#drafts it is for the next 26 episodes
dodgebolts · 1 year
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I had a draft of about 5 of these results ready to go pre-face reveal but then everything went to shit so just for some closure here are the results (FROM SEPTEMBER!) ^_^
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This chart shows the percentage of total respondents who indicated that they mained the people above. This isn't a comprehensive list, with other streamers like SBI, Benchtrio, or other DSMP-adjacent streamers rounding the answers out!
of the 598 people who filled out the survey, 98.5% main one of the people in the above chart, and 92.8% main one or more of the Dream Team.
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From this question, it seems like DSMP creators are the main pipeline into dtblr—but a good 40% of us didn't start on the Dream Team side!
We have a good amount of people who came from the Corpse/OTV side of Twitch, and a decent amount of you who have been here a while, since SMPLive :]
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A lot of us have been here a long time—66% of us were here before 2021. The vast majority have been here since 2021, a good 93% of us!
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I thought it'd be super interesting to see how watching the Dream Team may have changed how we interact with their primary game, and it looks like a majority of us were crafters before and still are! They managed to get nearly a fifth of his audience here into playing as well!
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A toast to the loss of most of dtblr's favorite MCC player to watch, something that we definitely mourned when we heard the news. But if you're looking for a new POV to watch, survey respondents put down a wide range of players—just outside these top 8 were Ranboo, Tubbo, Grian, Illumina, Purpled, and Hannah!
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Another loss for 6% of dtblr with how this question aged, RIP Trust Issues :( But for the remaining 94% of us, our favorite Drusic is still on streaming platforms. Change my Clothes is only...500k listens away from 67 million listens on Spotify so 👀
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Wow ok as this goes on I realize just how many chapters have ended over the last few months but a salute to the 26% of loreheads on dtblr! On to the next chapter :]
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Now to a touchy subject...who's in the dteam privs? According to the survey responses, 39% of dtblr is in all three! Interestingly, there are more people who follow Dream's alt than his main. Fair enough, there are enough piss tweets on there to warrant unfollowing it!
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Word of mouth and the YouTube algorithm seems to have been the best way for the dteam to get to us—interestingly enough, a good amount of people found out through either Heat Waves the song or through the fanfiction, ranging from it crashing ao3 to commentary YouTubers talking about it on their channels!
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Now for some psychic damage, I'm seeing a lot more of RTAH posting on my dash nowadays but here's some solidarity for everyone who may have come from similar backgrounds ^_^
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Now for some more history—a vast majority of us came from gaming content backgrounds, and nearly 17% of us were primarily mcyt enjoyers. Personal shoutout to Team Crafted viewers we're holding hands <3
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Nearly half of dtblr doesn't consume much Minecraft content outside of the stuff our boys are in, though there's still a pretty large amount of people who watch other SMP's and keep up with the speedrunning scene!
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This one is an ode to the lurkers who keep the economy strong—even now you guys are an essential part of dtblr! Same to the 30-40% of people who post the stuff for lurkers and other dtblr members to see. Everyone is important to keeping our little island afloat <3
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Now onto Banter, most of dtblr doesn't make time for Banter Wednesdays, but if there's an interesting episode, it seems like the trio will capture our attention :]
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Adding some literal variety to our results, I thought it'd be interesting to see what common variety games are our favorites! 95% of us would be tapped in wholeheartedly for Geoguessr or Jackbox streams. On the other hand, Fall Guys and Fortnite are in the middle of the pack, whereas it seems like FPS games are our mortal enemies—62% of us would tap out during Valorant while 46% wouldn't be paying attention to CS:GO.
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Onto the topic of shipping, DNF steamrolled every other ship listed to have nearly 86% of responders saying they ship it. That lines up with the follow-up question, where nearly 90% of respondents either have experience with shipping RPF in the past, or have been caught up with DNFer supreme Dream's antics. Otherwise, there was a good distribution of love for most popular ships within DTQK+, with Karlnap, DNN, and Karlnapity leading the pack at around 25% each!
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Ever wonder how dtblr is spread out across the globe because of the dash being dead at different times? Well, the vast majority of us are in North America and Europe, with 86% of us being between GMT +4 and GMT -4. Much like our streamers, though, a lot of us have fucked up sleep schedules so time zones aren't as much of an issue LMAO
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Next up is a fairly simple one, I had another question that asked for gender but there was, as expected, a lot of variance and nuance that I couldn't fit into a neat graphic. But this one is a fairly simple one to graph so Well here's the 24/7 pride parade Dream mentioned coming in hot, with about 95% of us identifying as LGBT+ or questioning!
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I wanted to test out my theory that GNF mains are also biased towards CS/Engineering fields, so I asked what people were studying! There's a pretty big bias towards the arts and humanities around here, but we also have just as many STEM people around, good on dtblr for academic diversity! As for my hypothesis, 22% of people who indicated they were George mains studied some form of CS/Engineering. George mains also made up 70% of all people who studied CS/Engineering. So cheers to my stem kid gnfers o/
Finally, I don't really know the best way to make a graphic for the favorite colors question, but just know that 50% of us chose either green or blue, and it was a near-even 25%-25% split. Great job dnfers, Dream would be proud <3
Thanks for reading! I hope that this was fun to look through, and I'll be posting an identical one for new dtblr soon! Super excited to see how things have changed since Well. anyways. Also wanted to say thank you to everyone who filled it out, reading all your answers was a ton of fun and I got a ton of laughs out of some of y'alls bonus section content and the few joke answers I got throughout <333
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Red currants I harvested the other day, and some recipe notes belonging to my great grandfather (not the recipe I tried today, but it was such a cool find I had to share it).
My post exam resting continues, and I don't know how long it will last, but I am enjoying every moment of it. Today I started planning a trip I'll be going on with my parents this weekend. I really like planning these kind of things, and I'm really excited to go on this trip. I really hope my anxiety won't fuck it up for me, but I am trying to focusing on the positive things, and in the worse case scenarios I have my meds to help me. Today I also took some time to try a new recipe I have never done before with my own hands. It's a family recipe both my grandmas used to make, and judging from the smell I have a good feeling about what I have made with my first attempt. I'll only be able to judge in a couple of days, but my hopes are high. I also worked on a reading challenge update post that has been in my draft for months and that I will hopefully post soon. I was also thinking about making a specific post on what I read in the year so far, but I honestly don't know how to structure it yet (so if anyone has any ideas let me know, I might look for a tag or something). I wanted to work in my garden but by the time I finished cooking I was tired and today it was way too hot for me to do a good job, so I have postponed that to the next few days.
Productivity and self care:
read first thing in the morning
monthly therapy session
did the first big part of my travel planning
tried making a family recipe for the first time
listened to a feel good playlist
worked on a future post
Irish on duolingo (still just doing reviews of old stuff because my burned out brain cannot focus on new topics)
listened to the newest episode of the books unbound podcast
📖: The House In The Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune
🎵:25 by The Pretty Reckless
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duhragonball · 6 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 04
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"We have to use fourteen-year-olds to pilot the Evas. And we have to make rainbow scans of their skinny little butts! The future of mankind depends on it!"
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This episode, Shinji runs away from home. Or maybe he's going back to wherever he lived before he came to Tokyo-3, so he's running away to home? He's running away is the point here.
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Misato isn't very surprised to discover this, but she's still frustrated. Then Shinji's classmates, Suzuhara and the other guy... I was gonna look him up but I looked up Suzuhara and just got spoiled so fuck that. We're calling him Big Rigg Mahoney now. Yeah, Suzuhara's taller, but I don't care. We're going with it.
Anyway, Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney show up at Misato's apartment because they haven't seen Shinji at school for days. Suzuhara wants to apologize for punching Shinji in Episode 3. He only did it because he blamed Shinji for fighting the Angel so close to the city, which got his sister hospitalized, but his sister chewed him out for this, and he and Big Rigg Mahoney got a first-hand look at what it's like for Shinji when he's piloting that Eva. That's his motivation, Big Rigg Mahoney's mostly involved because he likes war movies and likes playing soldier, and he's fascinated by the Evas, NERV Agency, etc.
They did not expect a grown woman to be living in Shinji's apartment, so they hand her his assignments from school and leave, but now they think Shinji is even cooler, because he's a badass pilot and he's living with a hot babe.
Let me get this out of the way: I did find this episode much more enjoyable than the last one. I had a good feeling about it, since the next-episode preview promised that Shinji would run away, which was encouraging because at least Shinji would have to make a conscious decision and act upon it, like some sort of fictional character might do. But then it occurred to me that maybe Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney might have kidnapped Shinji and told him to run away, in a misguided attempt to help him. And Shinji would be like "hai!" and go AWOL simply because someone told him to. That would suck, so when these two show up early in the episode and they have no idea where he went either, it was very reassuring.
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Not that it's too much of a change for Shinji. He's off on his own, but he's still mopey and dead inside. He rides the subway all the way to the end of the line, listening to his playlist of "Track 25" and "Track 26" over and over again the whole way. Then he realizes he has to "go back". I'm not sure what that means, but I assume he's talking about going back to Tokyo-3, since he doesn't seem to have a destination in mind. And yet, he's in no hurry, stopping off at a movie theater that's running some sort of film festival of Second Impact documentaries.
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He watches a couple making out in the theater. I don't know if he's envious or fascinated or disgusted, or he just doesn't know what else to do.
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Meanwhile, Misato discusses Shinji's disappearance with Ritsuko. We flash back to the aftermath of the battle in Episode 3. Misato had ordered Shinji to retreat before his Eva ran out of power, but Shinji went gonzo and killed the Angel instead. She scolded him for ignoring her orders, but he acted cavalier about it, reminding her that they won, so it doesn't really matter. She warned him that his attitude will only get him killed, and he replied that his attitude doesn't matter, because he's the only one who can pilot the Eva. It's either Shinji or Rei (who's still injured), or nobody, so they might as well let Shinji fuck around and find out. If he gets himself killed they're no worse off than if he doesn't pilot the Eva at all.
