#dragon risings
nonbinarykai · 1 year
Why I don’t think the ninja are going anytime soon.
Spoilers for dragons rising obviously
Listen I’ve seen a lot of concerns and rumors going around that ninjago is going to get rid of its main cast. And while I’d understand out of context why people would believe this. I want to list out all my possible reasons for why this WONT happen
This is a bit of a long post so, buckle up
It doesn’t line up with the ending of crystallized
Think about it. Don’t you think it would be a little weird if lego basically forced the writers to make the ending of crystallized return everything to the status quo, only to immediately throw that all away?
Yes I’m aware that the current view of lego as a company is not that great atm. Mostly in due to those fake leaks that basically portrayed lego as the big bad villain behind crystallized poor writing.
But I promise you, lego is not that bad. Sure there has definitely been some conflict between the writers and lego in the past. But if you look through what Tommy said in his post leaving q&a’s, it seems like most of the poor writing decisions were made by the writers themselves.
And example of this: changing oni Lloyd from having a big significance to only having 20 seconds of screentime. We kinda assumed that this was due to lego. However, Tommy claims that the reason oni Lloyd was on a thrown in his set, was because the set was based off of that early draft of the script. Which mean that lego must have been okay with it enough to make a set out of it. Which means it’s more likely oni Lloyd was a result of the writers choices.
However, there was one change that we know lego Forced the writers to include. And that’s reintroducing Nya and bringing her back. This was CONFIRMED by Tommy to be the case.
So then, isn’t it extremely weird that after lego forced the writers to bring Nya back, Their suddenly asking/okay with her leaving again?
And sure you can argue “oh but it looks like Lloyd is training Arin and Sora!” And sure that might explain why they can’t get rid of Lloyd.
But Nya and Kai have only had brief appearances. And as some people would suggest, means they don’t have that much of a role to play.
So couldn’t have nya stayed gone? What’s the point of putting so much effort into killing nya then brining her back when it would have been easier to just, leave her dead.
That is unless, lego does want to keep the original ninja around for the new series!
Same goes for things like garm and harumis redemption arc (atleast I hope that’s what it is). Lloyd still not having control of his oni powers, the ninja losing their own powers, the new ninja, etc. There’s to many loose ends that haven’t been properly tied up, in fact their just beginning.
In fact, if dragons rising really is supposed to retire the ninja. Then why not just make crystallized an actual finale?
A lot of the criticisms for crystallized was that it just returned the status quo. Why would they do that if crystallized was meant to be the last time we see atleast some of the ninja? Wouldn’t it be more impactful to show how the ninja move on from being ninja?
It contradicts the quest for lost powers entirely.
Seriously, why would the book even need to exist? The whole point of the book is to show the ninja getting their powers back (and in the case of kai) becoming ninja again. Why would that be necessary to show at all if the ninja are going to be out the door anyway? In fact, leaving it at just the ninja losing their powers in crystallized would be a great reason for why they would retire. The book kinda contradicts that.
Obviously, if there powers weren’t important in the next series then their wouldn’t need to be a book. The next series takes place after a time skip and deals with the realms merging together. That is ALOT of new information crammed into like 10 22 minute episodes. It would make sense to make a book explaining how the ninja got their powers back so that the show doesn’t need to explain for us and just get right into the mix.
If they think it significant enough to have to explain why the ninja have their powers back, then I think it’s safe to say that the ninja themselves are significant to this new series.
The book also took steps to try to canonize things like Kailor, implying that those things also needed to be explained before the series came out so that the series doesn’t have to waste time on it. So we might be seeing plot threads relating to the ninja as well.
What about the side characters?
Not only would it be insulting to just, get rid of the main characters that people have loved for over 10 years. But it would be borderline cruel to have the side characters not to have ANY send off.
The side characters are directly tied to the ninja. They don’t have any relation to Sora and Arin. So if the ninja go, there’s a likely chance the side characters go as well.
But the side characters haven’t gotten any send off, not from crystallized, not from the books, nothing.
Would the writers really be bold enough to get rid of all the side characters without giving them a proper send off? I don’t think they would.
