#dragon prince critical
fairydust-stuff · 2 years
Dragon prince
Honestly the flaw of this show for me is how its up its own butt about how sacrificing animals to use life-saving magic is evil!  Humans kill animals to eat, I don't see how using them to perform magical surgery is that much worse.
 Furthermore, Soren seems fine there's no negative side effects of  Claudia's magic affecting him.  So it seems like a very effective way to use magic.  The show never gives any consequences  for something that was painted as an easy fix but ultimately has a price. 
No it doesn’t there’s not even the explanation that it reduces the animal population and effects the eco system or reduces humanities food supply. Or even have Claudia’s dark magic unable to fix Soren showing it has limits. 
As it is  if  Dark magic is this powerful and consequence-free, why are healers in this universe not tapping into it?  Think of how many wounded they could of saved in that big war? 
Its not like Callum’s culture was anti  Dark magic the king employed dark magic users and Callum himself even wanted to be one. 
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“catra is a complex poc” fuck that. here are some ACTUAL poc animated characters who are just as, if not more complex than catra. (pt. 2)
mako (the legend of korra) • mixed (japanese and chinese)
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min-gi park (infinity train) • korean-canadian
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zuko (avatar the last airbender) • japanese
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caitlyn kiramman (arcane) • bi-racial (east asian and presumably scottish)
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miles morales (spiderverse) • puerto rican, afro-latino
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amaya (the dragon prince) • east asian (ambiguous)
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marshal lee (fionna and cake) • half-black (technically, marceline is black too but i figured marshal would be considered better representation)
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carmen sandiego (carmen sandiego) • hispanic (argentinean-mexican)
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toph (avatar the last airbender) • chinese
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callum (the dragon prince) • half asian (ambiguous)
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pi-seas · 11 months
My favorite trope is anytime a character pulls the "I have a child" card, only for that child to be the most whiplash-inducing shit possible.
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spacerockfloater · 1 day
I can’t help but raise an eyebrow each time a Team Black stan says something along the lines of “It’s only fair that Jaehaerys was murdered, a son for a son makes sense!”.
Honey, no.
Three grown men assassinating an innocent toddler ≠ a teenager getting revenge on the other teenager who disabled him. One of those things is not like the others.
Besides, weren’t you the ones crying that an-eye-for-an-eye is too much? Hypocrisy at its finest. All of this would have been avoided if they had just given Alicent that brat’s eye or some sort of justice whatsoever.
I said it once and I’ll say it again: Aemond killing Lucerys was just him collecting his debt plus some long overdue interest, lmao.
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rhaenin-time · 3 months
Being a native who's studied colonialism means that I know wayyyyy too much about blood quantum. I know how stupid it is, how it's tied to eugenics, but I also know how it "works."
Which means I can use my stupid-power to do this:
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Well this took a turn.
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2rats1gogh · 2 days
I am disappointed with the way the show portrayed Blood and Cheese
[spoilers ahead for ep 2x01]
First of all, I fully understand the absence of Maelor and I’m not even mad about that. The choice between the two twins aka “which one is the boy” is good imo. Also, Phia is a great actress and I don’t blame her one bit for what happened to her character. She did the best she could’ve with what she was given. But the execution of all this? Meh.
1. Why did Helaena choose Jaehaerys, instead of Jaehaera? It would’ve made MUCH MORE SENSE for her to choose Jaehaera because she’s the girl. And then B&C would’ve killed the other twin, Jaehaerys, because they knew she would not give up the heir to the throne, king Aegon’s only son. Her choosing Jaehaerys takes away her guilt of living next to the child she named to die.
2. Why was the death of Jaehaerys so off screen? I’m not saying I wanted to see a six year old child be beheaded, in all it’s gory and graphic details, but I wish Helaena and Jaehaera were there to witness it. It was important for them to see it happening. It could’ve been just a silhouette, a shadow on the wall, or just Haleana’s expression of horror. Instead, she just runs away. It’s still sad, obviously, in its own way, that she wasn’t there for her son in his last moments, but again, that takes away from her guilt and eventual downfall into madness.