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In hindsight, Misato is kind of relieved he's gone, because at least this way he won't bring this fatalistic mentality onto the battlefield. The disconnect here is that she's some sort of career soldier, with loyalties and duties and causes to respect. Shinji got drafted last month, and he doesn't want to do this and he's only participating because he's the indispensible man. But Shinji hates himself, so if he gets killed through incompetence, it's no better or worse than winning every battle, or abandoning his post. It's all the same to him, he's got nothing to gain or lose here.
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Meanwhile, Shinji happens upon Big Rigg Mahoney, who's playing soldier out in the middle of nowhere. He's got a uniform and a tent and everything. When he spots Shinji he invites him over for whatever he's cooking, and they hang out. See, this is nice. Shinji took matters into his own hands, and now he's hanging out with his friend, Big Rigg Mahoney.
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Finally, a bunch of goons from NERV show up and take Shinji into custody. The next day, Suzuhara is upset to hear the Big Rigg Mahoney let them take Shinji without a fight, but come on, man. Big Rigg Mahoney didn't get this far in life without learning to know when to fight and when to take it easy.
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Back at the base, Shinji expects Misato to scold him, but she doesn't. She just asks him if he enjoyed his time away, and he says he doesn't know. Classic Shinji. They continue their argument from before. He doesn't want to pilot the Eva because he sucks at it and it's scary and painful, but he doesn't think it's right to leave it all up to Rei and the others. Misato tells him that has nothing to do with it. If he's only forcing himself to go along with this, then he'll never be in the right mindset to do any good as an Eva pilot. Better if he just calls it quits now and forgets he ever got involved.
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Meanwhile, Shinji's dad could not give a shit less whether Shinji leaves or not. He's already figuring out what to do when he's gone. If Shinji won't pilot Eva Unit 01, then they'll just reconfigure it for Rei. Apparently that's a thing they can do now. I thought each pilot had their own specific Eva Unit they were bonded to, but I guess not. According to this conversation, Rei was injured while piloting Unit 00, but it wasn't in combat. They were just running experiments on Unit 00 to get it working, and there must have been an accident.
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So some of this is becoming clearer. We still don't know why only certain teenagers can pilot the Evas, but we do know that there are others besides Rei and Shinji. They just haven't located very many candidates, so it's not like Shinji is completely irreplaceable. And Rei is recovering, so there's that. And Shinji can resign whenever he wants. He only got arrested last night because he left without resigning. Today, he's decided to go through with it, and NERV doesn't seem sorry to see him go. Shinji asks if he can say farewell to Misato, but they're like "You quit, so you're not authorized to see her." At this point all NERV cares about is escorting him off their base.
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Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney do show up to see him off, though. Suzuhara finally apologizes to Shinji for punching him, and insists that Shinji punch him back to restore his honor. Shinji reluctantly agrees, and at first he kind of holds back, but then Suzuhara tells him to hit like he means it, and he does. See, this is nice.
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Shinji apologizes for leaving Tokyo-3 in a lurch, but the boys are used to classmates moving out, and they know how hard it is for Shinji to pilot the Eva, so they don't blame him for quitting. Suzuhara promises to beat up anyone who doesn't respect Shinji's decision to leave.
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Finally the NERV goons decide it's time for him to go to the train station, but he pulls away just long enough to tell Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney that he has been cowardly and weak after all. It's like he's having second thoughts about the whole thing.
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Back at the base, Misato mulls the whole thing over, and it finally hits her that this is how Shinji expresses his feelings. He runs away and waits for someone to care that he's gone. Realizing this, she rushes to the train station to see him, but she sees the train pull out just as she arrives. For a second she thinks she was too late, but then when the train is gone...
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They see each other on either side of the tracks. Shinji couldn't go through with leaving, I suppose because Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney were enough to make him question his decision. But now he looks up and sees Misato cared about him too, and that puts him over the hump.
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Then Shinji declares that he's home, and Misato replies "Welcome home." And that's a beautiful moment. Everything kind of came together. Now I'm starting to see what the fuss is about here.
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I stand by my criticism of Episode 3, though. I don't think they needed four episodes of this show to get to this moment. Two episodes, maybe. They could have ditched all those scenes of Shinji staring at Misato's beer cans in Episode 2, and trimmed a lot of fat from Episode 3. Suzuhara could have found out about Shinji being an Eva pilot some other way before the episode started, instead of that long scene in the classroom.
Still, we're here. Shinji has decided that he actually cares about Tokyo-3 and its people, and he wants to pilot the Eva to protect his home, not just because someone else told him to do it. We'll see how well that goes, but it's a big step forward.
Also, the next episode preview shows Rei looking healthy and doing things, so that seems like a big improvement too. Everything's coming up Milhouse!
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SPNScriptHunt’s Script Raffle for World Central Kitchen
World Central Kitchen is a global organization providing food relief. They’ve assisted in war zones, in refugee camps, in areas devastated by hurricanes, in areas that are devastated by economic conditions and areas that are devastated due to emotional loss.
For every $10 you donate to World Central Kitchen, you will be entered in a raffle to win one of up to 30 Supernatural scripts autographed by cast members at conventions in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Italy: the more we raise the more prizes we’ll add!
The scripts shown here are just a few of the ones we’re offering, the complete list and all the details (with preview images) is on our fundraiser page: https://donate.wck.org/fundraiser/4789450
The Kripke & Gamble era scripts:
2.12 "Nightshifter" - Blue Draft signed by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki at Salute to Supernatural: San Francisco 2023; to be signed by Chris Gauthier at DragonCon 2023 [It's missing the last page so we'll include the episode outline 🙃]
3.07 "Fresh Blood" - Network Draft signed by Jared Padalecki at Rhode Island Comic Con 2022
2.21 "All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One" - Blue Collated Draft signed by Jared Padalecki at Creation New Orleans 2023
3.14 "Long-Distance Call" - Production Draft, Blue Revisions (Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles at Creation Las Vegas 2023)
7.03 "The Girl Next Door" - Production Draft, Blue Revisions, Pink Revisions (Production Draft signed by Jared Padalecki at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2022)
Raffle closes on Saturday, August. 26 at 11:59pm (Eastern Time). Winners will be drawn by a random number generator and contacted by Tuesday, August 28, 2023. We require an email address to contact winners so if you donated anonymously but would like to enter the raffle, please email your receipt to spnscripthuntgiving @ gmail before the drawing date. Winners will have 72 hours to respond, and will be required to provide their physical mailing address and to cover the cost of shipping (currently $10 for priority mail insured inside the US, international rates to be determined as necessary).
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mikajihiko · 2 years
So Ive decided to splash tumblr with my hobby of updating everyone about fandom events~! If you missed anything fandom wise, this blog will catch you right up to speed! November - December 2022
1.) Given Square Calendar
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     Kizu-sensei is once again releasing a personalized calendar for 2023! She shared about releasing a calendar last October after sharing a colored art version of an older art. Saying she desires to make a calendar again for the following year. She also shares of a new art for Ritsuka by tweeting out a speed up video of her digitally painting, which you can check out here!
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     On the 1st week of December, Japanese shops such as Fromangee and Comicomi have tweeted about the calendar opening for pre-orders. Hilariously, this has seemingly caught Kizu-sensei off guard, stating she hasnt even started drafting the calendar yet! Ending with her replying to her own tweet with links to different stores that are open to reservations 😭 I’ll leave comprehending those emoji’s to yall sdncbas
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     According to ComiComi, distribution of the calendar will start on the 31st of December (Arrival dates will vary). Check it out at their store, here!
2.) Given Nendoroids
     After years of begging Good Smile they have finally heard our wishes! On the 26th of November, Orange Rouge has released the prototype for Ritsuka and Mafuyu nendoroids! More information is to follow, but people suspect them to release close to the end of next year. Check them out at GoodSmile’s ‘Autumn Collection 2022′ gallery by clicking here!
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3.) Given Movie English dub      After a well received English dubbing of Given season 1, featured on Crunchyroll back in August, the team had opted to release a physical version of not only the 1st season but of the movie as well; featuring the same cast as the 1st season dub. On the 15th of November, distribution of the dvd’s started; And just recently, people have been receiving their packages; with once again only having good things to say! 
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     As of current, the movie is not available on Crunchyroll but is available for purchase on Apple TV - $14.99, or rent for $3.99. Physical copies of the dvd is still available for purchase at Crunchyroll store which you can check out by clicking here!
4.) Given GORORIN      The Gororin’s are back! After the distribution of these cuties on November 26, Medicos have decided to put them up for sale at their physical store at Shinjuku~ Available for purchase as a set of 6 and/or a single character via blind pull (you wont know which one you’ll get!). They’re available as long as stocks last! If you want to get your hands on these plushies but is far from Shinjuku, try checking your local proxy or Mercari website! For more details, check out Medicos website by clicking here!
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5.) Given Anime on air!      Given is broadcasted once again! Airing on the following dates in December at ABEMA anime LIVE 2 channel, following another great anime by Noitamina. All episodes of Given will be broadcasted starting on +9GMT Sunday at midnight, Monday at 1am till 5am, and on Tuesday 5pm till 10pm. All episodes will be available to watch on December 11 from midnight till 11:59am. Click here to access the link to the broadcast. Links are only available during the aforementioned time slots!