Doc has shown alot of love for the fandom and the show. And we know some of the new writers actually like exploring the side characters.
Plus it would really piss of the fans, I’d imagine that lego is smart enough to not do that.
The marketing implies otherwise
Yes I am fully aware that marketing is often misleading and doesn’t always fully represent the series. But I think it’s important to dissect what we do know and how lego chooses to market the new season.
First and For-most: Arin and Sora aren’t really that involved in the sets. Or Atleast not compared to the ninja. The ninja have multiple sets with their names on it. While Arin and Sora seem to just have two, one for each. Also in the leaked Lloyd mech, Arin has a noticeably smaller mech. Implying that he’s not as important as Lloyd.
If the show is trying to have a fully fresh start, it’s a bit weird to have the sets convey the opposite of that is it not?
For those that don’t already know, dragons rising is the name of the whole series. Unfortunately, we’re no longer getting season titles anymore.
So it’s important to note: on all the dragon rising merch we see right now, the ninja are the front and center and the new characters are in the back.
So why in the world would lego promote the ninja as the front of the whole SERIES, only to have them show up in one season and then leave. That doesn’t make much sense.
And while most people brushed off the dreamzzz teasers; I want to mention something that I think is extremely important.
Lego is using the ninja for advertising.
That might not sound weird at first, but really think about it.
Lego is not only ACKNOWLEDGING that yes, the ninja are extremely recognizable and important, but also directly using them confidently to promote other series.
So lego is not only recognizing that the ninja are marketable, their doing so with the confidence that it can be used to boost their new series.
It would be an extremely big risk then, to get rid of that marketability in favor of new characters. Especially right after the friends reboot and before their introducing a new series. Ninjago has kinda always been the “safe show” for lego when their other projects were just picking up. Currently lego is taking a big change in its new themes, they’d obviously want something to relay on.
Next gen does not mean we’re losing the old gen.
I’ve seen a lot of people get concerned that since the Netflix series said that Sora and Arin are next gen. That the ninja are going to leave.
But, next gen does not necessarily mean that the ninja are leaving.
For example, lord and Garmadon are multiple generations before the ninja. Yet they’ve been with the ninja for almost the entire series.
Lloyd is significantly younger then the other ninja. Yet he didn’t replace any of them when he joined. He just became apart of the team.
I think that’s going to happen to Sora and Arin. I think that we’re going to start seeing the ninja have to take up a mentor position and how that changes the team dynamic.
And this isn’t really new, it happened with Lloyd, Nelson, Jake, and plenty of other kid characters. We’ve also gotten plots about wu dying and Lloyd becoming a master since s4.
I THINK what is most likely to happen is that wu and maybe Misako dies. And Lloyd has to step up and run the monastery. This way, the amount of people on the main cast stays the same, so it won’t get to crowded. But the dynamic changes enough to be new.
It doesn’t seem to match Doc’s direction for the series
There’s a reason why I call doc the “anti Tommy”, and that’s because he shows so much respect towards the show and the community.
The ninja aren’t just characters we love and enjoy. Their also characters that he loves and enjoys!
Doc has been on the series for awhile now. He’s probably grown attached to these characters even more then us. I find it hard to imagine he would let that go. Especially now that he has a chance to find a way to make the ninja new and interesting!
Look at these posts, does this really seem like something a person who’s not planning on expanding on the ninja would reblog.
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The show is changing but that doesn’t mean it’s losing what made it great.
Yes, I won’t lie. The show is indeed going through a massive change right now. We’re going to get a new ninjago, both in terms of the show itself and the setting.
Doc does want to take the series in a new direction, that’s why he’s introducing these new characters.
But that doesn’t mean we’re getting a fresh new slate.
After all what’s the point if we could get a new direction with the ninja themselves?
The ninja have been the same for 10 years, some characters get lucky and are able to have arcs that impact their character, others (like Kai) are not.