3. Why the fuck was this whole thing played off as a misunderstanding/accident? Of course the creators wanted to make Daemon look less evil, by making him tell B&C to kill Aemond instead. And I kinda liked the addition of one of them saying “what if we don’t find him?” and I expected Daemon to say something like “You can kill another son” or whatever, but then it just FUCKING CUTS AWAY? And now have to INTERPRET STUFF? So that no one can hold Daemon accountable because “technically we never saw him say that in the show!☝️🤓” Fuck this.
4. The Alicole sex scene fucking ruined the whole scene. I was hoping, praying even, that the leaks of Alicole having sex while Blood & Cheese happens was just a rumor, a theory. But no. The creators fucking decided to make them have sex while this horrible incident happens. Someone in that writing room said “You know what? Let’s have Alicent and Criston do the nasty as Aegon’s six year old child is brutally murdered and Helaena is being traumatized for life! That seems like a great idea!” AND THEY WENT WITH IT. That addition was just so fucking unnecessary. What was the fucking point of putting that in? Wouldn’t it be great if Jacaerys heard of the death of Lucerys first and then ran to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone to tell her that his brother was fucking murdered, only to find Rhaenyra having sex with Daemon? Like, why was Lucerys’ death so serious and tragic, and impactful, but then Jaehaerys’ death is overshadowed by Helaena running into her mother having sex with her lover? God, I’m so angry.
5. Helaena didn’t seem to be affected at all by the death of her son. “They killed the boy” and that’s IT? She didn’t cry her eyes out, didn’t scream, didn’t beg for B&C to kill her instead. She almost didn’t react at all. Her son, her baby, her six year old child, was just brutally fucking beheaded and the creators don’t even show her reacting to it? Rhaenyra showed more emotions when she found the clothes of her death son, and Helaena was like 🙁 when HER SON WAS BEING KILLED IN FRONT OF HER?? What the actual hell. And may I repeat, this is in NO WAY an attack on the actress, Phia. I think she still gave us an amazing performance, but it’s fucking obvious that the creators decided to go with the “oh well, she’s weird and distant, and cold and unemotional” narrative they made up. They won’t fucking allow her to grieve.
All those people writing that “Even GRRM was horrified by this scene!” or “This is gonna be like the Red Wedding!”… I was fucking lied to.
This whole sequence felt so short, and rushed, and unemotional… I am very disappointed, and sad. This was supposed to be one of the most important events of the entire Dance. They first actual innocent blood that was spilled. The event that led to Helaena going mad. The event that changed Aegon as a person and made him declare war on Rhaenyra and gave him motivation to repay Team Black for what they’ve done. It was supposed to be fucking important. And the show turned it into a four minute awfully paced scene with dumb additions and lots of unnecessary and easily avoidable changes.
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tategaminu · 4 months
Watching Hazbin Hotel feels like going through the five states of grief
Episode 1 is denial‚ episode 2 and 3 are anger‚ episode 4 and 5 are bargaining‚ episode 6 is depression and episodes 7 and 8 are acceptance.
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raayllum · 7 months
i think a lot of what keeps a character sympathetic * honestly, is just letting them have good intentions and even better, a genuine lack of awareness. even if they're lying to themselves, and we know they're lying to themselves, they have to earnestly believe that they're not. they have to truly believe that what they're doing is right, even if we know it isn't, and that it's not self motivated, even when it often is.
take, for example, viren, claudia, and rayla. they both make massive mistakes (basically everything viren and claudia have ever done / rayla leaving callum the way they did) and most of those mistakes were self motivated. claudia bought her father's gaslighting because she wanted to believe in a world where her family could stay together, and then overruled viren's reservations about his ressurection when she brought him back; viren does many terrible things in arc 1, but is genuinely motivated by what he believes is ultimately better, long term, for the world at large even over his family, or that he knows better for his family in general, and having that lie stripped away is so much what s5 is about. for rayla, she's so selfless it rounds back into being selfish, where she had the security of knowing callum was safe while he worried over her for two years, leading to her deeply wounding him even when that was the last thing she wanted (and deeply hurting herself). they all thought they were genuinely doing the right thing, often putting themselves on the chopping block for their choices (claudia and rayla in particular) even as it just made everything worse.