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6.) Chapter Update: Hiragi Mix_20      The 3rd chapter of Volume 9 has released leaving everyone utterly emotional! People have been on their toes ever since the release of Dear+’s chapter preview, leaving everyone wondering if this chapter would finally be the resolution we’ve all been waiting for
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     Kizu-sensei shares of receiving her copy of the latest Cheri+ magazine, as well as a copy of her portion of the series! Highlighting the upper right text which roughly translates to “The sound that he and you gave me is running around inside my body"
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     She also reminisces her feelings regarding the day she submitted this chapter. Saying how it’s one of the longer chapters, as well as hinting of how tired she has been
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     This wouldn't be the first time sensei has shared her struggles before releasing an upcoming chapter, with the latest one about how she has drawn 6 fingers instead of 5 in one unspecified panel
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     With that being said, The next chapter update will be on March instead of January- A well deserved rest for sensei to fully enjoy the holidays after much hard work! She isn't leaving us hanging however, as Given vol 7 english translation releases on the 10th of January. Dont forget to get your copies and give chapters 6-7 a good binge (re)read~!      For those interested in reading or getting their copies of Cheri+ magazine (the official magazine serialization for Given chapter updates, and more BL series!), check out CDJapan here while stocks are available! Or wait for the digital copy of the magazine to be available in roughly a month from the physical magazine release
✨ Whats Kizu Up To? Here’s some silly Kizu-sensei thing(s) that happened that I have no idea where to put so I’ve made a short segment right here kjsdasd--      Sensei was doodling during a meeting again 😭 sdcasdc this time on a screen that was shared with a person who was in charge (manager-san?)
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   And, thats it for Nov-Dec AAAA!! Share your thoughts, wishes, reactions, and tell me if I’ve missed something~ Also tell me if I should continue doing these hehehe, I always do this on twitter but in a more sporadic way~ Tumblr’s long but also fun! Happy Holidays everyone!
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zalrb · 1 year
I don’t want to rewatch this episode.
2. Yo, Whitey waits how long to punish the team for starting to the season with a brawl? In FNL, Smash talks shit on local TV and Coach WAKES THE TEAM UP at like 11 and has them do suicides in the rain.
3. Oh Dan pissing in the pool.
4. Aww, Haley waiting so she can bump into Nathan is so high school. They’re cute when I don’t remember their story. Like I said, I like together Naley but not buildup Naley.
5. “But next time you want to talk, don’t pretend to run into me” oh Nathan, you couldn’t just pretend? Boys are horrible.
6. “Don’t sleep on your music, Hales, it’s a big part of who you are.” “Yeah... so are you.” Aww, but you did abandon him, though.
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8. Rachel dissing Brooke’s clothes is funny because you all have the same shitty clothes because of OTH’s nonexistent budget.
9.  “Alright, Paris and Nicole’ THESE REFERENCES. OMG I LOVE IT.
10. “If I wanted to watch cheerleaders fighting, I would watch pay-per-view” oh, gross.
11. The fantasy boy draft is funny because the boys have absolutely no say as if a cheerleader is a cheerleader is a cheerleader to them.
12. “Roe Roe Roe your vote. That’s cute!” It’s corny.
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he was so in love with her, everyone shut up.
14. Peyton is allergic to loyalty to Brooke I swear to god.
16. Chris, why are you HERE?
17. Skills fills me with so much rage.
18. Oh my god, this scene needs to be over.
20. Peyton: *continues to angsry draw* at least she has few lines this episode.
21. “That is if you can catch your breath” Your son is dying, Dan.
22. Chris and his striped shirt.
23. “Did you get a look at the first election polls? It’s almost like I’m running unopposed.” HA that’s actually funny.
24. “And it’s something I care about!” Lucas, you don’t give a fuck about basketball.
26. I can’t watch the draft pick I am forwarding through.
28. Me: What does the wall say this time?
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29. It always bothered me that students work out after hours in school. They kick you out at 6!
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lnights · 1 year
Layla, first of all: I LOVE Pt 12 of your Soulmate AU sooooooo much 💞💞💞 I am soooo happy for Eevi that she got support from (at least) some part of her family. And I really like Liisa🫂. I kind of treat the AU like a whole series and each chapter like an episode🙈. So between “episode” 1 & 2 I made up my own version of the series in my head but wanted to wait till the “season” is over to share it because I didn’t want to risk influencing the story as it unfolds. I just love your storytelling too much😅 (also my version is way darker than yours because I am a sucker for Angst).
So, my brainworm is, that for whatever reason Aleksi didn’t tell the guys about Eevi and Liisa and also didn’t meet Eevi again (and therefore also never Lisa. Also Eevi is only 17 and a few months away from turning 18.). The girls go back home and a few weeks pass and somehow Eevis family finds out about her and Liisa before she is ready to tell them and shit hits the fan. They take away her phone and put her in some religious pray-the-g-away-camp. Because she is still a minor there is nothing Liisa can do and she doesn’t have Aleksi’s contact info. Thinking that he won’t believe her when she reaches out in social media, she takes the next train to Helsinki and begs the receptionist at the entrance to the studio to tell Aleksi she is here. The receptionist calls in the studio and whoever takes the call (its not Aleksi) is more than confused and tells the room that a Liisa wants to talk to Aleksi because someone named Eevi got found out by her parents and is now in danger. Aleksi understands and immediately races out of the studio (followed by the guys) to meet her and is shocked when she tells him what happened. The guys are of course not happy he didn’t tell them anything but are ready to help him safe Eevi. After getting Eevi out of the camp doesn’t work (they are threatened with the police if they should trespass) and also not talking sense into the family (they only scream at nonsense at them), Aleksi decides to make his story public. His reel on IV goes viral and the public is outraged that Eevi is held against her will at the camp. Eventually, the pressure on the camp gets too much and they release Eevi. For the last month until she turns 18 Aleksi gets custody of her and then she moves in with Liisa. Not sure what happens after or if her parents get punished for basically locking her up, but I do think she and Aleksi are doing a lot of interviews, maybe a doku about both their stories and are definitely becoming activists for same-sex rights✊🏳️‍🌈.
Hi Gemma!
I'm glad you enjoyed the fic! I absolutely love your idea for it
I do love me some angst too, ngl I did have an idea to make Eevi 17 and the threat of conversion camp being a major factor.
Apparently a couple years ago a motion was brought forward to Finnish Parliament to ban it, but it lapsed. (I think only 26 states here have it banned, plus DC and Puerto Rico. Some municipalities have banned it in other states as well, but then that's simply the matter of crossing from one city to another...)
In that version, which was actually my first draft, was that Eevi was going to run away and track Aleksi down at a BC concert and beg for help. They would help hide her until she turned 18 and her family legally couldn't send her, then she would confront them with Liisa at midsummer, and Aleksi would go with her for support.
I had the idea for assault tbh, Aleksi was going to get punched in the face by his dad and Tommi was going to retaliate. The family was going to call the police but Joel would point out that they have all the messages they sent Eevi telling her she was going to be sent to conversion therapy, as well as confirmation of their past abuse to Aleksi, and a recording of the fact Aleksi was hit first and Tommi was defending him (Joel was recording everything just in case something happened)
I almost kept that part in the current fic 😅
Niko pointing out their career would bounce back, even if they took a little hit or had to take a break for a year or two, but their family name would forever be tarnished with child abuse allegations. So they dropped it.
Liisa and Eevi would still have their happy ending and so would the BC boys.
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mariacallous · 1 year
A new Russian propaganda show debuted a few days ago on YouTube, which has blocked numerous channels connected to the Russian state, including Russia Today, the “LDNR” People’s Republics, Vladimir Solovyov, and others. Parent company Google started purging this content well before the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine on the grounds that it violates YouTube’s community rules. Now one project is trying to claw back that audience with a program called “Z-Girlfriends,” whose creators say their main goal is to support Russian troops as they fight in Ukraine.
‘Z-Girlfriends’ is modeled on popular lifestyle content, but the first episode demonstrates that its aim is pro-invasion propaganda
The show’s name is clearly borrowed from “Girlfriends,” a Russian-language YouTube show that included more than 40 episodes and wrapped up in 2021. On that earlier program, the hosts discussed “taboo themes related to sex,” attracting millions of views.
The first episode of Z-Girlfriends features three hosts, each with a background in propagandizing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. There’s Anastasia Kashevarova, a former aide for State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, and Ekaterina Agranovich, who worked as a producer on a recently released miniseries called “Mobilization,” which tells the story of a disillusioned man living in Donetsk who leaves for Moscow on the eve of Russia’s full-scale invasion and then returns as a draftee. (The miniseries was filmed entirely in occupied Ukrainian territory.) Agranovich is also known as the “chief media figure of the Donetsk Empire,” and she serves as the editor-in-chief of a pro-invasion Telegram channel with 190,000 subscribers. Joining Kashevarova and Agranovich is Ulyana Strizh, a “volunteer” who promotes the war by organizing fundraisers for Russia’s invasion force.
All three women are active pro-invasion bloggers. In their debut, they also teased the arrival of another, still-unnamed host on the next episode.
The first episode of Z-Girlfriends, titled “Women at War,” was released on May 26 and has roughly 30,000 views at the time of this writing — a relatively small number, considering the large audiences the show’s hosts reach individually on social media. (Kashevarova’s Telegram channel has 260,000 subscribers, and 74,000 accounts subscribe to Agranovich’s personal channel.) According to journalists at Vot Tak, other pro-invasion channels also promoted the new show, though that seems to have done little to generate interest.
It’s unknown who finances the production of Z-Girlfriends. The show itself mentions no production studios in its credits. Agranovich calls it a “show-experiment that we thought up in a café.”
The hosts criticize Ukraine for ‘worshipping evil’ and call on men to go to the front to find new friends
Agranovich credits her late friend, Vladlen Tatarsky (a fellow propagandist and “war correspondent” who was killed in a bombing in St. Petersburg in April 2023), with inspiring a show that tries to put a woman’s face on the invasion: “He had this idea that [Russia] lacks women who are public-opinion leaders. Young, beautiful women for whom soldiers will fight. In terms of relationships, nothing motivates [men] to go to the frontlines.”
The show’s opening graphics indicate that Z-Girlfriends is devoted to topics including the “special military operation,” “mobilization,” “war correspondents,” body armor, drones, the Verkhniy Lars border crossing between Russia and Georgia (where long lines of Russians fleeing south formed in September 2022 after President Putin initiated a draft), and more.