The sad truth is that, the show can’t stay one way forever. Crystallized kinda proved that. Crystallized gave us what we wanted. It gave us the characters, it gave us the villains, it gave us the call backs and the Easter eggs. But when it came out, we still hated it. Why? Because the show was to scared to change. It was scared to keep Nya dead, it was scared to keep Lloyd and oni, it was scared to stray away from llorumi and say it was bad, it was scared to address the ice emperor. It was scared to address Kai’s feelings about his sister dying.
Crystallized stood there and told us that “no matter what happens to the ninja, things will stay the same” and we HATED it for it.
WE, AS A FANDOM, have been basically begging the writers to do something new with the characters, to take the series in a new direction. I feel as though it’s a bit cowardly to back out of that now that things are being changed. If we want the show to be better, we have to first acknowledge it has to change.
And you know what? If the new series sucks. Then it sucks! It’s not like simply changing the setting of the show will change the writing flaws in it.
But we’ve already spent years following this show even though most of us agree its poorly written. Why don't we just stick it out another month or two and give dragon rising a chance, even if there's a very small possibility the ninja might not be in it
who knows, maybe we'll find something we like.
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felassan · 3 months
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MEET: The Veilguard [source]
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"RECRUIT DISTINCT COMPANIONS Rally a team of seven companions, each with rich lives and deep backstories. These are characters to befriend, and even fall in love with. Among them, an assassin, a necromancer, a detective, each and all bringing their own expertise and unique abilities to the fight. Harding This dwarven scout has a big heart, a positive outlook, and a ready bow – as well as unexpected magical powers. Davrin Bold and charming, this Grey Warden has made a name for himself as a monster hunter. Now, he cares for a young griffon. Bellara A Veil Jumper obsessed with uncovering the secrets of ancient Elvhenan. Bellara is focused, creative, and romantic. Taash A dragon hunter allied with the Lords of Fortune, Taash lives for adventure and doesn’t mind taking risks. Lucanis An expert assassin for whom the Antivan Crows are a family business. He is poisted & pragmatic, but lacks social skills. Emmrich A necromancer of Nevarra’s Mourn Watch, this well-meaning scholar comes complete with a skeletal assistant; Manfred. Neve A cynic fighting for a better future, both as a private detective and a member of Tevinter’s rebellious Shadow Dragons."
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calypsolemon · 4 months
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don't they know?
. you can't cage a thunderstorm.
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keyvei · 2 months
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…there’s always someone bent on breaking the world.
... so I slipped and drew Dragon Age again.
Did I have 50 free hours to spend? I didn’t.
Do I have a rekindled obsession with the franchise that formed me as a person and I haven't hoped to get more of? Yup.
Can I spend these 50 hours I didn’t have hyperfixating on my obsession with barely managing to do anything else besides (🤡🤡🤡)?
Oh certainly!!
I have this Dragon Age Artbook that has a tapestry with characters' faces all over the first 2 pages and I was always so in awe and I wanted to do something like that too. I can’t be more hyped, I haven’t hoped after 10 years to have more of this world (that I can talk about 3 hours straight no kidding) and still can’t really believe it please tell me I haven’t dreamed it!!
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nesquako · 4 months
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Dragon age is more alive than ever and i want to share my wisdom in this matters
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venusmage · 3 months
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I've loved Lavellan's tarot card for a really long time so I finally did a redraw fitting my own inquisitor :)
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garden-bug · 4 months
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daeneryseastar · 3 months
rhaenyra not wanting to get married in the show and ‘do her duty’ has nothing to do with viserys ‘spoiling her’ or her being a ‘selfish brat’ but everything to do with watching her mother be forced into pregnancy over and over again, each time resulting in a dead baby and eventually DYING because of this; she views marriage as a death sentence.
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cablepowerhouse · 4 months
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marsipain · 5 months
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Wyldfyre and Kai are such a good duo
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felassan · 3 months
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nicolloyd · 6 months
what he lookin at me for
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theplatypusblue · 6 months
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buddy, I think you're doing just fine.
(this post is NOT an invitation to start bashing on Wu btw ☝️ he's trying his best I just think his season 9 antics are. kinda funny.)
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araremonaka · 2 months
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1-noone-1 · 6 months
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