but even when we see them being selfish, we know they're still genuinely motivated by their love for other people, and it's coming out in very misguided ways, we can still have sympathy, we can still understand. and that to me is great character writing
* obviously sympathy isn't the most important to feel towards a character, but it can certainly be helpful in having an audience be interested in, at the very least, understanding them even if we don't like them
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jzargo · 3 months
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i just want to see these two old men fight (fane would win)
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sereneshitposting · 2 years
I just want to say that I have been devoted to Soren this ENTIRE TIME. Through his entire character arc I have stood by him every second I knew my dumb bitch baby boy would come out on the right side. I will never give up on him and his even dumber bitch energy this season was perfect. That is all.
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mov24 · 9 months
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Hey what's up? Been a time since i sended an ask how you doin'?
Anyway, i think that Catradora really destroyed the way that people often view enemies to lovers cause before that the villain always had to redeem himself to earn the hero's affection, another thing that probably ruined was those horrible Tik Tok POVs where the villain is just a nice guy and the hero was actually the evil One3 (idk if that originated on Tik Tok or somewhere else but i see that often on Tik Tok)
But some shows that actually do a good Enemies to lovers story is Maya and the 3 and Dragon Prince, cause at least the two characters don't torture or humiliate each other, they fight on equal footing and is clear they are only enemies because one doesn't understand the other, plus they have some pretty cute scenes that are actually cute and not abusive framed as cute
hey, i’ve been doing alright! how about you?
c//a actually ruined enemies to lovers for ME because it was one of the first media with the enemies to lovers trope that i had seen. and after that, i was skeptical of any other enemies to lovers that people talked about because i didn’t want to see another toxic romanticized mess. but it seems that it has the opposite effect to some people, to the point where they call some enemies to lovers ships VANILLA, because it’s not as abusive as c//a ☠️ and i don’t even use tiktok but i know exactly what POVs you’re talking about lmao idk when it became a trend to idolize the villains. yes, there are some villains who are complex and have interesting motivations, but people seem to have shifted completely to praising the villains and blaming the heroes.
that reminds me of the quote that i absolutely DESPISE “the hero will sacrifice you for the world and the villain will burn the world down for you” or something along those lines. first off, idk what media these people are consuming because there are very few heroes who would readily sacrifice their loved ones, even if they wanted to save the world, they would seek out other options. and i’ve seen very few villains who actually care about people, in fact, the most popular villains are famously either loners or abusive to everyone around them. secondly, i don’t get the hype around wanting someone who is rude to everyone except you. sure, it makes you feel special but why would you WANT to date an asshole? give them enough time and they would start treating you like trash too. i would much rather date a kind person who isn’t rude to anyone, unless they have a good reason.
idk the first one you mentioned, but the dragon prince definitely does enemies to lovers well! there is enough animosity in the beginning so that we can see some banter and tension, but they develop the ships in a healthy way. amaya and janai are my favorite, i love how they developed the relationship between them and gave us an ACTUALLY GOOD sapphic ship. highly recommend this show to anyone who hasn’t watched it!
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can we talk about how the accents in the dragon prince worldbuilding makes zero linguistic/geographical sense💀
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romaelettuce · 1 year
Matt Smith in Valentino 🖤🤍
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rhaenin-time · 2 months
Begging you all to remember that when people try to deflect from the misogyny at the heart of the Dance by hiding behind the Rhaenyra's "bastards" argument that wasn't even a core factor in the book, you should remind them that by that logic, Alicent's bastards, be they from Daemon or dragonseeds, are also ineligible for the throne. Actually, it's worse. Because we're given no indication that Viserys knew, Viserys did not approve Aegon to inherit, and Alicent has no claim of her own to pass to her children.
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You can find the evidence you might need to use to remind them on this previous post.
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