The show’s hosts spent much of the first episode talking about how women who support the war in Ukraine ought to present themselves. At one point, Kasheverova complained that the women who host programs on Russian network television present too “asexually.” She urged Olga Skabeeva (one of state TV’s best-known propagandists) to do more to “express her femininity,” citing Joan of Arc as a role model who aroused men in more ways than one, Kasheverova argued.
Later in the show, Agranovich lamented that Russia has yet to produce its own “Marilyn Monroe in a beautiful, shiny dress singing in front of the troops.” Instead, she said, Russia relies on “an old granny with a flag” and “a boy who waves at soldiers” — allusions to Anna Ivanova outside Kharkiv, who confusedly waved a Soviet flag at Ukrainian troops, and “Little Boy Lyosha,” who famously saluted a military convoy passing through Belgorod.
The women of Z-Girlfriends explained that a woman’s image in Russia is represented by “the Virgin Mary and the Motherland,” but in Ukraine it’s “the image of a witch and death.” According to Agranovich, this is because “on TikTok they do debaptisms. Why? Because, when Vladimir baptized Rus’, he actually enserfed it. And, like, ‘Our pagans were cool, and Christianity sucks.’ That’s why all the women are witches.” Kashevarova then added that Ukrainians reject “spiritual bonds” and “worship evil and some skulls or something.”
The show’s hosts claimed that most Russian men who fight in Ukraine want to return to the frontlines because of the friendships they make there. “You finally understand how you’re needed and what life means,” said Kashevarova. “They’re waiting for you there, and your arrival is the coming of the Sun.” Agranovich, on the other hand, acknowledged that many returning soldiers battle posttraumatic stress, but she herself stressed that “war is a real place where people come alive.”
During their first episode, the women of Z-Girlfriends also took time to condemn Vladlen Tatarsky’s accused killer, Daria Trepova, calling her a “terrorist” and “the world’s saddest person.” The hosts endorsed a rumor spread by the pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Mash that Trepova accepted 20,000 rubles ($250) in cryptocurrency from Ukrainian officials to carry out the assassination, and they advocated sentencing her to a “legal firing squad” (though Russia observes a moratorium on the death penalty). Z-Girlfriends’ hosts also mocked blogger Elena Blinovskaya (recently placed under house arrest on charges of evading 900 million rubles — $11,100 — in taxes), complaining that “not one ruble” of her earnings were shared with the Russian military.
Pivoting to gay soldiers in the U.S. army, Kashevarova said the American military is “packed with all the freaks,” while Agranovich warned of a “big army crisis” in the United States and claimed that “the lowest percent of people” in the West are willing to take up arms for their country.
But the Russian authorities didn’t escape all criticism, either. The Z-Girlfriends hosts are surprisingly upset with Russia’s own Defense Ministry, accusing the military of being too slow to respond to questions from the state media about developments at the front. The ministry’s work isn’t transparent enough, the hosts argued.
Kashevarova and her cohosts went even further, too, faulting the Kremlin for failing to explain why it unleashed a full-scale war in the first place. “The state offers no ideology,” they complained. “Nobody understands what demilitarization and denazification are. Nobody spells it out for us. There are no ideological booklets. I mean, the ones that exist are written in incomprehensible legalese.”
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chazzkjr-blog · 7 months
Episode 37: The Ides of March Are Upon Us 
Episode 37 starts at 8pm on My YouTube Channel... click below at 8pm to see what I have to say this week?  Topics are : RIP Chris Mortensen 1951 -2024... NFL Combine... What Happened, What Didn't Happen, Who's now moving up & Who's now moving down? Kyle Stackpole from CBS Sports.com gives his Mock Draft... Where I disagree, at the moment?  Caitlyn Clark passes Pete Maravich, LeBron Breaks the 40,000 Point Mark in the NBA, Retirements abound... Jason Kelce, Center for the Philadelphia Eagles &  MLB  2013 MVP, 3 Time All-Star, Josh Donaldson.  The Judge-Soto bromance is from Bryan Hoch from MLB.com. The New York Giants are reportedly interested in free agent guard Jonah Jackson and free agent edge rusher Danielle Hunter., according to GiantsWire.USAToday.com, USBC Delaware Open, NJSIAA Girls Basketball Sectionals:  Rutgers Prep (24-4) defeats St. Rose (19-10) 63-42 & Red Bank Catholic (25-5) defeats Paul VI (23-5), 44-26 in the Non-Public Finals on 3/4, Rutgers Prep & RBC will have a new banner raised in their gym next year  What do you get when you combine Applebee's and IHOP? We'll soon find out, How Jake Bongiovi almost messed up engagement to Millie Bobby Brown.  Spring Lake, NJ tasting event to raise funds for families fighting pediatric cancer   Dune, Part 2 came out this weekend., making $81.5 million in it's 1st Weekend Gross.  OSCARS are on Sunday, March 10th, will you be watching? Can I fit more... who knows? 
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meandmyechoes · 11 months
Sorry I dropped off last week there.
had to go through something, milestone i guess.
don't know when, i started hating getting personal, even here, my last retreat. i just don't want to write something too, incriminating i guess. not that i'm being spied on, that said.
anyway, i dropped off of kingoh last week because i had to do something familial.
my father fell ill on July 26, while I was in Japan, the morning I was all excited to meet rita moru and kaku-san and jeramie. he was hospitalized for nearly two months and passed away the morning of the body swap episode. it was his funeral last week.
i. i cried a lot that day. i think i finally let it out, or i wasn't not letting myself hold it in to be "strong" for somebody else anymore. i don't know what to do. i still don't.
long story short, i've felt like i was playing a husband's role in the family for the past few years. i don't blame either of my parents for that because, i just don't have the strength to fight anymore.
I haven't been this depressed since back in 16 when depression first happened. I'm long past any suicidal relapse but i really really hate how emotionally tired it made me.
weekly kingoh is literally all that supported me through it. To have a tangible goal and recharge every week. the first time i went to see kishi after my first real-time sentai in 2018, I wrote in the message that toku gave me "courage" to realize what I love. it is still true and i'm grateful to have sentai in my life. It gave me the courage to travel to a foreign land alone, to dress pretty, to talk to new people. Kingoh is probably the last... thing I am this into, body and soul, and I want to make friends through it, crossing borders, but i always have another excuse to post even a weekly review in another language 😅
you see me churning out subs with a double release this week, that is just me grabbing straws trying to make my existence feel useful. don't worry, i don't sound as self-deprecating as that sounds, just awfully self-aware because woah, it's been 10 years co-existing with depression! - i've went throguh this cycle of gifted kids burnout + eldest daughter syndrome too many times. there's at least three more videos in my draft that've left there for 2 months.
how ironic and fitting that I said goodbye to my father the same summer Himeno did to her parents. I think about it a lot since I got back. Even before I visited him for the first time, when he was recovering just fine, I knew I, don't know what to say to him, because I don't know how to say anything out loud anymore. And I hate that I'm going to a stupid job every day instead of figuring out the answer, it's absurd it's absurd. it's absurd how death is not like anything i read or saw.
it's so so quiet. it's so so quiet. so so long.
I think a lot about Himeno's words after I came back. "A farewell without goodbye is not beautiful. What I want is still ahead of me." Regrets? Wish-i-could've's? Of course there're a lot. But what's important is to take care of the living because we can't change the past. I think this year in particular, and like OP said, the kings all have tragic backstories, but they still do their job and take responsibility to lead their people. I've always see myself as a leader - want to be a leader (despite the imposter syndrome in recent years). I just want to be a good person and finally one day I will over come the conditioned fear to promise because now I can fulfill them.
What was I talking. I feel better now I let it out. I suppose I'm gonna spell out what I'm gonna do next to conclude this essay. em. i don't know, i'm gonna go home and go to sleep. damn Dad left me a house in the shabs. baka.
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Days 1 & 2 – Friday/Saturday, 26/27 May.  Getting There
Our magic travel agent had arranged a limo to the airport as she usually does for us (thanks Bev!) and we were off to Tullamarine at high noon and through the usual airport chaos within about an hour for our two-hour wait at the departure gate.  We were finally in the air only about ten or fifteen minutes late.
I am drafting this bit in a Singapore Airlines torpedo, heading 6,080 (eventually proved to be 6129) kilometres to Singapore at over 900 kph where we have a four-hour layover, before a longer ten-hour flight to Munich for an eight-hour layover, before we fly even further to Italy’s Cagliari, where we eventually start our adventure.  
Nobody hates airports more than me and I really don’t enjoy flying either, but at least this flight is better than most.   I am seated across the aisle from Heather (we always try to get adjacent aisle seats these days, especially on long-haul flights) and by an amazing stroke of luck, there was a vacant row in front of me and the two guys seated next to me moved there, leaving me with a lot of extra room.  There are four seats in the middle section of this plane and it was great when they moved and let us all spread out a bit more.  And when the guy in front of me reclined his seat, I simply moved to the seat next to me that he had vacated, with none of my usual angst.
Another reason I am feeling more relaxed is because I have been listening to some great music for the past couple of hours.  I started with a bit of Beethoven before I found the Country and Western channel.  SBS screened a twelve-part C&W series a couple of years ago and we recently found we had the last three episodes on our old DVD player hard disk and have delighted in watching them in the past week.  (We would really love to get the whole set but we can’t find it (sob, sob).)  I have always loved country music - maybe not always, but certainly since I used to listen to the Smoky Dawson show on Sunday morning radio before church (even that sounds very reminescent of Johnny Cash) when I was a little kid in Perth - so maybe not always, but at least for seventy-odd years.  I must have shed buckets of tears over the decades as I have listened to a thousand tear-jerking songs describing some of wonderful (although more often, the less wonderful) times of my long life.  There is something about country music that connects with me at a primeval emotional level - OK, so I am a sentimental sook, but the music in my head is certainly making this flight more bearable than any other I can recall.  (No I am not crying at present, but maybe the next track…..). Another thing about music is that I can’t keep still when I hear something that touches me.  Heather bought me a baton early in our relationship because I couldn’t help ‘conducting’ the classical music that was my main passion at the time.  I am no dancer - my body just can’t find the rhythm, but my feet are tapping and my fingers are drumming along with the music, unconsciously and uncontrollably, whenever the beat is ringing in my ears. It annoys the hell out of people who see and hear me, but not the music, when I have the headphones on.
