tightly, sobbing on your chest as he gripped your white shirt now stained with his tears.
“Shh, it's alright baby. It's not your fault.” You mumbled into his blonde roots, your hands softly rubbing up and down his back. He shook his head at your words, sniffing.
“Oh but it is.” He hiccuped, sobs interrupting his words and making it impossible for you to understand what he said after.
“Honey, you know I can't hear you if you cry.” He sighed once your words got into his ears, lifting up his chin to rest his head on your shoulder. “Calm down, 'mkay?”
“It's just.. It is my fault, okay? I shouldn't have listened to him, I shouldn't do what my father tells me to, but I do. And it's my fault.” He murmured, hiding his face in the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent deeply, exhaling softly through his lips.
“Dray, it's not your fault. You do what he demands because you don't want to disappoint him.” You pulled away, making him look at you as you cupped his cheek, your thumb grazing his cheekbone. “He is an abusive parent, he manipulates you, he's just a gormless wanker. You deserve love, Draco. You deserve love from a lot of people who don't give it to you.”
His eyes became glassy again, tears streamed down his cheeks, but you wiped them away and kissed his forehead.
“And I mean it. You do deserve love.” You interrupted him once you saw he was going to refuse to accept your words. “You just act like a tosser with some people because your father only taught you to judge people and be a gannet. You don't know how to open to others, you don't know how to express your emotions. And that's not your fault, it's your father's.”
“But-” Before Draco could continue, you shushed his lips with a kiss, not a passionate kiss, no, a soft, sweet kiss. His eyes fluttering close as your lips met together, his body melting into yours as you caressed his cheeks softly while you parted away from the kiss, starting to pepper kisses all along his face.
“I love you.” You said, hugging him and wrapping your arms around his neck as he snuggled into the blankets, burying his face in your chest and blowing out a sigh.
“I love you too... thank you.” Draco murmured against your shirt, his eyes puffed closing as he tried to calm down and forget about what happened with his father. “I've got to go in a few minutes.” He mumbled.
“Don't worry, I'll talk to the guys and tell them you were sick. You don't have to go to Quidditch practice if you don't want to.” Your lips curved into a small smirk as your nails scratched his scalp, trying to produce comfort.
“Would you? That would be enjoyable...” Draco asked and looked at you, his eyes now dry but reddish and puffy.
“Mhm. I'll take care of everything, love.” You nodded, your hand that wasn't caressing his roots slid down to rub circles on his back.
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© ggwendolyn 2023
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