Many hours later.  An interesting feature of the Changi terminal was a big display in the concourse that was quite beautiful.   It had hundreds of fantastic orchids and glass flowers with many brightly coloured shiny baubles.   Very eye-catching and we paused on our way to the gate to take some photos. 
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We have now reached Munich after two very long flights.  We didn’t pick up the few minutes we were late out of Melbourne to Singapore and arrived the same few minutes late - but that was pretty good given that we had headwinds all the way, including at least a third of the trip flying into a 140 kph gale.  We had a four-hour layover at Changi after almost eight hours in the air, and then had another twelve hours (10,500+ kilometres) in the air before arriving in Munich, where we have a ten-hour layover before our final two hours to Cagliari - about 36 hours after leaving home.
It was the flight from Hell, but then all flights qualify for that appellation.  Surprisingly, this one was not quite as bad as some.  I listened to quite a few hours of very pleasing music and watched half a movie - The Swearing Jar - before it bored me to distraction and I turned it off.  But I also managed an aggregate of an hour or two of fitful sleep.  I was really tired, but I don’t recall ever being able to sleep in a plane before last night.
Even later.  We spent most of our time in Munich at the gate lounge working on our PCs.  They were set up with power and charging stations so people could work while they waited and we took advantage of that.
We have certainly got some exercise in during the trip so far.  We all know that walking through the Duty-Free scavengers at Tullamarine adds half a kilometre to the other half or whole kilometre walk (our gate is always the farthest away from Security) and at both Singapore and Munich, we had very long walks – well over a kilometre each.  There was a shuttle that took us from one terminal to the other (and back again in Munich) but I reckon we have clocked up at least 4 kilometres on the way so far.
We bought lunch in the Munich airport and refreshed our minds about how expensive things are here.  Our two sandwiches cost almost $AU30 and two coffees cost a tad over $AU18.  We are a captive audience in the airport but it was still a salutary reminder of how low the Aussie dollar has been driven by successive governments.
Munchen was also interesting to me because of my two terms of high school German.   I can’t even go close to reading any of the signs or interpreting the announcements, but I can pick out quite a few individual words, or at least guess at their meaning, and can see how some of the compound words are created and understand most of the grammar in the sentence structure.  If I ever wanted to learn another language, it would certainly be German because I already have some of the basics and I think it is quite logical.   I tried using my German to order a coffee on the plane and the attendant understood me straight away - but couldn’t understand my English translation.
Having time to kill at the airport gate, I spent some of it figuring out how to stream music from my phone direct to my hearing aids. At least fifteen years ago, I copied a few hours of my favourite music onto my PC so I could load it onto an iPod I had.  I have long since forgotten how to use the iPod but the music has been copied from phone to phone as I have upgraded them over the years - but I have never spent the time to find out how to stream it to my aids.  None of the methods on the web or on YouTube worked, but I eventually modified them all and got it working myself.  Now I can listen as and when I like except that when I am listening, I can’t hear much else - so it is not that sociable in company.  Works great on a plane though. 
On arrival at Cagliari (pronounced something like Calyerie as if you are swallowing your tongue – definitely without a hint of a ‘G’ in it), we were a little perplexed to find that only one of our bags came out on the carousel.  Another Aussie woman was also in the same situation.  We knew both our bags had arrived because we had put an Airtag in each and both came up on our phones as being in the baggage area.  A staff member came to our rescue and told us that the Australian bags (most of them anyway) had been placed in a separate area because we had to go through a Security check that nobody else did.  (Aussies are obviously seen as high risk for some reason!)  Anyway, it didn’t take long and we were out of the terminal and caught up with Stewie – another Aussie (who travels the world with only a small backpack) and we shared a taxi to our hotel.  We met him as we were disembarking the plane when we recognised each other’s accents, and we are on the same tour so he waited for us so we could go to our hotel together.
Once we were checked in, we went down to the bar for a drink with Stewie and met up with six other fellow tourists – and at least another four over breakfast next morning.  Obviously, the tour will have a strong Aussie presence and we all seemed to get along pretty well last night.
The rest of our crew went off to a restaurant for dinner, but we decided to eat in the hotel and Stewie joined us.  The meal was wonderful, really superb, the best steak either of us can remember – and Stewie was great company.  I think we are going to enjoy this part of our trip.
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Climax is done
I just finished the climax of the second chapter for my fic "26 Years" aka where they arrested the UnSub in the episode "Lost Souls". I still have around three drafts left to edit/convert but hopefully in the next day or two I will be able to post the chapter.
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And as usual
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gwtrust · 2 years
Rip hamilton
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#Rip hamilton series#
#Rip hamilton free#
Back in 1996, Martin was playing with the Los Angeles Clippers and shot an abysmal 0-8 from the field. Looking further back in history, the man that might have had the most impressive scoring performance without making a single field goal was Darrick Martin. Most recently it was Josh Okogie who shot 0-2 from the field but 10-11 from the FT line to help the Wolves win a game 114-112 against the Blazers on March 14 th, 2021.
#Rip hamilton free#
Dozens of players of the years have put up 10+ points in an NBA game while making nothing but free throws. While not common in the NBA, it is also not unheard of for a player to score double-digit points without ever making a field goal. Related Tags: Information on keynote speaking engagements, personal appearances, corporate entertainment and appearance fees for Richard 'Rip' Hamilton, an inspirational motivational speaker.The History of Scoring Without Field Goals Contact an All American Speakers Bureau booking agent for more information on Richard 'Rip' Hamilton speaking fees, availability, speech topics and cost to hire for your next live or virtual event. Please Note: All American Speakers Bureau is a full-service talent booking agency providing information on booking Richard 'Rip' Hamilton for speaking engagements, personal appearances and corporate events. Richard 'Rip' Hamilton Booking Agency: Celebrity Appearance Fees and Availability Contact a booking agent to check availability on Richard 'Rip' Hamilton and other top corporate entertainment Exclusive Buyer's Agent that Books Celebrities, Entertainers and Speakers like Richard 'Rip' Hamilton for Speaking Engagements, Appearances and Corporate Events He helped the gang play basketball and learn a lesson of friendship.Īll American Speakers Bureau is a full-service talent booking agency providing information on booking Richard 'Rip' Hamilton for speaking engagements, personal appearances and corporate events. As part of his long-time work with children, he has appeared on an episode of Disney Channel's "Imagination Movers". He has also worked with many charities, including the Read to Achieve* program and reading books to children.
#Rip hamilton series#
He was also a contestant on an episode of the game show series Wanna Bet?. Hamilton explained the topic "moving without the ball" to shake off your defender. In the 2006–07 NBA season Hamilton appeared in the NBA Fundamentals series, hosted by TNT, where basketball players showcase certain aspects of the game. On February 26, 2015, Hamilton officially announced his retirement from the NBA on ESPN program His & Hers. The Wizards improved but failed to make the playoffs with a 37-45 record, and Hamilton averaged 20 points a game for the season while finishing second in the league in free throw percentage, shooting 89 percent from the free throw line. Despite a successful start to the season, injuries limited Jordan to just 60 games, while Hamilton also played in just 63 games but solidified his role as the team's starting shooting guard. In the offseason, Michael Jordan announced that he would return to the court for the Wizards, while also hiring Doug Collins to coach the team. The Wizards could not improve however, and won just 19 games for the season. The following year proved to be a breakout season for Hamilton, as he played more at the small forward position and started in 42 of 78 games and doubled his scoring average to 18.1 points a game. The season also marked the addition of Michael Jordan to the franchise, who took over as part owner and President of Basketball Operations The Wizards only managed to win 29 games however and failed to make the playoffs. In his rookie season, he played in 71 games with 12 starts and averaged 9 points a game backing up veteran shooting guard Mitch Richmond. Hamilton was selected with the 7th pick in the 1999 NBA draft by the Washington Wizards.
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llycaons · 3 years
well no 25 tonight because I clicked something that refreshed the dash and I lost the past half hour’s worth of writing and I have work in the morning but whatever I guess, here’s 24 as best as I can recall. next time I’m using the drafts feature
genuinely a very wholesome and sweet episode, a jumping-around episode, a filling-in-the-gaps-episode.
jc, while aware of politics and practical about them, is not a brilliant political mind, and unlike all of the other sect leaders, he has no elders and only one strong aide. he needs wwx, as a clean leader, desperately. and for the three siblings, I think they handle this incident with a lot of dignity, with yanli falling back on an image of a dutiful daughter to a dead sect leader to deflect jgs’s offer. but it only worked because wwx was smart enough to flatter while opposing jgs, so they came off looking grateful and filial instead of repulsed by jgs’s outrageous gall. and not all political leaders are shrewd thinkers, they just need to have good aides and allies in the cultivation world (or be very loud and go with the majority opinion...looking at you sect leader yao)
seriously, lxc has lqr and other unnamed elders plus his brother, nmj definitely has counselors and military commanders (and experience, and a hard-won reputation of being dangerous to fuck with), and jgs probably lost none of his inner circle to the war. plus he has that slippery scheming brilliant son of his desperate for his approval. lxc and nmj and jgy are sworn brothers and personal friends (except jgy and nmj lol). jc has literally nobody with a position of authority to help him out except wwx
the way jgy smiles when wwx interrupted the banquet was so ominous. like wwx, he is incredibly resourceful. but while wwx will use anything to achieve his goals, jgy will use anyone
wait. how were the yin iron fragments destroyed? wasn’t it impossible? wwx was asleep or it could have been the STA. 
jfm gave little wwx the exact same advice for archery that he gave sixth junior brother. what jfm, no new insights after almost a decade? typical
jc is...a terrible leader tbh. he starts alright with promising to protect jiang sect but he immediately falls back into myu’s tactic of harsh criticism and personal attack. he doesn’t want to appear weak to his disciples, but he isn’t helping boost confidence very much. yanli keeps things together because she is an angel. meanwhile wwx is in an alcohol-soaked depressive episode that looks very much like a fun jaunt to the city probably because he can't bear to be in LP sober and no longer has a war to focus his energy on or lwj around him to make him feel better
lqr, as an elder and the uncle of the twin jades, has the authority to give even lxc orders. he doesn’t seem concerned with the wen civilians being murdered, but soothing resentment is an important job of a cultivator. he send lxc out but he’s clocked how lwj feels about wwx and decides that’s too risky to let develop. bit late for that, lqr, that boy is gone. like, did it really take you this long to notice?
but lwj is a stubborn caring fool who thinks that if he plays the right music well enough, wwx will be okay and happy again and stop destroying himself with resentful energy, so he defies his uncle’s orders, sneaks behind his back, and breaks into the forbidden music library to memorize secret super-powerful music in the name of gay love
everyone, have I mentioned how much I love lan wangji? I really, really love lan wangji
could music have helped? such a straightforward answer to a complicated problem, naturally lwj would gravitate towards a clear fix. that’s very like him
but the things that wwx went through in these past episodes, it’s impossible to walk away from without both serious emotional scars as well as being in danger of qi-deviation. so maybe lwj frantically finding music and internally muttering “surely THIS will be the thing to save him” may have helped him settle the spirits, but what would have ultimately been more healing would be...support, understanding, maybe jc learning about the gc and cutting him slack, less responsibility in LP and the chance to focus on himself and only himself, the chance to leave LP and not feel guilty for it, not being judged or targeted or punished or rushed, feeling safe enough to tell the truth about what happened and work with his friends and family to reduce harm on himself. he needs to change his mindset and how he conceptualizes his own suffering, I think. it’s not that lwj is wrong about the music helping, exactly, but he hasn’t identified the underlying problem here. for the circumstances, I don’t know if all this would be possible. it all feels very inevitable
lwj’s very quiet struggle with his own principles and standards of behavior, his conception of evil and good, his own forming moral code, and his slowly changing adherence to laws is such a great arc, and I find it a real shame that it’s so background. like a lot of things about lwj, this arc is subtle and not much is stated explicitly, so you have to really pay attention and read between the lines to get the full impact. maybe that means it’s written in a way that’s very attuned to his character, lol
lxc and wwx meeting is an EXCELLENT scene between brothers-in-law. wwx feeling at ease enough to openly joke about drinking in CR directly TO of the clan leader which is so ajsdkfhdkdf and I do love the gentle way lxc reminds wwx that lwj really cares about him. and that wwx was all ready to visit gusu for a chance to see lwj copy lines lol. he only pulls back when lxc mentions getting him back to the way of the sword. but I find it notable here that he says he does trust lxc and lwj. it’s just...he really doesn’t think they can help and he needs to keep his appearance of strength. for himself, and for jc, and for the jiangs
wwx says he was in gusu a few years ago - is that 2-3 years? maybe 15 at gusu is too young. I didn’t think the training arc/massacre/campaign took overall more than a year, and then another year and a half at BM, then he’s dead. I figured he was 20 or 21 at nightless.
oh god, he’s less than two years away from killing himself in this scene
after lxc’s failed intervention, wwx’s return to LP is a disaster. and jc doesn’t even mean to keep hurting him, he doesn’t know! regardless, wwx has to seek out yanli to feel safe again because dealing with jc when he’s in a good mood and doesn’t have to be lied to must be tiring enough, not to mention now
adults babytalking is so fucking obnoxious irl and it’s only okay in fictional scenarios because it’s a short scene and it’s his only way to ask to comfort or affection. and it’s kind of endearing, I guess? it reminds me of a cat. or my younger brother when he’s being cute. he loves cats too. wonder if wwx likes cats.
I love their little conversation about like-liking someone and I find wwx’s response, his fear of his own feelings, really interesting and tbh underexplored in fanbase. he’s not worried about being trapped by a person, but by his own love for someone. that he’s concerned about it interfering with his goals or freedom rather than excited about exploring that potential relationship with another person...that’s actually very sad to me. it’s true he’s scared of sincerity and maybe of how strong his own feelings are but it’s also like he doesn’t prioritize his own happiness. was he always like this? was gusu-era wwx ever shy, or did he just not realize what this was yet?
wwx openly talking about how yanli is the one reason jc hasn’t killed him yet is, in hindsight, horrifying (also, wwx calls jc a-cheng when talking to yanli, ha). I know it’s mostly a joke but genuinely if yanli had left to get married and jc and wwx had to live together they would both be SO miserable
what happened was so awful for everyone and I want wwx to have a link to his family here again, but lbr he would have been with no core or support or open affection struggling with his trauma and loneliness alongside another teenager dealing with his own issues and they never communicate properly, they fight all the time, they disagree about core ideals, wwx can’t help hm in the way jc expects him to, like my god they love each other but this is not a sustainable relationship and wwx deserves better than that. and jc needs to be able to form and maintain relationships without his sister or brother acting as his anger translator, for his own sake.
after all he’d done for LP and the jiangs, maybe the kindest thing would be to let wwx go...but does he really want to? I think even now it’s a hard question for him. maybe more in this episode than any other time in the show though
yanli telling wwx he’s always happy, whatever happens, sounds so cruel when you know he’s undergoing such suffering and only smiling through it for the sake of everyone else. yanli didn’t mean it like that and I think he did find a lot of peace in that moment with her but it always felt like such a curse to me.
the final scene is so sweet....siblings bickering about soup and yanli teasing jc who straightens his robes in mock seriousness...this lives in my mind forever.. when they’re at their best with each other
oh wait but then jc implies that jgy will always be a social inferior to his half-brother and isn’t worth praising or getting to know, which wwx looks offended at, because hey, wwx is a social inferior too!
but jc also reminds wwx that he has a real political position to uphold so behave, etc. which to his credit, I really think he tries to. it’s just some things can’t be swept under the rug for the sake of appearances. wen qing...
and the last scene where wwx starts to realize he can actually feel joy again after all the horrible things that happened to him...such a beautiful dreamlike sequence
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215 Positive RWBY Youtuber Channels for people to Enjoy RWBY
Ever since Roosterteeth took RWBY off of their channel, misinformation about RWBY skyrocketed. I’m sure that when you type in RWBY onto youtube, all you see is negativity.
Self-righteousness is one heck of a drug that rwby bashers are on.
Point is...it’s HARD to find RWBY Youtube channels that are actually positive and are about enjoying the show!
So I’ve built this list of 215 Youtube channels to help the fandom
This is my final list....I won’t be expanding it any further...I WILL however try to build a list of fanfic writers on AO3 next.
The rough draft was built on my deviantart
I do hope this helps everyone, as it will be the biggest list I’ve ever built for the fandom and community.
1. Ember’s Hot Takes
- What Made Me Love RWBY -By Ember Productions , a MODERATE reviewer, who focuses on CONSTRUCTIVE reviews
2. Cherished Forever: RWBY -By Diamondbolt, who appreciates each show
3. The thing that made me care about RWBY again -By AllisonAreYou who gave a pro-rwby video in v6
  4. RWBY is good, you guys are just mean. -By Garrick Shultz 
5. Let’s Talk RWBY *POSITIVE RANT* By Jo Alva
6. Kaosi rwby
- Builds RWBY Clip compilations of different characters explaining and justifying scenes, themes, etc 
7. I’mStrange RWBY
-Builds RWBY Clip Compilations of different characters explaining and justifying scenes, themes, etc
8. (Asrielle)
Reasons to Watch and Enjoy RWBY -A short downloadable video containing 10 reasons for how RWBY is enjoyable, should be less than 10 megabytes, and an easy counter to the giant hate videos. About 3 minutes long. 
  9.  David the Hooman
-RWBY Episode React Channel 
10.    Freelancer Amber
 -RWBY Episode React Channel
11. ThatKaitoDan
-Pro-RWBY Episode Reviewer 
12. MurderofBirds
-RWBY Episode React and Review Channel He is considered by many to be the Original RWBY Reviewer 
13. Mizkuki Ravendale
-RWBY Comic Dub React Channel  and ally of Mark Zschiegner the comic Dubber 
14. KDesignz
-RWBY Episode React Channel 
15. Stickboy 26
 -RWBY React Channel
16. Xiao Long
-RWBY React Channel 
17. Blind Wave
-RWBY React Channel
18. Kiaxet
-RWBY React Channel 
19. Semblance of Sanity
-RWBY React Channe
l https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOCADK-jqaB6jui9-QPTisQ
20. The Normies
-RWBY React Channel 
21. Parallax
-Not a RWBY channel, no, but he did a lovely video discussing anti-rwby clickbait and is supportive of our fandom, so, I’ll let you folks see his video
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfOv-N08FhM
22. Faboover
-Delivers polite and RESPECTFUL critiques while PRAISING the good in each episode in his reviews…. 
23. The MegaNinTenBro
-Pro RWBY Reviewer 
24. gh0xttherebel
-RWBY React Channel
25. FoggyMemoryProductions
-RWBY Fanedits for comedy, 
26. KeyBladeSonic
- RWBY MMD fan animator 
27. @tumblingxelian  aka Xel Writer
-RWBY Analysis youtuber, TumblingXelian on Tumblr 
28. Mark Zschiegner aka @dangerouslydangerousgalaxy -Pro-rwby comic dubber for hire 
 -Pro-rwby comic dubber for hire 
largest dubber of xiao long rose family comic dubs
also does BNHA and MLB
29. Darth Kenobi
-RWBY MMD Channel
-RWBY Episode React Channel 
-RWBY React Channel
32. HelhiRambles aka @helihi
-Pro-RWBY Artist and AMV maker 
33. ZehOverSeer
-RWBY Abridged Series
34. Mercury Black
-Posts RWBY Memes and RWBY Crack.
35. The_y_huntress
-Like Kaosi and I’mStrange, posts RWBY Clip Compilations discussing various topics. 
36. JollyWolly
-Does RWBY VR 
37. KRWBY Productions
-The ORIGINAL RWBY Abridged 
38. Helvetica Dubs
-RWBY Comic Dubbing Channel for hire
39. Hammertime
-Originally one of the greatest RWBY Fan channels, sadly Anti-Bumbleby haters harassed the youtuber so much that they took down their videos. However typing in “Hammertime RWBY” into your youtube search should help you find some good results.
40. Melissa-Hime
-Pro RWBY React and Reviewer Channel 
41. You All Write aka Riga
-Pro RWBY Youtube meme creator and theorist 
42. LionsEatNoobs (Mighty Lion LPs)
-RWBY Chibi clip compilations
43. The Weebs Closet
-RWBY React Channel
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHodGCigdBPOPVxl7I0qt1Q
44. PEXS312
-Pro RWBY fan channel and fan animation channel and clip compilation 
45. ToTally
-Pro-RWBY React Channel 
46. Smaller Soul
-Pro RWBY fan edits 
47. Jen.cosplays45
-RWBY Cosplayer 
48. Mark
-made the Fan-made SLVR series
49. Dandy
-RWBY Animatics
50. Denal CC1010
-Designer of RWBY Fan weapons
51. Anthony Knight
-RWBY React Channel
52. The Orange Ace
-Pro RWBY Youtuber who does fanworks and discussions - 
53. Tony Nguyen
-RWBY Clip compilations including fight scenes
54. Bmblb Yang
-Pro RWBY Youtube clip compiler and meme editor
55. All Ages of Geek
-Contains pro-rwby content 
56. Domo
-RWBY Crack and MMD
57. Asrielle
-RWBY Fan edits and MMD 
58. Raxacory
-RWBY Fan animations 
59. Sirs & Madams Entertainment
-Pro-RWBY Reviewers
60. Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays
-Pro-RWBY Cosplayer
61. FallofMeerkat
Pro-RWBY Reviewer
62. Inspector Who Reacts
-Pro-RWBY Reviewer 
63. Hypeathon
 -Defends CRWBY in 4 videos, thanks to @matt0044 for the suggestion 
64. RWBY Poster
-Posts Convention and Panels and podcasts related to RWBY, along with fanedits 
65. Harb1nger
-Pro-RWBY Reviewer 
66. Skylar Ninja
 -Did 20 rwby comic dub shorts
67. JayjayBase
-Great RWBY Fangame design ideas. But sadly is a hater of RT, comparing them to Disney, Amazon, and EA Games. Also sadly part of the “fixing rwby” community… However the fanmade games videos are nice. 
68. Nyah Smut
-RWBY Fan Animator for hire
69. TessaDoesStuffs
-Pro RWBY Fan animator and clip compiler and editor
70. Moon Pride90 -RWBY Fan Animator
  71. Lightning-in-my-Hand
-RESPECTFULLY makes RWBY Fan edits and animations
72. C F
-RWBY Clips and Edits 
73. Alyssa Axen
Pro-RWBY Reviewer 
74. The ModernRWBYGuy
-RWBY compilation of all kinds
-RWBY Fan animations and videos 
76. Lady Stardust
-Pro-RWBY Reviewer 
77. ThunderDragon01
-Made RWBY Vids, upset with the hatedom 
78. Pastime Passions
-RWBY Cosplayer and weapons designer
79. Krexa’s Media Lounge
-RWBY Fight scene compilations 
80. Rooster Teeth
-Because Obviously
81. The Phoenix
-RWBY Compilations
82. RarityDash
-Pro-RWBY Reviews 
83. Garrett Crespo
-Positive moderate RWBY Reviews 
84. Torma Ximnus
-Gives us the episodes, such a darling!
85. DirectorNasty
-Positive Reviewer of RWBY 
86. Hello My Name IS Joe
-RWBY Reviewer who does POSITIVE Reviews and Theories 
87. Marusame
-Pro-RWBY reacter and reviewer 
88. sombraxyz
-Weapons designs for RWBY
89. I just wanna mow hay
-Multiple good rwby clips and videos and material
90. Crazywolf828
-RWBY Clip compilations
91. Michael Lu
-Gives plenty of positive convention videos
92. AliAvian 
 -CFVY Comic artist and channel 
93. Cyan Orange Studio @cyan-orange-studio
-Fantastic Artist that does STRQ Comics unlike any other….the STRQ Chronicles…also Rosebird and Phoenix shipper 
94. One Chop Man
-RWBY Panel VRChat material  videos and other great stuff
95. KnuckleCracks 2.0
-Multiple great RWBY Videos and a huge fan
96. No Manches
-RWBY Fan Animator for hire. Did an animatic of “Yang’s Vibration Function” Question. 
97. LavenderRare
-Moderate-minded RWBY Reviewer and fan video poster 
98. Rogues of Remnant @roguesofremnant
-An up and coming youtube channel that will be creating a RWBY Abridged Series, and has several VAs and Animators for hire. 
99. Cute Little Chibi
-Numerous RWBY Gacha videos that are awesome. 
100. Dex Drex
-Reviews, parody, Clip compilations, RWBY Crack. Warning! Mild swearing in videos. 
101. Crumbling Cube
-Channel of the RWBY Thoughts Franchise
102. “My corner of the Internet”
-Several videos that, rather than try to claim whether rwby is a good or bad show, instead tries to explore the concepts and themes behind the actions and mindsets of different characters. Their channel is small, just starting out, but so far looks promising. 
103. VelvetJay Productions
-RWBY Previews, Reviews, and discussions.
104. Bolderoff Bros
-The BWBY Series…quite funny 
105. Actors Central
-VA who does discussions, and RWBY Comic Dubs 
106. Ginah Celah
-Pro-RWBY Youtuber discussions
107. DimiDawg
-RWBY React Channel
108. Spilling the Milk Clips
-They seem to be taking an interest in RWBY. Bears watching. 
109. Eden
-RWBY Comic Channel 
110. Phoenix Night
-Nice guy. Theories, Polls, art discussions…he’s okay.
111. Mari Makes Stuff
-Animatics, RWBY material, Big Ozpin and Oscar fan…her stuff is cute. 
112. Calxiyn aka @calxiyn
_RWBY reviewer, and does other reviews for other shows 
113. NaijMizuho
-Fascinating RWBY Volume 1 Fan Animations 
114. Jake Doubleyoo
-Amazing RWBY V1 fan animations, but stay clear of the comment sections…very anti-rwby. 
115. Changyuraptor
- RWBY Leitmotifs 
116. Kshadow
-RWBY VA for hire 
117. foxboy72006
 RWBY VA for hire
118. Round Table Studios
RWBY Fan animations
119. Raijin Rising
-Reviewer and Reactor…recommended by the FANDOM no less 
120. Hyperfixation Station aka @hyperfixation-hideout
-Also recommended by the fandom as they had also recommended Hypeathon and Raijin Rising…! “If you’re an Ozpin head YOU will love this channel!! Merge analysis, Oz/Oscar compilations, & rwby reactions!! “
121. Geeky Saiyan Couple
-They do rwby reviews and watch the episodes…seem like nice folk. Very passionate Bumbleby Fans. Also some video game playthroughs? 
122. Trigger Fairy
-MMD Animations and memes that are absolutely hilarious and fun to watch. 
123. AuMiO VXC
Does a number of VS Battles fan animations, is a RWBY fan, and did a Recent -Ruby Rose vs Blake Belladonna battle! 
124. Forcewave 1139
-They seem to engage in both positivity and analysis. Supportive of JeremyNoir on Twitter, that’s a good sign. 
125. Ashley Yume
-rwby cosplayer
126. Alexa Rynay aka @alexa-rynay
-Positive RWBY Reviewer and episode reactor. 
-Big Bumbleby and WhiteRose Comic advertiser. They include the sources of the comics and fanart they post in their videos, so its  a good way to get your Bumbleby or WhiteRose fanart out there if you’re an artist looking for a youtuber to exhibit it. 
128. Yatsufusa MMD
-MMD AMVs…or basically MMD Music videos involving RWBY 
129. peEps
RWBY video edtior and reviewer…very positive, very fun. 
130. Rachel Rosencross
-MMD AMVs and the like 
131. Dread Joker
-Gameplays and RWBY MMD fan animations for entertainment 
132. MindlessGonzo
-Quite a LOVELY collection of RWBY AMV, COmic Dubs, and MMD! 
133. Professor Cheatspin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKZi2s6faQY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3E5DeIVHuV2V5fqE_pr9kQ
134. Anonymous Boat Facker
-If you’re into…fanservice? This youtube covers a good deal of SFM and MMD, including RWBY.
135. Jic Jic
-I suppose it would be weirder if we didn’t include the household name of ecchi MMD , right? Ecchi MMD AMVs 
136. green RWBY
-Number of RWBY MMD, AMV and otherwise. Warning: Some ecchi content 
137. Noskills
138. Theblackbirdcalls
-Fantastic MMD and SFM artist and animator. Recommend joining their Patreon. 
139. Yatsufusa MMD
-Once again, fantastic RWBY MMD and AMVs 
140. Rachel Rosencross
-A warning about Ecchi content, but fantastic RWBY SFM, MMD, and AMV 
141. The Fandom Channel
-Fantastic MMDs and AMVs and more! 
142.  W&S MMD
-yeah, this is a bit ecchi, focusing on the Schnees with MMD 
143. R8Teen
-Again, warning for ecchi content, but RWBY MMD AMVs 
144. Jason Shadley RWBYMMD2
-While no Videos of his own, his playlists contain info on multiple RWBY MMD 
145. Jason Shadley RWBYMMD1
-Another RWBY MMD Playlist
146. Mat Katman
-Family-friendly RWBY MMD AMVs
147. Diane Hamilton
–Family-friendly RWBY MMD AMVs
148. TaylorPalmer
-Warning for some ecchi content of RWBY MMD AMV 
149. MikuCoolMix
150. Anders Johansson
-Wide variety of RWBY MMD Content
151. kiyo uzu
-Wide variety of RWBY MMD Content
152. jedispartan117
-Wide variety of RWBY MMD AMV material 
153. Memory Link Studio
-WhiteRose comic dubs 
154. Moon Pride90
-Funny RWBY MMD Content 
155. Rohan Stafford
-RWBY Fight videos and content scenes
156. Робин очка
157.  Mons†er
-Number of Funny RWBY MMD material 
158. Animefancy ONE
-PLENTY PLENTY of RWBY MMD content for funs and AMVs
159. Soeiladon
-RWBY MMD funny material and AMVs
160. Slide_Blue
-Some creative RWBY MMD Material…any QrowxWinter fans?
161. Sekar Melati Safitri
-RWBY MMD material SFW
162.  Dark Seibo
-RWBY MMD AMV and other material 
163. Thoughtless Mind
-Two Taiyang MMD videos? 
164. Thadude0903 0903
-RWBY MMD but warning, ecchi content
165. TheBabStudios -Plenty of fine RWBY MMD material https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBabStudios
166. DisgaeaMichael
-RWBY MMD content 
 167. Candy Katori Duy Anh
-Plenty of good RWBY MMD Content 
168. Harunai
-RWBY MMD Neopolitan fans? This is for you
169. R D
- A bit hard to find on youtube, but some good RWBY MMD Content
170. electric hellfire geisha 187
-PLENTY of good RWBY MMD content
171. Vaffanculo
 -RWBY Fight videos
 172. Labowski Arts!
-Major  fan of monty’s style of animation…built some amazing tributes…sadly,  toxic comment section…too many adam and blacksun folks, but hey,  nothing’s perfect. 
173. ChurchCC11
-FANTASTIC RWBY SFM Videos which include Xiao Long Rose Family
174. Anim-Nee-Chan
-Professional video editor for hire with 109,000 subscribers. Sadly channel is down at the moment due to copyright from manwha companies.. but when she is back up, please feel free to hire her at her very reasonable business rates....Some of my commissions are on her channel as edited videos.
175.  Roses Like Red
-RWBY Fanart and audio videos, quite a lovely artistic flair
176.  ScarletAura727
177.  TransJNPR
-Fanart and some other fan material and videos
178. LK SixtyFour
Sprite Vs Animations! including Yang vs Leone
179. Screw Attack/Death Battle
Because we have Team RWBY winning several times!
180. FlyntofRWBY
-you want the rwby songs? this channel has the RWBY Songs!
181. Midnight's Studio
RWBY Gacha and AMV and clips
182. Fenrir
RWBY Clips and Edits
183. Blake Belladonna Bellabooty
Comics Dubs, edits, AMVs, Memes
184. Iron General
RWBY Crackdubs and Faneditscanonseekerjust now
185. Holy Schneet
RWBY AMVs and Vines
186. Dionysus, The Ace Son
RWBY Crack and RWBY Cursed memes
187. Monster of Truth
Multiple RWBY MMD, VR, and Vines
188. 1EYDI
Lots of rwby edits and memes
189. JoeyTheTeenGT
RWBY Gacha videos
189. RamenAddict2
RWBY MMD and AMVscanonseeker8 hours ago
190. 方耀圻 PIK
Fan animations
191. Fire&Ice
192. Error Message
Several RWBY Clips
193. Spade - Game Life Productions
Respectable RWBY Fan animations
194. BowTieGuy Productions
Amvs, vr, clips, and more 
195. B 2bgamer99
rwby weapon design and grimm design
196. Bossologist
RWBY clips and other material
197. Allex Gamez
Edits and RWBY Gacha
198. ProxyDoug
rwby edits, amvs, and scenes
199. Speedy Sketch
RWBY Comic Dubs
200. DS101 Studios
4 rwby comic dubs, 2 OC fanart videos 1 fanfic reading
201. Spiky-Eared Editing Works
rwby edits
202. Scott Porter
Amity Arena Content
203. The jump button
rwby fan animation
204. Lizzy Edits
205. Blue The Dead Flower Velociraptor’s Wonderland
discontinued rwby content
206. Xio
for RWBY gatcha memes
207. Sethaross
there's enough rwby material on the list to count...death battles
208. Hyun's Dojo Community
RWBY Fights ARE part of the show...just like any other show..
209. Danger Noodle Animations aka Flying Ninja
You'll need this to learn about RWBY VR
210. WhisperingRoseKnight
211. Aria
enough RWBY videos there
212. Cake Station
Helps host RWBY MMD Fan Animation projects but be warned, toxic fan group, community has several misogynistic animators and ironwood/adam apologists.
However, good for business, networking, and learning.
213.  TheArchangel254
Fan Animator for hire, amazing RWBY Fan animations
214. RWBY:B
Another RWBY Abridged
  215. Justine Mendoza
RWBY Fan animations
Please give credit to:
 @maswartz , @team-hlrt , @ladydevoir , @dameschnee123 , @bnhafanfiction , @cheyenneisgay , @fadedneonzzz , @angryfacewritings , @ozpin-defense-squad , @fossil-record , @bonez-yard , @citadelofmythoughts , @pervy-king-taijitu , @anika-art , @xsummerrosex , @bardock1991 , @matrixdragon , @stonegraphics77 , @masthecles , @preetiflorina , @autumnsorbet , @armenianwriterman , @veetvoojagigthemagnificent , @zweizilla98 , @bowl-of-shortness , @hadesisqueer , @yoshikass and @ballofdumb and @sir-adamus and @alexkablob and @short-wooloo  and @sevenofreds  and @chriscdcase95 and @thepariahcontinuum and @askteamgrey and @rwbyrose343 and @lumi-of-the-universe and @luminoushane and @bridgyrose and @jankiwen and @kirbeebean and @strqyr and @fallinglikemagic   @torontofarmboi @aceopyangxioalong and  @swapauanon and @melonishus and @luimnigh and @anthurak and @patrickdiomedes and @doubleca5t and @piltoversfinestblight and @thegirlwholovespines and @aspiringwarriorlibrarian and @queenofwhimsicaldaydreams and @chittychittyyangyang and @kdinjenzen and @tsundere-bellwether and @ashelyskies and @crimson-caracal and @thanatosra and @aliiisonuwu and finally @nov4-rocket5
Thank you all for all your help!
Please Reblog and share across different media platforms to assist in sharing this material.
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
Has any of the campaign 3 stuff with Ruidus gotten you thinking about that Pern AU you were talking about forever ago? Because it gives me major red star vibes
Oh shit, excellent question.
Ruidus absolutely gives me BIG Red Star vibes, which feels part and parcel with how much this entire campaign so far feels like it's sending regular tributes out to old sci-fantasy. I would completely believe that Matt is making a reference (Matthew Mercer, ubernerd, has for sure read some Anne McCaffrey in his day, whether he was consciously pulling on it for this or not). And, mmm, this is making me want to talk about sci-fantasy as a genre, and how psychic powers specifically get grandfathered in as a science fiction trope rather than a fantasy one, and what that means for Imogen's position and Main Character Energy and...
But that wasn't your question! You were asking about the Pern AU, which is definitely somewhere on the list of AUs I Meant To Come Back To Someday, and which I definitely should. (I have like 3/4 of what should've been the next installment buried in my drafts somewhere! Oh, if you all could only see my drafts folder.)
I think what's interesting here is that...in a Pern AU, Vox Machina are dragonriders and a lord holder and a harper and maybe Pike is a healer instead. They play fully within the rules of the world, even if they are exceptional within those rules; in campaign 1, that means that they fit certain fantasy tropes, that they play by certain genre rules, that they may be dumb chaotic assholes but they do so in a recognizable high fantasy way. In a Pern AU, that means they fit well into the position of dragonriders and Lord Holders, people you'd expect as main characters. The M9, on the other hand, had I ever gotten there, would've been entirely non-dragonriders; they're spies and researchers and Holdless vagabonds, probably working for Harper Hall rather than the Cobalt Soul (it's all blue!). They examine the fabric of the world, start asking questions about the fall of the Age of Arcanum and what Thread is, really, but never quite get answers because they have real-world political problems to deal with and when they touch those cosmic mysteries, they make it through but also it's real weird and surreal there for a while.
Bell's Hells, on the other hand...in a Pern AU, Bell's Hells would be a full-on rewrite of White Dragon and All The Weyrs of Pern, I suspect, with a completely shaken-up cast, because Bell's Hells are in a position to actually encounter and mess with the underlying basis of the setting itself. Part of this is audience context -- we've seen more and more of the Age of Arcanum now, we actually can start telling stories about it! -- but right, FCG is RIGHT THERE being actually from it. The moon that VM never noticed, that the M9 spotted as weird but did not have time to deal with...Bell's Hells are going to go there, and possibly, literally fight it. Bell's Hells don't give a shit about the politics of Marquette-at-large (though they at least sort of care about the politics of Jrusar). They're gonna fight the literal moon.
I need to think a bit more about this, about trilogies and progressions, about what my genre senses tell me is coming for BH and how realistic those actually are, and we're only 27 episodes in (I'm only 26 and a half episodes in, because New Work Schedule means passing out at mid-break so I can be up at 8 the next day), and there's a lot to explore there. But in answer to your question...shit, yes, I am indeed thinking about it, but also to stick Bell's Hells anywhere into Pern canon would require us to be working either circa Dragonsdawn or circa AtWoP, where the 'oh shit, this is a sci-fi setting' bits of the world are actually visible. Which involves way more engaging with the worldbuilding bones of Pern canon than I feel prepared to tackle at 9:45 on a Sunday morning.
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